Classic Wow SOD 25 Healer Guide/Predictions

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00:00 intro
01:36 a healer's job in vanilla
03:33 healing values comparison
06:04 does their job change?
07:47 paladin
10:15 shaman
11:38 druid
13:44 priest
15:48 mage
18:16 tier list
21:06 shilling for video requests

Пікірлер: 89
@TheSilentVox 7 ай бұрын
Regen and Mass Regen did both get mana nerfs since Blizzcon regen went from 32% base to 43% and mass went from 21% to 69%
@tekn0de 7 ай бұрын
Please upvote this for visibility. I hadn't seen this thanks so much for posting. This would put their mana cost at 215 which is right in line with other classes. I'd probably bump them down to top of A but they are still very good
@dmitriyrasskazov8858 7 ай бұрын
Mass Regen looking to... bulky for 25 lvl spell, its like something healers get at lvl40+
@kylesmith987 7 ай бұрын
if arcane mage just turns into a spam regen for healing that will be super lame. To me the identity is to get temporal beacon up and then heal via damage but they seem to have nerfed that soo much that the healing will be pretty bad on anything beyond 1 or maybe 2 targets. Healing mage is starting to feel like a skip for me with the changes.
@bluublee 7 ай бұрын
​@@kylesmith987i feel exactly the same
@timeskull663 7 ай бұрын
@@kylesmith987 I hate that it's looking this way. It sounds like such a fun spec to play I hope that it's better than it appears, at least right now.
@AlexMurr 7 ай бұрын
Your the only one I’ve found that makes a high quality analysis instead of just some clickbaity, poorly researched and executed tier list to ride the SoD hype. I hope you get the recognition you deserve soon.
@joeamburgey4473 6 ай бұрын
Dude your videos are top quality. I really liked the priest leveling guide. You break it down and explain the nuance. The tank guide was really good to and answered a ton of questions I had when thinking it might be fun to seriously tank with my warrior. I don't know where the find information presented well like this elsewhere. Everything else on youtube, for the most part does not deliver on their clickbait title and picture. Thank You!
@pchris9694 7 ай бұрын
Awesome video thank you. Looking forward to how all this shapes up in a week!
@KordeshGaming 7 ай бұрын
Im a pretty big fan of strength of soul over serendipity. While it's true that power word shield is generally inefficient for healing per mana spent, it also is very efficient at two things. First you can heal a tank up and throw it on when they are topped off to allow you to 5 second rule for longer. The other benefit is if used correctly, there is zero chance of overhealing (or wasted shielding in this case.) Imho the big thing that held it back was buff limit and shields preventing rage gain, both of which wont be a thing in SoD. Great video and looking forward to more.
@calronkeltaran493 7 ай бұрын
second this. I think sos will be better than serendipity. yes at later levels, I could keep up the 60& reduction with downranked fh use, but that still sounds counterintuitive, as I keep my mana from regenerating and still use inefficiant heals while doing so. and when something happenes, where I would actually need to spam FH to realy make use of the stronger fast heal, I will be oom in no time at this level. meanwhile sos does exatcly what needed at the time I do need it. pws may be inefficient but it is a great emergencybutton to get some HP on the target. after this, it reduces the CD when I can use it on the same target again, if needed to. and even if I don't need the reduction, I still get some value as my tank generates rage/mana from the shield. now there is a point, where pws-fh-fh-pws is more inefficient than fh-fh-fh-heal, you wont realy need that much HPS in that time. on top of that, poh and penance are also (semi) instant for scetchy moments without absolutly tearing through my mana. so str of soul it will be for me. maybe serendipity becomes stronger on high levels, where priests actualy get the manapool to make more use of fh but for me, when an encounter allowes me to spam fh to the point, where I can make good use of it, I outpaced the enounter either by level or gear, that I don't need to heal efficiant anymore. or I play in a pvp group but here I think str of soul is still better because suddenly you also use pws much more anyway
@tree4104 7 ай бұрын
I think there is good potential to actually go down the discipline tree using SoS to make a viable discipline priest. It depends on the situation but I think it will perform better atleast at 25.
@homeless0alien 7 ай бұрын
Absolutely agree. The best thing about this rune is the passive to allow rage gain and rightous fury to work which makes this much more useful than serendipity.
@homeless0alien 7 ай бұрын
Rewind time only heals a single target with the beacon, not all members with beacons as you suggest. Which while its still decent, esentially makes it a swiftmend that requires 5 seconds prior setup. In the same slot you can instead take Arcane Blast which then hugely brings online your arcane damage and passive healing through damage which for most fights I think will be the choice. Rewind will likely be used in specific fights with bursts of predictable damage.
@forumalliance-clashofclans1705 7 ай бұрын
Love the commentary, analysis, breakdowns, and most of all the well put together slides I can screen shot and link to my guild mates. Hope more traffic comes your way as word-of-mouth advertising undoubtedly will be positive on your posted content. I'll be sure to link your vids in our discord channels.
@jadonmay7511 7 ай бұрын
I feel like most people that talk about druids skip over how insanely broken wild growth is, at 25 a single global of wild growth costing 268 mana on 5 targets equates to 4k healing total. They also changed the way wild growth works and it will cast on more than 5 targets if the classes in the group have pets. therefore peak efficient cast of wild growth hits 10 targets would be 8k healing with a single gcd. Lifebloom at 25 is half the cost of wild growth and roughly 5% of its healing output. I understand the ranking though because noone plays rdruid.
@Tensagi 7 ай бұрын
As if I wasn't hyped enough for Thursday! This was a great video got a sub from me!
@mettikus 7 ай бұрын
The biggest thing with Mage healers is that we can finally run an all-Gnome raid
@fredericbard6523 7 ай бұрын
The way I'm reading the Rewind Time tooltip is that it only affects your target, not everyone that has the temporal beacon. I'm pretty sure it's a single target heal.
@homeless0alien 7 ай бұрын
It absolutely is, thats correct.
@zigh352 7 ай бұрын
Ide love to see the old videos re looked at for level 25 for dps and tanks in preperstion for SoD tomorrow
@chrisstrawn3396 7 ай бұрын
Great Video! Keep it up!!
@fryberg3791 7 ай бұрын
Hey, great summary. I'm curious what you think about dropping Earth Shield for Shammy rage as Resto Shaman. Dual wielding Rockbiter weapons (assuming we can DW without rune) is going to take our AP up to around 500 in int gear. That means we'll be regenerating 75 mana per second for 15 seconds every minute, for a total of 1,125 mana. In pre-BFD gear that's more than half our mana pool back every minute, and about 19 mana per second averaged out - compared to water shield's which works out around 3-4 mana per second. Combined at 22 or so mps, this should more than make up for the lack of Mana Tide and I think give shammies better mana sustain than any other healer. The sacrifice is obviously the earth shield healing, but I'm thinking we'll be able to have far more throughput with healing waves and rain (if we take it), which may also translate to more ancestral healing uptime. Thoughts?
@aamoreWA 7 ай бұрын
New vid hype!
@Gynecologist69z 7 ай бұрын
This is is good healer stuff node.
@andrewcol3313 7 ай бұрын
I agree with some of this but putting shammy above Druid is really stupid. Shammy has 2 heals for this level and one of them is healing rain which requires players to stand in it … good luck. You also fail to realize how strong lifebloom is. Its mana cost is very low and it might be the only hit needed to keep a tank full for most of the fight. You’re undervaluing hots at this level; you will bring 2 healers to the raid and people aren’t going to be hard sniping heals like in raids.
@thesaichanez9632 7 ай бұрын
One interresting build idea i had, was that you could use dampen magic to help the tank. And focus on temporal beacon healing, instead of regen casts. The n pick improved dampen magic aswell. Possibly put it on dps and you'reself and not the tank. Any insight in this theory?
@markadelf 7 ай бұрын
I'd add that if Earth Shield works like in TBC, it should generate healing threat for the tank, which can be nice. Free threat for the tank, less threat for the healer. That said, with all the aoe threat options on offer for tanks via runes, I doubt it'll be super impactful.
@mettikus 7 ай бұрын
it might have some niche usefulness to buff your shaman tank's threat gen against groups. imo they have enough threat for single target with rockbiter/earth shock alone, but the current runes don't really give them group threat gen so they'll need all the help they can get
@markadelf 7 ай бұрын
Molten Blast rune should help with aoe threat on shaman, I'd expect. I think Earth Shield will be more QoL, smoothing out threat on pulls, especially in dungeons (though it could add up over the course of the fight on any tank).
@mettikus 7 ай бұрын
that's also true, @@markadelf , I forgot about molten blast.
@LavonRich 7 ай бұрын
What are your thoughts on stat priorities. Namely for Druid
@canislupus5021 7 ай бұрын
tbh in Vanilla the druid has the highest base heal with healing touch, but not on level 25. And Illumination dont give you a freecast on the NEXT spell, it gives you back 100% of the manacost of the spell that was a crit. And i guess you underestimate Druidhealrunes like Lifebloom and Wild Growth. I mean you are doing a healer Guide and you didnt really talked about Wild Growth, and the fact that Life Bloom reduces GCD now.
@jeremythomas8569 7 ай бұрын
Based on what we saw at Blizzcon and the typical damage taken for level 25 man content I almost wonder if you will have "true healers" for BFD. Or at least only maybe one. I feel like you'll see raids with a couple of rets and divine storm at least on trash, and then moonkins running wild growh and free wrath spam and off healing with the healing touch. I was saying throw in the mage to fill in the holes before their nerfs, but maybe now you just have a dedicated hpriest.
@atorrance 7 ай бұрын
In Esfand’s run at blizzcon the second boss, turtle, was doing tooons of aoe on the raid and people really rotting. I feel like you need a legit raid healer for these new raids moreso than any previous classic raids.
@davidmiller8428 7 ай бұрын
For shamans earth shield has 3 charges so probably won't be worth the mana, healing rain is party members not raid so it will only be good in melee groups. I will be taking overload and sham rage for raid healing. Overload is going to be crazy for increasing HPS and sham rage is more mana for you and party with built in survivability. Gonna need that survival since we are probably wearing cloth for healing.
@GrimMorningstar 7 ай бұрын
Is there any changes you would make to the tank rankings for purely 25 meta?
@tekn0de 7 ай бұрын
I think warriors won't be as strong, I'd probably say druids would be clearly the top tanks
@jonathanhughes8679 2 ай бұрын
Also you need to keep that mana for burst Dmg
@MattsHair 7 ай бұрын
Genus tek sod hype
@juisedlol 7 ай бұрын
I think you're overlooking a large increase in efficiency for holy paladins at 25, namely Beacon of Light. By doubling the effectiveness of your heals, it takes Holy Light from the least efficient (1.81 HPM) to the most (3.62)
@tekn0de 7 ай бұрын
This is true but beacon often leads to more overheal as well.
@lolpaladins 7 ай бұрын
Holy light has always had shit hpm efficiency, you should have included flash of light also. Flash is the high hpm spell for paladins, and holy light is the seldom used big spender for emergencies only.
@AerodynamicAlex 7 ай бұрын
I'd be curious what your best raid comp would be going into this tier!
@AlCap0le 7 ай бұрын
a caster setup + hunter for horde. without for alli
@tekn0de 7 ай бұрын
It's gonna depend on what the DPS meta shapes out to be. I'll certainly be making a video on this however
@AerodynamicAlex 7 ай бұрын
@@tekn0de sounds good!
@calronkeltaran493 7 ай бұрын
depends how hard bfd will turn out to be. if it is too hard, like "wo go in to wipe at the boss for 2h till it works" hard, the raid will never be touched again after the 25 bracket will be over. so I assume it will be more on ubrs level of difficulty, maybe a bit more. so you can run it with randoms, who just need to know how their class works. this way, you will find groups who run it even at later stages while leveling a twink. if that is the case, the raidsetup will be "whoever is online" as long as you get 2 tanks and 2 healers.
@yberionpl 7 ай бұрын
Hey, what do you think about unrestricted runes swapping, like between every trash pack?
@bearlotk7608 7 ай бұрын
There is no free wand healing for mages. It is unclear whether the tooltip is wrong (and should say arcane SPELL damage) or the tooltip is right (and wands are bugged), but it definitely doesn't work on live.
@iamblorbie 7 ай бұрын
You say that you can use Rewind Time to get the raid back to full HP after a raid side burst, but reading the tooltip it seems to be only for your current target with temporal beacon, not everyone with it
@fgc_7433 7 ай бұрын
Mass Regen gives everyone in your party within 15yds Temporal Beacon. So yea you can Mass Regen then Rewind Time healing everyone. Temporal Beacon is not limited to 1 party member.
@iamblorbie 7 ай бұрын
@@fgc_7433 Obviously, but the tooltip reads "YOUR CURRENT TARGET with your Temporal Beacon instantly heals all damage taken over the last 5 seconds. Ineffective on targets that did not have a Temporal Beacon 5 seconds ago."
@fgc_7433 7 ай бұрын
@iamblorbie Well that sucks 😆 Let's hope the tool tip is wrong and we get AoE Rewind Time
@tekn0de 7 ай бұрын
This is a good callout. On the blizzcon demo it did all but this may have been nerfed when they adjusted mana values. I think they are still very strong if this is the case though and they would likely still be a tier without rewind time
@fgc_7433 7 ай бұрын
@@tekn0de True cause I've been Theorycrafting using both Regens and Arcane Blast. And I think it'll have potential.
@jonathanhughes8679 2 ай бұрын
What level does this go to?
@donaldpeace 7 ай бұрын
My wife wants to mage heal and im having a hard time giving her advice since the talents dont seem very helpful to the cause. I am caught between 3 min mage and just frost mage with healer runes for the defensive power
@89Metalli 7 ай бұрын
i think shamanistic rage is way better to take then earth shield!
@Archemorus1 7 ай бұрын
I think you underestimate the mana efficiency and throughput of beacon of light for holy paladin but otherwise interesting analysis
@jakecarroll5 7 ай бұрын
ppl guna be suprised by beacon
@wimbusbert1249 7 ай бұрын
Priest is gonna be DoT/HoT city
@FlanneryAaron 7 ай бұрын
Most of this is pretty decent analysis, but unfortunately your Paladin analysis took a bad turn. TLDR: Skipping +10% Int, +12% Healing and 70% pushback resist is not worth 5 minute Kings buff and single digit dps gain from Improved Might. Divine Sacrifice>Tremor. In no particular order: 1) Kings is covered by Hunter (especially Melee Hunters), and even if it means not having kings, 10% stats is an incredibly minor 5 minute duration buff at level 25 considering what you lose from the Holy Tree to get. 2) As it stands now, there is no indication whether or not Improved Blessing of Might will apply to Horn of Lordaeron. Even if it did, 5 talent points for a single digit DPS gain is massively overrated. 3) 70% pushback is basic requirement for any healing role in Classic, with the notable exception of Druid. Pushback in PVE is often the difference between being able to spam heal your way out of a bad situation or dying. The rank of importance of this in PVP skyrockets even further. 4) While you are not going to be pushing the boundaries of the damage meters compared to other healers, assuming Verigan's Fist is obtainable, Seal of Martyrdom (small mana battery effect for the group) and Divine Storm (Aoe damage+heal that may also work with Beacon) are viable damage oriented rune choices instead of Horn of Lordaeron. 5) Mana concerns are practically unfounded as well. In a conservative estimation of gear going into BFD (SFK gear + ivl appropriate obtainable "of Eagle/Intellect" gear) you are going to have 2k+ mana with buffs. That's enough mana for about 90 seconds of non-stop Flash of Light casting and if you are taking longer than that to kill bosses designed to be killed by level 25's in Greens you need to have words with your raid. 6) While the "Tremor" rune Inspiration Exemplar is awesome for fights that will have Fear/Sleep effects (even though we have no idea at what rate the "pulse" hits, or if we could control it like a Shaman can by timing the drop), you failed to mention the single greatest Defensive Party/Raid CD which is the default choice for the majority of PVE content, as fear/sleep effects are few and far between in PVE. Divine Sacrifice is an insanely powerful raid healing CD.
@tekn0de 7 ай бұрын
These are all valid points. I think me personally I value raid buffs a lot, but your spec really comes down to whether or not you have a hunter in your group. I'd personally only spec holy if I knew I was running with a hunter imo
@FlanneryAaron 7 ай бұрын
@@tekn0de If you value giving someone less than 10 dps (at pre-BFD gear) over keeping them alive, that's a weird preference to have from a healing perspective. Having healed as a Holy paladin in every iteration of this game, I can conclusively say that 70% pushback resistance is better in every way compared to Kings, especially so when you factor in that you can provide the Horn of Lordaeron buff (Which certainly overtakes Might, and depending on how it works be considered your 1 blessing on the target) which defeats Kings at early gear levels, which phase 1 certainly falls under. Again, that's ignoring Hunters that provide the same buff while also gaining DPS while doing so, instead of losing the ability to effectively heal.
@calronkeltaran493 7 ай бұрын
@@tekn0de hunters are usually among the most played classes in the game. I don't think this will shift so much in SoD. so finding a hunter for a 10 man tream wont be so hard to find. I wonder if it is even needed to skill a certain way for bfd or just keep whatever level/pvp spec you used so far and just use healing gear+runes. if I can heal ubrs in shadowspec as a priest, I doubt that a paladin (or anyone rly) need to skill a certain way for bfd. so unless blizz will challenge us with true raidlevel difficulty at 25, anything will be fine.
@dudeweresmyipod 7 ай бұрын
Mage and monk healing seem similar
@jonathanhughes8679 2 ай бұрын
Pally needs a rune for holy
@Jive33 7 ай бұрын
Was this video made before they nerfed the amount the mage can heal?
@tekn0de 7 ай бұрын
I was unaware of the mage healing nerfs when I made this which is unfortunate. They should be moved down a tier
@willisverynice 7 ай бұрын
Wtf is blessing of fortitude
@voodunxp 7 ай бұрын
At min. 9:53 you show a pretty stupid Heal Paladin spec. NEVER spec into Might with Horn of Lordaeron Rune! It is EXCLUSIVE! Hunters will bring Kings! Spec full holy, if you are a healer! With your Spec you are loosing: + 10% Int + 12% Healing an your Main Spells (2x because of Beacon of Light!) + 20 Minutes Cooldown Reduction and one of the best armor buffs from Lay on Hands + 1,5 more MP5 from Wisdom (sounds bad but is very nice in long fights) You gain: More Armor on Aura Kings (obsolete because of Hunters) 3% Hit (lol) 14 AP more for Melees in the other group for 5 skillpoints? lol
@tekn0de 7 ай бұрын
Yup I thought about showing holy pal build instead but I think unless you have a hunter in the group you'd rather sacrifice the healing output for stronger buffs. I was under the impression that 5/5 might would benefit horn of lordaereon as well but that may not be accurate. The Datamined ability says it is improved by warrior talents currently lol. Either way if that isn't the case then you would take the extra int instead. If you both have a hunter and 5/5 might doesn't improve the horn then yes your right you'd go something like this: This primarily just gives you 12% more healing and 10% more int which is important but nothing to improve mana efficiency just yet
@Cheesymoo 7 ай бұрын
@@tekn0de Love the way you handled this comment. Subscribed just because of it.
@garycannon4644 7 ай бұрын
isnt the entire point of season of DISCOVERY is to discover all of this on our own? lol here we are already making guides lol
@user-uc6gr4qt1m 7 ай бұрын
Mages go oom so fast its not even funny
@louisavt5971 7 ай бұрын
chill bfd is a joke
@Eric95372 7 ай бұрын
Has to just stop watching when he said stack crit as holy paladin.
@wartome3196 7 ай бұрын
Oh we have a know nothing giving advice huh? Sad. Thanks for the heads up.
@tekn0de 7 ай бұрын
It's one of your best stats after healing power? Why wouldn't you stack it? It's one of the primary reasons pallies do much better with wbuffs
@PearlBagel 7 ай бұрын
@@tekn0de can't tell if the guy is trolling or really that clueless
@stevenpitera8978 7 ай бұрын
@@tekn0de they did the math on the paladin discords during actual classic during aq40 progression. max heal power build out-sustained and outperformed the crit stack build mostly because holy light costs too much to assume youll be chaining max rank.
@andrewa6607 7 ай бұрын
@@stevenpitera8978I feel bad for anyone who follows the pally discord
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