@garrag3926 16 күн бұрын
Great guide and very well explained. Thank you
@joshualukereynolds 18 күн бұрын
Fantasic guide, could you do a revision going into Phase 4 please?
@SlingshotFooty 24 күн бұрын
Amazing video, thank you!
@Neferens Ай бұрын
Absolutely incredible guide, I appreciated watching it a lot! I'm not a Priest main myself, and I havn't noticed the fantastic synergy between Spirit Tap and Spiritual Guidance before, nice! In hindsight it feels so obvious!!! Spirit Tap affecting Power Word:Shield is interesting. I didn't consider that, but it makes sense, too bad the spell power coefficient is so bad, but it is something! Your segment about spell power coefficients is a little misleadning. When you compare the spell power coefficients you need to take the cast time into consideration... The real reason for Smite having such a good spell power coefficient comes from the fact that you can reduce the cast time with the talent Divine Fury, without affecting the spell power coefficient negatively! Without Divine Fury or Improved Fireball, the spell power coefficient per time spent casting is exactly the same for Smite, Mind Blast, and Fireball... Mind Flay almost has the same spell power coefficient, but receives a 5% coefficient penalty for having a slow debuff. Holy Fire is a different story I think. You say that it has 100% spell power coefficient, which I believe is incorrect! Spells that have a Direct component as well as a DoT component are strange... According to my knowledge of spell power coefficients a 3.5 second cast with a 10 second DoT would have a spell power coefficient of: (3.5/3.5)^2/(3.5/3.5+10/15) + (10/15)^2/(3.5/3.5+10/15) ~= 87% This is significantly worse per cast time than Smite, but maybe it has good base damage instead! Cheers!
@jonathanhughes8679 2 ай бұрын
What level does this go to?
@jonathanhughes8679 2 ай бұрын
Pally needs a rune for holy
@jonathanhughes8679 2 ай бұрын
Also you need to keep that mana for burst Dmg
@ninalovesbus 2 ай бұрын
what causes them to randomly run so fuckin fast even at start of a run
@mattfarrand5167 2 ай бұрын
you skipped so much, no idea how to open graves lol
@SlingshotFooty 23 күн бұрын
Just right click as you run by
@michaelbowman6684 2 ай бұрын
I know this is relatively underexplained part of the video, but I would argue that Trolls are better than Undead when it comes to PvP. Shadowguard being able to proc Blackout and Shadow Weaving on top of being a Shadow Damage clone of Lightning Shield is applicable in more situations than WOTF which helps in comparatively less matchups. This is on top of having a practically no mana cost -20% Healing Curse in the form of a Rank 1 Hex of Weakness, and Berserking doing stupid things with Mana Burn like getting it down to a 2.1 casting time with maximum Berserking effectiveness, 1.75 if you take the 2/2 Improved Mana Burn talent, or 2.25 if used at full health, making it _kind of_ comparable to TBC Mana Burn depending on the circumstances, and of course it helps to having shorter cast times whenever you drop out of Shadowform to heal yourself. All Dwarfs alongside all Priests and Paladins can cure diseases and thus nullify Devouring Plague, whereas only Mages (I haven't met one that has done so yet) and Druids (they have to transform into base form to do so) can dispel Hex of Weakness, and I don't feel like I need to explain why Touch of Weakness is just a worse Shadowguard.
@kevinhardin3494 3 ай бұрын
Dude thanks for the video I’ve been wanting to see this.. use to do this on my mage in classic. I just hit 43 and am gunna re-try it. Didn’t know you could disperse on mount
@geoffreyparlby4546 3 ай бұрын
Hard for me to believe a holy spec would compete in damage with shadow considering how much gear is available for a shadow priest at level 45. Full dreamweave/shadoweave shadow spec pumps way harder from what I have tested.
@MrMannerless 3 ай бұрын
Do we not use mind blast? Also you got any info for levelling a priest in turtle wow?
@alvaronavarro5506 3 ай бұрын
Is it possible to heal lvl 60dungeons/raids with this holy spec? i'm asking this because i also want to have spirit tap to farm things by my own at 60.
@ItsBarnabyJones 3 ай бұрын
Why no inspiration talents?
@boordaf 5 ай бұрын
Does anyone know what addon/setting is he using for UI ? love it :) content creator if you see this thank you for the guide
@verpeiler089 5 ай бұрын
Thanks for the guide, it was really nice that you got into some Details most guide don't. Only one thing I've noticed in your gameplay video: You should really use nameplates with debuffs on it, especially if you're in instances it's so much more helpful.
@fsdafdsafdas 5 ай бұрын
Amazing guide! If you make ANY more for any of them I'm subscribed now! Can't wait! I'm currently a Hardcore enjoyer and this one really spelt it out!
@dillanelliot8313 5 ай бұрын
🤣 'Promo SM'
@joeamburgey4473 5 ай бұрын
Dude your videos are top quality. I really liked the priest leveling guide. You break it down and explain the nuance. The tank guide was really good to and answered a ton of questions I had when thinking it might be fun to seriously tank with my warrior. I don't know where the find information presented well like this elsewhere. Everything else on youtube, for the most part does not deliver on their clickbait title and picture. Thank You!
@jeffreyrobert1598 6 ай бұрын
every one is praising this video but a month into the game its clear just how wrong most of this was. i mean he said as a night elf hunter you will be one shotting people from stealth. like what? even if lone wolf didnt get nerfed its not even close, not even remotely
@ithadtobeaname7327 6 ай бұрын
I guess we just have to agree to disagree Regardless a good video quality wise...just make sure to mute your Discord next time ;)
@katmannsson 6 ай бұрын
It shoooooooooows that you made this before Playing Rogue Tanks, because its fucking *great*
@huricane555555 6 ай бұрын
Holy vs. Shadow in the spirit of Hardcore?
@therabbits69 6 ай бұрын
"shaman's are gonna be bad at 25" literally best tanks in SoD right now lmao
@user-uc6gr4qt1m 6 ай бұрын
Mages go oom so fast its not even funny
@Troopertroll 7 ай бұрын
I don't get what people...don't get. Rogue tanks are made to duel humanoids. You don't need armor buffs if your enemies are disarmed 75%-100% of the time. Paladins are made to tank hordes of undead and other swarming enemies. Warlocks are made to tank demons, other casters, and abberations. Shaman are made to tank elementals and waves of enemies. Warriors, as always, can do well enough in any situation but are especially suited for charging at gigantic monsters like lunatics. People keep thinking about keeping one set and build for every situation, when the gameplay encourages you to swap roles and abilities frequently.
@bearlotk7608 7 ай бұрын
There is no free wand healing for mages. It is unclear whether the tooltip is wrong (and should say arcane SPELL damage) or the tooltip is right (and wands are bugged), but it definitely doesn't work on live.
@jadonmay7511 7 ай бұрын
I feel like most people that talk about druids skip over how insanely broken wild growth is, at 25 a single global of wild growth costing 268 mana on 5 targets equates to 4k healing total. They also changed the way wild growth works and it will cast on more than 5 targets if the classes in the group have pets. therefore peak efficient cast of wild growth hits 10 targets would be 8k healing with a single gcd. Lifebloom at 25 is half the cost of wild growth and roughly 5% of its healing output. I understand the ranking though because noone plays rdruid.
@braydon62509 7 ай бұрын
Extremely Misleading Paladin Tank info. Holy Shield has more charges than shield block meaning longer bouts of smoother damage, Aegis/Redoubt is a trap talent you get an extra 30% block when planing your gear (easily achieved in pre raid), and then are Crit/Crush immune with HShield. Blessing of kings is for SINGLE TARGET threat, being 114, Well more now, Aggro per class stack and being extremely useless on multiple groups of mobs as the threat division often means less than 100 threat per mob for a huge mana cost. Paladins don't have a ret spec they can side bar, BUT they can easily heal in deep prot with no problems. Well intending info but completely misleading.
@Spadoodles 7 ай бұрын
Insanely thorough, easy, convenient, and just fkn dope to have this all broken down for free. Thank you again, can't emphasize because this guide answers the realistic expectations of actual world pvp events/incidents/situations that aren't exactly answered in other guides.
@louisavt5971 7 ай бұрын
chill bfd is a joke
@chrisstrawn3396 7 ай бұрын
Great Video! Keep it up!!
@Erafune 7 ай бұрын
Great presentation! I could dream about you making a "where-to-find" level 25 BiS series that briefly covers the source and difficulty of every BiS piece.
@CadyTech 7 ай бұрын
A disc smite priest its viable on classic?
@KapitanObvious 7 ай бұрын
no CS but BtE => CS with 20y range :D So yeah )
@sunwavesonmars7588 7 ай бұрын
wait how you do the dps ranking without actually playin the classes?
@ZaeBae22 7 ай бұрын
Good video but am i the only one who thinks no one is really considering how our gold sink at 25 will be consumables? Every warrior will pre pop FAP, watch.
@stinky2310 7 ай бұрын
LOVE the way you present all the data
@willisverynice 7 ай бұрын
Wtf is blessing of fortitude
@zanthir1393 7 ай бұрын
I think you're underestimating the "Raid Utility" of the warrior tank at 2/5. Sunder, Demo, Battle Shout, and Thunderclap is a massive raid benefit, especially for 10 mans. It's not like there's going to be a crew of 5-10 warriors to sunder like in a 40 man raid.
@thesaichanez9632 7 ай бұрын
One interresting build idea i had, was that you could use dampen magic to help the tank. And focus on temporal beacon healing, instead of regen casts. The n pick improved dampen magic aswell. Possibly put it on dps and you'reself and not the tank. Any insight in this theory?
@dudeweresmyipod 7 ай бұрын
Mage and monk healing seem similar
@WoWUndad 7 ай бұрын
Im going druid tank versatility in healing and off dps but ranged threat might be interesting in sod if you notice the huge knockbacks
@jackroyal1499 7 ай бұрын
That ziqo duel was actually hilarious... But it did absolutely show that even though you've got 20x the stats as someone you can still get outplayed and end up looking like a scrub.
@davidlazerz8564 7 ай бұрын
How to optimize the fun out of the game: Level 25 edition. I highly recommend everyone stop trying to min/max and google "best build guides" for SoD. I know you think you need it, but trust me: you dont. You people are removing the fun for yourself by asking someone else to tell you exactly what to do and how to play. You will have only yourself to blame when you have "nothing to do" a week after SoD launches.
@zigh352 7 ай бұрын
Ide love to see the old videos re looked at for level 25 for dps and tanks in preperstion for SoD tomorrow
@donaldpeace 7 ай бұрын
My wife wants to mage heal and im having a hard time giving her advice since the talents dont seem very helpful to the cause. I am caught between 3 min mage and just frost mage with healer runes for the defensive power
@mbottdk 7 ай бұрын
avenging shield got a daze/slow for paladins
@SmugHomura 7 ай бұрын
Great video! I have a question about Rogue tank: while I agree they're kind of a mistake, it seems you completely left out the fact that they get 20% physical reduction. I don't really know at what armor percentage your mitigation becomes acceptable but if leather gives maybe ~23% and this adds another 20%. Wouldn't that make your physical mitigation at least pretty okay/10? Or is anything below 50% mitigation not acceptable?