Cold Approaching Is Weak

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2 жыл бұрын

how to cold approach women,cold approaching,how to get women,pickup lines,how to be more confident,how to display confidence,how to increase my value as a man

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@AV4Life 2 жыл бұрын
Honestly, cold approaching made me a lot less socially anxious mostly with women but also just people in general… Being vulnerable like that (especially because I stutter) and getting rejected teaches you certain things you otherwise wouldn’t have discovered. I don’t do it anymore, but looking back, I’m I glad I did.
@SRK6IX 2 жыл бұрын
In your case, cold approaching was a good thing. At that moment
@kzariuscook1275 2 жыл бұрын
@@SRK6IX A good thing not because he got the female but because he learned things of how females really are.
@SRK6IX 2 жыл бұрын
@@kzariuscook1275 Exactly
@thatpersiandude7386 2 жыл бұрын
that's only benefit of cold approach
@thatpersiandude7386 2 жыл бұрын
@African American Guy i don't need to watch those crap bro, i used to cold approach like crazy not long ago. It works but you have to approach 20 girls to get 3 numbers !
@khalifempire3168 2 жыл бұрын
Cold approach mostly don’t work cause it is to their advantage rejecting you makes her think she’s of value and boosts her ego!!!
@rhysmason7430 2 жыл бұрын
Or maybe she’s not interested
@capalot6028 2 жыл бұрын
@@rhysmason7430 both options are valid, some girls think they are good looking when in reality they are average.
@fredrickjohnson7711 2 жыл бұрын
@@capalot6028 you right
@Lost_Sh33p 2 жыл бұрын
I never really looked at it like that, appreciate the insight
@kzariuscook1275 2 жыл бұрын
@@capalot6028 that is so so TRUE
@6riannn 2 жыл бұрын
"It's better when you don't force things" - this is mad important for me to know …a big take-away from this video, thanks for putting me on game Kam 💯🖤
@anwarabdoelhak5925 2 жыл бұрын
Frr he be spittin
@hamodhamod8322 2 жыл бұрын
Nah sometimes you need to force yourself to improve
@samramos1470 Жыл бұрын
He isn't always right. In this case he's mad wrong it's just his opinion. Cold Approaching can help you if you wanna work VOLUME. Especially if you've never been rejected before
@mharrtj6350 Жыл бұрын
@@samramos1470 I never gave a fuck about talking to girls and they were not on my priority list as I always chase the bag and purpose. But I realised a lot of girls are giving me choosing signals. Due to no experience and approach anxiety I missed out on these hot girls. As a lesson, I made myself get out of my bed and go to the malls, and look for the best the hottest of the girls I have ever seen. And guess what I saw her. The fear kicked in, I took 2 steps towards and her and 5 steps backwards. I wanted to leave and run and just as I did that, I felt a pain in my heart because I was repeating the same thing I did when the other hot girls were giving me choosing signals and wanted me to approach but I never did. So going back was no option. I gathered the courage and confidence and for the first time cold approached the most gorgeous girl I have ever seen. Hot, young, blue eyes, red jacket, brown gold hairs, pink skin colour. The cold approach went like it always does, I said excuse me what’s your name? She said why as she was caught offgaurd. I said I wanted to get to know you better, but she said no thanks. I politely left. I faced on of my biggest fears, even tho I took a hit on my unshakable self esteem and confidence which made and will make so many hot girls give me signals, I had to do this to gain the confidence and experience by facing this fear to approach the next hot girl that gives me signals. Now that I know I had the balls to cold approach a unique hot girl in the shop, that you don’t see everyday. I can approach the same chick but who is giving me choosing signals easily. So it was more about me trying to back off but still making myself do it than getting the girls number. Even tho if she did give it to me if would be amazing but as a first time approaching a girl ever and cold aswell, it was certainly gonna be a failure. I don’t plan to cold approach ever again but this one time will be enough to push me to approach the girls who like me. I don’t regret approaching this hot chick but I do regret not approaching the girls who liked me and wanted me to approach and now I have face the fear on the extreme level and will approach the girl who likes me.
@zeldax3kid 2 жыл бұрын
I actually think cold approaching shows more of an abundance mindset cause you're not putting too much weight on the female's opinion...I'll approach and if she like me she like me if she don't she don't, I really don't care
@joeymunz 2 жыл бұрын
lowkey felt this
@pimpdoggydogg8670 2 жыл бұрын
Tru. Guys gotta stop worrying about approval
@JohnnyWalkerBlack142 Жыл бұрын
Agreed. Plus, you end up becoming confident asf
@SuperMurray2009 Жыл бұрын
But it's still a waste of time
@ayor3829 Жыл бұрын
@@SuperMurray2009 this guys don't get the point You can't get sex by cold approaching
@Willtext Жыл бұрын
Cold approaching isn’t supposed to help “portray confidence”, it’s supposed to help build it. Confidence comes from paying your dues with the rejections.
@tomibally6546 2 жыл бұрын
Ngl most of the time I’ve gotten laid was when I was at a party/club or through a mutual friend. Cold approach does work because it makes you more socially confident but usually it doesn’t go anywhere.
@MrOdaddy2011 3 ай бұрын
So it doesnt work
@tomibally6546 3 ай бұрын
@@MrOdaddy2011 it does work if your game is solid.
@kylemurray8994 2 жыл бұрын
Choosing signals is a 100% success rate, cold approaching is a 50 % success rate.
@rickyticky3350 Жыл бұрын
Wrong if you have bad game girls will easily friend zone your ass in social circle. Not every guy has the advantage like other dudes
@7inisterskits Жыл бұрын
@@rickyticky3350 thanks my confidence about cold approaching just went all the way down
@mharrtj6350 Жыл бұрын
@@7inisterskits I never gave a fuck about talking to girls and they were not on my priority list as I always chase the bag and purpose. But I realised a lot of girls are giving me choosing signals. Due to no experience and approach anxiety I missed out on these hot girls. As a lesson, I made myself get out of my bed and go to the malls, and look for the best the hottest of the girls I have ever seen. And guess what I saw her. The fear kicked in, I took 2 steps towards and her and 5 steps backwards. I wanted to leave and run and just as I did that, I felt a pain in my heart because I was repeating the same thing I did when the other hot girls were giving me choosing signals and wanted me to approach but I never did. So going back was no option. I gathered the courage and confidence and for the first time cold approached the most gorgeous girl I have ever seen. Hot, young, blue eyes, red jacket, brown gold hairs, pink skin colour. The cold approach went like it always does, I said excuse me what’s your name? She said why as she was caught offgaurd. I said I wanted to get to know you better, but she said no thanks. I politely left. I faced on of my biggest fears, even tho I took a hit on my unshakable self esteem and confidence which made and will make so many hot girls give me signals, I had to do this to gain the confidence and experience by facing this fear to approach the next hot girl that gives me signals. Now that I know I had the balls to cold approach a unique hot girl in the shop, that you don’t see everyday. I can approach the same chick but who is giving me choosing signals easily. So it was more about me trying to back off but still making myself do it than getting the girls number. Even tho if she did give it to me if would be amazing but as a first time approaching a girl ever and cold aswell, it was certainly gonna be a failure. I don’t plan to cold approach ever again but this one time will be enough to push me to approach the girls who like me. I don’t regret approaching this hot chick but I do regret not approaching the girls who liked me and wanted me to approach and now I have face the fear on the extreme level and will approach the girl who likes me.
@schoolboyky 2 жыл бұрын
A wise men once said your not dating the wrong women ! Your dating in the wrong era .
@Haddonfield63 Жыл бұрын
That wise man didn’t know himself enough
@blacklyfe5543 8 ай бұрын
That man isn't wise
@phoenixstar5000 11 ай бұрын
Women have to approach Men directly period. (I don't have time for games, BS, signals, glancing, starring, being called creepy/weird, false accusations, assault, etc)
@andrewmoak7534 2 жыл бұрын
woke up today and chose to speak facts! A man’s confidence should come from his own company, and he should feel fulfilled when he’s by himself on his purpose. kam one of the few dudes who stays on that message, and it’s great to see. it’s not like he’s saying “don’t put yourself out there”, but go for quality and do it without looking desperate by approaching multiple women at the same spot. keep preaching fam 😈
@clayliving Жыл бұрын
If I'm at a club, i have no choice but to approach GROUPS of women...they dont go to the clubs by themselves.
@nomenbeb5747 Жыл бұрын
@@clayliving maybe go with some friends you too
@josefarrington 2 жыл бұрын
Also big advantages of cold approaching vs online dating are: + You build character, emotional reliance and communication skills after every approach. + You can meet women that are not in the particular online dating app that you are using. + What you see is what you get(online, women create a facade of themselves, but with cold approach; You approach the woman while she is living her life and you likely will see her real self.)
@farazahmadzadi2960 2 жыл бұрын
This guy is a legend keep up the great context bro
@mrtannguyen1122 2 жыл бұрын
A lot of great points made here.
@TripleR6000 Жыл бұрын
cold approaching is good . makes you talk to women which leads to more women. which leads to friends.
@keifer7813 Жыл бұрын
This video resonates hard. I'll be honest, I lack the confidence to cold-approach a girl I find attractive but I still get hella choosing signals. I've worked at multiple places where there have been girls all over me while I'm just getting my shit done. It's definitely easier for me to let them come than to approach but at the same time, I need confidence sooner or later because its holding me back
@johncaviar7172 2 жыл бұрын
Im so happy you young Men are getting it!! Choosing sigs only!!
@mrtblackmann9874 2 жыл бұрын
Choosing signals rule!
@jashawngaming2677 2 жыл бұрын
I agree cold approach is cap all the females I've gotten showed a choosing signal I only cold approach once to test if it work & it's just awkward. I seen a girl that i thought was cute i said a few things & got her number she was cool but I could feel something was off I just won't her type which is cool everybody like wat they like but as we talked otp on text or link it was just a weird disconnect we just won't clicking I just stop texting an callin. I see her at her job sometimes we speak an keep it moving no hard no feelings. Fellas chill & be yo self love yo self an deal with female that are feeling u when a girl likes u she will make it smooth 💯
@outkastkidd 2 жыл бұрын
@tracer073 9 ай бұрын
Nonsense, cold approach is the equalizer, waiting on choosing signal is just wasting your life
@ripetika1743 11 ай бұрын
Bro I've been working on myself for over a year now. I'm lean, i'm a boxer, and dress well. I still get no choosing signals. I HAVE to cold approach. I'm 27 and have had 2 gfs in the past. Im getting old and if i dont put in effort, nothing will change.
@tracer073 9 ай бұрын
You have the right mind set, we as men always get the short end of the stick, we don’t get a break in life we have to do everything, girls don’t approach of make the slightest effort so the man has to take the initiative
@Thepathforyou 2 жыл бұрын
I think getting rejected is honestly the biggest sign of strength, without it, you just a shell of a man. So build those social circles, and look for one lady, don’t be out here gaming, if you get a social circle, then it’s a warm approach, but even still every friend at first didn’t know you at one point, so that was a cold approach! The best way to woman is to build a good reputation as well as if ur on campus you can just learn how to build a group of people who think ur awesome, they will be basically bragging about you to their friends. I have had it happen! So you just have to get off ur ass, shut the phone off and go out there and firstly make some friends, and then learn how to have those friends work for you, and give you a great reputation. Cause that will be seen as status, I remember people would say I’m strong in the gym, they will tend to say nice things to me because of this. It’s all about reputation. So build a good one.
@rickyticky3350 Жыл бұрын
What if you don't have a social circle ? Then warm approach will never work cuz you never approached in your life
@blacklyfe5543 8 ай бұрын
Rejection sucks
@niixx324 4 ай бұрын
Keyword is always relax, and confidence ofc.
@demonlordsage2099 2 жыл бұрын
As usual homie im the first on here
@kmflifestyle6894 2 жыл бұрын
If you wait for choosing signals as an average man you’re going to be waiting a long time. If you want more women in your life you need to talk to more women period.
@ayor3829 2 жыл бұрын
Getting women is not the same getting women who are interested in you
@keandrethegoat1169 Жыл бұрын
Makes absolutely no sense
@keandrethegoat1169 Жыл бұрын
@Anon I don’t agree with talking to women first It’s too much validation and can end in rejection Leading to much darker and deeper shii after taking too much of it
@ishyameru6232 Жыл бұрын
Exactly what I was thinking 😂 😂 If they only make it obvious to Tyrone's and Michael B. Jordan's how in the FUCK are you going to get consistent play? It makes no sense. Just talk to the girl if she say's yes you still have even more game to work on because it doesn't stop with getting the number. next there's texting game and all the bullshit that comes with that and then there's charisma, can you talk her into sex? Can you woo her into a relationship? it's so deep and some of us need so much work socially I think cold approaching might be the answer for a lot of us who go ONLINE to learn how to talk to people in real life instead of just... TALKING TO PEOPLE in real life 😂 😂
@keandrethegoat1169 Жыл бұрын
@Anon there’s always prostitutes and crackheads
@lasfinezt 2 жыл бұрын
I wouldn’t say cold approach is a bad thing but some people do it wrong. You should always be focused on your self improvement first and foremost. Then when you do cold approach it will be much more smooth. You will be more confident, and come off more attractive. If you know you’re a high value man, I would say to go for choosing signals but not limit it to that. Women try to hide the signals they give off sometimes just so you don’t get too confident. Then you know you got her. I have cold approached women to the point I was in their room digging guts out within minutes. So cold approach is worth it as long as you got yourself together.
@mharrtj6350 Жыл бұрын
I never gave a fuck about talking to girls and they were not on my priority list as I always chase the bag and purpose. But I realised a lot of girls are giving me choosing signals. Due to no experience and approach anxiety I missed out on these hot girls. As a lesson, I made myself get out of my bed and go to the malls, and look for the best the hottest of the girls I have ever seen. And guess what I saw her. The fear kicked in, I took 2 steps towards and her and 5 steps backwards. I wanted to leave and run and just as I did that, I felt a pain in my heart because I was repeating the same thing I did when the other hot girls were giving me choosing signals and wanted me to approach but I never did. So going back was no option. I gathered the courage and confidence and for the first time cold approached the most gorgeous girl I have ever seen. Hot, young, blue eyes, red jacket, brown gold hairs, pink skin colour. The cold approach went like it always does, I said excuse me what’s your name? She said why as she was caught offgaurd. I said I wanted to get to know you better, but she said no thanks. I politely left. I faced on of my biggest fears, even tho I took a hit on my unshakable self esteem and confidence which made and will make so many hot girls give me signals, I had to do this to gain the confidence and experience by facing this fear to approach the next hot girl that gives me signals. Now that I know I had the balls to cold approach a unique hot girl in the shop, that you don’t see everyday. I can approach the same chick but who is giving me choosing signals easily. So it was more about me trying to back off but still making myself do it than getting the girls number. Even tho if she did give it to me if would be amazing but as a first time approaching a girl ever and cold aswell, it was certainly gonna be a failure. I don’t plan to cold approach ever again but this one time will be enough to push me to approach the girls who like me. I don’t regret approaching this hot chick but I do regret not approaching the girls who liked me and wanted me to approach and now I have face the fear on the extreme level and will approach the girl who likes me.
@krhawkins91 2 жыл бұрын
You speaking facts.
@nf3rn047 Жыл бұрын
Bro got rejected once, now gets jealous everytime he sees someone else do it.
@cutyoungan5319 2 жыл бұрын
Just subbed great content🌍⏰⏰
@maddgun 2 жыл бұрын
I agree. I've gotten some dates from Cold approach and I like it. I structure it around my every day life. Some of these dating coaches like John Anthony Lifestyle claim that looks is 10% and game is the most important factor. What a lie
@Girldatsmclovin 2 жыл бұрын
girls don’t approach, so guys must approach! The more you do, the more likely you will succeed. Especially if you have a mentor to help your growth or if you just know a guy who is just really good with women
@tre_4 Жыл бұрын
* Some
@blacklyfe5543 8 ай бұрын
It's a number's game
@Chr1ShawnKPD 2 жыл бұрын
Good vid man, nice talking points. You sound Childish Gambino a little bit
@kzariuscook1275 2 жыл бұрын
In my personal opinion I think the outcome will be the same whether you cold approach or not. If woman don't find you sexually attractive cold approaching will have the same out come as if you just do not cold approach woman at all. Which will lead to never having a girlfriend or never having sex. So its really no right or wrong answer as to whether a guy should cold approach or not. So it all comes down to if Shes interested in you and/or find you sexually attractive vs if Shes not interested in you and/or don't find you sexually attractive. Like you said in the other video woman already know instantly if they want you or not. so if you cold approach her and she does not find you sexually attractive its going to be an automatic rejection. which can come in the form of different excuses for her not to get with you . All excuses for her not to get with you is just rejection dressed up in a nice way.
@keandrethegoat1169 2 жыл бұрын
This the most woke comment on the subject but these idiots are too fxcking blind to listen bro,let the sheep be sheep my brotha
@josefarrington 2 жыл бұрын
2:50 You never cold approach multiple women inside the same social space(Other women may see you getting rejected and your chances of hooking up with the next woman goes down.). Is it thirsty to spend hours in an online app looking to hook up and not improving your character and skills in the process? 7:10 Who cold approaches to prove that they are confident? 7:25 Is there a need to swipe right to every woman that you find attractive online? How cold approach is different? 7:50 Why you need to approach that chick in person? Why you need to message that chick online? What is your argument? 12:40 Just wait for approach signals? What if the woman doesn't know how to project interest in a man? What if someone is not interested or cannot be surrounded by people(keeping a social circle) and just want to meet people in their daily life(because he is busy building financial independence, taking care of their parents, studies, new to a city)? 15:50 To let women come to you, you or your family have to spend money building a lifestyle that attracts the women on the first place. Is spending money/time building a life style that attract women thirsty? When that money/time could be use for other purposes(i.e. building financial independence, charity, building psychological resilience, polishing your purpose in life.). 17:27 "When you cold approach, the woman thinks that her value is higher than yours". Same thing when you message her online and spend all the time that you spend trading text messages back and forth. That's why you make her qualify herself after cold approaching and if it doesn't work you eject. That's how you balance her initial gain in value. Similarly when applying for a job(You show interest, but if the employer doesn't offer what you are looking for you move to the next employer).
@pimpdoggydogg8670 2 жыл бұрын
Bro you'll never get pussy listening to these dudes. Just do as u please
@djemayel8907 2 жыл бұрын
You broke this down pretty well
@SuperMurray2009 Жыл бұрын
Cold Approaching ain't worth it
@mharrtj6350 Жыл бұрын
I never gave a fuck about talking to girls and they were not on my priority list as I always chase the bag and purpose. But I realised a lot of girls are giving me choosing signals. Due to no experience and approach anxiety I missed out on these hot girls. As a lesson, I made myself get out of my bed and go to the malls, and look for the best the hottest of the girls I have ever seen. And guess what I saw her. The fear kicked in, I took 2 steps towards and her and 5 steps backwards. I wanted to leave and run and just as I did that, I felt a pain in my heart because I was repeating the same thing I did when the other hot girls were giving me choosing signals and wanted me to approach but I never did. So going back was no option. I gathered the courage and confidence and for the first time cold approached the most gorgeous girl I have ever seen. Hot, young, blue eyes, red jacket, brown gold hairs, pink skin colour. The cold approach went like it always does, I said excuse me what’s your name? She said why as she was caught offgaurd. I said I wanted to get to know you better, but she said no thanks. I politely left. I faced on of my biggest fears, even tho I took a hit on my unshakable self esteem and confidence which made and will make so many hot girls give me signals, I had to do this to gain the confidence and experience by facing this fear to approach the next hot girl that gives me signals. Now that I know I had the balls to cold approach a unique hot girl in the shop, that you don’t see everyday. I can approach the same chick but who is giving me choosing signals easily. So it was more about me trying to back off but still making myself do it than getting the girls number. Even tho if she did give it to me if would be amazing but as a first time approaching a girl ever and cold aswell, it was certainly gonna be a failure. I don’t plan to cold approach ever again but this one time will be enough to push me to approach the girls who like me. I don’t regret approaching this hot chick but I do regret not approaching the girls who liked me and wanted me to approach and now I have face the fear on the extreme level and will approach the girl who likes me.
@mulchintime Жыл бұрын
I live in nyc so im gonna leaning towrds cold approach so i can get better wit convo and so i wontnoverthink alot when i get rejected.
@Girldatsmclovin 2 жыл бұрын
Bro it sounds like you hating on guys who are going out there trying to meet girls… exactly what you are looking to do as well. Chilling and waiting around gets you no girls. It doesn’t make girls more attracted to you
@kylemurray8994 2 жыл бұрын
That’s cap. Girls love dudes who other girls choose up on.
@CamKnoppMusic Жыл бұрын
Yeah lol I agree. It sounds good in theory to just be like "nah I don't approach girls, I let them come to me" but in my experience that doesn't really lead to any results. Meanwhile, as soon as i start regularly doing the cold approach stuff I get multiple dates each week.
@tajiri7 2 жыл бұрын
This doesn’t work for the majority at the end of the day. I’m probably closer to a 6/10 and can dress nice, but I’m 5’6. I went 10 months without a “choosing signal”, but still linked up with plenty females during that time. Most of us don’t get enough choosing signals to actually make it worth waiting for them. Especially since choosing signal signal doesn’t guarantee anything. Environment also matters, college girls could care less to give choosing signals unless you’re an athlete/fraternity/etc.
@carlnxumalo3864 2 жыл бұрын
I hope you not watching porn. Its stops you from seeing signs. And makes you a pervert around women. As everything will be about sex in your mind. And its not a normal thing to hook up with a girl everytime you go out😂 first of all why do want to catch stds and STIs.
@tajiri7 2 жыл бұрын
@@carlnxumalo3864 Nikka what😂😂
@SRK6IX 2 жыл бұрын
@@tajiri7 Porn is poison, pretty much what hes trying to say 💯 It's known to desensitize you from noticing a lot of signs women will throw at you.
@tezino9162 2 жыл бұрын
I’m 5’5 and I have to beat ‘em off with a stick my problem is usually I’m good til I open my mouth ion have no game but I look like I run thru 🐱
@jellygorilla-3200 2 жыл бұрын
You said you can dress, that's cool. 5'6? Height really not as important as you think. You not getting choosing signals? Get in the gym ans get your body right.
@nomenbeb5747 Жыл бұрын
My question is where do I find environments where to approach waiting for choosing signals, like in my school there are so few girls that it's unbelivable, most of them are below avarage I will be honest, looks wise and probably also personality, some of my friends go to discotheques but what are you going to find there, thots? I do Karate, and there are not girls, only old women (I'm 16 by the way.) I may go to an other gym (which has the same sensei) where I think there are some girls, but is it worth it? I don't think I would be of their interest but I could try, at least to see if they are giving choosing signals I don't know. And then it's about it, the only other thing I have in mind is to strengthen my friendships and try to get invited more and see if sometimes some girls end up there too, usually tho my friends go out with other dudes, and it's great but you know. I also have a female friend that invites me with her friends sometimes, but they are all low value people, to me at least, I wouldn't like to be with even one of them, that's because they all have different values from me, they are lgbt and atheist, I don't share their views and also they don't even take care of their health at all, I don't like them, I go out with them sometimes only because I'm friend with that grild from middle school and I know she really is attached to me, and yeah I know that I should mabye break the friendship, I've tried but I felt too guilty to make her suffer that much so I've return and now we agreed to see each other 1/2 times a month. So what should I do? Maybe I know the answer but some suggestions to find right environments to find girls would be great and helpful, I'm not desperate, I can live without girls, but I'd like to have one one day and I don't want to be passive about it, because probably that would just lead to low quality.
@TheFreeMannn Жыл бұрын
Some guys can wait on choosing signals and some guys can’t, find what works for you.
@JesusChrist5000 2 жыл бұрын
Cold approach is easily looked down upon because it is difficult to do , and the ego does not like it The ego comes up with all kinds of excuses not to approach a woman. But fundamentally, the ego is afraid of being wounded.
@JesusChrist5000 Жыл бұрын
@@jonc3214 Good points. Approaching a woman can indeed catch her off guard and in some cases even scare her if she is all by herself and not in a public setting. This cannot be understated. But if you think your odds at cold approach are bleak, your odds as a male are even worse via a dating app. The best way to approach a woman is when she is in a group of at least two or more. Just the act of singlehandedly approaching a group of people will impress the girl, not to mention impress the group as well. Especially if you are putting off a fun, sociable, and friendly vibe and the group you are approaching is bored and complacent, which they usually are. If anything you are cultivating a gregarious personal quality. You might even get invited to be a part of that social circle and network.
@aaazzz2958 5 ай бұрын
You couldn't have said this any better
@andreisaacs4170 6 ай бұрын
real talk
@JBDemi Ай бұрын
Please dont listen or think too much into this - Cold approach as much women as possible - You will get regejected, no one cares - There are 8,000,000,000 on this planet - 99% of them you will not meet or ever notice - The onces that notice you, dont give a fuck about you - If you approach 100 women a month, only thing thats gonna happen is your social skills, confidence, charisma, EXPERIENCE, etc. increases dramatacly - But do both, online dating and cold approach, females at your work, gym, female mutual friends will like you better - IF YOU DO NOT COLD APPROACH YOU WILL 100% GET LESS WOMEN UNLESS YOU ARE THE 1% MAN - THE GIRL THAT SHOW YOU "CHOSING SIGALS / APPROACH YOU" (if youre actually outside alot, if your home alot it doesnt work), ARE VERY FEW WOMEN - YOU WOULD NEED TO BE TOP 10% GUY TO GET THAT (top tier looks, top tier money, or top tier status) - For the 99% of guys out there, obv work on yourself, but you MUST have experience in cold approaching women... if you are nervous go drive 1hr away to do so you know you will never see those ppl who reject you again - Good luck.
@victorokponganam Жыл бұрын
Approach women not because some guy on KZfaq says so. Approach because you find her attractive and you want to talk to her. Forget all this theory. My opinion on cold approach vs choosing signals is thus good things come to those who wait but great things come to those who hustle
@rickyticky3350 Жыл бұрын
Even choosing signals doesn't work. A girl can give you all the ioi and still reject you
@kp_productions_8536 Жыл бұрын
I feel like cold approaching helps you improve your mouthpiece
@Chris-xt1ik 2 жыл бұрын
Approaching women isn’t about proving to yourself that you’re confident lol if you’re truly confident then you’re gonna go after what you want, it’s simple. You see something you like & then you go for it, you don’t wait for “choosing signals” which in my opinion is foolish,’s also not a thirsty or desperate act, what makes it thirsty & desperate is how you go about it, how does it look thirsty when you see someone approaching? Lots of dudes over complicate this very simple thing..truly confident people aren’t worried about looking confident either so they don’t care how they look to other people, they just do what they wanna do & if anything that is actually more attractive…& waiting on choosing signals isn’t guaranteed to get you high interest chicks & as a matter of fact if you wait for them to choose, they might be chicks that you’re not even attracted you’re at the mercy of whatever comes to you which you might not even also, why do you even give a f about giving women validation and ego boosts by approaching them lmao
@kylemurray8994 2 жыл бұрын
Real men ( Kings ) don’t approach peasants ( women ) alphas get chose, betas do the choosing 🔥
@Chris-xt1ik 2 жыл бұрын
@@kylemurray8994 Actually real men do approach women because real men go after what it is they want.
@logicbomb8977 Жыл бұрын
@@kylemurray8994 how many women have you been with ?
@kylemurray8994 Жыл бұрын
@@logicbomb8977 Lost count. I’m definitely 100+
@Haddonfield63 Жыл бұрын
@@kylemurray8994 they left you alone after that response didn’t they? Guess they thought you was one of those lames that jus be talkin on the internet lol
@JUNEBUGG99835 2 жыл бұрын
Not all of us get choosing signals like that
@Haddonfield63 Жыл бұрын
Work on yourself
@jaybartok1362 Жыл бұрын
I do think for the women who are extremely beautiful and are narcissist to them it makes you look thirsty. Because they just think “ omg another thirsty guy is trying to get w me”. Then she tells her friends about how she rejected another guy to boost her ego.
@thenewjord50 11 ай бұрын
I never understand why rejection is an ego boost and years down the line she be crying why I'm lonely while everyone else are in a relationship
@lj2official882 Жыл бұрын
Talking to women is fun for me, why wouldn’t I do it if the opportunity presents itself. I swear y’all act like y’all don’t even like women .
@marqariusporter2956 Жыл бұрын
I agree if a woman has any interest in you she would show some sort of choosing signal. If not then naw 👍🏾 I don’t believe in cold approaching either unless you just really digging a female and you just can’t help yourself but yea I agree she should show some sign of interest in you or it’ll most likely go nowhere
@Zion504HD 2 жыл бұрын
Most of the time if she want u she gonna look at u a certain way . If she don’t look in my eyes I don’t approach. Every time I cold approach a female dats not lookin at me I barely got em. If she want u she’ll look, but I’m a lil above average when it come to looks everyone is different
@lyuboserafimov 2 жыл бұрын
Word brother. There are literally hundreds of other things you can do to better yourself instead of cold approaching. And they women will actually come to you.
@rickyticky3350 Жыл бұрын
Well you if you go out 2 times a day then it's not bad. It's better then staying home and Jack off. Other days you can always use it to build yourself and continue with hobbies etc. In the end you ain't losing anything your actually growing emotionally
@jah96 Жыл бұрын
I thought there was just something wrong with me asking myself "why" I didn't want to approach women after cold approaching and taking L's, cuz I jus felt like was wasting my time and turns out I was right, instead of proving myself time and time agn, I need to actually do sum different
@tracer073 9 ай бұрын
How is that working out for you? You have to approach cause they ain’t gonna come to you?
@jah96 9 ай бұрын
@tracer073 it's possible. I'm not worried on women now though that was such a stupid thing to be chasing in the past... become successful and they will flock to you
@tracer073 9 ай бұрын
@@jah96 it sounds good but that’s the worst advice ever, that’s just an excuse to not go out there and put in the work. who said you can’t do both you gonna sit behind a computer or desk till your 30 something, while missing out on valuable lessons and expirences
@rkh3391 3 ай бұрын
Hey guys what advice can you give to someone who doesn't have much of a social circle or a lot of friends?
@SRK6IX 2 жыл бұрын
Dealing with women you had to cold approach is an uphill battle I don't feel like fighting. It can work, but I'm not about to be constantly walking up to random women providing them with free attention, validation, and satisfaction for the 50/50 chance at getting some ass 😂 If a women doesn't have genuine interest it doesn't matter how much game you got lmao so if she ain't sending signals...I could care less
@outkastkidd 2 жыл бұрын
Facts !
@Chris-xt1ik 2 жыл бұрын
why do you care about giving women those things you mentioned ? you seem to be over complicating it.
@SRK6IX 2 жыл бұрын
@@Chris-xt1ik The fact you even have to ask that tells me you're clueless, no offense. At this point I don't care to explain obvious shit especially over the internet to someone I don't even know. Watch more red pill content and hopefully you'll figure it out one day 💯
@kfreedom470 2 жыл бұрын
Facts, I done it and sometimes I get numbers but yeah this shit is energy draining. As a guy you are literally just boosting their ego more. That's why I limit it now when I feel like it, especially if I see the signals. Others than that I'm not playing that game anymore, it's not worth the energy in this current society. This is the blackpill
@SRK6IX 2 жыл бұрын
@@kfreedom470 It really isn't worth the energy and effort. A lot of these women don't even appreciate a man moving like that because they expect it. That's a different level of arrogance right there, I don't care to contribute to that mindset anymore. There's enough men doing that shit, with nothing of real value to show for it 💯
@saah9 Жыл бұрын
all FAX
@felinhail7518 2 жыл бұрын
Why does this man not come up first when I look stuff up about talkin to girls he def can pull but it’s always some guy talking bout how to pull who definitely doesn’t pull
@Infamous1892 2 жыл бұрын
Cold approaching works. You just got weak game.
@pimpdoggydogg8670 2 жыл бұрын
@JohnBeezy3 2 жыл бұрын
Cold approach always works…if you are going after nasty chicks. The more attractive a woman is, the less likely it is to work. So don’t act like you are batting 1000% with cold approach.
@pimpdoggydogg8670 2 жыл бұрын
@@JohnBeezy3 Lmao this is cope. You don't have enough game to pull a baddie so u shit on others
@bigslime2235 2 жыл бұрын
@@JohnBeezy3 tired of losers like you complaining 🤦🏾‍♂️
@Infamous1892 2 жыл бұрын
@@JohnBeezy3 That's an excuse you tell yourself because you're too scared to approach woman. So you say only low class nasty women like cold approaches. The fact is, every woman loves a cold approach if the man is her type, smooth, and has balls. You lack those things.
@hismajesty2036 2 жыл бұрын
Bro, in the words of "The Saint and the Sinner".........."I dont wait on a chick to give me choosing signals, I will WALK UP ON A BYTCH". The cold approach is the only way to maximize your chance of getting women...if you wait on choosing signals, you are waiting on sh!t that may never come...or it comes so rare that you might as well approach the bytch.
@JesusChrist5000 2 жыл бұрын
true, and once you approach her, maybe it is then that she will will give you choosing signals, and the cold approach may be the only way for you to stand out among the vast majority of men who are afraid of the cold approach
@SuperMurray2009 Жыл бұрын
Nah cold approach is lame
@hismajesty2036 Жыл бұрын
@@SuperMurray2009 it is lame to dudes who are afraid to do it. Just like skydiving is lame to mofos who are scared to do it lol
@JohnnyWalkerBlack142 Жыл бұрын
You don’t need choosing signals bro. Attraction can be created, it doesn’t always need to be there at first glance
@sharifs649 Жыл бұрын
Attraction can't be created fam
@JohnnyWalkerBlack142 Жыл бұрын
@D&B Well it worked before so 🤷🏽‍♂️
@sahajkohli4305 Жыл бұрын
Choosing singles is bs and such a joke, it’s like depending on the lottery to get money instead of actually chasing after it
@6riannn 2 жыл бұрын
7:52 Bro went from alll Around THe W0rld to 7:54 ALL AROUND THE WORLDDDDD 😵😵😵😵
@IfitFitYourMilligrams 2 жыл бұрын
If she is an insecure women then she will find confidence attractive and insecure women most of time date guys lower then her. Game will get you girls for sure.
@orfan0s481 Жыл бұрын
Fucking facts
@Raresstanciu1 Жыл бұрын
thoughts on coach kyle?
@rickyticky3350 Жыл бұрын
He is desperate as fuck
@TheLastOutlaw289 Жыл бұрын
“If you pose with the right clothes, you gone get chose with your mouth closed”
@peterken5811 10 ай бұрын
I like to approach women not to prove I am confident. I like to approach because I like to approach😂
@jayy6227 2 жыл бұрын
This whole waiting for choosing signals makes no sense. Why would you wait for women to give you choosing signals when some women aren’t going to even notice you just because they didn’t see you. And even then there’s women who are interested in you but they still won’t give you choosing signals because they’re afraid of looking a certain way or afraid of what you might think even if they’re interested in you Waiting for choosing signals is like a salesman trying to sell a product but not marketing it and just waiting for people to ask him if he’s selling a product and then he follows through… that makes no sense and that salesman is not going to make much sales because he’s just waiting around instead of taking action Sense when is it weak or beta to go after what you want??? It’s exactly the opposite If your too timid to go after what you want that’s actually weak and beta because your giving in to your fears or whatever it is that’s stopping you from taking action Y’all dudes make no sense Approaching women does not make you look desperate or thirsty. What makes you desperate or thirsty is if you keep trying to pursue a women who has rejected you and/or made it clear that she’s not interested in you
@user-gd4qv5fp5v Жыл бұрын
@mharrtj6350 Жыл бұрын
I never gave a fuck about talking to girls and they were not on my priority list as I always chase the bag and purpose. But I realised a lot of girls are giving me choosing signals. Due to no experience and approach anxiety I missed out on these hot girls. As a lesson, I made myself get out of my bed and go to the malls, and look for the best the hottest of the girls I have ever seen. And guess what I saw her. The fear kicked in, I took 2 steps towards and her and 5 steps backwards. I wanted to leave and run and just as I did that, I felt a pain in my heart because I was repeating the same thing I did when the other hot girls were giving me choosing signals and wanted me to approach but I never did. So going back was no option. I gathered the courage and confidence and for the first time cold approached the most gorgeous girl I have ever seen. Hot, young, blue eyes, red jacket, brown gold hairs, pink skin colour. The cold approach went like it always does, I said excuse me what’s your name? She said why as she was caught offgaurd. I said I wanted to get to know you better, but she said no thanks. I politely left. I faced on of my biggest fears, even tho I took a hit on my unshakable self esteem and confidence which made and will make so many hot girls give me signals, I had to do this to gain the confidence and experience by facing this fear to approach the next hot girl that gives me signals. Now that I know I had the balls to cold approach a unique hot girl in the shop, that you don’t see everyday. I can approach the same chick but who is giving me choosing signals easily. So it was more about me trying to back off but still making myself do it than getting the girls number. Even tho if she did give it to me if would be amazing but as a first time approaching a girl ever and cold aswell, it was certainly gonna be a failure. I don’t plan to cold approach ever again but this one time will be enough to push me to approach the girls who like me. I don’t regret approaching this hot chick but I do regret not approaching the girls who liked me and wanted me to approach and now I have face the fear on the extreme level and will approach the girl who likes me.
@jaybartok1362 Жыл бұрын
Exactly this. But I do think for the women who are extremely beautiful and are narcissist to them it makes you look thirsty. Because they just think “ omg another thirsty guy is trying to get w me”. Then she tells her friends about how she rejected another guy to boost her ego.
@joselulo810 2 жыл бұрын
Is cold approaching a thing by text?
@josefarrington 2 жыл бұрын
No, because if you go direct on a woman by text, she will not notice many physical cues that she will notice in person(body language, communication skills, voice tonality, etc). Also, women are exponential more likely to reply to a physical cold approach than a "text cold approach"
@StaaaaNzHD 2 жыл бұрын
I don’t agree bro, cold approaching can improve social confidence and reduce social anxiety. Forget about getting girls and results.
@mharrtj6350 Жыл бұрын
I never gave a fuck about talking to girls and they were not on my priority list as I always chase the bag and purpose. But I realised a lot of girls are giving me choosing signals. Due to no experience and approach anxiety I missed out on these hot girls. As a lesson, I made myself get out of my bed and go to the malls, and look for the best the hottest of the girls I have ever seen. And guess what I saw her. The fear kicked in, I took 2 steps towards and her and 5 steps backwards. I wanted to leave and run and just as I did that, I felt a pain in my heart because I was repeating the same thing I did when the other hot girls were giving me choosing signals and wanted me to approach but I never did. So going back was no option. I gathered the courage and confidence and for the first time cold approached the most gorgeous girl I have ever seen. Hot, young, blue eyes, red jacket, brown gold hairs, pink skin colour. The cold approach went like it always does, I said excuse me what’s your name? She said why as she was caught offgaurd. I said I wanted to get to know you better, but she said no thanks. I politely left. I faced on of my biggest fears, even tho I took a hit on my unshakable self esteem and confidence which made and will make so many hot girls give me signals, I had to do this to gain the confidence and experience by facing this fear to approach the next hot girl that gives me signals. Now that I know I had the balls to cold approach a unique hot girl in the shop, that you don’t see everyday. I can approach the same chick but who is giving me choosing signals easily. So it was more about me trying to back off but still making myself do it than getting the girls number. Even tho if she did give it to me if would be amazing but as a first time approaching a girl ever and cold aswell, it was certainly gonna be a failure. I don’t plan to cold approach ever again but this one time will be enough to push me to approach the girls who like me. I don’t regret approaching this hot chick but I do regret not approaching the girls who liked me and wanted me to approach and now I have face the fear on the extreme level and will approach the girl who likes me.
@maddgun 10 ай бұрын
Dude, very very few men cold approach these days. It's almost not a thing anymore
@clayliving Жыл бұрын
Cold approaching DOES work... IF I got my wing-bros with me. Lol
@Jamesjones-fl8gq 2 жыл бұрын
If you young and struggle talking to these females then you should if you don’t care
@mharrtj6350 Жыл бұрын
I never gave a fuck about talking to girls and they were not on my priority list as I always chase the bag and purpose. But I realised a lot of girls are giving me choosing signals. Due to no experience and approach anxiety I missed out on these hot girls. As a lesson, I made myself get out of my bed and go to the malls, and look for the best the hottest of the girls I have ever seen. And guess what I saw her. The fear kicked in, I took 2 steps towards and her and 5 steps backwards. I wanted to leave and run and just as I did that, I felt a pain in my heart because I was repeating the same thing I did when the other hot girls were giving me choosing signals and wanted me to approach but I never did. So going back was no option. I gathered the courage and confidence and for the first time cold approached the most gorgeous girl I have ever seen. Hot, young, blue eyes, red jacket, brown gold hairs, pink skin colour. The cold approach went like it always does, I said excuse me what’s your name? She said why as she was caught offgaurd. I said I wanted to get to know you better, but she said no thanks. I politely left. I faced on of my biggest fears, even tho I took a hit on my unshakable self esteem and confidence which made and will make so many hot girls give me signals, I had to do this to gain the confidence and experience by facing this fear to approach the next hot girl that gives me signals. Now that I know I had the balls to cold approach a unique hot girl in the shop, that you don’t see everyday. I can approach the same chick but who is giving me choosing signals easily. So it was more about me trying to back off but still making myself do it than getting the girls number. Even tho if she did give it to me if would be amazing but as a first time approaching a girl ever and cold aswell, it was certainly gonna be a failure. I don’t plan to cold approach ever again but this one time will be enough to push me to approach the girls who like me. I don’t regret approaching this hot chick but I do regret not approaching the girls who liked me and wanted me to approach and now I have face the fear on the extreme level and will approach the girl who likes me.
@greenwhite8133 23 күн бұрын
I don't think so brother. Passive Waiting is not someting for a real MAN at all. If i do approch a Women, i dont care at all if she likes me or rejects me. Do you know why? Because I AM A MAN. I am a HUNTER. It does not matter what her reaction is, she has not the power to have an impact on me. Through cold approching I was in a realtionship for 5 years with my ex grilfried. This shit does work. But it is more important, what you noverbally comunicate to the women after approaching. If you show weakness, you have already lost. If you subcomunicate Power, things will change dramaticaly.
@zachpierson3168 2 жыл бұрын
Cold approach just seems like so much unnecessary work. Sure you can go out and approach 10 women to maybe get 1 or 2 numbers. But you could swipe through 10 women on Tinder in a fraction of that time. Think of the amount of time saved to instead be on your purpose? Obviously I'm not saying don't talk to girls but cold approach just isn't for me.
@calenwill1792 2 жыл бұрын
imo, I think Approaching in person is better than just swiping on tinder. Sure you can go through 10 women faster than you could in person, but I think it's important to not rely on an app and actually be social. Not to say tinder does not work because it can, but I just like the idea of being in person more. People see more of your personality based off how you express yourself more in pe4rson than on an app.
@yesyes7270 2 жыл бұрын
Idk bro, I feel like cold approaching works for me a lot better than tinder. Yeah tinder works for some people but they kinda have to be attractive you know? I haven't really gotten a single message from a girl on that thing and I've been using it for months. With cold approach I actually get results, because I feel like you just skip the line ahead of the 100 males trying to text her online and just talk to her and shoot your shot. Works for me. But trick is, you dont just say "I think you're hot", you take the awkward out of it and say for example approaching a random girl walking up on the street, "hey, I know this may seem a little forward but, I just saw you walking up the street as I was walking down over there, and I had to come over to say hello and tell you how nice you looked". They love the compliment, and you don't seem much as a creep you know? And let's be real, most men who get 1 number every 10 swipes would be ecstatic. Cold approaching means, you get to pick your standards as well. And honestly, who gives af about what other people think right? What, your good friends are gonna either, tease you a little bit, or cheer you on, and it's even fun to do with friends bro. But back to the fact that you said you value your time, well I kinda just do it if im going shopping or going to the movies or something like that.
@lj2official882 Жыл бұрын
It’s easy work tbh
@SuperMurray2009 Жыл бұрын
Nah cold approach is lame
@adrianchico8886 5 ай бұрын
I personally wouldn’t cold approach a girl out of the blue if she has not given me any sort of indication of interest I’m against the cold approach why go up to someone if they have not given you any sort of choosing signals what’s the point ???
@grindordie3336 Жыл бұрын
Doing your approaches is a key to life.
@julio1982 Жыл бұрын
Cold approaching is the best way to generate leads for sex. Period
@Jthriller350 Жыл бұрын
i’m from ny wtf is cold approaching no such things over here
@Axman2024 Жыл бұрын
I know one thing for sure...NY women are hard-core and stone faced. So cold approaching is basically something you don't wanna do. The only ones that give choosing signals are the fugly one that no men want.
@sipagain 2 жыл бұрын
low key
@versatileduplicity9313 2 жыл бұрын
No you’re beta
@jamesgonzalez9782 Жыл бұрын
Doesn’t matter Lmaoo
@glorybekwe1586 Жыл бұрын
Bro doesn’t just talk about how to get girls he also teaches us how to be better men ❤️🫂
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