comedians are annoying

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6 ай бұрын

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@mitcharendt2253 6 ай бұрын
I think there's this lingering sense of importance in comics because in the 50's a handful of them were jailed or blacklisted for truth telling
@thebigcapitalism9826 6 ай бұрын
But so were a bunch of other types of artists.
@joonamato 6 ай бұрын
I think it's partly because in this day an age you can get a fanbase on social media. You can get so much support and fans for just some of the worst stuff. Then when you get a special on Netflix and get bad reviews and backlash you have a choir of assholes online defending you like their saint. I think people start believing their own bullshit.
@erraticonteuse 5 ай бұрын
Yeah, but the truth they were telling was just basic stuff about having a sex life or just swearing like a normal person on stage. It wasn't like they were jailed for their political views.
@Aelffwynn 3 ай бұрын
​@erraticonteuse that WAS a political thing at the time. First amendment? McCarthyism? Hello? I agree with what he's saying because some comedians are WAY too self-important and defensive now. But it was a political thing back then for all kinds of artists.
@JimmyNuisance Ай бұрын
@@Aelffwynn Comedians weren't first on the stage though. Comedians came sauntering through the door decades after political activists, independent film makers and musicians. Bob Dylan was writing songs that cut deep waaaaaaay before stand-up type comedy was even a thing. Comedians comment on society once you can comment without being booed off stage by normies. Tardy to the party. It's why all the jokes told today were written by 15 year olds on 4chan a decade ago. Comedians are lagging behind online trolls.. And their punchlines aren't as good either. Comedy has never been in a crappier place than right now. It's mostly just whining.. It's like the late 80s when rock and metal shifted SHARPLY because rock and metal had become a parody of itself.. It was mostly just bands singing about being bands and stars and celebrities and how much they party... Absolute trash tier music. We're seeing the same thing with comedy now. Bunch of crybabies crying about how hard it is to be a comedian. ABSOLUTE TRASH TIER COMEDY. Comedy today is mostly self absorbed losers putting an end to stand up as we know it. In 5 years time, stand up will either be very different or completely gone. Stand up is boomer shit and it seems unable to follow the times because most comedians today are weird conservative freaks just throwing tantrums.
@feebtubereal 6 ай бұрын
Norm MacDonald has an iconic bit about this. "When Vietnam was going on, nobody asked 'what does Red Skelton think about this one?' Now people are saying 'comedians are the modern day philosophers'. It makes me feel bad for, you know, modern day philosophers. Don't they still exist?"
@0Fyrebrand0 6 ай бұрын
I wonder what Dave Chappelle thinks about transgender issues. I bet he's an expert on the subject, maybe he'll tell us.
@haileybalmer9722 6 ай бұрын
Chill Goblin talks about this story about an edgy comedian. This guy went to a town he hadn’t been in before, and his friend told him, hey, don’t tell that one joke. It’s not going to go over well there. So of course Mr. Edgy told the joke, and then proudly said no one laughed for the rest of the night. And Chill Goblin asks: why would you brag about that? If your job, your goal, your dream in this life is to make people laugh, why would you brag about telling a joke so bad you ruined everyone’s evening?
@0Fyrebrand0 6 ай бұрын
For some of them, the goal is no longer really about comedy. The goal is to go on podcasts and gripe about how they got cancelled by the woke mob and "you can't tell a joke these days without somebody getting offended." Wind up talking to Joe Rogan about how George Soros controls everything and how everyone who got vaccinated is dropping dead now.
@JimmyNuisance Ай бұрын
"Hey bro, don't do the crazy jazz song you always do.. this is a children's birthday party, do clown stuff." * Hires a polish free jazz ensamble * * bad sounds * That'll teach'em to expect entertainment, lousy little rascals!
@LimeyLassen 6 ай бұрын
The comedian is offended that the audience is offended because their joke wasn't actually a joke.
@waffling0 6 ай бұрын
there was a comedian who came to my town last year and was the MC for a night of comedy here. he started the show an hour late, so the audience was already prickly, but then he went on to tell transphobic, alt-right jokes all night and got angry when the crowd wasn't into it. like, dude, you can't blame the audience for your own bad jokes lmao.
@the_glitter_is 6 ай бұрын
Was his name Dave Chappelle or Ricky Gervais?
@Xara_K1 6 ай бұрын
​​@the_glitter_is What's hilarious to me is that fans of those two insist that they have the right to freedom of speech, but somehow those critiquing the comedian don't have that right to freedom of speech simply because they disagree with their fave comedian 😂. Apparently freedom of speech is only for the comedians and those who agree with the comedians... which is literally not freedom of speech
@DaL33T5 6 ай бұрын
@@Xara_K1 Yeah, it's this weird, egocentric, one-way (per)version of freedom of speech. Although, as luck would have it, we actually have a word for this manner of thinking: *narcissism.*
@botanicalitus4194 6 ай бұрын
Real truth tellers aren't afraid of criticism. They dont cry about being "cancelled" because some people on twitter insulted them. A lot of comedians today are not truth tellers, they are divas with a god complex
@chisomo8088 6 ай бұрын
Dave Chappell is a real one then
@NoYoutubeName1 6 ай бұрын
You don’t even hear about most of the censored truth tellers, because they get banned from platforms by power-hungry psychos who can’t handle a different opinion… you won’t hear them “crying about being cancelled” as you put it, because they’re permabanned on places like Reddit for just telling a couple of truths that an a’hole mod didn’t like reading… you don’t hear about those censored voices because most of them don’t have the fame that studios can capitalize off. But don’t get it twisted, the famous comedians who speak the truth are very important and they actually have balls, considering the amount of psychos who can’t handle words and get violent over them. Chris Rock got slapped by unhinged Will Simp. Dave Chappelle had some insane wokie tackled him on stage and tried to use a gun-knife on him ffs. Most people (including famous ones) don’t have a security team who are that ready to throw down like that, lucky for Dave, he did. But pussies like that who can’t handle words, especially from a comedian, they are the despicable ones, and they are obviously a threat to free speech, which is very important.
@NoYoutubeName1 6 ай бұрын
You don’t even hear about most of the censored truth tellers, because they get banned from platforms by power-hungry psychos who can’t handle a different opinion… you won’t hear them “crying about being cancelled” as you put it, because they’re permabanned on places like Reddit for just telling a couple of truths that an a’hole mod didn’t like reading… you don’t hear about those censored voices because most of them don’t have the fame that studios can capitalize off. But don’t get it twisted, the famous comedians who speak the truth are very important and they actually have balls, considering the amount of psychos who can’t handle words and get violent over them. Chris Rock got slapped by unhinged Will Simp. Dave Chappelle had some insane wokie tackled him on stage and tried to use a gun-knife on him ffs. Most people (including famous ones) don’t have a security team who are that ready to throw down like that, lucky for Dave, he did. But pu$$ees like that who can’t handle words, especially from a comedian, they are the despicable ones, and they are obviously a threat to free speech, which is very important.
@0Fyrebrand0 6 ай бұрын
*Comedians:* "I hold up a mirror to society, and show them the dark truths they're not ready to face. If you're offended, that just means I'm doing a good job." *Also Comedians:* "Why is nobody laughing at my racist and bigoted rant? Don't they know these are just silly jokes for fun? Why so serious?"
@aawlex2323 6 ай бұрын
They also don't seem to recognize that having a catchy joke sometimes normalizes things that shouldn't be normalized because it's harmful.
@AM-tl1xi 6 ай бұрын
Every time an “edgy” comedian makes an edgy joke, gets flack, becomes defensive, reuses the usual arguments I just rewatch James Acaster Edgy comedian bit.
@IngusMalingus 6 ай бұрын
That's because most comedians wish they were George Carlin.
@ShootinMyWayOut 6 ай бұрын
Though I do find it to be that case with some comics, I actually find the fanbases worse offenders of this. I hear the audience refer to comedians as truthtellers and philosophers more than many comedians themselves tbh. People take a basis of truth for the joke and ignore the exaggeration for the sake of the joke, then call the joke "facts," "so true," "he is speaking the truth," when they really don't understand what made the joke funny. Because it isn't it being true.
@lordjustinian2913 6 ай бұрын
I think the problem is basically one guy, his name George Carlin, for the time he actually did do well and interspersed comedy with politics in quite a good way. He was a great comedian, but now every George, John And Becky basically think they are exactly the same. When George always punched up at people, it was the government who were the butt of the joke, the rich were often the butt of the joke, Christians were often the butt of the joke and when gay people were mentioned it was a part of a joke but to use an example, "Do you know who has less abortions, homosexuals, you'd think these people make natural allies but don't look for consistencies in religion." The bit before that is basically "The sanctity of life and so the joke is targeted at Pro Life Christian types.
@erraticonteuse 5 ай бұрын
I always remember this one interview of George Carlin's I saw once where somebody asked him what he thought about Native American groups trying to get sports teams' names changed, and he answered, "As a member of the colonizer class, it's not my place to have an opinion on that." He was woke before woke was a thing.
@quadling3521 6 ай бұрын
It was weird watching Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee and seeing how the comedians talking to Jerry all really seemed to buy into the idea that they were some special breed of person. Like being funny was something only comedians were and that when you are funny it’s central to your personality.
@themaggattack 6 ай бұрын
UGH. That show was insufferable! Just mr. big man Seinfeld being a smug, rich, rude, show-off and and almost every guest trying to kiss his ass and match his twatty energy! 🤮
@GynxShinx 6 ай бұрын
I think it can be valuable to smuggle philosophical meaning into your art, whatever the medium, but comedians might be the worst at just being normal about it.
@KindlyKell 6 ай бұрын
Yeah, dunno why so many take themselves so seriously. You'd think someone who makes jokes for a living would be closer to earth.
@yaj280 6 ай бұрын
I've been thinking this for quite a while. I was asking myself if maybe I have no sense of humor because I don't like hearing insults. A comedian this doesn't apply to is Jim Gadffigan. He's way funnier than you'd expect, and considered a "clean" comic, but he just doesn't swear, he still goes to some weird funny places in his sets though.
@muamua101 6 ай бұрын
Comedians are Capitalists cosplaying philosophers.
@morgansubtilis6852 6 ай бұрын
To tell jokes that a lot of people laugh at, you have to have your finger on the pulse of the culture's zeitgeist. To do that tells us where we are. Truly excellent comedians resonate with where we are AND where we want to go. Comedians who complain that "no one can take a joke" are mad that where they want to go, a lot of people find off-putting. They don't understand their job if they think they get to pull people where they don't want to go.
@dreambrush7251 6 ай бұрын
I'm more surprised at the fact that they do this for a living, which means they dealt with offended people before, but only now when cancel culture is hot they complain about it?
@NoYoutubeName1 6 ай бұрын
Do you have the memory of a goldfish or are you just being disingenuous 😠 You don’t even hear about most of the censored truth tellers, because they get banned from platforms by power-hungry psychos who can’t handle a different opinion… you won’t hear them “crying about being cancelled” as you put it, because they’re permabanned on places like Reddit for just telling a couple of truths that an a’hole mod didn’t like reading… you don’t hear about those censored voices because most of them don’t have the fame that studios can capitalize off. But don’t get it twisted, the famous comedians who speak the truth are very important and they actually have balls, considering the amount of psychos who can’t handle words and get violent over them. Chris Rock got slapped by unhinged Will Simp. Dave Chappelle had some insane wokie tackled him on stage and tried to use a gun-knife on him ffs. Most people (including famous ones) don’t have a security team who are that ready to throw down like that, lucky for Dave, he did. But pu$$ees like that who can’t handle words, especially from a comedian, they are the despicable ones, and they are obviously a threat to free speech, which is very important.
@robyee3325 6 ай бұрын
If someone gets offended it means the comedian wasnt funny and the joke sucks. I’ve laughed at shit I knew I shouldn’t have laughed at because the comedian told a great joke. What we have here is shitty comedians hiding behind their fans and pretty much bullying you into liking them “if you dont laugh at my jokes then you are a snowflake” if people weren’t such cowards then these people wouldn’t be successful. We’d vote with our dollar and these guys wouldn’t get popular
@willowarkan2263 6 ай бұрын
Sometimes I wonder how many of them grew up watching jon Stewart and forgot all the other stuff he did outside telling jokes.
@brianaiitken 6 ай бұрын
its like intentionally crashing a car and then complaining that the person you hit is upset
@Xylus. 2 ай бұрын
"People say 'comedians are the modern day philosopher', which always makes me feel sad for actual modern day philosophers, which exist you know?" -Norm Macdonald
@mrfoozy47 6 ай бұрын
Some of my favorite comedians currently have been on record in the past as saying more or less “Anyone who thinks that our job is important is fucking stupid. We’re not philosophers, we’re clowns” and I think that’s the correct and humble attitude to have. It’s also easier to be funny when you aren’t self righteous so it helps😊
@aeloswindrunner 6 ай бұрын
There's something that seems to be lost in the discussion of free speech alongside this kind of edgy comedian chat. I've never heard anyone explain why it's so important to offend people. We teach our kids to not be rude, why does this change as an adult?
@T1J 6 ай бұрын
People take themselves too seriously. The charitable version of this argument is the fact that many important truths have been 'offensive' by historical standards. MLK Jr. was "offensive" to mainstream society during his time. The feminists movement has been 'offensive' to a patriarchal society. sometimes the truth is offensive, but people foolishly take it to mean that something being offensive somehow makes it more truthful.
@aeloswindrunner 6 ай бұрын
@@T1J makes sense, people make a logical leap. Truth has been offensive, truth is good, therefore offense is also good
@DrThemoWorm 6 ай бұрын
I feel a little wary of comedians who think they're edgy when they take swipes at people who they know can't ultimately hurt their career. That's why they're fine with joking at the expense of trans folks, for example, and not the people who are or could potentially be cutting their paychecks.
@dkant4511 6 ай бұрын
​@@aeloswindrunner speaking of Aristotle I like what you did there 😂 nice syllogism
@eleoptera 6 ай бұрын
This came up right after a Ricky Gervais short, perfect timing 😂
@kiracarver988 Ай бұрын
A great way to sum it up. "You're not Aristotle, you're a court jester".
@guyofminimalimportance7 6 ай бұрын
The problem is that every comedian thinks they're going to be the next George Carlin.
@rnelson1415 6 ай бұрын
They take themselves too seriously and use comedy as a shield to deflect any accusations of hateful behavior
@Lwhale.3797 6 ай бұрын
George Carlin, Mel Brooks and Richard Pryor all told offensive jokes that took the piss out of powerful people and implicitly at rigid hierarchal structures, and didn’t react all butthurt when people got mad.
@GenerallDRK 6 ай бұрын
The people who label themselves as "truth tellers" Usually aren't. Real truth tellers have been bodied by society harshly throughout the ages, not canceled on twitter because they made edgy humor 😂.
@MJubecki1984 4 ай бұрын
Man you put that so perfectly. I ave been thinking about this for a while now and you just nailed it. Thank you.
@wolfgar45 6 ай бұрын
It's an evolving art form that becomes difficult to master over time and it's becoming easier and easier to fail at.
@andrewklang809 6 ай бұрын
"I tell jokes that offend because people need to open their eyes and...realize that it's not really a big deal. I mean...we SHOULD be allowed to make fun of each other. To...just say whatever we want. Making fun of people, offending them, hurting them, making others realize that other people should be mocked and made to feel bad, without having to bother with their FEELINGS. That's OK. No one gets hurt by that. I, a famous comedian and financially well-off white guy, who's definitely not gay, have never really been hurt by that, so that should go for everyone, right? What's wrong with white guys making other people feel bad? We should just let guys like me do that. The world was better when guys like me could just do that. We should go back to when guys like me could just do that and no one questioned it. You know what guys like me who hurt other people used to be called? Truth Tellers." (Laughs annoyingly)
@andybearchan 6 ай бұрын
One of my favorite jokes is 2200 years old. It is pretty offensive. Praxagora is an educated 3rd son. He is very idealistic. Praxagora: I want all to have a share of everything and all property to be in common; there will no longer be either rich or poor; [...] I shall begin by making land, money, everything that is private property, common to all. [...] Blepyrus: But who will till the soil? Praxagora: The slaves.
@harenmelan 6 ай бұрын
They can tell truth, but there are those who see it as a reason to be responsible
@xosko2578 2 ай бұрын
They're schrodinger's comedians. They want to be taken seriously, until we take them seriously and then They're like "it's a joke"
@mollygrace3068 6 ай бұрын
In History of the World Part 1, Mel brooks played a “stand up philosopher” in the Roman Empire. It was funny.
@erraticonteuse 5 ай бұрын
To quote William Shakespeare, "A jest's prosperity lies in the ear of him that hears it, not in the tongue of him that says it." Or as John Cleese once said, "If people don't laugh, it's not funny."
@DichotomousRex 6 ай бұрын
That's exactly how Shane Gillis responded, actually. Made me respect him.
@robbieortsak6486 3 ай бұрын
I mostly agree with what is being said in this clip, but the thing is "relax, it's just a joke" goes both ways too.
@rainwhater 6 ай бұрын
I agree. I have no idea when stand up became less about being funny and more about speaking truth to power. The greatest comedians of all time often spoke truth to power, but focused on being funny first. It's really that simple. People get offended when you're less funny than you are offensive.
@thegmanofEAP 6 ай бұрын
Comedians are far too often both a$$holes and cowards. You can't be both in the public eye. Either have a IDGAF attitude 100% or don't. But don't buckle when criticized
@ellanina801 2 ай бұрын
I love comedy… my problem is when all the jokes are hyper-sexualized, and men tend to do it in such a way that is objectifying and sorta degrading. I give grace because its a natural human thing, and like sure throw it in there… but many comics tend to stick on that end of things. It gets boring.
@tbam73 6 ай бұрын
Welp, someone finally said it
@Oncopoda 4 ай бұрын
The kicker is that TECHNICALLY you can be offensive and funny, but the more offensive the joke, the funnier it has to be to elicit a laugh. If you go too far down the offensive rabbit hole, you're probably not gonna get a laugh. And that's literally your own fault.
@quadling3521 6 ай бұрын
YES it’s like, when so much of the humour is the audacity of being offensive and controversial and then it turns out that they actually don’t have the audacity and can’t hack being questioned or people saying they didn’t like it.
@RyanStorey1231 6 ай бұрын
That's why I could never stand Dave Chapelle. He just always had this "I'm the second coming of Aristotle" or "I'm the only voice of reason" aura to him that I just found very arrogant. And that's especially more apparent nowadays where he steps beyond his usual scope of race in his comedy and talks about stuff that he just has no understanding of. And yet he thinks he does.
@pikXpixelart 2 ай бұрын
FINALLY SOMEONE ELSE WHO SAYS THIS! I agree with all of your points in this video. I think the self-righteousness atmosphere of most comedy is also counterintuitive to well…telling jokes….
@donaldsmith5667 Ай бұрын
some comedians are also lazy, which is why they get pissed off when they can’t do the same routine for 30 years.
@LordFrakula 6 ай бұрын
There's actually good comedians out there. There's a very simple rule for figuring it out. Do they spend more time telling jokes, or do they complain that they can't tell jokes anymore? Because the people in the latter category are really just expressing political and social opinions under the pretense of comedy. The former group is actually doing comedy.
@ironman1458 2 ай бұрын
Completely agree
@thecrispymaster 6 ай бұрын
I feel like it depends on the comedian but yeah, edgy comedians who think what they're doing is somehow higher than simple shock humour are very annoying. Some comedians will get spurred on by people getting offended because they want to break down taboos (particularly when they are personal to them), but these often aren't the people who get hurt of smug when people are offended by their jokes. They often understand the line between breaking social norms and just being a dick. Comedy is an art no better or worse than any other, and some people are just better at it than others. To me, edgy shock humour is the comedy equivalent of the jump scare in a horror flick. With skill, careful placement and buildup, they are very effective at provoking the desired reaction. Sloppily and too frequently used and you end up just irritating all but the lowest common denominator of audience members. Edgy comedians are basically those rubbish Conjuring Universe movies is what I'm saying.
@hoagie911 3 ай бұрын
Honestly the most annoying comedians are those who think they have to be the vanguards of social justice. There's nothing less funny than all the judgementalising and cancelling that brings. And you get the sense that 90% of the time they're doing it to fit in. If social mores were different, they'd be proselytising them. I'll take "offensive" comedians over that any day, at least they're not pretending to be some avatar of virtue.
@Seiryu64 6 ай бұрын
This, to me, is a perfect description of a bad comedian. If you're a good comedian, you know that your craft is adaptable and ever-changing. That means you can be offensive...but you know how and when to be offensive. Most importantly, you know what the target of a joke really is...
@chillcastpodcast 6 ай бұрын
Couldn’t have said that better myself ❤❤❤
@Jay_one 6 ай бұрын
Comedians are just too full of themselves to see that the rest of us really don't care about whatever they have to say that much.
@jaamall 6 ай бұрын
I disagree, we put that label on them as truth tellers even when they tend to stretch the truth for the sake of laughs. Its just starting to get to their heads now.
@kaelmic7476 6 ай бұрын
If the joke isnt funny, all you did was saw something hurtful.
@godomohawk 6 ай бұрын
Real comedians openly hate the whole "truth teller" notion- they're first job is to entertain (e.g. see any time jon stewart is called a journalist). Also, I think the main thing good stand-ups get mad about is when they get recorded working on unfinished bits- jokes need to be refined in front of crowds and there should be extra leeway there. Published material is different though- any comedian who gets angry for blowback from published material is a stupid a-hole.
@wisconsinengines Ай бұрын
They are aristotle, he's also annoying af
@fizzle7421 6 ай бұрын
Man, I could write an essay about why I both agree and disagree with this, but I hate doing stuff like that on KZfaq and especially on shorts. Are you talking about Chappelle? And is that supposed to be obvious?
@viridianloom 6 ай бұрын
Wisecrack just put out a video about this called "Comedians: Our New Philosophers?" Worth checking out.
@jolttsp 6 ай бұрын
Agree mostly but disagree a little. A good comedian will put effort into presenting information in new light that is digestable due to its humor. This isnt to say some comedians dont think their farts smell like roses, but it is important to acknowledge that its art like anything else. Some art is Marvel, some is 2001: A Space Odyssey. Both serve a purpose, one strives for a bit more though and i think deserves the credit for doing so
@johnwerner69 13 күн бұрын
I blame Joe Rogan for that
@worldrummer 4 ай бұрын
It seems to be big box white comedians who think this way.
@misterdemocracy3335 6 ай бұрын
T1J out here with the truth bombs.
@pedrogarcia8706 6 ай бұрын
Anthony Jeselnik said the same thing
@GreenEyedDazzler 2 ай бұрын
Dave Chappell and Ricky Gervais
@combogalis 6 ай бұрын
These people are either bad comedians and don't want to admit it, or they just don't want to be comedians. Very few comics can be George Carlin or Richard Pryor. Most would be better off not trying.
@Supersized45 3 ай бұрын
I think it gets to the point of obnoxious when they (comedians) get upset about some of their material, like shouldn't you be prepared for blowback? These types of smug comedians are also pretty resistant to criticism- and kinda stagnate creatively. (Bill Maher comes to mind) A few rules of thumb for offensive comedy from a chuckle yuck (comedy nerd. Term is pending.) 1. The joke has to AT LEAST be as funny as it is offensive. Ideally, though, the joke will be better the funnier it is, so adjust accordingly. 2. Jokes that "bend the rules of polite society" to borrow your verbage work better as thought-provoking material when the joke is written to serve a purpose or illustrate a point about society at large. Just my 2 cents. :3
@zigzagperson 6 ай бұрын
Yes, but also, no Because comedians, like any other person, tell their truths with their jokes. So yes, they should be aware that when they're being offensive people get offended. And definitely they should know that it is *their* truth, and not a message from a god. Just think that understanding that many of them really believe what they say explains why they take it so seriously, and maybe because they make jokes they can't be positive when others aren't laughing cos they disagree, or because the joke just isn't funny. Could see how that would skew a person's perspective
@DrThemoWorm 6 ай бұрын
When comedians feel like they have to be offensive, I ask... offensive to who, exactly? And does it encourage bullying behavior? Ok, you're trying to be ironic for some deeper message, does your audience actually understand that or are they taking it for face value and treating others accordingly? It's easy to say it's just jokes and to not take it seriously when you're not affected by it.
@Native079 6 ай бұрын
No they aren’t truth tellers… but some of them are great at challenging culture
@andolirien 3 ай бұрын
I think a good comedian can offer a fresh perspective on something. But that only comes from them already seeing something in a new way. Otherwise it's just being edgy and or cliche. Just my two cents
@frenchmayonnaise 3 ай бұрын
@GoodKarma11 6 ай бұрын
They actually are truth tellers and have been throughout history. For example think back to the jesters that would ridicule the powers that be and were often the only ones that could so without persecution.
@DaL33T5 6 ай бұрын
That's all well and good, but what are us commoners supposed to do if said jester is laughing WITH the king's latest witch hunt, instead of AT it? Because these days it feels that the Chappelles and Gervais of the world are content to do that.
@erraticonteuse 5 ай бұрын
It's worth noting that the jesters worked for the powerful people they insulted. It was the powerful letting themselves be insulted. If the powerful no longer wanted to be insulted, that jester would no longer have a head, let alone a job.
@TheSquallAce 6 ай бұрын
@3rdeye7thdimension 6 ай бұрын
I mean, they can be both; humor doesn't happen in a vacuum. You can have high minded humor and wit, or tawdry shocking low brow stuff. This feels very broad-strokes, even though it's aimed at a certain kind of comedian that has really been in existence for a couple of decades. You are right though; just like dude who was mocking SniperWolf found out, there are still consequences when you decide to take shots at people. Fuck Around, Find out. She wasn't right to dox him, but that's a risk when you have "offensive" entertainment.
@noomade 6 ай бұрын
what is this from?
@fangerboardin4741 6 ай бұрын
Comedy is art. Whether you consider it a lower form or not. Like in all art there are bad representatives that somehow catch the public eye. I don’t think it’s fair to generalize and bash all comedians in a blanket statement.
@EZ33377 5 ай бұрын
The type of comedian you're talking about are usually the least effective at doing offensive comedy. Ari made a whole career out of just being controversial and offensive and never really being funny.
@tiffanymiller585 6 ай бұрын
Comedians are the joke tellers of society. Some laugh and some get offended and that’s life.
@spacejazz6272 2 ай бұрын
that's what i dont get, if you're going to intentional say offensive things then why act surprised and all wronged when people are offended?? isn't that what you were going for?
@genericboiforalltheworldsjoy 2 ай бұрын
It's a marketing strategy: when they incur backlash, they frame it as "the woke mob" attempting to silence brave dissidents, thus cementing their audience's perception of them as free speech martyrs.
@bobdobalina547 6 ай бұрын
When you don’t have a sense of humour.
@Thomas-qc9xl 6 ай бұрын
"Relax, you're just telling jokes." Relax, you're just hearing jokes.
@InfiniteDeckhand 6 ай бұрын
That's not a rebuttal. Only shows you didn't get the point.
@T1J 6 ай бұрын
i agree
@cassiusdhami9215 6 ай бұрын
😆😅😂🤣 Nice ​@@T1J! 😎
@thenewyearsgrinch 6 ай бұрын
Nah, not necissarily. They're definately 'saying words'. Its up to the audience to decide if they're jokes or not.
@laum5371 6 ай бұрын
An example is this comedian telling a joke about ptsd, and saying that ptsd is not as scary, cause before it was night terrors, and "people did not like that so they change it to ptsd, cause it's less scary" ... thats is joke and people quote as if it was a fact
@DaL33T5 6 ай бұрын
I think that was Carlin, it was about euphemisms. He had a spiel about how first it was "Shell Shock", then it was "Battle Fatigue", then "Operational Exhaustion", and finally "Post Traumatic Stress Disorder", which for some reason Carlin thought understated the severity of the condition.
@laum5371 6 ай бұрын
@@DaL33T5 my bf show me the clip and told me "dont you think that is right? Why to we call it ptsd? And I was like of course there is an explanation for that, but explaining it ruins the joke. You do know that this is a joke, he is not a doctor and is not giving more than opinion? As is supposed. He did not discover a conspiracy"
@mackinblack 6 ай бұрын
Offense can not be given. It can only be taken. Please continue making controversial jokes, comedians!
@XxXgabbO95XxX 6 ай бұрын
Only those you don't agree with 😉
@the_glitter_is 6 ай бұрын
@jehoshualewis2525 6 ай бұрын
So this video was made to let us know what stupid looks like?
@Phont0 6 ай бұрын
Comedy is inherently offensive and there is no such thing as an off limits joke. Make fun of everybody
@daysliveon 6 ай бұрын
Hard disagree. If anything the inherent narcissism lies in the people that think they should just be able to go through their entire lives and never have to see anything that goes against their values in a world with 8 billion other people. Grow up. If you don't like something, just watch something else. It isn't for you, that's fine.
@CheshaGurimu 6 ай бұрын
How come I knew id find a comment just like this missing the point. It never fails.
@daysliveon 6 ай бұрын
@@CheshaGurimu No, I got the point. I just don't think it's correct. The narcissism to me lies in the people that think the world should care that they are offended. As consumers in such a flooded entertainment market, it would be very easy to just not watch that person anymore and quietly move to something else but there's no attention in that. Our social media culture rewards people who have never made anything, have never put themselves out there to be judged, and have no creative track record whatsoever. It's fine to be offended but the idea that someone would think the entire world needs to adhere to their own personal content preferences is delusional. If you're offended, just find something else. It's very easy.
@erraticonteuse 5 ай бұрын
Nobody thinks they should be able to go through life without having their values challenged, and if anything, comedians are the ones whining about having their values challenged. The people challenging them are just standing up for their own values.
@ironman1458 2 ай бұрын
@@erraticonteuse damn you ate him up
@genericboiforalltheworldsjoy 2 ай бұрын
I'm not saying that there aren't overly sensitive people who throw kindling on the fire by loudly and publicly screeching about comedians they dislike, but there absolutely is an air of self-adulation from these comedians as well, particularly in how they portray themselves as brave free speech martyrs on par with the likes of Marat or Jamal Khashoggi purely because they pissed off purple-haired college SJW's. Chappelle is funny, but he's definitely a little self-congratulatory in how he characterizes the whole trans controversy, as are many other "anti-woke" comedians.
@betweendevears3062 6 ай бұрын
Nah thats your opinion.....u think your a person of information but your just another Podcaster.....same thing
@chrisgoodwyn3301 6 ай бұрын
Haha. Just say you don't like Dave Chappell.
@Aster_Risk 6 ай бұрын
That's too reductive. Dave's not the only obnoxious comedian out there. He's a great example, though.
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