Complexity, Confusion and The Acolyte

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Comics by Perch

Comics by Perch

Ай бұрын

There are many opinions on Star Wars shows right now... but a core problem is that they just aren't accessible or consistent anymore.
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@drewtheunspoken3988 Ай бұрын
I watched the first episode of The Acolyte. It was the first time I saw what everyone else was seeing as "Woke." I've been fairly blind to this stuff and thought everyone was being over-sensitive. With this show? I get it.
@xtrafunk Ай бұрын
this show was definitely a tipping point in terms of putting up with progressive culture warriors. these clowns are literally helping trump get elected
@Dras7 Ай бұрын
I don't know, outside of the look of the protagonist that really doesn't fit in the universe imo, the only other stuff that I didn't like in terms of "woke" was the witches ritual. But in terms of how the characters act honestly it doesn't seem to me any worse than Ashoka, Obi Wan or Boba Fett.
@FlameForgedSoul Ай бұрын
@@Dras7 Filoni fan servicing his own creation without supervision, what could have been an interesting study of a Jedi's self imposed fall from grace and mourning the loss of all he held dear instead devolving into goofy doddering "old man constantly upstaged by brat" hijinx and a show that _literally_ lost the plot. Not exactly a ringing endorsement.
@AL-ws5yi Ай бұрын
Happy Father’s Day Perch and all dads!
@prolastmedia6171 Ай бұрын
True! Shout out to perch
@moosevelt9148 Ай бұрын
Tbf, a lot of the Star Wars stuff made in the "late-Lucas" era, or the prequels onwards, also fits into the category of too messy to wrap your head around or goes back on previous "rules" or conventions.
@ComicsPerch Ай бұрын
@galactica1981 Ай бұрын
If you are going to make a Star Wars show set in the time of the High Republic, why not give it a distinctive look? Yet apparently even the Jedi outfits were the same 70 years before the Clone Wars. This is a show that cost $22 million for a half-hour episode, and I can't for the life of me figure out where all that money went. It certainly didn't show up on the screen!
@theinvisibleskulk4563 Ай бұрын
If the recent Black Myth: Wukong drama is any indication, a good chunk of it probably went into the pockets of corrupt consulting firms.
@adamfrey4920 Ай бұрын
I think I'm with YBZ and Eric O'Sullivan. I'd rather not get angry and instead just not give a shit. Plenty of good Star Wars in the past to go indulge in. (I'm also reading the main High Republic novels and don't hate them.) Fiction has to stand the test of time. This needs to be revisited in 10 years. If people are still watching The Acolyte in ten years, there's something there. If its forgotten after the initial emotional outbursts, then it's irrelevant.
@drewtheunspoken3988 Ай бұрын
I've been enjoying the High Republic novels and comics. I've rolled my eyes a couple of times but they're mostly enjoyable.
@adamfrey4920 Ай бұрын
​@@drewtheunspoken3988Yeah, there's parts I roll my eyes at. The three lead characters are white and straight. What the hell do people want?
@clonegeek3317 Ай бұрын
​@@adamfrey4920No nonbinary human characters
@adamfrey4920 Ай бұрын
@@clonegeek3317 So much for Geode the Jedi rock.
@linusgustafsson2629 Ай бұрын
Problem with YBZ is that he is falling for the trap. Being angry that others are angry. That is the least useful thing to be. Better to aim the channel to the SJWs and tell them how great the show is. (Even though I don't think anyone thinks it is great, they just think it isn't horrible).
@spaceknight793 Ай бұрын
excellent, except George Lucas apparently does spend time thinking about Disney's damage to the franchise. At a recent film festival he was lamenting their misunderstanding of the Force. So he's not just counting his money...
@SharpBrothersStudio Ай бұрын
Agreed - just because somebody is rich doesn't mean they stopped caring. Just listen to Eastman and Laird talk about TMNT all these years later. Its a bad assumption of Perch to make this time.
@keithpennock Ай бұрын
George Lucas was talking about that at the Cannes Film Festival this year saying the Disney Star Wars doesn’t understand the Force. George had binder treatments of the next 3 films ready to go when he sold Lucas Film and Bob Iger mislead him into thinking they’d use those treatments and later Iger bragged about screwing over Lucas like a freaking villain (Palpatine) in his book “Ride of a Lifetime” Clownfish TV covered it.
@drewtheunspoken3988 Ай бұрын
I've seen articles "defending" some of the issues by starting with, "It's just a kid's show, I don't know why you're taking it so seriously." Now, I've stated in the past that Star Wars was made for an audience of 10 year-old boys. But it wasn't made only for them. All ages and demographics can enjoy it. I also think, in general, the fandom takes Star Wars far too seriously. But using that as an excuse for questionable or outright bad decisions feels disingenuous and dismissive. This show isn't being defended because it's a good show attacked by -ist fans. It's being defended because of who is making it or, more specifically, the segment of the population that they represent. It's okay to admit that someone isn't perfect or that the show they're making doesn't really accomplish anything good. These things happen to the most talented of creators. But defending bad decisions doesn't help those creators grow and do better going forward.
@linusgustafsson2629 Ай бұрын
One Piece is also made for 10 year old boys. Still acceptable for women to like it, even if of course many feminists complain about the female breast sizes.
@spaceknight793 Ай бұрын
the next questions then are "why are you perving up a kids' show? And why are you grooming them?"
@drewtheunspoken3988 Ай бұрын
This is the exact thing South Park was talking about. Like someone at Lucasfilm watched that episode and didn't realize they were being made fun of.
@kendershot Ай бұрын
"its just a kids show" is such a lazy defense. Just because you want kids to enjoy it doesn't mean you get to skip the second draft of the script.
@kendershot Ай бұрын
The main issue with Acolyte is the writing. If there were less instances of "why would they do that" and better understandings of motives, you could get away with only half explaining one side of the main mystery. We still don't know why floating guy drank the poison, why the evil twin wants revenge or who her master is. Better writing would leave us intrigued, instead of confused. Andor did it.
@kidicarus2215 Ай бұрын
Yeah, complexity and continuity are a problem. However, it's something that people can overlook, if you have likeable and charismatic characters. The original trilogy had characters that you could get behind. Almost none of the Disney Star Wars products have characters like that. The Acolyte might be the worst example of this, as I hated almost every single character in that show.
@clonegeek3317 Ай бұрын
Besides Sol
@Kuikkamies Ай бұрын
I like how Perch ultimately uses the Expanded Universe's explanation on the Force rather than G-canon's.
@JP-1990 Ай бұрын
If the show was about Carrie Ann Moss and the Squid Game guy having to deal with frustrating Padawans, I would be so down.
@davidgantenbein9362 Ай бұрын
After having seen Carrie-Anne Moss playing Trinity in Star Wars, my immediate idea was: make a series, where Carrie-Anne Moss plays a Jedi master that’s solving force related crimes. Now that I think about it, Squid Game guy could have been cast „against type“ as a reoccurring villain that is a Jedi, kind of the Moriarty of the series, but more like „house of cards“ type, where the hero can’t touch the villain due to „but he is a famous Jedi“.
@tbynlogan Ай бұрын
I was looking at the image Perch used in the video, and I'm just thinking, How bad does the show have to be to FAIL with Trinity and the guy from Squid Game?? This show should be able to appeal to people who grew up with 80s, 90s, 00s action movies, and younger people who are into Netflix and Korean shows. I guess... the show just has incompetent writing.
@adamfrey4920 Ай бұрын
Unrelated, I was just in a Walmart and they had tons of the Young Jedi Adventures Lego sets clearanced to $16. I bought one because hey, parts and a High Republic Yoda minifigure. I also got the Tantive IV boarding set, which was still full price.
@nwoking666 Ай бұрын
Never really thought of it this way, but it makes sense. Especially when Star Wars was really about selling kids toys in the 80's. As a kid you'd watch the original trilogy or whatever was out of the three at the time get your parents to buy your toys and then create your own adventures. Also like you said, easy to jump on without doing back research like with say X-men (thankfully Marvel had editors who could actually edit and do research back then - see X-Men #197 was a must).
@AL-ws5yi Ай бұрын
Star Wars has been dead to me for a while now. I don’t even bother with the original. I had read all the books as a kid and watched all their shows including the cartoons Droids and Ewoks. Now it’s all in the past. For the longest time I tried to get my kids into Star Wars now I’m glad they were stubborn and refused. Let them do whatever. It’s all Fan Fiction.
@adamfrey4920 Ай бұрын
By the way: the overarching question about Star Wars as a franchise is whether the story is inherently about Luke Skywalker or not. If it is, then the story is done with ROTJ and the rest is details. If it's not, okay, but the ongoing identity confusion over Star Wars stems from you telling a story that increasingly is disconnected from its original story. Rebel Moon may as well be an actual Star Wars story that was set somewhere else. For all we know, Batman is in the Star Wars Universe -- if it were, is Batman then a Star Wars story?
@macdaddymoose1462 Ай бұрын
The only point I’d like to say is to touch on what you said about continuity. I feel a big reason a lot of people are so upset with how everything is so different is because this takes place a few hundred years before the Skywalker saga. All the previous film and tv media for the ‘normies’ took place in that timeline. Now I am someone who has read all the High Republic novels and High Republic comics by Marvel and Dark Horse. Stuff was different back then. I guess it was easier to digest things change over a few hundred years when I have read all the extra media. I guess it would be nice if they made it easier to understand for the screen only fans, why certain things are the way they are. Like in this era, long range communication wasn’t normal and was still being built out
@mattobito Ай бұрын
I don't mind additional stuff, but it's typically better when self-contained. The video games especially have great characters and stories; from Knights of the Old Republic to Force Unleashed or Fallen Order, Star Wars has tons of cool stuff. However, they are better when left to themselves and not trying to step on the main continuity. Like, I love Reven, but I don't want a canon Reven and Vader team up; maybe a non-canon spin off that's just for fun, but I would rather they both did their own thing. Same thing goes for the Mandolorian as it is mostly kept to itself and uses the original characters sparingly as fan service, leaving most of the focus on the new characters and their stand alone stories (until later like Book of Boba Fett and Season 3). From the sound of it, Acolyte seems to be copying important lore and stepping on toes. I can't say much as I haven't seen it, but it's annoying they seem to be doing the least amount of effort in writing their characters and trying to make them unique as opposed to coping Anakin.
@nooctip Ай бұрын
No Perch., George Lucas is sitting in his mansion complaining about how the Acolyte sucks to the servers dressed in Leia's slave outfit serving him Taun Taun burgers.
@paulmcgrew2932 Ай бұрын
Here's the good news: dark empire and the thrawn trilogy are readily available.
@InfamyOrDeath-__- Ай бұрын
4:20 Yes I agree 100% with that, I absolutely love something being set up that you don’t hear again for 2 years. It’s why I love series like Mushoku Tensei, things that happen in the very beginning are not fully addressed until much later.
@SleightlyPersonal Ай бұрын
Off topic, but I finally got the first volume of Geiger. I wanna get Redcoat issues soon, too, ‘cause this Ghost Machine stuff intrigues me. The art is absolutely gorgeous, too.
@will_sketch Ай бұрын
The ones that are saying its good cannot verbalize why because that's a lie and they're not creative enough to expand upon the lie. They're like children who just say I like it. Why? Cause I want to. Why do you want to? Because...
@themultiversalmagpie7827 Ай бұрын
I tapped out after the last Jedi, I have no idea how anyone is still watching this poorly written fanfic
@lukeorloki Ай бұрын
May the Thread Midachlorians be with you!
@DarthKato Ай бұрын
Midichlorians aren't a scientific explanation for the Force, its only used to measure how strong the Force is in someone. The stronger someone is in the Force, the more Midichlorians they have. The Force is still the Force.
@davidgantenbein9362 Ай бұрын
The Midichlorians was still a pseudo-scientific approach to the force and pushed away from the mystery of the force. It was a massive change in tone. Yes, they brought them in for a cheap „he is over 9000!!!“ moment, but it definitely missed the mark and could have been solved better.
@DarthKato Ай бұрын
@@davidgantenbein9362Eh, it wasn't like that at all. It didn't explain the force or take any of the mystic away. It just showed how they can tell if a person in strong in the force or not. And any jokes about "over 9000" just came from people online. I never felt it was actually a reference to anything.
@coinopanimator Ай бұрын
I don't think these shows need to be good anymore. They just need me to be enough to make people talk about them. So if they're terribly written then they offend people on the left or on the right or up and down doesn't matter so long as it's generating social media. It's just about the clicks and I think this is sad and it's something that we see more of these days. on the plus side there's Scavengers Reign which is being drowned in all this star wars talk.
@coinopanimator Ай бұрын
Also, I think it was Werner Herzog inset that screenwriters these days are just watching movies. They're no longer reading novels and books. Their references have become movies rather than literature and maybe that's why we're seeing movies just constantly regurgitating and reusing the same plots.
@walterhoward5512 Ай бұрын
Disney should take the same approach with Star Wars that Bandai does with Gundam. Reboot it every year with a new continuity, characters and concept. Maybe one year the Star Wars show is a serious scI-fi war drama. Maybe the next year it is a Dragonball Z-esque action series. Mix it up and be creative. The fans would come to accept it.
@inkermoy Ай бұрын
Oh yeah, the Sailor Moon Gundam was great! (eyeroll) UC or I'm not interested. The thing is, the "creatives" at Disney seem to be wanting to make Star Wars into Gundam: there are good and bad people on both sides, are the Sith truly evil or do they have a point? To me this goes against the grain to what Star Wars is, Good vs. Evil. It is fantasy with brave knights fighting against the horde of tyranny. It's why I dislike the character of Andor and most of Rogue One. It shows a morally gray Rebellion that somehow becomes this beacon of goodness in mere minutes. And Andor himself goes from shooting people in the face to shooting them in the back, I guess that's character progress.
@walterhoward5512 Ай бұрын
@@inkermoy A Sailor Moo. Style Gundam show sounds amazing.
@inkermoy Ай бұрын
@@walterhoward5512 Please no! We already have WWII warships as women!
@ShawnALLWorld Ай бұрын
I tried to watch this show and I kept falling asleep. Is this really that bad or maybe I was just sleepy.
@BrettRBooth Ай бұрын
I also watched these episodes. I checked out of SW after the first prequel movie. I’ve seen the other movies mostly because everyone around me likes them… so the Acolyte, boring. The Sith just seem weak, nothing new with the powers or anything. Fights were bad. Story was predictable. I did like the Sol guy and they killed Trinity off at the beginning?! Lame. I had hoped this would be a cool deep dive into the Jedi as I could give 2 shits about the politics, but it just seems like more of the same.
@clonegeek3317 Ай бұрын
I think the Prequel comics that Dark Horse did are still the best Star Wars content ever
@robertjacques6812 Ай бұрын
They even over convoluted the light and dark side of the force. This is not accessible at all for kids, especially those under 10. I hope I never hear the argument that Star Wars is just Space Wizards for kids ever again.
@billyhills9933 Ай бұрын
Did Perch just mention Jaxxon?
@adamfrey4920 Ай бұрын
Pitch: a Star Wars show where all the Jedi are female Korean singers.
@drewtheunspoken3988 Ай бұрын
Star Wars - Episode Twice: The Return of BlackPink
@linusgustafsson2629 Ай бұрын
I'd watch it. Not so much for Star Wars though.
@s4juliette Ай бұрын
i can see it. make it crossover with queendom somehow (maybe all the battles are queendom stages?) and you've got a hit
@AL-ws5yi Ай бұрын
It’s about as authentic as The Acolyte and maybe it might interest my daughter who refuses to even watch the original Star Wars.
@drewtheunspoken3988 Ай бұрын
@AL-ws5yi not even the originals? I hyped those upped and made my kids watch them. They liked them okay. They're not really fans of any, though. They prefer Harry Potter and Spider-Man.
@keithpennock Ай бұрын
It’s poor writing through & through. Watch Little Platoon’s breakdowns of the Acolyte (& other movies & television) as he is a professional writer in his day job and he breaks down bad writing choices and at times offers how they could have made the writing beats better.
@rickrivers2021 Ай бұрын
I thought the first two episodes were ok. They weren't great, butbthey were a heckuva lot better than a lot of Star Wars stuff we've been getting. But episode 3 lost me. They completely failed at writing Jedi (I'm all for showing the problems with the order, but you have to understand the order) and nothing felt remotely like star wars. If it's a Star Wars show, that should mean something. This is just a waste of usage of the IP
@jonathandavis-po6js Ай бұрын
I feel like they were calling out lucas for child soldiers Taking jedi from thier family so young was something star wars never needed, Having said that im not saying the acolyte was any good either
@davidgantenbein9362 Ай бұрын
It’s a bit like the Solo movie, which tried to proof every single point ever mentioned about Han Solo, not understanding that this is dumb. Yes, Yoda complained about Luke being too old … because he wanted to complain, not because there was any truth to it. For me, the whole child soldier thing only worked somewhat as I took it for proof that the Jedi order left the path and was in need for balance. It imo fit the whole philosophy Yoda told us („fear leads to the dark side“) as the Jedi recruited their padawans so young out of fear, fear that they would otherwise have emotional connections to their families. The Jedi were on a path of fear and it made them unable to deal with Anakin, because they themselves didn’t understand basic human emotions all that well due to having moved on to direct indoctrination as opposed to actual teachings. That part of the story worked for me and also had an echo in the expanded universe, where Luke wouldn’t recruit small children (at least in the old stuff I consumed). But in regard of The Acolyte: I don’t think that they were calling out George Lucas at all. I think they just try to do the same tropes with a feminist reinterpretation. Visible by how something that was just a Sith legend about an extremely powerful Sith lord in the prequels is handed down to an otherwise unremarkable cult leader for some „girl power“ points. Also a nice example how they can’t really do mythical mysteries that are not just cheap J.J. Abrams style „mystery boxes“. George Lucas managed to create so much with just a simple tale about Darth Plagueis that had substance and mystery.
@davidgantenbein9362 Ай бұрын
I don’t think that confusion or too much Star Wars is in anyway the issue. The expanded universe sold for decades and produced way more stuff than Disney. Imo it’s two things: (a) the content is simply bad, awful and dumb and (b) the series wants to alter established canon instead of playing within the sandbox that Star Wars was for so many other creators.
@KyleDornez Ай бұрын
Funny you mentioned it, since Han Solo did have a cousin as it turned out back in the day.
@adamfrey4920 Ай бұрын
I think Perch was referencing Thracken, yes.
@cosmicdropout8187 Ай бұрын
11:42 This criticism makes no sense to me. In order for the Star Wars lore to stay simple, they had to have left the IP in 6 movies and if anything the games and the novelizations of the movies, nothing more. It's something that doesn't make absolute sense from a commercial point of view, the IP works and you can't leave it limited or not use it anymore, that they make new things that add to the batch is inevitable, criticize it for that, quality aside, it doesn't make sense in my opinion These ips are always going to be tricky to get in from 0, it's how it is
@valeriemcdonald440 Ай бұрын
I too am a Star Wars normie. I'm interested in reactions to this stuff but I won't watch it anyways.
@ERG219 Ай бұрын
3 minutes of content, 10 minutes of mad rambling.
@SharpBrothersStudio Ай бұрын
Is it your first time here?
@ERG219 Ай бұрын
@@SharpBrothersStudio yes and last.
@sketchasaurrex4087 Ай бұрын
Everything from disney is garbage and at best a half assed hackjob of a novel from the Expanded Universe that disney threw away
@commonsense5199 Ай бұрын
12:37 Can ask you question? Why even do this? You know Cartman and Kathleen Kennedy scene from South Park Pandervers, where they both double down on the criticism and woke stuff until both of them realized it is lazy. And I am “not” saying you should mindlessly consume and shill current Star Wars Disney. *I am saying why give any attention at all?* You know this obviously Bait, right Perch? So why still give it any attention? Why Talk about it? Even Aaron Sparrow said Star Wars is Dead Franchise, so why beat the Dead Horse? Let Acolyte or any bad Disney Star Wars fail on its own *”by ignoring it.”* This literally the same as Maggs wanted attention for her Skyrocket Self Wished Inserted. Maggs wants attention on social media. And Current Disney Star Wars wants to make controversy on social media and KZfaq just to get attention. I say before and I say it again There are other Sci-Fi Stories that actually wants an audience. *Edens Zero.* Next chapter is the last chapter. It rather talk about Edens Zero entirely. I’ll admit revelation is kinda rushed. I also wish Eden Zero have Console video game rather than a Mobile video game. There is *Dai Dark.* A Sci-Fi manga creator by same woman who created Dorohedoro. And it is still ongoing. The Image comic, *Voyagis by Sumeyye Kesgin.* It slow pace and bit boring but the comic didn’t piss me off I still invested, I rather talk about that instead of wasting my time with obvious bait from Disney Star Wars. I do imagine if we ignore Current Disney Star Wars, and the high up or social media accounts realize wait there no criticism and the show still got cancelled, how? Until they watch show itself realize it is bad so have to go back to basic to make Star Wars good again. But That is an imagination because you always keep taking the bait.
@InfamyOrDeath-__- Ай бұрын
Haha I think it’s hilarious how anyone is still watching Star Wars, I’ve gotten to a point now where I can’t afford to waste time watching things I know are bad. There’s enough reviews out there saying this is utter trash, so I’ve no idea why people waste their time on any of this.
@ERG219 Ай бұрын
George Lucas makes comments all the time. Do you know anything about the subjects you speak about?
@gkirkpatrick1004 Ай бұрын
To be fair, Obi Wan, Boba Fett, and Ashoka all sucked, too. In another point, if people complain about bad acting and weak fight scenes, they never saw the original trilogy, which kind of set a precedent.
@adamfrey4920 Ай бұрын
I like to think of ANH as a quintessential GREAT movie that's simultaneously not a GOOD movie. Although for 1977, it was groundbreaking.
@todd8398 Ай бұрын
I didn’t care for Obi-Wan because it just looked “cheap”. If you got Disney money you’re down should look a lot better than that one ended up. I never bothered with the other two shows
@frenchtoastchopsticksmanga5792 Ай бұрын
What if the only good Star Wars was "A New Hope" and everything but the very end of Empire Strikes Back where they reveal Vader is Luke's father? I don't count Jedi as "good" Star Wars, because Vader should never have been redeemed.
@commonsense5199 Ай бұрын
Haha The Articles including CBR cannot save MCU She-Hulk for getting cancelled. 1:56 Well you can see that on Twitter, Perch. 4:51 *Of Course Perch goes for low hanging fruit.* Hey how about a different example which indie comic you think has tight continuity? How about Ultramega, huh? I be honest in Kirkman’s Fire Power where it reveal that Wei Lun killed Owen’s parents is so *anti-climactic.* Wei Lun said *Owen’s mom is evil at the very beginning.* I didn’t feel anything at the reveal. The only talk about what happened in timeskip rather than just showing flashbacks. Star Wars Visions have the Freedom to not to worry about continuity. It is really sad that people will get angry at Umbrella Lightsaber in a Star Wars Vision episode which is Non Canon. You humans managed to me a miragie 7:02 so are not interested in Old Republic comics, Perch? 7:44 Well they did explain Darth Vader does recognize C-3PO on Bespin after C-3PO was torn apart. 8:01 Well The Clone Wars did fix that in Clone Wars Season 6. The episode where Yoda goes on a spiritual journey. Also not the force is not Mysterious they explained in a religious sense, Perch. 8:38 That is the Biggest problem. All these Star Wars show are not standalone they always must have connection, required knowledge from another show or have nostalgia. For example Cad Bane was in Boba Fett show for the last minute. Older fans know but new audiences are 100% confuse and don’t know who Cad Bane is. It is the same with MCU too. You need to watch Scarlet Witch, MS marvel and Captain Marvel to understand The Marvels movie. Disney made this continuity more of chore for the audience make entertainment. 9:24 Somehow Palpatine Returns. Which, based my research “i don’t believe” it was JJ Abrams’ choice to bring Palpatine back. 10:32 *You can Die from a “Regular Knife”, Not from A Lightsaber* Seriously that is in fact f@qing stupid being survive by get stabbed by a lightsaber. If you use Darth Maul Excuse, there is explain how he survived. His Focus Hatred on Obi-Wan it kept Maul Alive. But at a cost his Hatred drove Maul insane. It can work the same with Anakin he yells he hates Obi wan in Episode 3. Like that could work of How Reva survived from getting Stabbed by a Lightsaber. Because her Focus Hatred of Darth Vader. And when Reva about to kill a Young Luke Skywalker she see herself as child in in Luke because she is just as bad a Vader. After the Realization, Reva no longer hates Vader and she bleed out and dies. Not staying alive and gets a redemption Reva done countless evil things to climb to the top and get her revenge on Darth Vader. Seriously am I the only one thinks about good, well structured literature and consistency that make sense? 12:40 Culture Crave tweeted about George Lucas’ thoughts on Disney Star Wars Projects. Well there things I disagree, such as his thoughts on TFA because *Finn is something new.* The Last Jedi, not much detail what George Thinks it beautifully made. If it is visually beautiful I would agree but writing wise I would disagree. The Last Jedi is rehash of Both Empire strikes back and Return of the Jedi in one movie, trying to gaslight audience saying there something original. And Last Jedi has dirty, Luke, Finn, Poe and Phasama. I really wish DJ get the same criticism as Holdo and Rose. DJ gets off too easy.
@epcarter6 Ай бұрын
Nobody has also mentioned why they’re shitting on it, you’re calling things stupid and judging it based on 3 episodes when the story isn’t even finished. Here’s a thought, wait and see why the person is going around seeking vengeance or why this guy was meditating. This is a dumb critique.
@linusgustafsson2629 Ай бұрын
Consistent = For conservatives. Inconsistent = For progressives who enjoy the same movie being completely different the next time it is made.
@prolastmedia6171 Ай бұрын
Funny how Star Wars is only too complex and convoluted when Black people and LGBT get involved. The EU had endless amounts of convoluted and contradicting material and people love the EU, but minorities are a bridge too far for fans eh? Now it's too convoluted lol 🙄
@adamfrey4920 Ай бұрын
Show me where older Star War fans complained about Lando Calrissian and Mace Windu. You can argue over the LGBT issue, but "black" is a cheap shot where two beloved characters have been in the franchise for 44 and 25 years respectively without issue.
@prolastmedia6171 Ай бұрын
​@@adamfrey4920​Also, just for kicks I looked up "Mace Windu black" in Google and the first forum result I found was a thread talking about doing Black face as Mace Windu so like... yeah lol what point were you trying to make about the totally not racist Star Wars fans?? 😂 If you yourself are not a bigot, I applaud you, but it's borderline schizophrenic of you to not grasp that there are a lot of intentional bigots and unintentional, uneducated bigots in the Star Wars fandom.
@adamfrey4920 Ай бұрын
​@@prolastmedia6171You found a single thread where someone wanted to dress as Mace Windu, and that renders the whole fandom racist? Get help.
@adamfrey4920 Ай бұрын
For fun, I just Googled "Mace Windu black" and the first NON ad I got was to the Black Series action figure. Again, get help (and I'm calling bullshit on your story).
@prolastmedia6171 Ай бұрын
​@@adamfrey4920So you do understand that a single thread or similarly, a single black person per trilogy, is meaningless then in the wider scope of evidence? 😂 Glad your brain is working well enough to grasp that at least
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