David Myatt Interview by Interzone Analysis March 2023

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Interzone Analysis

Interzone Analysis

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I interview David Myatt, during February and March 2023, Focusing on the O9A, National Socialism, Combat 18, Islam, Extremism, the Occult, Terrorism, The Taliban and more. This video has been in the making for a while, I am publishing it earlier than I was planning, as time is of the essence. I cant say how this happened, but the Interview was offered to me after I published my video on Jake Hanrahan. This interview was offered to @JHanrahan according to my contact but for some reason Jake Hanrahan declined.
The interview is extensive, and I have had to do this quickly, the Interview may depending on circumstance continue. It will most likely be published by David Myatt and Associates.
Despite rumours first propagated by @JHanrahan and now by mentally ill people on twitter, one who posted about me 70 times in just one day. I am not a O9A propagandist pretending to be a Journalist.
Other than my Journalistic and Academic research and investigation I have no connection to the O9A beyond my contacts in the remnants of the original organisation.
I am just trying to get to the reality of this, and if my conclusions are not mainstream, I don`t care.
I hope this is informative, and I hope people listen.
David Myatt is not the person the media or niners believe.
I hope this interview shows that.
David Myatt Interview written version, In Full, Direct link. interzoneanalysis.com/79-2/

Пікірлер: 35
@TryptamineRitual 4 ай бұрын
I am respectfully asking you why you struggle to read so much? You are clearly an intelligent person but this was incredibly hard to listen to.
@InterzoneAnalysis 4 ай бұрын
I have severe Dyslexia which without the tutoring needed due to my rough childhood life circumstances and poverty did not allow me to have the support needed. I am not just saying it I was unable to read a full book till I was 19 years old. I am not been hyperbolic or complaining. There is nothing I can do about it, pronunciation and reading spelling it's as good as I can get as the damage during my childhood and formative years is done. It's embarrassing and been seen unable to pronouce by thousands of people or spell. But you just have to push through. Thank you for not been a prick about it like most people who just resort to making fun on my limited intelligence despite how adolescent it is to assume that. Anyway thank you for actually asking with maturity. I actully appreciate it. Take care. IA
@TryptamineRitual 4 ай бұрын
@InterzoneAnalysis Thank you, also, for not taking offence. So it turns out you read rather well despite the circumstances. Your videos are excellent and you also have a good taste in music (I saw your Christos Beest comments) I have subscribed. For Aeons D
@InterzoneAnalysis 4 ай бұрын
@TryptamineRitual no problem, you were respectful which I appreciate. I pinned it because people make assumptions but unlike you, many just insult rather than ask. Also thank you, Richard Moult/Christos Beest is a major influence to me as a musician and occultist. He revitalised my love of playing and composing music where playing guitar and piano no longer depresses me. It has been a gift to be able to play music again. Which I owe to Richard Moult. Take care are thank you Sincerely IA
@TryptamineRitual 4 ай бұрын
@InterzoneAnalysis I had a minor industrial accident that makes it hard for me to play guitar in the way I used to like to play (folk/fingerstyle) I can still manage to play most chords but it's just not the same so I bought a load of synths and drum machines and am focusing on that.
@InterzoneAnalysis 4 ай бұрын
@TryptamineRitual do it, I got really injured overseas in 2020 lots of fractures and no medical help, lost the ability to move my right arm at all, bakc injuries arm, collerbone finglere nuckle fractures, nerve.damage, tendones frlm mustle atrophy causing my back to be even more fucked up from curvature. Took untill the end of last year to get my right arms mobility back. l and also have auto-immune issues due to almost dying in Central-South Asia from viruses, maleria and shingles. Osteoarthritis, I am not in any way saying this is some adventurous romantic bullshit. I am in constant pain and my life was destroyed. What I am saying is we adapt, pathi-mathos is real, you will become better becouse of your gnosis via suffering and learning adapting and overcoming it. You have lost one way but you are still a musician and you adapted. David Myatt is on point, but leaning from others rather than been an idiot like myself and myatt by throwing yourself into idealistic all fixing systems like Islam to solve all the worlds problems... People can lean from Myatt without suffering themselves if they have the maturity. However that maturity usually comes only from personal suffering. So it's a cycle that repeats and the same story is repeated again and again. I wish you sucsess in your syth endeavours. Regards IA
@jameshenshall1534 2 ай бұрын
Another fascinating and engrossing video as well as being significant and of considerable moment in its own right. One of the more important aspects is that it allowed to subject the fullest opportunity to set the record straight from his own view-point. For a man of honour one accepts without question that this is the absolute, unvarnished, truth. In fact, the notion of honour (or absence of honour) is, I think, more pertinent now more than at any other period in modern history especially as we are forcibly conditioned to accept the orthodox world-view absolutely without question and that to kick against the pricks becomes, at the very least uncomfortable and at the other end, potentially lethal. (I well remember the mental challenge heard during a HNH 'demonstration' a few years ago with the demonstration with repeated chanting of the cretinous and oxymoronic "We must not tolerate intolerance!" The saddest part comes at the end, where Mr Myatt notes that the whole argument hinges on "whether or not in a hundred or a thousand years there are stable communities where knowledge and reason and scholarship are valued and taught to a new generation." Oh, how right and - I fear - distressingly prescient he is.
@InterzoneAnalysis 2 ай бұрын
Thank you for this insightful comment. I apologise for the late reply. I am glad you noticed the poignant point at the end of the interview. Apropos the scholarship and the perspective in centuries. I will get back to you properly on this as its a fantastic comment. Thank you. Regards IA
@jdre1976 18 күн бұрын
Fascinating stuff.. thanks for sharing.
@JHanrahan Жыл бұрын
I did not decline. Myatt wanted to duel. I said ok. He never responded.
@InterzoneAnalysis Жыл бұрын
Hi Jake, I decided to actually contact my relevant contacts regarding this issue you have brought up as to be thorough. Hence I apologise for the late reply. I wanted to make sure I had the information before commenting and also I have been sick for weeks putting me out of action. Regarding who challenged you to a duel. According to my contact`s it was a Twitter account run by some unrelated troll who pretended to be David Myatt and thought it would be funny to challenge you to "a duel with deadly weapons". As David Myatt is famous for doing this in the 90s in particular towards Journalists along with Browning of Combat 18 during the schism. The "duel with deadly weapons" is something people make fun off quite a bit, both people who like and those who hate David Myatt, But his is sincere and dead serious when he does this. 'Didadic' was banned along with the user who challenged you to a Duel. Didadic also was also not David Myatt, which leads us to Thormynd15 Who you believe to be David Myatt, which caused our initial argument, and my subsequent blocking by you on Twitter when I tried to explain to you Thormynd15 was not David Myatt. Anyway, David Myatt according to the evidence I have from contacts, my own investigation and your own claims. Has never challenged you to a Duel. I sincerely hope you appreciate that I have gone out of my way to try and find out what actually happened regarding your statement. As I took it seriously and did not brush off your claims. I hope this can be a kind of water under the bridge thing between us, I would appreciate it if you would un block me on Twitter, as I don`t want to harass you, I just want to follow your own investigation. I did not know who you where when I initially commented about Thormynd15 not been David Myatt. If I did I may have does so differently. So I hope this can be a bridging of communication. Regards Interzone
@dreamon-phonoi7365 Жыл бұрын
O9A is not affiliated with D.M? Then why the most important painting that is associated with a question to spot authentic o9a adherents is with his portrait?
@ultraclaveshermetium5709 Жыл бұрын
unterzone isn't good at the "maths" of reality. he just consumes whatever fits through his narrow (and historically unaware) perceptual slot. he thinks wsa and tob aren't "real o9a" and that the "real o9a" aren't a government op. which for anyone with even the most base level of knowledge on the subject will be able to comprehend is an erroneous hot take away. wunderbar goyslop.
@InterzoneAnalysis Жыл бұрын
I have to say, Unterzone is a creative and amusing way of insulting me. I give you credit for that.
@z0ttel89 Жыл бұрын
David Matt? Why are you pronouncing it like that? It's My-att .. obviously.
@InterzoneAnalysis Жыл бұрын
Everyone I know pronounces it as Matt, (It may be an Australian thing, I am not sure,) However, this is fair criticism and I have asked one of my contacts what the correct pronunciation is. So if they get back to me, I will rectify the error.
@InterzoneAnalysis Жыл бұрын
I contacted my contacts about correct pronunciation and you are correct, it is My-att most commonly. In the future I will use the corrected pronunciation. Thanks for calling me out on this, It was actually very helpful!
@joshhrst 6 ай бұрын
The voice in o9a literature sounds very different than the one in this correspondence. I don't think its the same author.
@freedomdreamer1650 Жыл бұрын
Just out of curiosity, how do you interpret daniel 8 and in relation to matthew 24:15? Daniel 8 appears to mention a rebellion that causes desolation and matthew 24:15 mentions an abomination that causes desolation? (In my niv it does anyway, although i realise its probably not everyone's cup of tea to interpret bible passages, especially amongst the order of 9 angles) Standing in the holy place? So what should the antichrist do when he turns up? As in the singular antichrist to come at the end of time, the man of lawlessness and the man of perdition and sin, not the collective antichrist or the spirit of antichrist or some person from the past like antiochus epiphanes or nero etc. Would it make sense that it could be standing as a member of christs body, ie his holy temple? Wouldnt it then be a paradox that he would be a member of his body ie a christian and yet a man of sin and lawlessness at least to the extent he performed being a christian rather than an implicit characteristic of the identity of believing in christ over performing being a good christian? Its at least a metaphor although not offering literal unholy sacrifices in jerusalem, which could be anything from money to a pig and or a pagan idol? What are your thoughts and do you know where i could learn more? What if he sacrificed himself or was murdered like a martyr like a poisoning or something, especially if it was done by or at the behest of christians? And he doesnt perform lawlessness and isnt the man of sin or perdition anymore, wouldnt that change the prophecy and the events at the end of days? Would it kill off christianity? What if the antichrist wasnt as guilty as people made him out to be and was only bad after being mistreated by the government and denied support and still found his way back to god and atoned for his wrongdoing whilst the world stood and watched and tormented him? What would happen then? Especially if the antichrist, as either the devil or his son or henchman or whatever was in a sense at times a messenger of god or an agent of god like the jews believe? And christians only made a self fulfilling prophecy by their mistreatment of him? And the antichrist genuinely believed in jesus? And this was the devils plan all along, outsmarting the christians as he knew he wasnt as bad as he was made out to be and christians were part of the problem as they persecuted so many people throughout history in the name of killing the devil and his minions and killed thousands of innocents? As the devil knew he could turn up in the flesh and would be so mistreated he would become a metaphor for jesus by gaining a crown of thorns ie a painful experience and so everyone stumbled over him like the capstone the builders rejected as mentioned in the new testament?
@InterzoneAnalysis Жыл бұрын
Sorry I have been away for a few weeks, but am back now, This comment is so in depth and interesting, I will come back to you with a proper response when I can once adjusted to been in a different time zone and stuff. Thank you for such an interesting comment!
@freedomdreamer1650 Жыл бұрын
@@InterzoneAnalysis ok great, many many thanks, I can't really go into details but it might really really really be in the o9a's interest and for anyone interested in satan and the antichrist although my own views are completely atypical and unusual, it is what it is I guess and I'm admittedly totally out of my depth with a lot of this theological stuff but I have some insights and experience in dealing with this stuff but like I said its difficult to go into details here or anywhere for that matter...
@freedomdreamer1650 Жыл бұрын
@@InterzoneAnalysis or I might be able to talk about it potentially as long as its on the strict terms that I'm not asking for anything other than theological advice, no weapons, no contacts for anything illegal, and no material gain as such although books might be welcome if it has good advice although can just buy the books myself if they're pointed out to me and they're easily accessible on the Internet etc...
@andrewgarcia8353 8 ай бұрын
If David Myatt isn’t Anton Long… Then who is?🤔
@InterzoneAnalysis 8 ай бұрын
I know who or what Anton Long Is, but it would ruin the mystique if I told you..
@robertpaulson7796 3 ай бұрын
@@InterzoneAnalysis its an alias for a group of people
@walesbkb 4 ай бұрын
surprised you managed to get an interview with this fella
@InterzoneAnalysis 4 ай бұрын
I wasn't. In the context of how the situation played out which I cannot go into it makes sense. David Myatt does not care about the BBC they would kill for an interview however they would not keep any form of integrity or perform proper research. David Myatt is not a classist in the UK establishment sense. He worked with street guys from Combat 18 who came from very rough backgrounds. My "uneducated" working-class background and the interesting parallels between our mutual history, with regards to Combat 18, Islam, Overseas misadventures and connections and the ill-favoured treatment by Academia that I was going through during the interview process and the accusations against my character by Jake Hanrahan who has spent a decade skizoposting about Myatt. It all came together because of a sincere wish to do it well. The context is something people don't see regarding people's motivations and background networking. He is a very respectful and empathetic man, and also extremely intelligent. People do not understand, you do not go to David Myatt, he comes to you. Regards IA
@walesbkb 4 ай бұрын
@@InterzoneAnalysis Whatever people think of him it's evident to me he's clearly insightful in many ways. The whole O9A thing I've stumbled upon along with similar groups and ideologies has been of great interest, something different from the mundane world I live in. Makes good music too.
@daves3625 2 ай бұрын
@@InterzoneAnalysis "People do not understand, you do not go to David Myatt, he comes to you" LMFAO.
@InterzoneAnalysis 2 ай бұрын
Lol, well it is true.
@daves3625 2 ай бұрын
@@InterzoneAnalysis You worship the guy.
@InterzoneAnalysis Жыл бұрын
For those who wish to read my Interview with David Myatt I have published the written version in full on my new website. interzoneanalysis.com/79-2/
@hrowland9047 Жыл бұрын
💯 "promo sm"
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