Katechon O9A Physis Improvisation.
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Abramelin Update Day 90 Part 2
@apvenczel 2 сағат бұрын
How many of the global elite oligarchs would be involved in this matter and what is adrenochrome???
@InterzoneAnalysis 33 минут бұрын
Adrenochrome is an oxidisation of epinephrine (Adrenaline), its a chemical compound that is synthetic, and made famous in Fear and loathing in Las Vegas. Its just a skitzo and psycadelic form of Adrenaline people Skitzo-post about these days because of conspiracy theory's.
@apvenczel 9 сағат бұрын
If Extreme witchcraft and your sigil charged chaos magick works so well for real, why are you a poor brokie?
@JuanCarlosBuisman-666 17 сағат бұрын
you use gematria for musick? i do. im a master at it over 15,000 hours
@embearasedbear3694 17 сағат бұрын
So I've been binge watching you for a week or so. You've brought up your past with morphine a few times. I hope I'm wrong, but it sounds like you're nodding off during this video and another one I watched. Hope you're doing well.
@InterzoneAnalysis 40 минут бұрын
how can I sound like I'm nodding off on morphine on a podcast? If I was on morphine id be chain smoking and listening to music. not making a podcast.
@JuanCarlosBuisman-666 22 сағат бұрын
@betos-08 22 сағат бұрын
7:25 Chloe should be easy to find. She has (or had) a tumblr linked on the o9a site, she posted regular pictures of her location. I'm sure it's archived. From what I remember she's asian, smokes weed, moved from california to a small town in oregon around 2022. Plus her endless writings in the her zine NEXION give a lot of personal info. One little fact is according to one publication of NEXION, she speaks Esperanto - a rare language, made by a Jew, that Hitler wrote about in Mein Kampf describing it as a community of international globalists.
@betos-08 Күн бұрын
1:01:00 Myatt's the same age as your father and you're not his son...hmmmmmmm I'm joking. Great stream. Interesting info, I cant wait to be done with all of this and be a good rounwytha avoiding these abstractions. All they do it hinder one from lapis philosophicus.
@InterzoneAnalysis Күн бұрын
I just want to focus on music lol but I like my networks and all the interesting connections and input. One day I'll do a Richard moult and disappear and just do music. But for now, I do find my strange position as David Myatt Jr interesting. Naturally, he is my father lol. In a way, he created me as this strange ONA and Far-right extremist expert and go-to guy out of nowhere. And I am sick of people covering stupid shit and ostracising people more. I am ok with this "insight role". 👌
@InterzoneAnalysis Күн бұрын
"David Myatt Interzone Analysis's father and Richard Moult Interzones my cool uncle meet every evening to discuss the Sinister dialectic and Interzones role as the new Richard Moult and David Myatt mixed together in a remote isle of West Scotland. " -A Reliable Source from Special Branch.... make it real by spreading this absolute skitzo-post of mine to forums and let it spread like a disease until it becomes real..lol Take care this is just a joke. IA
@jameshenshall1534 Күн бұрын
What a fascinating stream. (I wish I had known beforehand as I should have enjoyed watching it live. I'll do my best to catch Part II.) We are currently enjoying the current iteration of HnH accusations of racism directed towards the (newish) Reform Party in the UK (which has 5 MPs, and is the successor to the Brexit Party) and is led by Nigel Farage. The charge of racism is particularly daft. The MP Jo Cox was murdered by a man certified as insane. The film to which I imagine you were referring to was 'This is England'. It still has quite a following. Honour is everything. I liked your comment about Richard Moult: notwithstaning the external factors, his music continues the tradition.
@InterzoneAnalysis Күн бұрын
"This is England" is the film! Thank you, James. Also thank you for the input. Part 2 I will be Scheduled ahead of time by at least a few days and will be far more focused (although my streams are chaotic by nature, a new medium and I get a lot of interesting input) but I will have more of the historical elements in place from my correspondences with David Myatt also. So I will give you some time ahead of schedule. Also, I am trying to get some information regarding certain Welsh movements in the 1970s... I am bad at managing correspondences but I read everything and I do get back. Thank you for mentioning Joe Cox for clarifying, I also decided not to go into it as she is a strange rabbit hole that is very suspect. Let me know what time British Summer Time that suits you and what days. Email me if preferred. So I can schedule part 2 when you will be free. Your input is very much appreciated and I value the information, so these are not hollow words. Take care I hope part 2 will be very enlightening. Its always chaotic and I will do a long form video condensing David Myatt one day but for the time being thank you for watching and I hope you are able to say hi for the next one. I know I may not be the most reputable person given my associations with extremists. But I am complex. And know this dance. Take care IA
@jameshenshall1534 9 сағат бұрын
@@InterzoneAnalysis I have some input you might find helpful. Expect mail before long. Kind regards, J
@kenglol2708 Күн бұрын
Gread content! Im looking forward to part 2
@jdre1976 2 күн бұрын
Fascinating stuff.. thanks for sharing.
@OTP-MMA 4 күн бұрын
Sounds like a bunch of gay stuff to me.
@akhiosas 7 күн бұрын
This livestream has further blackpilled me to say the least
@InterzoneAnalysis 6 күн бұрын
Sorry, that is not my intention my Kurdish brother. I am glad to see your still around. I have set up my computer with a new Microsoft account just for streaming. Will be going into war, extremism and showing my screen without issues of anything getting in the way. So I hope to see you soon, where we can all talk about what's going on in the circles we know about. Will be doing it on a regular basis. For information, working out what's going on and trying to find some solutions. Thank you for you help in the past. Regards IA
@skohtihamilton9443 7 күн бұрын
Your doing something right, Anima throughout the video is undulating in a permanent state of extacy.
@DevilsDisciples 7 күн бұрын
🌊🌊🌊 he knows the way through to me
@cataptromantia6831 7 күн бұрын
52:31 I'm pretty sure that's a crack pipe hahaha.
@InterzoneAnalysis 7 күн бұрын
Glass blasting is like a 🌪... the consistency seems more like vape, since you have to keep blasting and exhaling it. You need both hands, holding the most likely fake 9mm with the extended clip is not conducive to simultaneously inhaling crack. You would need to really put effort in, inhail that storm till your lungs can't hold any more. Then pick up the gat. Then Exhall. What a hassle. Plus 🗑.
@----t----1234 7 күн бұрын
Wow this is a crazy surprise I did not expect! Happy for both of you.
@DevilsDisciples 7 күн бұрын
Thank you 😊
@Glockhead1 7 күн бұрын
@TheIndigoMagickian 7 күн бұрын
Glad to see you together.
@belteshazzarbenyakovleib4009 7 күн бұрын
Freud also had fern phobia
@belteshazzarbenyakovleib4009 7 күн бұрын
That dude is meat 😂
@DevilsDisciples 7 күн бұрын
This was the sexiest livestream I have ever been on 😉 Quite an achievement 🎉
@MalaklypsetheElder 11 күн бұрын
I'm not sure anyone has actually accused the order of nine angles of being a variant of some sort of anti-christian satanic movement unless they have not seriously studied literature in which case I could see how they would be confused by this. What is funny about the contradictions within the order of night angles is the fact that they have a lower that is clearly based on very old kabalistic hellenized mysticism crossed over with Greek mythology and yet they claim animosity and enemy status assigned to an ethnic / racial group that would seem to contradict some of their roots. But this of course is standard fare for most of your hybridized mishmash ad hoc a cult systems that have flourished in the last 300 years. When you peel the layers of this onion back I think and even funnier observation of note is that there is not a schema or worldview that can analyze and dissect what groups like The Order of nine angles are without coming to the conclusion if the Observer and questioner is actually a reasonable and logical would come to the conclusion that they are actually originated from Middle East ideologically one of the racial ethnic groups that they claim enemy status with in their own doctrine. But we've seen this sad puppet show before and of course you can't really convince people of what is out there in the obvious much like when people have researched and found the actual inner secrets to occult orders like Freemasonry people continue to deny that its roots are in kabbalistic mysticism even when you show them that this was quoted and stated such as in writings pertaining to the craft such as Morals and Dogma. I think this speaks volumes to how dim witted most people are.
@MalaklypsetheElder 11 күн бұрын
"...other methods.", that translates to culling and other ritualistic killings of good timers, Mageans, hubriati, yahoodhim etc. They are an ideological supremact movement that has a boat load of mythology that doesn't really resemble Satanism, at least the Christian oppositional flavor, though this various from nexian to nexian depending on their flavor. The true O9A core are influenced, like all neo pagan or occult orders, by spiritualism in an unfamiliar form and nihilism with an end state 5th hat leaves them on top to evolve and colonize the galaxy. The fact that Long/Myatt has never been oyted as a British intelligence asset speaks volumes about the rubes that follow this serial killer religion. :)
@MalaklypsetheElder 11 күн бұрын
Does priests and nuns you're talking about in the beginning were doing Insight roles, by the way a tactic and technique or methodology that Niners stole from lots of other whacked-out Psychopathic occult orders such as Hassani I Sabbah's assassins or even the Sabbateans. I'm not going to prejudge this but I'm hoping when I watch the rest of this video I don't find a segment where you discuss how misunderstood the O9A is and start talking about the satanic panic and the false stories about sacrifice and whatnot because it's pretty clear from Cryptonomus, Christos Beast, Long / Myatt and some of the others that they were serious when they were talking about calling as the core of the order of nine angles.
@moosemaster96 11 күн бұрын
Should i be concerned that individuals adhering to their doctrine have successfully infiltrated every strata of society or as someone that claims to be informed can you put my mind at ease in regards to that
@InterzoneAnalysis 8 күн бұрын
Paranoia is not a good way to go. If they are that good you never would have heard of them. The old generation infiltrated academia. The new.. it's a diffrent era. The fabian society is far more dangerous than the ONA trust me and most of you never hear dof tbem
@lb1110 14 күн бұрын
They didn't like you because your stupid not slavic, I am slavic and I know many slavic people in combat 18 and combat 18 is an international organization , that started in britan, also the numbers thing is not just jewish people all around the world have been using it since they learn to count
@kvi7878 15 күн бұрын
A video on the Church of The Subgenius would be great. They have a Burroughs connection too.
@InterzoneAnalysis 7 күн бұрын
Thank you for bringing this up! Seriously.
@ConradJupiter77 15 күн бұрын
Christ came to my aid when I was attacked by a demonic spirit. CHRIST IS KING
@jamesplayer4466 5 күн бұрын
@αντικατοπτρισμός 17 күн бұрын
You mention feminine people (or at least people with feminine aspects) being drawn to the O9A, could you explain what you mean by that in this context a bit more? What are some characteristics? Love the video by the way, like how raw you come across in this.
@InterzoneAnalysis 14 күн бұрын
Thank you I am passionate about the issue. Regarding femininity and the ONA that would be another 6000-word essay in and of itself. I will think about this, thank you. Regards IA
@DevilsDisciples 17 күн бұрын
Don’t do psychedelics without a trusted sitter who remains sober.
@InterzoneAnalysis 17 күн бұрын
Listen to her on this one, new ages especially
@betos-08 19 күн бұрын
If only Jake Hanrahan would interview you and you could spread your insight into the ONA to an even larger audience. I dont like Jake's work on the ONA, he has to know what's going on if he's looked into it for that long. Thanks for your work, it's tough. The Magians (with no racial connotation) especially those aiding the pseudo-ONA groups like 764, TOB, CVLT, H3LL and all their ilk are vile. But mostly all one can do is work on the anados and one's own virtue, there's too much evil to stop.
@InterzoneAnalysis 19 күн бұрын
Thank you but @jakehanrahan is in a complex position regarding me. Given I am publicly associated with the ONA and David Myatt, he has to be careful. I have not denounced either the ONA or David Myatt so publicly I don't look good. Also, my work could be seen as propaganda despite my fighting against paedophile networks. And it is not supportive of his conclusions. I want to talk to Jake Hanrahan about it. Privately he knows I am an ex-foreign correspondent and has been kind regarding having compassion for the injuries I sustained overseas and PTSD. So given no other journalist will even acknowledge my existence and he has empathy for my situation of being unsupported as a colleague with post-traumatic stress disorder and has not disrespected me knowing I am not talking shit or just some random dick. It's a complex situation, but he gave me some good advice. He is not as fucked up as I am by my experience. But he is not unaffected himself. Regards IA
@el-rt2mm 20 күн бұрын
The ONA is akin to the mess of Christian protestantism - with their 10.000 groups that disagree on almost everything. The authority of individual judgement is absurd as we're fallible humans but also the praxis and ideology of the ONA is not divine, it's all weak and fallible. Having been away from the ONA, I see the ideology as - to be blunt - lame. I still agree with the Hebdomian Way, in that, the lower satanic spheres are useless abstractions. Embrace the numinous and achieve the same goal. It's like being an alcoholic to then recover so you wont be an alcoholic, it's ridiculous. Christian martyrs, for example, are plentiful especially in early Church history.
@chaoskitten 22 күн бұрын
Is there a way to message you privately about this? I have been really curious for a while now and have some questions you may (or may not) be able to help me find some answers to about how 09A functions. As someone who has never made contact with their network that I'm aware of I am uncertain who else I might be able to contact.
@UltraContra711 19 күн бұрын
Are you sure you want to be a part of this?
@chaoskitten 17 күн бұрын
@@UltraContra711 no, I'm most certainly unsure, hence my curiosity. For context, I am autistic and generally reclusive, but people and the way they choose to organize and strive to achieve individual and collective goals has always fascinated me. It is directly stated in the video that this is propaganda and it is quite different from any other propaganda allegedly from this network so it piqued my curiosity. I figured it was unlikely I'd get a response but it was worth asking because I am even less likely to find any answers in main stream news articles.
@UltraContra711 17 күн бұрын
@chaoskitten i might get involved, did you know that to become ONA you have to live in the forest for I think 3 months maybe 6 just to qualify. Hard-core wild man shit.
@chaoskitten 15 күн бұрын
@@UltraContra711 I mean, that's not the part that sounds like it might turn me away. Survival skills are useful and I spend time alone in the woods (just never quite that long). You say you might get involved, how would you even go about doing that? That part isn't ever advertised.
@InterzoneAnalysis 15 күн бұрын
To be clear NAOS Is not dogma and also regarding getting involved. You don't need anyone other than yourself. Later people may tag along or become associated. But it's not something in its current state i recommend outside solo practitioners or with people you can actulky trust. And trust me with this mess. I trust very very few.. Regards IA
@attarvovin 22 күн бұрын
Sweet improv. Wondering whats your take on Fenrir III and the inclusion of that content - if there was any reason or need for it. Is it all to trigger a sort of subconscious recognition of these evils within the mind of man or is it just pedophilic ramblings
@acidtester7470 20 күн бұрын
Are you talking about that story where the kid screws his mom?
@InterzoneAnalysis 19 күн бұрын
I am pissed off at the Girl goddess in Fenrir. ONA should have known better as long term it completely does nothing but serve someone's fantasy enactment, not any form of actual insight. I get it but it is reprehensible to be in something other than on fuckjng deviant art fan fiction or some shit. But i am of the belief that something written thirty years after NAOS is not representative of the tradition as a whole but I can't justify it and won't. Its a sad situation that I do bring to light and put accountability on who ever green lit that shit..
@kenglol2708 22 күн бұрын
I didnt really understood, are the seven oxonians on the "good" side of the o9a or are they in the categorie of TOB?
@mobmotivation6797 22 күн бұрын
Nice guitar skills
@InterzoneAnalysis 19 күн бұрын
Thank you man like Nameless Therein all I wanted to do was make music too!
@0therun1t21 22 күн бұрын
Nice trippy music, I like it. As someone who's done a lot of explaining/defending Crowley online, I feel your frustration.
@InterzoneAnalysis 19 күн бұрын
Thanks man like Nameless Therein all I wanted to do was make music too !
@InterzoneAnalysis 19 күн бұрын
Also thank you, I defend Crowley too but defending the ONA has been a fucking nightmare lol
@JuanCarlosBuisman-666 18 сағат бұрын
@InterzoneAnalysis it takes a lot of hubris to attack crowley. for what he accomplished he did fairly well.
@InterzoneAnalysis 42 минут бұрын
@@JuanCarlosBuisman-666 not attacking Crowley attacking Thelma today, particularly the O.T.O been watered down.
@dearrevenant1270 23 күн бұрын
Wow, you are more bold than me. Some of your enemies are sanctified in darkness and other ones are government agents.
@mobmotivation6797 24 күн бұрын
One question if you don't mind me asking brother I have read David myatts texts on Islam extensively for a while how could it be that this noble sheikh left the Deen of Islam I find it very hard to believe that someone one who understands the Deen this well and defended us this well left us behind maybe he is still a Muslim I think.
@jameshenshall1534 24 күн бұрын
@glxtchedOTR 25 күн бұрын
Thanks man. Perfect timing too. My mind was everywhere, that kinda bought it back to center. PeaCe
@GlennGhoul 27 күн бұрын
To add a waaaay-too-long closing comment to what I said in my last comment: Regarding a rebrand of the o9a, yes, that is one option moving forward, but I think there are several obstacles that should be taken into consideration if attempting to do so: 1) Who will do the rebranding? It seems to me that without some kind of consensus, agreement, or cooperation on a majority level - whatever that means - we may see a few people attempt their own rebrand while trying to get others on board. But doing so may mean business as usual: new meaningless and unnecessary power struggles will once again emerge as ego-driven quests for "personal glory" cause even more disagreement, stratification, and infighting until "newcomers," now even more divided and confused than ever, will be so lost about which rebrand to "choose" that they and the general population will eventually lose interest in the o9a proper and its mutant offspring rebrands altogether; at least until - and after some time has passed - some person or persons attempt to revive the "old [o9a] brand." Rinse and repeat. 2) How will those attempting a rebrand achieve consensus, agreement, or cooperation on a majority level in order to successfully implement a rebrand and keep it alive? For a rebrand to succeed, I think it's necessary for it to offer something new and interesting, whether in magick, music, art, literature, whatever. Groups much larger, more coordinated, and with more resources than the o9a have failed at this in several respects, and we haven't seen much of it in the o9a in some time, in my opinion. The likelihood of a single person or small group of people having the talent, time, energy, and resources to do so on their own, with or without the few "followers" they're likely to gain, seems slim to me, and that's an optimistic assessment. Even if they succeed for a time, as long as the same type of behavior we see now continues - hostility, criticism, infighting, lying, deception, cowardice, ego-driven childishness, etc. - either internally (among “followers," “adherents,” "associates," whatever) or externally (among the media and public), I don’t think that person, persons, or their rebrand will last in any meaningful way for more than a decade or two. 3) In addition to cooperation and some kind of consensus, said individual or individuals would probably have to be well-liked, respected, and popular among their peers for a rebrand to succeed. That’s not an insurmountable task, but with the infighting, criticism, general hostility, and arrogance surrounding much of the current o9a, there would need to be some big changes - and sooner rather than later - for a rebrand to gain enough traction to even make it off the ground. 4) An alternative along the lines of what I think you suggested, Interzone, would be to rebrand the o9a by simply changing its name in order to break off from the media and public's association of it with undesired and reprehensible groups/individuals (pedophiles, criminals, those advocating violence, etc.) while still preserving some of the worthwhile foundations of the original o9a (the Sevenfold Way, rounwytha, esoteric chant, or whatever one sees as worth preserving and building upon). One problem with that concerns the media and public opinion of the o9a. There have been several rebrand attempts already and those didn’t make much difference in terms of the usual lies, slander, rumors, hearsay, and the like from the media/public about the o9a and some of those associated with it, regardless of how adamantly those associates (including myself) tried to convince the public otherwise. Two questions to consider with that in mind are: What would prevent the media/public from associating the same violent, degenerate, and undesired groups/individuals with the new rebrand(s)? And what would prevent the media/public from seeing any rebrand as synonymous with the o9a, thereby levying the same attacks against it? If instead one tried to take the rebrand “underground,” where the “old ways/traditions” were practiced more or less in secret on a person-to-person basis with those who really do practice and live them as a spiritual quest and/or way of life (which in my experience is how things have been for some time anyway, at least to some extent and beyond the public image/veneer of the o9a, whether on the internet or elsewhere), there are several other problems to consider. First, how will the rebrand and its associates avoid repeating the history and trajectory of the o9a? Going underground, practicing the traditions on a person-to-person basis, and the like are basically how the o9a began, if I'm not mistaken (at least in practice and regardless of the motivations behind its creation). What’s to prevent that type of rebrand from repeating the same types of mistakes and problems we see now? There were several talented, capable, and competent individuals associated with the o9a’s early development (such as Mr. Beest). Will we see the same or at least a comparable level of talent, capability, and competency necessary for a rebrand's success and survival? Again, that seems unlikely unless some of the above problems are addressed (the same applies to any type of rebrand described above). 5) Another option is to continue without explicitly rebranding (explicitly meaning changing the name of the o9a or creating new groups with new names that adapt or incorporate elements of it in some way) but instead attempt to constructively and cooperatively build upon the original brand - not usurping it for personal gain but contributing something new to it, giving something back. The goal there would be to try to accomplish the same thing as a rebrand - breaking away from those very harmful people and groups who have come to be associated with it - while building upon the original brand and without changing the name. (Interzone, I think you referred to that type of usurping for personal gain as “amoral opportunism." I admit: I'm not perfect and have fallen victim to that myself at times, convincing myself that what I was doing was motivated by a quest for the greater good, when sometimes it was just for personal recognition. You made a similar point about that type of thing toward the end of your video here, which I appreciated and thought was a good one.) I may be completely wrong, but I think at some point in its history and regardless of the motivations behind its creation, one of the purposes of the o9a was to see it evolve in creative and productive ways. I think those who have seriously lived its philosophy, its traditions, and/or practiced its early system(s) of magick found a deeper connection to self, nature, spirit, along with the eventual shedding of said system(s), in some cases. I think some of those people saw and continue to see the value in that type of evolution of the o9a - again, regardless of what its original purpose may or may not have been. Believe it or not, my goal was option 5). Maybe it was naïve, even futile, especially given the current state of things, the o9a’s public image, the aforesaid associations with horrible groups and people, along with the irreparable harm done by giving free reign to the authority of individual judgment while paradoxically and dogmatically holding it as canonical and absolute (e.g., "You MUST adhere to the authority of individual judgment," which is idiotic and which I think underwent something similar to the evolution and fate of the Labyrinthos Mythologicus, as described in my previous comment). Option 5) presents a nebula of problems to solve and overcome, each more insurmountable than the next, some of which I described above. To me, option 5) was and is the most difficult to achieve, the most challenging, and the least likely to succeed; which was partially why I fought so hard for it prior to withdrawing from the o9a; and, even having left, did not want to watch it die or go the way of options 1) - 4). When I was involved with the o9a, a lot of people were pushing for a rebrand. Theoretically, rationally, and ethically I understood why, and I fought VERY hard to break away from the types of horrible individuals and groups mentioned above. I tried to steer the narrative toward something good, honest, authentic, constructive, something that could help other people rather than harm them. Instinctually, I never felt right about a rebrand (despite attempting and failing at one myself). For me, it felt like giving up. I felt there was something valuable and beautiful in some of the early o9a material (its systems of magick and chant) and some of its traditions (rounwytha), which was what I was interested in and practiced in my own way. Prior to withdrawing and later rebranding, I pushed for option 5) with those things in mind but did not succeed. And that failure has weighed heavily on me … causing deep suffering. Lastly - and I'm surprised most people don't suspect this immediately and instinctually - there's always the possibility that rebranding and pushing so hard for one within the o9a is just cover for a deeper intelligence or esoteric strategy to end the o9a, redirect it for a hidden purpose(s), or achieve some other nefarious goal. I am not accusing you of that, Interzone, as you may be sincere in advocating what you said in this video. But it's something I would caution others to keep in mind moving forward. I suppose the takeaway from this can be summed up in something I wrote previously in a post/article (a quote from the HBO show Rome I heard several years ago): “You may call a cat a fish but it will not swim.” That said, I hope this fish doesn't drown and that the above-mentioned obstacles can be overcome, paving the way for something honest, true, noble, and powerful - something that can do good rather than harm in the world. Those are my thoughts, for what they’re worth. Good luck, everyone. - Nameless Therein
@InterzoneAnalysis 26 күн бұрын
Nameless Therein, I only assume this sock puppet account that was created 9 hours ago to be you. And thus pinning this amazing comment. As we have been acquainted. And your writing style, length and careful use of language are very "Nameless", and simplified for a more generalised audience. But also I know you have grown since. I apologise for this inadequate response. I am on my phone and my laptop is dead, and I have to go somewhere but I will get back to this. In focus and in full. Fantastic input, I apologise for calling you a c--nt I believe on a stream a while back. Anyway, thank you for this input. I recommend people read it carefully and in full. I will get back to you soon. When I have absorbed this information in a clear state where I can respond with clarity and concise language. Take care, and thank you for this, and also for being one of the few people who actually creates within the ONA, prolifically and with talent and knoladge. Take care Sincerely IA
@GlennGhoul 25 күн бұрын
@@InterzoneAnalysis Thanks for the kind words. I left you two other comments here that you might want to take a look at when you have a chance (one under this account and one other my other one - @axis-abraxas - which I’m currently locked out of). As I mentioned in my first comment under @axis-abraxas, I am almost positive that we've never had any contact before, and I say that honestly. Unless you were writing under a different alias and I was under the impression that I was communicating with someone else. Even so, I rarely reach out to anyone and I don't think I would have said the things you mentioned (quoted in the comment I left under @axis-abraxas). Anyway, that's neither here nor there, I suppose. No need to respond. My comments were long with a lot of detail to address and I know we’re all busy these days. You know, sometimes it’s enough to offer a little encouragement and a kind word or two to someone. I'm grateful for the things you said here, thank you. I’m probably just going to return to my cave now and get back to the good things in life - treachery, evil, treason against humanity, and air conditioning. Apologies in advance if I don’t respond to any replies here - not sure if or how often I’ll monitor these comments. Just wanted to weigh in briefly and offer some thoughts for anyone interested in the subject to consider. As I said in my other comment, I wish you the best of luck in your recovery and future endeavors, Interzone. Take care man. Satan! - NT
@roseofthorns21 22 күн бұрын
​@@GlennGhoul IMO, an extremely radical variant of 4) is likely the best way forward. I think that not only should the O9A name be abandoned, but the O9A brand entirely. This 'rebrand' should abandon ONA terminology, it should abandon ONA symbolism and instead forge new symbolism and terminology for itself. It should not present itself as a rebrand, indeed it should have no outward (exoteric/obvious) links to the ONA whatsoever. I think in this way it circumvents a lot of the issues mentioned, if done properly it will avoid media scrutiny, and it will avoid the need for a 'majority' consensus. It would be extremely time consuming to do, and would require a lot of effort, but I think that without this the only option is to hope that the ONA dies out, and then attempting to revive it after some time has passed with an entirely new direction. Which doesn't really solve the issue. IMO the issue is the Labyrinthos Mythologicus in tandem with the drive to be "hererical" and "evil". Satanic neonazism is not a natural combination, it's a combination that exists solely to be "heretical", and such "heretical" perspective can very easily lead to things such as the justification of murder, sexual assault, genocide, etc. It was present even since the days of WSA352 with their so-called "ABC Rite" and their so-called "Sex Opfering". The point being that, currently, the ONA attracts the absolute lowest of the low. IMO there is a reason why there has been little to no genuine creativity associated with the ONA for some time now, no art, this is it. Artists tend to be sensitive, this type of "evil" will either repel them instinctually, or eventually drive them away, as it did with you. Artists can certainly be dark, I personally have a taste for it, but there is a difference between dark and the "heresy" that the ONA promotes, or can be twisted to promote. So long as this "heretical" image persists, IMO it will never attract/inspire any good artists for very long. Everyone on all sides seems to be more concerned with personal gain than genuine growth. The Seven Oxonians continue to wail about being 'victims' and do little other than propogate Myatt, and almost all others involved are just young, rather stupid, neonazi boys. But I don't think this will change so long as the ONA name and iconography are used. Individual judgement isn't an issue in other groups such as Wicca because the religions are founded on a noble basis, and thus will be interpreted in noble ways. Individual paths work, they do not work when the whole point is about being "evil" though, and IMO pinning the blame on individual judgement misses the real issue, which is the 'branding' so to speak.
@joseWeiss8888 19 күн бұрын
i love your 2023 Chant NT
@leonvinyard.redflag 9 күн бұрын
Hey dude, I've been looking for your album Hex Haruspex for quite some time. I think it's brilliant. Is there any way to get my hands on a copy (or FLAC / MP3 files)? Sorry for not acknowledging your comment at all but eh. I'm here for the music.
@GlennGhoul 27 күн бұрын
Well ... believe it or not - and I know this sounds suspicious, especially given everything I just wrote! - Uncle Google locked my other account (@axis-abraxas). I did have a few things I wanted to add to the comment made under that account, so I’m going to use this one for the time being. I am aware that posting under a separate account here will probably be perceived as just the sort of deception I described, but I don’t care. I give my word that I am not trying to deceive anyone. I just want to say my piece and move on. Take that as you will. It’s the truth. Some thoughts below about what I said previously: Regarding the “never-ending deception, lying, omission, and insincerity” I mentioned in my last comment with respect to the o9a: There is a difference between attempting to constructively catalyze growth in an individual by encouraging them to figure things out for themselves through an almost mythic and heroic narrative of obstacles, ordeals, and the use of their higher faculties as they move into their authentic self (what I take to be the original idea behind the Labyrinthos Mythologicus) versus blatantly lying, manipulating, and deceiving people in order to achieve a personal end. In my opinion, the Labyrinthos Mythologicus was an interesting idea in theory in the early days of the o9a but lost its viability when people took it upon themselves to employ the above-mentioned tactics to aid what, in the grand scheme of things, had been termed "Sinister Strategy." To me, that seems to have long since devolved into an ego-driven exercise in arrogance and cowardice. Ego-driven because the spotlight of personal recognition and power began to eclipse what I take to be original goal of the Labyrinthos Mythologicus, especially when things moved to the internet; arrogance because attempting to force "self-actualization" in another person (which isn’t possible, in my opinion) in the name of "Sinister Strategy" and almost always at the expense of all parties involved has little to do with collective or individual growth - in my experience, it is usually motivated by fear, insecurity, and a need to control, and presupposes that someone is qualified to make certain decisions for other people without their consent, even if doing so causes significant harm to them, as long as the ends justify the means; and cowardice because individuals who engage in that type of behavior and approve of it in the o9a - behavior that can cause significant and lasting suffering in the recipients of it - mostly do so out of sight, on the internet, or with little fear of consequence until the tables are reversed and they experience someone else doing it to them with real and serious consequences. As long as people continue to confuse the former (what I described as the original aim of the Labyrinthos Mythologicus, with its goal of spiritual and psychological transformation) with the latter (using deception, lying, and manipulation to achieve a personal end in the name of collective change), it doesn't matter what anyone does to try to save face here. Whether "rebranding" the o9a or continuing to build upon its original foundations, I think it will be doomed to fail. - Nameless Therein
@cyrilvicious 28 күн бұрын
„Charles Mansion associated with creating the Beach Boys Sound“ MFer. Charles Mansion was in juvenile prison when the Beach Boys were creating their sound.
@InterzoneAnalysis 25 күн бұрын
He ran with them, they where influenced by him down the line. I could been more concise.