The Misinfo War: Israel/Gaza, AI, and Twitter Misinformation

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Dead Domain

Dead Domain

8 ай бұрын

Music by White Bat Audio
@whitebataudio CORRECTION: LivefromIsrael is not an Official State Channel. That wording was a mistake. They do share AI photographs but do not appear to be related directly to the Israeli government or IDF.
Elon Musk has transformed Twitter into a misinformation hellscape. What can we do about it?
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Additional Sources:
• Israel expands Gaza gr...
• 'Let Gaza Live!': Pro-...
• How Muslim and Jewish ...

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@Demagora 8 ай бұрын
The AI thing really is scary. My parents received a scam call where they deepfaked my own voice, presumably using my voice mailbox message, saying I was in jail and needed bail money. Really opened my eyes to how available this stuff is to generally anyone who wants to abuse it.
@deaddomain 8 ай бұрын
Whoa I had never even heard about that. It does sound entirely possible though given how fast AI has progressed. We are simply not ready for where it may be headed next
@jas2429 8 ай бұрын
Was it your number fake you called from? I'm asking because usually I tell to the people if they get that kind of a call to hang up and call back. Now I'm curious if our calling back would direct us to the scammer. Hope it all ended well for you and your parents.
@stylis666 8 ай бұрын
Also, it's a bit the same as with photos when those were new, as Dead Domain pointed out. It's not that hard to make a photo show a context that is way different from the reality of where the photo was taken. Wanna see me get attacked by a monster cat? No AI or photo editing needed. So I also wish to caution people in phrasing it like the AI is the scary thing. AI has no plans to misinform you and disenfranchise or kill people, nor any desire to do anything. To me that seems a bit like saying a hammer is scary, when it's only an danger adding risk is there's already danger, and I can promise you that the hammers didn't cause that situation. And sure, when the AI is used to misinform and harm, like it is, it's totally fair and correct to say the AI is scary. When some lunatic is aiming a bazooka at you, I will agree that the bazooka is really scary. But we have to realize it's not the bazooka that makes it scary. If there's a bazooka in a museum in a glass cabinet you can walk around and you're in front of the bazooka, there's still a bazooka aimed at you and it's not scary. But the bazooka also does nothing when you walk away. You phrased it as "the AI thing", in the context of how it was addressed in this video: how it's used to polarize and misinform people. That's a good way to phrase it. Someone else could've posted a similar comment and just have said: AI is really scary, implying that it's the AI that makes it scary. AI just made it easier and faster to use and spread than using hand made illusions, but the principles of propaganda and misinformation have existed since the first multi celled organism gave an incorrect impression that another one fell for. And that can be very useful, so the existence of butterflies tells me. We are just far more complex than that, with more complex desires and agendas. And ultimately: what works, works. Bennie Chapstick basically says: you kill one baby, we're justified in nuking your entire ethnic group out of existence. And the image works to fuel rage, racism, and black and white thinking, regardless if people know it's a fake image. It's posted in a context of a world where we know that islamic terrorism targets civilians. AI did nothing there. It might as well have been a picture of a burnt turkey at thanksgiving, or a burnt out log. It did help to visualize, so it's more effective than text alone. What makes it effective is the sudden barrage of information that you don't have to put effort in to read. Simple words and word combinations that stand out help to steer the thought of the viewer: murder, killing babies. We're drawn to such words and phrases just as much as we are to seeing faces even when there are none. Imagine if the picture had the caption: Thanksgiving in a hospital. The effect would be way different. It's not the AI that makes it scary but our lack of understanding and lack of awareness of how our psychology works and is used to inform and/or trick us. And we have a lot of information on that. Advertisers and doctors have extensive studies at their disposal that have been used for over a century. We should be as informed on how our brains are treated as we want to be on what is in our food and medicines, and it's simply ignored for the most part by most people, thinking our intuition, the thing that is exploited with centuries of in depth (publicly available) knowledge, will keep us safe. I'm sorry this is so long. I could write an entire book on every minute of video here. Dead Domain races and summarizes tons of complex aspects that intersect with other complex aspects of our lives and with the situations discussed. She does it amazingly well. I hope I can call her she/her. But it is also a lot of information, and it's still just a surface level of drawing connections between how our society is shaped by people who purposefully and successfully exploit our minds against us. And all we have to say about it is that they and the tools they use are kind of scary. The tools _are_ scary, but the one tool that we should learn more about is: information about our psychology and how it can be and is used against us. I am far more afraid of the ignorance of the general population than I will ever be about actual fascists. Fascists have never won. We are a very social species with lots of empathy and a sense of justice. But at the same time we dismiss the fascists as lunatics and the anti fascists as exaggerating. Progress is stunted, at the unnecessary cost of millions of lives and livelihoods of billions of people, aggression and violence increases, human rights are taken away for bigoted and conservative reasons, and so on and so forth. This is not because of AI, but because of manipulative language. AI just make it easier to produce and spread. The lack of resilience and awareness of manipulative language is the real danger here. And the mechanisms of AI that make it easier to spread and use makes it exponentially more dangerous. We've never properly addressed our vulnerability to manipulation and accept in our everyday lives that it's completely normalized in all of the global societies. We still underestimate its harms and dangers, and the fact that your first words weren't: "Wow, we're easily fooled", but, "This AI thing is really scary", shows that you live in a society were it's completely normalized to skip over the manipulation tactics that already existed and are just inflated to monstrous proportions by AI. By our ignorance we let fascism rise time and time again and we even encourage ignorance, while millions die because of it, with the excuse of freedom of choice (to be or not to be informed) and freedom of religion. That's not a choice though. Choice requires (demonstrably correct) information about the options and consequences - could be another book all by itself. Before AI, millions of people died and billions of livelihoods were diminished, all because of the acceptance of manipulation with fallacies, and we've ignored it for the most part and only blamed those who used it to harm people directly. Con artists, cult leaders, snake oil sales people, etc. But they only use what works. Mechanisms that are already there, and that we don't inform ourselves on to be more resilient against misinformation, fallacies, abuse, etc.. If we want abusers to stop finding new victims we have to discourage doing that, not just by frowning when they use AI propelled manipulation tactics, but by making people aware of how easily all of us are manipulated. I'm not immune either. When I fall for manipulation, I need someone else to point that out to me, but if I'm the only one who sees fallacies for the deadly toxins that they are and everyone around me will just say it's somehow "my choice", I'll just be another victim, suffering the consequences, losing friends, losing livelihood, fueling and perpetuating unnecessary suffering and death. So yeah, in conclusion, I am infinitely grateful for Dead Domain's work and for the fact that she's not the only critical thinker, increasing the chance that people come across critical thinking and that it will continue to be more normalized despite the endless criticism that we shouldn't point out correct information if someone rather be wrong and ignorant. It also takes off the pressure on Dead Domain. Imagine she _was_ the only one. If she took a break, critical thinking would just end. But we're also not watching those other videos right now and instead we're here. That's saying something as well :) Because yeah, I rather hear Dead Domain give her view than, for instance watch Here's What Ethical AI Really Means from Philosphy Tube, which happens to be in my side bar right now with a flashy, probably AI generated thumbnail, which is probably a great video and I might watch it some time. In the meanwhile I wish to encourage people to look a little deeper into how and why AI is used to manipulate people and populations, and that it wouldn't work nearly as well if we were given the tools to think critically because even when I fall for it, you can show me how that happened and that I did and _then_ I can make the choice to continue or inform myself better, unless you don't think critically or let me believe falsehoods, in which case I'll be victimized and an abuser and enabler, without my choosing that role. The harms of accepting fallacies as excuses being so normalized have always been extensive and out of control. AI inflated the harms and speed and reach exponentially. Maybe a good time to rethink our "free will" policy and consider that we don't need it to make choices, but that we need knowledge and cognitive tools to make choices. Just like we need knowledge and cognitive tools to do maths and speak.
@theMyRadiowasTaken 8 ай бұрын
​@@stylis666im not reading all that but i assume its probably really smart or something
@agluebottle 8 ай бұрын
That's nuts. Some guys scammed my grandma out of $8,000 with that one, but her mind was really going and they had to have another guy pretend to be my brother in jail. The AI angle is extra evil.
@haleycopans296 8 ай бұрын
As a Jew we don’t claim ben Shapiro or anything he says
@dmgroberts5471 8 ай бұрын
Yeah, you shouldn't. Every demographic should disavow their crazies.
@ReallyBadJuJu 8 ай бұрын
Considering the audience he caters would just as soon round him up and send him to a camp if they held the power they desire, I don't think anyone expects that he would be representative of your group. He, like Candace Owens and Dave Rubin, ignores the bigotry in order to be considered "one of the good ones" by a disproportionately powerful, wealthy demographic that rewards those who will speak out against the interests of themselves and the group to which they belong.
@pastlesandfish 8 ай бұрын
It's heartening to see some Jews condemning Israel's genocidal barbarism.
@lornm1856 8 ай бұрын
As a Jew we don’t claim you
@ReallyBadJuJu 8 ай бұрын
@@lornm1856 No one cares.
@PatrickWDunne 8 ай бұрын
"In the tech space, there are a lot of people who want to be called creative and brilliant for stealing other people's work and putting their name on it, but we'll get to Elon Musk later" LMAOOOOO
@deaddomain 8 ай бұрын
@Nerobyrne 7 ай бұрын
He literally gets mad when you call him an "Investor" and not a "founder" of PayPal and Tesla 😂
@elijahhernandez906 7 ай бұрын
Don't forget Bill Gates
@Nerobyrne 7 ай бұрын
@@elijahhernandez906 At least Gates did a lot with the DOS code he stole 😅
@felipem7626 8 ай бұрын
Just today, over 20 girls from a school in Rio had AI deepfake nudes shared around their school whatsapp groups. From 7th to 9th grades at that too, so they were teenagers. Honestly, I love the potential of AI for a lot of things, but the type of political and criminal activities these could cause is just actually scary.
@PatrickWDunne 8 ай бұрын
@deaddomain 8 ай бұрын
Jesus that is horrific
@Pasture_Prime 8 ай бұрын
Duh water is wet wickedness
@felipem7626 8 ай бұрын
@@Pasture_Prime what?
@poly_blanka 8 ай бұрын
I also see that AI does have potential, but I still think it would do more bad than good given to what morally questionable people can do with it, and how easy to get a hold of AI programs
@haleycopans296 8 ай бұрын
Dear dead domain, I am an American Jew. I have been raised in almost entirely Jewish communities. But Im also a hardcore leftist and support free Palestine. I admit I was nervous to watch this video. As I too believe what Israel is doing i.e bombarding citizens is wrong. And I also hate Hamas. But Bc there is lots of anti semitic stuff going around and my community is scared. So I want to thank you from the very bottom of my heart. Thank you for being an educated person. For defending the Jewish community and helping promote peace. I believe other have said this better than me but I still wanted to. So thank you again for being an ally to both Palestinian citizens and Jews
@deaddomain 8 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for this. You have no idea how much it means to me and how nervous I’ve been in taking on this topic.
@grmpEqweer 8 ай бұрын
@OP, it angers me that some ignorant people blame ALL Jewish people for what a far-right religious minority is doing. May you, your family and community remain safe.❤
@Drowe71 8 ай бұрын
I think its safe to say that many sane people dont support anyone who contributes to the killing of innocent people. Which leaves the only sane thing to do is support the victims on both sides of this conflict and condemn the actions of those that continue to contribute to the insanity no matter what nationality they are, as I'm sure the Jewish and Arabic are not the only ones feeding this war.
@O-pm8bb 8 ай бұрын
Yup! I feel the exact same way, free Palestine but fuck the antisemites using this as an opportunity to be bigoted
@pastlesandfish 8 ай бұрын
Your community is scared? Not as scared as Palestinians who are having rockers and white phosphorus rained down on them. Sorry but this "Jews in other countries" are scared stuff rings so hollow to me.
@doggodoggo3000 8 ай бұрын
Lack of media literacy is going to kill us all.
@NovemberCrystal 8 ай бұрын
This was one of the first things that worried me with AI-generated images. Using it for propaganda, especially war propaganda is a no-brainer to try and influence public opinion. The conflict was already rife with propaganda long before AI, and now it's only going to get worse trying to get the truth. My mom has non-existent media literacy, and it scares me what she will stumble upon.
@pliant75 8 ай бұрын
We don’t need Twitter for god’s sake. Who says we need his putrid platform? Life existed before it, damn. Another platform will take its place or adapt to the times. I quit it about six months after he took over. It was bad before he even got there. It was insufferable after he got there. He’s destroying the app single-handedly.
@deaddomain 8 ай бұрын
I know personally it’s the best platform for engagement as a content creator. I wouldn’t have half of my OF support if it wasn’t for Twitter.
@rdean150 8 ай бұрын
@@deaddomain But is that engagement healthy and positive for those who participate? Your content is excellent, but you seem to be staring down the barrel of an ethical dilemma, a moral conundrum. The platform rewards you for playing to the fears and frustrations of your audience, which in this moment even requires biting the hand that feeds you. But that hand is the hand of a master, not a mother. Some hands need to be bitten sometimes. What Elon Musk has planned for X would literally be dystopian. And as a software engineer myself, what that man did to that company and its employees was beyond unacceptable. There was a time, many years ago, where I thought maybe Elon Musk could be the Dr Quest our world needed. Turns out, he's the Dr Venture we deserve.
@thewhitefalcon8539 8 ай бұрын
It was the best platform for realtime news on literally anything, especially grassroots things. Protest in your city? Follow the hashtag. Ongoing war? Follow the hashtag.
@pliant75 8 ай бұрын
@@deaddomain I didn’t know you had an OF. I should check out your socials.
@michimatsch5862 8 ай бұрын
@@pliant75 Sorry but what is an OF?
@PatrickWDunne 8 ай бұрын
Them: AI Ben Shapiro can't hurt you AI Ben Shapiro:
@larularae2106 8 ай бұрын
He really doing that >:] shit bruh
@cookiemons9097 8 ай бұрын
“We’re in a war between barbarism and civilization” Word for word, the statements of a military terrorizer. Holy shit. We’re viewing history unravel.
@thewhitefalcon8539 8 ай бұрын
Unravel? This is no different from all other history since forever!
@TheEnmineer 8 ай бұрын
So, this is the peloponnesian war again? That's literally how it was written out as despite both sides being what most people would consider fundamental pillars of the classical world which lead to a great number of societal improvements.
@Pasture_Prime 8 ай бұрын
Delusional '"War is the continuation of politics by other means." - Carl von Clausewitz "War is hell." - William Tecumseh Sherman "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." - Edmund Burke "The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends towards justice." - Theodore Parker "If you want peace, work for justice." - Pope Paul VI
@theMyRadiowasTaken 8 ай бұрын
that image of squidward wearing a pin that says "i really wish i wasnt living through a historical event right now"
@theMyRadiowasTaken 8 ай бұрын
​@@Pasture_Primethats a lot of quotes for not adding a whole lot
@steev.homohumanism 8 ай бұрын
Great video. I think another factor that the grifters and propagandists rely on is the Memory Hole. I truly think that people expect to be able to say something completely untrue, but allow the speed of online discourse rush past it and have general population’s forgetfulness as a defence. They hope that the point is remembered subconsciously as the debunking community note is forgotten. We need to not let it happen. Screenshot and share their crimes continuously.
@Sin_Essence 8 ай бұрын
If anyone would like some background information regarding the conflict, I would highly suggest checking out the articles, "Burying the Nakba: How Israel Systematically Hides Evidence of 1948 Expulsion of Arabs" and "Classified Docs Reveal Massacres of Palestinians in '48 - and What Israeli Leaders Knew" These two articles are from Haaretz, the longest running newspaper in Israel since 1918. The reason I am recommending these two articles is that I think it's very telling when Israeli journalists and historians, who have every reason not to speak up, bring to light the atrocities that Israel has committed since its inception. The articles are unfortunately now paywalled, but you can still find them in their entirety in the Internet Archives.
@The2012Aceman 8 ай бұрын
What caused the newly formed Israel to be so aggressive against their neighbors? Were there some sort of conflicts occurring in the former Ottoman Empire where Jews felt persecuted or were being killed? Was there some sort of huge support among the Arab community, including Iran (who renamed themselves during World War 2 to more closely align with Germany's love for Aryans), for "getting rid" of the Jews in their area? And what happened to the Jews living in the surrounding Arab countries who immediately declared war on Israel? Surely the humanitarian governments left them in peace, and promised to always protect them... right?
@Sin_Essence 8 ай бұрын
@The2012Aceman Why did the allied powers renege on their agreement for independence when the indigenous populations fulfilled their end of the bargain? Why did Zionists smuggle weapons en masse, which sparked the Arab Revolt? Why were Zionist militias aiding the occupying force in oppressing the indigenous populace? Why were certain Zionist militias trying to recruit of Nazis in their fight against the British in 1942 and then subsequently allowed to integrate into the state of Israel? What does this say about Zionist values and priorities? I can't directly link sources, so look up the Haaretz article, "Zionist Militia’s Efforts to Recruit Nazis in Fight Against the British Are Revealed".
@kendan06 8 ай бұрын
​​@@The2012Aceman It's not really Israelis themselves so much as the colonialist government that founded the modern nation. I'm sure some of the current anti-Palestinian hate is rooted in racism, but at first it was simply "these people are indigenous to where we want to build a country and we have to get rid of them, so we're going to convince everyone they're bad." It's the same idea as the English settlers toward Native Americans. Israel was never formed to be the "safe homeland of displaced Jewish people," it was just an excuse to gain land, but those displaced Jewish people did buy into it (they were of course extremely traumatized). But Palestinians would have welcomed them as refugees and immigrants into their own nation- they just never had the option because of the government's violent genocidal campaign. A sad fact some scholars have shared is that because Israel was ancient Jewish land, the Palestinians are likely the descendants of ancient Jewish citizens who converted to different religions (there are Muslim Palestinians, but also Christian Palestinians and many other faiths) to survive... It's horrible how they've been turned against each other by the evil, land-hungry government. Tl;dr: Although many Israelis ARE in support of Palestinians and condemn the IDF's actions, the hatred some Israelis and the Jewish diaspora feel toward Palestine stems from government propaganda utilizing religious and racial conflict.
@michimatsch5862 8 ай бұрын
@@The2012Aceman Israel was a colonialist project from the start. Which inherently means genocidal ambitions. Seriously. Read a few books about Israel.
@The2012Aceman 8 ай бұрын
@@michimatsch5862 Let's try a fun one: People who support Hamas believe that their actions are justified because they are being oppressed and persecuted. In 1948, when Israel declared statehood, were they being oppressed and persecuted? Was there some sort of international resentment against Jews at the time? Was there some sort of tension between the Jews in the Middle East and their Arab neighbors? And since we're talking about genocidal ambitions, I guess I have to ask: was there some sort of Genocide being conducted against the Jews at this time? Was there widespread support for it in the Middle East? How about Hamas's founding charter, any genocidal ambitions in that document?
@starwarriorterra8373 8 ай бұрын
I was never a huge fan of Twitter due to its maximizing of expedience over nuance, but man, you really don't know what you have until it's gone. This entire war and its coverage frustrates me beyond belief. I was only four when the 9/11 attacks happened, so I really only knew of the leadups to the Iraq War and islamophobic sentiment in passing. My big question was always how we could so easily excuse killing thousands of innocent civilians in the name of "counter-terrorism," only to see it happen right in front of my eyes over 20 years later. It's still equally confusing that we can be led to hold such callous disregard for the lives of others.
@shadowldrago 8 ай бұрын
I was going to make a joke about Elon wanting to be called brilliant and creative for putting his name on shit he stole, but you beat me to the punchline. Well played.
@deaddomain 8 ай бұрын
I tip my fedora to you nonetheless
@clarepollard3193 8 ай бұрын
The first time AI deepfake really freaked me out was in December 2020 here in the UK. Channel 4 did an "alternative Christmas message" and it was an actress called Debra Stevenson, doing a deepfake video of the Queen. I warned my (grown up) kids to watch out for deepfake stuff, cos now you just can't always believe what your eyes are telling you 😬
@deaddomain 8 ай бұрын
It’s deeply worrying and it’s getting more convincing every day
@clarepollard3193 8 ай бұрын
@@deaddomain it really is. I saw an article from Amnesty about the Wolf Pack software the IDF use, facial recognition and stuff. Colonisers do like to track people endlessly, though. Lots of cameras here in the UK. Your analysis on this is brilliant as usual 🔥💯
@parkcrashers5922 8 ай бұрын
No darlyn you can believe your eyes. You just can't believe what the internet is telling you
@ilikeyoutube7224 8 ай бұрын
"Kidnapped" posters r EVERYWHERE where I live They're all "this person, loving parent with disability, was kidnapped by Hamas!" They're by resturaunts, the dollar store, bus stop by the school, everywhere.
@CTimmerman 8 ай бұрын
Guess they want ransom.
@ilikeyoutube7224 8 ай бұрын
@@CTimmerman no the text makes it clear it's all propaganda They're not asking for money, it's different people. They tell a tear jerking story about how helpless, amazing, selfless the person was. We dont even know if they exist but they tell these stories then have a call to action about helping isreal defeat gaza Very dirty tbh
@kyle996 7 ай бұрын
Why is kidnapped in quotation marks? and whats wrong with having these posters around? Everyone should support freeing the innocent people that were kidnapped in this war, especially when a lot of them have two nationalities. This is just a humanitarian issue
@BenYork-UBY 8 ай бұрын
The wisest words I was ever told was "believe half of what you see and none of what your hear". Which has been a guiding philosophy for my skeptism around contentious events. That saying came from my great grandmother so it dates back when random radio stations was the common way to hear news. I'll modernize it by saying, "believe only half of MSM, and nothing on Xwitter"
@Alex_Barbosa 5 ай бұрын
This was never a war between an apartheid state and a terrorist organization. This is a war between an apartheid state, and the ethnic group of palestinians.
@josephthomas4797 8 ай бұрын
Watched my first Dead Domain premiere today!!! Great work - the important thing now is to be in solidarity with innocent civilians whether they be Israeli or Palestinian. Governments, bad individuals and organizations to blame, not the day-to-day innocent individuals trying to peacefully live their lives, work hard and raise their families 😢
@deaddomain 8 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for watching
@josephthomas4797 8 ай бұрын
@@deaddomain Thank you for creating valuable and meaningful content - and especially for engaging with your viewers 🙏
@thewhitefalcon8539 8 ай бұрын
Premieres are stupid btw.
@cats9994 8 ай бұрын
​@alexc4924 no they aren't it just combines a livestream with a video. It only improves engagement. Unless you don't like receiving two notifications instead of one, which sounds like a you problem
@PatrickWDunne 8 ай бұрын
@@thewhitefalcon8539 k
@PatrickWDunne 8 ай бұрын
Elon Musk is truly the Henry Ford of our time
@Mikewee777 8 ай бұрын
In the worst way.
@sillygoose420 7 ай бұрын
damn that’s a really apt comparison
@The2012Aceman 8 ай бұрын
Your section on stochastic terrorism was excellent. I love the way you called out how the right demonizes their enemies to try and remove their humanity, and accomplishes all this by talking about how supposed wrong, unclean, or ill-intended the Left is. That they do all these soft prompts and condemnations of others so that their loyal audiences will "know" what they mean and "know" what to do about them. I'm just thankful we have people like you to call out those uneducated, transphobic, racist, sexist, exploitative bastards. They want to round everyone up who doesn't fit their model and "deal" them.... but we won't let them, will we?! We'll confront them before they can do that! And we'll use the government apparatus to do it!
@thewhitefalcon8539 8 ай бұрын
We'll let them.
@PatrickWDunne 8 ай бұрын
@@thewhitefalcon8539 nope
@ashisburning7786 8 ай бұрын
Do any other trans women have the feeling of a civil war breaking out? The reality is we are huge targets of hatred from the media, and if a war breaks out… should we be prepared? Should I have been pro-2nd amendment this whole time? Obviously not bc the second amendment is (supposed to be) about militias not individual rights but still should we start preparing and finding eachother for solidarity and protection? I know trans genocide is real, but we won’t go down without a fight, so….
@Austin-gj7zj 8 ай бұрын
You had me until that whole trust the government part. Direct action is much more affective in antifascist organizing.
@Cameronmid1 8 ай бұрын
​@@Austin-gj7zjporque no los dos?
@SpoopySquid 8 ай бұрын
This cyberpunk dystopia sucks
@deaddomain 8 ай бұрын
The worst possible cyberpunk dystopia because nothing is even cool to look at
@amysteriousstranger1221 7 ай бұрын
I was promised robot arms and all I got was depression
@grmpEqweer 8 ай бұрын
There's no humanitarian crisis in Gaza to those who think there's no humans in Gaza🤬
@xx2262 8 ай бұрын
I flinch at the thought of the “feedback” your very measured and thoroughly researched video will attract. As I assume you know. Thank you for the excellent piece. Your voice is increasingly one of the rare, trustworthy sources for me in this space. I am not a gamer but have been watching that content as well. Thank you for all the work you do so that on this channel it is possible to let some of the vigilance slide 🌻🙏🏼🖤🏳️‍⚧️
@deaddomain 8 ай бұрын
Of course. Thank you so much for watching and I appreciate your support ❤️
@CharlieApples 8 ай бұрын
Saying that every drop of blood shed in Gaza as a result of Israel’s shelling and military presence is “on Hamas” is like saying it’s on you if you get graped.
@joshua-we9xr 8 ай бұрын
Watching all of the alt-right social media accounts try and balance between denying the Holocaust because of white nationalism and supporting Israel because of fundamentalist Christianity is hilarious. 😂
@suplerb 8 ай бұрын
AI detectors are themselves AI and should be taken with a grain of salt! I think it's less of an issue in the image AI space, but it's a huge problem for written work
@Ahhhfreeatlast 7 ай бұрын
I'm not AI
@ErisApplebottom 7 ай бұрын
​@@Ahhhfreeatlastmy AI detectors going off. Is that an AI in your pants or are you just 101110101010001 to see me 😉
@BeastNationXIV 8 ай бұрын
Adding to my playlist, because I'll have to catch the replay later on in my workday. 😊
@samuelsolomon7330 8 ай бұрын
There needs yo be some legal requirement for AI programs to make it easily identifiable, like an opaque watermark or serial number in the code. AI is scary, but humans can be far worse.
@deaddomain 8 ай бұрын
Unfortunately like almost everything in tech we are so far behind where we should be in regulation and legislation. Partially because lawmakers can barely work the technology and partly because of tech oligarchy like Musk. It’s a nightmare.
@hairymcnipples 7 ай бұрын
I suspect all that this would do is lead people to trust images more but there would be nothing to stop, say, an intelligence agency having their own AI that doesn't mark the images.
@ErisApplebottom 7 ай бұрын
​@@hairymcnipplesor just people who know how to make and train these types of AI. or people who steal the code from an already made one and edit it to not include the watermark. Like just cuz AI companies would have to follow those rules doesnt mean private individuals with some know-how wont break them.
@merbst 8 ай бұрын
I clicked before the video launch to give a thumbs up, but it appears I already have done so. ❤️🇵🇸 Free Palestine!
@jonny8774 8 ай бұрын
Die Leute, die sich Hitler zurück wünschen sind also die Guten™. Achso.
@leonardodiserpierodavinci1519 8 ай бұрын
Free the states from jihadists like you 🇺🇸🇮🇱
@merbst 8 ай бұрын
BTW my inner pedant wishes to remind our lovely content creator to search their favorite search engine "infer versus imply".
@aravenbythenamealex 8 ай бұрын
All my homies hate genocide
@juicyparsons 8 ай бұрын
I was trying to figure out why the younger kids at work were seriously considering that Hellen Keller might not be real, I went into a deep dive of this conspiracy theory and I realized that Gen Z being raised in this social media environment are almost inherently suspicious of what they see on their screens. I also remember sharing a crazy video and they all instantly said "oh that;s fake" when it hadn't even crossed my mind that the video could be doctored (I'm 37). information sharing is so difficult even across different media platforms
@kerricantelupe8337 8 ай бұрын
I appreciate your take on this conflict. I’m having such a hard time discerning reliable sources with everyone and their uncle having an opinion about it on social media. I’m pro-Palestinian, and I also find the rise in antisemitic and anti-Muslim rhetoric extremely concerning.
@deaddomain 8 ай бұрын
Thank you 💕
@hj7947 8 ай бұрын
I struggle to see how folks can be pro-Palestine when they’d be killed for being who they are if they were to suddenly live in Palestine (pre-conflict). I saw a group of protestors and not a single 🏳️‍🌈 person who was there would be allowed to live. Nor would any of the women, given how they were dressed. I do not understand how someone can have that knowledge and be in favor of that.
@michimatsch5862 8 ай бұрын
@@hj7947 I struggle to see how people can be in favor of genocide. But here you are.
@hj7947 8 ай бұрын
@@michimatsch5862 me? I’m anti-genocide. When your enemy tells you what they want to do to you/your family-believe them. Believe what someone says when they say they want to unalive you/your family. I’m anti-genocide. Go look at the history between those regions dating back to the 1950s, how many times did the Israelis strike first? If a country isn’t lashing out and historically hasn’t done so-then eventually they will have a tipping point. This is that point. You think I want to be deployed over there? Because I don’t. But I want Israel to be allowed to exist even moreso than I want to stay safe and warm in my bed. But go off if it makes you feel better, I guess. Weird to be in favor of a country that would unalive the content creator you’re following, but I guess you’re straight and not an ally. 🙃
@twistedhyrule 8 ай бұрын
@@hj7947 aside from the fact that many queer palestinians exist and are alive today, it's not unreasonable for people to stand against the colonization or genocide of palestinians despite what the people there or the government might think. as much as i personally hate homophobes and transphobes, it will never be a valid reason to wipe out an entire nation or ethnic group. nothing is
@Thescallywags2000 8 ай бұрын
Finally a KZfaqr using their platform for Palestine 🇵🇸
@deaddomain 8 ай бұрын
Doing my best
@jonny8774 8 ай бұрын
Jawoll, die Freunde von Hitler sind natürlich auch die Freunde der ABC-Mafia.
@michimatsch5862 8 ай бұрын
First Thought, Hakim, John The Duncan, FD Signifier bumped a bunch of other content on Palestine, PLN, and that's just at the top of my head.
@BooksRebound 8 ай бұрын
Hasan has been insanely vocal about Palestine. He's talking about it constantly and countering a lot ot anti Palestinian talking points. He's also been collabing with some highly educated people
@Thescallywags2000 8 ай бұрын
@@BooksRebound thanks for telling me I’ll def check him out
@burpworm 8 ай бұрын
Don't use twitter. Make twitter unpopular. We can do better than to act doomery about the sites we make a choice to use. I know people say they "have to for their livelihood." You can build livelihood elsewhere. It's not easy but look at the consequences of taking the easy way out and continuing to use twitter? There is an audience everywhere.
@theMyRadiowasTaken 8 ай бұрын
unalgopilled wtf am i talking about
@guytrashgurtdog 8 ай бұрын
I understand the sentiment but for those of us who are sex workers and artists, Twitter is the best and most profitable platform for that kind of content and moving platforms you’re going to loose a big chunk of followers, it’s just what happens. And for a lot of us, that is the loss of a lot of money we cannot afford, especially smaller creators and people doing this to survive.
@burpworm 8 ай бұрын
@guytrashgurtdog There is still almost always a strong unwillingness to spread out or consider other places or personal safety or even just not slowing down unessential twitter use that goes beyond the argument of it being about monetary livelihood. I'm an artist who felt reliant on twitter and grew a more reliable audience by not relying on it because for artists, it isn't even a strong way to build a commission base because people aren't on the platform to find commissions and if you're any kind of artist who doesn't prefer fan art then you'll be passed up in the engagement machine. It's just not the golden goose people think it is especially right now
@nefritees 7 ай бұрын
9:34 Hamas did not start this war, israel started it with their colonisation of Palestine.
@ronaldreaganhater6982 7 ай бұрын
Technically this specific instance was started by them but anyone who insists that the entire saga was caused by hamas doesn't know shit about hamas. They weren't even around when it started
@odilly1856 8 ай бұрын
I love you dead domain
@deaddomain 8 ай бұрын
Thank you 💕
@kermitthorson9719 8 ай бұрын
i only have 1 child as opposed to elons what 10? i would sink into a bottomless pit of depression if my child told me outright that they never wanted to be associated with me ever again. like i would have had to the most disgusting thing to get that kind of reaction to the person in biologically required to love.......
@Veryvoidlove 8 ай бұрын
Alrighty time to scream into the endless abyss
@RealBradMiller 8 ай бұрын
Rest in peace Corei. His organs saved the lives of four individuals, male and female, and the donations given exceeded his funeral arrangement costs and will be donated to the hospital he was treated at, and a charity im not sure of the name of. 😢 Rita is an excellent human and deserves none of the hurt or the hate.
@staphanieseirra2132 8 ай бұрын
Babe wake up, new extremely upsetting Dead Domain
@deaddomain 8 ай бұрын
Omg the exact content I specialize in 😬
@mm-rj3vo 8 ай бұрын
Should invite a Palestinian anarchist to speak on their thoughts on the matter
@deaddomain 8 ай бұрын
If you know one I wouldn’t mind talking to them.
@triangleunderstander7801 8 ай бұрын
the "art" in "ai art" is short for "artificial"
@PatrickWDunne 8 ай бұрын
artificial intelligence artificial
@triangleunderstander7801 8 ай бұрын
@@PatrickWDunne artificial intelligence be artificial indeed
@CthulhusBFF2 8 ай бұрын
You best start believing in cyberpunk dystopias, Miss Turner. You’re in one!
@sebidotorg 8 ай бұрын
That picture of the alleged “dead babies” has nothing to do with AI art or deepfakes. It is simply photoshopped. Why does everyone use “AI” these days, do they think it stands for “altered image”? There are always artefacts in AI images that can be detected on closer look, while a good use of photoshop is way harder to detect. I love the section about Israel’s use of Twitter, though, and about Elon’s antics. Thanks for saying this so clearly!
@paranoidpixie95 8 ай бұрын
Ten years ago, Twitter used to be the best place for news. Now, it's almost hard to take anything at face value. Whenever I come across something nowadays, I find myself going through that person's likes and previous tweets to ascertain what their personal agenda is.
@monster3339 8 ай бұрын
getting promoted posts on twitter on, not just even MY feed, but my CAT'S accounts feed, has been. so fucking creepy. the only plus is that a cat blocking the israeli government is kinda hilarious.
@deaddomain 8 ай бұрын
Based cat
@monster3339 8 ай бұрын
@@deaddomain my man wembley is as staunchly anti-apartheid as he is pro-cuddling (he is cuddling me as im typing this)
@chrishusted9296 8 ай бұрын
The only political candidates i ever find who are actual people of substance who stand for what is right, are all independent the US. It is truly a shame that they will never be nominated in one of the big 2 or elected as independents. The system is broken and we are fucked politically.
@1Dark.Paradise.Lost1 8 ай бұрын
CNN will say that they are unelectable and maintain the status quo.
@science_bear 8 ай бұрын
It's because of people attracted to the opposite sex that the system is broken.
@irenafarm 8 ай бұрын
Wow this thumbnail is the stuff of nightmares.
@deaddomain 8 ай бұрын
Unfortunately this issue is literally the stuff of nightmares too.
@rachaelik 8 ай бұрын
Half my extended family is out your way. They're dryland wheat farmers, combine/tractor mechanics, and teachers. Grange membership is a family tradition, and you better love cabbage rolls because that's what's for dinner (eaten mid-day). I miss the Inland Empire. You give me one more excellent reason to get over and visit.
@thumbwarriordx 8 ай бұрын
I'm really proud of my AI art. I typed in many variations on "hamburger queen" and my favorites are when the AI forgets that woman and hamburger are distinct concepts. Just some abstractly feminine hamburgers. Can't explain it any other way. I wouldn't even know where to start making the hamburger feminine.
@elisehalflight 8 ай бұрын
I usually speak against AI art, but i find stuff like what you describe fascinating, things product of the neural network interpreting your words and generating a fever dreamlike scene that a human would rately go out of their way to create
@Blakbox92 7 ай бұрын
​@lemmzerochill6470 AI imagery is only interesting in what bizarre way it interprets ambiguous or weird prompts, in making shitposts, or in the use of it as a base or inspiration for an actual piece of art (like painting over the AI imagery or using it to inspire a character design) AI alone is not good as actual art though.
@kermitthorson9719 8 ай бұрын
the funniest thing of the trump fake mugshots, they were all so much higher quality than what a court mugshot camera was going to be you knew when it was fake
@dawzkothewolfcaptain272 8 ай бұрын
Youre the coolest Political Channel simply for the Synthwave style. makes this more interesting
@deaddomain 8 ай бұрын
Awh thank you! I’m looking forward to introducing some new elements and polish soon
@Venomater2012 7 ай бұрын
We need regulation across the board for ALL social media and apps that can spread fake news, hate, racism, sexsism and any speech that may cause direct or intentionally directed negative effects on others. Free speech is one thing and harming others on purpose is another.
@mondo5412 8 ай бұрын
Much support ❤! Thank you for your research!❤
@rdean150 8 ай бұрын
Great discussion and very important topics for us to be collectively considering and really coming to terms with. These seismic world changes have now had time to simmer, enough time for the IRL normies to recognize and chew on for awhile.
@Jelly_Skelly 8 ай бұрын
It's unfortunately human nature to ignore warnings we don't want to hear, and aren't willing to listen until the consequences are looking us in the face. We can collectively scream for genocides to stop, for mass shootings to stop, for the continual assault on our rights, freedoms, and democracy to stop, but those with the power to do anything about it won't lift a finger until it's too late.
@deaddomain 8 ай бұрын
And right now, the people in power don’t have any incentive to listen because not listening is what brings them the most profit
@darthsydi0us 8 ай бұрын
Incredible video. Will be sharing! Just found your channel, you definitely earned a new subscriber! ❤
@LittleHerdaz 8 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for covering this ❤
@deaddomain 8 ай бұрын
Of course 🙏
@hippycrit5125 8 ай бұрын
8:20 what do you mean "obvious AI images"? Those piles of unconnected arms and limbs look completely normal
@automagicashie 8 ай бұрын
So excited fr something to wake up for!!! 🎉 looking forward to it 🎉🎉
@jadewedge6082 7 ай бұрын
"Israel is advertising the war on twitter" was a thing I heard today and jesus *fucking* christ how grim is that?
@deaddomain 7 ай бұрын
And it gets WORSE
@jadewedge6082 7 ай бұрын
I'm not surprised that Elon managed to make twitter worse practically over*night* but oh my GOD-@@deaddomain
@opnuul 8 ай бұрын
yeah... for as much as i piss and moan about how shit everything is from my own little corner, the real fear for me comes from my inability to prevent _others_ from believng whatever they see online. it's like, personal abstinance from twitter is not salvation from it 😔 and that shit sucks 😞 i want off the ride!
@craigocaster 8 ай бұрын
New here. Just found you this week. Enjoying your content. Thank you for what you do ☺️
@StanielFukimori 8 ай бұрын
the thumbnail gives me Happy Musk Salesman vibes lol
@PatrickWDunne 8 ай бұрын
You've met with a terrible fate, haven't you?
@PatrickWDunne 8 ай бұрын
"Did Ben know this picture was AI?" Judging by the hands, probably not.
@targaghjj 8 ай бұрын
Thank you for your work. I wish this could be played in schools!
@deaddomain 8 ай бұрын
Idk about that, there are some things I got wrong. But I appreciate it
@WannaKnowAll 8 ай бұрын
Thats a subscribe. Thank you for your research and efforts to spread the truth!
@deaddomain 8 ай бұрын
Thank you for your support 💕
@Callie_FL 8 ай бұрын
Another excellent video essay, thoughtful & informed ❤
@fiercelytrans1599 8 ай бұрын
Thank you for putting this together and posting it
@deaddomain 8 ай бұрын
Of course 🙏 thank you for watching and listening
@Mavisdundundunnnmanston 8 ай бұрын
AP news had an article today about children killed in Gaza. I recommend every one to read it.
@DahVoozel 8 ай бұрын
Ben Shapiro: Israel will minimize civilian casualties! Israel: There's a high value target in that refugee camp? No human shields if you kill all the humans! lololol.
@hannahsumpter5755 8 ай бұрын
I have really been enjoying your contact but I have to admit I was terrified to click on this video due to the title because i was not sure which way you would swing on this issue. I knew it would be a defining moment for me to either unsubscribe and click the 'do not recommend channel' button (the Isreal/Palestine issue has caused me to have to cut ties with alot of youtubers that i once thought i aligned with politically and morally). Well I finally got courage enough to watch.....holding my breath and with very tightly crossed fingers lol....huge sigh of relief....Im so glad that i did!!!! Your wise input and ability to see through the pervasive propaganda just reinforces my respect for you and also gives me hope that not all humanity has lost its mind. I love spaces like this where there are real people in the comment sections that are still holding onto truth and love for all human beings. We are a community of family that can gather in one place and support eachother in the fight to end the human suffering that the majority of people in our current country chooses to deny. 🇵🇸 Never give up
@lukehenderson5097 8 ай бұрын
Shapiro town hall at Oxford union 30/10/23 "achkually, that community note was fake..."
@PatrickWDunne 7 ай бұрын
Just wanted to share the good news that ValidLs has been suspended from Twitter 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
@deaddomain 7 ай бұрын
I just saw! 🎉🎉🎉
@LeoFieTv 8 ай бұрын
The sheer irony of the kind of guy who until now always insisted that Israel-Palestine was oh so complicated to form an opinion on, now calling anything but staunch support for Israel antisemitic is killing me. Especially in Germany there is no room for any sort of analysis or, god forbit, support of the palestinian cause. Saying 'free palestine' or calling for a ceasefire is the same as calling for the extermination of all jews.
@SammyLammy1D 7 ай бұрын
Yeah, I recently moved to Germany and I'm honestly shocked. Obviously I understand the complicated history of Germany, but saying "I support the people in Palestine" is NOT the same as supporting Hamas.
@AlexandriaRose8967 8 ай бұрын
I love your viewpoints and your videos are something i look forward to. :D thank you for your content.
@tuntemon 8 ай бұрын
Oh, Twitter is now a cesspit? That is quite an upgrade from just being a cesspool. Good work mr musk! So now when the joke is done. Great video!
@cyrollan 8 ай бұрын
[EXPLICITIVE!] This sounds like something I would highly enjoy!
@deaddomain 8 ай бұрын
Idk about enjoy but I hope it’s informative
@cyrollan 8 ай бұрын
​@@deaddomainthose are the same to me with your video essays.
@queenieevergreen 8 ай бұрын
I always enjoy what videos you have to offer ❤ This is another excellent video topic! You’re easily one of the most engaging and enjoyable KZfaqrs I follow 😊
@soyborne.bornmadeandundone1342 8 ай бұрын
I'm one of your newest patrons yayy! Happy to support creators who have a effing brain and address serious issues. Tired of seeing soo many libs and leftists be ignorant on this issue. It's only the most effed up thing I've ever seen in my life basically... Babies and teens trapped in a prison being forced to "fight" a "war" against hyper capitalist dogs with billionaire funded armies and nuclear powered weaponry that's bombing them to death on a record breaking kid killing level... Sound like the most cruel and unfair thing you have ever heard of? It's up there that's for sure... So get informed and FREE PALESTINE!
@deaddomain 8 ай бұрын
Thank you so much. Glad to have your support 💕
@Tibyon 8 ай бұрын
It's my birthday present ☺️
@deaddomain 8 ай бұрын
Happy birthday! 🎁🎂
@picahudsoniaunflocked5426 8 ай бұрын
Yes yes yes making all the good points while looking good.
@deaddomain 8 ай бұрын
@TroyTheCatFish 8 ай бұрын
Thank You DD 💖❤️💖❤️
@deaddomain 8 ай бұрын
Thank you ☺️
@TroyTheCatFish 8 ай бұрын
@@deaddomain Your Welcome 🤗
@mikecynic5167 8 ай бұрын
Another great video. I'm looking forward to seeing where your channel goes.
@deaddomain 8 ай бұрын
Thank you ☺️
@thefraudulentbrit7516 8 ай бұрын
Seems free speech isn’t as “free” as most people think.
@deaddomain 8 ай бұрын
Not when it’s bought and sold
@DontMockMySmock 8 ай бұрын
You're doing amazing work for such a new (or at least, newly full-time) channel!
@deaddomain 8 ай бұрын
Thank you I really appreciate it ❤️
@Scallycowell 8 ай бұрын
We are living in post-truth reality. Forget this nonsense. I’m going back to the 90’s when people were scared of the internet.
@deaddomain 8 ай бұрын
This absolutely wouldn’t have happened if we were still using dial up I tell you hwhat.
@dustinkennedy2238 8 ай бұрын
Bravo 👏 thanks for insightful content! ❤
@justelliot4870 8 ай бұрын
One day we will all be able to live in peace in the Holy Land together, I can feel it
@gocelotspice5766 8 ай бұрын
Really good video! It is frustrating how those who are pro Palestine can sometimes fall into anti-Semitic conspiracy. The criticism needs to be of Israel and not Jewish people as a whole- for obvious fucking reasons. I 100% do not support Hamas’s actions- it is reprehensible to attack civilians. At the same time, though, I think it is so important to recognize that they are real people- radicalized real people who have done terrible things, but people that have been driven to extremes. This particularly applies to Palestinians who haven’t actually committed terroristic attacks, but after being victimized by the IDF aren’t exactly vehemently anti-Hamas, especially if the narratives they’re fed are biased towards them. I think this in some ways about Israeli citizens too- clearly there are plenty of Israelis disagreeing with with their governments criminal actions, but there are also those who have been raised in a state that constantly dehumanizes Palestinians, leading Israelis to live in constant fear, and to internalize these ideas. That’s the thing- Israelis have NEVER felt safe in the country they consider their homeland. The government views themselves as perpetually threatened, and I think that is part of what lets such senseless cruelty even happen. It absolutely doesn’t excuse it, on either side, but it makes sense. One thing I would contest though- you mention hamas as “starting” the current conflict- but considering the historical context I would consider their recent attack to be simply a continuation of the previous conflict. Honestly, the only reason it’s been noticed is because this is the first time Hamas have been able to kill a significant amount of Israelis- and of course Israel’s response to that is going to be MASSIVE.
@ronaldreaganhater6982 7 ай бұрын
I've seen people who GENUINELY think Palestinians are oppressed but only by hamas which is so sad to me cause either they're really fucking stupid or really fucking brainwashed
@ashenmage8729 8 ай бұрын
As a left wing leaning Israeli person, I liked your video. you talked about the war crimes of Israel and you acknowledged that Hamas is a terrorist organization. I don't like the term "pro Israel" because it sounds like you support Netanyahu, or how I like to call him, "the crime minister" (because he is a criminal). I also don't like the "pro Palestine" because it sounds to me (and most Israeli people) that you support Hamas. I like using the terms "pro human rights" and "pro peace". I'm going thru a hard time. Someone I know was kidnapped by Hamas. With the far right wing government in Israel, I am considered as a traitor for simply wanting that Palestinian people will have basic human rights.
@deaddomain 8 ай бұрын
I appreciate your input and I truly hope your friend can return home safely soon.
@ronaldreaganhater6982 7 ай бұрын
I find it sad that people think that about the term pro Palestine. I hope your friend comes home safe.
@ScarlettStunningSpace 7 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for another video
@roguewolf128 8 ай бұрын
I'm glad for this video, thank you
@deaddomain 8 ай бұрын
Thank you 🙏
@Mae_forrest 8 ай бұрын
This is an excellent video, and i think you are correct in your takeaway. We do need to be critical in our information intake. Do the research. Understand where info comes from and what underlying intentions might be affecting it. It is so difficult to do now, but it is worth it to see clearly and take time to form an opinion. Excessively difficult to do, especially in an environment that encourages hot takes. On another note, it is obvious how much your skill is improving in your videos! You are doing so well, and i always look forwatd to hearing your thoughts on games and media. --Mae
@brook_angel 8 ай бұрын
Based takes on "AI art" It's a remix, not original work No matter what some claim. A person leaning by looking at other peoples art isn't the same as just stealing and remixing it without the makers consent.
@TheEnmineer 8 ай бұрын
Honestly, the current methods of AI art production are kinda lame. I want to figure out how to properly teach a computer all the essentials of art so I can generate *actual* art.
@AnoNymous-tu1xm 8 ай бұрын
That's literally what art is, though. You "remix" reality, may it be nature or art created by others before. Big part of becoming good as an artist is analyzing and copying the works of others.
@brook_angel 8 ай бұрын
@@AnoNymous-tu1xm yes, as an artist you PRACTICE by copying others Guess what you don't do with those. Sell them. And you cannot seriously believe that a human simply copies stuff from other artist while they draw/paint. Me drawing a line in a similar way to my favorite artist is not the same as literally tracing their art. They tried that crap with the music industry and got kicked out pretty much immediately because at least there they have decent copyright enforcement. If an artist steals parts of someone else's art then... That's stealing (wow). Has happened with digital art before, wasn't received well. Why do machines get the okay to do something we decided wasn't okay to do?
@guytrashgurtdog 8 ай бұрын
@@AnoNymous-tu1xmexcept humans have a brain with thoughts, emotions, dreams, wants, needs, etc. a computer will never be comparable to a human being. We can look at art and get inspired and create art, but behind that art is an actual soul. What’s behind AI art has no soul and is just a computer taking a bunch of art and spitting out something from mashing shit together. The computer is quite literally just copying and has no sentience whatsoever, it’s just a computer. We allow AI art to be considered art then actual artists are fucked and risk losing jobs and the capitalist dystopia only worsens. We do not need computers to make full art pieces for us when literal human artists exist and most are struggling just to get by and could use that money.
@ZyllasAthenaeum 8 ай бұрын
One of the best takes on the subject I've seen.
@deaddomain 8 ай бұрын
Thank you 🙏
@makayladawn5160 8 ай бұрын
More people need to see this
@deaddomain 8 ай бұрын
I appreciate all the help in sharing it
@SagiSaid 8 ай бұрын
Commenting for the algo As an Israeli i really appreciated this vid
@deaddomain 8 ай бұрын
Thank you so much 💕
@understanding77 7 ай бұрын
I’m honestly getting tired of seeing AI generated thumbnails and videos. It’s just making the internet and all its content distorted between real and fake imagery. It’s also imo a lazy way to put together thumbnails and videos. AI was a mistake.
Dead Domain
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