Debate Does the Universe have a purpose? (Eng) | CDI 2010 The origins of the future

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13 жыл бұрын

Topic: Does the Universe have a purpose?
Matt Ridley, Michael Shermer, Richard Dawkins vs. Rabbi David Wolpe, William Lane Craig, Douglas Geivett
La Ciudad de las Ideas es un festival internacional de mentes brillantes con sede en Puebla, México.
Andrés Roemer, presidente de Poder Cívico A.C. es el audaz curador del festival.
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@leqaf 11 жыл бұрын
It's awesome to see Dawkins and Craig in the same debate, as weird as it was.
@MountAnalogue 10 жыл бұрын
Does anyone else find the dimensions and setup of the stage hilarious? Michio Kaku is on an airborne pedestal with a couch on it lol.
@BlasterMelbourneAustralia 5 жыл бұрын
I was waiting for Metallica to come out up the top.
@Thefunkeemonkee 4 жыл бұрын
Mark McCormack 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
@casonmohammed108 3 жыл бұрын
Pro trick : you can watch series on InstaFlixxer. Been using them for watching a lot of movies these days.
@vicenterex9376 3 жыл бұрын
@Cason Mohammed yup, been watching on InstaFlixxer for years myself =)
@lincolnzaid6695 3 жыл бұрын
@Cason Mohammed Yea, I have been using InstaFlixxer for since november myself :D
@KeizeShow 11 жыл бұрын
It amazes me how a brilliant physicist can believe in the string theory. I've watched documentaries on it & it's a bunch of guesses & "we have no clue" statements.
@hazbiggun 11 жыл бұрын
I'm very intrigued and will definitely give it a read. Thanks!
@hollywoodizedviking8496 10 жыл бұрын
lol what the hell this is like some blockbuster movie entertainment for masses
@F1n1sh3d 12 жыл бұрын
@richinchrist1 10 жыл бұрын
You got me good, I am sooo humiliated. You must be patting yourself on the back for your originality, wit and ever will I go on after that impressive, intellectual display of wisdom and sarcasm??? Woe is me.
@spanglishonly6509 10 жыл бұрын
great debate
@CarlosSuperCute 8 жыл бұрын
I wish this Video had a Transcript.
@lopantolulu 8 жыл бұрын
27:58 "You cannot comprehend the universe if it is meaningless" Powerful thought ...meaningless means incomprehensible. You cannot comprehend something that is incomprehensiblethis.
@drServitis 5 жыл бұрын
Stupid statement. Comprehension comes from the development of the senses through evolution, nothing more than that; awareness of our surroundings. Animals have similar abilities though not as advanced as ours.
@origins7298 5 жыл бұрын
@@drServitis exactly Sean Carroll gives a great presentation on second law of Thermodynamics and the creation of order in the universe, while the universe as a whole moves to Greater disorder The universe does produce ordered systems but overall the universe is moving to Greater disorder Certainly there is still the question of why the universe was once a hot dense and smooth and very low entropy And there is also the great question of can life Prevail against the current of Greater disorder that is part of the fabric of the universe In other words can life continue indefinitely But in terms of understanding we can only go with what we no at this time and what the evidence tells us And the evidence doesn't tell us that there is any top-down meaning in the universe coming from some Supreme agent or super intelligence There is no evidence for any God or gods or any sort of deities There is only evidence that we find ourselves in a current state that allows for the ability to live and understand the universe That is we can only go with the fact that we currently have a sophisticated understanding have a relatively stable biosphere have a relatively stable inhospitable Earth, and we find ourselves in the universe that outside of the earth is very inhospitable to life and potentially very destructive Therefore we can only use what we know now and continue to cultivate our abilities and hopefully continue to progress with better and Better Living
@heavybar3850 Жыл бұрын
@@drServitis so a purposeless, unguided process accidentally produced something that can comprehend things and yet you trust this comprehension. If your brain is the result of a random process how can you trust the conclusions you come to since they too are just random unguided processes. That's alot of faith you have there.
@drServitis Жыл бұрын
@@heavybar3850 I hope for your sake you're not right, that there is a "guided process" which produced humanity and the universe." If you are right then you have to come to terms with the fact that your "guide" allows the most horrendous pain to occur while "it" watches and it does nothing to help, though you say it could if it wanted to. Witness for example the Rwandan genocide in which 1 million people were slowly chopped to death with machetes in a span of four months in 1994 and your guide did nothing to help as they screamed in agony and finally died of their heinous wounds.
@heavybar3850 Жыл бұрын
@@drServitis You are trying to say that because there is evil in the world then it is less likely that God exists. It seems like you are having an emotional response to the fact that there is Evil in the world but unable to justify the reliability of these assumptions youve come to. In your world view all that exists is physics and chemistry, and the brain is just a process of chemical reactions, as long as this is your world view you cant justify anything that comes out of it even its own world view. Your world view self refutes itself. Secodnly, adressing your problem with Evil. On a purly logical level it could be totally necessary for God to permit evil in the world, for justified reasons, so people will seek him etc. The bible clearly states that we live in a fallen world, and the Christian perspective is that God came into this world as a peasant in the 1st Century and suffered and died an excruciating Death that neither you or I can begin to imagine. So even God has suffered and felt immense pain, and that changes the perspectice compltely. Lastly, I would like to simply point that your problem of pain and suffering is not consistent with your world view. Ultimitaly its a problem with morals, like why would God allow such Evils to take place. When in your world view where does this standard of Evil come from. If anything Evil is evidence for God, for if Evil exists then there is an objective foundations for Good in the world. In Christianity Gods nature is the standard of Goodness, and anything that opposes that nature is by default Evil. Evil is a vialation of Gods nature. But, in the athiestic world view its impossible to justify these things beyond ones own opinion. According to you we live in a universe that doesnt give a damn about the Rwandan genocide.
@fdja001 6 жыл бұрын
thank you for sharing this video. Love the both sides of the arguments.
@hazbiggun 11 жыл бұрын
Well put. I agree that if we did not act out on our beliefs, we would not be able to do anything. If we acted only on what we know, we wouldn't be able to live our lives because of the induction problem and the uncertainty that the sun will rise tomorrow. Yet uncertainty has to be the starting point in any pursuit of truth, if obtaining it is possible. From there we can build our believes more or less rationally, with, as you said, disposition to ideas.
@DIDAMI.Experience 10 жыл бұрын
why are they giving such a small amount of time for these geniuses to speak. Very disorganised debate. All for the sake of entertainment. I wish they had more time to give their thoughts
@Vic2point0 6 жыл бұрын
The purpose of the universe is so we could all watch Dawkins straw-man William Lane Craig, and then amuse ourselves with Dawkins' excuses for not debating him anymore.
@framsabu 12 жыл бұрын
I agree with you 100%.
@GreenPhysics87 10 жыл бұрын
There is really only one human conversation. KZfaq opens parts of it up so that we can see. We can't pretend that only "reputable" forms of discourse affects the values of people. People have the types of conversations they work for. And so, humanity will have the type of conversation we all work for together. I insist on working for a respectful, genuine, clear, open, and thoughtful discussion at all times. I think this is a foundational part of what humanity needs to mature.
@aidank2108 5 жыл бұрын
"The why question is a silly question." I dont understand Richard Dawkins
@blacksheepwall79 6 жыл бұрын
35:00 Dawkins Ridicules his opponents as childish for finding meaning in everything... And then less than a minute later praises 'Humanity' for doing it... Make up your mind. It's either childish pointlessness or a noble human endeavor...
@blacksheepwall79 6 жыл бұрын
37:00 Mr Dawkins, How can a process be "Brilliant" aka "Ingenious" if a mind didn't create it?
@blacksheepwall79 6 жыл бұрын
1:05:50 "We have an explanation for 'why?'" First, I thought Why questions were foolish, so I wouldn't think you'd be very proud of knowing why we have a brain. But then he doesn't provide the 'why' for it, only the process by which we got it. Again, "How."
@hazbiggun 11 жыл бұрын
Its very nice to see someone taking the effort to actually present their arguments. Thank you. I will agree with you, there is no way to translate the crime concept if both subjects do not have a similar emotional potential. However, that would mean psychopaths that do commit crimes are merely acting within their own boundaries, yet we are judging them within ours. Does that mean it is simply a conflict of interests between us and them, and a survival question, not a moral one?
@HowdyJ 4 жыл бұрын
Debate starts at 8:30.
@avenger1212 10 жыл бұрын
Did I really just hear Richard Dawkins call the question "Why is the universe as it is?" at 1:06:20 a silly question? Firstly, the mere fact we ask questions is why we have any progress at all to begin with. Imagine how many important discoveries would have not been made (such as evolution for one) if people could arbitrarily rebuke questions because they think they're silly. And a scientist is calling the question of why the universe is as it is a silly question??? Dawkins may be a brilliant biologist, but he is clearly an intellectual coward if he thinks he is to select what questions are worth answering and what aren't at this level of science and philosophy. Unbelievable.
@Djorgal 10 жыл бұрын
"he is clearly an intellectual coward if he thinks he is to select what questions are worth answering" But he doesn't say that this question isn't worth answering. He says that this question doesn't mean anything and he explains why (whether you agree or not is a completely different problem). That's completely different from refusing to answer, this is an answer. For example if you ask me "What colour is consciousness?" I would answer that it's a silly question. Would you deny the fact that I would have answered the question? Of course the reason why my example of question is silly is far simpler and more obvious than for the question "Why is the universe as it is?". I'm not putting the two at the same level, just explaining why Dawkins is actually answering his question.
@Navesblue 7 жыл бұрын
Dawkins' response lacks creativity. If, as I assume, he is a materialist, then consciousness (and its sub-category greed) would just be brain chemicals. Isolate and extract those chemicals, put them in a test tube, and hold them up to the light to see what color they are. See? What's so silly about using your imagination to solve complex problems? I thought that was a crucial aspect of science. Quite frankly I find anyone who calls themselves a scientist that calls any question "silly" doesn't deserve that title because they lack an important brain function to be a scientist.
@Djorgal 7 жыл бұрын
For materialists consciousness is an emergent property from the interactions within the brain. The color of individual components from which emerge this property is not the same thing as the color of the property itself. No, consciousness doesn't have a color, you can use your imagination as much as you want to move the goalpost but that will always be fallacious reasoning. That's why every single scientist in the world must, according to you, lack brain functions, because science requires the use of rigorous and precise definitions. Using his imagination to play around the definitions is what someone intellectually dishonest does. Incidentally, consciousness is so hard to investigate scientifically precisely because it's a somewhat ill-defined concept.
@thevannmann 5 жыл бұрын
@Thedude101 Craig is a shitlord and people who believe in his words are sheep.
@thevannmann 5 жыл бұрын
Your comprehension is lacking then. There are all sorts of questions you can ask like "what is the purpose of a mountain?" but that would be silly as it presumes it does have a purpose. You can ask "what led to the formation of mountains" but implying it has a purpose is silly, for instance.
@miguelreyes6087 8 жыл бұрын
My problem with William Lane Craig is that he derives arguments from conditional assumptions from which he bases his conclusions by arguing subjectively. He doesnt even expound on such conditional assumptions, he merely base everything upon such despite confirming whether such foundational assumptions are true or not. Its like seeing a person with a presumed conclusion and the only thing he needs to do is to find a way to get there. That to me is a form of bias, and in all ways inappropriate.
@focus-learn-attackaccomplish 8 жыл бұрын
then why don't you call him and post the debate on your channel and I will pay to watch you get smashed by a very well educated man with two doctorates.😃
@focus-learn-attackaccomplish 8 жыл бұрын
o thou wise cyberman
@darianmedeiros7541 8 жыл бұрын
But we can do the same thing with what you wrote. We have basic assumptions that your words carry meaning. We should go back and make sure all the words you used tp write this thought are being used in their true sense of meaning. Obviously, that would be silly. Miguel, you have to start somewhere we all have to start with assumptions until our assumptions are questioned. WLC can back up his assumptions really well.
@biggregg5 7 жыл бұрын
Good point. I don't think that people responding negatively to your comment understand the value and necessity of the concept of Occam's Razor.
@chekitatheanimatedskeptic6314 11 жыл бұрын
I was using the orbitation as an example of how scientific knowledge is regarded amongst fundamentalists. The more literalism, the more one thinks that scientific knowlegde is wrong regardless of not having any factual reason, or evidence to think so. And you are partialy correct about the language phenomenon you cited. I will explain (cont.)
@account924 12 жыл бұрын
08:38 is where it starts.
@trocha419 9 жыл бұрын
I'm surprised no one has complained about how this debate ran. The speaking time frame and useless host speaking in Spanish when every speaker is speaking English makes this almost unbearable and somewhat of a joke. I would have loved to hear from all sides regardless of it would have stretched another half hour
@richardlopez6226 3 жыл бұрын
Whatju mean mayne?
@TimothyBukowskiApologist 9 жыл бұрын
The laughably BAD arguments against Craig, are silly, you obviously have not read his published work.
@HolyRevelation 12 жыл бұрын
The first law, commonly known as the Law of Conservation of Matter, matter can't be created or destroyed. The second law, commonly known as the Law of Increased Entropy, usable heat/energy can only decrease within a closed or isolated system, ie universe. As usable energy decreases and unusable energy increases, "entropy" increases. Entropy is also a gauge of randomness or chaos within a closed system. As usable energy is irretrievably lost, disorganization, randomness and chaos increase.
@raliotenabona 12 жыл бұрын
It's a shame it couldn't go on longer. There were a lot of illogical arguments by both sides, but I always find it is worthwhile to talk about it. So thank you for making this available. And for making it.
@stephenland9361 10 жыл бұрын
Why is it that people like Douglas Geivett, with a legitimate Ph.D. and a professor of philosophy, can make statements that defy common sense? Unless there is a God, people wouldn't be able to plan ahead and complete projects? How then, did I manage to plan and build my backyard shed? According to Geivett, it's because God gave me free will. According to me, it's because I wanted a backyard shed and I'm too cheap to buy one ready made.
@blisteredvision 10 жыл бұрын
Good and bad / evil do not exist. There is only beneficial & detrimental and they both require at least one observer. Interpretation bestows relevance, not God.
@GreenPhysics87 10 жыл бұрын
I think a sense of certainty breeds this extreme sense of separation. It seems to me, when looked at properly, every human being is, more or less, on the same quest. We all seek well-being and understanding... It seems clear to me from the limitless myriad of attempts at this throughout history that our capacity to discern what is truth and what decisions are best for well-being is quite limited, to say the least.
@JuggernaughtJump 12 жыл бұрын
The quantities can be traced back to initial conditions and properties. They just tag along like the constant of expansion of the universe. overall the fine tuning of the whole universe by chance has way more lower odds than any one characteristic gave.
@stephenland9361 10 жыл бұрын
This fellow Craig is really starting to piss me off. The purposes and loves I have in my life are only illusionary because I don't accept God? The purposes and loves in his life are real because he accepts God? Sorry, William, but just because you said it with your typical self-assured tone and ever present smirk, doesn't make it so.
@avenger1212 10 жыл бұрын
You misunderstand him. If no God, the purposes and loves you have in your life are only meaningful, and temporarily so, because you think they should be, not because there is any real/cosmic significance to them beyond what an insignificant human being can impose. You are the product of blind processes, from which you and your loved ones will live, die, cease to exist, and eventually be forgotten, just like the entire universe itself is heading. Even the fact you call someone "loved ones" is an abstract and meaningless term, brought on by the evolutionary desire for community and the chemical reactions in your brain. You may think you love these people, and you may think there is something special and significant in that. But, in reality, it is an illusion of meaning. You are "dancing to your DNA" to quote Dawkins. If there is God, the purposes and loves you have in your life do have a cosmic significance and are part of what he called "human destiny". God would mean you don't just not exist one day, exist the next, learn, grow, love, discover and enrich others, develop culture and art, die and return to ceasing to exist, this happening over and over again to people until all that is left is dead stars and planets. We are not just struggling against the current, with only guaranteed tragedy at its end. We are working towards a divine purpose that is beyond life and death, guaranteed by a creator that fulfills our innermost desire for there to be meaning in this life that is real, not simply imagined. Nothing I said proves either case. One could just as easily be as true as the other. But, it seems to me Craig is right that for there to be any "real" meaning and purpose, you have to have a being (not an inanimate process) that can usurp the natural tragedy we know all too well. Otherwise we have a universe that is as indifferent to that child a parent loves so much, as it is to a snail. Each person has to decide if they believe the universe has meaning and purpose or not. The rest follows. Craig would be the first to say you do have meaning and purpose in your life. He believes such things exist and are not the product of natural occurrences. It is not the theist worldview that is in opposition to this, but the atheist worldview that tells us how everything is accounted for in science and nature, but don't tell them they can't be moral and they can't have meaning in their lives. Of course you can, and you rebel against the atheist alternative whether you intend to or not, and rightly so. I encourage you to listen to him one more time at 1:14:08 and listen for the distinction he makes between objective and subjective purposes.
@byrysh 10 жыл бұрын
avenger1212 " One could just as easily be as true as the other." LMAO, NO, IT CANT!!! One is based on evidence and reality, the other is based in ignorance and superstition.
@stephenland9361 10 жыл бұрын
avenger1212 *"I encourage you to listen to him one more time at **1:14:08** and listen for the distinction he makes between objective and subjective purposes."* ************** One of the main reasons Craig pisses me off is his Biblical based "objective" morals and values. He defines objective as apart from human input and understanding. Thus, he's stacking the deck by pretending (ok, he believes it) that objectivity only comes from God. That his basis for this are texts written during the Bronze Age and the Iron Age by middle eastern goat herders, fishermen and tax collectors is interesting. I can't think of many things more subjective than texts written to tell others what to think, how to act and what to believe.
@keeverw12 6 жыл бұрын
Stephen Land You misrepresent his argument in the same way Richard Dawkins did during the debate. He is not talking about your personal subjective purpose you decide you want your life to be about. He is talking about the purpose for which you exist. It's as though I create a fish bowl, and put plants and an air pump and gravel inside. Then I put water and add chemicals to get the pH at the perfect level for fish. Then I put fish in there. Then I feed them daily and watch them, and change their water when needed, etc. Assuming fish could reason, one fish might decide his ultimate purpose in life is to eat as many flakes of food he possibly can and have offspring. Nothing wrong with that. But that does nothing to explain why he is there. It doesn't explain why he finds himself in a world that seems custom designed for his survival, etc. The higher reason he is there is because I wanted a fish bowl full of fish to enjoy. Maybe he thinks his purpose is better than mine. That doesn't matter. It's still the truth that he would not be there if not for my decision and purpose. A fish's understanding of a human's purposes is probably far greater than our understanding of God's purposes.
@natphil8377 6 жыл бұрын
Stephen Land and you are pissing smart people off with the noise exiting your oral, neanderthalic orifice.
@stephenland9361 10 жыл бұрын
To all those Biblical Christians who feel the rest of us need help, a word from Mark Twain... "You believe in a book that has talking animals, wizards, witches, demons, sticks turning into snakes, burning bushes, food falling from the sky, people walking on water, and all sorts of magical, absurd and primitive stories, and you say that we are the ones that need help?" -Mark Twain
@ayan.rodrigo 6 жыл бұрын
Are you done being a reducionist
@medlldono6391 6 жыл бұрын
Stephen we needed huge power to assume the law , law can organize the chaos we been through , so in somhow the very idea of "god" means the complete power to avoide this chaos , my humble idea religion is human creation come when we needed to organize our great achievement "Consciousness"
@rocio8851 6 жыл бұрын
Stephen Land But in your world rocks during a very very long period turned to homo sapiens.
@merlingepte 6 жыл бұрын
But you believe that your ancestors are space dust and rocks cooked in the stars. (Sounds magical to me!) You believe that this finest design is a result of non-design and incredible intelligence came out of non-intelligence. You accept that meaningful purpose is a product of a meaningless processes. You even propagate that everything including your brain come from nothing... What are you arguing then, If your evolutionary reasoning is just a random motions of atoms and a meaningless exercise? You only matter and your words only matter if there is purpose and meaning which can only be explained by an Intelligent Designer. This is the reason why you write your comment because you want your words to matter and you want to matter.
@LarJgrip 6 жыл бұрын
Stephen Land We ALL need help because we’ve all sinned. You forgot the part where God turns into a human and inserts himself into his creation, pays the penalty for EVERYBODY’S sin in exchange for his righteousness. That’s the most important point of all and you left it out.
@GreenPhysics87 10 жыл бұрын
This means dispelling our "faith" in our favorite theory and investigating without any attachment to one idea or another.
@patera124 11 жыл бұрын
I'm not labeling it, it's an inference plain and simple. I keep saying "alone" because that defines the claim - if you simply claim that the universe is governed by laws of some kind, then no agnostic or theist would argue with that - but you are adding to that the claim that the laws derive from nothing other than themselves, define reality exclusively, and having no other cause are automatic and serve no function or goal. The notion of there being nothing else greater is not difficult to
@stephenland9361 10 жыл бұрын
William Lane Craig is a very bright guy. He knows that a debate is never an argument about what is and what isn't true. A debate is an exercise in rhetoric; an attempt to persuade. One side tries to offer a better persuasion about a question than the other side. And as the late Harvard evolutionary biologist and geologist Stephen Jay Gould has pointed out, in a debate, honesty is rarely the best method. Rhetoric is always the best method. And rhetoric depends on two things; first, a great oratorical presence with a courtroom lawyer's bravado and second, a fervent hope that the audience are morons. A great stage performance of presenting dubious material or even outright bullshit, beats a modest performance of presenting the truth. His argument goes like this... Atheists don't believe in God, therefore they can't believe that the universe has a purpose. If there is no purpose to the universe, there can be no "ought" (or right way). If there is no "ought" or right way, there can be no evil. Therefore atheists believe there is no evil. Evil does exist, therefor there is a God and the universe has purpose. Ten points to the first person to show the very obvious hole in this line of reasoning. The point is that a well educated and philosophically adept sounding cleric can spout bullshit with the best of them. By the way, numerous people in numerous debates have pointed out to Craig the fallacy he nevertheless keeps repeating. As I said, it's about persusion, not about being honest.
@patrikpetersson9742 7 жыл бұрын
So you state that there is a "hole" in his line of reasoning and that he is spouting "bullshit", without actually rebutting his arguments? Nice... You state that he is making a fallacy but do not try to explain what makes his argument/statement fallacious.... You are actually doing what you yourself deem untruthful by trying to persuade the reader in thinking that you have refuted something. "Ten points to the first person to show the very obvious hole in this line of reasoning" is just another way of saying that you have no argument against the proposition, but feel as though it is false.
@stephenland9361 7 жыл бұрын
You are such a moron!! The challenge was to have people show Craig's fallacies. You take that as there are no fallacies. 1) As a non-theist, I have every acceptance of purpose, both my own and that of the universe around me. That Craig insists i cannot accept purpose is his way of stating a piss-poor opinion and doing so in a way that suggests fact. Such disingenuous sophistry is his stock-in-trade. 2) There most certainly are 'oughts' (we ought to do this, or ought not do that). For Craig to say I have none is just his outright lying. 3) Evil exists. Donald Trump is a current example. ISIS is evil. Hitler was evil. Craig's disingenuous lies are evil. 4) see No. 3 5) Craig's, "Evil exists, therefore God exists" is an excellent example of the evil of trying to pass off bullshit as truth. PS; saying there is a hole in Craig's reasoning was an inside joke. His reasoning is littered with holes.
@patrikpetersson9742 7 жыл бұрын
Stephen Land responce to nr one: Craig's claim follows; without god, there is no OBJECTIVE perpose. Therefore, he does not propose that you can't create subjective perpose with your life. The fact that you don't already know this shows that you either haven't heard his argument, (which makes you incompetent in this discussion) or that you have heard, but lack basic listening comprehension. If you propose that the universe has an objective perpose than you go against every respected atheist philosopher. Responce to nr two: Of cource you can say that there are "oughts", but in your atheistic world view there can't be an objective morality (i.e. your "oughts" are not independent from or beyond people's opinion). Responce to nr three: Not an argument. Only a statement. Responce to nr five: Not an argument. Only a statement. P.S. Great debating tactic to start your rebuttal with an ad hominem attack, it really shows that you don't try to win the debate by persuading the reader (sarcastic voice)....
@stephenland9361 7 жыл бұрын
My guess is that you studied under Craig. Craig's assumption that there really is a god is just that, an assumption. Seeing as how there's never been a properly documented example of anything even vaguely resembling an act of divine intervention much less a properly documented appearance of anything in the way of a supernatural entity, I'd say that Craig's assumption is sorely lacking. I never said that the universe has an objective purpose. And I object to Craig's definition of 'objective' in this sense which is having no human input and thus only coming from (his) god. With zero evidence for any god much less any compelling evidence. I'll say his definition is sophistry at it's worst. I'm sure the universe has a purpose even if I'm not (yet) privileged to know what it is. My guess is that it exists because it cannot not exist. In my non-theist world view (that of accepting what natural reality exists around us) there most certainly are 'oughts' that are the result of our collective desire and need to be useful and purposeful individuals. They are not the result of one person's opinion alone and they most certainly are not the opinions of bronze age, middle eastern goat herders who were so ignorant of reality that they were clueless about where the sun went at night. A statement of fact is sufficient to do away with an argument that is based on a fallacy. Perhaps Craig was reticent to teach you that. His, "Evil exists, therefore (his) God exists" is a fallacious argument. My statement that evil exists is factual. Craig's statement that his god exists is anything but factual. Trying to pass off bullshit as truth (one of Craig's more disingenuous tactics) is an example of evil. Argue this if you choose. It remains true. Craig's beginning assumption that his god exists is a very large hole in his arguments. They are all dependent on that unproven and (in my opinion) highly unlikely assumption. If you're a believer (I assume that you are), this is something you will never accept. But then, as Carl Sagan said (words to the effect), you can't convince a believer of anything because there belief is not based on evidence but on a deep-seated need to believe. PS; bronze age, middle eastern goat herder creation mythology is not evidence. It is mythology.
@patrikpetersson9742 7 жыл бұрын
Ok, so your entire response revolves around the statement that Craig assumes that there is a god (assume = to take for granted without proof). But in fact, most of his reasoning behind the claim that there is a god is based on deductive arguments which is comprised of conclusions that follows behind premises. A deductive argument is not at all equivalent to an assumption. If you want to debunk the conclusions of his argument, then you first have to attack his premises, not the conclusion itself. When you say that there are “oughts”, do you consequently think that we have a sense of morality/right or wrong ingrained in our DNA, or do you think that humanity/society have achieved it in some other fashion? If you believe in the initial part of the question, then the most plausible cause or explanation for it, is to advance the rate of survival for the human species. So for example, murdering a child is unbeneficial for the survival of the human species. But if humans evolve beyond the need of each other (if we maybe become immortal or some other consideration) and therefore murdering a child wouldn’t be unbeneficial for humanity's survival, would it still be immoral to do so? If you still think it would be immoral, then it’s truly just a matter of opinion, since you have no grounds in which you can assert morality on, other than the matter of your own personal feelings.
@awightman1221 11 жыл бұрын
How can you ask me to "define" something that is beyond our understanding? 'Consciousness' is the closest word we have in our language to what I'm describing. Given our limited understanding and how many unanswered questions we still all have, those of us who believe that they actually understand and comprehend the workings of the Universe are just being silly and are either overestimating themselves or underestimating the Universe. Nobody's gonna win this debate is my #1 point - do you agree?
@richinchrist1 11 жыл бұрын
Humanitys purpose is to worship God, love our nieghbors, and spread the Gospel message. Pre-believer, I balked at the statement that one of our purposes was to worship God. I just didn't understand that God was accessible and mentoring to those who earnestly seek Him. Now I know, and cherish my relationship with Him. He gave us free-will, to a degree, so I understand others' blindness/rejection of Him, even with His Creation and mortality staring us in the face.Seek Him, take that leap of faith.
@AussieMuffin 11 жыл бұрын
I usually don't watch religion vs non-religion videos but it kept my interest till the end :)
@GreenPhysics87 10 жыл бұрын
It seems to me that we humans are not divided by those who are aware of Truth and those who aren't, rather we are all, every one of us, in various stages of an infinite variety of attempts to discern Truth. If only we could agree to acknowledge our ignorance and share, genuinely, our attempts to discern Truth, we'd find that our goals are all the same- to enhance well-being. Anyone willing to discuss how to go about this should be welcome to join this infinitely complex, endless discussion.
@RodrigoMariaca 11 жыл бұрын
The count of people who changed their position after this intense debate only proves that people entrenched in their own beliefs as ultimate result of any debate. I have enjoyed this debate, but it is clear that not only the opponents using different communication codes (although they use the same language) but their reasoning dimensions are so different that the arguments cannot be weighed on the same balance.
@GreenPhysics87 10 жыл бұрын
It seems to me that we should all courageously admit to ourselves that we simply do not have the ability to know the answers to our deepest questions, but we are still better off if we attempt to develop accurate musings. To do this, we must strive to remain relentlessly humble and intellectually honest in order to overcome the obvious human tendency towards self-deception.
@aidank2108 5 жыл бұрын
I have never seen David Wolpe before, but he is very good at this
@grnmjolnir 11 жыл бұрын
It is self evident, but contingent on if there was a start or end to time.
@kris6682 12 жыл бұрын
@mjmenjivar yes we need a reasonable explanation but we dont need to just make one up because we haven't figured it out yet
@Thefunkeemonkee 4 жыл бұрын
kris6682 There is always a better argument and a better reason even though it might be improved in the future.
@GreenPhysics87 10 жыл бұрын
...This is the best we can do for 2 important reasons... One, because people simply won't listen when you tell them what to believe and Two, because (whether we admit it to ourselves or not) our human perceptions of Truth are fallible. We CAN be wrong about everything we think is true. So, we must spread the proper METHODS for discerning truth, and not just spread what we THINK is truth. I think your views lead to very counterproductive actions. You think the same of me. Still Love you.
@ChadTheCreator 12 жыл бұрын
Just got done reading Parallel Worlds, Physics of the Impossible, and Physics of the Future, all by Dr. Michio Kaku! I'm ready to see this guy in action >:D
@GreenPhysics87 10 жыл бұрын
BUT, It's not okay to refuse to communicate appropriately. Appealing to faith as reason for believing something is a failure to communicate. If you are uninterested in communicating the good reasons you have to suspect that your perception models reality well, then you are uninterested in joining the conversation. The problem, as I see it, is that none of these "good" reasons actually pan out.
@mjmenjivar 12 жыл бұрын
@BortolanAlexandre ujumm, yeah !! God bless you !!
@Pat_Johnson 6 жыл бұрын
Listened up to 1:17:30 and counting yet I have not heard of a single arguement from Craig's side about universe having a purpose. None of them proposed a premise with which we can assert "oh here, this might be universe's purpose. This might be why the universe was created"
@grnmjolnir 11 жыл бұрын
And at the moment, you are right in that there is much ignorance about the universe, but to confuse definitions just muddies the waters in these debates.
@GreenPhysics87 10 жыл бұрын
My verbosity is only a consequence of attempting to communicate my perceptions. Unlike others (perhaps most) I am unwilling to simply state that you are wrong and tack a profession of my beliefs onto it. I am genuinely attempting to communicate WHY I believe what I do. Whether I convince you or not, is irrelevant to me, But I DO wish to be understood. Don't we all? I think we could all get a little better and making ourselves understood as well as at understanding others- on individual terms.
@nblackmatter 12 жыл бұрын
This is "The Storm" music composed by Yanni
@MrLucasNess 12 жыл бұрын
fast forward to 8:40
@teofilo787 12 жыл бұрын
I want to see who got the highest point of the debate and a winner with the acceptable judgement by the audience
@JuggernaughtJump 12 жыл бұрын
That's orders and orders of magnitude more creative and precise than even the greatest engineering we see using human intelligence.
@RodrigoMariaca 11 жыл бұрын
I believe that the purpose of human life must be self-determined and that compassionate behavior is not honest if it is driven by fear of punishment or eternal reward ambition.
@ceceroxy2227 2 жыл бұрын
tell that to vladimir putin and adolf hitler. No one is right or wrong on your view.
@AtheisticAdvocate 11 жыл бұрын
In essence my argument is, time outside of time is incoherent (you can not have before time because before implies time, you cannot have after time, because of the same, you may only have DURING time), and time is eternal because all time is the meaning of eternal.
@JuggernaughtJump 12 жыл бұрын
you should agree
@GreenPhysics87 10 жыл бұрын
***Oops... I wasn't thinking quite right... The spaghetti monster, or flying teapot, etc. is actually usually used to point out that lots of ridiculous ideas cannot be proven false. The fact that it cannot be proven false is not sufficent reason to think it's true... In this case, though, from here on out, I used his spaghetti monster quote to point out the inefficacy of faith as reasoning... And I'll say again, I, myself, share no part of any derogatory sentiment ever implied here.
@hazbiggun 11 жыл бұрын
I couldn't agree more. Ive tried to explain that to so many people. There is nothing objective about initial emotional responses.
@dmagwaza 12 жыл бұрын
An entertaining debate! The question of whether or not God exists appears to be a subjective rather than an objective one, which is why I tend to agree with Dr Kaku. This debate, being unprovable either way on an objective basis, will most likely continue for a long time yet.
@PCGAMELIFE0 12 жыл бұрын
I didn't like how the moderator cut off Michio Kaku. I was really interested to know what he meant by, "they are both wrong".
@fabiodej 11 жыл бұрын
thumbs up for the guy. listen to him.
@dabodita 11 жыл бұрын
For our earth to not have been designed by a greater being is like, a mud ball falling on the ground and it turning into a near perfect picture of the Mona Lisa, which is impossible. But if you have a person that's able to some how guided it; throwing a ball of mud at a the ground & hoping it to turn into the Mona Lisa is slightly more possible. There has to be something guiding that to happen. In all it makes more since to believe that there is a grand master/artist that created our universe..
@mjmenjivar 12 жыл бұрын
@kris6682 No one is making one up... Designed is the BEST explanation for our existance. And that proves that there is a designer.
@Paul-Kinkade 11 жыл бұрын
Why is everyone so obsessed with picking sides? Nobody knows who's right. We'll learn more about our world if we work together. Many theories are plausible.
@lalotorresi8538 7 жыл бұрын
La cara de Michio, jaja ahí solito
@Ematched 12 жыл бұрын
I think I figured Billy Craig out: He spent so much time memorizing vocab and learning to feign exasperation and enthusiasm that he never learned to examine his own ideas.
@agustinbs 12 жыл бұрын
"I'll defending two contentions tonights debate" thats sounds familiar xD Agree with every one here, two short time, and the last 30 seconds time was ridiculous short.
@RottenRroses 12 жыл бұрын
@stur734 I too was quite surprised to see them actually climb into a boxing ring. In addition, this whole event is designed rather like a game show than a fitting venue for an intellectual debate, especially with reknown scientists like Richard Dawkins and Michio Kaku.
@shtarnakkthtexemneomn7435 11 жыл бұрын
Havn't even watched the debate yet and just had to let you know how rare it is that I see such a fair and well written statement of an opinion on a debate coming from the side I do not agree with. I'm about to watch the debate, but I trust that what you are saying(about the Atheists performance here) is likely to be true based on how you said it. You don't sound like the average Theist I talk to. Hopefully it will still have something educational to offer.
@axdy91 12 жыл бұрын
It's an electronic remix of Vivaldi's Summer from the Four Seasons; the third movement.
@JungleJargon 11 жыл бұрын
Of course if you help others, you will feel like you have more of a purpose and if you tell the truth that only your Maker is able to remake you again, you will have the ultimate purpose.
@TatsujinSan 11 жыл бұрын
...(cont2) Regardless, neither compels me to think it was designed. "We are made almost perfect" Perfection is a meaningless concept unless used with regard to something. Like I asked before, perfect for what? Not in terms of the best vision. Not in terms of detecting and avoiding invisible radiation. Not in terms of being the strongest animal. So how can you suggest we're perfect without an end goal in mind? You can't say we're near perfect in general. So what are we near perfect for?
@GreenPhysics87 10 жыл бұрын
...This is the best we can do for 2 important reasons... 1) People simply can't/won't learn when told what to believe, must be demonstrated. 2) Because (whether we admit it to ourselves or not) our human perceptions of Truth are fallible. We CAN be wrong about everything we think is true. So, we must spread the proper METHODS for discerning truth, and not just spread what we THINK is truth.
@Monadshavenowindows 12 жыл бұрын
The explanation of all modes of extension are already contained in the attribute of extension, which is an attribute of God, and the explanation of all modes of thought are already contained in the attribute of thought. Both attributes are two of God's infinite attributes. Leibniz and Spinoza are very similar, but Leibniz unfortunately didn't like the fact that his philosophy was leading to Spinozism, so he tried to re-work it. It still has Spinozistic conclusions, i.e. best possible world, etc.
@TarnSomervell 11 жыл бұрын
I'm not making intellectual criticism, I'm just explaining how the above statement is coherent
@amymax3020 12 жыл бұрын
Wow Craig has a great speaking voice. Reminds me of Wallace Shawn.
@turkqb4 11 жыл бұрын
i think one of the beset points was at the end about the stage. the stage has no purpose outside that which we assign to it. similarly the universe and life have no purpose on their own until we assign them one.
@ShawnWicks Жыл бұрын
Really? The person(s) who made the stage might disagree with you.
@GreenPhysics87 10 жыл бұрын
But again- I am not trying to "prove" anything. I'm only interested in gathering and sharing thoughts and developing the most sophisticated understanding I am capable of. When I offer a counterpoint- it is only just that. It is not from some hidden desire to attack the concept of God. I am not "rooting" for one particular outcome in any way. I am deeply grateful for existence, passionately curious about it, skeptical of and open-minded to all ideas, and interested in sharing thoughts. The end.
@PCGAMELIFE0 12 жыл бұрын
@Cougar139tweak Ok. What exactly am I Googling? Got a Link??
@robbo352 11 жыл бұрын
"It has the most evidence, therefore it is the best explanation." I just said it. We can observe the natural laws in effect. Why would you then go on to posit other explanations that have no basis?
@hazbiggun 11 жыл бұрын
I agree that we are moving forward, but that is only an illusion that fits our current sensibilities. If we have much different values, we would still feel like we are moving forward if they were being refined.
@GreenPhysics87 10 жыл бұрын
You can never learn something you think you already know.
@AtheisticAdvocate 11 жыл бұрын
Logic is not based on premises, premises are based on logic. We can determine things to be true and false objectively and I know this for this reason... Let's say "all truth is subjective." in this paradigm, "all truth is subjective." must be an objective truth, a self-refuting claim. Therefore we can conclude that we CAN know things, even without physically observing them, you know now for instance that truth is an objective thing because I demonstrated it logically as a necessity.
@hazbiggun 11 жыл бұрын
They are constantly sinning, sure, but what do most actually do about what they perceive is a sin. To me it seems there is a sort of pride to admitting you're a sinner, an ego component, being great in your "humbleness". there is an acceptance that we are sinful beings, and thats quite alright, because god forgives and loves us all the same. So we don't have to really worry about moral issues, we are sinners already, all we can do is point out when others are sinning and tell them how to live.
@JuggernaughtJump 12 жыл бұрын
Aside from divine will you may freely choose to love God beyond all and others as yourself. "By free will one shapes one's own life. Human freedom is a force for growth and maturity in truth and goodness; it attains its perfection when directed toward God, our beatitude." - 1731 catechism.
@JuggernaughtJump 12 жыл бұрын
How do you know. All of the fine tuning examples match and tag along with the development of life
@tonkrogerio 12 жыл бұрын
@porrsmurfen Genesis 22:17, Jeremiah 33:22, 1 Corinthians 15:41 - sounds like those semi-literates not only wrote the worlds best seller but also knew more about the stars than what we recently found out thanks to the hubble telescope. Jeremiah 31:35,36 - they had pretty good understanding of gravity too for that time. Job 26:7 - sounds like they were time travelers when you compare this to what they knew back then Ecclesiastes 1:6 - um..when did we find this out? TBC...
@emailpobox666 12 жыл бұрын
@lxAgnosticxl How exactly do you tell the difference? are there footnotes does god whisper in your ear ? exactly how do you tell the difference?
@GreenPhysics87 10 жыл бұрын
All we can do is our best. We must work together with a sense of not simply a human connection, but a Cosmic connection between us all to discover better ways to live and deeper truths than we have now. Refusing to question our current perceptions is not our best attempt to understand. Getting our perceptions from ancient literature is not our best attempt. Secular society is now guided by little moral discourse, and religion is now guided by little skeptical inquiry.... Room for growth.
@grnmjolnir 11 жыл бұрын
In between don't and for there should be the word *fear*.
@patera124 11 жыл бұрын
(con)fathom at all - it's a very easy concept to understand - but I don't take it to be necessarily the case, just because you regard that as a plausible inference.
@hazbiggun 11 жыл бұрын
Sure they do. That doesn't divorce them from emotion and subjectivity though.
@bwashforeal 11 жыл бұрын
I must have missed something, I wrote a comment asking if anyone else noticed Kaku at 42:40 but then in the wide view he is halfway up the stage sitting by himself in plain view. Is he supposed to be a judge or something, and where is his counterpart across the stage? This whole event seems kind of odd with the ring and all. Maybe I should watch the beginning that I seemed to have glossed over.
@JAG1994 12 жыл бұрын
31:15 "don't believe everything you think, and i think that makes sense" well, that sums up religion perfectly.
@richinchrist1 10 жыл бұрын
point of is on the fritz...just post once, ignore the "ERROR" message, refresh the page and your post will be there.
@JuggernaughtJump 12 жыл бұрын
Ye those causes may be beyond the physical space and time. Vacuum fluctuations happens only when space is present. Those things were not present before the big bang but the problem you were referring was on the basis of what caused it than weather the model fits the observations.
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