Defending Metroid: Other M

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9 жыл бұрын

In preparation for the big Metroid announcement* at E3 2015, I talk about the unfair hatred Metroid: Other M receives like it's still relevant.
Let me know what you think and if you want more rambling videos in this style.

Пікірлер: 38
@novaregen5653 9 жыл бұрын
I actually enjoyed this game a lot. The controls were tight, the visuals were well polished and the overall design was engaging. There are obvious weaknesses, especially if someone disagreed with character development but I too was engrossed with this world. I wouldn't mind a sequel being announced for the Wii U.
@MercenaryX21 8 жыл бұрын
***** I remembered the story and I kind of loved it, if only because I read the Manga, and because of that It really explained her PTSD moment, and at first I was kind of shocked and didn't like it, but then I thought about it and found out that it fit Samus. And I kept my copy, and I trash anyone that didn't.
@phoenixdowner8657 8 жыл бұрын
Thanks being the first person to mention the Metroid Manga in terms of the Other M universe.
@NintendoProMain 8 жыл бұрын
+Phoenix Downer I'm not the first, but it's a valid point.
@MarginalSC 7 жыл бұрын
Not if you've actually read the manga. Other M completely misrepresents Samus and Adam from the manga.
@bugaj187 9 жыл бұрын
I still want to play it.
@young2k15 9 жыл бұрын
I love the design and controls of other M. To me it feels like it was the natural progression for 2d side scrollers.
@yanmoistnado504 9 жыл бұрын
I liked this game more than the Prime games. It is my favourite Metroid game after Super Metroid. I was so happy they made a 2.5d game instead of another FPS. I also am glad that they returned to the Metroid art-style. The art style in Prime was an original nice take on Metroid and the games were not bad but I missed the proper space pirates from Super Metroid.For me Other-M was how a next-gen Metroid should have been made.
@optimuscries9869 7 жыл бұрын
Now this guy's attitude and opened mindness is what I wish more gamers and people in general thought like. When I hear people hating on a game that wasnt bad, but wasnt exactly what they expected. It reminds me how much people don't consider that a group of normal people with lives had to work hard long hours in order to make a game for you. Even one part of a game like the story can turn everyone against a franchise or a company. No games going to be perfect, yeah it's good to point out the flaws, but it's also good to notice the little things that are good. We often forget that the game we are playing was someone's hard work, time, and talent. If we just took time to appreciate instead of complaining then MAYBE game creators would be more ambitious and try new things. Well, that was my overly long rambling for the day.
@VeteranTrainer 9 жыл бұрын
Yeah I really liked this game,I found the gameplay fun,I didnt think the cutscenes were bad,but they did needed some work,but overall I'd say it was a decent first effort for a story based Metroid game.It's still a better game than Metroid Prime Hunters. I like your ramblings so if you made more,I'd watch them.
@Reilly-K 7 жыл бұрын
The whole "switching perspective" thing is genius. I've seen some people have trouble because of all the frantic hand movement. But the REALLY cool thing is that... YOU CAN PRESS 1 TO SHOOT! You don't have to rearrange you hands at all! You just pivot the controller and keep your hands in the same place! Use your left index finget to lock on, and your right thumb to shoot! Sort of like holding a rifle, actually... I can't get over this. It's just plain awesome. It shows that the developers really did think of everything.
@NintendoProMain Жыл бұрын
I made this video private many years ago, but I am making it public again now. I will say my opinions have changed somewhat, but to be even more favorable to Other M. I like the game a lot! That said, some of my examples in this video are not very good. Now that Disney has ruined Star Wars, the prequels look like masterpieces.
@323starlight 7 жыл бұрын
Fun Fact: There is actually a way to dodge while in first person. when an attack is about to hit, the rim's of the visor (which is blue normaly) will turn green. shake the wii remote, and samus will do a dodge roll
@NintendoProMain 9 жыл бұрын
lol 100% of comments are positive about this game
@Shynphaeaa 7 жыл бұрын
Thank You, for this.
@323starlight 7 жыл бұрын
Anyways, I plan to do a playthrough of Metroid Other M and give my thought's on the game. pretty much defending it myself. I plan on defending all the good of the game, while pointing out the bad of the game. which, for the most part, is the fact Samus never shuts up. the only thing I don't like about the game is the fact that in almost every cutscene, we're treated to an overly long internal monologue by samus. I swear if the game had more external dialogue, it wouldve been a lot more tolerable.
@petrieds10 8 жыл бұрын
I will never understand why Other M's Samus got so much flack, while Final Fantasy XIII's Lightning is put on a pedestal.
@BakedApple989 9 жыл бұрын
Metroid: Other M was really good in my opinion. Gameplay was actually fantastic! The cutscenese, for the most part, were like a good B-rated movie. Can't wait to see what Nintendo announces at E3 and where they go with some of their franchises! (Metroid/Star Fox)
@tyrantcodex002 9 жыл бұрын
I also like other M.
@nandeska12 9 жыл бұрын
This game was awesome, there's only one thing wrong with it and that's how team ninja takes away her powers, why does she listen to Adam? if samus needs to use a power to live than she should use it not wait for Adam to say OK. But besides that the gameplay was awesome (I should point out that while in first person view you can perform a quick dodge to avoid attacks and then return to first person view to counter attack), the story was good enough to keep me compelled to see more, and the graphics were top notch for the Wii. I've been saying this for a long time but people should really take it easy on this game it was a great game, and this is coming from a long time Metroid fan that started with Metroid 2 on Gameboy (Yes the one with black and white graphics). :)
@TheWaslijn 9 жыл бұрын
I really liked this game :D
@Ichigo111293 9 жыл бұрын
I agree that Metroid: Other M, while flawed, doesn't deserve the amount of hate it gets to this day. If you guys want to hear a *critical* & *fair* analysis of this game or rather a sort of break down on how & why Other M turned out the way it did and why most people seem to have took it the wrong way, I recommend that you check out *Nakateleeli's* Let's Play of Other M. (He actually likes the game! Must be pretty shocking for the haters :3). He actually managed to change peoples' hateful opinions on the game by showing the game through a different & more accepting perspective. Unlike other people who just talk shit without taking the time to understand what Sakamoto was going for. (Though Sakamoto could of definitely done a better job at conveying that message) It's refreshing to hear someone's individual opinion that doesn't start with something like:" This game KILLED the Metroid series because they made Samus have emotions like a human being!! Durrr!" He really helps you see the game in a new light. And yes, I'm tired of the bitching as well. *Every* fucking video related to Metroid always gets a comment war started by a bunch of crybabies that just *cannot* *get* *over* *it*! It's been almost 5 years, *Let. It. Go.*
@zacotb 9 жыл бұрын
Great to have you back! Also, did you follow Greg and Colin "Vita is set to succeed" Moriarty's departure from IGN?
@NintendoProMain 9 жыл бұрын
youngotakubwoy I'm glad that I don't have to see them when I occasionally stumble on an IGN video.
@zacotb 9 жыл бұрын
NintendoProSite They e-begged their way out though. They are sustained by the dumb Sony fanboys that followed them.
@jaynukem1929 7 жыл бұрын
You can dodge while in first person missle mode.
@MercenaryX21 8 жыл бұрын
I kind of liked the Prequels, but the second one was a bit too long winded for my tastes. Heck, I would put Other M's Story above Mass Effect.
@MaxxSkywalker 8 жыл бұрын
I've always been of the mindset, that regardless of what the media and the internet say, it should only ever come down to my personal experience. I take reviews with a grain of salt, and then play a game for what it is, a game. After that point I will have my opinions on the quality of a game, but it usually is never in conjunction to what everyone else says it is. To dislike something because it's popular to dislike it, is simply stupid. I can't say that I've put in any quality time with Other M, so I can't make a qualified opinion, but first impressions are good. I look forward to the day that I will eventually get to it. My backlog is HUGE, and I'm going through the Metroid games in chronological order (regardless of Nintendo's statements on the Metroid timeline), so that means Other M gets pushed back pretty far.
@MercenaryX21 8 жыл бұрын
If anything, Other M's story is way better then most video game's stories with a few expectations. But Heavy Rain was a better movie thriller then actual movie thrillers.
@goku48071 9 жыл бұрын
I enjoyed all of the game a lot, I like hearing from people who liked the game, as I think the game was good. When it comes to gameplay I have one big problem and that is that you are forced into first person mode, that would be fine, but it doesn't work 100%, (close to 100% thou). When it comes to the story I also have one big people, I like the change to you be allowed to use your weapons, Adam is her boss so that makes sense, by problem is the part in the heat area, where is has to allow her to use the Varia Suit, that is a life or death situation, that should be a time when she can do it herself, but other then that I liked that idea. I do like the story, I also have a video on my channel with my thoughts on this game.
@HolyknightVader999 7 жыл бұрын
It ain't that bad. Granted, I still think that Prime 3 was the best Metroid game, but I had fun with Other M. It's just that I liked Prime 3 more.
@jaynukem1929 7 жыл бұрын
When you compare this game to most the Metroid Series, it is considered to be very linear.
@cole1664 7 жыл бұрын
To be honest, I feel like Super Metroid is kinda linear as well since you need all the upgrades to progress through the game. You can't do the bosses in any way you want.
@jaynukem1929 7 жыл бұрын
To No One: All the Metroid titles are designed that way. Games like Other M and Fusion don't give you the opportunity to explore multiple paths and have very little backtracking going on like the other games. With most the Metroid games, you have to figure out where to go, but with Other M & Fusion, it really narrows down where you have to go.
@normbreakingclown676 7 жыл бұрын
thanks for saying this not many metroid are not that nonlinear
@Torashiro 8 жыл бұрын
I didn't hate the game. the plot can be awkwardly written, and doesn't explain Samus' themes and thoughts properly (or we have to piece things together). The gameplay is a mix between 2D and 3D Metroid games and really showed her Chozo abilities. It's not a PERFECT game, but it can be quite enjoyable. Too bad people misunderstood a lot of what Sakamoto was trying to get at.
@brunomilocchi4979 7 жыл бұрын
ok this is going to take a while... first point that I wanna make is that I had fun with this game, and that's very important... but now I'm going to explain why this game falls apart in confront of all the other metroids: 1.controls: for the most part they work... but that fps mode is so forced in that even the analysis parts feel sluggish. 2. graphics and visuals: the graphics are actually really impressive for the Wii.... but that's where the bland visuals come's in: you can see from the title screen that are not going to be cool. remember how amazing where the opening for the game in the other metroids? cool and atmospheric. what is this intro: an old computer screen... what is that supposed to mean to the plot? nothing. and the entire map is ripped out of fusion, but fake, breaking the illusion of variety. and can we just talk about the look of the suits. not talking only about samus, but also the gf's one: remember the details of the suits in the Prime games? (when sakamoto saw the gravity suit he didn't know what was it, and asked for just a purple light around the varia). by the way, samus's suit looks so bland... 3. soundtrack (or lack thereof) : aside that generic piano track and the remake of ridley's theme can I remember another track of this game? no, they are not memorable, while I can remember almost all of the other metroid's tracks, cause they are extremely atmospheric or plain cool. 4. story: this game obviously takes place in another universe, cause apparently here chozo didn't exist, samus didn't even have a gravity suit in super, the space pirates are now zebesians and the phazon story didn't happen. that said, the story by itself it's... unclear til the very end... but not in a "coraline" good way. samus sucks as a character, and while she has taken order from the fg before she knows when it's time to dig more (in fusion she disobey just to find what they where hiding), but that's just scratching the surface, the Internet knows the rest. 4. gameplay: worst way to give the player a sense of achievement ever! it just doesn't make sense logically... yeah, the power bomb could do damage to the station but I hardly think that is going to be damaged by all of the others power-ups (maybe it could make sense for the plasma beam or the shinespark, but even there it still feels forced). it worked way better in prime 1 or 2 (or even better in 3). also it's somehow even more linear than fusion, way to easy with save station all over the place and the impossibility of running out of ammo or ealth makes me wonder why should I bother searching for the expansions.... over all a fun game, but if you look at it as a metroid game it sucks real bad
@coralinebestmovieever2968 9 жыл бұрын
I can't believe how immature people is complaining because a man giving orders to Samus, what a joke? these are nazi feminist believe me good thing for real gamers the game is around $14 at best buy and brand new
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