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Zack Merican

Zack Merican

6 жыл бұрын

"Depression is a prison where you are both the suffering prisoner and the cruel jailer." - Dorothy Rowe
Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section below.
Also you guys can tweet it with the hashtag #zackmerican
or directly tweet at @zackeyla . Jangan pendam, sorang.
For those who are suffering with depression, you guys are not alone.
Your family and friends are there to help you. Always seek guidance from god. STORMS DON'T LAST FOREVER.

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@jasminesuraya4221 6 жыл бұрын
Aku nangis bila kau cerita pasal depression zack. Aku umur 19 sebatang kara i live alone since i was 16 kerja survive sendiri. Pakcik makcik buang aku. Aku minat belajar tapi aku tak mampu. Aku tak ramai kawan sebab hidup aku cuma kerja and balik. Bila ada org make fun of me saying that im "alone" aku tak boleh lawan sebab memang aku alone. Aku senyum masa kerja tapi tiap kali bila balik aku termenung fikir & hari hari aku kena cari punca kenapa aku kena teruskan hidup ni. I feel like i dont deserve to live anymore. Tapi macam kau cakap kita kena lawan dengan pemikiran kita so thankyou for this video. Even kau tak kenal aku tapi aku rasa kau faham aku.
@fendijer 6 жыл бұрын
jasmine Suraya keep smile there always someone that appreciate you.
@akim666_ 6 жыл бұрын
Allah sentiasa ada bersama kamu..
@nobita5963 6 жыл бұрын
jasmine Suraya stay strong 💪🏻 and keep smiling 😊 sis !! Allah is always there for you ❤️
@quivers864 6 жыл бұрын
isi hati & jiwa dgn iman dan jagalah hubungan dgn Allah.. and insyaAllah perasaan tenang dan sentiasa bersyukur dgn nikmat yg Allah kurnia akan lahir.. Allah uji kerana Allah ingin memuliakan kamu.. have a good day ahead.. :)
@jasminesuraya4221 6 жыл бұрын
syed shah inshallah. Dari kecik dah pegang dengan ayat "Allah akan uji hambanya mengikut kemampuan and that's why im still here untill now. Kena bukak mata and tengok sekeliling ramai yg lagi susah dari kita so i learn to be grateful. Btw thankyou 😊
@broduke2342 6 жыл бұрын
Bila aku dengar zack cakap... sosial media ni buatkan kita jadi renggang.. yupp aku setuju seratus peratus!! Ramai anak muda yang tak rapat dgn mak ayah, ramai mak ayah yang tak ambik tahu pasal anak2, bagi je anak2 phone then buat hal masing2. It's that the life? Good speech bro..
@aymanjamil2824 6 жыл бұрын
Thanks a lot zack for this video. Depression is no joke. I've been battling with this disease since school. I was afraid of everything and untill this moment still. My head is a war zone that nobody wants to be in it including myself. No one knows what is like to be in this battle. It's really hard to explain. But thanked God i have a few friends that can really understand what im going through. Sometimes you just want to share but you're afraid that people will know your weakness and takkan faham situation hang. But at the end of the day you just have to spill it out just like you did in this video. To those who are in the same boat, always believe that Allah is always with us. He knows every single thing. Never stop praying and mintak Allah tamatkan peperangan ni and kita sendiri pun kena usaha untuk menang dengan the dark side of us. Never ever give way to syaitan. Setiap penyakit ada ubatnya kecuali mati. Kata Allah dalam Al Quran "dengan hanya mengingati Aku, nescaya hati akan tenang" zikir is the best therapy. May Allah guide us out from this mess. InshaAllah. Stay positive ! Thanks again zack 👌🏻
@EizaadFareez 6 жыл бұрын
Zack,this video really make me happy.Seriously,I was depression and then I open youtube to take me out of reality and saw that you posted this video.This video really make me wake up.THANKS,zack
@sobe1238 6 жыл бұрын
Betul cakap Zack. Ramai orang kita tak faham erti sebenar depression. Hanya yang menghadapi akan tahu kesengsaraannya. Tapi yang tidak hadap pula yang melebih dan mendefinasikan orang sebegini sebagai "over" "mengada" "tak matang". Come on der, lu tak rasa apa mereka rasa. Kalau Lu boleh baca minda orang-orang depress, I bet you can't even handle the darkness. Tolong faham. Tolong hadam. Paling penting, tolong alert dengan orang sekeliling. Terutamanya orang tersayang. Nampak lain macam je behavior sejak dua menjak, tanya kenapa, DENGAR. The best is to listen. Tak kisah kau bagi advise atau tak. Biarkan mereka luah. Jangan biar mereka simpan lama-lama. Kalau biar dan mereka tak menemui jalan pulang. Mereka akan pilih mati. YA MATI. Aku cek google, statistik mengenai average orang bunuh diri di Malaysia adalah 7 orang dalam sehari. Teruk beb. Kebanyakkan tergolong dalam golongan muda. Tapi bagi aku, tiada istilah bunuh diri. Mereka semua ini dibunuh oleh negativiti yang menggunung dan tak tertanggung. Mungkin sesetengah takkan faham. Tapi sekurang-kurangnya tahu. Bila tiba masa kau akan jumpa juga, Dan pada masa tu, lend your ears for them. Selamatkan mereka. Kepada mereka-mereka yang sedang menghadapi depresi. Stay strong. Awak tak bersendirian. I know your head keep telling u shit. But f all the thought. Kalau kau tak boleh nak luah. Cara terbaik, cari tuhan. PRAY. Yang islam solat. Kalau kau rasa kau alone, silap bro. Tuhan ada untuk kau. Insyallah, semua akan tenang. Kawal hati, kawal akal, be positive, be relevant. Kepada mereka-mereka yang mungkin menjadi punca seseorang mengalami depresi, satu je, kalau mereka bunuh diri. Awak pembunuhnya. Shout out to Zack for making a vid about depression. A very must-know topic for our society. Best vid so far for me. Goodjob. :) Salam.
@lightseeker93 6 жыл бұрын
thank you.
@mangkukayun4649 6 жыл бұрын
aku x tau kenape aku nangis bile baca comment ko...btw thanks
@TheMaraisaa 6 жыл бұрын
Tak habis tengok lagi... But I was clinically diagnosed with anxiety disorder and depression at 17. All of it disebabkan my childhood trauma. Kalau korang tanya apa memories yang paling bahagia when I was a child... saya tak boleh jawab. I have no motivation to do anything, no dream, no hope. I try very hard to change how I think about myself, but sampai bila.
@amirjohan1308 6 жыл бұрын
Maraisaa sampai skrg?
@sheeraanuar2490 6 жыл бұрын
Maraisaa yupz depression takde cure. cuma diri kita je yang mampu kawal depression tu. but when its comes over and over. being lonely is the best thing ever.
@adeakukesahhh 6 жыл бұрын
Tell me about it. I would like to hear what U've been through
@joetyler835 6 жыл бұрын
Maraisaa see a therapist. Remove toxic people in your life
@azfarazis3982 6 жыл бұрын
being lonely sangat bahaya, sbb time tu la setan senang nk kacau... Better bergaul dan jangan hidop sorang2. Islam jugak menggalakkan berjemaah dalam kehidupan...All the best in your life sis.
@MIRAmirulkhair 6 жыл бұрын
Thanks zack. Depression is real. So true. Depression is syaitan. It is. Paling aku sedih, someone yg aku harapkan sahabat dunia akhirat turned me down by asking me "am I the only closed friend u have?" dan I got to be honest, it drown me even deeper smp aku rasa lost, dan aku seolah olah hilang arah. Mcm zack ckp, "org yg jauh tu sebenarnye dekat dgn kita ni dan org yg dekat dgn kita ni sebenarnye pura2 dekat, tapi mereka jauh". It's slowly making sense to me now. 😢 Mungkin selama ni aku cuba denying the fact that kwn baik aku tu hanya sekadar kwn ketika bahagia.. On a positive note, aku akan cuba fight this "battle" the best I can even if I have to go through it n figure it out all by myself. Apa2 pun the best of luck to u zack n thanks 💙
@an16243 6 жыл бұрын
ya allah we thru the same situation sis!!!
@suckersdude 6 жыл бұрын
I have been left by my best best fren becoz dia pergi jumpa bomoh dan bomoh tu cakap i antar saka pd dia,, im so depressed 😢
@MIRAmirulkhair 6 жыл бұрын
Misz Anna better days are coming in shaa Allah.. harap kita akan jmp hikmah dlm setiap yg terjadi ni, alright sis? ☺️
@MIRAmirulkhair 6 жыл бұрын
wallah Allahuakbar, berat dugaan tu. I can't imagine what u had to go thru. Harap Allah bg ganjaran yg besar setimpal dgn dugaan ni.. stay strong!
@suckersdude 6 жыл бұрын
Amira Amirulkhair yes dear,, will always n awk pun kne stay strong
@liyanarohaffin2784 6 жыл бұрын
I'm crying when watching this video zack. Thankyou for your wise word. Depression is no joke at all. Pedih sedih semua tanggung sorang. Dari seorang yang happy go lucky, seorang manusia yang tgh struggle cari balik semangat yang hilang. Last year till now is so tough for me. Crying all the time. Berkurung. Tak makan. Berat turun 4-5 kg. Termenung. Tak tidur smpai terpaksa amik ubat nak tidur. Tu je mampu buat. And now skali lagi, tgh struggle lawan depress ni. Please do pray for me.
@azienazri7920 6 жыл бұрын
liyana rohaffin i feel you babe. Hope kita kuat
@liyanarohaffin2784 6 жыл бұрын
@quivers864 6 жыл бұрын
semoga Allah merahmati hidup kamu dan penuhinya dgn keberkatan.. u can handle this, just stay strong..
@liyanarohaffin2784 6 жыл бұрын
syed shah insyaallah. Terima kasih ❤️
@shafiqahjamdin2842 6 жыл бұрын
bila tengok video ko zack aku tetiba nangis menitis air mata sebab aku tengah lalui benda ni sekrang. and aku terinspirasi kenapa aku perlu bersedih berperang dengan minda and jiaa aku padahal ada ALLAH tempat meminta and mengadu. thanks zack video ko memang on timing ah. makasih zack 😢👍
@marinayusof1035 6 жыл бұрын
Terima kasih pada Allah yang sentiasa mengujiku..kerana sekarang aku sedar apa yang diuji dulu,inilah yang aku sekarang..bukan mudah lalui liku2 kehidupan berseorangan..mak ayah cerai waktu kecik..sgt depress sbb xde org faham kita..asyik kena buli time sekolah..rasa diri malang..and guess what?Allah tu adil..Dia susun cantik2 ujian untuk kita semua dan akan buat kita jadi tabah untuk teruskan hidup walau seorang..Ingat,Allah hidupkan kita untuk apa?pesan diri untuk terus positif🤙🏼
@kikieyshazrael 6 жыл бұрын
It's somewhat refreshing to see these kinds of videos once in a while, because it's something familiar and very displeasing to be in this situation. I'd be lying to you if I say I've never been there. It was such a tiring phase where I had to do a reconstructive surgery to my mental state. I'm pretty sure some of you might find it surprising, coming from me. But of course, everyone has their own fair share of life and in this very moment I learned that; . 1. Life, doesn't stop for anybody. Time doesn't wait. 2. Life, with all it's frustrations.. Is still worth living. . Because you only have one life, one chance and there's only one person who's in charge of it.. You. I believe, depression is something some people don't find so important. Because it's beyond what the mind can comprehend. If only mental health was seen as clearly as physical health. One of the many, untold and unseen effects of mental illness is what it does to you psychologically, as well as physically. It affects us in ways you wouldn’t imagine. People think it’s just being 'sad', when it’s actually feelings of severe despondency and dejection. People don’t and won't understand the story behind it, no matter much you battle with multiple mental state, specifically depression. . We need more awareness like this, depression is real and dangerous. At whichever stage you are, once you realise exactly what's going on and could put a label on it, start with opening up to your friends and family about how you feel. I know in many cases it's never THAT easy but never be too proud to reach out and ask for a hand. It will change your life. #MentalHealthAwareness #kiksthasupastar
@liyana_n5475 6 жыл бұрын
This video remind me about your 'Watch this if you feel like giving up' video. I do like your way to motivate others. Thanks zack, May Allah bless you :)
@tihamohamad6224 6 жыл бұрын
zack, u always inspire me to be more. alhamdulillah now i am sad very very sad like legit and hampir kemurungan when i watch you video i feel more okay thank you!!
@shakioda871 6 жыл бұрын
I'm currently having depression right now and yes dah seminggu tak boleh tidur. But now i'm really feel inspired by this video and thanks zack for this awesome speech 👍🏼 #respect
@nurulathiraabdulrahim5903 6 жыл бұрын
Wise words Zack ! Keep it up. Thank you and jangan stop buat video ! Take care !
@puterinurshahira8324 6 жыл бұрын
Srsly , video kali ni buat air mata aku mengalir .
@fatinarina3917 6 жыл бұрын
Thanks Zack!! Depression ni mmg sedih & pedih. Saya selalu rasa tkde sape hargai dan sayang saya. Ramai orang tak suka saya,dan diorang cakap saya weird. Then,tkde sape hargai apa yang saya buat. Diorang langsung tk fikir perasaan saya,cakap main lps je! So,thank you ZACK!!!
@nagamerah1545 6 жыл бұрын
Org tak tahu aku skrg tengah depresi.Kwn2 and family smua tak tahu.Smpi aku rasa biar saja tuhan cabut nyawa ni biar tak rasa beban.Hari2 aku rasa depresi takde siapa tahu.Kdg aku berdiri dari tingkat rumah aku..rasa nk terjun.Mujur aku ada iman.Depresi tu wujud sejak 6/7 tahun lalu sampai sekarang..aku cuba lawan bertahun lama.. menda tu tak hilang lagi.. 😢
@nuraisyah824 6 жыл бұрын
Naga Merah stay strong! 😁 kalau ada apa-apa nak luahkan, boleh contact saya. i'll lend my ears for you 😊
@alleyalia 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you zack. You absolutely made me cried. Finally someone said it ! Thanks again !
@eyraapeanut 6 жыл бұрын
nice one 👍🏻 zack merican speak what’s on my mind
@fasihahrosland 6 жыл бұрын
Im crying . Nice one thankyou zack 💕
@drzeeq8856 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you zack! thumbs up 👍👍👍👍 its truly inspiring me!
@sakurablossom6407 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you Zack. rasa mcm da lama tak dengar ayat2 yang motivate macam nie. Seriously, the content really good. Keep it up!
@nurultasnim8111 6 жыл бұрын
keep it up zack!!!! and thank u for ur wise word!!!!!!
@momomomo-ii9em 6 жыл бұрын
even this video dah lama bila aku tengok video ni ......... membuat kan aku berfikir sejenak x semua manusia sempurna .... even ade kesalahan sikit pon perkataan maaf adelah salah satu terapi untuk setiap manusia akan merasa lega...ape2 pon tq make this video i love so much tq zack❤
@fikrisalehhh 6 жыл бұрын
Thumbs up. Good talk zack. Adore you 👍🏼👍🏼
@nurfazliyana5864 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much Zack! Serious you bukak mata ramai org on that matter. And the moment I having a kind of depress. You inspired me to change! Tq so much. May Allah bless you.
@ChopperMXgaming 6 жыл бұрын
Dayummmm!!! 6:40 tu sgt kena btg hidung aku. Walaupun aku bkn sosmed crazy tp dlm tak byk benda aku nk post tu, mmg hal-hal tu terkesan kat aku... Last aku outing, separuh dr masa emas tu aku focus utk collect material for posting sampai aku terabai moment dan org sekeliling aku. Thanks Zack brought it up and u really put it in words!
@sitinurameerah4777 6 жыл бұрын
im crying thoooooo! thankyou zack!!!!!! i love ur words!!!!!!🙌🙌🙌
@aidilnajmie4450 6 жыл бұрын
Pencerahan yang mantap zack! Semoga terus suksess, semoga Allah swt sentiasa merahmati hidup bro zack dan sekeluarga and dipermudah segala urusan.
@nurainjamaludin3692 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you zack for this video ☺
@sarahkairana667 6 жыл бұрын
thank you for this awesome video , bila aku tengok video ni , aku rasa aku patut sayang orang sekeliling aku yang memberi aura positif , sebab apa tanpa diorang , aku akan hidup dengan penuh perkara negetif disekeliling aku
@muhdsyafiq1935 6 жыл бұрын
aku pernah dicabul oleh pakcik kandung aku sendiri masa aku kecik, skang dh besar org hina aku sbb aku weird.. dan org yg hina aku tu adalah ahli keluarga aku sendiri..
@lightseeker93 6 жыл бұрын
you are not weird. you are beautiful as the way you are. if you do want to express your feelings, just let it out. your feelings and emotions are valid. you are human. you have rational and emotional. and please do remember, you are not alone facing this. you got me bro. you got me.
@izzatazamudin2786 6 жыл бұрын
Terbaik la kata2 zack..awesome broo👍👍
@aisya_z_6428 6 жыл бұрын
Thanks zack. Thank you so much 😢
@Akifrudin 6 жыл бұрын
Terbaik bro. Bnda macam ni kita nak . Hrap banyk lagi video dri you bro.
@maisarahzolhisham3471 6 жыл бұрын
@syadarisal4004 6 жыл бұрын
So much love for what u said bro....its really true...
@kebijaksanaankesyukuran265 6 жыл бұрын
Tak tau nak kata apa lagi..terbaik je :)
@amirahrafidi3909 6 жыл бұрын
triple thumbs up for you bro zack !
@ainaaron2837 6 жыл бұрын
Thank u zack, saya setuju bila zack cakap pasl social media, saya pernah kena cyber bullying, and mengalami depression, but now u wake me up bruh!
@fitrimubarak1737 6 жыл бұрын
Aq dh rasa apa itu depression dr sekolah lg. Ye. Hahaa mcm tak logik kn. Itu lah hakikat yg aq alami setiap hari masa aq bersekolah dulu. Which is aq dimarahi mak ayah sendiri. Bunyi mcm klise, biasa la tu kene marah. Ye betul. Tp bnda tu yg buat aq depressed sbb setiap kali kena marah perkataan yg terpacul dr mak ayah aq ialah bodoh, sombong, lurus bendul, bengap dn dll yg dilontarkan kt aq. Dn zaman sekolah biasa lah budak2 hari buat salah. Dn hari2 la ayat yg sama keluar dr mak ayah aq. Yg buat lg depressed bila abg dn kakak aq buat salah, takde pun keluar perkataan tu. Sampai satu tahap dimana depressed tu renggang kn aq dgn family aq sampai sekarang. Tp aq ade cuba perbaiki diri untuk rapat semula tp bkn mudah. Ape perasaan korang bila diherdik, dicaci oleh mak ayah kau sendiri? Member ckp tak ade ape2 pun, rilek je. Aq start diherdik sebegitu since darjah4 which is 10 thn hingga tingk.4. 6 tahun mcm pendek, tp sepanjang 6 tahun tu la ayat2 tu yg dilontarkan kt aq langsung buat aq depressed.
@nrazlinzulkifli7158 6 жыл бұрын
fitri mubarak aku rasa apa yg kau rasa 😖
@zulkifliariffin6374 6 жыл бұрын
Aku baru Subscribed video zack merican nie and tiap malam aku played before aku tidur Zack buat aku laughing and last night zack buat aku cried Sbb aku mmg tengah depression gila ngan study and goal aku But lepas aku habis tengok video nie aku jadi positive Boek Zack
@Itsmeyai211 6 жыл бұрын
I cry😭😭 thank you zack💕💕
@bbella721 6 жыл бұрын
seriously aku tkpernah save memana video dari zack, tapi kalini dia dah buat aku save video dia. mmg terbaik. menusuk ke jiwa!
@ainisofea4207 6 жыл бұрын
Im glad you made this video. Because ive been keeping this feeling of social media. Of how i hate it and how i want to change it. But no one listens to me. I hope by this video, it can make atleast a little change 👍🏼
@ellieeliyana925 6 жыл бұрын
this is why I love Zack Merican.... stay awesome guys!!
@muhammadhazamuddin2619 6 жыл бұрын
this video really inspired me. better no post than spread to others because people always state the obvious
@Syaf397 6 жыл бұрын
thank you for this vid zack..
@sabritazali6158 6 жыл бұрын
Thanks Zack!
@nadhirahamira7081 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you zack for this video. Its really hit my current situation. Now, i want to be happy..
@nurulsyamimi7556 6 жыл бұрын
thanks abg zack😍
@wanihaaa6080 5 жыл бұрын
im currently feelings so down now rsa mcm takde sape2 yg ade dgn aku skg .im just so sad now dude. there's nobody can understand me or rsa apa yg aku rsa.Allahu, aku cuma dpt doa supaya Allah tetap berikkan aku kekuatan. thanks abg zack for this.
@NajmiAbdulKhalid 6 жыл бұрын
thanks a lot bro for a good vibes. im always under depression for a whole day in a week. ada ja benda nak bagi tekanan. Insha Allah with this motivate i try to improve (Y)
@shafiqzahari8325 6 жыл бұрын
Bagus zack tajuk ni... memberikan aku idea utk degree thesis aku... thanks bro...
@danny_3380 6 жыл бұрын
Good point and positive content.
@safiahizah4453 6 жыл бұрын
Thanks zack for this vid ... I fell i want to make a new life and biar kan perkara yang dh lama ...
@amiradam9330 6 жыл бұрын
nice video bro. Setiap perdapat kau bagi semua tepat. terbaiikkk
@azmanabdulmanap 6 жыл бұрын
Stay strong my brother! Love u alwayz...abamanz
@farihalaili7485 6 жыл бұрын
This is indeed a very good motivation! All the best in life 🆒
@syazajalal1566 6 жыл бұрын
@srimaisarah4543 6 жыл бұрын
I just wanna say thank you so much for posting this video, Zack. Depression comes and go and when it hit you, youre lost. I cried watching this from the very beginning because those explanations are so damn relatable. Not even 0.001% is wrong. Thank you so much for making me feel better. i'll help u spread it to those who might need to watch this. Allah bless you.
@nurulnajwashahimi2103 6 жыл бұрын
Good one Zack 👏😊
@aerolaras4600 6 жыл бұрын
Zack. one word for your speech. "perfect"
@leejn00 6 жыл бұрын
good one 🌸
@shaheyalam 6 жыл бұрын
thanks weyh. somehow, i hope the next generation have no social media. thanks alot zack.
@affifaiman9903 6 жыл бұрын
Damn, i love you zack. respect!
@noradilah2397 6 жыл бұрын
Thanks zack for your good words and vibes. :') you're awesome brother!
@nurfarahinhalim8264 6 жыл бұрын
Very on point. Media social make people lost in their real life.
@dayu25 6 жыл бұрын
Good speech zack. After this,please make more video about a few topics that will encourage and motivate others. Thank you zack.
@arishatj5185 6 жыл бұрын
I CRIED!! :')) thank you for all nasihat yg gila2 punya manfaat & pls stay strong zack! we always WITH YOU
@khairulnajmi2370 6 жыл бұрын
Tabah zack
@eldaniridhami5216 6 жыл бұрын
i've been watchin youtube since forever and this is one of the best video/vlog ever created(for me) .The fact is really really true and damn accurate to all things that happen in my life and maybe same as some people who watch this video. Thank you so much brother for making this video. Keep inpiring keep motivating people and keep spreading positive vibes😊 inshaAllah, Allah will help you bro to face anything and make everything easy in your life bro.
@rusyduddin1735 6 жыл бұрын
thanks zack . 👍
@nurnur7945 6 жыл бұрын
well said ! two thumbs up👍👍.. "the struggle is real ,, and so is anxiety .. "the least u cld do to help is not talk but listen!(thats so true) chin up! buddies ❤ ..
@hidayahjamal145 6 жыл бұрын
Serius aku touching. Doa yg baik2. Stay positive
@hanisizzatul915 6 жыл бұрын
More videos like this please 👏🙇🙇
@pitttatsuya835 6 жыл бұрын
Betul bro. Gua support lu bader!
@sheeraanuar2490 6 жыл бұрын
thank you zack! may Allah bless you. i hope you'll always in good condition. you're lucky because you always have a positive vibes around you. and may Allah bless them too. yeahh, you'rer right. 'orang sebenarnya jauh adalah orang yang paling dekat. dan orang yang dekat sebenarnya cuma berpura-pura rapat.' thank you because give me a spirit to be positive like you. but yeah, when depression comes over everything means nothing. may Allah bless us and always protect us from all the bad things.
@the14k50 6 жыл бұрын
good speach
@nd9731 6 жыл бұрын
Yess aku selalu depress dengan diri aku sndri. Kalau aku sorangII mesti aku pikir sampai aku tak boleh pikir dan aku akan sakit kepala sesgt sampai aku pikir nak tamatkan nyawa aku dr pikir semua benda dlm hidup aku. Dan tetibe air mata aku mesti mengalir. Aku tak dk tempat nak luahkan depress aku. Orang yg dekat dengan kita kdgII sebenarnyaa yg paling jauh dengan kita. Apa yg lebih baik bila aku depress aku solat dan aku nangis puasII sampai aku lega. Alhamdulilah aku lega. Terima kasih Allah. Tq zack for this video
@thedomo6313 6 жыл бұрын
Waddup bruhh. Good speech
@mfaizal83 6 жыл бұрын
thanks for this inspirational words bro
@raha674 6 жыл бұрын
terima kasih zack 🙏
@qimiekifly666 6 жыл бұрын
Thanks bro. Just.. thanks.
@nd9731 6 жыл бұрын
Salute ur speech zackk
@fatinizzati5008 6 жыл бұрын
Very inspired me since 2015 😊
@khairulanwar811 6 жыл бұрын
tq zack . rasa semangat tapi still rasa not in mood because of problem
@nuraqila2978 6 жыл бұрын
Well said💯👏
@quivers864 6 жыл бұрын
terima kasih zack..
@nailafaiha4020 6 жыл бұрын
👍👍👍well said !
@fadlyerzuan5077 6 жыл бұрын
aduh...meleleh air mata...this year is so tough for me...but im realised that im the one...who always forgot who the ONE create me...i have my family...but still i want to stay alone...i dont to explain what i feel..even with my family...who is always support me...espicially my mom...i always get angry with her...thats why i want to keep away..from her...coz i dont want to hurt...n always worry bout sorry mama..u always my angle..n to my siblings who always support down..n sick..thanks be my bro...i dont know...what happen if..they not with me...n zack..ur video..make me sad...n think that im not alone...tq so much...for always stay positive..stay kind and always awsome...wish u happy with ur family n true love...till jannah...
@khaijasmi2959 6 жыл бұрын
We love you zack . Zikzakfamily always with you 💓
@anwarzamri8413 6 жыл бұрын
Terima kasih zack
@FiedausRashidi 6 жыл бұрын
Thanks zack.. aku terinspirasi dari kata2 hang..
@lidyaamirah 6 жыл бұрын
thank you so much.
@syiqahazra8053 6 жыл бұрын
@zaidzulkefli6351 6 жыл бұрын
Your video always inspires me bro, appreciate the effort, thank you. Peace & take care brother!! - be positive, be good, be kind and stay awesome - Zack Merican
@Tinashfulable 6 жыл бұрын
Assalaam. I have been in depression and having panic attack and also anxiety at same time. It has becoming worse recently. This vid is really pushing me towards think harder to build up myself more...
@Faatin03 6 жыл бұрын
What a zack speak in the video make me think back what he said all true. The situation happen is all around us but we're just not realized is happen. Anyway zack this is well said 👏👏👏
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