Do You Have Beauty PTSD? Pretty Girl Problems

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Exoticals United

Exoticals United

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@ltaylor7241 Ай бұрын
Yes, after high school i spent my 20’s trying to dull my own shine and not taking care of myself/ embracing my beauty because i was trying to avoid jealousy and mean girls but I now realize that i will always have to deal with jealousy and mean girls regardless and now embrace and enjoy all of my beauty and youth!!
@dearbrave4183 Ай бұрын
Absolutely ❤ I can relate to this. The crazy thing is you can't even successfully hide, might as well enjoy standing out ❤
@spearit3336 Ай бұрын
I did the same but in a different( just internally I guess) way. I made my persona more distant and isolated. I don’t get as intimate with ppl as I use to. My personality has now just taken a hit with other major unfavorable life changes and stress. I hope I can glow again someday but it started after being bullied by those I once called best friends or sisters.
@ltaylor7241 Ай бұрын
@@spearit3336 i completely understand. Its become harder for me to make girlfriends because of trust issues and the shell ive created around my personality!!
@prettyblaquegyrl6146 Ай бұрын
This!!! I definitely need to work on this.
@Findmy_Way-Home Ай бұрын
I am in the same boat and getting back on my BS 💪🏽
@lisettes.9598 Ай бұрын
I've been told I smile too much by darker men and women. Or that I look better when I don't smile. I have an ear to ear Julia Robert's smile with straight white teeth. It took me until my late 20s to realize how beautiful it was and actually smile in pictures.
@yahainHotPink Ай бұрын
That had to be jealousy. Glad you're smiling now. Julia Roberts has a great smile. And it is a best feature of many
@Chingchinglotto Ай бұрын
My best feature are my eyes..... I had a uabw try so hard to recruit me for her lash extensions. I've learned by letting them touch my hair to stay far away. She probably wanted to blind me.
@Dash-of_love Ай бұрын
I love that type of smile❤
@Lovelyvashkha Ай бұрын
When I was in the church many years ago, I was married to the assistant minister. A lot of the older women was very jealous of me and would always give snide remarks. At the time I was 22. One day an older lady walked up to me and said I was so skinny and she wished I would have a baby and blow up like a balloon. A few months later I got pregnant with my twins and I was still slim after I had them 😂😂😂
@mindingmybusiness3915 Ай бұрын
Did you go up to her and thank her for praying for your children 💀
@Lovelyvashkha Ай бұрын
@@mindingmybusiness3915 never 😂
@mindingmybusiness3915 Ай бұрын
@@Lovelyvashkha She really thought and hope you and twins are thriving 🤣🤣
@Lovelyvashkha Ай бұрын
@@mindingmybusiness3915 she definitely thought she ate 😂 and thank you so much hunni 🥰💖
@naturallyme3 Ай бұрын
Isn’t it amazing how old women feel they can say whatever they want to women younger than them about looks?! Ive dealt with this too many times. I bet she’s mad that the baby weight didn’t stick smh
@Lovebellzz Ай бұрын
I had a co worker tell me I was so pretty she could " Punch me in the face" I was 18 and had no clue what to say. I kinda laughed it off. Definitely caused beauty PTSD. I'm older now and no longer have that issue thankfully!!
@ExoticalsUnited Ай бұрын
Omg yes! The random people who “want to fight” you 😂 I’ve had those types of comments as well in CHURCH of all places smh !
@maenad1231 Ай бұрын
I was once told by a Karen I was so beautiful it made her want to throw up I was 13 It was at beauty pageant finals It was one of the other pageant girl’s mom I think …
@dearbrave4183 Ай бұрын
Wow😮 at least they were brave enough to verbalise their desire to harm beauty and admit their aversion to beauty instead of faking to be good people like many do only to backstab or sabotage
@Lovebellzz Ай бұрын
@maenad1231 that is disgusting behavior! I'm sorry that happen to you!
@psyyykhe9376 25 күн бұрын
Beauty has to be combined with: covert violence, a dash of crazy and a large dose of dont-give-a-f@#kism lol... Your response should have been : "Do it and I'll poke holes in you🙂"
@jadesimone_ Ай бұрын
“you’d look so good with short hair” “even if you big chop it it’ll still be super long” i’ve alwayssss gotten comments like that about my full, hip length hair… “you’re so blonde & air headed” because im bubbly, carefree, laugh about everything & don’t take life too seriously. i cut it ONCE & neverrrr againnnn. & yes i look a million times better with my long hair like my family’d always tell me lmao. i was scared to wear lashes to work the other day!! because i KNEW it would draw hella attention, id get many compliments which make other women around me jealous, every single time. i mean im super pretty without lashes don’t need them, but when i wear them i’m HELLA pretty. i’ve been told i look like a famous person even when i get minimally dolled up. this video made me realize how much i hold back to make other women around me feel more comfortable with themselves…
@ExoticalsUnited Ай бұрын
Yes ! Definitely beauty ptsd
@kellya1274 Ай бұрын
Yes my experience word for word. That workplace jealousy is actual hell. I wouldn't wish that on anyone.
@boarguts Ай бұрын
@angelface333 Ай бұрын
you’re so gorgeous 💖 make the haters mad 🤭
@Chingchinglotto Ай бұрын
I've been in a dark place behind workplace bullying due to beauty. It's traumatic
@jasmineali5699 Ай бұрын
Can you make a video on how hard it is to be single and pretty? I get asked by men and women why all the time. men especially are always so intense with their questioning trying to figure out if something is wrong with me. I like to go out by myself and when I do that is when they bombard me with questions. It’s starting to get to me 😢
@ExoticalsUnited Ай бұрын
Yes I believe i made a video titled “you can’t be pretty and single” a while back
@kimarahcal Ай бұрын
I definitely have beauty ptsd in the gym 😔 over critical of what I wear, because ive had comments made about how “I think I’m better than ___” or “you think you’re so cute” but I’m slowly breaking away from that and owning it
@Chocolatechocolate7224 Ай бұрын
Some women can be so jealous of other women to point they murder them. I have recently watched this true crime documentary called “Mean Girl Murders” and the things the women did were just evil and sadistic. It’s crazy how people can let their jealousy get so bad to point where they do uethical actions.
@vwd3437 Ай бұрын
@Chocolatechocolate7224 I will check to see if it is on you tube. Thanks!
@Chocolatechocolate7224 Ай бұрын
@@vwd3437 it’s on HBO max
@Chocolatechocolate7224 Ай бұрын
@@vwd3437 it’s on HBO max
@fluffysox6072 Ай бұрын
Oh girl, even worse are acid attacks. Jealous women will PAY a hit 🧍‍♂️ or sometimes do it themselves to douce your face with acid. The result is the skin on your face melting off in an irreparable way, robbing you of your beauty forever. These were happening frequently in the UK a few years ago. To me that’s even worse than murder.
@naturallyme3 Ай бұрын
And this is why when women notice the red flags they need to remove themselves or be very careful about them.
@AFocusedLiving Ай бұрын
You know what’s interesting I always said racism is basically jealously but people would say I’m crazy for saying that
@Sheisme120 Ай бұрын
There’s nothing crazy about saying that. I’m white, and I’ve even heard other white people whining about people of other races being given extra scholarships or having an easier time getting into schools for being minority.
@Iambellarayne Ай бұрын
I'm just realizing this!
@chamham6734 22 күн бұрын
Yoo I’ve been saying this too
@StepIntoTheLight-fl9ns Ай бұрын
My mother is very light and would wear darker makeup and keep a short haircut to keep black women from saying something negative. Black will with poor self-esteem will have you with your head down and , being abused, and out of your mind. Pretty PTSD is real.. I'll do story time about this 📣
@vashhLOVE 21 күн бұрын
My mom is a libra so pretty and don’t do nothing because of jealousy… I’ve been doing most of the work for her just so she can atleast feel like on the othersidr till she stop caring about jealous ppl .. I’m making lil progress
@lightskinbunny Ай бұрын
when i was in high school i always covered my body with sweatshirts because everytime i didn’t, people would make comments about my body. boys would stare at me, classmates i had never spoken to would compliment me, and even (male) teachers would say something about my appearance. like if i was wearing a crop top, i would have several male teachers joke about them staring at my bellybutton, or just saying something creepy. i was a cute girl in high school but i felt like i wasn’t allowed to be pretty since whenever i put effort into my appearance, i got too much attention. i had also been sexually assaulted the few times i decided to dress up. i had a lot of anxiety during that time too, having all of these eyes on me didn’t help. so i chose the safe option and tried to make myself invisible. even when i wore my sweatshirts, people would always comment on my hair or asked what i was mixed with (i went to a predominantly black school btw). i had a boy in my class that would bully me. he would debate me on what race i was almost everyday, trying to invalidate me and make me feel like i wasn’t “black enough”. he even got other people to agree with him and alienated me. the same boy also physically attacked me one day by choking me. we had gotten into the same fight we always had and he took his chance while the teacher wasn’t in class. ever since i graduated and went to college, i’ve been trying to feel more comfortable with dressing how i really want to dress, doing my hair even though it tends to get people’s attention, and not be afraid to look pretty. your videos talking about these subjects really help me feel validated. nobody wants to talk about things like this because for one; it’s not taken seriously. and two; we’ll seem stuck-up or full of ourselves for talking about it. i’m glad you’re not afraid to.
@yahainHotPink Ай бұрын
💔❤ I feel for you!! May you continue to heal
@Satin.B Ай бұрын
my grandma was very protective (im sheltered) over me and made me wear turtle neck and baggy clothes and kept my hair in braids only when my body started to mature more at 18 (i became slim thick) that when the turtle neck didnt help or anything else but that when i was graduating highschool so i didnt get SA thank god by any of the boys. (im light skin) i now go to college only online just so i dont have to deal with any of the con of being pretty. sad.
@dearbrave4183 Ай бұрын
I'm so sorry for your experience 😢 I'm glad you rose above it ❤
@dearbrave4183 Ай бұрын
​@@Satin.Bthat's terrible 😢 Hopefully you can eventually afford to live in a safer neighbourhood❤
@La.Hermosa420 Ай бұрын
I know older women can be bitter across the board especially to younger women I’m a Christian but didn’t grow up one or in the church but dang those women are mean all across the board and live vicariously through younger women
@La.Hermosa420 Ай бұрын
@@FoundSheep-AN What I mean by that is I see many videos of exoticals and my own experiences with this for me it was in my immediate family I’m the only “exotical” looking member of my immediate family so my grandmother and mom was the worst with this I used to be really thin (underweight not by choice just a fast metabolism and being active) and long unhealthy hair so what I notice is people who try to live vicariously through you they would kind of speak to you as if they were you for example my grandma started a hate train against me for gaining puberty weight bc what she used to do was show me off like I wasn’t a human but a doll to brag about and would always nit pick how I looked and what I did with myself being like “you don’t want to get big like me” or would treat me like she had ownership of me like when I cut my unhealthy but long hair (they only cared that it was long) she cursed me out and so did my mom and as punishment cut my hair even shorter and yelled at me saying “see you look ugly now” I feel like they were living vicariously through me in the sense they treated me like I was their “black girls can have long hair” representation and they would always try to compare me to them when it came to hair and weight bc my grandma is one of those type that use to be the “pretty girl” but always worshipped mixed and white features so since I had a mix of those (my grandma is a mgm lightskin green eyes brown/red hair but she is SUPER black identified) according to her I was her fav grandchild (even though she emotionally abused me the most) and it was because my features she would brag about and so will my mom (she is lightskin but with more unambiguous features) and take every positive compliment I get as a compliment to themselves and every insult a insult to me and me only Or when my brother who is unambiguous looking fetishized mixed latinas and kinda used me as bait to prove he was mixed Idk if that’s a good way of explaining it but I seen others in the mls space say the same or something similar
@La.Hermosa420 Ай бұрын
@@FoundSheep-AN sorry my response is so long I went on a mini rant 😂😂 but I do think it’s a interesting read
@La.Hermosa420 Ай бұрын
@@FoundSheep-AN You’re welcome :D I love these type of convos too which is why I tend to ramble 😂😂 And about the closest relatives thing it’s alright :) I learned some people are just stuck in their ways and yes I do think it’s a generational deference because my gen family member which would be gen z (I was born in 2005) and I see some millennial pov’s and it’s more about respecting people in these ways especially when it comes to weight for the most part and not speaking on it while the older gen is more vocal about it And you take care as well :D 👋
@WarmSun_MGM Ай бұрын
I still get called anti-black because i don’t wear any black or “ghetto” perceived hair styles. I also wear my natural hair texture and matching curly hair extensions that i put in myself. I can’t get myself to pay hundreds for a hair style. So if i can’t do it myself im not doing it. I would love box braids but they’re too expensive and im too lazy to do it myself lol it would take a whole weekend by myself. But people just come to the conclusion i hate anything black related… like shouldn’t me wearing primarily my natural hair be considered self love instead of self hate?
@yahainHotPink Ай бұрын
If we lived near each other, I would do your braids for freeeee! I am not a pro but do my own braids once every few years, lol. It is my dream to do natural box braids or braids in non-straight hair one day.
@WarmSun_MGM Ай бұрын
@@yahainHotPink you’re so sweet 🥺 I’m working on getting better at doing braids. But gripping braiding hair is really a talent lol
@WarmSun_MGM Ай бұрын
@@SupernaturalLove100 exactlyyyyy. Like i just don’t wanna spend a ton on my hair lol i know girls who spend $400 a month on their hair and all i can imagine is how much i could invest instead 😂😂
@naturallyme3 Ай бұрын
Yep! Same here! I just got a kinky straight wig (I usually wear my hair pulled back in a bun) and the sloppy body old BW and frumpy WW at work kept smirking at me, I guess I was supposed to get a silky straight wig that looks nothing like my natural hair texture 😩
@WarmSun_MGM Ай бұрын
@@fireinthesky_71 a lot of them in my city don’t do braids
@_komiichan9509 Ай бұрын
I’ve had women get mad at me for wearing makeup. I have a low visual weight face, so I wear light natural makeup, so it’s not like I was wearing anything that made me stand out. I got accused of wearing fake eyelashes, fake nails, weave/wigs, and stuffing my bra. I started wearing big oversized clothing to hide my body and I would look at the ground when walking by people. And I’ve seven women at my job be nasty to me for no reason and would make up lies about me. It’s weird, because I don’t view myself as someone others would be jealous over.
@kellya1274 Ай бұрын
What's even worse if you get these bad beauty tips and comments from your own family. It's not even PTSD at that point, it's C-PTSD. Watching this is a little triggering ngl but I need to hear I wasn't crazy.
@sleepycat5427 Ай бұрын
Ugh, the amount of times I've been ridiculed and made fun of by family and peers growing up for being skinny caused me to develop body dysmorphia that I still struggle with today. Also been made fun of and criticized for wearing make-up, and wearing certain clothes, etc. I'm trying to learn not to gaf anymore and have been doing whatever I want that makes me happy these days. I even shaved my head, which I thought I would never do and I love it!
@sablesupremacy888 Ай бұрын
I have been having PTSD since I was 14 years old and now I'm 35. I'm too afraid to have female friends because I always think they're going to betray me like the others have. I love your channel so much and if you ever come out with some merchandise I'm happy to buy from you! #stay pretty #exoticalsunited
@sablesupremacy888 Ай бұрын
@fireinthesky_71 I appreciate you're insight. 💜💫
@s.mclovin800 Ай бұрын
these videos always trigger me but heal me in so many ways, love your channel
@AmaLoveGoddessTV Ай бұрын
I subconsciously got fat due to bullying and harassment
@ExoticalsUnited Ай бұрын
Oh I believe it
@s.mclovin800 Ай бұрын
same thing happened to my sister, my family would always call her fat when she was actually really slim and now that she's gained a lot of weight to the point her health is act risk my family are concerned when they caused this
@winxclubstellamusa Ай бұрын
Me too… I now realize that their bullying and abuse of me caused me a severe adrenal and autonomic nervous system problem, and a bunch of other problems.
@icringealotnowadays973 20 күн бұрын
Ughh me tooo😭😭
@kellya1274 Ай бұрын
OMG Yes! I get told I look just black by a lot of black people who wanted to knock me down a peg. It was always said in a sly manner and with a weird expression. Mind you I have blue eyes, kind of have Meghan Markle's phenotype, and wear shade vanilla wafer for my makeup. No other race did this to me and everyone non black that I spoke to assumed one of my parents was white or asian. I'm mgm. They do the "you're just black" with anybody. In fact I feel like I had more people try to make me prove how "down" I am because of how I look. It was like they said that phrase to test me. It made me not want to straighten my hair or dye it blonde back then because I was so scared of looking even less black or being a self hater.
@RongRoseLiu Ай бұрын
Thank you for shedding the light on how sometimes it isn’t racism the problem but literally, us 😅.
@s.mclovin800 Ай бұрын
You hit the hammer on the head with the phenotypes, growing as a dark skin exotical I was always told i look "african" as a humbling tactic I genuinely thought I looked like Lupita N'yongo until my sister who falls under Rihanna's phenotype told me that I look like Justine skye, it was the biggest eye opener to me
@maenad1231 Ай бұрын
There needs to be scientific research study on the amount of MLS women who were gaslit into buying and wearing MAC NC45
@ExoticalsUnited Ай бұрын
I know right 😂😂😂
@vwd3437 Ай бұрын
@maenad1231 Too funny!! lol
@lempickaj8583 Ай бұрын
It’s hilarious. When I was totally clueless about makeup , my first point of call was the MAC counter. Lo and behold, I was given the ubiquitous NC45. For about a year, I walked around with a tanned, orange looking face. My mother insisted that I get a new one because it was too dark for me. After much trial and error, I came to realise that my correct shade was actually NC42.
@xoxosisihere Ай бұрын
I’ve had the lady that works for us swirl mine and my sister’s toothbrush in the toilet 😭🤣 Bonus point: She’s a UADSW Because in her mind us not helping her with her job that she is paid for is being spoiled. She even went on to tell people my lotion smells like a potion 😂😂 PS: Yes I am African. I will have to send a story time for this because soft living monoracial light skin young African women have our own trauma over here.
@user-ip7ph9vn5r Ай бұрын
I'm a monoracial light skinned African too and it's true they treat us the same here too. We relate
@xoxosisihere Ай бұрын
@@user-ip7ph9vn5r I’m glad I don’t have to gaslight myself anymore.
@fluffysox6072 Ай бұрын
Such a worthy conversation. I still struggle with this, so I downplay myself soooo much. At my best I’ve gotten attention from NBA players, called out for having a stand-out type of beauty in venues full of people and have men coming out of the woodwork to talk to me. Other times I get accused of thinking I’m better, have people gossiping about me or starting rumors when I don’t give them the attention they feel entitled to. Its also uncomfortable getting attention from men that I don’t want attention from. It’s so alienating and scary to truly be an attractive person. You have to really know how to handle the attention, good and bad. I don’t know how to so I lay low most of the time to try to protect myself and stay relatable. Being too beautiful in the wrong spaces can have serious consequences.
@AFocusedLiving Ай бұрын
I get beauty ptsd from men
@crystalstarrz Ай бұрын
YES!!!! Being objectified or being placed on a beauty pedestal by the malefolk is deeply traumatic for women who do not like male attention. It can even be frightening at times.
@TheFlower1234 Ай бұрын
Told by old classmate was "too dark" for light hair, every winter get accused of bleaching, etc. all by unambiguous dark skin people. Family reminds you of how light and pretty you are. Sticking with other light skin people helps.
@Chingchinglotto Ай бұрын
Got bullied out of my job by uadsbw. First thing I did was call this Light skinned girl I meet weeks prior. She got me on at her job right away. I told her what happened. I actually cried. Her boyfriend is mls he took us out to eat and treated us that day. We bonded over our experience. Her BF say he wouldn't date uabw because of how he seen his girl get treated, I really turned him off to them.
@spearit3336 Ай бұрын
I never found a channel tht understood the things I experienced and faced since I was a child. I ty for that
@AprilHarmony9 Ай бұрын
Yes. Please do a series on this. Indeed I did suffer with Beauty PTSD. So much so that I didn’t look in the mirror at myself at all when I was in high school (except for Homecoming and Prom); I would avoid mirrors b/c I was around ppl that always picked on my skin color or my body (having other women saying you have the body of a whore doesn't do great things for your self-esteem), in my religion we could wear makeup but my mom didn't want me too b/c she said i looked too much like an adult and she due to conditioning from some insecure ppl in my midwest family, I always thought I was DS so I bought my foundation and powder darker than it needed to be (keep in mind, I'm between a fenty shade 315 and 330 ok and I was buy the equivalent of 390 or higher). Also YES EU, my WW friends did the same to me. When i wasn't a threat, they treated me fine but once i started getting on their "perceived" level, I became a problem.....but being a creole, I was always warned about that but b/c of what they teach us in high school and middle school, I treated to be nice but being nice to them makes you ans open target for their foolishness. LOL! We're different but I think we would've been great BEFs (Best Exoticals Forever😂❤️) at an HBCU, you with your fruit smoothies and me with Louisiana King Cake bites 💯💯💯 Great video 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
@dearbrave4183 Ай бұрын
Sorry for this 💔 you story is so relatable. Sending you lots of love ❤
@Iambellarayne Ай бұрын
YES 😭. I just wanted it to end but i could never get there. Ive been trying to support all of the under dog categories, and they hated me. I just could never win. I've gaslit myself so hard. Now ive got to learn to accept myself outloud and proud. Its so freaking hard.
@Iambellarayne Ай бұрын
@fireinthesky_71 Its the "in two episodes" 😭 but they're so right! I woke up this morning super proud of me being able to keep my weight under control but it's taken me 20 years in total. I was thinking "But I did it!". I needed to see this comment this morning 🙏🏾✨️🥹
@ntitus3025 Ай бұрын
God this video is bringing up so many things I experienced all my life. It only hurt whwn my "friends", or family would be so jealous of me. Where now, my children seem to be a potential victim as well. I say potential because once i noticed certain behaviors I've kept my chikdren from my family. I had to pay attention, but my cousins children are ugly- & my children aren't. They get all the attention when we come around and the kids started making me children feel uncomfortable, so i just dont bring them around. Plus they had the nerve to start inviting ONLY me and NOT my kids to family events. Like WHAT!?
@Lyndell239 Ай бұрын
My 14 yr old told us most of the girls that bully her in school are UAB. I hate this for her. I'm mixed and obv extremely light, but my daughter has hair in the 4 category and has a gorgeous all yr tan. She's allowed them to take any feelings of beauty out of her. When we go out total strangers stop us to tell us how gorgeous she is. All ethnicities & races. Even old & young white ppl stop us and ask what she is, where she's from, is she a model. We were asked to enter her in a pageant. She was told by someone with ties to the industry to send in photos to modeling agency and she refused. They have made her feel unwelcome & unattractive. It is horrible! It gives me flashbacks of my teen yrs and the dark path i went down because being biracial was a no no back when i was growing up in a small town. I don't want this for her. I love the blk community. I love all the different ethnicities in the world. None of us humans are perfect and they're all flawed with in house fighting. I just don't know what to do but try to boost her self esteem. Reinforce what strangers say any time we leave the house but they're winning.
@BossMama1122 Ай бұрын
Grateful for your response. Even if I tried to express this to my family they would say I’m big headed or full of myself instead of acknowledging their hatred or jealousy or ignorance for you ❤❤
@suzannaflores1164 Ай бұрын
Thank you for this work. I was gaslit into thinking I'm darker and more afro than I am. I am triracial and now fully embracing all my pretty privileges... I'm in this for the long haul for me. Listening to this after conditioning my hair about to do my light skin mani/pedi!
@vwd3437 Ай бұрын
I have beauty PTSD from over 20 years ago after a family member relaxed my hair and skipped a process in the relaxer that caused a lot of my hair to come out overnight. And it was the first day of high school! Later that week, she confirmed that she caused my hair loss with malicious intent! The same person who shamed me for having 4B/4C hair and light skin!
@dearbrave4183 Ай бұрын
Wow ! 😮 So sorry ! Were you able to regrow your hair?
@vwd3437 Ай бұрын
@dearbrave4183 Yes, it eventually grew back! It was so devastating to know this person messed me up on purpose! That same person had a hard life due to her mean-spirited nature! I wasn’t the only one she tortured.
@dv52528 Ай бұрын
@c4tmh133 Ай бұрын
My sister over relaxed my hair too. She let it sit on my hair for over 30 minutes!!! I told her it was burning and she just kept talking on the phone!!! It was coming out in handfuls. Thank God it grew back. I never home relaxed after that.
@dv52528 Ай бұрын
@@c4tmh133 Oh my God! That is horrible.
@gigimedina2173 Ай бұрын
Wow. This content gets better and better. This is valuable.
@tshilidzitshilidzi2006 Ай бұрын
I'm so proud that MLS women are finally speaking out for themselves
@sunshinegirl1655 Ай бұрын
My experience is very similar to yours, even including the MAC NC-45. That exact shade! I also looked orange. It is nice to finally find women who have many of the same experiences, but what is even better is learning ways to love ourselves and appreciate our fluid identity. Thank you for sharing your story and the effort that you put into the content here.
@vwd3437 Ай бұрын
@sunshinegirl1655 Lol Me personally, I gave up on MAC and Fenty Beauty!
@sunshinegirl1655 Ай бұрын
@vwd3437 same here. I was matched with a perfect shade by Dior. They have 1/2 shades if you fall between colors 1, 1.5... It is expensive, but after getting a perfect match from Dior and Channel, I have found a few drugstore foundations that are similar.
@lempickaj8583 Ай бұрын
I second this. I was recommended NC45 when I’m really NC42. Dior 4WO is the best match I’ve ever found
@rykie8081 Ай бұрын
I was insecure about people picking on my skin tone calling me white. Literally asked if I'm anemic.
@acura-integurl Ай бұрын
Okay. I’ve been holding back on commenting lol idk why but I love your channel! Sooo much! Ugh, you’ve reassured me a whole lot about these experiences I’ve had as a young child+, and I appreciate you for using your voice ❤️! 19 y/o MGM Exotical, 25% non black (a little bit of everything essentially) and my mom is MGM as well with about the same percentage as a biracial. I’m an upcoming artist, and there’s so much lore I could drop about my life and my family dynamic😂 but I can’t. Plus, I’m already pretty private about my life by choice but just coming to say THANK YOU! Ur really like a big sis to girls like me❤️
@vlaurenwilliams8884 Ай бұрын
I'm on a popular karaoke app and a woman went out of her way to send me an invite to a group of bad-sounding karaoke singers lol (I personally don't care what people sound like while having karaoke fun).I know what I sound like, but I think she added me to that group as a humbling tactic! lol
@crystalstarrz Ай бұрын
When I was younger, from pre-teens to early thirties, I would always find myself cutting my hair shorter because I hated the attention I would get from girls and women. They would always marvel and try to touch my hair and I would stop them only to be told I was acting better than for setting boundaries. I switched out to shorter wigs as I grew older and only in recent years, I realized it was a coping mechanism to quell envy. Although I enjoy my brand of beauty and adorn myself, I am introverted and in reality, I dress for myself but it would be met with contempt by both women and men. Ever since, I let my hair grow out and even though I would get the nice nasty compliments like, “where’d you get your wig/weave?” My body and my hair is mine to embrace and enjoy.
@fendibondie2545 Ай бұрын
I don’t like people coming up to me
@sunshinegirl1655 Ай бұрын
@uselessmemberofsociety4664 Ай бұрын
Not directly related but I used to dress up and wear high heels a lot, I really loved my heels and I quit wearing them because I got a lot of attention for it and I'd overhear women saying how I'm doing too much and it made me uncomfortable, it made me second-guess myself. I miss my heels.
@sandrakm3728 Ай бұрын
Oompa Loompa 😂😂😂 anyway, I was also wearing a darker foundation shade for years 🙃due to body dismorphia. I was too scared to wear my true shade because I didn't want any more accusations from some friends and family that "I'm bleaching my skin". It's like they didn't understand that I get really light during winter when my tan fades. Also I'm an introvert, so I try to avoid attention directed at me.
@ShaylaWynn Ай бұрын
I still wear my makeup too dark but mostly because I struggle to find my shade and rather go too dark than too light. I also just suck at makeup lol
@naturallybecoming831 Ай бұрын
Yeah I do feel afraid because ppl always sexualize and I can’t even be myself or be nice without it being taken a certain way. Or even with males they’ll always have other motives instead of genuinely wanting to be friends. Like the other night a “friend” was grabbing on me saying how he would sleep with me( he used a different word). He was drunk but it’s like clearly that’s been on his mind and it creeped me out. So fear of being hurt does cross my mind. I hate I have to be so self conscious and can’t be comfortable in being beautiful and dressed up. And I too had the inferiority complex it deeply distorted how I saw myself
@beautyburden Ай бұрын
excellent video, gaslighting is a big tactic by insecure people but I'm so happy to see it being exposed a lot more.
@angelface333 Ай бұрын
8:13 something similar happened to me 😭 in college, i was one of the only people that consistently dressed up. i would wear cute little outfits, heels, and do colorful “euphoria” makeup. one day, randomly, this girl that i’d shared a few classes w at the time posted a bunch of pics to her snapchat of the night before where she was looking cute. one of the selfies read “i don’t have to try to look cute everyday. i can pop out when needed”. i didn’t think anything of it at first. then i swiped back registering that she was low key taking shots at me 😭
@chichi-wh4iz 16 күн бұрын
You explained my life experience perfectly. I really thought there was something wrong till recently. Thank you.
@yahainHotPink Ай бұрын
Really enjoyed this video
@ShaylaWynn Ай бұрын
Omg please tell me you have a storytime about the nair in your hair, like wtf 😤 also curious if your parents ever felt any guilt or responsibility for not exposing you to your black or latino culture? Do they know what you went through with your identity? I sometimes think about this when it comes to raising children of color around white people. I get it because their communities usually have the best education and resources but i know it can be daunting and alienating being raised like that
@yahainHotPink Ай бұрын
She does have the nair story in another video. An HBCU story or hair video. Forget which but definitely heard it. 😭
@ShaylaWynn Ай бұрын
@@yahainHotPink thanks
@msylvini Ай бұрын
I'm getting PTSD from the high school throwbacks! 😅 I went to an all girls private Catholic school. Predominantly white. The beauty standards were for a completely different phenotype and I was outclassed. Gossip Girl was huge back then. As for make up, I remember getting mine done at MAC for debs ball and knew they fucked up when they had to mix two shades to try and get my skin tone. The pictures still make me cringe when I look at them. When nude was a thing, I couldn't wrap my head around colour theory that a white girls nude isn't going to be my nude. I had a different kind of dysmorphia and I literally gave up the pursuit of beauty because I felt like an alien 👽 E.T go home.
@ExoticalsUnited Ай бұрын
Omg yes I had to tell them NOT to mix my shades, so they settled with NC45!
@msylvini Ай бұрын
@@ExoticalsUnited Lol our mishaps were the foundation that Fenty was built on. Gonna check out a few brands mentioned in the comments and try again thanks to your chats 💅🏾
@Lovingness626 16 күн бұрын
I have been raped in early three times in my life by three different guys, are used to get cat called all the time, and I hated it because it was only towards me and not my friends. Guys are always call me red, my cousin, who I thought was my best friend for many years bullied me, it was very jealous of me, and so was her mother. I have so many stories. I didn’t think that I was anything special, but looking back at things now I see that I must’ve stood out. Even going back to visit my hometown, there is a childhood friend with a twin brother, who is still obsessed about my skin color. He knows I am married now, but he was still flirting with me in front of my husband, and I had a nerve to FaceTime me out of nowhere in the middle of the night.
@artloverbai Ай бұрын
This was a great conversation, thank you for talking about these topics💛
@angelface333 Ай бұрын
27:15 oof! floodgate of high school memories unlocked 😭
@famyadivine681 Ай бұрын
Thank you so much for the work you do 🥳🥳🥳 sooooooooo healing babe 😭
@NaomiMordi Ай бұрын
I really needed this video. It's been rough. 😢
@lindsayhamilton7335 Ай бұрын
Thank you soo very much your videos are spot on perfect 👌 thank you
@sojuprincess Ай бұрын
Thank you so much for this video.
@ExoticalsUnited Ай бұрын
Thanks for watching !
@thekarmendanielle Ай бұрын
@positivepower888 Ай бұрын
@TraXs. Ай бұрын
@5:50 I'm Fenty 360 and I can easily tan to Fenty 385 in summer and NC45 was even too orange for me so I can't imagine how it looked on you 😱😂 I want to know if you matched yourself to NC45 (because you thought you were darker) or if the MAC rep choose that shade for you (what happened to me). Most reps could never find the right fit for me (my face is neutral but my neck is clearly olive) and I had to learn how to make things work for me.
@yahainHotPink Ай бұрын
@TLW369 Ай бұрын
@religion-free 5 күн бұрын
@angelface333 Ай бұрын
39:12 omg yes!!! i hate when people say that when is it scientifically proven that all humans need love, community, and validation. this a video also made me realize that having no friends and just locking in and focusing on my own hobbies and improving my health, wealth, and overall life has made me a lot happier and gave me the validation I used to chase or shy away from in the past 🩷
@ExoticalsUnited Ай бұрын
Right . A lot of people actually hold themselves back because they don’t wanna be seen as “validation seeking.” Then later they complain that they’re invisible or being replaced by others .
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