Does SC2 need patches???

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The question: Is StarCraft 2 ready to be "balanced" using only map design, no patches?
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@MrKozake Жыл бұрын
I'm just super happy that you've been turning off the stupid chat donations whenever you do a nice video like this. Always good to hear your thoughts without some braindead twitcher viewer giving his 2 cents
@Pr0nogo Жыл бұрын
I can't believe Artosis stays sane with the shit he is bombarded with lmao, a braver man than I.
@danm2084 Жыл бұрын
Not even giving his 2 cents... with Artosis viewers it's more like trolling nonstop with cringey Mario sex stories and weird TTS repeating noises just to annoy arty.
@Windw00d Жыл бұрын
@pikachu896 Жыл бұрын
@J S "LLLLLLLLL" hilarious bro, it was super funny the first 10000 times, surely it'll be funny again the 1 millionth time -__-
@MrJaymac87 Жыл бұрын
@J S he makes crazy good money from it though. He gets more donos then the top streamers on twitch! his community are very dedicated trolls haha
@havior6617 Жыл бұрын
One thing to add that makes BW maps very different from SC2 maps is points of interest. Almost all battles in SC2 are near bases and expansions, and the area around it is the main factor for balance. Whereas in BW battles take place all over the map to gain control over certain positions that give opportunities for other plays. The point is there is much more potential in changing a map in BW to affect balance than in SC2, since the important areas of the map are almost only bases and the maps geography and obstacles do often times not matter as much as in BW.
@KoolMeester2 Жыл бұрын
I think the points of interest can be mostly created by making lanes+non-main bases more cramped. Which could hurt the consistent movement that current SC2 players are used to. They have been spoiled with the open maps.
@rikterandersson3568 Жыл бұрын
Agree, while BW was part of my youth it was really SC2 that I sunk all those hours into. However I just love watching BW and how the action is all over the place. The maps and the gameplay dynamics tied to the maps are just so interesting in BW.
@lifenote1943 Жыл бұрын
yeah this is what I hate about sc2 :(
@vivsavagex Жыл бұрын
the same principles apply they just occur further away. i guess thats different. but i dunno why that matters
@Junebug89 Жыл бұрын
The thing that Artosis forgot was perhaps the high ground advantage? In brood war, high ground advantage is that shots from the low ground will just straight up miss something like 47% of the time. In SC2, high ground advantage is that you can't see someone attacking you from the high ground - but there are a lot of ways around that (scans, any flying unit). In that situation, the only remaining advantage is any chokes you can take advantage of. This means that high grounds matter very little outside of the early game when you can't easily get sight from the low ground. I don't follow pro brood war so I could just be totally wrong, but I imagine that high grounds throughout the whole map are a lot more important there.
@swozzlesticks3068 Жыл бұрын
I think the SC2 version is better. I think the best option would be to decrease the damage from low to high. If I could make a single change to brood war it would be to remove the randomness from high/low ground and foliage and replace it with corresponding percentage damage reductions. (So that the %reduced damage would be equal to the current %chance to miss, making the average damage the same and just reducing variance/standard deviation to 0).
@Junebug89 Жыл бұрын
@@swozzlesticks3068 Yeah the randomness isn't great imo (obviously it's there for flavor reasons), damage reduction would surely be better.
@f00dify Жыл бұрын
Yeah having the high ground in BW is way more important plus Dragoons have a higher miss rate.
@Zraknul Жыл бұрын
BW high ground is a lot better. It matters a lot. It's a tool in the kit for map makers to use to produce interesting tactical choices and varied play. Reliability of damage reduction would not be better, and be an unwelcome change. A degree of randomness is exciting. Spider mines and reavers not being perfect is important as well.
@kicknitoldskool Жыл бұрын
Yep Low Ground is OP AF in SC2 and it makes rushing and low ground unit stronger than it should be
@johnnovak6386 Жыл бұрын
Have to say, I really enjoy all the new YT content Artosis. The game play, the rage videos, the casting all great but I wish there was more discussion on the forums to prompt these kinds of videos. I really enjoy hearing your take on the game state and thoughts on balance. One of my favorite videos just to listen to.
@garethhill7926 Жыл бұрын
The other thing that makes maps different for sc2 is path-finding. Choke points matter a lot less in SC2.
@EB-bl6cc Жыл бұрын
that's one of the main reasons most people that play long enough come to the conclusion that BW > SC2. SC2 has a LOT of cool things going on but you need the bigger choke/high ground advantages that BW has. It really makes a lot of things fall into place
@janoycresva919 Жыл бұрын
Only me that find the SC2 maps kinda dull compared to BW ? new Broodwar maps can completely change everything about how the game is played SC2 maps all feel so similar
@zeratultemplar6604 Жыл бұрын
But Janoy... they have different colours! And on some maps the corpses even float to the surface!!
@lexistar8517 Жыл бұрын
Its very cool to hear your perspective on this. As someone whose focus has always been more on sc2 than bw, its very cool to hear the differences between balance between the two from someone who has extensive experience with both.
@januszkurahenowski2860 Жыл бұрын
In my opinion a way to make Sc2 more interesting would be incentivising players to take more control of the map and not just have fights around their expansions like we do now. There should be more things like xelnaga towers that are in the middle of the map and give you an advantage if you venture out of your base, it doesn't necessarily have to be something like the tower but even some terrain that would offer you a lot of control and better position to engage. Right now turtling is heavily encouraged since you have defenders advantage, I think that making a player turtle in their corner of the map should be disincentivised. Just taking your small corner and camping and not taking much control of the rest of the map should leave you disadvantaged, way more than it is now. It would make the turtle playstyle less viable, it would make for interesting battles around terrain different than just 3rd or 4th base and force players to be more active and creative. You could argue what's the best way to do that, you could either add something new that would act like a xelnaga tower, a structure in the middle of the map that control of gives you some sort of advantage lategame, good chokes around the map that would limit growth of your enemy, make structures that allow for turtle playstyle like sensor towers or shield batteries weaker or punish you for just staying in your corner for too long and playing very passive. Sadly I don't think that will happen, changing the game in such a drastic way is not what they want right now and they only want to solidify the current meta. But I think it would be really cool if map makers included some of those ideas and promoted active playstyle and control of the map, not just in terms of vision but actual control with your units.
@133774c05 Жыл бұрын
The problem with xelnaga towers is they provide more value early game for Zerg, because a pair of zerglings is only 50 minerals 1 supply, while Terran has 50 1 for a marine and toss 100 2 for a zealot, plus xelnaga towers become irrelevant for Zerg once they have enough creep. Maybe some map feature like those of warcraft 3 like the healing fountains, but that would be a completely different game.
@celzolsen8988 Жыл бұрын
how about getting more income if you control the towers?
@pontiffmaximus Жыл бұрын
As a lapsed player and current spectator, I enjoy new maps/patches and unsolved metagames much more than I do a settled status quo.
@DevinDTV Жыл бұрын
there are a lot of completely unexplored out of the box map ideas that I think people forgot are possible. for example, what exactly a base location is in terms of resources, how far all of the patches are, etc. you could have 2 gases but one gas is a few hexes further than normal, requiring more workers for maximum gas income, which is a trade-off there. you could have a non-line of minerals, which spreads the workers out more (equidistant from the townhall or not), possibly affecting how harass works. you could completely change how concentrated resources are in the map, for example you could have a sprawl of resources across the map, not homogeneously but not in discrete bases either. it could be really interesting. maybe none of those particular ideas would work but i guarantee that "it has to be a line of minerals with 0 to 2 gases at optimal range" is not a real rule that must be followed for good games there are so many fundamental assumptions about what a map has to be that are not really being challenged
@EB-bl6cc Жыл бұрын
Yes this is basically true. I used to be big in the scene several years ago before I finally left because it was a lost cause (I should have left sooner, to be honest). One of the big problems is that in SC2 they gave a lot of power to pros, which on paper sounds GREAT because of course the pros are really good and should know what's good for the game, right? But SC2 pros as a whole want very safe, standard, medium-to-large macro maps where all their builds work and are basically interchangeable no matter the map. They really really don't want to have to make completely new builds for a new map. So the influence they have means that maps that take any big risks always lose in the map contests. The ones that make it into pools tend to be very safe. The only exceptions were in Korea, occasionally the GSL would allow a korean mapmaker to make something a little crazy and actually have it as a map in the pool (but usually only for 1 season and then the map would be gone). But this wasn't nearly enough. What artosis said is 100% true that in SC2 you do have a LOT more dangerous things to consider when making a map than in BW. Main surface area, airspace around the main, distance from main to nat or nat to 3rd, rush distance from nat to nat, etc. are all very important. But you COULD make crazy maps even while following these rules, and if you understood the matchups well enough you could break or bend 1-2 of these rules if you compensated it with another map feature. But the people in charge of things didn't want any maps that tried to do that. Having more than even 1 small wrinkle on the standard formula with your map was very dangerous if you wanted it to see play. Much less trying extreme things such as what you suggested. The irony is that even though it was a dying game and it desperately needed some life breathed into it, they were too scared to do anything and would rather stick with stale, standard maps than take any risks. It's like, what do you have to lose? Might as well try some crazy things to draw attention, make the games more fun, and get more viewers. But nope, they stuck to their guns and the game continued to spiral. Of course, the maps were hardly the ONLY reason the game spiraled (arcade came way too late, and many other things), but still, the lack of logic in these situations was astounding. It's like the pros and tournament organizers would rather have things their way even if that meant the game failing.. rather than try things another person's way and have the game succeed.
@wilted_kale Жыл бұрын
Really excellent stuff, Arty! Well said across the board. Lots of good stuff to chew on!. Especially the point about how insane mobility cripples the potential for interesting and balanced map design in sc2. I think it cripples the game in general.
@MrDdz Жыл бұрын
Dude could you please invite Tasteless on to discuss this kind a stuff? It'd be such a blast dude!
@mrmagoo8956 Жыл бұрын
I just got SC2! 🤗 Grew up with the original, but haven’t had a computer in about 15 years. I’ve enjoyed watching matches all this time and it’s great to play finally 😎
@Skumtomten1 Жыл бұрын
Its a great and fun game, until you face against turtle terran or turtle protoss into carriers that is. Which is most games I play in Diamond 2 ......
@madtechnocrat9234 Жыл бұрын
@@Skumtomten1 Just nukem.
@FreeSoloPCgamer Жыл бұрын
Still the best games out there sc 1 and sc2
@Frykiller1 Жыл бұрын
1v1 me
@absenttk4213 Жыл бұрын
I really like this analysis content from Artosis! And LOVE not hearing the chat spam.
@hiei49 Жыл бұрын
They should probably test different crazy maps in a tournament, something that will never occur. Make a map with higher amount and easier accessibility to gold bases, a map with more "kind of" islands for stalker abuse, a map with less gas, a map that blocks creep spread and a map with more spots for liberator harass. Then start mixing some of those features and study the effects of each combination as the metagame starts "getting solved". Eventually you might reach some conclussions like "kind of" islands make stalkers busted, but rich minerals will help the other races evening the odds (im just making things up). Also 4 player maps have to make a comeback, or at least 3 player maps. I dont think spawn location rng is as relevant in sc2 than it is for sc1. Eliminating it for the sake of "fairness" is dumb.
@9000nin Жыл бұрын
This is actually a fun research project idea - if one has a lot of resources, one could let the AlphaStar (or other artificial intelligence sc2 program) play on all those maps and see to what metagames and (im)balances it would arrive.
@januszkurahenowski2860 Жыл бұрын
As far as I know Wardii does those balance patch test tournaments and tournaments where they play all maps from the liquipedia map contests to determine which ones are the best. They play those crazier maps there, the thing is that they rarely get voted on since players prefer what they already know. I would also like them making the game more varied and interesting with creative maps but I think we need new ideas, not gold bases, island maps or 4 player maps which were all included in the past. Also a lot of those things that were already tried before just benefit zerg. Zerg can take control of the gold bases very easily, it's barely harder to defend the gold base with creep and queens than a normal base since you can move so fast on creep. Also with 4 player maps it limits early aggression since you don't know where your opponent is so zerg doesn't have to be afraid of proxy 2 rax or cannon rush and they can play more greedy. Also 4 player maps are bigger, if you're cross spawn with zerg they are so far away from you that you will never be able to kill them and they'll run away with their macro. These changes won't make the game more interesting, they'll just produce the same games we had in the past where zerg wrecks other races. Also those maps where blink is very strong are garbage too, players just go for the blink all in every game since it's so good. It makes for less varied and interesting games, not more interesting. We need new kind of innovation in maps, not things from the past that didn't work well. It would be cool if the new maps disincentivised turtling and encouraged active map control. Players should be incentivised to control the map outside of their bases due to it giving them a favorable position, player just camping around their expands should be behind due to just giving up control of everything else.
@Legitifyable Жыл бұрын
iloveoof is a Zerg player, so of course he is happy with the balance xD. Big maps good for zerg, and small maps are supposed to be bad but there's creep everywhere. In all seriousness though, this is a good topic and I'm glad he brought it up
@amnewl727 Жыл бұрын
How would you feel about a random map generator? Maybe the way age of empires 2 does it, where the # of resource patches is even, or only in non-competitive play. I know they are different in speed and plenty else, but games like AOE, SC and Red Alert used to copy good ideas off of each other (like attack+move, queueing up multiple unit creation, and moving to waypoints upon spawn)
@meladolche6211 Жыл бұрын
It can't work like it does in AOE2. Due to the faction symmetry, it takes a LOT of bad luck to break an AoE 2 map, even slightly lopsided map generations are perfectly playable so long as you don't get something bugged out like one player's main gold spawning halfway across the map. It takes a lot less to break a Starcraft map due to how Zerg works in both games and due to how mobility tools work in SC2 in specific. Like in Brood War you give a natural too wide of a choke and the map is now unplayable in PvZ and TvP. SC2 is even worse about it - a less defensible natural or a too-easy third base and winrates collapse for one race and skyrocket for another. There's just no wiggle room for randomness due to how radically different each race's tools are.
@mew1056 Жыл бұрын
introduced a friend of mine to broodwar lately *thanks entirely to tastosis really. shes loved it alot, but that seasonw ith sparkle she basically hated, except for the mirror matches,, and coudlnt understand why flash was being punished so hard xD
@damedley75 Жыл бұрын
Good video. One important thing that wasn't addressed is the SC2 patches aren't targeting race balance. They're targeting unit balance, and entertaining standard metagame.
@danawetlesen8129 Жыл бұрын
I wish that SC2 could have maps that break some of the hard molds that are. Example overlord pillars or reaper cliffs. They are in every map ever but how about maps that don't have them instead maybe you have wider entrances and dead airspace to get little peeks or to hide the overlord for later scouting. What about hostile missile turrets controlled by the ai that will attack both players air units
@Sapreme Жыл бұрын
Those maps just get veto'd anyway lol like golden wall
@danawetlesen8129 Жыл бұрын
@@Sapreme maybe but then sometimes they are our favorite maps.
@BackyardFilms2 Жыл бұрын
I agree about the maps not being played but if you think about it in SC2 maps like purity and industry and zen are lower on the play list. I think there is the issue where no tournament will replace the whole map pool.
@Benjamin-ed9jv Жыл бұрын
man I loved purity and industry ;_;
@BackyardFilms2 Жыл бұрын
@@Benjamin-ed9jv I did too but without a whole map pool willing to take risks, pros will just veto maps
@dMoniker Жыл бұрын
Love ya Arti, keep doing what you're doing
@9000nin Жыл бұрын
Was there ever an attempt to have a separate map pool for each matchup? Or it doesn't make sense? I've been wondering if ZvZ in BW could be tweaked through specific maps.
@Zraknul Жыл бұрын
At that point you end up with a lot of maps. 9 matchups with a pool of maps for each is a lot. That said there are design choices that change balance. Ie: PvP having a ramp vs same level choke point to the main matters. The high ground advantage allows for more builds to work.
@yaboykirby7789 Жыл бұрын
That was suggested lightly for Broodwar I think once? (Makes a lot of sense for Broodwar since for example Zergs just don't work on island maps) But yeah it's just too many maps. Too confusing for watchers, too confusing for pros, too confusing for casters too hard too find enough good maps etc etc
@sirdiealot53 Жыл бұрын
Love the video Artyfarty. How’s canadia?
@ianrust3785 Жыл бұрын
another thing I'll add is... a patch isn't just about equal balance, it's also about improving the quality of the gameplay.
@yaboykirby7789 Жыл бұрын
Something I feel Artosis touches on a bit here is that some of the best matches to watch in Broodwar are on maps both pro players hate.
@Zraknul Жыл бұрын
Yup. Maps that encourage deviation from standard play means a little more chaos. Who can make new builds, who can adapt on the fly, etc. For each match up. You also can only devote so much time to that unique map at the cost of practice on more normal maps.
@PiPoGe 10 ай бұрын
Hi Artosis! Can you please do a video on how you would Patch SC2, similar to the one you did for BW Cheers
@VenomousStare Жыл бұрын
Good vid as usual Artosis
@Pr0nogo Жыл бұрын
I really like this topic. As an RTS designer, patches are a big topic, and I'm a firm believer in "finishing" the game - multiplayer included - and letting professional players develop the meta as they see fit. I'm sure some patches would still be necessary for any game to improve or remove some unforeseen interactions, but I don't think you ever need to go down SC2's path.
@MortyrSC2 Жыл бұрын
There is another reason to patch games than just balance. It's to shake up the meta and prevent games from going stale. MOBAs like LoL and Dota constantly patch every season to make the gameplay feel different. I'd like to see RTS games with new units/abilities every season (and perhaps rotating some old units out) and patches that aim specifically at rotating build orders/strategies in and out of the meta.
@TheCabIe Жыл бұрын
@Mortyr Interesting idea. Maybe that's the future of RTS. While a lot of traditional sports/competitions (football/chess etc.) try to change as little as possible, in modern popular video games there's a certain expectation that constant patches are supposed to be standard. Maps being the main source of change is important, but maybe that's not enough to keep games feel fresh and exciting for most casual players so some kind of unit rotation should become a standard thing in, for example, Stormgate.
@Pr0nogo Жыл бұрын
@@MortyrSC2 I disagree vehemently. I think if you want to allow your game to act as a canvas for greatness, you need to maintain consistency. Truly great games won't get dull because of a lack of updates, because the community will create innovative strategies specifically to upend the meta of the day. Seasonal map rotations are a great idea, because a game having distinct battlegrounds can allow for ingenuity, especially at the onset of these map pool changes - but doing so through the actual game balance has been proven not to uphold competitive integrity, especially for the games you listed.
@hiei49 Жыл бұрын
@@MortyrSC2 you can prevent a game going stale with a good design concept and some balance to prevent absolute optimal strategies. Its not as immediately exciting as changing the game but players can create different metagame trends over time without needing regular updates. In the case of brood war, only ZvZ is truly stale and the other 5 matchups have constant shifts each season. It depends on how much you want to prioritize in your multiplayer competitive settings. If you want to prioritize depth you would go to a more solid core and not change too much after a certain point. Muta micro wouldnt be so deep if they reworked the unit every week. If you want to prioritize excitement you would modify things and in the extreme case add game mutators inside its multiplayer (stuff lime 2x mining speed, extra damage, extra hero units,etc.). In any case, players can still play modded/ums maps with different settings and have a lot of fun. Its just that the mp approach is different.
@einstien311 Жыл бұрын
Pr0nogo speaking nothing but truth here.
@standardnerd2046 Жыл бұрын
Really missing the tastosis casts, any idea when the first ASL of 2023 will be out?
@Zraknul Жыл бұрын
Probably a few weeks off to give players time to figure out how the new maps work.
@yaboykirby7789 Жыл бұрын
I know it's not Tastosis but Artosis has a personal channel where he casts games by himself which is nice
@thezeus18 Жыл бұрын
This is one of the better videos you've made I think, and you can tell because there's lots of good actual discussion in the comments. For me, I can definitely see the greater mobility in SC2 and how that would make map design matter less. Dumb question, do you think that SC 2 is more similar to BW or to Warcraft III?
@JFox4587 Жыл бұрын
I think these are good points. Tho I would like to point out, the discussion isn’t about balance, but rather it’s about how good the game is both for the players and spectators. Not going to the late game isn’t a balance problem, it’s…something else. It’s like how good are we at keeping the game interesting
@THAC0MANIC Жыл бұрын
no its a balance issue ... Protoss won 1 GSL in how many years now has it been? 1 it was pretty much a fluke Call me when Protoss can win more then 1 GSL at a time call me when they win say 3 more. if its like more then 5-6 years from now just dont bother calling me at all period.
@Shield_Battery Ай бұрын
ASL 5 was brutal. Although we did get to see spectacular Mini v Snow Shuttle-Reaver-Corsair meltdown. But yea... "Balance through maps" is a nice catch phrase, but it's also important to understand what that means. It's like the viewers clamouring for some romanticized vision to have players return to living together in team houses, as if it was some sort of idyllic co-op home, with a nicely furnished office space used to play games and study replays collectively. Definitely not the suffocating slumlord projects with players packed in like a submarine, with hours of grinding self-study and practice. Balance through maps is how you get specifically stacked minerals, line of sight blocking doodads, or double ramps in your main base.
@TheCabIe Жыл бұрын
Attention being your main resource is exactly what makes BW so special. Sure, a lot of things in BW feel tedious and it often feels like you're struggling against archaic UI and AI, but ultimately the ability to choose where your attention goes and improving the value of your units significantly when focusing on them is interesting. SC2's gamespeed being so fast means more about the game is about reaction speed like noticing widow mine drops in time rather than the micro of the situation itself. When you simplify the hard things of an RTS too much it becomes more "strategy" and less "real time" which ends up hurting the game long-term. SC2 does a lot of cool things and is still a great game, it has more units and possible compositions, but the fundamental flaw is exactly the fact that there's less differentiation between player styles due to improved UI/AI.
@YelenaSgt44 Жыл бұрын
SC2 is way too fast imo
@HYDRAdude Жыл бұрын
SC2 needs another huge balance patch or even better another expansion pack to make significant changes to the core mechanics and units before the game can think about balancing the game through maps alone.
@KaiserMattTygore927 Жыл бұрын
@gardian06_85 Жыл бұрын
patches have a tendency to "reactivate" lapsed players either to get them to start up the game again to 'try things out' or to check on content for the game. if you go by search data the highest peaks are right after a patch announcement and a patch hit (though search quarries does not equate to player spikes) some patches will get players to quit if the changes are too drastic (these are the players that liked solved games to begin with and once the meta gets closer to solved they are likely to come back) though if they quit because the dominant strategy they really liked is not usable they might not come back until that dominant strat is viable again. but often players get so fixated on a balance patch "bringing the game into balance" but most of the time they disregard the concept of balancing through imbalance where by just making a change either positive or negative to a unit that is "in the meta" results in the balance of the meta being changed.
@yaboykirby7789 Жыл бұрын
I guess my counter argument to this video is the idea that SC2 gets figured out a lot more quickly is one of things that sounds true on paper but like it's crazy how on some games that seem like "surely we've finished innovating" they just kinda do? I remember in CS everyone was saying Inferno (it's a map) was super stale and the map had been basically figured out so they decided to rework the map but give it a few more months in the rotation and in the last few months in the rotation suddenly everyone actually figured out things because they spent all this time trying to figure out things. I still think SC2 as a game probably does need some more patches but I'm gonna be honest I don't have a good enough handle on SC2 to say much more
@toneranimation Жыл бұрын
There's alot of dumb gatekeepers that downvote any balance discussion on SC2 reddit's new post section. They don't get that some of us find balance debate fun and constructive, but all 'most' seem to see is "how does this effect my win rate and race perks"
@slinkybopper2903 11 ай бұрын
Thank you for this video
@sleeper1855 Жыл бұрын
SC2 seems to have more "fragile" balance than BW. SC2 maps need to include many specific things in order to not "break". Look at things like the little overlord viewing posts near every nat, the square of destructible terrain at the bottom of ramps, the general ease of taking a 3rd on most maps, the way most mains can only be accessed by reapers in specific places. These things exist because without them matchups tended to be very exploitable. It seems to me that balancing SC2 by the maps has very thin margins for error - SC2 map makers need to ensure that the maps don't just break before using them to skew matchups one way or another. Edit: also like Arty mentioned for SC2 maps - only 1v1 maps and keeping airspace minimized. Lots of "requirements" for making a non-broken map
@Junebug89 Жыл бұрын
Every time a new map is evaluated, people will say "oh that's a crazy strong tank position" or whatever, and the map gets discarded as imba. As if different terrain features that can be exploited isn't the half the point of adding new maps!
@sethiddings7293 Жыл бұрын
Many functionally different units. So then you're forced to make maps around more parameters, gotta make sure every specific mechanic is accounted for or it'll get exploited and ruin the map. The more you have the less unique the map can be.
@sleeper1855 Жыл бұрын
@@sethiddings7293 yeah exactly.
@Zraknul Жыл бұрын
Sounds like there are a lot of units out of balance if the maps have too long a list of must have features. The maps are already balancing them.
@Leonhart_93 Жыл бұрын
@@Zraknul Not even. For example think about how stupid OP are units like Arbiters and Defilers. We don't have anything like that in SC2, not even close. Only the mothership has a recall and you can only build one and it's slow and stasis can be placed for ground units only by an oracle as a trap, which can be shot down. Or disruptors, they have much much lower damage output than a reaver. So there aren't as many weird power spikes in SC2, but that's exactly why when an unit performs 10% better in a certain situation it's way more significant.
@SubThiel Жыл бұрын
I’m not sure you can/should compare a ‘micro’ based player with a ‘macro’ player. It’s all about allocation of time (attention). IF there was no downside to microing (time/attention) it would be a free lunch, and there never is. It comes at a cost, directly linked to macro. So they are entangled, the second you choose your flavor it has an opposite effect. Obviously talking about high(est) level of gameplay. :) Thx for all the great content over the years🎉❤
@TheDasErdinger Жыл бұрын
They fucked themselves over with with crazy overcentralizing mechanics like warp gate and creep and now every map has to be cookie cutter or it's imba beyond believe. They would have to fundamentally change a lot of the units for the game to be in a somewhat similar place like BW, which they won't do.
@wmzer0mw Жыл бұрын
This is the correct reason and a big issue with SC2. Creep and warpgate are great examples of the limiting factors that ruins the ability to balance the game. Zerg units suck off creep so they need to be able to spread creep. So now everything has to be designed around zerg taking engages on creep so they need alot of it. But creep is over bearing and gives stupid amounts of map vision, it slows pushes, ect.
@irishpotato8786 Жыл бұрын
I strongly believe that sc2 needs patches. Not frequently, but when they come out it revitalizes my energy to watch and support the eSport.
@arsteel2388 Жыл бұрын
I wish we had more cheeses in Starcraft 2 pro scene. And not "Oh, they're going to Void Ray Proxy every game" but rather, here's a proxy Zealot rush, here's a proxy hatch, here's a cannon rush, here's a 3 rax. The top players have gotten so good that they always defend the rushes perfectly. The *only* counter example to always countering the rush perfectly, is 4 Gate Blink in PvT where it's a very solid playstyle still.
@Deveshh Жыл бұрын
I love broodwar so much. When is the next ASL?
@Fewshin Жыл бұрын
i think these are all valid points but have you considered that flash would've won?
@fandomkiller Жыл бұрын
fuck i miss geoff and totalbiscuit. you guys are all total legends.
@Faux.Player 5 ай бұрын
What would make Protoss more playable? What if they got some sort of spell like the queen but instead of spawn larva it gave existing mineral patches more total minerals (regrowing used or close to depleted patches bringing them back slowly up to the original amount). It would favor late game builds, so probably slow down the game. They could have a stationary building that is a mix between a bunker and a medevac. It could protect a few units lowering there damage because they are being healed but they would regain health as fast as Zerg, so slowly (maybe 2x Zerg normal heal speed). This would work for mechanical and flying too. They could have a merge like archons for zealots that gives them more health, reflective damage shields (meaning if they are hit by projectiles it also damages the enemies a small amount), but instead of attacking they have a passive area of effect slowing and a small damage over time effect (like a poison, maybe stackable) just being close to enemies. For the sentry revamp the force field, make it damage somehow, maybe make it similar to the auto turret or the removed infested Terran, possibly let your own units enter the field making them like bunkers. Or make it be able to capture enemy units like stasis ward. I feel like Protoss should have a damage, shield energy, and or spell energy increase if they are within the power effect of pylons (maybe choose one and make it a temporary triggered ability/spell). Giving their energy based weapons and shields an additional +1 +0 +1 (up to total +4) (regular armor would be uninfected). Possibly give gateways a reactor like attachment or upgrade, that allows for you to create certain units like a normal gateways (only spawn at the gateway) + continue to allow the regular amount of warp ins.
I am a big proponent of not patching. Serious players treat mastering the game as an art form, and it is incredibly frustrating, if not downright insulting, when devs remove game features that prevent them from executing their favourite strategies. I think there are also a lot of scenarios where game devs make patches to appeal to haters ranting about particular "IMBA" strategies when that strategy might have been broken a few months later with pure gameplay adaptation. The meta being broken by players adds a lot more excitement to the game because certain players will be popularized for particular play styles and they serve as great inspiration for the fandom for "ushering a new era" of strategy. Lastly, competitive video game in general is plagued with a loser's mindset where players blame their loss on "unfair" balancing rather than their own inadequacy. Patching feeds more into this mindset, and minimizing it is the only way to help players adopt a much healthier mindset that can promote video gaming to a broader audience.
@DrownedLamp Жыл бұрын
1:00 Thank You Mario
@jakubkrchnak5172 Жыл бұрын
"You either have a really long game with one race favored, or the other race does 50/50 all in".... yeah, that strongly reminds me of Sky Toss era in PvZ in SC2...
@salgarellius7434 Жыл бұрын
I hope they release patches more often in Stormgate
@januszkurahenowski2860 Жыл бұрын
I disagree with it simply due to the fact that the new patch is pretty much all positive changes that will be good for the game, there is stil plenty to address. No huge changes but there are problems with things like creep, queens and a lot of spellcasters.
@michaelbird9148 Жыл бұрын
A balanced game is great, of course. By that, I mean many things being viable (with some needing specific circumstances to be good). I think one challenge within modern gaming is the idea that the developer should adjust the meta to provide more gameplay content. It's a a valid way, but I think it does affect longevity of a game.
@gardian06_85 Жыл бұрын
patches have a tendency to "reactivate" lapsed players either to get them to start up the game again to 'try things out' or to check on content for the game. if you go by search data the highest peaks are right after a patch announcement and a patch hit (though search quarries does not equate to player spikes) some patches will get players to quit if the changes are too drastic (these are the players that liked solved games to begin with and once the meta gets closer to solved they are likely to come back) though if they quit because the dominant strategy they really liked is not usable they might not come back until that dominant strat is viable again. but often players get so fixated on a balance patch "bringing the game into balance" but most of the time they disregard the concept of balancing through imbalance where by just making a change either positive or negative to a unit that is "in the meta" results in the balance of the meta being changed.
@pierQRzt180 Жыл бұрын
I wouldn't mind long (30+) games. At the end they will mine out the map anyway.
@vivsavagex Жыл бұрын
i dont always agree with artys conclusions but he does an excellent job of presenting the factual information as well as his opinion. hes def not afraid of giving his opinion but he also presents it in a way that you can have a counter thought to his opinion. so i respect him for that
@KingOfBlades27 Жыл бұрын
Personally I would love to patches that actually shake the meta. As long as it is not just Blizzard doing changes.
@gnatinator Жыл бұрын
Makes me wonder if we'll ever have another RTS experience like Brood War because macro mechanics are so casual in new RTS games.
@EnvoyOfFabulousness Жыл бұрын
I imagine the best of both worlds would be a game where there was an "easy mode" that reduced a lot of the more challenging macro mechanics but that the competitive scene would a more challenging mode that didn't. That way people who want a challenge and to flex on nerds can Square off in the normal mode but the easy mode exists for people who just want a more casual experience. I remember dota even way back when it was only a warcraft 3 map had an easy mode that sped up the pace of the game for people if they wanted to.
@jonathanhansson804 Жыл бұрын
Surely there will never be another BW, and if there is, it won't be popular. You have to remember that it's a 'perfect mistake', the devs never intented it to be played at 400 APM with teamhouses and coaches doing research and practicing 14 hrs/day to find optimal strategies and mechanics. The public simply wouldn't accept a game so clunky/limited/difficult today. That being said it's very beautiful for what it is and I hope that any new rts will make sure that the skill ceiling is still high enough, at least as high as sc2/wc3
@poebz Жыл бұрын
Macro mechanics in SC2 are easier than in Broodwar, but definitely not casual. Even the pros regularly get supply blocked.
@Fohnzii Жыл бұрын
@@poebz yeah it’s not casual, he just thinks he’s hardcore for playing a 2 decade old game that’s only popular in Korea
@yaboykirby7789 Жыл бұрын
@@EnvoyOfFabulousness The best way to do it is to make mechanics that are sub-optimal that make the game easier but ALSO are useful for worse players to be able to use less of said mechanic to hyper focus on certain aspects of the game to get better. Something really bad that could happen even if you have 3/3 is that certain elos everyone just autos certain things because it's more optimal for that skill level and people get really annoyed losing to players worse than them that are automating things. Kinda tough problem to solve but not unsolvable I feel like
@literatemax Жыл бұрын
1:48 wait, mapmakers can't rotate minerals or even change rock health numbers? Jeez no wonder the map usually doesn't matter
@technodrone313 Жыл бұрын
do you think candycrush-activision is competent enough to do good work? they just borked wc3. adding new mechanics to a 20 year old rts.
@AntiDoctor-cx2jd Жыл бұрын
zerg in SC2, is really the only race that uses all their units. Not that they have to use all their units, but all the units that will help. Terran rarely uses raves, despite them saving 225 minerals per scan, and ravens are worth it even without detection. Anti armor missile is extremely powerful. Marines would win all the engagements in the early game that they often win anyway, and There is no unit that trades favorably with BC if aa missile is applied. Zerg are often using infestor/viper at the same time, along with ling bane micro which is already harder than bio micro. They are also manually targeting their transfuse. In short zerg players do so much more than terran it's ridiculous.
@artemirrlazaris7406 Жыл бұрын
So one thing i like about guild wars is that they change skills weekly... which encourages play and new builds creates innovative mindset... So a round tourney table where the rules change is liek good D & D.... This allows the core game to be better balanced by revealing the exploits people find... Ihaven't played competitively in a long time BUttons taht starcraft didn't have that other RTS's had was scatter and split. YOu push x while unit group is selected and it causes al loft them to spread out a bit. WE also don't have formation quick key, that oculd be different between races, IE roach formation, so it auto burrows at 25% health and unburrows at 80%, specific formations ,but then its jsut a ocmtuer doing what a person can do... is itbetter, meh it uses things to a better degree. I cna't quite remember but the most used buttons Screen memory: Using shortcuts to screen spaces, IE base, expansion, and opponenets base and natural. Space bar - finding current events. I think its [ and ] when a group is slected it selects the lowest health and highest health. Tab allows you to cycle through units/buildings/. SOme peopel putall buildings on one tab. f2 select all military. f1 select next scv idle unit. (kind of annoying that it centers on screen. Groupings. Typically you wantot remap and havea better memory for your key board. So remaping is allowing yout mouse hand use 1-6 buttons. Having one maped to your primary army is good, and using a tech one. Map screen setting I usually changed to a offset akward button, because I keep the good localized buttons near the left hand. So the specials. Further remaping is, all building simliar types are all on the same hot key. IE overlord is S, Supply depot S, pylon S, this allows you to always think supply build supply.. makign the hot keys, quick. Forge, evo, Research bay, to barracks, spawning pool, gateway. althogh not a big deal... remaping can make it easier os you dn't spend 25 seconds at hte beginign like oh its not that key, lol. The weakest slection button out of a group is great for micro. P for patrol while group selected. A for Attack move. Right click is a move command typically I never use that, unless i Need to manage around with minimal losses, but I do use it actively for scouting. IE 5-6 zerglings. 150 minerals and in 5 seconds using hte minimap, can send all the units to the minieral lines and burrow. So a great little trick is, right move, hold shift burrow, so when those units get there they burrow, but then you unslect one from teh current group and give the same command to naother location. repeat until there is no more in the group. Viola.. zergling goes around the map, to those locations burrowing, without having to micro them. I consider this type of scout planting macroing... Since you only use your minimap. You can also build. your home centers on the minimap, that some reason snap into location of the mineral lien and always are perfect when built from a minimap, or its jsut me... whihc saves you about 2-3 seconds screen time, simply select the scv. Having a build group of scvs like 5 ot zerglings, to remote build what you need from the minimap, while focusing on your army movement. So a military unit mines units. so a mineral unit mines money. There value is on their performance and use. I always though military units should be be able to mine also, at a diminished rate, IE 2-3 minerals per 10-15 seconds.. and while having minerals reduced attack etc, but htat ould bring problems, but they coudl always destroy or delete those minerals but htne it becomes other problems of peopel mining out with their army... So Starcraft iwthout probes or a command center, you die typically.. Which is nice, and there is no recovery, lol. anyways thats my tips for starcraft and it will amke you a better player... Hotkeys... really speed up your abilty to micor manage... There is a button or combination to select all of x thing, on screen and across the map. I did it in a co-op game but I can't rmmeber the hotkey, and another thing is print offf the hot key sets and look at your options. There is a few more, but shift with tactical spell casting is great for battle cruisiers and snipes and or spionic storms.
@Luisin88 Жыл бұрын
Brood war just needs small adjustments to less utilized spells like EMP, Esnare and Maelstrom.
@andrewzmorris Жыл бұрын
@TheDasErdinger Жыл бұрын
Ensnare and Maestrom are very annoying, so I am glad they are not as often used. Imagine a fungle type spell in regular use for Protoss and Zerg. Not only annoying, but would completely warp the meta.
@cwjalexx Жыл бұрын
All those spells are used at times and EMP is a staple in TvP. Yes, it would be nice if things like scouts and ghosts were more utilized, but I think the biggest change i would like, big picture, is a way to change the ZvZ match up so it’s not just ling/muta 5-15 minute games. The problem is that people have just gotten way too good at muta micro and zerglings are gained too fast and destroy hydras unless u have a million hydras, but it means that 99% of games you are forced to make zerglings until muta and are unable to get any other unit or you die. I don’t know the solution, but maybe something like making spores have splash damage to small unit types or something.
@ximbabwe0228 Жыл бұрын
They should take out that protoss unit that's just a ball that makes your opponent micro
@AceBadguy Жыл бұрын
great talking points here
@JackSparrow-gn1zn Жыл бұрын
Compared to BW, SC2 has much more on an audience and spectators/fans/people who queue to watch the game but not necessarily play it want changes every now and again.
@PapiBauby Жыл бұрын
Well this video is more of a comparisson between sc1 and sc2
@danieln6700 Жыл бұрын
Scrap station is the best SC2 map. The only tihng broodwar needs is to not have the mini map be black untill u see something, its annoying.
@yeon723 Жыл бұрын
Wait bw pros said bw wasn't perfectly balanced? I need more info
@danieln6700 Жыл бұрын
sc2 almost needs match up sepfic balance, like a unit would have damage reduced but only against terran cos that unit is op against terran without ruining it in other match ups.
@wmzer0mw Жыл бұрын
normally this exists with "machine, bio, psi" tags.
@jennymckenzie5304 Жыл бұрын
"It goes super long and one race is favoured, or you're just going 50/50 all in" yeah that's TvZ in star2 right now dude... It goes late or Terran all ins cause playing late vs Zerg sucks, so ofc they deal with this by buffing Zerg and nerfing Terran's lategame win conditions, great "balance council"
@isaacsteele7986 Жыл бұрын
Inevitable result of giving a race a stronger lategame. You think they would have learned from all the stuff in sc1 and sc2, that having a major imbalance of strength at diffrent points in the game leads to stale absuive matches.
@N0noy1989 Жыл бұрын
Are you seriously going to defend the ghost? Lol. Terrans always whine even though Terrans have a good winrate even without using ghosts in tournaments in the new patch like the ESLs.
@jennymckenzie5304 Жыл бұрын
@@N0noy1989 are people still seriously thinking the ghost is a problem unit? Low leaguers are so delusional lol.
@isaacsteele7986 Жыл бұрын
@@N0noy1989 Nah its not really a defending of the ghost, its bad that it is that one sided either way. But instead of trying to fix it to where its more interesting and fair to play in all situation, they just nerf the ghost to force terran to cheese all day since they will lost lategame hard.
@ProtossOP Жыл бұрын
@@N0noy1989 terrans defend ghost because it’s the only unit they have to survive in late game. Remove ghost and you’ve just put terrans on timer and we’re back to 2 base all-in meta where you either kill them before X or you’re dead.
@jameslu5075 Жыл бұрын
I think the original poster was heavily influenced by what he perceived to be a poor roll-out of the patch. It would be interesting to her Artosis or other pros take on that. It's kind of like "what is the lesser of 2 evils"? If the patches are so poorly handled, maybe it's better to just leave well enough alone.
@MrDdz Жыл бұрын
On the flip side, it makes for more drama. Imagine GSL season 1, pros find all these crazy exploits, stuff goes completely haywire. Blizz interns scramble to roll out more patches for season 2 and IEM. Fun times ahead.
@yaboykirby7789 Жыл бұрын
As far as I can ascertain Artosis felt that SC2 NEEDS patches so the chance of Blizzard scuffing it is bad but you need the patches for the game to work properly
@tehvolka Жыл бұрын
Your point is that sc2 needs patches to keep the game evolving (and not so much regarding balance) because due to the game mechanics the strategies/play -style converge to the optimal ones quickly (within months) and no map diversity could change that. That's no good of course and future RTS games should take note of that. What sc2 REALLY needs are ways to make its play-style more diverse. I'd propose to revert back to 6 workers instead of 12. More early game deviations, more decisions, more interesting. Second, I would not underestimate the map creators. At least in BW, the managed to come up with amazing creative ideas. There's still hope.
@tigera6 Жыл бұрын
The issue with the "balancing through map" idea isnt the map creator, but how current players HATE playing on innovative map and tournament organizer actually cater to the players too much.
@liberphilosophus7481 Жыл бұрын
It worked out for SC Broodwar, but that doesn't mean it's good game development. Regular patches keep the game fresh and interesting for players, while also allowing for relief with balance frustrations. 'Patching' the game through maps is overall a worse strategy because the player (especially at a high level) judges the probable outcome of the game before the match even begins, and that is not fun game design.
@marinauder Жыл бұрын
Ohh, I saw that nickname on Is It Imba or Do I suck a while ago. Harstem said iloveoof sucks, opinion discarded :D
@DaMnUFo0 Жыл бұрын
Knowing the atrocious balancing Blizzard's been doing on WC3 Reforged, I am doubtful with the SC2 patches. It's not a bad thing to have updates here and there, but I feel like it shouldn't be a frequent thing unless it's bug fixes of course.
@Taunt61 Жыл бұрын
you don't like the new mirror images? i think a lot of good changes all around.
@DaMnUFo0 Жыл бұрын
@@Taunt61 That mirror image change just makes it like a DOTA-esque style of patching. It also forces ppl to deliberately get that skill earlier on instead of wind walk and crit. Also, the damage is too weak on the image and I wouldn't be surprised if they increase the damage on the images later and even give gold when destroyed (instead of just exp atm). Overall, it doesn't feel like a genuine RTS patch imo.
@Taunt61 Жыл бұрын
@@DaMnUFo0 imho they made a skill that is never taken kinda useful. some will still go for windwalk and crit if they balance it right, depends on the meta, too. WC3 was always part RTS part micro-fest, this is more about the microfest part.
@MrWallace484 Жыл бұрын
Carriers OP
@ilikepiedontu Жыл бұрын
It’s needed new units to play with, better balancing, better marketing, more incentive to play. SC2 got abandoned years ago and it’s taking just as long to make the 3rd one.
@lolno4854 Жыл бұрын
I used to play WC3 competitively and maps were overwhelmingly unbalanced, which was kind of used to balance a BO3 with vetoes and so on, now the map pool is close to balanced. I far prefer that. Hope Blizzard doesn't abandon the game.
@9e7exkbzvwpf7c Жыл бұрын
Rare Artosis W
@totalprocall6894 Жыл бұрын
Zerg has been broken for way too long. Simple.
@returningwhisper Жыл бұрын
I like patches. I wish some of my favorite classic fighting games had received more.
@kresbes7240 Жыл бұрын
What do you think about autogenerated maps?
@iamLI3 Жыл бұрын
sc2 needs a patch that makes the starting workers 10 and returns the bases back to the normal resource count , i don't like the reduced base resources.......
@echo4kilo. Жыл бұрын
@TradingEducation911 Жыл бұрын
Protoss too OP in SC2? Let's balance it through MAPS, no wallable naturals or main bases, let those zerglings rein free! Make those deadzones for liberators to shoot those mining probes. Emp, let's make that shit bigger. Carriers, nerf them.
@zombie92110 Жыл бұрын
Does the fact that the game get "figured out" so quickly has to do with the devs doing to many patch to quickly? To a point where players naturally started becoming very conservative because they knew that a patch was coming no matter what. Or is the problem the fact that that some units got really bad design?
@TheTrueReiniat Жыл бұрын
poor poster he thought the patch had been rolled out and then quickly hotfixed, and now everyone is dragging him trough the dirt
@Bruh-bu5zt Жыл бұрын
SC2 needs more new maps which are not average and "E-SPORTS READY". It's boring to see people play Cloud Kingdom reskins. It's like CSGO league played only on dust 2
@invisiblemenproduction Жыл бұрын
Sc3 should be like cs:go. A mix of cs 1.6 and source?
@R0binah00d Жыл бұрын
Just give every race Creep
@Alexander_J_Jericho Жыл бұрын
Needs to revert back to wings of liberty.
@Triumph633 Жыл бұрын
As a SC2 Plat league random player I think yes the game should be patched (but not to often, every 3 months tops, maybe every 6 months most balanced). Everytime there are actually changes it is a lot of fun to try new things and I also see the meta of low level players like myself shifting. For example shield batteries used to be spammed by every protoss in these lowskill games, this is no longer the case, also void rays have died out completely. So these patches even affect us normies and I think they are cool.
@billjameson1254 Жыл бұрын
MMM (Marine, Marauder, Medievac) is and will always be the issue. It's too strong, synergizes completely. High skill ceiling, but then everything is based around that. You also see that you can't "shoot back" at high ground units _without_ some kind of high ground vision (e.g., medievac), rather than a "25% chance to hit" or something. This further necessitates, for terran, having medievac, an extremely mobile (stock with boost, leave alone with the boosters researched). You HAVE to go MMM. MMM is valid in all match-ups, practically a requirement, with a splash of tanks for TvT. Mech is "kind of" valid. It's a t-1/1.5 unit that scales into the late game. Compare that to, say, broodwar. You have to have a composition of several units (tanks+marine+goliaths+battlecruiser+science vessel). Marines with only 40 hp, and the Marines have harder counters (defilers, lurkers), and you have to maneuver those troops very carefully. SC2, as long as you remember to hit 'stim', you're pretty much golden to let the A.I. take the reins. I'd say make combat shield +5 hp, not +10. Reduce Marine HP back down to 40. Reduce queens, weaken adepts a bit, too, and now you've got a lot less 'snowball' effect. If we reduced the requirements of aerial vision, (e.g., let units shoot back with severely reduced chance to hit against units on high ground they don't have vision on), I think you're right, we'd see map design mattering a lot more. What you said was correct- micro matters way more in Brood War, in SC2 it's about strategy, what you're doing/"why you're making it," rather than "how you use what you have."
@Skumtomten1 Жыл бұрын
As a terran player I agree. I'm getting bored of playing MMM and especially watching it. I have been trying to play an active mech style for a while, with hellions, cyclones, some tanks and speed banshees into BCs but its just weaker than standard play. I think it is a bit of a misconception that MMM is harder to play than mech, splitting against banes and stuff for sure. But MMM makes it easier on other aspects, your units, if you also add ghosts, are good against pretty much any unit composition in the game, and you always have a safety net with your medivacs which we see players like Maru abuse. With mech, you need to be proactive, you need to have the right units at the right time, if you don't you can instatnly lose the game. That is especially hard considering how slow the units build, you can't be reactive, you need to be proactive. Mech also need superior positioning, which is hard due to how slow it can be. If you play mech and get caught un-sieged it is instatnly gg. It is also much harder to push out on the map as mech.
@kmurphy0620 Жыл бұрын
Tilting favor of a race through maps is called imbalance. That felt like some strong copium not just saying it's bad.
@LucLeFou Жыл бұрын
We need a new esport viable RTS... I tried COH3 last night and it aint it
@Iseenoobpeoples Жыл бұрын
?? we have SC2
@LucLeFou Жыл бұрын
@@Iseenoobpeoples SC2 is only living in SCBW's shadow.. will never be on the same level
@drenth27 Жыл бұрын
@AlbinosaurusR3X Жыл бұрын
Patching things just to "mix it up" is what destroyed League of Legends. I'd take "balance through maps" over that any day.
@fifthofascalante7311 7 ай бұрын
What I’m hearing: basically, SC2 is shit next to Brood War. And I agree.
@x-techgaming Жыл бұрын
1:10 "Male horse sperm", as opposed to the female kind..? More brilliance from the Twitch audience.
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