Dragon Age: The Veilguard Has Some INTERESTING Difficulty Options

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28 күн бұрын

Let's talk about Dragon Age The Veilguard. We got some difficulty and customization options that may be a little controversial. Let me know what you think and make sure to subscribe to the channel for more content!! #dragonage #dragonagetheveilguard
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@Game-df8dq 26 күн бұрын
I don't see how difficulty options concern people...they are optional, how is someone playing this single player game THEIR way gonna hindered YOUR way of playing???
@sjsharp2007 26 күн бұрын
Yeah Bioware's games hav ealways had an element of accessibility all the previous Mass Effect's an dDragon Age's have had it. So it's not really headline news. For me it's kind of why they cu tthe amount of powers in Andromeda from 8 down to 3 as whilst they made the game faste rand more action oriented they shortened things like cooldowns so the powers can be used moe rfrequently and made it simpler by giving us less active powers so it was easier t okeep the action flowing. For me coming off the ME trilogy whilst the loss of tactical pause at first was jarring the fact they gave us less powers helped simplify it to the point wher I didn' t need to worry abou tpausing especiall yas powers auto aim in Andromeda. Personall yI'm looking forward to my first playthrough of Veilguard. As I've been pickin gthe Bioware games up again atm t oget me in the zone.
@Game-df8dq 26 күн бұрын
@sjsharp2007 exactly not everyone wants to "get good" at a game, difficulty settings help players who either aren't that good or just wanna have their version on fun
@elvangulley3210 26 күн бұрын
Because the souls borne neck beards who get all their life's value in their game being super hard want everyone else to suffer with them I'm more worried about the crappy action combat only 3 companions fighting with you and not being able to control your companions
@lauradeneault3525 26 күн бұрын
Exactly lol
@odst123451 26 күн бұрын
Souls games aren’t hard though. It’s timed blocking and dodging.
@tanna_k 26 күн бұрын
People complaing about easy difficulty has got to be one of the most groan inducing things that happen in gaming circles. It's such primary school mentality. Grow up.
@kylealberding 26 күн бұрын
People are just wanting to hate on this game for any reason, let’s just wait until it comes out atleast
@elvangulley3210 26 күн бұрын
There's plenty of reasons to hate it difficulty settings isn't one of them
@vergillives9890 17 күн бұрын
Its twisting from titles to the journalists fantasy experience now just a future fantasy game with a dragon age title thats its main problem and used a ME project its more watered than 2 and i hope its just more than brothel with mercanaries but thats what its becoming
@KJB_00 26 күн бұрын
if you dont like lower difficulty/''''cheaty'''' accessibility options, then just dont lower the difficulty/toggle accessibility options on when youre playing. simple as that
@babaduk7679 26 күн бұрын
Thank you very much for the video, I like this news of no death option, it will help a lot of people, especially people who have underlying medical conditions, who are less fortunate then others and also for people who just want to enjoy the story, this and Wukong are definitely the games I am waiting most
@sjsharp2007 26 күн бұрын
Yeah when I first saw th ecomba tI was worried as it looked ver yquick and almost soulsbourn elike I'm not into soulsbourn egames and I know I can' treally pla ythem. But after hearin about the accessibility options my worries completely dissipated so was grateful fo rthat. Not sure I need the no death option but I lik ethe fact it's ther fo rthose that do want it.
@theonesithtorulethemall 3 күн бұрын
If you’re only here for story, why not wotch it on KZfaq then???
@sjsharp2007 3 күн бұрын
@@theonesithtorulethemall Because Bioware games have decision making such as whether t osave the mages or templars stuf flike whic hcompanion t oromance as well it's no tjus tabou tthe combat in fact the comba tis only on epar tof Bioware's games ansd for the mos t pat it's just something tha thappens to be there rather than the main part of the experience. Wiht Soulsbourne games comba tis front and centre Bioware's games hav enevre been that it' sabout the story and advwnture in their games
@Lordoziom 26 күн бұрын
If you want to have it difficult you can, not everything has to be dark souls, I actually appriciate Story Mode in Rpgs. I just don't want to bother with 100 turns every time a rat appears, or when the difficulty just stops me from enjoying the story and the characters.
@Lordoziom 26 күн бұрын
Nightmare in dao is fun... Once or twice... Now I just play on normal each time.
@Zoggwogg 26 күн бұрын
In games like Dragon Age, the story, characters and choices are the gameplay. They are making the game for someone, theyre making the game for the people thwt value thoses things.
@CresentTwilight 26 күн бұрын
I actually 100% agree with you. I think the primary draw of the Dragon Age series has always been the choice based storytelling. If they can nail that and have the gameplay at least be fun, then I think they will be successful. The nice thing is, these different difficulties are all options. If you want a more challenging experience, you can still get that through the Nightmare and Unbound difficulties. Of course it will never have the same prestige as Elden Ring because of that, but I agree with you that it doesn't need to. BG3 has easy and customizable difficulties as well, and yet people still love going for the tactician playthroughs and have a sense of accomplishment when they complete them. I think it will come down to 1. If the combat is fun, and 2. If the harder difficulties are actually difficult and require more pausing and strategy. We will have to wait and see for ourselves how it actually plays. But personally, I say the more options the better.
@davidradach9311 25 күн бұрын
People should play how they want. I won’t turn on the no-death option, for instance. But if someone out there did, how’s that going to hurt me? It won’t.
@ZackThoreson 26 күн бұрын
Some people literally mod out the gameplay of the other DA games. They are truly here for the story. I support them even if I am not one of them. I genially feel like difficulty options are an accessibility feature. I am a scrub who knows I would get too frustrated with Eldon ring. It’s not for me, but in wish I could play it with the ability to finish it.
@odst123451 26 күн бұрын
I’ve never seen a mod that removes gameplay for DAO or DA2. I’m curious as to what they are.
@ZackThoreson 26 күн бұрын
@@odst123451 I think just aggressively cheating is possible:
@odst123451 25 күн бұрын
@@ZackThoreson Depends on what you consider to be ‘aggressively’ cheating. I have one mod for DAO, it’s a raven that lets you reset a character. Personally, I think a reset potion should be in any rpg like DAO. You can brick characters I these types of games.
@ZackThoreson 25 күн бұрын
@@odst123451yeah, I’d put that as a purely QoL feature, not a cheat. I’m really only talking about using mods and console command to trivialize combat to the point of functionally removing it as a gameplay factor. Using things to enhance the enjoyment of combat isn’t what I mean.
@vergillives9890 17 күн бұрын
The only mods i have ever seen is just unlocking all skill trees making crazy builds like inquisition templar necromancer with coles passives death mark walking bomb explosion
@Guava11534 25 күн бұрын
Look Elden ring and dragon age are two completely different games that look to achieve different goals. Elden Ring and the rest of the souls games have always been about the struggle and that feeling you get after overcoming a difficult challenge. While Elden Ring and Dark Souls do have role play elements and interesting stories it has always been secondary to the gameplay and the challenge because that is the point of those games. Dragon Age on the other hand is the complete opposite. Their focus is the role playing and the story telling and while you do have the option to make the gameplay more difficult that is not the priority. BioWare simply wants to tell a good story while providing serviceable gameplay and I can respect it because I love all the stories for all the dragon age games.
@vergillives9890 17 күн бұрын
But elden ring isn't a difficulty setting its punishing setting completely different every minor enemy is a boss in from software games in dragon age its just more health and damage with resistances everyone treats dark souls as a difficulty setting no the creator makes punishing games
@vergillives9890 17 күн бұрын
And dragon age followed buldurs gate 1 and 2 you had story telling choices and challenges same with dragon age origins but thats too hard for people so now every dialog becomes another affinity action even if they arent mentioned did you want (tea or coffee) insert character approval rating was raised
@Guava11534 17 күн бұрын
@@vergillives9890 Dragon age origins has a difficulty toggle in their game. You can make the game brain dead easy if you want to because once again that game is focused on the story and rpg elements with difficult gameplay IF you want it that way. Souls games do not have a difficulty option which is fine because the point of the game is the struggle. You are a nobody in every single souls game except maybe sekiro idk because I haven't played it. As a nobody you constantly fail and die and learn how to get better until you finish the game. That's always the main story of every souls game despite the beautiful and deep lore that serves as the backdrop of each of those games. The story of dark souls, elden ring, and bloodborne is that of a normal person with very little power and skill who refuses to give up even when fighting gods which is awesome but that's all told through the gameplay.
@vergillives9890 17 күн бұрын
@@Guava11534 the only thing important in choices is if they have an impact not a dopamine hit do you poison the ashes or not, do you cure the werewolves or have them remain as werewolves, do you help the kid or kill him, if there is not impact its an interactive movie with the illusion of choice with a +5 affection do you want alot of combat for the sake of combat or is it in meaning full spots you enter a cave and its just and onslaught like the orzammar mines or just a couple big creatures and an empty cave otherwise people treat difficulty as i hit once and its still alive its too hard or i have been fighting this for 3 hours its impossible no in-between
@BboyEasySteps 26 күн бұрын
No, it’s not a problem at all. Anyone who says otherwise is straight up just hating to hate. All it does is allow you to play how you want to. 💁🏻‍♀️ Tune it all the way up or down, that’s the point of difficulty levels anyways.
@spookieloop 26 күн бұрын
For me, the ONLY thing I care about is the lore and storytelling. I'm a grown adult with a career and family - I do not have time to "Get Gud", so I like that it can be made super easy so I can just experience the story like a visual novel (and experience the power-fantasy of super easy gameplay) without having to grind for hours. It's ALSO cool that the ease vs. difficulty is toggle-able, so people who want more GAME out of the game can have that fun too, but people like me who only care about making a cool character and experiencing the story, and people who have disabilities that make quick reaction time based things difficult, can enjoy the game without having to put an abundance of time into it.
@odst123451 26 күн бұрын
Watch a KZfaq video instead of wasting time. I’m mocking you because you said you didn’t want to “got gud.”
@Anna-B 26 күн бұрын
Personally, I’m turning the auto lock all the way up! I’m not good at more action based combat, so I loved the combat in the first two games. The third game was harder, but I felt like it was a nice compromise for more action based players. So when I saw the new combat, I was disappointed. So these new settings make me feel better
@sjsharp2007 21 күн бұрын
Yeah I definitel ywil lbe using auto aim on powers especially as I'm playing a mage on m yfirst run
@HyouVizer 26 күн бұрын
gameplay reveal was definitely on "storyteller"
@davidradach9311 25 күн бұрын
I sure hope so! I want combat to be a challenge!
@karlmarshall4482 25 күн бұрын
Options are always great
@JameLowee 25 күн бұрын
Dragon Age Origins will always be my favorite Dragon age game.
@kenshin391 24 күн бұрын
I've never played Dragon Age is it a fun game? I been thinking about getting this one.
@MrApoorvaSingh753 17 күн бұрын
Its fun tho each game is different from others 😂 old fans is made they can't have that Darkspawn vs Warden back.
@sjsharp2007 26 күн бұрын
Anyon ewho's played Mas Effec tan dDragon Ag ewil ltell you that Biowaer's games aer designed around havin ga good stor ywit hcharacters and companions who join you on the ride. The games hav enever been abou thard difficult. Suer yo ucan mak ethem hard if yo uwantto but they've never been necessarily about that. They wantthe playres tha thave played the pervious games coming back as well as newcomres to enjoy th eexperience. I've loved the experience up t onow and I'm looking forward to Veilguard.
@kelllyfostier984 25 күн бұрын
Frankly l am tired of the Elden Ring Darksouls formula approach happening to every game and now the Chinese dev are cranking out game after game with the same approach games like Black Myth Wutung and along with a lot of other games with the same format nothing is more frustrating than to buy a 70 dollar game come home to play it then play it for 30 minutes then not able to beat the first boss you want to fling the game disc out the window then you put the disc back into the case in put it back into your game stack never to play it again you just got done paying 70 dollars for 30 minutes of gameplay enough already with this l am not saying that they can’t make games like this for the hardcore gamers my question is where are all the other games for everybody else my mine concern now when l buy a game is difficulty level when l hear words like Soulslike ,difficult,unforgiving brutal.combat l am not buying the game l don’t how good the story or graphics is if you can’t beat the game all the way through then what’s the point of playing it if you can’t finish the game and l will give you another example l played Marvels Spider-Man sure parts of the game had frustrating difficult moments in the game but l finished it and played Marvel’s Spider-Man Miles Morales and had the same experience as before but when l started playing Marvels Spider-Man 2 they made the combat ridiculously where wave after wave of enemies to fight the combat became exhausting to play and it just wasn’t very much fun anymore and l played over 20 missions already which means l will probably went buy the next because of that the reason we have difficulty modes in the first place is so that everybody can play the game no matter what skill set your at easy for casual gamers normal for average skilled players and hard and nightmare mode for hardcore gamers if the hardcore gamers want to play the game on nightmare mode and want to die a thousand times then go for it knock yourself out but what l really resent is these nasty disgusting comments from hardcore gamers saying that if someone uses a tutorial in game that they are a baby who needs to be spoonfeed l find those kinda comments insulting and condescending to the rest of us gamers just because we are not at their level of skill set as a gamer these comments have to stop we don’t deserve this kind of abuse okay l said my peace you can hate me if you want
@joemachado33 26 күн бұрын
The no death option definitely raised my eyebrows.
@slipstream7324 26 күн бұрын
journalist mode
@sayurioffenborn4960 26 күн бұрын
Why? That will help people to play the game. Hope more games will do this.
@Macheako 26 күн бұрын
@@sayurioffenborn4960 it will also help people hate this game and make fun of it into oblivion
@kangazoos2083 26 күн бұрын
​@@Macheakoit's optional.
@odst123451 26 күн бұрын
What’s even the point then? If it’s gonna be that low effort, why have combat at all? Yea, it’s optional but it has to be optional.
@jimcarrey2866 26 күн бұрын
I'm very interested to see the audience score of this game
@DominaRPG 26 күн бұрын
I don't see why new difficulty options would really change that. Nightmare difficulty is still there and seems to be carrying on its tradition from past games. This isn't a Souls game I don't really care if people want to play it on easy mode.
@djstef4549 25 күн бұрын
Like the cut G
@PodcastNow 25 күн бұрын
Thank you man!!!
@0TheVegan0ThatCould0 25 күн бұрын
Havings multiple difficulty settings in not a problem. If any doesn't like this, they just want to be upset. Let them go cry in a corner... right next to the people who get offended by pronouns. Dragon Age is NOT the place for them.
@vergillives9890 17 күн бұрын
This game isnt for the people that bought 1 2 and DAI like any current product that keep the series alive
@MrApoorvaSingh753 17 күн бұрын
I still remember Baby Face guy crying like manchild for Starfield introducing Pronounces 😂 which is funny they are quiet about in Baldur Gate 3 even Cyberpunk 2077 has body and voice type.
@death5talker45 25 күн бұрын
No Death Option... The Games Journalist Difficulty Option
@PodcastNow 25 күн бұрын
It is definitely their difficulty of choice 😂
@theonesithtorulethemall 3 күн бұрын
Here’s a simple idea: if STORY MODE difficulty’s to hard for you, don’t play the game Why is it a problem??? Becours it’s a game, it’s meant to be played, it screwed the perception by people who are here for a movie complaining there not getting a movie
@sofajockeyUK 26 күн бұрын
Excellent news. I'll be playing normal and then hard, but having a choice is great. This is looking like a GOTY contender.
@somusamba6118 26 күн бұрын
Get ready for disappointment
@sjsharp2007 26 күн бұрын
I think it's too early to say whether it's going to be a GOTY contenderbu tbased off what I'v eseen so far it looks lik eit's going to be a return to form. I thin kit wil l b emy GOTY as It's definitel ya game I'm getting Day 1 but whether the journo's see i tthat wa yI don' tknow. But then I don' tpa ymuc hattention t oreviews these days as I have found games even tha tscored poorl ysuc ha sAndromeda games I liked anyway so I tend to ignore them.
@sofajockeyUK 26 күн бұрын
@@sjsharp2007 I'm far from predicting GOTY, that'll only be decided in December. The reason I suggest it's a contender (one that should be considered) is that it appears to be doing many right things. Advanced character creator. No MTX. Focused areas rather then collectible filled open world. Strong focus on story and characters. Drawing from Mass Effect for combat. We will see of course in the coming months and will doubtless have a chance to discuss it at length in the other place.
@sjsharp2007 26 күн бұрын
@@sofajockeyUK They'v ealways had a stron gfocus on stor yan dcharacters in their games s otha tdoesn' tnecessaril ymean anything and the MTX have usually been confined t othe multiplayer side o fthe games but seeing as there is no multiplayer they don't need t othis time. I d oagree wit hyou though they'v estuck to wha thas worked fo rth emos tpart in th eprevious Dragon Ag egames and kep tthem goin ghere. I jus thope it sells well and maybe we'll get a DLC or 2 as I've always enjoyed the little story expansions in these games
@lauradeneault3525 26 күн бұрын
No, it has never been about the gameplay. It is about good stories and choices that impact the world and characters. The gameplay from dragon age origin was really barely enjoyable...
@odst123451 26 күн бұрын
It was barely enjoyable to you. I actually prefer DAO over 2 and Inquisition. I like 2 but it felt more clunky than even DAO.
@MrApoorvaSingh753 17 күн бұрын
​@@odst123451 Seriously Origin better than 2 in gameplay what are you smoking ? 😂 🚬 DA2 gameplay has everything Origin does but better that game is short and different also rushed but gameplay is awesome.
@odst123451 17 күн бұрын
@@MrApoorvaSingh753 Not smoking anything, DA2 felt clunky compared to Origins which was clunky.
@xZeroGunnerx 26 күн бұрын
Does every RPG series need to turn into a hack/slash? FF, now Dragon Age. Baldurs Gate 3 showed that traditional crpg can be VERY succesful.
@sayurioffenborn4960 26 күн бұрын
Greedfall do the oposide with gredfall 2.
@elvangulley3210 26 күн бұрын
Unfortunately yes despite wasteland persona and bg3 being really successful and loved by players it's not enough to show devs that old school combat is fine
@Macheako 26 күн бұрын
@@elvangulley3210then hire new goddamn devs
@kangazoos2083 26 күн бұрын
​@@elvangulley3210it's not the devs that need to be convinced its the marketing teams and board members. The devs just develop what they're told. Its the directors who pitch an idea to the board and the marketing that find the data
@MrApoorvaSingh753 17 күн бұрын
Blame the fans or new playerbase especially on Inquisition that game was attacked for being complicated and not easy like Witcher 3 when that came later. 😂
@Kross415 25 күн бұрын
I think customizable difficulty options are great but all the other forced simplification like having one less companion, 3 active skills and smaller skill trees for companions, and the disappearance of the DAKeep is horribly bad. The EA imposed trend chasing for new audiences is not going to prove fruitful on a franchise that started as a crpg by a company that has been doing crpg's since 1998. That's why most BioWare devs are gone and this has close to none DA DNA.
@leojamesiii7938 25 күн бұрын
Cartoonifying it was a LAME idea, it takes away from the story, the 'reality' of the world. I'm REALLY turned off by the very idea of this 'Brutal Legend' wannabe.
@MrApoorvaSingh753 17 күн бұрын
Look at Dragon Age Origin (not ultra on PC) and tell me it doesn't look cartoony.
@leojamesiii7938 17 күн бұрын
@@MrApoorvaSingh753 Are you High?!?
@kowaikokoro 26 күн бұрын
wow so besides the journalist diffculty they also have baby option?
@alex1212456 26 күн бұрын
Yea I’m all for “accessibility” but ehh idk cheapens the whole product to me
@sjsharp2007 26 күн бұрын
Bioware aren' tFromSoft they'v ealways mad etheir games wit haccessibility in mind. For m ethat's the reason why I like their games
@sofajockeyUK 26 күн бұрын
How is it cheapened? If someone wants to enable an accessibility checkbox, to make the game more enjoyable for them, that has zero impact on anyone else.
@alex1212456 26 күн бұрын
@@sofajockeyUK idk man play on pc and get a mod if that’s your main concern as a player
@sofajockeyUK 26 күн бұрын
@@alex1212456 I only play on console, I junked my gaming PC 15 years ago and haven't looked back. And if the game maker can make the game accessible 'in box' then that's great. There is zero downside here (and I'll be playing both normal and hard difficulty).
@sjsharp2007 26 күн бұрын
@@alex1212456 If that's your problem then mayb eyo u shouldn' tplay a Bioware gasme and try a soulsbourne one if that's the kind of difficulty you're looking for. I'm not a fan o fsoulsbourne's as they're too difficult for me but I'v e accepted tha t the yaren' t for me Bioware's games are at m ylevel though so I intend to enjoy this.
@fliplife67 26 күн бұрын
They downgraded a lot I just hope the story is good and long.
@oukeith 26 күн бұрын
This is cope a game that is made for everyone is made for no one I have feeling we have an incoming stinker.
@sheldonmustdie2 25 күн бұрын
It seems like all these new games want to hold your hand where the fun in that where’s the challenge 🤦‍♂️
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