PlayStation Will Be Attending TGS 2024!!
Star Wars Outlaws Has GONE GOLD
14 сағат бұрын
Top 10 Upcoming Remakes/Remasters
@cheporestrepo 20 минут бұрын
This trailer itself is 20X better than halo infinite and its whole developement process😭💀
@pietbokvanrensburg8131 Сағат бұрын
I'm half way through and it looks amazing, but lets be honest, Saga who is a diversity hire was added because of wokeness which puts me off my game. Wokeness is like spitting in my coffee and saying, "Here you go!" It's a negative in my book. Keep your politics out of my entertainment. The original game was better balanced, the critique of AW2 being a walking simulator is valid. Lets hope AW3 will lose the wokeness and be better balanced.
@TheHiddenOne690 Сағат бұрын
Well said. At the end of the day, no matter what people say or think or want to claim.. It's. A. Video. Game. You either buy it or not. It doesn't affect me, this youtuber, or anybody. Just stop FORCING negative opinions into the minds of people who DO want to buy the game. Literal toxic internet karens.
@Percival_5972 Сағат бұрын
I agree with you Alex …if you buy it or don’t shouldn’t matter for anyone. I think they trying to take our freedom of conscience.
@AidanMcGirr 3 сағат бұрын
Completely agree, bro. The double standard and inconsistency is because people don't actually care abou5 consistency, it's what furthers their goals and movement/cause. As is always the case throughout history, unfortunately - people do not hold to supposed principles or stay consistent, it's do whatever will get them what they want. Hogwarts Legacy represented the battle against wokeness in the wider context rather than the game itself, so they backed that games success and put down people being against it and the petition - would even say that it wasn't going to do shit. Now these exact same people (and i know they're the same people, as it's the people i usually would've agreed with on a lot of things) view AC Shadows as representing wokeness (hilariously, considering depicting an actual historical figure during this time period is the least woke thing they've done in this RPG era) not just in wider context but the game itself, so they will full blast support the *literal* cancellation of a game (whilst proclaiming to detest cancel culture) and the petitions that they know do jack shit. And they're riding off the back of using Japanese people as a scapegoat to feign their arguments with legitimacy - they keep proclaiming that Japanese gamers across the board hate this, advertising the petition as being representative of Japanese gamers, etc. Meanwhile clearly the majority of the hate is from Westerners, mostly white ones (as even more evidenced by the top contributers of that petition lmao). Despite the fact that several different versions of the game were best sellers on Japan's Amazon: being a much more accurate indicator of interest than "like to dislike ratio" on a video, which are easily hijacked. They're hungry for power in this culture war, to send a message, so they're willing to play the enemies game and rules to get what they want. Like Moldaver in the Fallout show: "If you only let the bad guys use it, the bad guys win". And then claim to oppose their tactics and to be morally superior, when they are anything but. I myself continue to despise wokeness across culture, but over the last year I've felt these guys have become increasingly disingenuous across the board, more and more and moooorrree. Calling things woke that just fucking aren't, like the Fallout show (which was a perfect example of natural diversity than forced diversity, the thing they supposedly proclaim to want), becoming unironically misogynistic by calling any female character that isn't Margot Robbie levels of hot "ugly", "a monster" and their go-to favourite "looks like a man". Some even dared to say that about Naoe, which is ironic considering she's the most genuinely feminine-looking and pretty female character in an Assassin's Creed game in years, when you consider Kassandra, Eivor and female NPCs! The anti-wokists have just degraded to the level of wokists (and worse at times). Maybe because they're desperate to change the tide of victory their way, but playing like this will only do worse to the cause when they go out of their way to spasm about a black guy being in a video game set in Japan, despite its historical accuracy and everything (whilst not complaining about the white samurai in Nioh - or even when Yasuke is in that game too, regarded as a samurai! - or Shogun, or even about the Portuguese traders that are supposedly in AC Shadows). The funniest thing i had seen during ground zero of this fallout were the ones claiming that they didn't have a problem with the fact Yasuke was black or that he was a black character in a Japanese game, but then went on to explain how the problem was exactly the fact he's a black character in a Japanese game 😂😂 zero self-awareness Also feel its imporant to note about how they're complaining about the supposed gay relationships in the game (despite having been based on a fake image, even though it is likely based on the previous RPG games). Noticed how these ragers have hook, line and sinker-focused on Ghost of Tsushima in their hate on Shadows? Basically treating it like gospel, and it being "how you respect Japanese culture/history", etc. Do they not know there are gay characters in GOT? 🤭 there's a whole side storyline about it. And the Shogun TV show (that they praise) implies homosexuality as being normal and somewhat commonplace during the time period. But it's a problem in Shadows... how so? I'll tell you why - when they view something now as woke regarding one thing (black character in Japan), they will then flood to accusing it of wokeness in every other aspect. That's why they accused Naoe of looking like a man, hating on possible gay relationships, and doing a worrisome psychotic level of background research (on the anti-wokists part) into one of the Japenese historians associated with Shadows and claiming that she's pro-pedophilia (because pedophila is what anti-wokists like to focus on these days to attack and claim people are for these days) because she documented about old Japanese history about how pedophilia was commonplace - i.e. the equivalent of accusing someone of being antisemitic because they documented about how WW2 Germany was very antisemitic lmao. So they like to pull out all the stops these days in their push for power in the culture war. They will most assuredly flip on their stance and tactics again on Hogwarts Legacy 2 if the controversy occurs with that again. Because they no longer care about consistency - all that matters to them is winning the fight. And if winning means doing dirty, dishonourable tactics, then so be it - ironic, considering this is all occurring because of their ignorance regarding samurai history, warriors of honour. As is the unfortunate consistent truth across human history. You can count on them to be consistent in not being consistent.
@thenaberius6081 3 сағат бұрын
I dont know about the games in the past years. I dont know if really deep story is what we need or less action more exploring, but that feels more boring idk. Perhaps to change the identity completly to 3D person survival with story. Maybe another ReBoot.
@BokushingusKendoTV 4 сағат бұрын
Great video! Thanks for having the courage to speak the truth! The petition is not about defending the history of Japan. The petition is about hateful trolls that are basically fascist.
@siddheshpillai3807 3 сағат бұрын
The fascist is ubisoft and Thomas Lockley not the petition stop this misinformation
@spiritualjr 4 сағат бұрын
Wait…. Isn’t it Horizon LEGO game LT is making??
@Jdog2246 4 сағат бұрын
Ubisoft isn’t going to cancel the game anyway. Most people know this. That isn’t necessarily why people are signing the petition. It’s more about sending a message that we don’t want what they are putting out. It’s obviously making a splash as intended, whether anything will change because of it remains to be seen. Unfortunately I do believe you are right that it will not change anything, but people who oppose Ubisoft still want their opinions to be heard. I think that is the main purpose of the petition.
@buddyhall5330 4 сағат бұрын
$240 a year to play crappy or average 1st party games...its 80 bucks more than ps5, where the same games will run better...
@kingnate101 4 сағат бұрын
I have only pre ordered 3 games in my life Batman Arkham origins, baulders gate 3 and dragon ball sparking zero
@kitapi1974 5 сағат бұрын
@masayukihori6360 5 сағат бұрын
@WHIKKEDDDD 5 сағат бұрын
agree with you completely! great video
@RajaSingh-ce2fq 5 сағат бұрын
Stick to physical media!
@legendzdgamer5015 6 сағат бұрын
I don’t think it should be cancelled but on the other hand Ubisoft messed up by not being historically accurate I don’t understand why it’s s gay black man that is just so disrespectful to Japanese culture in a different kind of game h wouldn’t mind but they need to change it and my guess it might be too late ti change one character and the cutscenes for it
@BokushingusKendoTV 4 сағат бұрын
Where did you get that the character is gay? Quote your source! Stop lying!
@vtrieu1989 7 сағат бұрын
U know who support blacklivematter? Asian. U know who started asianhate? Black. Ironic
@superman37876 7 сағат бұрын
Seems like more and more companies push the envelope with greed. Hopefully karma catches up at some point...
@jimcarrey2866 7 сағат бұрын
It doesn't sound like a huge increase for most people, inflation is increasing prices of everything. But for me those 20 dollars would go to a physical copy of a game I'd buy in a year so, for me it'll always be too expensive.
@siddheshpillai3807 8 сағат бұрын
2:39 i'm surprised you forgot why hatred game by Destructive creations was banned we wish Ubisoft gets the same treatment as Destructive Creations with this because it inciting hate crime again player choice=freedom of speech≠ right to ruin everyone culture and lives and kill people for fun i.e like logan Paul, cuties on netflix and even car takeovers and car tiktoks what Ubisoft did was racist, sexist and hate crime end of
@randybradley4151 8 сағат бұрын
What irks me about this game is the fact that the physical case has no disc but a digital code. I'll be passing on the game because of that and wait until it comes to one of the subscription services.
@desuyone... 8 сағат бұрын
@Capes-22 8 сағат бұрын
Lol racists are mad 🤣
@ministermadden 8 сағат бұрын
Thanks to ABK xbox gamers can look forward to More Price Hikes they want to Recoup 70 Billion Dollars😮😮😮😮
@Capes-22 8 сағат бұрын
Basically, a bunch of white racists are having a meltdown online because of a black samurai. Even going as far as creating different accounts posing as Japanese people to pretend that the japanese are offended by the game. Funny enough, these are the same people who call others snowflakes. Anyways, i hear the game is tracking to sell pretty well 😌
@obiwanshinobi87 9 сағат бұрын
The top supporter is a white dude doing a bad japanese accent... but ac shadows is racist...
@liam_smith_65536 9 сағат бұрын
I signed this petition. I think most of people who signed this petiton don't think this petition gonna make AC Shadows canseled.They including myself hope to make the fact that a lot of people from Japan and other countries are AGAINST AC Shadows. This isn't only about the video game, but also about the history, culture, and respect . Sincerely, from Japan.
@Rhasuul 9 сағат бұрын
People getting more and more games but get angry when the gamepass increase a bit? ffs chill.
@theshadowsamurai07 10 сағат бұрын
Why this outrage is fake 1. Multiple Japan media uses yasuke 2. Japan game studios have used yasuke in their games 3. Assassins creed is a work of fiction they always bend history to fit the games and that's why they are fun everyone who is complaining have never played an Ac game in thier lives and it shows Ac is not about historical accrucy it never has been 3. It's a god damn video game ffs 4. There is legit a Asian Protagonist which people seem to ignore eventhou she's literally the Assassin 5. Yasuke did exist in Japan during that time period 6. Ghost of tushima is not Accuriet but yet is universally praised 7. Ubisoft legit have An Japan studio pepople complain saying oh it's not made by Japanese people Sucker Punch isn't Japanese yet made GOT and many people prasied and loved it
@NostalgiaNet8 10 сағат бұрын
Imagine being forced to pay for a separate subscription to play online to begin with. Microsoft keeps saying "we want more growth" this is not how you do it. "But Game Pass Ultimate is the best deal" there are some good games, but let's be honest, not everyone will enjoy them. All this is, is because of the Activision buyout.
@KILLACRISIS215 10 сағат бұрын
They hate console i mean pc pays $12 bucks for day and date and console gotta pay $20 or $240 a year to rent this is over sorry but im done!!!!! Ill buy my games
@chayu-r9v 10 сағат бұрын
日本人です。日本人は何されても黙っていると言っているのですか?日本人が歴史の改竄や日本人への差別、画像の無断使用に抗議したら、その人は「差別者」と呼ばれる。日本の文化や人権に対しては何してもいいと思っているのでしょう。日本人から見れば、彼らこそ人種差別主義者です。 I am Japanese. Are you saying that Japan should stay silent no matter what is done to them? If a Japanese person protests against the falsification of history, discrimination against Japanese people, or the unauthorized use of their images, they are called a "discriminator." It's as if they don't care about Japanese culture or human rights. From the Japanese point of view, they are racists.
@gamingguy1003 10 сағат бұрын
I really don’t use game pass I’ve tried it. It’s pretty cool that you get to play a lot of games for free. But I don’t really think it’s worth it to pay money each month to play all of them. That just in my opinion. Plus they remove games off game Pass sometimes too. And I know that makes people mad. I’ve seen people comments complaining about them removing games off game pass
@firdanharbima6997 11 сағат бұрын
Do remember the consultant made a novel about boy love between a monk and adolescent boy......... Let that sink in
@martinvantonder1716 11 сағат бұрын
just dont release the game in Japan, or better yet if you dont like it dont buy it... it is just a game at the end of the day and historical accuracy is always to be questioned. i mean look at valhalla where you literally fight demons and witches so where was the accuracy in that?? people making something out of nothing. regular gamers cant enjoy anything anymore because everyone wants to cancel everything if they dont like it.
@gabrielasunrise3295 11 сағат бұрын
I used to be an advocate for gamepass. My mindset has changed meanwhile because, at the end of the year, you pay 240$ and end up with 0 games once you cancel. Perhaps if you play tens of games a year it would make sense as you'd save up money, but for a casual I don't see it work for that price. It's also why I've switched to PC.
@whysoserious4274 9 сағат бұрын
I can imagine what that must feel like to a lot of people after canceling something along the lines of “ hey thanks for all the money you gave us you have nothing to show for it, now get out of here “
@juancamacho4494 13 сағат бұрын
People need to get the sand out of there vaginas
@K7TZ 13 сағат бұрын
If you think the petition is about canceling the game then your missing the point. Sure the top supporter was by a westerner but dont forget it was started by japanese. The petition is about sending a message. The boycott for hogwarts legacy was completely because jk rowling said something people disagree. And that was a petty reason to boycott
@679lisbeth2 13 сағат бұрын
0:28 分からないのに意見すると馬鹿みたいですよとお母さんに習いませんでしたか?
@creativedeadmangaming454 13 сағат бұрын
Now I wonder how much longer people will be able to redeem Microsoft rewards points for gamepass ultimate? I would think after this new price increase with the new tiers that they would probably want to get rid of that option next to try and get more people to straight up pay for it.
@countquackula8539 13 сағат бұрын
It's not worth getting Gamepass just for COD because in the long run, it will cost you more.
@user-mg3xv7br6w 14 сағат бұрын
@user-kf3tt7jj2d 14 сағат бұрын
ファンタジーのホグワーツレガシーとこの件を一緒にしないで欲しいです。 このゲームは公式が「日本の専門家を雇っていて史実に忠実です。皆様にはこのゲームを通して日本を学んで欲しいです」と言っているのが問題なんです。 確かに、ゲームなんだし買う買わないは個人が決めれば良い話だけど、他国に自国の歴史や文化を捏造・歪曲どころかまったく不正確なものを正確なものとして販売されるのは話が別でしょ。 貴方には関係のない話かもしれませんが当事者にとってはたまったものじゃありません。 それに、その論法で言えば貴方にとってこの問題は関係ないのと同様に私たちにとって貴方がこのゲームを買いたい気持ちは関係ないとも言えちゃいますよね。 どれだけ署名が集まったとしてもどうせ販売はされると思います。 だけど侮辱されたことに対して怒りの声を上げないと海外では肯定されたと受け取られると教えたのはあなた方ですよ。 だから私たちはそれはおかしいでしょと声を上げているんです。 (DeepL used) Please don't lump this matter with the fantasy Hogwarts Legacy. This game is officially saying "We have hired Japanese experts and we are faithful to historical facts. We want everyone to learn about Japan through this game." That's the problem. Sure, it's a game and it's up to the individual to decide if they want to buy it or not, but it's a different story when a game is sold to another country as accurate when it is not only fabricated and distorted but completely inaccurate to the history and culture of your own country. It may be none of your business, but it's not good for the people concerned. Besides, by that argument, it could be said that your desire to buy this game is as irrelevant to us as this issue is to you. No matter how many signatures are gathered, the game will be sold anyway. But you are the ones who taught us that if we don't raise our voices in anger at being insulted, it will be seen as an affirmation of our position overseas. That's why we're raising our voice to say that's not right.
@bitplane_chan 14 сағат бұрын
This petition will be sent to *Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Franch embassy in Tokyo*. We experienced several cases about fighting against historical misdirection by foreign parties, and our government worked diligently to fix the situation.
@matthewhardwick8208 14 сағат бұрын
If I remember correctly Ultimate was originally something that fans requested. To combine Game Pass and Xbox Live Online multiplayer together in 1 package.
@NostalgiaNet8 10 сағат бұрын
That was back when there wasn't a price increase. Also, you shouldn't be charged a subscription fee for online play to begin with. I don't know if Ultimate was something requested or not, but this current situation shouldn't be excused.
@dash7661 34 минут бұрын
When u move to PC u see how scummy Xbox and PlayStation is , when ur on PC u see there’s no console war just exclusives that r normally shit
@Macktube 14 сағат бұрын
I'm seeing even the most hardcore Xbox enthusiasts going postal about this online. This is going to kill so many of their subscriptions, which is their only life blood at this world since they don't make money on game sales. There's no point in how to game pass if there's no day one releases.😮 Plus Xbox players don't like to spend money as it is. I think they're going to play more for something without it. When he says money, you can barely get.It's listening some games as it is😅.
@koolkat7618 15 сағат бұрын
people who pay for this crap are dumb and gullible
@KadeemG61 15 сағат бұрын
I don’t think they are canceling the game, I know it’s a joke. Ubisoft just continues to screw gamers with their BS business decisions. But if Ubisoft should’ve replaced the generic character and create a new character without being racist, that could make Shadows a success. But let’s face it, the Triple-A gaming industry is broken and the growing modern AC games have been stale. Also, I think Shadows might get censored in Japan because of CERO’s strict rules regarding violent games which could result in a CERO Z rating.
@chadfile3416 15 сағат бұрын
It's too close to release to be canceled, and it has been in development for way too long. It would be too big of a loss.
@oukeith 15 сағат бұрын
Its sad they are charging xbox owners more for gamepass versus pc users