Drinker's Chasers - Why We Assume The Worst In Modern Media (And We're Usually Right)

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Critical Drinker After Hours

Critical Drinker After Hours

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After years of bad experiences, we tend to assume the worst when new film and TV projects get released. Movies like Prey showed us we may not always be right, while Rings of Power suggests we usually are.

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@grandmufftwerkin9037 Жыл бұрын
Imagine the sheer f-ing hubris of those involved in The Rings of Power, who think that they are improving upon J.R.R Tolkien's work by 'updaring' it for modern audiences. Talk about poster children for narcissistic personality disorder.
@chasehedges6775 Жыл бұрын
It’s gonna be one of the shows ever.
@Sixstringman Жыл бұрын
it's gonna be the most stunning and brave collapse of civilization ever!
@chasehedges6775 Жыл бұрын
@@Sixstringman 💯💯💯😂
@grandmufftwerkin9037 Жыл бұрын
@@chasehedges6775 Of all the releases this year, it will certainly be one of them.
@rbu2136 Жыл бұрын
Has everything with selling the show and making money. A group of Hollywood execs want to take a male dominated fan base and expand it outside that. If you don’t like it. Leave.
@steveouk90126 Жыл бұрын
Short version: people who can't create anything of value will stamp their names on things of preexisting value, believing that it gives them a value they didn't already have. It's a cannibal mentality.
@razzor4708 Жыл бұрын
welcome to definition of communism and socialism. ruZZians applied that really well by stealing not just tech, but and history of entire nations (Ukraine and Belarus)
@mr_indie_fan Жыл бұрын
That's true in some way but it makes people that use the public domain just as bad as the woke when in fact that's not true.......
@RantingBrummie Жыл бұрын
I call it more reverse plagerism. Rather than pass off other people's work as thier own, its passing off thier own work under the name of others. The Rings of Power probably being the best example.
@random2829 Жыл бұрын
Shorter version - it is much easier to destroy than to build. These scum want to destroy an existing story rather that building their own. Why? Because they have no talent to actually build something that the general populace would enjoy.
@booshmcfadden7638 Жыл бұрын
@nickypenn5841 Жыл бұрын
"It's impossible to separate fantasy and sexuality." Whoever wrote this sentence clearly haven't read or immersed in many fantasy stuffs. The writer is most probably sexually-repressed, and/or sexually deviant.
@defeqel6537 Жыл бұрын
Obviously, swords and staffs are just phallus symbols, and magic is just orgasms
@mrcliff3709 Жыл бұрын
I'm gonna say a sexual deviant said that
@MachineMan-mj4gj Жыл бұрын
Replace probably with definitely.
@BPond7 Жыл бұрын
@ericwebb7888 Жыл бұрын
Whoever wrote this has a serious mental issue, and needs help. If all their thoughts are sexual thoughts, then how do they interact with people?
@JamesLaserpimpWalsh Жыл бұрын
It's not bias. You just expect higher standards from filmmakers. Because they ARE getting 5hitter. By any metric you care to use. Cheers Drinker
@Oakshield2 Жыл бұрын
Agreed. Good thing we have decades of great movies to watch. Can you imagine if movies were this from the start? Idiocracy.
@DarthBalsamic Жыл бұрын
This is exactly right. There is a proper standard to be expected when doing storytelling, especially within film. "Bias" doesn't even enter into the equation until much later, and even then bias is not an accurate term, it's really just preference. I don't think there is a such thing as bias when it comes to the art of proper filmmaking and storytelling. One may or may not prefer different types and elements, but they can still appreciate a film and story they don't prefer if it is done properly. The problem we're having for at least ten years now in the modern age is that these films are not even done properly. There is no creativity. The basics of storytelling are trash and predictable. There is a clear agenda that is filled with agitprop, and insults the audience who actually cares and pays attention to quality. Frankly, I think that because they've been putting out garbage for so long it has dumbed many people down to accepting subpar films and stories. There is no bias when something is discernably and objectively bad; it doesn't matter if a dumbed down audience swallowed it.
@Hero_Of_Old Жыл бұрын
Consooomers get butthurt when you have standards, because they just want to turn their brain off to escape their miserable lives
@thehoodedvagabum7375 Жыл бұрын
@@Oakshield2 Thorin, you are dead.
@Oakshield2 Жыл бұрын
@@thehoodedvagabum7375 I nicked that name from the third book so long ago back in 2001 when I read them. Hadn't even read the Hobbit yet. Just kinda stuck as my internet monicker. But indeed, Thorin is unfortunately dead.
@StephensCrazyHour Жыл бұрын
There was probably, if I'm being generous, a dozen pages devoted to any form of romance or sexuality in the entire Lord of the Rings trilogy. Every sexual relationship was minimalised, with the two most explicit being Sam's marriage, which was to show how much courage his adventures had given him and Eowyn's pining after Aragorn only to discover Faramir. Aragorn/Arwen's romance was so fleeting I think it has handled in no more than a few sentences. The rest of the 1500 pages or so were devoted to every other form of love - brotherly love, loyalty and sacrifice for the greater good. And that reflected Tolkien's beliefs, experience and religion. This show needs to reflect those beliefs, which are timeless. Moral fads like THE MESSAGE are just moral fads and will fade away in a few years. Fellowship, brotherhood and service to your friends and country are values that are eternal.
@Good100 Жыл бұрын
Remember that these people insist on reinterpreting Sam and Frodo's friendship to be gay, so they see a lot more sex in it than there actually is.
@bighands69 Жыл бұрын
Tolkien was telling his story that did not concentrate on the love interest of characters and hinted at it from a side view. You will find plenty of great movies and stories that have that tone through the ages but you will find many a great story that does have love at the center of a characters story.
@random2829 Жыл бұрын
@@Good100 Tell the "small hat wearing" people that David and Jonathan were gay. Will probably get you banned. 😁
@SpruceCampbell Жыл бұрын
@@bighands69 Naw it only seemed like true love was at the center, but if you pay close attention its actually _to blaaaaave_ which means to bluff! These writers were actually telling metaphors about card games and people cheated.
@SpruceCampbell Жыл бұрын
Thats an excellent point. Reflects on how everything has to be sexualized to the highest degree that will sell to the masses.
@heraldofwar Жыл бұрын
Stop hiring activists and idiots to write and direct modern movies, the only reason Top Gun was good because as crazy as Tom Cruise is he still knows how to entertain a audience instead of lecturing them or placing your ideals into the characters.
@SpruceCampbell Жыл бұрын
100% ! It feels like these days no one starts writing a story that they've been working on in their head for years before. Anymore, writers are just hired by corporations to churn out content they think will appeal to the mob; stories that are no older than the last paycheck they received.
@bighands69 Жыл бұрын
I cannot say Tom Cruise is crazy because the media that lies tells me he is.
@my_name_is_desh727 Жыл бұрын
I agree. Can't wait for his last 2 mission impossible movies
@Ian.420 Жыл бұрын
Yeah i'm sure Tom Cruise has a ton of opinions he could force onto the movies he's in because he's so rich and famous but he doesn't. That's something to respect.
@misterwizardman4309 Жыл бұрын
The Batman and top gun are miles above any movie this year
@DTylerFultzVA Жыл бұрын
Someone I follow put it best in regard to modern media... "It's like a bully punching you in the face every day, then getting offended when you duck or flinch when they so much as move toward you." Don't get pissy when people start catching onto your behavioral patterns.
@FlorisDVijfde Жыл бұрын
Seems that criticism just ignites them, negative attention is attention too. So just ignore their garbage. Watch older shows. I just finished Firefly again and there's plenty more golden oldies. I'm not going to spend one second watching Rings of Power. I made the mistake of thinking Prey would be sorta OK but I can blame the Drinker that probably drank too much ;-). I won't care much for what Marvel will be shitting out. Star Wars is somehow harder to completely let go...good trailer for Andor...but considering the travesty that Obi became...not holding my breath!
@mushylog Жыл бұрын
@@FlorisDVijfde I feel the same as you do! Excepted for Pray, I haven't seen it and never will I recently finished watching Star Trek: The Next Generation + its movies :) it was awesome. I loved every character, the one I loved the least was Dr. Crusher, maybe it's because she doesn't have much flaws... I'm not sure, might just be petty about her BUT amazing "old" show it is !! I love Data
@FlorisDVijfde Жыл бұрын
@@mushylog Data is the most popular character. Wesley Crusher the most hated. I liked all TNG characters really. Beverly Crusher's weakness...no you're right I can't think of any meaningful one. Well she spawned Wesley LOLz. I actually liked Wesley but he was a bit too brilliant...
@mushylog Жыл бұрын
​@@FlorisDVijfde Haha yes Wesley had that weird expression, the way the actor played him was a bit funky but he got better in the later seasons (before he completely disappeared into another plane of existence haha), I didn't think he was as bad as a lot of people say he was (like RedLetterMedia, I love them but they're unfair) Overall it felt like they had a specific idea for Wesley Crusher, then he was forgotten for a bit and later they bring him back, when he returns from the academy to the starship, to have a totally different goal in his life and goes with that nice tall alien; at least they closed his arc in a way :)
@jellyhair8026 Жыл бұрын
@@FlorisDVijfde I'm not trusting the mouse to give me a mature or well-rounded commentary on justified revolution...not for one second. Pour one out for Luna; his show will disappoint it won't be because of his performance, it will be because of the half-baked, noncommittal, big money big agenda storytelling.
@benjamingrant5970 Жыл бұрын
It's worth remembering,if people have a "negative bias" toward modern entertainment,a large part of that is down to being gaslit and bullshitted by marketing and the media,not to mention creatives being nothing short of openly hostile and contemptuous towards the fanbases on social media.
@dbsommers1 Жыл бұрын
When you're served nothing but sh*burgers by a restaurant, having negative bias towards eating there is a normal reaction. It's learned behavior, something these types refuse to do.
@mbob4337 Жыл бұрын
Yeah. They're the ones who've made these movies and shows crap. So we're going to automatically assume it's crap first. And be surprised it's not later.
@texasbeast239 Жыл бұрын
I so very much WANTED to like Kevin Smith's MOTU cartoon. I TRIED. I got all my nostalgia feels wound up and then dove in. It's not MY fault that it sucked.
@ProtonCannon Жыл бұрын
Exactly, that "negative bias" needs to be formed from somewhere. But as usual they claim no responsibility for creating it themselves just say this bias there because "that is how things always were." Which is factually not true, there were movies in the past that were different from what we have today that were not predictable and diversity was not their main selling point. In fact those rarely need to have a "main selling point" beside being just good films save for maybe a famous actor cast for the role. But that gone too actors rarely have much value or respect anymore.
@kimberlyoldschool Жыл бұрын
I love the whole concept of consumers having a “negative bias” towards fictional material that is _intended to entertain_ us. This isn’t a thing. It either entertains us or it doesn’t, and if we don’t like it, that means it failed as entertainment (for whatever reason), and the error isn’t on the customer end . We’re the target; if your arrow misses, the archery is always to blame.
@GeraltofRivia22 Жыл бұрын
Expecting things not to be utter shite isn't biased, it's called having standards.
@chasehedges6775 Жыл бұрын
Everyone will have a moment where they are like, “OK, this is going too far.”
@seanp8220 Жыл бұрын
Everything the other side do is false so they want you to make concessions to them and tolerate the vandalism of lore. Just as they pretend to care about Tolkien. Their entire world is pretense.
@georgedavey1339 Жыл бұрын
This is simply Based. We don't need to hear that they agree with us. We have enough integrity to form our own opinions on the subject of things we care about. End of discussion 😊
@The_Persiflager Жыл бұрын
How do I know that Rings of Power will be terrible? Well... How did I know that the Star Wars sequels would be commercial successes but critical failures? How did I know that Ghostbusters 2016 would be a trash fire? How did I know that no one would remember that Ocean's Eight even existed? How did I know that the live action Disney remakes would be profitable only for the nostalgia value and not for the quality of the films? How did I know that Lightyear would be an embarrassment for everyone involved? Answer: Because, in every single case, these projects were ruined by corporate idiots that were less concerned about making something that lasted and more concerned with trying to be popular, as well as myopic, ideological, preachy morons that arrogantly think that they know what everyone needs. Rings of Power is the very definition of a corporate run project, and as for its showrunners? Well, we've all seen the videos. In short, the whole mess is dead before it starts. RIP, ROP. You won't be missed.
@larrymoran_THE_CODGER Жыл бұрын
@Matt Schuler - August 13, 2022 - All your comments are spot on. However, like the overall conflict that is going on in our society presently. You have the "activists", and the Entertainment panders. Pandering companies are trying to make money, not fine art, or stay true to the original works that their productions are based on. The fact that they are able to make money, is because there is an audience that doesn't care about "cannon", or the original works. Further, the "activists", SJWs, and the politically polite mob are calling the shots at the moment. True fans, and people that want to be entertained without being subject to.. "the message" like you and I. Will find ourselves sadly unable to watch productions in genres that we are big fans of. Stay well.😊😊
@ragnarian Жыл бұрын
And thats why i love arcane and look forward to season 2, because they didnt hand it off to anyone They used their own, experienced writers. They used the animation company that makes their music videos Those involved had passion about the game and what they were making. And it shows!
@qam2024 Жыл бұрын
I'd only disagree with the sequels being commercial successes. All they had to do is make movies that were just slightly better than the prequels and they would have made 3 to 4 billion each film. They also lost money on merchant icing and future tv/streaming (20, 50, 100 years from now people will still be watching the OT and even the prequels, while the sequels will be long forgotten).
@The_Persiflager Жыл бұрын
@@qam2024 I think there's no doubt that Star Wars, as a whole, has been a loss for Disney. That being said, TFA took in over 2 billion world wide, and the other 2 made over a billion each. They weren't nearly as successful as they could have been or should have been, but, when viewed in a vacuum, they turned a profit. Now when you compare that to how much Disney spent on just acquiring the film rights, on top of how much the films themselves cost to make, I think, at best, they broke even, which is a terrible outcome no matter how you slice it. All I'm saying is, the movies by themselves made money, which they were always going to based solely on name recognition, and I said that this would be the outcome years before TFA came out.
@nonenone6704 Жыл бұрын
@@ragnarian Thank you! Actual fans of the series wrote it, had plenty of time to practice and rework their animation and story, and released it only when it was ready. Especially because the "diverse" character are not talking points about how oppressed they are by white men, and all of them are flawed, imperfect individuals who make mistakes and can be wrong. In other words... real people. "It was definitely, I think, a goal for us to show the two sides of everything... so much of the exploration of character was finding the good in the bad, the bad in the good... [and] really feel like you're testing whatever your core values are, your core beliefs... it would never be a thing where "oh clearly this is the good one, or clearly this person's right." It's really the best outcome... and people are like "Jayce sucks!" and someone else will go on and just be like "Wait a minute, here's what he actually did, is that really so bad?" It's all arguable, they're all making decisions that are hard, and I think the best storytelling is when stuff's hard" kzfaq.info/get/bejne/q6eYbNV6rrvZdKM.html
@legitlyspelunking Жыл бұрын
Do people really think we LIKE not having hope and excitiment for new movies and TV shows?? Because we don't. It sucks. Especially when people don't seem to notice the garbage they're consuming so you feel like the odd one out for having standards for basic character development and good storytelling
@declanjones8888 Жыл бұрын
That use to be me at my high school, but I graduated last year, so I don't have to hear anymore idiotic talking points about, how Black Panther is a good movie. IT'S NOT OKAY!, ITS MEDIOCRE AND TOOK ADVANTAGE OF RACIAL TENSION!!!
@bartsullivan4866 Жыл бұрын
Well said, the problem is a bunch of fools will end up watching this trash Instead of not giving it any of their attention time or money. All this crap needs to be boycotted and fail on a massive scale for the studios to see this is not how you do it.
@bartsullivan4866 Жыл бұрын
@@declanjones8888 according to the critics Black Panther scored better than all the classics a basic action movie wayyyyy over rated.
@declanjones8888 Жыл бұрын
@@bartsullivan4866 Yes Black Panther is a overrated dumpster fire.
@themarsman5155 Жыл бұрын
@@declanjones8888 I watch it years after it came out, I honestly didn't get why people thought it was so great. No disrespect to Chadwick boseman but the movie was just okay, I actually think black panther is better in civil war
@grimwaffle5272 Жыл бұрын
What kills me is the media companies churning out this garbage are quick to leech from titles that already have beloved fan bases because they know, if they tried to flood all their BS into their own imagined intellectual property, NO ONE WOULD WATCH IT. So they HAVE TO drag something beloved into the muck, otherwise they'd make no money back
@Ahabite Жыл бұрын
Agreed. They're putting off the inevitable. At some point, people have to know what they're doing in business. This skin suit nonsense is on its way out -- just going to take a while.
@miisterE123 Жыл бұрын
That is exactly why they are going from existing IP to existing IP and never once daring to create something new. Even the wokest among them knows no one wants to watch this garbage..but then they'd have to admit it is garbage to themselves, so rather than do that they stuff it into things people know, love and want to see expanded upon so that they can live vicariously thru that desire to see more of XYZ property and pretend it is a desire to see the woke fanfiction nonsense they spew out.
@MSinistrari Жыл бұрын
It's ether they have no confidence in their original creations, they don't have the patience/are too lazy to put in the work to make their creations successful, or a combination of both. How often have we seen the rebuttal to 'make something new' being 'no one liked it'? They forget all the successful franchises/characters didn't start out that way. It took time and effort to become the successes we've come to know.
@Ahabite Жыл бұрын
@@MSinistrari This is correct and seems to demonstrate an even deeper problem: The unholy alliance of the traditional meh-movie studio system in Hollywood, plus, the diversity-hire regardless of merit hiring program. I think the second part is most interesting: It's hard to tell the difference between the lazy, unskilled writer/creator, and the one who is not lazy or unskilled, but is crippled by D*I*E dogma -- they both make the same crap!
@sigmacademy Жыл бұрын
That has a limited lifespan, though. Hollywood has already seen a drop-off in people simply doesn't pitch for every movie like they used to, and it's because the 'bait-and-switch' strategy has been overused. You can only use that one time, after which a customer will boycott you for a lifetime.
@Banana_Split_Cream_Buns Жыл бұрын
"Am I too biased against modern films?" There's a similar phenomenon with modern popular music. In an episode of _South Park_ Sharon Marsh is trying to tell Randy that this new genre "tween wave" is terrible and new music is getting worse with time. Randy calls her out of touch and losing her youth. Meanwhile this new music is objectively terrible and it's not just that Sharon is getting older. I think there's a similar phenomenon here. Yes, there are good new movies and new music, but they're getting fewer and farer between.
@SpruceCampbell Жыл бұрын
Man I have been preaching for yeeeeaaars that modern music is garbage, totally in fear of sounding like an old fogey. But people I know do seem to agree with me more as time goes on. I'm not actually as old as Hector Santiago in my profile pic, but closer to 40. I discovered my favorite band ever right in middle of music plummeting into the abyss though. The Midnight is so phenomenal! I'm a rabid rabid fan.
@justacat869 Жыл бұрын
About the music, I can say there is still lots of great music made but you have to do some digging to get to it because if you're looking for gems in the pile of mainstream trash you will barely find anything. There are plenty of indie artists who make good music. Thankfully streaming services made it easier for them to promote it but people still use mainstream to gauge the quality of modern music. I guess it's the same with movies, there are definitely good movies still but they're not mainstream.
@rey_8834 Жыл бұрын
@@SpruceCampbell I don’t know man, I think it’s a bit different with music. I mean, at least with movies it’s been a relatively similar industry for the past 50 years, but music has changed a lot. There’s just *so* much music now, and music is far easier to find now, so you see a lot more shit spattered into you face.
@SpruceCampbell Жыл бұрын
@@rey_8834 Mainly I'm talking about what's on the radio and what you hear in the garbage Tik Tok clips you'll find all over the place now. It's mostly generic hip hop junk. And then theres the wanna be folksy sounding banjo-whistling music that's in all the videos that the generic hip hop isn't in- you know exactly what I'm talkin about 😆. But on the radio every single station is just playing pop flavored hip hop. Even the country stations! Tons of songs masquerading as country music and it sounds exactly like the hip hop songs on another channel. But there is a plethora of great music that just doesn't make it into the lime light, as you've said. Agreed 100%. That point really dove-tails into another major issue we're seeing a lot of these days. That is, the sheer volume of content available is so vast that it is rare for two people have a common library of interests anymore. I go to work and try to talk about music and out of the room of 150 people there is just one person I can talk music with on an equal level. For movies there is also just one person who appreciates the ones I do on the level I do. I talk to anyone else in the room about movies or music and they simply have never heard of the new ones I'm interested in. Best bet is talking 90s music and movies with them, but anything new is out of the question.
@bighands69 Жыл бұрын
It is not a phenomenon. "Modern Pop Music" is not actually music and is a collection of basic noises and programs that can trick a person who does not know what music actually is. There is no singing either in "Modern Pop Music" as it tends to be a computer simulated experience. Music and singing have various properties that qualify them as that. Just as running has its own properties and as such being on electric powered footwear with small wheels that can trick a person into thinking somebody is running does not qualify it as running. Just as a CGI man moving across a screen does not mean that man is actually flying through the air. It has nothing to do with any sort of generational bias.
@oskar6661 Жыл бұрын
I love the hubris of the directors, writers, producers. How many times have we seen "if you don't like my views, don't watch my movie/film/series", or "this isn't for white men!", etc....followed immediately by "racist white men caused this movie/film/series to fail!".
@CaptainGrimes1 Жыл бұрын
So true, they insult you then expect you to pay money to be lectured to and belittled
@sigmacademy Жыл бұрын
TBF, white men did cause movie/film/series to fail, but only because the showrunner or director PRETTY much said "this movie/film/series" isn't for them by telling them if they don't watch something that makes them bigots, and that doesn't even include those showrunners or directors putting in scenes that ACTIVELY demonize their white audience members. Because when you start your movie audience with 50% less potential viewers than it would originally have had, no amount of "success" will make it viable. :/
@S_raB Жыл бұрын
It's hubris when they see people don't like their art & narcissism that creates said art. Eventually, hopefully, Hollywoke stops raking in hundreds of millions on crap films/TV and producers stop funding these terrible IP's, writers, & directors (Tikatoka Whiny girl...or whatever his name is that gave us Thor the comedian who can channel lightning yet gets knocked out by a damn stungun).
@mattblissett1966 Жыл бұрын
Or they do it to offset the poor product. 'My movie or series failed because *racism/sexism etc*'. No it failed because it was a bad movie with a marketing campaign that was akin to being stuck in a lift with a meth addict who posts a lot on tumblr.
@liamwarner5749 Жыл бұрын
@@CaptainGrimes1 I think its because in their minds they are the wise, benevolent adult who see's all, hears all and naturally know's all while we are the particularly stupid child that's standing outside looking up at the rain and wondering why we're getting wet. So they must tell us the correct way to be and they do it like an adult lecturing a child and are then suprrised that adults don't like that because they can't be wrong, they know all after all.
@voldemortak Жыл бұрын
People really love to confuse their identity with their personality nowadays. It's no longer who you are as a person, it's what you are.
@chasehedges6775 Жыл бұрын
Well, that’s good to know.
@HindiRapGuru Жыл бұрын
Well, you know, radical liberalism!
@ColoradoStreaming Жыл бұрын
That is the crux of it. People can no longer be individuals but must belong to the assortment of arbitrary 'groups'.
@jasonmckenzie2835 Жыл бұрын
It's a collectivist mindset
@grandmufftwerkin9037 Жыл бұрын
Critical Drinker isn't too biased; he's as biased as he needs to be.
@angrynapolean3820 Жыл бұрын
It's what I like about a lot of the media reviewers in this kind of group that exists. Drinker is more balanced between criticizing "The Message" and quality. Az and Gary focus more on the Message. Mauler, Fringy, and a lot of EFAP focuse mainly on the material.
@Infernal460 Жыл бұрын
@@angrynapolean3820 Not the reviewer we wanted the reviewer we deserved.
@morbidone88 Жыл бұрын
Legendary name
@nonenone6704 Жыл бұрын
@@Infernal460 "And so we'll hunt him... because he can take it."
@rbu2136 Жыл бұрын
Stating that men do not want to watch the WNBA type shows is not biased it’s just saying men have a preference. They don’t want to watch women trying to be men. Pretty basic.
@Sixstringman Жыл бұрын
The Party told us to reject the evidence of our eyes and ears and watch Ghostbusters 2016 or we hated women. And they wonder why we don't have faith in their products.
@sojufett7434 Жыл бұрын
I’ve often wondered if Alien came out today whether I would be hesitant to watch it. Strong female lead and all. I liked Prey, but was expecting the worst and was more critical of it. I think my being critical was a direct result of the entertainment industry’s attempt at “educating” me. It’s had the exact opposite effect, making me less tolerant, and I hate them for it.
@itswilbur3747 Жыл бұрын
This is a really good point and I've wondered the same thing. The whole situation has gotten so insane, would people now just knee-jerk react, regardless if (insert protected demographic here) character was well written/acted?
@retroand Жыл бұрын
I would say no sexuality involved but being Alien, with that vagina-mouthed-raping-spider, fallus-headed-creature and that facial-killer-android who uses a porn magazine to try to kill Ripley. However I think she is one of the best leading female characters I've seen. One of the reasons is she fills the role in the ship, so she is tough because she must. She was going to let three members of the ship die for the sake of the rest - I would like to see characters today (not only female) who must enforce that kind of rules and still maintain that cold-heades attitude.
@sigmacademy Жыл бұрын
Well, for one thing, a movie like Alien wouldn't come out today, so at least there's that. Why? Because as we've already seen the last couple of years, very few Hollywood writers can write good female characters in 2022, much less ones we can relate to, because they create characters based on articles written, not actual people you're likely to encounter any day of the week. Also, if marketing has shown us anything, it's that the marketers are clueless as to what the audience want, and their inability to see how they pollute the waters with their nonsense is only one part of a bigger problem. And to be brutally honest, the biggest plus for the Prey movie is that we finally got a Predator that acted the part, in a visually pleasing movie that didn't ooze CGI from every pore. Take that out, and see if you still like the basic story setup.
@dbsommers1 Жыл бұрын
Except Weaver doesn't become the lead until Dallas dies. It was quite the twist at the time, but it worked because the movie was that damn good.
@itswilbur3747 Жыл бұрын
I read somewhere that there were no particular male/female roles in mind when the script was written. Those didn't come until later drafts/casting. If so, an interesting case of writing blind and letting characters form through the whole process.
@cheshirekat8273 Жыл бұрын
Remember how Goldielocks marries one of the 3 bears? Or all the sexuality in Little Red Riding Hood? Or how they imply that the 3 little pigs aren't brothers, despite living together? Come on, there is NO sexuality in LOTR. The story was about, well, the STORY. There are a few romantic tones in the background, but that's it. Not everything is about sex, gender and sexual orientation.
@paulwoodford1984 Жыл бұрын
@MaGuffintop I’m a pervert BUT i like character development and story at the forefront of all forms of entertainment that isn’t wonder adult films lol. My point is, not all perverts lack standards
@paulwoodford1984 Жыл бұрын
@MaGuffintop But there is nothing wrong with being a pervert as long as it’s kept to yourself.
@liamwarner5749 Жыл бұрын
Or the stories I got told growing up like . . . story of the spider, the fly and fire, very vague memories of childhood tales here but . . . A king learns that there is fire in a pit in the ground which can keep his castle cold so he makes a proclamation anyone who retrieves it shall eat at his table. Various animals try and fail with explanations of things like black feathers on a bird from being burnt. Eventually the spider uses her web to go down and retrieve the fire but is so exhausted she goes to sleep when she gets out of the pit. Fly comes along and steals the fire so the king grants it his eight fold seal (flys eyes) and permision to eat of any food from any table in his kingdom. Spider comes along and reveals flys duplicity so the king since he can't revoke his seal instead grants spider permision for her and her descendants to eat fly and fly's descendants as punishment. Or the tale I think Finnish? who's name I can't remember about a village where whenever one becomes too old to work you taken into the woods and left for the wolves. A father is too busy working to take care of his daughter so he leaves her in the care of his father while everyone in the village mutters about how foolish he is and how he'll regret not feeding his elderly father to the wolves. Naturally a harsh winter comes and food runs low so the father gets his father, puts him on a sled and sets off into the woods. The daughter seeing this cries and begs him to spare the grandfather who raised her. So he relents and brings him back. Time passes, winter continues and food runs out. Father gets ready to despair when grandfather points out that the houses roof is straw and if they beat it they can get grain from it. Father does so and they have food till spring and from then on the village stopped feeding their elderly to the wolves and instead benefited from their wisdom. then there are the ones that are technically about sex I suppose like the king who takes a woman as his bride and she becomes pregnant. When she gives birth his mother who hates her steals the children and has them taken out into the hills to die while replacing them with a couple of pups that she claims are his wifes children. King is enraged that his wife gave birth to dogs and sends her to live and raise them in the stables. Years later children return, reveal the truth and deal justice before raising their mother up.
@kirstenirwin9084 Жыл бұрын
Little Red Riding Hood has had puberty and menstruation interpretations attached to it, but it's also had the interpretation of the red hood being a symbol of the French Revolution. Like any piece of classic literature, it's going to have people looking at it in different ways.
@StandTheOffensive Жыл бұрын
Movies like Top Gun: Maverick, Ford v Ferrari, Joker and Mission: Impossible- Fallout are some of the best movies of the past decade. … because they were made with the mindset of old school filmmakers- Just tell the best story possible.
@chasehedges6775 Жыл бұрын
Indeed. Just tell a good story. That is all that really matters. honestly. It’s a shame we’ve lost sight of That
@ColoradoStreaming Жыл бұрын
Ex Machina was a great movie too. That is how you actually subvert expectations in a meaningful way.
@GreyDeathVaccine Жыл бұрын
I prefer MI: Rogue Nation over Fallout, because more Ilsa is better than less 🙂
@chasehedges6775 Жыл бұрын
@@GreyDeathVaccine Rogue Nation is awesome.
@ryangordon133 Жыл бұрын
@@GreyDeathVaccine is Rogue Nation the one where Tom Cruise scales the world's tallest building with magnetic suction cups on his hands?
@mrcorrosion1831 Жыл бұрын
If anyone can remember, a couple years after the LotR film trilogy had ended, there was a series of "journals" written by the various members of the Fellowship that basically parodied the events of the films and every entry more or less ended with each member wanting to bed down Frodo. Its almost as if Amazon saw those and thought that's how Tolkien characters should think and behave.
@charlesstanford1310 Жыл бұрын
I remember those!
@talithakoum3922 Жыл бұрын
I think that rubbish was written by Cassandra Clare, a talentless Harry Potter super-fan who wrote equally depraved and inane HP fanfic. Then she signed with a publishing house and wrote a young adult series called the Mortal Instruments, a mashup of Percy Jackson and Twilight that somehow managed to be worse than both of those. I could actually see the RoP writers consulting her as some kind of Tolkien expert 😂
@heinoustentacles5719 Жыл бұрын
@@talithakoum3922 She was also a serial plagarizer.She stole lines and plot points from TV shows,movies and even other fanfics.
@booperdee2 Жыл бұрын
Essentially the problem is within the whole basis of the "pride" movement. Some of these people feel shamed about their sexuality, their weight, their gender, their whatever, and so in order to correct that they instead dont advocate indifference, which requires other people NOT do/say things, they actively try making themselves feel good about it, all the while with the implicit victim mentality they have they see every glancing look in their direction as some kind of attack. And after years of being told that this is the way people should be, with the demonization of productive action by labeling it as exploitation, or violations of "rights", they end up with no skills, nothing to sharpen their teeth on, so when it comes to producing anything its floppy and weak. All they have is The Message, and believe they are the best ones to preach it, and anyone that dislikes their production actually dislikes The Message, which is where the ist and ism calling comes into it.
@matthewchase2930 Жыл бұрын
Every thing is so formulaic when it leaves to cutting room, all of the character is ironed _OUT_ of it. Imagine trying to create a Stanely Kubrick in today's environment. He'd be kicked out of California, let alone Hollywood.
@Tim_the_Enchanter Жыл бұрын
Being predisposed to not like things as part of an internet schtick works for The Drinker, and Hollywood feeds into that by serving up very little entertainment and great, heaping gobs of "Message," over and over again. To his credit, Will admitted that Prey -- for instance -- was better than he was expecting it to be, but all these guys are correct when they point out that it's not critical cynicism that is destroying the medium ... it's the actual content.
@bighands69 Жыл бұрын
If you look at the great films in the last decade that would amount to one year of film making in the 1990s. People would have went to the theater every weekend in the 1990s and seen a fantastic film every couple of weeks with good films in between that and the odd bit of trash. The problem today is that the theater industry is in decline as is the studios. We have a perfect storm that amounts to a very poor output. And as the budget of films has increased it has further limited the amount of quality that is seen.
@vonfaustien3957 Жыл бұрын
@@bighands69 look at Top Gun Maverick. I'm not saying it's bad but it didn't beat titanic and star wars box office numbers because it was great it beat them because it had no competition. A good movie standing alone will beat what a great movie can do when the fields packed
@eyespy3001 Жыл бұрын
While, yes, it’s true that the audiences sentiment doesn’t affect the art form (because how could it?), it’s this predisposition towards cynicism that is destroying the audience’s ability to enjoy ANYTHING. These Red Pill KZfaqrs will come out with a cynical opinion on anything and everything because, let’s be honest here, they make money off of it. They pump out hot take video after hot take video in order to keep engagement and views up while taking in thousands of dollars. Meanwhile, their vitriol is seeping into the minds of impressionable young men and- again, let’s be honest here- insecure middle-aged men who are afraid of a changing world that doesn’t have much room for them. This becomes a cult; a cult of angry guys who won’t stop shouting “Boooooooo!” every time someone tries to enjoy something.
@esyphillis101 Жыл бұрын
@@eyespy3001 1. You are essentially blaming these KZfaqrs for reacting to a problem that many have noticed and called out but with less eloquence and attention drawn towards them. What you fail to account for is that many others feel the same way and you can see it not only online but reflected in declining box office numbers and streaming viewership. 2. The red pill community is a specific community that none of them are affiliated with. What a random yet oddly specific and revealing accusation.
@sigmacademy Жыл бұрын
@@eyespy3001 "These Red Pill KZfaqrs will come out with a cynical opinion on anything and everything because, let’s be honest here, they make money off of it. They pump out hot take video after hot take video in order to keep engagement and views up while taking in thousands of dollars." No, they don't. They're free to publish ANY video they'd like because it's their channels. YOU have the freedom to NOT watch those videos if you don't like them. How the hell are they making money off subjects that lead to practical instant demonetization? If they were making "thousands" off it, they wouldn't have to advertise products like door-to-door salesmen. Present your proof, other wise it's just your own toxic hot take misrepresenting other people for whatever reason you choose to justify it. "Meanwhile, their vitriol is seeping into the minds of impressionable young men and- again, let’s be honest here- insecure middle-aged men who are afraid of a changing world that doesn’t have much room for them. This becomes a cult; a cult of angry guys who won’t stop shouting “Boooooooo!” every time someone tries to enjoy something." That's GOD-TIER projection on your part. Their "vitriol" is their own personal opinion, in very much the same way that EVERYBODY ELSE ON THE PLATFORM gives their own opinions about anything. Nobody is standing in anybody's way to enjoy ANYTHING, no matter how terrible something is. There is, however, a cult of middle-aged men and young people who think that anything that isn't expressly positive is harmful to society because you either comply with what they want or you should be destroyed. Those are pretty sheltered (and usually rich) individuals who have never lived in the real world before. :/
@garybicknell2135 Жыл бұрын
Are people, not just Drinker, biased against modern media? Yes and for exactly the same reason Charley Brown is biased against Lucy being his placeholder. You can only pull this trick on people so many times before they tune you out entirely.
@Sorain1 Жыл бұрын
And thanks to you I finally have the words. It's not bias, it's pattern recognition!
@sarahb.7175 Жыл бұрын
Clever metaphor!
@urielthelesser Жыл бұрын
I would argue that many of the expectations are not "assuming" the worst at all because, when such expectations are derived from the marketing and public messaging of the shows in question, it's simple observation of what the filmmakers are telling us about their own shows.
@spacemonkeyentertainment6413 Жыл бұрын
Exactly the point i was about to make. When people come out and tell you right in your face, that "this movie is not for you", there is little space for assumption.
@liamwarner5749 Жыл бұрын
@@spacemonkeyentertainment6413 and yet when it fails they blame you for it. "This film is not for men." film fails and has multiple female fans unhappy with it "this film failed because men can't handle strong women."
@hatuletoh Жыл бұрын
Deesa The First Female Dwarf of Colour That We Will Every Truly See On Screen [TM] is pure interview gold--if you're looking forward to seeing this show fail. She just sounds so insufferable, and I don't think she could turn people off to the show more effectively if she said in every interview that she kicks puppies and punches kittens in her free time.
@Edd25164605 Жыл бұрын
She uses those exact words over and over and over in interviews, like she's reading off a script.
@writerpatrick Жыл бұрын
Not really the first dwarf of colour. Tony Cox was in Willow as well as other films.
@bettysteve322716 Жыл бұрын
that thing pushing its own agenda and identity on the character it's attempting to portray, as soon as it starts its verbal manifesto it drives me to incandescent white hot rage. all l hear is ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME..
@declanjones8888 Жыл бұрын
Can I have a link to the cringe, don't send it to me yet, gotta put the hazmat suit on.
@mattblissett1966 Жыл бұрын
She almost clings to it. It feels like a talking point and what is worse, it is uninformed and inaccurate.
@stoneylrobertson Жыл бұрын
As one of "The Gays" & a Tolkien fan, I'm utterly sick of all the woke narrative BS that actually diminishes any real genuine representation and literally destroys again something I have loved and still saw parts of myself in or would have wanted to see in me regardless of sex or sexuality like bravery and chivalry and friendship. Having seen so many beloved stories be obliterated that I barely believed good could triumph over evil ever again at least the "fellowship of fans" has given me hope that evil can still be defeated. Keep on it all! ✊
@TheB00tyWarrior Жыл бұрын
If I was an employee at Staple's as a cashier, and then cleaned out the registers, simultaneously claiming credit for supplying office supplies and insulting the paying customers, you'd think I was a psycho.
@ragnarian Жыл бұрын
This is why LoL Arcane was such a breathe if fresh air, and such a masterpiece of a show. Video game adaptations are usually garbage, its got female leads, lgbt, relevant political dialogue... But it doesnt preach, doesnt force it, doesnt sacrifice story or quality to put it in... Its just a show with an awesome show with the aforementioned stuff
@flameshana9 Жыл бұрын
You didn't get a feeling of "female empowerment" from Arcane?
@alesksander Жыл бұрын
@@flameshana9 No. Arcane is well writen that also includes female characters.
@spacejunk2186 Жыл бұрын
My only problem with the show was that the relationship of lesbian chick with the police chick was a bit rushed for my taste.
@Elerad Жыл бұрын
With JJ, or you get Lost. I thought it was hilarious they brought JJ of all freaking people in to finish the sequel trilogy. If ever there was a man who was incapable of writing a satisfying ending. And yeah, Drinker, you're absolutely right about their need to put sexuality into absolutely everything because it's all they can see in life. Nothing else matters to them, so going with the hammer and nail analogy, they need to pound every story, every conversation, every interaction, into SOMETHING about sexuality.
@velociraptor3313 Жыл бұрын
To be honest mate I agree given that most modern media is shit due to incompetent directors, political nonsense, entitled dullards, terrible writing and lack of creativity. I found your channel two years ago through EFAP, and I'd like to say it's nice to know I'm not the only one that has a problem with modern media. So Drinker I say to you keep up the good work my good man and I send brotherly greetings from Australia. P.s. I've recently started watching the Sharpe series starring Sean Bean and I must say it's brilliant. If you want a good show to watch I recommend it, it set during the Napoleonic Wars with the British, the French and the Spaniards. You really get a sense of what it was like in the British Army and I love history so this show is right up my alley.
@Raycheetah Жыл бұрын
Sharpe is awesome! =^[.]^=
@darksidemachining Жыл бұрын
Definitely appreciate the dedication of the five of you viewing and critiquing the modern films. Going into the theater with a healthy dose of skepticism keeps you on your toes. You all have saved this subscriber a ton of money and time by warnings of the crap that is out there and what is worth seeing. Totally satisfied with your recommendations of Spider-Man No Way Home and Top Gun Maverick and absolutely skipped all the phase four streaming shows like Hawkeye.
@SpruceCampbell Жыл бұрын
Absoooolutelyyyy. And when I say I too have skipped Marvel Phase 4, I mean the only clips I have seen of Marvel Phase 4 are from Drinker and Red Letter Media reviews.
@0volts157 Жыл бұрын
Don't forget to judge for yourself occasionally. The five's business model relies on you being subservient to their gatekeeping.
@00pugsly48 Жыл бұрын
To be fair i thought Spider-Man was along the same lines as every other marvel film churned out lately
@MagcargoMan Жыл бұрын
I thought No Way Home was overrated. I think the nostalgia baited a lot of people.
@Cleron_O_Andarilho Жыл бұрын
I am from South America, i am fan of Tolkien work since 1995. I hate everything about this show and amazon for doing it. And i agree, there is nothing in this sea of crap that make you think something good will come out
@grandmufftwerkin9037 Жыл бұрын
One of the most baffling developments I've seen in the world of movies recently has been the praise heaped on Prey, a film that was aggressively average at best. The fact that it is currently rated by critics as better than the original Predator is patently ridiculous. Perhaps an instance of the 'at least it isn't super woke' effect.
@nosotrosloslobosestamosreg4115 Жыл бұрын
Average at best, wuxia Isekai most of the time
@SpruceCampbell Жыл бұрын
Pretty much. We are so starved for a great movie anymore that a decently microwaved hotpocket of a movie will get everyone talking about how much it didn't suck. Actually great films are very few and far between. We really are just conditioned to be happy when a movie isn't ridiculously woke these days.
@chasehedges6775 Жыл бұрын
@@SpruceCampbell 💯
@feliperisseto9113 Жыл бұрын
This movie is a evidence that we regressed in the way we produce and think media.
@treborkroy5280 Жыл бұрын
It's scored higher because it's more scores. Not necessarily higher. Like how Biden has the most votes in US history. Because there are more people now then decades a decades before.
@LordOfAllusion Жыл бұрын
“Why doesn’t Lotr have more gays?!” Well, lets see. In Agrarian economies, 90% of the population is dedicating most of their time to food production on family farms using hand tools, and occasionally beasts of burden. That tends to be a lot of work during the growing and harvest season, and when Winter comes, you tend to spend that time on quality of life improvements, like repairing worn clothes, making new clothes by hand, or improving your home or making new tools as you are able. You have a subsistence lifestyle, and as such, typically do not have enough extra resources to be able to pay laborers to help you with your farm, particularly cause everyone else has their own farm to deal with. So how do you get more cheap labor? You get married and have children, cause children work for free. A gay couple in an agrarian society does not have much opportunity to expand their family in such a way. Why do princesses and princes keep getting married in stories? Well, because, dear dipshit, their country is a monarchy and families are the ruling class and the basis of power. If you do not get married and have children, there will be a crisis of succession, resulting in war for who has the right to inherit your titles and property. You know, like the first 5 seasons of Game of Thrones. So yeah, being Gay is not a lifestyle which promotes safety and stability in such a world.
@jhonviel7381 Жыл бұрын
wow, the amount of bigotry in your comment ick and yikes. you need to do better.
@esyphillis101 Жыл бұрын
Because gay people can only really thrive in an environment in an extremely safe, affluent environment.
@mrcliff3709 Жыл бұрын
@@jhonviel7381 no he is correct
@blacklivesorblackvotes2985 Жыл бұрын
@@jhonviel7381 what bigotry? Lol stop projecting bigot. Do better clown.
@heinoustentacles5719 Жыл бұрын
@@mrcliff3709 I think he's being sarcastic. lol
@rogat174 Жыл бұрын
I like Mauler's taste, "The Father" turned out to be one of my favourite films of all time as well. It's a genius mastercrafted script that pushes beyond the regular film formula, to beautifully capture a hard to deal with subject such as alzheimer's disease. Everything in it is just insanely well thought out and executed, and Anthony Hopkins does a magnificant job. I watched it twice even though it's so hard to watch, it's been a long time since a film touched me so greatly.
@osuunaftmath Жыл бұрын
I think a lot of the bad comes from modern writing. Todays writing is done to service " *communities* ", instead of telling stories about individuals, That's why when you see race or gender swaps you know there will be tons of pandering to what ever group is being " *represented* ". And the sad part is that people eat that shit up.
@MrAstrojensen Жыл бұрын
Well, there isn't anything wrong with writing to service a certain group or community, every genre does that, to a degree, but it's wrong to then claim it's for everyone and then get annoyed, when people whom it's clearly not written for, calls out on it.
@davidcox3076 Жыл бұрын
@@MrAstrojensen True. If you're writing for a limited audience, don't assume the general public is going to hop on board and get angry when they don't.
@cmere9141 Жыл бұрын
These are the times, where you go back in time and watch the movies you haven't watched or even heard of. I'm going to watch "Cleopatra", "Spartacus", "Who framed Roger Rabbit", "The Blob" and "Atlantis: The Lost Empire" - and "The Godfather". Winter/Fall is seats in Livingroom are booked for me. Also a rewatch of "Oculus" as I remember it being somewhat good and so on. Don't wait, get.
@HindiRapGuru Жыл бұрын
I do the same! I try to find films and shows I missed from the 60's 70's 80's and 90's! They are more entertaining than what we have now!
@cmere9141 Жыл бұрын
@@HindiRapGuru is so much better, than getting dissapointed and funding the disappointment in the same way. Enjoy your movie times!
@jbecn24 Жыл бұрын
Don't forget Ten Commandments, Ben Hur, Bridge over River Kwai, the Great Escape!
@fuferito Жыл бұрын
Another way to look at the repercussions in _The War of the Ring_ (this being the alternate title to _The Lord of the Rings)_ is the interruption of the natural order while Evil is oncoming, as it happens in _any_ great disaster. Hence, homesteading is halted in The Shire; Great Houses in Rohan and Gondor are in jeopardy. But, once Evil is destroyed, Sam marries Rosie, he regenerates the land and has lots of children to underline the point, while the pedigrees of Rohan and Gondor are reestablished. Any reasonable thinking person can relate to this image without resorting to the silly dichotomy of “heteronormative” vs everybody else.
@christopherjones5446 Жыл бұрын
I feel like Bill Nighy’s planet building foreman in the movie version of Hitchhiker’s Guide when he says “I’d rather be happy than right” and when Arthur Dent asks him if it happens often he replies “Not really”.
@Arthas30000 Жыл бұрын
I guess you could call it a bias, but one of the boys said it best - people see the meta. People are aware of what's happening. Pretending there is no trend is a lie. The drinker is aware of the trend, done deal.
@ErikDeMann Жыл бұрын
I sat down to watch the Sandman series, expecting to at least get some of the kick the comics provided. And as soon as they had me hooked, the LGBTQ-tip narrative was moved to the forefront. So that try-out ended after watching an episode, where every fucking person in a diner turned up to be gay or lesbians. The Sandman is now the latest addition to a long list of franchises I used to like, but wouldn't touch if you paid me today. That said, Freud had some rather astute observations pertaining to people who feel the need to always talk about sex, concluding they did it because they never actually got any.
@GingerZombie29 Жыл бұрын
Adapting an IP like Sandman should be all about trippy visuals and pushing the limits of what is thought possible in terms of visual story telling.
@soulrebelstudios3185 Жыл бұрын
I mean death is black so that told me all I needed to know.
@SvensktTroll Жыл бұрын
I was just thinking that diner was in such an area.. Because the other episodes didn't have the message at all times
@SvensktTroll Жыл бұрын
@@soulrebelstudios3185 What would you think if death was white ?
@ChainedFei Жыл бұрын
Freud would be wrong about a lot of these people. The gay market for sex has the average gay person with a body count in the HUNDREDS.
@nightwishfan1991 Жыл бұрын
We have seen too many of our beloved franchises and characters massacred before our eyes that it's like domestic abuse at this point. We are expecting to get hit.
@teapea8184 Жыл бұрын
Humans are good at recognizing patterns. We've noticed that movies pushing the message are more often than not shit and not because they are pushing the message, but because they are just bad. Then we get movies and series that don't spread the message and are rather good, that view of the message = bad is reinforced. And so far outside of the Discovery boss Hollywood has increasingly focused on the message. Think they are trying to brainwash enough people so that just having the message = money, but starting to fail on it, because they fail the notion that the message is forever changing and once you have given in and dealt with one issue, the next rises.
@PrivateCustard Жыл бұрын
I find it sad that we are so conditioned to most new things being of such monumentally shit quality, that we consider a solid 7/10 movie like Maverick to be the best thing we've seen since forever!
@chasehedges6775 Жыл бұрын
Indeed. We are so used to the mediocre and average content
@pineneedles_8845 Жыл бұрын
You're right. Knowing modern Hollywood I was actually not exited to see Maverick, assuming it would probably be crap like everything else. So I was completely surprised when it wasn't, which is just sad.
@grandmufftwerkin9037 Жыл бұрын
@Private Custard I have to disagree with you about Top Gun Maverick. While far from being in a 'perfect' film, it was quite well done. The sense of realism from the practical application of mostly real aircraft, settings, and ships was refreshing and immersive. The story and factors at play probably rival the original film, and actually have quite a lot of interesting undertones. Where in the Top Gun the story is about Maverick at war with himself, particularly his own ego, the second film is about an older Maverick coming to terms with his past. Outside the jets and fast action, there is a lot going on under the surface. Maverick can see the end of the line; his friends are passing, he has no wife or children, his career (which defined him) is coming to an end, and he's haunted by his past. To top it off, Goose's son (who is the closest thing he has to family) despises him. This is really Maverick's last hurrah, his last ride into the breach, and the film knows it. There are a lot of undertones and multi-meaning lines in this movie that I think a lot of people are missing. I would give it a solid 8.5.
@kyon813 Жыл бұрын
I've been revisiting some "mediocre" films from the early/mid 00s lately, and with how standards have plummeted lately, they come out looking better than I remembered.
@bruhdon4748 Жыл бұрын
Yeah whenever people say a new movie is “amazing and the best movie to come out in a long time!” Usually translates into my mind “this movie is average & is good in comparison to all the shit” it makes me sad that mid movies are becoming considered good, the fact prey has a higher rotten tomatoes review than the original predator tells you everything.
@johnochiltree1170 Жыл бұрын
Tolkiens work is timeless so I don’t understand how it needs to be ‘pulled into the modern world.’
@mrcliff3709 Жыл бұрын
Because these braindead hacks think so
@Timasion Жыл бұрын
I just read the article you guys refer to in this clip. It is clear that the person never read the books, but only watched the films. He refers to the Aragorn-Arwen-Eowyn love-triangle. That was never a thing in the books. Aragorn and Eowyn did not have any romantic interest in each other. Aragorn was always going to marry Arwen. Eowyn only admired Aragorn because he was a hero. This love-triangle was entirely a creation of the film. In the books, the relationship between Frodo and Sam was very clearly a servant that was devoted to his master. It was more like the relationship between Bruce Wayne and Alfred Pennyworth. First, in the books, Frodo was 12 years Sam's senior. When Frodo left the Shire, he was 50 and Sam was 38. I have to go through all three books, but I am nearly certain that Sam always called Frodo "Master" or "Master Frodo." The problem in the films is that they shortened the time period between when Bilbo Baggins had his party and when Frodo left the Shire. In the books, it was 17 years from Bilbo's party (and when he left the Ring to Frodo) to when Gandalf told Frodo the truth about the Ring. The writer clearly did not know this and thought the films were faithful to Tolkien's work.
@toddpacker1015 Жыл бұрын
I don't want Diversity and Representation in my shows. Time and time again they've shown they can't produce good entertainment with diversity quotas.
@chasehedges6775 Жыл бұрын
Agreed. Give me a good show with characters.
@D0CBEE Жыл бұрын
My problem with modern media is that EVERYTHING is a comedy these days. Everything took Marvels forumla. And on this, I can give Prey some credit. At least it tried to take itself seriously, unlike the others which were full of jokes. Same with Star Wars, the originals had the odd character that would make a witty remark, but you would never see Alec Guinness making a joke. Movies these days EVERYONE has jokes. I like comedies, but mostly black comedies as the smiles come 2nd after the story. Marvel movies these days and a lot of others are comedy first, then action, then story.
@inazuma3gou Жыл бұрын
I hate the phrase "taking things too seriously." I go to see movies to be immersed in a world, not have characters pander to the audience every minute with cheap jokes. A good exception is Deadpool who can break the fourth wall by design. I also loved The Naked Gun because Leslie Nielsen took the world he inhabited seriously even though the movie was one of the greatest comedy.
@D0CBEE Жыл бұрын
@@inazuma3gou The best comedy is situational comedy because it takes some creativity. Marvel movies USED to have that at the start, that's what made the original Iron Man great. But as with everything it goes too far.
@qam2024 Жыл бұрын
An the irony is there are no good comedies today. Quick, name the best comedies that were made this century. Sure there were a few early on like Dodgeball, Shaun of the Dead and Zombieland that come to mind but nothing from the last decade.
@D0CBEE Жыл бұрын
@@qam2024 That's kind of my point, I love comedy, but I hate comedy movies as there's no thought in them. I'd class Shaun of the Dead as black comedy as there's a lot more going on than just a few jokes. It's not in the same league as The Hangover. There have been some good comedies though, I personally like Zoolander and Meet the Parents.
@DHynes5 Жыл бұрын
It shocked me to find out that some people hated The Batman because "it wasn't funny". Jesus lads, how about you judge the film for what it is and not for what you wanted it to be??
@CloneLoli Жыл бұрын
I'd actually argue that who a character likes and who they fall in love with can be very important to defining the character depending on the story, the issue is that outside of older movies, video games and anime that shit is never well integrated into the story anymore. Some of my favorite stories of all time include characters doing things simply out of their love for another character and I'm not talking generic romance stories, I'm talking piloting giant mechs to end a war or fighting against a giant empire. Of course love isn't the only reason the characters do these things but it adds more to the character. Hollywood simply goes, "She gay therefore she good" and then none of the story has anything to do with relationships, on top of that relationships in modern writing are often extremely shallow.
@sigmacademy Жыл бұрын
It's also the fact that they are very soap opera-ish and simply stating or showing a character is gay or lesbian means nothing in most modern stories because it doesn't form any kind of important plot point, inform any relationship or is relevant to the story being told. If a gay/lesbian/trans character isn't an organic part of a story (and there are stories where it totally is), it's gonna feel artificially added on as an afterthought and people will rightly call it out as such. If anything, adding a gay or lesbian character (or swapping straight characters to gay/lesbian ones) serves as much purpose as adding a prop in the background that most people miss because it has no relevance to the story, and one can clearly see this in how directors simply add a same-sex kiss into their productions and that is about as much representation as you're likely to get in a modern story. Example: the kiss in the Rise of Skywalker, which serves NO purpose because we LITERALLY don't know who the couple is, or why we should care that they reunite after the big, disastrous battle that pretty much killed the original Rebel strike force (how did that lady survive then?), because the couple was never built up as anyone that we should care about (like Han and Leia was) in that universe. The director and his team WANTED to be progressive, and had the OPPORTUNITY to be so, and failed terribly at both instances. That's not my opinion, that's LITERALLY how the movie was set up to be. :/
@CloneLoli Жыл бұрын
@@sigmacademy Romance can add something to lose and inform a characters decision making. Modern shows/movies just don't use that to their advantage and it's fucking stupid.
@Sorain1 Жыл бұрын
Best done love story I've ever experienced (meaning books, shows, movies and videogames included!) was G Gundam, Domon Kasshu and Rain Mikamura. Those writers EARNED that cheesy ending blast leaving a heart shaped hole.
@bencarlson4300 Жыл бұрын
It’s easier to find good quality from the past because the great stuff rises to the top and everything else gets forgotten. We also have a much wider access to media right now than we’ve ever had, and we hear about every single project months or years before it’s finished. There is probably a similar % of bad quality content being produced as there always has been, but the bad stuff gets promoted and a lot of the good stuff is harder to find compared to previous decades/eras.
@sigmacademy Жыл бұрын
There's also a fair number of suppression going on as well. Good projects are DELIBERATELY being blocked or pushed to the fringe because of who their creatives are and based on their personal politics. It's not that the good things are getting fewer, it's that the good things are being buried (or effectively subverted/sabotaged) and the "subverted" projects are being hugely and unfairly AMPLIFIED. :/
@armi999 Жыл бұрын
One word, Experience, I imagine most of us go into things with a neutral stance. Then when things are announced and materials shown we can start to judge if we think this is worthwhile or if there are warning signs.
@jamietodd2560 Жыл бұрын
Do you need to pull The Legend of King Arthur into the modern world? Do you need to pull The Epic of Gilgamesh into the modern world? Do you need to pull The Story of Beowulf into the modern world? I thought it was understood that stories take place within a certain time period, a setting where what is happening actually makes sense. But they're not really trying to pull stories into the modern world, they're trying to push the modern world into the past, pretending that modern sensibilities have always been around and we shouldn't represent parts of the past that we don't like.
@meganhuggins7494 Жыл бұрын
Unfortunately the Legend of King Arthur was dragged into the modern world by Guy Ritchie. There are no words!!!
@sigmacademy Жыл бұрын
@@meganhuggins7494 You mean the rapid-firing bows wasn't the biggest issue in that movie? :P Edit. Sorry I mean't Robin Hood. Which is still kinda circling the same pool. :P Speaking of which, whatever happened to the female mage? She just kinda moved off to the side of the story? :/
@grahamherbert3612 Жыл бұрын
Lenny Henry is still looking for that girl from Reading, to jerk his flacid member back to life in the modern world.
@critcuts Жыл бұрын
Exactly I just want to see the medieval world the original creator made for us, and if it had 0% sexual themes that would be banner waven freaking amazing because honestly 97% of the time I don't give a shit about sex and 100% of the time I don't give a s*** about other people's sexuality or my own nor do I want to see anything like that in Lord of the rings, I just want to see an army fight against a Belrog or Sauron or Melchor/Morgoth, get to know the Free people of Middle Earth of that time and see their battles and struggles, and I know they probably don't have the rights to that stuff but why even bother making a show if you can't make it about some of the coolest parts of LOTR lore specifically...
@reesebn38 Жыл бұрын
Love and Monsters from 2020 is a great movie with a great character arc, great world building, great effects, one of the best dogs ever put in a movie. No one talks about it.
@itwpatches2175 Жыл бұрын
I love the movie! I was soooo positively surprised by the plot, acting amd execution. Would love to see a sequel.
@MVPMVE Жыл бұрын
It kind of wandered, and the guy ends back up at his commune with his underdeveloped family-by-choice. It's still a good time, but not particularly memorable
@reesebn38 Жыл бұрын
@@MVPMVE He didn't end up back at his commune. He went back and got his friends to take to where Clyde and Minnow went. You're trying to sound smart but it is clear your not.
@MVPMVE Жыл бұрын
@@reesebn38 Nothing I said was wrong. He _did_ return to his family, and they _were_ underdeveloped. Instead of insulting a random stranger because of a single detail that doesn't invalidate anything I said, how about you log off the internet and go see some family or friends yourself. They might help your mood.
@KuuchWizard Жыл бұрын
Mauler’s point around the 4:30 mark sums it up entirely for me and my group of friends that I used to enjoy this entertainment with. Every time, they straight up tell us what to expect from these projects and the folks in charge end up either indirectly, or directly insulting their fans. It pushes us away, and honestly, because of how toxic leadership is at Marvel/Disney especially, I just stay far away from any of their products because of it. Also, at 5:40, that’s a picture from a vegan deodorant commercial
@providencebreaker1558 Жыл бұрын
Things are so bad now I intentionally spoil myself on everything, so I don't accidentally watch something bad.
@heraldofwar Жыл бұрын
Early warning signs are the show creators or actors attacking fans of a established franchise before the show even starts and of course words such as modern audiences, diversity, accessible and toxic masculinity are a huge red flag.
@mattblissett1966 Жыл бұрын
They often hire showrunners who have either no interest or feel for the genre and oftentimes a desire to make a statement, alongside an open contempt for the source material as well. It happens too often to be a coincidence.
@TheAyeAye1 Жыл бұрын
The arrogant fools really think Tolken needs improving and they're the ones qualified to do it.
@thesapphireone Жыл бұрын
Y’know, the mindset of the creators working on Rings Of Power, as well as the Star Wars sequel trilogy, reminds me of the quote from Jay on Red Letter Media: “Don’t ask questions, consume product, then get excited for next product.”
@kieron63 Жыл бұрын
M= modern E= entertainment T= teaching A= association 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮
@richtea615 Жыл бұрын
I'm still waiting for someone to explain why diversity is good or even desirable.
@oskar6661 Жыл бұрын
That's the great myth, of course. Diversity can be a benefit, but should not be a goal.
@thehoodedvagabum7375 Жыл бұрын
I´m still waiting for that Harfoot that robbed me 5 bucks outside Walmart this morning.
@Ahabite Жыл бұрын
You probably won't. I've been asking this question for years now. Add to it, why is inclusion inherently good? And if not, when is it bad? Don't even get me started on 'equity'...
@thehoodedvagabum7375 Жыл бұрын
I don´t think diversity is bad. There´s a shit ton of diversity in Arda. The problem is when you want that diversity to fit into the "real world" in a forced way.
@gokux75 Жыл бұрын
Diversity is for people who need to live through fiction.
@DavidBaronStevensPersonal Жыл бұрын
I had to read the Headline a few times. I really appreciate hearing y'all applying you're same logic and expertise to your views on society Our civilization has been without the guidance of their artists for far too long.
@seanp8220 Жыл бұрын
Disparu hit the nail on the head as he so often does when he made the point about this being all she has to talk about and how there is nothing to engage with the audience with beyond those platitudes.
@turtek12 Жыл бұрын
Disparu makes an interesting point on public vs. private life. The philosopher Hannah Arendt divided the human condition into three broad categories--and fit sexuality into what she considered the least important, home life, which she considered to be that part of life that humans have in common with animals--those things we do for physical needs. The other two categories in her view were "work," meaning what we'd call art and sciences, and public action. Applying this analysis to Tolkien, private life is actually totally put on hold until the war of the ring is done because it's that low a priority--we see, for example, that Faramir and Eowyn only get together when everything's solved and they're not needed for the fight against Sauron anymore. Similarly, the Hobbits totally abandon their home lives until after they come back and scour the Shire. To make private life the main focus of a Tolkien story is, in a real sense, to miss the point.
@franohmsford7548 Жыл бұрын
7:50 - I've said this about the MCU but it fits here too... - They don't care about it "Enduring" - They're not making it for people to watch in 20, 30, 40 years time - They want their money.......NOW!!! They know people aren't buying DVDs anymore - People aren't collecting movies and tv to watch in the way they did 10,20,30 years ago.....That paradigm is OVER! They know Rings of Power is going to be a big thing for a few months until it comes out and maybe a few weeks after it's out AND THEN IT WILL GET MEMORY HOLED! Who talks about Lost anymore? How about Heroes? Even Game of Thrones is already being forgotten. There's been plenty of good movies in the past five years BUT nothing with any staying power.....Not since 2016 and Train to Busan has there been a film that I feel will still be talked about in 20,30 years time! 1917 is great but it's no Saving Private Ryan or Platoon or Apocalypse Now - It's just another good film that will get lost in time. The MCU is all about getting bums in seats....Being just good enough to get the normies to keep watching - Seriously, I don't think there's a single MCU movie that will still be talked about in 2050 unless Disney somehow keeps the production line churning them out; and part of that is BECAUSE of that production line....If there hadn't been another MCU movie after Avengers that movie would have become a Classic but there's been TWENTY THREE of them since Avengers and now it's just another MCU movie.
@moseshorowitz4345 Жыл бұрын
Tolkien's own editor, Sir Stanley Unwin, was on record saying, "One does not edit Tolkien". This came out of respect for his abilities and position as a tenured Professor of Anglo-Saxon and college Fellow at Oxford, in addition to his massive writing talents in both prose and poetry. To think that some overpaid pissants at a glorified cable television network could "improve" on Tolkien is the height of arrogance. One approaches Tolkien with respect and humility, and takes lessons from their betters. Sir Peter Jackson readily admitted in the Appendices for the DVDs of his movies that every time they attempted to veer from the narrative it was disastrous and always resulted in a return to the source material. (If only he'd taken his own advice with The Hobbit!)
@houndofculann1793 Жыл бұрын
The Hobbit was screwed by the executives way more than Jackson, he was basically making it up as they went because of the time crunch and all the demands
@jasonmckenzie2835 Жыл бұрын
The sheer arrogance that Amazon and it's Bad Robot writer's have shown towards Tolkien is biblical. They clearly hate what his themes are. I view this entire enterprise as a demonic attack against strong Christian morals.
@S_raB Жыл бұрын
To drive the point home, Tolkien created several languages as the bedrock and the world of Middle Earth was the topsoil. Next thing we'll hear is the 2 dummies telling us, "We didn't want to dishonor Tolkien but we had to update his language to fit with modern ideas, so now the elves speak Spanish, the dwarves speak French, and mankind speaks like us"...pure idiocy is the new status quo
@mattblissett1966 Жыл бұрын
Cocaine is a hell of a drug
@aleksmeetsworld6873 Жыл бұрын
The Balrog only atttacked the fellowship because he and Gandalf were going through a domestic dispute
@danardalin Жыл бұрын
There's a scene in Star Trek Enterprise where Dr. Flox is watching a movie with the crew. He's asked if they have movies on Denobula, "We had something similar years ago, but it fell out of favor when people realized their real lives were far more interesting. " I've often wondered recently how close we are to that sentiment with today's movie entertainment.
@timwhite5562 Жыл бұрын
If the Digital Fox had written that article "how gay could it be" as a tongue in cheek joke, I honestly think it would have been one of most brilliant pieces of satire I've seen this year. The picture of the literal dirty hippies is just the cherry on top. I can almost smell the fight for dominance between the patchouli, rampant athlete's foot and a hot summer dumpster juice wafting off of them. 🤢 Alas the article was in earnest, which paradoxically swings it from brilliant to absurdly stupid. Still I howled with laughter when I saw it.
@itinerantpatriot1196 Жыл бұрын
People who make sex and sexual behavior the center of their identity have no center, not one that possesses any meaning beyond hedonistic pleasure. And they know it because at the end of the day the emptiness is inescapable. I suppose that is why they demand so much attention and try to force others to join them, because they know if left to their own devices the vast majority of people aren't wired that way. Tolkien doesn't have gay Hobbits in his stories because I imagine the idea just never entered his mind. The Drinker is right, when it comes down to it, nobody really gives two sh*ts about who these narcistic sleezbags sleep or don't sleep with and regardless of what they tell each other in their nasty perverted echo-chambers most people aren't interested in seeing that crap on the screen.
@nicholastotoro7721 Жыл бұрын
Love & Thunder was obviously made by Taika Cohen… err… Waititi. His bag is empty. It’s a copy of a copy of a copy at this point and Clown Thor has more than run its course.
@friendsofsaintanthony Жыл бұрын
Drinker - you're speaking for so many of us! Keep it up - we need your voice out there!
@gadflyfiction Жыл бұрын
past behaviour is the best indicator of future behaviour. Observing the past behaviours that led up to the release of various films/franchises/properties and seeing those same signs happening it becomes very easy to make accurate estimations about the content and quality of the new film/franchise/property. Genuine change is possible but there must be a clear demonstration of work being done to make those changes happen.
@heatseekerx51 Жыл бұрын
With this panel of characters, you could call this show: "The Commonwealth of Commentary".
@RogueFox2185 Жыл бұрын
It’s not being biased when you see the same pattern repeat time and time again, modern releases these days are usually big time disappointments at best and at worst unwatchable garbage that wastes your time and insults your intelligence.
@chasehedges6775 Жыл бұрын
This is so true. Especially with Disney and their mediocre D+ Star Wars series
@JamesTobiasStewart Жыл бұрын
Zero Punctuation made this argument around a decade ago; that it made most sense to be cynical about these things because if you invest a lot in something before you've even seen it, what do you do if it let's you down? Meanwhile he argues, being cautiously cynical gives you room to be pleasantly surprised if something is good and if it isn't; you haven't lost anything.
@KasumiKenshirou Жыл бұрын
Movie audiences are like battered spouses. Some leave their abuser, but a surprising amount will go back to their abuser and say things like, "He's really changed", "It's going to be different this time".
@SpruceCampbell Жыл бұрын
LOVE it when every single time I mention that the past decade in film has sucked overall, every single person has to name one or two gems that are supposed to change my mind or something. The fact is you can provide 5-10 trash films that were mainstream in theaters for every 1 good film someone gives out of the past 10 years.
@cigoLxeL Жыл бұрын
Yep. If I hand in 11 papers for a class that get an F and then one that got an A+, that would mean _I failed the class._
@chasehedges6775 Жыл бұрын
I think after 2015 ended, we just kept getting more and more awful films and it hasn’t stopped since. 2016-2022 has been a Mediocre decade.
@bighands69 Жыл бұрын
The few movies that people are naming tends to be over a period of a decade but you have to point out that level of output would have been the norm in a single year of film in the 1990s and that the film the person is naming would be considered an average film of that era. Blade Runner 2049 for example is good but nowhere near as good as the original nor would it have stood out in that era.
@SpruceCampbell Жыл бұрын
@@bighands69 Exactly right. The 80s and 90s were the inverse where the norm was for a movie to be amazing and we can list the terrible flops as noteworthy exceptions.
@chasehedges6775 Жыл бұрын
@@SpruceCampbell The early to mid 2000s and early 2010s were good years for films. After that…
@MrDrspartus Жыл бұрын
Whoopi Goldberg’s new movie “Prey” gave me chills!
@steffanyschwartz7801 Жыл бұрын
7:13 I’ve been saying this forever, why do fantasy and sci fi have to reflect our world? Fantasy is what you come up with and sci fi should be a better future advanced from what we have today.
@lobokop69 Жыл бұрын
Well...em... from the Wikipedia: He is referred to as 'Saruman the White' and is said to have originally worn white robes, but on his first entry in The Fellowship of the Ring they instead appear to be "woven from all colours shimmered and changed hue so that the eye was bewildered" and he names himself 'Saruman of Many Colours' . So thank the gods that it was not released nowadays :) :)
@dorianshepard2841 Жыл бұрын
LotR Hobbits were well dressed but these RoP ones are wearing potato sacks. And their hair reminds me of the Nox from Stargate
@lucymiau5700 Жыл бұрын
These "Pre-Hobbits" look dirty and smelly. In a medieval society, this useless folks would be chased away by the Men as well as the Elfs.
@wiggywan1832 Жыл бұрын
It saddens me that today's movies are such corporate productions that the magic that made box office duds into cult classics is lost. Today, when a movie bombs it's because it actually is terrible instead of something poorly marketed, released in a busy season where it became lost in the shuffle, or what have you. There is so much corporate control you'd never see a movie like Big Trouble in Little China made today...and that's before factoring in the woke Twitter mob.
@individual7046 Жыл бұрын
With things like Prey we had a right to be skeptical of it, how many films and other media projects have falled into the same projections and sucked. It's like being in a abusive relationship and you see your spouse starting to get intoxicated again. You know what is going to happen next. To an outsider that doesn't know the signs it looks like your making a mountain out of a molehill but when we see a something A +B =C 10 times in a row we are going to assume A+B is going to equal C. To be quite honest when it comes to the film I'm more shocked that the main character didn't team up with the predator to kill off the Europeans and have to alien and the girl hug it out in the end.
@sigmacademy Жыл бұрын
Technically, she DID actually killed the Europeans the Predator didn't, so you are correct in that regard. She also practically served the leader on a silver platter to the Predator, as bait for her hunt, essentially. :/
@Chicken_Little_Syndrome Жыл бұрын
The ideas Amazon wants to embody in Rings of Power would be better embodied in some kind of non-fantasy, adult soap opera. The audience these people want to attract are not into the fantasy genre.
@paulmurgatroyd6372 Жыл бұрын
They just want to take something popular and take it away from the people who love it, by changing it into something they can call their own. They don't like or understand it, but they don't want us to have it. Tolkein doesn't need to be changed, it's the most obnoxious thing I've ever heard. He didn't even write about his own "real world" so why does it need to be that now? Let fantasy be fantasy. Make your own depressing shit up.
@Conan_the_Based Жыл бұрын
I still don't think people are being harsh enough on Hollywood and their agenda. For example, Prey effectively got a pass from Drinker. If we let them get away with "just a little wokeness. not too much", then we'll be celebrating the 1 step back as they prepare for 2 steps forward.
@nickentros Жыл бұрын
Someone needs to make Mauler a mask that matches his avatar so we can have him on video
@Nickle_King Жыл бұрын
Pessimism is only pessimism if it isn’t a proven pattern. No matter what, X is going to be bad. Optimism is only optimism if it isn’t a proven pattern. No matter what, X is going to be good. Looking at a pattern and calling it what it is while also accepting the possibility for individual elements to break the pattern is called Realism. X is X.
@mikewaterfield3599 Жыл бұрын
Well…. We expect the worst because, Terminator Dark Fate, Bad Reboot Star Trek, Kurtzman Trek, the “Sequel Trilogy” of Darth Kennedy, Captain Marvel, Loki, on second though Disney in general anymore, FemBusters 2016, The Song of Ice and fire season 8, a seventy pound vegan lesbian with gender dysmorphia being shoe horned into the role of a guy who 6’4” 220 pounds of rock solid vigilante honed over years of hard training, gender swapping, race swapping, lastly Amazon’s promotional material for… “the Rings of Power”. Believing that thing will be a burning septic tank is actually a pretty optimistic assessment. Personally I look forward to that “show” as much as I look forward to taking a cheese grater and rock salt to my genitals.
@fuferito Жыл бұрын
_Another Round,_ starring the great Mads Mikkelsen is a great recent movie I'm surprised Drinker (of all people) hasn't reviewed. But, there have been other great films of different genres recently. _Bone Tomahawk; Drive; Ex-Machina; Hereditary,_ just to name some. _The Gray Man_ desperately needs the Drinker treatment as well, soon; a really fun movie very reminiscent of a _John Wick / Commando_ hybrid, with “good guy,” Ryan Gosling taking on mustachioed “bad guy,” Chris Evans, who steals every scene.
@ZacharyPlatt 7 ай бұрын
"If all you've got is a hammer, then all you see is f***ing NAILS." That was well put.
@PKMN37 Жыл бұрын
"Most people would rather watch air than television, nowadays." - Nostalgia Critic
@deeta000 Жыл бұрын
“Why does it look like Vegas?!”
@inadisguise9824 Жыл бұрын
As when they try to create a new IP with a message, no one watches. So many franchises and other IP's have been hijacked by people whom want an established audience, wider the better, to change such IP's to give a message ingrained in it, that it no longer recognizable as the original IP. The idea of creating or finding something new with the sole idea of making something entertaining has been lost. EDITED: TO FIX TYPOS 👍
@prometheusjackson8787 Жыл бұрын
Because we all understand that everything is constantly getting worse
@keenfire8151 Жыл бұрын
When someone says, "I/We wrote the book Tolkien never wrote", you know we are in for a bad time.
@discipleofdeath2517 Жыл бұрын
God I'm not fully awake I thought the black mass near drinkers face was a mic, but then it moved lol
@jonlonglastname Жыл бұрын
It is not the customers job to get excited for a movie or show. It is the job of these clowns to give us a good show. When you give us stuff that is 25% shit and 75% ham, do you still call it a Ham Sandwich? Pretty sure any % of shit, makes it a shit sandwich. And the % of shit, keeps going up with each sandwich served.
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The Critical Drinker
Рет қаралды 2,8 МЛН
Drinker's Chasers - Ahsoka Episode 3 Is So Dumb, It'll Make You Think Velma Is Funny
Critical Drinker After Hours
Рет қаралды 283 М.
Reacting to the CRAZY Rings of Power S2 Rumors!
Nerd of the Rings
Рет қаралды 238 М.
Drinker's Chasers - Victoria Alonso FIRED: A Reckoning For Marvel?
Critical Drinker After Hours
Рет қаралды 347 М.
Drinker's Chasers - The Worst Hollywood Year In Generations
Critical Drinker After Hours
Рет қаралды 329 М.
Drinker's Chasers - Rings of Power Humiliated: Only 1/3 Of Viewers Finished It
Critical Drinker After Hours
Рет қаралды 241 М.
Көреміз / «KÖREMIZ»
Рет қаралды 213 М.
Самый старый Сыр в мире!
Рет қаралды 1,7 МЛН