What Is The Purpose Of Mental Illness?

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Eckhart Tolle

Eckhart Tolle

11 жыл бұрын

Ultimately everything is part of the process of awakening. www.eckharttollenow.com
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Eckhart Tolle is widely recognized as one of the most original and inspiring spiritual teachers of our time. He travels and teaches throughout the world.
Eckhart is not aligned with any particular religion or tradition, but excludes none. His profound yet simple and practical teachings have helped thousands of people find inner peace, healing and greater fulfillment in their lives. At the core of his teachings lies the transformation of individual and collective human consciousness - a global spiritual awakening.
Eckhart Tolle is the author of The Power of Now, a #1 New York Times Bestseller, which has been translated into 32 languages and become one of the most influential spiritual books of our time.
In his most recent book, A New Earth, he shows how transcending our ego-based state of consciousness is not only essential to personal happiness, but also the key to ending conflict and suffering throughout the world.

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@fearsveil 8 жыл бұрын
I believe many conditions that we consider to be mental "illnesses," are in fact emotional "illnesses" caused by emotional trauma in early childhood.
@SternOMD 6 жыл бұрын
Is that you Zigmond?
@michaelosullivan5831 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you all for the very helpful posts !
@kmurph2451 6 жыл бұрын
"mental illness" doesn't exist. Neither do I, so don't mind me.
@astronaughty304 6 жыл бұрын
Exactly. I think all mental illnesses are just different forms of PTSD.
@myrnafigueroa1033 6 жыл бұрын
Alycia B I totally agree . I am a 52 year old Hispanic woman, mother of adult children ages 21-30, grandmother of 9 children ages 1- 8, Who has been diagnosed with PTSD, Anxiety, and Mild Depression. I was affected by Sexual Trauma from the ages of 8-12 by my Adult Brother-in-Law. In the 70’s it was swept under the rug and kept as a family secret. After my Mother, who never did anything about it, passed away from Cancer, that was another Trauma. Even though I blamed her for my silent screams that made me a people pleaser as an adult, used in future relationships, it took a car accident to finally trigger all that trauma in me. I ended up with Fibromyalgia and Lupus.
@sweeetly 11 жыл бұрын
I popped out into awareness at 18, my mum called the docter lol, bless her, she couldn't work out why her angry teen daughter was suddenley so peaceful..
@Nasengold 6 жыл бұрын
I had a serious depression over several years and when it got too hard, my ability to live was so torn apart that I couldn't receive post packages without crying by thinking about opening the door. I was so messed up that I shared my room with beasty spiders and basically lived surounded in trash. My will to do anything about it was simply non-existent. Once it got so far that it shook me to the core, my ego shattered away and I started to awake. I was feeling like a baby and cried about simple emotions in youtube videos. I was never the same since but found my true self within weeks. By now I taught so many things to so many people just by observing and being me. Once you get there, there is nothing special about understanding things. It comes naturally trough a calm mind. I was a nerve-wreck and now I'm deescalating conflicts just by being present. Don't hold on to things, just be aware of what is. If you are still in the phase of suffering, don't hide it in the back of your head! Observe it! Feel it! It doesn't matter if it is pleasant or not, it is there to be observed. Ignoring a part of your reality, will create a fake reality, which alters yourself.
@DiegoGonzalez-hk3pl 6 жыл бұрын
Nasengold I have bad anxiety, should I observe that? What about my anxiety attack’s? Those as well? I don’t quite understand what you’re saying. Please explain in better detail.
@2012BeyondtheWorld 6 жыл бұрын
Nasengold That's how it seems to be. Eckhart himself talks about his inner transformation after suffering with depression and anxiety all his life until the age of 29. Then he awakened to himself that all that suffering he imposed on himself was because he attributed himself with his sense of self and his thoughts, I think, I might have understood it wrong but you can find his experience on the cover of his book The Power of Now or even online. It's amazing how he was able to just detach himself out of his suffering by coming to such realization. To me it reminds me of someone going through hypomania or mania in bipolar or from antidepressants, I felt just like him or similar as well. Surely he must have taken some psychoactive drug or researched meditation and the benefits of not thinking and detaching yourself from you self with all these thoughts which cause suffering. I'm glad you were able to transcend and heal yourself the same way Eckhart has. It can happen if you get to your most unimaginable suffering, the worst of you depression can be a learning lesson if you know how to use it as a transcendence and healing. I always used to go very deep into depression almost taking my own life, but always resurfacing and realizing that only choosing to listen to my poisonous thoughts got me and kept getting me there in the first place. When you detach yourself from those thoughts feelings and stresses you can learn a newer peaceful way of living where you harness those thoughts into actions of improving your life situations where you feel stuck. I began to just distract myself from those similar thoughts and feelings blinding my daily life and trying to detach from that sense of self I created to understand my environment. You're not that so you don't have to allow yourself to keep going back to feeling and thinking that way. You can even forget about it all and just live in the now, in the present moment where you allow yourself to be free and innocent. You can learn with practice which thoughts you're going to attach yourself to and which ones you're going to detach and free your self from.
@2012BeyondtheWorld 6 жыл бұрын
Show me Your memes I've had anxiety attacks and even panic attacks, what you have to realize is that these attacks happen because of your constant rumination. I was always attaching myself to these constant over thinking and over analyzing thoughts, worrying over nothing, stressing over nothing and all that does take a toll on you leaving you in a state of panic and emotional distress. You need to distract yourself from giving in and thinking about everything 24/7. You need to relax and calm your mind. You don't have to question and worry about the future, or about the now, and don't even think of going into the past. Just meditate and find a way to live in the right now without attaching to any of those thoughts and worries which seem to pollute your mind. When you give into those train of thoughts or you somehow already find yourself in them try to distract yourself and calm down and do something else. I had this terrible panic attack last year where I was worried and thinking that I had diabetes and that I was going to go into a diabetic coma. The doctors just scare you is all, a year later and no diabetes whatsoever but back then it was all I could think about and was obsessing about everything I was eating and producing pseudo symptoms of diabetes for myself. Now you can see how powerful your thoughts can be if you think about something. I felt like thinking about it again weeks after it happened and possibly going into another attack but I told myself that I don't have diabetes and the attack never happened again. I also had several anxiety attacks as well in youth with school and the social phobia of it all. Here again same thing, it was the thoughts that I chose to listen to and give power to create my own pseudo symptoms and scare myself especially with all the thoughts going on in anticipatory anxiety of social situations. What you can do there is always distract yourself especially every time these anticipatory thoughts pop up. Every time you choose to give in and listen to them you're just stressing over nothing. Just detach yourself from those thoughts with distracting yourself with something else be it blasting you head with music or engaging in an activity that will take your mind off such thoughts. Pretty soon this will just be your way of being but it does take practice like any other habit and it does save you from extra stress. When the situation you have anticipated comes to pass you'll just be there in the moment, in the now and what will be will be as long as you also don't over anticipate what to say and what to do. It's horrible having to attach yourself to all these thinking patterns which can cause unwanted premature attacks something for nothing. I could be wrong but I've heard people having attacks without even thinking about anything. They could be thinking or not and the attacks have found a way to take form underneath the thinking process as a form of symptom. All I know is that I'm more at peace with myself if I don't spend any uneccessary time over thinking what if.
@davidberman7990 5 жыл бұрын
@princeofpersiagirl 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this
@jdfrsbrg41 11 жыл бұрын
Mental illness is not really just an individual problem, but is symptomatic of the context of society. A "schizophrenic person" is not actually ill, but is perfect in who they are. It is in the context of society that mental illness can have purpose. Our society is very complacent in our illusions and we think it represents reality. When someone doesn't play by those rules, we call them crazy and separate ourselves from them. That is the collective mental illness that needs healing.
@2012BeyondtheWorld 6 жыл бұрын
Jon Forsberg Yep.
@earthsoul4206 4 жыл бұрын
So very true. It's attitudes like this that are raising children and creating the illnesses also.
@MariaPalmieri 9 жыл бұрын
Recognizing what is insanity is part of awakening! Great words!
@lkhatieb 8 жыл бұрын
This man's sense of humor is so underrated !
@arete7884 8 жыл бұрын
I would never became enlightened without ocd and intense suffering
@sajjasharma70 7 жыл бұрын
Areté how do you know you are enlightened??
@lauraberriah 7 жыл бұрын
Areté do you still have ocd though or are you completely free of it now?
@blueshades98 7 жыл бұрын
im having ocd and adhd. Advice for me pleasee
@Waxyerify 6 жыл бұрын
yeah sometimes i see it that way too, because only option for me to stay alive with this mind is destroying it without destroying the body.
@freshguy54 6 жыл бұрын
Amen. Ocd is pure torment
@JonathanDavisKookaburra 7 жыл бұрын
I feel that, in accordance with Tolle's perspective, there is the collective pain body of the community and culture. As the population in general avoids the discomfort within themselves, this pain and toxicity end up by getting expressed by others who are too sensitive to be able to avoid feeling this toxicity. The way to release this toxicity is to observe without judgment, accept and feel it and by doing so feel it leaving us. When we judge the experience or discomfort within us we contract around it and hold it, making it stay. As we observe and accept we release our grip. Some people can avoid the trauma and toxicity within them, the pain in their pain body for their whole life and carry it all till their grave, but this is a blockage to the evolution of consciousness. Maturing into being able to accept, observe allow and feel our pain so that we can release it is the way to deeper awareness and presence. Then there are others who either can't due to natural sensitivity, or somewhere within them, they refuse to avoid the truth of the underlying pain and toxicity that continues to build and grow in the pain body of the human species as hurt people perpetuate pain by hurting more people. Those who can't or won't allow themselves to avoid and block out the painbody of the collective end up being the ones to process the madness that exists within humanity on behalf of the community around them that refuses to face, feel and accept the pain they are carrying. Evolution wants to mvoe forwards and this pain and trauma needs to be expressed and released. Some of the trauma is so horrific that it can cause experiences of madness in those who involuntarily or voluntarily end up processing them on behalf of the community. These people are like the pressure release valve for the trauma and pain being avoided by humanity. And more and more of them are needed. The problem is that they need training in how to deal with this pain needing to be released from the collective unconscious of humanity. And the training is acceptance. observation without judgment builds immunity to all things. breathe. observe. accept allow. if a part of you judges the situation as bad 'this REALLY IS horrible' then observe that part of you labelling it as bad and accept that part of you. let it have that perspective. then continue observing the experience that your ego is labelling as bad, also without judgment. breathe and trust that if you're experiencing discomfort, you're experiencing it leaving you.
@malabrinetica 7 жыл бұрын
This is an amazing observation, thank you!
@basfeldbrugge8577 7 жыл бұрын
Wow, that last sentence is amazing! How do you know this to be true?
@falcodarkzz 7 жыл бұрын
It is true, deeper senseitvity comes with a corresponding deeper experience of life, but there is a huge cost! We anethsatise ourselves to pain and suffering, essentially delaying the wonderful realisation that much of that pain and suffering is an illusion. We'll get there.
@theintervention1447 7 жыл бұрын
Jonathan Davis *recognising* that we *are* judging (it's we do as humans) without 'judging the judging' . we often dont want to accept this because we have ideas of ourselves as 'nice'people. mental illness is about the ego mishandling emotions - such as anger which arises from upset and sense of injustice. the matter should be at least acknowledged by ourselves before it can be addressed *constructively* to resolve it. often forgiveness is required towards others and ourselves to find a sense of peace with things that can't be so easily put right. but instead we often turn the anger inward :depression - because fear guilt and shame inhibits us. 'be angry sin not' :As wrong as it is to lash out in anger its as unhealthy to repress it . Sadly peope have been poisoned with the idea that anger is bad : it is necessary energy for survival to drive people to for eg bring about justice (which is not the same as revenge ) The ego? it' s limitations and pitfalls should be acknowledged and we *manage* it *not* 'destroy eradicate it 'etc.
@swiftedg 7 жыл бұрын
You are truly in touch with the greater consciousness. When you wrote this, did it simply flow through you?
@misssamwise71 11 жыл бұрын
i was diagnosed "bipolar" 3 years ago, and through this subsequent journey of hospitalisations have i embraced a new spirituality....wonderful stuff!
@41yearoldnewdriver 7 жыл бұрын
I am Schizophrenic but I had my first spiritual experience at age 31. I knew God was real because I felt a peace wash over me and I could see people with my spiritual eyesight.
@jacob2790 6 жыл бұрын
To anyone out there not sure what they are feeling, if they are having issues identifying what awakening is, stop thinking about it and just keep experiencing and processing what is happening, paying attention to what is happening, but not the fine details. Don't think to much on it and the thoughts will come to you!
@VyNguyen-cw2ni 8 жыл бұрын
I was in slight depression last year, that's when I encountered the Power of Now. My life pretty much had changed drastically as I became part of this journey.
@DavidAKZ 7 жыл бұрын
for example ?
@2012BeyondtheWorld 6 жыл бұрын
Nn Vv Agree, I can feel my life changing as I'm part of Eckhart's teachings.
@amyblaine7624 4 жыл бұрын
I’m so thankful for the long depressive episode I had my junior-senior year of high school. I started the process of awakening. I learned so much about myself and the world. I learned how to stay present. I am still awakening. I’m not totally there yet, but I’m getting there
@1DaTJo 5 жыл бұрын
As a child I was taught advaita; Ramana Maharshi, Ramakrishna, et al, whilst being exposed to severe domestic violence and drug abuse. I have been through so many horrible states of depersonalisation, breakdown, depression, and worse, and at times the spiritual teachings made it all worse. Now, at 54, I am able to partake of these teachings and find consolation and peace from them. I’m mostly in the Now and feel the Being, yet I have to take antidepressants too. My “troubles” are dissolving through awareness. It’s a wild ride.
@jacob2790 6 жыл бұрын
I LOVE you Eckhart Tolle, I love everyone else as well and wish all a beautiful existence.
@margaretfrank1975 11 жыл бұрын
I must also add that practicing breathing and meditation, staying in the present has really helped me have fewer episodes of deep disabling depression.
@batmanandcarlos 8 жыл бұрын
The word Buddha in Thailand language, "ตถาคต," means the master of surrender. The best in acceptance, letting it be. "ตถตา=ความเป็นเช่นนั้นเอง" Eckhart is Buddha of modern age. You are Buddha too, if you surrender. Begin surrendering and be Buddha instantly!
@muppyawake2309 8 жыл бұрын
@swiftedg 7 жыл бұрын
My buddha is on vacation, best accept that
@applepie9898 7 жыл бұрын
Anything for you Batman!
@staceystrukel1917 7 жыл бұрын
carlos batman the best in acceptance. That's awesome, thanks for that. 👏
@Valandor_Celestial_Warlock 7 жыл бұрын
There have been many Buddhas throughout history. We can all be Buddha. Just like we can all be Christ. These labels aren't titles. They are levels of consciousness.
@Lola-Yo 6 жыл бұрын
This makes sense to me. I had some so called crazy thoughts and actions, but my GP said there’s nothing wrong with me! This was a couple of years ago, I now realise it was the beginning of awakening and this is what led me to search and find Eckhart amongst other people, also leading me to a transition towards plant based eating. The only problem is other people who try to sabotage your awakening. Thank you for your videos.
@wizdumb3777 6 жыл бұрын
It's taken a while to get my head around this but I think I've managed. My entire family has been diagnosed with bipolar, and or schizophrenia then consequently sectioned or committed suicide. Fortunately for me I was able to come across such videos such as this and also the teachings of Echart Tole at my time of "awakening" and was able to transition and transcend. I can't say it's been easy, in fact is been painful and very destructive. But finally I feel like have finally made time for all 4 rooms in my life, spiritual, physical, mental and emotional. I have become at peace with my inner madness. I have found peace in the now. I never thought 4yrs ago I'd channelling spirit or seeing evil entities consuming my friends. It's a funny old world. Peace and love to you all my fellow "mental friends" x
@katewarburton8024 6 жыл бұрын
Not all mental illness is consciousness-blocking. Psychosis and spiritual awakening are in many cases one and the same thing. This is a mental illness where conscious expands very rapidly, too rapidly for the person to handle usually which is why it causes such drastic dysfunction.
@TJMJR1963 4 жыл бұрын
This provides hope that my agony is a necessary part of my decades-long awakening process. I am sobbing with hope and relief that the tribulation of my life might not have been in vain.
@redstar2077 Жыл бұрын
Hearing those realizations through Eckhart has been such a huge shift in consciousness for me...actually I feel the need to hear those kind of words from another Consciosness State 2-3 times a day. The situations that happens at home, hearing misperceptions thoughts from my family...still drain my energy. I feel like viruses for my mind and it´s difficult to me to stay present and not being involved. In one level, I remind me Eckhart´s words: those situations are opportunities to train my mind, to stay present and practice the theory, but sincerelly, I don´t feel gratefull unless I make the effort to change my thoughts consciously. It´s very hard for me thinking about a name for describing my mother´s actions in terms of mental illness, but it´s easier to think about it in terms of Consciousness State. It brings me the capacity of empathy, compassion for her and makes me easier to look forward and not to get involved in her blockage. I know and I feel that I´m nurtured and safe, otherwise I would not ever find these satsangs. We are all in the same path, we create the path trough walking. Let´s walk together in harmony. Namaste
@chrishutchinson8836 10 жыл бұрын
People are misinterprating what he is saying, he isn't saying that killing can be a good thing, but our own awareness of its evil is part of the awakening. I have suffered mental illness and I do not think he says mental illness is a neccesety to realisation; but ultimately once one becomes awakened, then one sees the value in the conscious blockage and understands how the end was a product of the means.
@zaheerheendricks5982 6 жыл бұрын
Chris Hutchinson i agree. Well said Chris.
@kmurph2451 6 жыл бұрын
How can you misinterpret what he's saying, you aren't even listening to what he's saying, your listening to yourself, that's all you can do is interpret, you'll never actually know what he's trying to get across.
@Doriesep6622 5 жыл бұрын
Lots of helpful comments on here. TU
@5greatdayswithhim636 8 жыл бұрын
The unspoken exchange between the two of them at the end was beautiful! .... There is a Native American definition of mental illness (Am I'm paraphrasing here, but you will get the point), it is when we detach our-self from our one true nature. It is when we no longer can see the collective, not as a human race but the entire universe as a whole and the divine unity of it all. Their definition of mental illness is when an individual detaches him/herself by means of greed, misplaced anger, separation, judgement, condemnation, wastefulness, allowing ego to rule the mind, separation from nature, separation from spirit and separation that we are all one, mind, body, spirit, man/woman, nature, animal, earth, moon, stars, universe, infinity/eternity. In the majority of cases, in the Western World, those who have been deemed "mentally ill" are actually revered as "enlightened" in many other cultures. Often times, those who are "awake" suffer because they can see with great clarity what state we have allowed ourselves to be in. Those who do not suffer, from the way the world is today, are those yet to be awakened. It is insanity, it is mental illness to live in a state of separation.. I believe, in my opinion that this was the point Mr. Tolle was trying to make......
@5greatdayswithhim636 8 жыл бұрын
I could not agree with you more! Very eloquently and accurately put! If you are not familiar with C. G. Jung's theory on "Death of the Ego", you might want to look it up, you will find it enlightening, to say the least. Jung, was also an INFJ personality type, less than 1% of the population, therefore able to see what most others could not....
@2012BeyondtheWorld 6 жыл бұрын
5GreatDays WithHim Yeah that's exactly it. The feeling of separation and taking our own mental suffering personally blinds us to the truth that we are all one. I guess when we realize that we begin healing personally and fitting in with the whole consciousness of all.
@sophiedan5329 6 жыл бұрын
5GreatDays WithHim I'd have to agree completely and I think you put it perfectly so thank you!
@DrShawnaFreshwater 6 жыл бұрын
Yes, as one of the modalities of psychotherapy that I practice is Jungian. Dr. Jung as you know studied the Eastern Wisdoms Tradition and incorporated these major teachings, including the archetypes, into psychodynamic therapy.
@BonnieandTomLiotta 5 жыл бұрын
Children are sharing an imperative message with the adults of the world with the breakdown of mental health. Some are listening and bringing healing and hope to their families. I believe aware parents are being led to join us in empowering the next generation completely.
@k.sm.r1998 10 жыл бұрын
when you are ready the teacher will show up, I understand the insight now that im 51 than I was heard it from my older brother at 18. Thanks Eckhart for you sharing all your wisdom with the world.Lots of love and peace all the way from Toronto to Vancouver.XOX
@VibesnFrequencies 4 жыл бұрын
I was told that I was essentially crazy growing up and was even sent to special boarding schools, and for what? I would not change any of the past as it has led me to this perfect moment now, and yet at the same time I wish I could shake my past self and tell him not to listen to what everyone was telling him that he was. I am not ILL, but letting myself be convinced that I was DID lead to a feeling of illness. I am perfect the way I am and am just vibrating differently! YOU are perfect to! :)
@thecoloursofthemage 8 жыл бұрын
So as someone with mental illness, what I got from that was: We are all the one consciousness yet individually we are all having different experiences to help the source consciousness develop. What I don't understand is the purpose of my mental illness. Like yes I figure its here to help me grow or contribute to everyone else's consciousness in some way but why does that mean I'm in a life of suffering and confusion. Seems like a waste of a life just to help everyone else as well as myself, when there are people out there living great easy lives. Why didn't I choose one of those lives lol I guess it just goes so deep into what you believe. Your mind can take you anywhere it wants to go. I keep thinking about suicide but something tells me to not go that far, at least just see what is in store, regardless of helplessness.
@misschristagrace3870 8 жыл бұрын
+Fyrian Phoenix Your comparing yourself, your life, the cards to dealt to you and seeing yourself as a hard case is causing you the suffering...as we are one mind, this suffering is worldwide spread throughout the consciousness...it effects the whole. We all feel the same feelings, we all experiences the same emotions. We have our bluprints which are amp out with our spirit guides before we come to earth. we choose which parents we will have, life lessons, etc. Every person has lessons to learn, and they are all lessons in love. No person is of any greater value then any other, we are all equal. Do not fall into victimhood of comparing yourself. Take your power back, and see that we all have our lessons, and one cannot possibly know all the struggles others face, and are challenged with each day..The list can go on an on. Focus on the live and light that is within you, that is within all of us...learn to give yourself the love you deserve.
@misschristagrace3870 8 жыл бұрын
+Fyrian Phoenix Your comparing yourself, your life, the cards to dealt to you and seeing yourself as a hard case is causing you the suffering...as we are one mind, this suffering is worldwide spread throughout the consciousness...it effects the whole. We all feel the same feelings, we all experiences the same emotions. We have our bluprints which are amp out with our spirit guides before we come to earth. we choose which parents we will have, life lessons, etc. Every person has lessons to learn, and they are all lessons in love. No person is of any greater value then any other, we are all equal. Do not fall into victimhood of comparing yourself. Take your power back, and see that we all have our lessons, and one cannot possibly know all the struggles others face, and are challenged with each day..The list can go on an on. Focus on the live and light that is within you, that is within all of us...learn to give yourself the love you deserve.
@misschristagrace3870 8 жыл бұрын
+Fyrian Phoenix Your comparing yourself, your life, the cards to dealt to you and seeing yourself as a hard case is causing you the suffering...as we are one mind, this suffering is worldwide spread throughout the consciousness...it effects the whole. We all feel the same feelings, we all experiences the same emotions. We have our bluprints which are amp out with our spirit guides before we come to earth. we choose which parents we will have, life lessons, etc. Every person has lessons to learn, and they are all lessons in love. No person is of any greater value then any other, we are all equal. Do not fall into victimhood of comparing yourself. Take your power back, and see that we all have our lessons, and one cannot possibly know all the struggles others face, and are challenged with each day..The list can go on an on. Focus on the live and light that is within you, that is within all of us...learn to give yourself the love you deserve.
@whackoization 8 жыл бұрын
+Fyrian Phoenix Now obviously I don't know your diagnose but as someone who also "suffers" from mental illness (anxiety & depression) I try to see it as something that has grown into/inside me my whole life because of a kind of awareness of everything around me. So the mental illness in itself isn't really a random thing that was dealt to me, it's a result of a less good way of coping with the extreme amount awareness of my surroundings. So, instead of trying to fix the illness, I need to fix how I cope with it so I don't dig myself into a destructive hole. If this makes any sense. I think he said in another video that something that seems completely pointless and bad can become your greatest spiritual guide in life. So do everything in your power to try and see it as such.
@2012BeyondtheWorld 6 жыл бұрын
Fyrian Phoenix You don't have to live in suffering and confusion with your illness. It's there for you to seek out or to reach out to people going through the same thing either online or in person and together help each other transcend as ONE through the suffering and let the healing process begin. Together with people like yourself you can awaken and heal and live in the now as Eckhart teaches where you're not adding more fuel to the fire but you're detaching yourself from your illusion of self and just choosing to be. If you notice we all have thoughts and feelings which we attribute ourselves to, if we detach from those with meditation and living in the now we can transcend and heal. We are all innately ONE with all, it just seems that our own illnesses separate us until we find others like us to help us see otherwise.
@tweeniebee3032 5 жыл бұрын
We are so very, very blessed to have you among us. Gratitude🙏
@MANBEARRPlG 11 жыл бұрын
It could also be said that marijuana, like other certain substances is like a spiritual teacher. It allows you to temporarily expand your consciousness into new dimensions of thought, or perspectives. The point is to train yourself to bring your consciousness to the state while sober, thus not needing the substance any longer. So yes it can be a phase in growth, and once you have learned from it you can be high on life all the time! :D
@richarddibenedetto2203 11 жыл бұрын
To add to what Eckhart is saying about mental illness being apart of the awakening I also believe mental illness here to teach the others involved around how to cope and awaken.
@jjguigs1614 10 жыл бұрын
I think one of the big problems with being confused on this is that it's not because there is no real consciousness truth, it's that our language is very limited in it's ability to describe something that to by itself doesn't need to be described to be real, or doesn't need to be described in order to experience it. But to share the ideas with each other we obviously have to communicate with one another. A lot of what we know gets lost in the translation of when we try to share it, maybe even including this very thing that i'm writing lol
@guytitanic 7 жыл бұрын
I became more mental when I became less physical.Thinking about our past and how we came into existence can be disturbing so I say surround yourself with good nature.
@cmvamerica9011 4 жыл бұрын
He made a statement that everything has its necessary place: so now he is trying to support that belief and he is struggling to do so. Everything doesn’t have a purpose, but everything has a cause.
@maryanneselvey2682 5 жыл бұрын
My mom had schizophrenia all of my life. I was the oldest of 7 children; all of whom we're effected in varying degrees. 3 have full blown schizophrenia and the balance have a combination of alchoholism and mood disorder. I have personally witnessed and experienced the radiant light and love emerge from the struggles!!!
@trizthe1 5 жыл бұрын
I want to know what Eckhart has to say about permanent 24-7 derealisation/ depersonalization (dissociative disorders). Someone says it was the evil twin of enlightment. I have had this for 5 years now.. It truly numbs your awareness, senses and consiousness alot..
@stevemaggers4900 6 жыл бұрын
I live with depression and have done for twenty years. I would like to live without it.
@esbensolgaardguitaretc.2372 6 жыл бұрын
I know someone who got out of depression by practising Nichiren buddhism, chanting the "Nam-myoho-renge-kyo" sloka.
@2012BeyondtheWorld 6 жыл бұрын
Steve Maggers Depression is mostly attributed to your daily thoughts and feelings. You need to detach yourself from those thoughts and feelings and realize that is just your illusion of your self. If you live in the past you'll be depressed, if you live in the now you'll be at peace, and if you live in the future you'll be anxious. Detach yourself from these poisonous thoughts which bring about depression and anxiety with meditation and distractions to keep you in the now, in the present moment. I know it can be hard as you've been living the same for 20 years. It's always difficult to build a new habit or a different way of life when what you always felt is so comfortable and is the only thing that feels right. I'm sure by now that the thoughts and feelings we always listen to bring us so much suffering. I can see it now as a comparison when I was in treatment with antidepressants. Those medications really have the same mechanism as meditation. They make you live in the present moment, in the now, without any of your previous thoughts and feelings and behaviours which led to your consistent state of depression. It's all in your thoughts and which ones you let define or rip you apart. You can learn to learn which thoughts to listen to and which ones to completely detach yourself from. You are not your thoughts, let go and be free in the now. When I was taking antidepressants I was a whole other person I'd never knew I could be. The experience is also similar to the different states of mind you can experience on any other psychoactive drugs. But you have that ability to either let your thoughts control you or for you to detach yourself from that continuous stream and live in the present moment and be free. It does also feel a bit like ego death.
@sallyforth3225 6 жыл бұрын
Steve Maggers, these people do not understand chronic depression. Everyone gets depressed every now and then. I have been asked since I have this and that wonderful thing in my life, how can I be depressed? Those who live with depression know depression isn't over any one thing. I too, would like to jettison mine. But a good doc and a great therapist do wonders.
@hoppas77 6 жыл бұрын
2012BeyondtheWorld I whole heartedly agree with you... however, it's not an easy thing to do. I went through major depression for years and it took me awhile to peel the layers of the illusion away. Once we get through it, we see how simple it should have been and can explain how to do it so effortless, but "doing" it takes time and hard work for some.
@deerheart87 5 жыл бұрын
Me too and anxiety
@birdofafeatherami 11 жыл бұрын
Listening to Eckhart Tolle makes my heart sing. What a joy and a privilege to have access to such profound wisdom simply by pushing a few buttons! Yippee! So much to appreciate! Thank you!
@pamelaj4449 7 жыл бұрын
I have felt this so strongly for a long time. I've tried to explain it to the few with whom I've had conversations on conscience, but my words couldn't be collected in a way for them to understand what I was trying to convey. My very first experience with this, I made the "mistake" of telling my boyfriend that his mother was a free-spirit, and I was envious. She was a manic depressant(spelling?), with sever bipolar disorder. She was hospitalized regularly for a period. He was instantly upset with me. He couldn't understand why I was so naive to say something so foolish. I was young, and couldn't explain myself. I could only apologize to him at that time. Sometimes, what feels right to my soul, isn't accepted in general circles, and this video spoke volumes in validating my understanding of the universal conscience. Thank you for sharing.
@donnahauge3563 4 жыл бұрын
My worsted mental outburts are when I realize that I'm in a prison and how unfair this is
@MUSICOBLISS 8 жыл бұрын
Love, Life, Laughter: The Three L's of Joyful Living
@gregoirdefaoite 8 жыл бұрын
As the lady says, "what's in the way,Is the way"
@gregoirdefaoite 7 жыл бұрын
Mary O'Malley... thats the title of her book,
@SethMacLeod95 7 жыл бұрын
Greg White don't get it
@DrShawnaFreshwater 6 жыл бұрын
"What is in the Way Is the Way"
@gtmumma 11 жыл бұрын
Thank you Eckhart your books and Audio's have changed my life; I can now see my own ego and day by day it is dissolving which is the most liberating experience...
@nohanona7187 6 жыл бұрын
I keep returning to this video over and over when I feel I need to listen to it
@user-np4fs1rm3k 6 жыл бұрын
Birth pains of awakening, so profound. Nothing is wasted.
@Lemming32 5 жыл бұрын
I'm 47 years old and recently I've come to see the stages of mental illness I've gone through. My entire life I've been detatched/emotionally quirky. Such a long road. Christ, please let me know true life and balance in this life. I like the saying, "In the end everything will be alright. And if its not alright...its not the end"
@ASMinor 5 жыл бұрын
I am an avid #MentalHealthAwareness advocate and performer, and I love this so much. I travel the country trying to bring that awareness on stages, in classrooms, hospitals, and on my KZfaq channel, so I get excited when I see other advocates. 💙❤
@cherylhutchinson2206 6 жыл бұрын
I have a friend who has caused a lot of suffering with complete irresponsibility, but never seems to suffer himself. Now he tells everyone how happy and blissful he is and he is "really experiencing some wonder things through meditation." I am experiencing some wonderful doubt that there is any such thing as enlightenment if a guy like him can float into it without suffering any reprocussions from his actions.
@user-ue2rg9sn8c 6 жыл бұрын
You are just so beautiful for the human heart! I'm so thankful that you share your wisdom and love
@2012BeyondtheWorld 6 жыл бұрын
I really like what Eckhart says about mental illness, it's not just personal illness but a whole part of the entire collective consciousness of the human world. It seems those of us awakening from suffering want to heal not only ourselves but also the whole world. So when we seek out help we're not just doing ourselves a favor but taking part in the betterment of the one collective consciousness of human life as well.
@rhondar4063 6 жыл бұрын
At 50 almost... I will be 51 in a week. I have come to the awareness that ALL my pain has brought me to where I'm at right now and I like where I am. I have finally realized even though I didn't like it at the time that all my pain has a purpose. Including the fact that the love of my life died a year and a half ago. That event with a few others has brought me to this conclusion. For myself I could have felt mentally better a long time ago but I did not listen to the voice in my head (God). I would not be where I am if I had. It takes what it takes for each of us to get it. For me the first thing it takes is just the willingness to be the best version of myself and change when necessary. My life's motto for how I treat others is to treat them just like I'd want to be treated. That starts with me caring about people I don't even know
@ncf1 10 жыл бұрын
What an amazing response. Gotta love the 70-odd who just don't get it - it took me a very long time to understand the deeper wisdoms presented here, many I am sure would love a simple response. But the fact is, unfortunately perhaps, we simply learn the fastest and most effectively through various means of suffering. The deep depression I suffered for example actually turned out to be a blessing in disguise; I had no idea at the time. But the answer Eckhart gave, if one understands it in totality, is excellent and comprehensive.
@12to1654 9 жыл бұрын
You seem to have gleaned the same understanding Elkhart intended to convey, as I did. Thank you for the validation. Experience IS the best teacher & the best teachers are those who teach from experience.
@nicolareddwooddforest4481 11 жыл бұрын
The animals in laboratories and factory farms suffer much more than any human. This needs to be addressed. Until this is fully addressed humans will not move things into the right direction.
@poltergiest11 9 жыл бұрын
think of all the people who have ever existed, so many lived shortly by accidents or killed, but that makes many spirits. the one consciousness expressing itself in different forms, that clarity awareness living has been a healing awakening for me, 'adult' life is like a child trying to be and do and know everything.
@BoobisGReece 11 жыл бұрын
lots of thanks to the woman who asked the question. I wanted to ask a spiritual teacher the same. Inner peace to everyone!
@1971wizzard 4 жыл бұрын
This wonderful gentleman is mesmerising. He is a very clever person, from whom we can all learn much about life as we acknowledge it.
@In2MeUcU 5 жыл бұрын
Denial... The greatest dis-ease of them all!
@IhmePaskaa 4 жыл бұрын
Somehow, I always feel like they're saying things that I experience but it's as if I wasn't enough experienced in the field to be able to speak about it like that.. I don't consider myself as englightened being, whatever that means. I have only recently realized what it actually is to observe small mood swings and all this what is happening.. It's like my realization is only beginning to sink in.. And still, so much of his speech in this video resonates with me.
@KarmicBeats 8 жыл бұрын
Schizophrenic people seem to get their thoughts confused with the thoughts of others. They seem to have various perceptions problems where they pick up information from others and possibly things in other universes. This information confuses them and they do not know the difference between their own thoughts and experiences and that of others.
@KarmicBeats 8 жыл бұрын
Mitchel Snodgrass My own experience in dealing with such people.
@KarmicBeats 8 жыл бұрын
Mitchel Snodgrass There are theories that thoughts do have an effect on others and can be picked up by others, There are also some theories in psychology that schizophrenia is a problem with perception. I am just taking it a bit further.
@KarmicBeats 8 жыл бұрын
Mitchel Snodgrass During a time when I was at an elevated level of intuition I came to the conclusion that they were picking things up from other universes. I cannot prove it. I had the experience of someone in close proximity who was schiz, who made statements that I was doing something in another room and he was correct only I was thinking about it not doing it. He then said he was doing something he could not possible have been doing but I had just been doing. He made a number of other statements at various times that seemed to indicate he was picking up on things I was thinking about and confusing them with his reality. It is not scientific. I did not chart anything. Psychologists and neurologists will figure it out eventually.
@KarmicBeats 8 жыл бұрын
Mitchel Snodgrass Other than the occasional medicinal herb I was not on any psychedelics when interacting with the schizophrenic individual.
@KarmicBeats 8 жыл бұрын
Mitchel Snodgrass This whole thing about expanding our consciousness is very personal. We refer to it as a subjective science. That means the proof is in your own experience. There is no way to describe these experiences to others adequately. In some cases the words do not even exist except in Sanskrit and even then the words do little to convey the experience except to others who have had similar experiences. We meditate and engage in various spiritual practices in order to better ourselves. It is not really about proving anything to anyone else. If you are interested in the objective science view there is a new field called Neurotheology that you might want to look into.
@corpuscallosum4677 8 жыл бұрын
WOW, such insightful explanations for human's astronomic mistakes and sufferings. I always lost faith in the grace, beauty and creativity of One Consciousness after seeing the brutal 20th century! Very similar to Tom's MBT too. Only Eckhart could expand a narrow topic of mental illness into such beautiful realization of a cosmic paradox. From ashes phoenix arises!
@simoncarlsson598 9 жыл бұрын
"Today a young man on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration. That we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively. There is no such thing as death, life is only a dream and we are the imagination of ourselves."
@hichclover4046 9 жыл бұрын
Simon Carlsson bill hicks.
@simoncarlsson598 8 жыл бұрын
@simoncarlsson598 8 жыл бұрын
What word would you use?
@simoncarlsson598 8 жыл бұрын
I hear you.
@simoncarlsson598 8 жыл бұрын
Because I kinda feel like that word is being used alot ingenuinly but when you think of it's true meaning it means something has stunned you a bit. I believe I have also experienced this state and tried to formulate it articulately but always realize the best describing ONE word ultimaltly is "cool".
@jdfrsbrg41 11 жыл бұрын
He is saying that without some struggle in life, we can't evolve spiritually to the point we are not looking to this physical world for salvation, but to our spiritual oneness that is life eternal. I dread struggle in my life, but I am learning to have confidence in my oneness with all that is forever.
@janelayagan6855 10 жыл бұрын
some speakers seem to say that other person's soul/life/spirit is different from mine or someone else. Eckhart says, there is only one. it took long time for me to grasp this but I would agree with him. I was told and used to believe that there are many of us, that I will recognize my father when I die. Now I know clearly, the one living in others is same with what is in here.. not knowing this in the past left me confused so much as I have always been contemplating very deeply all of what preachers told..hehe
@aneyeonyou1216 10 жыл бұрын
Reading the comments I realise that very few really understood. This explanation helped me because I had often asked myself this same question. If you forget yourself as being just an isolated you, and start looking at yourself as only a part of a whole thing. Detache yourself and look at the whole thing as a film with you just playing a part. The consciouseness of the whole (which could be called god) is expressed through all.
@nakedladymandalas 4 жыл бұрын
As someone who has suffered from severe bipolar 1 in the past, this has been my perspective for a long time. Thank you for putting it into words Ehkart...or since ur a reflection and creation of my conciousness/one conciousness... maybe thank you self? Peace Love Namaste dear friend 💜
@pamdennison906 11 жыл бұрын
This is another "sign" that I'm on the "right" path. Last night I rewatched the movie, Beautiful Minds, story about John Nash and today I find you talking about mental illness. If you have not seen this movie, in short John falls in love and then is diagnosed as schizophrenic. His wife tries to help him to feel the difference between what is real and what is not. She does this by touching his heart and having him touch hers.
@supplechap5429 6 жыл бұрын
Ive been having this weird thing recently, and I'am wondering if any of you have experienced anything like this. I'am 15 and i have been following eckhart's teachings for maybe two years. And I definitely haven't lost my ego or anything like that. But Ive been having this thing where I feel like some part of me is missing, sometimes I can't fully think of things or understand a situation, its like a blanket that covers up my thoughts. I will also feel disconnected from myself at times as well. The two feelings are similar but not quite the same, and they sort of alternate. More recently I've also been noticing more egoic thoughts, and it seems like i can't control them. Also things and people I see sort of get stuck in my head, I will notice that I'll start to adopt someone else ego or "character" in the back of my head. Its like I'am losing myself. I first noticed this about 7 month ago but its been increasing in the last 2. thank you so much for taking the time to read this if you did. I just feel like this crowd is a good one to share things with.
@hoppas77 6 жыл бұрын
Hi, The shadow figure. Are you still feeling this way and Do you experience anxiety?
@1DaTJo 5 жыл бұрын
I feel for you. I was meditating and reading advaitic materials at 15 too. Some would say that you need to build up a healthy ego before you “transcend” it, and Nisargadatta says not to teach advaita to children. I went through some very strange headspaces too, as I had no life perspective on what I was learning. I’m not sure how to help you, except to say to trust your own inner promptings. Love yourself 💕
@etherealaerials2381 6 жыл бұрын
I’m going to see Eckhart in Newfoundland in June ... I’m hoping for a wonderful experience :). My husband is coming with me as well. I loved his books and really feel everything he says to be very true. 🙏
@Foxie635 10 жыл бұрын
Individuals with mental illness, when you look in to their eyes, you see yourselves. Therefore, you have a choice to understand and help them or abuse them. Either way, it's the world you create which you have to live in. In your life time, like the Buddha says, you yourself will have been a child, an adult, older adult, rich, poor, stupid, smart, mentally ill, mentally sane. How human beings treat one another is the ultimate world we create. As a Taoist, I understand that if there is a clear, even, state of mind, there is also the opposite, called mental illness. Therefore, if you understand there are always opposites in this world, you will accept life better. You will also understand that we are all one and therefore, we need to empathize and help others with mental illness. It's how we would want others to treat us if we were mentally ill.
@2012BeyondtheWorld 6 жыл бұрын
Luv1234 Yes.
@bmecalgary 10 жыл бұрын
Oh thank you so much! I can't understand how anyone can make sense of this conversation.
@thomaswheeler8239 11 жыл бұрын
Big hugs for Tolle weaving a conversation about mental illness.I would like to hear him comment on poverty.Sweet dreams everyone.
@macoeur1122 4 жыл бұрын
Makes me think of a book I read a few years ago entitled "The Obstacle Is The Way"...
@mojekino2 6 жыл бұрын
Yes, we're all connected to everyone and everything. We are mentally or not mentally ill ... Our thoughts affect all lives .......Learn ............
@tpstrat14 5 жыл бұрын
I like his live riffing better than the power of now. So powerful
@CappnRock 7 жыл бұрын
ohhh my goodness. That look of pure love he shares with her at the end. My goodness.
@johnboy4535 6 жыл бұрын
Its always good too learn to observe you're own thoughts will help u kno you're own thoughts from others .stay relaxed
@nowhereman9463 4 ай бұрын
This is so comforting, thankyou E.T.
@squidge125 11 жыл бұрын
Thats the fear from the nihistic voice inside talking. Remember experiences where you 'lost yourself' in activity- whether looking at nature, going for it in a mosh pit, solving equations, anything. Did that feel like being alone? Or did it feel like becoming more than you thought you were? Didn't it feel like freedom?
@2012BeyondtheWorld 6 жыл бұрын
Hannah Bailey-Thomas Yes that's exactly it, those times of losing ourselves seldom involve thoughts intruding or keeping us back from living.
@flexnetuser2268 5 жыл бұрын
It’s a very positive vision, without being cloying. Sober and practical.
@forestsoceansmusic 11 жыл бұрын
I just got it (just after 6:30 into this clip), Enlightenment can only be proven by overcoming all "obstacles" - by not reacting to whatever the awakening Consciousness experiences through the individual form ('person'). Eckhart summed it up with the Bhudda's saying: "If there were no Illusion, there would be no need for Enlightenment." Also, the Course Of Miracles says: "True forgiveness is when you realise nothing was really ever done to you, to your true higher self."
@gianfmm 6 жыл бұрын
Everyone must learn this. Gods will, will always be done.
@nato2panama 5 жыл бұрын
Some of my greatest strides spiritually came through and after intense suffering. I get that. But I can't help but be attached to the desire for suffering to be a thing of the past. In other words, there's a part of me that feels like, When do I stop paying my dues? But I am sure Tolle would say (and I agree) that embracing the suffering is the quickest way through it.
@chrissonofpear1384 5 жыл бұрын
I do recall Mother Teresa ended up sort of obsessed with this angle?
@satkakartar226 10 жыл бұрын
great stuff…we learn through pain & suffering….which results from Ego... Eckahrdt tolle`s suffering led him to awakening, my journey has been similar although not quite there at present.
@kwood6882 6 жыл бұрын
He never answered her question of the purpose of insanity.
@Nicholas-ut1dw 4 жыл бұрын
Complex explanation but interesting and thought provoking.
@ivyarokiam5927 7 жыл бұрын
A beautiful, humble soul
@SparkleSpaceKitty 4 жыл бұрын
found Eckharts teachings 2 years ago. He guided me to stop identifying with my thoughts and ego, and it turns out my “mental illness” was just me grasping at the thoughts in my head, and creating an illusory disease of my mind. my depression is gone through a practice of presence and no longer identifying with the labels of mental illness! weird
@beppobattistini659 10 жыл бұрын
It´such easy Eckhart, I can easily keep all together, my 30 years engagement to know myself. Es ist eine Zusammenfassung von Buddha Lehre, T.M., Zen Meditation, Karmische Weisheit, Psychologisches Wissen..... Danke Eckhart! Namaste! Beppo Battistini aus Südtirol.
@nathancoleman7921 5 жыл бұрын
Yes, I admit that pain, loss, and suffering made me a stronger person and taught me alot of important things, but there just comes a time in life, for me 32, where I just fucking had enough already. I do whatever now to avoid painful experiences. I don't know where I'm going in life, but I been through enough shit to fill many doggy bags, if you know what I mean. It's really just meaningless in the end like Ecclesiastes says. This is all vanity.
@goldstar9174 5 жыл бұрын
Recognizing insanity is part of the awakening.
@cdubyagee11 11 жыл бұрын
Agreed. As it is with a great many things in this life, this world. I can usually pick out the things the status quo is afraid of by looking into the things it warns you about. Thanks for your insight.
@NowHealing 11 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the reminder that calling it "my" consciousness is a misnomer! The local mind can be quite useful and fun - but it becomes much more so when we zoom out from local mind, into universal Mind, and use locality as needed without being stuck there.
@rottencore0 11 жыл бұрын
I think Jung summed it up well when he spoke of the shadow. This is a part of ourselves that we are trying to surpress that is worth considering, worth fighting for.
@atomwaffel 11 жыл бұрын
Very thought-provoking. Thank you very much!
@richardalanvaneppssr.9053 10 жыл бұрын
One of my favorite movies is "ONE FLEW OVER the CUKOOS NEST.....
@johnneal5118 5 жыл бұрын
Love this, getting us closer to thee.
@ThompsonDB 11 жыл бұрын
Great stuff been trapped in my thoughts for a week needed this to push me out for some moments of clarity.
@jmo8a_veda 6 жыл бұрын
It doesn't feel like illness until realizing how hard it is from an objective and when it's not in respectful control by the ones living through what's happening
@etherealaerials2381 6 жыл бұрын
I loved how goldjacketluke described the one consciousness with the analogy of the Mario video game ...
@joysfulljourney 6 жыл бұрын
I don’t know if there is a higher purpose to mental illness. I just think it’s a different way of perceiving things - sure, one that can bring much suffering, for it distorts perspectives, but still, a different way of perceiving. We know of the neurobiological and socio historical causes of them, but we don’t know the meaning of their existence. That being said, all mental illnesses serve a purpose to the person who experiences it individually. For instance, anxiety can serve the purpose of a defense mechanism to someone who’s been abused. That doesn’t mean it’s a good thing or that the person couldn’t have handled their difficulties without the anxiety, but it was the way their brains found to cope. I believe enlightenment comes from understanding why the mental illness was a “resource” your brain “choose” to YOU, as an individual. And I say this because, on a higher level, I think it’s pretty hard to find a meaning to it (ex: why the universe or god “designed” that illness to you). I don’t know if this makes sense, but that’s my two cents on it.
@2012BeyondtheWorld 6 жыл бұрын
bluemermaiid Yes it makes sense. I deal with anxiety and I think if we try to understand it on a deeper level that it is a coping mechanism that our brain uses for us but also try to use it in different ways as to not fully disable us from connecting with others and living our lives. We can continue to suffer with our illness or we can find ways to understand its message to awakening spiritually on the conscious level of all human consciousness. It is no longer an illness when you can transcend and heal not only yourself but other people going through the same. It makes me think of why there's a number of people being affected by the same illness, these people can help each other rise above their illness and transcend their purpose in life to the healing process. In a way, whatever our personal illness and suffering, when we come together and share we find similarities and find we do connect on a deeper level both emotionally and physically. We might have different lives or experiences but each one is similar to our own which on a broader scope can make us realize we're all in it together no matter the difference in our illnesses. This can go very wrong with continuous stigma, stigma doesn't help with any healing but adds suffocating negativity and shame to others wishing to speak out and join in the healing process.
@2012BeyondtheWorld 6 жыл бұрын
bluemermaiid I find it useful when I can connect with another human living/suffering/experiencing with the same illness I'm living/suffering/experiencing with. Just to have extensive knowledge and understanding beforehand is really helpful when living among others and really adds more spice to life when you can connect so deeply with people like yourself. Then we offer hope and wellbeing to everyone and it really brings out a sense of deep belonging and acceptance when we're in it together as that's what life is innately all about. We all have the gift of transcending through our own illnesses and reaching out to others going through the same. When you reach out and say "I understand you" it makes a whole world of difference to the person you're connecting with. That's how psychologists try to help people, they're trying to reach out and tell you that it's going to be okay and they understand you, but I think you'll feel even better when you meet people who speak out your own life and you can connect so deeply almost on the same exact level.
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