Ecology As The New Opium Of The Masses (Zizek)

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Evers Brothers Productions

Evers Brothers Productions

2 жыл бұрын

Today there is a vision of an all wonderful mother nature that we, the polluting humans, need to return to in order to save the world. However, according to Zizek, this Nature does not exist. But if nature does not exist, then how can we deal with our evidently changing climate and the problems that it will cause?

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@celinemartin3814 2 жыл бұрын
This analysis of "nature" seems contradictory with Zizek's analysis of Lacan's Reals. For The scientific real also looks like bouddhist real (dharma): it includes laws. What is nature, then, if not this mix of real real (chaotic real, like in quantum physic), and "knowledge in the real", like Einstein theorie of relativity, including laws - so not only catastrophic events? Although "nature" seems to be, nowerdays, a new signifier for an ideological big Other (which Zizek denounciates with brio), I can not see why humanity should keep considering it as an object and not an Otherness, with its own unknown rules (neither good nor bad) we have to deal with and not submit to our will. I find this very inconsistant in Zizek's theory, as much as his solution of perfect citizens obeying to a new Father/state. Trying to invent new symbolic landmarks an politic seems urgent, his analysis are very pertinent but the solutions he offers (technic, experts in science and order) seem as monstruous as the ones he criticizes.
@eversbrothersproductions1476 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for your comment! I would say that catastrophic does not necessarily equate to random or lawless, on the contrary even - to have such a catastrophic event such as the formation of oil that Zizek talks about, we know they follow chemical and physical laws. If anything, Zizek only emphasizes that these laws will always be there, no matter what we do. So to extrapolate a little, climate change would also be there without humans - even though we have sped up the process. So to combat this, it would be stupid to say that we should just return to nature, that is like saying that we can change these laws of nature if we only showed our love to Mother earth. I do like your point about nature and that we should see it as an Otherness rather than an object. But is in this case "dealing with it" not the same as "submitting it to our will"? I mean, if there is ever anything like our Will that is - but our will to survive ocean rise in this case for example would result in us "dealing with it". How could we solve these fundamental problems without using our technology?
@celinemartin3814 2 жыл бұрын
@@eversbrothersproductions1476 This is the trick, we can not do without technic nor science, but technic and science can not define human ways to be and think and love: they must absolutely stay tools we use for our survival, and curiosity. You certainly are right about nature and laws in his thesis, I misunderstood him. What I still do not understand is that Zizek knows that we need a big political and symbolic change. Of course the idea of this big mother nature taking care of us is an another very dangerous idea, along with the new florishing injunctions which could lead to another ideological aera with a symbolic structure as oppressive as capitalism, lesser disguised. But what he misses, in my point of view, is that the youth's claim is not just against climate change. It is about living in a society which does not spend its entire energy to denie all the reals. Also the symbolic function is to take charge of human real, and technic function to take charge of the real of nature, our actual ways to do this is killing all sorts of lives and subjectivities. When "serious" adults talk, they do not say "We are so sorry to destroy so many animal lives, but we did not find another way for us to survive: that is the tragic of our condition", they say, at best "Worms are negligible collateral damages" , and more often saying nothing thinking the easy way :"Worms have no value and so do the ones who stand for them, and the ones who stand for the ones who stand for them" and so on, so that the stink of social garbage expands to all those who denounciate their little mind arrangement. It is more tempting to identifie ourselves to a worm (as despised as feminin "jouissance" and reals and all the outcasts postmodernism finds not valuable objects) than to a serious adult who believes that much in his social status, still functionning in a pure nonsense consumerist way. Worms, like feminin "jouissance", and reals, are the outcasts of postmodern societies. All that is included in the youth's claim. It must absolutly be distinguished from the adult behavior who now eat vegan and go skiing in Dubai. Youth must also be told the tragic and yet beautifull human condition: there is no "whole"... but holes can be beautifull, and imperfections garantee our freedom (which is very different than finding trash beautifull!!) What I, little worm, think, is that it is only when technic protects us from the destructive strenght of nature that we can enjoy it (hiking and sleeping days and nights in the mountains is incredibly beautifull...with good clothes). As the 10 commandements protect us from our neighbors by stating a right distance between us, technic must be adjusted so that the Otherness of the real in nature does protect each of us from mutual destruction, and allow us human to enjoy the encounter of this terrifiing, uncanny and beautifull Other: that is the feminin "jouissance" which can not be claimed, but heard behind the claims. (Sorry for my english, I am french..)
@celinemartin3814 2 жыл бұрын
Ps: Paradoxically, postmoderns enjoy the nonsense of human real, which prevents them from the hard work of fantazasing it in a unic way
@eversbrothersproductions1476 2 жыл бұрын
@@celinemartin3814 I really like your vision on this topic, and I think I understand what you mean. That the science and technology should be the tool, not the goal - and that the way to get there should be a symbolic and political change. Do I understand that correctly? And I do see your claim in favour of the youths. That their point is not necessarily the changing climate, but the unwillingness to have a honest, open and intellectual discussion of the consequences. I mean, you can clearly see the power structures even prevent these discussions from taking place. In the media you are eighter a ideological possessed scientist that thinks we need to hug trees, or you are portrayed as a radical fundamentalist like Extinction Rebellion and on the other hand there is the capitalist that denies the problem altogether. But there is in no way a honest debate about our morality that underlies our society. I also like your poetic vision of the "there is no whole, but holes can be beautiful"! And I am all for this way of looking at the world. 😄 But say that we need this moral change - a change where the highest value is no longer our so beloved capital, which the power structures so desperately try to uphold through their propaganda, but a new value system. Like Nietzsche proposed that we should determine the weight of all things anew. Then my question would be: "how do we do this?", how do we create this fundamental shift in our morality and our value structures without sounding like the capitalism on the one hand, and the hippie post modernist on the other? And absolutely no worries about your English! So far I am able to understand you! 😁
@celinemartin3814 2 жыл бұрын
@@eversbrothersproductions1476 Yes!! Exactly! that is exactly my point, and the question! And it is a vicous circle: political "regime of truth" (as Michel Foucault puts it) determines the way of thinking which determines politic, so both ways should change. Thus a political change would be violent because most people are not willing to change anything (thinking is more and more difficult and takes time, good circumstances, and a constant fight against "ready made" thinking); if only symbolic structures change (which takes a looong time to travel from the first minds to common sens, and to overturn old values)...our actual propaganda will have time to undemine it. So it should be both ways simultanously, which seems totally desperate - I can not imagine any change before catastrophic events. Though, if I let myself dream (if I ignore the strenght of mass denial), I would propopse the following solution : Citizens would be prompted to gather and express and talk together about their dreams of a new society. this would go up and down until we find a viable option, people thonking and working together. No more partis (democrats, communists...), so we would have to invent a way for very different people (communists and libertarians) to live together, without causing to much destruction. "Expert" people (ex politics) would be in charge to move things towards those promesses. If they betray, they are out. If they find problems, discuss with people and so on As that is very unlikely to happen, I can only imagine a solution for "after" chaos: a democratie where people (representing particularities and change) constantly talk with governments - representing universal obligations based on a better value system -promesses we vow to honnor, like "neguanthropie" ( law of thermodynamic applied to humanity, as Bernard Stiegler, a french dead philosopher, puts it), and geopolitical contigencies. Debate alltogether, experts ans common people alltogether As for the symbolic change, Lacan's borromeen nod seems a good lead: "How could we allow people to make their own nod while not destroying their others?" could be the question - Imaginary function is nowerdays totally trapped by the fixed image and the capitalist value: freeing it from the mirror-image would allow the subjectivities to take charge of the real in a new way, unic, moving, creative. An imaginary that keeps the other be and dream like an other, and let us aware of it. An imaginary that constantly prevent us from getting trapped into the illusion of "communication" in the babel tower - We killed all human big Others (God, kings, values, ideals...). It has not disapeared though, as Zizek demonstrates. The new "treasure of signifiings" should include protecting non human lives, and be aware of its own contingency (and thus absolute necessity), so that we avoid all sorts of totalitarism. Otherness (and real) would then be desirable despite its strangeness. People would know that symbolizing and creating their own way of perceiving and acting in the world is their fundamental job, our human work which makes life meaningfull. This woud be the new injonction, like Freud's "Wo es war soll Ich werden". Learn that desire is a mysterious thing we never can catch but better follow. - We should share the garbage work nobody wants to do, and be educated in the consciousness of our inner solitude, singularity (nothing to do with the "gender issues" which, trapped in identities issues, eludes this question of radical Otherness), and responsability of our acts, which do not say all about who we are ( neither our status, nor anything): learn that we are nothing, invisible to other's eyes and our's, thus in charge of making a world where living is not a nightmare for all living beeings. That is what I would say in a democratic meeting meant to change the world... If you have time to tell what you would say, it is great. Otherwise, thank you so much for sharing your knowledge and taking time to debate with us, that is so great and rare!
@pim7063 2 жыл бұрын
Good overview of zizek's ecological thought. One thing I'd like to add is that to me the more alientation from Nature not only implies embracing technology but also to grow up as a society and reject or move past our natural tendencies of for example consumerism. In the sense that we can no longer afford to act natural, according to instinct, but need to move past this and become more 'unnatural' to do what is necessary.
@b.o.e.t.h.i.u.s 2 ай бұрын
Consumerism is natural? Maybe I just don’t understand your point, but that sounds odd. Before industrial society, we had complete control of the means of production: our hands, the soil, the rocks, plants and animals. We could build our own homes and take them down at will. We could forage and hunt our own food. No overconsumption. No B.S. jobs. It is our silly modern industrial society which made us this weak and confused. Yes, there were different problems then than we have now, but “natural consumerism” would seem to be a myth which conveniently supports capitalism, just like humans’ “natural competitiveness” and “natural selfishness.”
@YUGOPNIK Жыл бұрын
Fantastic video
@piotrmaciejowski8027 2 жыл бұрын
Of course that Ecology is a civil religion. However the rising voice of the people who oppose capitalist exploitation of nature doesn’t go unnoticed. This is clearly visible in the very real reduction of meat consumption for example. More and more people are aware of the concept of greenwashing and are less likely to fall for the kind of products that Zizek describes. Adopting his ideas on this subject can easily result in a sort of nihilism, where one is discouraged from any kind of ecological action and looks down on the “naive people who don’t realize that there is no ethical consumption under capitalism”. We won’t burn down Nestlé tomorrow but we might as well not buy from the dipshits and call them out on their atrocities.
@eversbrothersproductions1476 2 жыл бұрын
I see your point and I agree. I do think however that in the philosophy of Zizek there needs not be any nihilism - for, he offers us a solution to that, namely: technology. It is not that we should not create an environment for ourselves where we are most likely to survive the catastrophy that is nature, but we cannot do that by returning to a false sense of this proclaimed "nature" that doesn't exist. On the contrary, we can only solve real problems with real solutions. For example, when we discovered that our use of CFK's was causing the hole in the ozone layer we did not abandon spray cans altogether, we today use a gas that is safe with regards to the ozone layer. When we had acid rain in Europe due to sulphur and nitrogen emissions, we drastically reduced emissions, not by decreasing production, but by inventing filters and fertilisation schemes. There are more than enough problems today, but they cannot be solved by believing that a return to what we believe we once were will solve them, we can only solve them by using our technology. The question a psychologist like Nietzsche would ask however, is if we really want to solve the problem, or if we only really need something to believe in in this Godless age?
@marcomiranda9476 10 ай бұрын
His idea of ecology is opium is overblown. Many genuinely want to solve the problem-Zizek here is displaying his prejudices. He doesn't care for nature and it annoys him that people do, so he tries to construct a philosophy that backs up his personal feelings. It's just lazy and nihilistic-even though he will try his best to say it isn't with his belief in technology, as if that will assuage his guilt. Even though he has some good observations on this, it is still very one-dimensional, reactionary and dogmatic thinking.
@timothymorton303 Ай бұрын
When I gave Slavoj a copy of my Ecology without Nature in 2007, he was profoundly influenced and started to broadcast the idea. He did eventually cite me (in In Defense of Lost Causes): "brilliant"; and since then we've done dialogues (for example in Real Review 2021), and we email back and forth. I'm acknowledging him in my new book Hell: Towards a Christian Ecology, which came out just exactly when his one on Christian atheism came out.
@kaustavkashyap7722 Жыл бұрын
I agree with Zizek on "ecology as the new opium of the masses" when the concern regarding ecology comes from the side of capital in the name of green technology and so on. But how would Zizek respond to the question of ecology when it comes from the eco-Marxist angle that argues for the subversion of capitalism to save humanity from ecological crisis? Even the late Marx recognized the natural limits and lamented his earlier technological optimism. Marx, in his later years of life, intensely studied ecological problems. Moreover, the sixth mass extinction is a scientific reality, which cannot be helped by making a recourse to technology.
@rafaelbendavid4041 Жыл бұрын
I love how you connect two of my absolute favorites: Schopenhauer and Lacan. Well done and thank you for the effort.
@nyaireboothman8136 8 ай бұрын
The impression of zizek is wild
@sanjinv 2 жыл бұрын
As the power of the Church and its rhetoric has been drastically diminished, the guilt-imparting mechanism, as an important instrument of ideology, had to find a new medium. Thus the newly invented "ecological guilt" has proven to be an extremely effective tool for psychological dimension of social engineering. The irresolvable loop of our destructive effect on the natural environment and the impossibility to escape it is the perfect vehicle of the feeling of guilt that paralyzes human being, depriving him of confidence and willpower...
@gabrieldelfronton2584 3 ай бұрын
"And so on"
@unusualsanss Жыл бұрын
Great vid!
@jirivesely5697 8 ай бұрын
2:24 geez this art is so brilliant, it gives me sense of being out of time, or something i cannot even imagine like totality of existence or feelings of infinity... I saw it all and life is literally HEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLL but being on inslands which decrease in size and water is rising up and there is nowhere to go, yikes that is horrible! I can literally feel it like it was my reality, that suffering! 4:30 geez this scene and also Zizek makes me feel literally Lynchian, i am already depressed and in deepest abyss years and i cannot literally suffer more than this, so i don't care, but with this art, or music these Philosophical videos make me feel indescribable, all these ppl: they are completely unbeknowing to 99.999999% of things and just exist in their happy illusions and when it is put with contrast how it really is... There is no enough goodness in the world, i am afraid we will be re-living same mistakes forever, depends of nature of reality whether or not we have any control to change it, which is impossible to say... As Nietzsche said: reality is so horrible, if someone were to find full truth of it: he would perish! This is exactly my fetish to escape reality, i suffered like no one ever before, i have so much shit i am dealing with it is ABSURD! Worst thing is i know it long time, but hard truth you cannot do anything: it is worst feeling in the world! I feel extreme guilt even i know free will is illusion and i knew it was just coping mechanism, it is so strong even i was delusional sometimes, or unaware of this fact when i was in 10/10 pain... Even i knew everything all the time, except when i was at peak of pain and i forget 99.999% things now... 8:00 IT is absurd how everything is cold cynical and ugly, and so sadistic, 99% ppl do everything to hide from their death and meaninglessness by everything they do, 99% ppl are not even real... And ppl tell me i am too negative, if they actually could see 0.0001% of what i see, even elite soldiers would commit suicide so quickly, u cannot imagine! There is also something on these pictures without colors, or oldschool brown/white-black: they are literally speaking to me, but without colors meaning would be lost...
@ghundmanful Жыл бұрын
We wil never return to this wonderful nature. We need to create some new state of equilibrium. I think other 'laws' are at work in overcoming the big problems of our time, living forward in time. The problems with the recent high inflation and high energy prices made that in my country, The Netherlands, 25 percent less energy was used over the past year. Although i'm always sceptical as far as human willingness tot change it's behavior is concerned, this sign of 'wil to survive' made me rethink my previous ideas about humans understanding of the big picture. I think that, in this case, Zizeks thoughts on nature as not existening, are an example of surplus jouissance.
@bekabokuchava4470 6 ай бұрын
This is the simple argument: The only way to influence something, is to try to do it.
@chrisoleson9570 2 жыл бұрын
I gotta admit that I hate videos like this because they call into question something that I thought that I believed. Now I'm suddenly analyzing my own beliefs and actions and i often don't want to do that. But your work reminds that I don't have the answers or that the answers change. Thank you for kicking me in the brain.
@bekabokuchava4470 6 ай бұрын
Just because capitalism can profit from something, doesnt make it inherently existant for profit.
@Jordan-bn7rv Жыл бұрын
timothy mortons ideas at their finest
@camillococcia2706 2 жыл бұрын
More Zizek videos in a Dutch accent pls
@scumoftheearth4246 3 ай бұрын
If we see nature as balance, harmony and something desirable in and of itself, ecology might become an ideological tool for justifying and maintaining the status quo to maintain "balance". This is a real danger, so we should see nature also as unharmonius, imbalanced and destructive to keep our idea of "nature", and thus ourselves as fluid.
@bekabokuchava4470 6 ай бұрын
Until we have a better way to treat soil, air and produce oxygen and reduce carbon and reduce landfalls etc, we should use what we have at hand.
@kf8113 2 жыл бұрын
Eh, sounds more like a critique of the exploitation of the idea of ecology, rather than actual ecology. Zizek might be happy to learn that there are very mathematical approaches to ecology, particularly I'm thinking of emergy [sic] diagramming, how energy is captured, stored, transferred, etc. through a variety of sources and cycles. If anything, maybe Zizek would be pleased with a super-artificiality that acknowledges nature's emergent order as incomplete and in need of human involvement as a keystone species. Which many ecologists, soil scientists, etc., and even of course indigenous peoples worldwide, promote.
@kf8113 2 жыл бұрын
Masanobu Fukuoka might be a great example of what Zizek might be anticipating a need for. He farmed rice/barley grains without chemical/salt fertilizers, heavy machinery, pesticides/herbicides, even without flooding the plains or tilling the soil, and produced an output comparable to and even sometimes exceeding his industrial counterparts, with these plants also being more resilient and nutritious. He distinguishes his "do-nothing" form of farming from a simple abandonment of nature, rather emphasizing the human role of interpreting and cooperating with nature, making an implicit order out of nature which "grows into" basic human gestures. Clover providing nitrogen for the soil, scattered straw of the harvested grains acting as soil-building and weed-suppressing and seed-hiding (from birds) mulch, insect populations culling weak plants and spiders keeping the insects in check. This arrangement is artificial, but elegantly so, in the typically effective Taoist way.
@kf8113 2 жыл бұрын
Importantly, Fukuoka emphasizes too that nature is not something that can be described, categorized, and definitely not linguistically understood. In this, Zizek might agree somewhere. Fukuoka treats nature as one would treat the Taoist 'tao' -- "The way that can be named is not the way" -- and simply uses nature as the generator for self-regulating and self-reinforcing relations of energy storage and complexity.
@kf8113 2 жыл бұрын
And finally, as if I weren't long-winded enough, we must distinguish the aesthetics of ideas from their substance. Zizek's conception of the artificial, the human, etc. does not necessarily translate to or necessitate things like chemical runoff or greenhouse gas emission or endocrine-disrupting plastics, and so forth (the "waste", which itself is simply a failure to properly use the aforementioned mathematics of an ecosystem, which is of course a human conception in itself). Honestly acknowledging the artificial and human element of things like Fukuoka's natural farming or the functional approaches of indigenous peoples (which have worked for thousands of years and therefore represent far more human knowledge and learning in this field than the entirety of western modernity) is the way in which the artificial-natural division can be outgrown. This divide too is likely a collective trauma response to times of famine in Europe, themselves products of post-Roman colonization eliminating European indigenous knowledge and practices.
@eversbrothersproductions1476 2 жыл бұрын
I do believe you are correct, it is not so much a critique of the school of ecology, but rather the “ecologist”- that is, the ecologist itself and the people that make claims on ecology. Also, I think you are right to assume that Zizek would be pleased to see the mathematical version of ecology which has saved us many times before. But I think that what you mention in your first comment is precisely what results in the contradiction with your last comment (if I understand it correctly). In your first part you describe how we can use nature without destroying ourselves. Something like Lotka-Volterra models to calculate the amount of fish we can catch to not over-fish the waters have proven to work quite well. But this is the contrary of returning to nature. Today's claim would more often then not be: “we should do it like the indigenous people used to do”. But this is precisely what we did before, when we just exploited the waters. We did not do it in any knowledgeable way - that is to say, indigenous people are not knowledgeable about there effects on nature - they are just mostly harmless because they are just not capable. Or as Nietzsche would say, they are weak, not virtuous. We are just those indigenous people some hundred years later, where we just evolved onto a larger scale driven by the necessity of a growing population due to increased wealth. We eventually did get powerful enough that our actions have a significant effect on our environment. Moreover, if the indigenous people had the choice between using artificial fertilizer and starvation the choice would be obvious, and history gives us the green revolution as proof. The point of Zizek would be that we have outgrown the luxury to return to a false vision of how we were 2000 years ago. I have to admit I do not know Fukuoka, but what you describe sounds a lot like biological farming systems. And even though I am convinced that there is a lot we can do to optimize our production and minimize our destruction, I do not believe that the down-scaling to a biological system would work for a number of reasons - with which I will not bore you here, but am always willing to go further into 😊. Could we not achieve a solution for our problems by using technology and knowledge, rather then creating less efficient systems that have their own downsides (downsides which are inevitable in whatever system we will think of)? By the way, you sound like you know a lot about the topic! Is that just interest or is this something you do for a living? :)
@kf8113 2 жыл бұрын
@@eversbrothersproductions1476 You give indigenous people far too little credit. Their practices are time-tested to be in tune with ecosystemic, eh, systems. Californian tribes' regular burnings of flammable material in California is what prevented massive wildfires while enriching the soil and allowing fire-dependent seeds to open for germination (pinecones are one example, I think) for instance. The idea that indigenous peoples didn't know what they were doing is indeed a hauntology of colonialism, one that likely says more about the colonialist-gaze's failure to recognize stable and, really, engineered balance, mistaking it for raw nature (the idea Zizek is critiquing) -- early English settlers looking at the food forests of the east coast as naturally-occuring and not as carefully maintained and designed systems of indigenous people is a great example.
@jirivesely5697 Жыл бұрын
What is the song at the start???
@eversbrothersproductions1476 Жыл бұрын
Morning Mood (Morgenstimmung aus Peer Gynt Suite No. 1, Op. 46). 😄
@davidzubiria3783 Жыл бұрын
Im not a leftist but I learn to like some zizek's points of view. It reminds me of what niesztche said about young people, they need new dragons in order to use their imaginary armors and be the hero's of something. And they need thoses battles because their are not ready to go deep and know themselves so they have to blame the world for something. I'm not against a dialogue about nature but I'm against narcissists with their need to show off and with few profond, serious analysis. Governments don't care how childish they could be, they will find ways to make money and power out of it. Demand whatever, governments will promise whatever, specially the impossible. If we remember, most romantics - specially Germans-end up beign reactionaries. But if I have to choose a sci fi long term goal it would be a kind of technological orfism. I can't expand on this crazy idea. I remember when I was 13 and I had the idea that I had easy solutions for everything and I only was able to see things if they agree with my view. On the other hand, because many people is able to live in less physically harsh conditions we have new sensibilities about what happen around us. Maybe we can do something with that. But it won't be obvious and easy and is not a path we should take only to show how "marvelous and moral" we are. I don't trust that. And we know where good intentions lead.
@maratmkhitaryan9723 Жыл бұрын
I remember episode of gumball where they have shown this "horrible death" of nature
@eversbrothersproductions1476 Жыл бұрын
Love the part: "He was at the bottom of the food chain... " "Who's at the bottom now?"
@brandonszpot8948 4 ай бұрын
Specifically your use of the word ‘cruel’ regarding nature, even this is a way of anthropomorphizing the ordeal that I think Zizek would disagree with. He said it in a lecture he gave, but nature is worse than cruel, it is completely and totally indifferent. Worse, even, than human indifference, as it doesn’t have the capacity to be anything else.
@eversbrothersproductions1476 4 ай бұрын
I appreciate you clarification here. And I agree! 🙃
@DavidSDoubleU Жыл бұрын
are u dutch
@LucysSonarDreams Жыл бұрын
we can not alienate from nature as we mimic it with our artificial nature creating whole new ecosystems we are nature, and so is technology just a different form of nature, if machines gain sentience or we put our minds into them a whole new ecology of machines are and will be born, and nature shall become the nature of the mechanical and the artificial, who knows through genetic technology perhaps we can reproduce biological nature as opposed to the mechanical nature we are building, we never say the ant hill or the beehive or even the beaver dams are outside of nature, yet when we build structures they are, I say nay we build artificial nature which evolves into a mechanical nature, we must learn how to create technology that is sustainable with the functions of biological nature unless we plan on fully merging with our technology, but still then is it our place to destroy the biological in favor of the mechanical food for thought
@saynotosu Жыл бұрын
the narrator is totes dutch
@saynotosu Жыл бұрын
i see you
@babelbabel2298 11 ай бұрын
You wouldn't..of course.. want to know our thoughts about ecology, only our thoughts about ecology in comments bellow that can generate you a thicker wallet. How can you not feel even a bit ashamed/guilty when lying in thousand faces so easily, i don't know. But whatever, humans like you are getting a lot of all good for greater good ethics jobs. What a true modern sociopathic Machiavelists. Respectable. And lastly - "I hope that you, fellow human being! Have a wonderful day!:)" Yeah. Sure. That's what people like to hear, that's what drives a thick wallet. Sometimes. I really believe that you, fellow immoral starbucks being, wan't me to have a wonderful day. I'll be honest if you can't, I don't wan't you fella human to have a wonderful day at all, but i'll be moral enough to give you this comment, in hope that it would generate a thicker starbucks wallet, all for greater good of course. It's not about the product, it's about what kind of a mind is behind it, you wonderful human fella being. Of course, your cute goodhumanbeing voice will deceive robotic mass, so i have to respect that a bit
@mmmhorsesteaks Жыл бұрын
My own corollary: Go live there, then, if you like nature so much.
@b.o.e.t.h.i.u.s 2 ай бұрын
Radical and interesting contrarianism by Zizek, but at bottom he is surprisingly unwise here. Has he ever spent a week in the wild even once? I doubt it. Yet he “knows” nature is a dead end. 😂 He is blatantly ignoring quality for quantity. He is throwing out the wisdom of thousands of indigenous civilizations in favor of our modern “civilized” society which is undoubtedly one of the least ethical, least sensitive, and least happy ever to have lived. The true harmony of nature is not “things never change”, “death doesn’t happen” or “life is painless”. The harmony of nature which he so badly misunderstands is more like: “Time is cyclical. Beauty transcends the individual. In spite of my death, life on Earth will go on.” It is this deep spiritual confidence in life’s persistence that comes from being present in and in tune with the natural environment, which our sick industrial society threatens and destroys so callously and pointlessly. Like Nietzsche explained: Schopenhauer was sick. Lamenting all this pain everywhere and giving up on organic life is not a sign of great empathy or wisdom, but of physical and mental illness. Today most of us are trained from birth to hide behind our stupid comforts - TV, painkillers, cars, computers - never realizing that the more we run to our artificial comforts and distractions, the weaker we become, the less we are able to bear the reality of Earth, and the more we seek to escape to some fake techno-utopia. Check out Ludwig Klages’ “Man and Earth” for a great opposing view and counterpoint to Zizek.
@Hadezul2 5 ай бұрын
Seems a bit doomerist to me!
@jordicarreras7381 10 ай бұрын
Mr Zizec, instead in a house with garden, can go and live in a garbage dump.
@melanieenmats 2 жыл бұрын
Ugh nothing as thick as a dutch accent 😅 in English. Hard to listen to.
@eversbrothersproductions1476 2 жыл бұрын
I share your sentiment of disgust with the Dutch accent in English. I would have liked to be gifted with a nice, fluent and soft English tongue, but the universe decided that I should be born in the Netherlands, so I have to suffer this endless curse of disgrace and embarrassment. The only thing that can now lift my and my fellow struggling dutch people's curse, death. 😔
@melanieenmats 2 жыл бұрын
@@eversbrothersproductions1476 Lmao, I didn't mean to offend you and your reply is hilarious. But don't worry, all English say the Dutch have the best (=least noticeable) accent. The problem is that I'm Flemish, and we can hear a Dutch accent from the first word somehow, like a fork scratching on a dinnerplate. Then the percentage of Flemish people with English good enough to identify any accent is pretty small. So it's a negligible issue. We don't notice a Flemish accent though. I'm so not used to creators actually reading there comments ;).
@srambition 2 жыл бұрын
@@eversbrothersproductions1476 you speak english very well dont worry.. everyone has an accent in a language they dint grow up speaking 😊
@boathemian7694 Ай бұрын
Zizek has useful ideas occasionally, but his ignorance of Ecology doesn’t make him relevant or at all correct.
@yiannoseconomou2050 Жыл бұрын
He possibly takes his idea of what ecology is from the Times magazine. After staying behind with the discussions -political, philosophical and ideological - on the environmental crisis he fell back into banalities and turned himself into boring old fart. He should retire now.
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