escape everything.

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2 ай бұрын

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@navo159 2 ай бұрын
Best tracks from my channel on a SPOTIFY playlist: 💙 (Daily updated)
@NoBiorobot 26 күн бұрын
Благодарю Вас за такую прекрасную музыку! Любви Вам и счастья🥰❤❤❤
@Anyquestions-yu6vi Ай бұрын
A couple of days ago, I was at home and preparing for exams. I lay down on the sofa to rest for a while. And the moment I lay down, I forgot about everything. The sun was shining from the window, illuminating my room and warming me, from the slightly open window I could hear the distant laughter of children playing outside, and the fresh May air was blowing. I forgot that I have an exam in a month. I forgot that any problems exist in my life. It was the best 5 minutes of my life.
@kennedy_rios Ай бұрын
Descansar é uma parte importante do processo... as coisas tem o seu próprio tempo 😊
@skyguy1236 Ай бұрын
true peace, even if just for a little while
@OnlyHuman2.0 Ай бұрын
Beautiful. This is why I've decided to become a bum.
@C-wasd Ай бұрын
​@@OnlyHuman2.0 estou pensando seriamente nisso, mas sei que vou acabar morrendo de fome ou indo pra cadeia, nada nessa vida é fácil, nem a morte
@OnlyHuman2.0 Ай бұрын
@@C-wasd You are right, my friend. I do work, but I do not over work for money. In America, it seems like everyone is working for fancy things and I just want to live.
@eden4949 Ай бұрын
The internet with all the bad thing it brings, it also brings all of us together. Whoever reads this and feels like giving up, you're not alone. Come back here and we will be there for you
@gwmo05 Ай бұрын
Who will all be there for me
@lrclouder8088 Ай бұрын
@@gwmo05 us
@gwmo05 Ай бұрын
@@lrclouder8088 🙂
@RYUisMEnotYOU Ай бұрын
@@gwmo05 my flesh children will dont worry
@teensinoo Ай бұрын
amem irmao!
@_strawberry_5787 8 күн бұрын
In reality, I am not who I say I am to others. Even now I’m writing this comment in English, because I’m afraid to say such things in my native language. I miss the people who left my life in the same way, I just want to be loved and love, without being afraid to do it. I hope that this world will never lose its colors, and that people will be kinder to each other. Good luck to everyone.
@mklv. 4 күн бұрын
Não te conheço e você não me conhece, mas queria dizer que você não precisa ter medo de ser você mesmo(a). Algum dia alguém irá te amar, se alguém já não amou sua bondade alguma vez. E mesmo se o mundo se fechar e preferir não enxergar a pessoa maravilhosa que você é, você pode ser essa pessoa e enxergar os seus esforços. Isso é o que tenho a dizer, espero que sua vida melhore e que você possa ver um futuro diferente da realidade de hoje.
@br3dcrumbs 2 күн бұрын
Lei langeisse non afeteile ouselyve. Ji vessel pur vibranse ê vou, te la puritie ê monde kaptivetoule. He pur quei mei le mekanelange caveinne krafeile! Vou basse, meile akage -- sale ikh ê vou est, te non tute ie vou. Languages don't affect who we are. It's a vessel for your colours, and the purity of the world. It's why I created the constructed language of Caveinne! Be yourself, my friend -- there is only one of you, and no others.
@f1z3y Ай бұрын
I wish time went by slower. I’m tired, I wish I could rest for a while and escape from reality.
@Victorlv_ 28 күн бұрын
Us bro...
@lrclouder8088 26 күн бұрын
you are not alone
@SantiX. 24 күн бұрын
@Hipictures-kp9uf 18 күн бұрын
Welcome to the Internet!
@piluliya1 7 күн бұрын
я с тобой…
@FabioPioFersini 18 күн бұрын
Psychedelics are just an exceptional mental health breakthrough. It's quite fascinating how effective they are against depression and anxiety. Saved my life.
@user-nh5ze8hq5e 18 күн бұрын
Can you help with the reliable source I would really appreciate it. Many people talk about mushrooms and psychedelics but nobody talks about where to get them. Very hard to get a reliable source here in Australia. Really need!
@Somusicais 18 күн бұрын
Yes, dr.poras. I have the same experience with anxiety, depression, PTSD and addiction and Mushrooms definitely made a huge huge difference to why am clean today.
@fakiriayoub8087 18 күн бұрын
I wish they were readily available in my place. Microdosing was my next plan of care for my husband. He is 59 & has so many mental health issues plus probable CTE & a TBI that left him in a coma 8 days. It's too late now I had to get a TPO as he's 6'6 300+ pound homicidal maniac. He's constantly talking about killing someone. He's violent. Anyone reading this Familiar w/ BPD know if it is common for an obsession with violence.
@user-nh5ze8hq5e 18 күн бұрын
Is he on instagram?
@Somusicais 18 күн бұрын
Yes, he is dr.poras.
@user-hm3go7nf4w 2 ай бұрын
When I was young, I remember lying on the bridge and counting the number of planes, and I felt very lonely. And my life is also an extension of that time.
Your comment made so much sense to me
@user-vm6tr6rd6g Ай бұрын
Wow good morning from Brazil 🇧🇷☕
@f_life2132 Ай бұрын
The worst part is feeling like no one cares. If you are unhappy, nobody wants to be around you. No one cares. But I feel you, and I care. Hope it gets better for you
@surfergirl368 Ай бұрын
you should be a writer. you are so poetic this brought tears to my eyes
@spacelizard5280 Ай бұрын
Been there, we are not as alone as we feel sometimes, even if it feels lonely
@xiaomushroom6613 Ай бұрын
"failure is success in progress." never give up, be your own support, find your strength. you will make it.
@ichhassediewelt7625 28 күн бұрын
проблема не в неудачах, а в том что успех не приносит радости
@Iso20227 28 күн бұрын
@@ichhassediewelt7625you should work towards something that will bring you joy then. Don’t work for something that you won’t appreciate.
@thiagomolinacabral4853 8 күн бұрын
@GB2G 2 ай бұрын
Yall ever been in love in a dream. The feeling of wholeness and serenity. In reality it might not be perfect, but in that dream it was.
@ChucksExotics 2 ай бұрын
I know exactly how you feel. That might be the best feeling there is. And sometimes the worst feeling ever when you wake up.
@Theonlysanevalentinofan 2 ай бұрын
I remember the exact moment. It’s in the middle of a summer day and we are having a picnic. This girl who I know in the dream try’s to lay her head on my shoulder. I shrug it off at first but then I give up. And as soon as her head lands on my shoulder I feel something click. I felt loved. A feeling I have never had since, or before some time before that dream. The only “love” I remember from anyone is just “tough love”. Yeah sure you love me after you were yelling at me for something. Sure you love me after I finally tell you what I want to do and you shrug it off like it’s nothing. Man do I feel loved when I have no one to help me. I wish I just had someone who didn’t just give me “tough love” aka: I don’t give the slightest shit about you but I have to take care of you.
@itsnickey 2 ай бұрын
​@@Theonlysanevalentinofanaw man, life's a mess but you will find someone who cares about you, you will find someone like the girl you saw in your dream 🎀
@Theonlysanevalentinofan 2 ай бұрын
@@itsnickey not even interested in love anymore. I just found it’s so useless. All world problems come from love. Love just does nothing for me. I have accepted that that’s the only time I will ever feel loved ever again.
@itsnickey 2 ай бұрын
@@Theonlysanevalentinofan love's not useless. trust me. And this isn't the only time you will feel loved again.
@number7173 2 ай бұрын
Close your eyes and Let's hug forever ... my friend 🫂
@Sosaka_bibizaka Ай бұрын
Знаете, подобные картинки ассоциируются у меня с ожиданием, я имею в виду с тем спокойным ожиданием, лишенным тревоги. В данном случае "ты" можешь ожидать вечера, дождя, своего друга, звонок от матери, чтобы она сказала тебе идти домой. И ты совершенно точно знаешь, что что-то из этого произойдет (зависит от того, чего ты ждёшь). И именно такой мотив ожидания меня завораживает. После того, как начнется дождь, или твой друг наконец явится, или мама позвонит, возможно, произойдет что-то ужасное, но это произойдет после, а сейчас ты ждёшь, просто сидишь и ждёшь.
@wayuppers Ай бұрын
интересно что у вас такие ассоциации, спасибо что поделились. а во мне скорее состояние такое то что все уже случилось и что все не важно. наверное это состояние любви
@Qerrix 29 күн бұрын
А потом когда они приходят такой эмоциональный подъем испытываешь, это не с чём не сравнимо!
@piluliya1 7 күн бұрын
моя ассоциация с такими картинками связана с чувством настольгии и прошлой жизнью, будто бы ты проходишь мимо игровой площадки, на которой когда-то играл с друзьями, такая грусть нахлынывает, страх что это было так давно, как будто и не было никогда. недавно я пересматривала видео, где я была маленькой, мне там 7 лет, и мы просто снимали забавное видео с друзьями, тогда только началась школа, мама еще ругала тебя за пакости, и ты подходил к ней чтобы извиниться, нельзя было гулять до поздна, но вы с друзьями гуляли до первых сумерек, ты жил какими-то мечтами, фантазиями, я придумывала часто свои миры, или представления, думала каким будет мое будущее. в то время не хотелось есть мамину кашу, но любили бабушкины котлеты, тогда был вкусным большой сочный арбуз, и с друзьями лазить по вишневым/сливовым деревьям чтобы взять одну, ели с земли клубнику, и ничего не боялись. в дестве я часто любила разглядывать что на земле, жучки, букашки, на стенках пауков и их паутинки, ловить бабочек сачком, наловил много в банку, а вечером отпускать, и они разлетались в разные стороны, в мае ловить майских жуков с бабушкой, они так жжужат еще страшно. бегать по полю от пчел или ос. играть с друзьями в прятки, догонялки, салки или настольные игры на улице. кататься на велосипеде во дворе, разбивать ноги до крови, а потом сидеть и держать за руку маму пока она поливает рану перекисью, ходить с родителями по магазинам, чувствуя какую то свою важность в этом деле. или радоваться когда родители дали тебе 100р на сладости на прогулку, а ты эти сладости еще с друзьями делишь, и вы сидите на скамейке, кушаете сухарики с соусом. сидеть до ночи учить стихи по литературе, или с мамой решать сложные задачи по математике, рисовать для изо рисунки на свободную тему, ждать дома маму когда получил двойку/ с собрания родителей в школе, детские новогодние дискотеки. а время в садике, когда ничего делать вообще не надо было, помню выпускной из садика, как мы в платьях с подругами залезали на железную ракету, а на нас ругались воспитатели, когда подарили глобус. пересматривать старые альбомы, где еще мама была молодая, и когда они только с папой познакомились. сейчас я нахожусь в таком возрасте, мне бывает грустно и хочется вернуться теперь в детство, а в детстве стримимся быстрее вырасти. я не хочу правда не хочу грустить о том времени, но я думаю такое часто у всех бывает. так вот это видео где мне было 7 лет, посмотрев на него, я вдруг осознала что я больше не та маленькая девочка, будто я смотрю на другого совсем человека, и нас ничего не связывает кроме того что мы одинаковые, настолько я изменилась, совсем другие мысли, занятия, мнение, я стала более независимой, смелой, самодостаточной. я буду расти дальше, чтобы всегда идти вперед, но я всегда буду скучать по этой маленькой веселой девочке не очень образованной, с грустной историей жизни, но никогда не унывающей, которая любила разглядывать землю с жучками паучками, долго смотреть на небо и гулять с друзьями…знала бы она сколько всего с ней случится за 13 лет жизни, она бы ни за что не поверила и рассмеялась бы в ответ..
@wayuppers 7 күн бұрын
здорово. вы хорошо описали. я увидел кадры и ощущения вашего детства. ... то что все это не вернуть от этого такая высокая цена этому всему что было, но нельзя забывать о том что этими мыслями о прошлом можно обесценить текущий момент времени, тем самым упустить то чудо из под носа которое нам дано. мне например помогает просто говорить спасибо внутри, например, спасибо за то что было, спасибо за то что я могу чувствовать эти чувства о прошлом, спасибо что я могу чувствовать все эти чувства - грусть, радость, печаль, любовь. за весь спектр чувств спасибо. спасибо за музыку, музыка это невероятное чудо, и что я могу это слушать и чувствовать - это невероятное чудо, спасибо за трудности в жизни, без них я бы не смог оценить жизнь по полной, без трудностей было бы не интересно. познать мы можем только в сравнении. все устроено так гармонично, все так продумано, все так невероятно. и эта музыка конечно такая классная, хочется плакать просто от счастья)) в общем когда я говорю спасибо за все что всплывёт в моей голове сразу наполняюсь вселенской любовь) и тогда все чувства объединяются и превращается в любовь
@piluliya1 7 күн бұрын
@@wayuppers спасибо вам за совет, и правда звучит чудесно, я тоже очень люблю музыку! да главное не потеряться в прошлом, и жить сейчас, мне помогает иногда оставлять все свои дела включить музыку и уйти на природу одной гулять, успокаивает, наполняет какой-то энергией, и самое главное, чувством что ты живая, живой человек, свободный, и вокруг тебя происходит жизнь, за которой можно наблюдать, любоваться, наслаждаться этими моментами. совмещать спорт с музыкой и природными видами, я благодарна всему, что могу это делать. я могу слышать, ходить и видеть. пока это все мне дано, надо жить. и как хорошо что в раннем возрасте мне пришло это осознание, я дорожу своей жизнью и хочу потратить каждый момент, на что-то прекрасное, на то что нравится, и дает мне то чувство жизни. я стараюсь и окружающим меня людям открывать глаза, чтобы они лишний раз успели заметить как уже позеленели деревья, трава, как прилетели птицы юга, какое сегодня голубое небо, какой сильный дождик на улице, как красиво распускаются цветы… чтобы и другие оживали и чувствовали что они едины с природой, и меньше зацикливались на виртуальной реальности.
@neatlebeatle1017 Ай бұрын
It's weird how even when everything is as it should be that nothing really seems to fit right.
@b.b8191 Ай бұрын
there is nothing right
@andrejourney96 Ай бұрын
If I may say so, human beings will never be complete without God, after all we are his greatest creation, within all of us there is a space that only Jesus can fill, even if many do not believe, Jesus completely changes our lives. I encourage you to seek God in your room, pray for God to reveal himself to you, close the door to your room and ask Jesus to visit you, and have your heart open to it.
@Druidy0 Ай бұрын
dissasociation pal
@carsonmock8053 2 ай бұрын
Does anyone else feel like life is to awesome and mystical to just end up working some mundane job? I know I probably sound entitled but it feels like there is something much cooler we should be fighting for rather than just to help grow some random company.
@forthofferelie9082 2 ай бұрын
there is indeed way cooler stuff. read philosophy my friend
@SOAD11111111 2 ай бұрын
Well, considering civilisation is soon about to end in the way it did until now, there's gonna be a lot more going on then working in the office
@raymond_luxury_yacht 2 ай бұрын
People in jungle tribes are living raw. Wish for that
@dead_channe1 2 ай бұрын
You're not wrong for feeling that way. I think most people feel that way inside, even if they have suppressed it over time. I definitely feel that way too, and I don't think it's entitled at all. It sounds like some sort of outlet may be helpful for you, like friends or hobbies like art for example. Something you're passionate about to poor your heart and soul into. :)
@pizzaslice3891 2 ай бұрын
I have a job that doesn’t get rid of the feeling you describe. Maybe try to change careers?
@user-om7yt5rf6d Ай бұрын
ماادري لكن رجعت بعقلي كل الذكريات الجنت من اتذكرهم اغمض عيوني واشتت تركيزي حتى انساهم
@Darkroom25B Ай бұрын
I dont know how to explain this feeling of nostalgia. I feel like i was a child again, enjoying the little things, being able to enjoy everything. I miss that, i want to give up. I want to die
@samlotusblossommoon Ай бұрын
stay strong knowing this childlike wonder is within you the whole time! :) 🙏🌅❤️
@argoitzrazkin2572 Ай бұрын
Please don't get lost in your feeling of wanting to die. You don't want to be hurt and you're scared, but after a child stops crying from the fall, it keeps playing. Please keep playing with us all❤
@Darkroom25B Ай бұрын
​@@argoitzrazkin2572 Thanks for the encouragement. I am still trying to find happiness, even when it feels like there is none. I still beg for this suffering to end, but it never does.
@XxSp3akermanwhitYtx Ай бұрын
@@Darkroom25B someday it will, dont give up, you are loved by others and you have things to live, stay here.
@robertoduarte6608 Ай бұрын
I don't know what you've been through, but think that, of all the possibilities, destiny chose you to be born, your life is the most important thing, your future achievements will leave important marks in everyone's lives, no matter how dark it may be. It seems like the sun will rise, and things will be right again, I'm sure of it
@ChucksExotics 2 ай бұрын
Honestly, I don't really want to escape, I just want to know you, all of you, and I wish we could be together in one place, and just be happy forever.
@Th3Pho3n1x 2 ай бұрын
The Kingdom of God.
@lttxx 2 ай бұрын
Fr hermano
@shumikku 2 ай бұрын
We at SEELE got you covered! Leave it to us and our human instrumentality program
@zachoryfostor7368 Ай бұрын
I too wish we all could cuz I think we all long for some serenity or even the something in the past to bring us back and relive what we had, at least for an hour and I'll be fine, we all don't know each other in real life but if we did we would understand
@f_life2132 Ай бұрын
I feel like we could trust each other, tell each other our stories and support each other
@Hjjjdjj214 Ай бұрын
I'm used to running from everything. I'm always feeling pathetic and miserable in front of people. Hating the way I look and how I talk, how I move and every single thing I do, I hate it with my heart. I always feel so low and behind every person. Half the time I'm not myself and when I am I also hate it. I feel like I'm lying all the time, being nice to people not because I am but because I want them to like me. I know nobody cares and I always try to repeat that but I care a lot, and I judge myself a lot. I wanna stop running and face this but i have no idea how to do it.
@wc1937 Ай бұрын
Stop running and face what's there in front of you, whether it be a mirror or a crowded hall. Your mountain of problems can only be removed one rock at a time. Don't like the way you look? Change something small tomorrow so that you can feel a bit better. Even if you look like shit. Don't like the way you talk? Don't rush with your words. Experiment with using more melodic lines in your own voice. Even if you sound like an idiot. Don't like the way you walk? Try walking with a sense of purpose. Or try walking without a care in the world. Even if you walk like a clown. Don't lie to others to make them feel better, but more importantly, don't ever lie to yourself to make them feel better. Stop running and face what's there in front of you. Even if it's a mountain of problems, One rock at a time.
@Hjjjdjj214 Ай бұрын
@@wc1937 Wow I never expected an answer, thank you so much. I actually started college 2 weeks ago and all of this suddenly started to scratch more than usual. So much time in home and no contact with people and now this is overwhelming. I'll definitely take your advice into account. As an artist genuineness is really important to me and I've been doing nothing but being so fcking negative and worrying about every single small thing about myself. I want to be genuine with who I am and others, and you really inspired me to do it! As you say, step by step, I can get so much better and that's so motivating. I wanted to ask you though, how are you doing? Or what made u click this video? I hope ur okay, and I wish u the best in ur life. Thank u for ur help 💕
@xsarchitect Ай бұрын
I can tell you are young, just be patient, I vaguely remember some of the things I thought when I was younger
@eyjele Ай бұрын
Hello, sunshine! I felt exactly like you. Turned out I most definitely have Aspergers and knowing that liberated me. It explained EVERYTHING about why I was never able to fit in, to understand others, and they never understood me or cared about what I've seen as important. But what else I understood, whether you have it or not, we all are born so much different from one another. There is no room for comparison when it comes to your personal traits. You are the way you are, and if you want to be happy, you need to learn to accept your true self, however silly you may look to yourself or really be. I know it sounds like a cliche, but there is absolutely nothing wrong with being the way you are, even if you haven't been treated as equal. Where you got this idea, that there is something wrong with the way you move and talk? Surely you weren't born with it. So I offer you this. If you want to stop suffering, send these emotions back to where they came from, back to those who were laughing at you or criticized you for being genuine. F*ck them. Were you born to talk in a specific way? Were you born to move in a specific way? Think about it, it's a NONSENSE. People like all kinds of personalities, not all people, but you CAN'T, you really can't, be loved and accepted by everyone. This is literally impossible. Look at actors. People LOVE them even though they're so different: some are loud, some are very introverted and quiet, some have "perfect" faces, but so many are absolutely non-standard and peculiar features! Sometimes I've looked at a person and thought "eww", but then I got used to them and started ADORING their features. The only thing that is REALLY keeping you down is self hatred. I promise you, the moment you stop beating yourself up, you will become x100 times more attractive to others as well. And they will SUDDENLY start to LIKE your previously "REPELLING" traits, they will gradually criticize you less and less, because you will be more assertive and they will see they can't affect you by saying things. They'll have to learn to deal with you too, haha! Because guess what? They are too in no way perfect. We are all people and have to put up with one another, you are no exception, so give yourself some air! Experiment with your personality. Become better, sure. But not out of self hatred. Because doing this, you won't be able to change. You'll freeze. And stay like this until you die, miserable and scared to try a different approach, scared to look silly, scared to look inappropriate. Have some compassion towards yourself. You're just a human. There is nothing inherently wrong with you. And anything you haven't learned yet, you can learn, if you see fit.
@Hjjjdjj214 Ай бұрын
@@wc1937 Wow I never expected an answer, thank you so much for ur time. And yes, it has been many things that builded up recently. And it's making life unnecessarily miserable. Noticed that I'm always feeling negative towards people because I am, all the time, to myself. I'm never present because I'm worrying about everything and I don't want that, so I'll definitely take ur advice. Step by step. Because trying to change everything at once is not helping. Again, thank you for ur respose!
@Nermeen. 29 күн бұрын
I'm listening to this from Cairo Egypt and it's 2:20 pm now, greetings to whoever will read this wherever they are in the world.
@bluesquadron6 18 күн бұрын
Greetings from Asunción, Paraguay
@Leo-jr5vk 15 күн бұрын
Greetings to you, my friend, from Baku, Azerbaijan
@MrPropaMusic 12 күн бұрын
Hello from America
@skorpion6943 9 күн бұрын
Hi from Russia, Kaluga 👋
@cacalobo27 26 күн бұрын
por mais que eu tente (e eu sempre estive tentando), não consigo escapar do limbo. o que antes afetava minha mente, se estendeu para todo o meu corpo, a apatia se tornou cansaço. os danos mentais refletem agora em meu estado físico, eu não lembro sequer quando passei a me sentir assim. eu não quero apenas descansar no mundo físico, talvez o que eu precise seja apagar o consciente, é um fardo ter conhecimento da minha própria existência.
@theFlowStateStudio 2 ай бұрын
if I was a 1990's video game character that escaped the game I would come hang out at this play ground. So peaceful
@purplerain486 Ай бұрын
Everyone is lonely in different ways, but it feels the same
@Jodtfahd340 Ай бұрын
@complex_variation 2 ай бұрын
Wow, I didn't expect a mental health help line in the description. Thanks.
@ChucksExotics Ай бұрын
If you're still hesitant about calling give it a try.
@ThanhPhu-yj1jq 2 ай бұрын
this picture is one of the most accurate depiction of liminal space or dream-like place
@shadized 2 ай бұрын
@omari2306 2 ай бұрын
it's kinda creepy tho, straight out of a horror game, i don't like the sepia colors of that space.
@HiddenTalent_07 Ай бұрын
There’s just something so eery to me about the elevated flat field in front of it. Like my mind can’t think of anything else but this expansive chuck of space
@4thwalltv Ай бұрын
Literally bro
@apollobelvedere4235 Ай бұрын
Я не могу принять этот мир. Просто не могу. Он слишком болезненный
@mrxmrx7659 Ай бұрын
Это печально
@gu7899 Ай бұрын
Закрыться от мира - проще простого. От себя - невозможно. Последние 5 лет я не сближаюсь ни с кем, просто прохожу мимо. Это дарит как покой так и чувство сожаления от упущенного. Наверное стоит сходить к психотерапевту.
@5.v67 29 күн бұрын
It is sad not to have someone to share your sadness with
@chemicaltrack74 29 күн бұрын
I dont know if i am late or no, man but just be patient a little bit, and then you will start seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, nothing comes easy
@5.v67 29 күн бұрын
@@chemicaltrack74 What if the ending isn't as happy as it should be?
@victoriousgray5479 Ай бұрын
this feels like being a kid, playing roblox with it storming and raining while watching educational videos, playing games with my cousin on the wii... I'd do anything to get those days back. 💔
@Jalan-Api 2 күн бұрын
Getting ads while you’re depressed is another type of hurt
@DRZOZE6 Ай бұрын
Thing that led me here is just that I want to stop thinking completely. I want to forget the world and forget who I'm, especially this responsibility that is beyond my capacity but I'm forced to bear it. I don't want to think again about the reasons that made me suffer, and it is enough that I feel hurt whenever I get close. Among them, I did not even have a companion. I lost a lot to passers-by. Like those years that...I did things very carefully for them, I used to fill in the trivial blanks but my scars hurt more, my family wants to see my success and I watch them waiting for something from me, it hurts right? There's no way to tell them I'm empty completely and so tired that I'm tired even of what I love... I'm sorry I really tried to be perfect but I was alone.
@5.v67 29 күн бұрын
Do not be sad. You must have suffered a lot in your life. For the sake of your family, you are trying to be perfect, but you must tell them that no one in the world is perfect. There are flaws in every person. Your family must accept that. Inevitably, in the days, they will want you to go with them on an outing and vent about your feelings. You are tired. You must rest for a week from everything, from work, from thinking, from lack of sleep. You must relax, sleep, and rest for yourself, not for anyone else.
@DRZOZE6 29 күн бұрын
@@5.v67 Thank u for being so kind. I wished someone would know how much I'm suffering and tell me to stop for a while, because over the past years I've been running fast and ignoring my fatigue... in order to prove that I'm a good enough person and I'm grateful that you told me that I should get some rest. But what about you, sweetie? alot of things worry you, how about trying to lie down and ignore your fears. It is normal to feel stressed and pressured under these circumstances, but you are strong enough to get through the difficult days, even though you think you are unable to continue anymore, and despite how difficult it is for you, I believe in you. Please close your eyes and take slow breaths. Let the fresh air release these annoying feelings. You are a precious person and you deserve a better life. You will do it because you are stronger than the circumstances. There is nothing wrong with relaxing, but don't stop trying. I hope that everything you want will be yours, and I'm sorry for what you went through.
@Lidiy24 Ай бұрын
спасибо, вы мне напомнили что вместо всех этих друзей и грязных тусовок на самом деле была всегда одна в комнате. Такие плейлисты не дают забыть и зациклится на настоящем. А что ты сейчас делаешь? кто ты? где ты?
@sleepyNovember_project Ай бұрын
всю жизнь дома пpoėбал, догниваю
@user-ib5ml1vz5r 8 күн бұрын
В некотором смысле мы всегда одиноки, но стоит ли этого бояться? Неужели мы настолько плохая компания для нас?
@VtN_01 22 күн бұрын
I just break with my ex. I had break a 2 years marriage. In the same week i start a relationship with a co-worker that was friend of my ex. 3 weeks have past and this girl said that we better be just friends. I dont know how, but i like more my co-worker than my ex, that make me sick of myself. I just cant believe that I love my ex but dont want to be with her. And this girl that i barely know is consuming my mind. I did wrong with her. I deserve to be alone. Its just sad who I am. I feel like garbage. My ex did some shit also. I feel so lonely, so fuckin empty. I feel like I dont have a reason to exist. I am just a number in this small world. It is so small you know? It is small and somehow I am solo. For some reason I dont want to play video games or do the shit I liked to, back the day, I remember left my girl on bed to keep playing with my online friends. Now I lay in the bed and watch the reflexion of the turned off screen. Dont ask me why, I have smoked weed a lot, thing that I did only last year. Also I start working out myself, and everybody tells me that I am more happy since I break with my ex. Somehow I am. But that coworker became a obssesion. I dont love her. I know that. But I want her, I want her company. To be honest with myself I think that I just want someone to sleep with. Not having sex. Just someone to hug me and put the hand on my face and my hair. My ex loved me, almost pshyco love. And I break up. If its love that I want, she would be ennough right? So, what do I want? I just dont want to be alone. Its me who have abandon her. I feel bad for it. But its also me who feel alone. How tf? I do miss my ex. But I dont want to come back to that sick relation. I miss my co-worker, her love, her laugh, i miss her company. I work 11 hours per day.( I do 2 shifts) she only do one. I dont have time to go out, where do I meet people? theres a place for it? Do I have to do that tiktok shit and stop strangers on the street? Thats how we make friends? thank you for reading all this. Or not, fuck you, fuck the world, fuck the love and fuck me for feel this way
@Agatha_KrEsty Ай бұрын
It is so comfortable and calmly here, I don't want to go away
@SebastianGardner-ct3du Ай бұрын
I wrote this a while ago and want to share it. it is from my perspective and in no way the correct run down of what bipolar actually is and can feel like. It's only from my personal experience and opinion. My bipolar. "Emotions are irrelevant when manic. But essential when having an episode. The emotions clog your brain. Taking away thoughts. There is no more thinking before you act. It's now a matter of trying different actions until one feels right or sticks. The waves of polar opposite feeling can get annoying very quickly. Can get dangerously effective when feeling too much of anything. It's like holding your hand under hot water for so long that it starts to feel cold. The upbringing makes you feel powerful, strong, happy, like you can do anything, become a superhero. That's the hot water feeling, the adrenaline in your brain telling you, that you can beat this. But then it starts to feel cold. And the adrenaline wears off. You get tired when down, you feel sad, worthless, unmotivated, non existent, like you mean nothing. Like you're worth nothing. Nothing matters anymore. No one cares anymore. In fact, you may start to think no one cared in the first place. In the end, if it gets too bad without treatment. you, yourself. May stop caring about you as well. Once your brain gets to this point in thought. It's a lot harder to come back from it. And even if you are capable of making your way back and into a steady mind space. You’ll never forget what it's like to have been so low in life. To have hurt the people you cared about. To have hurt yourself, to be what you yourself feared of becoming at some point. And now that you're better, fear of becoming once again. It is a loop that never ends. It's something we all have to get used to. It's something you are. Not something you become. And once you realize this, the better it can be. Not become. Because nothing will get you nowhere. In life. And when your life ends." Written by: Sebastian Gardner
@deivisyovera2470 27 күн бұрын
Gracias por ello
@mklv. 4 күн бұрын
Você é um poeta, isso é lindo. Cuide de você, você merece
@SebastianGardner-ct3du 4 күн бұрын
@@mklv. thanks, your comment means a lot. :)
@user-gy4yq8kw4n Ай бұрын
Quiero volver a mi pasado, todo era mas fácil, reunirme con mis amigos del colegio, hacer travesuras inocentes, jugar cosas tan inmaduras como decir quien te gusta, jugar futbol sin que nada importara. Quiero mi pasado de nuevo porque mi mamá no tenía cáncer, mi papá era mas joven, mi hermano aun conservaba mucha vida en sus ojos y cada vez lo veo mas similar a mi (no quiero que sea como yo, quiero que tenga mas vida y aproveche su juventud). Ahora no hay nada de ese pasado lejano, mi vida es lúgubre y a veces no veo futuro. No importan las notas cuando siquiera a alguien le importa, logros vacíos que solo se quedan en eso... Quiera tantas cosas pero hace mucho dejé de soñar. Espero poder salir de esto algún día...
@bangtan8958 Ай бұрын
Life will be beautiful one day
@mrxmrx7659 Ай бұрын
Это грустно, прими свою жизнь, просто прими.
@crisssj2922 Ай бұрын
me he sentido muy identificado, tengo 20 años y siento que cada dia las cosas van empeorando, que no existe salida alguna mas que cuando llegue el dia de partir de este mundo. odio ver como mi hermana se parece cada vez mas a mi porque no quiero que ella pase por este dolor. odio haber tomado las desciones que tome, odio hasta el punto que he permitido dañarme a mi mismo.
@8bt151 Ай бұрын
Dale flaco! vos podes! todo se va a arreglar. Todo está en las manos de Dios, va a ir todo bien, vas a ver!!!
@Iluvtomatos Ай бұрын
Entregarle tu vida, tu situación a Dios. El tomará el control y te hará descansar bendiciones bro 💗
@nikson3720 Ай бұрын
I was always eager for what the future holds, always excited for new opportunities. However when i express that excitement around strangers and friends, i get discouraged and called out. Even when im not bothering anybody and just expressing out into the void of the Internet, someone just felt like they deserve to stomp on someone else for enjoying their experiences. In those times, i wonder why we all acknowledge that our world is suffering, but at the same time push others down for the sake of it? The fact that we arent the first to do it either, we just become more aware of this contradictice existence.
@Lotus-990 6 күн бұрын
Do not give up, try to archive your ambition. Ignore the people who do not care, believing in your ambition is all that matters. But do not think nobody cares, I wish you the best of luck
@NxtivetheNative Ай бұрын
Thats the thing. Im loved. I dont feel like it though. I feel like a weight placed on my family's shoulders, like an 18 yr old loser, I feel like everything is uncertain. I feel like i just want to disappear. I feel alone, truly alone, i moved with them to help them fix their new house but in doing so i lost all my friends and graduated from HS. Now i work 3rd shifts at an old folks home. Saving all my money and I think i got my parents kicked off of their health insurance, because i actually got a job. Everything just sucks right now. I am severly contemplating just walking into the darkness away from my family, away from my job. Things have ought to get better when i leave.
@5.v67 29 күн бұрын
Oh well, your family depends on you for money. I think you should rest from everything for a week. I know that there will be losses, but life is short, the consequences are temporary, and the memories are permanent. Do things for your life only, do not dedicate them to the sake of money. Find happiness first, and dating and friends will all help you.
@divine_0740 Ай бұрын
When I see peaceful places that brings peace to my soul. I can't remember nothing but my bestie, my soulmate.
@loudlikelove5016 27 күн бұрын
I've been trying unconscious to escape from everything since the past 10 years of my life. Still not sure about my path, but I'm pretty tired now having to face the consecuences of the work I have avoided on myself. Today I want to be better so I can be proud of myself before times goes in a blink of an eye. Future me counts on me, and that is the human I should love and care the most. I'm so sorry...
@umiifr Ай бұрын
Words can not describe the arrant rapturous memories this picture and music brings back. I remember laying in the backseat of my father's car, my mum and dad in the passenger's seat, talking while songs are playing. I would lie down and count the sheer myriad of stars on gloomy nights, and admire the beauty of the sunset in evenings, accompanied by the calm soothing serenity and tranquility, thinking this world would never end, and how easy it is to live life. I remember how creative I used to be, my mind being so diverse at that point, my inquisitiveness used to skyrocket as I explored different monuments and places, whether alone with only my parents, or together in a family trip. Looking back at all that, I direly miss it. Now I feel I am just stuck and boxed in this mundane world, and for me that mellifluous tranquility has diminished into oblivion. The only emotion that I now find is of romance, envisioning myself in this picture with my female friend, nothing to care about, just me and her, the world having stopped for us, us exploring the world together without any noise, distractions or raucousness, knowing we are free of all responsibilities, and living the life we always wished to live as kids. I don't mean to keep blabbering, but romance is the only emotion that is alive in me today, and that is poignant considering the variety of flamboyant feelings I used to have back then as a child.
@5.v67 29 күн бұрын
Sorry if anything happened to you, but this life is painful and we must pay for it because we came free for it
@deivisyovera2470 27 күн бұрын
El amor es parte del ser humano, es normal sentirlo, quizás te pueda llevar a salir de eso, encuentra ese amor por la vida, el romance, y después vendrá el amor externo.
@CROWSSHADOW 29 күн бұрын
I know.... You and me and everyone have gone through a lot of bad and good things. I don’t know if it was more bad or good, but I trust you.. I trust myself. Reply to my comment. If you need someone to talk to, I will be here.Thank you for continuing and discovering the truth, my friend
@kizzi_yt 8 күн бұрын
I don't know if this is on topic, but I'm thinking more and more that I don't want to grow up. At all. As a 13-year-old, I've started to worry about things that never occurred to me before. How do I look from the outside? Am I acting like an idiot? What will other people think of me? It's so exhausting. The eternal race to be liked, to be perfect in everything, to avoid being an outcast. And in the future there will be final exams, choice of profession, work, relationships, family and so on down the list. I just want to get away from it all. The future scares me, as much as I don't want to admit it. (I apologize for the mistakes, English is not my native language and thank you for reading).
@ognenplayer6089 4 күн бұрын
@@kizzi_yt Me too. I didn't know I could find someone here to relate to. I'm 15 right now and I feel like I have no idea what I am doing and what I will do with my life. And I'm constantly focused on how other people think of me, just like you. Thank you for posting your comment here, since I thought I was the only one not wanting to grow up. Thank you.
@kizzi_yt 4 күн бұрын
@@ognenplayer6089 Thank you, too. Sometimes I think that while my peers are just living, I'm the only one who thinks about this kind of thing. And the fact that someone else shares my thoughts is comforting. I wish you strength and luck, random stranger from the internet! ;)
@zachoryfostor7368 Ай бұрын
I think I remember my childhood some, my words don't mean a thing, compared to all the words and comments here but, I too felt that, at a time things were a lot simpler to understand. The fun we all had as kids, some sense of extra freedom now gone forever. We grew up now, parents with kids that now kids won't ever experience what we did and how it was, it won't be the same and y'all all know it. Take your kids to the park, to the movies, get them off the video games and outside for that same bit of freedom we had.
@mklv. 4 күн бұрын
Infelizmente essa é a realidade, crianças perdendo suas ingenuidades por culpa desse aparelho que as escravizam. Muitos pais não sabem lidar com os próprios filhos e preferem colocar um celular na mão deles, mas realmente todo mundo deveria ter noção que isso não faz bem. Concordo com sua ideia dos pais passarem um tempo com os filhos, os celulares tiram a liberdade e a confiança dos jovens/crianças
@errebusaether 2 ай бұрын
No matter how much you try to run from your fear. It'll always be up there in the sky looming like dark clouds. If you can't run from it, then face it because there will always be an end to that storm.
@ladislavviszkocs9179 Ай бұрын
It's realy hard for me to expres myself, how i feel right now, how bad are things going now, everything seems complicated. Everyday i'm fighting these demons inside me, it's like an infinite battle. I would realy wanna talk to somebody, anybody, just to lay it all out. Because i feel i can't take it any longer.
@masterfeed_yt3017 Ай бұрын
bro, please, be strong! ❤ i believe in you, i sure what you can do all.
@user-ll3vl6hh6n Ай бұрын
Talk to someone. You are strong. You can do it!
@kimberleecatena Ай бұрын
Lay it out here. ❤
@LilCalebW Ай бұрын
Yeah, I definitely feel you. If you want and feel comfortable with it, you can lay it out here.
@yukiyamaski Ай бұрын
Don't give up no matter what happens
@-hamid4474 Ай бұрын
This is not real , it's just a dream , please , please , wake up ...
Такой себе сон
@Kto.ia_ Ай бұрын
@BooRadley-uv5so 19 күн бұрын
you are actually correct.... when we die is when it gets real... the afterlife... heaven (by accepting Jesus Christ) or hell...
@user-fj9bt7yi6f Ай бұрын
It's 4 am and suddenly I feel inspired. Now I'm writing my thoughts and feelings on paper and getting lost in them
@toastedtoast275 Ай бұрын
damn that was 5 hours ago now
@user-xg2pi8ep9y Ай бұрын
You're down here because you feel catharsis, this song feels nostalgic and familiar, though you've never heard it before. The familiarity comes from the feeling that the music is putting deeply held personal feelings into the form of a song. You often feel isolated and alone, like these feelings are a neurosis only you have, but that isn't true. Someone made this music, someone felt the feelings and thought the same thoughts you once felt were a personal demon to you. The catharsis of knowing others sympathize with you has brought you to the comments. You were never alone, none of us were, we are just to frightened and deluded to see it. No matter what has happened to you or even what you have done in life I hold no judgement against you. I wish you peace and happieness. Listen to this music and share this collective experience. We are seperated by land and sea, I will never know your face, but I want you to know that I truly care for you. Welcome home friend, stay with me for just a brief moment in this song before we have to part again for good. I don't know you, but I know that you are there and I will not forget you and the shared melancholy that has brought us together. Thank you for exisiting, no matter who you are that reads this.
@laisapaulino6862 Ай бұрын
💖💖💖 thank u
@SniperMaskuwu Ай бұрын
I love you❣️
@timnost Ай бұрын
Daaamn G Amen 🔥- Love You whoever reads this
@UmiliaArts Ай бұрын
@TheTorturedOratorChannel Ай бұрын
Amazing message, my friend.
@Agatha_KrEsty Ай бұрын
I started to date with very handsome boy who really likes me he is smart and cute, I knew that he isn't as good as I saw him, but I hoped his love can make him better and I thought that we cope with our psychological problems. But now it's the fourth day after my agreement and he have been ignoring me all this time. I feel so upset, dirty and used I'm so happy I can tell here about it, my friends think that I'm stupid (I think same) and say "don't worry, he is simple busy, u think to much"
@user-fj9bt7yi6f Ай бұрын
In my dreams i'm always running from something. Again, again,again,again and again. And i think that i'm running from myself
@EEEbrahim3971 Ай бұрын
@Notcoolman211 2 ай бұрын
Where do you find pictures like this? It makes me feel something I can’t explain
@ImMrSage 2 ай бұрын
liminal spaces or dreamcore
@RustinRoark 2 ай бұрын
@aeh5159 2 ай бұрын
Ethereal and endurable.❤😊
@Bea-Nuh-Luh 2 ай бұрын
Right??? Idk who to ask but can people FEEL colors as an emotion ?
@jefokennedy5238 2 ай бұрын
Sim ​@@Bea-Nuh-Luh
@elbarto9657 Ай бұрын
I woke up this morning with my arm numb and the left side of my pec muscles area of my chest feeling strange I really dont think it's much myself cause i have felt it before for a long time but it feels different now tho but it should be fine either way everyone and anyone that reads this if something happens to me in my sleep you're indeed more special than you think you are we are all one we shouldn't be fighting or hurting eachother we shouldn't be rude to each other we are all one and we should all treat eachother as that we all love what if we are all the same being just split into multiple "people" please lets not hate eachother please that's all I ask before something happens to me but I know I wont get my wish because no one cares about me and eachother
@lexixcraft9562 24 күн бұрын
Intentare cumplir tu deseo...
@lpundergroundfans4324 Ай бұрын
I just want to escape it all! Escaping the routine, the exhausting work, the same faces and the same voices, the same paths, and even myself. Fighting to be well is difficult, the sea of ​​thoughts that floods the mind and takes the breath away... I'm simply fucking tired! Lost.
@cosmoseeker2112 29 күн бұрын
Same goes with me
@mklv. 4 күн бұрын
As vezes é bom tirar um tempo pra si mesmo, refletir algumas coisas e conversar com você mesmo. Diga pra si mesmo o que te incomoda e descubra alguma solução para esse problema, a vida é difícil, mas lute. No final você pode ser recompensado, só o tempo dirá
@pml_sher Ай бұрын
I don’t understand why it is at such moments that I feel something that I can’t understand and this feeling is very strange and incomprehensible... I’m stuck in this world...
@akshaykadam504 28 күн бұрын
This scenery is more captivating than the music itself.
@lostshadowwalker 29 күн бұрын
У меня социопатия, обострилась она год назад, я перестал интересоваться людьми и меня стали раздражать люди. Но я до сих пор хочу найти человека, с которым можно будет провести хоть вечность в таком месте, как и здесь на картинке.
@mklv. 4 күн бұрын
Seja sua melhor companhia
@ralecty1481 2 ай бұрын
Great something is here. We live in same time, same world. Be with thankful.
@AuroniRahman Ай бұрын
so many people from all around the world with so many emotions down here. yet all of the emotions seem tinged with the same lens. you know sometimes i listen to 'lust for life' by lana del rey when i need hope. 'and the lust for life keeps us alive' really resonates with me. because when i lose my 'lust for life' that's when i feel the least alive. when i feel im on the brink of slipping away forever. i relate to so much of what you all are saying down here. theres a part of me that doesn't hope and dream like the rest of me. there's a part of me that feels like im watching the world go around like a movie im not a part of. and y'all make me feel okay about that. i don't need to be happy and hopeful and optimistic 100% of the time. i try to, and sometimes i need reminding me that i don't have to be. bless you all.
@ImMerko 2 ай бұрын
100 reasons to stay alive: 1. to make your parents proud 2. to conquer your fears 3. to see your family again 4. to see your favourite artist live 5. to listen to music again 6. to experience a new culture 7. to make new friends 8. to inspire 9. to have your own children 10. to adopt your own pet 11. to make yourself proud 12. to meet your idols 13. to laugh until you cry 14. to feel tears of happiness 15. to eat your favourite food 16. to see your siblings grow 17. to pass school 18. to get tattoo 19. to smile until your cheeks hurt 20. to meet your internet friends 21. to find someone who loves you like you deserve 22. to eat ice cream on a hot day 23. to drink hot chocolate on a cold day 24. to see untouched snow in the morning 25. to see a sunset that sets the sky on fire 26. to see stars light up the sky 27. to read a book that changes your life 28. to see the flowers in the spring 29. to see the leaves change from green to brown 30. to travel abroad 31. to learn a new language 32. to learn to draw 33. to tell others your story in the hopes of helping them 34. Puppy kisses. 35. Baby kisses (the open mouthed kind when they smack their lips on your cheek). 36. Swear words and the release you feel when you say them. 37. Trampolines. 38. Ice cream. 39. Stargazing. 40. Cloud watching. 41. Taking a shower and then sleeping in clean sheets. 42. Receiving thoughtful gifts. 43. “I saw this and thought of you." 44. The feeling you get when someone you love says, “I love you." 45. The relief you feel after crying. 46. Sunshine. 47. The feeling you get when someone is listening to you/giving you their full attention. 48. Your future wedding. 49. Your favorite candy bar. 50. New clothes. 51. Witty puns. 52. Really good bread. 53. Holding your child in your arms for the first time. 54. Completing a milestone (aka going to college, graduating college, getting married, getting your dream job.) 55. The kind of dreams where you wake up and can’t stop smiling. 56. The smell before and after it rains 57. The sound of rain against a rooftop. 58. The feeling you get when you’re dancing. 59. The person (or people) that mean the most to you. Stay alive for them. 60. Trying out new recipes. 61. The feeling you get when your favorite song comes on the radio. 62. The rush you get when you step onto a stage. 63. You have to share your voice and talents and knowledge with the world because they are so valuable. 64.Breakfast in bed. 65. Getting a middle seat in the movie theater. 66. Breakfast for dinner (because it’s so much better at night than in the morning). 67. Pray (if you are religious) 68. Forgiveness. 69. Water balloon fights. 70. New books by your favorite authors. 71. Fireflies. 72. Birthdays. 73. Realizing that someone loves you. 74. Spending the day with someone you 85. Being wrapped up in a warm bed. 86. Someone’s skin against yours. 87. Holding hands. 88. The kind of hugs when you can feel a weight being lifted off your shoulders. The kind of hug where your breath syncs with the other person’s, and you feel like the only two people in the world. 89. Singing off key with your best friends. 90. Road trips. 91. Spontaneous adventures. 92. The feeling of sand beneath your toes. 93. The feeling when the first ocean wave rolls up and envelops your toes and ankles and knees. 94. Thunderstorms. 95. Your first (or hundredth) trip to Disneyland. 96. The taste of your favorite food. 97. The child-like feeling you get on Christmas morning. 98. The day when everything finally goes your way. 99. Compliments and praise. 100. to look on this moment in 10 years time and realise you did it. Ps : Never forget you are a beatiful person Life is so beatiful so live, live like no one else exist, live for yourself, don't care of bad people, you are strong, i love you 🫶
@rat_cat2074 2 ай бұрын
You have given me the help that my loved ones have not given me. thank you. (sorry, I don't speak English well)
@vilovisho8948 2 ай бұрын
@@rat_cat2074 ❤
@Vorkus01 2 ай бұрын
yeah i really like the 74, "Spending the day with someone you"
@electricwiizard 2 ай бұрын
@UnsuspectingCommenterPassingBy Ай бұрын
I don't know you but I love you so much. I'm currently feeling lost and still grieving a relationship that seriously impacted my hopes of building a life with someone else. It hurt so bad I'm now afraid of my own feelings, so I often pull away from connection and forget to enjoy the little things in life trying to keep negativity at bay. But you're right, there's so much more to experience other than romantic love, and obviously, a lot more people who'll give us the love we deserve. So seriously thank you 🤎 God bless you with an amazing life, you beautiful soul.
@Endymion766 2 ай бұрын
Remember when we promised ourselves we'd break our chains, whatever it took? Now we are old and tired and the chains remain. The knowing that they held at our strongest, there is no chance of breaking them now. But the mind cannot be always chained. It can still wander here and there. So we wander, and wonder, there and yonder, until all passions glimmers dimmer fonder. There is only this.
@aiilur0philee Ай бұрын
Thank you, I'm testifying tomorrow in my parents' divorce case, and I'm afraid because I know that I can't stay with the person I want and he will give me a hard time, but despite this, I will break my chains and leave him when the time comes, I know that if I don't show this courage now, I will never show it in the future..thanks for the comment
@user-rd1zj8gw3q Ай бұрын
What if the strength isn't what you need to break the chains, but something else?
@andrejourney96 Ай бұрын
Internet friends, I want to tell you that not everything is lost, the world tries to chain us several times in our lives, sometimes because of childhood traumas, or because of betrayal, sometimes because of the lack of a father or mother, but I come to tell you which in the word of God (Bible) in Matthew 11: 28-30 says: ''Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your soul. My yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.'' God speaks in his word that if we trust in him, he will free us from our chains, he will relieve us of our heavy burdens that we carry long and long days, Jesus claims to be the path to truth, the path to life, if today you feel stuck in something, trust your hope in God, I know he can change your life.
@BobBilly-co4cr Ай бұрын
I miss my old home let me wake up and go back...
@amidong3010 Ай бұрын
In my mind i alway wish someone would help me. HELP ME PLEASE SOMEBODY HELPME, but i know deep in the back of my mind i could only help myself.
@5.v67 29 күн бұрын
I put my headphones on to listen, as the holes come into my brain and the transmission, and we remember everything now because of this song. It's comfort. Thank you to whoever made this video. He suffers in his life more than us. Oh, everyone suffers. Just don't give up. I love you all. I encourage you.
@XxX6 2 ай бұрын
احب هاذ النوع من الموسيقى الجميل
@llan63a2 Ай бұрын
I cant believe i just been sitting at my desk and just staring at this video all the 3 hours, i dont even know what i was thinking of
@Rania8254oo Ай бұрын
الموسيقى كانها تبدا منذ ولادتك و تتغير مع تغير سنك و تغير عقليتك تدريجيًا 🫀🫀🫀لقد تذكرت طفولتي حتى الاشياء التي ظننت انني لقد نسيتها
@usurname-ge9lr Ай бұрын
Me he estado perdiendo últimamente y hace años que no escribo en este tipo de videos, sin embargo, espero salir de aquí y ser feliz C:
@lostinthehills1482 2 ай бұрын
We waited...and the drop has finally come....
@DoctorBored357 2 ай бұрын
Purgatory. Momentary peace in the eye of the storm. Like standing on the precipice of the End. But it's only the Beginning. You'll have to enter Hell to see Heaven. And you've already been here too long. It's time to go, my friend. Wake up.
@zSahadar Ай бұрын
Hold on till the end, guys, go with the flow, even if stones are thrown at you. Hold on till the end, no matter what. Each of us faces obstacles and trials that may shake our convictions and divert us from our goals. But it is precisely in these moments that it is important to remember that true strength lies in our ability to overcome difficulties and keep moving forward, even when everything seems hopeless. These are the moments when our motivation and endurance are tested. Nevertheless, if we hold on and don't give up, we can overcome any obstacles in our way. Be persistent and believe in your abilities, because that's how we reach great heights and turn our dreams into reality.
@kindimgabtel Ай бұрын
i remember this place.
@fixfox1620 Ай бұрын
all these comments are at the bottom... the music on the video, guys, thank you, it really touched me, good luck to you ❤
@chelovechikchik 6 күн бұрын
Так интересно наблюдать что каждый кто пришёл к этому плэйлисту ощущает разные эмоции, и чувства. Удивительно что одна и та же музыка может разным людям давать испытывать на столько разные впечатления. А я просто любитель такой спокойной музыки, поэтому у меня она ничего особого не вызывает, просто умиротворение, лёгкость и радость. Особенно это всё я могу почувствовать когда буду гулять и слушать этот плэйлист.
@gabriell_mp4 Ай бұрын
Maybe you really want to get away from everything, the difficulties, the problems, this pain that seems like it will never go away. But I want to remind you: it's not the end yet. You are alive, so that means you have a purpose in this life. And if you believe, know that God will always be with you and help you, don't forget. and keep trying, because as long as there is life, there is hope.
@lpundergroundfans4324 Ай бұрын
I'm so fucking tired of my reality. Every day is the same, I'm so confused and lost.
@5.v67 29 күн бұрын
If every day was the same then do the things you have never done in your life: friendship, dating, going to the mountains or an island with friends, going to karaoke, singing, dancing, drinking, playing computer games where everything is here, striving for money.
@darkkbrain106 2 ай бұрын
Hey! Hum I never done that Before but... Im gonna leave a comment and to anybody who see and read this thanks. I've been throught hard Time during these last few months... As you Can see im from France and im actually in a 7 months trip. And honestly I never feel that lost its weird I see every day the most beatifull landscape and place of the World but I feel empty... I talk too noboody, my Friends and family are 10,000km far away and m'y girlfriend just broke up with me 2week ago... I scared of growing up and take responsibility I just want to enjoy one last summer as a kid... So yeah... I have Time there to think and I know I should'nt complain. And just enjoy the moment but I realise so many things here in midle of nowhere... Thanks stranger if you read this Lets talk I thinks I need it .
@RWEGOR Ай бұрын
Be strong, man, you'll be fine. Believe in it as I believe in it.
@masterfeed_yt3017 Ай бұрын
how i can find you and contact with you?
@NxtivetheNative Ай бұрын
I feel you moved across my state away from all the extended family, friends, and my future. To help my family fix their crummy home. Now I'm just alone. It's like sitting on an island in the middle of nowhere. I feel like a heavy weight on their shoulders. Even though I'm 18 I just feel like I'm alone and everything is uncertain.
@MariaPateriob-xj1gx Ай бұрын
Let's be friends
@NxtivetheNative Ай бұрын
@@MariaPateriob-xj1gx Huh?
@leonjurihatlizalde9862 Ай бұрын
When i was younger, i use to go on weekends to a sport club in the limits of my city, it was so beautiful, it was beside the forest and the 80% of the area was covered with trees and nature, the wind was refreshing, the days were warm and comforting, and you could experience such calming solitude, i miss that days in there...
@5.v67 29 күн бұрын
Why don't you do these things now? What is the reason for this? It is your responsibilities and the consequences, but I must tell you that life is short, the consequences are temporary, and the memories are permanent. Do what you love, I encourage you.
@masramoreno 6 күн бұрын
I feel deeply happy knowing that the kind of people who i look for as a friend exist and i can somehow see it in some of the comments in this video, I hope you guys accomplish what you TRULLY want to do with your lives. Love.
@KusokOboev Ай бұрын
... И самый отстой, что проблемы всегда будут рядом с человечеством
@VoxCodeYT 9 күн бұрын
Lately a lot of things have been happening at the same time, I feel lost and I don't want to do anything, and what suffocates me the most is knowing that most of everything that has happened is my fault. I know it's not a very mature way of dealing with it, but I always try to ignore everything, and when I go to sleep or think about it again I feel like shit, I think my problem is that I worry too much about everything, everything that happens I take personally, or something that people say, and I try but I can't control it, it's like it's already automatic, an example of this is that I can't deal with everything that's been happening, I think I should already know how to deal, even though everyone says I don't need to. Anyway, in the future I hope I'll be better and won't regret having said all this..
@itsAbody 2 күн бұрын
Funny, I'm not the only one who feels this way
@NachoLibre-ec6md 2 ай бұрын
Existing in the past, present and the future. Most of all, realizing what the past, present and future could and should have been, but yet never was, is or will be. Nostalgia for a past that never was for you, and a longing for a future that never will be.
@Llando 2 ай бұрын
i swear these sad music compilation comments section are always the weirdest stuff
@RWEGOR Ай бұрын
@f_life2132 Ай бұрын
We are a unique blend of people. The algorithm knows us too well
@islamayman6575 Ай бұрын
Weird but make sense at the same time read with your heart not your eyes
@DanAmsterdam Ай бұрын
Weird? That’s natural feelings. Who the hell are you to call it all weird. You don’t know what the fvck people are going through, so please next time consider before saying something like this.
@FaraMarcell Ай бұрын
3:00PM me and thinking like how deep I have fallen into this unexplainable life, actually sometimes are hard to stay alive
@_rumblecrumble6991 3 күн бұрын
what do you hope for in life? of a better tomorrow. no matter how rich or poor we are, no matter how young or old we are, no matter who we are, we all are hoping for a better tomorrow, for ourselves, for our loved ones, for the world we live in.
@moonchildsirius6187 10 күн бұрын
Im just tired. Tired of pretending. Tired of not being fully myself. Tired of not having the tools to express through my art. Tired of the monotous rotine . Tired of the expectatives of others... What about MY expectatives? What I want to do? I cant just simple do it cause i dont have the money, or the time, or the conditions. I want to find love for myself, want to make art, want to have a beautifull house with a garden. I want something more, i want some magic.
@itsAbody 2 күн бұрын
@adalina2361 Ай бұрын
Lo admito si, si me afecto no tener amigos y que ni siquiera mis primos quisieran jugar conmigo por ser muy pequeña o muy grande y no no soy haci de solitaria o callada solo que no tengo confianza aún recuerdo cuando tenía 7 años mientras jugaba con mis peluches sola...
@dinoziii 8 сағат бұрын
I’m in love with a girl who doesn’t love me back. But I’ve understood that true love isn’t about spending my life with this person, if I really love her, I cannot limit her. If she loves another man and she finds happiness in that guy, believe me: I will be happy. Thank you Beckz for every emotion you’ve made me feel in just half a year. I wish you could see what’s on my mind so you can understand the impact you had on me. Love u.
@MysticalPhotography 2 ай бұрын
Why are you in my childhoods mind.. 😭 why does this feel so nostalgic
@That_rally_guy 2 ай бұрын
There’s something about this photo that gives me nostalgia and i have no idea why, tbh it reminds me of those old comodo and spycakes Gary’s mod videos
@islamayman6575 Ай бұрын
This photo isnt normal its gives everyone nostalgia i love it
@yuu-ka1104 Күн бұрын
When I listen to this kind of music, I feel like I'm spreading everywhere.
@thefragrantfox1307 2 ай бұрын
It reminds me of the melancholic dreams I would have about people in my life that I had to give up for one reason or another, even sometimes when they did it to me instead. I remember having the self-awareness of what happened between me and my abusive ex (emotionally and SA) wondering why they were acting like it was every normal day but I was asking so many questions trying to understand why everything happened the way it did although in the end it wouldn't change what happened and i guess it's just something I have to live with.
@blossom1643 2 ай бұрын
That picture is absolutely haunting. ✌️
@greggy224 2 ай бұрын
That image means my life. It's looks like such a lost and mysterious place to go to at 1 AM... I wish I could be there.
@zachoryfostor7368 Ай бұрын
We are there, just close your eyes and daydream, eventually you will find the place you long to seek and you will be happy there
@islamayman6575 Ай бұрын
at a rainy day i have used to see a place like this in my childhood in morocco
@Primat_Makakovich 2 күн бұрын
Мне 34 года. Когда мне 10, из за меня умерла девочка которую любил, и которя любила меня. Я никогда не говорил об этом ни с кем. Все знали что это я, но ни кто меня не обвинял (по крайней мере - в лицо), кроме ее старшей сестры. Если до этого события я был как все, после этого я начал замыкатся в себе. У меня ничего в жизне не удалось добиться, вообще ничего. Я впервые плакал о ней только год назад, когда вспомнил ее имя, я был под кайфом. Я заперся дома, перебрал массу книг, от мистики до психоанализа но дыра в душе так и осталась, мне 34 года
@exzite2105 2 күн бұрын
@C0nfused0ne_ 29 күн бұрын
We're a band, RTW. A, he's taught me that it's possible to break out of your comfort zone and do things you might've never done before. A, she's taught me that it's okay to make mistakes but it's not okay to give up. J, well, she's helped me make some important decisions, and helped be a sort of guide that has supported me, along with A2. They tell me it's okay to be myself. J, she's taught me it's okay to be silly and to be yourself, similar to J and A2, but she has such a kind and caring demeanor to her that makes me want to be just like her. She's like the older sister I never had. M, he's taught me that being confident in what you want is crucial to being respected. We're RTW. Let's RULE THE WORLD!! To anyone who might read this, it's our lil secret
@dogfoegami Ай бұрын
fell asleep to this and had the best sleep I've had in a while great job
@arborsamurai Ай бұрын
been searching for this for days without knowing it
@ohits. 6 күн бұрын
I dont even what to be dead anymore, I have tried so many times I feel like I dont have the energy to even try. I just want my life back and not have this scars, but I feel like that's just a me problem, and I'm just too weak and unmotivated to even try, that's why I feel like nothing is ever going to get better. I know its stupid.
@NothingAtreyu 19 күн бұрын
Whoever did that art can see deep in my soul
@daydreamerz1173 2 ай бұрын
Allem entkommen. Manchmal ist das alles was man braucht :) Und das hier ist ein gutes stück ums zu schaffen
@grizzlies4172 Ай бұрын
Cry because the happiness isn't forever or celebrate that the sadness will pass, its your choice
@LDEEZY22 2 ай бұрын
this upload is incredible, easily one of the very best on youtube
@mkviis 29 күн бұрын
1:54 personal ref.
@AyyWatUp 29 күн бұрын
He doesn’t kno that. But what we do kno is that i love you
@Blsblsblalblsblslsnss 2 ай бұрын
This was a beautiful experience. Thank you
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