Evolution is absolutely a Fact

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8 жыл бұрын

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/ aronra
Earlier this month, Sabboor Ahmed, a British Muslim creationist gave a Darwin Day presentation at Coventry University. I warned him on Twitter that he would only embarrass himself by promoting creationism in a college lecture hall. This would be true even in the US, and even more so in the UK. But he did it anyway and invited me to post this video critiquing that presentation.

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@algi1 8 жыл бұрын
Why are they even attacking Darwin? It's like attacking Newton to disrpove gravity.
@188basstrom 8 жыл бұрын
+algi Some do, the flat earthers for example
@pumpuppthevolume 8 жыл бұрын
not only that... it's like saying Newton was inaccurate therefore there is no gravity and no theories predicting how it all works and that's positive evidence for Peter Pan
@Mister-Thirteen 8 жыл бұрын
+algi When their appeal to Pathos is already highly suspect & their Appeal to logos practical crippled by previous assertions, does it really shock you that attacking Ethos is the only way left to go?
@movieklump 8 жыл бұрын
+Pope of Atheism KZfaq "crazy Christians" and you might come to the conclusion that it is a dead heat.
@Corn_Pone_Flicks 8 жыл бұрын
+algi For that matter, why do opponents always say "Darwinism" instead of "evolution?" It's as if they're pretending Darwin alone worked in the field.
@soupflood 8 жыл бұрын
There is a good reason why the most prominent science magazine is called *nature* and _not_ *magic*.
@OmniphonProductions 8 жыл бұрын
+soupflood YES!!!
@thomasmusso1147 4 жыл бұрын
Abracadabra .. Open Sesame .. there, Magic .. All is Explained .. Believe .....
@mcblu9344 4 жыл бұрын
David Anewman so you’re more science able huh? I’ll bite, if evolution is false then how do you explain the multiple species on our planet
@mcblu9344 4 жыл бұрын
David Anewman and Aron has absolutely dismantled Noah’s ark dude
@mcblu9344 4 жыл бұрын
David Anewman any proof of this or just a nuh uh
@shiny460 5 жыл бұрын
It's cute when creationists repeatedly state things like "just a theory" or "science always changes" as if that somehow gives more validity to what they believe
@VestigialHead 4 жыл бұрын
+ Jeff Boldgloom Exactly. I am much more likely to believe a system that changes its claims when new evidence becomes available. A system that will not change even when evidence now debunks it is dishonesty at its finest.
@cobramcjingleballs 4 жыл бұрын
or more like its impossible that chemicals formed even something close to self replicating protocell.
@riflebusters1 4 жыл бұрын
@@cobramcjingleballs since the human bodies functions can be explained naturalistically, why do you argue that it's impossible for chemicals to create sentience?
@cobramcjingleballs 4 жыл бұрын
@@riflebusters1 Actually that its impossible for chemicals to create a cell. Or for bacteria to turn into eukaryotes. The amount of new information needed to achieve that coded in DNA implies intelligence. (also DNA existing and epigenetics as most recent thing.) I said nothing about sentience, but its an interesting question I have only recently started to think about, literally 4 days ago, the origin of symbolic language, both in actual language and human thought as its fundamental to sentience. But thanks for reminding me, I had to look up the thing I came across, structialist biology and modern antidarwinist proponents of the theory. Stuart Kauffman...WOW. Lot of ideas there to unpack.
@riflebusters1 4 жыл бұрын
@@cobramcjingleballs ah I see, good luck with your research
@cardwitch91 8 жыл бұрын
Why do creationists always quote Darwin as if he was biology's prophet? It is really annoying. We have moved so far past the Origin of Species itself that them finding a flaw is a waste of time.
@tekbarrier 7 жыл бұрын
Top Lobster excellent point
@thatguy22441 5 жыл бұрын
The worst ones are the ones who speak ill of Darwin without even understanding what he wrote. I talked to one who didn't even know his nationality or even where he got the idea. They can't define natural selection or even want to know more.
@tekcomputers 5 жыл бұрын
Projection. That is how religion operates, so they operate as if science acts in the same manner.
@lespaul5628 4 жыл бұрын
@@thatguy22441 The whole "Darwinian" label is crap. Just because Darwin was ahead of his time doesn't mean the theory of evolution wouldn't exist without him. It all would have unfolded eventually
@dragongirl7978 4 жыл бұрын
@tekitron As someone who came out of Young Earth Creationism, I can confirm this. A lot of Young Earth Creationists actually believe evolution (as well as any other scientific evidence that disagrees with Genesis) IS a religion of which Darwin is the founder.
@mattpurvis927 6 жыл бұрын
"The scientific method came from Islamic countries." Boy how times have changed.
@The_Chef2511 6 жыл бұрын
Matt Purvis It's not entirely true. But yeah. Islam used to be tame compared to Christianity in the dark ages but went to shit when radicalization movements began popping up.
@yeshuasage3724 2 жыл бұрын
There was an Islamic sect called the mutazilites who decided to bring greek philosophy into islam, they were declared heretical btw but they had a strong momentum for about 200 yrs due to befriending the abbasid leaders so iraq was the learning centre of the world Then came ahmed ibn hanbal and the mongol invasions
@usef099 4 ай бұрын
Yeah this is so funny He starts with challenging science, try to undermine scientific methods, say its not reliable.. Then act proud of the origin of science method that he hates and stood against!!
@hagfish4998 2 ай бұрын
It's worth noting that medivel Islam was even toying with the idea of evolution. Ex. Al Jahiz
@maxdoubt5219 8 жыл бұрын
Thanks Aron. There is not a geneticist in the world that denies evolution. Is genetics wrong too? Evolution denialism is getting embarrassing...
@caliwarrior5452 8 жыл бұрын
i think you are misinformed, many experts in this field deny some aspects of evolution, especially human evolution.
@reubenwills9757 8 жыл бұрын
+CALI warrior elaborate.....
@RedTailShark100 8 жыл бұрын
+CALI warrior About 99.86% of biologists accept evolution
@DhukuAC 2 жыл бұрын
@@caliwarrior5452 no Lmaoo he takes individuals and paints them as majorities and in addition to that misconstrued their words as he did on genetic variation (such as when he quoted Relative Differences: Myth of 1%) he failed to mention the authors still think humans shared common ancestry with chimps due to common dna correlation…he left that out due to his bias. Pew polls showed 97% of scientists in Europe and North America believe in human Evolution
@nenmaster5218 2 жыл бұрын
@@RedTailShark100 To quote Telltale Atheist: "Go Vote. Left or Right, you do NOT want someone who does not understand the very basics of Science as a Senator. Extremists literally have voiced that they wanna go more than ever and run for Office. That’s fact, not Theory: they’re doing it now."
@paulrenfrew6137 7 жыл бұрын
This creationists is trying to ride a dead horse. It just won't fly.
@ardenking3481 5 жыл бұрын
I see what you did there :)
@Yeiyn343 5 жыл бұрын
@@ardenking3481 Is that about Muhammad's magic Lamasu ride to Jannah? I'm Ex Muslim. Haha. A Lamasu is the ancient Persian magic horse-like creature that Islam took and adapted to.
@shady8045 5 жыл бұрын
that was mean :( I agree though
@aciefarris1828 5 жыл бұрын
"ride a dead horse", "just won't fly". Ugh! God resurects the dead horse and gives it the ability to fly. Duh!
@md.shofiqulislam1492 5 жыл бұрын
"Lucy is an evidence!" ok . The analysis revealed that the chance of A. sediba being a direct ancestor was 0.09%. “That’s next to nothing,” says Du. [The research is published in the journal Science Advances] wait! I believe in evolution but not this guy who is lying constantly without any idea !
@kelpkelp5252 7 жыл бұрын
"Fossils are very very rare", I don't live very far from the english jurassic coast, on the beach only last year I randomly picked up some stone to notice a fossil impression. That's pretty easy.
@travisjazzbo3490 2 жыл бұрын
But they are IN FACT, extremely rare when you consider the millions and millions of animals that have lived on earth and 99.999% probably left no fossil of any kind.. it takes extraordinary conditions to do so and those extraordinary conditions are much more prevalent in certain areas of the earth, vs others, but most of animals that ever existed, probably didn't exist in those relatively few fossil rich areas
@whatabouttheearth 2 жыл бұрын
They are possible to find but compared to how many species existed they're fairly rare. He basically used that as a deflection in order to not explain the fossil relations and morphology other than "it's an Ape"
@CoolHardLogic 8 жыл бұрын
This guy had no place being given an audience at an establishment of higher learning. When he dredged up "Nebraska Man" and then showed that he hadn't even got his basic research correct, that really sealed the deal. He got a number of statements in his earlier segments correct, showing that he can comprehend what he's reading, so it simply doesn't stack up that he somehow failed to ascertain that the crap he came out with was, well, crap. Confirmation bias in sloppy "research" or just another creationist liar? I think I know where my bet would go.
@tdsdave 8 жыл бұрын
+CoolHardLogic Your bet is correct iERA/LDM/GDM , the organisation(s) he belongs to( I think charity commission is still investigating iERA), is full of Islamic bullshitters. Stop Spamming( channel/UC3IBoui-a48G33hNmU7xRcg ), amongst others , has been tracking and debunking these guys for years, Essenceofthought recently had a run in with another member of the group, Hamza Tzortis . They are quite often to be found on speakers corner. Their organisation was the one behind the fuss about enforced segregated seating at UK universities lectures. My own organisation amongst others played a part in getting the law changed to prevent this.
@PaulTheSkeptic 8 жыл бұрын
+CoolHardLogic That's exactly what I was thinking. He started out, if not logical, at least a little more sophisticated than most creationists. Then, when he got to "Nebraska Man", I deflated in exasperation. Just another Ken Ham.
@TheMrBeaucephus 8 жыл бұрын
+CoolHardLogic There are people I have met and talked to where it seemed as if their minds had a mechanism which prevented them from accepting evidence and explanations which contradict their religious beliefs. I have debunked their pseudoscientific woo-woo scatology and I could see the wheels spinning behind their eyes and still have them refuse to accept it even though the realization caused a physical reaction. These LDM/iERA chaps seem to be worse than liars in that they draw their "knowledge" from the creationist echo chamber and regurgitate it, often incompletely. Their tool of self-deception that they then project is the equivocation of scientific language. You can see it in shifting definitions of "fact", "observation" and "truth", for instance, and trying to use their redefinition as a weapon against the use in the scientific literature, or it even inject redefined concepts where there were none before, having no education in the material they are trying to refute. These people buy into the deceptions of Islamic apologetics and it becomes their self-identity. Once their identity and their sense of self-worth is tied up in such and endeavor, they become impervious to reason. Just look at Ken Ham. He is an impenetrable slab of stupidity and self-delusion. It would be comical if these people weren't such a danger to the progress of society. It is hard to call them liars. They are just broken, like people who eat their own shit and try to convince people it's ice cream.
@PaulTheSkeptic 8 жыл бұрын
What is iERA?
@tdsdave 8 жыл бұрын
Paul TheSkeptic Dodgy Islamic UK charity , googled?
@SiriusMined 8 жыл бұрын
I think it's hilarious that the apologist includes as evidence against evolution, is a part of evolution. (horizontal gene transfer) "look at this! There's additional means of evolution! That means evolution doesn't exist!" arg.
@GrammeStudio 4 жыл бұрын
even answers a stupid question often asked by creationists like kent hovind namely how does gene increase in "information"
@aiybhee8370 4 жыл бұрын
A Theist once asked me, "you rather believe that you came from apes than being created by God?" And I replied, "Yes because there are proof and studies about it . How about you, believing that god created you from mud!?" Hmmmm 🤔🤣🤣🤣
@doodlebob3374 4 жыл бұрын
No there is none
@Mirrorgirl492 8 жыл бұрын
Is this guy for real? If they are British students he is talking to, they will all be nudging each other and staring at the ceiling.
@henghistbluetooth7882 4 жыл бұрын
Mirrorgirl I’m guessing it wasn’t a lecture - probably he was invited to speak to a local Muslim student chapter and the audience would be people who only wanted someone to tell them they are right just like the Christian audiences in the states. Just an assumption though.
@55Quirll 3 жыл бұрын
Too bad we don't get to see the audience, like to see their reaction to his lecture.
@typingcat 8 жыл бұрын
I always wonder why the creationist are the most scrupulous sceptics when they think about evolution demanding perfect, tangible, visible, direct evidence, and when they think about creationism, somehow a book that says creationism is true is absolute evidence.
@YaroKasear 8 жыл бұрын
+Jeong-hun Sin They aren't even skeptics by the real definition of the term. Skeptics follow evidence wherever it leads and accepts the most sensible explanation of the evidence. Evolution comes from that, creationism does not.
@KTBlackadder 8 жыл бұрын
This chap is a sad example of the IERA / Hamza Tzortzis model of preaching that is present all over UK campuses and colleges. The principal is to create doubt about evolution in step one, by creating doubt about science in general. From there you argue against evolution and try to squeeze in your 'contentions' as evidence of fallacy. Muslims often argue as if science is treated as logic and it isn't.
@Balstrome1 8 жыл бұрын
+KTBlackadder You misprounced his name, it is said as "Hamster Tortoise"
@itreallydo 8 жыл бұрын
It's funny how almost all religion believes in creationism but yet they are always fighting against each other. Well I guess that's not really funny just ironic.
@greglogan7706 4 жыл бұрын
That is a Christian theist I actually find it pathetic and it just shows how humanistic religion really is - most notably seen among American evangelicals
@jarrygarry5316 3 жыл бұрын
Actually Abrahamic religions.Other religions like Dharmic are pretty chill and most of buddhist and hindus accept evolution and don't fight each other
@martylawrence5532 2 жыл бұрын
In a three-camp-of-existence of the Biblical model, it makes perfect sense.
@caniblmolstr4503 Жыл бұрын
@@jarrygarry5316 Dharmic religions are like sponge.. It will just absorb all changes and still continue to exist. When Buddhism appeared... Kid you not the Buddha was made an avatar of Shiva who was to destroy the previous caste based distinctions
@whade62000 8 жыл бұрын
An excellent answer to the point at 5:00 was made by, I believe, Asimov, in response to a student who also said that science always changed its mind and thus what it was saying today did not matter. He said that what science was doing was making its claims more detailed, more accurate, but it rarely ever actually took a 180 turn, because any new theory would still need to explain the same data. So just because Earth was flat the day before yesterday, a sphere the day after that, and a geoid today, did NOT mean that tomorrow it may turn into a cube. Since steps 1-3 still followed from each other and the next theory always "contained" the previous theory. Similarly, tomorrow's evolution is not going to be saying that today's evolution was wrong, but only that we know more about X or Y now.
@thebrain-damagedphilosophe2923 3 жыл бұрын
That's a really cool way of explaining it, but I wasn't able to find it on Asimov's wikiquote page, so I'm just going to attribute it to you lol
@whatabouttheearth 2 жыл бұрын
It's as simple as 'science refines it's findings' And that's because science actually gives a shit about truth
@ralphpercy4846 2 жыл бұрын
!!!!Brilliant mr RA. The lie has been taught for a very Long time.. and the rich depend on people like you to keep them walking on the Human race for a much Longer time.. don't you think its time to make a change? The lie has not been working for Humanity.. and the truth is self evident. However you seem to push it under the Carpet. Your real Masters. and traitors are P-ercy A-ldobrandini O-rsini B-reakspear F-arnese R-osenberg LUISS-DOT-IT. And you are working for material things and not spiritual !!!!!
@DrownedInExile 2 жыл бұрын
@@ralphpercy4846 You are the one lying. To yourself most of all. Does your god find your lies pleasing?
@LeroyRallyX 8 жыл бұрын
"creationism, you trying to ride a dead horse" Absolutely brilliant.
@ethansutton9560 8 жыл бұрын
"Then god took no part in your presentation." utterly destroyed.
@md.shofiqulislam1492 5 жыл бұрын
"Lucy is an evidence!" ok . The analysis revealed that the chance of A. sediba being a direct ancestor was 0.09%. “That’s next to nothing,” says Du. [The research is published in the journal Science Advances] wait! I believe in evolution but not this guy who is lying constantly without any idea !
@gustavorincon1640 3 жыл бұрын
@@md.shofiqulislam1492 that´s not the conclusion of the paper, btw published in 2019, so after the statement was made, and at the end the paper says :"and the most viable ancestral candidate for the genus Homo remains Australopithecus afarensis both on morphological (5) and temporal grounds (7, 8)", so there´s that. Science is dynamic.
@DhukuAC 2 жыл бұрын
@@md.shofiqulislam1492 no Lmaoo he takes individuals and paints them as majorities and in addition to that misconstrued their words as he did on genetic variation (such as when he quoted Relative Differences: Myth of 1%) he failed to mention the authors still think humans shared common ancestry with chimps due to common dna correlation…he left that out due to his bias.
@davidwatson2399 3 жыл бұрын
"In the name of god" What god? Which god" Evidence required for your assertions.
@txfreethinker 6 жыл бұрын
Seems like a good guy, but they never should have invited him to speak in a science classroom. Science classrooms are for real science, not pseudoscience. Period.
@tongleekwan1324 2 ай бұрын
Exactly, that worry me a lot! Why esteemed university still invite idiots to say bullshit nonscience to dress up as science something obviously pseudoscientific bullshit !! That may affect some children without adult guidance
@briannamtar4679 8 жыл бұрын
Meh, you can't "Darwin" 'em all.
@GregReavis 8 жыл бұрын
+Brian Namtar That was terrible. If you do it again I'll tie you to a Hitchens.
@michaeljordan1135 8 жыл бұрын
@MrWogle1 8 жыл бұрын
+Brian Namtar I cannot think of a Dennett pun...
@moneymikz 8 жыл бұрын
Give him a break, he was just Sagan...
@GoodAvatar 8 жыл бұрын
+Brian Namtar Boo on your pun while I simultaneously applaud it.
@jeffreyp1855 8 жыл бұрын
His opening words are some prayer and dedication to the Muslim God, Allah. Oh, yeah! We know he is going to be honest!
@pcppbadminton 8 жыл бұрын
Same god as the Christians, which explains a lot.
@jeffreyp1855 8 жыл бұрын
+Muppet Head Yeah,Christians and Muslims use the exact same arguments.
@Self-replicating_whatnot 8 жыл бұрын
+Muppet Head If that god actually exists, he must be split-brained, scatter-brained and autistic at the same time. That's the only explanation of why there are so many religions and sects worshiping him.
@jeffreyp1855 8 жыл бұрын
Self-replicating whatnot According to the Bible and Koran, this God gets positively giddy from the scent of blood, burnt flesh and the sounds of murderous carnage. Like some God of chaos and entropy, from a Michael Moorcock novel. Oh, but wait! according to Christians and Muslims, he is a God of perfect love, perfect morality and the fundamental laws of physics, that make the universe so fine tuned for life!
@ferocient 6 жыл бұрын
+Jeffrey P Marvelous analogy and bonus points for reference to Michael Moorcock. I have often thought of the correspondence of the Christian/Jewish/Islamic god and the dark gods of chaos in Moorcok's novels - its all a matter of perspective.
@Iylandrea 8 жыл бұрын
If I where in a college course, which I had paid a high tuition for, and speaker came in and started out by saying "evolution is just a theory" I would walk out and head straight to the dean's office to complain. My education is expansive. I am not paying my tuition to waste my time entertaining such drivel. I can't even justify it as "it's another opinion." Science isn't about opinion.
@Iylandrea 8 жыл бұрын
ugh >.< this is insulting to the students who paid to get an education.
@faircompetition1203 8 жыл бұрын
I full well support your position . If you went to an astronomy lecture and the speaker tried to teach the stars were stuck to the firmament in the sky that was holding out water he would be thrown out and you would get an apology from the school . Same thing if you were in a lecture and the speaker was trying to teach the earth flat .
@MyReligionIs2DoGood 7 жыл бұрын
"If I WERE in a college course, ..." - "My education is EXPENSIVE." Maybe you should have spent some more. ;) However, I agree with your point.
@bethisgg5653 7 жыл бұрын
evolution is a theory btw. you can challenge me here n right now.
@jasonbone5121 7 жыл бұрын
+Silent Mentor - Saying evolution is a theory, and saying evolution is 'just' a theory kind of implies 2 different things don't you think? Or maybe I misunderstand you and maybe you don't understand the definition of the word 'theory' as it applies to science (which is a different definition than that used by a detective, on a tv show). If it's the latter, feel free to spout off and embarrass yourself. It's Saturday, I could use a giggle.
@IanMcGarrett 7 жыл бұрын
Evolution absolutely is a theory (which is the best explanation of the facts).
@elizabethposekany4944 3 жыл бұрын
@@tototome7046 Im sorry for you
@BudgetFilmmaking 3 жыл бұрын
@@tototome7046 I can. Here's your facts. 1. Similarity in DNA is the way we define and measure familial relationship. 2. Sections of DNA called genes are passed on to the decendants of organisms who possess those genes. 3. Bacteria and eukaryotes (animals, plants, fungi) share about 1000 genes. Conclusion: Bacteria and eukaryotes share a common ancestor from whom the shared genes were inherited. No story-telling necessary, just fact and logic.
@maxxam3590 3 жыл бұрын
@@tototome7046 Yup, that's a fact.
@zekeyeager8574 3 жыл бұрын
@@tototome7046muslims : if you want to criticize islam, you need to learn the Qur'an in arabic for 10 years. Also muslims : *refusing to read up on evolution and do research. SMH
@thakraken6995 3 жыл бұрын
@@zekeyeager8574 it's a funny notion cuz even the formed Muslims who have read it in Arabic say the translation isn't much different
@HebaruSan 8 жыл бұрын
Horizontal gene transfer, therefore Allah. I feel like I've seen it all now.
@TheRealMrPeach 8 жыл бұрын
Why was this clown allowed to talk to students?
@Questron71 8 жыл бұрын
Why don't we have a video about the reactions of the students or how the Q&A after this trainwreck of a "lecture" went? :D I can only suppose "a priori" that it would have been far more entertaining than Beardy McBeardface jabbering on about how we should not trust science above religion... *sigh*
@chaz9808 8 жыл бұрын
its because he Muslim Muslims get away with anything these days.
@TheRealMrPeach 8 жыл бұрын
Nah, not so much. Moderate Muslims are catching a ton of shit due to their less evolved brethren. The assholes are not being treated any better than anyone else. If you have proof to the contrary I'd love to hear it.
@TheRealMrPeach 7 жыл бұрын
Interesting. Thanks for sharing.
@Hypergangnam 7 жыл бұрын
vocaltalent1: Right. Repeate it enough times, and im sure you will eventually believe what you write. Your desperation is showing. Copy, pasting like a delusional fool. Fear not, only the weakminded as yourself, will believe you. Like the random conspiracy fool, standing on the sidewalk repeatedly shouting, instead of actually engaging in a reasonable debate.
@vincenzoguandolo8641 2 жыл бұрын
I absolutely love how tired he is of debunking creationist bull s**t
@OneTrueScotsman 8 жыл бұрын
You gotta love creationists. The amount of evidence they demand for evolution is extremely high (which we have anyway). But at the same time they whole hearty believe in their particular creation myth with nothing but an old fairy tale book to back it up. It really is rather pathetic.
@OneTrueScotsman 8 жыл бұрын
Wolf Slayer "I have watched it. it nearly sent me to sleep like your doing now too" And yet your comments suggest you haven't.
@OneTrueScotsman 8 жыл бұрын
Wolf Slayer _I might explain a thing or two to put your God hating fire out_ That made me chuckle. Are you a Muslim? If you're not? Then why do you hate Allah? Do you believe in fairies? No!? Why do you _hate_ fairies!? Do you believe in fire breathing dragons and unicorns? No?? Why do you _hate_ fire breathing dragons and unicorns? Logic is not your strong suit is it? Just because I don't share a belief in your primitive imaginary friend, it doesn't mean that I "hate" your imaginary friend. _it wasn't there at the time and it can ONLY speculate_ So I take it you don't have a lot of confidence in courts and forensics, either then? I mean, given that none of them were there when the crime was committed, and yet they manage to figure out who commit the crime afterwards by using the scientific method. It's the same way with things like evolution, and ideas behind physics. For instance, we've been able to make predictions based on what we knew at the time, that if discovered would prove evolution and other sciences, right. Take Einstein, in 1915 he predicted gravity waves. 101 years later we discover gravitational waves. There's thousands of similar predictions, solved, in science, from biology and evolution, to chemistry and physics. At the same time. Your creation myth has nothing going for it. ZIP. Nada.
@jmtnvalley 7 жыл бұрын
I really like Aron's videos, but I get really tired of these religious quakes using the term "Darwinism.' I ended watching at 5:30
@jayoduinn340 4 жыл бұрын
it's quacks
@DrownedInExile 8 жыл бұрын
37:11 "Then god took no part in your presentation." BOOM, headshot! I would further go on to ask Ahmed, does his god reward ignorance?
@tekbarrier 7 жыл бұрын
DrownedInExile just curious, is your name a reference to the OC Remix song Maridia(DrownedinExile)?
@DrownedInExile 7 жыл бұрын
+tekbarrier You got it.
@elephystry 6 жыл бұрын
He would respond by saying yes, and that Allah punishes science.
@anees_official6484 4 жыл бұрын
Go and have guts to ask keyboard warriors
@ralphpercy4846 2 жыл бұрын
!!!!Brilliant mr RA. The lie has been taught for a very Long time.. and the rich depend on people like you to keep them walking on the Human race for a much Longer time.. don't you think its time to make a change? The lie has not been working for Humanity.. and the truth is self evident. However you seem to push it under the Carpet. Your real Masters. and traitors are P-ercy A-ldobrandini O-rsini B-reakspear F-arnese R-osenberg LUISS-DOT-IT. And you are working for material things and not spiritual !!!!!
@aaronbutler6448 3 жыл бұрын
Why would anyone ever argue with Aron Ra? He has destroyed everyone who has ever tried to argue with him.
@scruffythejanitor4368 2 жыл бұрын
As long as they continue being a light too the world constantly making it known, the message of the cross and empty tomb they've won. Wether or not a person like aron ra accepts it or not isnt up to them but the Holy Spirit.
@anUntouchable 8 жыл бұрын
What a joke of a lecture. Uneducated, ignorant, unscientific and totally wrong on every level. He should be ashamed of himself and his total ignorance of the subject.
@connorirons4542 4 жыл бұрын
He's doing this in a UK school. From experience, I know that every (and I mean EVERYONE) would be joking, laughing and taking the piss out of this guy. He would also get laughed out of the classroom everytime he left.
@lavenderelephant234 8 жыл бұрын
Did this guy just watch a bunch of Kent Hovind and Ken Ham videos and say to himself, "I like this, but it needs more Allah"?
@jonie365 8 жыл бұрын
What Sabboor Ahmed does in this lecture is give a beautiful demonstration of confirmation bias, he seems very bright and intelligent but on the topic of evolution shows throughout how his religious belief has corrupted his judgement. I'm assuming, like most religious people he has been indoctrinated from the day he was born by his parents, who were indoctrinated by theirs and so on, so when it comes to the topic of evolution, he can only view any of the FACTS through the prism of this myth that hes been brainwashed into believing is true, and thats how an intelligent man can come to be standing in front of those young minds talking absolute rubbish and not feel embarrassed, he truly believes Islam is true, his loving parents told him every day so why would he think any different, so something like evolution which clashes with this view has to be altered to fit his way of seeing things, hence confirmation bias, his Islamic world view is his starting point and every single thing he comes across is seen to fall in line with this view, so to him hes talking nothing but truth, but to the rest of us and especially the magnificent Aron Ra, hes talking garbage.
@Hello-ri9dd 3 жыл бұрын
U don't understand the philosophy of science
@dadush4 2 жыл бұрын
He backs everything with sources from people in the field that share YOUR world view. U dont like Subhoor? Fine. Your beef is not with him though, it s with people that share your atheïstic view.
@yeshuasage3724 2 жыл бұрын
@@dadush4 how many times do you have to be taught that there’s no such thing as “atheistic world view”
@nenmaster5218 2 жыл бұрын
@@yeshuasage3724 To quote Telltale Atheist: "Go Vote. Especially for the small posts. Left or Right, you do NOT want someone who does not understand the very basics of Science as a Senator. Extremists literally have voiced that they wanna go more than ever and run for Office. That’s fact, not Theory: they’re doing it now. Quanon, Evolution-Deniers and many others will fini f people are; excuse the harsh word; too LAZY to vote after informing themselves who’s extreme and who is not."
@angadsinghahuja9235 Жыл бұрын
@@dadush4 He quotes people and then joins the dots himself.
@TheRationalizer 8 жыл бұрын
I attended this event. The speaker, Subboor, invited me up do share the Q&A session with him. A member of the audience video recorded the exchange and sent it to the Subboor and Imran (the other iERA guy in attendance). They won't release the footage. Possibly because it reveals that Subboor didn't even know what a scientific fact is.
@STR33TSofJUST1C3 8 жыл бұрын
+TheRationalizer So only the two scientifically illiterate are in possession of this footage? Damn. Nothing more satisfying than exposing charlatans.
@diictodonsynapsida3106 8 жыл бұрын
Remember me ;). I was the glasses wearing dork with the prof
@TheRationalizer 8 жыл бұрын
+Diictodon Synapsida Sorry, no :)
@diictodonsynapsida3106 8 жыл бұрын
TheRationalizer I was the dark skinned guy with the professor.
@TheRationalizer 8 жыл бұрын
It was an Islamic Society event....do you realise how many brown people were there? :) Seriously though, I didn't realise anyone was with the professor. You didn't record the Q&A did you? iERA had a copy of the footage but wouldn't release it
@gulgul877 4 жыл бұрын
how can the muslim apologist look in the mirror and not see the missing link
@WhtetstoneFlunky 8 жыл бұрын
I will go to various websites, blogs, etc., and enter into discussions concerning religion and often Christianity or Islam specifically. There often comes a point where I will politely state that if the person takes his or her Bible or Quran literally, then it has to be wrong because the first human evolved and was not simply placed on earth in a modern form as both of those books proclaim. Without fail I then will receive creationists' denials. Often the last bit of conversation is my suggesting the Smithsonian website, specifically sections having to do with human evolution. As a person trying to enlighten others, I don't know what more I can do. People have to be accepting of evidence and the subsequent reality.
@dogmahacker8278 8 жыл бұрын
+Heather Watson When I was a fundi christian I use to look at evolution the same way we skeptics look at ancient alien theories or bigfoot or lochness. They know we have evidence and they ignore it because they think its silly and false evidence and that it falls into the same category as everything a rational skeptic rejects. Evidence will never prove to a creationist that evolution is true. They already have mountains of "evidence" supporting their views and feel they have no reason to even glance at what you have to present. They heard the stereo types about evolution and think thats all the proof it offers. Would we really waste our time listening to the next guy claiming to have proof for ghosts or bigfoot? Will I sit through an ancient alien documentary? I have in the past, but if more of these people keep presenting their theories, I simply ignore it. I know where there getting at and I can predict their fallacies before they make them. Creationists see it the same way. While evolution has no fallacies, remember they are basing their knowledge of evolution on what they learn from their circles and their own understanding of it and they think thats what we have or the sources we present have to offer. Even if evolution starts to make sense to them, no creationist will except evolution over night, they're whole identity will try to salvage their beliefs. They stop leaning about evolution and seek reassurance. The only think that seems to disconnect a fundamentalist from creationism is when they are put to the test and are pushed to prove their theory while learning about the other side of the debate. That the difference between Matt Dilahunty whole found his way and Ray Comfort whos still lost in delusion. Is that Ray comfort despite all the debates hes done for his fight of creationism, he has never bother to learn about what hes fighting. And is stuck in his drunning kruger effect of thinking he understands it better than he really does. And every creationist I speak to seem to think the same. They all think they know evolution better than they really do and feel they can debunk it on their terms. Thats why when you ask a creationist, "have you even studied evolution"? they usually respond "yes I have" "I know what it is all about". They're referring to their highschool biology class understanding of it. They wont look any further because they really think they have nothing to learn from it. And frankly most books i've read that try to prove evolution such as Bill Nyes Why Evolution is True. Are not creationist or dummy literate. It would have not worked for me when I was a christian. I read many books each by themselves not convincing enough for a creationist. Most books even the ones specifically directed for creationist or deniers do a bad job at presenting evolution in a way that will cause them to consider it and want to read more. In my opinion and what has work for me, when describing evolution to a creationist, the fossil record and too much genetics are the last things you want to mention. They should come up only once they start to understand what is going on in what we observe. Darwin didn't need genetics or many fossils to understand it, and I feel it's not relevant right away for a creationist.
@brunorhagalcus6132 8 жыл бұрын
+Heather Watson Understanding the evolutionary need to conform and the psychological precursors of delusion might help you understand the mindset better. The Milgram effect and the Asch effect might be a good start. I don't know that it will help much in negotiating contrary arguments because a delusion supersedes the truth for the sufferer, but attempting to ignite any cognitive dissonance is better than nothing.
@Raptor302 8 жыл бұрын
+Heather Watson Religion represents an emotional investment on the part of the believer. It is not simply something that one holds to be true. It forms worldviews, political stances, meaning, purpose, and mission in life. Asking someone to give that up is like asking them to give up their arm. They see the writing on the wall. They know that a literal interpretation of their scripture and evolution are mutually exclusive. But they pride their conclusion over their methods, so actual evidence means nothing to them. Instead, as Andre said, they go shopping for their favorite "evidence" to back up their beliefs.
@rvapes5912 8 жыл бұрын
+Raptor302 Exactly. After the age of 18 or so, they're hopeless, impenetrable to fact and deserving of nothing more than ridicule and mockery. This tack may be as futile as education, but it's easier and a lot more fun. I liken any attempt to enlighten creatards to the futile task of attempting to explain to a 10 year old that all those men who came over to visit his mother every Friday night weren't really his uncles. What is interesting is how they project their dependency onto atheists and, especially, scientists. They're convinced that scientists are as invested in evolutionary theory as they are in their religion. That explains how they think that they've all been engaged in a conspiracy to disprove god via evolution for the last 150 years. It's inconceivable to them that scientists would love nothing more than to disprove evolutionary theory. They can't grasp the fact that if god were disproved, billions of theists would jump out of windows while, OTOH, if evolution were disproved, millions of scientist would be delighted for the chance to become the next Charles Darwin. This psychological projection also explains their insistence on conflating cosmology, abiogenesis and evolution. The idea of a non-unified world view is beyond their mental abilities.
@Raptor302 8 жыл бұрын
RVapes "After the age of 18 or so, they're hopeless" I wouldn't say that. I was brought up an evangelical young earth creationist. At age 19, I was in my first year at a christian college and started learning about the academic origins of the old and new testaments. At the same time, I started debating atheists on the internet. I wouldn't admit it at the time, but I started to gain some doubts about my faith. Four years later, at age 23 I came across Thunderf00t and Aronra's videos on evolution. While I had been taught evolution before in school, I had rejected it based on what I had been taught at home/church. With my faith weakened and looking at evolution through fresh eyes, it finally made sense to me. It also signaled the final nail in the coffin for my faith. Bottom line: it's never too late for anyone. It all comes down to what that person values more: the emotional weight of their religious beliefs or their intellectual search for truth, no matter the cost.
@RobertSzasz 8 жыл бұрын
If fossils are so rare I wonder what the white cliffs of Dover are made of.
@BlackEpyon 8 жыл бұрын
Rare is relative. The cliffs of Dover are an unfair example, because bivalves and other hard-shelled organisms fossilize rather easily compared to softies.
@thejudgmentalcat 8 жыл бұрын
I heard the cliffs of Dover are made of soap. Must be true.
@flipvdfluitketel867 8 жыл бұрын
+Linda Ciccoli Its actually coke, from when Pablo Escobar was Colombias special envoy to the crown.
@thejudgmentalcat 8 жыл бұрын
+Flip v d Fluitketel I'm flying to England tomorrow!
@RobertSzasz 8 жыл бұрын
BlackEpyon My comment was snark. Fossilization is rare, fossils aren't. It's an important distinction that young earthers fail to make. The same way populations are subject to evolutionary pressures while individuals just reproduce or not.
@cleovargis7806 4 жыл бұрын
"I start with God, and i end with God. Every good thing ive said is from God, and every mistake is my own." What a pathetic and slave minded attitude. that last bit made me physically recoil like id just been sneezed on. I always thought that hitchens had no basis to go so far as psychoanalyzing believers as sadomasichistic, but it doesnt seem quite so ad hominem anymore.
@cobramcjingleballs 4 жыл бұрын
You said hitchens said that...I think it was a criticism against christians if so. But its true, especially the last phrase. Humans are most responsible for their own misery. I wanted to be a astrophysicist from age 8...ended up now an artist. My mistakes have caused most of my troubles. It's not because you want them, but you trusted wrong people, made bad decisions, valued things you shouldn't have. I appreciate the christian worldview that you should not value things but people, as I have lost everything I own 3 times. Oddly the thing I want back most is my HS yearbook, rather than published stories I wrote in magazines or any comfort thing I owned. But the christian mindset, you can become a slave to things....money. Its why I always value people over those things. Which is more pathetic point of view....slave to things, or slave to doing what is right?
@iyadal-najjar3512 3 жыл бұрын
as far as I know, the 1st guy who said it was one of the companions of the prophet and the 2nd khalifa and it is just about being humble with people and god.
@cobramcjingleballs 3 жыл бұрын
​@@iyadal-najjar3512 let's just expose this with the most hated thing of christian belief...only have sex with your wife. This would eliminate STDs in what? 1 or 2 generations? Also have to ask why most STDs seem to be fatal?
@kellycowley3535 3 жыл бұрын
@@cobramcjingleballs I think you completely missed Cleo's point. Someone that gives another person credit (doesn't have to be god) for their every achievement but blames themselves for any mistake is going to end up with mental issues. If god (or anyone else) is controlling a person enough to take credit for their every achievement then they must the blame for their every mistake (since they have enough control over that person to stop).
@cobramcjingleballs 3 жыл бұрын
@@kellycowley3535 no. Absolutely not. Imagine perfect parents who created you and nurtured you perfectly. Then you DECIDED to get into drugs, loose all your teeth, have child out of wedlock, against their advice and wishes. Would you blame them for mistakes and for the trust fund they gave you that allowed your choices to do that? Same way. God gave you the gifts you have. So a lot of the credit is due to him. How you choose to handle it is all on you. Its nots your parents or God's fault you ignored warnings not to sleep around and got an STD for life. Yeah, both have control, neither can stop you from being stupid. But to blame them for you ignoring them? NOPE.
@evilotakuneko 8 жыл бұрын
I love AronRa's pace and diction. Makes the pwnage that much more epic.
@Fjolltzu 8 жыл бұрын
@TheGrifCannon00 8 жыл бұрын
I love how when he cites examples of scientists, he always points out that they are atheists and secularists, in a vain attempt to discredit them.
@dadush4 2 жыл бұрын
He actually says they are atheists and secularists so YOU, the atheist, wouldnt think Subhoor is lying or inventing this stuff. Educated people with YOUR world view discredit evolution. So how can YOUR opinion on the matter be superior? There s no winning with atheists it seems: 1) "Heres why its wrong" "Ur a maazlim i don traast joo" 2) "Heres an atheist that says its wrong" "Omg he just wants to destroy those people" How arrogant are you to believe your view is superior to the experts in the field??
@DrownedInExile 2 жыл бұрын
@@dadush4 So when are these so-called educated people claiming to discredit evolution, going to win the Nobel Prize? The same time someone buys the Brooklyn Bridge from you!
@dadush4 2 жыл бұрын
@@DrownedInExile there is a difference in understanding between Aron Ra (= you as well) and the actual scientists. No scientist claims evolution as Darwin portrays it is an absolute truth. Its a study on a probabilistic framework with many assumptions. This means it is useful as a theory but in no way a reassurance that apes and men came from the same origin. It s a possibility and you can think it, but you cant make that claim because the data is not there to engrave it in stone. Aron Ra seems to believe men and apes come from the same ancestor FULL STOP. He says it is a fact. Later on in the debate with Subhoor he defines what he means with fact by saying "a fact is something which is falsiable and true but can change depending on new data". So he s basically saying hot and cold in the same breath. Subhoor clearly defined "fact" as something which is "absolute" and "unchanging". Aron Ra did not agree with this definition. So after Aron Ra lets all the semantics drop down he concludes: Men and apes come from the same ancestor. This is a fact, but facts (according to Aron Ra) can change so men and apes can also not come from the same ancestor. Which contradicts his earlier belief and proves Aron Ra is just an inconsistent arrogant bloat that brings nothing of relevance to the discussion. You chose the wrong man to follow.
@DrownedInExile 2 жыл бұрын
@@dadush4 "No scientist claims evolution as Darwin portrays it is an absolute truth." Congratulations, that's the first thing you got right. But Aronra is on record saying there's no such thing as absolute truth. You are dishonestly twisting his words, as you have already done with me. "This means [evolution] is useful as a theory but in no way a reassurance..." This absurd statement demonstrates you don't even know what a scientific theory is! Did you even graduate high school? LMAO! Please do go on, continue to make a fool of yourself. You do provide some harmless little amusement, if nothing else.
@dadush4 2 жыл бұрын
@@DrownedInExile 1) "No scientist claims evolution as Darwin portrays it is an absolute truth." Congratulations, that's the first thing you got right. But Aronra is on record saying there's no such thing as absolute truth. You are dishonestly twisting his words, as you have already done with me. Clearly you haven't read his book ^^, because Aronra has said so many things that contradict his own book, it baffles me you still dont know what the hell this guy stands for. I'm not twisting words, I'm clarifying the hilarious contradictions and non-consistencies you and your prophet Aronra are spouting. It's hilarious to see you insult me but not realize your own stupidity when doing so. Do yourself a favor, read the final chapter of Aron Ra's book where he makes the conclusion that ape and human have the same ancestor. It's not just a fact, it's the "absolute" fact which is him saying it's the truth. But of course, you're going to go semantics on me and say "well absolute is not really absolute and fact is not really fact" Keep juggling mate :D.. it's hilarious. "this room is blue and by blue I meant obviously white DUUUUUH" cracks me up. 2) This means [evolution] is useful as a theory but in no way a reassurance..." So you started adding words now to make my sentences look wrong have you :D?? Let me correct that for you: "This means [common ancestory] is useful as a theory but in no way a reassurance..." You said I twisted your words? well here we have you proving to me that you twisted my words. Sad little monkey looking for confirmation bias :(... Stop going Aron Ra on me and changing the meaning of words so it fits your narrative. 3) This absurd statement demonstrates you don't even know what a scientific theory is! Did you even graduate high school? LMAO! Master in engineering of science. Laugh it up, I write papers which are falsified and tested, you write youtube comments and by the looks of it, you'll keep writing youtube comments for a looooooong time :). Now I'm done with you because anything you're going to bring next is just going to be some canned argument or more semantics juggling. You're out of your league, you have no idea what you're defending and you're not interested in learning in the slightest. I have more sincere people to talk to. Begone.
@Roedygr 6 жыл бұрын
Darwin figured out evolution without knowing anything about Mendelian genetics, DNA and having seen very few fossils. As this new data became available it all confirmed Darwin's theory. It is amazing how he got it right with so few clues.
@umustafa7505 6 жыл бұрын
"Evolution" wasn't thought of by Darwin, it dates back to ancient Greece. Darwin did correctly predict in the chapter "problems with the theory" if any highly complex component of life were to be discovered, his theory would fall on its ass which is happening today and the look of despair on the face of the secular materialist pseudo scientists and the cultural Marxist academic elites and financiers of Darwinism is apparent for everyone. The truth will always banish the false you lunatics.
@tomdemarco9056 8 жыл бұрын
Evolution is a FACT ... deal with it!!! Everything, every scientific discipline confirms evolution is a FACT.
@boiyado6717 5 жыл бұрын
@Thomas Lundy define kind
@seiddzekovic4189 5 жыл бұрын
@Thomas Lundy LoL! Who says that one animal morphs into other? That's ridicoulous bruv...
@nonprogrediestregredi1711 5 жыл бұрын
@Thomas Lundy Speciation has been demonstrated in the laboratory; look into the research UC Berkeley and Harvard have done regarding evolution by natural selection. For the love of your god, get an intellectually honest education! Did you graduate from Patriot university with Kent Hovind?! Evolution by natural selection is a fact. The irony of this argument creationists don't seem to understand is that even if evolution by natural selection was falsified tomorrow, it lends absolutely no credence to the validity of any god claims. Divine assertions have little to no evidence, yet they are regarded as truth(hence, the requirement of faith). And btw, nice cherry picking of the sciences. I especially like the argument from authority with the Harvard paper, except rejecting the aspect you don't like. That's hilarious! I would recommend you educate yourself about logical fallacies also. Have a good day.
@nonprogrediestregredi1711 5 жыл бұрын
@Thomas Lundy Ok, I'm trying not to call you a completely willfully ignorant idiot; no matter how accurate that may be! First, with your "fact #1" about lifeforms never developing into or reproducing any other lifeform than its own kind, with "kind" being defined as being able to breed or interbreed. What do you think speciation is??? A speciation event is when two lineages can no longer interbreed due to biological evolution. Its been demonstrated in the laboratory!! As I previously suggested, get an intellectually honest education! Ignorance and incredulity are not excuses for spreading dishonesty! And I'm guessing your "fact #2" is the old DNA code barrier assertion. Well, guess what, that's a blatant lie, and again, if you were at all informed about the topic, you would know this. Oh, but wait; those assertions were in bold type, so they must be true, right?! Seriously, there is an embarrassment of riches when when it comes to the evidence for evolution by natural selection. Genetics, fossils, embryology, laboratory speciation events (that's changing from one kind to another kind, in case you forgot), etc. Evolution by natural selection is one of the most robust theories in science!! Its withstood scrutiny for 160 years! I know there's plenty of websites and videos claiming otherwise to satisfy your confirmation bias, but they are lying to defend an archaic ideology. Look, you seem to be literate and have internet access, so you'd like to know what's true due to the best evidence available, do some research! God forbid you actually challenge a belief you might have, huh? It's your prerogative if you want to believe the goat herder's guide to the universe, aka the bible, but you're missing out on a world of knowledge. Just saying, it's truly sad.
@nonprogrediestregredi1711 5 жыл бұрын
@Thomas Lundy Yeah, actually speciation does negate your "fact #1". Your definition of kind is "of like seed. Able to breed or interbreed." That's what a speciation event is!! How hard is this to understand?! It's the same with ring species; each species can breed with the species before or after it, but not any further removed. And sorry, but you and I are primates. I'm sure it makes you feel warm and fuzzy to believe that humans are some special creation of a god, but there's no evidence to support it. There have been thousands of gods throughout history, and none have any evidence for belief; if they did, it wouldn't require faith. In fact, it's been clearly demonstrated that Yahweh started as a canaanite god beneath El (just as Hebrew is a canaanite dialect). Sources: Christine Hayes of Yale university and John Day of Oxford university. The original Hebrew genesis story is polytheistic, btw. I'm just showing the irony of creationist beliefs; believing something that's not true while denying something that is true. It makes about as much sense as a god sacrificing himself to himself to appease himself! Yep, no circular reasoning there, huh? I'm willing to bet that no amount of evidence will convince you of the fact of evolution; the creationist cognitive dissonance is generally very strong, in my experience. I always say that it's more about psychology than salvation. So go ahead and live in your insulated bubble where you're just lucky enough to have picked the correct god to worship and know the "truth". Meanwhile, I'll be here in reality examining things critically to best have an understanding of the world around me. Remember, all the bold type in the world doesn't make something true.
@arkopf85 7 жыл бұрын
"Then god took no part in your presentation." Best concluding sentence.
@effyleven 8 жыл бұрын
Sorry, Aronra... I can't listen to that guy. His delivery is too clumsy and amateurish. It is hard enough to listen to somebody who doesn't understand what they are talking about... but when they cannot even express their ("you know") misconceived opinions in a coherent ("you know") adult fashion, I give up. This doesn't reflect on your responses, of course. (Sorry you have been ill. That sounds like a whole lot of no fun. Please look after yourself.. for our sake, huh?)
@EssenceOfThought 8 жыл бұрын
Err, he a charlatan. All of iERA is. I caught them lying about various studies, namely that they didn't exist as a study and one only existed as a talk abstract in a convention journal. They tried to call me out, demanding that I come and argue with them at their offices and when I secured a neutral venue in London where they are situated they began to ghost me. This is their method, this is their level. To add insult to this dishonest dive they started a campaign titled 'Don't Hate Debate'.
@kmasse81 6 жыл бұрын
peace power I love EoT!
@kmasse81 6 жыл бұрын
peace power Is your screen name supposed to be ironic?
@Poseidon6363 5 жыл бұрын
@sheriefelsayad5578 5 жыл бұрын
well, whats your evidence. Dont just say they lie about studies and not provide any proof.
@gulgul877 7 жыл бұрын
You are being very kind about this Islamist apologist
@bartacomuskidd775 6 жыл бұрын
yeah.. I thought the Creationist was going to be some renaissance Muslim.. but the "they just double talk, to lie to you" my blood boiled.. Just another Scumbag.
@SkollTheWerewolf 5 жыл бұрын
Scientist 1: Hey man check out this cool breakthrough I found about bone structure in birds that relate them to early raptors Scientist 2: That's nothing, using your own method I managed to discover the links between modern birds and prehistoric dinosaurs. Scientist 1: Wow! You really one upped my work. Well done, we should probably change our views and teachings to better fit our findings Scientist 2: I agree. Creationist 1: *hits blunt* bruh what if we was just made up like a reverse thanos snap? Creationist 2: lmao that would be sick hey check out this book that says a guy came back after decomposing in a smelly as fuck old cave science is dumb lmao praise the lord
@musicbruv 8 жыл бұрын
Love the way he brings science into question while using equipment that came into being because of science.
@jdos5643 9 ай бұрын
@chaosblades89 8 жыл бұрын
Boom! that closing line was one of your best Aron (and you tend to have a lot of those mic-drop moments)
@DubArchaeologist 8 жыл бұрын
+Chaos-Blades I concur - :)
@UuddlerLeRoyBaStart 4 жыл бұрын
Boom! Mic drop.... I hate the mental pollution of your generation
@dougrasmussen5444 4 жыл бұрын
In order to understand (and rationally counter) the claims of apologists, I have watched some of the videos they put together. What strikes me is the vast number of them that disable the comments section. If I didn't know better (tongue in cheek) I would think they really didn't want anyone actually pointing out the flaws in their claims...
@badideass 4 жыл бұрын
Asking questions is frowned upon in some religions...
@ASTRA1564 4 жыл бұрын
Can't believe in the 21st century we still have people trying to disprove this.
@rexevans100 8 жыл бұрын
Can we make it illegal to tell blatant lies to students?
@HasseMephisto 8 жыл бұрын
+AronRa you said: _"We dont say, you dont have to worry about Nuclear weapons, because atomic theory is just a theory."_ ... Is that an original quote from you? Because I absolutely loved that one.
@Top_Cheeze 4 жыл бұрын
the difference is that the atomic theory actually is a scientific one, it can be proven, tested and we can predict based on it, evolution have repeatedly and consistently failed since it was first brought forward and it is weaker today than ever, as far as science and the scientific method goes at least. Evolution as it currently stands does not hold up, it is even mathematically impossible once you try to make it work with real science. Its a fairy tale for people that want to stop searching for the real answers.
@secularargument 2 жыл бұрын
Lol that’s cute. And complete garbage nonsense. I bet you believe in a god… Be honest with yourself for once. It’s the ONLY reason you have a problem with evolution. Or you can lie. Either way, present evidence for all of the nonsense assertions you made. Or go away and pray to your master
@joanfregapane8683 2 жыл бұрын
@@Top_Cheeze you could not have been serious. Perhaps I’m too tired to appreciate your sarcasm.
@angelahall4402 8 жыл бұрын
But the Quran, Torah,and the Bible, are facts!! Riigghhtttt
@kleenex3000 8 жыл бұрын
That is correct. They are physical sources-of-information, about the thoughts of their authors. In this sense, Hol(e)y scriptures a physical sources-of-information like science books, which provide information about the thoughts of scientists. Now, when it comes to the physical templates at the ORIGIN of the respective thoughts, it gets interesting, and very troublesome and confusing - in the case of Holey Scriptures. Whereas the very thoughts of scientists, spiritually-crystallizing in the "laws-of-physics" do directly come from the physical world and its behavior, they are true descriptions about facts.
@angelahall4402 8 жыл бұрын
+G-D IS A THOUGHT All ancient civilizations, recorded cultures, have had knowledge passed on from generation to generation only to those who need it and the rest had to only have the "version" of the holy book that was legal to have. Any doctrine brought to the church or found by guards of the churches, would be inspected then destroy it or archive it. The Vatican, the United States of America. Saudi Arabia, Queen of England, all the major players have either doctrines or have been privileged enough to have seen the truth that faith is a human coping mechanism. Prayer doesn't work, and there is no God.
@yusra9117 8 жыл бұрын
They are facts. well, atleast,historians can use them to support ideas
@biimathis2958 7 жыл бұрын
Angela Hall if you are a student of anthropology, which I am, you would understand what you said was very simplistic and biased.
@daedalron 7 жыл бұрын
Well, the existence of those books are facts. Same as Lord of the Rings. It doesn't mean that what's written inside is true. And even then, given Ahmed definition of facts, those books are not facts. Pretty much nothing is absolute. We could be living in the matrix right now, and those books don't really exist. Or we could have only begun to exist 2min ago, with all our memories appearing out of nowhere. It's extremely unlikely, but good luck proving the opposite...
@ONAPAL3HORS3986 4 жыл бұрын
One scientist makes a mistake and publishes a retraction: creationists LoOk tHeY mAdE a MiStaKe, tHaT mEAnS iT's AlL WrOnG!
@jam5533 3 жыл бұрын
I notice that as well, the arrogance of some people.
@thoperSought 8 жыл бұрын
it's always so _painful_ when religious people accuse us of presupposing naturalism. if I'm assuming that the natural world is all there is, it's just provisional. if you want me to accept the supernatural, then *(1)* _define_ it adequately and unambiguously, and *(2)* show me the _evidence._
@Ett.Gammalt.Bergtroll 8 жыл бұрын
"I'm gonna start as Muslims do-" Anyone else expecting him to say "-with a bang"? Thank you, thank you. I'll be here all week. Try the veal.
@frankm.2850 7 жыл бұрын
How to be a Creationist: Challenge evolutionists to find the "missing link" then adamantly deny its existance when they call your bluff and find it.
@ConstitutionalConservation 5 жыл бұрын
There are no transitional fossils Super Genius, Show me your transitional fossils. Are you ready to lose :)
@d.ingleberry9635 5 жыл бұрын
@@ConstitutionalConservation Use google.
@ConstitutionalConservation 5 жыл бұрын
@@d.ingleberry9635 Neanderthals were human. They buried their dead, used tools, had a complex social structure, employed language, and played musical instruments. Neanderthal anatomy differences are extremely minor and can be for the most part explained as a result of a genetically isolated people that lived a rigorous life in a harsh, cold climate. They used crime seen investigators who specialize in forensic reconstructions of skulls found in suspicious circumstances, they have a very good track record of getting it right, the Neanderthals didn't look like apes, The skeleton they based their hunched over Ape men drawings on they discovered that fossil they used had a bone deforming bone disease like rheumatoid arthritis, when they used healthy Neanderthal skulls and skeletons for the forensic reconstructions they looked human, that if a little neanderthal boy or girl went to your childs school you wouldn't be able to pick him or her out from all the other kids, they were human and recent genetics shows they interbred with homo sapiens, they were bread out of existence not wiped out. Do you know what keeps growing all your life till you die, Your Brow ridges nose and ears keep growing but if you lived to be 350 or so your brow would grow out a large amount, thats Interesting because older Neanderthals had large protruded brow ridges and the Bible says people lived longer in those days, they were not Ape men. www.icr.org/article/neanderthals-are-still-human/ Edocranial Volume ECV (Brain Size Measurement) The adult Homo Erectus cranial capacity is reached by age 10 or 11, it is likely that the adult ECV of WT 15000 (WT 15000 is a skull from a anthropological dig site of a supposed transitional between apes and man) WT 15000 would be no more than about 1000-1050cc, which is still well within the modern human range of about 800- 2000cc. On the same page Jue points out that a brain capacity of 1400cc applies to the Vertesszöllos erectus specimen which is dated at around 350kya (kiloyears ago = thousands of years ). Beasley cites Broderick who reported a measurement as low as 830cc for a modern Wedda pygmy in Sri Lanka, Your Homo Erectus was a Modern human that walked upright. Like I said Neanderthals brow ridges indicate long life ages, once again the only thing's that keep growing on the human body as we grow into old age is the Nose Ears and Brow ridges, the Bible says very clearly that people lived longer back then and this is exactly what we see, they have found Neanderthal DNA this is confirmed they were human and Homo Erectus was Human as well. The Ape to Human fossils evolutionists have can be put into two categories, Humans and extinct Apes.. answersingenesis.org/human-evolution/ape-man/homo-erectus-to-modern-man-evolution-or-human-variability/ answersingenesis.org/creation-science/baraminology/homo-habilis-homo-rudolfensis-and-australopithecus-sediba/ In evolutionary circles it is becoming increasingly common to argue that although H. erectus forms are still on the ‘road’ from ape to human, the morphological distinctions between all human-type forms are insufficient to justify a separate species classification for erectus-that is, that all post-habiline forms (erectus, archaic and modern sapiens plus the Neanderthals), could be subsumed into a single species-H. sapiens, with a subspecific distinction at most. creation.com/homo-erectus-to-modern-man-evolution-or-human-variability
@d.ingleberry9635 5 жыл бұрын
@@ConstitutionalConservation Neanderthals are not transitional and were never claimed to be. They existed at the same time as humans. I'm not reading the rest when your first sentence is not only irrelevant but also incorrect.
@ConstitutionalConservation 5 жыл бұрын
@@d.ingleberry9635 Why do you imbeciles make pictures of Neanderthals looking like apes EVERYWHERE!!! AND YOU DIDN'T LOOK AT IT ALL DID YOU.
@CharlesvanDijk-ir6bl 7 жыл бұрын
Islam a religion of clowns the more we see of them the more obvious it becomes.
@MyReligionIs2DoGood 7 жыл бұрын
How can you discriminate Islam separating it like that? ALL religions are religions of clowns! ;)
@MyReligionIs2DoGood 7 жыл бұрын
Tell me why we should take Islam more seriously than any other of the fairy tale compendiums?
@hemeoncn 8 жыл бұрын
The guy says a lot about truth but he lies over and over again.
@ProGremlinPlayer 8 жыл бұрын
+Clarence Hemeon which one?
@chucklesdarwinwaswrongevol9264 5 жыл бұрын
Well one lie is that evolution is a fact
@chucklesdarwinwaswrongevol9264 3 жыл бұрын
@Decadent _Descent go ahead keep believing you’re related to a tree. Dumbass
@laalki80 8 жыл бұрын
"Then God took no part in your presentation." BOOM! Headshot.
@BlackEpyon 8 жыл бұрын
Sniped by the Texas Tank xD
@catherinalee6234 5 жыл бұрын
Wow, this lecturer is sooo stupid! It hurts my brain!
@avidmisreader 8 жыл бұрын
Oh man... He resorted to unknown unknowns. 29:33. Someone call Mr. Rumsfeld. It's come full circular reasoning.
@isidoreaerys8745 2 жыл бұрын
Just shows how impossible it is to insure factual information is being presented in a setting where theism is allowed to propagate.
@Thkaal 8 жыл бұрын
He's a muslim. He's trying to ride a FLYING horse. Not necessarily a dead one.
@jamesfox4924 8 жыл бұрын
+Daniel Eyre You mean surviving three days inside of a whale? I think that qualifies.
@jenkind1 8 жыл бұрын
+Daniel Eyre Why is it that when an atheist criticizes Islam we have to get lectured on the problems with Christianity as if we didn't know? Your attempt to deflect is a sad one.
@Thkaal 8 жыл бұрын
Whichever one we criticize, Islam or Christianity, we are pointed at the other as being just as bad if not worse. Like we don't know how messed up either one is?
@jenkind1 8 жыл бұрын
Daniel Eyre Islam *includes* Judeo-Christian mythology while adding its own additional mythology, similar to Mormonism.
@jenkind1 8 жыл бұрын
+Daniel Eyre I doubt that *adding* additional miracles and magical creatures to a lore makes it more plausible.
@ekscalybur 8 жыл бұрын
Another person who thinks he can overturn 10s of thousands of man-years of research by playing word games.
@amandayoung8615 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you Aron. I'm an Englishman and am appalled that people like this are allowed anywhere near educational establishments. I expect it in the US, I had hoped we were inoculated. Keep up the fantastic work.
@hereasafanofallsorts5164 Жыл бұрын
LOL kids bring AR 15s to schools in the US and shoot everyone - you are a retarded Englishman
@stairwayunicorn4861 10 ай бұрын
Careful now.
@Paulogia 7 жыл бұрын
Aron -- do you happen to recall which video you (and your son, l think) included actual footage of your emu?
@SirFailsalot91 8 жыл бұрын
Someone get this Sabboor guy a job in a cinema, he has the right amount of projection in his arguments to work there
@Will-kv6es 8 жыл бұрын
Thank you, Aron, for doing this. I come from the UK and I am embarrassed by this man and his gross misrepresentation of science.
@ImplosiveCatt 7 жыл бұрын
Why they are wasting time on disproving evolution? As if proving it false will somehow by itself be the evidence that god did it. You still have to demonstrate that god did it.
@Cettywise 7 жыл бұрын
They can't demonstrate lies, so they waste time trying to tear down reality.
@David_Last_Name 7 жыл бұрын
Though to be fair, if they understood how science and evidence worked they wouldn't be trying to argue against the Theory of Evolution. Bit of a catch 22 there.
@chucklesdarwinwaswrongevol9264 5 жыл бұрын
David Stagg evoshitlin is not science. The complexity of life itself is evidence of a designer
@chucklesdarwinwaswrongevol9264 5 жыл бұрын
Evolution does not even have evidence for it ever happening
@GrammeStudio 4 жыл бұрын
you are the evidence for evolution not happening...for your lineage that is.
@JoshuaBates01 3 жыл бұрын
Does anyone know where I can download or find Aron's list of fossils found in minute 18.52 ? ty!
@Poseidon6363 8 жыл бұрын
Is this guy a scientist? the stupid thing is if evolution was proved untrue that doesn't prove their gods are real.
@benderrodriquez 8 жыл бұрын
Riding a dead horse, that is fast becoming a heap of decaying flesh.
@GreyWatcher 8 жыл бұрын
+Ray Maritz I think that it has become a fossil by now.
@davesteadman1226 5 жыл бұрын
There is no such thing as "Darwinism," just like calculus isn't called "Newtonism."
@bdf2718 7 жыл бұрын
"Then God took no part in your presentation." Wonderful put-down.
@greendragonreprised6885 8 жыл бұрын
What qualifications does Saboor Ahmed have to talk about biology to anyone, let alone lecture in a University? None. Who did they have explaining the Big Bang, Paris Hilton? Sheesh.
@tobiashagstrom4168 8 жыл бұрын
"Then God took no part in your presentation." OMG, that burn, that was awesome!
@anthonycraig274 Жыл бұрын
Firstly, right of the bat he is wrong. He needs to understand what a fact means in scientific terms. Which he clearly does not know.
@tron.44 Ай бұрын
This bloke, the one in the suit, says "You know?" A lot. Isn't that presumptive of him? I know it is, and he is a deluded, dishonest, and gullible individual. He really embarrassed himself in the hallowed halls of academia, where people who know better dwell.
@RickKasten 8 жыл бұрын
God took no part in your presentation. Boom.
@tatsumaru1970 6 жыл бұрын
Lecture in a university, really. That’s is a big concern and said university should not allow this drivel. The man has no understanding of the subject matter. Non whatsoever, it’s embarrassing
@godofllies 5 жыл бұрын
If someone start a class with a fucking prayer he/she will instantly loose 100% of my attention.
@strangeandwonderful247 5 жыл бұрын
Hypothesis of evolution....I was born without a place for third molars. That has been switched off in my DNA . One of my parents had their third molars, one did not. We are transitioning to NOT have third molars due to evolving from apes, who's longer jaw allowed for third molars and our shortened jaw does not.
@knowen 8 жыл бұрын
this is for sure one of my favorite of your videos. we need more people like you, AronRa. thank you for standing up against ignorance.
@nikkikiki1624 5 жыл бұрын
I love how some people don't even watch the video, but just Come here to fight with people about their "godless assertions" in the comments. Like if you actually took the time to read actual reading material you wouldn't be here bashing years and years of research based on how godless it is.
@jerrylong6238 2 жыл бұрын
His very first statement was absolutely ridiculous. I mean I have a 7th grade Arkansas education and even I know evolution is all about CHANGE. This highly educated person who says evolution can't possibly be a fact because it can change just blew me away. He needs to proofread his paper before he reads it in front of anyone with more than a Kindergarten education. Some 5-year-olds may laugh at such a statement as that.
@grambo4436 8 жыл бұрын
Sometimes you just can't convince stupid!!
@chucklesdarwinwaswrongevol9264 5 жыл бұрын
“Sometimes you cant fix stupid.” That goes for the evolutionists
@androclesst.matthew5934 5 жыл бұрын
There are no evolutionists asshole!!! Evolution is not an ism. It is a well-documented, well-observed, well-experimented, well-tested, and evdience-based occurrence that explains the origin of life. Stupid creatards like you ignore any evidence your are shown or given. Either that or you don't even bother to do the research at all. You keep claiming evolution is false, but have provided no substantiation. The same goes for your precious faith and sky fairy!! Stop trolling!!!
@Jayden3649 4 жыл бұрын
@@chucklesdarwinwaswrongevol9264 oh wow well I guess I'm a word creationists made to bring me down to their level
@spendit_-6375 4 жыл бұрын
Ryan Welke you’re obviously stupid for not understanding evolution and that it is true.
@andystokes8702 4 жыл бұрын
Even if this guy could by some unimaginable means show that we are wrong about evolution it goes absolutely nowhere towards proving a creator. In the even more unlikely bizarre scenario that he was in some way able to prove a creator it again goes nowhere towards showing that the creator is the God of his choice.
@BluePiggy 8 жыл бұрын
This talk by Sabboor Ahmed, even apart from the demonstrated errors, is one of the worst scientific talks I've ever seen. I couldn't make sense out of anything he said. I don't know enough about biology to contradict him, but the reasons he gave never seemed to match the assertions he was making. Does he have any scientific credentials? If he does, I can't imagine how he got them.
@Brammy007a 3 жыл бұрын
Aron: 96 Sabboor Ahmed: 1 (Ahmed gets one point for have the sheer unmitigated gall to stand up and spew literal bullshit in a legitimate university)
@rorymcmonagle9904 6 жыл бұрын
Hi AronRa, Is there a good introductory textbook to evoluation theory, explaining it and setting out the evidence for it?
@DrReginaldFinleySr 7 жыл бұрын
Bloody brilliant! Another amazing video.
@AKeyearea8 7 жыл бұрын
that's why he lost the debate with muslims
@algore92 8 жыл бұрын
Aron, I know where he got that thing about ignoring 1 billion genes and only looking at 2 billion to come up with the 99% similarity between chimps and humans. He got it from MinuteEarth's, "Are We Really 99% Chimp?"
@TheRealVince99 8 жыл бұрын
can you direct me to a link or something to the graphic shown at 31:00 that depicts human evolution?
@MajorNr01 8 жыл бұрын
I would greatly appreciate a video on the aquatic ape theory.
@ErgoCogita 8 жыл бұрын
+Raphael Merkle It would be a rather short video if Aron were to stick to only empirical evidence for it. I'd say about 30 seconds long....
@cascade_reaction5322 8 жыл бұрын
He also came to Bristol University, I and a friend were the only two in the room who weren't Muslim - I felt as if he was preaching to the converted to an extent.
@Sparkbomber 4 жыл бұрын
I can't fathom why that reli nut was allowed in there. Great rebuttal
@cutter23 6 жыл бұрын
When a lecturer keeps saying "you know" you know that you don't know and you know that he doesn't know either.
@DavidmByrd Жыл бұрын
How does anyone who clearly confuses Magic Fairy Tale Story Books with REALITY pass a mental evaluation and allowed in a university pretending they are teaching anything?
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