Fighting games are EXPENSIVE

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Maximilian Dood

Maximilian Dood

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@duhmovmakers 2 жыл бұрын
But free to play would mean wed have to pay for cosmetics and character, with minimal single player content. Oh wait…
@GamesAndWhales 2 жыл бұрын
It’s almost as if fighting games already follow a basic F2P model and just expect you to drop $70 first.
@Crovax 2 жыл бұрын
@@GamesAndWhales and that still works. then why would they change that?
@pie9994 2 жыл бұрын
@@Crovax because competition (multiversus, project L) is about to show up and embarass those marketing models.
@taigaaisaka6305 2 жыл бұрын
@@GamesAndWhales You people are absolutely fkn crazy if you think current fighting games are "F2P Games with a 60$/70$ entry pass". Legitimately motherfreaking crazy. I dunno why Max and its community is so adamant about fighting games going F2P when they clearly know jack sh¨t about what they are even asking. You guys are asking for a deal with the devil and trying to justify it by making asinine arguments like yours. With F2P you don't just pay for a season pass once per year. You would have to buy individually every character for 15-20$ (LoL does this, Apex does this, just to name two), Pay 20 to 40$ for skins, 5-10$ for boosters, 10-15 for stages, 10-15$ for a single color alternative. These are the stuff that are common every day bs in F2P games. Literally all of them have it. You people would go from spending 60 Base game+ 30/40$ Season pass first year then 30/40$ for the next season passes to anywhere from 100$ to {As much as the company decides to milk you}- Seriously as someone who's seen the rise of F2P and how much they've poisoned gaming as a whole, seeing the FGC, or at least Max community pushing so desperately for that is like watching someone desperately asking a waitress to serve them bleach, and then arguing that sodas are already bad so how much worse can bleach be. It honestly infuriating.
@narutogen13 2 жыл бұрын
@@pie9994 not really
@manicdogma2240 2 жыл бұрын
Speaking as someone still looking for a fighting game that fits him well enough to actually get him into fighting games, yeah. I feel this. The price barrier means I do not get to try many games out, which is especially galling when you're trying to find your first real "I feel motivated to get good at this" game.
@jonathanorozco3244 2 жыл бұрын
Out of curiosity what games have you tried thus far, what have you not liked about those games, and what are the things you enjoyed in those games or would like to see in the game you eventually are willing to commit and dive into?
@SevastovTv 2 жыл бұрын
@PedroMiguel-zv3fj 2 жыл бұрын
You can try some older titles in fightcade
@malachihill8677 2 жыл бұрын
I felt the same starting out. I got into Killer instinct and Tekken Tag Tournament 2 since I got them for free, then only spent $20 on Tekken 7 because I enjoyed TTT2.
@NoNo-vy5ls 2 жыл бұрын
@FlamesOfZen 2 жыл бұрын
The thing that fighting games need is to expand their content past just being an arcade fighter. That has the potential to make the games worth the money and to bring in more casual people who might not want to play online right away. NRS does this in MK through the story, towers, krypt, etc. Smash does it as well. Most other fighting games set up a decent "arcade fighting game environment" and call it a day. Which to a random gamer isn't even close to being worth 60 bucks when compared to other games. BUT, if certain fighting games want to keep the pure arcade fighter layout then being free-to-play is a good way to evolve things and bring people in without necessarily adding a bunch more content.
@studi0651 2 жыл бұрын
THANK YOU. It’s literally the reason why the subject of f2p is even brought up in the first place. Smash is a 60$ game and the DLC pass an additional 40$, but the reason it’s the most played fg is because it’s not just an arcade fighter that’s easy to play, but because it actually has content appealing to everyone. Obviously not all fg devs have the same resources as Nintendo, but you can’t JUST make an arcade fighter anymore. Hell it wasn’t that long ago that fgs let you play against a CPU in Versus mode.
@googyta 2 жыл бұрын
It's nice when fighting games end up being a whole-ass package. I want to enjoy playing characters without the pressure of online.
@noodleknight7924 2 жыл бұрын
Disagree. Just because some fighting games prioritize other type of content it doesn't mean they don't have enough content to justify their $60 pricetags. Recent Tekken or KoF games for example offered way bigger rosters on launch to compensate for their shorter story modes than what NRS does. I would absoulutely take more characters (or even stages, music etc.) over a 5 hours long cinematic with no replay value. Not every FG needs to aim for the widest casual appeal and most amount of copies sold, they can also aim for gathering a smaller but more dedicated playerbase, something NRS games struggle with despite their massive sales numbers.
@maninredhelm 2 жыл бұрын
Man, SFV really poisoned the water and dragged the reputation of the rest of the genre down with it. How come none of you guys talk about Soul Calibur? That had a big long single player campaign mode, but it didn't keep that franchise alive. I'm sick of hearing about cinematic story modes. Those are very expensive to make, and 80% of them are garbage. Only NRS has a partial success rate, otherwise it just leaches development budget away from the important parts of the game. I would actually pay a few bucks to go back in time and NOT watch the cinematic story modes for SFV, MVCI, Tekken and DoA to get the time I wasted back. If you want to make a movie or anime, make a legit movie or anime, don't shoehorn it into a fighting game with meaningless quicktime checks so it can masquerade as gameplay.
@ZaxFSO8083 2 жыл бұрын
You got it perfectly, so for a franchise like Gundam most of (if not all) Gundam fighting games are typically made for arcades and then it might get a console release (even less is localized in the west) but all they really ever do maybe is add one or two characters and nothing else.
@micshork 2 жыл бұрын
I would spend $60 on a fighting game if it has around 26 characters, 16 stages, good online and plenty of single player content like some sort of story mode.
@NeutralGuyDoubleZero 2 жыл бұрын
Mk9 was almost exactly that funny enough. Contributed it to reivivng mortal kombat and such. Online was what you'd expect from 2011 unfortunately
@micshork 2 жыл бұрын
@@NeutralGuyDoubleZero I did really like the 2011 reboot. I just don't want any pay to win/free to play garbage. M11K had elements of that with the Time Crystals and crafting. I don't want to spend 100+ hours unlocking stuff for a Fighting Game. I'd rather play something like Witcher if I had that much time to waste.
@NeutralGuyDoubleZero 2 жыл бұрын
@@micshork I know, it's quite tragic. Especially when MKX had so much going for it as well. Hope netherrealm can improve its shitty practices
@micshork 2 жыл бұрын
@@NeutralGuyDoubleZero I think it was mainly WB Games who made them do that. Hopefully with their new Discover overlords they won't be forced to include that garbage in their next fighting game.
@rekkasketch4659 2 жыл бұрын
@@micshork the grinding is kinda tedious but the time crystals weren't that bad considering you can earn them by playing online. Almost everything you can buy with them is earnable in game. It's a nice incentive to get rewarded that way and earn skins that you'd otherwise have to pay for
@razputin711 2 жыл бұрын
Something I think isn't being considered a lot when Brawlhalla comes up is, there's a much different dev cycle for those characters. They all share a base and are like, 90% similar in DNA. all normals are from a shared pool, there's only 6 unique moves per character. That allows them to produce content, characters and skins, much faster and keep the content cycle going at a steady pace because at least half the work is done on every character they'll ever make. Thats really different than a big budget fighting games where reports say each character takes forever and even costumes are slow to roll out. F2P doesn't work if the studio can't keep pumping out new things at a constant clip.
@IoFoxdale 2 жыл бұрын
I think there's a difference between the pipeline a small indy studio would need to release characters and skins vs the pipeline someone like Riot could implement. Heck you can even see this with Valorant and all their highly bespoke agents and maps supported by some of the highest quality skins in shooters.
@dropkickpherby6994 2 жыл бұрын
Apex, Warzone and even MK11 to some extent can push out skins and events very regularly and those games have 60-150 players per match. It isn't easy. But it's very feasible.
@razputin711 2 жыл бұрын
@@IoFoxdale Oh for sure. But part of that also is, Riot's been in the F2P game basically since it started right? They have the knowledge to make all that work. Does any fighting-game centric studio have the know how and resources to accomplish the same thing?
@razputin711 2 жыл бұрын
@@dropkickpherby6994 Its certainly possible obviously. I think that's why we're talking about it. My worry is more, can Capcom or Bandai Namco do the same? I'm not saying that to diss them it's more, I honestly have no idea if they have the teams and framework necessary to keep up? A lot more live service games seem to launch and then fizzle even from respected studios. And that's in more popular genres usually. I guess its just, I have an expectation of things going south with these sorta things.
@KidArkx 2 жыл бұрын
@@IoFoxdale Riot and Capcom aren't even in the same planet when it comes to earnings. Yes riot can afford it, no French bread making meltyblood CANNOT
@cyrushalberd624 2 жыл бұрын
As someone who sucks at fighting games (I only tried GG Strive for a few weeks before falling off because I realized I didn’t have enough motivation to improve), this is my perspective on the problem. Part of the reason why people have such a problem with F2P is probably a trust issue. They simply don’t trust that the companies behind these games will not resort to predatory practices (such as encouraging “whaling”, where a small percentage of players spending ridiculous amounts of money on the game contribute most of the profit as with many mobile gachas) to rake in money. In this sort of situation, for the most part the objective quality or merit of the idea does not hold as much weight. It is entirely possible that some company could produce a legitimately amazing F2P fighting game that doesn’t resort to predatory methods to turn a product, but the inherent lack of trust might mean that most potential players wouldn’t even give it the time of day. But at the same time, some sort of legitimately great F2P game is probably needed to sell the potential merit of the concept. And therein lies the catch-22 dilemma of this idea. The idea needs to prove itself to earn the trust and recognition of potential players, but the lack of trust itself may prevent most from recognizing genuine merit.
@AsterBTT 2 жыл бұрын
Absolutely a solid point. With this in mind, it's pertinent to look at Project L. Developers trusted inherently within the FGC, working in tandem with a company that has more than a decade of experience in the F2P space. Together, they can recognize both the problems of F2P model, and the monetary barrier of entry that hurts the growth of an individual game, and (hopefully) find a middle ground that both proves the concept can work and begins a paradigm shift as a result. The Catch-22 exists, but the Cannons and Riot together have the a great chance of making it work.
@devaraft 2 жыл бұрын
here's the thing tho. the f2p business model has already been adapted anyway, gamepass, new DLC costume, periodically introducing new character that is most of the time way better than the of roster, etc
@onlyicedgarrett7791 2 жыл бұрын
All f2p systems encourage whaling, that's how they make the most money. The question is whether true f2p players and light spenders also get a good experience as well as the whales.
@charliericker274 2 жыл бұрын
I think you underestimate the allure of a free game. Why wouldn't people try a f2play fighting game, you have nothing to lose but some time and download bandwidth. There are PLENTY of kids with no money who are always looking for something new and free. I know because I was one, long before free to play even really existed, but I would still seek out anything free and give it a try because I had no money but I had a computer and free time. Yeah, maybe some boomers would look down their nose at a free to play fighter, like they do at Brawlhalla, but it didn't stop that game from gaining a playerbase because they offered fun for free. That is a strong draw, especially to younger audiences who value money more than time. I value time more than money, I would rather play a 60 dollar game that I really like than play a dozen free games that are kinda meh, because I have more money and less time. But that isn't a problem, we want young folks to get into the genre because if they don't the genre will die.
@Lexicon865 2 жыл бұрын
At this point I'd say it's more ideal for FGs to have the current structure, but should be $30-$40 at launch at most. Games in general should not exceed $40 in terms of the base game, imo but maybe that's just me
@Kohryujin 2 жыл бұрын
I'm glad Max acknowledges that he is being overly optimistic about the idea. He does bring up a good point about how we've just become "fine" with the rising prices of this type of game. Part of that, I think anyway, is the thought of "it could always be worse." And for a lot of people who have seen how badly F2P can go, F2P is that "worse." You're probably not going to convince anyone with that fear, and at this point I think it is near impossible for devs to overcome that stigma. You'd basically need an entire generation of fighting games doing F2P right in order to gain back that trust, and I'm not sure that's ever going to happen. Kudos to Max for taking the time to explain his reasoning better though, makes it easier to understand where he is coming from at least.
@KaminariHouse 2 жыл бұрын
I wonder, if the current way is bad (because it is), and F2P truly is worse, is there any alternative?
@Kohryujin 2 жыл бұрын
@@KaminariHouse Well, that really is the crux of the problem. The current way is making fighting game devs enough money, and people keep buying in, that they have no reason to want to step back from it and/or tone down the prices. F2P COULD work if it's not an excuse to gouge as much money from the players for every little thing they can get away with putting a price tag on. But the trust for that is gone, so the devs would have to go out of their way to not only not be scummy about it, but to assure to their fans, repeatedly, that they are going to put as much if not more effort into such a game as if it was a premium offering. It's an uphill battle no matter how you look at it, and I don't think any of them want to try it when they have a method that works already.
@Zevox87 2 жыл бұрын
@@KaminariHouse I think a few suggestions we've seen thrown around these comments would help. A demo version with a few characters for free that people can try before they buy, and DLC characters being available in training mode (but nowhere else) for free so that you can both try before you buy and lab against them if you don't buy them, for instance, are good ideas. As is simply reducing the base price of fighting games that come with minimal single-player content, like KoF15 or SF5, to $30 or $40 instead of $60, to reflect that they're largely multiplayer-focused titles that most people won't consider as valuable as your God of War or Elden Ring type single-player AAA titles. The problem is convincing the devs to do such things when, on the surface, they look like they'd just make them less money, not more.
@AxeCrazyAutobot 2 жыл бұрын
@@Kohryujin No offense but why would they? Sports games,shooters and gatcha all have just as aggressive or even more aggressive monetization than fighters and people still buy them by the boatload. I think if you want to stop current dlc practices you're about 20 years too late. Hell with fighters it's even older * looks at Street Fighter 2 *
@weebsquit347 2 жыл бұрын
It's only the DLC costs for fighting games that do push me away sometimes, since I play other stuff too. These things are $60 at launch, but then the whole DLC set of characters at the end is like +$60 with less than 1/4 of content compared to the game. I know DLC development costs extra, but we've seen games that basically get a whole new game for it, that range from $20 to $40.
@Soulspeed68 2 жыл бұрын
Those DLC also finanze all the free patches you get.
@000shad 2 жыл бұрын
​@@Soulspeed68 Maybe it's the $60 you have paid for the barebone original content...
@bertrandkane9678 2 жыл бұрын
@@Soulspeed68 "Surely a company would never ask me for money unless they really needed it"
@ytnukesme1600 2 жыл бұрын
the solution to that problem is quite simple really, give the players who already bought the game a discount and cut the price of the base game for new players, companies have already done that before, fu~ck'n Capcom did that with Street Fighter V, actively adjust the cost so that the game's actually accessable.
@101lwx 2 жыл бұрын
@@Soulspeed68 yeah cause companies would never ever want your money unless they absolutely needed it
@wondiefive 2 жыл бұрын
For me, I like fighting games as a casual fan. So after SF4, I became just fine waiting until the definitive version of a fighting game is released. The only time I would ever invest in a fighting game every season pass of the way, is if I'm trying to get tournament competitor good. Other than that, the waiting game is my destiny. 😎👍
@Ramsey276one 2 жыл бұрын
@TonyTheTGR 2 жыл бұрын
This is really what it's always come down to, honestly
@tahaelhour690 2 жыл бұрын
So same dude. I just started getting into dbfz a year ago.
@thebootlegexecutioner1797 2 жыл бұрын
I think one thing that holding back fighting games is probably a lack of modes. Like, most games now a days have a variety of modes that shake up the game a bit and make you play in different ways. Like bring back the fun mini games or have the characters have random effects and stuff.
@casinoz8013 2 жыл бұрын
Mk11 had this and even tho I only tried the mode once, it was actually fun.
@idklol123 2 жыл бұрын
fr just give me tekken ball online for when im tired of fighting the sweatiest kids
@thebootlegexecutioner1797 2 жыл бұрын
@@casinoz8013 Only thing is they kinda ruined it with the shit ton of cosmetics tied to it and some bullshit in some towers and fights
@ElectTheMusic 2 жыл бұрын
Well dbfz has those arena modes, some barely change the pace of the games, others totally change it. It's cool because you got the option to choose what kind of battle you wanna play. But there's one HUGE problem: that mode is online only for some dumb reason, so can't just play those modes offline with your friends or kids
@SirMordred524 2 жыл бұрын
Honestly, the reason I've hardly touched GGS since I bought it is a lack of a trials mode.
@FalcomTreya 2 жыл бұрын
Its a really interesting issue, because I do agree that fighting games are way too expensive, and yet the idea of ftp fighting games still scares me. I think the primary issue with fighting game cost for me is characters, because while I agree the dev time spent on them is certainly worth charging to a degree, it feels very weird as a consumer to buy a character that you cannot try out beforehand. So you really don't know if you will 100% vibe with them until you've already got them, and when studying matchups, you also do not have access to practicing against them either. $4-6 a character just seems a little steep when a season is usually 4-5 characters because the game already cost $60 and most likely doesn't have that great a starting roster (speaking very generally). FTP can get worse i feel because while the base game will be free, it can get out of hand really easily based on what the company wants to leverage. Lol is probably the best example i have. You start out with some free champs that rotate out every week or so, you can buy more with in game currency acquired after matches or riot points (paid). And there is the option of buying skins and colors for the champions with riot points as well. Its decently well balanced overall, but then theres stuff like the new halo where you will actually have to pay around $8.00 for the color blue that only works on one piece of armor. And then the content halted for infinite as well, which gives the idea that FTP really wasn't the right call for its multiplayer. IDK. In conclusion, I think something needs to change with fighting games, and I would give a FTP one a chance, but they've really nickle and dimed the hell out of players for years.
@mp32298 2 жыл бұрын
Bump that the devs make you pay more and work less on the game most just add characters that are already taken out off the game so they can sell it as DLC fuck them I only buy on Steam on sale with the DLC even they try to screw you
@frothyslider253 2 жыл бұрын
For context, if I were to buy 15 new league of legends champions that would cost me around $112. No skins or colors, just champions.
@fraudhoward1409 2 жыл бұрын
@@frothyslider253 I've only played league for like 20 hours but based on my experience and others it seems like people only play like 2 or 3 champions. I don't think the devs expect most of the playerbase to buy every single champion available.
@hermitcard4494 2 жыл бұрын
They should tease players by randomly(1% chances) giving then the chance to pick that character. Or let you train as them for free(online cloud or whatever) so then you want to buy them to use them in matches.
@HaaruteLIVE 2 жыл бұрын
"Is this game worth 60$?" In my country, no. Never. No game is worth that amount. Something I've noticed a lot of people online fail to consider when it comes to the anti-F2P sentiment is any region of the planet that doesn't have a good economy. The reason why games like League, Fortnite, Apex, etc can be as big as they are is because they're Available (See: on PC which everyone has, and for free) to people who can't justify to spend money on something as trivial as a videogame when you gotta survive. ESPECIALLY when it's a genre that's tough to get into, like fighting games. People are just going to gravitate towards what's accesible and stay there and have fun, not save up for months for a game that's tough to learn, has a poor playerbase, and is just seemingly unforgiving. It doesn't make any sense. Of course this comes with the caveat that it has to be a GOOD F2P system not like a weird paid DLC one, which is why I'm excited for Project L because I Know Riot knows how to make that work. And even if you don't like that game, it should set a standard for the industry to look at and try to match, otherwise they won't be able to compete with it.
@valentds 2 жыл бұрын
elden ring is probably worth 500 dollars in usa
@HaaruteLIVE 2 жыл бұрын
​@@DonnyKirkMusic I grew up in the 00s and all I had for a while was just a bootleg NES with "999999 in 1" cartridges, and so did the other neighborhood kids. Just playing Super Mario Bros., Tennis, Battle City, etc. Then I used my dad's PC for games and I grew up with titles like Half-Life and other 90s gems (some dude burned the MAME32 emulator on a CD and sold it to me so a lot of arcade emulation) because that's the only thing it could run. I basically speedran through the history of gaming of 20 years in like 5 years during my teens (and largely thanks to piracy). Now that things are much more globalized thanks to social media, and also the availability of being able to just Buy things on Steam versus Nothing At All, I can keep up with what's current. But some game publishers are still super stubborn when it comes to regional pricing so more often than not I'm not going to be able to play things until years later, on sale. Or you know, just play League with the homies.
@hacksmash 2 жыл бұрын
@@HaaruteLIVE like nintendo, switch games on the us cost 60 usd, but have you seen their prices on mexico?, a single first party game cost 80 usd
@HaaruteLIVE 2 жыл бұрын
@@hacksmash Yeah Nintendo kinda doesn't exist in Argentina because we don't have an official distributor so the consoles are over double the official retail price, and all of their games are like 100USD because no regional pricing + tax IN A COUNTRY THAT CAN BARELY AFFORD BASIC NEEDS lmaoooo They're definitely the worst company when it comes to this.
@luckysgi-5karrow378 2 жыл бұрын
@@HaaruteLIVE Sony started doing all that a few years back too. And Steam blocks out of region purchases for the same reason.
@aj45c 2 жыл бұрын
Tekken 7 has kept me coming back to it over and over and I have probably only played online once. The story, ghost battle, bowling, arcade mode, and the customization!! These things always have me coming back. Companies should tackle this way of customization in my opinion.
@ajshiro3957 2 жыл бұрын
agreed. Tekken 7 impressed me over and over with the new characters and what you could have them wear alone. And then they added bowling? yes please! More silly content like that.
@deezee2965 2 жыл бұрын
Exactly. For me Tekken 3 was the pinacle of casual FG. Intuitive gameplay, Multiple modes, unlockable characters and costumes through gameplay, etc... SoulCalibur 2 was the shit for me for this specific reason. For me the spiral of lacking content came up with SF4 and all its extensions. I was thinking at the time (first time exposure to Capcom FG practices) "How the hell am I suppose to get invested into this game? I'm not unlocking anything through gameplay but only by paying? Outside of arcade there are no other modes outside of Online?" Yeah, it sure will seem weird for Online Players, but I spent a lot of time to play solo on Tekken 3 and 6. I never had acces to arcade machines and am lacking of this experience. Outside of that, for me, Street Fighter V started to feel "Worth It" once the Arcade Edition, the 2 first season pass and the Story mod were added. PS: I bought SFV two weeks ago and I enjoy it way more than USFIV. Online included. (Still a shame the only things that I need to unlock to complete the cosmetic elements... are only available by buying the Capcom Pro Tour Packs...)
@Michafrar 2 жыл бұрын
This type of stuff is exactly what got young kids into Tekken 3. It’s definitely their strength
@SevastovTv 2 жыл бұрын
Guys since you play Tekken, Julia and Jin are good beginner characters because I really trying to learn but is so hard man, I really want to use Lei but he got so many moves that I need to focus first someone else but I'm completely lost 😞
@foutinif124 2 жыл бұрын
@@SevastovTv jin can be hard for new players because of the execution barrier, but dont worry try a fundamental type of character like Kazumi and Shaheen
@QuinnIsIn 2 жыл бұрын
The scummiest practice fighting games have is that u can't even lab against dlc characters in training unless u buy them. So essentially if you want to take the game relativity serious your forced to buy whatever dlc they release.
@Hillthugsta 2 жыл бұрын
I think the worry is that if a character is made free in training, some hacker out there is gonna make them usable everywhere else since they are already in the game...also they may want to avoid any "on disk dlc" controversy.
@MrShinTensei 2 жыл бұрын
Imagine having to buy dlc lab, and also buy frame data. Fucking tekken
@Rannayamada 2 жыл бұрын
They should make it like for honor. You can use the locked characters in training mode
@nothingherezero7182 2 жыл бұрын
@@Rannayamada same with brawlhalla and also have the skins unlocked there to Meaning you can actually get a good idea what it like in the game and if it totally worth it
@Tea-Stance 2 жыл бұрын
@@Hillthugsta Considering that when a DLC character releases the game gets a patch anyway to add their data, so you can play against them even if you don't buy them, hackers can probably mod in an unlock key anyway.
@airrhearrt2865 2 жыл бұрын
All that DLC in Dead or Alive (5 usually being the one people talk about.) is costumes that were added over the course of the game's life which was 7 years. That game if you actually brought it has only TWO DLC characters and costumes you don't need to have fun or play. If you had the free version you had to buy the rest of the base cast besides the four you start with. There was also free access to two random characters every day or week, I don't remember.
@Abeltestament 2 жыл бұрын
People see that price tag on the dlc and freak out, rightfully so. But that's like all characters and its ignoring that you can pick and choose in most cases what costume you'd like to buy if any. The free version was a pretty nice try before you buy model. And even then you could buy a single character you liked and have access to the entire game with just that one character.
@Hillthugsta 2 жыл бұрын
@@Abeltestament That part about picking and choosing. That's is the kind of information that the rant vids leave out.
@ashchisalleh1454 2 жыл бұрын
@@Abeltestament right! This people complaint is silly lol, just look at card game, figure tabletop, heck base hobby need LOT money for it. I wait if any hobby have cheap one lol. Heck I no doubt they either spend more money on drug, alcohol or shady stuff. Oh wait.. They also afraid at boob for some reason, especially on beautiful one.
@AxeCrazyAutobot 2 жыл бұрын
To put it bluntly Max is very out of touch with the average player and thinks everyone is approaching these games like a competitive player does in that you have to buy everything to "keep up" but most people don't do this and at best will only buy their favorite character and a cool skin or two.
@silvermoon5583 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah, DOA5 was actually a pretty consumer freindly model when you really look at how it actually works and the options it gives you. DOA6 however is exactly as scummy and expoilative as people often accuse 5 of being, and people should really look at the differences between them as a model of what to do vs what not to do with something like this.
@terryguerraz7567 2 жыл бұрын
I think that they could bring back demo version, maybe make a rotation of like 1/5 of the cast or the shots of the game to try out the game ,with a possibility to upgrade to full version with their saves intact etc ...
@Egotolegend2 2 жыл бұрын
So a Free to Play fighting game…
@BknMoonStudios 2 жыл бұрын
That's actually what Brawlhalla and Killer Instinct do. They have a handful of free characters that get rotated every one or two weeks. Brawlhalla even gives you the option to permanently unlock characters with in-game money, though that seems a bit too much for AAA studios to implement.
@cmdrlawliet3552 2 жыл бұрын
I’ve honestly been saying this for ages, I totally agree with you. I’ve really wanted to try KOF XV for a while now, but I’ve never played a KOF game before, I’ve got no clue if I’m gonna enjoy it. I’d love to just buy it and give it a try, but the base game ALONE costs $80AUD. That’s a big investment for a game that I’m not even sure I’ll like. Sure, I could refund it if I don’t like it within 2 hours, but who’s to say that it won’t take time to adjust and learn and understand the game? Demo versions have GOTTA come back, I think it’d have a really positive influence on the FGC and growing player-bases.
@CVM5LVT 2 жыл бұрын
@@Egotolegend2 it's more like a free online demo
@NoxilNobody 2 жыл бұрын
Even Mobas do this, true they get most of their money back from skins since you could still unlock characters at slower pace with in game currency, but at least they allow you to try them (in normal modes, at least with lol it was like this, in ranked you had to buy champions, but like I said you can do it with in game currency)
@Neoxon619 2 жыл бұрын
Like I said, only the big dogs like Capcom & Bamco could really risk going F2P. NRS could also do it, but WB Games already has a F2P fighting game on the horizon with MultiVersus & will likely continue to position Mortal Kombat & Injustice as their AAA fighters. Even with Brawlhalla, they had Ubisoft backing with them being the publisher. And Project L has Riot’s war chest of cash. Because of that risk of the game not taking off, I can’t see ASW or SNK going F2P. Plus ASW doesn’t have many options for monetization with no alternate costumes. In the case of SF6, Capcom seems to be giving the game a AAA budget (bigger than past SF games in recent memory). So in that case, I don’t see it going F2P. Maybe they could do it with a new IP.
@therock238360 2 жыл бұрын
Agree with everything you said. Only thing I wanna point out with Brawlhalla is that the devs, Blue Mammoth were originally an independent studio, but after Brawlhalla released and it picked up steam, the devs got bought out Ubisoft. So Blue Mammoth were initially taking a risk with the games monitization when it was first released
@GiRR007 2 жыл бұрын
Riot pulls free to play off pretty seamlessly. I'm sure you will be able to buy fighters with real money or earn them though just playing the game normally, but the big money sink will probably be the skins as it has been traditionally.
@GamesAndWhales 2 жыл бұрын
One point I would like to push back on at least a little is the idea that “AAA quality games can’t afford to be F2P”. Major F2P games typically beat out comparable full priced games in terms of revenue. It shouldn’t be seen as a hit to a games profitability, because it clearly doesn’t need to be.
@ZariLutus 2 жыл бұрын
@@GamesAndWhales yeah but you also have to consider how niche traditional fighting games are compared to the genres of a lot of profitable F2P games. That is something I dont really see people consider much for some reason
@zanpakutoman4225 2 жыл бұрын
If the Capcom Fighting Collection sells well and we get a new Darkstalkers maybe they could attempt it with that. Recognizeable IP and could still be stylish enough to get new people interested, even with a smaller budget.
@tonyrivera8996 2 жыл бұрын
I play mostly single player versus mode with the AI, and never really commit to any character, mostly try every character on move on, that's why I usually jump aboard when the complete editions arrives to the bargain bin.
@quez2564 2 жыл бұрын
This has been a problem since the arcade scene died off in the west, since fighting games, more than any other genre, relied on the social gathering aspect due to their inherent competitive gameplay. The problem is, no developer has been able to find an effective replacement for that kind of environment. Should they be full-on f2p? No, but they need some kind of "trial" version out there with just enough content to get people interested. The problem is where do you draw the line. Everyone had to jump in that "den of wolves" at some point; only then, you had the choice of just dropping a few quarters, rather than throwing down $50-$60 like it is now
@AxeCrazyAutobot 2 жыл бұрын
Bro the reason why arcades died out is precisely because you didn't have to pay to play every time if you bought the game on console and online play HAS replaced the "social aspect" in games.
@Thalanox 2 жыл бұрын
Killer Instinct 2013 had a F2P model on console. I think you got Jago and a small rotating cast of the other characters for free, and you could buy the characters individually if you wanted.
@quez2564 2 жыл бұрын
@@AxeCrazyAutobot I wasn't talking about why arcades died. I was explaining how fighting games as a genre were the hardest hit because arcades died. Max already summed up why they died in his SoulCalibur video.
@AlphaladZXA 2 жыл бұрын
You know what it sounds like you just described what these games need? A demo version of the game... which already exists for many of them lol. You can even make it so the demo has online play now too just use that to get people interested smh
@AxeCrazyAutobot 2 жыл бұрын
@@AlphaladZXA Ironically that's essentially what DOA and KI's "free" versions are.
@lilibryant2032 2 жыл бұрын
To me, there’s a very important aspect in feeling what the games plays like. I can decide if I want to play other characters that are locked behind money later. But to play the core game for free and see if I rock with the feel of the game is super important to me. This goes for things like VF, KI, DOA6, and other things that let you try a core roster for free to get a feel for the game
@CoreValuesRespecter 2 жыл бұрын
Ain't that the truth. I still remember years back when I played F2P versions of DOA5, Tekken & Soul Calibur on my PS3, & thinking they were a god send with me being broke AF. But I'll give DOA5 more credit than it has with their F2P version. Like you said, allowing you to play as the core roster for a limited to get a feel for both the game & characters alike before buying them.
@icedcapplord710 2 жыл бұрын
Honestly unpopular af opinion: give me season passes any day over having to buy a new edition of a game every 2 to 3 years with extra content Ultimate Marvel 3 is probably the most egregious offender in why I don't like this model I do think devs can get trigger happy with the insurmountable amount of DLC and what they charge for it, but I still think re-releasing the game when its only additions are new characters and balance changes just sucks
@burningdeadman 2 жыл бұрын
Im confused isnt new editions a season pass? characters and balance changes, costumes, colors...what else could they add to a fighting game for a season pass? idk i think what SFV did in the pass 2 years is fine.
@Neoxon619 2 жыл бұрын
@@burningdeadman The old version of new editions split the player base, hence why everyone moved on to season passes.
@misterjoey3384 2 жыл бұрын
@@burningdeadman because it's a middle finger to those who bought the day 1 version.
@lutherheggs451 2 жыл бұрын
Ultimate Marvel isn't shit compared to DOA and their 50 season passes that end up costing thousands of dollars to prey on the stupid people who hilariously feel they need every single costume and every single color for every single character.
@Wynonyn 2 жыл бұрын
fair but its not like free to play means well go back to the way it was. it may be better but it also still sucks especially getting into a game late.
@kalisiasklimax9243 2 жыл бұрын
I think if a fighting game has content equivalent to a netherrealm game it’s fine to be full price. A good full fledged story mode, a good arcade mode, online with a handful of game modes and character customisation. But other than that I think fighting games should be free to play if the main focus is just multiplayer
@fatalexception3845 2 жыл бұрын
Fighting games have become expensive, for sure. And even if I get that they make skins and costumes for every fighter in a game to appeal to all of its players, that might want that extra bling for their favourite combatant, its also to be said that back in the days, you'd unlock stuff such as skins and costumes by ending a character's storyline fulfilling certain requirements. Today you have to reach for your credit card rather than the instruction manual to see the tips and tricks, but since the gaming market came up with much worse than paywalled costumes, this practice have been normalized. I'm afraid that it's never gonna go now that it's here, alas.
@MrWoodsman 2 жыл бұрын
I spent $120 CAD on MK11 before the Aftermath expansion even came out. By the time I saved up for Aftermath and Kombat Pack 3, NRG had already announced the game was dead lol
@Candey 2 жыл бұрын
f2p player here, and daym people in the comment section really dont like and dont know what a good f2p game is. In my experience COMPETATIVE f2p games(League and Valorant) isnt as Predatory as people fear it to be, and sure f2p games "CAN BE" more expensive cause of the "OPTIONAL" cosmetics/skins, battle passes are meh its still optional and cheap, But All Core Content(Characters) are avaible or really easy to obtain for the players, all events are free. So over all my experience was really was really fun. IMO, Riot Games' Project L plus thier monetizations methods may lead the way for Fighting games to be f2p.
@totallynotcheng 2 жыл бұрын
This is what I'm saying! It feels like a lot of folks here have never played an actually good f2p game that also have a competitive scene.
@rollinmyda 2 жыл бұрын
Fingers crossed for a successful f2p model to have the fighting game player base grow larger
@AJMurdoc 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for explaining your perspective, and empathizing with those who are skeptical. I appreciate it Max.
@SilentderLaute 2 жыл бұрын
Tbh League does it kinda right (the Game is Free2Play no Pay2Win and even a Player who doesnt want to pay money can earn some Cosmetics). Skins and Events keep the Game fresh and give People a Reason to return to the Game or play a different Character. Ofc Skin prices must be reasonable but they also ensure a steady income for Devs and a reason to keep supporting a game.
@travissloan260 2 жыл бұрын
I think the solution is just for fighting games to just cost less at launch. 20 - 30 bucks should be the launch price for a game thats gonna get multiple character passes that usually cost 30 bucks a pop.
@misterjoey3384 2 жыл бұрын
I was thinking what if you were given a free character (maybe this is what killer instinct did idk) of your choice. Maybe you buy your first character then you can buy the rest at a discount or a new guy a week $5. People are more comfortable paying $100 over a few months versus $60 at once. Worked for guitar hero.
@ryanisaac6480 2 жыл бұрын
That not going to happen. It costs alot to develop a character and movesets especially moving into next generation hardware.
@malcocanedo9061 2 жыл бұрын
Agreed. The only reason i decided to buy Granblue now is because the base game got a price reduction. No way in hell i was going to buy a full priced game with 2 season passes to be bought later.
@JohnYannoulas 2 жыл бұрын
I think what you are misunderstanding in why the convo around f2p has taken off is the actual selling point and allure of f2p. It's not enticing because it's cheaper and thus "cheaper fighters problem solved", not really. F2p is popular with players because you can pay at your leisure. You can test the waters before having commited to the product, you can decide which aspects of it you want to unlock with real money if you'll ever spend any and which you would rather grind for. It's an entirely different way of consuming the product. When a f2p has no pay2win it can be really healthy also. Making fighters cheaper isn't really going to breach the audience f2p would. I have been playing f2p for abt 4 years now, it's simply not worth it for me paying any price for a game that I can't know I'll like until after I've sunk my cash.
@qv43v 2 жыл бұрын
@@ryanisaac6480 then you won't get a new audience.
@powerpanda6446 2 жыл бұрын
It's crazy to think how many good fighting games are out there. I'm not going to lie, I spend a good chunk of money on fighting games the last few years!!😅
@mp32298 2 жыл бұрын
Opposite so many I don't play because they cost to much like the new Guilty Gear they have it at a decent price when it's dying and most are to frustrating and the community is horrible
@SpikeTheWolf 2 жыл бұрын
@@mp32298 what do you mean frustrating? Like online lag?
@Walamonga1313 2 жыл бұрын
@@SpikeTheWolf Prob means getting rekt by the veteran players who no life it. Like me when I jumped on SoulCal6 (got it to play with friends mainly). As soon as I tried playing with randos online I just kept getting trashed lol
@SpikeTheWolf 2 жыл бұрын
@@Walamonga1313 ha yea I had the same experience.
@mp32298 2 жыл бұрын
By frustrating Some then have bad design choice they won't fix like Tekken KBD all of them focus on online too much and yes these games need more single player content I think if they are going to do that then don't have things like zero frame moves when you know the internet is reliable to pull it off just me though
@BeardedDanishViking 2 жыл бұрын
Problem with fighting games costing 60 dollars is that the payments don't stop there. Everyone releases a mountain of DLC characters over the course of months or even years, which is fucking scummy as shit.
@RodrigoDBarbosa 2 жыл бұрын
Dead or Alive actually did a pretty great job. The game had a full version with all the characters and modes and had a free to play version that had 4 base characters and 2 monthly rotating characters. The free to play version players could do pretty much everything in the game except play story mode and play with the other locked characters (that you could even buy just a specifict one if you liked it!). Yes the game had way to much DLC, but it was almost all cosmetic stuff. The core game was there for free.
@Ramsey276one 2 жыл бұрын
The Killer Instinct reboot did that too, right?
@zoromax10 Жыл бұрын
fam, I don't think dead or alive did that well. I wanted to get into DoA, so I downloaded the free version. opened. saw that none of the characters free interested me. uninstalled it forever. characters are the main feature of a fighting game. you can't lock 90% of it and expect people to feel like it's worth their time
@LordShrub 2 жыл бұрын
Sony: Hold my beer - $70, €80, £70 for the base game.
@misterscratch7 2 жыл бұрын
addition: 70-80 por a semi finished game with a lot of bugs and mostly cinematics action style.
@MeteoBahamut 2 жыл бұрын
For me Soul Calibur was always one of those games that gave me enough content to amuse myself (even though it is more on the arcadey side) and the online multiplayer was just a bonus. And thankfully it has also been generally one of the less predatory games microtransaction wise.
@inezvalentinus5759 2 жыл бұрын
Same, especially SoulCalibur 6. I love its character creator. Plus it has story mode for each character and a story mode for a created character, in addition to all the usual fighting game modes. One of the only fighting games that was worth full price.
@scottmichaelhedge5055 2 жыл бұрын
Except Soul Calibur VI. That game was not worth the $60 asking price at launch, in my opinion.
@inezvalentinus5759 2 жыл бұрын
@@scottmichaelhedge5055 for me I thought it had more to do than any previous SoulCalibur. But, I know some people were not happy with the base roster though.
@scottmichaelhedge5055 2 жыл бұрын
@@inezvalentinus5759 That, and I thought the graphics were just underwhelming. SoulCalibur was always the cutting edge when it came to that in the past. I know it was made on a smaller budget, so it's not surprising.
@inezvalentinus5759 2 жыл бұрын
@@scottmichaelhedge5055 I can see your point there. In many places the graphics seemed like an upscaled version of 5.
@kingofthesharks 2 жыл бұрын
There's the base game, the DLC in order to learn the new matchups (or your new main). There's the cost of PS Plus or whatever allows you to play online if on console. There's the cost of gas/train to travel to locals to even make use of your skills. Then there's the risk that people drop the game in 3 months. Or some new patch ruins the balance or your play-style. It's a big commitment that could honestly be made softer from the top down I think.
@Haj_Otter 2 жыл бұрын
"the dlc to learn new mu's" Holy shit this. I would love it if characters were atleast free in training mode ,or just free character releases in general if games were to go f2p
@spiritofthewolf1880 2 жыл бұрын
@@Haj_Otter THIS! 💯
@espurrseyes42 2 жыл бұрын
@@Haj_Otter I think SFV did something like that last part, though I think it also had scuffed in-game currency gain to make buying the DLC characters tedious.
@Haj_Otter 2 жыл бұрын
@@espurrseyes42 the amount of fight money for characters was ridiculous for how little you actually earned for doing anything in sfv
@M4TTYN 2 жыл бұрын
no one should have to pay for PS+ or XBL mostly switch online which is dog shit but just me being a PC only player but still.
@ogbuddah4234 2 жыл бұрын
In Argentina DBZF base is $3k, Ultimate edition is about $5.5k ,all the dlcs $ 11k. Tekken 7 base $2k, ultimate around $ 5k, all dlcs $ 10.7k. SFV base is $470 Champion Edition + Season 5 Premium Pass Bundle $2 k (all dlcs $11.3k). Keep in mind minimun salary here is $47.8k and also keep in mind that, all purchases made online, like buying games, or spotify etc have a 65% taxes. So yeah, Plz make something FTP! we getting fucking milked this side of the planet!
@Aitaitaitai 2 жыл бұрын
Okay… I honestly don’t like the idea because of how much money developers would try to get out of it, but now I want a F2P game to come out now just so you guys have something. That’s so rough.
@ogbuddah4234 2 жыл бұрын
@@Aitaitaitai Truth being told, I think they already are trying to squeeze every last penny outta us, just with all the different version of the same game, or the five thousand dlcs they drop. Not having regionalized pricing really fuck us up around this parts, and I wish they would release the full game instead of having to buy this, and that, and that other thing. Truth being told I wouldnt have a problem buying a game that's actually finished, but imagine going online on DBZF with only the base characters, that was me for 6 months cuz I refused to buy characters until I eventually just quit the game.
@umamisoy 2 жыл бұрын
Here's the thing: FGs as a genre, are so "old school" and rooted in their own principle that the people who usually make them don't feel the need to innovate or risk going too far away from what made them great. RPGs, shooters, card games, action games, PVE and PVP alike have at some point had a game that shows "this free to play model can be applied to us" at a massive scale. Brawhalla of course comes to mind but it's not a "big" game. Not saying that a game has to be fortnite or LoL to be comparable, but I'm sure that's what the big game companies think is justifiable to make a F2P fighting game. Nobody (so far) has been willing to make that risk because FGs are a very niche genre that only has mainstream appeal when big IPs are attatched to them. Also they don't really generate a long term income for the company unless you make new story arcs for the casual audience to come back. We can only wait for the LoL FG to come out, see if its F2P, have them make millions and then maybe capcom will go "i want one of those, make capcom vs capcom", only to then say "why we are not making as much money as them" because they got in late.
@SL-hv1zo 2 жыл бұрын
I think the real barrier to entry with fighting game is the requirement of wired connection. If the multiplayer can’t be done relatively good with wifi connection, fighting game is not going anywhere
@JuanFranco-mq7js 2 жыл бұрын
Project L will bring servers, like in league of legends, if you has a shitty connection, you are fucked.
@Oceanandskylinevidss 2 жыл бұрын
@@JuanFranco-mq7js i wish that was the norm
@Ramsey276one 2 жыл бұрын
Is that true? I didn't have much trouble in DBFZ and Fantasy Strike on my 1 yeah of Switch Online...
@DioRod 2 жыл бұрын
Hello Max! I don't usually comment much, because I don't write very well in English. I'm Brazilian and also a content creator - a year ago, I made some videos talking something similar to what you mention recently in your videos and social media about game prices. Here in Brazil everything is even more complicated. Due to conversions from the dollar to our currency, in addition to extremely high taxes, games reach R$ 300.00 (Brazilian currency) for Playstation - to give you an idea, the minimum wage in the country (which is the value considered "minimum to survive") in Brazil is R$ 1,212.00. Today, so that we can have a Playstation game with the season pass at launch, we spend about 1/3 of what is the minimum to survive. Of course, this value is not standard, but it is a basis of comparison of how expensive the games are here. A price decrease, or even the F2P format would help a lot (in my view) the spread of the game here, and in other third world countries. I'm so glad you're addressing this topic, because it's necessary that high profile people can finally talk about how much we spend on a genre that makes so much money! Congratulations and thank you!
@resnal.6965 2 жыл бұрын
Da aquela força br pra visibilidade do comentário
@Raziel_LaFey 2 жыл бұрын
A practical example: a game costs around 25% of our minimum wage here in Brazil. That would be like a game costing $287 in the US, and that's ABSOLUTELY INSANE! We need more FTP games!
@armandonascimento3565 2 жыл бұрын
Upzão da alegria pra visibilidade do comentário subir cada vez mais
@seren88 2 жыл бұрын
This just makes me think of how much fun I had playing Soul Calibur II. It was so worth my money in my opinion with how much there was to do solo. But nowadays I only appreciate other people who play fighting games, since I am a part of the casual crowd and don't have the time to dedicate myself to climb online ranks.
@Riitje 2 жыл бұрын
Honestly, what baffles me is that no developer seems to get how tight Soul Calibur 2 was put together with single player content. Not even Bamco seems to know and they made the damned game.
@Drebin1989 2 жыл бұрын
@@Riitje the only reason Soul Calibur 2 did so well was because of a certain guest character on the GameCube version
@Riitje 2 жыл бұрын
@@Drebin1989 I'd say it helped but that's not why I played. Did play the GC version too.
@Drebin1989 2 жыл бұрын
@@Riitje i say that because Soul Calibur 3 had plenty of content too yet didn't do well. Most of Soul Calibur 2 sales came from the GC version
@Riitje 2 жыл бұрын
@@Drebin1989 Yes, but Soul Calibur 3 was also limited in release compared to 2.
@wdcain1 2 жыл бұрын
The most I've ever spent on dlc for any game is about $105 for SFxT for the extra characters, all the costumes, and about $15 for gems.
@darrnellnott07 2 жыл бұрын
We all have that "one" lol
@wdcain1 2 жыл бұрын
@@darrnellnott07 I only regret buying the gems since I just use the defaults. Also, I should have ignored the bad reviews since by the time I bought the game, psn stopped having sales for ps3 stuff. I probably could have gotten all the DLC for a third of the cost if I just got it earlier.
@96004caldas 2 жыл бұрын
I played sf5 in the hope that the characters could be picked up without buying but the grind was so huge that I got discouraged, especially when I had to fight an unknown new character
@NanomachineExE 2 жыл бұрын
As a man who spent 85 dollars on King of Fighters already. I must say, I feel pain. That said, it's not the money keeping people out. It's the skill and study. Casuals don't like competitive games that require hours of research and study just to be at a basic level.
@NeocrimsonX 2 жыл бұрын
Dam I hope it lives up to your bucks
@Jkobe915 2 жыл бұрын
Casuals aren’t gonna pay that much if it means they might not put that much time into it… lower the barrier, increase population, increase population of skill ranges (bad, decent, good, skilled players) and increase lvl of enjoyment of players and make the learning slope less harsh
@Jkobe915 2 жыл бұрын
Ppl don’t like competitive games where the road to get better can be so onesided so consistently
@monspeet4287 2 жыл бұрын
this is such a bad argument, have you ever played LoL or Dota? those games are free and super competitve but a lot of people play it regardless of the skill level because its you cant argue with these when there are f2p competitive games that disagree with your opinion.
@goldsage4722 2 жыл бұрын
This just straight up isnt true and games like league prove it wrong. Casuals dont care how hard or competitive a game is because 99% of them either dont care if they suck or they think they're godlike even though they constantly lose. The keeping casuals away is money and a lack of content for certain games
@dustymax56 2 жыл бұрын
Okay, but why is the camera quality so crisp on this? It’s reminding me of local news switching to 1080p for the first time. So much definition. So CRISP
@FoolsGil 2 жыл бұрын
I think the most money I put into a fighting game was buying costume sets for SC5. CAS is a hell of a drug
@Blight_OS 2 жыл бұрын
I miss buying a game and unlocking all the goodies through gameplay. This whole thing where you buy 60% of the game at full price then pay more for the remaining 40% (dlc) is a big turn off.
@anjodanielsuper 2 жыл бұрын
yea mee too, but times are way different, thats never gonna comeback. Making games its too expensive now in days.
@Copperhell144 2 жыл бұрын
I'm going to copy-paste this reply to every comment I see that mentions unlockable characters - Having to "unlock" characters in fighting games is stupid, and so is anyone that wants that to return. I don't want to be forced to clear the arcade mode with every single character in the game if I want to play as Akuma or Gouken (this was a thing in SF4). Characters are the most important bit of any given fighter. Unlockable stages or costumes, sure. Unlockable characters though, eff that. Also, DLC fighters did not replace unlockable ones. They replaced Street Fighter-style "editions" and KoF-style yearly releases. Buying a fighting game and having it and its online mode become obsolete because a new "version" got released after a year or two is garbage. The seasons method of introducing new content is way superior.
@Blight_OS 2 жыл бұрын
@@Copperhell144 I'd rather go through the arcade or whatever to unlock characters than be forced to pay an extra 20 shmeckles every time new characters come out. Most people run through the story or arcade to get a feel for the game before going online anyway. I'm just tired of being sold incomplete games. Ideally, they'd keep both options available so everyone is happy.
@Copperhell144 2 жыл бұрын
@@Blight_OS As I said before, the "paying 20 shmeckles" is not a replacement for character unlocks. Comparing them is a mistake. "Unlockable characters" got replaced by "All characters are available right from the beginning". That is 100% an improvement. You're paying 20 shmeckles every time a character comes out instead of BEING FORCED TO pay 500 shmeckles for Fighting Game 4: Extra Edition Which Makes The Previous Version (And Its Online Mode) That You Also Paid 700 Shmeckles For Obsolete. Just look back at what happened with UMvC3. I would rather playable unlocks be limited to costumes and stages. Why is it that people are capable of thinking both KoF '99 and KoF 2003 as "complete", while SF5 in 2022 is "complete" but SF5 in 2016 is "not complete" even though they're essentially the same thing in the end characters wise? What is it about "completion" that bugs people so much, that when a developer says "we're going to be adding so-and-so many more characters as time goes on" it is suddenly viewed as a bad thing now?
@Tea-Stance 2 жыл бұрын
@@Blight_OS You're missing the point. Unlockable characters didn't become DLC. "Super" editions of fighting games became DLC. There aren't any unlockable characters anymore (except for Smash Ultimate and Frost in MK11) because of both the tournament scene and fans wanting to play their character immediately without having to go through some weird hurdles.
@JohnDoe_69 2 жыл бұрын
Convert these prices to other countries and you get some prices that are just ridiculous. Tekken 7 costs R$529,59, our minimum wage is R$1.212.
@GiRR007 2 жыл бұрын
Hopefully riots new project L pops off and brings their mastery of free to play into the genre.
@barbedwings 2 жыл бұрын
I think the divide on the F2P discussion is largely die-hard FGC and players who are either more casual, or have significant experience in other genres that are predominantly F2P. The old-school FGC players will spend $60 on a new FG without a lot of complaint because they are already invested in the genre, they aren't scared of getting bodied online, or if they even like this type of game. They know going in what they are likely to get, and if it has characters/features they want, they'll buy it, and the DLC, often for multiple platforms. There seems to be this obtuse almost willful ignorance or perhaps gatekeeping about non-FGC players and how intimidating the barrier to entry into the FGC appears to them. Like Max talks about here... if I don't even know if I would like the genre, but something about the game catches my eye, they have to decide: * What is my play experience going to be like if I have never played a FG before * Is the game going to be too hard for me to pick up, so I will have just wasted $50-60 * Is the single player mode going to be < 2 hours of content * Is the online experience going to be just me getting shit on for 50 games by people who are good at this type of game. * If there is DLC on top of the base game, how much of the DLC is "mandatory" to have a good time. * I've heard I need a special controller (a joystick or hitbox) to be any good, how much do those cost... *Googles* oh fuck, $200, hell no. These people don't have an investment in the genre already, they are intimidated by the perceived difficulty, and the challenge of 1v1 online play, and frankly lack of other features in most FGs. This makes buying a full price game seem *risky* because they may just be throwing their money away. Contrast this with a F2P model like League of Legends. You have heard about the game, probably good and bad. If you are ever curious if the game is fun, you can download it for free, go through a basic tutorial, play against some bots, and get access to some of the characters from the roster. There is NO barrier to entry even if you are worried the game will be too hard or not fun. Worst case, its not for you, you delete the game and move on. If you DO get pulled in, now you have progression opportunities, F2P ways to earn new champions and skins, daily missions, larger events, esports, etc. I don't think FGC old-heads understand the volume of people being blocked out of even *trying* a FG by the full price game with expensive DLC model. If 1% of the League of Legends player-base tries Project L and sticks around, it will be the biggest game in the FGC. It's true that not every company can afford to go the F2P route, because developing FGCs is expensive, and because its so niche, the sales are really modest compared to other games. The solution is to make the genre less niche imo, not to double down on the behavior that's kept it a tiny community for 3 decades. Finally F2P doesn't mean that "things will cost more". Ideally it means that the things you pay for change. In the Riot League of Legends way, you can (slowly) earn champions and even skins with in-game currency that you achieve over time. You can also buy access to champions (or champion packs with a bunch of champions at a discount) using RL money. Then the real $$$ comes from cosmetics and non-game items like icons, titles, skins, pets, backgrounds... etc. This model has been proven again and again to work at scale, and it should work for FGS too.
@ashchisalleh1454 2 жыл бұрын
All you say is what kof all star and doa 5 doing. And it turns out great.
@KnucklesWTD 2 жыл бұрын
People in the fgc live in a bubble in general. they have zero clue what casual player want in a fighting game or what it takes to be successful. They can’t fathom someone might want other stuff to do besides grind ranked all day and they will fight tooth and nail against any type of single player content.
@unrooolie 2 жыл бұрын
I always hear. I’m not paying 60 dollars to play this game I’ll just wait till it’s on sale, the major problem with this is by the time it’s on sale the online dies down and the only people that play are killers!
@Oceanandskylinevidss 2 жыл бұрын
I tried to get my best friends to play fighting games but then when they told me that very same thing, I had no answer, and they just give their $60 to fornite, Lol or COD instead. It's hella discouraging trying to get people in our day and age to play fighting games for sure. Something has to change
@pimpjenkins 2 жыл бұрын
Thank Ryu the big dog in the fighting game community acknowledges this very expensive fighting game problem in the 9th generation era. It's been a trend ever since Street Fighter V started the season DLCs business model. Sheesh.
@theesengovender1870 2 жыл бұрын
CAN'T WAIT for part 2!! Max using "to be continued" after his videos?? As if I didn't have enough reason to hit that notification bell
@shadowmaksim 2 жыл бұрын
These kind of topics are always tough to think about. Especially for people like me who aren't directly involved in the industry. While I see where Max is coming from and the prospect of more fighting games going free-to-play is interesting, I genuinely think this would only work for IPs that are already popular or have a notable legacy. I just don't really see this working for most fighters given just how niche they are. I know "Killer Instinct" is one series that followed this model somewhat and was a massive success, but again, it was the return of a fan favorite classic with big name influencers, like Maximilian here even for that time, pushing hard for it. Something like "Brawlhalla" being such a success despite being a new IP is amazing but isn't guaranteed to happen again. It started off very small but through good reputation of being a decent "Smash" alternative with actual competitive focus, something that wasn't that widespread at the time yet, it could afford to gradually grow much larger. Though even then, you can still see the cracks of how small it was. Then I'm thinking of fighters as niche as stuff like "Chaos Code", "Blade Strangers", or "Arcana Heart"...this is where I'm not remotely optimistic about this. They aren't big enough to make returns for continuous investment nor are they small enough to just brush off the lack of returns. And heck, most FGC influencers, like Maximilian, don't really like these fighters, if not have actively lambasted them in the past, so there's literally no one to champion them. I don't know, it could work, but likely not for the demographic I'm residing in.
@ashchisalleh1454 2 жыл бұрын
Good one . Only if Max give anime looking fighting chance, maybe lot support from that side.. But.. For now.. Can't see that.
@thelastgogeta 2 жыл бұрын
Even worse, cases like Blade Strangers would almost be guaranteed to become lost media much like mobile games if they only exist in a F2P format. Sure, digital games can be delisted but they are far easier to maintain and share. It isn't like Rising Thunder which needed the devs to make a version that we could keep. (I know some games do both like DOA5 and 6, but those are exceptions.)
@Faelitu 2 жыл бұрын
Words from me who is a F2P player since i was a little boy. Just as the pandemic started i saw some fighting game video contents on YT and i started to learn more about the genre because i was finding very interesting and the hype and passion of it was almost palpable, i could feel it. SFV went free at PS+ so i started my journey there. When i started to look into other fgs i realized that all of them that you have to buy, no exceptions, were nothing more than "hey, give me your money and MAYBE you'll have fun playing me!". Long story short, where i live the usual prices represent about 10% of minimal wage when they're ALREADY on sale and are the primary/simple version and being able to cost a whole month of my salary for... I barely spend money on things i'm already positive that they'll be useful and i'll like them. The most valuable and precious thing i have it's my time and not only fighting games require a lot of time to play and the companies tell me i have to pay them just to check out their products? I'm not giving my sweaty money for a MAYBE, F*** NO! I don't care if it's a good game or not, i wouldn't expect nothing less than being great/well made for a product that's trying to get my money. Still not buying fighting games until they're changing this dumb business mode.
@bondonki 8 ай бұрын
"NRS are the Kings of releasing a full product" kind of stings after mk1's launch...
@alejandroquinones3636 2 жыл бұрын
Fighting games are indeed expensive. Not only cosmetics, but whole ass characters have been relegated to DLC/paid content. It sounds harmless enough at face value, but with how many characters continuously get added it no longer feels as additional content but rather, the remaining half of a game. Buying a base version of a fighting game is a kneecap and with how many tiers developers create, the ultimate or definitive editions of games that contain every dlc character ends up being stupidly ridiculous.
@HiroesX81 2 жыл бұрын
My issue with F2P is more related that F2P means theres no physical version. I like owning my games, even my fighting games. But I also agree that theres an insane amount of dlc tied to fighting games not everyone can afford and puts people off. Sometimes you want the whole thing, sometimes you want unlockables that arent insane. 60$ is too much for the average casual player to invest in a fighting game these days especially if you add all the DLC tied to it. Instead dont make it F2P but lower the entry bar. Make it 20$ for the base game, free online, add a decent amount of single player content and if you want the rest like costumes, stages and everything make that what you pay for as an extra dlc. And always include a physical version for those who want it. Maybe an unpopolar take but thats how I see it
@Shark-Fist 2 жыл бұрын
I think a potential way around this issue would be for a physical definitive edition to be released when the game reaches the end of its life cycle, like they already do for paid games. It would mean that the people that really like the game can keep playing it after support ends, and the company would still get to double-dip.
@toval6255 2 жыл бұрын
As a collector too, physical copies of modern fighting games is just not as worth it compared to pre-PS2 generations. Constant DLC's means no physical copy will ever contain the full content of a end of life FG. Might as well go full F2P digital if this is the state of physical.
@mistery8363 2 жыл бұрын
have the physical version of a hypothetical F2P fighting game come with season pass(es). It'd justify whatever price tags i think if the pass(es)' content is stuff like characters and such.
@clubeijay 2 жыл бұрын
They could release a Disc version which would have Story Mode, Costumes, etc.
@k3nny 2 жыл бұрын
I think a great way to make people jump into a fighting game are free trials (like for a week) or open betas, I remember falling in love with DBFZ on its Switch open beta and loving the strive's ps4 beta
@slthjawa5062 2 жыл бұрын
They could just stop being greedy, stop ripping people off by cornering people into spending money on what was once unlockable in game. But I know, that's asking too much of greedy devs.
@salt5537 2 жыл бұрын
Yes, putting them on game pass would be amazing
@ELFanatic 2 жыл бұрын
FGC doesn't want to hear this but $60 buys you either Elden Ring, 150+ hours of guaranteed content or GGS, 12 maps and 20 characters. You have to think outside of the FGC, what sounds better to them?
@joedatius Жыл бұрын
I mean its all relative to how much you're interested in the game, I've seen countless people with hundreds of hours put into Tekken7 and if you're a FGC person aka someone who loves fighting games then getting 150+ sounds pretty average. So yeah thats not really a valid take given
@Jojo171_ 2 жыл бұрын
From what I have seen from riot's latest implantations of F2P titles such as Valorant and LOR Which still receive regular updates and first party tournaments to this day, I think Project-L is the closest we can get to a good F2P fighting game title. I really have high hopes for that game.
@foxstep83 2 жыл бұрын
Laugh in COD, Fifa and other same type of game
@xxnike0629xx 2 жыл бұрын
Given how fighting games are expensive, you'd think that these companies would do things that are relatively low cost & things that would get fans excited... I'm talking about more compilations on modern consoles with minimal modernizations like roll back net code, graphical filter options for the games, etc. Marvel vs. Capcom Collection ◾ X-Men Children of the Atom ◾ Mavel Super Heroes ◾ X-Men vs. Street Fighter ◾ Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter ◾ Marvel vs. Capcom ◾ Marvel vs. Capcom 2 ◾ Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 Capcom vs. SNK Collection ◾ Capcom vs. SNK ◾ Capcom vs. SNK PRO ◾ Capcom vs. SNK 2 ◾ SVC Chaos: SNK vs. Capcom ...etc
@BGRecon 2 жыл бұрын
One would think.
@NefariousBear 2 жыл бұрын
Every single game you named is not something that can just be re-released on a whim. ANYTHING to do with Marvel has a bunch of red-tape on it, doubly so now that its owned by Disney. Its why MvC2 got taken off of digital storefronts. Its why UMvC3 got shafted on any kind of balance patches. Contracts suck. I imagine SNK would be more willing to play ball, but that still takes time, coordination, and money.
@abrarnoorani8385 2 жыл бұрын
That's why skullgirls is my first (and only sadly) fighting game, it's $20 AUD-ish and $10 on sale
@thejackal007 2 жыл бұрын
I'm just scared that a fighting game will take a page from something like Candy Crush's free-to-play model and start charging money for more continues in arcade mode, for example. Give it enough time and someone will try that.
@chaffXgrenade 2 жыл бұрын
I know I'm talking outta my ass here, but I think all it takes is for just *one* really well-executed attempt at a F2P fighting game to set the foundation for what it *could* be if more devs take a shot at it in the future.
@F34RDSoldier805 2 жыл бұрын
Sure but it also takes one awful implementation and a stupid fanbase to throw money at it to ruin a franchise forever. Do you honestly think these companies that are fucking you already, will do f2p right? Really?
@chaffXgrenade 2 жыл бұрын
@@F34RDSoldier805 I won't argue with that, it's certainly a bit of a risk when there's people out there who'll happily just throw money at things. When it comes to fighting games, I'm mostly an outsider looking in, but I've experienced a range of F2P models myself, particularly with mobile games. There's totally ways to make these things fun without spending a single dollar, but I imagine there's a lot of work/balancing involved to make it feel right.
@Nyagro 2 жыл бұрын
Guess about which game the japanese devs talked about during the roundtable when it came to the f2p topic? Most of them will probably wait and see how Riot implements their game and go from there with as little risk as possible.
@xavierclaiborne5181 2 жыл бұрын
Looking forward to some developer taking this all the wrong way and goes back to the arcade days where you have to pay 50 cents to play
@BknMoonStudios 2 жыл бұрын
The Culling 2 tried it and the game died after a week. No publisher with a functioning brain will try it, especially with a niche genre that is smaller than Battle Royales.
@03blaird 2 жыл бұрын
That's what I'm afraid of. Devs getting the completely wrong message and making it WORSE
@MateusDrake 2 жыл бұрын
In other markets, they're even more expensive. In South America, for example.
@hermitcard4494 2 жыл бұрын
Games like Elden Ring, costing 60.00(how many dlcs of 25.00?) will give you THOUSANDS OF HOURS FOR MANY YEARS, while current fighting games are much more extensive and wont give you that much content.
@guigondi7671 2 жыл бұрын
when i buy fighting games, it doesn't feel like i'm buying a complete game, it feels like i'm buying access to a store. I'm not optimistic about things going F2P, companies will always push how much they can get away with in terms of monetization, i expect things to get only more and more egregious rgardless of the model.
@Shutwig 2 жыл бұрын
This is why I see f2p as a good option: they *already* look like a store, I prefer not buying that access, I can forgive f2p having ads on every screen, but not a full price game.
@guigondi7671 2 жыл бұрын
@@Shutwig and this is why i don't trust f2p to be a good option: if it is brought to that model i think it's gonna be even worse. I don't know what forms woulld that take, shoving ad videos in your face between every rematch , lootboxes for skins, currencies constantly being advertised to you and what not with god knows how many ways to stall wathever little progression you make as to strong arm you into buying content to bypass intentionally poorly paced parts of it... If the game intends to waste my time and give me a sluggish progression as a way to instigate me to buy stuff i'm just not gonna waste my time with it and look for better games. Also, the argument of "it should go f2p because a lot of those elements are already there in the 60 dollar version" really bothers me. Those types of monetization should never had been there in a full price game in the first place. IF, and exclusively if, all that would change would be the 60 dollar entry point going to F2P, and nothing else, yeah that sounds like a good bargain, but i have zero hope that it would stop there. Even if 1 Fighting game got it REALLY right in that model, i have no hope the limits of what one would consider reasonable wouldn't be constantly pushed. but i don't know how much is that my space to talk about since i'm EXTREMELY casual when it comes to fighting games, if i play them, it's either locally or singleplayer, my internet doesn't allow me to have descent online matches, so take that in consideration with what i said...
@majik2547 2 жыл бұрын
I wanna say, the thing I despise so much about DLC and buyable characters is that 9 times outta 10, you can't try them out in training mode to see if you like them! SF5 is the worst contender of this, because you either buy or grind for a character you don't even know you're gonna like. Not even in training mode! This is also the same reason i rarely play sfv.
@spiritofthewolf1880 2 жыл бұрын
💯 agree.
@MrShinTensei 2 жыл бұрын
Exactly I come from Tekken. I don't even play the dlc but I bought them
@goranisacson2502 2 жыл бұрын
Can you choose a character you haven't bought in training mode in other games? Do ArcSys or Namco or SNK do that?
@ashchisalleh1454 2 жыл бұрын
@@goranisacson2502 snk and doa do that.
@majik2547 2 жыл бұрын
@@goranisacson2502 I know you can't in XRD, Strive, and Tekken I think. Don't play alot of Tekken or SNK games so I wouldn't know.
@xiba5838 2 жыл бұрын
Max, you forget to mention the situation of other countries like Brazil, where the complete package of MK11 costs 889,74 R$, wich translates to basically 80% of the minimun wage.
@MagillanicaLouM 2 жыл бұрын
I think the answer isn't being free but just giving casuals more to do. The notion of HAVING to get good to enjoy a game is one I see spread around by so many casuals that are hesitant about the genre, and I think THAT'S the issue. They don't look at the genre and see games that they can just hop in,dick around with a character they like and be set just with that. They're caught up in this idea that they have to reach an online contending skill level to simply be able to get enjoyment and I think the answer is simply just giving them more to do outside of that. Not even talking story modes, but just something to hold over the ppl scared of going online. Even myself as someone who grew up on the genre but mostly as a solo player, it took me a long time to feel comfortable with the idea of fighting someone outside family. The primary issue isn't making the game easier or the price it's seems to be the INTIMIDATION that from their point of view is built into the genre. More solo content could also placate the price factor for all those types that feel traditional fighting game model isn't worth it.
@thesaltmerchant4564 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah that hit me when I picked up dbfz on ps4 and realized how much the game costs with all the passes. Just picked up my team and went off
@dikinebaks 2 жыл бұрын
The total cost of Dead or Alive DLC is over 2K
@ashchisalleh1454 2 жыл бұрын
Those cost is equal to NON STOP UPDATED for 6 to 7 YEARS. if you split the money it only worth 300 for a year. You pay character you want and Dev not afraid lost money. But I doubt you put the reason why they expensive right?
@bluasterisk 2 жыл бұрын
There have been so many games that I hardly played and spent full price on. I was basically an SF4 '09er that wanted to ride on that wave of all the new fighting games, but it was just so hard to get that same satisfaction that SF4 gave me. As games get older, everyone just gets better and it becomes so hard to catch up if you never started.
@anrc5439 2 жыл бұрын
The DLCs or year 1 passes on top of the 60 dollar tag is what keeps me from not buying fighting games, the normal editon just feels like a Incomplete Editon.
@CrimsonFIame 2 жыл бұрын
Imagine if fighting games actually went the free to play route, yikes. It would be even more expensive. That "free" label would go straight to their head and make them think that justifies all kinds of heinous practices
@AxeCrazyAutobot 2 жыл бұрын
Something tells me Max has never played a Gacha game. If you think DLC now is exploitive...
@Pookie2112 2 жыл бұрын
I rather not pay $60 for a roster im never going to use. I rather pay a few bucks to play a main.
@Zevox87 2 жыл бұрын
@@Pookie2112 I'd rather pay $60 and have a solid base roster to choose from and experiment with than need to pay (or grind) individually to even try each character in the first place.
@Pookie2112 2 жыл бұрын
@@Zevox87 waste of money when most people only play a few characters
@GenesHand 2 жыл бұрын
@@Pookie2112 With that argument they should make COD free and only charge for the weapons that you use lol
@kito1121 2 жыл бұрын
As a Fighting game newcomer, the first fighting game I brought with the full price was Grandblue VS, I even purchased it on two platforms. Why? Because I love this IP. And because of that, I get to know that Arc system work is a great company who can make great fighting games. Which lead me to buy GG strive on day one. However, I also know that it requires tons of hours just to get a start of the game for a beginner. That is why when I looked at KOG XV, I hesitated. It's XV. It's a different art style, and it's from another company. I don't even know if I could survive from the beginning stage. Buying with full price is a lot of pressure.
@Macronaso 2 жыл бұрын
This is the exact reason why I didnt buy kofxv. It looks great and fun, but I didnt want to buy it full price just to find out my scrub skills are even worse in that game and then shelve ir forever, as it has happened before with other fighting games I have bought.
@JoseAntonio-qe5hy 2 жыл бұрын
If u like how the characters look and think there moves look cool , it's a no Brainer 2 buy if u r willing 2 put the time in to get better at the game imo this gos for any fighting game
@JoseAntonio-qe5hy 2 жыл бұрын
@@Macronaso sounds like fighting games in general aren't for u , if ur not willing to put time in the game to get better and quit a game just cuz u succ at it u might as well save ur money tbh
@Macronaso 2 жыл бұрын
​@@JoseAntonio-qe5hy Why is the first reaction of every smoothbrain fighting game fan to tell people NOT to play fighting games? like holy shit here we are talking about getting more people to get to try and enjoy fighting games more easily and the first recommendation you give is to DROP fighting games entirely. Thank god you are just a minority.
@JoseAntonio-qe5hy 2 жыл бұрын
@@Macronaso im not tryna gate keep im just being real with u , u r wasting ur money on fighting games if ur not willing 2 put in the time 2 get better at them
@darienb1127 2 жыл бұрын
I think one thing that could help is to have special demos of fighting games. Basically, you could play online and such, but you would be limited to only a few characters. Just the simplest characters of each archetype to let people feel out the game.
@carlemmerson2035 2 жыл бұрын
I just want to play fighting games and stuff with other people, but I'm a poor-arse uni student in a new city without anyone to play with, and games are pricey as balls here in Australia. I don't feel like I can justify laying down $60-90AU for something I'm only really going to be playing on my own in a 3x5m apartment, which is a bummer.
@scorpion6726 2 жыл бұрын
im honest i already spend over 120$ in mk11 with all the dlcs and that was the dumbest Thing i ever did..... played the game 2 month and then never again.... 🤷‍♂️
@scorpion6726 2 жыл бұрын
@@youboob4394 yeah that sucks to
@scorpion6726 2 жыл бұрын
@@dmoneybay xD oof
@EmptyHand49 2 жыл бұрын
Same for me but with Tekken. The characters are cool but the gameplay feels horrendous.
@polarbeer56 2 жыл бұрын
The best F2P experience is still TF2 in my mind, things you needed to affect the gameplay were easy to come by/ grind for and were plentiful, where as the cosmetic items was where valve made its money I’d say the major downside to the cosmetic pumping model is that it can start to make your game feel cluttered and lose its identity over the years, but with fighting games a new release in a series comes out every 5 or 6 years anyway
@jeromenancyfr 2 жыл бұрын
You also have to consider the fact that TF2 was not F2P from the start, so Valve had some time to pay for the core gameplay before switching to selling cosmetics items.
@TheUncutAngel 2 жыл бұрын
I'm making a fighting game. Hearing your take on these things certainly gets the wheels turning.
@CarbonRollerCaco 2 жыл бұрын
I believe part of the situation is also that players nowadays know what fighting games are actually like gameplay-wise, and thus "pure" ultra-complex fighting games without something a little extra like what Smash and NRS fighters have, or instantly appealing original characters a la SF, DS or Tekken, are contained to an enthusiast niche. I think the key to going beyond that niche is good marketing of what you have in order to show what your game has to offer and tutorializing worth a damn. It's certainly not overly altering your game to the point of breaking its series's identity just to pull in more people. Strive did all three, so it's a great one-stop example of what to and to not do.
@Finngon 2 жыл бұрын
I don't still 100% buy into F2P as it could affect balance of the game. However, I do agree that 50-60 euros for an arcade fighting game is too much. It should be around 20-40 euros or so, depending on roster size and single player content.
@ZeroEscape2074 2 жыл бұрын
make MP free to play, but give us an expansive single player mode that cost money. Do you guys remember the side scrolling beat em up mode for one of the guilty gear game on the psp? bring that shit back and add the GBVS RPG mode into it, add the tower mode from MK, the multiverse shit from injustice, don't just give us the barebone arcade mode and versus, that's EXPECTED
@pattarick1054 2 жыл бұрын
Brawlhalla is free to play and is the most played fighting game on steam. It has 2-3 times as many players as Tekken, GGStrive, and SFV put together. There is a market for FTP fighting games and Brawlhalla has proved that. The Riot games fighting game will most likely be free as well blowing out competition or at least forcing competition to adapt to a FTP model in order to compete.
@joedatius Жыл бұрын
sorry but this logic of companies being forced to adapt those models have ALWAYS been complete bullshit. this conversation had been going on for decades but the problem is that games like Tekken, Street Fighter, and Strive are literally at their most successful right now. Brawlhalla existing or even Project L existing doesn't magically remove interest from other long established series because they aren't even going after the same kind of players, Brawlhalla is a smash like party game mainly targeted to kids and very casual players. not only that since they are free to play that doesn't stop someone from ALSO playing another game.
@deepseadoughnut44 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah it's definitely a bit intimidating when you go on the add-on sections of fighting games and see it has like over 100 items. For a casual like me it just makes you think "wait, which characters are better ? How much for all the customisation pieces, and is it worth it ? If I don't buy all the add-ons, am I just playing a lite version of the game ?". If you only play fighting games it's easy to justify just buying everything, but if you buy a lot of other games too it becomes a bit expensive. Having said that it's not just fighting games that do this. I tallied up all the add-on content (with the bundles) for Monster Hunter World and it was like 130$ for everything too
@MindDaggerEX 2 жыл бұрын
To be honest, I don't like playing fighting games online. I love living in Training Mode, passing the time discovering stuff. My main gripe is the lack of single player content, outside of Story Mode and Arcade Mode. If you gave me content like SFA3's World Tour or Dramatic Battles, I would be happy. I often wait until the hype subsides and all the DLC's are released and packaged into a Definitive Edition and then I purchase them. Hell, I even wait until it is on sale. I bought Tekken 7: Definitive Edition at $29.99. And I will do the same for KOF15 and GG Strive. I like collecting fighting games.
@maninredhelm 2 жыл бұрын
What free games does Max play and like? What free games are considered good? What percentage of free games get sequels? Where's the next Killer Instinct? Where's the next Dead or Alive? A free to play model might get a Virtua Fighter 6 made, but we'll never get a Virtua Fighter 7. F2P games tend to stew in their own juices until they wear out all their goodwill. I think they'd kill the genre, siphoning players away from healthier franchise models.
@AxeCrazyAutobot 2 жыл бұрын
Venus Vacation is still going strong and as much as I hate to say it as a DOA fan KT knows who their audience is in this case.
@SurfsUp-cw9rv 2 жыл бұрын
I've been a big proponent of a "random difficulty" mode, where you face off against varying difficulties of ai fighters. It's not a complete simulation of the online experience, but i think for the casual fighting game player, it would provide enough variety for them to come back and play it every so often. Not to mention it would also help them with the adjustment from a fixed difficulty to the widely varying difficulty of fighting against other people.
@skeletorment 2 жыл бұрын
You just described every fighting game of the 90's.
@Left4JokerRPG 2 жыл бұрын
That"s why a lot of people are still playing on fightcade instead of buying new fighting games, basically. I was hyped by the last capcom collection, but every friend of mine I talked said the same thing "but we can play them on fightcade already, I'm not buying it".
@KamitsureKaine 2 жыл бұрын
As someone that only plays the "complete" version of games. Unfortunately, that means I won't be buying into fighting games. They are far too expensive, and even if they went free-to-play, I can't see a model that would interest me.
@valentds 2 жыл бұрын
why watching this video then if you dislike fighting games from start?
@thelastgogeta 2 жыл бұрын
@@valentds Only buys "complete" versions of fighting games =/= Dislikes fighting games. The whole conversation is about pricing, not actual interest.
@dwaynemcfadden731 2 жыл бұрын
I'm surprised that max didnt mention when talking about SFV, the scumbag practice of reducing fight money for missions etc, thereby increasing the grind to unbearable levels in effect forcing you to buy content with real money.
@000shad 2 жыл бұрын
Never play TK7 ? I don't understand your point man, SF5 was still generous. You'll never see that again.
@dwaynemcfadden731 2 жыл бұрын
@@000shad no I have not played tk7, by your reaction it must be worse then sfv if that's the case then the lesser of 2 evils is still evil right?
@TheVgrey 2 жыл бұрын
I like when fighting games add game modes like soul edge had edge master mode Alfa 3 world tour Virtua fighter 4 had a nice career mode and this mode had costumes swords abilities
@Spynmaster 2 жыл бұрын
Really glad you're having this conversation, Max. As someone who doesn't really play fighting games, even I'm disgusted over how greedy companies have become with their overmonetization horseshit.
@Alfonso88279 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah, fighting games are crazy expensive. It's my favorite genre and I have almost each of them (in modern days) but I have bought very few of them as they were released. I usually wait a few years to get into them, cheaper. But I don't think the ideal solution is to make them FTP. I HATE that model. I hate it. With all my heart. Very few FTP games are actually good games and don't try to exploit the players at the same time.
@Walamonga1313 2 жыл бұрын
Don't most fighting games already exploit players through constant paid dlc though?
@Alfonso88279 2 жыл бұрын
@@Walamonga1313 Not at all, new content is welcome. There's the discussion if the price is fair or not, but new content is essentially good. Exploitative tactics involve psychological manipulation, loot boxes, rng mechanics, different kinds of currency to confuse the player and force him to pay real money to get them, etc., etc., etc... DOA6 got to the point to ask money to change the color of the hair of a character, EVERY TIME the player wanted to change it. That's abuse. Adding new characters and asking some money for them, it's not abuse. It's a feature.
@BoknoyBuhisan 2 жыл бұрын
@@Alfonso88279 "That's abuse. Adding new characters and asking some money for them, it's not abuse. It's a feature." i'm afraid that's still abuse my friend. when 20 years ago they sell the same game with every character. only thing different is you unlock them in game and not through extra money. if i pay a game full price. i expect a fully functional game with everything on the menu usable. if not then it's just a fully paid trial.
@Alfonso88279 2 жыл бұрын
@@BoknoyBuhisan You are looking at it the wrong way. Imagine your favorite game. Imagine it could get more stuff. If they asked me I could get more characters for Street fighter 2 back in the day without buying the new one, I would have paid gladly for the new content. Think on it as expansions. You are assuming that they are selling us the games incomplete, but in the case of fighting games the sad reality is that they usually have a very low budget, with very few exceptions. Most of those games have whatever the developers can get. Soulcalibur VI for example, people cried a lot because there was one other character into the game taht they sold us separately later, Tyra. But that game had a ridiculously low budget and it had a ton of content: A very cool editor, two story modes, remote play together (can't remember if it was released with it or not), a ton of stuff. And fighting games with high budget have even more, like MK11, are you telling me that they sold us the games unfinished? When it comes to fighting games, we have to admit that they are pretty damn good nowdays. We are living a golden age for fighting games, in quality, amount of content and number of them. Asking for money in exchange of keeping the games up, with more content and stuff, it's not abuse. Don't allow the negativity to absorb your critical thinking. Fighting games are more complete now than ever. I remember the Dragonball games for snes, we used to think they were so amazing and they barely had any content on them. Believe me, we are much better now when it comes to this genre.
@fabixt7590 2 жыл бұрын
@@Alfonso88279 You are looking at it the wrong way bro
@silvertaken 2 жыл бұрын
F2P games have always been one of the most predatory models out there, so it's not suprising seeing people having mixed feelings if there were a F2P fighting game coming soon. Being in a situation where you try out a F2P game, notice that the core game is actually good, but then realize that their monetization is predatory as hell would be frustrating.
@The300Player 2 жыл бұрын
How is F2P more predatory then a game that costs 60 dollars and still makes you buy characters and skins and expansions? At least you didn't spend anything when in the F2P game.
@ramxavier4627 2 жыл бұрын
60$ for a game to be dead for 3 months, or what my experience is with league playing it for 4 years spending 5$
@bigpurplepops 2 жыл бұрын
When I was a student I bought GGXRD for 40% off. At first I thought it was great cause I love guilty gear characters, then I load the screen and I basically paid $35 for an arcade mode, practice mode, and an add saying “Buy Rev2” over the dead online. That “Casual Experience” has gotten me into almost every game I’ve loved, meanwhile I skipped out on Strive cause it’ll probably end the same way lol. I’d love to play, but my 2 favourite characters are already DLC anyways 😂
@strawberrysundaes 2 жыл бұрын
You know, I don't want to specifically call people out on the Twitch chat, but. I saw a whole bunch of comments about "I don't want free2play because that means there will be microtransactions." -- Are we playing the same fighting games here? Does DLC characters not count as a microtransaction? Are you not paying $60, and then on top of that another $5 ~ $10 for another character? Is it wrong for a fighting game to be free2play with character DLCs that could be around the same price of $5 ~ $10? People don't talk about it very often, but damn Fighting Games do be expensive.
Is F2P for fighting games even POSSIBLE?
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