Finale! There is no more Li Xiangyi in the world! no 10-year agreement

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10 ай бұрын

#追劇大姐大 #蓮花樓 #成毅 #曾舜晞 #陳都靈 #中國電視劇 #古裝劇

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@user-it2xl5fm8n 10 ай бұрын
@AroMuhammad Ай бұрын
Please upload this drama on KZfaq with full episodes
@tab_1804 10 ай бұрын
I swear I would have cried either way - no matter if he died or lived. He was tired and didn't want everyone to depend on him once more. If he had cured the bicha poison he would have not been able to live the life that he desired - such a heartbreaking, yet also relieving ending for him One of the best dramas I have watched
@Yich-fu9zb 10 ай бұрын
"No one can replace you in our promise "🥺😔
@user-it2xl5fm8n 10 ай бұрын
@RIAN-he8oo 10 ай бұрын
I'm happy to see everyone gathering for him at the end, it's the least they could do for what he did all along
@marbel6970 10 ай бұрын
True, well said.
@user-it2xl5fm8n 10 ай бұрын
Yes, seeing the scene where everyone gathers and waits for him makes me cry
@user-hl4kx5cr9v 10 ай бұрын
拿起劍 是 『李相夷』放下劍 是『李蓮花』 一開始蓮花樓打著武俠探案的主題來宣傳,但當你真的看了之後,才會發現「武俠探案」只是架構,而核心講的是「人」,而這個人就是李相夷/李蓮花。 李相夷十五歲憑藉著自創的相夷太劍冠絕天下成為武林第一高手,十七歲創立四顧門與朝廷皇城司齊名,專平江湖風波,二十歲問鼎武林盟主,門主令一出,天下武林無有不從。 隨著故事回顧李相夷少年時,會和李蓮花有一樣的感嘆「太年輕」,但也因為「太年輕」,才可心高氣傲,才會心繫江湖,才是天下第一。他的一生太過驚絕,就像一把鋒利的寶劍,一出鞘必定鋒芒畢露。 然而經歷了東海一戰後,身負重傷、窮困潦倒、眾叛親離。從李相夷變成了李蓮花。 李蓮花看似沒有昔日的意氣風發,平淡渡日,一個人一隻狗在蓮花樓中種菜、釣魚,十年如一日。而這十年中的感悟,讓他學會了「放下」。 李蓮花十年來都在做著同樣的一件事--“放下”。 絕世武功在他身負重傷後就已經放下。 四顧門的名利在他把門主令當了換錢時已經放下。 與喬婉娩多年的感情在他送上那盒喜糖時已經放下。 而最讓人難以捨棄的生死,他從來就不放在眼中,面對唯一能救自己的忘川花,說放棄就放棄了。 年少成名固然不易,但李蓮花放下過去,肆意豁達卻非常人所能及。 李相夷問鼎巔峰時固然意氣風發,但他並沒有俯視眾生,而從神壇跌落成了李蓮花後,他恨過、怨過,但他保留了心中的溫柔和暗藏的掛念,學會了笑看人生,最終他看見眾生,也成為眾生。傲氣是你是李相夷,坦盪是你是李蓮花。
@leunc030 10 ай бұрын
你的評論入微,非常細緻,寫得很好。 蓮花樓的打戲非常精彩,每位演員演技十足,一定特別要提的是成毅的演技,一文一武都非常了得! 但結局使人唏噓,有點差了點點什麼似的,差了點「有情人終成眷屬」的感覺。李蓮花心系阿娩,她一有危險,李蓮花的面容再藏不住他心底的思念。阿娩也是一樣,當聽到李蓮花受傷,便立即帶人上角大美女的山寨救人。希望兩人在第二季裏重修心中情。(而不是「忘盡心中情」: 忘盡心中情 遺下愛與痴 任笑聲送走舊愁 讓美酒洗清前事 四海家鄉是 何地我懶知 順意趨寸心自如 任腳走尺軀隨遇 難分醉醒玩世就容易 始終勝負只有天知 披散頭髮獨自行 得失唯我事 昨天種種夢 難望再有詩 就與他永久別離 未去想那非和是 未記起 從前名字)
@user-hl4kx5cr9v 10 ай бұрын
第四十集我看了很多遍,特別是後面他自己牽上馬,告別了狐狸精,遇到了肖紫衿,跳崖,在江中寫下絕筆:小舟從此逝江海寄餘生 想必好多人還看了番外,拿著放大鏡找出各種李蓮花活下來的證據。但是,就像編劇和成毅說的,想把這個角色的解讀交還觀眾,讓觀眾解讀出屬於自己的李蓮花。在我心中,就是一個悲情收尾,模擬了最後一刻他的心情,不喜勿噴: 對四顧門,該做的都做了,那些因為年少輕狂而折損的生命,是我做什麼也無法挽回的了; 對婉娩,是故人,是朋友,是當年紅衣少年心尖上的人,希望她有屬於自己的幸福; 對老笛,心悅誠服,不光是對他的武功,還有人品,結識這樣一位豪傑,是一件幸事吧; 對方多病,他現在學會了很多,定能好好成長,未來會在江湖上寫下他自己的傳奇的; 對江湖,不枉此行,去過高處,落過低谷,江湖可以是快意恩仇,也可以是生活點滴,擁有過少師刎頸,陪伴過狐狸精蓮花樓,幸哉,幸哉! 對我自己,這十年,解開了心結,結交了摯友,解決了問題,重新生活過,作為一個平凡人,這偷來的十年,也不賴嗎? 到時候了,平凡人的生活哪有什麼奇蹟發生,該告別了。 小舟從此逝,江海寄餘生。
@leunc030 10 ай бұрын
@@user-hl4kx5cr9v 沒有看「番外篇」嗎?李蓮花還活著。央視話要改結局,我們便等待看央視的新結局罷。
@nohandle237 10 ай бұрын
@jennylim2266 10 ай бұрын
It is bittersweet but it's also a perfect end. No one will come bother him again for any petty reasons and troubles. He can finally live or be at peace. Whether he's alive or not, it's actually up to our interpretation. There are clues supporting both possibilities so 🙂👍 I do be3he is still alive, but I do not wish for a Season 2. This story is as complete as it is, with the special episode. Sometimes bittersweet can be the most unforgettable impression that will last a long time for a story.
@user-enoch0502 9 ай бұрын
@tienharry6280 10 ай бұрын
Why is this scene so sad??? I'm really crying this time..😭😭
@user-it2xl5fm8n 10 ай бұрын
I am also touched, at least he accomplished the most important thing in life
@user-hl4kx5cr9v 10 ай бұрын
【結局劍斷人亡】死是李相夷.生是李蓮花 劇中最後的結局以開放式來呈現,隨之網路上馬上就有兩種聲音,一是李蓮花已經死了,二是沒有死,但就我來說,他是死了,也是生。 李相夷,斷少師劍,對一個劍客來說,劍斷人亡,人未到以絕筆信赴第二次的東海之約,我認為是他讓「李相夷實質性死去」的意思,因此,生的就是李蓮花。 當他十年後成為了李蓮花時,對他來說,李相夷早就已經死了,如同在了無和尚那看見的那句禪詩「一念心清淨,蓮花處處開」,所以我相信,李相夷雖然死了,但李蓮花還在。 最後再提,成毅這次的演技,真的非常棒,他將二十歲傲氣瀟灑的李相夷表現得淋漓盡致,也把三十歲李蓮花的雲淡風輕詮釋的坦蕩灑脫。他細膩的從眼神到姿體的變化,都可以明確的傳達給觀眾,在追劇的過程,真的看得非常盡興!! 就我而言,比起仙氣翩翩的神仙,有血有肉的李蓮花更適合成毅。
@user-hl4kx5cr9v 10 ай бұрын
看完《蓮花樓》大結局,個人認為是HE 如果《蓮花樓》是停在39集完結的,其實也不錯,但有了40集,整部劇立意就拔高了,在我心目中接近滿分。 40集是點睛之筆,也傳達了整部劇的一個內在主題--向死而生 不看番外,我也認為結局是HE,因為它在40集的每一處都透露的很明白了: 整部《蓮花樓》,是李蓮花對李相夷的一場漫長的告別,而40集,這場告別以他期望的方式,走到終點: 他先去救了雲彼丘, 他說天下第一,門主令牌,過去的仇恨,都已經不重要了,雲彼丘問:那什麼才是重要的呢? 李蓮花說:重要的是“以後的日子” 李蓮花說:好好活著,為自己而活。 這些話看似是對雲彼丘說的,又何嘗不是對他自己說的呢? 原諒故人的同時,也是對過去自己的釋懷,他終於放下了那些年深深的自責 “真心悔過的人,值得第二次機會” 渡人,亦是渡己。 他再斷了少師劍, 有人棄劍如遺,有人終生不負,只是每個人的選擇不同,李蓮花選擇了前者 而世界上大部分人,都不會選前者,所以有些人直到最後一刻都不相信他能“真正的放下” 在這段旅程中,李蓮花了悟了--只有斬斷過去,才能以後“好好活著” 他再寫下絕筆信: 江山多年,變化萬千,去去重去去,來時是來時, 這句話,是讓笛飛聲放下決戰的執念、放下尋找自己的執念,但是細讀,也有一絲“有緣江湖再見”的意味 從此,世上再無李相夷, 然而李蓮花呢?再回看一下他剛跳上小船說的話: 小舟從此逝,江海寄餘生,倒也是個不錯的結局。 是了,他的餘生,一定在這廣闊的天地裡。 所以說,40集完美收尾了這個故事-- 了結前一世,隨心過餘生。 再來說說番外,HE的意味就更明顯了: 10年前東海之戰,人人都道李相夷死了,後來李蓮花拿出李相夷身上的香囊,對喬婉娩說這是屍體上撿來的,其實呢?李相夷還活著。 10年後又在海邊,漁夫撿到李蓮花裝糖的袋子,說是死人身上撿的, 結合這個劇大量的前後映照手法,再想想老狐狸之前都是怎麼誆小狐狸的, 那一切似乎就不言而喻了,看得人莞爾一笑:老狐狸,這次你可騙不了小寶,也騙不了我們啦!
@phantomsuccour 10 ай бұрын
Bitter sweet ending.
@user-it2xl5fm8n 10 ай бұрын
@themoonherald5910 10 ай бұрын
This ending is … idk what to say but more reasonable if you watch the whole series… 🥺 But we all agree one thing, the Great Name of Li Lixiagyi will always be in both his friends and his enemies. They all respect him. Sad but… we all wish the ss2 but…
@user-it2xl5fm8n 10 ай бұрын
There are easter eggs in the back, this ending is actually very good, he is free and unrestrained, he avenged his revenge, he also settled his worries for 10 years, and he has a group of worthy friends, he is alive, at least in everyone's heart
@aishagresee2827 10 ай бұрын
​@@user-it2xl5fm8nang he is still alive in the bonus episode with Director Di and his apprentice, Fang Doubing
@tab_1804 10 ай бұрын
@@user-it2xl5fm8n I totally agree It gives us an open end, and Li Xiangyi is not forced to fight everyone's battles anymore, no matter if he died or lived, he can finally rest in peace without any worries - just like he wanted
@musical.unicorn 10 ай бұрын
the producers of the drama confirmed on their social media that the epilogue episode of this drama hints towards a happier ending so if ur bummed about it no stress. ofc since the structure of the epilogue is filmed with an open ending in mind, everyone can feel free to interpret whatever they want
@user-it2xl5fm8n 10 ай бұрын
Yes, there are easter eggs in this drama, and it is also an open ending, everyone can have their own understanding
@asshemey05 7 ай бұрын
He dead
@Love-not2shared 8 ай бұрын
Li lianhau lives on in my heart don’t care what the finale says 😢
@user-it2xl5fm8n 8 ай бұрын
Yes, he is in our hearts forever
@luceafarul579 9 ай бұрын
It’s interesting the last letter is really only addressed to DFS, and done so respectfully (calling him “jun” all the way like a wife to a husband). True love acknowledged methinks? 😂
@user-oy2hb2jn9r 10 ай бұрын
I kind of wish the ending will be more like Li Xangyi's poison got cure and got his inner power backk 100% then have a friendly battle with Di fisheng + the awesome opening song will be sooo cool. Overall I do like the drama, cheng yi is a great actor but seriously why he always get a sad sad ending af.
@radiIbrahimnuhu 10 ай бұрын
That would be the best ending
@suthilaangkhasuwat6883 7 ай бұрын
It was a must.
@jul252 10 ай бұрын
I loved this series,👏❤️
@user-it2xl5fm8n 10 ай бұрын
@acidmana7920 7 ай бұрын
I was wailing loud nd ugly. It was so painful nd depressing, didnt cry this much over anything I've read or watched in years.
@nohandle237 10 ай бұрын
@maniraguhajackline5990 10 ай бұрын
Season two, please 🙏
@noobysolos6768 10 ай бұрын
I think there will be a season 2 cause wanmian is not in last scene
@user-it2xl5fm8n 10 ай бұрын
I'm also looking forward to the second season
@victoriacolindres6878 10 ай бұрын
"Li Xianyi, nadie puede remplazarte en nuestra promesa". 😔❤️
@user-it2xl5fm8n 10 ай бұрын
Me conmovió mucho la camaradería entre ellos.❤
@user-yb3by7rx7f 10 ай бұрын
이상이의 사모가 안나오는 것 보면...요양중인거 같아요~~ 뇌피셜~!! 연화루가 주는 삶에 대한 메시지는 매우 깊고 따뜻합니다^^ 몇 번을 회전하면서 봐야할지 모르겠네요~~ 연화루 시즌 2를 기대합니다~!!!
@user-it2xl5fm8n 10 ай бұрын
이 드라마 진짜 좋다 2편도 기대된다
@user-th2zq8ef5b 9 ай бұрын
@truthseeker_1947 10 ай бұрын
I was on epi 6 but now i have watched the ending although it's an open ending bit still my heart aches for how always they give cheng yi a sad ending 😞 now I'm sad 😢 nd won't watch it .. I'm angry 😡
@salan3780 8 ай бұрын
Don't be sad. The drama is really of the best. Try to finish it if you want. My interpretation is that he didn't die. Hoping for season 2.
@doloresytuarte1218 Ай бұрын
He's not dead he just wants to die in peace that's what i think
@UthpalaSewmini 10 ай бұрын
so is he really died is this the end or is there are s2 of this drma can u pls tell me plssss
@lovemsoni1844 10 ай бұрын
no s2 as no cure for bicha
@kosmas7713 10 ай бұрын
There's a 5 mins special scenes where they keep looking for him for 3 months, and xiaobao and di feisheng finally found him standing on this beach. Its been 3 months and he still lives, far exceeding the less than one month prediction. Its a ending open for interpretation, since it could mean several things. First, he's just lucky and prolonging his life with yangzhou technique as we've seen throughout the show. Or he found the cure, but still has no plan to return. Or maybe he's really dead and that's just his ghost.
@musical.unicorn 10 ай бұрын
@@kosmas7713 he also has the beifengbaiyang technique DFS taught him in ep 38 or 39, which can boost his cultivation. since we didn't see his master amongst the crowd in this scene, we can also assume she's healing him during this time, which she made him promise to go back with her when he finishes his quest. so chances of him being alive is likely
@user-it2xl5fm8n 10 ай бұрын
This ending is very open, you can have your own understanding❤❤❤
@user-it2xl5fm8n 10 ай бұрын
Yes yes, it depends on everyone's understanding, but I expect him to live more@@kosmas7713
@shaq9810 9 ай бұрын
My optimistic side wish that he'd somehow survive and Xiaobao manage to find him, even if he lost all his ability or memory. But my logical side understand that he always put justice and righteousness where it belong. Being the true Nanyin royal bloodline, he's now a threat to the state, even if he himself did not even think about rebuilding Nanyin. Him disappearing from the world is probably the right decision for mankind, even if it's not the best decision for him. Still he know he need to finish his business and come to term with everyone, thus him writing the last letter adressing Di Fei Sheng to apologize for breaking their promise after all the man did for him. Good drama, good casting, good plot. A little romance and bromance here and there but not too much.
@lukahati6168 10 ай бұрын
Will there be season 2 for this drama
@lovemsoni1844 10 ай бұрын
no s2 as no cure for bicha and i was expecting his death otherwise in even starting they would have showed more romantic scenes with Wanmian and Li xiangyi
@musical.unicorn 10 ай бұрын
no s2, but there's an epilogue episode short for this drama. open ending - but the producers confirmed on their socials that it's a happy one
@ThaoNguyen-fl2kd 10 ай бұрын
3 mỹ nam
@ilikabansal9050 10 ай бұрын
Name of this drama
@mistyrain1516 10 ай бұрын
Mysterious Lotus Casebook
@larinalang6339 10 ай бұрын
Wait did he die
@Aurinkohelmi 9 ай бұрын
You can decide that. I would say no, they find him in extra clip.
@inesantunes9594 10 ай бұрын
Li XiangYi egoista,hipocrita😡 I love ❤DiFeiSheng all the drama.
@AnyA-cd8uv 10 ай бұрын
Sad anjir
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