First Time Watching *MAN OF STEEL* (This Movie Impressed Me!)

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Ай бұрын

Thanks for watching! This is my first time watching Man Of Steel! This movie was a solid experience! There was a couple of bumps in the road but it didn't ruin the movie for me. I found it pretty fun overall. Let me know what you think.
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@jacobcenter7374 Ай бұрын
So far as the glasses as a disguise, consider the fact that most people haven't seen superman face to face and are not at all expecting to see him randomly on the street. Apparently Henry Cavil once stood under a poster for Batman V Superman in a Superman shirt in the middle of a big city and no one on the street recognized him. The glasses help create just a bit more of a disconnect making it very probable that people wouldn't recognize him
@MaigenMaylight Ай бұрын
Superman gets his powers through the Yellow Sun of Earth's solar system. The reason why Kryptonians didn't develop powers on Krypton is because Krypton orbits a Red Sun - which makes them normal people effectively.
@parsman9914 Ай бұрын
Yeah, Jor El explains it too before he sends Kal to Earth.
@ilikeknives1000 28 күн бұрын
going by that logic kal had to absorb how much for how long before he was able to fly and such ... now ask how did the new kryptonians do it so fast .... and no focus doesn't count lol
@MaigenMaylight 28 күн бұрын
@@ilikeknives1000 It's possible that older Kryptonians absorb solar radiation at a far faster pace. Similarly to how humans absorb Kryptonite radiation at an extremely slow speed.
@samuelmutia9608 23 күн бұрын
@@MaigenMaylight the new kryptonians didn't absorb the powers. They simply moved so fast and had so much strength due to how weak earth's atmohsphere and gravity is compared to krypton. Which is why they couldn't use superman's other powers, because they weren't absorbing the sun's radiation. Zod is the only one who did, and he did going towards the end of the movie. He did because he was born to be a warrior on krypton and he's the best of the best. So he adapted quickly. Though he wasn't as strong as Kal El
@g.masterlordoftheg-force4770 14 күн бұрын
@@ilikeknives1000Don’t forget that Clark is a regular dude who managed to defeat trained soldiers. And General Zod was literally made to be the best warrior. Obviously, being on Earth the whole time has its advantages.
@averysteffen1732 Ай бұрын
The big thing about Jon Kent dying is that it is normally in a way that makes it so Superman can’t save him. In the 70’s movie he has a heart attack, which isn’t intense like a hurricane, but it is something that Superman - with all he can do and all the powers he has - can’t prevent.
@papalaz4444244 27 күн бұрын
There is no "normally" and if he dies of a heart attack, what is the point of it. Here, Jonathan shows Clark self sacrifice and restraint. Clark has no powers to save him anyway at 17. If you wanted to pick apart the heart attack, why doesn't that Clark use any powers to try and save him? Fly to hospital in 10 seconds. Freeze him? Use x-ray vision etc etc
@SandSlash242 25 күн бұрын
@@papalaz4444244 Nah snyder rider that scene was fucking stupid. "Let me die so you can learn about sacrifice and self restraint?" Fuck no. Clown ass scene. Clark is not a surgeon, all he can do is see his heart. Fly with him while he's having a heart attack will also be with restraint otherwise the pressure with his speed will kill him. He has to keep breathing. Freeze him?! What logic is that??? A human medical condition internally is not something that Superman can fix. Like cancer. In this movie he could have literally moved fast enough to get to his dad and get him back. He waited for like a minute for no reason. Simple clown shit. If it was reality literally every single person would save their father over a bunch of strangers watching. Who cares?
@AirLancer 7 күн бұрын
@@papalaz4444244 "What is the point of it?" In Superman The Movie Clark literally says what the point is. "All those powers, all the things I can do, and I couldn't even save him." Before Jonathan dies Clark wants to show off and use his powers for personal glory, his ideas were small, to make the touchdown every single time. That's the whole reason why Jonathan's death happens immediately after he tells Clark he has a greater purpose in life than those small pursuits. It forced Clark to mature, leave home, go out, and find his purpose. It also makes saving people's lives an important priority for Superman. "why doesn't that Clark use any powers to try and save him? Fly to hospital in 10 seconds. Freeze him? Use x-ray vision etc etc" Because he doesn't know how to do any of that yet obviously, or can you only pay attention to a movie when there's explosions on screen? That's why he spent years in the Fortress of Solitude, learning to be Superman. Meanwhile, what purpose exactly did Jonathan's death serve in the story in Man of Steel? Jon was afraid that the world wasn't ready for the truth of Clark's existence, even to the point of making Clark unsure whether it was even right to use his powers to save people's lives. Yet what happens anyway? Clark does end up finding the Kryptonian ship, speaking with AI Jor-El, and reveals himself and ends up making his father's sacrifice completely pointless given that apparently everyone in Smallville was down to keep Clark's secret. Yet the movie is too busy having Superman punch things that there never is the moment where Superman is seen saving a ton of people, getting that recognition, and having it be a good thing contrary to his father's fears, and turning Jonathan Kent into a tragic figure who let fear outweigh hope. Y'know, that thing Superman is supposed to represent? Jonathan's death in MoS and the way he died make no sense, neither for the narrative nor just in any rational way. "I, the old man, will go and risk my life to save our dog. Y'know, instead of my superpowered, invincible son." I would assume that since Jon went out there, he was expecting to be able to get back alive and that it wasn't a suicide mission. And if it was a situation that he as a normal, fairly old guy would've been able to handle had his leg not got caught, then it makes no sense whatsoever for him to do what he did in the movie instead of just sending out Clark. The only way he dies there is to make a completely nonsensical call solely to set up his own death.
@user-hx5sd6sp8c Ай бұрын
Zod is one of the major villains in Superman's Rogues Gallery.
@legendofliamd Ай бұрын
To answer the q as to how his powers work: Solar radiation. It nourishes him, grants him strength and evwn slows his aging
@GuyNamedGray Ай бұрын
Other great stuff with Superman includes All-Star Superman, Superman vs The Elite, Superman/Batman Public Enemies, Superman/Batman Apocalypse, and obviously the animated series along with BTAS and Justice League.
@trebos_5573 Ай бұрын
I think he'd love Public Enemies
@chaosspear0195 Ай бұрын
None of these are wrong choices all great superman animated movies and especially the animated series are fantastic DC media.
@DarkDekicDuka Ай бұрын
I am SOOOO excited about James Gunn's Superman, I feel like that's gonna be the one to really bring Superman home!
@mega6836 Ай бұрын
Definitely watch a video about the comic history of Superman like you did for Spidey and Batman, I love Man Of Steel but this is a very uniquely different interpretation from the one in the books.
@Ozule 12 күн бұрын
Sorry to disagree here. Snyder’s Superman is strongly based in John Byrne’s Superman and also in the whole 90s comic book series. In the late 80s and through most of the 90s Superman was set in a real world with characters that deal with real world problems: drugs, alcohol, murder, molesters, rape… Snyder didnt do anything original but just based in probably one of the most interesting Superman eras. In fact, one of the most critized moments in MOS (Kal El killing ZOD) comes from the Byrnes comics, where it was even darker with Superman EXECUTING 3 Kryptonians with premeditation.
@tamasfekete2626 Ай бұрын
"Isn't Batman's mother name Martha too?" - Extremely funny foreshadowing guys! :D :D :D Because we all know something :D :D :D
@parsman9914 Ай бұрын
@redeyepeyton 27 күн бұрын
I was thinking the same thing lol
@santoseditsstudio2665 23 күн бұрын
Why did you say that name!?
@BigDog-kp2mj Ай бұрын
22:08 he's "superman" because of how his genetics adapted to our yellow sun. He doesnt necessarily need to breathe in space. He can pretty much go without oxygen for as long as the plot needs him to😭
@Pako_equis Ай бұрын
Its good a solid 8/10 If you watch the next movie make sure its the extended cut. The theatrical versionc is kind of confusing. I mean who doesnt like an uncut version? 😂
@NinjaSpaceRaccoon Ай бұрын
Doesn't the theatrical cut straight up switch some scenes around to the point where nothing makes sense anymore?
@mahega128 Ай бұрын
This is such a beautiful film. I love the way Zack Snyder films, every shot has meaning. And Henry Cavill IS Superman.
@lucas.n.carvalho.artist Ай бұрын
So true! So much symbolism and small details in every shot, and so much nuance and philosophy infused into his movies, without sacrificing style and grandeur!
@JackAndP Ай бұрын
Too bad he ruined what these characters stand for.
@xstation6445 Күн бұрын
This movie sucks and whatever meaning his shots have are stupid, obvious, or shallow, sometimes all 3. Zack Snyder is a shit director that should go back to making music videos. I am a life long superman fan and i will hate this movie till the day i die.
@Alex_the_Ahsum Ай бұрын
I really suggest you check out Superman vs. The Elites! It's the best Superman movie, hands down! also, All-star Superman is pretty good, too
@Alex_the_Ahsum Ай бұрын
35:40 this moment I Swear to God I could hear the Nostalgia Critic yell-chanting, "I AM JESUS" over and over
@Adagm Ай бұрын
just so you know, Henry (superman) is gonna be a dad.
@Alex_the_Ahsum Ай бұрын
I have paragraph after paragraph in my head about how I feel about this movie and what I find wrong with it, but ultimately, I'm just going to say I don't like this movie, whether it's a good or bad movie is up for debate, but what isn't up for debate is that this movie as an adaption blows!
@GuyNamedGray Ай бұрын
Superman's solar powered, he gets his strength from absorbing the radiation from Earth's yellow dwarf sun. His heat vision drains his reserves more than his other powers. Krypton had a red sun, which is why nobody on there had powers. Blue suns are superchargers that can make Superman (or kryptonians in general) even stronger.
@Alex_the_Ahsum Ай бұрын
actually, Blue suns have been inconsistent across the franchise the one I've seen the most is that it negates superman instantly, but I've also seen it being just the same amount of power as yellow one
@GuyNamedGray 29 күн бұрын
@Alex_the_Ahsum only knew blue was a buff didn't know that thank you
@LittleGalaxyBoy 29 күн бұрын
The Man of Steel story stands out as an intriguing Elseworlds narrative. It poses the question, 'What if Superman was a part of our real world?'. Like Nolan's Batman films, this tale places Superman in a contemporary setting. Similarly, Man of Steel takes a more gritty and moody approach to the Man of Steel, drawing inspiration from the New 52 Superman. This version of Superman, who lost his mother Martha in a car crash on prom night and his father Jonathon to a heart attack, is left without guidance, leading to a more brooding Superman. In the case of Man of Steel, that darkness comes from the death of Jonathon and Clark's inability to prevent his father's death. In the Golden Age comics, we see the early stages of Superman's character development. Clark worked as a strongman under the identity of the Masked Wonder. Mary (Ma) Kent later died, and when John (Pa) Kent was on his deathbed, he made Clark promise to use his powers for the good of humanity. Taking the advice to heart, Clark created the identity of Superman. This is all Earth-2 Superman, the original universe that would be replaced by Earth-1 by the 1950s as the mainline DC universe. In the pre-Crisis continuity Earth-1, which existed before the 1985-86 Crisis on Infinite Earths limited series that rebooted the DC universe, the Kents passed away shortly after Clark's high school graduation due to old age. However, in the pre-Crisis continuity, they both continue to live even after Clark reaches adulthood, playing supporting roles similar to those you might have seen in Injustice. Pre-Crisis is the most iconic DC era, lasting from 1986 to 2011, ending with Flashpoint and the birth of the New 52, which was a mixed bag for many. You also have other Superman media, like the outstanding Superman Animated Series (1996), which saw both Kents alive throughout the series and included shows like Justice League. Superman (1978) featured Jonathon having a heart attack, etc. Unlike the Waynes, the Kents aren't destined to die; Clark will still become Superman at some point. It just affects what kind of Superman we get in the beginning. This ranges in age, and some versions don't become Superman until later in life. We have Supermen who first became Superboy as a teenager and later Superman during their 20s. In Man of Steel, Clark is 33 and becomes Superman a good decade after most renditions of the character.
@spencernaugle Ай бұрын
In the simplest way I can explain. Superman's powers were different in 4 different time periods. 1. The Golden Age: Superman originally just jumped really high, was really strong and fast, and was really durable. That was it 2. The Silver age: Because of "Power Creep"(Every story had Superman do something more powerful than the Previous story.) He eventually reached a point where he could literally do anything and it was ridiculous. 3. The Bronze age: to make the storys more relatable with actual steaks, his powers were brought back down to a reasonable level. 4. Everything else: Eventually they reached a point where between, nostalgia, personal preferences, and target audience, there was very little consistency with his powers. Depending on which writer wanted to tell what story, His powers would be in the style of either golden age, silver age or bronze age.
@megahog14 Ай бұрын
I greatly enjoyed Man of Steel. If this left you in the mood for more solo Superman, Ive got to strongly recommend Superman vs The Elite. My personal favorite Superman movie.
@chaosspear0195 Ай бұрын
Yeah that and All Star Superman.
@user-be7tc2bd6e 28 күн бұрын
I too greatly enjoyed Man of Steel,thought it was a-GREAT-film.The DCEU had a hit film with MOS,but,chose to reboot everything with their super-hero films. Hope it works out for them,so we the fans can enjoy super-hero films once again.
@Alex_the_Ahsum Ай бұрын
You could watch BrightBurn and you would get just as good of representation of Superman as this movie the description of BrightBurn on Prime "What if a child from another world crash-landed on Earth, but instead of becoming a hero to mankind, he proved to be something far more sinister?"
@luracroftzs2374 29 күн бұрын
Da fuq no brightburn is nothing like superman maybe injustice superman yeah
@TheSaharay1 29 күн бұрын
I think that's their point about this movie. It's just as good as a good rep of Superman (which isn't really that good at all, for all its high production value)​@@luracroftzs2374
@thesevendeadlysins578 28 күн бұрын
Yeah, Brightburn was a great movie. I really want a sequel.
@robin_dcuo4098 25 күн бұрын
In the comics, it's Martha Kent that makes the suit with the blanket Kal had in his ship. And also, either Superman dosen't need to breathe at all, or he's able to hold his breath when he's travelling in space
@FLQueerLiberal1982 Ай бұрын
While I prefer Man of Steel, because for the first time, a larger universe-building for DC starts here, however, I highly recommend the Christopher Reeve films. I would be remiss if I didn't make an argument in favor of it. They're definitely more light-hearted, like Superman comics tend to be. Very hopeful tone. There are 4 films with Christopher Reeve, Superman, Superman I - Superman IV The Quest for Peace. After that, there's another sequel from 2000s that's a direct sequel to Superman II featuring a new cast. There's also the series Smallville, about Clark Kent's early years.
@marlo176 Ай бұрын
Usually superman can't breathe in space, but can hold his breath for a long time.
@Alex_the_Ahsum Ай бұрын
no and yes, depends on the variant
@theCRYSISgamer Ай бұрын
No one can breathe in space. Scientifically speaking, being able to simply hold one’s breath or cease breathing for extended durations of time IS the ability to “breath in space”. No one can talk in outer space either.
@coltonlindenman7255 28 күн бұрын
Nah just depends on the Superman fr
@jlhanlon1980 28 күн бұрын
You must be referring to when John Byrne took over dc for writing superman and he made him a wimp.
@bugsbunny3198 28 күн бұрын
most of his versions may not breathe at all
@tas7606 Ай бұрын
Superman holds his breath in space
@tbuckley2031 27 күн бұрын
The one thing I liked about Smallville more than this was that it modernized Superman in a more creative way like how would the alien ship go undetected? A meteor shower
@papalaz4444244 27 күн бұрын
When Clark's Dad dies, he is only 17 and he has no powers beyond strength. A little solar vision and x-ray vision. His powers evolve gradually over years. He has no super speed to save his dad anyway. His first flight is when he is 33yo.
@Coolspypro121 25 күн бұрын
He literally had that
@doctorsixes8371 Ай бұрын
My Adventures With Superman and Superman TAS are better representations of him
@mr.sand7899 Ай бұрын
I would like to recommend you watch Watchmen. It's from the same Director of this movie. Particularly watch the 4 hour Ultimate cut of the movie.
@LordInsidious Ай бұрын
YESSSS plz. There's a motion comic of the graphic novel floatin around youtube as well. Would def make a great companion piece to the movie if @Blaze decides to check it out
@Syryu 10 күн бұрын
I love this film. It's one of my favorite versions of Superman. I like that the film immediately throws him into the deep end and doesn't make it easy. In many Superman origin stories, it's pretty much that he discovers his powers, is encouraged by his parents to save people, his father dies (or remains alive in some versions), he goes to Metropolis, sees some kind of danger like a falling plane or a falling person, easily catches it, the public is in awe of him, he gives an interview with Lois Lane, everyone trusts him immediately, then Lex Luthor comes up with a scheme to take him down, Superman fights whatever robot or disaster Luthor causes with some difficulty, and then is embraced as a hero. Here, Clark is just barely getting to know his powers before he's immediately thrown into a full-on alien invasion and has to fight for his life against beings just as powerful and way more skilled. His premiere to mankind isn't a flashy impressive airplane save, but a messy, destructive, and costly battle that divides him in the eyes of people on Earth, creating seeds of distrust that he must navigate and repair. His fight with Zod is mournful thing as the last survivors of Krypton battle to the bitter end with Clark having to violate a key rule for himself in order to end it. But through it all he remains determined to use his powers for good and keep his adopted home safe. It was a great introduction for the character. For me it's inspiring because Clark faces a great deal of darkness both from the world and even from within at times, but he remains true to his purpose and who he is, no matter what.
@maggiegermann1724 Ай бұрын
this is a sort of controversial movie among Superman fans, there's a whole lot to like about it, but there's also a lot about it that's very different from most other Superman things, some of which a lot of people didn't really like, most notably the way his dad dies, and the amount of damage to the city and the bystanders done in the final fight, if you're interested in more Superman stuff I'd definitely recommend Superman: the animated series, the 1978 Superman movie, and the All-Star Superman animated movie
@aikaavila8883 29 күн бұрын
Bro the destruction that superman makes in this movie is more like the DCAU superman, I get why Snyder brought it to live action
@maggiegermann1724 29 күн бұрын
@@aikaavila8883 i disagree on that specific comparison, but that's why i said controversial and not bad
@JORDAN_2REAL4life 24 күн бұрын
Fun fact: The Phantom Zone the place that zod, ursa, and non are trapped in is a parallel dimension in DC Comics, originally created as a prison by scientists on Krypton. It was designed to hold dangerous criminals, allowing them to exist in a state of suspended animation.
@oneillcornish7915 Ай бұрын
The opinions on this film is right down the middle. Personally, The 80's Superman films are better
@kreator8954 Ай бұрын
You should watch Death Battle as they a ton of marvel and dc episodes and most of them are great. The main ones I would recommend are Ironman vs Lex Luthor and Deadpool vs Deathstroke
@LegoMonster21774 Ай бұрын
47:46 He did get control of his senses. Powers though are a different thing. That's a different thing to control, especially with something like heat vision
@superbatbroman451 Ай бұрын
I said this in a previous comment, but try to catch Superman vs the Elite, Death of Superman, Superman the animated series, Battle of the Super sons, and Superman 78 if you want some more Superman. And the new My Adventures with Superman series thats out now. These are closer to comic Superman than MOS.
@MrDarkSidius Ай бұрын
35:41 Snyder does love his biblical references
@AirLancer 7 күн бұрын
The first time I watched this movie in theaters, I thought it was okay. Nice to see Superman have a real fight in a movie for once. When I watched it again a week later and thought about it some more, I absolutely hated it. The follow up movies only made it worse.
@rattakuliamurai5560 29 күн бұрын
I want you to know something about superhero backstory “if they have 10 times live action adaptations, it would be 10 backstory” it never be the same at all. for example “Not all Superman have Codex in his body.” “Not all General Zod that kill Jor-El”
@TheSehroyal 29 күн бұрын
Here's some animation indications then since you watched Mask of the Fantasm: -Superman: Man of Tomorrow (the latest animated iteration of the character's origin) -Superman/Shazam: The Return of Black Adam -Superman vs the Elite -All Stars Superman (has to end with this one)
@shade_zz1585 Ай бұрын
Man of Steel isn't the best film to represent what Superman. I highly suggest checking out the series Superman & Lois, i know everyone hates the CW but the series perfectly captures what Superman is all about.
@megaboy767 28 күн бұрын
My Adventures with Superman is also pretty good
@papalaz4444244 27 күн бұрын
a cheesy rom com with a lame superman
@papalaz4444244 27 күн бұрын
@@megaboy767 an cheesy anime romcom - you are all children
@megaboy767 27 күн бұрын
@@papalaz4444244 Isn't Superman the epitome of cheezy superheroes? The big blue boy scout that inspires so much in so many people, and make us aspire to be better? A cheezy romcom about how he came to be is probably one of the best animated media about him. So, if having childlike wonder is bad, then you should up you game in psychologics, or even philosophy.
@shade_zz1585 27 күн бұрын
@@papalaz4444244 I'd much rather watch a cheesy anime romcom than Man of Steel. At least the characters have a personality.
@milkiassamuel780 Ай бұрын
Im glad you liked this movie. Personally, I think this is a fairly solid Superman movie, though I wouldn't call it my favourite Superman movie, as I do have a few critiques here and there regarding the depiction of Clark and Superman's morals, as well as characters like Jonathan Kent and his bizarre death in this movie but those are just my criticisms despite it truly being a well-made movie, and though Zack Snyder at the time didn't really understand Superman and had more jaded, cynical pessimistic opinion on the character back in 2013, I cannot deny that his style of direction was really epic and grand which I admire. Henry Cavill was a perfect cast to play Clark and Superman. He really understands the character, and it is ultimately a huge shame that we won't be seeing him Superman again and both he and the character deserved better treatment than what they received from the ignorance of WB executives. Zod isn't my favourite Superman villain, not even in my top 15. Still, Micheal Shannon's performance as this take on Zod was really great as you felt how misguided he was and how you understood his reasoning. However, his impatience was his hubris, and even after the DCEU failed he still was probably the best villain in this short-lived cinematic universe (which isn't saying much) at least before they reboot with James Gunn's upcoming DCU. BTW I CANNOT WAIT to see what James Gunn delivers with his upcoming take on Superman in Superman (2025) as everything Ive heard, plus the fantastic castings and production team so far it seems like he might give us the best Superman movie to date If you want to check out more Superman solo movies I would highly recommend: - Superman Vs The Elite (2012) - Superman: The Movie (1978) - All Star Superman (2011) - Superman & Batman Public Enemies (2009) - Superman: Man of Tomorrow (2020) - Superman The Animated Series (1994) - My Adventures With Superman (2023 - Season 2 just came out)
@Drakan86 28 күн бұрын
There is a cool Easter egg/moment, when Superman is flying upwards toward the world engine 44.41 min in the video, where they swapped Henry cavills face with Christopher Reeve, the original Superman actor as a homage...also during his time learning his abilities, when he first flies into space and around the globe, its also another nod to Chris Reeve...every Superman movie he was in used to end with him flying into space, towards the camera, looking into it, smile, then fly back around towards earth.
@AlexanderLunariusG7 28 күн бұрын
Awesome reaction bro, especially at the end dealing with Zod’s death 🤙🏼
@hands_0n543 28 күн бұрын
Something funny is that Henry Cavill went out to new york and stood under the Man Of Steel billboard in times square for marketing and absolutely nobody recognized him, again goes to prove that if you’re not looking for it, you probably wont notice somebody
@mr.sand7899 Ай бұрын
You should watch the show Superman and Lois. It's the best take on Superman in the last 10 years.
@wolfman-up7dh 11 күн бұрын
This movie got great reviews when it came out, and a little while later, for some reason people started calling it trash. I saw it in the theater, going in blind, and absolutely loved it, and I still do.
@xstation6445 Күн бұрын
I saw it in theaters too, knew so much about the character from years of being a fan, went in with high hopes and excitement and i hated it from the moment it was over and ever since. it is the worst interpretation outside of injustice and literal parody characters.
@wolfman-up7dh Күн бұрын
@@xstation6445 Well, I'm glad I'm the one who got to enjoy myself.
@josezamarron1064 28 күн бұрын
39:06 He pulled out a knife even though he knew he couldn’t have a chance to win. ‘ You’re not brave. Men are brave’
@donttouchmeimsterile2351 Ай бұрын
Oh, you should definitely check out the DC animated series Teen Titans! Lots of action and comedy, I think you'd love it even if you aren't necessarily familiar with the characters!
@moonknightcrawler Ай бұрын
This movie is really complicated. It's a fine movie. If you aren't a fan of Superman before this, you probably won't see any problems with it. But my god this movie lacks the feeling of hope and positivity that Superman really shines with. It looks incredible, but unfortunately visuals don't make up for everything else enough to make me like this one overall. Glad to see you getting in to the live action DC movies though, I'm always here for your comic-related content.
@jhngrg8132 Ай бұрын
Im not a superman fan and i haven't read his comics. (Besides a few). But i enjoyed the movie. It has awesome music, great effects, the best version zod and it is the best modern adaptation of superman. I dont think old movies from the seventies hold up to our current standards of storytelling btw... People complaining about superman not being happy and not being lore accurate. But he is in his beginnings. He hasn't found himself yet. And i ask you. Is batman in the "Batman" of 2022 lore accurate? No. He is an emo edgelord. But it seems you dont complain about that. Curious. Same with the nolan films, which i love. The definitive batman exists only in btas and the arkham games (if you exclude the comics). But we can have alternate versions of a character from time to time. I don't normally like deviations from the definitive version but i definitely wanted to point out the double standards of some people.
@lucas.n.carvalho.artist Ай бұрын
Thank you! I also shared this exact sentiment here! I believe creative freedom and new interpretations of older stories and characters with a long history of adaptations is always appreciated, especially with one filled with so much symbolism, realism, intimacy and overall grandeur without sacrificing key elements of what makes the original tick, as Man of Steel and the rest of the Snyderverse does! It's okay to dislike it, but the way some people border on gatekeeping some franchises and reject these interpretations and their fans and creatoes is so sad.
@xstation6445 Күн бұрын
@@lucas.n.carvalho.artist This movie Blows. You can watch it all you want and i won’t keep you from finding better versions but this entire film couldn’t take the character seriously without changing key aspects that make superman superman and that just doesn’t work.
@edu_p01 Ай бұрын
49:20 - Dude, you understood Superman better than Zack Snyder
@LyricalOutlaw Ай бұрын
Unbiased is always the best approach 💯
@ShAdoWj1995 29 күн бұрын
That Plato book talks about the perfect society. Like the one on Krypton.
@TheCycloneable Ай бұрын
my guy, if you're reacting the next movie, i think it's important to make sure that you're watching the Ultimate Edition version. it's longer, but it has way clearer story than the theatrical version
@DeeboFromHI Ай бұрын
Probably one of the most underrated comic book movies of all time
@Th3Batman. Ай бұрын
Green Lantern.
@kermitgotthesickkicks4265 Ай бұрын
You mean overrated lol. All I see is glaze even though superman in this film is portrayed like ass.
@xstation6445 Күн бұрын
@SnyderVerso 27 күн бұрын
Don't forget that the next movie is Batman v Superman ULTIMATE EDITION. You have to watch the ULTIMATE EDITION because when Zack Snyder was about to release his complete 3-hour film, Warner Bros decided to cut 30 minutes from the movie about two weeks before its release. In 2016, Zack Snyder would have been the first to release a film with that screen time. This decision ended up causing harm as they removed some key points from the story. However, shortly after, Snyder released the ultimate version, and even some critics apologized because everything was better explained in his version. Please watch this version. On the Max platform, the ultimate version is absolutely amazing.
@ShAdoWj1995 29 күн бұрын
The tornado and maybe letting the kids die are the two legitimate criticisms everyone has with this movie.
@lucas.n.carvalho.artist Ай бұрын
Not to keep overstaying my welcome, but just in case,Twin Perfect, King Rex Comics, Cinemawins and Hawk of Krypton have excellent videos showcasing why Man of Steel is an excellent adaptation of Superman, and pretty much debuking all complaints people are expressing here. (To anyone who dislike the movie, please don't get offended. You're allowed to, that's fine. It's just that there's so much misconception and overall disingenuous thinking being shared alongside the genuine critiques that I feel it's necessary to bring some constructive positivity to anyone willing or wishing to have some!)
@thomasthorburn2751 Ай бұрын
If you ever get the chance you should check out superman and lois it's a TV show and one of the best adaptations of the character.
@BATMAN-ys3re Ай бұрын
Next DCEU movie... Batman v Superman Ultimate edition !!! You get extra important footage. Plus... May to missed reference of lex Luther and... Bruce Wayne logo on the satellite, that zod throw at superman.
@Ghost_R4cc00n Ай бұрын
This movie was so much and entertaining when I watched it in theaters with my old man who was fans of the OG Superman series when he was younger. Till now watching with you and starting the Superman journey is a great start 😄 Also I might be late to share that there be a part in the movie showing an opening pod in the ship of Superman’s to show us a glance it must been Kara aka SuperGirl pod in the movie but they never show her in media till her own solo show Supergirl on CW
@chaosspear0195 Ай бұрын
Really liked it has its flaws but great over all this movie Cavil was born to play the character Only thing Superman would never willingly throw someone through crowded buildings or areas at all and risk civilians he’d give his life for the safety of even just one civilian. It really goes against his character as a symbol he’s hope humility and empathy above all. Also he absolutely would do all he cannot to kill. World have been better if the big fight with Zod happened in a the wreckage of the ship with shock waves that feel like earth quakes trough out the entire city punch by punch after bringing him down punching him through the skies where a portal to the phantom zone would be opened by the little amount of Jor El left in the computer. He would never let his father die like that it might be better if it was a heart attack something that would be impossible for him to actually due anything about even with all his powers. Zack Snyder is a good director but he’s an edgy boy with a dark tone figurative and literally as a director so his better superhero wise when he makes naturally dark anti hero stories. Watchmen is his absolute best work and possibly one of the greatest comic adaptations there is.
@mystery8820 14 күн бұрын
Sadly this kinda why Zack Snyder's reasons for why BvS Dawn of Justice happened as it was. To quote the Nostalgia Critic clipless review: Zack: I just wanna see those 2 fight. I'm cool. NC: And there's your problem. We see them fighting, but we didn't experience them fighting.
@TheMrChipmyster 13 күн бұрын
Fun fact. Superman’s name “kal-el” is a Hebrew phrase. It translates to “word of God”. Even his origin story took inspiration from Moses.
@collinschoenfelder677 28 күн бұрын
the first two Christopher Reeve movies (superman the movie extended cut and superman 2 the Richard Donner cut) along with Superman returns are my favorite I would love to see your reaction some day
@Degdreams Ай бұрын
49:10 This was the most controversial scene in the movie. People HATED it. Personally I found it to be a stroke of genius, I mean, there is nothing profound about it, but I can actually believe that a new inexperienced Superman could kill because he had no other choice. I could actually believe the emotions running through Clark's head. Now if this was Batman, that would be completely different. His inability to kill is a FAR deeper and more integral part of his character. If Bruce were to kill so blatantly it would fundamentally ruin the story. Hell even in Batman Begins, his whole "I don't have to save you" scene with Ra's Al Ghul was out of character. Clark can get away with this, at least in my eyes he can.
@papalaz4444244 26 күн бұрын
"if it doesnt affect me then I could care less" is the psychology of a clinical psychopath
@Kuroyami0Fukaikuro Ай бұрын
I don't care what anyone says, this is peak Superman.
@xstation6445 Күн бұрын
@connorbrooks7647 Ай бұрын
It’s sad too Superman just killed off the last of his species at the end with Zod PS: if you like Henry Cavill you should check him out in the count of monte Christo in your own time.
@whossryan_ Ай бұрын
As the only modern live adaptation of the DC universe alot of people love zach snyders universe and alor of people hate it. Me personally the best one being zach snyders justice league the directors cut. Its over now though. The Universe iss getting a reboot starting with blue beetle i think
@LegoMonster21774 Ай бұрын
I've seen this movie so much. It's one of my favorite DC movies ever. And it's my favorite Superman movie that I've seen. It captures his spirit perfectly and places him in the modern world where we will fear a creature like him. Like Pa Kent said, the world will fear you when they first see you. And then Jor-El's speech about bringing hope to this world as well. Not to mention the visuals and the action are top notch. They're the some of the best punches I've ever seen. The fact we feel their intensity and the ground around them shows it is amazing. Then there's Henry Cavill and Amy Adams. They're amazing. And I love their blossoming relationship. They both play their characters really well. Loved their castings. Also Henry looks like Superman. He's the most Superman-looking actor ever. Overall, this is great. Some peak superhero movie right here. P.S. The glasses thing is silly, but we do ignore it. I do love though in the movie, "Scooby-Doo! And Krypto, Too!" when Mystery Inc. meets Lois and Jimmy, Velma takes her glasses off and Lois and Jimmy don't recognize her. Very funny joke.
@lucas.n.carvalho.artist Ай бұрын
Excellent summary of why this movie, and the Snyderverse as a whole, is so special! (Way more informative than whatever paragraphs of negative fluff some people have put in the comments already)
@Syntherus 26 күн бұрын
I have a lot to say about this movie. The reception around it was very mixed. There are people who really enjoy the film but then there are people who hate it. I've seen a lot of people claim to have fallen asleep during the film in the theater (I'm not sure how that's possible). Most of the criticism comes from a few things. The first is how dark the film is. I agree with this one. Superman is supposed to be about hope and it's a lot darker than I think it should be. Not just in the tone but also the colors in the movie as well. This movie is very gray. Another criticism the movie got was surrounding the destruction. I'm a little split on this. The scale of the battle is harsh and I definitely see the criticism but on the other hand I love the fights in this movie. However, when you think about the situation, how else could they have done it? This is Superman's first real fight and it's not only against several other Kryptonians with the exact same powers, but they're all military trained. He's an amateur. There is going to be a lot of destruction. He's fighting an uphill battle against opponents who are more skilled and outnumber him. What did they expect? Nobody likes Jonathan Kent's death in this movie. It's stupid and the original way he dies has a powerful message attached to it. This one is literally "I'd rather die than let other people know your secret because I don't trust them." Overall, I wish they had saved Zod for a later movie. Starting with another Kryptonian out of the gate rather than spending sufficient time to build Clark/Superman and his dynamic with Lois Lane and other characters was a weird choice. It kind of highlights my issue with this movie universe in general. They got too impatient. Superman being forced to kill Zod would have been so much more powerful if we had spent more time with this Superman and established his character first. I do really enjoy this movie and it has a special place in my heart (the fight scenes are basically a live action DBZ), but the 1978 Superman movie truly captures who the character is, even if it is a bit dated in some aspects. Christopher Reeve did a phenomenal job in the role. His Clark Kent and Superman are basically two different characters.
@mumbo_fuze2484 Ай бұрын
PLEASE REACT TO THE REDEMPTION OF THE ULTIMATE X- MEN MADE BY ALEX! It's his latest video and it's a real banger
@ShAdoWj1995 29 күн бұрын
A) we don't know how long Kryptonian reproductive time is (probably in the comics somewhere) but a lot of girls don't have a big bump until later so it's possible they could have hid it until she was showing and then said she was sick at home.
@MrMeddyman 7 күн бұрын
Batman has an secret identity because Batman is more of an alter-ego/pain-body to Bruce Wayne Spider-Man needs to protect his secret identity because preserving normalcy in his life is important no matter how ahrd Spider-Man makes Peter Parker's life Superman doesn't need a secret identity, Clark Kent isn't his life, isn't meant to be protected, Cal-El knows he must walk among people to remind him what he's fighting for. It's meant to keep him humble because he knows with the all power he holds how easy it would be for him to fall. It's a smart reversal of the idea, especially as modern Superman is all about embracing what he is.
@xstation6445 Күн бұрын
That is just wrong. First and foremost Superman is Clark Kent, without his childhood he wouldn’t be who he is. Even without powers Clark would have done great things to benefit mankind, he doesn’t need to be reminded because despite his alien origins he is the most human DC superhero outside of maybe the flash.
@cinemacomix1535 Ай бұрын
Well batman v superman the ultimate edition is next. You always have an open mind. I loved Batman v superman even in theaters. It's gonna have a new different take on batman. My personal favorite live action batman. A batman who through tragedy has fallen from grace, and must redeem himself. But the character development that was going to continue would have been amazing after during and after Zack Snyders justice League. Not including the live action flash movie. One of The most comic inspired and Arkham like Batman put to the big screen. Glad you noticed that Bruce and Clarks moms are both name Martha. That connection is deeper then them just having the same name. It can humanize superman in Batmans eye
@ShAdoWj1995 29 күн бұрын
They take Lois so that the military won't try to shoot them down as soon as they leave.
@dylanwolf1773 Ай бұрын
Batman v Superman is next, and that is one hell of a movie. You'll get to experience Ben Affleck's Batman for the first time, or as we like to call him, Batfleck.
@gregdrowned9873 Ай бұрын
It was awesome Love your thoughts and comments Such as ones below the video Love u all ^^
@jungkookyjk77 28 күн бұрын
I definitely enjoyed man of steel. I recommend watching Smallville its 10 seasons an older show that came out in the early 2000s shows Clarks journey to becoming Superman/Man of Steel. Tom Welling did an amazing job of depicting Clark Kent.
@steezbekillin 28 күн бұрын
The next movie is definitely going be fire 🔥🫡
@YannGaisser Ай бұрын
Can't wait for BvS
@Vdrater Ай бұрын
Literally peak idc what anyone says
@lucas.n.carvalho.artist Ай бұрын
But it must be the Ultimate Edition of course! Can't have him miss crucial plot points that make a good movie into a masterpiece!
@YannGaisser Ай бұрын
@@lucas.n.carvalho.artist of course
@LyricalOutlaw Ай бұрын
Only beef with this film was killing Pa Kent 😭😮‍💨 hurts my soul everytime I see it
@inspector_beyond Ай бұрын
I honestly like this movie and especially Henry Cavil as Clark. The visuals are amazing thanks to Zack Snyder as he's a good visionary, but honestly not a good storyteller (evident by his later works in DC movies). Idk if you watched his other works, but they are "300" (aka the 300 Spartans movie, where the famous "THIS IS SPARTA" meme comes from) and "Watchmen", that are based on comic series with the same name. Also fun fact about Henry Cavil - he's a MASSIVE (pun intended) nerd. He likes Witcher 3 and hence why he played Geralt in Netflix show, he's a Warhammer 40K fan (whcih is why he's one of the main guys in production of the movies on this universe) and he's adamant PC gamer. In one interview during Witcher series marketing, there was a question like this (I - Interviewer, H - Henry): I: Playstation or XBOX? H: PC. (answered with no hesitation btw) I: Oh wow, you're a PC gamer? H: Yeah. And after short time after that, he uploaded a video where he was assembling his gaming PC with his own hands. And he also almost not got a role of Superman because he missed a call from Zack Snyder while playing WOW. Such an awesome lad tbh :D
@thebombparadox3807 Ай бұрын
Backhanded compliments are childish.
@animeandgames6397 Ай бұрын
There are 2 movies i refuse to watch because of the actors. Aquaman, and the flash. Ezra miller commited assault and got away with it because of a bullshit plea in court, and amber herd, who mamed johnny depp after shitting on his bed, yet sueing him for "assault", and nearly destroying his career.
@Alex_the_Ahsum Ай бұрын
35:28 could be the Bridge between two worlds... 45:30 Krypton had its chance!
@OSMOSIS_2 29 күн бұрын
I love this movie for what it is but it is NOT an accurate depiction of Clark Kent OR Superman
@thebombparadox3807 Ай бұрын
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice *Ultimate Edition* is next. Then, Zack Snyder’s Justice League (2021). The rest is optional.
@matthewmckinnon-gray9957 28 күн бұрын
Not the best Superman film, but not the worst either. Some of the more controversial stuff like Superman killing Zodd actually does come from the comics. Unfortunately Snyder never as seemed comfortable with Superman as he was with the protagonists in his other comic book films “300” & “Watchmen” I’d recommend checking both of those out if you haven’t seen them by the way. In terms of Superman film & TV I’d recommend: -The animated films “Superman vs the Elite,” “Superman: Man of Tomorrow” and “Superman Unleashed” -The excellent animated series “My Adventures With Superman” and “Superman: The Animated Series” -The 1st 2 Christopher Reeves Superman movies -The animated short films from the 40s by the Fleischer studios.
@ShAdoWj1995 29 күн бұрын
Batman Vs Superman Ultimate edition next? And then wonder woman and Zack Snyder's Justice League
@gamerzilla6113 Ай бұрын
Will you consider reacting "My adventures with Superman" this series is different than most continuity but really good start
@guangzhuyoon3525 28 күн бұрын
Next will be Batman v Superman Ultimate Edition & Zack Snyder's Justice League. plus Man of Steel,this 3 movie is a Trilogy.
@abps9947 Ай бұрын
React to superman batman public enemies
@josezamarron1064 28 күн бұрын
If you enjoyed this movie Please continue to watch BvS UE, Wonder Woman, and ZSJL
@jlhanlon1980 28 күн бұрын
Superman kills in Superman 2. He had no choice.
@user-be7tc2bd6e 28 күн бұрын
Superman had no choice but to kill Zod in MOS either,he was going to kill that family and Supes snapping Zod's neck,tho unfortunate,was necessary.
@antoniovillalobos7202 27 күн бұрын
This movie is one of the best
@ShAdoWj1995 29 күн бұрын
The Christopher Reeves superman movie literally opens with scripture. But the Jesus pose gets flack. I know you haven't seen the original but that is also a general critique this movie gets that I don't understand. Superman is literally a Moses and Jesus allegory... And John Carter or Mars but we won't mention that.
@dukeslytalker1192 9 күн бұрын
I love man of steel
@Xavier-hx7lr 4 күн бұрын
Off topic, but can you watch or do the spiderman PlayStation trilogy
@darthmaul13 Күн бұрын
I loved loved loved this film & all the next films like BvS ultimate cut ( that’s the one u have to watch) & zack snyders justice league.