Five Causes of Gender Dysphoria

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Isaac Uncooked

Isaac Uncooked

Күн бұрын

I believe these five categories account for almost every trans person around my age group.
1. Cluster B Personality Disorders
2. Delusional / Psychotics
3. Shame about homosexuality / gender non-conformity
4. Trauma
5. Autism
0:00 - Disclaimer & Intro
1:57 - Cluster B Personality Disorders
6:55 - Delusional / Psychotics
8:14 - Shame about homosexuality / gender non-conformity
10:03 - Trauma
13:48 - Autism
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@carlabreyatnia6264 2 жыл бұрын
Just a curious thought: How do you think internalized misogyny fits into gender dysphoria for females? I have no scientific proof, just a generalized impression after listening to female detransitioners and transitioners.. I get a feeling that several of these have struggled with internalized misogyny and a desire to escape the feminine gender role. Would this be a part of trauma-induced dysphoria?
@IsaacUncooked 2 жыл бұрын
Could be trauma or could also fall into shame category with gnc shame and homosexuality shame. Shame comes from society not accepting some part of you, so I could see it. I can't speak to it exactly because I wasn't around many women during transition, and I obviously didn't experience it firsthand. This is a blind spot of mine.
@hz1823 2 жыл бұрын
I am not trans nor have I ever transitioned or been a TiF but I can confirm as a woman that a lot of us, myself included, have a lot of gender dysphoria or generally wishing/fantasizing about being male due to either internalized misogyny or the wish to not be perceived/attract attention that usually comes with being perceived as feminine. I've always presented as feminine but in my teens I'd purposely make my voice deeper, adopt more masculine mannerisms/behaviour to feel like I was respected more or simply left alone. I also have BDD and a lot of that relates to being perceived as feminine and the negatives that come with that. I've no doubt that many TiFs have transitioned because they associate femininity with inferiority, trauma or unwanted attention. It's sad that it has to be this way. 2 жыл бұрын
Social detrans “non-binary” female and it definitely is!! I can really see through “non-binary” females now that I detransitioned. I don’t think they’re aware of their misogyny, just like I wasn’t especially because no one (or most) don’t question you. Also I think the way the “non-binary” label is pushed plays into that. It actually makes me sad that no one questioned me because I use to say I loved girls/women but it’s like how can I truly love girls/woman if I’m trying to escape from being one.
@postcardsfromspace6372 2 жыл бұрын
When I had my "gender fluid" phase, luckily way before it was an actual thing, I was at the most dissociated of my life, to the point that I don't remember those years clearly. I was dealing with two things: sexual shame (Isaac is onto something with the shame thing) and not being able to do or even fathom female socialization, hence extreme alienation. This led me to believe that I had an inner core that was both a woman and a man. I had this belief for many years until I realized that I was arbitrarily assigning my personality traits "feminine" and "masculine" meaning, based on my own stereotypization of men and women. I couldn't be like those "other" women who were "just women", right? I was a person!™ Then, I met a mysogynistic abuser, and I was confronted with the fact that 1. He didn't care that I felt special and manly. He still saw me as prey. 2. His stereotypical view of men and women roles were the same views that allowed me to interpret my own gender as "fluid". Arguing against his mysogyny, was like holding a mirror to myself, and I basically peaked myself into this epiphany that I was, in fact, a regular woman (just neurodivergent-but I found out that later) and the world sucked for women. Idk why I spilled it out on here lol, just wanted to say that yes, it's a thing, internalized mysogyny isn't just seeing other women as inferior, but also wanting to feel and be seen as fully human and sensing that society won't allow you, and bargaining with yourself to opt out of it all and be the exception. 100% a trauma response, it's just a collective trauma rater than a purely individual one (and I can only assume that if you put individual trauma on top of that, it only get worse).
@carlabreyatnia6264 2 жыл бұрын
@@IsaacUncooked I think you are onto something with the gnc shame... Luckily I grew up before trans became a thing, but I was always fairly "gnc", and my experience is that it's not easy being a non-conforming girl. Even if I got the priviliged position of being "one of the dudes" it is stressful (what if I fail at some point?), and I knew there would never be romance for me. You are always an outsider and weirdo, and when we are young there are few things that feels more awful than being "outside". I would imagine this pressure is even stronger and harder today with social media spamming kids 24/7 with images of how they "should" be...
@afterpsy 2 жыл бұрын
As a therapist working in this practice area, I find that almost all of this rings true. I especially appreciate your reframing "internalized homophobia" as shame. We need to avoid this scientific-sounding terminology and instead choose emotional language that people understand.
@carolinesanceykemball7718 Жыл бұрын
Absolutely. Internalised homophobia, gender dysphoria, those words otherwise remain frustratingly shrouded in mystery.
@goosiechild Жыл бұрын
it's not "scientific-sounding terminology." it's double-talk. and yes, we should avoid it. not in the interest of speaking plainly for the plebs but in the interest of rejecting the medicalization of non-medical issues. psychiatry is bunk.
@carolinesanceykemball7718 Жыл бұрын
In fact within a month of my last post I have become acutely aware of the catastrophic levels of homophobia prevalent in our society
@goosiechild Жыл бұрын
@@carolinesanceykemball7718 travel is allowed again, Caroline. visit any country outside of North America and Western Europe and poll the natives. the US does not have catastrophic levels of anything except for debt and type 2 diabetes.
@nikik9482 Жыл бұрын
Internalized homophobia sounds like we're blaming the victim of the situation. It's okay to have feelings
@jazzcabbage9370 2 жыл бұрын
I'm an autistic person who detransitioned. I didn't go on hormones but I socially transitioned for three years. I think my story is interesting because I actually got diagnosed with autism whilst going through gender therapy at the gender clinic. The porn thing was true, but I was also mimicking my idols. I have always been very gender non-conforming and I have a lot of sensory issues. I didn't know I was autistic so I thought it was just dysphoria. Being diagnosed with autism at age 20 was strange, it explained so much. I also went through a sexual assault by someone who wanted to 'cure' me of my 'queerness' (I am between asexual and bisexual, androgynous/tomboyish, was considering transition at the time). After that I kind of snowballed. When I got my autism diagnosis, the clinician warned me that hormones could make my sensory issues worse and I should get trauma therapy and sit with the autism diagnosis first. My dysphoria resolved after this, I also reached the later stage of puberty so I began feeling more comfortable and stable in my body
@IsaacUncooked 2 жыл бұрын
I'm so happy you were able to find comfort in your body without hormones. Well done! Thank you for sharing your story.
@hospitalsgivingpatientsdan8894 Жыл бұрын
Do you understand you can not feel biology and biology makes you male or female.
@RyanPlate Жыл бұрын
Step dad of a non-binary-to-trans kid here. Your views expressed in this video mirror a lot of my sentiments, and reinforce the extreme hesitancy I have towards approving the further medicalization/surgery of said kid. Thank you for sticking your neck out there and spurring conversations that need to be had, and for educating people like me with this and your other videos. I can only hope the editors of the DSM ## see content like this and begin to dig deeper to ensure medical professionals are giving the best advice for treatment as possible.
@wormwoodcocktail Жыл бұрын
Show this video to your spouse. And take care. 2 жыл бұрын
Former “Non-binary” female. Yea I’d say autism and misogyny led me down that path… I wish the Non-binary label never became a thing, it kinda promotes toxic individualism
@Wild_flower_415 2 жыл бұрын
“Toxic individualism” is a good word 2 жыл бұрын
@@Wild_flower_415 thanks 😊
@tubester4567 2 жыл бұрын
Genderphobia too.
@AGuy-vq9qp 2 жыл бұрын
Instead people must suffer because a much smaller group of people might accidentally hurt themselves?
@bobbyday8788 8 ай бұрын
‘Non binary female’ I swear THEYFABs have ruined the entire trans thing. I hope you’re happy with what it’s become, you caused this damage
@officialmheisjtilljvan 2 жыл бұрын
Watched two guys I dated get lost to the trans identity. One suffered from horrific delusions and hallucinations but was convinced by the Universitys therapist that transition was the answer. Another was autistic and became trans after there gay friend group bullied them into it. Its sad and disgusting to see so many young people not getting help and treatment for there disorders, and instead getting there wallets sucked dry by HRT and gender therapists and still having those same core issues for years un-adressed and un-treated.
@c1rcl3s 2 жыл бұрын
I tried dating two different trans-questioning men. Both had some serious sexual problems. I say this as someone who's usually very kink friendly. These guy's weren't having fun, and it was too extreme in the sense it was taking over their life. They seemed depressed. Neither lasted very long because they were too self obsessed
@marlsborough5347 2 жыл бұрын
Yes, it is awful being on the outside looking in.
@Parrotgirl-Tattoo 2 жыл бұрын
I was friends with a man who at the time I assumed he was just into cross dressing as a kink. He would dress up in my club clothes & we hung out at the club sometimes. He was fun. I had to end the relationship after I realized that he was attracted to me (I'm a straight woman & pretty vanilla) & he had told me a few of his stories. Some of the things he told me were horrifying. And I dont know what was worse, that he engaged in such risky & dangerous behavior, or that there is no shortage of "straight" married men who were willing to participate. Yikes.
@TheRisky9 2 жыл бұрын
That's taking advantage of vulnerable people.
@renny3816 2 жыл бұрын
@ParrotGirl Tattoo What kind of stuff, did he tell you? Was he an AGP? Was he straight, but went after men, because it felt “validating” to his feelings?
@CatCattinson 2 жыл бұрын
Very insightful! The borderline/unstable identity and autism really resonated with me. I went back and forth between "cis"/trans identified for a long time before finally waking up to the absurdity of this gender stuff. I appreciate you having the courage to share your experiences online.
@hospitalsgivingpatientsdan8894 Жыл бұрын
In my day it was terrible being trans you weren’t thought as a hero something great
@Parrotgirl-Tattoo 2 жыл бұрын
I have a friend who's son had severe ADHD. He started identifying as extremely flamboyant gay at a VERY young age. (Just want to throw in that her dad, his grandfather, was a cross dresser, who committed suicide before he was born). Anyway, the older perverts immediately started grooming him & his mom was just helpless to stop her son. Immediately he contracted HIV & hepatitis. Like immediately. Now he is damaged forever, left emotionally broken & pretty much cant even function in society. So sad.
@IsaacUncooked 2 жыл бұрын
That makes me so angry, but unfortunately, I've heard similar stories. One of my old friends lost someone in a very similar way. Horribly tragic. This world is too dangerous to chase fairytales. We just have to do our best. I wish there were more we could do for the people who've been hurt or killed from this.
@leahrachael5814 2 жыл бұрын
@@A.bankss what? you're joking right?
@amylost23lbs 2 жыл бұрын
@@A.bankss LMFAO why the hell would any random KZfaq commenter censor their comment in such a ridiculous way because another random KZfaq commenter doesn’t like a word they used that isn’t even offensive and is a medical term. No one is forcing you to read it.
@winniecash1654 2 жыл бұрын
So the groomers got to him before he could get help? What a tragedy.
@Parrotgirl-Tattoo Жыл бұрын
@@importantstuf8870 So what you're offended by in my story is that you think i misidentified someone? Does the situation that i presented not offend you? Not only was the kid extremely promiscuous, but extremely flamboyant. I take zero amount of pleasure saying that, as this is one of my dear friends. Also, I've known many gay men over my life. & they will 100% agree with me!!
@mofogie 2 жыл бұрын
somehow i doubt gender dysphoria would happen in a vacuum, like in a very primitive tribe or complete isolation. It seems heavily socially influenced from things like social hierarchies, beauty standards, peer pressure on those who are already suggestable.
@Sunnydreamer1470 2 жыл бұрын
Probably never in a tribe .
@postcardsfromspace6372 2 жыл бұрын
It's all about dissociation. People with dissociative disorders have self-phobia and develop parts of self to escape other parts of self. Also known as "dissociative phobias". I believe that's the underlying mechanism. The scary part is that society is fueling this process and almost enforcing it. Although I'm not surprised as the study of dissociation itself is quite neglected and disparaged, in favor of other models of mental illness that are more profitable. Infact, if the illness lies in the individual brain, you can sell drugs or surgery. However if you accept that the illness lies in relationships and how out mind responds to them, and model itself on them, then it would mean that the wellbeing of society should be everyone's priority, when it clearly isn't.
@zk527 Жыл бұрын
hey, I'm a young 19 year old pre-HRT (I haven't done HRT) male who enjoys a lot of stereotypically feminine things, like fem clothes, and I feel very empty through all my social relationships because people don't interact with me in the same way as they do with feminine girls. my mom died when I was 6. could you talk to me so you can prove I'm a male and can you help me stop having these feelings (mainly I have this strong feeling that I'd enjoy my friendships better if I dress up in fem clothes and people see me as a woman or at least a femboy)?
@zk527 Жыл бұрын
also I have no concept of self and no interests and very anti-social now (because I hate how my male clothes and male appearance make others treat me in the stereotypical masculine way), so I guess I have disassociation too.
@evolutionisus 2 жыл бұрын
I wish my gay grandson who now thinks he is a transwoman would watch your videos. Thanks you so much for sharing your experience and knowledge with us.
@tree6835 2 жыл бұрын
damn, it's very funny to me that someone old enough to have a grandson has a based username like "evolutionissus"
@7356205 2 жыл бұрын
@@tree6835 why?
@tree6835 2 жыл бұрын
@@7356205 an old guy knows and employs the word "sus"
@hospitalsgivingpatientsdan8894 Жыл бұрын
She may have masculine temperament doesn’t make her a man just masculine
@hospitalsgivingpatientsdan8894 Жыл бұрын
@@tree6835 worries me more that people don’t believe biology makes you male and female and in very rare cases a woman can be masculine
@anniegonzalez8544 2 жыл бұрын
I believe this 5 category hypothesis will contribute to a future taxonomy someday. You describe it interestingly - much insight. Well done as usual very well thought out in my opinion.
@lw4423 2 жыл бұрын
What you mentioned about hair loss makes so much sense. I don't have any gender dysphoria but I have shaved my head due to hair loss and I honestly don't think that I look bad per se; what bothers me is that as a bald man there's only one way you can present yourself (confident masculine) which is wholly contradictory to my temperament and self-image . I also noted this issue in the comment section of KZfaq videos about hair loss where some girls would say that the only reason they don't transition to male is that they are afraid of hair loss (their father or brother has it for example), and I felt puzzled because male pattern hair loss is a visual signal of masculinity and I wondered why would a FtM trans person hate it that much. It makes sense when you realize their issue is more about feeling attractive/unattractive and gender transition is an attempt to "re-brand" your body.
@user-tf4bg2kz5v Жыл бұрын
I had a long comment written but deleted it and realized I just really want to say thank you for sharing your journey and also your insights, observations, and opinions are so valuable, interesting, and refreshing! I’m sorry for your struggles and can relate on many levels and I want to encourage you to keep going….you give breath and words we need in this world today!
@gnelson6200 2 жыл бұрын
Years ago I had a friend who was “Trans” before it was even a thing. By the time she was 14 she ended her life, rather violently. There were a lot of problems in her family, divorce & remarried parents who were busy with careers as intellectuals in education. I suspect she had some learning disabilities, I have them so I a familiar. She went to a fancy private school for a minute & didn’t last long. A lot of shame from her family for not being brilliant like them. She was also someone who developed early & fast. Very pretty girl but that can be overwhelming when you still have then mind of a child. I wonder if the attention she began to get from men added to it all. It is hard as a teen or young woman but at like 5Th grade. She was pretty grandiose as well early on, speaking with accents & lying about things like having ESP. It didn’t look like her parents cared at all. She was probably the 1st person I knew of like this in the 80’s. I think about her from time to time especially now with all of this going on.
@winniecash1654 2 жыл бұрын
Sad story. Poor girl
@hospitalsgivingpatientsdan8894 Жыл бұрын
Men don’t give attention to men they give it to woman
@hospitalsgivingpatientsdan8894 Жыл бұрын
This is the problem of having poorly educated people counselling trans youth and the woke culture
@bronminett4042 2 жыл бұрын
The way you explain things is so easy to digest. I’m autistic and for a while now I was starting to think I was borderline, in the past I thought I might be a narcissist and it’s weird because this is the first time anyone ever has said that we can mirror the disorders of the people around us. It’s ironic because now you have said it, I see it so clearly but up until now I was just going through the list of all the things wrong with me. Maybe I’m just autistic. I might go into hermit mode and see if that helps. Thank you Isaac ❤️
@alina1st 2 жыл бұрын
This was quite brilliant, Isaac. You should think of writing a book.
@lemonadelunacy3291 2 жыл бұрын
I would purchase and devour anything Isaac publishes 😍
@Sunnydreamer1470 2 жыл бұрын
Brilliant he could help so many!
@ilvaens2899 2 жыл бұрын
Amazing and very informative. I've watched detransitioners for almost two years and changed my opinion on trans issues quite a lot (or rather, gained an opinion instead of hypothetical pro-affirmative stance based on nothing concrete), and still, you provide new information to consider. Thank you for the video, it's obvious your opinion is based both on your experience and extensive observation of other people with dysphoria.
@hospitalsgivingpatientsdan8894 Жыл бұрын
A person can be as masculine or feminine they want but it’s biology determines male or female
@scarlett19b Жыл бұрын
@@hospitalsgivingpatientsdan8894 EXACTLY👌🏽🙌🏽👏🏽🔥💯❗
@w.f.4287 Жыл бұрын
And he is clearly very intelligent and according seeks answers in science.
@hospitalsgivingpatientsdan8894 Жыл бұрын
@@w.f.4287 feminised men need acceptance not try to convert to woman
@hospitalsgivingpatientsdan8894 Жыл бұрын
@@w.f.4287 science when it’s indoctrinated by the woke in universities is dangerous
@venus_envy 2 жыл бұрын
Great video, this covered more bases than are usually discussed as often as the AGP/cluster B/autism angles are.
@c1rcl3s 2 жыл бұрын
I think my gender dysphoria was caused by wanting to avoid male attention and AAP. Because it was all sexual for me, a way to not be the submissive woman. But it just sort of faded away in my mid twenties.
@c1rcl3s 2 жыл бұрын
My same sex attraction (which wasn't ever very strong) faded away too. So maybe I'm not typical
@renny3816 2 жыл бұрын
By “SSA” was it sexual? Was it seeing another woman as “pretty,” that made you believe you had lesbian feelings? A lot of women and girls, think other women are pretty, or they want to look like another girl/woman, and confuse that with being “lesbian” or Bi, when in reality, they just find other girls/women to be very pretty. Being lesbian, means you have sexual attraction towards women, that you want to be in a romantic relationship with other women.
@c1rcl3s 2 жыл бұрын
@@renny3816 yes, very sexual. I was especially attracted to breasts. Although, I never had a "crush" on a girl or had romantic feelings for them, and I gave it the college try. Three times I tried to engage with women and backed out. It started at puberty or even before and lasted until my mid twenties, and then in my late twenties and early thirties I woke up sexually and it was directed to men only. I never considered myself anything but bicurious, and now I'm straight
@c1rcl3s 2 жыл бұрын
And as for the AAP, I never engaged with anyone with that. I'd bind my breasts and wear a strap on and just doing that was exciting. It's all I needed to do, I'd fantasize about me being a man having fun times with a woman. I hated my breasts and still do to a certain extent. And I'm a tomboy. And trauma, etc etc. This video was spot on.
@c1rcl3s 2 жыл бұрын
@@katieandnick4113 AAP is definitely a real thing lol what
@coleengoodell7523 2 жыл бұрын
Very interesting insights. I have a grandson with autism. When I first moved closer to my daughter he was around 8 years old and was constantly asking "Is that funny?". I explained to him that if "he" found it funny, that it was funny, we all have a different sense of humor, it's normal and great. He's gotten bullied in school to the point where it's been decided to home school him twice now. He's also been taken advantage of on an internet gaming site, supposedly age appropriate. My daughter caught someone trying to introduce him to gay porn or influence him in that direction. He's 16, but emotionally around 13. He can't help having autism and I can absolutely see how he could be manipulated into "fitting in" by people who would want to take advantage of his disability. Thankfully he has a good support system and parents who pay attention to what and who he is exposed to. Thank you.
@renny3816 2 жыл бұрын
It’s infuriating, that somebody would prey on an autistic person. Why are people even showing him pornography? Why has the use of pornography, become so normalized? Do people not care about the people in porn? These people are being exploited, and every time somebody watches adult abuse material, they are helping human trafficking out. A lot of the people you see in adult abuse material videos, did not choose to be in the industry. Why can’t people just pleasure themselves, without watching abuse material?
@coleengoodell7523 2 жыл бұрын
@@renny3816 Renny, I'm not sure that he was being shown porn. My daughter has child filters on the kids devises. She only told me that someone was trying to establish a gay relationship or grooming him. She didn't go into details and I didn't ask because she was so upset. She assured me that she took care of it and had a talk with her son. My grandson. I absolutely agree with you on this topic. I get way more upset and just want to scream when I hear about child porn. These poor innocent children are being seriously harmed physically and mentally. Many are murdered, because some very sick people are creating a demand for this evil. I hope not only those who make it, but also those who watch it burn in hell forever.
@renny3816 2 жыл бұрын
@Coleen Goodell I’m against all porn, child and adult. I feel bad for the children and adults, who are being exploited in that industry. I have no respect for the people that view it, or the camera people recording such things. I really don’t like the people graping innocent children, in the abuse videos. They should rot and be tortured forever.
@renny3816 2 жыл бұрын
Your grandson is not high functioning? At the age of 16, people usually start dating. Do autistic individuals, not have the desire to do these things? Can autistic people be Straight or LGB?
@coleengoodell7523 2 жыл бұрын
@@renny3816 He's high functioning. But at an emotional age of about 13. He's of course going through puberty. It's a very confusing time for anyone. I'm not autistic, so I can't speak for him or anyone else. I just know he's socially awkward and has never shown any interest in other people, male or female. My point was that he can be influenced.
@CC-uo6ic Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for this video! I used to want to say similar thoughts in my school, then my trans classmate turned mad and call me transphobia and bigot. After that I got attacked by several people online, and my teacher also silenced me. I stopped saying anything about it because nobody around me speaked out and I didn’t have the courage to put myself in more dangerous. I can imagine what pressure you are taking for posting this. The only thing I can say is thank you very very much.
@wormwoodcocktail Жыл бұрын
I went through the same thing. Don’t let the system break you. Resist the conditioning.
@BoardroomBuddha 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for this. I certainly does seem like these people suffer from a lot of co-morbidities. But the bottom line is that we simple do not understand the phenomenon enough to justify using hormones on minors.
@richardtompson318 2 жыл бұрын
I am a man and I took hormones for years because I was abused by my stepfather and felt ugly since childhood. In my mind only women were beautiful and I wanted to copy the look.
@eunuchonthevine 2 жыл бұрын
This is illuminating! I struggled with gender dysphoria because of shame and not being like the men in my family.
@hospitalsgivingpatientsdan8894 Жыл бұрын
Why would they your a woman men and woman are different
@hospitalsgivingpatientsdan8894 Жыл бұрын
Woman are different to men that’s why we are not equal
@katg3341 2 жыл бұрын
This is so helpful. My nephew has just told his parents he is trans and wow you described him perfectly.
@winniecash1654 2 жыл бұрын
You just described my ex husband. I wish I had known this before we married. It occurred to me while we were married that he was always trying to be the better woman. This was before I forced him out of the closet, as he was living a double life. Once he did merge his 2 lives, then I understood why he was always trying to out-do me. Now hearing what you're saying here gives me greater perspective. Thanks.
@carolsolomon8834 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you, Cluniac for a superb video. And I don’t think we can afford to lose your voice-hoping you will continue to add to the voices on the side of sanity. Love, and light from Delray Beach, FL.
@julietlundie 2 жыл бұрын
You really have described my son who admitted to a traumatic sexual experience with another boy at age 13, which I have been convinced is at the core of his trans identification. We also suspect he is autistic. It is so hard to try and get through to him. Thank you for this.
@julietlundie 2 жыл бұрын
@socially unacceptable we are trying to find a professional to help him who will not affirm his desire to transition. Also awaiting a formal ASD diagnosis. Neither are easy.
@julietlundie 2 жыл бұрын
@@katieandnick4113 he calls it trauma (mentions r*pe). I think there was bullying, too.
@jazzcabbage9370 2 жыл бұрын
I am autistic and I went through a traumatic sexual assault. Both can be a recipe for gender dysphoria, your son should know he doesn't need to be ashamed for liking 'feminine things' or being uncomfortable in his body. Both are normal for autistic people, if he thinks transitioning will make him comfortable, he is mistaken imo. Gender dysphoria i believe for many autistic people is just part of life in a world that wants everyone in a neat box. I don't blame him for wanting to transition at all.
@julietlundie 2 жыл бұрын
@@jazzcabbage9370 thank you for taking the time to reply. I am sorry that you went through a distressing and traumatic experience.
@Poze-ii2ce Жыл бұрын
@@julietlundie try to convince him to transition socially and stay away from medical stuff. He feels the need to have control over his own body. If he sees you are against it he will get rebellious and try to get medical transition to spite yoy. He will grow out of it once he heals emotionally and he stops feeling the need to use his identity for protection.
@concreteisland2024 2 жыл бұрын
I think you're right on most of these. I'm interested in the rapid onset gender dysphoria too, especially in girls. I'm not sure that any of the above would necessarily fit the exact profile but I think there are overlaps though and probably there are elements of autism in some of the young girls atm. Also there's such a wave of young girls who have fixated, through discord, fanfiction etc on feeling they should be a gay man. Fortunately I'm old enough to be past the peak of being heavily influenced by online social media, but I am pretty sure that I would have been one of those ROGD girls. What I'm not sure about is why, as I don't fit any of those categories. There's definitely loads to think about with this video, well done.
@marlsborough5347 2 жыл бұрын
That's my interest as well. This is more along the lines of cult indoctrination but there must be several contributing factors.
@concreteisland2024 2 жыл бұрын
@@marlsborough5347 yes it seems very cult like. It's disturbing looking at videos of people explaining a million different genders. It's funny, it sort of reminds me of people talking about auras. We can laugh at that but laughing at the gender cult is taboo.
@SkepticalTeacher 2 жыл бұрын
The majority are autistic, and also have ADHD. Tragic.
@ellenroehl6022 2 жыл бұрын
Abigail Shrier
@concreteisland2024 2 жыл бұрын
@@ellenroehl6022 yeah I've read her book. Brilliant. As is Kara Dansky.
@rraefyn 2 жыл бұрын
@Cluniac I enjoyed hearing your hypothesis on this subject. You are a person after my own heart. Curious and questioning orthodoxies. The trauma theory I get simply because I lived it. I was an SA child who was horrified at the prospect of developing secondary sex characteristics. I truly was petrified, because I think I sensed, even at such a young age, that it would increase my chances of further abuse. I also think I was becoming acutely aware that my tomboy days of adventure would be coming to an end soon. The very idea of losing my freedom and the prospect of having to don the uniform of restrictive and identifying frilly dressage became a living nightmare to me. I also just happened to be an on the spectrum back in the day when such things were rarely diagnosed. To say that I was fully hyper fixated on my female bodily changes/functions in a very negative and obsessive way is an understatement. I often wonder how many prepubescent girls went as far as I did back in those days, secretly binding their breasts in an desperate attempt to thwart their inevitable development. Interestingly, it was the neighbourhood lesbian who taught me that trick, by suggesting I use a sports tensor bandage. How that whole thing evolved after my one and only confrontation with her, was as bizarre and surreal as it sounds. I do recall that her appearance confused me right from the start of that meeting, because she sported a perfectly styled, Elvis Presley "Brylcreemed" comb back and wore a mans work shirt and jeans. It gave her an ersatz manly aura despite her obvious female form. I also knew there were whispers of disapproval surrounding her and hints to the fact that I should avoid engaging with her, but it was all so vague and confusing to me that I never registered it in any concrete way. Keep in mind that I was a very dissociative and socially awkward child who avoided contact with others and especially adults. My recollection of the dialogue is somewhat murky except that I do recall the conversation occurring after I was caught trespassing on her front I was probably looking for insects, but I digress. In any case, she stood on her porch chastising me and somehow, I think she must have asked if I was a boy or a girl. I was very androgynous at that pre pubescent stage and I had just had my glorious mane of long hair shorn into a grotesquely short pixie style. A punishment I might add, meted out for not keeping it acceptably brushed and tied into a neat and tidy little style. It was the sixties and long hair was all the rage. From there I'm guessing she must have ascertained my discomfort on some level but for the life of me I cannot connect how we got on the topic of my budding breasts. I know I would have been mortified beyond words to talk with a stranger about such things.and yet somehow she managed to pass on that bandage protip. I never spoke with her again. I look back on that encounter with adult eyes and see the strange ickyness of it all. What business did an adult stranger have talking to a child about sexual development and gender identity. The inappropriateness of it all is disturbing. I obviously never told a soul back then, and for anyone who wonders, I never did have any luck with that hot tip. I developed into a very buxom female despite my vain attempts to do otherwise. I am, however very relieved that I was born in an era that despite carrying a reputation for propagating rigid sex stereotypes, it still allowed for tomboy girls. I shudder to think that had I been born into a family of progressive, liberal thinkers today, I may have been carted off to the gender clinic, post haste. Just to think back and imagine where I would be now if I had never been given the opportunity to fully deal with my CSA trauma is a very disturbing thought. Obviously, because of my own subjective history I'm strongly in favour of mandating psychiatric assessments and treatment as the first response to gender confusion and dysphoria.
@kalihavlick5481 Жыл бұрын
Just found your videos today and I must say you really are brilliant. And oftentimes such intelligent people who can put all this stuff together can’t explain it to others very well but you really are able to! I’ve been becoming increasingly concerned and passionate about what is going on in the world with the trans and gender stuff and have come to the conclusion this is one of the biggest issues of our time especially concerning youth. Knowing they are giving puberty blockers and the monumental damage they cause and mastectomies for 12 year olds I am very determined to spread info and fight this as much as possible. I really appreciate your videos as resources to share to better explain to others what is really going on and the truth. Thank you so much for making these videos, keep it up 🙏💛
@jobee9113 2 жыл бұрын
Fascinating insights, thank you. I agree about treating the whole person rather than just one manifestation of their discomfort (which should be true of all therapy). I also believe that connection with, and acceptance of the body is key, there seems to be a whole generation that have become disconnected from the body and nature generally, preferring to inhabit virtual worlds. From there it's a small step to believe you can create your avatar body and laugh in the face of the unimaginable intelligence of nature that has taken millions of years to perfect this exquisite organism.
@tkps 2 жыл бұрын
That's a great point. There's the unrealisic presentations of men & women everywhere you look on social media, Hollywood etc, so many apps that can change one's looks with a swipe and very little to no open discussion/interaction with real people. So many are also quite prepared to spill their guts online but wouldn't dream of it in a face to facer so they hide online coz it's seems easier. The world's on the edge and I can only see it getting worse before it's legislated to be better. Sadly for Americans regulation's a dirty word so they may be left to fend for themselves. I'm glad I'm old. I wouldn't want to be young now.
@hospitalsgivingpatientsdan8894 Жыл бұрын
Social media is cancer on the young
@scarlett19b Жыл бұрын
🐸☕It's like "SIMS" has become the New Reality❗👎🏽 Remember SIMS..⁉️ An innocent game.. which was all about pretending/playing house and such.. those were the days❗
@violetstameski664 2 жыл бұрын
You’re just really brilliant. Excellent video.
@ladybirdlee3058 2 жыл бұрын
The homophobia element is a big deal. Not just internalized but external forces pushing homophobia too. Feels like we have gone backwards in the last 20 years. anyway great talk.
@renny3816 2 жыл бұрын
We are going backwards. Look at the attacks on LGB men and women, in London, England. The hate crime stats have gone up, A LOT. Same thing is happening in France, Italy, Australia, Brazil, etc. I don’t know what’s causing people to go backwards, when it comes to LGB, but it’s happening really fast. I think it might have to do, with the “T” and their cray.
@tkps 2 жыл бұрын
@@renny3816 Oh I think it has plenty to do with the T. Considering it's always been a tiny minority, what's causing the sudden explosion (denied of course). People not being as accepting of gay as they claim? So much accessible porn boys are slipping back into sexualising girls at every turn causing them to want to be boys. Then there's the woman all over social media sexualising themselves and how very dare you suggest that's not empowering nor helpful to girls. Between 2010 & 2018 cases of kids with gender disphoria in the UK went from around 70 to 2400 70% being girls. Something's wrong.
@heidiwilhite8011 2 жыл бұрын
@@tkps I think people would be more excepting if everybody were not wearing their sexuality on their sleeve. I used to like to be sexy myself but all this sexuality is toxic.
@carolinesanceykemball7718 Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much Isaac, you will be a clinical psychologist or similar! I studied personality disorders and can totally relate to this new knowledge. Also quite interesting was your information regarding autism. It allowed me to identify my daughter 's main reasons for ending up identifying as a gay man and displaying cluster B personality traits out of the blue. It also shed light on her other behaviours. This video really helped, I hope it will help many other parents 🙏 💜
@carolinesanceykemball7718 Жыл бұрын
Also it's great seeing non neurotypical people like yourself contributing, one lesson will will take with us is give much more active a role to much needed neurodivergent folk.
@phendranaa 2 жыл бұрын
I'm autistic on top of subclinical antisocial / factor 2 psychopathy. These traits are a lot more common in men so makes sense why I identified out of being a woman. When you said antisocials transition very briefly and move onto other things, I laughed, because my coming out and transition lasted 5 weeks. Before I took hormones, I only thought about it for a couple weeks and got Plume very quickly (impulsivity, lack of future planning). Reason mostly being I wanted to be the stronger sex to feel more powerful even if I was "gay." I could tell the people around me were disturbed by how casually transitioned and detransitioned (lack of fear or regret). Meanwhile I was already onto the next project. I detransitioned from the sensory issues from having a dry pp and transition is also a lot of planning and dedication and didn't solve boredom. I also had a bit of autoandophilia for sure. This and AGP are also very common in autistics as well as grandiose narc. It's the imagination combined with sexuality. Excellent analysis here. I think this is a foundational video of yours. It matches my experience with the trans people I've met irl and online.
@biancaandrade9651 Жыл бұрын
how did u cure all that fixation on transioning?
@CyberFighter-hu7xo 10 ай бұрын
Lol the sexually more powerfull sex is the female
@evancolby2274 2 жыл бұрын
The last two videos you've made have both been fantastic. They're insightful and concise, which makes them easy to share.
@Abigail.444 Жыл бұрын
You are definitely right about this needing to be looked into! I wish instead of just pushing dysphoric persons down the trans affirmation and transition route they did this! They did a deep dive into why these individuals become dysphoric and treat it that way accordingly!
@BelissaCohen 2 жыл бұрын
Excellent! The best original thought and forward progress I have seen in this area. So many thoughts!
@michellemagma9587 2 жыл бұрын
Hi, glad to discover your channel. What you think about transgenderism is what I always tought about in my life, what I sensed to be the issue, and that's the first time I see another person speaking "with my toughts". That is really hearthwarming to me. I truly don't think gender dysphoria even exists, what I believe is that "gender non conforming" is the real deal and that society is not accepting people that are non conforming into gender stereotypes, nor the person itself is accepting that. Too much painful to be so different and not cathegorized into a label that make yourself feel less lonely and gives you some sort of instructions on how to live your life. The thruth is, when you are and feel so different, that you are alone, all by yourself, trying to survive without guidance. Au contraire, if you transition and adopt a label and a way of life, you are no more alone fighting to survive. But that's not the truth, that's illusion. Basically, they are erasing personalities in order to conform people, because misfits are no more accepted. Do we really want to get erased? I am a heterosexual girl, always been happy and comfort to be one, never wanted to be a boy or even think about that. But I experienced my whole life the feeling to be different from the other girls, to be difficul to relate to them and get along with them. I've always been very boysh, tomboy and like "non girl stuff". Kinda gender non conforming stuff I think. Glad I'm born in 90's and transgendering was not in fashion and was unknown, plus I'm italian and here things are different. But, guess what, in my 30's I get diagnosed with autism...what a surprise I was experiencing "gender non conformity" in my childhood, eh? 😅
@saliadee2564 Жыл бұрын
This was intriguing. I think it makes a lot of sense. Good for you for putting all this out there at a time when it goes so sharply against the grain.
@NyxiiPyxii 2 жыл бұрын
This is so well presented and so well spoken. Thank you for your insights.
@raeb5525 2 жыл бұрын
Your perspective is very interesting, I am grateful for your willingness to share.
@bibliowolf5735 2 жыл бұрын
OMG the autistic scent issue...I have a very different take on the scent point. To make a long story short I'm an autistic woman & pick my sex partners (men) based on scent/pheromones. (This is also why I don't watch much porn besides kink technique stuff anymore; I can't get off on the visual human body). Never wanted to transition but met 5+ trans people & they frankly smelled horrible... Imo cross-sex hormones make the human body smell revolting bc trans people smell like both sexes at once when they sweat. No idea how many months it takes for a person's natural pheromones to reset. But the other issue is autistic people can alternate between hypersensitivity & hyposensitivity to ones own body odor. Being able to smell yourself regardless of hygiene can be very off putting.
@fatoumata7624 Жыл бұрын
Il can stay 3 months and 3 weeks without washing !
@revelationreflection 2 жыл бұрын
Great video, very elucidating. And good points at the end about treatment. Thanks!
@synaesthesia4183 Жыл бұрын
Oh my gosh, this is hitting all my theories I've had working in mental health and simply through experience. You know your stuff!
@iara_pimenta Жыл бұрын
I don’t know much about this topic, but it is so interesting when we watch someone intelligent explaining and making his points. Congratulations!
@heatherslaughter1435 2 жыл бұрын
Hey so glad I found ur channel saw some of ur old videos too glad to see u come far in ur journey much love to u and u are so encouraging
@BlackWolf-uk2yb 11 ай бұрын
Thanks for this Issac. As somebody currently trying to understand their Gender Dysphoria and having had a LOT of therapy I have some things to add. I think I fall into your Trauma group predominantly. though likely the Autistic and Dissociative BPD one as well. I am a rather effeminate male but also hate being 'identified' as male because of peoples expectations AND assumptions of what being Male means! The Trauma side interestingly doesn't come from 'gender' related issues but because of having been treated so horrifically be several people, along with other mental health issues that cause me a LOT of distress, I HATE being 'me'! Being 'Steph' only works if I can look at my own reflection and no longer see 'me'! Somehow im mentally able to disassociate Steph from 'me' to the point I am able to experience relief from being 'me'. Its like im able to say to myself "All that bad stuff didn't happen to Steph". So most of the mental anguish I deal with daily disappears when im Steph! But there is also the component of how im treated differently by others when im Steph which I think seems to be because im nolnger perceived as being part of that 'Male' group! So I don't have to deal with the crap that naturally comes from being 'seen' as Male. There is a LOT more complexity to it than this but I just wanted to share this part as it adds a bit to what you have accurately identified here Issac. Namely that the Trauma doesnt have to have been resulting from sexual abuse or even gender related at all.
@kim0821ify 2 жыл бұрын
Another great video, very informative and I love your honest opinion about this topic. *Hugs*
@ianhurley4323 2 жыл бұрын
Been looking forward to this one. This was a great video.
@CaioDanielNunesSantos 2 жыл бұрын
Hi, Cluniac. I really loved the video. There's one more type, a very common one as well. Some men perceive that society treats women better than men or that women's lives are easier and transition as a way to be treated better.
@renny3816 2 жыл бұрын
You are right. I’ve heard that a lot.
@brianna4657 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah, that's exactly what happens when women transition to men, they want to be treated better because they consider males are treated better and are not objectified like women. Interesting.
@scotlandtheinsane3359 2 жыл бұрын
@Lisa Mo Thinking that all men inherently benefit in society because of some coping conspiracy theory is what is out of touch. Mens lives can be very, very hard. Or is it you that works as a builder outside in the winter or down a sewer. I think I’ve seen one bin women my entire life so do please grow up and try not to be such an ignoramus..
@scotlandtheinsane3359 2 жыл бұрын
@Lisa Mo Oh SURE you have! hehehe Did you think if you waited long enough I wouldn't have responded to nonsense like this? Popped right up in my notifications it did. So you're that one unicorn that's a female builder grafting like there's no tomorrow in the snow, right? Or maybe you work in a slaughterhouse, is that it? Or clean the roads etc and so on for a LONG time. Sadly, you don't change the overwhelming facts about the situation. If we had to rely on women only and their level of participation society would collapse within a day. Believing in things like 'patriarchy' in the present day and age when women in their 20s 30s are better educated and outearn men of a similar age, and where women in general are responsible for most of the West's spending descisions. And when women are blatantly treated better in legal matters like divorce and family courts, as well as sentencing rings hollow to most rational people of both sexes when presented with the facts. I mean, some patriarchy that is! You get the luxury of deluding yourself because of the comfortable society you live in. Go live in Iran or Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan etc and then report back to me when you finally have that reality check you've clearly never had before about what an actual patriarchy is.. You get the right to your own opinion but not your own facts...
@intrepidtomato 2 жыл бұрын
ahhh, the denizens of the transmaxxing subs. They're unpleasant incels.
@edithmorang528 2 жыл бұрын
You're correct in my opinion and you're one of the few people that can do something about this horror. Society says nothing out of fear of being seen as discriminatory.
@quinnvids Жыл бұрын
this seems so much more accurate than the “HSTS/AGP” dichotomy
@American_negroid_woman 2 жыл бұрын
Great video. As always it's good to see you.
@jakesmith997 2 жыл бұрын
Fascinating video. As someone who recently detransitioned, I can relate to several of those points. a. I related heavily to the concept of being porn addicted when I was younger and poor experiences with women causing me to view the "ideal" woman as myself as a woman. b. Being on the autism spectrum I do find myself mimmicking my environment a lot. For me as well, having a male sex drive makes me very uncomfortable.
@raptoress6131 2 жыл бұрын
Very insightful! I feel like these issues on a broader scale touch all "gender non-conforming" people, and a lot of the trans activism seems misguided and ends up reinforcing stereotypes.
@thebkeepercc4422 2 жыл бұрын
10:05 - 10:26 You are the first person I’ve seen that just perfectly explained my old friend Kenny’s dysphoria. I even told them that they’re dysphoria comes from their childhood SA when they were 7 and them hitting puberty shortly after that but Kenny brushed it off and ignored me and recently went on testosterone. Poor bastard cut off contact with me after I answered a question of theirs the wrong way and now they’re gonna have to learn the hard way I guess. “He” very firmly believes in the male brain/female brain shit and drowns themself in validation from other trans people on Twitter and Reddit. The question was: “Do you see me as a girl?” What good of a friend would I be if I lied to their face?
@DonnaBrooks 2 жыл бұрын
I've added this to some of my playlists & will be sharing it with some counselors I know. This did make me think of something that has had me curious for some time and that is the enthusiasm some hetero women have for gay men & gay relationships. I think of how women went wild over Jake Gyllenhall & Heath Ledger when Brokeback Mountain came out. They seemed to really love the idea of these guys being sexual partners, even though the movie was tragic af. That's when I first noticed it, but more recently I've seen a large contingent of the fans of "Klaine" (Kurt & Blaine) on Glee were women, and I can tell you right now, they weren't lesbian women!! In fact, I've seen the comments & vids where these women gush over Klaine and invest in their relationship the way lesbian & bi women would invest in the female couples we'd see on TV. For many of them, Klaine was the reason they watched the show & they were their fave couple, even over the hetero couples! They would celebrate when things went well with Klaine & feel so much distress when things went badly. I've also noticed that gay male couples have been on soaps for some time now and seem to be accepted among this traditionally conservative audience of mostly hetero women. Which soap is it that has had a gay male couple on for like a decade but has yet to have a bi or lesbian female couple? Is it Days of Our Lives? It's just an interesting sociological phenomenon that I would love for someone to study. Does anyone have any thoughts on this? Is this something that you have also observed??
@lisak1895 Жыл бұрын
In the 90's we would go to the gay clubs with our gay friends. The term was (sorry if this offends) "fag hags". I think it is a way to subvert romantic participation while getting to enjoy it vicariously. It was a way to be safe? The feeling that gay men were less threatening sexually to women and they won't romantically reject you because they aren't attracted to you in the first place.
@shannaveganamcinnis-hurd405 Жыл бұрын
I have. And it is so strange to me.
@saskiabuck812 2 жыл бұрын
This video is very interesting, and also reminds me of the first video of yours that I watched, which is the autoandrophobia video + people have mentioned ROGD and that could fit into your framework but I was also wondering about a more isolated form of AGP (as in people who aren't necessarily NPD) because it also reminds me of a fetish called apotemnophilia where one fetishes the idea of themselves as an amputee and its related to Body Integrety Identity Disorder (BIID)
@trgmama6615 2 жыл бұрын
Excellent and very interesting. Thank you for an informative piece. Question: With autistic folks, you mentioned porn and "sexualized content". Anime stands out to me as being over-represented among trans identified males. Would you consider types of anime as a gateway to the porn or perhaps as the driving force within that category? Edit: Have you thought about becoming a therapist, counselor or mentor of some kind? You come across as very empathetic and calm while also very candid.
@sweetiespoon5150 2 жыл бұрын
Anime pR0n is a thing. I imagine that one wouldn't even need to see the real thing (human pR0n) to be influenced by it.
@tree6835 2 жыл бұрын
I'm a huge fan of anime and manga myself (not autistic though). What I've found is that the only way to enjoy anime and manga as an adult without being corrupted to the core is if I laugh at it. Treat it like camp. Like something so extreme that it is to be laughed at for how extreme it is. Manga very often features a narrative like: cute, effeminate, nurturing, small male gains the (completely absurd) affection of a strong, competent, tyrannical female amazon by virtue of his nurturance. There are some manga where every character is a cute high school girl, there are tons where family relations are sexualized, as well as tons where being a cute, flirtatious twink is portrayed as attractive to women. Just all sorts of things. I let myself be influenced by these trashy behavioral patterns all the way till senior year of high school. If autistic people are much more prone to influence by the things they watch, I have to imagine that anime can't be that great for them. I suppose most media don't portray human behavior very accurately, even live-action shows like Friends and the Office, but anime ... anime is something particular.
@rymkervic123456 2 жыл бұрын
These days l rarely watch KZfaq posts to the end, this one was too good and l watched to the end. Thanks for your valued opinion. I hope it helps those in need/in query.
@Tskb7 2 жыл бұрын
Trauma is modeled, this I believe might be the second half of the driving force behind creation. So what does modeling mean? Like.. modeling with clay, creating through action. So modeling trauma, is recreating a trauma in attempt to find success over where it went wrong and became trauma. Also, another take of mine that can be separable from the above comment: autism is in affect, developmental ptsd. The more intense the symptoms of autism seem to be the earlier into development there seems to have been trauma. And trauma does not always mean physical violence, trauma at its core is a psychological hang up or incompleteness. When something goes unfathomably wrong, when it does not make sense- what ever that “it” may be per individual. You are so spot on, thank you for your candor and honesty.
@Mark-pl3bv 2 жыл бұрын
Never heard anyone else mention personality disorders in these kinds of videos! Autism is rarely mentioned, for fear of being accused of being ableist, but it's definitely something that can affect your gender perception (which doesn't mean transitioning can't be right for you if you're autistic, though). It seems that it's taboo to talk about causes of dysphoria, as if it were "accusing" dysphoric people of not dealing with their issues. But it seems much healthier longterm and absolutely essential to do before medically transitioning. Personally, I've come to terms with having internalized homophobia (as a bi person assigned female at birth) and misogyny. I was also bullied at 13-14 for being GNC, and that led to a truly intense desire to both affirm my existence (by socially transitioning and "doing something for myself") and fit in with society (by conforming to gender roles). Also, I have hyperandrogenism giving me some male secondary characteristics and difficulties with sexual penetration, which makes me feel like I could never fit in as a woman. In the end, here I am: I'm 22 with a quite hollow social life and almost no experience in romance. I'm completely passive in my own life, not because I'm "pre-T so insecure" like I told myself for years (I came out as trans at 14), but because different issues led to me feeling inadequate in every area of my life. I'm truly considering therapy, and I hope it'll help, but these videos truly are a first step for me. I've been considering detransitioning for about 2 years, on and off, but today I feel like I should actually try it out. Edit, over a year later: I'm still deeply dysphoric despite a better social life. "Living life" actually led to me realizing I don't want to detransition (socially, as I haven't transitioned medically but pass). I think there's a possibility I'll always regret not medically transitioning if I don't do it. We'll see.
@Sunnydreamer1470 2 жыл бұрын
Yes, detransition and go out and conquer the world! Get out of your head and live!
@letamorgan6819 11 ай бұрын
Really appreciate this video. This has been my up close and personal experience with my former SO.... Really sad vast majority are not getting help and living in pain...but the underlying conditions can make for very psychologically toxic relationships.
@Dindunuffin420 2 жыл бұрын
I see you are struggling. Youre incredibly strong to recognize it and I truely hope you find what you need. I just stumbled across your channel and I look forward to listening to your views.
@perishthethot 9 ай бұрын
Still one of if not the best video on KZfaq for understanding what’s really happening when someone claims to be gender dysphoric. I come back to it time and time again when the discourse has me feeling insane and I need help getting anchored back to reality.
@sarahbenjamins 2 жыл бұрын
Really interesting analysis, have you ever been interviewed on 'Gender - a Wider Lens'? I would love to hear you talking to Stella and Sacha about your insights, I think this is the most granular analysis I've heard yet of the non trauma based theories (though you include trauma of course but I think that's the aspect quite often explored elsewhere, along with AGP - and even there you go a bit further to explore it from a different perspective). Your content is such a unique and valuable contribution to understanding this intellectually, emotionally and politically complex topic.
@afshinnanase4736 2 жыл бұрын
I think this is the most amazingly well constructed and well said video about gender dysphoria. I midly suffer from it and i tell you i can place my self in one of these categories and it all makes sense.
@kweenz109 2 жыл бұрын
You're my saving grace right now. So glad I found you.
@volleyballjerry 8 ай бұрын
Isaac - you are well skilled in psychology without any sort of formal training. You are knowledgeable and empathetic. If you do not already have a chosen career path, you would probably be an excellent counselor.
@Loafsandfishes 2 жыл бұрын
My own personal experience (not sure if it’s really gender dysphoria or what): When I was a child I always hated wearing dresses/skirts. Something about it felt so uncomfortable. Even going shopping, my mom would be buying me clothes. I’d pick something out but then try it on and it didn’t feel right. I didn’t know how to describe the feeling or why I felt that way. Also around the same time I was into videogames and idolized this character and wanted to be called his name, “daxter”. I had people call me that name instead of my own for a while. Also I was very insecure of my looks. I felt like I wasn’t feminine looking enough. I was bullied for having dark hair (shows up everywhere). Other kids would tease me for having a “mustache”. I would look at myself and feel ugly. I didn’t see a pretty girl in the mirror. I just saw an ugly person. Idk. Eventually I stopped feeling this way. Flash forward to sometime in middle school/highschool I had a profile picture of a anime guy on a website. In a weird way I started identifying as a man. I felt more like a man for a while. Eventually I stopped using whatever website I was using and the feeling stopped. Now I’m an adult and I’m happy to be a woman. I’m happy no one pressured me or talked me into transitioning. I no longer feel that way about dresses (most of the time).
@anaatkinsonyt 2 жыл бұрын
@cluniac/Isaac I love this video and I do think you are absolutely correct - especially about treatment being actually calibrated to the individual rather than as a whole. The one thing I feel very strongly about as a woman who has endured assault and as a gender critical feminist - that I feel you left out of your equations is the powerful and deep normalization of misogyny/patriarchy/gender ideology as a whole. I know I have a lot less experience in these communities that you for sure - and many others - but as a TRA turned Terf one thing I've witnessed is that what all people who subscribe to trans ideology/gender ideology have in common is the internalized idea that there is no inherent, unique value in womanhood/femininity/femaleness beyond being a) sexually available to men, & b) having and raising children (performing unpaid labour for society/economy/men). In order for a women to be seen as valuable she must either do these things (be a good and selfless girlfriend, wife, mother, daughter, friend, sister, caregiver, etc), or do things that gender ideology says are 'masculine:' have a high flying career, present as 'masculine' in her mannerisms and/or physical presentation, be unemotional, 'logical,' etc. Usually in order for a woman to be valuable though, she has to somehow do both. None of my former community (TRAs/LGBTQIA++ allies) ever really questioned or deconstructed the status quo of a patriarchal/colonial/capitalist society at all. They could not see how plain sexist it was to say 'Well if you're uncomfortable with your breasts as a young teen, and you don't like long hair, and you want to wear comfortable, non sexualized clothing - you must not be a girl!' (Or for young boys who just want some freedom of expression beyond what's 'acceptable'). I personally believe the entirety of the trans movement and ideology, and gender ideology as a whole is firmly rooted in the intersection of patriarchy and post humanist capitalism - and that provides the underlying or perhaps overarching framework for all the causes you talked about. Big love - you are doing important work
@Lucas02000 Жыл бұрын
Thats an interesting perspective, it makes sense
@Jointknight 2 жыл бұрын
fucking spot on, been stating we're in the dark ages of psychology as well for a long time .. I'm an autistic of 50 years .. and society has failed me at every single fucking step of the way as well no matter which direction I took. (never been inclined to be trans though)
@Jointknight 2 жыл бұрын
I also wanted to say that homosexual 'ideation' seems to be an even worse malady in some ways. the science doesn't seem to support it being normative (mostly environmentally caused).. and I would be interested on your take, because you have a genuine clarity of mind that is refreshingly mostly unbiased.
@seer5600 2 жыл бұрын
I've recently found out that ADHD/ADD is much more common among trans people than cis people. Why could this be the case?
@divinelight4160 2 жыл бұрын
Yesss mine was internalized homophobia. My family was very strict on social gender norms. I am just in feminine energy more. Of course I step into masculine. But yeah it was definitely trauma
@laurabeigh283 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing. I think your videos are very informative. As a therapist, YOUR opinions, and the best!
@RBDontcare 2 жыл бұрын
I’ve watched a lot of transition and detransition videos and I think your categories are spot on. It’s been clear to me that different people have different reasons for transitioning. And of course it is important to treat the underlying condition. No matter how you frame it the person is suffering a mental issue so how is “treatment” with hormones and surgery the first idea?
@STOPjammietime 2 жыл бұрын
Brilliant insights that feel instinctively correct to me, based on the various individuals I have observed with GD. I also think in a lot of young teens and preteens it's induced by both the anxiety and bodily disassociation that social media creates plus the popularity points they'll automatically get by "coming out" as NB or trans.
@ajromero3692 2 жыл бұрын
When I was growing up, the whole Catholic priest abuse of young boys and female teachers abusing their young male students was hot in the media. At the same time though, jokes were constantly made about it (and, often, the boys who were abused by female teachers were said to be "lucky") and these boys' trauma was made into a joke. I would also often see movies and shows make sexual assault against men and boys a punchline. Growing up, this made me terrified to be a boy, believing predators (both male and female) were around every corner, ready to pounce on me and that, if I did get abused, it would just be turned into some joke. I never wanted to transition or become a girl, but it made me very uneasy with my sex. It disgusted me (and continues to disgust me) how underage boys are hypersexualized and seen as willing participants in their own abuse. Had someone come along and told me that I could become something like "non-binary" and appear neither male or female, I very well could have jumped on that train just because of the uneasiness I felt being a boy. I'm happy with who I am now but I know a lot of boys (and girls) feel uneasiness with their bodies for that same reason. It has nothing to do with wanting to be the opposite sex, it's a desire to protect yourself (the most innate instinct we have).
@TheRisky9 2 жыл бұрын
Feel you. I was a major tomboy and that was really tough. It was hard to make friends because your interests are so vastly different than other girls. And then of course the questions about your sexuality. But my parents did several things that helped a great deal. 1) They found me adult female role models who were also tomboys that helped me feel comfortable being me. Having trustworthy adult role models helps a teen see past the here and now. I could see that things got better for these women and helped me have faith that things would get better. And they did get better. Adults are far more accepting than we give them credit for. (Of course I do understand this has to betaken with careful consideration.) 2) A strong religious upbringing. I know religion gets trashed a lot and it certainly has its risks. But for me, the risks were worth it. It was worth having a sense of beliefs, boundaries, and identity. It creates a lot less confusion in day to day life. When you are confused, you can choose the tenants of your church and then go back and question them later. At least at that point, you made a choice. 3) Never lent special meaning to my preferences. The real problem that I see is when women fall into that "tomboy" temperment, they're now being told they're just a boy. Which to me is disgusting and reinforces gender roles as opposed to breaking them. It's theorized that girls who are tomboys are so because they were exposed to extra testosterone while in uterus. And I assure you that you do mellow out as you age, because unlike males, you don't get those extra boosts as you hit puberty. And that's good. And it really is testament that waiting and time are the best treatment for children who don't follow the mold of their gender.
@MrAnthonyIII Жыл бұрын
I 100% agree. I'm now detrans, but a big part of my gender dysphoria when I was a transgirl came from the sexual abuse I experienced when I was a boy. I always felt very unsafe as a boy, not only to be abused but to then hear things like "a woman could never rape because guys are always willing," "it's every young boy's dream to get with an older woman," etc. For years it did make me feel like I would be better off not being a boy, if being a boy meant being told I should have been "grateful" for being abused
@ajromero3692 Жыл бұрын
@@MrAnthonyIII I'm so terribly sorry you had to experience that abuse when you were young. I don't want to patronize you and I'm sure you've been told this already but what happened to you wasn't okay, you didn't want or ask for it, and your sex doesn't excuse what this disgusting person did to you. I think you're a very strong person for sharing your story, not just the abuse aspect but coming to terms with yourself and your detransition. I think that's very admirable. *Hugs
@okupofemstra4934 2 жыл бұрын
Very interesting insights, thank you! Brilliant, sympathetic and humble, as always.
@towardsthelight220 2 жыл бұрын
I like your voice. I'm straight and doing research on this issue. Brilliant.
@gnelson6200 2 жыл бұрын
Love this video you poured it out very well & it makes so much sense
@gauloise6442 Жыл бұрын
It seems like a lot of the girls who transition had a hard time coping with the pain, bloating and feelings of depression that come with the menstrual cycle. So many say "I would get depressed one week out of the month and the doctors put me on anti-depressants and they didn't work" Anti-depressants aren't going to alleviate PMS. It's a shame these young women didnt have one female in their lives that could talk to them about PMS and treat it. They needed hormone treatments to regulate their periods, not testosterone to change their gender.
@deborahruthtrotter2154 Жыл бұрын
Some interesting thoughts. Different people come to these conclusions for different reasons and underlying issues are most definitely worth working through. The outcomes of that may vary.
@MrAnthonyIII Жыл бұрын
#3 shame about homosexuality / gender non-conformity was the main one for me. I've always been gay, uncommonly feminine, and had stereotypically "girly" interests and appearance. This led to me not only being a social outcast, but also internalizing the messages I would see and hear around me. Everyone said boys didn't like the things that I liked; I looked more like the female characters in movies, video games, etc. than the male characters; etc. All these things gave me a sense of not "feeling like a boy." And when the trans community seemed so accepting and affirmed these feelings that I had, of course I gravitated towards it
@patriciacampbell6443 2 жыл бұрын
Awesome explanations. You are very smart and informed. Thank you!
@rosezy755 2 жыл бұрын
I've been drawn to this channel's videos because I've been thinking about gender a lot, and he seems to be very intelligent. I've found the outspoken trans community to be extreme at times. The problem I face though is that I myself have gender dysphoria and don't fit into any of these categories, at least not as neatly he as he suggested. I'm autistic, so you could say I fit into the last category, but the sexual aspects didn't apply to me, and I can't honestly shape my experiences to match the other explanations he provided. I'm GNC too, but was never shamed for it, I was too blind to social cues to even know if I was. I do think the people he described exist, but how do these apply to people who express dysphoria at a young age? I've felt this since I was young, and since puberty I knew I wanted chest surgery. I want to go to therapy, but gender therapists are too affirming and regular therapists are too uneducated or afraid to talk about the topic. Identifying as trans or not, I do think I'll pursue top surgery, just maybe in the form of a breast reduction instead of a full mastectomy.
@LoliLikesPedobear Жыл бұрын
Hey Rose, not sure you'll react to this, but please tell me if you read this. I am 27 yo female GNC aspie myself, for ages had issues with breasts (mine are heavy and the form is not perfect), but ultimately gave up on beautifying or fixing anything for forseeable future. I suggest that you, like me, consider these things: 1. Even if you reduce your breasts, the tissue will be permanentely scarred, meaning that physical activity and any weight fluctuation or childbearing may cause you immense pain and disrupt the form and call for even more surgeries. 2. 'The best' way to take out extra fat from there is an operation around nipple, often times resulting in nipple tissue losing sensitivity at best or necrosing at worst. 3. Have I told you about childbearing or hormonal changes that come and go throughout your life as female? Oh yes, I'll say it again. Breast cancer aside, you can get unpredictable reactions there. Granted, I myself dislike female anatomy for a number of reasons, but I'd rather wear sport bras and work from bed several days a month than have anything permanent done to the skinsuit that may cost me even more pain. I got neurologically damaged by medication already, my tremors won't go, and I just should've do lifestyle changes sooner. Stop treating drugs and surgeries as if they're a shopping trip, ffs, people. It is your body getting chemically meddled with and cut, its better done for a good reason.
@ARenewedmind Жыл бұрын
Thank you for this information. I asked the question online: what causes gender dysphoria? Because it really is becoming disconcerting how many children now claim this and I wanted some information on what and where this comes from, causing literally an explosion in transitioning. Personally I believe that it is related to psychological problems. You confirmed to me that it is so. To say: "I not comfortable with who I am", clearly is psychological. Also sexual abuse quite possibly can cause feelings of dislike etc. And yes, schoolyard bullying. "Feelings" starts with thoughts, emotions fed by peer groups, movies, pornography, social media etc. So it is terrible that young children and teenagers, who are still growing (I mean the frontal lobe of the brain only develops fully from about age 14 onwards) are being "counselled" to do irreversible harm to themselves. Is this a new money spinner for "scientists/medical professionals"? I was surprised that you said "narcissists" have this problem - obviously not all of them, but it makes sense. You used the term "a force outside themselves tells them they are in the wrong body". Well that is clearly demonic. I wonder how much of the "gender dysphoria" is caused by demonic influence and whether some old school exorcism won't bring deliverance. Don't stone me for daring to say this but yes, when God is left out of the equation, then Satan takes over. Thank you for what you are doing to hopefully get honest attention by compassionate medical professionals and scientists, who will research/study this phenomenon and hopefully, come up with good solid treatment until a child has fully developed in all aspects of personhood, before being irreversibly mutilated for life!
@Izzy-gt5hi Жыл бұрын
Interesting typology, I agree with most of it. It's definitely more focused on males who transitioned, but that's hardly surprising considering you are one! I'm firmly in the autism category, but have been detransitioned for 3 years thankfully. I remember I wrote a similar list of 5 or 6 root causes of dysphoria around the time I detransitioned, but mine was specifically about women & girls who transition. I wish I could find it to compare!
@alfurskyley5795 2 жыл бұрын
One of your explanations, women feeling sexualised by men or been abused by men reminded me of Ash Hardell who has made me think certain cases of gender dysphoria are a sign of or cause by a sort of Peter Pan Syndrome, not wanting to grow up physically/sexually, wanting to stay a child physically. Ash Hardell used to call herself a "boy" (not a man) despite being an adult woman and cultivates a boyish appearance. She removed her breast. Probably, to her boys (and not girls) represent ideal lack of sexual maturity and she idealises it.
@yenneferL98 Жыл бұрын
Ash recently gave birth to twins, so I'm curious how was she okay with being pregnant..
@patduran1107 2 жыл бұрын
Very interesting analysis, very cogently argued. It all makes a great deal of sense.
@DelilahZoe 2 жыл бұрын
Friend, this is an AMAZING video lecture. If there's the possibility to get a PhD in the subject, that would be a blessing to society.
@xoswatson351 2 жыл бұрын
Really enjoy your videos. The way you talk it’s like talking to my smart bestie
@heatherwhitehead3743 Жыл бұрын
Me and my sisters found puberty disgusting and humiliating. I couldn't stand the attention and male graze. I couldn't wear enough clothes. I remember purposely dressing like a tomboy. ....honestly I don't think I ever found a safe enough place for healthy sexuality to grow. All the relationships I had we tainted with this. During the act I often split. The one being something for him and the one observing from a distance. Yeah I'd get feeling or waves come over when a young woman of complete vulnerable nakedness. Makes you want to curl up into a ball.
@minoozolala Жыл бұрын
Repressed trauma.
@jknkjnkjnkj8967 2 жыл бұрын
12:20. God you nailed it. I never ever noticed this pattern until I detransitioned but it occurred multiple times throughout my life. and not even all of it was SA - physical and emotional abuse at the hands of men taking on a controlling or dominant role can also make you take on that "want to be a toy" persona or reinforce jt. man youre so eloquent thank you
@hospitalsgivingpatientsdan8894 Жыл бұрын
Abuse from woman makes men suicide
@isaurasp4501 2 жыл бұрын
Off topic : is Exulansic's channel gone again? It was just back. I can not find it
@miketaylor1349 2 жыл бұрын
She is on Instagram/Odysee
@miketaylor1349 2 жыл бұрын
@@JasminL222 Yes, she. Why?
@miketaylor1349 2 жыл бұрын
@@JasminL222 Don't worry
@user-yr3fx5ib6z Жыл бұрын
I am so impressed from your videos. You are a very smart and observing young man. Thank you. 🌺
@trmp9923 2 жыл бұрын
I'm 33.... A biological female.... Pretty much all my life I've been told that I can't find a man because I'm too much of a tomboy or not "feminine enough".... If I was a lesbian this wouldn't be an issue but I'm not... What am I supposed to do? Just pretend I'm something I'm not so I can finally tell the world that I'm married?? What does it even mean to be a woman?? Like I gotta post pictures of roses and apply lipstick every two hours and bake cakes?? What if I just don't care that much about makeup, I get exhausted while applying it and feel like a clown also.
@educational1651 2 жыл бұрын
I’m like you. I was always a tomboy (still), I’m married with kids.
@keemstarkreamstar7069 Жыл бұрын
You don’t have to play the game and there’s plenty of fish in the pond in terms of men who don’t care about women not being some pinnacle of femininity in a relationship.
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