American Expats Are Much Happier Living In Spain || FOREIGN REACTS

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• These American Expats ...
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Reaction 01:47

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@foreignreacts 18 күн бұрын
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@cal9112 18 күн бұрын
Quality of life is definetily better in Spain or any other southern or central European country, money is not everything in life like most Americans are brainwashed to believe, a good meal, a good conversation, a glass of wine admiring centuries old architecture gives you such joy that no billionaire can't even un derstand in the US , its simply PRICELESS
@paul1979uk2000 16 күн бұрын
The brainwashing that goes on is because of the corporate culture they have there, they've let it get such a hold over society that it's not healthy for the people, it's basically a culture where companies want people to spend everything they have, even go into debt on things they don't really need, then work there arses of to continue that spending, it's all about enriching the rich elites and corporations and isn't really good for the well-being of its citizens to not have a good balance from work and life. Don't get me wrong, most of us would like more money, but not at the expense of quality of life, which is where Europeans are doing it much better than Americans are doing, after all, as long as you've got enough money, you can have a good quality of life, so it's not really about having more, as that doesn't improve the quality of life, it's all about having enough that you're comfortable with to be happy and do what you want in life.
@fastnbulbouss 18 күн бұрын
I moved to Barcelona a month after 911...bought a one way ticket, packed two suitcases and never went back to North America. Best thing I ever did. But I ain't no expat.....I'm an immigrant.
@susannariera 18 күн бұрын
Thank you!!!!! I hate when people call themselves "expats", they are just entitled immigrants who think are better than other immigrants. Most of them live in a bubble without learning the language or culture and only interacting with other "expats". I'm from Girona, hope you are enjoying Barcelona. Bona nit!
@albertomartin7576 17 күн бұрын, eso es muy gracioso. Inmigrantes son los demás, los EEUUses son expatriados aunque no lleguen a final de mes y no les quede otra que salir de su país para vivir dignamente. Por no hablar de los jubilados.
@Cannlos 16 күн бұрын
Do you live in Warcelona? It has the highest crime rates of UE.
@susannariera 16 күн бұрын
@@Cannlos says who? In 2023 crime index by city was Bradford, Marseille, Catania, Coventry....
@fastnbulbouss 16 күн бұрын
@@susannariera Don't respond to trolls.
@Adam35779 18 күн бұрын
What I like about Spain is its architecture. It's just beautiful
@oslafoirausuebutuoy5457 16 күн бұрын
Yes. The food is also incredible if you know where to go, and the people are amazing (also the history of the country is fascinating).
@celtibero9742 12 күн бұрын
La arquitectura buscaba la proporción y la belleza, España tiene mucho Patrimonio Histórico Artístico
@KillSanchezVol.1 11 күн бұрын
You can find a lot of Spanish architectural influence in the U.S.
@marcorubio6070 3 күн бұрын
y se puede decir que incluso cada rincón de España tiene su propia arquitectura, estilo y cultura, aparte de dialectos e idiomas, si decides conocerlos claro, en vez de hacer turismo convencional.
@padulincolorao 14 күн бұрын
I am spanish and i live here. Dont uncover our secret or all the world will come here!
@pachigonzalez9993 13 күн бұрын
Ya estan viniendo,y no estos del video precisamente, otros mucho peores.
@KaefShi 4 күн бұрын
So true 😂😂😂😂
@user-vu3vy2ub4v 3 күн бұрын
No vengan
@BlackHoleSpain 18 күн бұрын
Logroño is the capital of Rioja region, worldwide known for their wines. It's a small size city, that's why the prices are quite low, but since it's a regional capital, it got all the commodities.
@albertomartin7576 17 күн бұрын
Hay muchas ciudades en España con más de 40.000 habitantes que tienen de todo.
@apl315 17 күн бұрын
@@albertomartin7576 O menos, en el Puerto de la Cruz (Tenerife), son unos 30.000 habitantes y haber hay de todo. Pequeñito, pero de todo 😂
@BlackHoleSpain 17 күн бұрын
@@albertomartin7576 Sí, claro. Pero cuanto tu barrio tiene 65.000 habitantes y el distrito 320.000, todo te parece pequeño. 😂
@albertomartin7576 17 күн бұрын
@@BlackHoleSpain sarna con gusto no pica, a pagar 1000 euros por la vivienda... 🤣
@fanegaquince6327 14 күн бұрын
los precios son bajos?. 900€ por un apartamento es carísimo, salvo que quieras vivir en el centro centro. Hay ciudades muchísimo mas baratas
@ivaneldemonipelut 11 күн бұрын
No somos la primera potencia armamentística ni queremos serlo, somos los mejores disfrutando de todos los placeres que te brinda la vida en esta península espectacular!!
@Mumujalego 17 күн бұрын
Have they said that they spend €2,500 on private insurance? WTF, that is a lot, especially because being legally residing in Spain and paying contributions, they have public healthcare that costs nothing more and nothing less than €0 per year.
@CristoRey-np1gq 16 күн бұрын
Y estando ilegal también
16 күн бұрын
Yes, but you have to wait 6 months for an appointment with a specialist, while I can have it in days with a private insurance. If you can pay it, it's worth... of course if you have something serious and/or expensive... the private insurance will get rid of you, and then is when you use the public one. ;)
@rocktop-games 16 күн бұрын
Yo no se donde vas al medico, pero yo no he esperado 6 meses jamas (3 si, que no digo que no sea demasiado ya, pero no 6). Y la única vez que he tenido algo urgente me estaba mirando el especialista al día siguiente.
@yogarcia6066 16 күн бұрын
@@rocktop-games Y un año también... Dependerá de dónde vivas y cómo de saturada esté allí la sanidad, pero el tema de los especialistas ahora está fatal.
@vanesag.9863 16 күн бұрын
i'm not sure but I think that you have to have a private insurance and money saved to live in Spain (and the rest of the European countries) if you are a non European resident. It's a legal requirement to be able to access to all the benefits of the system (like they did when applied to Spanish courses at the university) and work legally.
@miguimau 17 күн бұрын
I'm a Spaniard and have used Amazon from the late 90's and Prime from maybe 2011. Come on. This is not effin Somalia.
@gms03sbd3 16 күн бұрын
Los americanos creen que el resto del mundo descubrió el internet ayer xD.
@Okanekaseku 16 күн бұрын
Habla por ti, en sitios como motril (pueblos pequeños que forman la mayoría del territorio) eso no ha existido hasta 2012 minimo…
@rocktop-games 16 күн бұрын
Donde yo vivo las furgonetas de Amazon llevan 4 días como quien dice. Hasta hace 3 años o así los envíos de amazon los hacia MRW. Que haya amazon y que haya mensajería de amazon no es lo mismo.
@JonDi2078 16 күн бұрын
Tampoco que llegue o no Amazon implica más o menos desarrollo, es sólo una multinacional americana, llega a donde le es rentable llegar, simplemente.
@susanaescriba977 14 күн бұрын
@@Okanekaseku Tampoco lo han necesitado y tampoco se necesita. Las tiendas tienen lo que que puedas verdaderamente necesitar para vivir.
@PorkoRoso 16 күн бұрын
Dude, if you think about Spain, don't think about money. Think about social life, having 1 month of paid vacation to be able to enjoy life, free weekends, and that maybe you won't be the richest person in the world, but if you find a good job, you can save to travel, to buy yourself treats, to go out for a drink with friends. We place a lot of importance on social life and usually meet in bars for a drink, generally with tapas and wine. However, if going out at night, it's usually beer or cocktails. Maybe you'll meet someone for a coffee in a café mid-morning... Or decide to go on a getaway with friends to the mountains or the coast, of which we have plenty here. Trips to small towns or different autonomous communities are also very common. Spain is a very diverse country and traveling within its borders is like changing countries continuously. The landscape, buildings, and the character of the Spanish people change depending on where you are... I like traveling abroad, but traveling within Spain I like just as much or even more. We have a country that is a gem and many don't know how to appreciate it.
@mrswonderful87 16 күн бұрын
There's not a lot of good jobs in Spain. That's the problem. People earns very few money and they have to pay a lot of taxes. Besides, Spain has one of the highest public debt in the world. I know what i'm saying.... I'm Spainish and sadly I had to leave my country and that was one of the reasons.
@PorkoRoso 14 күн бұрын
@@mrswonderful87 I am also Spanish, and the issue of work, at least in the northern autonomous communities like Aragón, Navarra, or the Basque Country, is not a problem. I am from Zaragoza, and whenever I wanted to find work, I did so without much delay. Maybe it’s not the best job in the world, maybe not the best paid, but there is work. What is indeed more difficult to find is a good job, but I suppose that happens everywhere. I agree with you on the topic of taxes and debt, but that is mainly because we are governed by mediocre people who don't care about the country's economy. It’s better to give subsidies and handouts to buy votes.
@Aliciacm3 14 күн бұрын
y si sois los dos españoles por qué os seguís contestando en inglés? 😂
@PorkoRoso 14 күн бұрын
@@Aliciacm3 Porque aquí la mayoría está hablando inglés y esto no es un chat privado.
@mrswonderful87 14 күн бұрын
@@Aliciacm3 yo no sabia que era español hasta que me contestó
@WookieWarriorz 16 күн бұрын
My rent in the uk is £500 for a 2 bedroom apartment that faces a large park (cities like london will be literally 4x the price tho), i really have no reason to move i like my apartment and can travel and not worry. I spend about £300 a month on food inlcuding eating out. £300 on bills including car tax and insurance. Ill exaggerate and say an extra £200 on utilities and all of this still works out to about $1500 a month at most to maintain my life. People here dont need to have extreme car payments because of public transport and we dont buy brand new cars and our used cars are really cheap, my used 2012 nissan cost me £1200 about 3 years ago. I only earn about £30k per year but healthcare is free, i get 7 weeks paid time off at my job, unlimited sick days (obviously), full time work week is 32 hours, i travel almost every month for a weekend break etc We often dont realize how easy we have it and too many are chasing the consumerist bullshit to understand how much free stuff and time off they get.
@Greenwood13 15 күн бұрын
Sorry mate but as a Spaniard that lived in the UK for 5 years, your weather sucks, people are so cold you barely feel a pulse, and the traditional food is...well, I don't think I've dared to try any 😂 Me quedo con 🇪🇸 y Olé 💃🏼
@KaefShi 4 күн бұрын
I live in Málaga, in Andalucía. I can tell that here it is like an European California, because I have lived in both places 😊 but I can tell that at least from my experience, what makes the quality of live here is that we have so much culture/traditions, with a lot of tradicional and not so traditional party involved, that makes it a place where it is very easy to meet people, do things outside, you have montains and sea, and very near in Granada there is Sierra Nevada with Snow to go skying, just one hour from here... you have a lot of music events, Flamenco, museums, good wine... , the tipical food is incredible... algo the "siesta" mentality with helps handeling stress. Please react to a video about Andalusien, I think you may love it 😊
@Leweline 14 күн бұрын
The life they're living is not cheap and definitely not something most locals can afford. The rent of my tiny studio in Madrid is 550 €, and now it's "cheap", because prices have skyrocketed and it's impossible for me to move elsewhere (I have to stay here for work, so no option of leaving the city) because a small 1 bedroom apartment that's not a basement, doesn't matter how far from the city center, costs now minimum 800-900, and easily more. But salaries cannot cover that. If you're single and live alone, it's just impossible. A third of my salary (and it's not minimum wage) is spent on rent, add utilities, groceries, vet bills, any unexpected expenses, and some money to just enjoy life for five minutes... and you save pretty much nothing at the end of the month. Of course it depends on where you live. Logroño is not as expensive, same as other smaller cities, but many of us have been forced to move to Madrid, Barcelona and other big cities because it's where the jobs are. The life of digital nomad influencers and the way the life of this couple is depicted aren't the reality for most young (and not so young) Spaniards who struggle to get to the end of the month with some money in the bank. Every time you say "That's not bad", you're just viewing things from your American perspective and salaries, but it doesn't translate here.
@jal051 2 күн бұрын
Rent prices in Madrid and Barcelona have nothing to do with the rents in the rest of Spain. A full 3 bedroom apartment in the center of Logroño comes out for less than 700€
@Alejojojo6 2 күн бұрын
As a nurse I earn 2600. in spain. I can afford 800 on my own and I dont have a crazy job.
@Leweline 2 күн бұрын
@@Alejojojo6 well of course, but that's really far from what most people earn.
@TerciosLibertarios 16 күн бұрын
Expat? They are immigrants
@Cuarter 2 күн бұрын
Dilo tata
@3katu 2 күн бұрын
Expat is just someone who lives outside their country. As a spanish guy I could call them inmigrants because they are coming to my country (in-migrants) but he is an american living in Finland so expat is perfect in this situation.
@AlejoRaver226 17 күн бұрын
just to give you more info about renting an appartment. I live in Sevilla with my partner and we pay 800€ for a 2 beds 2 baths flat in a brand new neighborhood, so the flat is just 3 years old and the rent includes the comunal facilities, which consist in a numerated parking spot, storage room, pool and gym. For groceries we spend about 400€, the car is paid now, but it was 250€ monthly. In utilities is about €320. We both work and earn the exactly same amount, and we earn a little bit over the average wage. Oh! and the Amazon stuff, yeah we have it here, there are around 25000 employees, me being one of them 😅
@PorkoRoso 16 күн бұрын
¿Qué tal se trabaja en Amazon? En mi curro no sé si duraré mucho porque no es fácil que te hagan un contrato fijo. Es una multinacional y hay bastante mamoneo con los contratos. Han montado aquí (Zaragoza) un almacén inmenso de Amazon y es una de mis opciones si me quedase en la calle.
@AlejoRaver226 16 күн бұрын
@@PorkoRoso desde mi punto de vista, no está mal, pero las opiniones que vas a escuchar de otras personas dependerán del puesto de trabajo y de la experiencia previa de la persona, si nunca has trabajado en logística, claramente va a ser exigente, pero no tanto como en otras empresas. El tema de los contratos fijos va a depender mucho de cuanto tiempo lleve abierta la plataforma, lo ideal es entrar dentro del primer año de apertura, después ya se hace más dificil y la (casi) única posibilidad es que te hagan fijo discontinuo.
@lorenabertomeu 16 күн бұрын
​@@AlejoRaver226y cuanto se gana en Amazon?
@AlejoRaver226 16 күн бұрын
@@lorenabertomeu depende totalmente de la comunidad autónoma y del puesto de trabajo, no es lo mismo ser un mozo de almacén en Murcia que ser un ingeniero informático en Madrid, Barcelona o Zaragoza. Te puedo dar un ejemplo con los mozos de almacén, en Sevilla creo que ganan unos €1100-1200, el mismo trabajo en Barcelona serían unos €1400-1500. Ten en cuenta que hay muuuuchos componentes que hacen que se gane más o se gane menos, por el horario en el que trabajas, los findes que tengas en calendario y la antigüedad, así que habrá quien gana más y quien gana menos. Por otro lado, puestos de soporte a proveedores (una especie de atención al cliente/soporte técnico) ronda un salario mensual de €1900-2000. Los jefes de equipo suelen cobrar unos €300-400 más que los trabajadores, los jefes de los jefes un poco más y así hasta Jeff Bezos que cobra hasta por respirar 🤣
@lorenabertomeu 16 күн бұрын
@@AlejoRaver226 bueno , no está mal pero tampoco un sueldazo, yo pensaba en repartidores que estan repartiendo sábados y domingos,, bueno muchas gracias por la información.
@alext4758 15 күн бұрын
3 beds 2 baths for 915€ a month is extremely high price. Average is way lower. That price makes sense in big cities like Madrid or Barcelona with a very good location. As an example, i pay 550€/month for a 100m2 apartment with 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms, garage, pool and storage room.
@evali3358 18 күн бұрын
What they spend is a lot for Spain...
@foreignreacts 18 күн бұрын
No way!
@foreignreacts 18 күн бұрын
@Wilderberg-Oficial 17 күн бұрын
Es cierto y si, se puede vivir bien con mucho menos.
@apl315 17 күн бұрын
@@foreignreacts Yeah, i lived in a 2 bedroom flat all for my self for 550€ in Tenerife, granted, it was a hell of a deal and not in a centric area (well connected by tram tought), but in the end, i was living by myself spending around 1000€ per month (without saving too much 😅), 0€ in insurance, public healthcare is more than enough and saving to purchase a 2º hand car (Have it now... I10, small, low fuel consumption, low Km count and cheap to mantain, nice stuff 😁 don't use it much tought 😅)
@rocktop-games 16 күн бұрын
It's not a lot. it's pretty fair for what they've got, a nice big flat in a centric place of a capital city, with quality food for a family of 3 and 2 dogs. In fact it's in the cheap side compared to the same conditions in many other Comunidades Autónomas (regions). Obviously if you live alone in a 1 room flat in the middle of nowhere and don't visit every supermarket for the best food they could spend lest, but that goes without saying. I am pretty sure it works that way anywhere in the world, not just Spain.
@juanlualicante 18 күн бұрын
The rent depends on the city or town, here is like 450€ like 3 rooms, the problem is the jobs and salaries
@paul1979uk2000 16 күн бұрын
Cost of living from country to country and even from regions within a country can vary massively, but it is becoming apparent that if you care about your well-being and quality of life, Europe overall is a better place to live whiles still having a high quality of living being that the wealth is there to make money, depending on what you want. Considering that on average, people work 30-40 hours a week, sleep on average 8 hours a day, I find it crazy how so many people, especially in the US are putting so many hours in the pursuit of making money above everything else, we only live once on average around 80 years, a lot of that time is spent working and sleeping, you would think that people would want to enjoy life, experience places and so on, life is too short to be worrying about work or money, living and quality of life is far more important, and I bet a lot of people in old age, look back at there life and wonder, what the hell happened and where did it all go, because many don't do much with their lives because they don't have the time because of there work and money, Europeans clearly have a better balance from work and life and being able to enjoy life more by having far more time off work.
@Flaggyt 17 күн бұрын
I dare to say that very european country is better to live in then the US. Unless tou are so ffing rich you don't have to ever have to work again and you can handle any medical bill with a smile. So let's say 10 million+ rich. Then america is just fine. Allthough a lot of countries in the EU will still be better just because theyvare safer.
@fanegaquince6327 14 күн бұрын
915$ per month it's actually pretty expensive rent in Spain haha
@cynthiaromero5719 12 күн бұрын
@caleidoscopio4770 9 күн бұрын
In Madrid that's a deal! Probably for that price you will live in a hole.
@UxiaBaker 5 күн бұрын
I paid 2500 , in a good neighborhood, 900 eu, is pretty cheap if you live una big city.
@jal051 2 күн бұрын
@@UxiaBaker Because rent in Madrid and Barcelona is a scam.
@Elchinodiabolero 16 күн бұрын
''y'all got Amazon over there?'' 😂 My brother in christ, it's Spain not the middle of the Sahara Desert, Amazon delivers pretty much in every European country On a side note, this isn't even that accurate of a representation of life in Spain. If you're willing you can do it for WAAAAY cheaper. They're living somewhat of a ''luxorious affordable'' lifestyle.
@r.m.a.4723 4 күн бұрын
Great video friend. Logroño as a city is called quality of life. Small, everything close, security, good people, like in almost all of Spain. One of the best countries to live with quality, to enjoy the life that is what you live for. Greetings.
@MarichuPuhl 16 күн бұрын
3 habitaciones por ese precio JAJAJAJAJA en fuengirola un piso de 50m2 muy normalito son 800e. y los sueldos de gente obrera ronda los 1200... aparte luz agua y comida...
@Floren_Andro 2 күн бұрын
Ya puestos podrias haber puesto Dubai como ejemplo... con esos mismos 1200 Euros. Podrias vivir en cualquier otra poblacion que no sea una de las ciudades mas caras de España y ganando lo mismo tendrias una vida sin lujos pero sin faltas. Si vives en Fuengirola, pagando 800 Euros solo en vivienda (un cuchitril de 50 m2) cuando ganas 1200 al mes, es que eres idi0ta...
@sunnylee_draws4891 4 күн бұрын
Groceries got really expensive in Spain as of late, but the Smiths spend way over average because as I see it they buy top quality. That being said, their rent price is pretty good. For that price you can get a really old 2 bedroom 1 bathroom, no terrace, no elevator, no nothing in Madrid.
@SenseiAgot 16 күн бұрын
Having Amazon is not really that crazy, considering how much merch they move in Europe, is only natural they have a physical presence. In fact, Madrid and Barcelona are chock full with Amazon warehouses. Not to mention, our yearly Amazon Prime is a lot cheaper than in the US
@bombel44 3 күн бұрын
The average salary here in Spain IS 1500€. So housing IS extremly expensive for spaniards.
@Alejojojo6 2 күн бұрын
Depends where. I earn 2600 as a nurse and rent here is 900 euros a small apartment for yourself. Expensive yeah but still affordable. Most people here earn 2000 on average
@hablamosmalinois9767 16 күн бұрын
I have a mas (homestead) in spain with a small home. Not luxurious but i live outside. I live of about 200 euro a month and i love it
@juantxoberiain 16 күн бұрын
Come to Spain and check it yourself. Im myself from that city and I invite you to experience it! 🙂
@iangaleraperez 9 сағат бұрын
En España no necesitas seguro privado de salud, existe la mejor sanidad pública de Europa! (Siempre mejorable) La salud es lo primero 💪🔻
@Joan-kr1jo 18 күн бұрын
Yes but... That is a bit misleading as they don't have a usual work. They spend like 2000€, that's more than average net income. Usually young people can't afford paying a 900€ for a rent. The average annual income is about 26.948€ gross (According to INE data for 2022). Also keep in mind, average does not reflect the reality as a lot of people is way below that.
@coderk4130 18 күн бұрын
El sueldo MINIMO en España es alrededor de 1300 Euros, con las 2 pagas extras prorrateadas (8 horas x 5 dias a la semana), trabajan los 2, eso supone unos 2600 euros al mes, cantidad suficiente para vivir bien en una ciudad como Logroño, pero como he dicho antes, es el sueldo MINIMO, si mantienen una estabilidad laboral, el potencial es mucho mayor.
@sandgarmor 18 күн бұрын
There are many Spanish that earn more than that. You can notice it because restaurants and shops are always busy. Some people earn less money but in general It is not an unequal society and family network is very important. Before inflation started a couple with 2 salaries lived really well.
@nuriam7169 18 күн бұрын
@@sandgarmor If they live with their parents (something very common in Spain), then I guess restaurants and shops are always crowded. That doesn't mean they earn good money.
@Wilderberg-Oficial 17 күн бұрын
El sueldo medio en España ronda los 2.400€/mes en 14 pagas. Paga doble en Diciembre y en Junio. Si trabajan los dos pueden vivir cómodamente en casi cualquier lugar de España y no privarse absolutamente de nada. Sólo el 17% aproximadamente de la población cobra el SMI o Salario Mínimo Interprofesional y suelen ser, en su mayoría, inmigrantes que ocupan los puestos trabajo básico que ya no realizan los españoles. En ocasiones, y no es lo más común, algunos españoles deciden vivir con sus Padres para poder cuidar de ellos ya que la esperanza de vida en España es muy elevada, debido a su clima suave, alimentación mediterránea y calidad de vida. Escrito por: Web Financial Group S.A. "Los españoles tendrán una esperanza de vida de 85,8 años en 2040, lo que convertirá a España en el país con mayor esperanza de vida del mundo, según un estudio de la Universidad de Washington (Seattle, EEUU). Actualmente, los ciudadanos españoles viven 82,9 años de promedio, una cantidad que coloca a España en la cuarta posición de la clasificación mundial sobre esperanza de vida, que está compuesta por 195 naciones". /2019 "Un nuevo estudio de la Oficina Europea de Estadística (Eurostat) ha registrado que la esperanza de vida más alta de la Unión Europea la tiene España, con 84 años, seguida de Italia (83,8 años) y Malta (83,6 años). Por el contrario, la esperanza de vida más baja se registró en Bulgaria (75,8 años), Letonia (75,9 años) y Rumanía (76,6 años)". 2024
@frealof 17 күн бұрын
​@@Wilderberg-Oficial2.400€ x 14 son 33.600€ al año. El sueldo medio según Datosmacro fue de 30.237€ BRUTOS. Muy lejos de la cifra que comentas. Y hablamos de media... Ojalá a todo el mundo le fuese tan bien como al parecer te va a ti, pero no, la triste realidad es que la gente no tiene un duro. Así está España.
@coderk4130 18 күн бұрын
Amazon prime lleva funcionando en España desde 2011
@apl315 17 күн бұрын
Yeah... that comment was like... Bro... 😂😂 is like asking if you have internet over there 😅
@amrodri5 16 күн бұрын
@@apl315and even for the internet … Spain’s internet infrastructure are years ahead North America’s internet. I am Canadian, lived 30 years in Canada and moved 5 years to Boston - I am in Spain now and it is not comparable. Amazon’s delivery is even faster than in the US and certainly better than in Canada. It is the best place to live, period
@rocktop-games 16 күн бұрын
Amazon prime y mensajería de prime no son lo mismo. Hasta poco antes de la pandemia no había furgonetas de prime, lo hacia MRW. Y creo que aun hay zonas un poco perdidas que aún lo hacen otras mensajerías.
@albertomartin7576 17 күн бұрын
Europa es el continente más seguro del mundo, según el último Índice de Paz Global, que valora la seguridad de los países donde vive el 99,7% de la población mundial. Este ranking sitúa a España en el puesto 32 de los 163 países del informe, por delante de Italia, Francia y Reino Unido. De hecho, se encuentra entre los treinta países que menos presupuesto requieren para solucionar conflictos derivados de la violencia. Las cifras de homicidios, el acceso indebido a armas y las tasas de criminalidad se hallan en el cuadrante más pacífico de la escala. Por otra parte, España encabeza desde hace años las listas de países más seguros para las mujeres. La agencia estadounidense Bounce sitúa a nuestro país como el Nº6 más seguro para mujeres viajeras en su ranking mundial. Las categorías evaluadas son las cifras de homicidios femeninos, la seguridad diurna y al caminar por la noche, la actitud de la población, la protección legal y la igualdad de género.
@bernijr2692 16 күн бұрын
Alberto, no se en qué país vives... si esta el país lleno de pelobrócolis... quedando una España de lo más insegura!
@rocktop-games 16 күн бұрын
@@bernijr2692 que nos estemos lleno al carajo no quiere decir que el punto de partida no estuviese alto xD
@JonDi2078 16 күн бұрын
​@@bernijr2692habría que ver tu historial, con esos comentarios seguro una florecilla cándida no eres.
@loiniksw 12 күн бұрын
915 a month sounds cheap with US salaries, but for spanish people who's salaries often go around 1500 a month is actually quite expensive
@Frasco... 16 күн бұрын
Money is not a measure for everything.
@Okanekaseku 16 күн бұрын
I cannot even imagine thinking about money or bills while being in the hospital or waiting for an ambulance/ your baby to come🤯 Ps: they definitely chose to get private healthcare, as citizen youre entitled to everything free by default
@kkme503 11 күн бұрын
I am located in Madrid 2 kids rent, 2 cars, 100 m 3 beds apartament rent, 2 schools (public because my hood is good). And we speend 3000 to 3500 € per month taxes.. both my wiffe an me arround 40 % (public insurance included) 100€ per month for private insurance (the public is good and cover everything even most of the cost of the medicines.. the expensives and chronic medicines are for free , not free are included in the taxes).
@capittaletters 5 күн бұрын
Ernst Hemingway, Orson Welles, Ava Gardner y tantos otros norteamericanos vinieron llegaron y se quedaron
@kkme503 11 күн бұрын
That's is true but they skip one thing taxes in Spain started with 30 and 50 % even more ( all taxes central goberment, city taxes, taxes from the autonomous community).
@mctalens 16 күн бұрын
915 euros es mucho dinero para el sueldo base que son 1000. Es una barbaridad, aunque ahora mismo no existe la vivienda barata.
@angeles3708 15 күн бұрын
El mínimo es de 1.130 a dia de hoy, me parece.
@edicord-oc9lx 15 күн бұрын
@@angeles3708 130 euros mas nos es nadaaaa jajajaja
@angeles3708 15 күн бұрын
@@edicord-oc9lx Pues no.Pero ése es el mínimo.
@annatorres6446 13 күн бұрын
Depends where you go in Spain. Where I am from, people is actually having to move away due to extremely expensive rent and still low salaries.
@TadeoTadeus 3 күн бұрын
El sueldo mínimo en España está en 16000 euros al año aproximadamente. 900 euros de alquiler es un barbaridad para mucha gente.
@kkme503 11 күн бұрын
Overall yes I noted that the number of Northamericans who moved to Spain is increasing.. I am working for a Northamerican company and Ican see that my collegues works more hours than me (40 h per week 33 days off vacations). So yes the quality of live in France, Spain and Italy is better than EEUU.
@minimalisim 15 күн бұрын
Budget for Groceries will go down as soon they find mercadona or lidl/aldy supermarkets... around 400€ maximun for family of 4. Hi from spain
@carlosdearribacastro7580 15 күн бұрын
Vivo en la costa del sol, acabo de jubilarme, no sé como es el sistema de jubilación en USA, pero después de muchos años, algunos de ellos en trabajos de peligro he podido jubilarme con 61 años con mi coeficiente de reducción, Amazon fuenciona muy bien, incluso en esta ciudad al oeste de Málaga tenemos un centro logístico, soy prime y los pedidos llegan al día siguiente de hacerlos, lo malo de esta parte de España es que los alquileres y la compra de los pisos son muy caros, es una zona residencial y turística, tengo el mío en propiedad desde hace 28 años y lo compré nuevo por apenas 50.000€, ahora su valor pasa de los 250.000€, toca disfrutar la vida y relajarme viajando por mi querida España por esos pueblecitos con encanto
@AlbandAquino 17 күн бұрын
1:21 And Utilities. And Medicals... So many questions... A friend of mine was "recruited" by the "American head company" and asked to move from France to the US. He endured for 2 years. Yeah... He came back to France to raise a wonderful international family. Edit: 10:00 Learned some French? Owww... 😌 Shall we try that ? How's your memories? 😂 "Salut, mon prénom est Alban. C'est quoi le tiens ?"
@oleksandrbyelyenko435 17 күн бұрын
Come to Spain 🎉
@enekolarrinaga 15 күн бұрын
La calidad de vida en España es muy alta, por todas las cosas que se suelen decir. Pero sobretodo porque se vive más relajado sabiendo que tienes tus necesidades cubiertas, estás seguro y puedes disfrutar.
@jmg3344 16 күн бұрын
I Pay 500 month 3 bedroom flat, 2 bathrooms, garage and swimming pool in Elx alicante
@TheOwn3r 17 күн бұрын
Why does this feel like bull? They said they'd owned a house in US and both had a car (probably owned that too) and yet when they moved to Spain they only had approx. $45k savings? Either they are renting the house in the US to get the extra $$ or they should have a ton more savings if they sold it. Something doesn't add up 🤨
@apl315 17 күн бұрын
$45K is more than enough to start a live here, that's two years worth of work (average salary is around 20K per year), if you start with a low rent and start from there with a salary or two (specially two, it's getting harder every year tought), you can REALLY stretch those 45K without scrificing too much comfort
@BlackHoleSpain 17 күн бұрын
In Spain, 45k is the gross salary of a medium management position, or an engineer with 20 years of experience. And those have 37% of taxes for that ammount of income.
@Jocosoman 2 күн бұрын
10:05 nooo, my guy broke out with a spanish girl
@a.prz.o 6 сағат бұрын
Child private health care in Spain is the biggest waste of money i have ever seen. Totally unnecessary
@MrBlackgobbo 16 күн бұрын
I'm a local and i'm not sure about ex pats are beneficial for us; they are increasing our cost of living and making step by step every qualified job in Spain for an ex pat dude; many ex pats are realising that Spain has a great quality of life and every market, even the workers one is focusing on them and displacing the locals (because they have money and international studies)
@angyrepublic2080 15 күн бұрын
Hello from Spainnmn 😊
@Pablo-hp6wu 14 күн бұрын
“They have Amazon there?” Bro thinks Spain is Africa 💀🤣. Great vídeo though 💪💪
@nualafuller7223 6 күн бұрын
When you compare prices to America yes its cheaper especially if you have an American income Not a Spanish one.
@estudiaconfatima 4 күн бұрын
In Spain we working for living not living for working
@vickymascarellvaya7806 12 күн бұрын
It depends and how do you involve with locals, and rent is not equal everywhere obviously, we had a problem now in capitals 'cause there are a lot of tourist apartments so... and all politics are crazy, but yes i think in general, europe has a lot of sane bases, but same problems and no stability😅 i hope my english was good
@vickymascarellvaya7806 12 күн бұрын
Pd: a lot of things becomes from themes about history, long story jajajja, we had civil war, republic/monarchy, different culture and thoughts all around the country. I would say that there are different ways to feel patriotic being Spanish so for foreigns sometimes its difficult to understand the current situation well😊
@darkalo1984 14 күн бұрын
Finland can be a depressing country. Few hours of daylight, utterly cold weather, cold people, no life after 5 PM. Wages might be high and corruption low but only people born in such places can really adapt to living in cold northern countries. I always wonder, if those countries are the best then why their citizens need keep coming to Spain or Greece or Portugal in the Summer every year? Because of quality of life, nice weather, nice food, nice eateries, beautiful people, parties, social life, culture, history... That's why lots of pensioners from the UK seek living here after they retire. Spain and Portugal are far from perfect in some regards but provided you have a decent job life can be pretty good. In the end it mainly depends of the things you are accustomed to and your personal experiences. For me in Spain is about the small details. For example, being able buy an affordable season pass to go to a city-council-managed outdoor swimming pool for 3 months during the Summer.
@wulfgold 18 күн бұрын
You know, I wonder... the difference - living in the midst of your community, walking around, actually seeing your neighbours, getting to know them, saying "hi", learning those that have diffferent colour skin are just normal folk too AND minimal access to firearms... I wonder though, the small segregations of America - that literal non-walking/walkable neighbourhood and lack of interaction, does that make it easier to go rampage? Quality of life, just the relaxation of being in a community, being able to walk to the shops. If I drive, I can guarantee there's going to be (at least some) tension involved at some point.
@Wilderberg-Oficial 17 күн бұрын
Acceso NULO a armas de fuego. En mi vida he visto un arma de fuego salvo en los Cuerpos de Seguridad del Estado, Policía etc. Jamás he visto un tiroteo ni tan siquiera un ataque con arma blanca, pero ojo, hay alguno cada año. Lo consideramos esa excepción que cumple la regla de que España es muy seguro. La educación y el respeto son parte esencial de la Sociedad Española.
@apl315 17 күн бұрын
@@Wilderberg-Oficial It's not null access to firearms, you CAN actually get a firearm and have it in your home, but the requirements won't be at all as low as in the US, there is a lot of controls to pass and some conditions to meet, an it's use and carry is VERY much restricted to certain circunstances (defense in most cases is not one of them), but you can have them even as a civilian. I have a friend for example that is from a family of hunters and they do have a lot shotguns at home for example, even some pump-action ones, not only the double barrel ones. Cool stuff, i tell you... Also, when I was young, there was some instances of shootings in one of what at the time was the worst neightbourhood around (La Vera), so there is at least some access to pistols around either in the black market or originally purchased legally. But of course gun violence it's not even the shadow of a problem in Spain, so much so, that some people don't even know that you actually can own a gun as a civilian.
@Wilderberg-Oficial 17 күн бұрын
@@apl315 No. No puedes conseguir en el Mercado legal un arma de fuego corta, salvo en muy puntuales casos. Por ejemplo, si perteneces a la Seguridad de algún alto cargo, un Joyero que tiene que visitar clientes cargado de joyas, un empresario amenazado o que ha sufrido algún suceso violento etc. Casos muy puntuales y que requieren de infinidad de permisos y verificaciones muy difíciles de conseguir. La mayoría de permisos concedidos son, como bien dices, para poseer dicha arma corta en tu domicilio del cual no puede salir. En general, estamos de acuerdo en este punto. Todo esto conlleva que tengas la seguridad de que NADIE va armado con arma corta en España. Pero siempre hay alguna excepción, cómo dije en mi anterior comentario. Correcto, su uso y transporte está extremadamente restringido a determinadas circunstancias y la defensa, cómo bien apuntas, no suele ser una de ellas. Otra cosa muy distinta son las armas de caza, que casi cualquier español, tenemos en casa. Su uso está restringido para esta actividad y su transporte está muy regulado. Maletero del coche y siempre dentro de su funda, sin cargar, por supuesto. Tengo alguna escopeta de caza mayor para safaris que son obras de arte con munición bastante "destructiva". Su uso, requiere sólo de algún permiso de caza, algún test psicotécnico y son muy fáciles de conseguir con los permisos correspondientes. Todas están reguladas con números de serie y controladas por el Cuerpo de Seguridad del Estado correspondiente. En este caso, Guardia Civil. Su transporte fuera de casa está restringido a la actividad de la caza. Portarla en un coche sin ir a esta actividad está muy penado con penas de prisión en la mayoría de casos. Como apuntas, es cierto que en el Mercado negro se pueden adquirir armas cortas y cómo apuntas, es cierto que hay zonas conflictivas donde, en ocasiones, pueden suceder eventos de este tipo. Algunas de ellas provienen del mercado legal producto de robos en domicilios, así es. No conozco el barrio La Vera e ignoro en que ciudad está, por si quieres comentarme. Y si, efectivamente, la violencia armada en España no existe, se podría decir. En general, cómo comentas, la mayoría de los ciudadanos en España ignoran que se pueda poseer un arma corta siendo civil. Esto es debido al rechazo absoluto a las armas en general y más en las calles, sumado a la nula posibilidad de poseerlas legalmente, salvo en determinados casos muy puntuales y escasos. Poder pasear a cualquier hora con total tranquilidad por casi cualquier parte de España sin miedo a asaltos, robos y otros delitos produce una sensación de seguridad que no tiene precio, aunque en general, los españoles estamos acostumbrados a esta paz y no lo advertimos. Como nota añadir que si han aumentado los hurtos o robos al descuido por la inmigración masiva en determinadas grandes ciudades, pero todos en general, sin violencia alguna. La llegada desde el norte de África de "alérgicos" al Jamón de cerdo, búlgaros, rumanos etc. que no todos vienen a trabajar honradamente, han aumentado las estadísticas en este aspecto. Toda inmigración regular procedente de Norte América, Centro América, Sudamérica, la mayoría de Países Europeos, Koreanos, Japoneses, Australianos y algunos otros, es inmigración de calidad apreciada en España. Personas formadas, en general, que vienen a trabajar honradamente e invertir en el país.
@apl315 16 күн бұрын
@@Wilderberg-Oficial pues estamos de acuerdo hijo mio, lo único que tengo un colega que se quiere comprar una pistola para tenerla en casa (artillero, eso si) así que entiendo que algún tipo de mercado legal tiene que haber. PD: La Vera es un barrio cerca del puerto de la cruz en Tenerife, que antiguamente era el barrio de las mafias, pero ya se ha relajado bastante... Están todos en chirona 😅
@Wilderberg-Oficial 16 күн бұрын
@@apl315I thank you very much for the effort to speak Spanish, being a complicated language if it is not learned at birth. That's quite nice of you, my friend. I'm afraid that perhaps your friend is thinking about the Black Market or has the necessary conditions to acquire it in the Legal Market. I wonder why he needs a handgun at home when it is so prone to being used outside the home and a hunting shotgun isn't enough. The Police, in general, and the rest of the State Security Forces tend to be quite efficient, although it is never enough. I am very happy to know that Tenerife, such a wonderful island, is much calmer after a good cleaning.
@KillSanchezVol.1 11 күн бұрын
A lot of fellow Spaniards complaining here about people coming to Spain for a better living. The excuse of "they increase our cost of living" is an absolute lie. Our cost of living is higher now because we live in a socialist country. Government is abusing us with taxes, controlling rental prices, and so on. Stop complaining and do better with your own life. I've been an emigrant myself and I've lived in countries much more expensive than Spain such The Netherlands, Germany or Austria (and I've been working in the U.S as well) and as a self employed, the only thing I needed to do is work well.
@ixi0n 16 күн бұрын
very interesting video
@dlucian1852 13 күн бұрын
In Spain everithing is good except house, is quite impossible to buy a house.
@carlincarlasio5353 16 күн бұрын
Earning 2100 a month is earning more that 60% of Spain
@570lucas 15 күн бұрын
For the record, they are paying private healthcare??? why? You allready are paying for public healthcare trough your taxes and public healthcare is about the same quality than private healthcare. Only differences I've noticed would be if you need physiotherapy or a psychologist because they are too oversaturated in public healthcare. But if you save those 2K+ a year for private healthcare. If you ever need either of those, you can pick whichever you want with what you saved.
@capittaletters 5 күн бұрын
España es La Hispanidad, una manera de entender la vida. Pero España ya no es lo que era en los años 70 y 80
@imcitizenoftheworld 3 күн бұрын
Yeah. Today we with my son visited hospital. We waited about 10 minutes. Visit was during 3h. We have got prescription for very expensive medication. And paid 4euro in the farmacy. It’s just Spain government’s medical insurances. How much? Zero euro.
@kaelsus 11 күн бұрын
Ese apartamento cuesta 300 dólares al mes en mi ciudad
@dianapoveda3343 17 күн бұрын
Here from Latinamerica, I am worried about the Muslims, but maybe its not that big deal????? Everywhere you see negative comments about it.
@joncobos4630 16 күн бұрын
En general no hay problema con los musulmanes aunque no niego que haya criminalidad (más en las ciudades grandes) pero creo que lo que te llega a ti es la demagogia que hacen algunos políticos y medios racistas interesados que solo muestran el crimen y la decadencia y no la normalidad y la convivencia real. Como con todo, hay que tener cuidado, pero no es una situación de emergencia.
@ebenezer4147 16 күн бұрын
​@@joncobos4630 no hay grandes problemas cuando son menos del 20 o 25 por cien de la población. En cuanto lo sobrepasan, quieren imponer su religión y sus normas por las buenas o por las malas. Su destino sagrado es someter al mundo, eso es el islam.
@Rgm51 15 күн бұрын
@@ebenezer4147 simplemente mentira
@frealof 17 күн бұрын
The cost of living in Spain is "low" for USA or northern European standards, but in Spain we make only 30.000 euros per year before taxes as average. And taxes are REALLY high. Believe me, it's not cheap living here. At all.
@manuelbachiller5406 16 күн бұрын
Ya está el de lo impuestos. España está por debajo de la media europea en carga impositiva. Curioso los que se quejan de impuestos son los que más se aprovecha de ellos
@salvaferrer4574 16 күн бұрын
In relation to other countries around us, taxes are lower. There is no need to exaggerate
@mrswonderful87 16 күн бұрын
​@@manuelbachiller5406mira lo que cobran en otros paises con respecto a España y a lo mejor entiendes por qué en el resto de europa se pueden hasta permitir pagar eso, pero en España no... Que no hay más ciego que el que no quiere ver.
@MeronPan4 16 күн бұрын
Y 30.000€ siendo generosos, porque hay muchísima más gente mileurista o entorno los 25.000€, que por encima de los 30k 😢
@manuelbachiller5406 16 күн бұрын
@@mrswonderful87 y que diferencias hay entre España y Europa y no saques la pamplina del déficit porque mientras la unió europea abre expediente a Francia o Italia a Españ
@arturo95658 18 күн бұрын
paraa los nativos .el alquiler esta caro..... no vengan
@mymindsecrets 17 күн бұрын
Rent is that high because they live in a big house, rent in Logroño for a normal 3 bedrooms apartment is around 600€
@mymindsecrets 17 күн бұрын
I live in Sabadell, Barcelone, and I pay for a 4 bedroom apartment, about 120m2, 800€
@albertomartin7576 17 күн бұрын
Esos 300 euros de diferencia será porque es un ático, desde la pandemia la terraza es lo más valorado.
@mymindsecrets 17 күн бұрын
@@albertomartin7576 exacto, el tema es que normalmente se paga menos para alquilar una vivienda
@apl315 17 күн бұрын
@@mymindsecrets Depends on the area and if the flat have furnace included or not i guess, but 600€ for rent is starting to be very rare, i don't see anything for less than 700€ with two rooms anywhere except for the worst places. If you do have that kind of rent... DONT'T MOVE ANYWHERE 😂😂
@BlackHoleSpain 17 күн бұрын
@@apl315 An article in today's newspaper talked about percentages of salary needed for rent. Madrid, Barcelona, Palma and Malaga needed more than 50%. Logroño just 21.7%
@nexos3047 16 күн бұрын
Muy bueno el vídeo, aunque hay cosas que como español, me gustaría matizar. Ustedes pueden encontrar calidad de vida y disfrutar de España; de nuestra cultura, comida, lugares, gentes... Pero recuerdo que esto también ha de ser recíproco. Que nosotros los españoles también queremos encontrar y disfrutar de expatriados estadounidenses que sean civilizados, educados y respetuosos con el lugar donde están. Por ejemplo el Aventurero Elliot, es muy seguido aquí en España y si veis sus vídeos, ya veréis por qué. Aquí pensad que tenemos cierto estigma social hasta vuestro país, porque se nos difama constantemente como cultura y como civilización; a través e Hollywood básicamente. Eso sí, los españoles sabemos diferenciar entre los que mandan en EEUU, que son enemigos silenciosos de España y del Pueblo Español... y entre el estadounidense de a pie como usted o como ustedes, que viven ajenos a ello, y que no tienen culpa alguna en eso. Pero entiendan que aquí no le tenemos, en general, mucho aprecio precisamente a EEUU y a la cultura anglosajona en específico. Pensad que nuestra cultura es católica y española, eso es lo que veo que choca más cuando un extranjero no hispano, viene. Aquí no llego el mensaje de Calvino, de que tu vida de debe basar en metas terrenales como ganar dinero y compararlo todo en base al Dios Dinero; como precisamente ya se ve en el vídeo, de money money money... aquí el dinero se valora como lo que es "algo para intercambiar a cambio de productos o servicios", ya depende de ti los productos y servicios que necesites. Aquí aún se estila el Honor, el de que para todo buen español católico el Honor y la Gloria son más deseable que el Dinero y el Poder... Aquí da igual de donde vengas, quiénes fueron tus padres, nos da igual tu color de piel (cosa que allí parece importaros bastante); aquí tu eres responsable de tus actos. Si aquí continúas actuando como un estadounidense, se te va a tratar como estadounidense y no como español; es algo que pienso que es totalmente lógico, incluido el idioma... si tú no aprendes español, no esperes que te consideremos español o compatriota; eres un estadounidense viviendo en España, como indica el vídeo, porque continuas viviendo igual que vivías en EEUU, sin cambiar culturalmente, que es lo que se espera de ti como inmigrante que eres. Ese punto que acabo de poner, si lo entendéis; disfrutaréis aquí el que quiera venir. Ya os digo, yo como compatriota español veo al Elliot Aventurero, porque él es español, porque ya no es culturalmente estadounidense... ese es el cambio con el que se disfruta de verdad España. Los del vídeo ya digo yo, por como valoran las cosas y tal, que seguramente seguirán siendo estadounidenses viviendo en España; y no españoles nacidos en EEUU. (porque los españoles nacemos donde nos da la gana)
@XanderVJ 16 күн бұрын
Otro que se ha tragado la propaganda de Academia Play y similares. La cultura española está mal representada en Hollywood porque Hollywood malrepresenta literalmente TODAS las culturas (muy a menudo incluso la propia estadounidense, de hecho, sobre todo la de los estados sureños), no porque "los dirigentes de USA sean el enemigo silencioso de España y el pueblo español". Por dios, es que esa idea de que el mundo anglosajón tiene una especie de odio marcado a fuego en su ADN cultural que les hace dedicar buena parte de su crédito cultural a menospreciar la hispanidad solo puede calificarse de patético. Ni el Nigel Farrage le dedica más de media neurona a pensar en España. Tendría más sentido estar resentidos siguiendo la idea de "no hay mayor desprecio que no hacer aprecio", pero no, os habéis autoconvencido de algo que raya en la conspiranoia.
@carlosdearribacastro7580 15 күн бұрын
De acuerdo, pero hay que darle tiempo, yo también sigo a Elliot y algunas mas que esta muy integradas en España, una de Texas y otra de Alaska
@nexos3047 14 күн бұрын
@@carlosdearribacastro7580 Sí, ellas son el tipo que nos beneficia; porque como se han adaptado, nos aportan cosas de sus culturas que reforzarían la nuestra. El sincretismo de toda la vida. Hay algunos que son muy majos.
@115DELDE 15 күн бұрын
I love immigrants, but stop increasing our prices with your foreign job salaries.
@elisabethvos7604 14 күн бұрын
Yes that is far to much I live in a 3besroom house neat the beach for 450 euro
@alejandrop.s.3942 13 күн бұрын
The world is so fcked up.
@Necronomicon_ 17 күн бұрын
Logroño? smart decision
@lmarts 17 күн бұрын
Only cons: no sea, cold in winter.
@carlosdearribacastro7580 15 күн бұрын
@@lmarts Ven vivir a la costa del sol, tiene ventajas, pero también inconvenientes si no tienes piso en propiedad
@mrki4937 17 күн бұрын
What I wonder is how they managed to get a residence visa for Spain. Is it really that easy for US Americans to go to Europe and live there?
@Mumujalego 17 күн бұрын
From what they say about tik tok, they will have done the residency by registering as autonomos (a self-employment model). There are student visas, non-lucrative visas, digital visas... There are really quite a few options.
@asuncionorosa3506 16 күн бұрын
Algo, they now have a Spanish son. That helps
@enriqueburgos9754 14 күн бұрын
@@asuncionorosa3506 No, citizenship is not granted for being born in Spanish territory. The child is American, as is the nationality of his parents. In order to register as Spanish, this child (in addition to being born here) must wait 5 years, living continuously in the country and be registered by his or her parents or legal guardians.
@asuncionorosa3506 14 күн бұрын
@@enriqueburgos9754 thank you for the info. My cousins were born in the UK in the early 80's (before Spain was a member of the EU) to Spanish parents, and were considera British until they turned 18 when they could choose Esther nationality (but not both due to Spanish regulations at the time. Thing change, I guess. Again, thank you.☺️
@GregGarciaHouse 12 күн бұрын
"US citizens inmigrants are more happier living in Spain"
@Mark1405Leeds 18 күн бұрын
Only problem for me would be the enormous amount of bureaucracy!
@foreignreacts 18 күн бұрын
Is it that bad?
@antoniolopezlopez4236 18 күн бұрын
@@foreignreacts Dont pay attention to those comments because in Europe burocracy is quite complex in general. I lived in Germany and its a hell of a mess, and in France or Italy... no sh*t... forget about it. The americans hear about burocracy problems in Spain and they simply repeat that mantra, but the complexity is mainly at the beginning. When you start its complex specially if you come outside the EU, mainly because you must justify a lot of things and get your papers done, but once you are settled and everything is in order then it runs much smoother. Of course if you compare it with Northamerica you will have the impression that burocracy is horrible. There you can start up your business in much much easier way. Another problem the americans normally have is related to taxes, but Spain is in the average in comparison with the rest of EU countries. Anyway, it is true that you pay taxes like 35-36 % but you have also quite a lot of benefits like safety, good public transport, clean and well maintained parks, nature and of course free Health Care. If they detect that you have... lets say... a serious cancer, they will do the surgeon and apply the treatment with no cost because its already paid with taxes. Its a change of mentality, just that....
@apl315 17 күн бұрын
@@foreignreacts 35 years living here, never had any problem with bureocracy, except presenting a paper somewhere for something very rarely or making some request telematicaly, I don't know why he even mentions bureocracy... maybe he is a foreigner? his nick starts with "Mark" after all 😅
16 күн бұрын
@@foreignreacts for the last 15 years or more, all my papers and burocracy is done from my seat at the computer at home... so... no... it was very complex long time ago, but not anymore since you can do almost anything from internet.
16 күн бұрын
@@foreignreacts In fact, declaring your taxes, if you're a "normal" workder and don't have investments or other complicated things.. is accessing the tax agency website, and clicking a button... they do all the calculations for you ;)
@mercedesmolinamartinez3920 17 күн бұрын
Por lo que pagan de alquiler,mejor comprarse una casa si tienen ppensado quedarse
@apl315 17 күн бұрын
Pues si, para como están los alquileres, está valiendo más la pena comprar que alquilar, al menos hasta que se bajen del guindo y dejen de poner trabas a los arrendadores 😅
@yomismo6912 Күн бұрын
rent too much in spain
@Odrade100 15 күн бұрын
Take into account that Logroño is quite cheap city.
@Cuarter 2 күн бұрын
Please, stop coming to live here. Prices are getting insane.
@Brasiist 16 күн бұрын
En España hay cada vez más enojada con estos expats, jugáis con las cartas marcadas, aquí hay mucha gente que no puede competir con gente qué viene se instala cobrando sueldos de fuera. Subís los precios del mercado inmobiliario, precio del costo de vida, y vivís claramente cómo colonos, no aprendéis la lengua, no respetais las costumbres, estáis generando un problemon, creo qué de momento la gente está teniendo mucha paciencia.
@Rgm51 15 күн бұрын
Mejor no se puede decir👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
@martasuarez7727 13 күн бұрын
No nos confundamos, los precios del mercado inmobiliario los suben los propietarios. Si los bancos y sociedades varias estuvieran obligados a poner en venta/alquiler todos los pisos que tienen en su posesión, los precios bajarían porque la oferta sería más alta que la demanda. Ahora hay más demanda que oferta así que el que se queda con el piso es el que puede pagar más (extranjero o no).
@KillSanchezVol.1 11 күн бұрын
Si son autónomos viven con precios de aquí, pagando impuestos de aquí (excesivos bajo cualquier punto de vista) y comprando a precio de aquí. De cartas marcadas, nada. Y si trabajas para una empresa y te desplazan, cobras más. ¿O tú quieres ir a Finlandia a trabajar a sueldos de España? Venga, no me hagas reír. No. Los que viven del Estado tienen muy pocas posibilidades de progresar económicamente porque su sueldo no depende de cuánto trabajan. Los autónomos, por el contrario, si queremos ganar más, trabajamos más. Culpa a los impuestos excesivos de tu bajo nivel de vida, no a la gente que viene a ganársela.
@UxiaBaker 5 күн бұрын
Discurso populista. Estos “ ex pat” como tu dices, gastan el país y no comenten delitos. A mi ellos no me molestan, lo que me molestan son los que llegan ilegales y comenten delitos y encima les mantenemos de nuestros impuestos, pregúntate cuanto cuesta la emigración ilegal a España cada años. Por suerte yo vivo en un lugar donde tiene la obligación de decirlo a los ciudadanos y debe ser público.
@capittaletters 5 күн бұрын
Exacto, los norteamericanos son bienvenidos, no llegan de cárceles de Marruecos o Argelia. Se integrará antes un norteamericano que no un islamista
@alifc1082 18 күн бұрын
What is an expat??
@susannariera 18 күн бұрын
immigrants too entitled to call themselves immigrants.
@elkrim8936 16 күн бұрын
​​@@susannarieraAbsolutely right; "inmigrants"👌🏻
16 күн бұрын
it's the cool word for "immigrant" when you come from a cool country... it's like calling "gigoló" when you want to say "chapero" .. jajaja
@yogarcia6066 16 күн бұрын
Expatriate= expatriado= Rich immigrant
@carlosdearribacastro7580 15 күн бұрын
Que vive fuera de su patria
@lordmordred33 17 күн бұрын
915 € for an apartment of three beds? it's a robbery. I pay 350 for mine
@foreignreacts 17 күн бұрын
Please say you’re lying
@lordmordred33 17 күн бұрын
@@foreignreacts nope and I also live at Spain and in a city of a similar size than Logroño
@foreignreacts 17 күн бұрын
@@lordmordred33 that’s insanely cheap!
@lordmordred33 17 күн бұрын
@@foreignreacts except from Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia, the Bilbao-Donosti area and some touristic places everything it's pretty cheap here... At the big cities it's another history... an apartment like yours can cost about 2k a month in Barcelona.
@foreignreacts 17 күн бұрын
@@lordmordred33 woah that’s just crazy Now I see why people hate tourist But tourist are beneficial but they can make the prices go crazy
@junsuidearu 13 күн бұрын
The word expat is useless, if you leave your country of origin to live in a foreign country, you're an immigrant. Nothing wrong with being an immigrant, I just find it funny how rich people move here and think they're different for it. Also, people come with their much higher foreign salaries to Spain and gentrify and rise up the prices for people who actually live here. It is getting out of control.
@maixxx7630 2 күн бұрын
Sorry... that is not true. U dont find anything i bcn for less than 1200 now... I know. I am from Barcelona
@JesusSanchez-ij5de 13 күн бұрын
Not expats. Inmigrants.
@josevi5835 16 күн бұрын
Spaniard here. I can not say if we live better in Spain that in the USA or in another country. Although I have a fair salary and all my family lives in Spain... I would prefer living in a country with less taxes, more freedom and less politicians. Objectively, there are two things where Spain is an outstanding country: food and historic heritage.
@Wilderberg-Oficial 16 күн бұрын
No para de sorprenderme que la traducción de español para Google sea Spaniard y no Spanish. Por si algún español cómo yo no lo sabía Spaniard es la conjunción de Spanish + Bastard. Gracias Google, muy amable.
@XanderVJ 16 күн бұрын
"Spaniard" es una posible traducción para español siempre que se use como nombre. Es decir, puedes decir "I am a Spaniard", pero no puedes decir "I am Spaniard". No obstante, "Spanish" puede usarse tanto como nombre como adjetivo, así que ambos son correctos en ese sentido. Eso sí, que sepas que esto es algo muy habitual en inglés. Por ejemplos, existe "Swede/Swedish" para Suecia, "Dane/Danish" para Dinamarca, "Finn/Finnish" para Finlandia, etc. Sobre lo de "Spanish + Bastard", eso es un medio bulo. Es más bien que ambas palabras usan el sufijo alemán "-ard", el cual se puede encontrar en palabras como "buzzard" o "drunkard". Y aunque es cierto que originalmente tenía connotaciones negativas ("-ard" funciona un poco parecido a "-uch/a" en español) no fueron los ingleses quienes inventaron la palabra, sino que fue por influencia de la palabra francesa "Espaignart" (que también tiene ese sufijo por influencia del alemán). De todos modos esta palabra existe en el inglés desde el siglo XV como mínimo, así que su connotación negativa se perdió hace siglos ya.
@f.g.e.3889 16 күн бұрын
No te enteras tío.
@Wilderberg-Oficial 16 күн бұрын
@@XanderVJ Sea como fuere y pintémoslo de la manera que lo pintemos buscando "coincidencias" etimológicas, históricas y gramaticales, todos sabemos de donde procede dicho término aunque quiera ser blanqueado por cierta esfera. No veo por ningún lado Swedards, Daniards ó Finniards, así que tan habitual en inglés no puede ser. "Sobre lo de "Spanish + Bastard", eso es un medio bulo ...De todos modos esta palabra existe en el inglés desde el siglo XV como mínimo, así que su connotación negativa se perdió hace siglos ya". En qué quedamos exactamente, ¿es un medio bulo o existe?, porque parece algo contradictorio. Dudo mucho que tal "palabra" exista en el inglés desde el Siglo XV cómo mínimo. Veamos; "La primera gramática del inglés aparece en Londres en 1586, casi un siglo después de la aparición en España de la gramática de Nebrija. Este retraso relativo puede quizá en parte ser debido a las particulares vicisitudes por las que tuvo que pasar la lengua inglesa para llegar a ser considerada una lengua de cultura". Hay que recordar que yo soy Español no Mejicano y somos mucho menos propensos a ser engañados, adoctrinados o embaucados.
@ramongonzalez9219 17 күн бұрын
Please stay in the States... Don't go to live to Spain. Thanks in advance
@cal9112 18 күн бұрын
Who wants to lesrn Finish or live there? Have you tried Spain or France? Seriously?
@WienerVL 18 күн бұрын
Because Finland is a great country!
@Wilderberg-Oficial 17 күн бұрын
@@WienerVL se gana más dinero, pero todo es mucho más caro y allí, no verás el sol durante meses.
@lmarts 17 күн бұрын
A friend of mine's nephew lived with his wife for about two years in Finland. Wages are better. Health care is better. Social benefits are better. (As opposed taxes are higher). Scenery was great. But they got back as soon as they could. Winters are way too long, dark and depressing that North, and they couldn't stand it. And social life is poor.
@arturo95658 18 күн бұрын
@josesoria1167 18 күн бұрын
Porque no te vas tú?
@marcgp6927 18 күн бұрын
Get a better job and leave your moms's basement.
@nuriam7169 18 күн бұрын
@@josesoria1167 Porque esta en su pais.
@javiersanchez-xp8lw 18 күн бұрын
@@nuriam7169 bueno nacer aqui, o tener la nacionalidad no te da ningún título de propiedad creo yo. Aqui hay muchos que se creen dueños de "no se que".
@Wilderberg-Oficial 17 күн бұрын
Arturo, por qué no te callas? o pásame eso que fumas...
@marekck 18 күн бұрын
400 dolares para comer un mes en EEUU?? no te lo crees ni tu, bueno eso o no comes la mitad de los dias. Y ya decir que gastas en comer 40 Euros semanales en el norte de Europa y comes bien... ya es un chiste, solo te engañas tu mismo
@apl315 17 күн бұрын
Yo gastaba 40-50€ a la semana en España viviendo solo y no me privaba de nada... ni de carnes, ni de pescados, ni de frutas, ni de caprichos 😐, eso si... en Canarias. Unos guisos de carne de cerdo que ya le gustaría a muchos 💗
@anadelolmo5638 16 күн бұрын
40 dolares semanales son 160 mensuales no 400 , si creo que por 400 € se pueda comer, no langosta ni entrecot,pero pollo,arroz, pastas, hamburguesas. Un menú en un restaurante 15 € 2 platós y postre.
@GregGarciaHouse 12 күн бұрын
"US citizens inmigrants are more happier living in Spain"
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