From Wise to Wicked: When and Why Did Saruman Become Evil?

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Realms Unravelled

Realms Unravelled

23 күн бұрын

The tale of Saruman the White, is one of light corrupted and of wisdom twisted. But how and when did Saruman succumb to the darkness? What twisted path led him astray, and for how long did he secretly consort with the enemy? These questions shall find their answers within this video. Join me, as we unravel Saruman's fall from grace, a journey fraught with intrigue and betrayal.
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@Hastur805 19 күн бұрын
He turned evil when he found out rings of power made a second season.
@Amermito 12 күн бұрын
Dont you mean season 1?
@Hastur805 12 күн бұрын
@@Amermito I stand corrected
@argonian8581 8 күн бұрын
Rings of power is dope.
@Hastur805 8 күн бұрын
@@argonian8581 You're the problem. You're the infection that the story line stomps out!
@Amermito 8 күн бұрын
@@argonian8581 So you were part of the 37% who made it all the way thru the show? 37% is bad for a show with what 8 episodes?
@skatemetrix 8 күн бұрын
When did Saruman become evil? From the moment he became secretly envious of Gandalf in Aman. Pride awoke and so began a slow, depressing descent into evil.
@okgood8529 23 сағат бұрын
Nailed it.
@michaeljones9553 21 күн бұрын
This legendarium is complicated, it only gets "Arder"
@coyotekakakaway4788 18 күн бұрын
@thecringecaretaker8548 3 күн бұрын
@Steven-pb3zu 8 күн бұрын
It is hard to keep track of all the characters involvement, because they are so plenty and rich. The true masterpiece and the depth of J.R.R.. Tolkien writing. What a legend!
@grim7965 2 күн бұрын
You're not wrong. I have to keep a notebook just to keep up, lol
@elmermedina1713 6 күн бұрын
He was always proud and was jealous of Gandalf, even when he was righteous. Saruman's lust for power and his usage of the Palantir made him vulnerable to Sauron, who coaxed Saruman into embracing the darker aspects of his nature which were already present back when he was on the good side.
@Makkaru112 5 күн бұрын
What’s wild is that Saruman never served Sauron nor bent to him at all in the books. The Gandalf locked in the Tower bit is explained ONLY in the Unfinished Tales Book: In [manuscript-C) The Black Riders arrived at the Gate of Isengard while Gandalf was still a prisoner in the tower. In this account, Saruman, in fear & despair, & perceiving the full horror of service to Mordor, resolved suddenly to yield to Gandalf, & to beg for his pardon & help. Temporizing at the Gate, he admitted that he had Gandalf within, & said that he would go & try to discover what he knew; if that were unavailing, he would deliver Gandalf up to them. Then Saruman hastened to the summit of Orthanc - & found Gandalf gone. Away south against the setting moon he saw a great Eagle flying towards Edoras. See, the thing is he was always master of studying the enemy & even being able to think like they do to always know exactly the best ways to handle ever situation and so on, but the thing is he didn't just become the enemy, he at this time in a sense for once actually grew afraid of him, probably Sauron did what Sauron did with Finrod Felagund in the duel of visions, (Galadriel’s elder brother who by the way was the most important in the Legendarium & is the main reason the third age even exists) which basically widdled Saruman with various visions of the past and future until it wore him down, but Saruman(Curumo) was the mostly already becoming weary due to what was called The Long Defeat, magic bleeding out from the lands of middle earth and subsequently certain things become less and less possible and the elves begin to go west. Even the ones who never wished to leave middle earth and many of which were born here by the thousands. So him also being a student and helper of Aulë of the Valar he was going to fight fire with fire and make a bid for the ring just so Sauron could never regain full power and if Saruman found a way to release himself from his power restrictions even by any small margin or worked with Eru in some way it might have worked out in the end if things went differently enough to where such action from him would be needed. Ontop of that he was growing ever jealous of Gandalf for he received the Varya from Círdan and prior to that was chosen by the other Valar, Nienna’s chosen champion to go to middle earth. But Gandalf(Olórin back then) refused over and over and exclaimed his fear of Sauron(Mairon), varya I feel would have kindle the heart of Saruman to stay strong as he had been fighting the evils of the world for a very long time since he had been sent to Middle Earth. And for the is reason Saruman wished to hold the ring at hostage. Keep Sauron from taking back his full strength and basically use it to stave off The Long Defeat. Saruman is very complex. The Hobbit movies actually shows how he was even 60 years ago during Bilbo’s story. He was one of the main forces thwarting Sauron for over 2000 years. The Númenoreans: the high men of the west; gifted Saruman with Orthanc which was of their making. Now known as Isengard. - saruman is actually trying to doublecross sauron. He wants the ring for himself. He thinks he can control it. The little orcs around saruman are from mordor - sauron's orcs sent to help saruman but also to spy on him. The big fighting orcs - the uruk hai - are loyal only to saruman. Orcs are like that. But its why saruman's orders are a bit vague - to avoid sauron's orcs knowing what saruman is doing. The movies dont make this bit of the story very clear. But notice that, while saruman knows where the fellowship is he never lets Sauron Know.
@masteroftheassassins 21 күн бұрын
“Tell me, friend. When did Saruman , the Wise abandoned reason for madness?!”
@michaeljones9553 21 күн бұрын
I gave you the chance of aiding me willingly, but you elected the way of pain!
@vee-bee-a Күн бұрын
Wizard fight!
@sethnaffziger1402 16 күн бұрын
I love what Gandalf says to Saruman when discovering his treachery. There is only one Lord of the Ring, only one who can bend it to his will, and he does not share power." Gandalf never struggled with Saruman's lust for power, he did not see himself as an equal to Sauron... All the accolades and titles as well as being the "greatest" wizard sent, Saruman saw himself as a worthy opponent... Sure if he attained the Ring he might depose Sauron, but he would only have become him, a weaker, paler imitation... To be honest though, I don't think if he came close to obtaining it that he could withstand the Nazgul... Gandalf had a special propensity for light and fire that we don't see Saruman wield, and this is speculation, but I would imagine that Gandalf's pure heart is part of the reason he prevailed when facing evil.
@Sagan_Starborn 5 күн бұрын
When Tolkein began writing his Epic, he wanted it to become the Epic of the English peoples. And so humility, courage and duty were the virtues he wanted to show. Gandalf was all three - humble, courageous and dutiful. These are aspirational values for the Brits, and have been corrupted, Saruman-like, in former British territories such as the United States, where courage and duty are lauded, but not humility.
@Drimirin 3 күн бұрын
@@Sagan_Starborn Humility needed to be displaced by audacity in order to free our people from tyranny. The western world would no longer exist without us. Thank your lucky stars we protect your sorry asses.
@sakomanlee 17 күн бұрын
Aule trained both Saruman and Sauron and created a race that destroyed and hated the creations of his wife. He is like, the third worst guy in the whole Legendarium.
@matiasluukkanen7718 8 күн бұрын
Dwarves did not hate trees. Orcs hate. Dwarves just have need for trees and animals as any other children of Eru. Aule is not a bad guy here. After all, he created all elements of of the universe from which Arda and maybe even Eä itself is made of. And he is not evil. It would be unfair to blame Aule. Both Mairon and Curumo had their free will and turned evil out of their own volition.
@sakomanlee 7 күн бұрын
@@matiasluukkanen7718 Maybe hate is an strong word but is fear? Did Gimli fear Fanghorn? Undoubtedly. Dwarves do have need for trees but my point is that they ARE NOT children of Eru. Aule just created them because he is kind of a dick. And sure, if one of your Maiar goes bad, maybe that is just bad luck, but two? Bad mentorship. So, is he evil? No, you are right; he absolutely is not. Yet, He is a terrible husband, an absentee teacher, and an amoral prick. I don't like him! But third worst WAS overkill, i grant you. All the best!
@loremasterghosty 9 сағат бұрын
I have my own opinion on this, so just my two cents here, probably will be long, sorry! Also hoping this doesn’t sound like an Argument, simply interested in this conversation haha Well. I disagree. They are now children of Eru. Although adopted, still claimed by Eru. And he created them because he loved creation. And wished to share it. Aule himself says this. "I desired things other than I am, to love and to teach them, so that they too might perceive the beauty of Eä, which thou hast caused to be. For it seemed to me that there is great room in Arda for many things that might rejoice in it, yet it is for the most part empty still, and dumb. And in my impatience I have fallen into folly. Yet the making of things is in my heart from my own making by thee; and the child of little understanding that makes a play of the deeds of his father may do so without thought of mockery, but because he is the son of his father." He’s a smith. He loves to create as his father created. So in his impatience of the coming of the children of Eru, he created his own. I wouldn’t say he’s a “Dick” for that. And if we do say he is such. What would that mean for Eru then? One of his children is undoubtedly the worst one of them all. You should t blame the Teacher for the foolishness of the Student. I feel the reason for His students (Sauron and Saruman and Some Noldor, notably Faenor) Failure and turning to Evil was that they were too ambitious, that’s just what creative work tries or you, however unlike his Students, Aule remained humble before Eru and his Authority. While Aule, in his own way, Did rebel. He did seek forgiveness unlike the others and most importantly, Melkor. And if we say Aule is bad because his “Students” turned to evil. What about the others? Multitudes of Maia followed Melkor afterwards. So who’s to say who these Maia, Such as gothmog and Durins bane followed before they turned to Morgoth.
@LifeofHum 21 күн бұрын
I have been waiting for a new video since last month.
@RealmsUnravelled 21 күн бұрын
I've had some issues regarding narration but I'm back on track now with plenty of scripts ready to go! Thanks for the comment 🙂
@markusrobinson3858 21 күн бұрын
Nicely done, good selection of art, great presentaton voice! And you content, noting the sources of quotes has a legitimacy that many channels that don't provide their sources can't emulate. Thank you!
@NobleConflict 5 күн бұрын
Readin the books in my mid 20s. tolkien teases his lore through the books. I then watch these and read. And its a magical experience
@user-wt7rm1ze3i 5 күн бұрын
You know it's crazy some of this artwork of Saruman makes him look eerily like Ramuh of Final Fantasy, the long white beard, staff and his affinity to magic
@Makkaru112 5 күн бұрын
Exactly. The true Curumo in his slightly more enlarged Maia form. ❤
@StevenJeNova 21 күн бұрын
Much appreciated! Great work.
@daltonryals3116 10 күн бұрын
I believe his first step to falling was when he gave up hope that Men and Elves could defeat Sauron and instead believed that he would need to do so himself. Instead of strengthening them, he sought to strengthen himself. At that point, he had already lost the purpose of his mission.
@colindunnigan8621 13 күн бұрын
Tolkien also wrote (in UT) that Saruman also found (and burned) Isildur's remains, which makes him an even bigger rat bastard.
@justinmoonshine3742 21 күн бұрын
This is so well done !
@Aygross 21 күн бұрын
Love the vid . Fantastic job.
@andrewthomas891 20 күн бұрын
Excellent ! Thank you
@caradhwen7749 18 күн бұрын
Thank you for sharing another great video.
@tonyhinrichs1869 21 күн бұрын
I LOVE ALL things Tolkien, the real Tolkien, fantastic video and I love your channel it’s added as one of my favorites thank you and keep up the good work brother!!
@SecondSince 14 күн бұрын
Very happy to have found this channel. Sometimes the recommendations actually work as intended it seems! :D
@andrewaugustine1494 15 күн бұрын
This was very well done and very entertaining! Listened to it over a meal rather than indulging in my usual tv shows.
@MCHammerSmittyBacallJagerman 18 күн бұрын
This has quickly become my favourite lotr-Lore channel...these deeply analytic videos are just dope.
@jared-nicol2519 16 күн бұрын
I appreciate the more formal story telling!!! Makes things easy to understand and leave room for my own thought 😂
@CrusherOfHeresy 8 күн бұрын
I just found this channel while scrolling through my recommended and just got done with the video about the “nameless things”. I’m so far very impressed by this channel keep up the amazing work and you just earned yourself another subscriber. I’ll make sure to let my friends know about this channel. Have a great day and take care!👍
@thepyroguy624 21 күн бұрын
This is better then the rings of power
@bennruda11 19 күн бұрын
Most are
@deejayxcrypt 12 күн бұрын
Would be a rare find to be something actually worse than the *Rings of Power*
@igreine8 14 күн бұрын
very well explained!
@boydpease4103 3 күн бұрын
Wizards Tramps & Thieves... Saruman becomes all three❤
@rebbeccahoneycutt7941 17 күн бұрын
I hope you don't mind I had to watch three times to catch all the details.... I was distracted.... but; this is also very detailed and I truly enjoyed this video and its information!
@rebbeccahoneycutt7941 17 күн бұрын
Yes should have paid closer attention in the 1st watch as you are very concise but also WORTH watching 3 times anyway!
@christiansenator 21 күн бұрын
Saruman's secretly one of the richest characters in the whole series
@landonletterman831 3 сағат бұрын
It's wild that Sarumon came over with raven black hair, meaning he aged into white. Meanwhile Gandalf came already clad as an older looking man, to be less imposing when meeting with him and his advice be more appreciated for just the look of so many years
@TarMody 12 күн бұрын
Aulë and his Maiar are divine beings who embrace materialist philosophy. Since Melkor's will permeates all kinds of materials related to Arda, such divine beings associated with this material are susceptible to being influenced by his will. For this existential reason, they tend to impose on other beings with free will what they think and believe is good for them. They feel the need and desire to have the power to achieve this. It is inevitable that they will corrupt and evolve into evil (mainly the will of Melkor) within the power they have and have acquired.
@Detac3 11 күн бұрын
Tell me, "friend" When did sauruman the wise abandon reason for madness?
@GrizzinCorp 18 күн бұрын
My dude, where do you get all the artwork for your videos? Every single one of them was fantastic and i'd love to have them in my collection.
@kerickwalters2749 7 күн бұрын
Good Tolkein lore is hard to beat
@xhagast 3 күн бұрын
Like Christopher Lee said, Saruman was angry and bitter at being in Middle Earth. Gandalf was afraid of Sauron. Gandalf went human. Saruman could barely keep up the pretense.
@Bastion83 19 күн бұрын
Always liked the fact that even though Tolkien laid the foundations of his fall within the character of Saruman, he made it clear that the first white wizard was for a long time a true ally of the light, and did for a time seek to learn of Sauron's craft to undo him. After all, they were both students of Aule and he likely thought that could be used to undo the Dark Lord. Saruman was not compelled but made choices that damned him by degrees over time. As a reader I always wonder what would have become of the story if someone could have seen the path he was on sooner and gotten through to him, but that fall is the point of his character since Tolkien saw good men go bad in war.
@danhubert-hx4ss 21 күн бұрын
A bearded elf? SACRILEGE!!!
@RealmsUnravelled 21 күн бұрын
It's canon I promise!
@danhubert-hx4ss 21 күн бұрын
@@RealmsUnravelled Don`t promise, prove...
@bennruda11 19 күн бұрын
​​​@@danhubert-hx4sscan't tell if you kidding or not, cirdan is the only one known n said to have a beard in the books LotR (RotK near end) and silmarillion
@danhubert-hx4ss 18 күн бұрын
@@bennruda11 You get three guesses...
@TurboKnight865 21 күн бұрын
These get a like before I’m 10 seconds in.
@RealmsUnravelled 21 күн бұрын
Haha love this! Your support is much appreciated 🙏
@LG-ff5bn 17 күн бұрын
What is the soundtrack at 10:00 in the clip?
@keithtorgersen9664 12 күн бұрын
I’ve wondered what Frodo would say to Gandalf about Saruman’s death in the Shire.
@EliaS-wg6yk 4 күн бұрын
Will you do a video about who is Tom Bombadil?
@christmasham4312 19 күн бұрын
After he said I am good! In rings of power
@davidmiddleton7958 19 күн бұрын
I would like to offer a theory on Saruman. It is stated in Tolkien's works that Yavanna begged he that would become Saruman to take one who served her (known later as Radagast.) Saruman was dismissive of Radagast and grudgingly agreed. Saruman headed East whence the two Blue Wizards had gone. What took place in the East we will never known. But, Saruman, like Sauron, had a like for order. His research into Sauron's works led to jealousy, this and other events caused Saruman to look only to his own gain!
@saladinbob 18 күн бұрын
This voice sounds far too like Robert's from In Deep Geek channel who also covers lotr. So much so I thought I'd clicked on the wrong channel. Bring back the old erudite voice, please. It's perfect for narration.
@aynrandfan7454 16 күн бұрын
Christopher Lee’s Saruman is my favourite character in LOTR films
@maximus3160 20 күн бұрын
Why and how would Saruman recruit Orcs from the North of the Misty Mountains? Wouldn't it make more sense for him to have recruited them from the Southern part of the mountains?
@FirstLast_Nba 19 күн бұрын
Where are you getting these amazing art pieces from?
@WesterlyWilderness 13 күн бұрын
Artificial intelligence
@gptsiteuser 21 күн бұрын
Why didn’t Saruman take gandalfs ring when he imprisoned him
@tomasxsmith 20 күн бұрын
If I remember rightly it because he was so arrogant and prideful that he saw it as admitting that gandalf had something he wanted from him and he himself wanted to be mighty "ring maker" and had no need of elven trinkets.
@tomasxsmith 20 күн бұрын
He also still believed that he could turn gandalf and wanted him fully onside.
@user-mb1hg4qu9f 21 күн бұрын
@jamesstewart3771 12 күн бұрын
I still think it’s a shame they didn’t show “Saruman of many colors “ in the movie . I was looking forward to see how they were going to do it , then they just knocked out of the story .
@flxhr5855 19 күн бұрын
How about a video about Shelob? Or Ungoliant or other First age stuff
@sacaz9947 18 күн бұрын
there are plenty about that on youtube
@brenthberry 4 күн бұрын
I reject the hypothesis. Evil is not an on/off switch. It is a spectrum. 🙂
@LKMNOP 3 сағат бұрын
Wasn't it in the cimarillion that he kind of forced himself on the group that was being sent to middle-earth? I would say he was corrupted before he ever left valenar.
@Makkaru112 5 күн бұрын
Saruman never served Sauron nor bent to him at all in the books. The Gandalf locked in the Tower bit is explained ONLY in the Unfinished Tales Book: In [manuscript-C) The Black Riders arrived at the Gate of Isengard while Gandalf was still a prisoner in the tower. In this account, Saruman, in fear & despair, & perceiving the full horror of service to Mordor, resolved suddenly to yield to Gandalf, & to beg for his pardon & help. Temporizing at the Gate, he admitted that he had Gandalf within, & said that he would go & try to discover what he knew; if that were unavailing, he would deliver Gandalf up to them. Then Saruman hastened to the summit of Orthanc - & found Gandalf gone. Away south against the setting moon he saw a great Eagle flying towards Edoras. See, the thing is he was always master of studying the enemy & even being able to think like they do to always know exactly the best ways to handle ever situation and so on, but the thing is he didn't just become the enemy, he at this time in a sense for once actually grew afraid of him, probably Sauron did what Sauron did with Finrod Felagund in the duel of visions, (Galadriel’s elder brother who by the way was the most important in the Legendarium & is the main reason the third age even exists) which basically widdled Saruman with various visions of the past and future until it wore him down, but Saruman(Curumo) was the mostly already becoming weary due to what was called The Long Defeat, magic bleeding out from the lands of middle earth and subsequently certain things become less and less possible and the elves begin to go west. Even the ones who never wished to leave middle earth and many of which were born here by the thousands. So him also being a student and helper of Aulë of the Valar he was going to fight fire with fire and make a bid for the ring just so Sauron could never regain full power and if Saruman found a way to release himself from his power restrictions even by any small margin or worked with Eru in some way it might have worked out in the end if things went differently enough to where such action from him would be needed. Ontop of that he was growing ever jealous of Gandalf for he received the Varya from Círdan and prior to that was chosen by the other Valar, Nienna’s chosen champion to go to middle earth. But Gandalf(Olórin back then) refused over and over and exclaimed his fear of Sauron(Mairon), varya I feel would have kindle the heart of Saruman to stay strong as he had been fighting the evils of the world for a very long time since he had been sent to Middle Earth. And for the is reason Saruman wished to hold the ring at hostage. Keep Sauron from taking back his full strength and basically use it to stave off The Long Defeat. Saruman is very complex. The Hobbit movies actually shows how he was even 60 years ago during Bilbo’s story. He was one of the main forces thwarting Sauron for over 2000 years. The Númenoreans: the high men of the west; gifted Saruman with Orthanc which was of their making. Now known as Isengard. - saruman is actually trying to doublecross sauron. He wants the ring for himself. He thinks he can control it. The little orcs around saruman are from mordor - sauron's orcs sent to help saruman but also to spy on him. The big fighting orcs - the uruk hai - are loyal only to saruman. Orcs are like that. But its why saruman's orders are a bit vague - to avoid sauron's orcs knowing what saruman is doing. The movies dont make this bit of the story very clear. But notice that, while saruman knows where the fellowship is he never lets Sauron Know.
@eliasthienpont6330 12 күн бұрын
🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁 THE LION WAS HERE 🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁 No. 1600
@derrickpatten7252 2 күн бұрын
Saruman wasn't "destined" to turn to evil, he was given free will, but made poor choices that led him down the path of corruption and ruin. He became too fixated on his own sense of inflated self-importance and let petty jealousies distract him from what truly mattered.
@GrantMartin-lh1ok 10 күн бұрын
Having been fed disinfomation by sauron through his use of a palentiri or seeing stone sauron lost all hope and fell into despair convinced that all was lost he decided the only course of action left was to establish his own base of power with which he could rival the dark lord himself. Ironically this may have contributed to saurons downfall through mismanagement of resources and hunger for power and control. Think gollum and the role he played in the destruction of the ring
@Makkaru112 5 күн бұрын
More complex than that - Saruman never served Sauron nor bent to him at all in the books. The Gandalf locked in the Tower bit is explained ONLY in the Unfinished Tales Book: In [manuscript-C) The Black Riders arrived at the Gate of Isengard while Gandalf was still a prisoner in the tower. In this account, Saruman, in fear & despair, & perceiving the full horror of service to Mordor, resolved suddenly to yield to Gandalf, & to beg for his pardon & help. Temporizing at the Gate, he admitted that he had Gandalf within, & said that he would go & try to discover what he knew; if that were unavailing, he would deliver Gandalf up to them. Then Saruman hastened to the summit of Orthanc - & found Gandalf gone. Away south against the setting moon he saw a great Eagle flying towards Edoras. See, the thing is he was always master of studying the enemy & even being able to think like they do to always know exactly the best ways to handle ever situation and so on, but the thing is he didn't just become the enemy, he at this time in a sense for once actually grew afraid of him, probably Sauron did what Sauron did with Finrod Felagund in the duel of visions, (Galadriel’s elder brother who by the way was the most important in the Legendarium & is the main reason the third age even exists) which basically widdled Saruman with various visions of the past and future until it wore him down, but Saruman(Curumo) was the mostly already becoming weary due to what was called The Long Defeat, magic bleeding out from the lands of middle earth and subsequently certain things become less and less possible and the elves begin to go west. Even the ones who never wished to leave middle earth and many of which were born here by the thousands. So him also being a student and helper of Aulë of the Valar he was going to fight fire with fire and make a bid for the ring just so Sauron could never regain full power and if Saruman found a way to release himself from his power restrictions even by any small margin or worked with Eru in some way it might have worked out in the end if things went differently enough to where such action from him would be needed. Ontop of that he was growing ever jealous of Gandalf for he received the Varya from Círdan and prior to that was chosen by the other Valar, Nienna’s chosen champion to go to middle earth. But Gandalf(Olórin back then) refused over and over and exclaimed his fear of Sauron(Mairon), varya I feel would have kindle the heart of Saruman to stay strong as he had been fighting the evils of the world for a very long time since he had been sent to Middle Earth. And for the is reason Saruman wished to hold the ring at hostage. Keep Sauron from taking back his full strength and basically use it to stave off The Long Defeat. Saruman is very complex. The Hobbit movies actually shows how he was even 60 years ago during Bilbo’s story. He was one of the main forces thwarting Sauron for over 2000 years. The Númenoreans: the high men of the west; gifted Saruman with Orthanc which was of their making. Now known as Isengard. - saruman is actually trying to doublecross sauron. He wants the ring for himself. He thinks he can control it. The little orcs around saruman are from mordor - sauron's orcs sent to help saruman but also to spy on him. The big fighting orcs - the uruk hai - are loyal only to saruman. Orcs are like that. But its why saruman's orders are a bit vague - to avoid sauron's orcs knowing what saruman is doing. The movies dont make this bit of the story very clear. But notice that, while saruman knows where the fellowship is he never lets Sauron Know.
@lucabarbieri6943 21 күн бұрын
I prefer the other voice, more fantasy story narrator like. But this is good nonetheless.
@mr.m5979 19 күн бұрын
This is the voice from one of the other pages
@pabloescobargarlic2974 16 күн бұрын
What do you mean
@DocBrown086 7 күн бұрын
Sounds like a voice of wisdom to me
@sarrjel 7 күн бұрын
So, he was doomed before he even took the form as a wizard.
@d0nKsTaH 11 күн бұрын
It was the Emperor He turned Sarumon into a Sith Lord
@jimbo8157 21 күн бұрын
Turncloak - very clever
@RustyShock 13 күн бұрын
"Wise" and "Wicked" are not mutually exclusive.
@flxhr5855 21 күн бұрын
Nice content. By the way, are you somehow related to the channel "realms revealed"?
@RealmsUnravelled 21 күн бұрын
Thanks! No, this is my only KZfaq channel. That may be one of the copycat channels using my ideas and theories but I'm not sure
@flxhr5855 21 күн бұрын
​@@RealmsUnravelledyeah, it seemed to me like that because the video topics are 1:1 like yours or other channels.
@radscorpion8 Күн бұрын
Too bad we never learned of the fate of the blue wizards
@AlexUsername Күн бұрын
Did Saruman kill the blue wizards?
@markmccormack1796 12 күн бұрын
Why do they have such similar names???
@briansanders8748 Күн бұрын
Gandalf=Goku Saruman=Vegeta
@fifefafq 2 күн бұрын
Why? Because he is forced to stay in Isengard alone. When? The day he is told to stay alone.
@GuyUnderTheBridge 18 күн бұрын
I like how the video never answers the question of when Saruman turns evil. That was the year 3000 of the Third Age, 18 years prior to the War of the Ring.
@Raeinok 19 күн бұрын
Eldar? Middle earth has xeno space elfs too?
@mikealpha4169 18 күн бұрын
Games Workshop stole the concept of "space elves" from Tolkien
@TheEggroll4321 10 күн бұрын
Since Gandalf basically represents Jesus, I see Saruman as Judas
@Makkaru112 5 күн бұрын
Nope. Tolkien hated allegory
@Makkaru112 5 күн бұрын
I’d also like to explain Gandalf a bit too: Tolkien drew alot of inspiration from the norse mythology. Magical rings, Gandalf (Staff elf in old norse), Gandalfs outfit (Odin), Gandalfs title 'the grey wanderer' (Odin), Shadowfaxe (The horses of day and night Rhimfaxe and Skinfaxe), Trolls, elves, dwarves etc. * Odin had a legendary horse, Sleipnir, who had eight legs and was said to be one of the greatest horses known to the gods. Gandalf had Shadowfax, who had no equal among horses in Middle-earth and could understand the speech of men. * Ødin’s legendary gear-the spear Gungnir and the ring Draupnir-could have influenced Gandalf’s legendary sword Glamdring or, more likely, the magic staff he carries, while the ring possibly influenced Gandalf’s possession of the ring Narya (Sturlson 145). * Gandalf and Odin both receive new wisdom as a result of sacrifice, as Gandalf is reincarnated after his fight with the Balrog, and Ødin gains power and wisdom after hanging himself on the tree Yggdrasil for nine days (Sigfusson 80-85). * One of the most apparent ways in which Gandalf and Ødin are alike is that they both take the shape of an old grey pilgrim, with a wide-brimmed hat and grey cloak when they wander the mortal world and deal with the inhabitants (Pitts 7). * Gandalf and Ødin are virtually reflections of each other, as can be observed through examining their gear and animal companions, the way they sacrificed themselves and were rewarded with wisdom, and the fact that they walk the earth as old men in tattered clothing. The Renowned Steeds of Gandalf and Odin Gandalf and Ødin both have renowned horses and staves with magical properties. Odin carries the legendary spear Gungnir, which is said never to miss its mark when thrown (Sturlson 145); however, he also carries it as his staff when he wanders the earth as an old man. In the Poetic Edda, the Valkyrie Sigrdrifa advises Sigurd about the magical application of runes and tells him that there are runes inscribed on the tip of Gungnir (Sigfusson 291). This spear could be a parallel to Glamdring( High Elven King Turgon’s sword, that was forged for the Goblin wars but is most likely influential to the staff Gandalf carries on his journeys. Strikingly similar to Shadowfax, Odin possesses a legendary horse named Sleipnir, who has eight legs and can run on the ground and through the air at great speeds. This sounds very similar, in some ways, to Tolkien’s description of Shadowfax in The Two Towers, “Shadowfax tossed his head and cried aloud as if a trumpet had summoned him to battle. Then he sprang forward. Fire flew from his feet; night rushed over him” (Tolkien 228). Elden Ring, Dungeons And Dragons, Diablo, Zelda, Harry Potter, vamp diaries, Red Sonja, Oath Breakers, Dragon Lance, Willow, Conan, Swords and Magic, Highlander movie+series and so much more were inspired by Tolkiens works.​​⁠
@Makkaru112 5 күн бұрын
Tolkien, (The OG of all Authors) was a veteran of the First World War and many other battles such as The Battle Of Somme etc. his works of art were to give back to the England as a form of restoring lost mythologies that he himself was a master of since he was a top professor of philology at Oxford. He did ALOT of his writing while in the trenches during WWI during small “breaks” while down in those trench forts built into the ground. And while he eldest son was in the Second World War; his Lord Of The Rings writings was strictly created above all else to give his eldest something to read while stationed wherever he was stationed. I forgot that part. They sent letters back and forth about it all the time. He was also the one and only son that actually protected his fathers legacy and work. A lot of his other work were put together BY his son after his father passed away. It’s well worth to react to the documentary behind the scenes film the director and crew and cast created together as well as the interview with the son Christopher Tolkien who you get to sort of enjoy a nice indoor and outdoor chat for like what came to about 1-2 hours of wonderful footage from an era that really must not be forgotten. His work shed a light on things like The Finnish Kalevala, Norwegian Elder Edda, The Welsh Mabinogion, The Norwegian Nibelungen, The Indian Bhagvagita & Several Irish Folklore + other Cultural things! The man also restored and translated ancient relics for the governments as one everyone trusted. Much of what’s in our dictionary come from his efforts as well. Anytime he spoke & even posted several comments into the paper as an editorial or response to certain issues as a very involved man for the world and the environment everyone turned their head to listen to him as everyone knew his worth and respected him greatly. His works show how NOT to glorify war; shows in the films if you pay close attention while watching the next films. Sharing what you know now via the after thoughts at the end of the second film! Remember. Extended edition. There is a lot missed out on especially in the second movie regarding Boromir backstory which there is much more in the books but the films WANTED to keep more but the cinemas and Harvey Weinstein literally harangued him into making a “theatrical cut” which is why you have two versions. The real version and the “theatrical cut”. It was all to make more money for the company that is the theatres/cinemas. To get more showings in per day during the year. And believe me. People were camping outside and travelling the country to watch it MORE THAN ONCE. His creations literally lead to inspiring the most currently famous books games & movies we all literally wouldn’t have enjoyed and be touched to our souls core without him and his spiritually connected brilliance. That and he was a philologist professor at Oxford first and foremost which covers so many things. Not just linguistic. The man was a true genius and Jack of all trades but ultimately LOVED the simple life. The inspiration for Lord of the Rings was not any war, but author J.R.R. Tolkien's love of language. Especially Welsh, Finnish and Old English. He lamented the loss of any true English folklore, that was wiped out after the Norman invasion of 1066, so Tolkien wrote many books on these new "legends" he came up with himself. Much of which is centered around three languages he fully developed himself. Two Elven languages and Dwarvish., Númenorean Adunaic, Black Speech(warped Numenorean and elvish) They all have syntax, vocabularies, and a whole writing system that can be learned as the Tengwar alphabet is moreso to match with the spoken elvish rather than one to one for other country’s alphabet. Hundreds of people worldwide speak elvish fluently. Tolkien did draw upon his personal experience in the trenches of World War ONE, not Two, as inspiration for some parts, most notably, the Dead Marshes that Frodo and Sam and Gollum pass through in The Two Towers. But war was not the inspiration for the entire series. World Of Warcraft. Skyrim, Harry Potter, Diablo, D&D, even Warhammer and so forth wouldn’t have. Existed without taking inspiration from and or completely ripping off from Tolkien. Many great documentaries to react to about him also more about him and AWESOME stuff from the hours & hours of behind the scenes documentaries from the DVDs of the movies which are also on KZfaq & I can send you a playlist to react to from top to bottom on the channel called Pajasek99.
@chaz9808 3 күн бұрын
Don’t see any resemblance to that
@TheEggroll4321 3 күн бұрын
@@chaz9808 he died fighting a demon and came back in a holier form days later for one thing
@SecretsOfScripture 11 күн бұрын
In the morning, O Lord, You hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before You and wait expectantly. You are my help and my shield; in You my heart rejoices. Psalm 138:3
@djdarksidejungle559 5 күн бұрын
he turned evcil cause he look into the palantairi seeing stones but sauron had one and as he was having a mooch about and seen more than was good for him sauron seen him and hypnotised him or tortured him into doing what he wanted and thats how saruman became evil but he was always arrogant and flawed and shouldnt have been the white and it should have been gandalf from the start
@zephyr8072 Күн бұрын
He became evil when he got possessed by Count Dracula. DUH.
@walterengler5709 4 күн бұрын
Evil is merely a perspective a view of how the world works and your place in it. People who do not like it call it evil. Those who believe in it call it good and think those who claim to be good are the insane or evil ones, unwilling to accept the blatant truths. Hence he did not turn evil, only changed his perspective on life. And the story of his change it told from the side of the survivors of the war, through their perspective of the world. And hence it claims he was deceived and twisted while maybe his eyes were merely opened. Bwa-ha-ha-haaaa
@ladyethyme 6 сағат бұрын
Frankly this is really difficult to understand when he keeps using the names that we are not familiar with, I have no idea who he is referring to with these random names. Couldn't you like, actually use the names that people know?
@jo3113 20 күн бұрын
Will the old narrators voice be coming back? Will be unsubscribing if this voice will be replacing it. Great content in all other aspects 👏
@jonasvincaskatkus265 5 күн бұрын
Saruman never was evil, he wanted to get the ring to defeat Sauron, retire in Aman, and show Gandalf that he (Saruman) is better than him (Gandalf).
@Makkaru112 5 күн бұрын
Yes! I’ll explain that in detail. He’s not a 2d villain. Saruman never served Sauron nor bent to him at all in the books. The Gandalf locked in the Tower bit is explained ONLY in the Unfinished Tales Book: In [manuscript-C) The Black Riders arrived at the Gate of Isengard while Gandalf was still a prisoner in the tower. In this account, Saruman, in fear & despair, & perceiving the full horror of service to Mordor, resolved suddenly to yield to Gandalf, & to beg for his pardon & help. Temporizing at the Gate, he admitted that he had Gandalf within, & said that he would go & try to discover what he knew; if that were unavailing, he would deliver Gandalf up to them. Then Saruman hastened to the summit of Orthanc - & found Gandalf gone. Away south against the setting moon he saw a great Eagle flying towards Edoras. See, the thing is he was always master of studying the enemy & even being able to think like they do to always know exactly the best ways to handle ever situation and so on, but the thing is he didn't just become the enemy, he at this time in a sense for once actually grew afraid of him, probably Sauron did what Sauron did with Finrod Felagund in the duel of visions, (Galadriel’s elder brother who by the way was the most important in the Legendarium & is the main reason the third age even exists) which basically widdled Saruman with various visions of the past and future until it wore him down, but Saruman(Curumo) was the mostly already becoming weary due to what was called The Long Defeat, magic bleeding out from the lands of middle earth and subsequently certain things become less and less possible and the elves begin to go west. Even the ones who never wished to leave middle earth and many of which were born here by the thousands. So him also being a student and helper of Aulë of the Valar he was going to fight fire with fire and make a bid for the ring just so Sauron could never regain full power and if Saruman found a way to release himself from his power restrictions even by any small margin or worked with Eru in some way it might have worked out in the end if things went differently enough to where such action from him would be needed. Ontop of that he was growing ever jealous of Gandalf for he received the Varya from Círdan and prior to that was chosen by the other Valar, Nienna’s chosen champion to go to middle earth. But Gandalf(Olórin back then) refused over and over and exclaimed his fear of Sauron(Mairon), varya I feel would have kindle the heart of Saruman to stay strong as he had been fighting the evils of the world for a very long time since he had been sent to Middle Earth. And for the is reason Saruman wished to hold the ring at hostage. Keep Sauron from taking back his full strength and basically use it to stave off The Long Defeat. Saruman is very complex. The Hobbit movies actually shows how he was even 60 years ago during Bilbo’s story. He was one of the main forces thwarting Sauron for over 2000 years. The Númenoreans: the high men of the west; gifted Saruman with Orthanc which was of their making. Now known as Isengard. - saruman is actually trying to doublecross sauron. He wants the ring for himself. He thinks he can control it. The little orcs around saruman are from mordor - sauron's orcs sent to help saruman but also to spy on him. The big fighting orcs - the uruk hai - are loyal only to saruman. Orcs are like that. But its why saruman's orders are a bit vague - to avoid sauron's orcs knowing what saruman is doing. The movies dont make this bit of the story very clear. But notice that, while saruman knows where the fellowship is he never lets Sauron Know.
@hoffy1955 18 күн бұрын
He never "turned" evil, it was always within him waiting to take control. The same is true about humans. We don't really change. What we perceive as change are nothing more than previously dormant or minor characteristics becoming dominant. We are all capable of great good and great evil, it is always within us. It merely requires the right circumstances to bring it to the front.
@yeghor 14 күн бұрын
Well, evil and good is a spectrum and some are closer to one or the other by birth but experiences and upbringing might shift them to either side along the scale.
@matthewbeumer3168 3 күн бұрын
No nothing is determined we make the decision to good and bad things that's human when it effects others that is when we step over the mark people say life is cruel because it enables them to do cruel things. Tolkien used the anology of war and Saruman was a depiction of the traitor within much like the state of France during the war when Vichy France was complicant with the Nazis. Saruman wanted power dominion over others in the end Grima killed so no more power over anything or anyone!
@yeghor 3 күн бұрын
@@matthewbeumer3168 I find Saruman to be analogous to Hitler actually. That means Hitler was trying to amass power to fight some other entity similar to Sauron but failed. Genetics determine if one is more or less inclined to savage/animal behaviour.
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