Shocking EU Power Shift That Everyone is Missing

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7 ай бұрын

The traditional “superpowers” in the E.U. - Germany, Italy, and France - have problems that are making their grip on the E.U.’s reins falter at a crucial crossroad in European political history, but the countries filling in the gaps may surprise you. Watch now!
The videos are made by the same team that brings you The Infographics Show.
All videos are based on publicly available information unless otherwise noted.

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@bibibibi7322 6 ай бұрын
I am Romanian and i strongly encourage out eastern friends to get stronger, We know history too well and what happened. No more bullies. Fight for your freedoom from the Evils. Fight and don't stop bretheren 💪
@jamesleyda365 6 ай бұрын
Romania is badass. Next to America Romania is one of my favorite places on Earth 🇷🇴 🇺🇲🤘
@curlyflipper2020 6 ай бұрын
I agree with Russia , Nato mostly serves China , and China serves their own interest . So there's no point in letting China roll over Europe
@stuartdollar9912 5 ай бұрын
Yep. Eastern Europe knows what an aggressive Russia means. As an American, Eastern Europe is worth fighting for, and alongside.
@chrishooge3442 5 ай бұрын
Let's be clear...the Soviet Union was a Russian-dominated empire pretending to be a communist brotherhood.
@user-fc7is6jo2e 4 ай бұрын
I understand that point of view, as an American who had lived and worked in Hungary for many years... until Dictator Orban took power. Sadly, Hungary is repeating the worst of its own history right now. Warnings were ignored by too many Hungarian citizens that the "Terror House" was designed to teach its citizens to avoid - located in downtown Pest. If the shift is toward literal Nazi dictatorships, then the rise of Eastern European dictators is not a good thing for anyone... especially the many good people inside of those Eastern European nations. Right-wing extremism, from suffering under Dictator Putin to suffering under Dictator Orban, is way worse than prospering under a freedom provided by Western European leadership. I know that the Western European nations are not nearly liberal enough (as we see in Germany and France), but never forget the horrors of fascism a 80 years ago and its rise again all over the world in recent years.
@MrAwg77 6 ай бұрын
In 1989 Poland has aleady had a non-communist government a whole month before the Berlin wall fell.
@wojtekkowalski8983 4 ай бұрын
Exactly, Poland was the first country to break free from soviet domination, east germany and other countries in that region followed.
@grzegorzmalenta2359 4 ай бұрын
We didn't have communist government but we had government controlled by communist.
@nikki-op4xj 3 ай бұрын
@@wojtekkowalski8983 i think it was hungary thou with poland 2nd ... people in the west dont know that germany was almost last (or dead last if u exclude soviet union countries)
@quadro1337 Күн бұрын
​@@nikki-op4xj Solidarity movement seized power on June 4th 1989, but it emerged on 1980, the first free elections in Hungary were in May 1990. So i think the Poland was a bit closer. said that: Poland broke free from communist rule before Hungary. The process of breaking free from communist rule in Eastern Europe, often referred to as the fall of communism or the Revolutions of 1989, occurred in several countries around the same time. However, Poland was at the forefront of this movement. Key events in Poland's transition: 1980-1981: The Solidarity trade union movement emerged, challenging the communist government. 1989 (February-April): Round Table Talks between the communist government and opposition leaders. 1989 (June 4): Partially free elections were held, resulting in a decisive victory for Solidarity. 1989 (August): Tadeusz Mazowiecki became the first non-communist Prime Minister in the Eastern Bloc. Hungary's transition followed shortly after: 1989 (June-September): Round Table Talks between the communist government and opposition groups. 1989 (October 23): Hungary officially declared itself a democratic republic. 1990 (March-April): First free elections were held. While both countries underwent rapid changes in 1989, Poland's transition began earlier and progressed faster, making it the first to effectively break free from communist rule. Fair.
@craigkdillon 6 ай бұрын
The rise of Poland does NOT threaten Germany or the EU. On the contrary, Polish power will ensure the power of the EU, and its ability to face Russia or China. To succeed, the EU will need all its members to pull their weight. The fact the small Baltic states are doing that strengthens the EU. It does not weaken it. Imagine the problems if the Baltic states did nothing to protect themselves. How would that be better???
@andrzejkwasny8012 6 ай бұрын
On fall of USSR western politicians went for the "peace dividend". They were repeatedly warned by many of the ex Warsaw Pact nations that Russia was still a threat . They were accused of being Russo phobic and ignored. Military spending was cut drastically . Hence the current farago.
@rabarba6 6 ай бұрын
IT does threaten Germany because it is better for Germany for Poland to stay subjugated by Berlin
@craigkdillon 6 ай бұрын
@@rabarba6 Germans may feel that way, and fear a strong Poland. But, a strong Poland, IMO, is actually better for Germany than a weak Poland.
@WiseMan22 6 ай бұрын
Germany needs Poland to be a weaker state for a variety of reasons. Even they're all in the EU, at the end of the day, they're still competing for resources, fuel, labor force, talent, etc. Stronger Poland, meand higher prices for all of their neighbours. Poles need to overthrow the KO govt, as far as I'm concerned.
@craigkdillon 6 ай бұрын
@@WiseMan22 That ain't happening. Poland is on the front line. It must be stronger.
@jacobalejandromurphy1376 6 ай бұрын
Somebody asked Poland what they were preparing for. Poland answered, “To win”.
@AchievementDenied 6 ай бұрын
Ah yes, our little European Texas. "Remember, this time the speed bump has teeth"
@robertklimczak5630 6 ай бұрын
@@AchievementDenied and anti-tank missiles to welcome the Russians
@dnickaroo3574 6 ай бұрын
EU going nowhere - that is why US blew up NordStream Pipeline.
@laurentmassabie2808 5 ай бұрын
Is it official now?
@peterkorek-mv6rs 4 ай бұрын
"Not to lose" is the far more real answer
@archmageofmetal8883 6 ай бұрын
So proud of European Texas 🇵🇱🇺🇲 Poland is one bad day away from bringing back the Winged Hussars
@robertklimczak5630 6 ай бұрын
Wasn't the American cavalry the Pulaski Legion?
@archmageofmetal8883 6 ай бұрын
@@robertklimczak5630 Yes indeed. During the Revolutionary War, Polish born General Pulaski raised the only cavalry regiment of the Continental Army.
@stangazdowicz7329 5 ай бұрын
The Winged Hussars will be Poland's new F35's. Greetings from a Kiwi of Polish parents.
@leecaptis5865 4 ай бұрын
I have seen pictures and know of the Winged Hussars.
@terryl858 4 ай бұрын
Nothing wrong with Hollywood???
@PaulNYC7 5 ай бұрын
Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth is back in the game. Just because our countries lost a war and were occupied for the past century, does not mean our people are weak. Our rich history is giving us strength to become stronger, stand up and defend ourselves, that is something our European allies simply don’t get it… Soon, the new central power in Europe will come back to the righteous nations 🙌🏼😎
@kamilwachel2832 6 ай бұрын
As a Pole i would like to ask a simple question to all below, who mentioned some 'danger' towards Germany from growing its military power Poland.. If you watch news from Ukraine ask yourself, what would you do if you considered yourself "next" ?
@laverami 5 ай бұрын
Very much agree.
@stuartdollar9912 5 ай бұрын
Yep. Being on the front line of NATO vs. Russia tends to focus the mind at times like these.
@MrWaalkman 4 ай бұрын
Yeah, this video is pretty much clickbait and useless. You guys are doing better than we are, please keep up your support of Ukraine (keep an eye on your farmers though :) ).
@kamilwachel2832 4 ай бұрын
@@MrWaalkman farmers.. its not a simple matter, you must learn why they are protesting - flooding the market with nearly free grain from UA (comparing to prices on our martket) is already showing consequences that even the simple customer can see. As I said - its no a simple matter, please dont judge them too harsh.. Right now i think bigger problem is upcoming elections in US and 60 bln USD help packet that is currently frozen.. and consequences of that (no artillery shells) are being paid with blood of UA soldiers and territory lost.. so fckn sad :( :( :(
@seanquinn2476 4 ай бұрын
100%!! A stronger Poland is a stronger Europe! Germany needs to listen to Eastern European countries like Poland and follow their lead.
@andrzejkwasny8012 6 ай бұрын
Germany's poor military readiness is down to their former defence minister , one Ursula Van der Leyen who was useless in that job as well.
@bohomazdesign725 6 ай бұрын
lol, Germany has neglected their defence forces at least since the 90's (when they had their economical crisis) in favor of pumping all that money that was supposed to the military to fix their struggling economy and they never shifted that money back into the military. In other words pretty much everyone, right or left, is to blame for Germanies crumbling military.
@RTmadnesstoo 6 ай бұрын
Merkel had the most Influence so, the Most Blame. She still backs Ruzzia.
@hmpeter 6 ай бұрын
@@RTmadnesstoo That started long before Merkel in the 90s. I also do not understand how anyone (at lest in Germany and the neighboring countries) got surprised by this. Budget cuts after budget cuts. The little money they got was bound to a large part in old contracts for outdated equipment that no one needed anymore. The troops that went to Afghanistan borrowed equipment from all over Germany, so those units had at least half way decent stuff. But this foreign adventure nevertheless sucked the last life out of the Bundeswehr. When there was still a universal draft, the drafted recruits could not even practice machine gun shooting, because all ammo left was dedicated to the troops in Afghanistan. That was all public knowledge and even in the newspapers. But no decisions were made to improve. Defense spending was vastly unpopular. The 90s were not that great economy wise. The unification was expensive and the former enemy thought to be collapsed for good. When things got better, eventually the 2008 crisis hit and defense spending was again largely unpopular. The money was needed elsewhere to "rescue some Banks". When that was over, the migrant crisis hit, again consuming insane amounts of funds. So, I think it is unfair to pin it on one or two persons. It is the failure of many politicians in a long chain of events that favored their own agendas and ideological goals over the well-being of not only the German people, but also the rest of the EU. Sadly, German politics have been depressing for a long time.
@RTmadnesstoo 6 ай бұрын
@@hmpeter I don't think anybody was surprised that the German Military was under supplied after they came to a NATO gathering with broomsticks painted black instead of machineguns. No, I blame Merkel for the Energy Policy that left 'all the eggs in one basket' gas supplied by a Megalomaniac Mafia Boss. Shut down already paid for nuclear to depend on windmills and solar cells to keep from freezing to death. What could go Wrong? I wonder how much she got paid because Nobody could be Stupid Enough to do that because they thought it was a Good Idea.
@ipodman1910 6 ай бұрын
Very insightful information but you are clearly forgetting about wide spread corruption amongst German politicians at all levels- not only Schroeder but it turns out hundreds of all levels politicians in Germany had been bought by Kaputler and up till now nothing has been done about it! Germany wake the ef up or ADF will wake all Europe up in a very nasty traditional way…
@blackpowderuser373 6 ай бұрын
Poland knows better than to remain complacent with Russia. It's not a luxury they can afford unlike the more distant powerbrokers like Germany, Italy and France.
@robertklimczak5630 6 ай бұрын
When I talk to frog-eaters, they get armed, but I think about Africa. France great army with 200 tanks.They are only capable of providing assistance by air\.aviation
@user-hb9mz2hp2g 6 ай бұрын
@@robertklimczak5630 France has nukes...
@Horus69ss 5 ай бұрын
Poland and Russia have a long, troubled history. And I'm more than certain that Poland is happy to wave goodbye to Russian influence. Especially now. Russia cannot be trusted. Putin is a clown.
@tomaszgustowski7998 4 ай бұрын
One correction, Poland with Solidarity movement was country to kick out comunism within the Eastern block. That triggered Germany with their wall to fall. Iron curtain fell first in Poland.
@BarlesChaudelaires 6 ай бұрын
Dude, i’ve never seen such an american point of view on Europe politics. Your only axis of analysis is the military. You just leave aside all the rest. It must be so easy to be in your head if every opinion your have is that simplistic.
@magnusgeirkjartansson5972 6 ай бұрын
Well, to be honest the European realpolitik has always revolved around militarism and real strength. The last 30 years of political culture in Europe are utterly destroying our continents strength and influence. When national states are slowly but steadily loosing control of their own societies - then why should their influence do a anything but decrease ?
@larsnystrom6698 4 ай бұрын
I thought of it as a NATO channel, and NATO is as I see it an US endeavor.
@user-hm5dt2bd5q 4 ай бұрын
Well Europe never did care about LGBTQXYZRTVAGD+- - we prefer real strength and that is army + economy.
@myname7937 4 ай бұрын
he talked alot about GDP growth, unemployment rate etc
@trevor21241842 6 ай бұрын
Germany is such a let down. The people can’t even handle their chill army so I doubt they’d even fight back if invaded. The new French 😆
@recoil53 6 ай бұрын
You are right, there was a recent poll. A majority aren't sure they would fight. They are brave enough to march against outnumbered and unarmed immigrants, but not against anybody who would invade.
@ravagekillz 6 ай бұрын
Merkel got Pranked big time by Putin, thats why germany is now low key
@MrLaneLove 6 ай бұрын
@MrLaneLove 6 ай бұрын
Then again we should never bet against Germany not over doing something- whether it is good or bad. History has shown us that.
@trevor21241842 6 ай бұрын
Haha true they are sore losers tbh their ego was smashed so bad the first time it caused the 2nd war because they can’t process how to take a loss 😅 they’ll surely follow their ego to their destruction for a third time. I feel it has to come on threes 🥲
@stevelloyd5621 6 ай бұрын
If you think the EU will survive then you need to look at which country's foot the bills ie who pays money in as opposed to who takes it out. Germany is the biggest contributer followed by Holland. Holland have just voted for a party who want to reduce their spending on EU plans... Watch this space
@JayW76 6 ай бұрын
Poland knows well what Russia has in mind for Europe. They are gearing up to put a stop to it, and the U.S. stands shoulder to shoulder with our Polish brothers. 🇺🇲🤝🇵🇱💪🌎🌍🌏
@joeybulford5266 6 ай бұрын
Poland is ready to just invade Russia rn. The US is holding them back like a rabid dog on a chain. We should just let them go.
@silenthawkstudios9924 6 ай бұрын
@@joeybulford5266 And start a nuclear war? Don't forget Russia has over 5k nuclear warheads and could level every city in the world in a day if they wanted.
@Pandzikizlasu80 6 ай бұрын
​@@silenthawkstudios9924With their climate, the next chapter of Russian history will be written in a couple of thousands of years after the nuclear winter, by some tribe arriving there from Southern Asia or Africa, so they would have any chance to survive it.
@lukesmhudson 6 ай бұрын
Do you actually think Russia would invade a NATO member country? What benefit would invading Poland give him? Think about it lad, why’d he invade Ukraine
@charonboat6394 6 ай бұрын
No, the US is not standing shoulder to shoulder with Poland. If that was the case it wouldn't allow german anexation of Poland as it just happened. We're just cannon fodder and place where West can get rich. I'm not complaining about it, just stating what's going on.
@Wolfhead86 6 ай бұрын
As a EU citizen I don't care much for the so called West and East side of the EU. In my eyes we are all in this together, there is no difference between a Polish to a France person. We're all on the same team, so lets help each other and building a better Europe.
@ravagekillz 6 ай бұрын
well, in my opinion, there is clueless west Europe and sane east Europe and we should put MORE power in east Europe comming years. greetings from west europe
@charonboat6394 6 ай бұрын
No, we are not all in it. While Poland is investing in its military huge, for our realities, amount of money, germany keeps lying about its defense spending. Recent events show that West Europe is on the path to make Central and Eastern Europe Western Europe's colony.
@johntheherbalistg8756 6 ай бұрын
There are massive differences that I can see from all the way over here. I, as an American, would love to see Poland running the EU in the future, the way France and Germany have in the past.
@chrisparnham 6 ай бұрын
@@johntheherbalistg8756 How is that going to happen? Never mind the huge difference in GDP The United Kingdom's expenditure on defence is $ 70 billion, France's $51, Germany's $58 billion, and Italy's $34.6 billion whereas Poland spends $16.8 billion. The UK and France could easily increase the amount they spend if necessary while Poland is at full stretch. I agree Poland is showing the way and after seeing Ukraine's victories over Russia that's warning enough to make an attack by Russia extremely unwise.
@kev897 6 ай бұрын
You sadly are living in cloud cookoo land. This entity that was created that you call the EU. Evolved out of a trade agreement the EEC. And that worked fine, because it worked for everyone. But this entity the EU was NOT what the people of these countries wanted. They did not want to be ruled and dictated to by none elected EU commissioner's. They did not want to be dictated to by France and Germany the EU is nothing more than another form of communism. No wonder the UK wanted out. Look at Italy, corrupt as hell not contributing anything. Look at the fraud and the corruption throughout the EU commission. Look at the failed PPE, Vaccine and Ventilator purchasing schemes created by the EU. An absolute disaster. If it had not been for the UK there would NOT HAVE BEEN A VACCINE AT ALL..
@MrZenGuitarist 6 ай бұрын
As a Swede, I don't really get why the increased military strength would threaten any country within the EU. Perhaps that's because even though we haven't known any direct invasion or colonization by Russia - we certainly are familiar with a lot of violations and threats from the very same Empire, RUSSIA! Russia ALONE is the enemy of the EU and our common democratic values! (And I would have thought that all the countries in the Baltic Sea region - including Germany - would agree who's our common enemy....and, I might not be familiar with the details - but I know that Sweden too has, or perhaps rather is in the process of strengthening our military: all due to the increasing military threat of Russia alone!). Go Poland! We all know you're strong alone - but together we're even stronger. Cheers from Sweden.
@mikemines2931 6 ай бұрын
That's a long stretch calling the EU democratic.
@MrZenGuitarist 5 ай бұрын
@@mikemines2931Aha - and you're from Russia? (Just since I happen to know that Russians typically seem to believe that their society is democratic - and since the form of governance inside the EU is nothing like that of Russia's, the EU cannot by that logic be democratic!). Close?
@MrZenGuitarist 3 ай бұрын
@@mikemines2931 Oh - and what person, from what country might have written this comment - if I might ask? Sure - we can all agree that democracy is far from perfect...but it still beats authoritarianism, totalitarianism or dictatorship any day! But, nice semantic touch to your comment though. Pretty good actually.
@mikemines2931 3 ай бұрын
@@MrZenGuitarist You can ask but you'll get no answer just like the EU commission.
@MrZenGuitarist 3 ай бұрын
@@mikemines2931 Oh - How shocking. Mr. Russia, so shocked!
@lucas82 6 ай бұрын
Bro, wtf are you talking about? The EU isn't about military firepower, it is an economic and political union.
@BaldianOfIbelin 4 ай бұрын
And military power affects political power/influence that is why even though this is in short Poland and other Euro-Eastern countries becoming more powerful militarily That will undoubtedly affect their influence in international politics and therefore their influence in the European Union.
@Hodoss 6 ай бұрын
Weird take. Poland is gearing up with the EU's blessing, as it's obviously threatened from the East. And Eastern EU coming out of "second tier" is no surprise, as western EU invested tons of money in them for decades. Equalization within the EU has always been how it works. Why are you presenting achieving a deliberate goal as a surprise and a problem?
@mal2ksc 6 ай бұрын
Also, Poland is on the record as being just fine with Germany arming up too. It's an interesting world we live in, when Germany says "we want to re-arm" and Poland says "hell yeah!"
@lapetu1977 6 ай бұрын
Poland 30 years of consecutive growth is thank to hard work of polish people. As far I know, non of foreign investing aim in strengthen Poland, but to make wester corporation more profitable. The same is with EU investment Eurostat show that for every 3 euro of EU help in Poland, 2 return back to old EU and mainly to Germany economy. So joining EU by central European states was good deal both for EU and Central Europe It would be great if old EU realise that if it stop to be so lucrative for Poland and a like, it perhaps may leave UE like UK did
@Hodoss 6 ай бұрын
@@lapetu1977 If the EU is so lucrative for Poland then it's not just the hard work of Polish people. And why would it stop being lucrative? Brexit has shown all that is lost leaving the EU. Cold shower for all the Leave parties, don't hear them anymore.
@Hodoss 6 ай бұрын
@@mal2ksc Germany is even getting pressured to hold its words, or do it more, and faster! I've noticed, because WWII is popular in media, games, etc, it has made many's geopolitical representations more or less stuck in that era. But Europe's post-war history, while not as exciting, is just as important to understand it today. So much has changed!
@hmpeter 6 ай бұрын
@@mal2ksc That was not the case right up to the 23th February 2022, though. Especially with Poland. Quite the opposite actually. It is almost funny how all those countries hating on any sign of power from Germany, esp. military power, were "always in favor of a strong German military" just a few days later. ^^
@DaGoon717 6 ай бұрын
I’m confused because I’m not sure why it would matter. It’s called the European Union, not the Western European Union. Dies it matter which portion of the Union is strongest?
@buzz-es 6 ай бұрын
It shouldn't, but the French and Germans are very arrogant.
@ojpickle5923 6 ай бұрын
Some want a closer union, some want a weaker union. This is similar to the early US when it fought over "states rights vs federal power" If the union is stronger then it will become a true rival to the US and China but if the union loses power then the individual states will forever be second rate powers that are slow to unified action
@lucasokeefe7935 6 ай бұрын
Exactly. Western Europe has definitely dropped the ball when it comes to defense, and they are lucky and should be thankful that the Eastern European nations are now willing to pick up the slack. Of course there are extremists in politics that may be worrisome in the short term, but you'd think by this point if any little Hitlers start popping up they'll be taken care of pretty damn quickly.
@GrgLuz 6 ай бұрын
​@@lucasokeefe7935orban hasn't been kicked out yet...
@charonboat6394 6 ай бұрын
Yes it does. Two biggest European ecomies have no interest of giving reins away. Despite being called Union all 27 members have different interest in certain areas. Very often these interest clash. What's good for France is not necessarily good for Italy. As an example look at energy policy. Germany wants the rest of EU to be dependent on them. They're pushing projects that will benefit mostly them. That was the idea behind NSI and II. Since russian route has been cut suddenly natural gas is no more good. Now it should fazed out. Another exaplmple, while Poland is being criticized for using to much coal to produce energy ( it supposedly is bad for the environment) germany recently cut an old forest to dig a huge hole for coal extraction for its newly build coal power plant. At the same time it opposes nuclear power plants in France and Poland.
@laudsrealm188 6 ай бұрын
A superpower is typically defined as a nation with the ability to exert influence or project power on a global scale, far beyond its own borders. This influence can be in various forms, including military, economic, technological, cultural, and diplomatic power. Superpowers are distinguished not just by their capabilities, but also by their influence in international affairs, global leadership, and a strong, stable domestic environment. As of my last update in April 2023, the United States is widely considered a superpower, primarily due to its immense military capabilities, economic strength, technological innovation, cultural influence, and significant role in international politics. Other countries, such as China, have also been considered potential or emerging superpowers due to their rapid economic growth, increasing military capabilities, and growing influence in global affairs. The classification of superpowers can change over time, based on shifts in global dynamics, economic trends, military developments, and diplomatic relations. It's important to note that the concept of a superpower is not just about raw power, but also about the ability to use that power to influence global events and outcomes.
@Rigidflex17 6 ай бұрын
Power is useless without will!
@CU65LATER 6 ай бұрын
That is very true. And Germany is the handicap person in EU securing borders with his military.
@peterkorek-mv6rs 4 ай бұрын
There will be not a superpower China. If they succeed to become a normal country, like Korea, Japan or Taiwan, this will be already a big progress for them
@toporkata5218 4 ай бұрын
Stronger Poland , stronger UE . Supporting 🇵🇱 from 🇺🇸
@geoffreygraham2312 6 ай бұрын
This analysis leaves out the sizes of the countries by population:. Germany: 83.2 million; Italy: 59.11 million, France: 67.5 million; Poland: 37.8 million; Romania:19.12 million.
@jensholm5759 6 ай бұрын
They are in steps. They need to find themself and the big picture. Germany, Austra-Hungaria and USSR is out
@xornxenophon3652 6 ай бұрын
The video has a large jump in logic. Influence within the EU does not rely on force of arms. Even though Germany has not always been popular in Poland, I guess that invasion-plans are not yet part of Polish foreign-policy.
@Pawel.K86 4 ай бұрын
Poland is over a thousand years old (1058 Years). Some people think that we only have 100. We have fought against Russia many times, and the same with Germany, which historically lasts even shorter than Poland, because the unification of Germany took place much later. While France had its revolution, we already had a Constitution. Before the creation of the EU, we already had a union with Lithuania called the Common Republic, i.e. the common good of nations. Poland is forgotten in modern history because it was occupied by Germans, Austrians and Russians for over 200 years. But the Poles survived.
@shaneofcanada7042 6 ай бұрын
Poland can't use its military power to sway control over the EU since most of the EU is also in NATO. Poland's military is impressive but its nothing compared to NATO. It can however use the fact that it is one of the fastest growing economies in Europe to one day force the EU's hand in certain situations if it feels the need.
@samfisher9421 6 ай бұрын
poland is in nato.... you are not getting this clearly.... America is causing war all over the world and leaving its allies to fight the battle, poland knows russia is coming this way America already said its backing off from supporting europe (AGAIN) nato needs too step up its game completely and Poland's leading that change, polands never done europe wrong theyv alwasy been a country of good people but they are always attacked 1st for example they were hit 1st during both world wars they dont want a repeat of the past so they stepped up there game mainly due to the lack of support ukraine has been shown from the west
@shaneofcanada7042 6 ай бұрын
@samfisher9421 my point was that, Poland can't use its military as a bargaining chip. Since they can't attack most other countries in the EU since they are all (including Poland) in NATO, and therefore the number 1 way for Poland to create the change it wants would be through economic means and monetary policies. This video, however, made a very strong point about their military compared to other countries, whom they can not attack due to their alliances.
@voytec448 6 ай бұрын
We wouldn't invade other democratic countries to gain influence, we've experienced that a lot, there isn't a pole that wants war, however we could use our military to protect other countries, that's how we can gain influence from our military might
@ShamanKish 6 ай бұрын
NATO has no army.
@nero1988 6 ай бұрын
Not directly but there is a lot countries from Finland to Bulgaria which are thinking about Russia security risk and becouse of that they will be trying to allied with similiar minded coutries and work together creating block that would opose those in more western part of Europe
@UnicornMeat512 6 ай бұрын
A lot of us see it, and we are proud of the tiny Texas of Europe
@chrishooge3442 5 ай бұрын
Poland has also partnered with South Korea to produce military vehicles including the K2 tank. They've agreed to allow Poland to build SK originating vehicles in Poland. I suspect they looked at a distracted USA and NATO population declines as a risk they needed to mitigate. In particular the demographic patterns in Germany and Italy are going to squeeze their economic output, budgets, and available military recruitment. Poland is Europe's future.
@Flymochairman1 6 ай бұрын
The strikes in the Gdansk Ship yards were what kicked off the revolution that brought the USSR's hold on eastern Europe to an end and then the East Germans and West Germans brought down the Berlin Wall. Thank you for the simplified explanation.
@Nazdreg1 6 ай бұрын
German here. The video is accurate in terms of our army. The most interesting part is, a lot of people are still scared of bolstering our military and even see it as a move towards belligerence. Most German people are relatively strictly pacifist. And as such, our military is almost nonexistent. Our technology and quality of products is great, but we Germans relied very heavily on Nato support to cover our safety instead of taking responsibility ourselves to a point where some thought military to be useless since there won't be war in Europe anyways. I believe, every european partner did and do know about that. That being said, as soon as threats are imminent, German economy is strong and stable enough to start producing weapons on a larger scale and when the population feels threatened and rally towards the flag, a strong military can be created within a few years. The "Zeitenwende" might be a first step, but 100 billion doesn't even take us to 2% Nato contribution and as pointed out in the video, it doesn't get much done if there is no follow up investment. However, I disagree with the conclusions. Poland just lately voted a more pro European government (also I believe as a result of the Russian invasion) and the nationalist party was still strong, but couldn't get a coalition. Therefore, I see Poland as a close ally instead of a troublemaker. If Poland really turned nationalist, I would be worried, but their strong army does help the European Union to be stronger as a geopolitical power and we Germans should stand with them and in that sense follow their example. I also don't think, Germany and France rule the EU. This is not the case. There are a lot of German positions that weren't taken by the EU and i.e. Hungary proves time and time again that it is possible to disrupt European unity quite easily because of the need of unanimous decisions. Poland used to back Hungary here and there in their pursuit to extract money without constructive participation, but I do think that the new government has a lot of potential to be a strong ally. In terms of geopolitics, Germany is a honeypot for any kind of belligerent hostile power. Strong economy, central position bordering many countries, weak military, perfect conditions for aggression. Therefore (and it was Bismarck who realized that), Germany needs to have strong diplomatic connections. A strong military alone doesn't cut it (we saw that two times already...) as it still can't beat all neighbours at the same time. And this is why the EU is a blessing for us and exactly what we need to keep prospering. Every war within the heartland of Europe will be at our doorstep or even on our territory, so we have to make sure, there is no war. That also means, we are extremely hesitant now to take a side in a conflict or even take decisive action. The result are chancellors like Merkel.
@silentblackhole 5 ай бұрын
Poland is a fantastic example of how the EU can encourage and support the amazing development of young democracies. I love what I see. More of this please :)
@soomkes7686 6 ай бұрын
Niech zyje Polska!
@OndrejMajernik 6 ай бұрын
First thing: there are no Eastern European states in the European Union. Finland, Estonia, Latvia, and Litvania are considered north Europe. Czeck, Poland, Slovakia, and Hungary are with Germany, and Austria is considered central Europe. Romania and Bulgaria are considered south Europe. All those states are actually at the east edge of the European Union. The main thing: is there is no connection between military power and political power. One will not make another power weaker. Military strong Poland will not make Poland politically strong. I can see you anticipate that because it is that way in the USA.
@mikemines2931 6 ай бұрын
@jiminverness 6 ай бұрын
5:58 You messed up with the Lithuanian and Latvian flags.
@dariusb6067 5 ай бұрын
He doesnt messed with flags, he just do not know where Lithuania and Latvia is. On 5.47 he say Poland, Latvia Lithuania... But Poland is neighbour to Lithuania but not Latvia. Very sad..
@demomeme6444 6 ай бұрын
I love that the video lasts for 21:37 minutes, nice reference made by author ;)
@ESSOKAYmusic 6 ай бұрын
What does it reference? Cannot be a year, so I am confused. Does this number have a meaning in Poland?
@demomeme6444 6 ай бұрын
@@ESSOKAYmusic its actually a meme about pope John Paul the second, in that time he has died
@ipodman1910 6 ай бұрын
You’re the only person who knows it. It’s not a meme at all - pure coincidence
@vounsky 6 ай бұрын
@@ESSOKAYmusicIt's the hour that pope John Paul 2nd died. The number has become meme in Poland.
@matthewexline6589 6 ай бұрын
Hurray for Poland!
@jbroskito 5 ай бұрын
This is a great video. Very informative. Your pronunciations in this video were impeccable. I know it seems trivial. thank you for not just making excuses.
@zk1919 6 ай бұрын
4:45 You are right mentioning Poland's huge military donations. But the saying goes "the one that helps you fast helps you twice". Now Germany is presenting itself as always friend of independent Ukraine. But just after Russian full scale invasion what was German initial response? 5000 helmets😂. And as Ukrainian ambasador in Berlin reported then: German officials were asking him to stop defence as it hurts their business with Putin's Russia.
@hmpeter 6 ай бұрын
They were the largest single donor do Ukraine before the war. Very few countries cared that way about Ukraine before it was 'cool'. Ukraine was not a military ally of Germany though, and military aid in active conflicts was restricted. Of course such restrictions can be overcome. And not only the majority of the German people, but also the Parliament was willing to do so. You can pinpoint the hesitation to just single digit amount of people led by Scholz, who eventually gave in. But I admit, the process was inexcusably slow and painful. Sadly as a citizen, you can't do much more than demonstrate, write angry letters and donate your private money to the war effort, what many citizens including myself and basically anyone I knew did. I hope people will not forget Scholz inactions in the face of crisis in the next elections, but it still infuriates me that it will have cost so many lives by then.
@eddybig2781 6 ай бұрын
I'm rooting for Poland🇺🇲
@charonboat6394 6 ай бұрын
​@@Ultima-SignaTrump was more friendly with Poland than current administration. He was supporting tri-sea project that would eventually balance power and influence between Eastern and Western Europe. Biden has sent, a new ambasador that clearly indicates no American interest in strong Poland. Brzeziński despite his polish roots already showed that he prefers Poland under Berlin's rule.
@eddybig2781 6 ай бұрын
Of course I do . I'm talking about out of the European countries in the video, I think Poland is the most competent and most reliable in a combat situation and not just expect American military to protect them while talking crap about America
@thenormalgamer7944 6 ай бұрын
excuse me for my use of caps but YOU MIXED UP THE FLAGS OF LITHUAINIA AND LATVIA also the style sounds a lot like the infographics show
@bwcbiz 5 ай бұрын
One thing to keep in mind is that in the past the front line between Russia's allies and NATO cut through Germany, so Germany, Austria and Italy were the front line between the two sides. The countries increasing their military spending are the new front line. The eastern European countries don't have an interest in destabilizing the EU any more than the western countries do.
@artursbondars7789 6 ай бұрын
Correction: Baltic countries are in Europe's and NATO Eastern flank, but they are are located in Northern European region. Also Latvia's and Lithuania's places where mixed in video. And what concerns military spending in Baltic countries, it will go beyond 2.5% of GDP.
@robertklimczak5630 6 ай бұрын
Poland 4.2 GDP for armaments. that's EUR 31 billion every year. Year after year. and we also take out loans for weapons.
@luciusvonmarbach9907 6 ай бұрын
1:37 Being Polish myself, I can indeed confirm that the Germans and the Soviets invaded us in 1939 using both Panzer VI Tigers and T-72 respectively lol
@andrewelvlasov6316 6 ай бұрын
T-72 tank in 1939 ? Are you sure ?
@sandervr10 6 ай бұрын
It doesn't matter how big army spending gets in eastern Europe.. it's about economic power in the EU and always will be ..
@rodjones117 6 ай бұрын
Yes, and the German economy is in real trouble.
@laverami 5 ай бұрын
O, the polish economy is very stable and has grown a lot in the last years. But nope, that is not a 'threat' to the EU and its members, on the contrary.
@mrbeaverstate 6 ай бұрын
Germanys commitment to their military is minimal...They and the rest of the EU need Poland, not fear them.
@darongardner4294 6 ай бұрын
Poland needs to think independently in relation to protecting it's borders from aggressive nations. If a certain American person gets elected again and his best buddy is an aggressive nations leader Poland will be betrayed yet again.A number of EU nations will capitulate and side with the aggressiar.Poland needs to protect its western flanks as well has its eastern flanks.
@linksab9568 3 ай бұрын
As a Romanian who is also Polish, I gotta say that Poland and Romania are the France and Germany of the Eastern EU, and they should work even harder to develop the way they deserve!
@Just8gor 6 ай бұрын
I love how a video partially about Poland is 21:37 minutes long.
@dzinx0rrr 6 ай бұрын
when i saw the exact length of the video, I already knew what country this video was gonna be about :)))
@trevordavies5486 6 ай бұрын
A very Anglo-centric analysis. It still sees EU countries as competitors against each other rather than co-operators.
@laudsrealm188 6 ай бұрын
Every time you say the word superpower my skin crawls a little bit it's clear the definition is lost to time 😩
@user-ew2jr2sk7n 6 ай бұрын
The eastern EU and NATO members are building up their defense due to what happened in Ukraine that you cannot rely on anyone but yourself. With the freedom and prosperity they have experienced for decades, they have no plan to be part of the Russian umbrella again.
@donaldcarey114 6 ай бұрын
Any analysis of Italy's economy needs to take into account the fact that a huge part of it is underground (to avoid taxes).
@rinkinkel 6 ай бұрын
There are many factors that this analysis does not take into account, the most striking of which is, that Europeans are not Americans.
@Josep_Hernandez_Lujan 6 ай бұрын
Why? Poland isn't going to roll any tanks into Brussels. This doesn't seem that important
@chrisedwards196 6 ай бұрын
So the repeat car thieving kid that didn't even have a driving license who drove at police & pedestrians & was only stopped by being shot by the French police is a delivery driver now, the gaslighting is strong in this vid.
@user-hm5dt2bd5q 4 ай бұрын
WHAT are you even trying to say?
@chrisedwards196 4 ай бұрын
@@user-hm5dt2bd5q exactly what I said, the kid was a known car thief who wasn't even old enough to have a driving license & didn't stop for the police in a stolen car, is that clear enough?
@user-hm5dt2bd5q 4 ай бұрын
@@chrisedwards196 I don't know about what kid you are talking about...
@chrisedwards196 4 ай бұрын
@@user-hm5dt2bd5q the kid who this video claims was a delivery driver. He wasn't, he was a repeat car thief & was known by the police as such.
@user-hm5dt2bd5q 4 ай бұрын
@@chrisedwards196 Ah ok. I never really watch news as I don't own TV because it is worthless to have one for me.
@Andrzej360 4 ай бұрын
I don't like how he said Poland is an eastern european country, since it is central european.Although, this is an American channel so I'm not entirely surprised he said that.
@MrTomasMaliauka 6 ай бұрын
Is it so difficult not to mix locations of Baltic countries? Latvia and Lithuania mixed again... It DOES tells us about the quality of the video.
@tcray8599 4 ай бұрын
Poland is one of the few countries that stuck with America in Afghanistan through to the end.
@garypowell1540 4 ай бұрын
Nice graphics but I fail to understand the point it is trying to make, if indeed, it is trying to make one?
@xSkittlesxNewbx 4 ай бұрын
idk why, but I do find it funny how you mixed up colours of Latvia and Lithuania.. Also country shapes.... And their positions
@karinbeyaert9950 6 ай бұрын
Not a major issue, but you messed up the flags of Lithuania and Latvia.
@philzail2532 5 ай бұрын
Since Poland is no longer controlled by Russia. It's a Central European country not Eastern European.
@thefallenone199 6 ай бұрын
Trust me I didn't miss it, I watch your channel afterall
@jamesmancini1506 6 ай бұрын
I will start buying more stuff from Italy. That is what good allies do for each other. When they are hurting. We invest in Italys economy. They can grow, and add more jobs. And bounce back from recession. Like we should be doing in Germany. Poland, and obviously Uraine, and other Baltic countries. They need the money for arms, and ammo. God Bless Nato. If there was going to be a New World Order. That is it. The world's strongest Democracies fighting together. To bring the world together under one banner. Democracy. Freedom. Equality. Anyone who doesn't want those things, have something to lose from it. Probably money. The new God.
@jamiebray8532 4 ай бұрын
Tells me that Poland learned from history. So it will not have to repeat it. I wish more countries would learn from history. If they did the world probably wouldn't be the way it is right now.
@inigoacha1166 6 ай бұрын
The only thing breaking here is the Anglo dependency. Greetings from the old Spain.
@ericb.4358 6 ай бұрын
Poland will, in a few years, have the largest army and reserves and the most military hardware of ANY NATO member. This is due to the Ukraine war and the fact that Poland is mostly FLAT, especially where the invasion routes are most likely. So one cannot blame them for seriously arming. They to have a "Never again" motto.
@jensholm5759 6 ай бұрын
They and You live in the old days. Look at tank warfare in Ukraine. Now USSR is only 144 mio russians. The rest are subtrracted and even added Nato.
@ericb.4358 6 ай бұрын
Jens, I struggle to understand your explanation. Perhaps English is not your first language. Just HOE is it that Poland (and I) "live in the old days"? What does that mean??@@jensholm5759
@prosenlund1975 5 ай бұрын
Poland is on the rise and anyone going to Warsaw can see that. But travel 10 km out of the center, then you will understand that it's got a long road ahead. Germany is in another place, but anyone underestimating their ability to transform, has not been reading history. This is the strength of EU. Independent countries that collaborate.
@8obis 3 ай бұрын
U mixed up Latvia and Lithuania twice in the video, what an expert 😂
@batboylives 5 ай бұрын
I was looking at flightradar24 and saw a Hercules Military aircraft from Italy landing in a city Poland near the border of the Ukraine. This was today, and the first three letters of the city is Reo or Roe something. lol
@kristianthe1st859 6 ай бұрын
No one is missing this literally everyone is talking about how strong poland is
@terryl858 4 ай бұрын
Yep and so was ukrain until it wasn’t
@kristianthe1st859 4 ай бұрын
@@terryl858 Ukraine was never the strongest military in Europe it did not even have a navy you are wrong...they are stomping Russia with basically nothing in terms of funding or equipment but they are not and have never been a contender for being the strongest
@CC-uq4hu 6 ай бұрын
Poland is resource dependent..especially energy… will lose if it is stupid enough to go against Russia. It will be another Ukraine 😢😢nobody will stick up for them see what happens to Ukraine it’s rubble now. Please Poland my mother country keep peace not war
@TomatoFettuccini 6 ай бұрын
Canadians know how Germans feel; our governments over the last 60 years have completely gutted our military, and the CF is one of the most top-heavy militaries in the world (we have way more generals than we need, way more officers than we need, and not nearly enough NCMs). It sounds like many Western countries share the same issue; too much wealth concentrated in too few hands. Strangely enough, when billionaires were taxed at 90% of their income, these countries prospered and their populations grew endemically, and the population wasn't extorted at every turn. Now that billionaires are being minted daily and are shifting their tax burden to the people, and the people are being bankrupted in droves, it's small wonder governments don't have enough money to effectively operate anymore, people aren't having children, aren't spending money, and unrest is rising. I mean, how can governments not see it? Businesses create billionaires at record rates, overall population is going poor. They're also going poor because businesses are replacing people with robots and AI tools, leaving masses of people unemployed. The existing businesses don't use human labour because there aren't any labour protection laws in effect or else aren't being enforced, so they're not hiring, contributing to further unemployment. Poor people can't afford to buy thing that the companies are manufacturing, and because they're poor don't have kids, thus the population crash, and since the population is crashing, there will be even fewer people to buy things being manufactured, and thus less money for governments. Russia is a microcosm of what the world will become if governments don't wise up. Government policy of shifting wealth to an ever-smaller group of people will destroy every country on the planet and turn the entire world into warring oligarchies.
@MrTangolizard 6 ай бұрын
What an incredibly simplistic view of military power buying some ranks and artillery doesn’t make u a military superpower naval and air power make a huge difference Poland also builds very little of what it needs it also has a small population and GDP
@michastankiewicz9966 6 ай бұрын
Well Small but still equal to Belgium, Netherlands and Sweeden together.
@MrTangolizard 6 ай бұрын
@@michastankiewicz9966 in terms of what ? Population? GDP ability to build military equipment I’m not so sure about that I commend Poland in taking serious its threat from Russia but this doesn’t make it a military superpower
@Yezpahr 6 ай бұрын
20:21 That is a very scary way to hold a weapon.
@joeyj6808 6 ай бұрын
Polacy do broni! On the last map of Earth made by humanity, on the last day humans exist, you will find Poland on that map!
@moonman2872 6 ай бұрын
The length of the video is 21:37, what a coincidence XD
@ALEKOZACZEK 6 ай бұрын
why the flag of latvia was swapped with the lithuanian one and why the flag of lithuania was changed to the latvian flag
@frommagecaseus6799 6 ай бұрын
The size of a country political power or even military power is not indicated by it's army size. In this case even more. as you said, the east is worried about a NATO Russia war, while the west, not as much. Also, much of the NATO military equipment send in the east is still owned by the country that send them (if I am not wrong on how this work). It is also important to point out that Poland lost of population from WW2 (only 1/6 of polish survived) is centuries from being replaced (We can take the irish for exemple who have yet to recover from the famous potato famine).
@Ohiotrucker1 6 ай бұрын
Poland = European Texas
@t.n.h.ptheneohumanpatterna8334 6 ай бұрын
But the us is stable the eu doesn’t haves a promising future
@iamaloafofbread8926 6 ай бұрын
​@@t.n.h.ptheneohumanpatterna8334 It would if Russia didn't ya know, become an authoritarian nation and aggressive to it's naighbors.
@chupacabra8700 6 ай бұрын
@chrabcio 4 ай бұрын
Berlin Wall fell because Poland started revolution, not the other way...
@danpowell5286 5 ай бұрын
Not a word about broken treaties, bio labs and 5I aggression.
@timothymartin3646 4 ай бұрын
I like your KZfaq contribution but I do detest loud background music. Please just make it occasional. I sometimes have the radio going and listen to a blog, but after a very short time I have to turn the music off. I wish I could do that on all KZfaq Content.
@Aabergm 6 ай бұрын
Uh, it wasn't missed, it was just ignored.
@KbB-kz9qp 4 ай бұрын
Ukraine has lost about 20 percent of its eastern area to Russia, and Germany is de-industrializing. Victoria Nuland got pushed out of the state department. Hopefully this war winds down soon.
@jansix4287 6 ай бұрын
Poland is so powerful that it single-handedly re-created problems the EU as a whole has in just one country. You remember how European defence spending is very ineffective, because every country purchases another type of armoured vehicle? Well, Poland alone has at least five types of main battle tanks. And they keep ordering new ones, which are completely incompatible with the ones they already have. Brilliant!
@Ultima-Signa 6 ай бұрын
Well, at least Poland could be glorified and hailed in the meantime in the social media. That’s really all that most Poles care about. While Germany is being thrashed left and right simply for first of all creating a cohesive and well-structured (re)armament plan that has been negotiated with allies. Instead of blindly buying stocks empty which results into allies that are more in need of it not being able to get it or even having to stand there in front of aggressors with completely emptied hands, for years to come.
@KrysFG 6 ай бұрын
We are modernising from Soviet era to modern NATO standard, Korean, German and American weapons are all compatible as they all use the same nato standards :)
@Pandzikizlasu80 6 ай бұрын
​​@@KrysFGAs I read, Poland has in active duty PT91s and Leopards2pl (modernisation of A4) and currently replaces them with Abramss and K2PLs - is there anything strange about replacing 25+ years old tanks? Both PT91 and Leopard2 lines are over, both are old constructions. T-72s were treated as a surplus junk long before the Ukrainian war.
@IOtrol_Studio 6 ай бұрын
We almost gived all of the PT91 gived to ukraine@@Pandzikizlasu80
@Pawel_Mrozek 6 ай бұрын
@jansix4287 You are uninformed. Poland is getting rid of old Soviet tanks, hundreds of which have already gone to Ukraine. Previously, we invested in German Leopards with the hope that these tanks would have some future, but it turns out that they are wrecks that the Germans are not able to modernize and there is generally a problem with reaching agreements with their industry, which has lost a lot of production capacity. Suddenly we find ourselves in a situation where we are replacing all the tanks we have with a completely different type, but no manufacturer in the world will deliver such numbers so quickly. So the plan goes in two directions. Abrams as a core force that can be acquired quickly. K2 from Korea as a strategic partnership in building its own production potential and the prospect of creating a new tank on this basis together with the Coreans. So, ultimately, there will be two types of tanks plus some Leopards, which will be modernized in Polish plants to the 2PL variant. All old Leopards, PT-91 or T-72, will end up in Ukraine or in the scrapyard anyway. All these tanks use the same ammunition and have the same main gun, so it won't be such a problem.
@berndhofmann752 6 ай бұрын
The video is okay. There are some faults but this is not important. Me as German I'm very happy about the development in Poland! Good performance in economics. Germany hat to take the biggest part in concern of the cold War. And we did well! Now others are doing more whilst Germany, italy and France have a lot of reforms to strengthen economy and military. It will take three to four years. 😂😂😂
@Pandzikizlasu80 6 ай бұрын
We Poles are also happy with you Germans finally properly investing in your military, so we Europeans living in democratic countries may feel more secure thanks to that. Also please do some Drang nach Osten thing, because Mecklenburg-Vorpomerrn and Brandenburg outside Berlin are damn empty places.
@berndhofmann752 6 ай бұрын
@@Pandzikizlasu80 thank you! I have many polish friends and I love the country! The eu is coming together.
@Ultima-Signa 6 ай бұрын
@@Pandzikizlasu80Finally? As if Poland has been doing any much better in the last years - despite Poland bordering Russia and having been afraid of Russia and even allegedly attacked by Russia (plane) while Germany didn’t feel like having any reason to be afraid of Russia. I mean, do you even have any idea how much the German military is doing to protect East European countries other than Poland? Much more than Poland is.
@Pandzikizlasu80 6 ай бұрын
@@Ultima-Signa It was still below the NATO 2% GDP agreement, however nominally it was a much bigger share indeed, because German economy is almost six times bigger.
@Ultima-Signa 6 ай бұрын
@@Pandzikizlasu80 Poland‘s share also was lower than 2% for a number of years within the last decade, if I‘m not mistaken (you can tell me please)..? And well, Poland is also not gifting several billions of € to Poland or various other European countries like Germany does through EU in order to help their positive development. This naturally does make it a lot harder to have more money left for military spending :). When we consider this fact then I have to say that it’s really despicable for you to jump on the ˋmuh 2% GDP spendingˋ train (which was a non-binding goal set for 2024 that Germany has indeed followed suit and ˋobligated‘, maybe keep that in mind). Not to mention Germany being the caretaker of a number of European crisis’ which all did cost a lot of money. Germany also wasn’t the only country that was below the 2% mark, in fact most European countries have been and some even still are I think.
@heberje 4 ай бұрын
The EU needs to adapt to the changing times. It is no threat. It's only a threat if Germany, France and Italy perceive it as a threat. Instead, adjust and learn how to prosper from change.
@peterkorek-mv6rs 4 ай бұрын
I live not far away from a civil (recreational and sports) shooting ground in Germany. They bang there many hours every day. Don't tell me the Germans don't want to join the Bundeswehr.
@julienrocher1 6 ай бұрын
Most EU countries admire the Poles and we are happy to see them grow and have more influence. The eastern countries have made many good predictions which the traditional west failed to see. Soon we will have a better balance in the EU. Sadly Germany is so mired in bureaucracy and unions that is drowning in red tape and rules and cannot get anything done efficiently. Even if they were 100 percent committed to restoring their defence force it would take 10 years to filter through levels and laws to get anything done. Problem is with the now unpopular accommodation of migrants the rise of a radical far right is very possible who like Orban will befriend Putin.
@hmpeter 6 ай бұрын
The unions are the one thing still good about working in Germany. Without them there would be no decently paid non-academic jobs left. Bureaucracy is a problem. Having worked in the defense industry, I know that only all to well. But that all could be overcome if there only was the political will to better things. But there is not. Even in the face of crisis, politicians are looking only after their personal gain or ideological agendas, ignoring not only the needs of Europe, but also their very own people. But with the left wing people in power who even openly hate Germany and are happy about its demise (the green party people), there is not much hope left. The rise of right wing extremists, so is my hope, will shift the political tone somewhat more to the center again. But still, the government right now is doing so much damage to the core industries that it might take decades to recover even if it stopped right now, if possible at all. So the more passive role of Germany - staying in the background but funding the party - will reduce to only staying in the background in the future. (While the German hating extremists in the south and east will like that, I think they will not be happy for long. Overall, a strong Europe needs strong European nations). Someone will have to step up financially, then. Probably not France or Italy.
@jensholm5759 6 ай бұрын
We dont admire. We expect. Thats the purpose. Its something for something adding increated wellfare for all/more. A dont forget You many poor farm districts. Create new jobs there or adsobere farm from there to new jobs somewhere else. Poland not need a new upperclass unles Yiu has a new Pitsultky or samething.
@hitone4319 5 ай бұрын
Now they put the face diapers on Cartoons too?
@southernsmoke8391 5 ай бұрын
That peace dividend went to pipelines leading into Russia & PLA military buildup. Meanwhile, US citizens are one missed paycheck or health issue away from poverty/homelessness.
@jensholm5759 6 ай бұрын
Poland as other new members now can grow in by sober rules and in they way. We are not UNICEF or Santa Claus. They has to fighting borders into open ones and burry old contrict and hate. By that EU will grow and by that change too. As a Dane I compare with the mashal help and investments in education, production and good welfare systems supported with good systems and no coruption. Many miles to go for poland as well.
@marchidan21 6 ай бұрын
In 20 year, Poland + rebuilded Ukraine will have ~80 milion population, ~1 milion km2, a strong economy and strongest army in Europe /third in the world after USA and China.
@pz9mo1221 6 ай бұрын
@5:48 nice map bro
@kubhlaikhan2015 6 ай бұрын
Poland is on track to be the EU's leading nation. Only one thing will destroy that dream - conflict with Russia.
@jackshaftoe1715 5 ай бұрын
It's the threat of Polish intervention that is keeping Belarus out of the game.
@user-br7bs8lb3d 5 ай бұрын
Poland may get stronger but depends on other countries for armament, like Ukraine who is waiting for US maga approval for weapons.
@marcins5183 6 ай бұрын
You confused the flags of Lithuania and Latvia at 5:52 😉
@Segalocus 6 ай бұрын
@5:16 you got the flags of Latvia and Lithuania backwards
@Angarsk100 6 ай бұрын
I'm confused... What's wrong with Poland? other than their Geographical location? I mean, the little I've heard of their policies sounds reasonable and not really antagonistic to Western ideals.
@robertklimczak5630 6 ай бұрын
we are on the European plain. we have two neighbors, Russia and Germany. Now Germany is our ally, but disarmed. The rest pats us on the back and says good Poles, good. but we have a feeling that if Trump withdraws, we will fight and the rest will support us I'll back it up with a good word because they don't have much weapons and ammunition.
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