Girls, Tell Me About A Time Where Your Quick Thinking Saved Your Life? | Part 3

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Ask TikTok

Ask TikTok

2 жыл бұрын

TikTok question and answers. all sources for users are on the watermark
Enjoy :)
00:00 -
01:54 - transcendcapitalism
02:50 - americanfille
03:44 - jquelly
04:39 - carolinapipney
05:34 - biz.betzing
06:29 - daisycolvin
07:24 - raphielle_ii
08:19 - lemlabel

Пікірлер: 701
@hailymichael3863 2 жыл бұрын
Okay but the one about Ivan Milat is so scary....all of them are but...what a narrow brush with death for that girl's mom.
@DontEatYourMicrowave 2 жыл бұрын
If she was any less well spoken she would have died.
@akiramomoiro3083 2 жыл бұрын
It's honestly kind of funny that they valley girl gossiped him enough to get him annoyed to drop them off somewhere
@moxn8361 2 жыл бұрын
@@akiramomoiro3083 she didn’t annoy him she spoke like if she got hurt he will get hurt as well or worse in jail or killed
@twisted5025 2 жыл бұрын
Her mom was very smart
@andreamartinez249 2 жыл бұрын
@@akiramomoiro3083 i think he left them alone because they made it apparent to him that someone probably saw them together and that people would be there looking for them who have power in the town
@Jamilaaaaaaaaaaa 2 жыл бұрын
Ladies, intuition is your most authentic og out there, never doubt it
@senka9763 2 жыл бұрын
It's literally God saving us
@jurassicpork8944 2 жыл бұрын
@@senka9763 Was just thinking the same thing amen.
@akiramomoiro3083 2 жыл бұрын
@@senka9763 or just our spiritual intuition. Perhaps it could be God telling us something, but also I believe that we are all part of a extremely spiritual Network of energy that gives us our intuition, that's connected to god, every soul and living being and all spiritual energies and heaven and the spiritual world all together
@senka9763 2 жыл бұрын
@@akiramomoiro3083 I believe that our intuition must be activated by someone 🙂
@anikadobhal3725 2 жыл бұрын
@@leti_2751 amazing save right there. Who knows what he could've done to you. We may not realise it but the world is a much more dangerous place than we think. ALWAYS trust your instinct
@jiji1241 2 жыл бұрын
Us women live such a dangerous life and sad life. It's disgusting😭 we deserve better
@tatum664 2 жыл бұрын
Sometimes it’s dangerous I agree, but we have it a lot better than women in other countries. In Afghanistan women aren’t aloud to go to school and they are getting shot in the streets for not being “Muslim enough”
@serpentinewolf7085 2 жыл бұрын
@@tatum664 She said us not US…. Those women are included. Getting their shit rocked by, you guessed it…. Men!
@isxbxlleee 2 жыл бұрын
@@tatum664 that’s sad :(. I’m Muslim, and idk what they mean by not being ‘Muslim Enough’. As long as they hijab(they must as 13), pray, wear the clothes we are supposed to, read Quran, and are nice, then they are true Muslims. There I put it
@natalieng5329 2 жыл бұрын
Men also get involved in dangerous situation where their lives are at risk, though I think that women have it worse
@adeenareaz4244 2 жыл бұрын
@@isxbxlleee I’m Muslim too
@Hunter225 2 жыл бұрын
I used to live in central Florida. I was sitting at a red light one night. I was there less than a minute, when I got surrounded by men with weapons, no guns. I just smiled, and drove straight at them. It was fun watching them jump out of the way. I reported it, the police were able to find them, and arrest them.
@mistythehamster8405 2 жыл бұрын
@Hunter225 2 жыл бұрын
@@mistythehamster8405 Florida does keep you aware.
@kcjm7345 2 жыл бұрын
Lol I would’ve smiled & drove forward as well
@Hunter225 2 жыл бұрын
@@kcjm7345 I would occasionally scare college students too. If they where standing in the road, when the light turned green, I would rev up my engine, and terrify them
@samvalecaaguilar1807 2 жыл бұрын
im from south FL, miami specifically, we honestly gotta be careful out here. some ppl are insane
@Bubblies005 2 жыл бұрын
I remember when a guy at a frat party kept insisting he should pour me a beer. After the third time he asked I said, “Do I look like I was born yesterday? I said no so please fuck off!” He left me alone after that. I don’t act polite to people who try to drug me.
@ajholt84 2 жыл бұрын
Stories like the video, and stories like yours is why I often remind my daughter (who is absolutely sweet and polite) that politeness goes out the window if you're uncomfortable. She is taught, and gets refreshers, on how to physically protect herself by her father and has her own pocket knife she carries, given to her by us. I've had scary incidents of almost being kidnapped and harrassed happen too much to let my daughter walk around w/out the ability to think quickly or protect herself.
@echovalentine6206 2 жыл бұрын
Speaking of trafficking: I was once waiting for the bus near my home when a woman with perfect makeup and expensive clothes came to wait and said “my boyfriend is coming to pick me up. The bus is waaay too late. Do you want a ride?” And my mental alarm usually saved for creepy men starting going off honestly as soon as I saw her. I was like “She dresses too well to be in this city. She looks like a lure for traffickers to get young girls” because I’m anxious and have studied trafficking in my human rights club of high school. So I blanked up and said “no thank you I’d rather wait” and she just took a phone call and started speaking a different language into the phone (it wasn’t Russian but close) all while staring at me. I pretended not to notice but my instinct told me to record the conversation. I didn’t record it out of fear that she would see me do that. If my instincts were right she wouldn’t take well to it. Eventually she got up and started walking away towards a path where cars couldn’t come pick her up. A few minutes later the bus came.
@aanchalhegde2247 2 жыл бұрын
Did you find out what she was talking abt in the phone call??
@layloo5244 2 жыл бұрын
Aanchal Hegde she said she never recorded the convo out of fear
@MoMo-ee9zs 2 жыл бұрын
What a load of crap that her bf was coming to pick her up! God bless u u got away from that situation. 🙏
@FloraMecha 2 жыл бұрын
Okay, storytime, but this isn't my story, it's my mother's story. So, a long time ago, she worked at this hotel, where she served breakfast and was a cleaning lady. There were regulars at this hotel, one of them being this prostitute, who was always super nice to my mom. (Keep in minds, this was probably in the 80s or 90s) One day, she sees the prostitute, but this time, she's with a man. My mom saw this look in the woman's eyes and she mouthed the words "Help me." to my mom. So, my mom goes up to them and asks if he knows her, he realizes he just got caught, so he starts running away. My mom takes her shoes off, grabs a broom and starts chasing this guy until she eventually looses him in a parking lot. The cops were called, my mom explained what the guy looked like and what happened. Turns out, he was a wanted serial killer, on the run. So that's the story of how my mother scared away a serial killer with a broom.
@thiccpeach3660 2 жыл бұрын
oh my gosh fucking queen
@FloraMecha 2 жыл бұрын
@@thiccpeach3660 I thought that exact same thing
@ihaventgotjamseither179 2 жыл бұрын
Conclusion: Brooms and chappals can save a life
@mariachsupremacy4834 2 жыл бұрын
You’re mother is a badass!!!
@yasminlaher7228 2 жыл бұрын
Badass mom
@aleynan2153 2 жыл бұрын
If someone if clearly following you while driving, drive to a police station. My friend was being followed in a car the other night and luckily they eventually stopped following her after she made a number of circles in her car but I always suggest driving to a police station cuz it’s pretty unlikely (but unfortunately not impossible) someone would try to kidnap you right outside of a police station.
@rock2946 2 жыл бұрын
THIS! Drive to the nearest police station and call the cops while you drive over there. It's the safest way
@akiramomoiro3083 2 жыл бұрын
Not to mention, if you have any sort of nefarious history with this person, meaning that you witnessed anything else about them or whatever, documented and or explaining the most evident way possible. The reason why I mentioning this, is because I happen to know someone who is so emotionally manipulative that he's really good at making himself look like a good guy, and is really good at getting empathy from pretty much anyone if they don't know him well at least. I'm not going to get into the full story here, but I just remember that he was stalking my mom for a while, and it very understandably made her paranoid about it, so reading this made me think of that, that what if in the case someone had a previous friend chase them to do something to them God forbid, and then they're really good at manipulating others, making it seem like they're really the victim and everyone else is manipulating them, then likely a good thing to do is to have on hand any evidence whether it be on your phone hard memory, maybe even documents somewhere in your car, but it really safe place, etc. Please don't get too paranoid about this though, it's a really really unlikely situation, but I remember for example my mom had a lawyer write a threat letter to this man, since he would not stop contacting her when she told him to stop, he kept finding other means of contacting her. To this day he still tries to find ways, which is really disturbing, but it's circumvents all of the things that were mentioned in the letter, but fortunately it's nowhere near as direct as it was before. He has thankfully been scared off enough to not directly bother us in a while.
@aleynan2153 2 жыл бұрын
@@rock2946 absolutely. calling the police in a potentially dangerous situation is definitely a good idea! However, if you’re too afraid to call the police or don’t have your phone, etc going to the police station will hopefully be enough. I most definitely agree with you about calling though
@kingjulian7941 2 жыл бұрын
That happened to my aunt she called her then husband when she realized she was being followed and waited for him in a police station parking lot
@lillianmccue5297 2 жыл бұрын
I wish that men that say, “not all men” can hear these stories, we women have to be constantly on alert just to stay safe it’s so sad. When I’m out with my younger siblings I have go into protector mode. Can wait till I’m old enough to get a fire arm.
i literally never cared about my own safety until my niece was born and now i am insanely aware of my surroundings and men when we are out in public. men just seem drawn to young women alone with a child. it's scary. it's also scary how oblivious i was as a teenager and into my early twenties. lots of scary moments when i think back on them.
@thefridge7335 2 жыл бұрын
They do?
@mewesquirrel6720 2 жыл бұрын
That's literally anyone with common sense
@skyblue2708 2 жыл бұрын
@@mewesquirrel6720 Right? Where do you have to live to not be aware of your surroundings? I'm a big dude and I walk around constantly alert myself, especially if it's dark. It's definitely worse for females, but everybody should alert.
@fcku2345 2 жыл бұрын
@@thefridge7335 yes
@kathycook76 2 жыл бұрын
An anecdote my mom told me from back in the 1950s, when she was in her 20s. She needed to go to the laundromat one evening, but my dad had to work. Rather than go alone, she took their dog with her, who was a large boxer. Sure enough, she was all alone in the place until several guys came in and just started hanging out. She described them as "sketchy looking" - particularly since they didn't have any laundry with them. She's a pretty quick thinker though, so she casually said, "Don't worry about the dog; she won't bother anyone unless they try to hurt me." The guys left.
@annasaddiction5129 Жыл бұрын
So much for the " These days" Phrase.
@cielgrey5378 2 жыл бұрын
I’m a guy but I watched this video because i wanted to better understand the female experience as I have a lot of friends who are girls and can relate to this, it was very helpful
@kcjm7345 2 жыл бұрын
Stuff happens to men too lol
@kcjm7345 2 жыл бұрын
You be safe out here
@serpentinewolf7085 2 жыл бұрын
@@kcjm7345 I don’t know how often men get jumped in relatively safe areas and raped/trafficked. Totally different experiences.
@kcjm7345 2 жыл бұрын
@@serpentinewolf7085 Read the news more.
@serpentinewolf7085 2 жыл бұрын
@@kcjm7345 Avoid the news, makes people go crazy.
@winwinn206 2 жыл бұрын
Hi girls! Even males listen to this If ANY girl walks up to you and says something like “Hi sally! How is kayla’s foot?” PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE go along with it It means that somebody is following them and they are pretending that a friend is near by no matter HOW WEIRD IT IS at the end you have SAVED SOMEBODYS LIFE! Make sure to also get them home safely! S P R E A D edit : i copy and pasted it, i didn’t start this thread
@Simphyuk 2 жыл бұрын
I will!
@your_local_ipadkid3277 2 жыл бұрын
Do be cautious though! This is a tactic used by human traffickers to lure young girls with other women, so do not go anywhere private with them. Take them somewhere public, with lots of people surrounding you, until they say they’re safe. Then get away from the area.
@chaos871 2 жыл бұрын
i cant wait for a girl to come up for me trying this only for me to say i dont know her and ask the man chasing her if he knows her
@victoria-bq1hj 2 жыл бұрын
ur joking right
@sukiyamma8556 2 жыл бұрын
@@victoria-bq1hj No, women if there being chased followed anything SA/kidnapping assault following etc will often come up to other women/men etc and pretend to know them, like they found them after getting lost or something. But sometimes it can be human trafficking like if someome comes up to you in a random shop like another women randomly starts to chit chat and askd to get coffee or something and just seems sketch/follows you, it can be human trafficking be safe.
@akhoneybee9076 2 жыл бұрын
I have one. My husband and I were on a long drive with our three children in the heat of summer. One of our kids was a baby at the time. Our state is also a very big hot spot for tourism and therefore definitely would be traffickers too given our remote area where people easily disappear. I was driving my old beat up truck at the time, and we were in very very small town Alaska where the police response is anywhere from 20 minutes to an hour. My husband went into the station to get a snack and I opted to wait in the vehicle with my children. Suddenly, I notice an older man walk up to my window. Maybe late 50’s, about six feet tall, and very European in his demeanor and accent. The second I saw him, I got that gut feeling and bristling of the hairs on my neck too. He tapped my window, and at this point I locked the door faster than he could get the handle open as he was reaching to open my actual vehicle door next. He wanted me to roll the window down quickly and since he realized it was not a power window, his next move was to open my door. Since this is an older truck, the doors do not lock at the click of a button. I looked him dead in the eye and leaned over to lock the other front door right in front of him. Both back doors were already locked. At this point, he gives me a slight smirk and I rolled my window down maybe half a centimeter to ask him what he wanted. He seems to enjoy that I understand he is putting me in an uncomfortable situation. He then tells me “it’s illegal to idle right here.” This I know is definitely false since we are parked in an area far away from the building, there are no signs, and I have lived here my whole life in remote town, Alaska. He continues to try to make conversation with me and trying to convince me to shut off my vehicle, and I decided to pick up and set my handgun in my lap and remove it from safety. There is no way this guy did not notice this since I was very open about it yet he still continued to stand there. I am very uncomfortable at this point, but I said “okay thank you” and gave him my best bitch face of all time in an effort to close down the conversation and make him leave. I did NOT turn off my vehicle because I was planning to use it to my defense if he decided to try anything and I ran out of bullets on his worthless corpse and needed more! Also because it’s hot as crap and my six month old baby was in the back seat. It is at this point I see my husband pop round the corner of the door at the service station, I use my half a centimeter of window to yell at the top of my actual lungs across the parking lot and over this dude’s shoulder and it just so happens we both speak Russian. I yelled over his shoulder in Russian “get your ass over here we need to go NOW.” My husband hears me from maybe 100 or more feet away through my half centimeter of window this is how loud I am yelling at him. My husband then acknowledges me and says “OKAY!” as he continues his very slow walk over. 😫 This guy then smiles a sinister knowing smile at me again and I give him another one of my best bitch faces and said “okay bye…” before he kind of snickers and realizes he has lost this one many times over by now and returns to his creepy ass motorhome. For whatever reason, when I am in situations like this, I have always stared my would be attacker dead in the face with the most stone cold expression I can muster and respond to the situation. So far, the balls of steel method has worked for me since it kind of throws them for a second that I am not visibly flustered and gives me a few more seconds to respond. Sure, internally I am freaking out and doing all the calculations, but I don’t give them the satisfaction of seeing me “scared”. Channel your inner “don’t give a fuck” ladies! 😂
@bellanewton6125 2 жыл бұрын
Ey ey captain
@arooj7329 2 жыл бұрын
@sophia-by8jb 2 жыл бұрын
This is a little random, and not near as terrifying as these stories, but once I was standing in front of the main entrance of my school about 30 minutes after we were released (everyone was either inside or had been picked up by then) and this random dude came up to me and kept trying to ask where he could get something to eat and wouldn't leave me alone, even though I kept shaking my head and ignoring him. Mind you, im a minor and I look like a minor. A grown man has no business speaking to a kid, especially a girl.. just thought it was such a weird situation and I was so scared at the time.
@divyanshidhiman8951 2 жыл бұрын
Sooo something similar happened to me... It was 10 or 11 pm and I was walking my dog when this car comes and stops on the road (it was my neighbour who is a cab driver and was just returning from work). The guy gets out and just stands there for a while staring at me. Ofc I noticed so I finally urge my dog to get back home. Just when we were going he asked "what does he eat? " Abt my dog and just starts a conversation about it and I'm like oh okay that's why he was standing there and I answer him. He asks a few questions and tells me he has three kids and a dog too and goes to show their photo on his phone. And see this is a pretty harmless conversation and he was adamant abt me seeing the pictures so he gave me the phone and starts scrolling through pics and they're okay too the kids look normal, the dog looks normal everything is fine. So I gave him back the phone cos honestly he's still a bit creepy and I'm not that interested to learn about his entire family. But then. He starts asking about my dog again. And he literally just said "has he had sex yet? You know what it is right? When the male dogs get big their penis also gets bigger and they need to put it inside a female dog or he can die. The female dogs can do that even if they're young. Is he mated? When they have sex his penis will get enlarged to keep his semen in her so that she gets pregnant. Female dogs get in heat too and they should have sex by then. " Etc. Etc. Needless to say I was shocked. And I told him I don't know abt it and ask my parents of you're that interested in my dog's sex life. But he's still going on about heat and knot and what ever the hell that a growth man really shouldn't be talking about with a 16 year old at this late at night when theirs no one on the streets and she's clearly uncomfortable. Anyways this happened and I went home and told mum about that and she says why did you even entertain him that long? (Tbh I didn't want to but couldn't be rude cos technically he was a neighbour and all stupid ik) The next day mum told me how one day when she was going to work, this same dude offered her a ride to the bus station and she was like okay no problem but then he drove so slow and was talking nonsense that it was kinda creepy for her too. Anyways we told about this incident to the granny who owns the house where that neighbour is actually a tenant. I've never seen him since then.
@michelledawn7446 2 жыл бұрын
When I was 14, I was walking home from school and a guy pulled up next to me and asked if I wanted a ride. He was the only one in the car and I didn't know him. I just said "no thank you." He asked if I was sure and I said yes. Luckily he drove off after. I don't know if his intentions were good or bad but it's inappropriate for a strange grown man to ask that to a young girl. I told my mom when I got home and she had me talk to an officer who said I did the right thing.
@sophia-by8jb 2 жыл бұрын
@@michelledawn7446 yes, i agree. grown adults should not be offering things as personal as car rides to young girls and boys.
@SunBunz 2 жыл бұрын
It’s so sad how literally every woman I know including myself have at least 1 story like this.
@imfrenchfries7430 2 жыл бұрын
Ikr! 😫
@dream_walker9726 2 жыл бұрын
It’s so sad that women have learned to be scared while *walking down their street* because of incidents like these 😕
@SunBunz 2 жыл бұрын
@@dream_walker9726 It happens way too much. But better safe than sorry.
@dream_walker9726 2 жыл бұрын
@@SunBunz Agreed 100%
@SunBunz 2 жыл бұрын
@Curly-n-Girly Well, these aren't "men" we're talking about. Real men don't do these things.
@alexmackenzie7223 2 жыл бұрын
Always remember: if you're traveling with your car alone, buy all the necessary food and snacks you'll gonna need, full tank your car and do #1 & # 2 first before going on your way. Always lock your car doors.
@lynx70123 2 жыл бұрын
I also keep water in my car.
@Sarah-re7cg Жыл бұрын
This! And have a survival backpack in the trunk of your car. Mine has heating pads, a knife, a flashlight (I need to get one with solar power) extra batteries, a blanket…I’m trying to think about what else is in it but I can’t remember atm but yeah! Everyone should do this!
@MaryCorbell 2 жыл бұрын
I was abducted and nearly raped. I was alone one morning waiting for a friend to pick me up. I had to wait all day for her to get off work, so I was just walking around the not-so-nice part of Pasadena, CA. Hours went by and I began to get hungry, so I decided to walk to the local outdoor mall to get some food. Half way there I realized I had didn’t have enough money with me to buy any food. I was broke, I was hungry and I was having a pretty bad day, so I sat down on the curb with my head in my hands. That’s when I huge man walked up to me and asked me “what’s wrong?” He must have been 6’4” and big, easily over 250 lbs, but he was smiling at me. I smiled back and blurted out that I was hungry and that it was a crappy day. He said, “if I buy you lunch, would you eat it?” I thought that it was a strange question, but he seemed nice and I was hungry, so I said yes. He and I began walking across the large grocery store parking lot nearby, towards a little Chinese restaurant, and as we walked the man put his arm around my waist and held me against his body with a firm grip, tight like he was afraid I’d run off. I thought that was strange, but he smiled at me, and he still seemed like a nice guy so I let him do it. A lady pulled up in her car she rolled down her window, she looked at the man and then at me and ask, “do you need help?” I started to feel nervous, the red flags were flying, but I was afraid of what would have happened to me if I answered yes… So I smiled, looked at her and said no. My heart sunk as I watched her drive away, confused. The man pulled me tighter and picked up his pace toward the Chinese restaurant. I remember thinking about his long legs and how I was struggling to match his pace, that he was so much faster than me. As we walked into the restaurant I silently panicked when I realized it was a tiny hole in the wall with 2 booths and no bathroom. No escape. The man ordered me food and told me to sit down, then he plopped the box of fried rice he ordered down onto the table and slid into the booth across from me, he just sat there and said nothing, he just watched as I tried to eat some small bite of the rice. I had completely lost my appetite. He was staring at me with this strange look in his eye. It felt like he was waiting for me to run. Like he was preparing to have to chase me. I have never felt like prey more in my life, and I will say that when cops use the term predator, I now fully understand why they used that word. I could barely swallow one bite, so I put my food into the small bag I had with me and said, “ you know what? I’m actually not hungry… I’ll save this for later”, he seemed a little confused, and as he began to tell me that I should eat, I piped up and said, “actually, I need to use the bathroom! But there’s no bathroom here…” I pointed out the window to the grocery store and said, “but there’s one in there!”. He looked annoyed, the man said there was a bathroom in the restaurant I should use, but the guy behind the counter said, no, their bathroom was for employees only. The man was clearly annoyed but trying to hide it, so he agreed. Again, as we left he grabbed me by the waist and held me against him as he walked us toward the grocery store. I thought okay, if I could just get to the store I could figure something out like crawl out a window or something. But then the man stopped walking, we were 20 ft from the grocery store doors, but there was a pillar that blocked the view of us from the people walking by. The man stood me in front of him against the pillar and towered over me, he seemed eager, worried, and asked me if I had a place to sleep. That’s when he started to lean in to kiss me. That was it something snapped in me, I knew if I didn’t get him off me he’d try to rape me, he was already trying to control my body, so I yelled as loud as I could “NO!” And pushed him off me in one sharp shove as hard as I could. He back off startled, and I slipped out from us grasp and ran. I bee lined for the glass doors and in what must have looked like a wild eyed hysteria I searched for a cop. There was none, just a skinny kid, about my height but he has a security uniform on that resembled a cop, so I ran at him and frantically yelled at him that there was a man outside who was trying to rape me. The kid looked at me like he didn’t know what to do, but that’s when we saw the man pacing out in front of the doors, so the kid stood up and stared the man down. He told me to stay back and asked if I wanted to find a place to sit down, I didn’t, I said “no! I don’t want to be alone!” And he thankfully understood. The man panicked when he saw me talking to the uniformed kid and decided to run off. If you thought that was the end… nope. After an hour of chatting with the kid I told him I was desperate for a smoke. He asked, “oh you smoke? Want to go to my car?” This guy just saved my life, so I thought, maybe we’ll strike up a friendship? I agreed. I followed the kid to his car, opened the door and got in. I lit a cigarette to calm my nerves and he said, “oh, I thought you meant *smoke*” and pointed to his weed. I said no, I don’t do that… and began to feel uncomfortable as he lit up beside me. I sat there for a moment realizing that I had made stupid decision to leave the safety of the store. I quietly made an excuse that I needed to get some air, I reached for the door handled and began to open in when the kid realizes I was trying to leave. He grabbed my arm and leaned across the center console to get on top of me for a kiss. I stopped him, pushed open the door and left. I ran across the street to a gas station and hid in the alley behind it, I called my friend and told her to pick me up, that it was an emergency, and explained the entire thing while I cried. She probably broke traffic laws to come get me, she was there so fast. I will never blindly trust again. I will always trust my intuition. Strange thing? The man wore the cross of a pastor. The kid wore a security uniform. Never, never, never blindly trust, especially when your instincts tell you otherwise. I hope my story helps someone.
@sunflower7045 2 жыл бұрын
Middle of the morning in February, after a job interview and still wearing my dress suit, I stopped at Walmart on my way home. While walking through the isles, my spidey senses kicked in and I looked up to see a creepy guy in the hunting department (red flag), staring me down. I just went about my way to check out. After having a nice conversation with the check out gal, I proceeded out to the busy parking lot. It was cold and raining, so I hurried along. As soon as I unlocked my door and began to sit, I heard a man’s voice right behind me, say “hi.” I fell the rest of the way into my seat, startled. He kneeled down to me and said his girlfriend had just broken up with him and he needed someone to talk to. Then he reached in, put his hand on my thigh and started moving it upward. I froze, but managed a soft “Please… Don’t,” and with that he smiled ear to ear, displaying a mouth of missing and rotted teeth. Then for whatever reason, maybe he sensed I was about to snap on him, he said “ok,” stood up and walked away. Horrified, I shut my door and hit the auto locks, just in case. He didn’t come back, but after filing a police report, the detective informed me that several women had been abducted there recently. We never clearly identified him, but 100% I was almost abducted.
@fatimagiga214 2 жыл бұрын
Oh. My. Gosh. Terrifying
@lilysbussinchannel 2 жыл бұрын
tbh I would've snapped as soon as I heard the voice, I understand why you didn't though.
@akachickennuggets9190 2 жыл бұрын
Literally got the chills reading this, and right as I was done I heard a crash in my house. My mom dropped something but holy fuck that scared me.
@mewesquirrel6720 2 жыл бұрын
He was right in front of your face.
@akachickennuggets9190 2 жыл бұрын
@@mewesquirrel6720 okay?
@lizziebethh 2 жыл бұрын
Mine is not as scary but I was on a hike with my friends and we walked over a little bridge and a guy appeared from a lane and stood on the bridge and watched us go. This guy was 50-60 and clearly under the influence of something... We quickly walked around the corner but we discovered we had come the wrong way and needed to walk back over the bridge. We were super scared to, and stood there for 10 minutes to see if the guy would leave the bridge. He didn't. We were a group of 15 year old girls, British (so no firearms, pepper spray etc.) and with 15 kilo backpacks. As we waited, I prayed so hard that God would provide a way for us to get out of there. As I prayed, a man walked around the corner; about 20 something years old, wearing headphones and walking his dog (he called it Ulysses, what a cool dog name 😂). We knew this was our chance, so we followed him, walked behind him over the bridge and kept walking with him for a minute or two until we were out of sight. I don't know if he knew we were following him, but he looked suspiciously at the old man. We never spoke to the young man, but I truly believe that sometimes God sends people like that our way. Stay safe girls.
@bear06260 2 жыл бұрын
Amen! I had a situation were I came across a creepy dude one time at my grocery store. Long story short, he showed us "tricks" like taking his arm out of his socket and literally *lighting his hands on fire* etc. Me and two of my other friends were with me when we encountered this man and we were all originally scared of him (I'm making fake names for my friends. We'll call them Katherine and Bella) and two weeks later after the encounter and our other friend said the police came and moved him somewhere else. We were in a little store and the man makes eye contact with me through the window. He was peeking in too so I grab Katherine's arm and point to the man. They make eye contact too. Katherine grabs me and Bella, we go to the back because now the man is in the store looking for us. We leave the store and thankfully our friend Teresa and her dad are with us until we were safe. I'm EXTREMELY grateful that God put Teresa and her dad there!
@lizziebethh 2 жыл бұрын
@@bear06260 that's a scary story. things like this make me so grateful that God is fully in control :D
@WayToVibe 2 жыл бұрын
I came for the stories of my fellow survivors and left with ideas for future survival. You women are amazing quick thinkers and please congratulate yourself every day for coming up with these ways to save your life every day.
@PoliticalWonderland 2 жыл бұрын
I was kidnapped for 3 days by someone I knew (I have police records to prove it) and the only way I got out was saying “if I don’t call my mom she’ll have the cops show up”… luckily the guy gave me his phone and walked away for 10 seconds… I texted my mom “sos get me as soon as you can. And don’t respond to this text!” then deleted the text and called just to show a call log… She showed up a few hours later and the only reason he let me go was because she had a gun! 😩
@karic0re 2 жыл бұрын
I absolutely adore women's intuition and instincts, they always know if something is not right.
@LivVirtual 2 жыл бұрын
Not always, or else people like Ivan Milat would've only had male victims, and not female. I think it's more like some women have had to develop a better sense for danger out of necessity.
@imfrenchfries7430 2 жыл бұрын
@@LivVirtual some try to ignore it like me😑
@peaceglory5973 2 жыл бұрын
Guys too. They have this spidey senses too.
@karic0re 2 жыл бұрын
@@peaceglory5973 yeah i know
@Sarah-re7cg Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much. If you sense something is off or see something suspicious, please take action in some way. We need to protect each other.
@sleepygirl96 2 жыл бұрын
7:10 my first response was: omg ditch those "friends" of yours that left you passed out in a guy's car. But then my second even scarier thought was that maybe he was a really good friend of her and her friends and they really trusted him and then he did such a thing. That sends chills down my spine I mean do I have to be scared even of my close guy friends???!
@afrink2203 2 жыл бұрын
we legit can't trust anyone enough ig
@sleepygirl96 2 жыл бұрын
@Curly-n-Girly as I read your comment it reminded me of a story a girl at Uni once told me. That she studied abroad and they lived in a dorm like situation and at a party a girl who was supposed to be her friend gave a guy her second room key. So when my friend went into her room in a drunk tired state, this guy came in, locked the door and raped her. Turns out the girl gave him the key to get them together so she could get with another guy who was more focused on my friend. So yeah. You can't trust anyone
@nairagar7338 2 жыл бұрын
the one that would likely harm you are the ones you trust the most or something like that. heard a story similar to that, the girl trusted her friend(a guy) -no bestfriend since childhood and lo and behold she got raped by him.
@ma_kal 2 жыл бұрын
Why is it that we women can't catch a break??? Why???
@Butterflier00 2 жыл бұрын
male entitlement....
@allycat2date 2 жыл бұрын
@iisodapop570 2 жыл бұрын
So I run track and cross country and it was winter time so it was my off season and I run in the park almost everyday; I’ve gotten to known a lot of good people. Anyways it was during winter break and I live in a vacation town so like a lot of Californians and drunk crazy people come to my town a lot. So I started my run near the skate park and there’s a lot of sketchy people around there and I didn’t think much about it when I saw a guy vaping in front of the bathroom, so I went to the restroom before starting and he looked me dead in the eye when I walked past him and it made feel strange so I quickly went into the bathroom and walked back out and started running immediately and of course this dude got on his skateboard as soon as I did that and starts heading in the direction I’m going. (I know it’s a park so it’s not uncommon to go in the same direction as people but I was running it in a way to get the most amount of distance so I was taking a lot of side paths) but anyways this dude followed me for almost 3/4 of a mile before I saw a guy (he was a big dude too) walking his dog and I just yell out “Hey Dad I was looking for you!” and start walking with him until the creep turned around. I’m so thankful for that guy to be there. And before you say anything about me running up to a random guy- I knew him because his dog also wore a different pair of sunglasses everyday. 🤩🤩
@llacx8974 2 жыл бұрын
I was in a Fred Myers, I had ran inside by myself to grab some conditioner I needed. My bf didn’t go in as I said I was just going to be a couple minutes. As soon as I walk in there is this creepy old guy walking very slow and was starting to glance at me. I usually walk fast, and with the way he looked at me I slowed my pace to ensure I wouldn’t be near him. He walks by and I eventually pick up my usual speed to the shampoo aisle. Something tells me to look behind me and he’s following me at my same pace right behind me. When I had seen him walking very slow earlier. I turn around slightly panicking and turn the opposite corner of where I was going and speed walk up and down random aisles. I see him looking around for something, which I assumed to be me, and race to the shampoo and conditioner aisles. I quickly make my selection and less than 1 minute and a half this guy was right behind me and acted as if he had accidentally ran into me. He said “sorry! You go ahead first” I said “no. Fuck off” with a stern voice and walked up to the customer help desk. I ask if I can check out there and inform them that there’s a predator walking around the store. Surprised they seemed slightly irritated. There’s way more interactions I have similar to this but this had made my gut feel very weird. Stay safe ladies
@SeriouslySeriousGrim 2 жыл бұрын
I was maybe 10, with my cousin 3-4, and my early 30’s aunt. We were all female and relatively small (I no longer identify as female and have begun my transition, but obviously then I was just 10). We had been having a “girl’s day out” and my aunt decided to go to goodwill to browse the items they had, mainly picture frames and such. We were waking around, and a worker comes and whispers something to my aunt, my aunt has this deathly pale look on her face and we immediately hightailed it to the front of the store. We checked out and then walked out to the parking lot, and all the workers that were at the front had gone to the entrance and stopped an old man from leaving. He had been following us the entire time and taking pictures of us, all of us could’ve been sex trafficked that day. He got away from the building before the cops arrived (somehow), and to this day those pictures he took could still be posted or saved somewhere. As someone who’s becoming more masculine, I can only hope but to help look out for women in dangerous situations, the way women are treated and prodded at is absolutely disgusting.
@draguta8995 2 жыл бұрын
Those were some amazing store workers! Glad you all ended up okay!
@AnastasiaBeaverhousn 2 жыл бұрын
Crazy .. 🤔 I'm in the mall walking behind a woman and 2 young girls probably 7 and 8... There's some bald creepy guy that looks like the "quintessential serial killer" BUT he's following them. I have a back condition so it causes me to have to rest often and when I do I OBSERVE!!!! 🤷🏾‍♀️ I got up and followed them and this SOB started taking pictures. I'm not waiting for the police, I snatched his phone yelled to the mother in front of me. She calls the police while me and a couple of other females jumped him!! 🤷🏾‍♀️
@kiara4681 2 жыл бұрын
Post more of these I've learn new things from these videos → Trust your Intuition and gut feeling → Don't show them that you're scared
@REI-yf7ih 2 жыл бұрын
Once when I was 11 I was walking home from school with two friends of mine, both guys, so while walking we see this van. Yes the van was white, and it was just parked up at the side of the road. Now my friends wanted to investigate the van so we went and investigated. The van was empty, like no one was in there. I had a bad feeling about it since we've never seen that van in our neighborhood so I told my friends "guys this is freaking me out we should leave" and they agreed. Later that night we all heard about some girl who got kidnapped by a white van in our neighborhood
@Abc17890 2 жыл бұрын
If they were girls I doubt they'd want to investigate, guys really don't think about stuff like this. Glad you're ok
@REI-yf7ih 2 жыл бұрын
@@Abc17890 Yeah my female friends all called me a dumbass for going to investigate the van, also thanks
@Affluent_Pomegranate 2 жыл бұрын
Story at 7:25 nearly made me cry!! I was legit at the same situation. I am (blonde slim 28 years old) from California with cali plates on my car driving back home cross country from NYC to LA and gosh, I can't remember what state was that but somewhere on a way. I think somewhere on a midwest, if im not mistaken. I was at this gas station filling up my tank and that man at his 50s or so approached me and was pointing somewhere far saying that there is his very old mother in a car and she ran out of gas and if I could help them. I was surprised that a grown ass man did not have a few backs on him or a card to buy a bottle of water, fill it with gas, pour to the car and drive to that station to fill the tank. Everything happened so quickly and he kept repeating that there is a car "over there" with his very old mother in it and I need to help them with gas. I just sat into my car and left. Holy crap.
@rubyrose3553 2 жыл бұрын
It’s so sad that this still happens and women still need to be scared and alert whenever they’re alone
@Cacoaswirl 2 жыл бұрын
Please please please, if anybody man women boy or girl comes up to you with our you knowing them and starts a random conversation and acts like they know you PLEASE PLAY ALONG YOU COULD SAVE THERE LIFE PLEASE PLEASE 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾
@earthstar7534 2 жыл бұрын
I always park drivers door to one of those cart corals or as far front as possible. Hell, I'd rather parallel park than leave my drivers entry vulnerable. I got grabbed and the guy tried to pull me in. I was able to pull my gun out and fire it 3 times and they shoved me back out and dozens of people ran over to help me and keep the van and the men from leaving. No one got shot and all I ended up with was some road rash from two old women who dragged me away as quick as they could so they couldn't grab me again because I had hit my head when they pushed me out and I was pretty dazed. I was incredibly lucky. I was also prepared and trained to use my firearm and it served the purpose. Not everyone should carry and no one who isn't trained and practiced should carry a firearm. Women should have something easy access to use to fight back. They look for easy targets, don't be one. I personally no longer daily carry because there is no way to properly secure my weapon in my purse when I'm with my small children and they are too young to understand. I do carry other less lethal means daily. And NEVER be afraid to ask for help out of you feel unsafe. Better safe than sorry. Also, if you see something suspicious report it. Again, better safe than sorry.
@senioracademia1947 2 жыл бұрын
Can you please state these other no lethal weapons ? But things that really work with the man's strength please
@earthstar7534 2 жыл бұрын
@@senioracademia1947 bear spray, but not if I'm with my kids because it would hit them too. It gets everyone. Thats more about if you are prepared or now. Tasers, but the best ones also put out a high pitched sound that gets people to pay attention to you. I also have a brass knuckle style set that has a blade on the inside so I will cut a combatant without having to have more strength to cause damage. Its about not being an easy target.
@mahogany_honey 2 жыл бұрын
I'm so thankful I don't have one of these stories 🙌🏿.... sending love to those who do & those who but are too traumatized to even discuss it
@naurrr654 2 жыл бұрын
I have a story mind you this was when I was in 5th grade So I was walking home and I go to cross the street a “boy” still following me so as I was taught I grabbed my phone used a sound I had saved and made a fake call and said “Hey mom I’m almost home is dad still home (I don’t have a dad)” “ OK! I’M REALLY GLAD THAT HE’S STILL HOME! I love going to the station after school they always have donuts and the good kinds to!” The “boy” immediately sped up walked pass me once he was a safe distance away I ran home and told my sister everything and from that on I’ve been taking self defense classes and now I also help teach the kids classes and share my experiences with them (only the older classes)
@terrijones3065 2 жыл бұрын
I was in middle school when one of my friends was raped. We were all on alert after that. So one day I was walking my friend home when this white man in a truck pulled up on us. We were going up a hill an d on the other side that truck was parked waiting on us to come down. We turned around and started running in the opposite direction. That damn truck was waiting for us. We turn around again and a group of our friends was walking toward us so we ran to them, and the man saw we were with them, and he sped off. I truly believe that was the man that raped my friend, cause that was hill she was raped on. We found that out later.
@LivVirtual 2 жыл бұрын
I am so, so sorry that happened to your friend. I hope she's doing okay now.
@terrijones3065 2 жыл бұрын
@@LivVirtual thank you so much, but you know after such a crime people rarely are the same. But I thank you so much for your comment.
@elisthetic 2 жыл бұрын
My heart goes out to you and your friend, I wish nothing but the best to you and your loved ones
@ratinahat6126 2 жыл бұрын
When I was about 10 or 11, me and my friend were walking home (alone) from this ice cream store that we go to all the time, and we decided to sit down on this little wooden block thing to finish our ice cream. After like 2 minutes of sitting down we notice this big, older man coming towards us. We couldn’t see his face at all, and we were like “Hey, let’s just get up and finish walking home and finish out ice cream there” so we start walking away when my friend notices that the guy is still following us. Normally, we would have been like eh, whatever, people walk here all the time, but what really set us off was that we was kinda fast walking. So me and my friend started to speed up, and when we looked behind us we saw that the guy was also speeding up. At this point we were like, “we need to start running” so we sprint down the street and we don’t look back until we reach the end of the street and we don’t hear footsteps anymore. I turn around to see the guy turning around and walking back, with a car right next to him with the window down. The car then drives up to us and says “Hey, I saw you guys running from that guy over there, Do you know him?” We said no and that he had just started chasing us, and we thanked the person in the car. (The person also drove right next to us on our way back to our houses)
@calcifer758 2 жыл бұрын
I was like 6 years old, my momma is a working woman so she would tell my grandma to pick me up from my stop which was in the market. One day nobody came to pick me up so the driver literally just dropped me off to a random dispensary shop. But the two uncles who owned ran the store were so kind, they took my mom's number from my diary and called her up and kept me with them till she came. They still remember me till now and I always greet them whenever I come across them. I'm so grateful because I don't know what would have happened if the driver had dropped me off somewhere else.
@skybueg469 2 жыл бұрын
Always trust your spiny senses. That’s your gut and intuition. How many stories star w “well, I didn’t want to hurt HIS feelings?” Ladies Run. Be smart. Be safe. In my mid-20s I was at the grocery store. Next in line and a “normal looking Middle Aged man” got behind me. All he did was SMILE and it creeped me out so badly I pulled my huge cart worth of stuff off the belt and walked over to a line isles away, behind a family w a husband and wife. We spoke no words just all looked at each other and they looked at him. This couple waited til I was fully checked out, walked me to my car and didn’t leave til I drove off. DUDE WAS WAITING OUTSIDE THE WHOLE TIME!!
@exactlyyoudumbass1533 2 жыл бұрын
I was never ever educated about sex, periods etc. or even sexual assault. Even now as a teen I was never given such a talk. Our country has extremely low crime-rates and I thought anything happening to me was literally impossible. I was 10 when I was SA'd. He did it three times within a span of one minute and I didn't understand what he was doing but it felt weird so I ran away crying. This is what happens when you don't teach your kids.
@pineapplesatan3895 2 жыл бұрын
Okay so I grew up in a shitty, SHITTY area, so it was normal to get that creepy I'm-being-watched feeling so I never went by it anymore, I do now but it was a mistake that nearly cost me a lot when I was 11ish? So basically me and my friends were playing hide and seek tag in the woods behind one of their houses, we went there everyday and nothing ever happened. So one day we were playing round the back like we always did and the others went inside to get drinks for us, I got the creepy feeling but wrote it off as one of the parents watching from the back gate to make sure I was fine. But some old guy creeped up behind me and tried to ahem, well, what creepy old guys try to do with 11 year old girls. Well yeah he tried that, his reasoning being I was a ginger girl who was going to go to hell for being a tomboy anyway so I didn't deserve to be a virgin. Long story short I got away (perks of being small and really good at hide and seek) and at the time didn't know what SA was so I told people "the old man in the woods tried to touch me" they obviously didn't understand and now I don't remember what he looks like so you know can't really do anything about it, shit happens I guess. Just what happens being a young girl in a shitty area.
@bellanewton6125 2 жыл бұрын
I’m sorry
@ashfvt7712 2 жыл бұрын
It was scary. Glad you are safe.
@TheLordisMyShepherd_ 2 жыл бұрын
Wow im so sorry that happened to you. Thats terrifying.. That guy definitely had some demons and ppl don't go to hell for being ginger.. Ppl go to hell for their sins. I hope you come to know the Lord 💛
@arlo9634 2 жыл бұрын
Not female, im genderfluid, but i have a female body. I've been stared at by old men and followed around at a mall, both incidents at age 9 and 11. My father is sexist as heck but acts like he isnt, so telling him was really scary. I really hope that if you're a father figure to a kid, please just nourish them correctly. I was exposed to a lot as a kid, too, because this messed me up a lot since it scared me and i grew up scared of any male, mostly because of him.
@chloebaarb8697 2 жыл бұрын
@@thefridge7335 duh
@juliemiller5196 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah no, you're a girl.
@zayassassynation3959 2 жыл бұрын
so sorry that these replies are rude, but! I had father figure who was really arrogant and sexist. He wasn’t directly to me (someone who identifies as a girl and was born in a girl body) but he would often complain about women being annoying, overreacting, etc. I don’t know what to label him as because I don’t really see him as a father now, but keep in mind I did when I was younger. I remember coming off as misogynistic and condescending when speaking to my female friends. Now looking back at it I feel horrible, quite honestly. I mean I was raised with those ideals and there may have been people I impacted harshly. thankfully I know everyone and was able to apologize about how I was beforehand.
@qaiwiwi 2 жыл бұрын
Hi! Another genderfluid here and I'm really sorry for the rude comments. I honestly hope you find someone who you can trust to tell these types of stories to.
@thefridge7335 2 жыл бұрын
@@qaiwiwi what rude comments..?
@vxziiaaavxziiaaa5243 2 жыл бұрын
as a GIRL not a woman, A GIRL this scares me to death. Why the hell are men like this? like god damn what do we have that is so eye catching to you that makes you feel like you can just take us and we’re yours? This is so heart breaking to watch.
@mewesquirrel6720 2 жыл бұрын
Yup because this doesn't happen to boys who get kidnapped by women predators
@vianelle3821 2 жыл бұрын
Honey even women lately help out these men with the trafficking
@C.C.369 2 жыл бұрын
Yes it's heartbreaking! And it's the world we live in. But better having the knowledge about the world we live in, so U can prepare yourself to protect yourself if ever needed right?
@defonotkay 2 жыл бұрын
Yea boys csnt get kidnapped RIGHT?
@C.C.369 2 жыл бұрын
@@defonotkay oh stfu that's not the theme here! But btw: sure they can. But it isn't the female sex that IS KNOWN for that sh't!!!
@caitlainbolick2667 2 жыл бұрын
Story Time! Around midnight one night a guy pulls up next to my mom and I at a local gas station. I had just gotten off work and my mom needed gas and I needed smokes, so we had stopped there. I had gotten my smokes and was back in the car. My mom was pumping gas. Now at this point I have a shaved head and was wearing a chest binder and a jacket so I probably looked like a guy from the waist up, which is all the man could've seen me from since I was sitting in the car. He however didn't see me and began asking my mom if she had any cash he could have because he was trying to make it to Tennessee which is 2 states away from where we are. I had a bad feeling and was trained in on this convo, window cracked. He keeps chatting up my mom who is being polite and tells her shes so pretty yada yada yada, then he asks if she needs help with the pump handle because it was a bit sticky. My mom says no I'm fine and turns towards me in the car. Her eyes looked so frightened. And he started to climb out of his car. So I threw open my door and stood up, leaned over the roof of the car and said in a lowered voice "She said she's got it man." Dude looked at me, we locked eyes, my mom turned towards him, and I made this gesture kinda like 'whatchu gonna do about it?' And he finally got back into his car and drove away. No one fucks with my mom.
@angelcake6869 2 жыл бұрын
when my mom was in college, she was walking home from a house party, and two guys from the party pulled up beside her in a car and offered to drive her home. they had talked during the party and they seemed normal enough, so she got in the back seat. once she was in there, the energy shifted, and they locked the door. they began telling her how they wanted a threesome with her and that she was going to give it them no matter what, and talking about how violently they wanted to sa her. my mom, completely freaking out on the inside, said, "that sounds awesome, guys. i'm totally into that. i just need to get my toothbrush at home because i can't go to sleep without brushing my teeth." so, realizing they could do this and get away with it, they took her back to her apartment and she ran up and pressed her complex's panic button, which blared a siren and immediately called the police. the guys fled the scene and she never saw them again, but she thinks she probably would have died if she hadn't done this due to how they were talking to her.
@littlem1ssdiary 2 жыл бұрын
My story is probably not as scary but it happened once when I went jogging with my dad in the evening. While we were walking, I spot this creepy dude staring at me but I thought it was nth suspicious so I just walked away until it was getting darker and I was tired from walking so I decided to part ways with my dad and cross to the other side of the road to sit and wait for my dad on a bench. I had my earphones on and my eyes were on the road so I wasn’t aware of anything but then I got a bad feeling, It felt like I was being followed and my gut tells me to watch out so I quickly looked behind me, and there he was, the guy who stared at me, he was right behind my back. It happened real fast but as I turned back I was watching his hand pulling away as if he was trying to grab me and at that moment I just mad-stared at him and he just ran to the side of the road then turned back and gave me another glare. I don’t know what would’ve happened if I hadn’t turned around, he could’ve grabbed me, it would be worse if he was armed, and i was only 14 back then. sigh.
@anupamaca6158 2 жыл бұрын
I have one and this happened when I was probably 15/16. I was coming back from school which was at walking distance and I was with my friend halfway. The rest I had to walk alone. Mind you this is happening in the broad daylight at around 2 o clock in India and inside a residency complex..meaning there are people thankfully. I tend to walk on autopilot but that day something felt off. I look back and there was this middle aged man with his face covered by a cap slowly walking. Now it's govt quarters and I assumed he might be a worker like a plumber or something. But I felt a bit uneasy and stood near a shop to let the guy pass in front of me. I reach near my home I lived on second floor..when I was climbing stairs I feel a pair of hands trying to reach below my uniform skirt. I freaked out and started screaming he put his hand on my mouth..idk what took over me but I am thankful it did whatever did I am so thankful I bit his fingers and started kicking him which screaming..he still had my ankles and was pulling me towards him when I threw an A3 file I had in my hand on his face..his cap moved and his face almost got exposed..with all the screaming the neighbour saw and it was towards her kitchen so she threw utensils at him and he ran. It still gives me chill and traumatised me to the point I used to carry a knife or any sharp object with me wherever I went. Trust your guts people. Always.
@RunRabbitRUNRABBIT 2 жыл бұрын
Thing is i don't have this sixth sense thing, for my life so far I've been pretty sheltered, so I don't know if someone's staring at me or following me, and with how this world is, that scares the shit out of me
@theotter7021 2 жыл бұрын
You'll develop it. For now, just avoid strange people at all costs, at least if you're in a potentially dangerous situation
@lonelylion_ 2 жыл бұрын
i grew up pretty sheltered but not unaware of these types of situations, they never happened to me personally tho. whenever i’m in a public space (even with other friends and stuff) I’m always looking at peoples expressions and how often i see them in the store. it helps me to feel safer.
@pandora117 2 жыл бұрын
@@lonelylion_ Wow. This never happens to you? It happens to me all the time. It's weird and annoying. I don't know what it is about me that makes people do this to me.
@nairagar7338 2 жыл бұрын
same literally a snow flake person, but I'm always paranoid maybe bcuz of all the things I've been watching or reading(or my dad always telling my brothers and I scary stories and giving us the moral of the story to be always on alert and safe), so just in case I always message or tell my mom/cousin or in general my fam. where I'm at or where I'm going. and if I'm walking home from school at night even if it's just a few feet away from my house I always pretend to be in my phone talking at the same time alert of my surroundings and holding my keys like wolverine style just in case, pretending to mind my own business on my phone when I'm in busses or train but alert what's going on in my surroundings, post stuff on social media where I'm at when I'm alone shopping, just little things like that that makes me feel safe and all.
@plabiyi001 2 жыл бұрын
The Ivan Milat one gave me chills - thank God for her moms intuition 🤍
@jami1730 2 жыл бұрын
This video just proves to myself that I literally don’t even use my brain when I am out and about 🤦🏻‍♀️ I have got to start paying attention and being more observant!
@sunflowerr4808 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah um.. as soon as I’m able I’m definitely getting my concealed weapon permit😬
@sakura_nanamine4552 2 жыл бұрын
Same, I’m still pretty young but I’ve already decided that
@helenasv 2 жыл бұрын
@@sakura_nanamine4552 ima do martial arts Yo
@serpentinewolf7085 2 жыл бұрын
@JenMariApa 2 жыл бұрын
Come to Texas, you don’t need one! 😔 Sarcasm by the way, but seriously I told a gun friend that me and sisters needed one, since it’s getting crazy out here.
@rock2946 2 жыл бұрын
Same. Also, learn self defense such as hand to hand or martial arts
@meeepteh_potate7759 2 жыл бұрын
Tip: if you think that someone is creeping on you, turn around and in the deepest voice you can muster say something like hey or just something to make them think you might not be a girl or something. Just really deep voice
@-arstinete.2467 2 жыл бұрын
(I am a trans man but I still wanted to share my story-) When I was around 7-9 years old I was with my friends out (we were allowed to go out alone because our town is really small and basically everyone knew eachother) and we where on a tree because we really liked climbing trees. And I saw this weird ass man, bald with greasy clothes and REALLY creepy face starts coming towards us (keep in mind we were in an abandonet resort(?) with trees) and we started freaking out because we heard stories about him. We were drinking water when this happened so when we saw this and I got a pretty bad feeling and told my friends. We instantly dropped everything and slowly started to get off and walk to the hill next to the resort. We watched from up there what the man did and he for some reason took our water bottles and then started walking up the hill towards us. We were freaking out at this point, almost crying and went down the hill slowly without trying to be suspicious, this man followed us still around town until we reached my house and then we were safe. This man still lives here and I sometimes see him. When I see him I feel nauseus and pretty bad in general. It was really scary.
@bellarella.0 2 жыл бұрын
Them: Telling the stories about them Me: OMG DID THEY DIE!?
@msb9664 2 жыл бұрын
Thankfully mines isn’t as scary, but definitely an experience. I once had to walk my brother to his elementary school in the morning. I have no car of my own and both my parents were working early. I live in a small city, so walking my brother to school was at most going to talk 10 mins. Anyways, because I grew up in this small city, I knew many routes to get back home. After dropping my brother off, I decided to take what I believed would’ve been a shortcut. As I’m taking a shortcut, I noticed an older man about 5-6 houses behind me getting out of his car and “coincidentally” going in the same direction as me. Not wanting to assume the worst yet, I just kept walking. I would’ve stayed in a populated area, but I didn’t want to turn around because the only nearby populated areas were elementary schools (there were 2 near each other) and I wasn’t going to risk little children to this man. The shortcut I was taking has a small, lonely bridge because my city has a small canal in it. So I crossed this bridge to see if my mind was paranoid or right. Needless to say, my mind was right. By the time I crossed the bridge, the man began to cross it himself. I’m now in the residential area of my city and there’s no one around. The nearest public place was a library about 2 blocks away. Near this library was several bushes and trees. I hid behind those to see if the man would go to the library too. Fortunately, he ended up going a different route. As for me, I hid for about 5 more minutes and made sure he wasn’t around. Just in case, I took a slight detour to avoid going in the same direction he did and made it home safely. Be careful ladies.
@avad4244 2 жыл бұрын
Hi girls! Even males listen to this If ANY girl walks up to you and says something like “Hi sally! How is kayla’s foot?” PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE go along with it It means that somebody is following them and they are pretending that a friend is near by no matter HOW WEIRD IT IS at the end you have SAVED SOMEBODYS LIFE! Make sure to also get them home safely! S P R E A D
@mewesquirrel6720 2 жыл бұрын
Not always true. Women work in trafficking to you know
@avad4244 2 жыл бұрын
@@mewesquirrel6720 i am not saying woman dont work in trafficking i am saying that you should do it but be cautious bc they may be in danger and you should be very cautious
@MoMo-ee9zs 2 жыл бұрын
Yes but also they should mumble quietly that they need help or being followed or something coz just talking randomly about someone's foot to a complete stranger could also seem weird n creepy n potentially scare off a stranger u need help from.
@heartbeats4u250 2 жыл бұрын
I'll never forget this one night I got waves of nausea after one of my friend's guy friends came out of nowhere to hang out with us (we made plans with him at first but he backed out cuz my friend was stressed about his actions) and I immediately noticed my friend's shift in mood and stuck myself in between them each time he wanted to get to her. Currently, we all cut him off because his behaviour was becoming more stalker-ish and yeah. I was right about him since that day.
@cirkusanette 2 жыл бұрын
When I was like 9 my mom took me to a concert in Mexico city. It was like 10 pm and we took a taxi, my mom started to notice that the guy was not going in the right direction and asked him several times to stop. He didn't do it, so my mom just whispered to me "don't fall asleep and as soon as I tell you you get out of the car" I was scared but fortunately at a red light my mon managed to open the door before the dude locked the doors and we just ran as fast as we could
@shalomakpeji6101 2 жыл бұрын
I remember when my quick thinking helped my friends and I. It was back in the university. In our second year. We were celebrating valentine's day as a girls' night out but when it was time to go back to our hostel, we kind of got stranded because there were very few cabs available. So we resorted to hitchhiking but that also wasn't working for a long which until finally a man offered us a ride. I just told them, "no one sits in front" and we all agreed. The man kept asking why no one wanted to sit with him in front. We just played it off and all but he kind of kept stressing on it. When he finally got to a general bus stop.. We all flew out of his car and dispersed agreeing to meet up in the hostel... Thank God we did, this man started looking for us and I saw that he drove to the entrance of our hostel waiting for us. But since it was late at night and he didn't really see what we looked like (because we sat at the back), he didn't get us. I walked really slowly, mingling with the crowd and I guess the others did same.. For all I know he might have planned to take us out for a "nice time" against our will.
@Greenwren 2 жыл бұрын
When I was a uni student I went to the library on a Saturday afternoon in the summer. I stayed till closing which was like 5pm and went to my car. There was nobody near the parking lot but there are a lot of trees around. For some reason I had a weird feeling about it. I got in my car and locked the door which I never do usually. The next moment a dude tries to open my passenger side door. He looked surprised that it was locked and signaled for me to roll down the window while asking "what's the time?" I just shook my head and drove off. I have no idea what would have happened if I didn't lock the door that day.
@MoMo-ee9zs 2 жыл бұрын
I hope u always lock ur door now as soon as u get in! It's literally automatic for me, not just for safety for urself but also even for bag snatchers while ur at a red light, us women not only have to protect our bodies but also our handbags..! I can't believe the audacity of this sick man who pops out of the bushes n tries to open ur car door wen ur a woman n alone.. wtf! thank God u locked ur door then! 🙏 God bless & take care ❤️
@overthinkative5911 2 жыл бұрын
When i was about 10 me and my mom went to the store. My mom went to the nack of the store to buy some pills and i stayed in the toy section. I was checking out the toys when from the corner of my eye i see this guys pass by the aisle (he was maybe in his late 20s) and i didnt think much of it until i saw him on the other side of the toys aisle. He gave me a really weird feeling and made me uncomfortable because he looked very nervous and didnt really look like he was checking anything out so i kept looking back at him every few seconds to make sure nothing bad happens. I wanted to go to the other side of the aisle (where he was) but i decided to wait until he moved a bit further and when he did i went to the other side and all of the sudden he turns to me and starts walking towards me. Somethinh just told me run and i ran to my mom as fast as could and told her what happened. And even after that i saw him a few times walk past me and my mom.
@Juscoups 2 жыл бұрын
My mom once had to work really late one Night and she was just coming back from work (her work place isnt that far from our house) she was walking down the street and this man started following her she started to walk faster and the man did the same her gut told her to run while screaming and thats what she did. She ran screaming getting the attention of many people which made the man turn around and walk the other way. Turns out he was drunk which is kinda wierd since we live in a muslim country that doesn't sell any alcoholic beverages. Ladies, always trust your gut when you feel uncomfortable with a man or if you are in a bad situation with a man, always make sure you keep a look out when you arw walking alone at night. It is absolutely disgusting to me that women have to hide so much in fear. As a woman i feel terrified to know that women have to go to so many horrible things in life. We dont deserve this!
@calcifer758 2 жыл бұрын
I was a kid, i don't remember how old but somewhere around 8-9. I'm from India and basically my house was in these crowded colonies where nothing is really planned just kind of houses everywhere and a lot of small paths/roads/alleys in between. It was daytime, me and my friends were relay racing. So we were standing at 4 different corners at 4 different roads. It wasn't far from our houses either, just 2 minutes or less. I was standing on a more open road where a lot of people go through the whole day, and I was just waiting. Behind me was a man on a rickshaw, rickshaws are these vehicles that can seat 2 people and one rickshewala/driver driving it. It's basically like a big seat behind a cycle. I remember I was waiting and the driver did a whole 360 and pointed his phone at me as if he was taking a picture or recording me. He could have been doing anything but my first thought was to just run the opposite direction. I ran and went to my home.
@Triggeredsociety 2 жыл бұрын
I'm a young gay male,I modeled for American Eagle, Vans ,Guess and did 3 ads for Grindre and did a Colgate optic White commercial etc... One evening I left a shoot and was walking to wave a cab down when a man I talked too for about two months off and on around downtown offered me a ride I honestly felt he was safe ,long story short I felt a needle in my arm and woke up tied to a chair in a basement in done cabin in the woods with a bunch of my photos on the walls and a bed to the right with a video camera facing it ,he had me for 28 days I was shot up with heroin and sedatives but managed to escape, there's real danger out there and it can happen in the blink of a eye ,one min you're walking and the next you're grabbed it's no joke , I love these girls sharing there stories,ppl need to know just how dangerous ppl are out there 🌈
@swipernoswiping6758 2 жыл бұрын
Ok there was this time were me and my friends were at a mall and were doing random stuff like shopping eating etc. And I was going to the bathroom and these two men came up to them and asked them if they knew were the store(some random name) was , remember I was halfway almost to the bathroom so I hesitated and kept watching to make sure nothing weird was happening (I do that all the time now) so they probably said something like "sorry we never heard of they store before " so they walked away and right after like what 3 seconds after the same dudes walked up to them and was like "c'mon you really never heard of it before " and one of the men kind of walked really close to my friend,so they were talking to them saying they really have never of it and etc etc and then my other friend literally looked at me were the bathroom entrance was and gave me the stare that said "help us " so I immediately walked back to them and was like "hey guys I'm back who are these dudes? " my friend said "oh they were just asking where this store is" and I'm pretty fricking tall and I have short hair so I kinda look like a dude and one of the boys just said " yh they said they didn't know the store so we were just making sure" in my mind I was like (making sure making sure they said they didn't know so why are you still asking) so the guys left and my friend told me the story yh.... They went with me to the bathroom after that 😅 And we drunk on the same night at my house 💅
@quietnessa22 2 жыл бұрын
These stories make me feel so tense but I have to watch and listen and so should more girls.
@sancraft1 2 жыл бұрын
My daughter's and nieces are in their early to mid 30s. I always tell them to follow your sixth Sense. That is the holy spirit, your guardian angel, your Spidey senses, whatever you want to call it, that's there to protect you. Stay safe ladies. My heart was in my mouth for all of these. You're all my daughters.
@Sarah-qy9dj 2 жыл бұрын
Heres mine! When I was 12 it was like 10 or 11 I was walking my dog and I saw this really creepy guy pass by me and I didnt pay attention to it until he passed me again, and again, and again until he parked his car by me and rolled down his window and tried talking to me and waving me toward his car. I immediately thought, I need to find someone. So I ran up to this guy who looked about 16 or 17 and I said, “Hey, can I walk with u this guys following me.” He says yes and he walks me home and the guy leaves. After I got home I silently vowed never to walk at night, ever again.
@cozycasasmr4510 2 жыл бұрын
One time in a bar a guy kept insisting on giving me a drink he had in his hand. I already had a drink so i was like no thank you but every few mins in our conversation he would insist I try a sip of his drink even though I had noticed he wasn't drinking it himself. So I got a little annoyed and I was like why dont you take a sip? And he was like lol and just change the subject, then a little later he tried to get my friend to try a sip and I was like dude you are trying to drug us, but said it in a joking way, and he got so irrationally pissed off and left us alone
@eddiemunson2358 2 жыл бұрын
I was walking to Safeway and I see this man that looks suspicious and creepy on a bicycle and I kept looking around to see if I was the one he was watching. There was nobody behind me so I knew he was watching me. He started to slowly bike off, and I felt like I needed to keep an eye on him. I think he knew that I knew that he was watching me because he biked away. I also was trying to calculate something to do if something had turned bad. Right when I got to Safeway, I bought a glass soda bottle so that I would at least have something to defend myself with for my way home. I am never walking alone to Safeway again
@derkatzenmensch220 2 жыл бұрын
Im still young and nothing bad has happened to me yet , but the fact that i probably will have a story like that later on scares me ... it's bound to happen to almost every women . I'm really scared that once i have to go out regularly ill have to face these kinds of situations.
@bear06260 2 жыл бұрын
Don't be scared. Be smart. Wherever you're going whether by traveling or a simple trip to the store, ALWAYS have a defense and someone you can contact right away!😁❤
@jiji1241 2 жыл бұрын
7:20 dang you really can't trust anyone
@oliolioxen7218 2 жыл бұрын
I have quite a few. I just graduated from high school this year and am about to start college and about to move and stuff so I had to pick up my graduation package and stuff from my high school before I moved. So just YESTERDAY I was on my way to my school to get my stuff and not even five minutes after I left my house while I was on my way to the bus stop which was about a 15min walk, as soon as I crossed the road from my house there was this man yelling at me, literally yelling at me in the middle of the day to get in his car I was so scared I walked up just a bit faster until I saw my male friend walking in my direction and went up to him and stood there with me until the man drove off (I didn't tell my friend what happened though cause I thought I was safe now). Fast forward to me getting on and off the bus now, my school is located on a fairly lonely road (not the main road) that people rarely ever walk on and cars scantily pass by. On my way walking down the road, a car pulled up right beside me AGAIN with two men inside (one at the driver's seat and the other in the passenger's seat) and was literally telling me to get in their car. I was so scared and my heart was beating so fast because it happened not once but TWICE in one day. And when I proceeded to speed walk away from the car before they could try anything they drove further up the road and I thought I was ok but THEY TURNED THE CAR AROUND and was speeding coming back down the direction that I'm at and I had to almost literally sprint up to my school's gate where the security guard was and hid behind the guardhouse until the car passed. I was literally choking back my tears while explaining to the security guard why I was running and so out of breath while my eyes were filled with tears and shaking. Yesterday was just one of the few times throughout my 17 years of life that men have either tried to or succeeded to abuse me. Not a fun experience. My mother literally banned me from leaving my house after yesterday's incident. This is why... this experience is just one of the few of why I am so fearful to go anywhere by myself. Being a woman is both a blessing and a curse. Sending strength and love to all females and males that have experienced something similar to this and sending love to those who haven't, stay safe everyone💙
@SaifSaif-gr3sh 2 жыл бұрын
Just now I was mid way watching this video and kept feeling I should turn around, ignored it till I heard rustling, turned around and scared myself. It was just our neighbor's builder standing right outside my window fixing something 😅😁, but still freaaaaaky. Ughhhh
@jiji1241 2 жыл бұрын
So sorry to the last girl, and all of them ofc. It's so scary. Praying for y'all , always pray to God before going anywhere pls
@frostthedutche 2 жыл бұрын
Recently ive have had gut feelings. They've only been about missing something in my school locker, and I had ignored the feeling each time I would get it. But every time I would, i would realize when I got home I forgot something in my binder. Now I always follow my gut just in case if there's a more dire situation.
@brainbloat284 2 жыл бұрын
The fact that there's 3 parts to this tik tok trend. It confirms my fears about everything.
@user-uv9bi3xz1o 2 жыл бұрын
It's about intuition.. if you feel unsafe, you are definitely not safe.. even if it's something or somewhere you've been doing before.. you should run. Even if it's with someone you know.. if you have that feeling don't ignore it..
@LinWarai 2 жыл бұрын
seeing these stories make me so grateful for my quick instincts i wasn’t in any danger in this situation (thankfully) but once while walking home a truck pulled over and parked right next to me (i was on a sidewalk) without a second of hesitation i ran and only looked back after i was a safe distance away and was sure that i wasn’t being chased. luckily it was just some guy who paid no attention to me and just headed into a building which i assumed was his workplace (he was wearing a safety vest) anyway, please never park your car next to someone who’s walking on the sidewalk, that’s a massive red flag for potential kidnapping and it can scare the absolute shit out of people at least after that scare i learned that im able to react quickly to red flags in case of danger
@m3nt3.toxica47 2 жыл бұрын
This world is terrifying, even for the kids I worry the most. I'm so protective with my 17 yr old son, he gets upset sometimes thinking I'm treating him like a baby like he doesn't know how to do things. I've seen this world I've been through alot I live in Los Angeles. It's horrible I recently witnessed a woman almost being raped in broad daylight and nobody helped but I pulled out my knife and shouted so loud for him to let her go so it can draw attention, he finally let her go and she was ok and a security guard came. Point is , not everyone is going to help so you have to try to think fast and be brave . And for those who do help and do something in these situations, thank you. Stay safe people 🥀
@definitelynotawitch 2 жыл бұрын
When you're worried you're over analysing, better to be wrong than sorry. Always listen to your gut.
@user-nt9tw4ux3i 2 жыл бұрын
Ok so my mom told me this story.. she was still in school and was walking back home through her hometown which is a pretty hilly place. She was followed by a drunk man for a while and she was scared af and took off running.. she made it home and told her parents (my grandparents) the story.. my grandfather was really mad and went looking for the guy with this big knife in his hand.. he never found him and she never saw him again..
@AaryaGhuge 2 жыл бұрын
Heres a scientific explanation for the gut instinct- You gut also has a ton of neurons and while your brain focuses on 1 stimulus, your gut takes up all the background cues
@Lilypool123 2 жыл бұрын
One night I was at a hotel with my now ex boyfriend and his dad. I forgot my charger or something stupid from the car, so I went downstairs alone at nearly midnight. I insisted on going alone because my friggin boyfriend waited until the last minute to turn in an assignment online thst was due at midnight. So I went to my car, and the parking lot wasn't very well-lit. I heard footsteps behind me running. At first I played it cool because I didn't wannt to panic, but the footsteps were five feet behind me at some point, so I whirled around hokding my keys up as a weapon, and the young man held his hands up and went "oh woah woah woah, I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" And ran to a car nearby and drove off. I still don't know what possessed him to run up behind me like he did if he didn't actually intend to snatch me. My family is convinced that he did have bad intentions but that an angel was watching over me.
@yomigonzalez9870 2 жыл бұрын
I used to ride the bus home from work. I could either walk 30 mins and take a bus for the last leg of the trip, or I could walk 10 mins and take a 10 min bus ride and catch the last bus home. Now, it wasn't about not walking, it was about getting home faster for me so I would take the 2 buses to save the extra 15 mins of trip. When I began taking the buses, anyone who rides buses knows its gonna be the same drivers, the driver of the first bus would always stare at me a bit too long. I felt uncomfortable but brushed it off. One day he stops the bus one stop before mine, gets off the bus, walks around the bus checking the tires and comes back thru the back door. I'm all the way in the back alone. I purposely would sit back there on the last row with one empty seat between me and the corner and my huge bag on the other side. He walks up to me and says "does anyone you know work for lynx?" I said no, he handed me a piece of paper and goes back to driving. I open it and it says "I hope this isn't inappropriate but I can't help but watch you everyday when you take my bus and I think you're beautiful. Hopefully you'll sit in the front tomorrow and we can talk". Now the note sounds innocent but coupled with him asking if I knew anyone who worked for Lynx and the way he looked at me I freaked out. When I went to get off I went thru the front and said "im married, but ty" and gave him the note back and quickly got off. The next day when I swiped my card awkwardly he put his hand on the machine and said "you should run away with me". I didn't respond and went to the back. He skips my stop and the next one is the terminal. He didn't unlock the back door so everyone was forced to go to the front and of course I'm the last one. As I'm trying to push thru he grabbed my bag strap and says "tomorrow you will sit in the front where I can see you better." After that I walked the first part of my trip home and never took that bus again.
@gachaiichabi2529 2 жыл бұрын
He was such a jerk I hope you are ok❤ Stay safe
@porkaslyn9344 2 жыл бұрын
This happened to me when I was 15 So I lived in a relatively small neighborhood and it was a Saturday night and my friend, who was 16 and I were going on a shopping spree. Since it was a small neighborhood none of the big shops were nearby so we drove about half an hour to a big mall. We shop, have fun and then it’s around 10 and we are walking the the parking lot trying to remember where we parked when my friend nudges me and whispers “Somebody’s following us” I was not aware since at the time I never really thought there would be a chance I would get kidnapped. I follow my friend as she loudly exclaims something about meeting somebody named John at the Starbucks and I locate the guy following us, and he’s SHADY. Like hoodie, hands in pockets, shifty-possibly-drunk attitude and I start sweating a lot. The guy hears about this John character, pauses and turns around. I thought he was leaving and so did my friend. We still ran back into the mall, got some auntie Annie’s and walked out from a different door. How the shady guy found us, I’m not sure, but we get to my friend’s car, load our bags into the back and my friend goes to the driver’s side and I go to the shotgun. Well, she looks over the hood of the car behind me, Screams “GET IN THE CAR” and that’s what I do. I basically dive into the car, she does to, and I look out the window and the Shady guy is looking angry,deranged, and all the synonyms to describe creepy. Shady guy sees me whip out my phone to call police, he turns around and bolts away. My friend pulls out of the parking lot, drives into a gas station and calls authorities. The police meet us, we cry what happened to them and then escort us back to our houses, which are pretty far away. We get little update from the police but ever since then there has been pepper spray and a whistle in my purse. Stay safe ladies ❤️❤️
@shristitripathy4159 2 жыл бұрын
I have one too. When I was 16, my friend and I had to visit a teacher to practice for an event the following day. When we were done it was almost 9 pm and dark outside. Her apartment was in a deserted area of a huge colony of apartments, however that particular night it was quiet and deserted in her area. My mum had come to drop me off with our driver and had the car stop a bit ahead of my teacher's apartment and as we were practicing, she went off to catch up with a friend of hers who lived in another block of the same colony. So when we were done, my friend asked me if I could wait with her for her uber to come pick her up. We were both waiting near a tree on a sidewalk in front of my teacher's lane when this strong, stout guy approaches us out of nowhere and tries to snatch my friend's phone. She was very athletic and crossed the road and ran off, unintentionally leaving me alone as the guy blocked my way. At that point there was a huge ditch behind me and a bush to my right, with my car parked slightly ahead of me to my left. In a fraction of a second I use a bag I am holding to hit the guy straight in the head and in the window where he was dazed and confused I took off in what I call the fastest sprint of my life.I could feel the whipping of a wire on my back as the man tried to reach me to strangulate me. I bolted into my car (luckily it was unlocked) and quickly locked it. But my driver was really dumb and he didn't turn on the car and as luck would havr it, we couldn't reach my mom owing to bad network. The mean guy kept strolling around our car and beating it and didn't let it pass. Then at one point, the car felt really stuffy as all windows were closed so my driver lowered his a little. The mean guy leapt at the opportunity and attacked my driver. And managed to enter the car. This time I found the opportunity and left the car and started sprinting to the apartment nearest to me. I found network and called my mom. She immediately arrived with help. We had the guy arrested. Later the cops told us that he was a guy who'd run off from the psychiatric ward in a hospital and was a murderer. His intention apparently ws to murder us to get a hold of the car. This story still gives me chills.
@minou6952 2 жыл бұрын
I've got a story too, watching this out I remembered it, it was stuck somewhere in my bad memories, so it was new year's eve and it was the first time that me and family went out to see the countdown in the city centre, my friend was with us too, we were chilling and having fun in the middle of the crowd near my family when a man approached me and my friend and asked for a photo with us, I don't remember exactly what we've said but we probably avoided that request, he started to become more and more insistent, my mom saw that something was going on and she made the man run away, I know that the next day I remembered that we were recording before or during that thing because of the fireworks but we didn't caught him on camera, it was really scary, now thinking about that I think by myself if he somehow took some photos anyway, fortunately my family was there and I thank my mom so much, because if she hadn't had the feeling that something was going on, I really don't know what would happen, I was really scared in that moment. P.S. We were minors
@bibiberryy 2 жыл бұрын
My teacher has a story like this So one day my teacher who I’ll call Elizebeth and her friend were applying for some sort of job before teaching and they were told over the phone to go to this specific location in the middle of nowhere. They went, nothing seemed abnormal. So once they got to the address, there was a really small building just there. They went inside and there was just one man. ONE man that took them to the interview rooms. When they started, *that* person was asking them personal questions that were nowhere related to the job. About 15 minutes in both Elizebeth and her friend were starting to get a skeptical feeling in their gut that told them “If this was a corporation, wouldn’t there be more people?” Eli then said “I think I have to go to the bathroom, can I have a moment?” Her friend said she had to go too and instead of using the nonexistent bathroom, they ran to their car and drove to the highway as fast as they could. Legend says Elizebeth and her friend don’t know what could’ve happened to them if they didn’t follow their gut. W🌚W
@44niok 2 жыл бұрын
When I was 23 24 around there I was walking to the store these to guys pull up next to me they started talking to me in broken English they didn't know I spoke Spanish im Cuban American I managed to hear the one guy tell the other to get out and get behind me and I saw they had a black gun so I started screaming polica polica at the top of my lungs thank God he had his angels around me they took off so quick ty father for protecting me
@PassTheMarmalade1957 2 жыл бұрын
When the Australian girl said her mum and mum's friend went hitchhiking in the 90's, I knew EXACTLY where this was going.
@Basicgirlrighthere 2 жыл бұрын
I have a story like this. So I was in the car waiting for my mom to leave Costco and I seen these girls playing on a snow pile minding there Business and playing around. When I was waiting I seen the older man pull up across from the pile with the girls and I just felt like something was going on. I seen the man get out of his car ( btw I was in the other side so I was kinda diagonal to this mans car) so he got out of his car and walking towards him and that’s when I knew he was going up to them. I then got out yelled some names like “ Jess lily dads calling from the police station he wants to talk to you” as soon as I said that the man looked up at me. The girls were confused and didn’t move but when I said “ Jess I’ll tell mom u went to that party with mark” the girls ran ( btw I kinda know these girls there in my school) towards me I said get in the car and they got in and the man walked away. After the man left I said something like are you ok they were just happy they didn’t get kidnapped or anything and after that me and my mom drove them home ( they asked to ) and ya That’s how I saved 2 girls from being kidnapped
@fluteloopsyd 2 жыл бұрын
I'm a girl and I didn't know this thing about talking to girls if they randomly come up to you and strike a conversation with you like they know you. That's genius.
@dummy2347 2 жыл бұрын
I’ve had my own experience similar to this subject. So I was young like 13 and my mom told me to go to my aunts house down the street. So, I started walking down the street and like 3 minutes later I felt like I was being watched. When I turned around it was a man staring at me looked drunk and around 40. Even as a 13 yr old I felt uncomfortable since this man isn’t even in my neighborhood. Until I saw a girl who went to my school at the time and started catching up to her.I didn’t know her too well but we knew each others names. Once I stopped her I talked to her she was visibly confused bc I usually don’t speak to her. I kept look back with my eyes not turning my head, then she got the hint and said something like “race you!” So we both sprinted around the neighborhood till we didn’t see him anymore I thanked the girl like 50 time and went to my aunts house
@daisy.stylessz1 2 жыл бұрын
I think we can ALL agree that if a randon girl walks up to you and pretends to know you PLEASE JUST GO ALONG WITH IT! They most likely think they are being followed or they are really uncomfortable. NO MATTER HOW WEIRD IT IS please, even if they say someting like OMG KAYLA YESTERDAY YOU FORGOT TO PICK ME UP AT THE AIRPORT! Just act like you know them and don't hesitate! Because in the end, you could save someone's life :) Please stay safe everyone!
@PipeMeta 2 жыл бұрын
But I have one time that happened about 5 weeks ago and I was hanging out with my bestie and I was waiting for her I. Front of a shop and an old man came to me and started to chat (I’m 14 and I look 14.) He was telling me how he didn’t see this pretty girl as me in a long time and told me that his older friend would appreciate me. (Only that he came to me was a red flag) I was so uncomfortable but then my BFF came and he was still talking for 15 minutes and then we left- Still the weirdest shit ever- there were a lot of people walking by btw and his friend came there too for a while-
@estrellassoliloquies 2 жыл бұрын
So disgusting how we can NEVER FEEL SAFE!
@JamaicanemeraldQueen 2 жыл бұрын
Omg I heard the stories about Ivan Milat and that forrest of remains.😳 Glad you mom made it.
@KalebMorton 2 жыл бұрын
Thank God for intuition and gut feelings, and also imagine if we couldn't feel people staring at us ever.
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