The Neuroscience Of Living Without Regret

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Today, we embark on an intriguing exploration into the neuroscience of living a life without regret, gaining insights from a unique and compelling source: individuals who have experienced near-death or clinically died.
Join us for an eye-opening journey as we glean profound lessons from these experiences, delving into the neuroscience behind leading a fulfilling life without regret. Through the narratives of those who have glimpsed beyond life's edge, we uncover invaluable wisdom on living purposefully and without remorse.
▼ Timestamps ▼
00:00 - Introduction
02:02 - Inaction in the present
03:24 - Where does the fear of regret come from?
04:37 - How do we tackle this problem?
07:10 - "Ego death"
12:12 - "Ahamkara"
16:13 - Mech pilot meditation
Healthy Gamer is an online community and resource platform for gamers and their families. It does not provide medical services or professional counseling, and it is not a substitute for professional medical care. Our coaches are peer supporters, not professionally trained experts, and they cannot provide medical service. If you or a loved one are experiencing an emergency, please call your nation's emergency telephone number.
All guests of Healthy Gamer are informed of the public, non-medical nature of the content and have expressly agreed to share their story.
#healthygamergg #mentalhealth #regret

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@HealthyGamerGG 10 ай бұрын
Use code HEALTHYGAMER50 to get 50% off your first Factor box at!
@georgesonm1774 10 ай бұрын
How is this 'sitting with the mech pilot' different than dissociating from my body and/or emotions? If I'm a person who's had alexythymia, is it ok for me to do this meditation?
@ControversialChristian 10 ай бұрын
If my near-deathexperience is anything like what he's talking about, it is actually very different than dissociation. My experience with dissociation had me feeling cut off from everything, but in the flat- lined state, I felt like I was part of every living thing. I had no questions or concerns. I simply felt connected.
@manumusicmist 10 ай бұрын
You're teaching advaita vedanta in a scientific manner aren't you?
@Stryfe52 10 ай бұрын
Can I also talk with/revive dead people, and if so, how?! I need to know these things Dr. K!!!
@adamr.5486 10 ай бұрын
simply Gold. I have a Q: what's the difference between self-awareness and ego? is it the mindset? by mindset I mean that you see an action/thought only as an action/thought and not as a part of self.
@RamonLopez-tp7hi 10 ай бұрын
Bro just drops life changing advice for free
@GerhardTreibheit 10 ай бұрын
It's not free, you pay with your soul
@shanttt 10 ай бұрын
You both are 100% right.
@kr31415 10 ай бұрын
Advice is worthless. Read that again.
@godzilla3094 10 ай бұрын
Bro is a huge blue pill… always about what the consequence is “socially”
@robotempire 10 ай бұрын
@@kr31415I’m gonna go ahead and assume you’re way underqualified to make that determination
@jetjet6560 10 ай бұрын
This couldn't have come at a better time in my life. I feel like I'm at an inflection point in my timeline, and "inaction" is my greatest and most consistent enemy.
@guy3nder529 10 ай бұрын
I really feel you. For me it actually came right at after I had a meltdown from a combination of work stress and expectations and going off adhd medication. It also came right at a time of some time off work which hopefully will give me the time to rebalance myself as well as make some big decisions about my future. This video may yet be a major factor in those decisions.
@DucksCantSwim 10 ай бұрын
Same here! I've been trying to decide a major for so long and still haven't decided yet. I'm to the point where after this semester I'll have enough credits to graduate but not enough for any specific major and I'm super frustrated and want to just move out into the wilderness and live off of the fat of the land
@blubber0_0 10 ай бұрын
Sure I’ve got regrets and blame myself, but I regret nothing more than finding a new good thing which I hadn’t done/tried/even known about before that point, and I always wish I had discovered any said thing earlier than I did.
@YeaaIJusShiddedOnEm 10 ай бұрын
My brother you just found a very fancy way to say “I am lazy” Definitely stealing this one. It might confuse my loved ones into thinking I’ve made positive changes
@adamseroka5609 10 ай бұрын
I'm also going through serious issues too. The greatest partner I ever had split up with me, and I'm working on my dissertation for my PhD. Im incredibly negative and have made little progress on writing in over a year now. This inaction is coming from feeling inadequate, likely from COVID. And it has lead to a hugely pessimistic outlook and I've become far more self centered. I really do need more help than I have already, but this video helped that my mind is something I have more executive control over. And meditation is part of that key.
@lillianbarker4292 10 ай бұрын
I’m experiencing the adventure of old age. I retired and gave up my identification as a college teacher that gave me status and meaning. I gave up quick thinking and speaking. Then I gave up beauty. One of the worst things I gave up was physical strength, flexibility and abundant energy. And then there’s the loss of future time. I want to go to law school-oh wait-I’m 73. All this time my poor ego is wondering who I am. Luckily I’ve discovered I’m somehow still me. 😮
@SviraSvi 10 ай бұрын
Wow, deep... We're always changing, transforming. Like the larvae to a caterpillar to a butterfly... Much love to you!
@michaelposthumus 10 ай бұрын
Thanks for sharing this :)
@MrEnric98 10 ай бұрын
You're a very honest human. That's already a lot
@sudhanshurana4933 10 ай бұрын
would really love to know what decisions you took in a few years.
@PopRockandRoll12 10 ай бұрын
Wow, this gives me chills. It’s still the same you observing this life. You used your young body and mind to experience this world, and now how will you use your older one? It’s an experience that will be unique to you. But it is entirely you. :)
@ryanfordham5205 10 ай бұрын
When dr k said "but pride doesn't really feel good" I was like damn how did I never notice that
@GerhardTreibheit 10 ай бұрын
When dr k said "look at me, I'm dr k" 😂😂😂😂
@feralfluid 10 ай бұрын
the best thing you can do is try to pay closer attention to the feeling of pride as it arises
@razzytack 10 ай бұрын
It doesn't feel good but my body also craves it :/
@fdagpigj 10 ай бұрын
@@razzytack it's not your body that craves it, it's your ego
@ConfusedDesigner2171 10 ай бұрын
Not trying to turn this into a religious conversation, but I suppose that's why it's a sin, I noticed that every sin has a negative effect on people's psyche and/or body.
@gladysg7773 10 ай бұрын
Imagining your body as a mecha you control is pretty intuitive and straightforward, but imagining your mind also as a mecha that you learn to ride and control is a genius analogy. This concept made a lot more sense, thank you! Also the idea that there’s another me controlling the mind mecha is kinda freaky. Where does THAT “self” come from, and is there another thing above that controlling that?
@TheGreatMilksteak 10 ай бұрын
The way I see it is... Body=mech frame and hardware Mind=neuralink AI and software to interface with mech Self = pilot
@bapbirb 10 ай бұрын
I think that 'other pilot' is actually heavily affected by our environment, education, adaptation, mental illness, mindset, habits etc. Which is why the term auto-pilot exists because we let life flow on its own. Initially, 'controlling yourself as if you're a mecha' sounded kind of like sociopathy to me but now that I rewatched what he said, I guess its more like gaining more control over yourself/your life because so many of us are driven by negative feelings to carry out certain action/inaction but we don't know why and how we feel that way.
@bapbirb 10 ай бұрын
@@FullMetalFan4life Thanks, I understand now. I think this mecha practice is tied to spirituality more than I thought. And that's something I struggled with myself for most of my life. It's very difficult for me to see, feel, acknowledge myself beyond my physical body,feelings, and actions. That's probably why I am heavily influenced by my environment and other's judgements because I don't have the core self within me if that makes sense. It definitely sounds freeing but it almost feels like, to me, seeking or creating something that's non-existent in the first place.
@michemicalromance 10 ай бұрын
about "that" other part of yourself, theres this great channel called Eternalised on youtube which covers some Jungian concepts, which include the shadow, the persona, the personal archetypes, etc. it seems like the mind is a lot more complex and nuanced than just our conscious thoughts, and one example of this in play is dreams, because it's not something we can conciously control most of the time, but it's a product of our mind. The shadow is the part of yourself which you're unconscious of, and this can include negative characteristics, but also potential inside yourself. there's also general concepts and archetypes which all humans have inside themselves, like familial systems and etc. pretty cool stuff actually
@kleinbottled79 10 ай бұрын
Buddhists have called the self behind ego ātman. The Chāndogya UpaniṢad states that the ātman is "without decay, death, grief." The Bhagavadgītā calls the ātman "eternal … unborn … undying … immutable, primordial … all-pervading." I associate this concept with the ideas of pan-psychism. Consciousness is fundament to the universe. You cannot get 'behind' the atman to observe it's scope. Nothing controls it. It doesn't act. It is the foundation of everything - The observer who collapses raw quantum potential into a physical universe. Why there is 'something' instead of 'nothing.' It is everything's experience of itself, of which we experience a filtered slice. It is the part of ourselves that is one with God.
@lilytea3 10 ай бұрын
0:00: 🧠 The neuroscience of living life without regrets and the different forms regrets can take. 3:03: 🕰 The fear of regret is rooted in the limitation of time, which is tied to the fear of death. 6:09: ✨ When people die, their sense of self dissolves, leading to a feeling of peace and connection to others. 9:17: 🧠 Ego death, experienced through psychedelics or meditation, can lead to a sense of peace and improved mental health. 12:19: 🧘 Dr. K discusses how identifying with the ego can lead to pride and insecurity, and how disidentifying with the self can bring peace. 15:10: 🧘 The yogis discovered that our true self is separate from our ego and can be realized through meditation. 18:04: 🧘‍♂ The Mech pilot meditation helps disidentify from the ego and realize that the things we normally think are us are actually objects for us to act on. 21:34: 🧘 The more distance you can take from yourself and sit with your experiences, the more chill your life will become. Recap by Tammy AI
@orangemushroominfield 9 ай бұрын
Thanks for this!
@williamstroud7419 9 ай бұрын
Ai is smart af
@lasmierdasdejus1517 9 ай бұрын
Thanks buddy
@groakyDormouse 9 ай бұрын
Are there sources for this?
@alex-jumpz4264 7 ай бұрын
What do you mean, bro/sis?@@groakyDormouse
@suly3243 10 ай бұрын
“Pride and insecurity go hand in hand” now thats deep
@lillianbarker4292 10 ай бұрын
Yes and watch people who strive. They get more but it’s never enough.
@hanniballecter5983 4 ай бұрын
5 months late but that reminds me of a quote in Avatar "Pride is not the opposite of shame but its source, true humility is the only antidote" - Uncle Iroh
@matthewland6234 10 ай бұрын
I actually experienced 'mech pilot' a month ago. It was very surreal. It felt like I was playing the world's best VR with perfect imagery, tactile feeling, sound, responsiveness. Touching my hand to my face was the craziest experience. Very tripy. I'd been doing the 'focusing on eating a chip' for about a week, expanded the concept to everything I was doing in a day, not just eating, then I'd listened to James Blunt 'Monsters' for a couple hours on repeat just balling my eyes out, then did the 'observing the faculty of Hearing/seeing/feeling' meditation and I was able to observe the faculty of all the senses. I couldn't quite pinpoint the faculty of telling your body to move though. It felt like that kinda came from somewhere else
@MonkeyHero 10 ай бұрын
@ItsAsparageese 10 ай бұрын
I felt a bit like sometimes during the month-long existential crisis I had after playing SOMA lol. (Highly recommend game to anyone and everyone, recommend going in as blind as possible about the storyline, it'll make you think about what it means to be conscious, alive, human ... it's wonderful and terrible and tragic and inspiring and amazing)
@blubber0_0 10 ай бұрын
⁠@@ItsAsparageeseWhat’s SOMA? Just “SOMA”? Does is stand for something, is it part of a series or…?
@vladdangel 10 ай бұрын
I'd say be careful. I have been stuck in my mech pilot my entire life, trying to use this state to "feel" on the area between reality and infinity does not go well. Or, if you want this, which I promise you that you don't want to know or understand, I'm told by a very close friend that a simple combination of 2 mostly legal substances will do it. This SWIM (Someone Who Isn't Me) told me that you would need robotussin with only dectromethorphan and since strong thc. For dxm disagree, there's a weight calculator online to tell you how much. SWIM is 155 lbs and will drink am 8 Oz bottle. The dxm will move you in to a secondary mech pilot room a floor or two above the usual one. Once you've reached pilot mode, then the thc and focus on reality, on what infinity really is, on what everything really is. The reason I tell you not to, I did this 2 years ago and I still have flash backs. I will remember and feel like I'm about to have a seizure. At least I assume I will. I got to the ledge but didn't jump because I knew the full knowledge would break me and the rest of the universe with it.
@ItsAsparageese 10 ай бұрын
@@blubber0_0 Good question lol my bad on the vagueness! Nah it's not an acronym, "soma" is the word root of "somatic" (and other words) and essentially means "body". Not a series, the publisher has some other spooky story-driven games too (I'm still working on my first one of their others) but it's a standalone story :) In essence, it largely takes place deep in the ocean, and the gameplay involves a lot of walking around and exploring (along a linear storyline, not open-world) and finding information about what's ... happened ... and sneaking past scary monsters (there's no combat, just stealth) and solving basic puzzles to make things happen to progress forward. The storyline is absolutely mind-blowing. I went in blind and I'm so, so glad I did. That game truly changed my life. I can't recommend it enough. (Btw there is a head bob mechanic to the camera view as you walk around, and personally this gave me motion sickness, but I did some googling and poked around and found which game file to stick some zeroes into in order to remove that, so if anyone reads this thread and gets into the game and has this problem, feel free to hit me up and I'll explain how to fix that!)
@jiffpop5143 10 ай бұрын
"At the end of our lives, we will regret the things we never did, not the things we've done."
@csanadtemesvari9251 10 ай бұрын
@user-yx7qx7hu4g 10 ай бұрын
i think people regret things they have done too
@Xtrendence 10 ай бұрын
I mean it depends what you did really. There's stuff I'll regret forever, but I get what you mean. "Shooting your shot" so to speak is something you should always aim to do and those are the things you'll regret not doing. Missed opportunities, missed experiences etc. are better terms for that quote maybe.
@the1stmetalhead 10 ай бұрын
@@user-yx7qx7hu4g exactly mate, I regret ever falling into pornography addiction and now suffer from ED in my early 20s. I wish I had never done it. I wouldn't have developed f**ked up fantasies and viewpoints. Sometimes its better to not do something.
@blubber0_0 10 ай бұрын
I agree but I have massive regrets about both. I made some unnecessary choices which left me deeply wounded and hurt my life in ways I can’t ever take back, after working so hard to even get that choice in the first place. It sucks
@ConfusedDesigner2171 10 ай бұрын
I once took a course where they ask the whole room (around 70 people) to do something REALLY embarrassing, I, for whatever reason, was able to fully disconnect my ego from that experience and simply enjoy the activity, I didn't felt my body, I felt a lot of joy but I also was able to feel the embarrassment of others, it felt as if I was the whole room, it was surreal. Not sure if that's the ego death effect, tho.
@georgesonm1774 10 ай бұрын
Sounds like a flip side to the situation where I would be dissociated from my emotions to the point of projecting them on other people (that came up in therapy at some point - as in: I would feel guilty about a certain thing but didn't feel/acknowledge it, so I would perceive other people as purposefuly making me feel guilty about it - which they actually weren't). Idk if that's what you describe, but my exeprience was very confusing and pretty terrifying (and feeding into an illusion of other's investment in my personal stuff) so I'm grateful I got a good key to decode these experiences amd stop them
@g_g... 9 ай бұрын
What did you do?
@karmacomacure 10 ай бұрын
This is one of the most eye-opening things I've heard in quite a while.... Thank you for this. I am saving this to come back to as frequently as I need to.
@orendamusic7577 10 ай бұрын
I don’t know if you read these, but as someone in their late 20s with very high functioning bipolar, thanks for talking about men’s mental health without any sort of misogyny. It’s hard to find people catering to a male audience who actually care about mental health and don’t just hate women/feminism
@palmereldritch_6669 10 ай бұрын
Agreed! So many men (and women) are not mentally healthy. The manosphere is not the answer.
@Sravan.Allopi 10 ай бұрын
That's what I am building into my business model right now bro. I want to help as many men as I can with my life experiences without taking shots at women because they aren't the issue. Both men and women suffer from the same issues, they just impact us differently at times. I hope you are doing better in life now man!
@christmaself820 10 ай бұрын
While his content is meant for everyone, his audience is primarily male, and the environment feels like a refuge for men to work on themselves without being judged. Even though your comment seems well intended, it could make people feel like you're placing some kind of moral judgement on them. In these online spaces, men are very wary of anti-men rhetoric, so try to consider that when making comments like that.
@moomin8470 10 ай бұрын
Why was it necessary to say that you are high functioning bipolar?
@orendamusic7577 10 ай бұрын
@@moomin8470 just because I feel like my struggles are invisible to a lot of people. Only a few people I know IRL even know I’m bipolar and I don’t really talk to them about it much. I have an engineering degree, a stable job, hobbies, a few close friends…. I’m very lucky and I still want to die half the time. It’s just nice to feel like someone actually cares about my condition and isn’t just using mens mental health to push an agenda
@RebisRam 10 ай бұрын
I'd love to hear him relate this to de-personalization as a coping mechanism and what the differences are.
@SKO_PL 10 ай бұрын
It really sounds similar, except in this case it's intentional,. As someone expierencing some depersonalization, having control over it feels like an amazing idea. There are times when I want to be in the moment and connected to my self but there are also times when this detachement comes in handy.
@ashleyfoss4718 10 ай бұрын
That's my question too!
@thelobsterking1055 4 ай бұрын
Good question
@firebirdies 9 ай бұрын
When I was younger, I thought the recognition of life's short would enable me to enjoy my life to rhe fullest. But now it's the determination to enjoy the present moment as if I have infinite time that makes me happier
@Flabango 10 ай бұрын
Bro was tired of fixing his hair so he got a haircut mid video lol!!
@codyrap95 10 ай бұрын
Oh my god, how did you notice that? It's hilarious now that I see it 🤣🤣🤣🤣
@ophirhaddad 9 ай бұрын
He definitely doesn't identify as his hair
@dj_star_wolf2133 3 ай бұрын
I saw this comment pop up as I was watching the video and was waiting for it to happen 🤣🤣
@RolfYeager 10 ай бұрын
I really don’t understand how removing my ego by disconnection like that will help me have less regrets. I lost a really close friend last year because I had a lapse of judgement and disconnecting like this won’t help me heal. I miss her constantly but it really feels like you just showed us a meditation technique and said it’ll fix our ego because of “I” in “I failed”. No man I want to choose a career I’ll enjoy and won’t regret and I can’t just look back at the years wasted with no ego and somehow not feel connected. The only true currency in life is Time and I gave the most precious part of me for something that I could never look back on and feel okay with.
@proudtobeme1ashkente 10 ай бұрын
It won't happen immediately and it'll either take some traumatic event (as it did for me) or a lot of focused exercising to do it but eventually, disconnecting from your ego will let you look at life, time and your actions more neutrally. That doesn't mean you won't care about the choices you make. It can actually help you make the right choices now because they don't affect your sense of self as intensely as they did before. You will likely know better what you want, should and need to do and you won't feel hesitation about pursuing whatever those things are. And if you fail, it won't hurt as much as it did before. Hurt is what holds us back the most. What we should do is learn from hurt, not let it dictate our choices completely. Time will never stop flowing. Even disconnected from your ego, you will still be able to rely on the experiences of the past to guide your future actions but if you're smart about it you won't let them hold you back as they might do right now. I won't make promises about reaching happiness this way. Even though I've been able to do this to an extent, I'm still not mentally healthy when it comes to certain things that are tightly tied to my ego. But the more you can let go, the more freed you will feel. And a person feeling free is capable of much more than a person feeling imprisoned, especially if it's by their own mind.
@cooperino 10 ай бұрын
i like how this guy just glosses over the fact that we can bring people back to life
@drowsyfloof 10 ай бұрын
i watched this earlier. i don’t comment much on your videos, but i’ve watched and taken so many notes on them ever since i found your content. i’m at such a low place in my life, that i probably think about ending it dozens of times a day. this video in particular was so helpful. thank you for trying to help people. i really don’t know if it’s enough to help me, but it feels like it does, at least a little. so thank you. even if it’s too late for me, i know that the things you say and do help a lot of people, and that makes me happy.
@imxmchou1143 10 ай бұрын
I just want to let you know, I had been lowest point of life 3 years ago, dropped out of college, didn't really accomplished anything. However, I am truly thankful I found out Dr.K. His content really helped make through my darkest time. Now, I am happy with my current life, working in NGO to help people to achieve their dreams. Now and then, I come back to watch his content to learn more new stuff. More importantly, his content helps me to find my true self and peace. I hope you feel better.
@Seraphus87 10 ай бұрын
Now it all makes sense. I had several years of regretting failure, at some point I had something along the lines of what is explained here, certainly not ego-death, but a noticeable ego-reduction. Been waaay happier since.
@esakeiuloterte1616 10 ай бұрын
Sometimes I dissociate and depersonalize at times I don't expect where I don't feel connected with myself, my body and mind. Just feels like meditation but without my consent
@GeekieBenji 10 ай бұрын
Last year I experienced short term memory loss (for 40 minutes or so) where I could not remember anything at all, some of the things mentioned about how it felt like dying sounds very relatable. Since I remember everything from the experience I can say that it was the most freeing 40 minutes of my life, with no regrets, unable to remember what has happen in the past and the future.
@WarriorPocky 10 ай бұрын
Psychedelics helped me experience ego death (was trying to fix depression and was desperate). Had all that feeling of being one with everything and nothing. As I was starting to come down a bit from the height of the trip, I would taste bliss, and it would disappear as soon as I focus on it or try to chase after it. Prior to the full blown ego death, it was an extremely emotionally difficult trip. I experienced absolute nihilism. I learned that nothing truly mattered. And it hurt me so deeply for nothing to matter. No matter how much I shift my position, or rationalize, or desperately search for answers, it was so deeply uncomfortable, lonely, hopeless, meaningless. The sorrow deepened further as I struggled harder from it. At one point, I was brought to my knees emotionally, and "surrendered." I tried to be okay with the idea that this is what is. I finally faced and just...accepted the pain. I remember that was when I finally surrendered that my sense of self started to dissolve and thus my ego death began. I've been trying to figure out what the ideal state/characteristics of the mind is when sober. I did not realize that I had been doing the mecha meditation for a while now, so my daily experience is basically me watching myself do things, and be amused at how this consciousness can watch and have tug of war fights with the mind; how it experiences the joys and sufferings of the mind, etc. Like while I'm at the height of my anger, I have this parallel experience in my mind being chill and watching it unfold while eating popcorn and finding humor in the situation. However, there was a point in my psychedelic trip where instead of a mecha piloting from a computer station at some bunker; it was me piloting the mecha of my body Gundam-style. I was really, really in tune with everything in my body. Felt like time slowed, and I was moving through water but without resistance. It was like I was a child spirit that was able to pilot a body. My mind was clear, without baggage. Each breath was cool, and filling. I was present, filled with curiosity, wonder, and a sense of gratitude. I was not preoccupied with the silly concepts we burden ourselves on a daily basis. The experience was similar to the state of "flow." It seemed to me that my sober mecha practice is a bit dissociative compared to the hands-on mecha practice I had while tripping. I kept wondering, if my Gundam-mecha experience is something we can do sober and what may be considered to be the ideal state of mind. Little note: post trip I came to realize that "nothing matters" is okay; as what matters is something that is dictated by whatever instance of consciousness that is experiencing it. You yourself dictate what matters, to YOU. And so my journey to figure that out began and did ultimately help me with my quarter-life crisis depression.
@georgesonm1774 10 ай бұрын
Yes I want that state of mind, and sober!
@Palinckx5907 10 ай бұрын
I appreciate this one for sure. I've had a death experience, and a couple near deaths after the initial one. My personal experience of life overall has been chaotic. The feeling of relief that death provided is something I; for years, had a strong connection to post-death experience. The video had parts for sure that helped me not feel so alone in those feelings. My death experience and the years of learning and hurting after; really helped me personally understand how to have and cultivate love regardless of circumstance. Taught me a lot more then I give credit for. Thank you for the video, Alok. I needed it.
@projectpiano5231 10 ай бұрын
Dr. K, more like this please!! Particularly relating to the self and what it is and how it relates to (physical) matter. I want to understand what it means to be alive and I feel like I’m so close but it’s hard to put it all together! I think having visuals like drawing on an iPad could help too, that’s helped me in your videos a lot in the past! Thanks a lot for this!
@kyivstuff 10 ай бұрын
I remember during a very stressful and desperate time I looked at myself in a mirror and felt that my body is something separate from my self. Now I use the Dune mantra (Fear is the mind killer) when I have anxiety - I kinda relax into the anxiety by perceiving/consciously feeling it. I think it has the same idea of separating yourself from your emotions by the subject-object divide. I need to try this on my ego.
@enzard_glitch 7 ай бұрын
@dragonridersdance5133 10 ай бұрын
"Dying Unto Oneself" is actually the first thing Imitations of Christ covers too. When I practiced that every morning, I noticed my anxiety diminished if not went away altogether (it comes back, but it's easier to swat away). Really cool that you explain the science behind that here.
@Aintnofrankinthisone 10 ай бұрын
@tb4076 10 ай бұрын
I always love when different sources of ancient knowledge / philosophy converge together like this, despite differing fundamental beliefs. You don't need to believe in everything that catholicism, or buddhism, or hinduism preaches to realize that they all have important lessons for you to learn if you take the time to listen.
@catachandevilfang 10 ай бұрын
The concept of ego-negation plays a key role in the cosmology of Jewish mysticism-“Bitul Hayesh.” I think the Sufi Mystics in Islam have a similar concept too.
@jfv26 10 ай бұрын
In practice what do you do to “Die unto yourself”?
@jayplay8140 10 ай бұрын
@@jfv26 a heroic dose of shrooms
@Selinkak 10 ай бұрын
Yesssss let's talk about death and regret!!! It's the one thing, the absolute FEELING of regretting our lives and time on earth, that we spend our entire lives avoiding and refuse to sit with this feeling. We double down so hard on out decisions no matter how good they are because we don't want to regret our lives so much. We're so caught up and worried about doing something wrong with our limited time on earth that we literally forget to remember and enjoy the moments we do have. We have no idea when we will die, it could happen at any moment, and we live our lives assuming we will die one day when we're old that there's always time for something later. But truly living without regret is to know that if I were to die today: knowing that this is what I did to the best of my experience. I lived and experienced the beauty and heartbreak of life and I was alive and every moment in my life: as a general collective of everything I've experienced all at once, was good. Sometimes I feel like that moment in the Barbie movie where Barbie is like "do you guys ever think about dying??" Which is like the one thing I want to think about and explore. It's the one thought that always plagues our minds that we're not comfortable talking about with people and it's a shame because this is what every single person genuinely needs more than anything else: coming to terms with the fact that we will one day die and that our loved ones will own day die. And you can come to terms with this. I'm so glad that this video is really touching on the concept of death. Death is so hard and so difficult to talk about because not everyone is ready to face it. But it's the one topic: the absolute one thing that makes every single person have something in common. And it's the most worthwhile thing to talk about and come to terms with.
@me0101001000 10 ай бұрын
Speaking of those who have passed on, I often meditate on those people, and I allow myself to converse with them. I make myself familiar with what they were good at, what their dreams were, and what unfinished business they had. If there are any intersections with things I am striving for, I'll make that person my patron for that particular thing, and see that kind of thing through for them. Everyone talks about "finding your why". For many religions, that might be a god, a saint, or a prophet. A more secular alternative would be those we love.
@jacobdouglas5543 10 ай бұрын
this is like the amalgamation of how I've been needing to grieve my father's passing, thank you for this comment, I hope you find your ways around this life fellow commenter
@kylespevak6781 10 ай бұрын
In my opinion that stuff can be good for closure in the same way that religion can be but I feel that it's a crutch being used. As long as you don't go full-on super religious swearing up and down that you know for a fact that you are correct then it's all good. Having had people pass in my family and close to me I've seen other love the ones Have their grief exploited by those who claim to talk to the dead or what have you for a fee.
@lillianbarker4292 10 ай бұрын
I like your idea. I’ve always had these imaginary conversations but I never asked the right questions.
@Glandulf19 9 ай бұрын
The sheer vertigo of my first time "mech pilot meditating" 😮 I've been meditating for the past four years as part of my therapy, pretty inconsistently though, but I'm used to meditating. But the simple exercise you tell us about completely blew my mind, in mere seconds I felt weird, but like "better weird". I'll try to keep on practicing this to see which results come in the long term, but I feel like that's just what I needed right now. Thank you ❤
@tswion Ай бұрын
I VERY rarely comment on KZfaq videos. But I just have to say this one particular video lesson hit me so deeply and I’m so grateful for your insight here. I’ve watched your videos for a couple months now and this one has by far been the most impactful. Thank you Dr. K!
@GItoKeG 10 ай бұрын
I appreciate you so much for this Dr. K. To everyone else, I hope you find the support and help you need. Take it one day at a time.
@MADMAXX-7 10 ай бұрын
Another very interesting fact: there are reports about soldiers in war, that suffered grievous wounds and had to be treated on site. Some didn't ask for or outright rejected anesthetics. Not because they lost feeling but they simply didn't care about the pain. They just seemed OK despite what that must have felt like.
@SparkSovereign 10 ай бұрын
This sounds like the common experience of trauma survivors seeking out extreme situations; the feeling is terrible, but it's a *feeling* and when you're so disconnected from yourself that you can't feel anything you'll take whatever you can get. Even horrible physical pain is nothing compared to feeling like you are observing your life rather than living it.
@eetchooarn 10 ай бұрын
Fascinating and absolutely wonderful. Thanks Dr.K for the lesson.
@Denkpanzer 6 ай бұрын
Thank you Dr. K for this video. I would like to add something from my own experience to that: when making a decision about things I am really not sure about, being aware of the possibility of failure helps me a great deal. Especially when I don’t not succeed. because I can and do remember that I made the decision at that point in a very conscious way with all the (limited) info and feeling available at that time. So there is less of a point in regretting.
@anonemus5174 10 ай бұрын
I've been thinking about these things recently, this was quiet helpful, and a reminder of concepts that I have forgotten.
@ophideas 4 ай бұрын
Dr.K you are keeping me sane in this insane world. Thank you so much.
@tanuki88 10 ай бұрын
You're videos have really been helping me get on the right path and continue to develop. Thank you Alok ❤🙏
@emmanuelseyoum1655 7 ай бұрын
You are literally saving my life. Stuck with depression and a 230 lb frame at 5'8” as a result of growing up with an abusive, narcissistic father, I associated my weight with my identity for so long. Hyperegos were all I knew and thought I was a life failure because of that. I fucking love the the mech pilot theory and always wondered how people can a maintain healthy weight despite parts of the US being set up to work against that. One of the best pieces of wisdom you gave was about the cancer patient. Meditation (and weed lol) have truly truly helped with cultivating the mech pilot theory and this video just gave me the words to materialize this. Never stop putting out content. You’re saving people from their minds one person at a time.
@katattack907 10 ай бұрын
Would love to see a guided mech pilot meditation! As someone who often feels paralyzed by anxiety, I thought this was a really beautiful lesson. I'm going to save it to watch again later. Thank you. 🌿
@fracturedenvy1139 10 ай бұрын
I was up at like 2 am scrolling through KZfaq and I seen your videos instant subscribe and like. I just graduated a few months ago and hated school but when I watch your videos I’m journaling and noting stuff down to go and research more on. I appreciate you kindly
@sillylala4820 10 ай бұрын
Can you please make a video about inner monologues. It just blew my mind to find out that not everyone has an inner voice. How do people without an inner voice think and reflect on their actions? And shouldn't that be the first question a therapist should ask so that he/she can understand how the patient processes thoughts and emotions?
@slackerbelmont 10 ай бұрын
I think this is why I gravitate towards marijuana to help with anxiety. It dissolves the part of me that gets stuck on the outcome of a scenario and I seem to be able to digest things better. When I am on tolerance breaks I end up in thought loop land a lot more and don't really get over things. Thanks for sharing, I Look forward to trying this as I work towards eventually replacing weed with meditation altogether.
@Myslexia 10 ай бұрын
You got a Factor sponsorship; I'm so stoked for you! Happy for you man, congratulations. I listen to your videos while I work, and the disconnect between the intro and the lack of segue into the sponsorship was a bit jarring. A quick line like, "Before we get started, I want to take a moment to thank Factor for sponsoring today's video" or something like that at the beginning of the ad segment would ease the transition. Without the visual cue of you standing in your kitchen to let me know, the jump from you talking about regret to telling me you just got back from vacation definitely had me doing a double take! Long time lurker gal who loves your channel. It has given me so many different perspectives and a deeper understanding of and empathy for the experiences of the men in my communities (weeb/gamer). Thanks for the amazing work you do
@Gamesaucer 10 ай бұрын
I've discovered this on my own and it has done a lot of good for me. Life is a lot less stressful. At this point it's like a switch I can flip in my brain. I may be experiencing something bad, but does it really matter? It affects me because I'm choosing to let it affect me. And we're kind of built that way because it makes sense. We want to pay attention to things that make us feel bad, because chances are that those things pose a risk to us. So our body or our mind start ringing alarm bells. We're conditioned to care about that. But we're not hard-wired to care about it. So that switch is what helps me let go. I make the decision not to let these things affect me. And the effect is precisely what Dr K says it is when it comes to physical pain. The physical sensation is identical. But the mental experience of suffering has disappeared. Since suffering is a choice, I don't need to fear it, and so I don't need to fear having regrets. And not being paralyzed by the fear of regret has allowed me to do more with my life, and has also allowed me to deal with regrets I already had. Because those regrets were just me beating myself up for no reason. Feeling bad because I thought I needed to feel bad. But once you get past that, all those lingering negative feelings disappear.
@rafaelmattos2025 Ай бұрын
I would really like to thank this channel. All this knowledge has made a difference in my life. thanks from Brazil
@lored6811 10 ай бұрын
Nah this is surreal, I've been struggling with this exactly for one year. I've never related to a video of yours ever, but this one is like spot on what I'm feeling, not even my therapist understood it that well in 1 year of therapy
@martinweir2027 10 ай бұрын
This content is so good, I needed to watch it about 3 times for it all to sink in!
@martinweir2027 10 ай бұрын
The video was really very helpful and informative. I’d love to see more like this. Thank you so much.😊😊😊
@SahilShaikh-sw6ym 5 ай бұрын
🙂Thanks man your videos are so relatable and helpful !!
@Bonzi2 10 ай бұрын
The pain dissociation thing is the exact same realization I had when I had my first psychedelic experience. The pain is real but I felt that I didn't have to let it affect me.
@sane8D 10 ай бұрын
Great video Dr. K.. thank you. Might be even life changing..
@0KaitoShion0 10 ай бұрын
I am absolutely fascinated by all of the input you give out. It's causing some movement within me, somehow. I can't explain it, but it seems what you said is just what I needed to hear. Thank you for sharing your insights. 🙏🏻✨
@sircrashtonii9718 2 ай бұрын
Really needed this one Thank you
@user-yx7qx7hu4g 10 ай бұрын
this pilot meditationfeels like how i live everyday, it feels like im playing a video game, like im not present, my doctor says its anxiety but i never think im an anxious person.. i cant think even it just feels like im not alive at all :D
@Tennababy 7 ай бұрын
I witness this separation of me and my surroundings many places. During sunrise and sunset, seeing the sun in red paint outlines of trees on a surface, at seasons of the year marking a change, things sprouting from the ground and leaves turning all different colours then fall, when I'm in a flow state of something, when in nature, walking or growing things, riding my bike and just looking around :)
@wowzande 10 ай бұрын
I think this is your best video yet, keep up the good work dr. K
@BlankFaceAma 10 ай бұрын
I've heard these various concepts alluded to in a number of ways over the years but I think this is the first time that I've ever actually understood them. This was fascinating and enlightening tbh. I appreciate this video.
@LisaLeeLeeBlue 10 ай бұрын
You’re awesome! Thanks for all of this perspective. And, you’re funny. That helps too!
@llpolluxll 10 ай бұрын
Armored Core just came out a couple of days ago so my mind has been on mechs recently. It feels like the universe is telling me that I should incorporate this meditation into my routine. I've been trying other meditation methods from your guide for almost a month now and it has been exceedingly helpful for me to work through my Dysthymia, Anxiety, and ADHD issues. I really want to thank you from the bottom of my heart Dr. K!
@Khushi-cv1hd 10 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for this!! ❤️🙏
@ofkgjsl 10 ай бұрын
At this point I feel like I am more informed than my therapist, because I am sharing with him all this Harvard quality bits of knowledge. Thanks Dr. K 🙏🏻
@YeaaIJusShiddedOnEm 10 ай бұрын
I don’t know how to politely suggest that you are almost definitely deluding yourself with that feeling without sounding like I’m attacking you
@ofkgjsl 10 ай бұрын
@@YeaaIJusShiddedOnEm No problem, thanks tho. Feel free to explain your point to me. I am open to other opinions
@zetaforever4953 10 ай бұрын
​@@YeaaIJusShiddedOnEm I don't know the reason for holding therapists up on this weird pedestal. I mean sure, if you manage to find a really good therapist, you should listen to all their recommendations. But just like a plumber can be a bad (or mediocre) plumber, a mechanic can be a mediocre mechanic, a therapist can also be a mediocre therapist. It's entirely possible for someone who studies cars to become better at the job than a mediocre mechanic, even without taking it up as their main profession. The same is true of psychiatry or plumbing or literature. Just because someone does it as their main profession doesn't mean they do it well.
@YeaaIJusShiddedOnEm 10 ай бұрын
@@ofkgjsl Well it’s just that your therapist studied for 6-7 years to get professionally licensed and then afterwards has spent years worth of real world experience dealing with other peoples psychological problems. They’re also trained to be neutral observers which is something that’s exceptionally difficult if not impossible to do inwardly. Not to mention that your therapist is there to provide analysis and guidance for YOU specifically. Dr. K makes videos for millions of people at once.
@YeaaIJusShiddedOnEm 10 ай бұрын
@@zetaforever4953 brother if you think psychiatry and car repair or plumbing are comparable fields of study you’re missing a major point somewhere. Sure, you COULD study as much as your therapist or psychiatrist has, which would take anywhere from *four to twelve years* respectively. I’m laughing my ass off if you really think more than .0000001% of people are doing this… You’d also miss out on all the hands on training exercises and personal guidance that they receive along the way by “doing it yourself” instead of going to school like they did. No real way to replace that You’d also have 0 experience with how to analyze and formally diagnose somebody in action, which is a very different beast than just “understanding how it works on paper”. Be as delusional as you want but I don’t think you even grasp the difference between therapy and psychiatry in this context because you’re using them interchangeably and they aren’t. There is NO weird pedestal. I’ve had shitty therapists too. There is only common ass sense brother
@defaultyanny861 10 ай бұрын
I used to have trouble with the idea of losing certain things that were with me for a long time, like the ability to do certain things, memories, body parts. And, I guess inadvertently started doing part of the meditation described in the end. Pain is a lot more tolerable for me now, and I’ve become less detached to certain things
@MiDnYTe25 10 ай бұрын
I usually hate when people say "woah that's deep" because normally it's just everyday or mundane stuff they just discovered. But this info is... wow. It explains so much! I already feel more in control, or maybe to better put it, more "in tune" with my vessel
@Merokh 10 ай бұрын
Banger...I feel understood, rather confirmed, about my experience both in meditating on death and LSDD experiences and happy to learn that I am not weird or different from other human beings in that experience.
@kimoz4102 10 ай бұрын
Such an interesting and fascinating video. I actually need to rewatch the video to understand everything more. So much stuff while also being well explained. You are something else man. Absolutely astonishing. 22:34
@ramabalaji4068 Ай бұрын
I kind of disagreed with Dr.K on psychedelic comment. I was depressed and went to Ayahuasca ceremony , did not have ego death but it still healed me. I basically told me a story of my ancestors and wanted me to connect with them. I learnt a lot during that process. Then I said I am done , I want to move forward , then Aya told ‘there you go!’ - so basically move forward was the message but in a highly spiritual way. Very smart medicine
@tara7206 10 ай бұрын
How are his videos so perfectly timed!? Convinced he can read our minds
@alexandregalvaosilva 10 ай бұрын
Thank you! Amazing video! I guess something clicked in my mind by watching it!
@tonyross5178 5 ай бұрын
I'm so glad I've sub to your channel. Thank you.
@naropaperez8065 7 ай бұрын
This one got me. Your channel is wild, thanks.
@iPsychlops 10 ай бұрын
I still have depression, but I had a really intense dream in my late teens that felt like it lasted weeks. I had to come to terms with the understanding that I was going to die. I was pending execution in the dream. By the end of the dream I had accepted my fate. Waking up from that was so trippy. I don't want to die, but I haven't feared death since that dream. I don't want to suffer when I die, but death itself I'm not afraid of. This video really spoke to that.
@Jh-mp2rd 7 ай бұрын
Man, thank you for spending your knowledge and time for us. It helps me a lot. YOU are making a positive change in this world! Keep it up😊
@Pirogok01 10 ай бұрын
Ty great advice, Dr.K is the best❤❤❤
@mgm553 10 ай бұрын
this is the best video ive ever seen in my entire life
@thebettafish3239 10 ай бұрын
I needed this.
@thedeparted_one 9 ай бұрын
Wow, this was awesome! Dr. Bro is such a positive presence.
@palmereldritch_6669 10 ай бұрын
This is such an interesting talk. Seriously, a home run! Super useful (as a 4th year med student soon to be applying for Psychiatry residency). This mec pilot thing fascinates me, I am reminded that people, especially childhood trauma, use this exact same thing via dissociation/depersonalization. I once knew a woman who had been sexually abused, and she swore up and down that her ability to dissociate had caused her to also be gifted at ESP. Also, NDErs, frequently talk about having heightened intuition and ESP after their ego death experience. All of this points at what you are talking about. I had never made the connection to regret, which is quite common in depression. Love it Dr K!
@gecko7167 10 ай бұрын
whats esp?
@palmereldritch_6669 10 ай бұрын
@@gecko7167 ESP.
@mercyveritas1125 Ай бұрын
@@palmereldritch_6669 dafug is that?
@palmereldritch_6669 Ай бұрын
@@mercyveritas1125 ESP: extrasensory perception
@slanglabadang 9 ай бұрын
I personally developed this meditation technique on my own to help me fall asleep, and i found it a lot easier to get past the first time after spending a couple months in the gym focusing on the individual muscles i was working out. I basically learned how to move my consciousness like the mech pilot. I found that focusing on my breathing helped get into that state
@arickovalenciacarrasco4464 Ай бұрын
This is an amazing way to explain this 🎉
@charissesavier9023 10 ай бұрын
You have helped me so much. I'm so glad I found you through the David Packman show because I was interested in the episode with Pittsburg Mike. I also LOVE Factor. The meals are delicious.
@JJP-lb3ek 10 ай бұрын
Love the way you explain things.
@euthyphro8064 6 ай бұрын
It's very cool discussing ego death. It sounds like a good meditation in this video.
@missfeliss3628 10 ай бұрын
when my gramma passed... i literally experienced what she experienced.... i felt she finally gave up her deep sense of regret.... she was a very angry and unhappy person....i feel im just repeating her life... i felt she finally experienced happiness and bliss when she passed...i felt she was trying to tell me " its all the same in the end, dont waste ur life being so angry and hateful and ruining all ur closest relationships because of it. dont hurt the ones who love most cuz u cant stop regretting ur life".
@hollowedboi5937 10 ай бұрын
This is good for scoliosis cuz that’s just chronic discomfort and lack of focus. I’mma try this with the anxiety stuff so I can focus better.
@venrakdrake 10 ай бұрын
"Pride is not the opposite of shame, but it's source. True humility (sounding like ego death) is the only antidote to shame" - Uncle Iroh
@chaudiep8274 5 ай бұрын
"today we're gonna learn..." I love this sentence so much ❤
@krzysztofmathews738 10 ай бұрын
This is absolutely fascinating!
@EzeOnYoutube 21 күн бұрын
As I was watching the video I thought: when you are deeply inmersed on a game you usually lose that connection with your body, and "yourself" isn't within your mind or body, but you are within the character you are controlling. I don't know if it's just my experience, but when I recall moments of me playing videogames where I'm deeply inmersed, I don't really recall what was around my body, but what was around my character, as if I was the character and I was living that myself
@youtubehandlesareannoying 10 ай бұрын
I'm curious how this relates to dissociation. From what I've heard, dissociation is not a particularly pleasant experience. But it sounds like it should be, right? Losing your sense of self, feeling like you do not even inhabit your own body, sounds like a death of the ego to me. I don't know, maybe there's some key difference I'm missing.
@kleinbottled79 10 ай бұрын
I'd be tempted to put them on opposite ends of a spectrum? Being dissociated is like having your consciousness fractured and the pieces aren't talking to each other properly. Ego death feels more like radical association. The pieces aren't falling apart, they are falling together. The various inner voices of our minds stop bickering and start singing in unison and one realizes just how 'dissociated' they are in their day to day existence. Is it pleasant? More like the deepest awe possible yet somehow also incredibly familiar. Words fail to describe.
@joannawinters6592 9 ай бұрын
I experienced disassociation from anxiety and ego death from LSD and they are totally absolutely different
@tamarkipiani4096 10 ай бұрын
I like how im not just listening to a psychiatrist, but a person who is a psychiatrist (if that makes sense). I love how you explain things!
@billnye6291 10 ай бұрын
18:20 holy f this is really thick. the fact that so much anxiety popped up when you said that shows me how real this is.
@DalCecilRuno 10 ай бұрын
This is very interesting. I have depression, but I am not afraid of death. Actually that’s the danger I struggle with. When things get too tight and hurtful, my mind defaults to “well I mean, there’s death…” because I’m more afraid of a bad life than death itself. So I avoid people that seem potentially harmful. Once and if someone, anyone, hurts me badly, I cut all ties with no way of contacting me at all. I go to those extremes to protect myself, because I am afraid of people causing me even more harm than death itself. So to me something is not connecting. I do regret a lot of things, but not because I’m afraid of death, but rather because I could have avoided all that harm and I wouldn’t be recovering from all that stuff right now, and I wouldn’t be so easily and impulsively thinking “well I mean, there’s death…” I’m fine. If anyone reads this, I’m ok. I can recognize those thought patterns now and I know that if I opt for that option I would hurt at least one person I know. I’m quite good at ignoring the impulse after decades of fighting it. I’m just tired, and I want a peaceful life. It is really my only true goal. I don’t want money or fame or even a partner. I’m fine by myself. I just seek peace and quiet. No more harmful people, no more bullies, no more abusers, no more envy that I can’t detect on time, none of that crap. A simple quiet life where I can exist at my own pace and learn whatever I want and use that learning to contribute to society because I’m still alive and I want to give not just take. So…something here is not connecting. I would like to have a better understanding. Or maybe I’m genuinely just exhausted and if I die tomorrow I wouldn’t feel any fear or regret about it. It was a hard life already. I’m done.
@DestxnyAngel 10 ай бұрын
I found your comment relatable and I appreciate you sharing your thoughts/feelings. I thought it was just me that felt that way. I’m glad you’re ok.
@DalCecilRuno 10 ай бұрын
@@DestxnyAngel sorry to hear you’re also dealing with that chronic exhaustion and harm avoidance. I hope you’re ok too.
@raglock1433 10 ай бұрын
There is a lot I can relate to here.. I have been thinking about stuff like this for a while. And I have a question. Why is death seen as the bad option? I understand it from the perspective of evolution and biology, but if we believe there is more to humanity than just the flesh and electrical impulses, than how can we honestly say that thoughs like this are wrong? We dont understand death at all, but we all know its bad. So..why? Id like to believe its true. Id like to agree, but I just dont understand why I should.
@DalCecilRuno 10 ай бұрын
@@raglock1433 you answered it yourself. We don’t understand death at all. People fear what they don’t understand, so that fear of the unknown is what makes them perceive death as bad. “And why aren’t you afraid of death?” I can’t answer that in a public comment. I have good reasons not to fear death, and also like I said in my initial comment, I’m just so tired of a bad life that I don’t care anymore. So I’m only still here because I don’t want to hurt the few people that still care that I exist. Once they’re gone… I sincerely don’t have any plans for sticking around.
@disappointedbutnotsurprised17 9 ай бұрын
What's stopping you from having that peaceful life, then. Go ahead and live that life.
@triplemmm333 10 ай бұрын
In the past (and even now) I alway felt like I am "outside" of my body, like an observer, like someone who controls a character in a game, and even most of my thoughts felt the same, like I am just floating and I watch my thought flying by me. I only lost this sensation, this clarity - time-to-time - when I was anxious about something and I felt overwhelmed. The only lashback was that I couldn't really feel "present" in that state. Must be a fine line, a golden mean between the two ends of the spectrum.
@scubarubanzaii 10 ай бұрын
This is actually incredible. I have been living my life regret free for so many years, and this actually feels like something I naturally have always done.
@georgesonm1774 10 ай бұрын
Lucky u!
@Despinarxx 10 ай бұрын
Perfect timing as always🙏
@marekjones273 10 ай бұрын
Do you have telepathic powers or something ? I was just thinking yesterday about how to accept your mistakes and move on .
@AustrianTiger13 10 ай бұрын
The part about paranoid schyzophrenia, made me question a few things... I no longer feel that way but I definitely rememer feeling like that every day for years.
@cory99998 10 ай бұрын
Can you explain the difference in feeling pride and being proud? For example I'm proud of personal accomplishments that no one can take away from me as theyre rooted in my very personal and subjective experience
@treyhouse6581 10 ай бұрын
Holy crap. My mind is not myself. This makes so much sense and brings me so much peace. I feel separate from it now, and like Dr. K said, my mind is something that I can act on. This really helps to reconcile the “I do the things I do not want to do, and what I do not want to do, I do” in me. My self and my brain are not one and fight for control.
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