Heartstopper - 2x07 "Sorry" - REACTION!

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Harry Allen

Harry Allen

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#Reaction #heartstopper

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@elizabethstover3033 9 ай бұрын
Sarah's face after Stephane says rugby is "very attractive to women" sends me. You know she's thinking "can I divorce him again?"
@kingfangs6693 9 ай бұрын
Darcy didn't run away. She got kicked out. If you listen carefully you can hear her mom say "get out of this house now!".
@mlee6050 9 ай бұрын
Thanks, I thought as them complaining that Darcy was like I'm running away and ignore what mum says
@LaraCrafford 8 ай бұрын
I think it's very interesting that Darcy and Ben are similar in their shitty home lives, just like Nick and David went through trauma with their dad and handled it in opposite ways, Darcy and Ben also went through similar things and handled it completely differently. Darcy is proud of who she is around everyone except her mom and is incredible supportive of Nick and Tara, while Ben is ashamed of who he is and lashes out at anyone who remind him of the parts of himself he hates.
@mandipandi303 9 ай бұрын
Lots of people have issues with Charlie not accepting Ben's apology and it confuses me. Ben's apology was all to make himself feel better. He didn't acknowledge the fact that he assaulted Charlie, and he downplayed his other bad behavior the entire apology. Charlie's response would've been 100% valid in a flawless apology, never mind the pile of garbage Ben offered him. Nick straight up called his dad neglectful and David a petty child in front of everyone. I think your assessments of Nick and David are accurate. And Tori is an icon!
@justijess5233 9 ай бұрын
yeah, I find that mind boggling that people actually were upset with how Charlie responded to Ben. He had every right to say those things and not forgive him. Ben for majority of his little speech just excused his own actions, he never actually said "what i did was wrong, I'm so sorry. I understand if you hate me." Also, if this was about actual people in our reality can you imagine saying your disappointed in someone just because they didn't want to forgive the person who verbally and mentally abused them as we as sexually assaulted them, that would be ridiculous. I love Ben's arc and i feel sad that he's walked away from something that he seems to want to except about himself(i think the rainbow wave is a metaphor for Ben almost, rejecting that side of himself and abandoning it) but he was awful and seems to not fully understand why he was in the wrong
@mandipandi303 9 ай бұрын
@justijess5233 I totally agree. The fact that Ben's acceptance of himself would've been contingent on Charlie's acceptance of his apology means that Ben truly wouldn't have come to terms with loving who he really was. His need for external validation and ignoring his horrible behavior was never going to help him become a good person or acknowledge that his queer identity is normal, and he deserves love despite what people might say about him. However, that knowledge doesn't excuse him from personal responsibility for how he treats people
@Jeneri1 9 ай бұрын
I believe this is because of empathy for circumstances beyond Ben, homophobia in the family ect., to say that "He isn't fully responsible for how how acts" which to me os a bit of a cop-out. I feel bad for him, I really do, but he's doing so much egotistical shit that it feels like he never learns. Also when he says the "I really liked you" it's clear when you really watch what their relationship was that he liked the idea of being with someone like Charlie, being free, not Charlie per say. It was cute in the beginning but he soon got caught up in himself and what internalised homophobia he was dealing with and he took it out on Charlie instead of bettering himself. Rationalising with a lot of "I" and "me" sentences. Surely many of you have been thinking these things already, but I also hope Ben learns and grows from this, but as Charlie points out, he don’t have to be there to see that happen 😊
@CyanHope 8 ай бұрын
Even if Ben hadn’t been a complete asshole. You don’t ow anyone the acceptance of their apology.
@janine5585 4 ай бұрын
Agree. I to some degree want to know what ist going on in his mind.
@ThatsMyUsborneBook 9 ай бұрын
I think that one of the scary things for Charlie about Ben is how he hasn't listened to him or taken no for an answer. He explained why he wanted to break up before Ben assaulted him. Ben still sought him out at Harry's party - Charlie told him not to touch him and leave him alone. The last straw on Sports Day when Ben is still mean flirting with him - Charlie puts his foot down and tells him clearly to leave him alone. Ben never takes him seriously and continues to stare and contact Charlie- even ignoring him does no good. Many people can relate to when someone won't take no for an answer and you don't know what they will do next. When Nick tells Charlie that Ben has told him that he wants to get back together with Charlie, Charlie is visibly shaken and I think that anxiety is part of the reason he faints in the next scene (besides having not eaten). He has no control over what Ben will do next. His next explanation over why he restricts his food intake hits home really hard. Ben took a train to the art exhibit to force his apology on Charlie. I've read in comments where people tone-police Charlie when he speaks to Ben here. They say he was too harsh and mean and that his response was out of character for Charlie when Ben was trying to say sorry. I think Charlie is entitled to be angry and respond to Ben however he likes at this point. Nothing he has said before has gotten through to him. He gave him the time and space to hear him out. That's gracious imo.
@Raheachan 8 ай бұрын
Full agree. It is really horrifying how offen not in the victim-perpetrator-relationship involved people do emphatizise with a rueful perpetrator, seeing the perpetrator as fully entiteled to the forgiveness while ignoring how much of the victims soul (and sometimes body as well) got broken. Pressuring the victim or holding the victim partially at fault. That is so disturbing. A victim is never at fault, the perpetrator is always able to not do the hurting and decided to do it anyway. A victim is allowed to not be able to move or to do not healthy coping mechanism. And the victim is allowed to not forgive the perpetrator. It is our responsebility as a society to find a good way to deal with the perpetrator, not the victims.
@evelienmakkink7517 9 ай бұрын
I think this tiny little moment should also be mentioned. I think it is also important. I don't know if anyone noticed, but look at that little nod from Charlie's dad to Charlie saying go after him 25:02 . With little things like this you notice that Charlie's parents, despite all their previous reactions to things, are fully supporting him.
@deancontiwriter13 9 ай бұрын
don't pluralize it. Charlie's dad. not parents. Jane is still a piece of shit.
@germainebristol8655 5 ай бұрын
i saw that charlie dad gave him the go-ahead to leave the table and go be there for his bf. also did we notice that nick's dad was leaving without saying goodbye if nick didn't catch him... so sad.
@evelienmakkink7517 5 ай бұрын
​@@germainebristol8655alsow true. Indeed sad
@Naysseveredhead 9 ай бұрын
Babes she didn't run away she was kicked out, did you hear Amanda (Darcy's mum) scream for her to get out? 😭
@lorettacrooms4398 9 ай бұрын
Asexual wasn't even a thing when I went to High School. I never had a High School sweetheart. For many years I felt bad about this. But Isaac's storyline helped me realize that I had opportunities, but I shut them down. I just thought they weren't the right person. My family and friends said I was just too picky. Now I realize I am on the Ace Spectrum. There was no right person out there. Happily single. Happy Ace Week everyone!
@danieloneal7137 9 ай бұрын
Same here. I’m 50 and I’ve identified as gay since ~1992. I always knew that I’m not like other gay guys. But even though I’d been surrounded by queer culture for decades now, I never understood about asexuality until very recently. I never had a serious relationship until my mid/late 30s and I just put it down to shyness or not knowing how to talk to guys. So many pieces snapped into place once I was able to properly identify that part of myself and put a name to it. Realizing that I’m on the ace spectrum has made so many things make sense.
@michellebarry1555 9 ай бұрын
I love that both Nick and Charlie stood up for their queer identities, it makes me so happy! Also as someone who is Ace, I love that we are finally seeing some representation. I just want to give Issac a big hug and tell him that it’s okay. He is so lucky to have figured it out as a teen, it took me a very long time to realize what I was. It is very liberating to put the pieces together.
@KnightRaymund 9 ай бұрын
David's 4 years older so he had more time with his dad. He's desperate for his attention and just can't see the neglect. I wonder if he blamed his mom and why they're not so close. He's so terrible. Yeah, Ben is done after this season.
@KristinaKarrasch 9 ай бұрын
I think it's interesting how you can compare Darcy's and Ben's story. Both of them had a very difficult upbringing with toxic parents. Ben responds to this with hate and takes it out on Charlie, whereas Darcy tries to escape from her homelife in school and tries to make everyone around her happy. She still should talk about it to someone and not keep it to herself, because that will only hurt her more, but she doesn't take it out on others as Ben did.
@unlovebreather 9 ай бұрын
Ben has internalized homophobia while Darcy doesn’t. Darcy also has a supportive friend group and an understanding girlfriend. I don’t think it’s fair to compare them in that way.
@KristinaKarrasch 9 ай бұрын
@@unlovebreather I know what you mean! They are very different and in different situations, but what I was trying to say is that both of them had to deal with very toxic parents. Ben came out of it hating and distancing himself from anything queer, while Darcy found a supportive girlfriend and friend group where she could embrace her queerness.
@andrewschreiber112 9 ай бұрын
I really loved your comments about how some people respond to trauma by repeating it, and others respond by taking the opposite road. I learned this lesson early from my father, who was HORRIBLY abused by his own father - literally beaten with fists, and abused in other horrific ways that I won't go into (not sexual). Instead of becoming an abusive, neglectful father, repeating the pattern, he went the opposite direction, and was the kindest, most generous, most loving father imaginable. He made sure my sisters and I knew not only that we were loved and cared for, but that our voices were heard, and our opinions valued, even at a young age. And yes - you can see how David, prick that he is, is playing out the trauma of having a neglectful father, and how Nick, instead, shows himself over and over again to be a kind, compassionate, thoughtful young man. Really well done reaction. I look forward to your reaction to Episode 8!
@narliehs1648 Ай бұрын
Agreed. I also broke the cycle by not repeating the abuse my family, my mother more than anyone, gave me. I've never my hand or my voice to my daughter, not once. I've never "needed" to, despite the claims that she'll turn out horrible for me not following the "spare the rod, spoil the child" bs. I treat her as an equal, as someone with boundaries and thoughts and likes and dislikes of her own. The fact that she's a child doesn't mean that she's any less worthy of respect or consideration, and I can and will legit fight anyone who thinks they can insult her intelligence or autonomy by suggesting otherwise. We're best friends for a reason. Yeah, she's only ten so we've yet to hit the infamous teenage years, but I have no concerns. She knows that she can _always_ come to me with _anything_ and that we can work out whatever it is together. She's also an _amazing_ kid- a lot like Nick, really. Massive sweetheart, will do anything she can to help others, very bright, active, friendly, outgoing (far more than me lol I'm more introverted like Charlie), and just all around a beautiful little human that I can honestly say I'm so ridiculously, absurdly proud to have raised. Not trying to toot my own horn, seriously not, but she deserves the praise. 🥰😍🤩
@candiceo8028 9 ай бұрын
The way I’ve seen this show a thousand time and did not catch Tori calling David a prick. Thank you for pointing out this gift 🎁
@meowcraft2403 8 ай бұрын
Me either I found that out a couple of weeks ago from another reactor
@Calaban63 9 ай бұрын
At one point you said - "This town is so cute." and asked where it was filmed - it was in Chesham, Buckinghamshire.
@alan1585 9 ай бұрын
Agree - bizarre seeing my local High Street feature here
@butterflypooo 9 ай бұрын
The actor that plays Ben is great and the head of the “I Hate Ben” Fanclub. Alice and the others didn’t want to bring Ben back for this season, bc they didn’t want to give him a redemption arc but the fans kept asking for him, so they found a way to bring him back without redeeming his character bc honestly that would be unrealistic in my eyes. It has been confirmed that his character will not return for season 3. Lastly, Darcy’s homelife was my homelife to a T. Parents bullying me over such small things when I was just trying to exist. That was my daily reality. The scene was done very well and it is very accurate.
@westiefan1 9 ай бұрын
I've seen this so many times, I'm at the point I just watch the reactors reactions - yours was so enjoyable. Can't wait to see your reaction to the last 8 minutes of the next episode, especially ☺️
@meowcraft2403 8 ай бұрын
Same but I love watching the show too with them and getting their view on it
@lithiumzinho7790 9 ай бұрын
I've never been so early i was craving this reaction
@cathymills4175 9 ай бұрын
Me too 🙂
@jcs1025 9 ай бұрын
Same. 😂❤
@HarryAllen9 9 ай бұрын
LMAO bless ❤️
@evelienmakkink7517 9 ай бұрын
Me too.❤
@sandramatras8345 9 ай бұрын
I bet Tao's mum is already planning their wedding! 😊😊
@meowcraft2403 8 ай бұрын
Haha I bet she is😂🤭
@n0emiette 9 ай бұрын
So much to say, first for the dinner: Tiny element, the reason the dad didnt hug Nick isnt cause he couldnt hug his son, it's because of Nick's body language, he had his arms folded and didnt make a move to accept a hug (opposite to David who went for the hug). That's why the dad didnt hug him. For the Nick and David relationship, your point is really interesting. I think i just see the problem a little different. I think it's jealousy. This type of dynamic is something Ive seen a lot between older sibling towards younger ones. When the divorce happened, while Nick was quite little, David was oler, with more memories and it hit him more. It is very probable that Nick being the baby of the family she put more attention on him, and with his dad leaving and Sarah, young David might have started to have abandonment issues and instead of targetting his anger towards his parents, the jealousy went to Nick. And if the parents dont handle it, this type of thing can rot a lot and follow for years (Usually until the younger sibling starts to fight back) That is the angle i lean more towards of for their dynamic. For the Ben thing, I just wanted to go back on the "unable to see the harm he has done", as if he was refusing to see it. I think it is more, he didnt realize. Him not seeing the harm wasnt deliberate. And the fact that all his interactions this season were with Nick didnt help at all. That's why that scene was so important for his growth. Because finally he got to hear, from Charlie, the extent of the harm he has done. And from the look on his face, he didnt realize until now. This for me is gonna be a turning point for him. And the fact that he didnt go towards the rainbow wave (but he didnt immediatly run away from it so for me that's progress) isnt him refusing the community, but just he isnt there yet. He isnt at that stage of his journey and he needs to sit with what he just learned and work on himself before he is ready to dip his toe into that wave
@ThatsMyUsborneBook 9 ай бұрын
Also, even in Paris, Stèphane just shakes Nick's hand when they meet up and doesn't hug him. Nick's arms weren't crossed then. Think it's a Stèphane distance thing too.
@n0emiette 9 ай бұрын
@@ThatsMyUsborneBook it does play a part but in the context of the dinner, where people compared the 2 interaction between Nick and David, it is because of Nick's body language. You see Stephane hesitating about what to do and Nick not budging.
@ThatsMyUsborneBook 9 ай бұрын
@@n0emiette yeah true, he's just respecting his obvious boundary
@dkatzism 9 ай бұрын
Happy to hear you're feeling better, Harry.
@shuizaffre 9 ай бұрын
I’d definitely love to hear your answers to the questions in the Episode 8 reaction! I always like hearing your thoughts with the episode since it feels fresher. Just focus on letting yourself rest.
@deancontiwriter13 9 ай бұрын
@simply_psi 9 ай бұрын
You have some great points regarding our understanding of how we automatically make assumptions. I think subconsciously most peoples brains can only process and make conclusions based on each person's experiences, if they have never encountered ACE then you have no field of reference to make that one of your subconscious assumptions, you would need to make a conscious decision to consider ACE. The shopping scene was filmed in Chesham in Buckinghamshire, specifically the Market Square.
@anne._.celine 9 ай бұрын
You can add Ben in the same group as David. He deals with his trauma in the same way, by hurting people. Darcy is definitely on the other group. Even though she had a shitty mother, she tries to give love and joy as much as she can.
@tymmgwayn302 8 ай бұрын
Mate! Are you studying psychology or something? Your insights are so incredibly deep. What you said about Nick and David and how they both processed the trauma of their relationships with Stephane and not only spot on, but incredibly insightful. I've noticed in watching your reactions that you do seem to delve into the psychology of the characters and their motivations. I love watching your reactions. Thank for these.
@narliehs1648 Ай бұрын
That's what I've been wondering. Harry's probably my fave HS reactor for the in-depth analysis he gives for each episode and character.
@Kamandi2 9 ай бұрын
There’s really not that many queer people in the schools. The show just focuses on a group of them. In the first season they said they were 1200 students at the girls school so you can assume there’s probably an equal number at the boys school. So the entire cast, including the 3 teachers that are queer, including peripheral characters is probably less than 20. That’s less than 1% of the students and faculty between both schools.
@shuizaffre 9 ай бұрын
Mhm yeah. The show just focuses on it, it is still a show after all. In real life we wouldn’t run into these people as often because it’s not a fictional TV series.
@danieloneal7137 9 ай бұрын
@@shuizaffreI dunno. In my experience (even though high school was over 30 years ago for me), the queer kids tend to find each other. Even in that less enlightened time, you tended to gravitate towards your tribe.
@mark99k 9 ай бұрын
@Kamandi2 But it's not a given that those 20 constitute the entirety of the queer population in the two schools. We were able to observe only maybe 30-40 students in total. It's quite likely there are many more queer ones, including some who haven't realized their own sexuality yet.
@Kamandi2 9 ай бұрын
@@mark99k Yes. That was my point. They were saying it seemed like a lot. I was pointing out that it wasn’t
@bosunbob123 9 ай бұрын
Can I just say, it’s not that David is a bad brother? It goes way beyond that. He’s queerphobic and needs to be called out for that. He’s not just a bad brother and queerphobia doesn't come from having a bad relationship with his dad
@stephenmcglone3878 9 ай бұрын
Thank you for making the effort to record this reaction even though you weren't feeling well. Cant wait for episode 8. I know that when recording for KZfaq you need to edit for copyright reasons but the last couple of scenes in episode 8 are so very important it would be nice if you could include as much as possible
@schuhschrank947 9 ай бұрын
I think Davids Problem on top of what you mentioned is that he is not that close to his mum like Nick is. Nick is more similar to his mom and David is more like his dad. And his dad is not a (big) part of his life anymore. So he might be jealous on the relationship that his brother and his mom share. Don't get me wrong, I won't say that I like his behavior.
@narliehs1648 Ай бұрын
Nick and Charlie are such class acts, they really are. 🥰 Such beautiful humans. Btw, idk how I haven't noticed before in my endless re-watches of this show, but Jane's reaction to the conflict at dinner was rather fascinating. After Nick called Stephane and David out and then Sarah did the same, Jane looked... _extremely_ tense. Eyes down, motionless... I'm not sure if she was even breathing at that point. Having read the comic, I'm really wondering if this is a subtle nod to her own history. 🤔
@danieloneal7137 9 ай бұрын
15:09 and obviously we can tell from context clues that the art school can’t possibly be that far from Truham. She won’t be going to school right across the street from Tao any longer, but it’s not like she’s moving halfway across the country.
@rayray2055 9 ай бұрын
really happy to know you're feeling better and can't wait to see your reaction to the next episode and especially the last 10 or so mins. love these vidsss
@cathymills4175 9 ай бұрын
Omg this is what i needed this morning. I really love your reactions. I'm glad to hear you are feeling better 🙂
@1HalfbloodPrince 9 ай бұрын
Don't think you caught it but Darcy was kicked out
@TheCraizeeKitten 9 ай бұрын
Darcys mum told her to get out
@KentSmither 9 ай бұрын
I'm sorry you've been ill. Take the time you need, but I'm dying to hear your answers to questions, so my preference would be to hear them sooner rather than wait for the finale reaction. Do what is best for you, but that's my preference. I love your reactions and have been checking for this one regularly. Thank you so much. It was wonderful.
@butterflypooo 9 ай бұрын
I’m sorry you’re still sick. Take it easy and I hope u feel better soon! Was nice seeing this even without the Q&A. Take care, man!
@brondo93 9 ай бұрын
The imagery of Ben’s ‘Heartstopper moment’ being the last we will see of him was really powerful. That he departs the show on what is basically a sour note in terms of self love and acceptance does balance out the positivity of the rest of the show. Not everyone is going to get their happiness, particularly in high school, and as an audience we are happy to see that for Ben because we know how awful he has been towards Charlie. However it’s still possible to feel sorry for him as it’s clear his home life and whatnot aren’t great and that restricts him from being out and happy. Having mixed emotions for a character is normal and it’s so wild to me to see people online not step back and do critical thinking and just hate Ben with their full chest - ok yes he’s a fictional character but it’s not any kind of stretch for this to happen to real people as well. Anyway, good riddance to Ben, he’s served his purpose in the story. But I think everyone is going to miss Bash because he is such a sweetheart in behind the scenes footage and interviews.
@AnnekeOosterink 9 ай бұрын
Hating Ben is entirely valid. Sure, his behaviour was informed by the way his parents are. But lets not forget that his behaviour towards Charlie started with abuse, gaslighting, and SA, and then became literal stalking, followed by some more stalking and an apology that showcased how little Ben has actually understood what he did wrong, and how he continues to not understand what he did wrong. Charlie spells it out for him, so hopefully he finally understands. Hoping an abuser becomes a better person and understanding that their behaviour is in part caused by their family is not mutually exclusive with hating an abuser. Darcy has a shitty homelife as well, arguably shittier. And she has not abused, gaslit, or SA-ed. Ben's family life is not an excuse for his abuse, and people treat it as if it is. It's not.
@brondo93 9 ай бұрын
@@AnnekeOosterink of course people can hate Ben, I never implied otherwise. Ben’s own life definitely isn’t an excuse for how he treated Charlie, his actions are his own and are downright terrible; there’s no way to see otherwise. I agree that the two things aren’t mutually exclusive, I was more taking an exception to people who I’ve seen that actually don’t take the time to stop and at least acknowledge the context and details around it. You can always show sympathy for some elements of a person, even if you hate their _actions._
@thegabrielhyde 9 ай бұрын
Personal thing I think about a lot: look at Charlie’s mum being critical, controlling and emotionally negligent/uninvolved, and then look at Charlie’s relationship with Ben.
@n0emiette 9 ай бұрын
People tend to paint Jane as such a terrible, almost abusive (and totally abusive for some people) Yes she is a little strict, but people really describe her way worse than she really is
@navdon12 9 ай бұрын
Charlie’s mum is a much less sympathetic character in the books and there is a hint to a back story there that I’m hoping we may get more of in S3
@n0emiette 9 ай бұрын
@@navdon12 except that people base their entire opinion of Jane on what Tori says in solitaire. But for some reasons, it is clear to all readers that Tori is an unreliable narrator and makes everything worse than it already is EXCEPT when it comes to Jane and people take everything Tori says as actual facts
@thegabrielhyde 9 ай бұрын
I don’t think Jane is outright terrible or abusive (for that matter, I don’t really think anyone just is “an abuser”, including Ben), and both the comics and the show portray her as working on her issues. Nevertheless: look at Jane in season one, telling Charlie off for being in his pyjamas on a Sunday morning. Look at Jane in season two saying, “No, I need to ban you completely from seeing Nick, and ground you when you do.” Look at Jane being so unengaged with how Charlie’s doing that she doesn’t see the signs of any of her kid’s mental health problems. There’s a tendency at times to see Ben as the source of all Charlie’s issues (which Charlie in this episode kind of does himself), but we know from Tao in season one that Charlie had low self-esteem from at least year seven, years before even meeting Ben. I also think that while Ben’s behaviour later on absolutely was appalling and abusive, it may not be wholly true to say that he controlled Charlie, so much as that Charlie never believed he deserved to have any control to start with. There’s a lot there, and comics-Jane is shown to have had her own abusive mum, so it wouldn’t shock me if all those issues had trickled down. But I do think her parenting likely played a role in how Charlie responded to the bullying, and in what his relationships with Ben and Nick look like.
@DeeFightingDreamer 9 ай бұрын
While I don't think she's "abusive" as the other comment said, I do agree that she's critical, controlling and strict. She was even worse in the books in my opinion. And no, I don't mean what Tori said, that was just a hint. She's certainly judgmental (the pyjamas, exactly! Her tone was so not it!), and her behaviour in regards to Nick was out of line. Imagine being that cold to a literal kid just because he makes your child happy and a little distracted from school. That's just petty and placing blame on innocent people, because it's easier than to say "this is nobody's fault", as she can directly blame Nick and "resolve" the issue by cutting him out of Charlie's life. If she said "it's nobody's fault", she wouldn't find a way to resolve the issue. She's just taking the easy route in her parenting.
@glitzdancer 8 ай бұрын
We binged season two and this is the only one we had to take a break before moving on because Darcy’s scene made me fully break down
@twilightfm107 9 ай бұрын
Can you do the Questions in episode eight please
@lukebaker9116 Ай бұрын
If you read Solitaire, Ben doesn't deserve a redemption arc 😏😒😠
@janine5585 4 ай бұрын
Hi i have been watching this for hours now an wanted to thank you for this Video. I Was a little bit confused you saying this about your fav.scene in Episode 1. You like and support Imogen's Charakter but this seems to me like making fun on her. I always wondered what on earth a straight person can do to be of any help with all this horrible issues. Just doing nothing does not seem right to me. I was not aware of this akward feeling what you compared to be looked at like animals in the Zoo. So thank you again really very much for sharing. I think that some people do not know how to react bc they do not know any better and want to be supportiv but just do not know how. Hope you get what I mean. See I have a 6 year old son and I always hoped to raise him a decent person. Sorry btw but english is not really my language and typing every Word 3 Times bc Google (?) is constantly automatically making stupid stuff out of it does not help. Well, what I was about to say is you cannot fully control what and what is not set into your children's minds. Sometimes they catch up something from friends, other patents, grandparents etc. I really apriciated your advise earlier about Charlie's parents making him do his school stuff. The other reaction Videos I saw also recommended not to do what they did bc the kid will sneak out of course. And btw do you why Charlie crys after kissing Nick for the first time. I have not yet watched all these videos to the end bc i only startet yesterday and needed at least some sleep but i will try to do do soon. Bc again I really loved the way you did all this, it was extraordinary helpful to me.
@BenedictChrysosthomos 9 ай бұрын
And now poor David 🙁💔 has a crush on Tori and starts calling her. 🌈
@meowcraft2403 8 ай бұрын
Wait what
@BenedictChrysosthomos 8 ай бұрын
@@meowcraft2403 but Tori isn’t interested and finds herself in the arms of Michael Holden…
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Edvin Ryding and Omar Rudberg Talk Young Royals and Tease the Third Season [Extended] | Tonight Show
The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon
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Heartstopper - 2x01 "Out" - REACTION!
Harry Allen
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heartstopper reaction | all of season 1
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Heartstopper - 1x02 "Crush" - REACTION!
Harry Allen
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Этот парень написал картину... 😎
Глеб Рандалайнен
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GiGaMoN! 5 🗿 #gigachad #sigma
The Logan Chitwood
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ToRung short film: i sell watermelon🍉
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Choices for your loved ones❤️
ISSEI / いっせい
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Они не знали, почему он так поступил, пока
Waka Waka 😁 #funnyshorts #rianashow
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