Hire a Street View trusted pro photographer or agency

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Google Maps

Google Maps

8 жыл бұрын

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@lisaepstein6901 8 жыл бұрын
Thanks Google. Great sample of how the poorest quality business imagery can be achieved. I guess it's just your way of saying F U to the pro photographers who helped you launch and build this program. You make no mention that the Ricoh Theta S yields inferior, noisy, unsharp results. Who is that schmuck? An actor that works for meals from a diner? People pay their mortgages and put their kids through school with professional business/commercial photography. You asked us if we'd do this full time and change our own businesses when we first helped you launch the program. Now you cheapen the entire project you started almost daily. Your people care nothing about those that created the content you have on your platform now. You truly use people. I guess your aiming to make panoramic photography less lucrative than working at McDonalds. Google treats people who provide free content for their platform like utter shit.
@kebbzvill7840 8 жыл бұрын
are you a 360 photographer? I totally get you and will be sharing your words in a 360 photographers group. The Theta is for Noobs.
@lisaepstein6901 8 жыл бұрын
Yes. In the end, it depends on what a client wants. The awesome part of all this for a client, is that they pay for photography and it stays permanently up on Google Maps for the purpose of representing their business. It's a one time photo session charge for very long term advertising. Fully embeddable on their company website. Now what business that takes pride in what they do wouldn't want the sharpest, best looking, most color correct and correctly exposed photography shot by a professional? Well, businesses with cheap owners - that's who. Personally, as a pro photographer - I stay away from those types of clients because they cost more time and money than any other client out there. If they don't care about the time and effort I put into knowing my craft, and they can't see how that knowledge/experience serves them - let them go with a cheap amateur. What Google wants is for anyone and everyone to fill their platform with content for FREE. Google does not care about serving businesses in the best way possible, Google does not care about quality, and Google does not wish to help professional photographers develop their own businesses. Google does everything for Google, and the endgame is to keep dominating search and pull in all those advertising dollars. Don't be evil is just a set of words that sound good.
@JinKazama92 8 жыл бұрын
+Lisa Epstein thanks to kolor we have this. Just a Big NO to this nasty 360 cams. www.kolor.com/virtual-tours-files/20140428-kolor-theta-vs-dslr/ The same thing happened to cameras and smartphones years back and failed. They made it smaller and convenient. Not letting the masses know how much of the quality is being sacrificed for their own benefit. its very decieving for most people who know nothing especially when it comes to photography.
@jimhilker4614 8 жыл бұрын
Lisa - too much info! Email me if you would please.
@johnshaw6596 8 жыл бұрын
This is the true www.viewmake.com/de/view/1f8895cdbfd6c5da021e082fe1a1d784
@Follower_of_Jesus4ever 8 жыл бұрын
Google - come on! If you're going to promote the Street View Trusted Pros, then show an actual professional photo shoot being done with the professional equipment YOU require. This video shows a hobbyist taking some selfie panos of his girlfriend cooking dinner, using a very low-end "toy" camera. This camera in the video does not even output the level of quality REQUIRED of the CERTIFIED Street View Trusted pros. If you are a business owner out there please do not take this video as a representation of the professional service you will get when you do hire a Street View Trusted pro. Google marketing really screwed this up BAD!
@innenpanoramafotocom 8 жыл бұрын
Sorry to disappoint you Jim but Google is not promoting any photographer in this video they are promoting the use of one shot spherical camera like the Theta which is suggested to CERTIFIED photographers: www.google.com/streetview/publish/ in fact moving forward to the near future they would prefer people to use that camera instead of DSLRs, together with the streetview app, like the actor does in the video. So in theory you can photograph the tour and upload on the spot. And if this isn't enough news... If you are a business and don't want to pay for this service you can even apply to borrow a camera directly from google docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeMgMA6RnUjfNt4f16Qnk5i0M7wZ2HxXEpljoqDjvNXPSnN1Q/viewform By the way I am not condoning any of this, I prefer quality, but Google has its own needs understandably.
@Follower_of_Jesus4ever 8 жыл бұрын
The title of the video is "Hire a Street View Trusted Pro", so they are using the meta-data of KZfaq to lure businesses to the video, and, as you accurately point out, it is not promoting professional providers at all. It is a terrible twisted way of sabotaging all of us pros (that helped them build the program to where it is today) so that they can get more DIY panos on the map. I believe there is a useful place for DIY panos, but I don't believe that is in the business sector. By the time a business owner buys their own camera and figures out how to produce a half-way decent pano, they could have had it done 10 times quicker, with 100 times better quality, and much less expensive had they just contacted a pro to begin with. Google is mis-leading business owners terribly with this promo.
8 жыл бұрын
I Shoot with Canon 1DX MKII, started previously with 7d, 5DMKII, and all my customers love my work. The problem? No problem Stop crying and start selling. Learn to sale your product! Google it´s making viral 360º photos! take advantage! I used even the IRIS from NTECH, have sold it for the new canon. I knew my path was quality!!! but also have the Samsung Gear 360 for previewing a virtual tour! About Charles Amstrong, I met him in Amsterdam and there are no protection for us the trusted photographers, but looking from another angle this is fantastic. I love to show a customer my work, and it´s even easier to sell when somebody does a tour like Charles shows in the previous link! Thanks to Google for allowing us to increase the sales.
@DavidVpix123 8 жыл бұрын
So instead of promoting high-end-panorama-photography Google spends a lot of money by shooting a film, where a Local guide shoots a restaurant for free with the lowest possible quality and gets 'paid' by a plate of pasta?! Well done Google Street View Trusted Team - this is not what you promised us in Quebec and Amsterdam when talking about the awarness of our superb quality that we provide as Pro's.
@PhilWarner 8 жыл бұрын
They don't care about quality, only volume. They will tell you quality is important but their actions show it isn't and never has been.
@fleetvision 8 жыл бұрын
or you can hire this dude who would lead you to believe that a tour shot with a Theta with zero post processing or adjustments qualifies as Pro
@SubkhanKhamidi 3 жыл бұрын
I would love to do that in my small town (Parakan & Temanggung-Indonesia) as soon as possible if I have a 360 camera, starting with street view.
@chrisohh5612 8 жыл бұрын
That tour wasn't created with a Theta S... The restaurant google listing does not have a tour... So we can't see the awesome work he did with that crappy Theta either. The tour in the example was shot with a DSLR and you're blatantly misrepresenting that the tour was shot with a Theta.
@gazaly 8 жыл бұрын
Ur correct... but, this video is good for Google Trusted newbies... and while they use this method we can show the customer the different of our DSLR pro and cheap lazy tool Theta S. the customer definitely go to the DSLR Pro output only. so take this positive for us.
@chrisohh5612 8 жыл бұрын
No, they won't expect you to use a DSLR. They are NOT selling the service as being shot with a DSLR. The customer will expect you to show up with a theta... and to work for a bowl of pasta. AT NO POINT do they explain that this is a paid service!!!
@JinKazama92 8 жыл бұрын
+Christopher O'Grady We have to fight back. Just prepare a comparison sample to prove to the clients how nasty the theta is compared to our Dslrs. Very disappointed with google.
@chrisohh5612 8 жыл бұрын
I don't have a Theta S... I use a Sony A7R2! Do you know of a tour shot with one to use as an example? There is NO TOUR for the restaurant in this video!!!
@MikeLeighCooper 8 жыл бұрын
It's quite a hard adjustment to see our skills in some way being arguably devalued by the Ricoh. However, I do feel that with the approval of Ricoh, we now have an opportunity to reach more businesses, including those with smaller budgets who might be less concerned with the difference between a Ricoh and DSLR. So on an engagement level, this opens up the market to us. Customers can still have the choice to choose Ricoh or DSLR, and they get lesser quality for their lesser cost, but ultimately they may be able to access a service which has been inaccessible for whatever reason up until now. As a marketing tool to communicate our process in a quick and simple way, I like this video. I do agree that all the dots aren't connected, but surely the only people who know whether the listing is real is us? We know the system, we work in it and we play to the rules. The client just wants a tour to showcase, that's it, is it not? A more discerning business owner may want a closer working relationship, but some may not. There could also be huge benefits for poor areas and poor countries. With the price of the Ricoh being so affordable, there's now a way to serve lower income groups (maybe not us as pros, or maybe not very often). The first step for them might not be about quality but about simply access. So for a global company, like Google, this makes their product more open, which I think deserves to be celebrated. What use is a Golden Chalice apart from for those who can afford it? (not us if we're working just for food - maybe some cash changing hands would have been a useful signal in the video, but then the may figure that paying for a service is assumed). The world is entitled to be online and outside of our Western world, give it a few years as tech progresses and prices drop, developing nations and poorer communities can use 360s to promote income and this could help stimulate local growth and provide a new platform for people to promote their local area, to attract tourists, to generate more income, to share with the world so these places can be seen and blogged about, shared and explored. Yes, it''s a drop in quality on one end, but on the top end, does it affect us too much if we're selling on quality and we know our job as experts? Surely this is an example of open tech having the potential for wider implications? I have worked with charities and the third sector for years and there are so many venues that I would gladly help get online for a smaller fee by using a Ricoh, because it gets them online and helps increase their exposure and as a charity they can hopefully reach and help more people. Which is great. Youth centres, care homes, skate parks. Even local heritage spots that can benefit by opening up access to via 360s. Spaces that maybe aren't open for long, are hard to find the decision makers for or are supported by community groups and enthusiastic locals who need something simple and affordable. Now they can share the spaces they love in their area for the world at an affordable price, or partner up with someone who has a Ricoh. Quick shots at events purely for the fun of it, whatever. We're part of a spectrum of requirements and interests and we can fit in anywhere we like. p.s. I admire the work of lots of the pros and recognise your names, I'm not wanting to knock anyone's ability and I can relate to the concerns, I just think there are also opportunities beyond our usual sphere of influence.
@chrisohh5612 8 жыл бұрын
No photography of a business is better than terrible photography of a business. In the same way that no virtual tour of a business is better than a terrible virtual tour of a business. Plus, this video markets the service as free. She even asks him "do you need anything from me?" and he says "no no! just ahh... here."
@MikeLeighCooper 8 жыл бұрын
I agree with your comment on bad photography, Chris,to a degree (and know where you're coming from based on the absolute top quality of your work and how much effort you put into all the details - which I don't do but would love to), although I think misleading photography is worse and although this is arguably misleading in the message, I don't think there's anything especially false in the photo. Maybe the dynamic range, but I don't think the video is addressing that. I think from a business to consumer perspective, it makes sense as it demystifies the process and makes it easier to understand. Isn't this just a marketing video which is focusing on the benefit for the user and how easy it is for the buyer rather than focusing on the product (which we understandably work to make the best we can, but sadly may not always be appreciated). I understood her question to be asking him if he needed anything from her in terms of doing the job, not cash in hand. I guess it's all down to interpretation and what our own personal and direct needs are which dictates how we view the message of the video, in my opinion.
@rileymcdougall7611 6 жыл бұрын
I just became Trusted! Where can I get one of those sweet shirts?
@xmediabureaude 7 жыл бұрын
Googles suggestion to each business owner the virtual tour is for free is like a hit in the face of each Trusted Photographer.
@JimmySSuccess 6 жыл бұрын
what do you mean?
@MikeDownes 8 жыл бұрын
so all this 360 kit just gets smaller and smaller .. :)
@SybilleGoss 8 жыл бұрын
Or use a professional photographer with a pro DSLR camera to capture high quality 360 panos
@DrewColpurs 8 жыл бұрын
You realize pretty much any professional photographer can become a Trusted Street View photographer, right? They aren't hired by Google or anything, it's just an extra approval you can have on your record.
@SybilleGoss 8 жыл бұрын
Yes I do realise that, have been in the program for over 4 years. Joined back in the days when you actually had to deliver quality or else you didn't get certified!
@damienjourdan5781 8 жыл бұрын
The theta s is 12mpixels. Google standard for pro shooting is 14mpixels minimum, even with the change soon to be.
@slowtvkeithmartin8139 8 жыл бұрын
The Theta S is a GREAT toy. With care and the right environment it can produce 360 panoramas that look pretty good in a mobile phone view... but it's still the equivalent of a compact 'snap' camera. Ah well, it was always clear that Google wasn't going to capture the entire world with nothing but professional photographers. This is about evolution, not stasis.
@momarbd 6 жыл бұрын
It's Awesome:-)
@dilipgainbuzz6087 6 жыл бұрын
Ricoh theta v is good options for Google Street View and business related???
@THETA360Developers 5 жыл бұрын
yes, it's quite good quality. See examples from Toyo Fujita. 3M views on this account. 20M views on his other account. community.theta360.guide/t/theta-v-clarity-comparison-help/3713/2?u=codetricity
@aroundaffair7897 6 жыл бұрын
Grande opportunità per le aziende di mostrare il meglio al momento giusto!
@armstrongcr 8 жыл бұрын
To set the record straight, the virtual tour shown in this video was shot using a Theta S with HDR mode (accessible via the SV app if your Theta has the latest firmware). Whether the imagery was actually published in this case or not seemed irrelevant for our promo video, but we're happy to publish the imagery to prove that there’s no misrepresentation at play. You can find the actual virtual tour, now published here: goo.gl/OcOv6R Note that there is zero doctoring/manipulation applied to these 360 photos. They have simply been published using the SV app, connections have been manually created using the SV app, and geometry has been automatically derived for depth (which is part of auto-connect). Within the next week, we’re also debuting a feature in the app which allows you to then transfer rights to the business owner while still onsite. I'm pleased that many of you were confident that this imagery was shot using a DSLR and/or that it was later manually enhanced in any way, as that's a good test to pass. But to be clear, neither of those things took place. This video accurately represents the workflow. In the coming months, we'll be looking at ways to make this sort of imagery even sharper around the periphery of the lenses and enabling more optimized lighting/levels using some automated services, so this is just the beginning. But to be clear, we still envision a future for DSLR shoots too. The two can co-exist in a market that offers a spectrum of options to clients. Many prospects will feel that Theta S imagery is sufficient - which you may not want to disregard simply because you know that better quality can be achieved. Others will always be drawn to the higher quality capabilities of DSLR camera systems. Obviously, our intentional promotion of the new, on-site publishing capabilities has struck a chord with some of you. Note that we've heard your concerns and value your perspective on the implications of 360 cameras joining our lineup of supported hardware systems.
@AaronGeis 8 жыл бұрын
Dear Mr. Armstrong, Professional marketing managers understand the importance of carefully curating the imagery associated with their brand so they carefully review the portfolios of photographers before commissioning work. Some small business owners don't understand that having poor quality imagery representing their business may actually be worse than having no imagery at all. In the case of the Homeroom restaurant shown in this video the published SV imagery is badly out of focus in one hemisphere and I believe they would have been better off without having that poor quality imagery associated with their business. A hotel bookings business called Oyster.com is sending 'investigators' around to hotels to take photographs without asking permission from the hotel managers and these images are then posted on the Maps carousel as PPC ads. The stated goal of Oyster.com is to provide hundreds of photos of hotels to expose the reality behind their professionally produced marketing photos. Photographing hotels in this way infringes on the property rights of the hotels and hotel managers I've spoken with are not happy about it. My fear is that the new policies allowing free shoots and providing a pathway to anonymization (three transfers of ownership), combined with the concept of helmet-mounted cameras, is setting the stage for human crawler bots to be deployed to collect SV imagery inside businesses without the consent of business owners for use in PPC ads similar to those that Oyster.com is employing with standard photos. In the September 2015 policy changes included the following announcement - 'The fact that a business owner has paid a professional photographer for a shoot will not guarantee how imagery is ranked or appears in Google Maps.' Shown here - www.google.com/intl/en/maps/streetview/sales-guidelines/ Would you be able to assure us, and the business owners we're approaching, that if we charge a business (somewhat more than a free meal) to shoot and publish 360 imagery to the SV system our images won't be outranked by lesser quality imagery, that the business owners may not have had a chance to approve or reject, on the basis that those images are associated with PPC ads in the style of Oyster.com imagery? I really enjoy providing hotels with SV imagery but I'm honestly concerned that the clause 'no guarantee of how the imagery will appear' could result in dissatisfied clients. Best wishes, Aaron
@luvitube 8 жыл бұрын
Hi Charles, tried to see the VT, can you confirm that there is only one connection between two pano? It seems that, although there are two different directions to follow in each pano, the destination is always the same. It's a strange behaviour. Anyway, the overall quality of the pano is good, especially in light management. It's poor at the interface between the two shots and, eventually, in the image periphery. I will face my customers with this option, anyway, while offering the *quality* option for more challenging scenario. Could you give us some news about the desktop uploader? Thanks.
@JB-kk2hk 7 жыл бұрын
Charles Armstrong the virtual tour only works when your a trusted Photographer by Google? It's different from just taking a 360 photo still. The virtual part is a software provided by becoming a Google Trusted Photographer?
@djfronkiejay 7 жыл бұрын
He should had gone to a pub! Cheers!!
@spotvideo360 5 жыл бұрын
Very nice!
@dbmckenziegroup9681 6 жыл бұрын
Great video.
@royvandyck697 7 жыл бұрын
hey I have a question is there eny way to upload you 360 photos via pc in stead with you phone?
@arielllsarussi 6 жыл бұрын
There is, go on Google Maps, find the desired establishment and then find the "upload photos" buttom, drag and release your panoramas as you would any normal picture and wait for upload to be finished
@Robostitcher 8 жыл бұрын
too big backpack for that camera )
@centredessciencesmtl 10 ай бұрын
is it a free service?
@pedrogorilla483 7 жыл бұрын
And that's how the work ended up being for free.
@robertomisuraca5497 6 жыл бұрын
Il Virtual Tour di un'azienda pubblicata su Google Maps è sicuramente un valore aggiunto per la propria Brand Identity
@jiridvorak 6 жыл бұрын
Pasta forever !
@trustedphotographer8432 6 жыл бұрын
Reporting in!
@petenicezz 5 жыл бұрын
where can i find a tutorial to do this street view with the Rocoh Theta?
@muhammadabdulaziz8696 8 жыл бұрын
So you're telling me that if I sign up for whatever this mumbo jumbo is about, I get a date?
@ThomasOrlita 7 жыл бұрын
lol :D
@nightdonutstudio 6 жыл бұрын
Wow nice lady. Cooked for a photographer come to work.
@marktaylor1100 4 жыл бұрын
That was his tip 😉😉... Just kidding ... She was very nice and humble .. Have a blessed day ..
@GumirJ 8 жыл бұрын
It's a shame!!! That the Street View team uses all their marketing to promote Theta-photographers working for a plate of pasta... Correct the title - "Hire a Street View trusted amateur photographer or agency "...
@ShowlightMedia 7 жыл бұрын
WTF? Seriously the crappy Theta S is now certified by Google for high quality business panos? Somehow i cant belive it.
@kusogaijin 6 жыл бұрын
I also use Ricoh Theta S, really great, fast and light camera :D
@mhdmodocluber9591 6 жыл бұрын
but I like the samsung gear 360 (2017)
@dilipgainbuzz6087 6 жыл бұрын
Ricoh theta v good options Google Street View and business related ??
@otekikelam3386 2 жыл бұрын
Does anyone know who is the guy?
@kaimelis 8 жыл бұрын
I have applied to this and heard nothing for a couple days. The application did not require any info so far... I dont get who is actually eligible? Am i good enough for this? How do i know and how do i improve? Everything associated with google and 360 photos are so confusing. Google + profile + local guides + maps contributions + google photos... Can this thing be cleared up once and for all? I would really like to make 360 photography more than a hobby...
@droneskyviews 8 жыл бұрын
Fantasy world. Despite what it shows in this video producing a 360 walk through for Google Maps is not that easy, unless, of course you want out of focus images, poorly linked 360's and zero thought in planning to showcase your business to the world. A real professional will not be using a cheap 360 camera that produces third rate images.
@shivapande 5 жыл бұрын
Nice products by google
@1199gg Жыл бұрын
in the playlist, Na lista de reprodução, en la lista de reproducción
@rickdeckard9810 4 жыл бұрын
Great video! thanks.
@juntistik 8 жыл бұрын
@toph_beifong 8 жыл бұрын
@aleksgrynis 7 жыл бұрын
This video is a joke!
@khushnamakundan 2 жыл бұрын
Mai local guide hoon sir mujhe iski aawasakta hai kaise milegi
@Rweddinginvitation Жыл бұрын
Hello sir aap kaha se ho
@stevenstumpf6046 8 жыл бұрын
This looks like a parody but is uploaded by Google Maps? I'm confused
@chrisohh5612 8 жыл бұрын
It is a joke Steven :-) It's called "Panos for Pasta" :-D
@gblack222 7 жыл бұрын
This is the end of GSVT.
@YusufAnsari-rr5dp 6 жыл бұрын
I also want this job any one tell me how to be a photographer in google in Mumbai india
@HappyCheeseCat 6 жыл бұрын
Did you get your answer?
@HassanHusseinShavlukov_I 2 жыл бұрын
Пришел с целым фоторюкзаком, а снял на свистульку))
@isabeldominguezviera4457 7 жыл бұрын
@RicardoGonzalez-fq6wn 6 жыл бұрын
Q camara recomiendas para las fotos 360°?
@IshLaos 2 жыл бұрын
My clients never fed me...just saying
@AbdulRahman-vn6tw 3 жыл бұрын
I need job please help me
@JullianLue 3 жыл бұрын
Me also. where do u live?
@moncysebastian6516 3 жыл бұрын
Me too
@Ensostyle 7 жыл бұрын
work for pasta
@virtualbusinessviews7295 6 жыл бұрын
If you need a Google Certified Photographer, feel free to contact me directly.
@Almakarika 5 жыл бұрын
Share your work area ;)
@virtualbusinessviews7295 5 жыл бұрын
Chicago or So Cal
@bercimel Жыл бұрын
Who is the guy??
@THIAGO360GRAUS Жыл бұрын
Eu, mudei muito depois da minha harmonização facial😂
@DonatoFasano 8 жыл бұрын
It is not a photographic macchian and then the results are bad . The restaurant taken over by a RICHO , can never show good customers
@pm85 8 жыл бұрын
no nadir ;)
@sudipta_archive 5 жыл бұрын
Looks like a default skin
@chrisohh5612 8 жыл бұрын
I caught something else in this... she says "Hey... So, do you need anything from me?" He says "NO! NO! Just ahh... here..." Then she asks him if he is hungry... He says *starving!* ... He is lucky he got some pasta out of the deal. At no point do they mention that this is a paid service. *Starving* Google Trusted Pro Photographers...
@jiridvorak 8 жыл бұрын
Why i dont see this tour live on maps at that customer ? Why you promoting something whats fake? And why that business is not verified..holy moly.....this is not profesionall marketing but piece of crap...
@luvitube 8 жыл бұрын
Yes, it's not verified, but i can see the see inside icon along with the crowd uploaded photos, as an "old" seeinside in SV|T tours: goo.gl/maps/bFoRJywgLoC2 so that's exactly what came up from SV|T summit. Turns out that a big value for the customer is to have a verified business entry.
@jiridvorak 8 жыл бұрын
i remember summer 2015 - our Google coordinator say that all businesses has to be verified otherwise will be deleted from maps.....then Google cancel this cleanup of maps....but they say that company which is verified is better rank ....
@insidemybusiness 8 жыл бұрын
As a Google Trusted Photographer: This video does not portray a Street View Trusted Pro Photographer or Agency. It features an actor who doesn't even use the right equipment for this program. The content in this video is highly misleading to customers of the Google Street View Trusted Program. It also falsely portrays what it's like to perform a photo shoot and to upload imagery properly using a moderated process. I call your bluff Google Maps. Take this piece of utter trash down and stop disrespecting actual "Pro Photographers". Cheers, Tom.
@Andrea-Schillani 8 жыл бұрын
tetha pro?????? buhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah
@LevKaravanov 7 жыл бұрын
Чтоб вам рекламу снимали такие же профессионалы как вы показываете профессиональных фотографов.
@parimalsonera8413 4 жыл бұрын
Google Approved my Fifty 360 Photo I also filled form And Also requested for Badge. How Many Days I have to wait For badge ?? please Help if anyone know
@HectorMarceloMercado 4 жыл бұрын
You see your Badget on your working tours! just continue working and posting Tours and you will see the badge!
@parimalsonera8413 4 жыл бұрын
@@HectorMarceloMercado Thank You For Reply I see Badge in My Tours But I can't Access Badge after filling GSV Form Also Not in Hire List. More than 20 Days gone
@TheMisterEGUY 4 жыл бұрын
@@parimalsonera8413 Did you change your status to "available for hire" in the street view app?
@parimalsonera8413 4 жыл бұрын
@@TheMisterEGUY Yes but can't access yet
@TheMisterEGUY 4 жыл бұрын
@@parimalsonera8413 did you receive the email with the form from google after you selected tbe available for hire button. It should be sent to you after you click it. If not try turning it off and on again to trigger the email.
@vvaldebe 8 жыл бұрын
Les arde el culo pensar que una simple cámara les robará el negocio!. Sean más creativos y luchen contra las nuevas tecnologías!
@RicardoGonzalez-fq6wn 6 жыл бұрын
Que camara recomiendas para las fotos 360°?
@4yourmediamexico83 4 жыл бұрын
esta no es una lucha contra tecnología, es "contra" un gigante
@dishonoled9685 8 жыл бұрын
this is bad
@jessepinkman485 7 жыл бұрын
why ?
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Анастасия Тарасова
Рет қаралды 105 МЛН
Street View Car Ready test
DStudio Video Productions
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360° MOON Space Mission in Virtual Reality | Apollo11 VR
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My Masking Suffered Until I Learned This
Matt Kloskowski
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How to Become a Google Trekker
The Wall Street Journal
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Robbing the World's Most Advanced Store 🛒!!
Singh in USA
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Google Street View Inside the Tested Office!
Adam Savage’s Tested
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Un día trabajando para GOOGLE MAPS! | Recorriendo zonas nuevas
Luisito Comunica
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Tutorial: Your Virtual Tours on Google Street View
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Это - iPhone 16 и вот что надо знать...
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iPhone socket cleaning #Fixit
Tamar DB (mt)
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