We All Got Tricked into Content Addiction

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Before You Wake Up - Erik Fernholm
Last Casette - William Claeson
For a Moment - Amaranth Cove
Your Mind is a Cathedral - Ave Air
Twilight Waltz - Megan Wofford

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@bitcidic 11 ай бұрын
I’ve had ADHD from a very young age, and it was really strange when everyone starting acting the same way I was over time…
@msjademarvel1542 11 ай бұрын
For real!!
@arhoosier1058 11 ай бұрын
that’s scary. i have seen and i think it is proven but not 100%. but this form of media addiction from youtube and tiktok mostly, people have symptoms of OCD and ADHD while not actually having it, have artificially given it to themselves.
@BusinessWolf1 11 ай бұрын
​@@arhoosier1058at least they can cure it, and don't have all the symptoms. There's yet hope to be gained
@revih3390 11 ай бұрын
@BullyGarfield. 11 ай бұрын
legit same. i’ve always also has ADHD but then everyone started to get distracted like me
@samsays4878 11 ай бұрын
Its ironic I was listening to this video like a podcast whilst I was shopping for groceries, yet I think it anecdotally hits the mark; we are slowly becoming incapable of being fully immersed in the moment.
@bungdilly6333 11 ай бұрын
It why I refuse to take my phone out at concerts or while hiking and etc. Those memories are for me alone. Not some story on social media no one gives a shit about anyways.
@adammichael9759 11 ай бұрын
​@bungdilly6333 same here. We need sacred space . For us to have spiritual experiences likea concert. How many people even appreciate a photograph ? A real printed one? Who has all their photos from their phones printed and in photo albums? So many photos end up lost from hardware damage, failure, corruption, loss, etc. What happens to all these "memories " when they d0nt even end up anywhere but multiple folders and platforms. That's what we did when I was little. We'd visit family and other ppl. The highlight was sharing the experience of looking through the physical album and asking questions, hearing stories. I miss it.
@bungdilly6333 11 ай бұрын
@@adammichael9759 See that's interesting because I really do love film photography, something about having 24 shots and make it matter intrinsically makes it art, at least for me. That's when I'm okay with it, I love holding photos and having something physical that captures that moment in time. I'm not against capturing memories but more so against the commodification of our memories for some bullshit likes on a platform that doesn't matter.
@TheKingWhoWins 11 ай бұрын
​​​​​@@bungdilly6333ON a platform that doesn't matter , doesn't care about you ,and sells your data.
@labram_jahames 11 ай бұрын
@@bungdilly6333my dad always got mad at me for never taking photos but my thought was that it never felt the same having a photo vs really being there and i most likely would never take another look at the photo for ages. photos are more for other people to look at because any other time i can just remember what it looked like or what happened
@larryl.ian. 8 ай бұрын
9:15 "Fleeting moments of pleasure aren't real happiness." That quote hit me like a truck
@alexanderwindh4830 6 ай бұрын
@Intercept10 5 ай бұрын
Yes, it hit me hard as well😢
@101Volts 5 ай бұрын
Porn *never* made me happy. It did make me severely depressed, though - and it invited plenty of self destructive thoughts into me. Simply going away shuts off that faucet of pain. Being Christian (probably stupidly in a lot of ways, by failing what I'm supposed to be doing all over the place,) I prayed to God about it after the last batch of nasty thoughts kept tossing and rolling through my head like a mix of dynamite on a pogo stick rolling and stomping like tumbleweeds all over the land of my mind. The point here is to keep on resolutely praying whenever temptations shall pop up, as they invariably seem to. One has to resolutely say "no" to each and every attempt that the old thoughts "attempt" to come back in... That's what keeps it out. Otherwise, it's gonna try growing in you like a tree in a tiny crack in the pavement. And yes, I see results, like an alcoholic who gave up drinking. A "fix" only makes sure to fix its claws in a person, after all... Or so it would seem, that it has its own mind and game going on that I cannot see.
@totally100darthvader7 5 ай бұрын
@@101VoltsI’ve been lucky on my journey. I’ve been dating the greatest woman ever for the past 6 months and she’s been helping me a lot. I told her early on about my struggle, and over the past 6 months I’ve gotten higher out of the hole of porn addiction and I’ve been getting closer to god. She’s Jewish, but she completely supports my journey with Christianity. I come from a Catholic family and have always been very loose about my faith, and now I’m getting more sure that I want to follow this religion.
@emilroy2053 5 ай бұрын
I wrote this in my diary….
@akimo6223 8 ай бұрын
I think internet addiction is far more common than we realize, and while short-attention spans are one consequence of it, there is so much more it does to us that needs to be talked about. Everyone's level of dependence on it is different, but I wanted to share my experience because it has been really interfering with my life for many years. My addiction is youtube, specifically, and I believe it stems from my need to constantly distract myself. The first time I tried not watching youtube for a day, and this is honestly embarrassing to admit, but it caused me to have mental breakdown. The idea of being completely alone with no background sounds, having to face responsibilities.. it really scared me. It really opened my eyes to just how addicting this platform can be. I've been trying to get rid of it for a long time but it is genuinely so hard, I actually feel like a drug addict. I also notice that every time I get off youtube, I replace it with some other form of distraction. No social media, no youtube, okay then I guess I'm playing videogames all day. No videogames either? Okay tv it is. No tv?? Well I'll just stare off into space and daydream instead. This is a genuine problem that sets me back in life and idk what to do about it, and the guilt I feel for wasting a whole day staring at a screen is just horrible. Sometimes I think back to what I was like as a child, outside all the time, so much more carefree, creative... I hope one day I can resolve this addiction and get to know who I am without the internet. Also wanted to say that the ending of this video made me sob but it also gave me a bit of hope, so I am super grateful I came across it.
@strawhat8894 6 ай бұрын
Hey i’m from germany so my english could not be the best but i will try my best to explain my perspective on your problem and suggest you something how you can try to flip your youtube addiction into something positive.This all is kinda ironic cause i’m a drug addict as you also mentioned in your comment currently 3:29 here laying on a couch watching this video.I struggle myself with many addictions I got my first one when I was 4 , I bit my nails everywhere even until they were bleedy but know it’s way better and I’m doing well on this one now.I still struggle tho with weed Idk The first time I got separated from my mother Is when I was 4 (My parents are divorced and my dad lives in turkey I visit him every summer and sometimes in winter but I still wish that I could live together with him tho)Not being was my mother was just scary and i saw my dad biting his nails and i started to do it too and had struggled with this addiction my whole life it lowered my self esteem my nails and hands were looking so bad and damn It followed me my whole fucking glad i’m over it.Sorry for writing so much but I try to explain myself so you can understand that I also struggle with a addiction for a long time even if it is not youtube.I’m doing well better know even If I am still addicted to will.Growing up my mum was never really happy it effected me and I saw that she struggled herself with many things that i think i can’t relate to really but I try my best know to understand her view.I love her so much and she is the reason I believe in Gods Faith because we are born on the same day and without all this struggle it wouldn’t be this important to me I think.I still have problems and i’m stuck sometimes to but all you have to do is just make progress.I know it sounds to simple but let me break it down for you.Firstly after struggling for a long time I reached back to god I knew I haven’t been doing well for I long time but I knew deeply that he god me.If you are atheist just try to think of something deep in you that keeps you going.Secondly by making process I mean just learn something try to slowly change your youtube addiction into watching youtube informational videos to learn and get better in this life.And the first steps to get better i are selflove so you have to accept your whole past and things you did and forgive yourself only then you will truly will be able to live a life as you want without trying to numb your mind with something to distract you.The second thing that helped besides selflove is self discipline coming back to my past summer 2018 I was in turkey by my dad and I couldn’t smoke smoke weed there just couldn’t risk to get it there didn’t know anyone and I really didn’t even smoke cigarettes besides him I never did I just can’t besides my dad.So I was clean… for 6 whole weeks like everysummer but this summer i one Idea came to my mind.I really have the chance to flip my life around and it isn’t just this endless cycle.I created a playlist on dicipline and selfdiscipline watched over 60 videos about this during the last 4 weeks I was there had much free time cause my dad still had to work (Ambulance)I learned so much but don’t forget to try to implied It to your real life.I came across Stoicism also a philosophy that is very important I think for a strong mindset you can watch many videos about that too to improve your general mindset.So everything changed after that summer.I looked from a larger perspective as I learned so much from those videos and tryed to implied small little steps but progressfully and constantly and slowly but stabily changed my life around for the positive and I am truly tankful for that happening as gods plan.I started to think from a materialsim perspective all this was just a bad habit all this bullshit all those addictions.I made slow progress as I said but made it out of that hole.Also keep in mind that your body will still struggle to get away from your youtube addiction maybe because you are coping with it in some typa way.There is something called “Suchtverlagerung” sorry i don’t know the english word you can translate It.PART 1 END
@strawhat8894 6 ай бұрын
Part 2 it’s simply just your body looking for a new activity or addiction to go to when another addiction is being cut off.Keep that in mind and when you lower your youtube Habit you will need something new something positive to fill that void.Think of the person that you want to become and one habit that you need for to become this person and slowly imply it in your everyday life while lowering your consume on youtube.Don’t forget that Humans are habitual so all those addictions are bad habits as we already know but think of the materialism way as I said then you can slowly change.Keep in mind everything you learn new is a progress in some type of way and there will be days we’re you feel like you made no progress or even flew way back with a addiction but see it for the long run.A bad they doesnt have to make your whole day negative(Stoicism related)And try to think positive always !Falls backs are also a part of this journey just believe in god and keep going by making progress.For me the habit that really helped me was sports I am lucky that I really liked doing sports and was athletic so I decided to flip many habits and replace them with running instead to keep my mind cool still and in touch with reality.It helped me really well and really got me fit after a long time also helped my lungs not for only smoking weed still (I also smoked cicagrettes for 5 years but managed to get away from that also.).To sum up just don’t let you down keep your chin up and stay strong.Keep in mind that this all is just my perspective on your problem and there are also many things from your life that I don’t know from so I could only have a wrong take in this.I just thought that I can relate to you in a deep way and explained my view on this from the way how I expierenced life.In part one there are also many things written wrong my % were low and my phone was lagging but you can still manage to understand everything clearly I think.So Simply just keep going and learn something new everyday to make you a better human it can really be anything and try to imply it to your life.Stay calm headed and look try to look from a higher view and believe in yourself.So I really hope this could help you in some way and wish you good luck on your way If you need someone to talk to or anything is not understandable in the text just ask.Looking forward to hear from you this text helped me also to sum up my selfimprovement journey It was a magical moment.Bye
@feather8894 6 ай бұрын
I feel the same way. It's kind of scary. As someone with a background in psychology, I can tell you none of our behavoir is pointless. Even though you feel bad for wasting your time, distracting yourself probably has a function. What is it that you are unable to face? On what days/phases are you watching the most KZfaq? Are there days when you don't even think about KZfaq/other forms of disctraction? What is different on those days? You don't have to tell me, but think about it. I think finding answers to these questions might help you get rid of your addiction. I wish you all the best xx
@ListlessLion 6 ай бұрын
Yeah, I've also found when I get off social media, I don't manage to replace it with something "better". It's like there are so many potential hobbies I'm completely cut off from, and no amount of boredom is going to make them more appealing.
@tranquilenvironments 6 ай бұрын
Try giving God a chance. I prayed for a long time for help to stop watching TV and He took care of it! I stopped watching tv!
@tacocatseven 9 ай бұрын
This might not make sense to most people, but when I was in prison I felt so relieved to not have my phone or any internet. We spent our days just talking and my fondest memory was when I sat on the grass while two of my friends swing on the swingset. See, the facility I was in was an open prison (Sweden), so the swings faced an open field of grain, we’d watch the farmer with the machine that makes bales. Just sit there and watch the sunset over that beautiful field. Nobody having phones we were all there in the moment, though the heart longed for home and we just wanted time to go by quicker, we all were there in it together. One day we were just laughing and laughing. I can’t even remember what was so funny, but I can remember that feeling deep in my gut of true laughter and happiness. I felt more free than I have most other times in my life.
@Nearlydeads 8 ай бұрын
Wow! I would love to go to that prison!
@TrTriTrippin 8 ай бұрын
@@Nearlydeads sounds better than the reality of it lol
@tacocatseven 7 ай бұрын
@@TrTriTrippin yes, you’re right. the reality is we were a group of women with varied trouble pasts. Trauma, addictions of different kinds, homelessness, mental health problems. Some girls made a single bad decision like filling out a government form incorrectly, some systematically defrauded the government. We all were pretty shit out of luck in life, because a lot of people who end up in prison really don’t have their shit together. I wouldn’t ever want to go back, but I’m grateful it happened. It wasn’t fun, but irregardless there were fun moments within.
@TJMaxximalist 7 ай бұрын
Your experience is so unexpectedly inspiring to contemplate, thank you for sharing it.@@tacocatseven
@shawklan27 7 ай бұрын
@richardjamesIII 11 ай бұрын
Societal existence causes me sadness. I'm not even 40, yet I feel overwhelmingly nostalgic for a time I am not sure I ever even lived in.
@isaacsee3807 11 ай бұрын
I feel like that man, people will call you (or me more specifically) cynical for wanting better in a way, and hating the present, but i want this normality as much as you
@chayarubin7991 11 ай бұрын
Wow. Perfect way to put it. I'm 39, I feel the exact same way. It's like we all make up some fantasy of what "used" to be, but in fact, was never good to begin with, we just don't like the present. Our brains really trick us
@worldcomicsreview354 11 ай бұрын
​@@chayarubin799139 too. Which means my childhood mostly consisted of 4 TV channels, two weely comics, one "new" movie or videogame a week (rented), and one new (bought) videogame or movie every 2-3 months. We had to make our own fun a lot. And our grandparents' generation said we had too much, they grew up with two radio stations and, well, those same two weekly comics. No wonder they thought chasing a hoop down the road was entertaining.
@AlexMercer1110 11 ай бұрын
I'm 25 and I've been feeling this for the past few years. With time it just becomes more and more obvious to me that we live in an artificial world riddled with pointless tasks and goals to strife and die to, usually set for us by someone else.
@chayarubin7991 11 ай бұрын
@@AlexMercer1110 I feel the same existential dread.
@Mr.Coffee576 6 ай бұрын
I feel like this whole “time passes fast as you get older” is a myth. Most of us are just not that present. As of 2024, I vow to reduce my content consumption. I’m going to take a break from KZfaq. This video has been a giant wake up call for me. Maybe all that self help consumption and soul searching led me to this. I’m gonna focus on myself now. I’m gonna embrace boredom. Thank you.
@xXluluchanelXx 6 ай бұрын
hi, older person here -- sadly it's not a myth. there's a reason sitting in the corner for 5 minutes feels like an eternity as a kid. but you're right, we can improve the impact by being more mindful.
@decordelights_ 6 ай бұрын
I think its a myth most people get 9/5 jobs they do nothing new the routine makes life go fast , last year I went on a 10 days roadtrip with my firends and it the trip felt like it was a month because of the many things we did @@xXluluchanelXx
@elsabiomac5938 6 ай бұрын
​@@xXluluchanelXxI agree, I saw somewhere that the reason that happens is that for a ten year old, experiencing one year is 10% of their life. For a 50 year old though, a year of their life is only 2% of their whole time alive if that makes sense.
@ThomasSarantos 5 ай бұрын
There's more to it than that, I think. In one year, that ten year old makes a lot of discoveries and undergoes a great deal of development, whereas the fifty year old will be the same person at 51, barring any monumental event in their life. So life goes faster when every year is more or less like the one that has passed.
@phillystevesteak6982 5 ай бұрын
I think its still true though. Our experiences are less vivid and begin to blur as we allow our curiosity to dissolve, and as we allow ourselves to become more automated over time. These psychological factors that change as we age make time seem to pass faster. but it doesnt have to be that way. Or at least, not to that extent. and in truth its a lot more complicated - our perception of the passing of time. if youre suffering immensely for instance, time slows to a crawl. you could theoretically feel as if you lived 10X longer if you felt the sensation of being on fire constantly. And the more eventful and varied your life is, the more it will appear you have lived more time when analyzing in retrospect. so i dunno, its an interesting conversation.@@xXluluchanelXx​
@italiener82 7 ай бұрын
I used to be that person, always cramming more and more into my brain until I was burned out. I'd be constantly tired and couldn't focus for more than a few minutes. I'd jump from one thing to another, without any real enjoyment, because I was always chasing the next experience that would make me feel good. I tried to fix my boredom by adding more stuff to my life - tech gadgets, video games, subscriptions, streaming dongles and whatnot. These gave me a momentary buzz, but I barely used them, other than just dabbling for a moment before moving on to the next thing. Then I realized I wasn't enjoying anything anymore. All that physical and mental clutter had no value or meaning because I never took the time to really appreciate what I had. At some point, recently, I said goodbye to FOMO and started making small changes. Like, I turned off the TV during a meal. I can't stand having the TV on while I eat now, especially when it's just blasting negativity and anxiety at me. I also changed my attitude towards my backlog of video games. I have hundreds of titles I've never played, and I used to feel guilty about it. I thought I'd create a roadmap to play and maybe finish them all, but I failed miserably. Now, I don't stress about it. I just take it as a lesson that I wasted money on things I didn't even use. If I ever feel like playing a game, I'll just do it, without the guilt of having hundreds of others collecting dust. My relationship with social media also changed a lot. I barely spend an hour on it now, whereas I used to scroll and chat for hours on end. It was draining me, and I lost interest. I tried deleting apps and deactivating accounts, but moderation, not abstinence, was the true key. After all, I got to know friends in real life thanks to social media, so it's not all bad. Ah, I was also one of those people who'd go to a concert and instead of getting lost in the music and the vibe of the crowd, I'd be stuck behind a phone screen, filming every second. I'd compulsively record every moment, thinking I was capturing precious memories, only to never watch those videos again, and that robbed me of the chance to truly experience the moment. I think there's a delicate balance between engagement and detachment. It's about embracing the present moment, appreciating the simple things, and letting go of the relentless pursuit of more, more, more.
@alexanderwindh4830 6 ай бұрын
Can absolutely relate
@tomryan9827 5 ай бұрын
take me withhhhh youuuuuu
@damjanp7920 5 ай бұрын
damn, this is like reading about myself, especially the part about consuming content just for the sake of it and not actually experiencing it. I watch a couple yt videos a day and the next day if you asked me what i'd watched, i wouldn't remember shit. I just do it to pass the time, cause not doing anything, or even doing something productive, kinda became impossible to me
@devanshudodiya 2 ай бұрын
That's really nice put
@freddy9959 Ай бұрын
Well put,couldn’t have said it better.
@mysticmuffin2198 9 ай бұрын
i cant nowadays read a book without feeling bored, i want that magical feeling of immersing myself on a story without consistantly needing to be stimulated by screens back.
@ashrunzeda4099 9 ай бұрын
Maybe you're not finding the book fun?
@OnexTwoxTree 9 ай бұрын
@@ashrunzeda4099 agreed, the trick for me was to find a book that I thought would be fun and ignored if it was considered "good" or "intelligent" and it allowed me to build a habit of reading. Also physical books are really something special that kindles cant replace
@nikitaw1982 9 ай бұрын
Don't pay ur phone bill. Simple. Library has computers to check ur email and there are payphones. Give ur neighbours number to loved ones for an emergency.
@samdobie6748 9 ай бұрын
​@@OnexTwoxTree I love my Kindle. Don't miss paper books whatsoever.
@jamesmallard8815 9 ай бұрын
​@@samdobie6748you're part of the problem
@MaTeiso4 11 ай бұрын
To anyone reading this - never stop to try to break free from addiction. I wish to give you strength to pursuit what gives you longlasting happiness cause you deserve it. I also wished we lived close so we could just go outside and play some soccer together right now :)
@xladder3972 11 ай бұрын
thank you kind soul, Im struggling with binge ed. I dont know where ill end up i just know i dont want this to be the last thing left for me. thank you for courage
@delulu.Eczema 11 ай бұрын
Thank you you too
@tarico4436 11 ай бұрын
Your message warmed my heart a little bit, like a little hit of more of the true love of my life: morphine. I had to break several bones on my way to meet my sweetie, and it was at the hospital that we first came together. It was beautiful, when that morphine trickled into my veins. Now is it worth it to break even one more bone to rekindle my one true love? NO. Of course not.
@frankcowan6625 11 ай бұрын
Was Van Halen addicted to guitar? Mamals are an addictive species. For the right thing to be addicted to ad be great at it. Or...be the batd like me. I know aliitle about alot but not alot about a single thing.
@akimakinen2681 11 ай бұрын
You cheered my night and made me a bit stronger, thank you
@coolworx 7 ай бұрын
_The human brain is not wired to find satisfaction_ I think you just explained the philosophy of Schopenhauer in one sentence.
@ZdzichuRaczka 2 ай бұрын
but of course there is a satisfaction! Not permament, but it is! Just like the finish of the sex, forgot the correct name for it. Damn.
@oicutleldeyovzecuhpwe 2 ай бұрын
​@@ZdzichuRaczka orgasm?
@ern1353 2 ай бұрын
@irenicrose Ай бұрын
The sad thing is as a babysitter, kids don’t play anymore. They just watch youtube and come across inappropriate content, and it’s sad. I try to have them read and they don’t want to because it’s “boring”.
@galaxydogs5828 11 ай бұрын
We're addicts people plain and simple. These phones for almost all of us have become a detrimental force in our lives. Think about it, more and more we have less friends, more and more we prefer to be with our phones than with our family, friends and children. More and more we've cant focus or bare the thought of being in the "wild" ie outside our homes without our phones. Hell most of us dont even consider it a POSSIBILITY to just have a flip phone and internet access on a computer. And just like an addict most us will scramble to make excuses or to justify these things to ourselves. The crazy thing is unlike most addictions we dont have other people in our lives to check us because unlike classic addictions almost everyone is also an addict, and consequently an enabler. Sorry for the rant this mans video touched my soul and reflected a conversation/battle ive been having with myself for quite some time.
@SOLIDSNAKE. 11 ай бұрын
Give everyone addicted to phones a tramadol pill and I promise you it's game over!
@maxonmendel5757 11 ай бұрын
@milascave2 11 ай бұрын
@@SOLIDSNAKE. I don't know about that. Tramadol is not that strong, and tolerance builds quickly. And, even if they do not have the focus to use their complicated phones.
@null7198 11 ай бұрын
It's easy to have this perspective when you weren't alive during a time Without Phones or Internet-- People have ALWAYS made a claim of Something Hampering down our humanity and making it so we "Don't connect the same way anymore". It used to be TV, then before that it was Radio, and then before that it was Books. While obviously it is different, overall the fear of "Our humanity is slipping away, we're all addicted to (Insert Medium Here)!" Has existed for eons, it's not a new worry or philosophy, it's not really as staggering a thing as you may feel. Should we work on stuff? Of Course! But technology isn't the problem, it's just the next boogyman to take redirected fears, anger and Confusion to-- The scariest thing to accept is this is just Human, and it'll take Human Change to fix those issues, Technological surroundings or otherwise be damned.
@HennryHammerhead 11 ай бұрын
I'm glad I'm not addicted. I do use it on a daily basis but I like my quiet time to much to be on it all the time and I avoid social media like the plague.
@lura3448 9 ай бұрын
During the pandemic, I deleted my IG, Facebook, ticktok. I even had to delete KZfaq for awhile so I can kick my YT shorts habit. Now, I listen to books and long form KZfaq videos. I can't go back to short videos, I get irritated by the ads and how quick the consumption is. Thank you for taking your time to produce this video and speaking at such a beautiful pace!
@lea2621 9 ай бұрын
my experience with deleting social media was similar to yours; it was hard in the beginning and often seemed pointless, but still slowly but surely my brain seemed to rewire itself to actually become more "productive" naturally(though i also started to focus more on physical health as i had more freetime now, which definitely helped the process). I could never go back now
@Drainslime 9 ай бұрын
That's why I stopped social media in 2012 I only watch KZfaq if TV is shit
@yawninghamster7238 9 ай бұрын
One of my most cathartic Internet experiences was deleting Facebook. It almost felt as good as dumping my ex.
@supersaiyanzero386 9 ай бұрын
You will all relapse but that's OK. Also KZfaq and even texting are forms of social media. Reddit, all of it. You're not free of social media if I can see your comment.
@yadda333 9 ай бұрын
You ever try just plain reading books? You people can't do anything that's not blaring sound into your brain through your ears.
@moeezS 6 ай бұрын
In case you're wondering about the thumbnail, it's from the Homunculus manga where the main character decides to get drilled in the head (trepanation) to get a sixth sense and ends up hallucinating other people as monsters.
@TheSpinmuffin 5 ай бұрын
I've started getting back into reading long-form fiction in the last few months as a bit of a "Dopamine Detox" and I have found it immensely helpful. Finding a book you actually find interesting is the first step, but if you can ignite an interest in it, reading (and physical paper reading at that, no audiobooks) is one of the most accessible forms of delayed gratification I can think of. There are no shortcuts, speed reading (at least with fiction) doesn't really work if you're aiming for a high level of comprehension. It's just sitting down and taking some time to escape into the written word for x amount of time, until 12 hours have passed and you've completed a book. These keep rewarding too, I've found reading has reignited my creativity and ability to simply daydream without the need to consume 24/7. The difficult part is that all this addictive content is so easily accessible. It's difficult to browse the web and avoid temptation like I'm an ex-alcoholic having to live every day surrounded by people drinking on the regular and offering me a drink at every turn. I'm still taking my time to detox - evidently I arrived here after a bit of a youtube binge - but I feel I am making steps and getting better.
@avawasastar 5 ай бұрын
the ex-alcoholic analogy is so profound, i relate to that so much. it's really difficult to kick this habit when so many people i know are deep in it, and there's so many opportunities for distraction at every turn. i deleted all social media but youtube off my phone and i've found that i'm still shackled to this app. the next step is to try and keep this app deleted for a good while so i can reset my baseline. the more i do that, the more i've found that things like reading books have been enough to entertain me. we are fighting a monumental but incredibly important battle, and a life well lived awaits us on the other side. ❤️
@_kaleido 11 ай бұрын
I think the “technology was supposed to rid us of our baggage, but instead it just gave us more” rings even more true with the rise of AI. It was advertised as taking all the boring, busywork jobs so we could focus on more intrinsically enjoyable activities like art and storytelling, not having to worry so much about money. Instead the exact opposite happened, AI art and writing are pushing actual humans out of the profession, leaving them to scramble for whatever menial job they can get just so they can keep a roof over their heads. Great video, I hope it gets more attention
@jeffbrownstain 11 ай бұрын
I've never made more money making art than I have the past two years. AI has not and literally never will kill artists careers. Stop repeating the bullshit you hear fearmongers screaming about.
@_kaleido 11 ай бұрын
​@@jeffbrownstain I’d be more willing to agree if there weren’t thousands of Hollywood actors and writers on strike right now partially because of AI, AI as it currently exists has only been a mainstream thing for a little over a year and I think some things will be a bit of a mess until workers and corporations can come to an agreement. But of course, we can have differing opinions on the subject.
@jeffbrownstain 11 ай бұрын
@@_kaleido Right, so that thing they're scared of can't happen. The AI debate is such a small part of the sag-afta strike that it may as well be irrelevant. This strike was three decades in the making. Machine life invented itself.
@mihaiciobanu2665 11 ай бұрын
@@_kaleido This is just another artificially induced panic, AI has not even settled in and we are already jumping to conclusions. Let it cook first, and then take a stance!
@thepsychoticpianist8303 11 ай бұрын
@@_kaleido ​ They're not on strike about AI, they're on strike about unlivable wages and unfair working conditions. An ai can't stand in front of a camera and act; it also can't write a screenplay without an at least marginally well thought through input.
@Wegunizm 11 ай бұрын
this is honestly my wakeup call to start living my life more productively and living in the moment not trying to cover it up with mind numbing content. thank you for this wakeup call.
@3nertia 11 ай бұрын
Be careful with that, "productivity" is a trap too heh. Be careful what *you* consider "productive" - make sure you know it's for you, and not what someone else considers "productive"
@TempleGuitars 11 ай бұрын
@@3nertia Great point. Productivity isn't necessary, in order to learn to sit quietly and look inward. Productivity is just another way we enslave ourselves to the approval of others.
@bradcapricorn5341 11 ай бұрын
​@@3nertiawow, you hit the nail on the head with this one
@maxmonas7131 11 ай бұрын
It's much easier said than done. You posted this comment 4 days ago. Have you changed your habits? Be honest.
@3nertia 11 ай бұрын
@@maxmonas7131 4 days isn't nearly long enough to change a habit lol
@Elizee. 8 ай бұрын
Yes, I was clinically diagnosed with ADHD at the age of barely five. I had never been introduced to electronics or social media outside of occasional cartoons on the weekend. Now it’s everybody everywhere, and the kids who were getting made fun of for needing accommodations in school, are now needing those same accommodations… only to the tenth power. It’s scary for real.
@Shugg-Goff-HHoffical 5 ай бұрын
Some might say Karmic Justice has been served. By the same token those took the pass out of the comic book nerds now love Marvel because it's popular. Baaaaa! ( D) Karma. 😊
@valentinanahh5614 5 ай бұрын
i dont wanna be conspiranoique
@vtgsx2660 6 ай бұрын
I think there's a lot of "self-help" videos/channels that prey on people that are stuck in a content addiction rut and profit from it. Whether or not this is the purpose of this channel, I think this video was really helpful for me. Everyone is different and some things that work for some people don't work for others. It's important to take things one step at a time but not losing sight of what the main goal is.
@Sir_Opus 11 ай бұрын
"when did silence become annoying?" hit HARD.
@pokegurl123456 11 ай бұрын
I was going on a walk through the woods, and saw several butterflies fluttering about as the mid-day sun glistened through the leaves, golden speckles of light illuminated the grass below. I was hit with this overwhelming, powerful emotion and taken aback by the beauty which surrounds me, beauty that I had not been aware of before.
@tarico4436 11 ай бұрын
Gotta throw a scintillating coruscant into that otherwise dull boring paragraph of yours.
@pedroroque829 11 ай бұрын
Exactly. Especially phones are making us completely unware of our surrondings. It's like things outside it almost don't exist.
@Zyklon_B_still_and_know_God 11 ай бұрын
I try to walk out in nature without my phone often. It's always a relaxing experience.
@yasminc.89 11 ай бұрын
I guess now it´s rather good than annoying, that I still have a quite old smartphone where not every app works and also a slow internet connection because of small data volume...my smartphone is only for the very neccessary things...I never wanted to give out so much money for a new smartphone, just because they can break so easily or bein stolen etc. I think now it was a good choice xD So I cannot be so much distracted by my phone when I´m walking outside!
@jacoabtweed789 10 ай бұрын
I rarely see the word aback being spoken or written, so thanks for given it its rare appearance!
@mr.Arsene 6 ай бұрын
When I was a kid, I remember being horrified by the idea of a cyberpunk dystopia... It's even more horrifying to think that our world will soon become one.
@victorankudinov2091 5 ай бұрын
I have bad news for you... it's become already.
@Serialkoala 5 ай бұрын
yeah, we been there. we in the US have been normalized to some pretty horrible stuff. our prison system is, if you take it out of context, a system of concentration camps, run by the towns surrounding them, and the victims of this system are plucked from their communities in the same way the Nazis took folks from the ghettos they created in the 1930's. the rest of us work endlessly, under the belief system that work will set us free... "arbeit macht frei" being the literal slogan above the gates of Auschwitz. you can't drive anywhere without your "papers" and if a cop stops you, driving or otherwise, and you can't prove you are who you say you are, you can be detained for a period of time inversely proportional to your wealth (aka your ability to pay bail or a citation). we're prisoners with the illusion of freedom. the US is an open air work camp.
@LaurenDenton 6 ай бұрын
i decided to watch this video before going to bed after watching an existential video essay and i have to say that it was the perfect choice. your voice is perfect for video essays, it's melodic and calming without being unemotional. the visuals and use of text are fantastic and i had no urge to look away or stop watching at any point. this video has made me feel so calm and so reassured in my belief that technology, and social media in particular, is doing a lot of harm nowadays. so thank you for this and for doing what you do :)
@user-ep6nb4ll6z 5 ай бұрын
Actually when you take care f your heart it will illuminate another heart (tolstoy quote) your calmness spread, only happened to me once, a man thanked me because of my calming aura, i've said nothing, and i don't even intend to heal, but maybe that through me, once in people's day or week found a bit of peace. But of course bad heart affect others negatively too. I do this more often , i feel really sorry because i can't handle myself either, it is a very chaotic heart.till my sister said " you make people around you stress and crazy, we us become crazy, not only you" So i wonder, that importance of taking care of our own self, actually enough for others to thank us. Mental talk, my last point is to pray. Our heart can pray even if it hapoened inside. Sincere genuine voice will be answered by our creator, without even open our mouth and lips. So pray is never in vain. Oh yeah, i found channeld or @her86 forget the name, but she is very calming youtube. She herself is calming. I was inspired by her. Her video is about homemaker but i found her own self esteem more attractive, very good quality, very calming, i thanked her in my heart but after stop watching her to keep me from envy, Maybe woman moreover has this capability.
@caolanb 9 ай бұрын
"Everyday will be a struggle, and you will fail, but every single day you can get up and try again". Love it
@KeesRomkes 9 ай бұрын
this is how to beat addiction.
@marco12535 7 ай бұрын
@@KeesRomkes wouldn't this become another addiction? If dopamine is released right before we expect something, and now we expect to beat addiction, then we would release dopamine chasing our goal to beat addiction, an so beating addiction become a new addiction
@KronoReaper 7 ай бұрын
@@marco12535 We live a life full of addictions, i guess the battle is having socially acceptable/mentally constructive ones.
@ateneacanana 7 ай бұрын
@@marco12535 dopamine is released before the expectation of a good thing (like food)
@doublevision2943 6 ай бұрын
​@@KeesRomkes the way to beat addiction is not to tell yourself "try again tomorrow love, we almost got there :)". The way to beat an addiction is to scould yourself harshly every time you are even on the brink of failing. Weakness is not something you accept and give in to, that's how you're gonna get stuck doing baby steps and giving up for the rest of your life. Punish yourself for being weak and make sure it doesn't happen again. This is how I stopped watching pron and wanking like a degenerated monkey, how I opened the door to becoming an actual person instead of an NPC programmed to get as many dopamine kicks in as possible.
@aephyxen8437 9 ай бұрын
I love that we are starting to be self-conscious about our online abuse. I stop watching shorts whenever I catch myself mindlessly scrolling and I feel way better mentally. You have to gather enough mental strength to say no whenever you get the urge to be on your phone or whatever you're trying to avoid, but it's easier said than done hahahhahah
@matthewosterman9030 9 ай бұрын
Word that moment I realize I’m scrolling thru KZfaq too much I have to pry my eyes from screen.
@The-Legend-of-P 9 ай бұрын
@@matthewosterman9030I do too! And it’s hard cause my brains thinking “you know you can learn something w/ this next short” and I have to tell myself no and turnoff the phone.
@robertsandlin366 9 ай бұрын
I find it really easy. I have zero actual phones, just a flip phone I occasionally gawk at for usage of taking photos. It's really easy, but there's nothing else after doing nothing, just occasionally playing one specific videogame and watching interesting KZfaq videos which to me feels like the worst tradeoff because I don't do anything.
@aephyxen8437 8 ай бұрын
@@robertsandlin366 That's sounds like your problem tho. Go outside, touch some grass, meet new people, do new things, discover life, be in the moment. That's the hard part I guess
@vincevangoat1 7 ай бұрын
It is easier said than done. But I will fkin start doing it seriously! My mind is so used to the overload of stimuli I often can‘t even make time to talk to my parents and my gf didn‘t even cross my mind most of the time because I am just so caught up with getting all those shitty stimuli from everything that is available online. Shit, I even preferred watching boring videos where I actively realize that they are a waste of time and don‘t even give me positive feelings over interacting with her 99% of times. I swear I will get away from wasting my days away and also find happiness within myself, not seeking it from the outside as in dopamine hunting by seeking validation or mindlessly scrolling. I swear to myself that I will make myself proud from today on and will not let this drug take over my life anymore
@biblicalmeditationsbyjosiah 8 ай бұрын
Honestly, this should be required viewing in every classroom.
@JJplug 8 ай бұрын
dude im sorry but i couldnt make it past 55 seconds i need to go watch something
@ebx5280 2 ай бұрын
@dfabtv2240 2 ай бұрын
Yea he speaks abit to slow and not enthusiastic enough 😂
@adamsexton2429 Ай бұрын
I found myself thinking the same thing
@vulpesinculta9578 11 ай бұрын
I don't have any social media-only use KZfaq-and still struggle because, as it was perfectly put in the title, it's an addiction to content. I mostly watch longer videos, but still can't cope with boredom well.
@tarico4436 11 ай бұрын
We're not interacting socially right now, as you read this, vulpesinculta9578, so this means YT is not a social medium. If you are a bot, then I am not socializing right now. Or, if you're human, you could type: "I have only one social medium--KZfaq--but am still struggling...".
@btchiaintkidding7837 11 ай бұрын
same man, i watch long form contents, quality contents, often educational and informative content. but content regardless, not study materials. these are made by talented individual and informative sure. they dont feel lije waste of time, but still ruins my plans, routines, productivity. it still feels like i have a curiosity that is insatiable, so i just keep diving into rabbitholes one after other losing track of time destroying my productivity and feeding my procastination... it took me a long while to accept that i was indeed addicted to youtube, i may call it insatiable curiosity and whatnot fancy term and sure i do learn a lot from these so they are not mindless timek^ller , and even if these are true doesnt change the fact that i am literally ruining my academic/social life via it. fml
@REY3727 11 ай бұрын
this is exactly how I feel too. I had to delete all social media, and I am trying hard to limit my youtube consumption, but it is hard. It is pre installed on my phone, but I am trying to not use it on computer and just use it for short periods of time on my phone. Once I accomplish this, however, I end up watching shows or something and still just consume content. I would really like to just do productive things, but I need to unwind sometimes. I don't know what to do, honestly. But I am trying.
@takeuchi5760 11 ай бұрын
@@REY3727 When I think about the past when I've quit some addiction, specifically video games, the change was first triggered by my environment not allowing me to engage in the unwanted behavior. Then it required an effort from me that made it impossible to engage in it, or at least as hard as possible, and spend enough time like that and you sort of forget the high that the unwanted behavior used to bring you. And now you just steer clear of things you know can trigger you back into the behavior, which is honestly relatively easy when you realize what it does to your life and where your life would be headed if you were to continue engaging in the unwanted habit. At least that was my experience for that specific habit at that specific time in my life.
@tarico4436 11 ай бұрын
Others commenting on your socially ingested message, vulpesinculta9578, are in denial. They are not clicking on the appropriate thumb, but are instead clicking on the thumbs ups of others who are also in denial. I can't read long books like I used to. Twelve years of an addiction to this thing THAT IS ONE OF THE SOCIAL MEDIA has ruined my attention span.
@PhantoMace2012 11 ай бұрын
What makes this video essay so unique and refreshing is that the creator is honest. He does not sugar-coat anything. This problem is so prevalent and will only get worse. There IS no perfect answer for everyone. This guy isn’t trying to sell us one life-changing technique or idea to make everything better like other creators do. This leaves to us, the viewers, the opportunity to look deeper into ourselves to find our own answer to the problem. Only when it is personal and meaningful can the answer be the best one.
@pablochamber411 11 ай бұрын
Yes, I quite liked that too. That he just asks questions, instead of giving a final answer that ultimately won't solve it
@shrunkensimon 11 ай бұрын
Black hole sun Won't you come And wash away the rain?
@fant2105 11 ай бұрын
@farahnoorart 11 ай бұрын
love your comment
@harrystark8918 10 ай бұрын
para social
@sentanmusic 5 ай бұрын
Love how the video isn't extremely flashy and has slow, soft music, taking away from the mindless scrolling of flashy quick and loud reels, shorts and tiktoks..
@eliane731 6 ай бұрын
ive never seen a video of you before this and dont comment much, but i loved the way you talked and edited the video. just your voice with soft music and wisdom flowing out of your mouth. thank you for those 10 minutes
@Kim-mp5wg 9 ай бұрын
From my experience, short content is the main culprit for all our problems. I’ve been watching KZfaq all my life and have never felt this drained. Once I started getting into TikTok, shorts and reels I noticed it completely destroyed my attention span, love for learning and energy levels. Now that I’ve started university it's kind of hit me how big of an impact it has and I truly hope I stop consuming it from today. Even if I fail, I’ll keep trying.
@KronoReaper 7 ай бұрын
Still fighting ?
@Kim-mp5wg 7 ай бұрын
@@KronoReaper For sure! I consume short-form content a lot less and have definitely seen an improvement in my productivity luckily. I actually carry out my study plans instead of just making them and not doing them lol
@matsimoto3541 7 ай бұрын
I'm at that point, too. Put your phone into grayscale mode, helps a lot! Keep it up! :)
@Kim-mp5wg 7 ай бұрын
@@matsimoto3541 Thank you so much! About grayscale, I've heard about it but it looks super intimidating to commit to. I'll still give it a shot and see if I can adjust or not :D
@doublevision2943 6 ай бұрын
Why do you then not simply delete this garbage and limit your screen time? It's not rocket science, put the phone down and do something real. Short form content, scrolly social media and pron are the worst things to happen to modern society and should be prohibited (they never will be as they make so much money from the invisible abuse). However I would also argue that Livestreams and podcasts are underestimated in the way they severely worsen loneliness and social anxiety while opening the gate to parasocial relationships so I highly recommend to also quit consuming those It is scary how stupified children are compared to just a decade ago, my sister is a learning teacher and even the handwriting of these 13+ year olds looks like a first or second graders, not to mention that their intelligence levels seem to be ridiculously low. I agree that short form content is responsible to a big degree for this and I find it unbelievable therefore that it is still allowed. TikTok should've been straight up banned 2 years ago but here we are, society simply continues to degrade
@orinblank2056 11 ай бұрын
I think that in many ways, the issue isn't stimulus, but solitude. For many people, we consume content online while sitting at home alone, and it can be pretty rough on our mental states. I've dealt with depression for over half my life, and it can make you want to isolate. During covid, I spent so much time alone that I oddly started to feel like it was good for me. I felt tired after spending time with people, and although I simultaneously laughed and smiled more, I had this weird feeling like I was pretending to enjoy it so that people wouldn't see that I was hurting, and that the reason that I could even internally forget that I was depressed was because I was essentially gaslighting myself into not noticing my depression to make it harder for others to notice. So most of my time, I would sit at home, reading books and watching KZfaq, to forget my own emotional issues. Then I studied abroad in Japan. The dorm I was in was a secondary dorm that was advertised towards the more serious Japanese learners, and since it put two people to a room it was smaller, since most people didn't want to deal with a roommate. I chose it because it was half the price of the other dorm. Because of the small size, it was laid out so that the entire dorm shared a kitchen, dining room, and large study room, so a lot of people would spend time in there chatting. For the first two weeks, I was still in the habit of spending time alone in my room and watching KZfaq, but I eventually got bored and decided to start going downstairs to meet people, and it honestly changed my entire life, not even exaggerating. Because of how much time I had spent alone in the past couple years, my ability to meet people had declined, so at first I would sit a bit separate, and occasionally engage, but after a while I genuinely started to get to know people there. As a matter of fact, pretty much everyone there was an amazing person. As I opened up and started actually being socially active, the group of people down there grew a lot. By the halfway point of the semester, there would almost always be up to 20 people in there, and often many more. I started spending the majority of my time there, and eventually I was just sitting and talking to people for, at the absolute minimum, five hours a day. In just those months, I spent more time with those people than other people that I have known for years, and we made really close friendships. We would celebrate holidays and birthdays together, do big late night walks to the convenience store for snacks, go out and drink together, it was great. After a while, my depression almost entirely disappeared, and I grew so much more comfortable meeting people and being my authentic self. I made so many close friends, and I really left a lasting impact. It made leaving Japan extremely hard. Since coming back, some of my depression has returned, but the positive impact of just that one semester was astounding. It really reinforced how important human interaction truly is. It makes me wonder how many people out there who claim to be antisocial actually are, because I thought I was until I saw just how rewarding socializing could be. It didn't help much with my ADHD, but just having the constant stimulus of social interaction did wonders for my depression and social anxiety. It even made me more comfortable and confident in my own appearance, because of how supportive everybody there was. If they saw you struggling with something about yourself, they would happily show you the love and affirmation you needed. I actually pretty much completely stopped watching KZfaq as well. Maybe an occasional scroll through Reddit, but my social media use declined drastically.
@connorc1978 11 ай бұрын
The beginning sounds like me but I try my absolute best to keep a positive mental state and to be mindful of the fact that yes, I am mostly alone in my days. But with a good plan, I'll be able to make friends and do the things I want. Not saying I have depression, but I can't say I feel motivated (except for studying, which is helping), and I'll have really really bad months where my mental changes completely, I smoke too much and the positivity changes to negativity, and then it's self served hell. I do have ADHD that really is the icing on the cake of the self pitied thoughts I'm compelled to think "Everyone else can do x, but me" HORRIBLE thinking, and it isn't even true. Being in the moment and not in my head had a huge impact on the small/almost nonexistant social life I have. That gave me hope that I'm not broken or awkward if I'm just honest to my emotions and can express it OK, but it's hard not to break out of that when I think I've done something wrong and freeze and panic mid convo, then forget why I was panicking, blaming myself, and even now sometimes it'll happen sorta irrationally. I have a small handful of friends, none in any particular group and I cherish all of them and talking to them aswell (it can be extremely draining most times, recently now more than ever and is the reason I won't try a relationship because of the apathetic feel I get from talking, can't have that in a healthy relationship) No money to spend on a therapist so... I do with what I have and make the best of it, what else am I supposed to do, beat myself up more? nah i'll just smoke/chill and study until I get a job from studying that I can actually afford a therapist from.
@sunnymoon3771 11 ай бұрын
This is so true! I nearly cried while reading it. It reminded me of when i was 18 and went to therapy. At first i went to a fancy new clinic, where i had a full schedule with many different therapy forms but it didnt help at all. One patient there reccomended me another place and i went there. It was in the middle of nowhere, but beautiful and surrounded by nature and the part were i was (18 to 30 year olds) was a little bit apart from the big main house in a seperate, smaller building. We were 30 people and i was so surprised when i learned that i would see my therapist only 2 times a week for an hour. The rest was group therapy, sport, group activities and a looot of free time. We were bored so often but everytime you would go to the table in front of the house, someone would be sitting there and be happy to talk (because they were bored too), when you wanted to play a board game you would easily find 2 or 3 people. If you wanted to go to the gas station (only shop in the small town) someone would be happy to accompany you. We talked so much about everything (after a while of group therapy we werent shy anymore to even talk about deep and personal stuff) we laughed and cried together, comforted each other, challenged each other. Someone was always there. We often joked that we actually did the real therapy outside of the official therapy sessions (and the night shift nurses who would always make tea and listen at night when someone couldnt sleep). Now, looking back i realize that that is true but it was meant that way! Everything there was organized that way. We had very strict rules about leaving the clinic, we were obligated to be present at all 3 meals and would eat together at a big table and then clean the kitchen together. We could go out friday night but only if we planned it ahead in a group together. The most healing moments were when we had conflicts. The therapists would come and help resolving them and many of us learned for the first time that conflicts are normal, resolvable and friendships can even grow with them. It was one of the best expiriences i ever had and i didnt joke at all when i said i wished i could live there forever. I still cry when i think about that time with that group of people that felt like a family, all the nature around in late summer. I made coffee for everyone, someone brought cards to play. We did so many things in these 6 weeks just because we were bored and there was always someone to do it with you. We cooked marmellade, rented bikes and went one hour to the next town where the swimming pool was or half an hour to the other where the supermarket was, went bare feet into the woods (which was a bad idea because pine needles hurt a lot 😅), invented storys, i practiced to make milk foam and then made latte macchiato for everyone, i learned to hug peoole without fearing to be rejected and dancing without fearing to be laughed at, we organized a karaoke evening. And so many walks, bike tours, deep conversations, board and card games. Most i miss these moments when i was so full of all my complicated thoughts and anxious worries, when today i would turn to my phone, but then i would just go right in front of the house, there was a table and a few plastic seats and benches and there would always be at least one person sitting there. A real community with genuine deep authentic connections is what we need and miss so much nowadays. (and nature and being bored together)
@arhoosier1058 11 ай бұрын
it’s the illusion that your boredom needs to be cured, and the internet was like that. but boredom is how we achieve greater things, as humans we need to feel bored to push our selves.
@justincarreras7753 11 ай бұрын
My low attention span won’t let me read that
@necrodeus6811 11 ай бұрын
@@sunnymoon3771 that sounds like such a wonderful time ^.^ it's a similar philosophy to how people used to sit out on their front porches and chat with any neighbor who came by. We need time to sit and be bored, and also to check in with people who we wouldn't otherwise talk to
@sreeonaspreee 8 ай бұрын
This video spoke to me at a time when I think I really need it and in a manner that no other video on the internet has. Thank you for helping fellow humans from all around the world.
@substance90 5 ай бұрын
I’ve been pondering this topic for at least 5 years now, even started writing about it out of pure frustration with myself but you put it into words more eloquently than I ever could. Subscribed.
@chairmanmeow958 11 ай бұрын
It took me a couple of months but I got back into reading again. Its not that I "forgot" how to read but all the instant and "short form" content made it difficult for me to sit in a quiet space and just read without feeling anxious. After spending a little more time each day reading I finally got back in my groove and now I have no issues sitting quietly for several hours and just reading.
@-Discount-John 10 ай бұрын
What happens then, if you sit alone in a room with no reading? In my case the silents eats away at me. Ever since I was a kid I was always called squirrel due to lack of attention span, I never could sit still, and I still can't unless I'm being subdued by a computer.
@SK-le1gm 10 ай бұрын
Consider trying a book by Lenin. He was an amazing writer for decades before the 1917 coup. Just saw your username, you might be interested
@ishashka 10 ай бұрын
I thought that I lost my ability to read for a long time, but I think I've just been picking too heavy books. At one point I decided to try Chesterton (Orthodoxy and The Everlasting Man to be exact) and I breezed through them like I used to breeze through adventure novels in my early teens. Even though the topics may seem boring (principles and the history of Christianity), he looks at them from such an unusual perspective and writes with such a beautiful, witty style, that it was a joy to read and every page left me either amazed, laughing out loud, or both. So I 100% recommend the funny, chubby, cigar-smoking British Catholic, but my main point is that sometimes the key to regaining the joy of reading is starting with the right book. And to answer ​@@-Discount-John, it can be uncomfortable, but in situations like that I like to remember the quote from Blaise Pascal: "All of humanity's problems stem from man's inability to sit quietly in a room alone", and say "challenge accepted". Sometimes it makes the silence more bearable.
@chairmanmeow958 10 ай бұрын
@repentandbelieveinJesusChrist1 I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet. (1 Timothy 2:12 NIV) How is that for love one another.
@creatrixZBD 10 ай бұрын
The “just one page” method is useful to kickstart reading again, if you’ve fallen out of the habit. Pick one book that you want to read, or reread (to keep handy), and set your mission to read just one page, sometime each day. One page only takes a minute or so, so you can do it while you’re “in between” something, or any old time. If you stop at one page, cool seeya tomorrow, Book (and so on and so on). The funny thing is, almost everytime, you will read past the page. It doesn’t mean you then have to sit down and devour the whole book, you just mark your spot, acknowledge that you exceeded today’s goal… and cool, seeya tomorrow, Book! Hope that helps someone out there 👍🏼
@alejandromexico3024 11 ай бұрын
I think we look for distraction when we are dissatisfied with our lives, the more you enjoy your life, what you do and who you spend your time with, the less you’re going to care about the internet.
@spiritlevelstudios 11 ай бұрын
Yes, true. When living well I don't need or want digital entertainment. Currently spending about 10 hours a day on KZfaq, lol.
@3nertia 11 ай бұрын
This is the heart of it, very concise; kudos!
@3nertia 11 ай бұрын
Just imagine if everyone could go on a random trip to another country ...
@ookami5329 11 ай бұрын
no wonder I'm so addicted to all this (ultimately unsatisfactory) social media content rn
@aiiiia9971 11 ай бұрын
Very wise
@bigchungus4833 4 ай бұрын
I’m so happy I stumbled upon your channel. All of your content I’ve seen so far is top notch. Thank you for the thought provoking essays, friend.
@weirdloverwilde 5 ай бұрын
It’s worse than that, fam. We got tricked into MAKING THE CONTENT! We literally are doing the work too lmao - I got off fb, ig, TikTok etcs
@Dman9fp Ай бұрын
I'm tempted to stop making youtube shorts. It is annoying seeing how many views these get, and my better/ high quality/ sometimes edited longer content gets nil. Or at least the shorts that don't have a message. It is disgusting to think people can be tricked to spend Hours and Hours on youtube from it, and definitely making their ADHD worse
@maesaliva 11 ай бұрын
I needed this. Just last night at my family gathering’s dinner, I was on my phone the whole time. Given I was trying to support an online friend who’s very important to me, but still, I could’ve put them on hold just to be present with my cousins. I was even scrolling through the comments for the first minute of this video instead of paying close attention, further proving the point. I’m going to put my phone down and sleep (it’s 4 am, I woke up in the middle of the night and just went on my phone). Good night everyone.
@lostkid726 11 ай бұрын
@pencyan 11 ай бұрын
Your goodnight was so sweet to read while scrolling through the comments. Good night.
@bartfart3847 11 ай бұрын
"Technology has relieved us from a Physical work load but has replaced it with Spiritual Exhaustion." That is some DEEP Shit. after about 3 or 4 videos this is the one that made me subscribe. Well done. Thank you sir.
@3nertia 11 ай бұрын
If that were actually true though, then machines would do all the work and people would have nothing but leisure time for social activities. That was why we [humans] invented machines in the first place ... Capitalism cannot allow that. The predators in charge cannot allow that heh
@bobbyhill4118 11 ай бұрын
I’m kind of glad to have lived through severe addiction to clown world stuff because it reminded me of how much time I’ve wasted. I could’ve became a millionaire but no, here I am, for hours upon hours a day, participating in this. Partially because my mom thought it was acceptable for little kid me to waste his time on KZfaq.
@bobbyhill4118 11 ай бұрын
My best friend was raised working hard for his grandpa and learning real life skills. And he got paid for it. And he’s making a lot of money now. I’m 20 he’s 18.
@thisnameinvolved 11 ай бұрын
lol. Nah. Technology allowed us to do more work for less pay... physical and spiritual exhaustion.
@williamahlefeltboyer1888 6 ай бұрын
I haven’t commented since I first discovered KZfaq but damn! How you talked about this got me truly inspired. Thanks!
@metaldetectorsofpennsylvan2593 2 ай бұрын
This genuinely needs to be one of the best videos I’ve seen in a long time. Really awesome job man. We’re all struggling with the same problems and the only way we’ll be able to get out of It is helping each other just like this.
@CinematesGrapher 10 ай бұрын
I am 16 years old, and as everyone in my generation I grow up with technology. But I changed myself and learned the pleasure of just closing my eyes on random moments on the day, breathing and listening. This has helped me calming and just "reset" my brain. Edit: Thanks for encouraging me with everything, I hope this message reaches lots of people.
@alborzajeli768 10 ай бұрын
you're very wise for a 16 year old and well ahead of your peers and even many of your elders, well done! Keep it up, you're future is limitless...
@hubertvachon8723 10 ай бұрын
It is very good advice. I ofter forget that some generation did grew with technologies from de biginning. This week I try to emulate my life when I was 16. Playing video games, reading and biking. All this, way before I had my first flipphone. I had much more imagination at this time, consuming content kind of kills my imagination I find.
@mylegispotato 10 ай бұрын
Congrats! Sounds like basic meditation, mindfulness one. Respect for discovering it that early. Not an easy thing to do with all those blinking screens and notifications around.
@Gwilfawe 10 ай бұрын
​@@hubertvachon8723I must agree that imagination and wonder have suffered from this change to our lives
@cassanateli 10 ай бұрын
@@alborzajeli768 When did basic cognitive function become 'very wise'? What has this world come to
@Zeldrisxo8 9 ай бұрын
Highschool teacher of mine always said “you never know what experiences you will miss out on by simply walking around with your headphones on 24/7.” For a music lover like myself, I am guilty of having my airpods on me more often than I should. I find myself meeting and conversing with some of the coolest people ever when I strike up random conversations on my walks that I otherwise wouldn’t get into.
@wunderwalze 6 ай бұрын
This. Entertainment the safe option to not be bored, but it takes away the possibility of anything actually happening, like connecting to people
@tendo649 5 ай бұрын
I've tried the no music option more than a handful of times, and it doesn't ever strike up even a friendly hi at the bare minimum. I don't really see the point in bothering to be honest :/
@JazzaTV 7 ай бұрын
Such a beautiful video, capturing exactly what I've been reflecting on recently and trying to change about myself and my habits
@jeremyhorst925 7 ай бұрын
What an honest and comprehensive take on this subject. I feel relief from being able to relate yet anxious as hey I do it to myself as well. Regardless, it needs to be said and you did it well! What has worked for me personally is trying to reframe my focus-make stimulation (tech) part of a routine vs mindless indulgence. I also ensure when I’m with someone that’s where my focus lies. My attention is to them and I’m striving for quality time. I set aside time of silence each day as well preferably when I first wake-up for 15-30 minutes. This won’t work for everyone, but I feel it’s doable and hopefully helpful
@AngelJimenez-cs4yq 10 ай бұрын
I had a journalism professor who wrote a whole book around this, he could go on for hours about how the virtue of silence is lost as we prioritize entertainment. Since meeting him i can’t help but notice how hard silent reading is after a few hundred hours of tiktok
@outdoorminer5533 9 ай бұрын
I have to read aloud. My mind goes in ten different directions
@philippamassey3998 9 ай бұрын
may I ask what book it is? I'd love to read it..
@charliegooops908 9 ай бұрын
Book name?
@MgoSail 9 ай бұрын
@@charliegooops908might be “Slow News” by Peter Laufer.
@DallasBaldys 9 ай бұрын
I go to my family cabin 30 miles from Civilization, the cabin is on a lake. All I can hear is the wind blow over the tree tops, or a animal walking over branches and sticks walking down to the lake for water. If it isn't windy out, you hear absolutely nothing.
@gracekaradza3353 Жыл бұрын
So true. Especially the feeling of guilt if you don’t care about everything
@phillipadams4691 11 ай бұрын
Don't do that to yourself. Anybody that comes to you with a cause that they need you to care about has another hidden agenda. Like your money, or your vote, or your clicks. If someone is really passionate about something they will give their own life to that cause. Followers are an effect of their passion, not a prerequisite.
@tommynorthwood 11 ай бұрын
I'm normalizing telling people I just care about other things.
@sisamusudroka3000 11 ай бұрын
I don't care about much, and I've never felt guilty 😂
@normanclatcher 11 ай бұрын
Blackpill doesn't go down easy, but it _is_ liberating, in a sense.
@user-bkey 11 ай бұрын
i use to have guilt about not caring about everything but overtime i've realized that no one really actually cares about something unless it actually affects their lives in the current moment so many people give lip service to different causes but they don't actually do anything for them and i think that's what got me to realize that
@waerydrm 8 ай бұрын
Wow, this was really, genuinely beautifully put - both visually and through word. Really puts into perspective a lot of things. Thank you.
@GreyTaube Ай бұрын
This video is amazing. It made me realize I really do not want to be watching this and wasting my time on more content, so I turned if off after only a minute or two into the video! Truly amazing, you could not have made it better!
@skullshapedbox 11 ай бұрын
It's difficult, especially for the younger people who are growing up with this, but it's essential to find the balance. Getting outside for a walk and leaving your phone at home is a start. You'll notice things you never did before. I go to the river and watch the little fish, look at pretty rocks, no different than my ancestors did. Then I come home and cook while I watch a video essay. I realize my privilege here; I am fortunate to live in a place where I can access green space easily, and lots of it. The forest and river are about a kilometer or two from my home. It can be hard to want to leave the devices at home when your habitat's ambience is city bustle and sirens. But even then, there is beauty there.
@jayboy2kay7 10 ай бұрын
It’s FAR too late for the younger generation. Attention spans and sheer narcissistic entitlement is a massive problem now.
@MyShakeweight 10 ай бұрын
@@jayboy2kay7 I'm curious where you get this idea, do you spend a lot of time with the younger generation or is someone telling you this?
@lusilverrr 10 ай бұрын
@@jayboy2kay7I dont think its ever too late. Humans are an adaptive species and I think it’s possible that once the new generation matures, they could look back on technology with even more distain than we do. I think it’s fair to believe the generation before us thought the same. But here we are, striving and hoping for the day we can be away from our phones without feeling anxiety or some urge to start scrolling
@lusilverrr 10 ай бұрын
A true virtue of life is realizing there is beauty to be found in almost every thing on this earth. A city is filled with swarms of people, all in their own world with their own perpesctive, but nonetheless coexisting on the same earth, let alone in the same 5 mile radius. It’s beautiful how everyone can view the world in a completely different way, almost as if we are living on seperate planets, but still be able to enjoy a cup of coffee or a sunrise.
@RohannvanRensburg 10 ай бұрын
The relieving thing is that the second you *do* leave your phone at home (at least for some people) and go on the walk, you stop caring about what's on the stupid shiny rectangle and start paying attention to what's real.
@sparkymularkey6970 11 ай бұрын
The way I struggled to resist picking up my phone or opening a new tab while listening to this video was unreal. But I eventually managed to ignore those urges and I just sat here and watched it all, and I could feel my brain quieting down. After typing this comment, I'm going to turn off my laptop and immediately go outside for some fresh air. Also, I can hardly wait to watch every. single. one. of your videos. You've got yourself a new fan!
@ashtangaxashtangapranayama8526 11 ай бұрын
😐 we're screwed. WTF, maybe you're trolling. Ik you're not 🫠
@ElJorro 11 ай бұрын
I struggle with the same.
@hughanmilborrow4604 11 ай бұрын
@@ashtangaxashtangapranayama8526?? You disagree?
@cathalmp 11 ай бұрын
Isn't it mad that for most people even watching a youtube video isn't enough, we need to be scrolling while watching it
@yektaagra741 11 ай бұрын
didnt even wait for the video to end. Bye! 🚪
@choccooco 29 күн бұрын
thanks, I was going to scroll some more videos because I was feeling kinda empty. I love the background music and your voice.
@MistenMix 6 ай бұрын
Amazing analysis. Just also waking up to this problem recently and have been searching up tons of videos about this topic to try and improve. However this video told me that I can’t find a single ultimate solution for everything for the individual which really gave me a new perspective on finding “solutions”. But just recognizing the problem is a first step, and thank you for offering your perspective to this problem :)
@cmaine-ve4ib 11 ай бұрын
this was at the top of my feed during my "procrastinate getting out of bed with youtube" moment, a Staple of my morning routine at this point. im glad to see this and be reminded of my ongoing struggle against this nonsense. my first task of procrastination was buying an alarm clock so i can leave my phone away from my bed, i can't wait to have mornings where i can just get up and listen to the rain or observe how the sun hits the trees and just take those first moments as a real reset and not immediately submerge myself in stimulation hell
@slaveNo-4028 10 ай бұрын
>"where i can just get up and listen to the rain or observe how the sun hits the trees and just take those first moments" Serious but off-topic question, what is your branch of work? Because whenever I wake up, all I feel is the overwhelming dread, anxiety and depression about having to leave the house and go to work. And seeing rain would make me think "oh shit now I'll be drenched at work" and sun.. I never see sun when I get up cause apparently it's normal here to go to work when it's still dark out and it feels super unnatural. Nothing I see or do can bring me joy if I know I'm about to have to go through something I hate.
@ynokenty 10 ай бұрын
@@slaveNo-4028have you considered changing your job?
@ian.swift.31614 10 ай бұрын
that sounds more like depression than anything else.
@snapjackal 9 ай бұрын
I broke my social media /content addiction by learning to enjoy reading, again. Mostly just stuck with non fiction /learning based subgenres. Any time i felt my mind drift into thoughts of other things, not pertaining to what i was reading or trying to comprehend, I'd try to catch myself and snap back into reading mode. It took a while, but it got easier as time went on. Now i enjoy being more present, and my phone feels more like a tool to access information or communicate with someone instead of a "youre bored, pick this up and find something entertaining to immerse in" kind of crutch. Practicing being present is something that i believe will benefit anyone who's willing to commit to the process. Unrelated, but probably not really, I've noticed a marked decrease in my anxiety, and have started sleeping better at night, too. Go figure.
@akali83 5 ай бұрын
I used to be such a big reader. But I find it so difficult to read now. I usually get into bed, try to pick up the book I'm reading, get distracted by my phone and end up on youtube or something. It's been over a year and I still haven't finished this damn book. The worst part is that the book is actually very good, well written, entertaining, and reflective.
@alcestis2548 5 ай бұрын
Just deleted TikTok after being on it since I was 12 (I’m 15 now) and any time I just didn’t feel like playing video games i watched TikTok. All of my day was spent on a screen. I’ve found myself replacing it with KZfaq shorts which is honestly more embarrassing. I read a full book for the first time in years and after watching this video I want to read and color in silence for a change
@asdfghjk8876 3 ай бұрын
My goal for this year 🫶🫶
@ghotboy9238 5 ай бұрын
This video is a diamond in the rough. And deserved triple it's views. Saving this one to watch again. So much profound knowledge. Thank you for making this video!!!❤❤
@bkbland1626 7 ай бұрын
I love my quiet contemplations. I guard them fiercely. Love your channel.
@bobibridges 9 ай бұрын
"We are designed to struggle, to grow against difficulty." Well done on this video. It is so deep and true. Technology said it would make our jobs easier. It made the job easier but made us void of visible struggle.
@echo7188 9 ай бұрын
Great quote for sure. Like skipping to the end of a story, you skip all the difficult/trying parts but in turn miss all the enjoyable moments too. You don’t have to endure struggle as much but at what cost. Depending on your life and circumstances this may be worth it but as people we have a tendency to exaggerate our problems even if they are legitimate. Life can always get worse and anyone who has struggled knows this. We often and easily forget life can always get better.
@arete7884 9 ай бұрын
Many dont even answer the call to their personal heros journey(joseph campbell
@RSTactical 9 ай бұрын
​@@echo7188I realized this when I was playing Skyrim , then there was mods (cheats) you can get how much gold you want , whatever weapon you want and don't have to work for it for hours.. and I realized that took the joy out of things and I don't play with mods.. I enjoy the process of looting, finding stuff earning it. The same goes for real life
@yepyepyep863 9 ай бұрын
Technology didn't make us void of anything. Too many people need to start taking accountability for their own actions if they feel like they need to vilify technology instead of blaming themselves.
@The-Legend-of-P 9 ай бұрын
⁠@@yepyepyep863I definitely agree with this, but technology has made us all run away from our problems. It’s made us void of having accountability for our actions. We don’t accept or even acknowledge failure anymore. Instead, we push stuff onto others instead of realizing we’re the problem. Some do something about it, others don’t. If we mess up and get sad, then we can just watch any content for hours on end, or take any drug that’s available in a small pen form.
@foximus5231 11 ай бұрын
This video says a lot of things that people don't really want to hear, but I agree entirely. I had the same thought process around 3 months ago and it helped me in so many ways. I gave up Twitter, reddit and youtube cold turkey for weeks. Even though I'm currently on KZfaq right now, I've been trying to stop because the upside has been so good that I haven't looked back at Twitter or reddit for more than 2 minutes at a time. Our brains were never meant to be stimulated as constantly as they are now, and when I dramatically decreased my content intake, my mental health improved significantly. Incredible video, would like twice if I could.
@ursa2766 2 ай бұрын
your content brings me so much comfort and makes me feel less alone amidst the chaos of the world :)
@ammaressa8906 7 ай бұрын
I just want to say that I find your videos super informative and I think your take on things is very similar to how I’ve viewed life, which is comforting. You’ve earned a fan for sufe
@Flameseeker006 9 ай бұрын
This is why I've started meditating regularly. It's time to become fully present and reclaim my attention.
@biomecha1933 9 ай бұрын
How do you start
@Tyrian_ 9 ай бұрын
⁠@@biomecha1933There’s some videos on KZfaq lol but Find a quiet area. Sit in a chair or get a mat/pillow and sit down legs crossed🧘‍♀️. You can sit on your bed if you want to. You can also lay on your back but you might fall asleep on accident. Whatever position you find comfortable close your eyes inhale then exhale deeply 5-10times. While the eyes are closed try to keep your focus between your eyebrows so you’re kind of looking up in a way but don’t strain your eyes while they’re closed lol. As you continue focusing and controlling your breathing any thoughts you encounter admire it then let it pass. You’ll naturally know when your thoughts become stillness. Sooner or later you’ll be in zone for real even to the point where you don’t feel your hands sometimes lol. MIND AWAKE BODY RELAXED💯. Confirmation you’re doing it correctly is experiencing colors like a lava lamp which is normal deep into it. Try meditating 15min then work your way up to 45min or more. Hope this helped.
@princegupta451 9 ай бұрын
@@biomecha1933 You just need a quiet place to do this, sit with your legs crossed, close your eyes and focus on your breath. You can count it if you want. And if you are just starting meditation, its important to not over strain yourself with it. Sitting even 10 mins in silence can be highly taxing if you do not have the habit of it. So I would recommend meditating for only 2 mins in the starting and slowly increasing the number over time. Remember, you have to make a habit of sitting in silence and in the beginning you would want to focus more on consistency rather than the productivity part. Also, dont get frustrated when your focus shifts from breath to thoughts during meditation. Acknowledge the thought and calmly focus back on your breath. This is also a part of meditation. Good Luck :)
@KeesRomkes 9 ай бұрын
the irony that you didn't really watch the video until the end? :D
@derekdexheimer3070 11 ай бұрын
I'm 53. I remember the rise of "microcomputers" in the late 70s and early 80s, and then the tidal wave of the PC. As a teenager, I was all for the science fiction promise coming to life. All the objective information, the ability to communicate, would solve so many old intractable problems. Star Trek could be real! to say I was naive would be an understatement. Every maladaptive and destructive online behavior you know too well was already in evidence even in those early days. Trolls and bullies could take over a BBS and drive all the good people away. And I spent way more time in front of a screen from 1986-1993 when I would have benefited from more human interaction. For me, the biggest takeaway is that computers aren't "computers", or information processors, or "symbolic manipulators" (not sure who said that, but I thought it was very good). Above all, the computer has become a mirror. It amplifies us on the outside of the screen, while what's inside and behind the screen is designed--deliberately or unconsciously--to channel, distort, and amplify what the system wants. What the system wants is seldom what's good for us. Maybe if computers had developed in a non-capitalistic society, they'd be more neutral agents, or good. But that isn't the case here. Computers are becoming what people feared TV was in the 1970s: an idiot box with a keyboard. But just like TV then, you could find good stuff if you looked. This channel is a case in point. This channel is the promise I and others saw for computers, trading floppies and calling BBSes.
@JanZamani 8 ай бұрын
I love how this video is editied, so peaceful and calming. It's so interesting having a youtube video discussing the problem of istelf. It's also refreshing to see a video that doesn't claim to have the solution to the problem and instead just shows it's an ongoing journey.
@whatsnextlaevonni 8 ай бұрын
i dont really know what to comment, but I just knew I couldnt leave without showing my gratitude; for taking the time to edit this video to show your sense of awareness and perspective. I appreciate you more than words can explain, sending you and to everything you feed energy nothing but love and light.
@cathalmp 11 ай бұрын
I know how addicting the internet is, and I'm sure most people do, but simply being aware doesn't stop it. It's a continuous battle to not scroll on my phone for ages when I first wake up, to not reach for a screen at the first sign of boredom. Anyone who tries to stop will fail over and over but the fight is necessary because it's getting worse for everyone
@matthewmizrachi1877 10 ай бұрын
If I can do it you can too, make an effort to not go on your phone when you wake up, I do this and my phone sits next to my bed
@ayemiksenoj5254 9 ай бұрын
As a middle aged person I believe we need to talk about the ease and calm that comes with constant stimulation. I can't say I feel pleasure persay. However, amid all the challenges and struggles in my real life, KZfaq is simply the easiest and most informative thing I get to interact with anytime I want. Another thing is it helps ease the pain of my forced loneliness. I don't want to be alone and doing life by myself, but that's just the way it is right now, even though I am working to change it.
@Garlicbredqueen 9 ай бұрын
I feel you. I think that’s where the “when does this do more harm than good?” Is a good question to really evaluate for myself. Like, when I am alone, working from home, and taking a break, is it helpful to go straight to KZfaq? Usually yes. It’s not really a time when I can call a friend since they’re all working too. But at night, or when I have the opportunity to sleep with someone, should I be so strung up on falling asleep to a KZfaq video that I neglect to fall asleep in the peace and comfort of someone else’s loving presence? ….probably not.
@derrickrr5516 9 ай бұрын
You need to find a woman. Better late than never. While it is very difficult, it’s not impossible. A man isn’t complete without a woman.
@ayemiksenoj5254 9 ай бұрын
@@derrickrr5516, are you talking to me?
@caddilacjones2397 9 ай бұрын
Women come and go better to learn to just be content with the person you are and do the things and be the way that you would normally have been denied from that life.
@KeesRomkes 9 ай бұрын
@@derrickrr5516 being able to love someone else starts with loving yourself. Just "find a woman" leads you to journeys that are no different than your average tiktok consumption.
@Vethorzinho 4 ай бұрын
Amazing vídeo, from the message to the way you structured and presented it... truly beautiful
@boblossie3192 5 ай бұрын
I love the way the music and voice was very calming while the images covered full range of peaceful to violent. The images sparked thought, but the sound balanced and buffered those images. Very well produced.
@MysterySteve 10 ай бұрын
It helps to lessen the addiction if you keep your standards in check, they might be lower than you realize. I've been addicted to KZfaq for much longer than I'd like to admit, but I didn't realize until just this year that there were a lot of videos I kept on that I didn't even really care about, some of which I didn't even like, just because the video keeping me company felt like a lesser evil than consciously cutting off something that felt like it was keeping me company unconditionally. It was really surprising how fast (but still gradual, of course) the amount of times I reached for a KZfaq video decreased. I still fall into that addiction because of course, addiction is addiction and progress is rarely linear, but I've gotten a lot better at asking myself if I genuinely think the video I'm about to click on will serve some kind of purpose in my life I genuinely find worth it besides just being on. Because if I just need something on for the sake of it (I'm Autistic, so sometimes just that is an actual genuine need), then I'll put on some ambient noise like rain sounds that will never attempt to take full command of my attention. They'll just be there, doing what things like rain always do. This will go any number of ways. Either I'll find something that I think will bring anything of real value to my day (a video that I have high confidence will either make me laugh or educate me in some way that genuinely appeals to me, usually) and stop myself before instinctively leaping to the next thing, or I'll find nothing that actually pokes out to me and it'll force my brain to find a different way of spending my time. This then started dipping into other activities in my day, and eventually I started spending a little bit more time with things I wanted to do but waited for motivation for the whole time. I started getting more comfortable with boredom, or just hearing and watching the world go by outside. Obviously, this will not work for everyone, but it may work for you. I have absolutely no idea, but if you start slow and do your best to forgive slip-ups, then you probably won't end up hurting anything anyway, so I'd say it's worth a shot. This is also coming from a guy who doesn't actually plan to cut KZfaq out of my life outright, only to decrease my consumption enough that it doesn't negatively impact my life, so take that as you will. KZfaq has done a lot of good in my life that I can't ignore, and I think it will continue to as long both it and I still exist, I just need to improve my relationship with it to be less toxic. I intended to write a lot less than I did, I think I largely just needed to get this off my chest, but I hope it proves useful to somebody. EDIT: Just wanted to say thank you for all of the very kind, honest and vulnerable responses people have been sending. I've been starting to realize more and more how much of a sore spot this is in my life, especially because of how long it's gone on, and all the support and camaraderie from everyone has really helped to not only open my eyes even more, but also just make this whole process easier. It's because of all of the replies that it's been getting easier to switch course off of the habit so much faster and with less friction, sort of like we're holding hands. It'll still be a while, but I wanted you to know that you're making a difference. Thank you.
@fungus_am0nguz644 9 ай бұрын
This is an excellent comment. I also realized im addicted to YT, like if im doing something or on vacation (i just came home from a 10 day beach/surfing vacation) and barely watched a couple of videos, so didnt miss it but sometimes i watch a video and 5 HOURS have gone by watching YT, no joke. I havent watched TV in years, except for sports, all my news, everything, i watch YT. And even though i have learn A LOT of cool things since now there are TONS of cool content creators, sometimes i watch shit that doesnt add anything, any value to my life. Ive wasted a LOT of hours day in day out on YT. Im going to start doing what you recommended. Thank you for writing this.
@MysterySteve 9 ай бұрын
And thank you for your reply, I honestly wasn't expecting to reach anyone with it, let alone affecting them in this way. Best wishes to you, and good luck in whatever ventures in life you wish to pursue.@@fungus_am0nguz644
@TULLIS-sl9tj 9 ай бұрын
this is one of the best comments i've ever read, thank you so much for giving your insight
@MysterySteve 9 ай бұрын
@@TULLIS-sl9tj Thanks! Hope it helps you out, best wishes in all your endeavors
@leocarrigan2890 9 ай бұрын
Thanks for the advice, I recognize so much of myself in this comment and I've been kind of trying to do what you do but I haven't figured it out. You put in a very clear way and I'll try to remember this.
@charliewhite3905 Жыл бұрын
One of the most amazing series of videos and this one only has 500 views. Insane. You deserve way more
@band.t2453 11 ай бұрын
@mihaiciobanu2665 11 ай бұрын
And then we wonder why the 1% has the most resources
@nanthilrodriguez 11 ай бұрын
247k views Ackshully
@slatttery18 8 ай бұрын
Really enjoyed listening to this while waiting for my wife to make her way up the aisle, definitely helped the time pass quickly thanks
@southx00 5 ай бұрын
Your content had me so immersed that those 10 min flew by… Thank you!
@coolaidman7513 10 ай бұрын
I was thinking of fighting just anyone for no reason and dismissed it as teenage rage but now that I think about it I was mad because I was on my phone. I walked my dogs with my mom and then afterwards watched this video and now I realize it was because the things I was watching on KZfaq; Wars, protests, fights, and debates and it was these things that made me mad not some “teenage hormones” but to say the least your video was inspiring and insightful for me to see. Thank you.
@MrChrisRP 10 ай бұрын
Once you learn that everything and I really do mean everything is fake, you can and will put it all to the side and never be swayed again. Yes, it is really to that extent. Be well, dude.
@ndjubilant8391 9 ай бұрын
That's good awareness
@Andrew-qc8jh 9 ай бұрын
well, you probably have a naturally aggressive disposition. I know at times when I get really bored, I sometimes want to stir up a little trouble. The trickster, jester comes out of me. It's normal. You also were in your teens learning how to adapt to the raging testosterone in your body. That is a bit of a learning process and possibly there was something stressful in your environment causing this for you. Possibly even issues with your father as I know a lot of men when they are younger act out aggression because of resentments to their parents and particularly, their fathers.
@jca857 9 ай бұрын
Exceptional realisation
@WildWinterberry 9 ай бұрын
Do you engage in debates online? I was really stressed at one point but life was good. I just felt such rage like the world was wrong. Then I realised it's because I was sucked into twitter arguments. I blocked twitter and now life is truly good.
@tswanny86 11 ай бұрын
Very happy my algorithm pushed this video to my feed. Hoping this one goes viral for sure! More people need to start realizing there's definitely a point to which technology begins negatively impacting those who use it. Happy to see this point being shared.
@simeonfranklin4069 5 ай бұрын
🌸truly much Gratitude this whole video gave me mental clarity, just realizing the intention that most people carry is to always get some, I have realized for me I should just truly be do what I want and take it day by day, cuz we people like me always want to know or make sure and all these other things but we should all just be, truly much Gratitude every one does not handle and learn things the same we just all have to find our center🌸
@darkshadow1923 5 ай бұрын
This video was very well made! I loved the emphasis on the relaxing nature rather than an over stimulating cut com.
@bruhrrito8669 11 ай бұрын
Man ... This hits so real. As someone who used to be able read books for pages on end, not so long a go I found myself struggling to even get through a few pages without day dreaming or needing a phone break and it really sucks. Even if the book is genuinely interesting, it's like my mind wanders off after a while and I have to use will power to not look at something else. Now even sitting through an episode of a tv show or watching a movie without taking breaks seems like anoyance and it just leaves me feeling empty inside. And dont even get me started on feeling the need to watch/listen to something while doing basic tasks. I think widespread use of short-form content is what really started to mold this behaviour, and as someone who still engages with it, I can say that it's the bane of it all, which is one of the reasons I strayed away from TikTok. But when other social media apps started to implement it things just went downhill from there. I even thought KZfaq was a safe haven from it untill YT Shorts were introduced... And don't get me wrong, I appreciate the effort from creators that make genuine and original content meant for that format, but the rest is honestly just garbage that we'd all be better off without imo. Anyway, rant over. If anyone out there made it to the end, thanks, and just know you're not the only one. If not, I understand the struggle. But everyday just try and to improve on it. even just by a small amount and things will get better. And if you regress, like the video stated, you can always make the effort to try and try again. Trying my best to reset this addiction, and I hope you all can too. Hope this message reached out to someone, peace.
@dungeonmaster217 10 ай бұрын
It's not the short form of content, or sensory overstimulation, or social media. Those only showed how vulnerable and flawed we are. Both reading books and watching tiktoks are supposed to stimulate you, it's just TikToks are doing it much more efficiently, showing how pointless is seeking any kind of satisfaction.
@abz6965 10 ай бұрын
@bruhrrito8669 Thank you for this comment. It actually helped me a lot more than I thought it would
@abracadabra1724 9 ай бұрын
I've always felt this would happen ever since short-form videos got introduced to our world. I'm happy there is a small comment section where I can still feel like I'm not alone. Most of my family members here can't even stand to watch one 10-minute video with me, let alone movies. They only care for the parts where they saw it on a reel or shorts and watched it for clout and not the story itself.
@basseldahdouh8736 5 ай бұрын
Thats so truue, i see the same thing in music, most people now listen to the part they heard on Tiktok and not the whole song for its creativity and beauty. It is really sad to see this is happening to us
@manm5302 4 ай бұрын
@@basseldahdouh8736 Okay that is crazy, its like fast forwarding a movie to the fight scene only. Anyway, every cloud has a silver lining. Find a way to be above this mediocrity especially in business and professionally, you'll beat nearly everyone in your field
@qwertyv10 3 ай бұрын
My little brother is addicted to yt shorts. He doesn't have weight on any values other than the stuffs that are thrown to him in the shorts. He believes anything shown in the shorts. Every I see kid born after 2010 are like this. At least we had our digital-less experiences in our past but these young people are exposed to them since birth. It really saddens me thinking about their future.
@anthonyjs8048 5 ай бұрын
Very thoughtful video, thank you. As it happens I just spent a while last week, since it's the new year I guess I was in a reflective mood, thinking of what brings about lasting, profound happiness for me, as you recommend at the end of your script. I think most people will find that it's connecting regularly and frequently with a community of people you love and trust. This is getting harder and less easily doable unless you're willing to swim against the growing digital currents. Good luck to everyone.
@snehaghosh4132 8 ай бұрын
Thank u such a thought provoking, aesthetic and heartwarming video 🌞✨✨✨✨✨✨I watched the sparkling water so many times
@user-xm9vj3oh8c 9 ай бұрын
I live on a 5000 acre farm my family owns and to say I enjoy silence is an understatement, when I hunt I don’t take my phone with me , just a gps , sometimes I sleep under a tree it’s so peaceful and quite , if anyone lives in Georgia and wants to experience it lemme know !
@Klarity_0 9 ай бұрын
I live in Greece, can I come with you? XD
@user-xm9vj3oh8c 9 ай бұрын
@@Klarity_0 sure !
@lasyaborra521 8 ай бұрын
That sounds like a dream! I've been wanting to visit Georgia for a long time. Hopefully I can visit it next year, It'd be once in a life time experience to visit your farm :)
@connorperkins6013 8 ай бұрын
where in georgia are you located? i live in milton!
@user-xm9vj3oh8c 8 ай бұрын
@@connorperkins6013 Watkinsville ga
@kimberlypatton205 Жыл бұрын
I’m 63 this year… I did not raid the internet with my entire soul on my own phone until 2012.From my earliest memory my face has been in a book . I practically lived in the library until then. I would read every magazine in every Drs. office for years. My brain just is a sponge. That’s why I KNEW that if I ever got on the internet I would not be able to get off of it… And I was right! But i can learn to do or fix or understand anything and it is incredible.Younger generations can’t imagine life without cell phones and internet. But time did seem to go a bit slower…:
@at5297 11 ай бұрын
I'm in my mid 20s and I agree with you. Thing is, I've used the internet since I was 10 but never really got "addicted" until I got my first smartphone at 18 (I had an instinctive distrust towards them and waited out on getting one until not having one became impossible). Smartphones and the rise of Reddit, Instagram, Twitter, etc killed the internet being anything but mindless garbage.
@sylvia420 5 ай бұрын
Congratulations for the beautiful video. I love the images and music ❤️
@Me-oh5fn 6 ай бұрын
This video is so beautifull I almost cried at the end. Thank you❤
@blackmetalbanjocore 11 ай бұрын
I agree that redifining what makes us "profoundly and permanently happy" is really important. When asked "what is the meaning in life," I always respond, "my meaning is to do what makes me content, not what makes me happy." I make a distinction between those words in a similar way that you did, and how I explain it is: "happyness can be boiled down to chemical reactions in the brain, if I were to write "make everyone happy" to some super AI, a logical conclusion it could draw is having all of humanity in discrete little boxes getting drugged from birth till death. Contentment, on the other hand, is (at least to me) more a state of being than any specific chemical reaction, and I think aligns much more with your "profound and permanent happiness."" I hope that wasn't incoherent rambling, and I hope at least someone can find meaning in it.
@zachcollette5608 11 ай бұрын
Yeah, been thinking about this concept a lot lately.
@kevindavidson8281 11 ай бұрын
I've made the same distinction! Of course, happiness is great. But it isn't sustainable from a biological level. "Hedonic adjustment" is a term worth looking up. Our brains adapt to the level of dopamine we receive, so that what once caused happiness is now a baseline. This plays a huge role in addiction and is especially salient in a society where we're constantly flooded with dopamine.
@kevindavidson8281 11 ай бұрын
(Also I haven't watched the video yet so sorry if this is right in there lol)
@hendrikbarboritsch7003 10 ай бұрын
For me, being creative is a source of happiness, but also finishing something whether it is perfect or not, because it leaves a milestone along you timeline that is a kind of permanent support and satisfaction.
@shreyadiwakar9561 4 ай бұрын
the production of this video was some top level quality
@rickvalk4091 16 күн бұрын
Thank you man, amazing video and well explained in a calm tone :)
@dissonanceparadiddle 11 ай бұрын
This is even worse for Nurodivergent people. Especially people with adhd. It's really sad and frustrating to watch the struggle. And more and more experience it
@purpledefaultpfp6233 11 ай бұрын
Fuck that I'm not yielding to my disorder
@matturner6890 11 ай бұрын
I was in the "diagnoses by elimination aren't scientific" camp for a long time, but I'm starting to rethink that. I almost always have at least 5 KZfaq tabs open to 'choose from' and have at least one going all day. I still make time to just be, or do creative projects that are just for me, but anything I'm doing all the time like that, especially when it becomes a thoughtless habit, should be examined carefully.
@dissonanceparadiddle 11 ай бұрын
@@matturner6890 you're definitely doing way better than me. I have NOT been taking the time to be and creative projects have really gone by the wayside lately
@averyboredhumanoid8418 11 ай бұрын
I get so paranoid when things are silent now. My brain is so used to constantly hearing something. I’ll find myself making weird noises, narrating, singing, or quoting something out loud when I’m alone more than normal. I thought it was because I felt uncanny being alone, but that isn’t true. I think my brain is just trying to fill the silence.
@neyphutapie 10 ай бұрын
Definitely this!! When I'm alone doing things I have to turn on music or I just start talking to myself about what I'm doing like I'm on the phone with someone.. I was styling a cosplay wig a few hours ago and literally was detailing what I was doing to myself despite me knowing full well what was happening..
@thelovelyredbones6364 10 ай бұрын
I have Actually been practicing meditating. Getting really comfy not to fall asleep but to stop for a bit. Focus on my breathing and silencing my brain for a while. I feel so much better and regarded after! But it was hard to do at first. Just practicing enjoying silence again is a good thing!
@cassanateli 10 ай бұрын
@@thelovelyredbones6364 Meditation is the cure to this, well that and a new attitude
@emmanuelgarcia619 10 ай бұрын
Oh my. I do this. Feel like I always have though. Even before smart phones. In fact its always weirded me out others don’t do this. Yet those others are people far more screen addicted than I am. But reading this makes me wonder if my habit for walking around the house talking to myself and blurting out random things that I think is me just making myself laugh is actually my anxiety toward silence. Interesting
@user-rl5go6ds9u 5 ай бұрын
Thanks man I needed that, I really appreciate your work.
@hegelscat9423 2 ай бұрын
Dude I've never been addicted to social media, I've always been an occasional watcher of long form videos like yours, but ever since KZfaq released it's "shorts" feature I've been fully addicted.
@Jungus1999 9 ай бұрын
Hey man, the editing and imagery is incredible, thank you for putting so much hard work into it.
@stephena.8193 9 ай бұрын
Makes you brain's dopamine center go "wheeeeee" doesn't it? Keeps you engaged.... 😂
@popefrancis80 9 ай бұрын
I was just about to say. The editing on these videos is fantastic, not just this one but on all of them
@MI-re1p 9 ай бұрын
​@@stephena.8193not at all? The editing is not very high tech or crazy swifty, rather it includes many images of trees, mountains, nature etcetera.. So the viewer isn't that distracted visually but is able to concentrate on the person speaking
@officialnoonon 9 ай бұрын
​@@MI-re1p I agree with both of you. There's a certain hypnotic movement to the images and text keeping your attention. At the same time those images convey a tranquility that compliments the calm of his voice. My only concern is the flickering effect. I can't imagine it being helpful to his cause.
@MelroyvandenBerg 9 ай бұрын
@@officialnoonon I don't know anymore if we also don't know anymore when this is causing a dopamine hit and attention while also getting relaxed.
@blouburkette 10 ай бұрын
Over the last year as I have really committed myself to having better mental health I've discovered exactly what this video describes. Here's what I found work for me: Step one, yep, meditation. Lemme blow your mind: meditation is not some woo woo magic crystal mommy one with the earth thing. What I have learned is all meditation does is make you aware,. That's it, just practicing awareness for 5-20 minutes a day. Doesn't sound like much...but the more you do it, the more you start slowing down and noticing things. I use daily guided meditations on the Calm app. But there are a TON of ways to meditate. I used to watch videos while I played games. One night after playing a game I really liked while watching a video I really enjoyed I realized I felt very hallow. Because both were going on I couldn't enjoy either of them. So I challenged myself, for one week, when I game, no video. I enjoyed that game more than I had in years!! Because I was fully there. I almost never watch videos while gaming anymore. If I start to do so, I check in, make myself aware, and realize, ah yes, I am are anxious, let's take a break. Five minutes of deep breathing, bam, back in the game. I also started one of those gratitude journals everyone is always on about. Three things a day, no matter how small. It made me take notice of the smallest positive things in my life. I deleted all of the social media apps on my phone. I only have things I have to have on my phone for work, sudoku, and solitaire. I usually bring a book with me when I leave the house so I have little temptation to grab my phone when in a waiting room. (This one isn't new but I swear I cannot recommend it enough). Was it hard? Fuck yes, especially at first. But then it got easier. When I start using my phone too much I notice I actually feel more like shit. I don't take my phone on walks. I walk for 30-60 minutes a day, just my house key and my water. If I get bored or anxious, I push my focus to the birds, trees, and anything else outside my person. This shit is really hard, I don't want to discount that. I am not perfect, like at all. I did an event where I drove across the state over 48 hours and back to see a band and I documented the entire thing in insta. I've posted once since feb 2022 so this was a strange experience. By the end of it, it made me very clearly realize that I had made the right choice. I'm glad I documented the experience, it was a big fuckin deal for me. But insta was off my phone by the end of night two and I'm right as rain. I did a few more things than this, but I feel those things are not accessible to everyone and don't want to make too many unrealistic suggestions for those who don't have that opportunity. If you read this whole thing, thanks! I hope maybe a lil something here could help. If not, I still wish you the best of luck!
@ZeroPhilosopher 10 ай бұрын
Good luck with your gender transition! Stunning and brave
@snuvmelon9974 10 ай бұрын
Meditation is legit.
@mubinamo 9 ай бұрын
@@ZeroPhilosopherdid you reply to the right comment? 😂
@Anirossa 9 ай бұрын
I get all drained if I don't walk in the forest for a couple days, and then I can't study... nature is my meditation you could say
@unintentifiend 9 ай бұрын
And you can easily make every day and every moment a meditation. While walking feel the floor/earth below you. How is the temperature were you are and is the wind blowing? Does it smell like something? what does the smell remind you of? Just be aware of your thoughts but don´t let them take over you. Make the journey more than the reward. Don´t crave for what you get when you eat or get to some place specific. but enjoy making food and walking slowly. Stop having every action just being a end to a means.
@redbot1233 8 ай бұрын
This kind of clears up a lot. Life is the struggle to find happiness, so try to enjoy that struggle. Not a YT-short for some quick dopamine, real happiness.
@bashirb.7233 3 ай бұрын
Thanks for this video, it made me feel like I am not alone in this battle for regaining our focus and attention span.
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