How Executives Get Rich Making Poor Decisions | Cold Take

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This week on Cold Take, Frost is looking at how executives keep making it out big while making poor decisions.
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@eldibs 2 ай бұрын
I don't get why any gamer would be mad at Larian. They asked "Are you gonna make another game as awesome as Balduer's Gate 3?" and Larian said "Fuck, we wish. W're just gonna see where things go." At least they're honest.
@estefencosta1835 2 ай бұрын
I'm getting a bit older, in my late 30's now but I think as a group "gamers" have remained fairly consistent over the years. They're entitled, addicted and completely incapable of not engaging with the very systems they claim to hate. Not everyone, but enough of them I think to make some fairly accurate generalizations. They're mad at Larian because they're entitled brats - and that doesn't necessarily mean they're young. They think game development is orders of magnitude more simple than it is and throw hissy fits when they don't get what they want, to wit more of that digital crack escapism they crave. Disappointment would be an understandable reaction if you were hoping to get more BG, but anger? That comes from feeling like you're entitled to more.
@Sotanaht01 2 ай бұрын
No what they said is "we are canceling any work we've done so far towards an expansion and giving the IP back to WOTC. Screw everyone who wanted more and especially screw anyone who got their hopes up after we basically told you there would be more, it's all cancelled forever." Remember all the cut content around the upper city? Never happening. Did you want to see larians vision for levels 13-20? Tough. Extra painful for those who might want to adopt BG3 rules for tabletop or built their own mod expansion/conversions since everything is cut off half way.
@mandisaw 2 ай бұрын
@@estefencosta1835 These were the same fans cheering for Larian only 6mos ago and haranguing any devs/commenters who said BG3 was a unique and non-repeatable production. The same fans who said that they would never hold other games to that same impossible standard, because it would be absurd. And yet, here we are, and even Larian itself can't meet that bar.
@mandisaw 2 ай бұрын
Mind you, gamer-entitlement notwithstanding, Larian probably just couldn't come up with the cash to extend their license with Hasbro/WotC. Normally with a license like that, you'd include an option to extend, with a fixed dollar amount (or maybe a sliding scale based on the first product's revenues). There was a February 2024 story about Larian reaching out to Tencent (30% stakeholder) to foot the bill for a more expansive D&D-content license. Based on the GDC news, I'm guessing that deal didn't land. It circulated widely in tabletop/TTRPG circles, but I didn't hear much coverage on the video game side.
@crapshot321 2 ай бұрын
@@mandisaw That makes sense. Hasbro has been pushing the idea the the DnD brand has been "underutilized" and can be squeezed more to generate greater profits. So I am not surprised that they and Wizards of the Coast might have made the license too expensive for Larian.
@araonthedrake4049 2 ай бұрын
The cobra effect is also what's plaguing politics all over the world. When the punishment for crimes, broken promises and corruption is the option to walk away with all the profits, how can anyone be surprised politics work with their own benefit in mind rather than the people's
@starmaker75 2 ай бұрын
Basically corruption combined incompetent kills everything
@GamingTonberry 2 ай бұрын
It's true. With enough money you can be a total monster and just say "Yep, I did it." and just walk away without consequence.
@MrProthall 2 ай бұрын
As george Carlin once said: "If that is true, that it's only these politicians acting like that, where are all the bright people of consience? I tell you where: We don't have people like that, in this country." It's not a fault of the system, but some 60 years ago the culture started to change. Going from "do what you enjoy, be yourself and be kind" to "The more toys you have, the higher your score!!". It's a cultural issue. If shame came back, sense of community, or simply the thought of 'Nah, I have enough' at SOME point, we wouldn't be where we are. But humanity is on the way out, we all have been told that money is all that matters and you can't change anything without it, and community is a distant dream form the past, ripped apart by media constantly hammering on our differences to drive us apart. What other thought than "I need to get mine before there is nothing left" can ever be in your head? We are fucked. Simple as that. We can't ever improve anything more than our immediate group. And we will do that until the famines start in 20-30 years, then billions will die, the rich cocksuckers that took the future from all of us will sit in their bunkers on their hoards, while a select few people are deemed worthy enough to serve them. But hey, at least we took the high road and didn't just start beheading them, because Hollywood said we need to take the highroad at all times. So sadly, Taylor will continue to fuck the atmosphere with her airplane, Musk will not use his wealth for anything but satisfying his immature childbrain, and Bezos just wants to be a sadist. But at least our wealth is concentrated in 15 people. And if y'all still go "but it's not just the billionaires", I'll give some perspective on how far apart they are from the rest of humanity, HOW MANY ressources they have compared to anyone else:
@MrTohawk 2 ай бұрын
Even an honest politician, which do exist, have to be reelected. So anything that is long term and doesn't give visible benefits in 4 years won't help them get reelected.
@danilooliveira6580 2 ай бұрын
the entire political system we have right now is designed around short term gains. there are plenty of long term strategies that could save trillions in the next couple of decades, but you will never see them being implemented because of the upfront cost and non-visible changes that will only be apparent when your opponent cycles back into power to take credit. "so is then the solution to go back to monarchy ?" no, because now the system is incentivizing doing nothing because you can't be removed from power, you just need to do barely enough to not piss people off and make sure the people that actually have power are happy to protect your position (vide: Putin's Russia).
@potatodadave 2 ай бұрын
It's not about the long term batman, it's about my yacht
@dmitriyrasskazov8858 2 ай бұрын
Its redarded even in short term. Nobody is going to buy your product.
@custos3249 2 ай бұрын
@@dmitriyrasskazov8858 You'd think, but time has shown it's not retarded when people keep buying. All this would end if people just had standards.
@Deliveredmean42 2 ай бұрын
Except when it doesnt work at times when barely no one was interested or aware of the game existence, or​ people just refund afterwards@@custos3249
@jackdaw16huls51 2 ай бұрын
Then sink the yacht
@LexYeen 2 ай бұрын
​@@jackdaw16huls51if you're an orca you have to tell us
@Ro9ge 2 ай бұрын
"Fruit hanging so low it's practically a potato." Dang, only 30 seconds in and already a banger of a line. xD
@chilbiyito 2 ай бұрын
@homelander2243 2 ай бұрын
WB Already pulled the plug on 1 live service game. Why trust them to run another?
@E1craZ4life 2 ай бұрын
Fruit hanging so low that even Tantalus could reach it without difficulty.
@DarkPirate647 2 ай бұрын
Tomato ?
@imbw267 2 ай бұрын
Even better in French, as potato is ''pomme de terre': dirt apple
@Dan-zc3ou 2 ай бұрын
"Failing Upwards" is a very real phenomenon for CEOs and their boards, absolutely disgusting
@LexYeen 2 ай бұрын
and it's not limited to gaming, either.
@svenbtb 2 ай бұрын
Yeah, that's about the only thing that CEO's and finance-bros are good at. Screw everyone else over so they can fail their way into lining their own pockets and instead of facing any consequences, they get rewarded for it.
@Devilm00n 2 ай бұрын
What you or I deem a failure is not such in the eyes of the corporate overlords, that's how they get you. Giving these suits the benefit of thinking that they are just incompetent is a mistake, their actions are malicious and planned out, all for the sake of shareholder value.
@hefoxed 2 ай бұрын
Yep, those that are better at networking then anything else will network their way to top. It's not just CEOs and boards, it's on all levels of management in all sorts of companies where the CEOs/boards prioritize their golf buddies and sleazy tactics over competence and making quality products.
@gwen9939 2 ай бұрын
@@hefoxed It's not that they're better at networking, it's certainly not that they were better at financing. The deck was simply stacked in their favor from the start. They knew someone who knew someone who could get them an in. In their minds they worked their way to the top because they "only" started as management fresh out of college and not as CEO.
@afroponix3414 2 ай бұрын
Job cuts increase share prices and share prices directly tie to CEO compensation. There u go.
@FlyingCIRCU175 2 ай бұрын
And I think there were two books that led to a massive push to pay execs way more than they're worth, but have forgotten them since. I think one author was Jack Welch, forgot the other one. It kept being brought up during the Boeing scandal.
@Doctorgeo7 2 ай бұрын
Ahhhhh, Capitalism. Ain't it great?
@afroponix3414 2 ай бұрын
@@FlyingCIRCU175which Boeing scandal? I laugh to keep me from crying. And yes the former GE CEO popularized these practices while pulling up the ladder behind him
@DannyboyO1 2 ай бұрын
There is no reason that layoffs should *increase* share price though. It does not mean increased profit, it means less labor to profit from. It's a reduction in cost today that guarantees less profit next quarter. But that's *next* quarter, and the bulk of the people doing this are going to switch to a new company well before the piper needs paying. It's just predatory rich people ruining literally everything remotely commercial and anything that depends on anything remotely commercial... including governments. The reason investors are eager to buy stock at a higher price after a layoff is not because the company will be making more. It's because stock trading is a rigged game, rigged by the investors. They know what's going to happen after the layoffs, and that makes the company's performance predictable, so the price is manipulated and goes up, until it doesn't, and then the people who guess right take the short position and make even more money. Personally, I think getting rid of the stock exchange would go a long way towards fixing this crap. I'm not against people buying and selling stock, I'm against them buying and selling it without a shit-ton of paperwork. Buying a house should always involve less paperwork than a share in a company's future profits. A house never laid off 800 people right before the holidays.
@MyNameIsBucket 2 ай бұрын
The longer you've been working at a company, the closer you are to the guillotine. They are itching to downsize veterans making $100k with benefits and bring in fresh college grads for $40k and no benefits.
@bitze865 2 ай бұрын
"In other words he has to do his job for once" And I'm sure that makes him more furious than any loss ever could
@arcanum3000 2 ай бұрын
Something else to remember when wondering how this keeps happening (and this goes beyond the video game industry): The executives and board members all know each other. They got their MBAs at the same universities, go to the same country clubs and charity events, operate in the same social circles. They all look out for each other and make sure they all have their careers preserved and get their golden parachutes when (in their minds) the peons let them down.
@henrywarmoth1792 2 ай бұрын
Love this! Great point. I used to work in the car business and my old boss was literally fired for stealing from the company. The next week he had a job at another dealership in town. I saw so many people bounce from place to place once they moved into management that it was baffling. These a-holes that get fired or "Resign" from their multi-million dollar exec jobs don't become nobodies and disappear, they just slip into the shadows somewhere else and start again. Or as George Carlin said it much better: "It's a big club, and you ain't in it."
@MrJekken 2 ай бұрын
basically, they're class conscious and use their power to crush the workers and everyone else
@GreyWolfLeaderTW 2 ай бұрын
@@MrJekken That's not the definition of "class consciousness". Certainly not how Karl Marx defined the term.
@jackpepperpwb 2 ай бұрын
Even in a less gross situation, people who've failed at management still have management experience. They're far more likely to get another management job than someone without that experience.
@TailAbNormal 2 ай бұрын
@@henrywarmoth1792 Kinda sounds like what happens to bad cops when they "resign".
@qwefg3 2 ай бұрын
Step 1 - buy company Step 2 - gamble with their money Step 3 - profit Step 4 - after profit stops sell or crash company to keep IPs and then sell IPs or license them out for profit.
@planescaped 2 ай бұрын
Step -2 Take out loans Step -1 Form a small business or several for "experience" step 0 Declare bankruptcy
@markguyton2868 2 ай бұрын
This sounds like the process of a Parasite - Host relationship...
@aiodensghost8645 2 ай бұрын
​@@markguyton2868a la EMBRACER
@Biouke 2 ай бұрын
@@markguyton2868 It is.
@hazukichanx408 Ай бұрын
Ah yes, rampant piracy with extra steps. Or as they call it in fancy circles, "business".
@Xeonerable 2 ай бұрын
For the fact a CEO can still be rewarded for doing a terrible job is the reason why I have no faith in this system. It's not about doing a good job, but by how much you can exploit and get away with.
@TOAOM123 2 ай бұрын
Helldivers 2 says "hi"
@fartface8918 2 ай бұрын
​@@TOAOM123and eventually the company will be bought or the head developer preventing it from being bought will die or just decide to do the same problems and then hell divers 3 (or 2 if it happens quick enough) will have the same problems the industry has because profit motive inherently cannibalizes everything else
@jlev1028 2 ай бұрын
​@@thecaptain6520Well, they're definitely more trustworthy at the very least since not much monetization goes into smaller games.
@RandomPerson-xi7jv 2 ай бұрын
⁠​⁠@@fartface8918Or maybe we just appreciate those that are independent until they die. I mean nothing lasts forever so may as well take your time to enjoy it.
@fartface8918 2 ай бұрын
@@RandomPerson-xi7jv it's not about likeing or disliking but rather understanding the deep cannibalism the profit motive necessarily invokes, as long as there is a legal requirement for shareholder value as long as most companies are publicly traded as long as money is valued over the most basic human axioms we wont know peace
@rugierro 2 ай бұрын
First rule is business; If you owe the bank ten thousand dollars, you have a problem. If you owe the bank ten million dollars, the bank has a problem.
@Magothys 2 ай бұрын
Game dev companies: If you go public, this WILL happen to you, sooner or later.
@TOAOM123 2 ай бұрын
@oldvlognewtricks 2 ай бұрын
Happened to Bethesda way before Zenimax was acquired by Microsoft.
@OzixiThrill 2 ай бұрын
@@thecaptain6520 After a .05 femtosecond glance at Valve... Nah.
@AntonAdelson 2 ай бұрын
Its happening in private companies too. I worked in few. Management is SO enamoured by the practices of big execs that they're basically simps. Fuck them
@professordetective807 2 ай бұрын
Say what you will about Valve, them staying private has definitely kept them from going AS FAR downhill as they could have.
@elliottengstrand5988 2 ай бұрын
What has been happening to every industry for years is happening to gaming: the devoted, inspired, dedicated people who created something because they were passionate are slowly replaced at the highest level with business school bros who never cared about the product and probably don't ever even have any interaction with it. Quality and ingenuity are put aside in favor of appeasing shareholders resulting in either cost cutting measures or watered down, lowest common denominator products, and eventually the public lose faith or the company bursts, or both. Then said executives "resign" and coast over to some other venture that they can milk dry for a profit and the once passionate people are now jaded and have to crowd fund to try to restart from scratch. The only true way to make quality products any more is to stay small enough that you don't attract the vultures.
@ninochaosdrache3189 2 ай бұрын
Seems like a self inflicted problem though. Like, why not tell the business people to fuck off? Why hire business people that don't share your values and try to undermine you?
@sarahsturgill9262 2 ай бұрын
@@ninochaosdrache3189 Because the actual talented people are usually not the ones at the very top of said company. The ones at the top only see money to gain from a bigger business buying them up, too dumb to realize that they've doomed their company. Other times they're threatened by said bigger business that has the ability to naked short sell them into the ground.
@Rizzlebeef 2 ай бұрын
Even Naughty Dog, Insomniac, and Guerilla weren't safe. It doesn't matter if you make literally the most critically and commercially successful games in Playstation history. You're still expendable.
@garfoonga1 2 ай бұрын
The only thing execs want or care about is perpetually growing profits. Successes in development are actively punished when they cant top the last peak.
@bitze865 2 ай бұрын
All for the god of short term profit. Why care if you burn and salt the land if your the only one with a parachute on the burning blimp?
@jackmcallister1256 2 ай бұрын
Everything and everyone is expendable in the world of short term gains which we now operate at.
@arcan762 2 ай бұрын
why? what happened?
@jimbob1862 2 ай бұрын
Not to mention Insomniac pumped out what, 4 back to back great games, 1 of them being cross gen and two next gen, in the span of about 6 years. It's wild that they were even considered for cuts given their critical and commercial output.
@merman1974 2 ай бұрын
Cynical but all too real. Witness the executives plummeting out of Boeing right now like so many unattached doors - they get their golden parachutes, but the planes should be on the no-fly list.
@sassytabasco 2 ай бұрын
To be completely fair, the BG3 team specifically wanted to make more BG3, but ended their relationship with WotC after WotC started having a Hasbro aneurysm.
@catharticgemini 2 ай бұрын
At this point does it really matter who's pushing the milling and pinkertons about? It's a weeeeeeeird thing and I hope larian moves to others (and perhaps even a pathfinder one for the humor of if)
@sassytabasco 2 ай бұрын
@@catharticgemini well I suppose they've no choice but to move on lol. I'm sure their next project will be wonderful.
@gwen9939 2 ай бұрын
I'm pretty sure they literally came out and said - after these allegations - that WotC had been very helpful and that they weren't the ones getting in their way, they just wanted to move on to the next project, and honestly, that seems like a pretty reasonable decision. Sometimes a story is just done being told, and they worked hard for a long time on it.
@KaiSoDaM 2 ай бұрын
@@gwen9939 not completely true. They also said NO ONE they worked with on making BG3 was working on the company Hasbro anymore. Even after the huge commercial success and critical acclaim, they were dumped on the garbage bin.
@koshetz Ай бұрын
​@@catharticgeminiLarian told multiple times they don't want to work on other IPs they want to do their own things again (Divinity series).
@ArifRWinandar 2 ай бұрын
Yet people will still find reasons to blame the workers for the lack of quality in their products.
@FlyingCIRCU175 2 ай бұрын
because that's what the marketing and PR from the Moneyed Men have told us to do. Plain and simple.
@starmaker75 2 ай бұрын
it stuff this and going workers this that makes go to union to even going to socialism then any theory book
@quillclock 2 ай бұрын
thats the plan these huge studios hire good up and coming indie devs. then give them a flop to make and/or give them so many notes and force microtransactions and money making schemes all over the game. then blame them for the flop and ruin the dev team's good name
@danilooliveira6580 2 ай бұрын
@@uanime1 because they are not allowed to say anything else, because they have have a contracting telling them what they are allowed to say and the project has a marketing team more expensive than the entire development team.
@bitze865 2 ай бұрын
Kind of a bit deserved in some cases, the way developers tend to put them self out there and insult critique the fans... both sides deserve each other
@svsguru2000 2 ай бұрын
There's no law against the microtransactions, Batman!
@nobodyinparticular9640 2 ай бұрын
And there's no law against mourder if you don't get caught
@pramitpratimdas1071 2 ай бұрын
Isnt there one in Belgium?
@Nictator42 2 ай бұрын
The fact that everyone expected Larian to make a bunch of dlc and shit for BG3 really goes to show how little most people know about how Larian operates. I don't think they've ever made a dlc or expansion for any of their games. They did do definitive edition updates for divinity OS, but I suspect that Larian really wanted to do their own thing without being shackled to wotc and that's perfectly fine by me.
@arthurvilain7270 2 ай бұрын
I think the expectation was equally tied to the license itself. BG1 and BG2 both had expansions that continued the storyline after the main game.
@ethereal231 2 ай бұрын
I mean, can you blame people for wanting more? The game is really good and the fact that people want more stuff only shows how successful it was
@koshetz Ай бұрын
Larian actually did dlc for Divinity 2 because original game was kinda disaster so they needed to add new content. But BG3 is already a gigantic game i really do not think it needs DLC at all. Also judging the last interviews (and the fact Hasbro team which consulted Larian was fired) it feels Swen is heavily disappointed working with IPs and wants to go back to his own creations without greedy publishers and corporate buІІshіt. Can't blame him.
@johnmccarthy2519 2 ай бұрын
None of the higher ups in these companies has any idea about videogames. They are business men. Do you think Bobby Kotick has played a video game lately? They haven't a clue.
@johnmccarthy2519 2 ай бұрын
​@@paultapping9510 Yeah, Bobby understands money=priority. That's all. The games are almost irrelevant, so we get Diablo Immortal style gambling apps disguised as games.
@healsallwounds 2 ай бұрын
Bobby’s busy paying wet nurses to let him suckle that delicious breast milk. (Bobby probably isn’t the guy who infamously stole the breast milk out of the company fridge, but it’s funnier to imagine him as the one doing it.)
@svenbtb 2 ай бұрын
They frequently get their ideas from their nephew that they see maybe once a year and assume that said 7 year old nephew has the insight into what everyone wants and thinks is cool. Not even joking.
@johntitor4287 2 ай бұрын
They technically don't need to, as the video indicates in the most cynical manner. The only idea there is to get investments and spend those investments to pay for half the game you promised while you pocket the rest.
@MrLightlike78 2 ай бұрын
according to Kotick "Never touched a joystick in my life" Yeah Bobby..we know.
@AntonAdelson 2 ай бұрын
As a gamedev I SO WISH THIS POINT WAS TALKED ABOUT MORE! For standing up to management and being fired from game studios I more often than not get called a loser and rocking the boat by fellow devs/artists... I'm sick and tired of execs profiting off us and then having the audacity for blaming us for not working more than 12 hours a day and on weekends!! We have to unionise. Every year we wait the more we destroy our own industry. Gamers will BE ANGRY Fun fact, among wider artists and programmers, working in the gaming industry is seen as a total crazy move. Why would you work more for less money??
@afrofantom6631 2 ай бұрын
people dont comprehend how much of the gaming industry exploits the love and passion software/art-design people have for games, chews them up and then throws them out.
@hazukichanx408 Ай бұрын
Ah, the phenomenon of people who, being kicked and stomped and shat on from above, will lash out to the side at the _other_ poor bastards languishing in the same predicament, or deride them for daring to punch up on occasion, to _challenge_ this despicable state of affairs... I will never understand it, except as an expression of the most twisted form of Stockholm syndrome imaginable. Kidnappers are one thing, but imagine sympathizing with a _video game publishing CEO..._ Eugh.
@jarrenraves 2 ай бұрын
redfall is a real poster child for this from what I heard. It was forced on the studio for the sole purpose of inflating the aquisition price for just long enough. By the time it predictably bombed hard the people responsible for it were already gone with the money.
@dikkeroege 2 ай бұрын
Nobody forced them to make a shitty game though. There is a lot more wrong with these recent games than just the business model.
@bartibit 2 ай бұрын
@@dikkeroege I'm sorry to break the news to you, but it is *really just* business model. Game dev is a job, and you have to work on 'tax write-off mediocre' game which no one on your team is passionate about because no one has any direction into what you have to make this game into, and all your and your coworkers' cool ideas for great game are shoot down. You're lucky if you actually work on that cool game that has too massive scale, with so many cooks in the project that one slip up might result in extra months of work and shareholders and higher-ups might push the deadline if the marketing says they should to maximize profit. Otherwise, if you don't comply to the industry you really wanted to work in, you're fired (you will still be laid off after the game inevitebly fails, because the laid-offs contributes to the paycheck for the higher up). Other avenue for game devs is Indie games, but the success is near impossible if you remember that the successful indies survived the battle; Survivorship bias in indies is very real, and if you decide to do your dream game instead, you can say goodbye to that fleeting success, because market demands the same variation of established game over and over. You want innovation as a gamer? Either you need to get very good at finding niche but excelt titles, expand your genre tastes, be open to new ideas, start buying any avangarde indie title which might dissapoint you, or get in time machine and go back to time when the medium was new and fresh and whipe your memory. I really suggest trying to find cool niche games and expanding your genre tastes, i've been doing it for 8 years already, ignoring massive, mediocre (or what people call shitty, but actually most people didn't play any actual shitty game) AAA and just playing some indies and i've enjoyed gaming more than ever.
@xintrosi6829 2 ай бұрын
@@dikkeroege Yes and no. Arkane wasn't forced to make a bad game explicitly, but they were forced to make a type of game outside their passion and experience. The fact it was bad was an understandable and likely outcome of that decision.
@dikkeroege 2 ай бұрын
@@xintrosi6829 But how do you explain the bad AI then? Or the bland level design and graphical bugs? It all feels like beginner mistakes that a studio like that shouldn't be making anymore after so many good games. Or just look at Rocksteady who made the worst UI in a AAA game in the past 15-20 years. WB didn't make them do that. There's more going on than just greed. Big studios are getting worse.
@AlexJ1 2 ай бұрын
​@@dikkeroegeIf a team is forced to work on something they know is a cynical cash grab that exists purely to financially benefit executives & investors, they'll do the logical thing: cut corners, & make it "good enough for release" so they can wrap it up and move on to a project they actually care about.
@akaya7549 2 ай бұрын
Unions were supposed to make that trick harder; CEO's made sure everyone forget about that part. Worked for decades and probably will for another one or two.
@fieryrebirth 2 ай бұрын
Funny you should mention that part of history. The COVID pandemic resulted in those large business executives taking off the masks of "compassion" and double down on their price gouging, anti-worker stances, and exploiting the simple-minded, convenience-obsessed consumers, especially as workers realized they did not want to die for minimum wage and started unionizing. There has been a drastic shift in the economy and class warfare from the pandemic alone and they're trying their damnedest to pretend that it's the new normal. Hell, I see this change in friggin' KZfaq. A lot of my favorite essayists and even journalists are resorting to click-bait articles and churning out content with lesser quality, going the content mill route, because times are even tougher than before and they're becoming desperate.
@Sotanaht01 2 ай бұрын
Unions have their own problems. They are a lot like their own little companies with their own executives running things into the ground for personal profit.
@o00nemesis00o 2 ай бұрын
I've heard that a lot of the diversity politics thing has been to make sure employees are distrustful of one another, rather than of the corporation itself.
@fieryrebirth 2 ай бұрын
@@o00nemesis00o A lot of powerful people in both politics, mainstream news, and companies work to keep the masses divided to overlook the true crooks. It's been a tried-and-true method by the bourgeois for generations
@starkravingmad31 2 ай бұрын
As a long-time industry vet on the game design side, this vid on how bad business practices still make money for the "right" (wrong) people was very eye-opening. Cold Take is quickly becoming my favorite Second Wind series.
@nicklager1666 2 ай бұрын
I see that frost got his hands on the Bobby Kotick:s handbook on how to do run a company wrong. I can hear the Yahtzee jingle "lets all laugh at the gaming industry ti hi hi".
@SageVallant 2 ай бұрын
"Let's all laugh at an industry, that never learns anything tee hee hee"
@araonthedrake4049 2 ай бұрын
The sad reality is that it's not how to run a company wrong. It's the handbook to being a successful capitalist: make as much money as possible at any cost, morality, ethics and as many laws as you can get away with breaking be damned.
@g3intel 2 ай бұрын
​​@@araonthedrake4049alternative modes of distributing ownership of the means of production are already demonstrated to produce better games, capitalism as an organizational structure truly provides zero benefit to the average human being in any sector of society
@styfen 2 ай бұрын
Yup. It's how to run a capitalist economy done right. That's just not something that helps society, instead it harms it. We need to readjust the goals of corporations at their heart. Environment and the public being the things they must benefit. Good luck with that, money wins and makes more money. Time to eat Bobby the Tick. Get your forks out people.
@SimuLord 2 ай бұрын
@@styfen What we need is confiscatory tax rates on creating money without creating economic value. Make and sell a product and in the process employ talented, hardworking people who make wages they spend into the economy? You're good. Make "investments" whose sole purpose is to sell on to the next sucker down the line-asset flipping, cryptocurrency-or circumvent the rules around an existing industry in blatant violation of the duck test (Uber and Airbnb for taxis and hotels, respectively)? You're getting taxed from nose to tail to fund the cleanup of the late-stage-capitalist economic Superfund site you just left in your wake. To paraphrase Winston Churchill, "the best argument in favor of high taxes on the rich is a five-minute chat with the average rich person."
@mauree1618 2 ай бұрын
It’s cathartic to have your own “man yelling at cloud” moments developed and spoken out by Frost.
@amanofnoreputation2164 2 ай бұрын
The AAA games industry is just the gaming equivalent of a content farm at this point.
@PlebNC 2 ай бұрын
The indie scene may as well be the entire industry is. It's certainly where all the artistry is.
@AntonAdelson 2 ай бұрын
If you learn Hollywood history in the mid-early 20th century (more early) you'll basically see how gaming industry is going through the same evolution. I just wish we LEARNED something from the past though without having to repeat it. Unionise already!
@Shorty_Lickens 2 ай бұрын
Entry number 427 in the category "Stuff I am smart enough to understand but not smart enough to articulate to others." That file is getting awfully full. Thank you sir, for another quality vid. If I had unicorn gold on hand I would mail you some unicorn gold.
@abdoreda7126 2 ай бұрын
Perfectly described what this video is for me.
@angelnickl 2 ай бұрын
Monday morning, a cold day in hell.
@bunk-o2495 2 ай бұрын
I mean The Producers is the most Tonys winning musical for a reason. It's hilarious and brilliant; but also Grounded in reality enough to sell the premise, while having the fantasy wish fulfillment that the big wigs would ever receive any amount of punishment for their terrible contribution to the world of art for the sake of profits alone.
@doublearocka 2 ай бұрын
jesus this was a great connection, I definitely wouldn't have thought of it but it's a great jumping-off point to examine perverse business incentives. plus, it's springtime!
@jordanhunter3375 2 ай бұрын
🎵 It's Springtime, for Bobby and Acti-Blizz!🎵
@Psychohistorian42 2 ай бұрын
Remember: it was based off a movie from 1967, right before this started happening in the industrial sector at GE or Boeing.
@oldvlognewtricks 2 ай бұрын
The real joke of The Producers is they intend to run with the loot, but accidentally create a masterpiece.
@erakfishfishfish 2 ай бұрын
Don’t forget the final scene of the film that, though punished for their crimes, they learn nothing from it.
@TheGreatHoopla 2 ай бұрын
Probably un-original for saying this here, but I genuinely like Cold Take and all the game journalism that Second Wind do.
@starmaker75 2 ай бұрын
Seriously with all the click bait and rage bait(blaming wokes or whatever buzzword people use). It nice that second wind being a diamond in the sea of coal
@Semudara 2 ай бұрын
I guess you could say, that's a pretty cold take~! .... okay, I'm sorry, that was so low-hanging it was practically a parsnip.
@hefoxed 2 ай бұрын
@@starmaker75 Like, there's all these things pointing to corporate greed and our systems favoring that greed... and these folk are blaming hiring low level workers who come from diverse backgrounds? Like, discrimination still is a thing. "diverse" folk paycheck still tends to be lower. So with corporate greed, corporations hiring "diverse" workers mean they save money and likely get overall more experienced/quality work for that wage (compared to hiring less discriminated against people at the same wage)... so like, it'd probably be even lower quality products without "diversity". It is true it is hard to hire "diverse" workers with high level of experience due to discrimination/lack of opportunities meaning they haven't been able to gain that experience, tho that's slowly changing and there is more "diverse" folk with high levels of experience.
@manzenshaaegis8783 2 ай бұрын
I was so enthralled by your little ball game video that I had to go back and rewatch the video to actually listn to what you said 😂
@S_Crystal9217 2 ай бұрын
Same! It is so oddly captivating to watch. Just constantly watching the size of the player increase. :D
@quillclock 2 ай бұрын
its called Agario, free to play browser game. its so addictive
@S_Crystal9217 2 ай бұрын
@@quillclock found it on mobile. Judging by the pictures, it has certainly become modern day mobile games...
@crownysuccubus1524 2 ай бұрын
Sports games technically ARE live service. Most of them don't actually change anything or add many new features from iteration to iteration; they just update the roster, add one or two new features, and then make the player pay for what basically amounts to a reset of all the microtransactions they bought over the past year. And sports fans keep buying it.
@DarkRavenhaft 2 ай бұрын
I remember when the fifa series got caught using the same executable as the previous year, didn't even have the decency to advance the version number.
@lebendystraw3683 2 ай бұрын
Couldn't believe 2K made two separate versions of NBA for the haves and the have-nots, with the PC version being the downgrade. The first year I get it, new tech, maximize old tech etc. But they're _still doing it_ and it blows my mind that for the same price point, this is a legal move.
@SimuLord 2 ай бұрын
In recent years I've been moving away from licensed sports games toward indies that offer great and often retro-inspired gameplay, games like Super Mega Baseball 3, Legend Bowl, and Tape to Tape (and I'm waiting for someone to do this for basketball, but it hasn't happened yet-if it has, please point me at the Steam page!) I've said this time and time again, AAA and indie might as well be two completely different industries, because the only thing they have in common is that their products are both called "video games", a term so broad as to be meaningless (put me in a room with someone who plays Fortnite or some other live-service looter shooter as their daily driver and we'd have absolutely nothing in common to talk about even though we're both "gamers.")
@Joe90h 2 ай бұрын
@@lebendystraw3683 It's cheaper and easier to port the old gen version, and you avoid the sensationalist headlines of "Terrible PC port" becuase the port is merely mediocre.
@akmal94ibrahim 2 ай бұрын
They are yearly live services, which is even worse because come the end of the year, all of your progress and purchase is essentially reset because now you have to buy the next iteration that has the latest roster and kit. At least with live services like Marvel's Avengers or Destiny, your progress is kept for longer than just one year with new content updates.
@swivelmaster 2 ай бұрын
"fruit hanging so low it's practically a potato" is such a good line I had to pause the video and text my mom
@boowells4957 2 ай бұрын
Succinct, digestible, informing, and entertaining. This deserves to be on KZfaq's front page.
@Cyynapse 2 ай бұрын
its insane how everyone in the industry is fair game for layoffs except for the people who dont make anything
@ninochaosdrache3189 2 ай бұрын
Tbf, would you layoff yourself?
@King_Luigi 2 ай бұрын
@@ninochaosdrache3189 While he didn't lay himself, or anyone else, off, there was that time Mr. Iwata cut his own, and several other big wigs, pay when shit hit the fan. That's likely the closest we'll see to higher-ups being held accountable for poor decisions.
@fieryrebirth 2 ай бұрын
@@King_Luigi Satoru Iwata was a CEO with passion and a soul, and he paid the price as a result, giving us the Nintendo Switch as a parting gift. To succeed in capitalism you have to sell your humanity and soul to the all-mighty dollar.
@sleepingkirby 2 ай бұрын
I think the last line is something more people should remember. While people are having a hard time finding work because not enough experience or skills not good enough, it's the people that make these decisions that are often not doing the bare minimum of their job.
@ultgamercw6759 2 ай бұрын
To be fair Kotaku has been struggling for many years before this change even happened. The only times I ever really heard people talking about them were through the Jason articles which they lost after he moved to a different publication and the random rage bait articles that would mostly just be discussed by other people like youtuber's. I never actually heard anyone wanting to go to Kotaku for there's normal articles. I don't really think this is the same as the live service situation where a successful studio is forced to make a type of game they aren't good at making. This is more of a sinking ship trying one last new strategy to try and get the engine running again.
@ArifRWinandar 2 ай бұрын
Or someone buys a sinking ship with the intent to get it to float but only just enough to get it ashore so it's easier to scrap it for parts
@mandisaw 2 ай бұрын
Journalism as a whole has been hemorrhaging money for decades, and digital/web journalism in particular has struggled to balance the books in the days of adblockers and the shift to video platforms. Kotaku is one of the last holdouts, so something they're doing must be working, but you're right that it's a losing battle overall.
@R3GARnator 2 ай бұрын
Kotaku has lived by the motto "there is no such thing as bad publicity" and yet that hasn't worked out for them.
@starmaker75 2 ай бұрын
What better way to celebrate April fools then to show how munch a joke that corporation can and their results.
@dragontear1638 2 ай бұрын
And yet it's not really that funny, given it feels like crooks doing as they please, everyone else gets thrown under the muck-stained wheels of the gold-plated bus driven by those giving the orders.
@Alexx1083 2 ай бұрын
My son asked me how there are billionaires, and I felt like I was too simple in responding with "It's easy to make lots of money if you don't care how you make it", but this entire video pretty much backs up my simplified statement.
@Jurgan6 2 ай бұрын
“Some employees protested against turning the site into another ad revenue content mill in an already over saturated field.” Spoken like someone with experience…
@AbbreviatedReviews 2 ай бұрын
As soon as a company is publicly traded, or purchased by a publicly traded entity, they're destined for either total dissolution or a future of pumping out the most efficient money printing games legally possible.
@ninochaosdrache3189 2 ай бұрын
I think that only applies to the US though.
@pieterfaes6263 2 ай бұрын
Don't forget private equity. Just because you're not publically traded doesn't mean you're immune to such practices.
@damon22441 2 ай бұрын
I'm very glad you're all independent now. Burn those bridges! Also, sports games were the original Live Service because they're based on a live event. They don't publish one $60 game and give roster and cosmetic updates through the years, the yearly $60+ game IS the update patch (that also wipes your cosmetics from previous years)!
@THESP-rz3hg 2 ай бұрын
Mentioned but a bit lost- by American standards executives can are legally obligated to prioritize gains, regardless of how short term decisions create long term problems.
@kotlolish 2 ай бұрын
Basically this and if that CEO is not up for the task, they get voted out and replaced with a CEO that does. Cause investors want to see their short term investments grow like mad. So CEO's are pretty much obiligated to investment boards. But the other way is also true. Investors if they disagree with a companies way the CEO is doing things.. sometimes they cannot vote em out due to contracts. Investors can also pull out their stocks but doing that would be leaving without the maximum possible profit. But then you have hedge funds covering that stuff too. Ooh look so CEO's and investors both are safe if they force the ship to sink. Good CEO's can be held back by bad investment groups and good investment groups can be held back by bad CEO's. (Depending on circumenstances) Thus the cycle continunes when these investors start investing in the next company and elect the same CEO to take it over. They will always make money.
@macweldon6643 2 ай бұрын
Not a defense for this practice, but this isnt true. Executives are allowed to consider long-term gains as part of fiduciary responsibility, even at the cost of short-term losses. Most just choose not to because it doesn't help you if the company does really well in 20 years when someone else is running things.
@atrustworthyfellow6887 2 ай бұрын
I'll keep it vague since i don't remember the case or verdict too well, but THESP is right. Some company in the US had focused on a morally good path that didnt bring as much profits as a morally questionable path. Investors sued or something because they expected more money. The court that determined the outcome stated that companies are legally required to listen to shareholders and to make reasonable efforts to make shareholders profits when such efforts don't otherwise break the law, and that the company violated that principle and was therefore liable for lack of profit.
@macweldon6643 2 ай бұрын
@@atrustworthyfellow6887 That's not what I'm saying though. They are required to put profits over morality, but they aren't required to put short-term profits over long-term profits. Companies are allowed to take as long a view as they want, so long as that path can reasonably be interpreted as pursuing the greatest return on investor commitments.
@VladLad 2 ай бұрын
You can blame the Dodge brothers for this. And a few more if you are feeling conspiratorial Ford was treating his workers better than everyone, not out of the goodness of his heart, but because retaining highly motivated talent is actually very important and profitable in the long run, almost like free-market capitalism actually works despite human greed. Ford wanted to cut back on shareholder dividends,he wanted to use that money to expand his business, hire more workers, lower the price of his products even more, etc. And the shareholders really did not appreciate that.
@CassidyBooks 2 ай бұрын
"In other words he's gonna have to do his job for once."😆That gave me a good laugh from how real it sounded😆😂
@fal_pal_ 2 ай бұрын
THANK YOU for finally making a video on this. Ppl really don't understand that game companies make money first, games second
@armorhide406 2 ай бұрын
Yet they do it in the shittiest ways possible. Gone are the days of making good games. Since it's just easier to just monetize and churn them out
@LexYeen 2 ай бұрын
​@@armorhide406no company exists to make games. every company exists to make a profit.
@RuleroftheSandcastle 2 ай бұрын
It's always nice to see a video with real artistic merit come out on April 1st. This video put everything I've been thinking about corporate execs into words better than I ever could.
@geraldposter1496 2 ай бұрын
...oh my god, its The Producers. As in the Mel Brooks movie, where a failing producer realizes he could make more money with a flop than a success since he doesnt have to pay back investors and the irs doesnt look as closely at failures. This is literally The Producers.
@user-sq6nu3rv1m 2 ай бұрын
This is why CEOs bounce out early, while there is still enough cash around to fill their golden parachutes.
@88Opportunist 2 ай бұрын
I will never ever understand how a company making losses can lead to an exec receiving bonuses. It's like your parents buying you a new game for getting an F on your Maths test. If you made a terrible call you should be the very first person to suffer the consequences of it with a paycut, especially if you earn so much you could receive a 90% paycut and still walk home with 4 times as much as the average person.
@erakfishfishfish 2 ай бұрын
How many of those execs were born into wealth and got sports cars despite bad grades? Probably a significant percentage.
@mirusedna 2 ай бұрын
I'm new to this channel and I love the delivery of this. Film noir style narration for talking about corporate greed screwing over the everyday worker and consumer is just perfection. I'd love to see more breakdowns in this format in the future. It made depressing news a joy to listen to, which is a nice change. A spoonful of sugar to make the medicine go to down.
@matthewacuna6336 Ай бұрын
man, when the escapist blew up and second wind came around, i thought i'd just be watching yahtzee's stuff again, but a lot of the content that's been put out has been extremely high quality! honestly shocked how much i've come to love the cold takes
@armorhide406 2 ай бұрын
the Golden parachute thing pisses me off so much
@jeffbrown3009 2 ай бұрын
Given what happened at Gawker, and Deadspin, and Jalopnik, and now Kotaku, I can assure you: Jim Spanfeller ain't gonna do his job for once. He's always been a "sell the bones off the corpse" type.
@ra.n9482 2 ай бұрын
I understand Second Wind feels a lot of sympathy with Kotaku due to shared experiences but I disagree here. Kotaku was already a cesspool of hit pieces, bad takes and rage bait that wished to draw people into clicking on the site and bombarding themwith ads upon ads. It has gained a reputation for being some of the worst gaming journalism can offer. Yes, turning it to a video game guide site is gonna make it lose its identity but when its identity is so despicable, I believe that's for the better.
@MarquisLeary34 2 ай бұрын
When poor quality results in money and profits results in job loss, it's time to reexamine what economic system we've hitched ourself to.
@TOAOM123 2 ай бұрын
There is no "we" here
@LexYeen 2 ай бұрын
we didn't hitch _ourselves_ to this economic system. we _were_ hitched to it, yes. just not by our own hand.
@MarquisLeary34 2 ай бұрын
@@LexYeen I'm more addressing the "Capitalism and the free market will fix everything!" crowd.
@fieryrebirth 2 ай бұрын
Yes, a plutocracy. The result when money influences politics and a lack of regulation on predatory capitalistic practices, unfortunately. Those that are expected to work for the masses work for their donors and other bribes.
@skyfox4072 2 ай бұрын
People will be able to game whatever system you put in front of them to get the best results for the least risk/effort whether it be in games or real life. The usual solution is that a regulatory body removes the loop holes that allow people to use unintended exploits which Frost mentioned is already happening in the movie industry.
@michaeldunkerton3805 2 ай бұрын
It shows how bad things have gotten in a very short amount of time that The Producers plot no longer makes sense because the secret scheme that put the main characters in jail is now just openly business as usual.
@davidchristie6003 2 ай бұрын
I would guess simmilar shenanigans are to blame for Sony's live action not-Spider-Man films
@nohbuddy1 2 ай бұрын
That's more to due with needing to keep the movie license
@davidchristie6003 2 ай бұрын
​@@nohbuddy1Yeah that is part too, every 5 years they need a Spidery film or it goes to marvel or something like that right? The value of the license compared to the sheer cost of these flops and all the goodwill lost means there must be more to it though I'd assume.
@nohbuddy1 2 ай бұрын
@@davidchristie6003 Yep. Big reason they were desperate for the Marvel deal to add it to the MCU.
@corebreaker85 Ай бұрын
Crazy how maximizing shareholder value always leads to bad products and awful working conditions.
@Sherin974 2 ай бұрын
Then they also go after us with ToS saying, no actually you can't sue us.
@diekssus7194 2 ай бұрын
why succeed when failing upwards is an option.
@Jack93885 2 ай бұрын
"The palm de tear of the industry," I appreciate the quality of properly done subtitles, please don't mistake my comment for a lack of gratitude, but I think the person writing them might not be familiar with French.
@neonsamurai1348 2 ай бұрын
This is what is destroying gaming, and the careers of the people who make the games.
@askennedy6076 2 ай бұрын
I admire your restraint in not just having a little blinking bug in the corner that read Escapist.
@styfen 2 ай бұрын
Embracer Group even bought up Asmodee. And now we have a Star Wars CCG creating massive $800 tags on the secondary for a bit of cardboard.
@erakfishfishfish 2 ай бұрын
Looks like Embracer could smell their own. Asmodee had been buying every small publisher they could spot for eight years before Embracer acquired them.
@AcuardThe3rd 2 ай бұрын
love these cold takes. its abit refreshing in a way.
@Respectable_Username 2 ай бұрын
Beautiful video, Frost! While nothing was new, the way you succinctly summarised the entire issue into such a digestible package is incredibly impressive and I absolutely love your wordplay and the beautiful visual pun of Agario. Love your stuff ❤
@slimchelmi6940 2 ай бұрын
I only discovered Second Wind like a month ago but it has already become one of my favorite channels of all time between Cold Take, Design Delve and Fully/Semi Ramblomatic you guys just *GET* gaming, gamers and games as well as devs, producers, excecs and publishers
@kenhayward5009 2 ай бұрын
A Canadian comedic duo once said, "When s*** becomes valuable, the poor will be born without arseholes." In other words, the system seems to be set up in such a way that the few rich people at the top will always find or make a way to stay rich and powerful no matter matter how much changes or how much they screw up.
@erakfishfishfish 2 ай бұрын
In colonial America, lobster was considered a poor man’s food and was fed to prisoners, slaves, and the impoverished. At some point it became considered a delicacy and priced the poor out of it,
@jackalbane 2 ай бұрын
Not gonna lie, this is pretty unsurprising... and yet still a little depressing. But good to know that the world is still churning.
@justinbell5771 2 ай бұрын
Cold take is becoming my new favorite segment.
@kanegenser 2 ай бұрын
I absolutely love these videos. The hard boiled, jaded detective voiceover…the clear-eyed and ruthless takedowns of corporate enshitification…just gold.
@undergrounder 2 ай бұрын
So funny to me that no one sees this. No one really talks about this, we all just like "everything is fine".
@the_newt_nest 2 ай бұрын
Basically do the plot of The Producers
@dragonfiremalus 2 ай бұрын
Surprised The Day Before didn't get a mention here. A clear scam on investors, funneling money into the publishing company while stacking all the debts on the developer. Then the developer went bankrupt to escape the debts before being acquired by the publisher.
@Bob-jn8jt 2 ай бұрын
Please never stop making cold takes. Your insights are phenomenal.
@SimuLord 2 ай бұрын
"Fruit so low-hanging it's a potato"... ...never expected Frost to use one of my catchphrases out of the blue. Something weird is afoot today, and I'm putting on an Alan Wake face for it.
@klaykid117 2 ай бұрын
Definitely the first KZfaqr I've watched who's taking this kutaku news as a negative
@TrojanManSCP 2 ай бұрын
Kotaku burning is good. But WHY it's burning is bad.
@FlyingCIRCU175 2 ай бұрын
@@TrojanManSCPEh, it's still bad overall. It's a chilling effect, which silences anyone who wants to legitimately call out bad practices in the industry while reinforcing the kind of astroturfed shilling that makes paying for stuff in games YOU'VE ALREADY PAID "palatable" or "good for everyone" (it's really not). And sure, you still have Second Wind. Excellent! I love this place. But barely 500k subs and only 100k views on average uploads does not a lasting company make. Second Wind is a Bluetooth speaker when you need Coachella-level sound setups to make sure these execs actually listen. You need that competition, and it's why places like Defector and The Autopian (former Deadspin and Jalopnik) continue to exist. It's why you need the asswipes who can't learn political correctness or stand for groups that they shouldn't be speaking for. Jason Schreier is ex-Kotaku yet is a key voice in all the BS we're in today. That or you do it. Be better than Kotaku when you write, but never be paid by anyone other than the gamers who would rather pay $100 for a skins in a Skinner Box. Form a staff of 50 and rent out a space with power and internet. Let's see how long you last.
@aturchomicz821 2 ай бұрын
@@TrojanManSCP Ok?🙄🙄
@MrWhygodwhy 2 ай бұрын
Maybe watch fewer reactionary youtubers?
@bottomlefto 2 ай бұрын
​@@TrojanManSCP trying to make kotaku reputable and profitable seems like a good reason to me. I don't work my 9-5 out of the goodness of my heart, I do it to walk away from my shift knowing I was a richer man than when I walked in.
@logank.70 2 ай бұрын
This video does a really good job explaining the concept of "failing upwards" too.
@theiceelemental820 2 ай бұрын
Thank you for giving me a roadmap/playbook on being a rich slimeball. I will use it accordingly.
@chadjones1266 2 ай бұрын
It's strange there aren't any game companies don't use the credit union model.
@Mustafa_AhmedPGH 2 ай бұрын
This explains a lot, thanks for making this video.
@TV4Fun2 2 ай бұрын
Kotaku is definitely the first example I'd think of of a formerly great gaming publication pissing away their reputation and scaring off all their real talent by focusing super-hard on monetization and meeting performance targets.
@laskghlkasghksdhg 2 ай бұрын
That was one of the most concise and good explanation for everything happening lately in the gaming + media sphere. Thank you for the input und the time!
@A-Spoto 2 ай бұрын
I wish this was an April Fools joke
@catlawyerwilldefendfortrea6038 2 ай бұрын
When it can't grow taller, it grows wider. Profit needs to exponentially increase but there is a cap. Instead of being at peace with being the winner at the finish line they need to keep going. So they eat other smaller runners and kill competition.
@fieryrebirth 2 ай бұрын
It's pretty much been like this for at least 50-60 years, with the advent and embracing of Taylorism, and the corporation's main incentive to work only for their shareholders.
@cybertramon0012 2 ай бұрын
"It's not just infinite money. There needs to also infinite growth. There needs to be MORE infinite money next year." Yahtzee was so right about that.
@ninochaosdrache3189 2 ай бұрын
Well, on the other side, it's the fault of the smaller runners as well. They still have to agree to get eaten and if they do, that's their own faul.
@ashuggtube 2 ай бұрын
Describing Kotaku as "fruit hanging so low it's practically a potato" made me laugh out loud, to the temporary annoyance of my dog 🤣
@ashuggtube 2 ай бұрын
@sahzus 2 ай бұрын
Morning frost, thanks for this perfect video for a perfectly rainy day
@jamesrosenbaum8770 2 ай бұрын
It's amazing that the whole "vote with your money" thing doesn't actually work. But why? IMO, people aren't critical enough, and predatory games go unregulated and allow for phenomena like "whales" to fund their BS. But, looking forward to the next decade... Indie is the future as far as I'm concerned.
@Despoina_Nyx 2 ай бұрын
It's hard because these games became basically psychological traps to give keep vulnerable people hooked. Same way loot boxes aim to hook people with gambling addiction in, micro transaction, gaming pass, seasons, a lot of these things are while no evil from the conceptual level they are twisted to make people feel that they need them, stuff like fomo is a powerful incentive specially to kids and teens
@LexYeen 2 ай бұрын
The problem with voting with your money is, the people with more money get more voting power. And none of us have as much money as the executives making these decisions.
@fieryrebirth 2 ай бұрын
@@LexYeenIf anything, the oligarchs beat one to the punch with 'voting with your wallet' and have been bribing governments and people that would actually make changes in our lives for our benefit for multiple generations. The only thing oligarchs care for is making more money and making sure they stay in their seat of power.
@AManChoosesASlaveObeys 2 ай бұрын
@@LexYeen Not just the executives, but the gvmnts who bankroll these projects or the big corpos like Blackrock who try to push an agenda, despite nobody buying their games.
@IanDeMartino 2 ай бұрын
Not just a good analysis of the gaming industry, but also capitalism as a whole.
@Dracinard 2 ай бұрын
Oooh, yes, this is the Cold Take I love.
@ryanlcooper 2 ай бұрын
I think important to emphasize this kind of short term financial predation is long term disastrous for businesses. At the end of the day (quite a long day sometimes but still) you have to match up revenue to expenses and if you’re ruining your product it will catch up to you eventually. See Boeing and J/O Media as Frost says.
@chadtindale2095 2 ай бұрын
A box of Ferrari Rockers... I laughed out loud
@Texelion3Dprints 2 ай бұрын
Maybe sports games haven't switched to F2P live service with updates because they can keep selling full priced games every year AND you have to re-buy your Ultimate Team or whatever in each game and the suckers still buy them... If you keep the same game and just update it, people keep all the MTx they bought previously.
@_Bungus 2 ай бұрын
Something that kinda gets lost in the mix is that those games do actually function as live-service games over the course of their single-year life cycles. Taking Madden Ultimate Team, for instance (I don't know anything about the other sports games but I imagine its the same), they continuously add limited-time events and cards to the game throughout the whole lifecycle, with the rewards progressively getting harder to acquire and more powerful. It's just like the live-service "season" model, only the seasons are a couple weeks long each. Their whole system is based on rating players 1-99, but eventually they'll get to selling people players with 115 overall scores and shit because they need to offer better and better players to keep people FOMOing into events and card packs. Which... you'd think people would wise up to it when the players they're buying in September are getting outclassed in October, but those sports games are fucking massive cash cows despite it. People are dumbasses.
@lax9586 2 ай бұрын
This was a great episode. I enjoyed seeing Frost's unique perspective on the corporate shenanigans going on in the games industry.
@AngelWolf12 2 ай бұрын
I dont say this lightly, i love hia voice. This is so nice to listen to.
@Rocketboy1313 2 ай бұрын
One of the core causes yo this is the bad supposition that: profit = efficiency. This is obviously wrong, if being inefficient makes more money then inefficient things will remain.
@potterinhe11 2 ай бұрын
I sure hope Frost follows down the class consciousness rabbit hole.
@3row4wy23 2 ай бұрын
I have an inkling he's been subscribed to the philosophy for a while, but it's kind of a hard topic to bring into a games journalism channel.
@DrNet379 2 ай бұрын
Love to hear Frost returning to his “introspective looks into the industry”!
@Lolfire 2 ай бұрын
Ferrari Rockers. I usually play these videos as background noise but that just hit my brain in such a weird way.
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