How My MS has Impacted My Working Life

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Laura Irons talks MS

Laura Irons talks MS

3 жыл бұрын

Four years ago my Multiple Sclerosis got to a point which meant that I had to leave my job of 17 years and change my career path to something which was more manageable for my MS. My MS fatigue had got worse and I was experiencing really bad episodes of vertigo, I was gradually having to take more time off work here and there and leaving work as soon as I had a vertigo attack.
I have found myself in a similar position now but with very different circumstances. I went into a job which gave me more freedom with how I worked my hours and allowed me to choose how many hours I work. It was also a job which I enjoyed and gave me huge job satisfaction, unfortunately now I have made the difficult choice to not go back into this job because my arm is still not right.
It is hard when you find yourself at a relatively young age having to change or retire from your career especially when it may not have been the choice you wanted - but MS doesn't always leave you with choices you want so it's easier to make the most of what you have.
Be kind to your bodies, less stress and do what is right for you
MS - Mustn't Stop Fighting :-)

Пікірлер: 40
@lauraironstalksms 3 жыл бұрын
Talking about how MS affects us and our working life
@kitshrapnel8548 3 жыл бұрын
Hey everything ok. left email address if you need to talk, any time
@lauraironstalksms 3 жыл бұрын
Hi, yes all good here thanks. Hope you're well too. Didn't receive your address?
@MarisaElena843 3 жыл бұрын
Two months ago I left my job I had since 2005. I’m 36 but I worked as a first responder so, stress and overtime were way more than my body could handle. I am glad to hear you talk about this. I hope what you have found for employment in the future is exciting and fulfilling.
@lauraironstalksms 3 жыл бұрын
I can imagine that a first responder is such a stressful and emotional job. I can also imagine that it must have been difficult for you to leave if its something you enjoyed. Thanks for your comment, I haven't found work yet, I think I've just realised that I'll never go back to doing massage. I'm currently looking into what I can do now but hopefully something that stays away from stress and physical work. Good luck to you too whatever your path may take.
@kitshrapnel8548 3 жыл бұрын
so many points you make ring a massive bell, that drive to go forward is essential, you may have to look deep to find it.emotion gets in the way, but on that calm moment, it could come to you, even if your not looking, I have been looking for my reason to drive myself forward, I had an awakening, and the became clear to me, and its big, you just have to give yourself time, easyer said than done.
@lauraironstalksms 3 жыл бұрын
Hi Kit, hope you're well, you sound positive which is great. Yes I know what you mean about looking deep to find the drive, at times it was difficult. I think my decision has come purely through time (a bit of frustration!) but mostly because I miss that connection with people and that's the thing I'm missing at the moment and I think work can help to give us that. I'm pleased you've found your awakening - it sounds exciting!
@bobidderis3880 2 жыл бұрын
Just got fired today. Been working at the company for nearly 10 years. Saddest day of my life
@lauraironstalksms 2 жыл бұрын
Sorry to hear that Bob!
@Salvatore-1980 3 жыл бұрын
I also have had some kind of job since I was 13. For the last 15 years I have been self employed doing very physical work. When MS really hit me hard in 2019. I was no longer able to do the work I used to do anymore (physically & mentally) I have been unemployed for about 6 months because of my MS and the damn COVID19😒. People think it is great not having to work, but after a couple months it is not fun, especially if you been working for so long. I really want to go back to work . Of course for the money but also for the social interactions and the pride of working. I have been thinking about what kind of jobs I can do with out my MS interfering. Thanks for the great idea about volunteer work just so I can get back into the feeling of working again.👍 I really hope you do great getting back to work. I see the anxiety but also your excitement and enthusiasm.👍 Great video..
@lauraironstalksms 3 жыл бұрын
Hey! Sorry to hear you've also been out of work due to your MS and covid.. You're right people always say I'm lucky to not be in work, it might be OK under different circumstances or possibly for a couple of weeks but it's no fun. Like you said financially you need to support yourself but I do find too that I miss the social interaction so much. Volunteering is a great way to get back into doing something meaningful, you could also try work experience? You never know it might lead you to the type of work that you could do and enjoy in the future? Thank you so much, take it easy and look after yourself 🙏
@nataliecammell833 3 жыл бұрын
I’m only recently diagnosed and finding it all a struggle to deal with already I am 32 and have to children so when ms suddenly came during lockdown it completely crushed my world thank you for doing videos they help me to keep positive and keep going such a rubbish condition let’s hope they find a cure one day soon ruins to many lives. I hope you are doing well and your hand is not to painful I think that’s the hardest part is to live with pain I struggle with my back at the moment I feel I’ve aged 20 years all ready all the best anyway Laura I will keep following your story I am very depressed at the moment need some hope 😀
@lauraironstalksms 3 жыл бұрын
Hi Natalie, I'm so sorry I'm just replying to your message, somehow it went into the spam filter? Sorry! Anyway here I am replying now. Sorry to hear that you are going through a bad time, I really hope that this virus has only made things feel more intense - not being able to see family and friends and feeling more isolated especially at a time when you feel low and could really do with people around to help lift you. I hope these videos do help even just a little. I hope your back is feeling better. Sending good wishes your way 🙏🧡
@annaconsta 3 жыл бұрын
I also had to give up my 40 hours/week job for a part time job which i do from home. Fewer working hours and significant energy gained by not physically going to work did amazing for me. So much so, that sometimes i wonder if i really have MS at all ( but the MRI doesn't lie...).
@lauraironstalksms 3 жыл бұрын
Yep definitely agree on energy gained, I feel the same as you in that sense and this last year I must admit my fatigue has got better and I noticed that happening since leaving a full time role. I'm happy for you and that you have had these positive changes. I think it's also showing us that we are in fact able to work from home and still be productive too - bonus :-) No - unfortunately The the MRI doesn't lie! Long may it continue to be good for you
@briancunnane4441 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this. You’re always on point 😊
@lauraironstalksms 3 жыл бұрын
@BeingBriony 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for this it's good to know im not alone x
@lauraironstalksms 2 жыл бұрын
You're welcome, it's difficult going through the whole work thing. Hope you are able to navigate through it
@kitshrapnel8548 3 жыл бұрын
thanks, last couple of weeks have been very hard, for all sorts of reasons, but you have helped, and i bet when you started this channel,your thoughts where , if i can help one person it would have been worth the effort, you have, me
@lauraironstalksms 3 жыл бұрын
You know what, you're right I did say that. This channel for me is about passing on anything that might be able to help people. If I have helped you in even a small way then that makes me really happy. I'm sorry things have been hard for you, here's hoping things get easier 🤞🙏
@velociraptorwolf447 3 жыл бұрын
I have just been diagnosed with MS. I work from home but all my motivation to want to has gone. Constantly feeling fatigued all the time, constantly numb from the waste down, constant pain in my lumbar, not able to walk more than 10 feet without vertigo symptoms developing. I have been awarded PIP though, which is OK I guess. I just feel lost and kind of alone, as daft as that sounds.
@lauraironstalksms 3 жыл бұрын
Hi, nope it doesn't sound daft, I've been there and I know it's not a good place. When you are just diagnosed, you are getting used to so many different things which you haven't experienced before - both mentally and physically so it can be challenging. You do start to understand your body in time with the MS and things don't become so frightening because either you've had 'that symptom' before and you know how to deal with it, or simply your mindset of how to deal with it gets stronger. You find ways to manage your pain /fatigue /numbness by talking to your neurology team and they can help you find the right way to manage things. You get to find wonderful communities of people who share similar things that you go through and so then feeling alone becomes feeling empowered and if you're lucky enough like me - you get to make good friends along the way. Don't feel lost, and definitely don't feel alone there's people here who care and want to hear you're story 🧡
@velociraptorwolf447 3 жыл бұрын
@@lauraironstalksms Thank you for that encouragement. I have had two flare ups since March the first one was the trigger for all this. Blurry foggy vision was really bad vertigo. That lasted about two weeks then cleared up. Then in Sept the second flare which I lost all vision in my left eye for about a month, it was like having an eye patch over that eye. In between the flares I've had x2 MRI's, a CT scan, lumbar punch and blood tests. I've ten white spots/lesions on my brain, it started as three on the first MRS, but on the second MRI revealed seven more. My wife and family are supportive but they have no idea of the daily pain I endure. I'm 6'5" and built like a brick shit house, so bathing and using the toilet are near impossible for me. The numbness from the waste down seriously effects my ability to drive as I can barely feel the peddles. I can no longer play golf or snooker, the two things that were my escape. But the worst thing is I have serious sexual disfunction, which is preventing two things from happening, if you know what I mean. I apologise for rambling on but I just need someone to talk to, who has experienced this as well.
@lauraironstalksms 3 жыл бұрын
@@velociraptorwolf447 You sound similar to me in the fact that you had two flares very close together. I think it was my 4th relapse that caused my vision problems, I had no warning for this and just woke up with vision loss in my left eye - that was scary. However, in a few weeks that sorted itself out. So did the MS Hug and so did the numbness - that took months though and I did have oral steroids to help with dampening down the inflammation. Have they given you any steroids? Are you going through a flare now? I understand about the numbness, I had it in both my hands and legs but more in my hands. I couldn't do things like reach into my pocket to get money, comb my hair, button up my blouse, cut up food, make a cup of tea - all the things people take for granted. To have this in your feet /legs especially when you're driving must be difficult. Not being able to do the things you enjoy sucks, but I would actually still pick up a snooker cue and just keep potting balls even if it's to get your hands /body /motor function used to it. It will be frustrating for a time as it won't be how you remembered it but you'll be surprised how the more you do it, the more you'll keep improving. The sexual dysfunction problem, I know that these things can be talked through with a doctor, I don't know what they prescribe, I know that this will have an effect on you mentally but focus on the things to get your body better and those things will hopefully, eventually come in time too and improve for you. Family and friends can be and are a huge support, but only you'll understand your pain. Pain can cause anxiety and depression so help yourself as soon as you can with things as much as possible to try and eliminate as much pain as you can. Are you speaking to anyone about pain relief whether that's medication or natural?
@velociraptorwolf447 3 жыл бұрын
@@lauraironstalksms My neurologist took a load of blood from me almost three weeks ago, to determine which kind of steroid to give me. So really just waiting for her to get back to me. I am really hoping that these steroids will do something, even just give me a 3rd of my mobility back and stop the numbness. Just to be able to get in and out of the bath, on and off the toilet and to get dressed properly, that would make me happy again. Currently I take cocodamol for pain. I also take a lot of herbal remedies everyday, Holland and Barratt's finest; B12, D3, Blackseed oil, Magnesium, Turmeric, Applecider vinegar, Lions Main and Omega 3. I have no idea if they're doing anything though.
@lauraironstalksms 3 жыл бұрын
@@velociraptorwolf447 I don't know how steroids work for everyone, I think it will be different. Just to let you know, I was so bad with my 4th relapse, I felt like you so excited to get steroids as I wanted a quick resolution to what I was feeling and I wanted it to go away quickly. I took them and I was disappointed. The inflammation was obviously so bad and it actually didn't do too much for me and what effect it did have took ages. I'm just saying this because although steroids can resolve many symptoms, they sometimes don't give us the quick fix we need and it it may take longer. However, it's progress and I hope that it has a positive effect for you. Yay to the other things you're doing! you didn't say how long you've been taking them for, most vitamins take around 3-4 months to get into our bodies to take effect so perseverance is the key with those. Vitamin D and B12 are my definite go toos. You have the right ideas already, you can do this just stay strong mentally. Keep me posted on the bloods and what they say about your steroids 🤞
@SamA-ef4zk 2 жыл бұрын
I feel heartbroken because my employment is also stressful and has gone wrong im going to quit i feel pushed out. Its effecting my health more to I feel like i will struggle to find a role again and maybe Tysabri works against me I dont know x goodluck x
@lauraironstalksms 2 жыл бұрын
So sorry to hear this, I hope things get better for you soon 🙏🧡
@SamA-ef4zk 2 жыл бұрын
Laura Irons talks MS thank you I wrote them an email yesterday of how they've acted n gave notice.. I'll look fr jobs again 🤦🏽‍♀️and dread to face them next week🙈🙏🏽 are you on Instagram?x
@lauraironstalksms 2 жыл бұрын
Well done you! I was going to suggest that nothing that stressful is worth your health suffering but I believe that is the right thing. Something that is right for you will come along. Yes I'm on insta - Laurai1980 👍
@maryamjamimansoor8919 6 ай бұрын
Hi .am tooo MS victm 24th year going on now days my situation going worse i myself dont kno what to do am loosing hopes 😢😢 am tired of new new medication and its making my body weak 😢25/7 am on bed mood changes lack of sleep forgetting stuffs very scard of dark and meeting people etc 😢
@miszwer3197 Жыл бұрын
how do i find job? i just finished my intern and i diagnosed with MS during my intern..then now, im looking for a job..its hurt that they turned me down after askng about my medical record, obviously im fine only this MS suddnly came out of nowhere.and its true im good..i dont feel like im having MS.. but why??? why so hard??? 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
@lauraironstalksms Жыл бұрын
Hi, sorry to hear that. Honestly it's not aways easy to get a job after having a diagnosis because the employer doesn't understand the what that means for them. You don't actually have to declare your MS until after you're done given the job.. I'm finding the same at the moment, applied for 4, didn't hear back from 2, and turned down. from one who asked me about my MS. Have faith, it will come as not everyone is like that and you will get a job 👍
@miszwer3197 Жыл бұрын
@@lauraironstalksms its nice to hear from you.... then, should I not tell that i was diagnosed with MS when im hiring a job?
@lauraironstalksms Жыл бұрын
Yes you do not have to tell your prospective employer that you have a disability. It's not a legal requirement to disclose this information. If you get the job then you can always let them know after
@miszwer3197 Жыл бұрын
@@lauraironstalksms thank you so much for your advice..really ease my feeling rightnow...hope will be better for us.
@kitshrapnel8548 3 жыл бұрын
PS go check out LONG HAUL PAUL utube
@lauraironstalksms 3 жыл бұрын
'Riding a motorcycle a million miles' That guy is inspiring people with MS
@kitshrapnel8548 3 жыл бұрын
@@lauraironstalksms now go check my comment on dr Boster after you take the dogs out ; )
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