How NOT to Conquer Germania: Why Rome Failed!

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Kaptorga - Visual History

Kaptorga - Visual History

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3 Essential Things to understand Germanic History - Part III:
Why Rome failed!
For decades roman Emperor Augustus sent Legions to the so called "Germania" lead by some of his most capable generals. But none of them managed, what Caesar had only taken a couple of years in Gaul:
Installing a roman Province in "Germania".
In the final part of our 3 Essential things to understand germanic history we're asking for the reasons of this unusual failure, that helped creating myths and legends around the mysterious germanic people.
Jahrzehntelang schickte Augustus römische Legionen in das sogenannte "Germanien", teilweise angeführt von seinen fähigsten Generälen.
Aber keinem von Ihnen gelang, wofür Caesar in Gallien nur wenige Jahre brauchte:
Die Errichtung einer römischen Provinz "Germanien".
Im letzten Teil der Reihe "3 Wesentliche Punkte zum Verständnis germanischer Geschichte" widmen wir uns den Gründen dieses ungewöhnlichen Versagens, das so viele Mythen und Legenden über die mysteriösen Germanen inspirierte.
Intro Music by Elias Kündiger, Soundcloud: / user-233761243
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Пікірлер: 69
@kaneeda415 10 ай бұрын
Ich liebe die antiken original Aufnahmen von Caesar und Vercingetorix am Anfang des Videos ^^
@babelhuber3449 10 ай бұрын
Somehow reminds me of modern Afghanistan...
@veidt3764 10 ай бұрын
thought the same some time ago
@KaptorgaVisualHistory 10 ай бұрын
Kind of, yes. There are some obvious similarities.
@steffent.6477 10 ай бұрын
Das Ende ist grandios. Bravo.
@sirrobertthepaleblack8561 10 ай бұрын
😁👌 Wie immer top!👍 Die musikalische Einlage am Ende hat mich gekillt🤣 now it's time to start rome-in' 🤘😎
@Joe-yj8xu 10 ай бұрын
Well done. Thats one of the best explanations I've heard. It makes sense. Thank you
@ellicrown 10 ай бұрын
Das Ende 😅😅 Informativ wie immer.❤
@C_Seamus 10 ай бұрын
Dasselbe wie immer, Keep 'em comin Johnny boy!
@EmpressCosplay 10 ай бұрын
Kaptorga kann einfach alles - interessante und verständliche Videos, banger songs, das schönste R der Welt... Grüße aus Franken ;)
@jkmaxwell8836 10 ай бұрын
Dorothor? :-D
@petrairene 10 ай бұрын
The Romans failed in Germania for the same reasons why the Americans failed in Afghanistan. They tried to implement their type of government structure in a place where people traditionally had totally different forms of government.
@KaptorgaVisualHistory 10 ай бұрын
Kind of, yes. There are very obvious similarities.
@CandyXenonBlue 10 ай бұрын
Sehr fein. Danke! Und der Rap 🤪. Ich versuche mir vorzustellen wie ihr das aufgenommen habt 🤣
@jkmaxwell8836 10 ай бұрын
Mit einem Mikrofon im Wohnzimmer 😂 Dankeschön ❤
@yezzariael965 10 ай бұрын
thanks, great job 👍 and the song 🤣
@ltk3846 10 ай бұрын
So eine tolle stimme Ich verlange einen kaptorga song mit euch allen
@zorabandida5632 10 ай бұрын
großartig, wie immer
@YuukiShirin 10 ай бұрын
Wirklich gutes Video! Darf man fragen wann man den erneut mit Phillipps und Adams Anwesenheit gesegenet wird? 🙈 irgendwie vermisse ich die beiden...
@KaptorgaVisualHistory 10 ай бұрын
Wir sind noch da, versprochen. Wir stecken nur bis zum Hals in Arbeit.
@Wattebauschchen 10 ай бұрын
Adam hat gerade etwas Neues abgedreht und in zwei Wochen kommt es! ❤️
@YuukiShirin 10 ай бұрын
@@Wattebauschchen darauf freue ich mich dann besonders Doll!
@YuukiShirin 10 ай бұрын
@@KaptorgaVisualHistory das ist beruhigend! Freue mich jedenfalls schon euch beide dann endlich mal wieder erblicken zu können!
@josch8694 10 ай бұрын
​@@KaptorgaVisualHistoryMacht auch mal wieder Podcast!!
@mawudo6588 10 ай бұрын
Schande über mich, dass ich erst jetzt bemerke, dass dieses Video online ist. Aber sehr gutes Video. Es hat mich immer gewundert wie Ariovist so viele Männer aufstellen konnte, passte für mich nicht in mein Bild von den germanischen Stämmen.
@HerrWimaniak 10 ай бұрын
Klasse! Richtich jut, inklusive Suebenknoten. Aber wer macht denn solch eine herrliche Mucke? Und wo findet man den Rest dieses "Schlachtgesangs"?
@morvana_3477 10 ай бұрын
Dieses Intro😍😂
@saitenspieler3489 7 ай бұрын
Many thanks for this info, sounds plausible to me! I would add one thing, if I may. Yes, there has been no political people Germania. However, all those guys spoke German. Well, all sorts of dialects, not necessarily understanding each other. But with similar rules and basic words. And this is how we differenciate between people still today. By their language. They can be politically divided though, like the chinese dialect in Japan. Or the Latin speaking French and Spanish people. Or let's take the many countries in the east of Europe. Where you have lot's of different languages, based on the same slavic origin. I guess, Germanic and Slavic people are more similar to each other than the people from southern Europe. Where, as you've explained, more centralised organisations had developed. Be it in Greece or Rome or among the celtic tribes.
@JostSchwider 10 ай бұрын
👍 - auch für den YT-Algo! 😊
@psikodelriot6754 10 ай бұрын
Wenigstens ist uns "Smells like teen spirit", von den alten Römern geblieben.
@Sadic81 10 ай бұрын
Warum werden mir die Videos nicht in meinem Feed gezeigt? Vielleicht sollte ich mal meine Patreon news mails lesen 😅
@MendocinoMotorenWerk 10 ай бұрын
So, it's like trying to herd cats
@mightypeon4269 7 ай бұрын
Having interfaced with current tribal cultures a bit: Me against my brother My brother and me against my cousin My brother, me and my cousin against my distant nephews All of us against the strange invaders, especially if they are rich.
@dodgyyoutuber9560 21 күн бұрын
More english content pleaaaaase!
@samweiseldursson3785 10 ай бұрын
In der Kurzform war einfach alles zu zersiedelt und das dann auch nur sperrlich? Hab ich das richtig verstanden?
@KaptorgaVisualHistory 10 ай бұрын
Keine zentralen Strukturen, keine zentralen Ansprechpartner, dadurch zwar auch keine großen Armeen aber viele durchaus wehrhafte kleinere Gruppen. Die ganze Gemengelage war für die Römer unmöglich zentralisiert zu kontrollieren. Man konnte sich zwar in großen militärischen Expeditionen immer wieder siegreich durchsetzen, auch nach der Varusschlacht, aber man konnte die Gebiete nicht kontrollieren, weil man keine einheimische zentrale Elite hatte, die diese Aufgabe hätte übernehmen können.
@killerkraut9179 10 ай бұрын
Wen man einer alten ÖRR Sendung glauben kann ,Wissenschaftliche Sensation! Deutsche Städte älter als angenommen. Könnte einiges im Video vielleicht falsch sein?
@jkmaxwell8836 10 ай бұрын
Ich weiß nicht, wie "alt" die Dokus sind, auf die Du Dich berufst, aber die Informationen hier spiegeln den aktuellen Wissensstand der Forschung wieder. Offenbar handelt es sich bei den Informationen, auf die sich besagte Dokus beziehen, auf überholte Forschungsthesen.
@killerkraut9179 10 ай бұрын
@@jkmaxwell8836 Die Doku war mit Dieter Lelgemann sie war schon ein wenig älter !
@Herr_Vorragender 10 ай бұрын
Could all that be a part of the reason why Karl the great needed to constantly travel around the country? 🤔 (Sorry for dumb questions, I'm just poorly educated 😉) But that may imply that people had to be kept united by force. Then again, why didn't the Kings of neighboring countries need to constantly travel like Karl the great did? Or did they? Why else would Kings build giant pompous palaces if not to grow fat and lazy in their golden cages? 🙈🙉🙊 Was this spot of land simply late with unification and hence late building palaces? 🤷‍♂ Ps: Awesome of you to broadcast in universal language for all our curious neighbors 🙂👍
@KaptorgaVisualHistory 10 ай бұрын
Oh, very good questions and I could answer them all, but that would take more space as the comment section has to offer. In short: With the fall of the Western Roman Empire all the kinds of Roman government and administration disappeared. The answer was the feudalism - a system that regulated itself so to say. But as soon as Karl wanted to become and became Roman Emporer (that's what he wanted to be, not a German Kaiser), he had to find a possibility to be around and be able to meet his feudal fellowship, sign documents for them, declare all kinds of jurisprudential and administrative decisions etc. The only institution capable of writing, doing accountancy and all this was the Roman catholic church, that's why church and Nobles aka the ruling elite were woven together since the fall of the Western Roman Empire and especially since the restauration of the Empire under Karl. Through the whole period of middle ages there was a constant battle for power between church and worldly nobles but on the other hand they desperately depended on each other. Long story short: That's why there appear to be similarities between the times before and after the Romans in the germanic territories. In both cases it's because of the lack of a central power with a central administration. I hope I could answer your question in some ways and did not leave behind more question marks than before.
@Herr_Vorragender 10 ай бұрын
@@KaptorgaVisualHistory holy moly, your answer is wicked good! I understand now. Thanks a ton 🤩
@Kuhmuhnistische_Partei 10 ай бұрын
Maybe to add: The concept of an Itinerant court - a travelling court as an alternative to having a fixed capital - was quite common during the Early Medieval Age. Power in feudalism wasn't that much based on rule over territory or having the biggest army but on personal relations. So now you are a king and you have your dukes and whatever all around the kingdom to rule their territories in your name. And instead of making them come to your court at some fixed place all the time (and enforcing that they have to do that), it could be more efficient to just travel around visiting them or traveling at least close enough to them that they can join you for a while. It means they have more time to actually rule the territory and be present there and they can visit your court when it's close to them which is not only a great opportunity to meet up with the king but also to meet other nobles from the bigger area you live in as well as some who come from further away and just decided to stay with the court for longer. Some kingdoms established capitals quite early - Paris and London would be quite early examples - for whatever reasons. The Holy Roman Empire on the other hand didn't have a fixed capital for all its existence (so until 1806 when it ended), but it had a bunch of cities and places like Aachen or Cologne that were more important than others - Aachen for example because most of the Kings of Germany (Rex Teutonicorum - an important step to becoming the Roman Emperor, although some were crowned king but never emperor) where crowned there. And it's also not like the king/emperor just traveled around randomly, he had personal holdings and palaces all around the empire and would use those as temporary court places. I think you could even say that in a sense that actually started in the Roman Empire, because Rome as the big important capital was more a Roman Republic thing. The existence of the Roman Emperor led to steady decline of the importance of Rome which was mostly the place of the senate, but more and more power was shifted to the Emperor which meant that the new place of power was not necessarily Rome, but whereever the Emperor was. And the Emperor was not that often in Rome but rather near the borders, near whoever the Roman Empire had beef with. Which then led to the whole thing with the tetrarchy where there were four capitals with four Emperors (two augusti and two caesares) and Rome, which surely had cultural and economic significance, but wasn't really the central place of political power anymore, was not always among them. The last proper Western Roman Emperor and Augustus Julius Nepos for example had Ravenna as his capital.
@KaptorgaVisualHistory 10 ай бұрын
@@Kuhmuhnistische_Partei Absolutely.
@leonhagenbaumer6809 10 ай бұрын
Endlich 😂
@tonlito22 10 ай бұрын
Sounds like you're laying the groundwork to talk about the Chattii.
@killerkraut9179 10 ай бұрын
Eine alte 3 Sat Doku ging davon aus das viele Deutsche Städte viel älter sind als früher behauptet ! Also könnte einige Thesen im Video Falsch sein!
@KaptorgaVisualHistory 10 ай бұрын
Das Video gibt den aktuellen Forschungsstand von Archäologie und Geschichtswissenschaft wieder. Ältere 3 Sat Dokus sind unserer Erfahrung nach eher mit Vorsicht zu genießen. Ggf bezog sich die Doku auch auf die sogenannte Weltkarte des Ptolemäus. In dieser sind im germanischen Barbaricum Siedlungen, sogar mit Namen, eingezeichnet, die heute archäologisch nicht zu finden und nachzuweisen sind. Die Genauigkeit der Karte ist allerdings strittig und die Forschung dazu dauert an.
@KaptorgaVisualHistory 10 ай бұрын
@@Flaemingfreund Was ist an archäologisch nachweisbarer dezentraler Siedlungs-- und Sozialstruktur der Germanen ideologisch ähnlich wie 1984? Oder ist ein Unterschied zur zentralen Oppidakultur der Gallo-Kelten auch schon links-grün und unerträglich?
@jkmaxwell8836 10 ай бұрын
Das ist ja schön, dass Du das zu bezweifeln wagst. Zweifel ist der Grundstein jeglichen wissenschaftlichen Arbeitens. Es ist genau dieser wissenschaftliche Zweifel, der zur Überholung älterer Forschungsmeinungen führte und weiter führt. Auch der aktuelle Forschungsstand wird sich an zukünftigen Erkenntnissen und den daraus entstandenen Zweifeln messen lassen müssen. Die grundsätzliche Unterstellung von ideologischer Korruption gegenüber Allem, was das eigene Weltbild infrage stellt, hat aber mit einem differenzierten und gut informierten Zweifel im wissenschaftlichen Sinne sehr wenig zu tun. Auf Basis von pauschalen Vermutungen und Unterstellungen lässt sich eine inhaltlich orientierte Diskussion nämlich leider sehr schwer aufbauen.
@theperricum3156 10 ай бұрын
Rome Rome Rome your Boat.
@jkmaxwell8836 10 ай бұрын
Romeing, romeing, romeing Doesn't feel like Homing In forests we are roaming So wild Move 'em on, head 'em up, Head 'em up, move 'em on Move 'em on, head 'em up Everything's so wiiiiiild!
@hannibalburgers477 10 ай бұрын
There is a reason you are in the bottom of this comment section @theperricum3156
@mircearusticeanu6475 10 ай бұрын
Wherever I May Rome
@Flozone1 9 ай бұрын
An interesting linguistic tidbit is that Proto-Germanic had no word for "King". Well they had one, which is now our word King, but there is more to that. The Latins had rēx and the Celts their rīx, both are related to the Indian word rāja as well. As we can assume that this word was the original word for a King, yet the Germanics lacked this word, they had to import it. The word reiks (pronounced like rīx, because Gothic be like that) is only found in Gothic, yet due to names (Friedrich, Alarich, Theoderich etc) we can assume it existed in some form in Germanic, but it was imported from the Celts/Gauls. There is "Reich" and of course "reich", but that is not a person! Yet again this word isn't used in the oldest sources either. Well those are Gothic and Gothic is kind of an outlier, but it is the oldest Germanic language we have. They used þiudangardi instead. The word that is now King was Kuningaz, but this Kuningaz is not a monarch, only perhaps a leader of some kind of family or clan unit. That kun- there is the same as English kin and Latin gēns and also Indian jāti (caste). While linguistic anthropology has its certain limits, I think this is rather telling, especially the part, where it is taken from the Celts/Gauls. So Germanic kingship in the early centuries BC and AD, the time where Proto-Germanic would have been spoken, was something inspired by their western neighbors, a concept which previously didn't exist.
@Flozone1 9 ай бұрын
@ViliSuutarinen Yes that is true. Finnish adopted a lot of early Germanic vocabulary and preserved it almost unchanged. Like how all Germanic languages lost their -as ending (Well Icelandic at least has -ur now), but Finnish words kept it. Rengas is another such word right?
@maddin9703 10 ай бұрын
Ich dachte schon es geht um Reconquista Germania
@DwarfElvishDiplomacy 10 ай бұрын
How not to conquer the riddle of steel: How Crom failed
@canemcave 10 ай бұрын
exactly the same as what happened with the USA, won most of the battles, lost all the wars when it tried to reform and align with the west a number of nations
@jkmaxwell8836 10 ай бұрын
Sort of, yes.
@Flozone1 9 ай бұрын
You can also look at how Spain colonised Mexico and the Andes and where they failed. Aztecs and Inca were easy, but Spain failed at defeating the Mapuche or Chichimecas. The British and French didn't really coopt the social structures in N. America at all.
@berndlauert8179 10 ай бұрын
rome did in the end conquer germania and make it a province with all the roman societal structures, but only when those germanics controlled the empire and the army
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