How to Homebrew Spells in Dungeons and Dragons 5e

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MONSTERS OF DRAKKENHEIM is 300+ pages of eldritch horror inspired monsters for 5e by the Dungeon Dudes! Coming to Kickstarter March 26th, 2024: We discuss the ins and outs of creating your own custom spells for your games of D&D.
0:00 - Intro
1:24 - What is the Fantasy?
4:06 - What Classes?
7:10 - What School of Magic?
8:37 - Concentration
10:49 - Casting Time
12:21 - Use Comparison!
13:13 - What Level Should Your Spell Be?
14:06 - How Much Damage & What Type?
16:25 - Attack Roll, or Saving Throw?
17:37 - What Type of Saving Throw?
20:09 - Magnitude Of Effects
21:50 - Material Components
24:06 - Ritual Spells
27:11 - Cantrips
28:11 - Play Test!
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Пікірлер: 341
@TheClericCorner 2 жыл бұрын
I always encourage my players to create one spell that's unique to their character, something that they know and can cast that fit their flavor. A 'signature move' if you will
@merijn4440 2 жыл бұрын
*"How to screw over martial characters 101"* ;)
@adamnguyen966 2 жыл бұрын
@@merijn4440 you can do the same with martial abilities. Let them create a battle master tactic or something
@Thetruepianoman 2 жыл бұрын
@@merijn4440 how is that screwing them?
@sirpantsalot123 2 жыл бұрын
@@merijn4440 martial classes can make something up too?
@christianlangdon3766 2 жыл бұрын
For martials I would have them able to do a technique or spell like ability. A rogue would be a cunning action type. Artificer is a unique gadget etc. Sadly screwed the pooch on my long form campaign due to shifting players in the first few sessions and not sure if it's to late when we are going into the first big bad evil guy since last year when it started
@bradbradfordson9158 2 жыл бұрын
We allow a healing cantrip at our table, it requires touch and allows the target to expend a hit die. We also run brutal rest rules so hit dice are valuable resources.
@Kirk9019 2 жыл бұрын
I like this. The other thing that came to my mind was a "life transference" cantrip. Caster loses X HP target gains what the caster lost, touch range.
@OnigoroshiZero 2 жыл бұрын
I made some similar ones (low level healing spells and cantrips), I really do believe that healing in general requires a huge buff, especially when combined with harsher rules.
@CapnAlces 2 жыл бұрын
It's so hard to balance a healing cantrip. Normally, I'd say even a hit die is too low a cost unless the healer is spending theirs (though it seems reliable only at low level). But if HD are a hot commodity, that's a great healing cantrip. I think you guys absolutely nailed it.
@kylesimone6140 Жыл бұрын
i have an idea energizing touch: heal 1d2 health range: touch time 2 rounds this is probably inbalanced lol
@gunnarkilborn3915 Жыл бұрын
​@@Kirk9019 I think life transferene is a spell already, it's a 3rd level spell, the caster loses 4d8 hp and the target regains twice as much hp.
@krikorajemian8524 2 жыл бұрын
Years ago (back in 3.5e days) one of my PCs was a dwarf battlesmith cleric. We joked that he should create a "Summon Anvil" spell, mostly for utility, but with the option of using it in combat by summoning it above the head of an enemy. Never statted out the spell, though.
@AvangionQ 2 жыл бұрын
D&D Summon Anvil ... yep, that spell already exists in homebrew on the D&D wiki 😹
@Zarkonem 2 жыл бұрын
Step 1. Find a way to make the wish spell not sound overpowered while not actually changing the way it actually operates. Step 2. Make it a cantrip.
@Hazel-xl8in 2 жыл бұрын
what is prestidigitation if not a cantrip-level wish
@Zarkonem 2 жыл бұрын
@@Hazel-xl8in Now your getting the picture!
@siroreo 2 жыл бұрын
@@Hazel-xl8in most of the wishes in my life I’ve casually made in my head would have been sccomplishable by prestidigitation. I think you’re 100% correct
@hvypower2472 2 жыл бұрын
You can also call it genie's intervention to make clerics angry .
@TJBUSMC1973 2 жыл бұрын
@@Hazel-xl8in One of my all-time favorites. So many possibilities make it *almost* broken.
@Kopenich 2 жыл бұрын
I've made a few, but the only two that stand out are summed up as such: 1: Air Jump - Basically Jump slightly reduced, but once a turn you can jump in the air which negates fall damage (mini, single target feather fall+jump combo) 2: Don't - You waste a spell slot as a reaction to suggest anyone "don't"... that's all, no mechanical benefit. I love this spell Also, in a game I DM on and off, I gave my players all "soul orbs" that will eventually manifest a "custom spell" their character will be able to cast 1/2 times a day between 1st and 3rd level. I have repeatedly expressed to them "take any fantasy ability you would like your character to have, and this spell will fulfill that for you."
@mikecarson7769 2 жыл бұрын
wow, your experience shows strongly and positively about how to develop homebrew spells. i like how you guide through a set of logical steps, including to consider if maybe a "new" idea really could be just a re-interpretation of an existing spell. The time stamp codes are super helpful to go back to double-check some of the details, too!
@haydenstockwell252 2 жыл бұрын
Three of the more unique spells I've created: - Mindscape: A 7th-level spell that lets you and some buddies enter the mind of an unconscious creature, Inside Out-style. - Restwatch: For 8 hours, being asleep doesn't impose the Unconscious condition, and you have blindsight to 120 feet. The spell ends if you take any damage. - Funaniki's inconspicuous imposture: A 4th-level blend of "disguise self," "tongues," and the Doctor's "I belong wherever I am" papers that hilariously doesn't let you actually understand the languages of the folks you're imitating.
@OnetastyJoe 2 жыл бұрын
How has restwatch worked outside of actual resting? What is the spell level? Maybe sleep is required for the blindsight to work?
@haydenstockwell252 2 жыл бұрын
@@OnetastyJoe It's a 4th-level transmutation spell with a casting time of 10 minutes and a duration of 8 hours. The idea is that you're enabling yourself to "sleep adventure" instead of sleepwalk. Its primary use is for guard duty; you can use it for blindsight in a pinch, but that ability is fragile in dangerous environments by design (see damage clause), and you'll be better served by "see invisibility" if that's all you need. Still, the idea of someone traversing a dungeon with their eyes closed was funny enough that I wanted to keep the possibility alive, however faintly. XD
@haydenstockwell252 2 жыл бұрын
@@OnetastyJoe "You fall into a magical slumber, remaining fully conscious and ambulatory. For the duration, being asleep does not impose the unconscious condition, and you have blindsight out to a range of 120 feet. The spell ends early if you take any damage. If the spell lasts for the full duration, you gain the same benefit you would have from eight hours of restful sleep (if any). " So, you are asleep: you just aren't Unconscious.
@DurandalsFate 2 жыл бұрын
I would absolutely build an _Inception_ adventure around Mindscape. Just rip off everything.
@matthewscorner2990 Жыл бұрын
I am absolutely gonna use some of those spell concepts.
@Neutral_Tired 2 жыл бұрын
I've been really interested in creating necromantic and occult spells. Summoning and communing with spirits and fiends, that sort of thing Constantine-style magic is some of my favourite stuff in all of fantasy.
@pointynoodle 2 жыл бұрын
The fantasy aspect is key: when I reflavoured a tempest cleric into an acidic germaphobe, I discovered significant boredom in making acidballs and the like. When balancing those fantasies however, similar-levelled spells of the same school are excellent guides. Also remember some spells (like fireball, eldritch blast, etc) are supposed to be a little above the curve, so unless you're deliberately changing the curve you probably want to stay under the thresholds set by those gamechangers.
@alexcurtis6180 2 жыл бұрын
Just yesterday, our group were joking around, changing one or two letters of spell names. Ended up homebrewing a spell for our heavy metal bard. Thunderous Spite. Shout insults and obscenities at 120 dB. Basically a really powerful AOE Vicious Mockery.
@TJBUSMC1973 2 жыл бұрын
Could also go with ‘Thunderous Smile’ for a boisterous bard. Just remove the Vocal component from Charm Person and replace it with a Material complement (polished and oversized ivory dentures - 100 gp, not consumed by the spell)
@cademiksek6769 2 жыл бұрын
This sounds AMAZING. What are the specific stats you used? I'd love to throw this into my games!
@alexcurtis6180 2 жыл бұрын
Thunderous Spite. 4th level Enchantment spell. Casting time: Action. Duration: Instantaneous. Components: Verbal, Material (cicada shell). You magically amplify your voice and shout insults and obscenities against all enemies in your range. All creatures within 10 feet of you must make a Constitution saving throw, taking 3d8 thunder damage on failure, half on a success. Additionally, all hostile creatures within 30 feet of you that can hear you must make a Wisdom saving throw, taking 4d6 psychic damage on a failure, half on a success.
@malcolmrowe9003 2 жыл бұрын
Are these all spells for the college drop-out bard that someone posted on one of the 5e Facebook groups a whole back. One of his abilities was to come out with misspelled spells. I think the DM got to choose the actual effects based on his interpretation of the name.
@BeaglzRok1 2 жыл бұрын
Whenever I convert or homebrew a spell, the first step is the 1-2 lines of flavor text that explain what the spell looks like and wraps in the mechanics like "beguile a creature within range" before getting into the actual mechanical effects. My players love the added immersive aspect of how cool this new spell looks in-game, be it a cone spray of electrical sparks to zap an area, a glowing hourglass of blood that appears over an enemy's head to show their relative hitpoints, the victim's shadow dragging them to a demiplane of fear as a sidegrade Banishment, white flames bursting from their target's extremities to deal fire damage and force their attacks to have disadvantage, or a low bell tone of finality as the cleric/paladin swings their weapon down on an unstable target, force-failing two death saves, CON-saving the third, and gaining temp HP and advantage on their next STR attack roll on a kill. After that, it's determining the numbers involved, and/or how best to translate old mechanics to 5e. "Gain HP until the spell ends"-type stuff becomes temp HP, "Save vs Death Magic/Breath Weapon" is CON/DEX save respectively, that sort of stuff. If it's SUPER weird, like There/Not There, it's basically a whole column of text describing how observation affects quantum mechanics. Generally things use Concentration if something similar has Concentration; a light that casts See Invisibility and also lets you see secret doors for a higher level spell slot and shorter duration probably won't, a mini Wall of Force that makes all attacks through it target the attacker probably should.
@WS-nh3qe 2 жыл бұрын
I had fun designing spells but my favorite was more like a mechanic for wizard duels. It required the targets to be willing and bounced saves back and forth by the Targets. It used their spell slots as a combination attack and hp. Example wizard 1 uses a 4 level spell to power that round wizard 2 saves burns a 2nd level spell to counter, wizard 1 fails and losses a 2nd or two first level slots. This continues until one wizard bows out or losses all their spell slots. It is more for cinematic fights between wizard rather then mechanical focused but for my wizard school I found it a great fit.
@BODELTOTE 2 жыл бұрын
I still think that the bard 9th level spell "Brown Note" is and will ever be the best homebrew spell.
@walterbunn280 2 жыл бұрын
is that not just stinking cloud?
@lesstraveledpath 2 жыл бұрын
I have two cantrips that I LOVE to role play with. 1) Handy Scribe Copy text, drawings, maps, and sketches to a blank piece of parchment. The source area to be copied can be up to 100sqft (e.g. everything on a desk top, a tapestry, a statue, a portrait sketch of a person, runes carved into a wall). The target parchment must be at least 20% the size of the source area to be copied for text & fine details remain legible. The copy process takes 1 minute per 10sqft of the source up to 100sqft. It is possible to copy an area larger than 100sqft, like a landscape (to make a map), or large wall carving - but the details will not be sufficient to read any text or identify any finer details (like faces, or runes). For source areas larger than 100sqft, the copy takes 5 minutes per 1 sqft of the target parchment. Alternatively, this spell can take dictation and record spoken text onto the parchment. Each 10 minutes of dictation requires 1 sqft of parchment to record. Concentration is required while using this spell during the duration of the copy. This spell requires spell components of a piece of parchment, a writing quill, and 1 ml of ink per 1 sq ft of the target parchment. It is possible to add a "passphrase" to the copied parchment to "hide" the copied text or drawings. The parchment will appear to be blank, but may be written on AFTER the Handy Scribe is cast. In order to see the copy, the passphrase must be said aloud by someone touching the parchment. A separate passphrase may be used to revert the parchment to blank, or to the non-magical writing. (e.g "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good." "Mischief managed.") This is a fun utility spell for all spell casters. But I really like having this for any spy or explorer characters. I am looking for ways to get this capability into the hands of artificers, rogues, and rangers. A magical quill with the same capability is an idea that I am playing around with. 2) Eidetic Memory The caster may record a memory for later review. Everything that the caster could have seen or heard is recorded for the duration of concentration. For a quiet & still room, the caster may recall the contents of the room, including any legible text or runes or maps, given sufficient time to create the memory. 10 minutes of time is required per 100 sqft of the room. The caster may remain stationary while recording, anything that would be visible to the caster is included. If the caster is not able to read a written language or runes at the time of casting, they must make a proficiency check each time the memory is reviewed to see if they are able to accurately recreate the writing from memory. For a live scene, everything the caster can see and hear from their vantage point is retained. The caster can move while maintaining the recording. The caster may hold one memory in their mind, with the casting modifier additional memories. Memories may be saved and attached to a physical object. Any person may view this memory, by holding onto the object and concentrating. Memories that are transferred to a physical object can no longer be recalled with exact detail without the object. This spell requires concentration. If the caster takes any damage during the concentration, the recorded memory is lost. For Druids & Rangers, I use a variation "Fly on the wall" that allows them to enchant a small insect or animal and use the animals eyes & ears to spy on a scene. This is a fun utility spell for all spell casters. But I really like having this for any spy or explorer characters. I am looking for ways to get this capability into the hands of artificers, rogues, and rangers. A magical glass eye or looking glass with the same capability is an idea that I am playing around with for non-spell casters.
@rubixman7x7 2 жыл бұрын
Waypoint 2nd level 1 minute casting time 12 hour duration When casting the spell, you draw an arcane circle with chalk around 2 feet in diameter around the idol that will act as the waypoint. The process also imbues a twig with magical energy and links it to the idol. Each casting of the spell requires its own idol and arcane circle. While you are within the spell range of the idol and the circle, you can use an action to snap the twig, releasing the energy inside to teleport you in an unoccupied square adjacent to the idol. Once snapped, the twig cannot be used for another teleportation and the spell ends if there are no other twigs connected to the idol. If the circle is broken, the idol is moved, or the twig is snapped outside of the spell's range, the teleportation will not happen. The caster can move the idol to a new location and take 1 minute to draw a new arcane circle around it. Once it is drawn, the waypoint will be active again. At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell at 3rd level or higher, the spell range increases by 50 ft and the number of twigs you can enchant at once increases by 1. * - (An Ivory idol worth 25gp, chalk, and a twig which is consumed upon activation)
@kylesimone6140 Жыл бұрын
i believe this somewhat of a official spell now idr the name
@derricksteward4483 2 жыл бұрын
Singularity 5th level congregation Casting Time: 1 action Range: 150 feet Components: V, S Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute Class: Wizard Description: You create a small black sphere 1 foot in diameter anywhere within range that is not an occupied space. The sphere affects a 60 foot radius around it pulling everything within range towards it, the affected area is considered difficult terrain. Creatures within its range make a DC strength saving throw or be pulled 30 feet toward it; creatures must repeat the save at the start of each of their turn(s). Creatures that start there turn on the sphere, or enter it take 4d8 force damage. Dead bodies and non-magical items pulled into the sphere are destroyed leaving no trace of them.
@matthewwinans3068 2 жыл бұрын
Nice idea. I might have to "borrow" it.
@bubbles9829 2 жыл бұрын
I actually had a similar idea, I love the idea of pulling, grouping the enemies together so someone else could do a fireball or an other OE attack. I was thinking a lower level spell but you can cast it a harder level to make it bigger to pull/group more creatures and objects. I wasn't thinking of damage but damage is a good idea though. I really love your spell, I didn't really think that far ahead yet.
@matthewwinans3068 2 жыл бұрын
@@bubbles9829 You easily make it a lower level spell (1st or 2nd maybe) and call it "Gravity Well" or something similar, using your ideas.
@bubbles9829 2 жыл бұрын
@@matthewwinans3068 Awww, thank you 😊
@derricksteward4483 2 жыл бұрын
Magnetize 2nd level transmutation Casting Time: 1 action Range: 30 feet Components: V, S, M (two magnets) Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute Class: Artificer, Wizard Description: You target two creatures of size category medium or smaller within 30 feet of each other they become magnetically attracted to one another. Both targets make DC strength saving throws, if one fails they are pulled together and stuck to one another, if both succeed they are not. Targets stuck together have half their movement speed, and disadvantage on dexterity saving throws. On their turn they can use an action to make another strength saving throw to become unstuck. Both must repeat the save while they are within 30 feet of one another and unstuck at the start of each of their turns. The spell ends early if they are able to move more than 30 feet from one another, or one or more are incapacitated. At Higher Levels: If you cast the spell with a 3rd level or higher spell slot; you can add 1 additional target for every spell slot above 2nd. The spell ends on any one creature that is able to move more than 30 feet away from all affected creatures.
@green_dragon_knight 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the great video! It’s so useful to have different spell features broken down like this to give us practical tools and guidelines to shape each part of the spell :)
@dextra_24703 2 жыл бұрын
A teleport spell for druids I thought of is something like Bugs Bunnys holes where he just goes from one to another
@Hadaron 2 жыл бұрын
Tree Stride?
@dextra_24703 2 жыл бұрын
@@Hadaron I thought about it being able to place two points within a range of each other and people are able to go after you because the hole has like a duration of 1 minute.
@beginnercalisthenics 2 жыл бұрын
Step into a tree and out of another. Or concentration where you can continually step into and out of trees within range for a minute. "This is MY forest!"
@voidmystic00 2 жыл бұрын
I'm glad y'all made this video. I've had similar thoughts and ideas about the various factors needed to make spells, and I'm thankful that y'all properly elaborated on these points so effectively, efficiently, and elegantly. Please keep doing what you're and thanks for everything. 😁
@Aenggd 2 жыл бұрын
I really appreciate how well structured and focused your videos are. For me they are outshining most of the other DM advice out there for that reason.
@trisbowen195 2 жыл бұрын
hi guys! i just wanted to drop a note to say i'm a newbie and watch a LOT of your videos. thank you sooOOOooo much for including all the timestamp breakdowns for everything! i know that's a lot of extra busy work but absolutely invaluable on this end. you rock :D
@maxmillion4442 2 жыл бұрын
Just started DMing. Your videos have been an amazing help. And spells were something I was just thinking about. I would love a video on balancing magic items and advice on some good stuff to hand out for the party
@gitroni 2 жыл бұрын
Very good information to make new spells. The new zoom out at the end of the video also looks great!
@egonhomes 2 жыл бұрын
I made a spell which I really enjoyed playing with, based off of a spell from 3.5 in Dragon Magazine. Spectral Farce (3rd lvl Illusion): This spell makes a creature or object look like a badly crafted illusion. Movements may seem erratic, the feet might not make a sound when they hit the ground, or the object may appear to be made out of an impossible substance. The opponents can attempt to disbelieve it, and on a success they can operate as if the target isn't there until they interact with it (it bites them, etc). If a creature that this spell is cast upon makes an attack action, their attacks for that round gain advantage and the spell immediately ends. Do you have a Druid that has wild shaped into a T-rex? Make it look like an illusion, and get the lovely crunch. Have a rogue? Make people think he isn't there. Don't want someone following you? Make the bridge seem illusory. So many possiblities.
@powerunder9000 2 жыл бұрын
Hahaha Hilarious! Sounds like lagging in the game. I can also imagine it making things look slightly transparent or instead of faces people have “ : ^ ) “ drawn on their face
@deamon506 2 жыл бұрын
I’ve been contemplating developing a spell or spells to help standardize enchantment in my campaign
@raffy1406 2 жыл бұрын
Great video once again. I love hearing about why spells can do more or less damage based on their damage type
@TheHaven923 2 жыл бұрын
Fantastic guide! Also want to call out the section of the DMG for creating spells that has some great ground rules as well! It's interesting to see that baseline and then look at where other spells differ!
@nonamegiven202 2 жыл бұрын
another little check for concentration is "should the spell be counter-able" , say mage armor vs polymorph, players aren't going to need to strip someone of their "armor" to win a encounter vs. them freeing a player from being a frog would be a high priority in their game plan.
@PilotSun-rg9bh 2 жыл бұрын
I was just working on a Lich and wanted to make a new spell for it! Great timing Dudes!
@dakotabrowning5286 2 жыл бұрын
You guys have become such good presenters. Well done dudes and thank you sirs. I like your guys' homebrew content 💯
@emerynoel567 2 жыл бұрын
Hahaha Monty I almost spit my drink out when you describes the teleporting into somebody. As soon as Kelly started talking about "picture your spell", I started thinking about the Brutal Jaunt spell from (I think) D&D Unleashed Elements and Beyond. Anyway it was like you cast "read random viewer's mind".
@adriel8498 2 жыл бұрын
Woow! Love this kind of content! Just what I needed.
@nLinggod 2 жыл бұрын
An old spell I homebrewd for my mage waaaaay back in 2nd ed. My favourite ever. Flells Helpful Friends - created multiple tiny fairy-like forces that could perform minor tasks or work together to do one more complex task.
@Cblade031294 2 жыл бұрын
My favorite spell I made is Dark Transposition: 3rd Level Necromancy Casting Time: 1 action Range: Self (60 ft.) Components: V,S,M (a raven feather) Duration: Instantaneous You briefly turn into a flurry of ravens, dark mist or similar foreboding phenomena, before reappearing somewhere else. You teleport to an unoccupied Space within 60 feet of you, and forming a 10-foot wide line along the path you traveled. Creatures of your choice in the line must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or take 3d8 necrotic damage. At Higher levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 4th level or higher, the damage increases by 1d8 for each slot level above 3rd. Available to Sorcerer, Warlock and Wizard Edit: I replaced the spell-text with my more accurate notes :)
@beginnercalisthenics 2 жыл бұрын
Ooo. Not to change that, cause it sounds cool. Just made me think: teleport in a straight line from point A to point B as an action, creating a black foggy streak as you "zoom" teleport to point B. All characters in that line take whatever damage
@JagIzMoo 2 жыл бұрын
Wow, I needed this! Thanks dungeon dudes!
@2lazy4tag41 2 жыл бұрын
This showed up as I was considering making ice spells, pretty cool that KZfaq is actually monitoring my thoughts
@beginnercalisthenics 2 жыл бұрын
We all are... Well, not anymore.
@Changeling 2 жыл бұрын
While I'm not thinking about creating new spells, I am looking into converting some spells from older editions that have been neglected. This advice will come in handy for that, thanks.
@Marpaws 2 жыл бұрын
Great advice as always
@harrywhiteley89 2 жыл бұрын
I made quite an interesting Cantrip called Solomons Orbs of battle, the big disadvantage with it is that it uses a lot of action economy to get it doing stuff however if you went into it you could use it as your only combat cantrip and it weaponized the bonus action of the wizard and gave them something to do as a reaction defensively (It is also a super interesting pick for an Eldritch Knight), it Does force damage, it a 1d4 at a range of 60ft or a 1d8 at a reach of 10ft, it could also do other stuff in combat but it has yet to break anything yet despite being pretty good over all. it is also concentration. the idea behind it was a powerful wizards spell where they had magic swirling around them and they could use that magic in different offensive and defensive ways... either way I'll put it in here if anyone wanted to give it a go. Spell Name: Solomon’s Orbs of Battle. Spell Level: Cantrip. Casting Time: 1 Action. Range: Self. Components: V, S. Spell Duration: 1 Minute (Concentration). Effect: 5 orbs of magic are generated and hover around the caster, the caster can then use their Bonus Action or Reaction to manipulate the orbs in order to cause both offensive and defensive effects to happen. The orbs are not solid until they are activated by the spellcaster. Bonus Action: Expend 1 orb: make one Melee Spell attack with a 10ft Reach that deals 1d8 points of Force damage (per orb expended) or make one Ranged Spell attack (per orb expended) at a Range of 60ft that deals 1d4 points of Force damage. Reaction: Expend One orb: +1 AC (per orb expended) against one Attack Roll targeting the Spellcaster or +1 bonus (per orb expended) to a Saving Throw against one effect that requires a saving throw that effects the Spellcaster. In addition, whether the Attack hits or misses or the Saving Throw is saved or failed, the Spellcaster also gains temporary hit points equal to the orbs expended (before damage is rolled). At 5th level, 10 magical orbs are generated, and you can expend up to 2 orbs per Bonus Action or Reaction. At 11th level, 15 magical orbs are generated, and you can expend up to 3 orbs per Bonus Action or Reaction. And at 17th level, 20 magical orbs are generated, and you can expend up to 4 orbs per Bonus Action or Reaction.
@apotheosis21 2 жыл бұрын
This is super OP for a cantrip. Any one of these effects would put it on par with other cantrips, all of them together is way better than some 3rd level spells.
@harrywhiteley89 2 жыл бұрын
@@apotheosis21 I personally don't think it does enough on the math side of things when you look at it more generally, and it eats your concentration, also it is probably only as good as a third level spell when you hit 11th-17th level... which to be honest I think a lot of cantrips are between 2-3rd level spells at 11-17th level. but I can be persuaded on that ;)
@AwesomeWookiee 2 жыл бұрын
Love what you said about scaling special effects like teleport. Had an idea for a lower level Fly called "Leap" that makes one creature immune to fall damage and fly until the end of their turns (then fall out the sky) for a minute with your concentration. Thought it would be a fun way of letting that fighter or barbarian take on some pesky harpies, but without being nearly as good as Fly.
@justintime5021 Жыл бұрын
I am a big fan of flavoring your spells. I played a huge buff guy warlock who inherited his grandmother's wand and whenever he held it it automatically gave him a magical girl outfit a la sailor moon. All the spells were reflavored. Eldritch blast became twilight glitter burst, magic missile became shards of the moon princess etc. It was so incredibly fun. Just doing that and having your eldritch blast be a big glittery pink beam added a lot to the character. We even decided that his transformation into magical girl mode took one round and all creatures were stunned for that round. (So usually no mechanical effect but very true to the magical girl show motif). It was also perfect for the wild beyond witchlight campaign we were running
@DavidGrossNYC 9 ай бұрын
I swear my phone is listening to me. I was just working on a spell for a player and this pops up as a suggestion. In my case it’s being story/thematically driven but I did tell my wizard he can research and create his own spells as well. While I generally run things by the book I like adding things in when it has story/theme reasons. Looking forward to the rest of the video!
@mikegould6590 2 жыл бұрын
I have a bunch of homebrew spells. The trickiest thing is to balance them against existing content, and realizing their effect on existing classes. Being vigilant not to "re-invent the wheel" is important.
@TheFrozenite 2 жыл бұрын
I created a cantrip that used to be a level one spell from older editions. Larloch’s minor drain. 1 action, 30 feet, instantaneous/1hour. You reach from the shadows of creature you can see within range, pulling vitality from their physical body, using it to fortify yourself. The target must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save the creature takes 1d4 necrotic damage, you gain a number of temporary hit points equal to the damage dealt, which lasts 1 hour. Constructs are immune to this damage. It has the usual level progression of cantrips gaining a d4 at the appropriate levels.
@greenguy2246 2 жыл бұрын
Just what I needed thank you!
@BlackShadow1991 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for the guide, Dudes, even if I probably won't be doing any spell homebrewing in the years to come :P
@SilvrSavior Жыл бұрын
I kinda like the idea of a "Scan" type cantrip. Usable on creatures to figure out what an enemy is weak to to save you from terrible knowledge rolls and time wasting on damage types that are resistant or immune to certain monsters.
@alexandernigro1435 2 жыл бұрын
Whenever you guys talk about learning to homebrew, you always make me regret the ass backwards way I learned. In my first campaign I tried to homebrew a world.... now, years later I've finally gotten around to homebrewing spells for my players and most importantly, homebrewing with BALANCE 😂.
@alecolson8360 2 жыл бұрын
You are both really comfortable in front of a camera, it's awesome
@garymorin6069 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you. I love your videos!
@bobert2999 2 жыл бұрын
Yay! I'm a heavy homebrew dm. Much appreciated!
@rcschmidt668 2 жыл бұрын
Homebrewing spells is nice. We have had fun creating or repurposing items. 😁
@ForgottenSaber2367 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks so much for this, this is exactly what I want! Do you have/plan to make videos like this for other homebrew, like classes, races, monsters, etc.?
@rookieewookiee9725 2 жыл бұрын
Pretty new to dnd myself, but I have an idea for a homebrew sorcerer subclass: Gravity sorcerer. Also have a few ideas for homebrew spells fitting that class. cantrip: gravity shot: you shoot a compressed "air bullet" wich does 1d6 plus your lvl force damage. Lvl spell: pressure zone, this creates a 20ft circle in wich movement is halved if enemies fail a strenght safe. Reaction spell: Royal pressence, as an reaction when an enemy comes within 10ft of you cast this spell to make that enemy do a strentgh check. On a fail they fall prone untill the end of your next turn. This is as far as got. Curious what you guys think about these ideas
@graemehutton2433 2 жыл бұрын
Sounds cool. There's a whole gravity school of magic and some themed subclasses in Explorer's Guide to Wildemount that might be worth checking out to see if they mesh or could provide inspiration: I don't rememver if those ones were initially available to sorcerers but you could play around with some of teh ideas or use them as a reference.
@rookieewookiee9725 2 жыл бұрын
@@graemehutton2433 cool thanks, will check it out.
@ryanance9871 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you. I had a bard spellcaster last week who wanted a new spell.
@deamon506 2 жыл бұрын
Boy this is exactly what I need
@anthonyd.1428 2 жыл бұрын
I've made some low level spells that at least every spell caster class can have. My favorite spell was one called Mother Hen. Druids and Paladin can cast it and it gives a AC bonus to any friendly ally directly in the casters back arc. The idea is magical wings spring out of you, giving protection for your team mates.
@LeChaosRampant 2 жыл бұрын
I find that costly material components that are consumed are a great and needed balance element to allow spells that provide an output that can have monetary value. It helps counteract the possibility of economy-breaking shenanigans, especially for low-level spells.
@LinkinVoider 2 жыл бұрын
Cantrip: Roaring Thunder You mimic the sound of thunder in the head of a creature you can see within 60 ft of you. The creature must make a constitution saving throw or take 1d8 thunder damage (scaling with level like other cantrips) and become deafened until the end of the round. The creature only takes half damage and isn't deafened on a success. Casting time 1A, instantaneous, available to wizards, sorcerers and druids.
@lesstraveledpath 2 жыл бұрын
Can other people also hear the thunder? What about Druids as casters? That feels like a total Druid move to me.
@torunsmok5890 2 жыл бұрын
@@lesstraveledpath druids, and bards should 100% be able to give people a concussion
@LinkinVoider 2 жыл бұрын
@@lesstraveledpath I would say it's in their heads and also the ranged spell attack doesn't make much sense if that's the case, I probably need to fix it. Druids does make sense to me as it's a nature thing and they have druidcraft
@beginnercalisthenics 2 жыл бұрын
Make it kinda like vicious mockery? Any creature in range, roll CON or hear thunder. Taking 1d8 and deafened until end of their next turn or whatever
@LinkinVoider 2 жыл бұрын
@@beginnercalisthenics I feel like every creature would be a bit too strong, being ranged and area effect. I think it should be single target and require the saving throw instead of the attack roll. If they fail, they take the full damage and get deafened, if they succeed they only take half.
@taleg1 2 жыл бұрын
I've played rgp board games like D&D since 1st edition and since then I've made so many homebrew spell and rituals that I've lost count. I do know that I have a word document with a couple of hundred pages filled with my spells, but that isn't all of them by a long shot because usually when I play a character that uses magic I usually always end up making a few homebrew spells just for that character that fits the characters personality. That usually helps the mood of everyone too, because I usually make spell that can be used for more than one thing or can be linked to other spells or effect to boost the end effect, but that usually don't happens in the beginning. In the beginning I usually make up spell that fits the look or the idea of the character, just for flavor even if they do not do anything new at all. I realized a long time ago that mages especially would hold their spells to them selves and only the spells that 'every one' knows about are usually know spell, so I worked hard to make sure that any and all mages I either played or used as an NPC had signature spells linked to who that mage is and what that mage does. Sure any one with the right skills can sort of get the idea of what a signature type spell does just be listening or watching the mage cast the spell during the casting time of that spell, but they might not realize what the full effect is or do because it's a signature spell. Yet, still a fire based spell will be recognized as a fire based spell by anyone able to cast a few fire based spell. The same idea goes for magical items too and the only place you will see a simple +1 weapon is in an army giving up such weapons to fight if the right Lord is rich enough. Every mage would make up their own little twist, if only as a visible thing. And why you may ask, it's because what people with a passion will always do when they have the time to do it. Doing anything else makes your NPC's 2 dimensional instead of 3D people filled with live. As for ritual spells, well they have so many uses that it's not even funny if you think just protection, enchantment, summoning, utilities effect and other non combat uses, but even then there will be some ritual spells that would be useful in combat as long as you get to cast them. Most battle field spells would naturally end up being either high level spells or ritual spells cast be several mages to boost the power. Out in the bush with monsters around a simple barrier ritual that shows the space as empty and not there would be very helpful. Summoning spells should be linked to partly to both level and skill, as calling for the right being can make all the difference and tweaking such summonings can bring you information if you can control the being summoned. Thinking about it many year ago I realized that the D&D way to use magic was to limited and simple, so I made up my own where everything is possible and yet limited by the caster's skill, knowledge and abilities. There are still parts of that system that's not done because I wanted to include a way to make spells that could be added using the rules without any problems, I was nearly finished several years ago, but I got sick and my whole life turned upside down. So now I just tweak it now and then and work at it when I feel like it, but I can feel it deep inside, a dynamic magic system is doable and I know because what I created works almost 90% of the time and my players loved it as it covers every type of magic possible. People think to simple, in any world were magic is possible someone would push the limits and over time such ideas would spread, we humans just work that way, so why wouldn't people in a fantasy world do the same.
@beginnercalisthenics 2 жыл бұрын
Email me the third page of your spell notes? :]
@taleg1 2 жыл бұрын
@@beginnercalisthenics third page? Why? Do you mean from the spell list, spell creation, spell design, magic notes, the spel primer or... the list goes on. The spell format is done, the casting is done, the design is mostly done. Where I haven't finished are the rules for player made spells. That's tricky, but doable, I think. The 3rd page in the spell primer is a spell called Spell Dewoemer, a sort of magic information spell that lets you better detect the auras or type of magic used. I have a folder, the type they have in office shelves filled with notes as I like to jot down my ideas on anything as soon as I get the idea. Just finding the 3rd page in a historical sense would be impossible. But if you're after the how of it, then I'm willing to explain.
@silverjohn6037 2 жыл бұрын
Flash of Light (for all the Everquest fans) -Cantrip -Costs a Bonus Action. -Range, point blank. (Target must be facing towards the caster) -Available to Clerics and Bards at character creation. Arcane Tricksters receive it when they specialize. Warriors who have both the Battle Master and Shield Master feats receive it. -If your target fails a Dexterity save (they don't look away fast enough) they are dazzled for the remainder of the round and the next round. They suffer disadvantage on any ranged or single target spells they cast at targets further than 5 yards. They suffer disadvantage on all dexterity or perception saves from attacks further than 5 yards away. -Light Clerics may chose to cast it as a 1st level spell in which case it does an additional 1 point of radiant damage for each adventurer level. Not sure if this would be too overpowered. If it is it could be limited to one use per day plus an additional use for every 3 adventurer levels.
@kylesimone6140 Жыл бұрын
hm maybe do 1d3 dmg to?
@danielhansen3711 2 жыл бұрын
My Favorite Homebrew I created a school of magic called annoyance. It has small spells/curses like un-ambidextrous making a character's dominant hand change daily at dawn, or Daylight savings time. making a target always think it's an hour earlier or later than it is. my favorite spell in this school. is Glitter - Create a 30x30 area of constantly falling glitter for 5 minutes. Any ranged attack into or through the area are at disadvantage. any creature inside the area must make a wisdom save against the spell dc or become distracted losing the ability to use bonus actions and reactions until a successful save or exiting the area.
@mitchc6059 2 жыл бұрын
I've been making homebrew spells for years 1)Kiss of lolth: (3rd wiz) web spell inflicts poison 2) Torrent ( 2nd drd) jets of water drive enemies back. 3) Darklight (2nd wiz) creates light only caster/targets can see. 4) Madness of Hadar (3rd wlck) Terrible hunger forces target to eat. and many more.
@beginnercalisthenics 2 жыл бұрын
Ooo, expound on torrent?
@hvypower2472 2 жыл бұрын
One of my DM use a nice mecanic for custom spells/items . You can use these by spending an amount of hit dice . So, if you abuse their power and you face a deadly encounter , you will have to make a choice to use the spells/items or keep your hit dice to regain HP in your short/long rest .
@oofguild7788 2 жыл бұрын
I like the picture of Skylla from Wild beyond the witchlight(on the video thumbnail) Also “spells are the gateway to the world of home brewing” ah yes I have made exactly 3 classes 18 subclasses 1 planet 9 magic items 2 adventures 5 weapons 0 spells
@beginnercalisthenics 2 жыл бұрын
I'm a newbie, but working on a class, or maybe it'll be a subclass.. done a couple items. Working on a couple more kinda-subclasses
@oofguild7788 2 жыл бұрын
@@beginnercalisthenics believe in yourself, be creative, and free up *A LOT* of time.
@simoneperrotta3166 2 жыл бұрын
Waiting for a homebrew classes guide
@leandrochavez6480 2 жыл бұрын
Just created one for a chronurgy wizard NPC [Name Pending] 1st lvl, 1 action, no concentration: You can cast a spell (with its aditional cost) and the spell resolves 24 hours after, if it targets a creature the creature must be in spell range at the moment of the activation, (idk if i should add the following part) you can activate the spell early, you can use a higher spell slot and delay the spell 24 hours for each spell slot higher than 1.
@jeremybosworth2275 2 жыл бұрын
I'm currently running a Warforged Rune Knight Fighter/Armorer Artificer, based on BT-7274 from Titanfall 2 for our Drakkenheim campaign (I don't use firearms, just a heavy crossbow), and I homebrewed a 2nd level spell that is essentially Electric Smoke from Titanfall.
@Estarfigam 2 жыл бұрын
I love the spell Stark Reality from Oblivion. changed my homebrew version of it to level 2, was a cantrip. I am currently working on a spell I call Form Lock. Thinking level 4. You need a Silver Dragonoid Scale *Dragon, or Dragonborn)
@normanhunt4531 2 жыл бұрын
Before I describe the spell I made I feel I must mention I started homebrewing backwards. I made a class a wizard archetype called battlemage. They were mention to be a moderately armored offensive spell caster; bigger more destructive spells and more attacks and spell per turn. But the biggest feature I wanted was mobility. I digress here's the spell. It's called flicker the spell is a cantrip that causes the caster to move a maximum of 15ft in any direction as long as there is no obstacles between the two points. It is a little bit broken because with it a battlemage or other offensive caster can just snatch someone's kneecaps. But I still use it because it serves the image I had of the characters of bleach move that fast so frequently.
@poneal666 2 жыл бұрын
One spell I came up with is a 4th level arcane spell for wizards and sorcerers called Ring of Blades. I remember having a 4E sorcerer with a similar power and it was great. So I basically took Spirit Guardians, changed it to force damage and a Dexterity saving throw, moved it to 4th level, and dropped the damage from (equivalent to a 4th level Spirit Guardians) 4d8 to 4d6, +1d6 per spell slot level over 4. I figure Spirit Guardians is great against physical foes with low Wisdom saves and (especially) undead with radiant damage. Force damage is less resisted but Dexterity is a somewhat more common save PLUS there are characters and creatures that have the Evasion special ability and can avoid the damage entirely. Spirit Guardians is designed to keep physical threats at bay and lets casters (who don't want to anyway) get close. Conversely, Ring of Blades is slightly less of a threat against physical enemies but does include area control by limiting movement and punishes creatures who go into melee with the caster for a prolonged period of time. It feels balanced to me. Basically, you can take another spell as an idea and change it around a bit to come up with something new.
@stars1941 2 жыл бұрын
One of the things I also want to point out is that you can always use existing spells to base other spells on. For example, both inspired by Critical Role's Ashton and the new spell Nathairs Mischief from Fizabns, I'm contemplating asking my dm if I can homebrew a roll of the dice type effect on a spell that can help with battlefield control depending on what I roll for a d4. It would be similiar to Nathairs Mischief but since I'm a divination wizard, I'm hoping to flavor it around dunamancy and puppeting my enemies in a battlefield, or buffing my allies in some way.
@achimsinn6189 2 жыл бұрын
For the sake of being carefull with those homebrewn spells: I played a character who had the ability of crafting "magical artworks" - stuff like portraits with moving eyes or sundowns in which the sun is actually moving or (that one was the reason why my character had to leave town and become an adventurer) a portrait of a noble, that turned into him being naked whenever a woman who he had sex with, except for his wife was in the room. Sound pretty much fine and not OP, right? Well - the painting with the moving sun basically doubles as a clock. As I talked our DM into allowing me to use light in the paintings I also was able to create paintings that double as free iterations of the light spell that last forever instead of 1 hour. And the paintings that change under certain conditions are great ways for detecting invisible people / alarm devices if you make the condition being something like "if somebody uninvited is in the room" or "if somebody opens the door after I said the word alacazam" Because that ability was a huge part of my character our DM allowed me to keep the ability, but we agreed that I would use it under his discretion so it doesn't get out of hands. Maybe that is another good advice for homebrewn spells. Make sure that the DM can adjust during the campaign if stuff isn't working as intended.
@herrdoktor1810 2 жыл бұрын
I feel like there would be ways to make the magical paintings only appear so in the subjective view of the beholder and therefore grant no mechanical benefit. For example: The moving sunset would only appear moving, but whenever you moved your eyes or blinked the sun would still be in the exact same spot and never actually move. It would appear supernaturally bright, but not cast any actual light and be invisible in total darkness. And the paintings that change under certain conditions would only do so if the beholder believed that condition had occured.
@dantecrossroad 2 жыл бұрын
Sometime last year, I homebrewed a cantrip called Lightning Strike (you should be able to find it on D&D Beyond). The concept is really simple: "I love Fire Bolt, but what if lightning?" And why not? Like, how is there not a ranged lightning cantrip?! LOL I'm currently working on a bigger spell. The idea is an AOE lightning spell with a debuff, probably imposing disadvantage on attack rolls. I'm thinking third or fourth level because I want to kind of play against type with my evocation wizard and not take Fireball (I know, right?), and I'm digging the idea of damaging spells that have additional effects. In short, this video came about at a most convenient time, and I thank you for making it.
@AvangionQ 2 жыл бұрын
10:50 One of my favorite ideas about homebrewing casting time is a rapid ritual with a casting time of three turns free actions. No standard, move or bonus actions required. This sort of rapid ritual spell does not take any actions on the part of the caster, but shows itself as a quick building of energy, and may be simulcast alongside a second spell. First round, you say a word and/or flick your hand, then start gathering energy. Second round, the gathering energy glows and looks ready to fire. Third round, launch the spell. The biggest downsides to a rapid ritual are that you draw aggro from all nearby intelligent enemies to yourself, and if you get damaged during the casting, the spell is broken.
@emproficecream 2 жыл бұрын
I had an idea for a vine web instantaneous cantrip spell that has a 40ft range a somatic and material component (a bit web or vine). Vine web causes a vine like web or web like vine to lash out from your hand and stick to a target. The spell can pull a targeted creature or object to wards you, for objects small and smaller can be pulled all the way to you, med 20ft, large 10ft, and huge and bigger can’t be moved. Strength save for a creature target small and smaller creatures can be pulled 15ft, med 10ft, large 5ft, huge and larger no movement (can be failed willingly). If targeted at a point it can be used to swing from for 40ft if the point is above you or pull yourself towards 20ft if it’s not or there is no space to swing. You can bring one person with you on a swing or self pull. Maybe add contested strength against spell save to to take an object away from someone holding or wearing it. Sort of a spider man / vine master Druid feel. Available to druids and artificers. I wonder if it’s to powerful though
@xaetaminvaela9830 2 жыл бұрын
I created a simple 2nd level Alteration spell called Weld. It has a casting time if 1 action, a range of touch, requires V, S, M (an iron chain with at least 3 links) and had a duration of Until Dispelled. You touch two objects or an object and piece of terrain in range. Both targets must be in physical contact with each other. The objects become magically stuck to one another and can't be separated unless a creature within 5 feet makes a Strength save against your Spell Save DC. If either target is being held or worn by a creature, they may make this Strength save immediately to resist the effect (no action required). If a creature succeeds on the save, the effect ends.
@isaackarr6576 2 жыл бұрын
26:55 also useful if you want to add stationary magical utilities like mechanisms magically based replacing candles,soap ,rushes and other stuff because of cost or convenience. A prestaditition charm that could replace your dish sink,laundry machine,broom and vacuum would be worth 5 grand today.
@redwolf344 2 жыл бұрын
Doorways: You trace your finger along the frame of a door and create a magical link between the door and another door, at any distance, on the same plane of existence. You must have seen or touched the destination door at least once before. For the duration, any creature can step into the target door and exit from the destination door as if they were the same doorway. During the duration you can shut the door and choose a different destination. Conjuration Level 5/6 Wizards and Sorcerer Concentration, duration 1 minute
@hopejohnson6347 2 жыл бұрын
my favourite homebrew spell is "summon grand piano" bard exclusive 7th level that can be used in two ways: it either gives you any large to huge instrument appropriately sized for you to play for CL/hours if cast on the ground OR if you cast it into the air it does 1d6 damage per caster level (max 20d6) half of which is sonic and half bludgeoning in a 20ft radius (Ref save half), if you let it drop on top of your enemies. I never got why bards didn't get to damage foes with their summoned instruments :D Also it solves the problem of the cantrip only being able to summon handheld instruments, while bards totally can specialise in key instruments and then not being able to carry them around on adventures and poshing up the tavern by flipping their cape to the back, sitting down on the stool and give their party a fine dining experience with piano music in the background - or the good old battle organ accompaniment to the artificers canon in an all female group dedicated to a single god sporting plate armour with fleur-de-lys decoration and sporting short bob style haircuts
@gagedavidson2020 2 жыл бұрын
I just thought of a spell I've names Sebastien's golden harp where it is an aoe healing and radiant damage spell (30ft r. duration 1min). It is non concentration spell, but requires an action to maintain (if you don't use it you lose it) and as you're character plays its golden strings you party benefits from healing while in range and enemies suffer radiant damage equal to the healing role, but undead regardlessof friend or foe take the damage. Now this can be made can be either or (I'm still work shopping it) but I don't have the spell level or the hit die, but it works with clerics and bards. Do with it what you will
@novaprime9084 2 жыл бұрын
My brother and I were working on a spell in 3.5 and now trying to do it in 5e. Basically my character is a bookworm. The spell let's him summon useful information he's collected. So far it gives advantage on a knowledge check. At higher levels it will be a library with enough texts to research almost anything. Work in progress still. Mostly thematic for my character.
@stars1941 2 жыл бұрын
Sounds more like a magic item than a spell to me! Why does this need to be tied to spell slots?
@novaprime9084 2 жыл бұрын
@@stars1941 seemed easier to make a spell since I want a full library at the end. Almost playing off Magnificent Mansion. Like it's not my real library I summon, but a facsimile that could be used by anyone who knew the spell. Could also be used as a plot device, future games, as my character collects and duplicates a lot.
@romanabanin2216 2 жыл бұрын
Spent a year in army. Invented some spells that I've seen in some games (like WoW or Dark Souls series). After I had returned I discovered: 1). Plenty of these spells were added in Icewind Dale adventure (ice and cold themed spells) with a slightly different damage and some wording; 2). And the other spells had been added in Tasha right before I get home; 2). Creating a 9th level spell to conjure a magma/lava and using it's damage from DM screen helper is not a good idea. It's like 18dsomething and you conjure about 4 sources. But I liked that idea and just give it a highly costed component and '???' in a level. One day I will finish it. But it was a good experience still
@ethanschaeffer6303 2 жыл бұрын
Watching Montys eyes is always a trip
@deathtoexistance 2 жыл бұрын
Only thing I'd say about damage types is while there is clear balancing done around them, they're a lot less important especially if the dm is fine with homebrewing slightly modified monsters with other resistances immunities and vulnerabilities. While fire and poison are very heavily resisted by monsters most other damage types are very niche even between cold and force. Also its only monsters that really take these resistances into account, for players all the resistance types are more evenly spread and so for monster specific custom spells especially damage type is more flavour than mechanics. Another thing to keep in mind is changing a damage type is relatively cheap, 3 sorcerer levels or 2 scribe wizard levels. So in my opinion just use similar damage values for the level of the spell, a thunder damage fireball isn't gonna hurt the balance too much. Also to note the stun tidbit you had, while a level 1 stun spell might be strong, keep in mind sleep and command exist, which do mostly the same thing. If you had a con save level 1 stun spell for a round single target either short range or with a spell attack first it likely wouldn't be that strong comparatively. Another thing I'd note on healing spells is that are generally underbalanced, with the exception of healing Word. Because of how healing works in dnd, while low level spells with any healing are strong, a higher level healing spell for sustained or burst healing can likely be stronger than published counterparts for most games, since if you're making a 5th level or so healing spell it will likely be outperformed by a control spell of a similar level regardless of the numbers on it.
@sumandark8600 2 жыл бұрын
For Gish characters, I like the idea of magically dodging attacks instead of just blocking them with a shield. So I created a spell based on the anime stereotype of quickening your reflexes with lightning. I wanted it to be mechanically distinct from the shield spell as well, while still serving a similar purpose. Lightning reflexes 1st level Casting time: reaction, range: self, school: transmutation, duration: 1 round, components: V, S When you would be hit by an attack, you can use your reaction to temporarily imbue your body with lightning magic, quickening your reflexes. Your AC is increased by an amount equal to your DEX mod (min 1) until the start of your next turn. Each time you successfully avoid an attack while this spell effect is active, you may then immediately move up to 10 feet in any direction without provoking attacks of opportunity. I liked it that much that it led to me creating a whole set of internal lightning themed spells for various levels with various anime inspired effects.
@danielnesland8014 2 жыл бұрын
Getting a Killua from Hunter X Hunter kinda vibe.
@beginnercalisthenics 2 жыл бұрын
Lightning dash. You dash as an action, shrouded in lightning as you do. You don't provoke opportunity attacks during lightning dash. Each creature you touch as you dash by them takes 1d6 lightning damage. Extra 1d6 for every level higher..
@porakiyadraekojin3390 6 ай бұрын
A homebrew spell I have in mind for a character idea I have is a cantrip version of Enlarge/Reduce. It is only the Reduce part, does not require concentrarion. I'm debating whether or not to make it automatically end when combat starts. Edit: forgot to mention that the caster can only cast it on themselves
@Voromire1 2 жыл бұрын
I haven't homebrewed a full-on spell, but I DID let a Hag teach our cleric how to cast Lightning Bolt with using a specific material component (a beasts eye). The kicker is, they don't typically hunt between adventures (that same cleric uses creat food/water) and they are about to go into an urban environment... Where there will be a lot of cats and dogs with the OCCASIONAL rat. The idea is that they have to weigh whether or not it's worth hunting down these possibly owned animals to be able to cast the spell. If they DO, the hag gets what they want, having the Cleric, potentially, slowly devolve into someone power hungry that will just kill people's pets.
@angrypirate1094 2 жыл бұрын
I did a re-flavour of fire bolt for each kind of damage type, each has its own use, a psychic bolt leaves no evidence, a gold bolt can be used to punch small holes in fabric, necrotic bolts can rust material that isn't being worn.
@alphaxtitania5597 2 жыл бұрын
I'm tempted to create a buttload of elemental spells simply because Wizards refuses to do so. Starting with a 1st level lightning cone spell, akin to Burning Hands and Frosty Fingers, followed by some damn water magic.
@XoRandomGuyoX 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah, they just have a lame metamagic option that burns sorcery points to convert damage on a single spell. At the very least they could have followed the Draconic Bloodline and allow the Sorcerer to spend 1 sorcery point to change damage for an hour.
@kylesimone6140 Жыл бұрын
water bolt a cantrip that lets you take water and fling it at high force to deal 1d8 blunt damage if the water is boiling, deal 1d2 extra fire damage if the water is cold, it deals 1d2 extra cold damage the draw back is having to HAVE the water
@helgemeff5555 2 жыл бұрын
Thaaaaaaank you! Playing a Good Guy Necromancer right now and I really could need some friendly neighborhood necromancy spells.
@smashbrandiscootch719 2 жыл бұрын
I find that using an existing spell as a base and altering it to better fit what you want to do with it works best.
@davecorriveau4057 2 жыл бұрын
Here is a spell I created for my cleric. It's like Fire Shield but for cleric. I'm still working on it... Holy Shield 4th lvl transmutation Casting time: 1 action Range: Self Component: V,S,M (a small bottle of holy water that the spell consumes.) Duration: 10 minutes You target one shield hold by you. For the duration of the spell, this shield gain +2 AC and gives you advantage on Dexterity saving throw. In addition, whenever a creature within 5 feet of you hits you with a melee attack, the shield erupts with white light. The attacker takes 1d6 radiant damage from the shield.
@sleepyspartan1367 2 жыл бұрын
I have a good example of this. Like a spell a made called skeleton wall & undead horde. The first one makes a wall of skeletons that protects the party & can grapple anyone within 5feet Undead horde let's create a large number of skeletons or zombies in exchange for HP. The more HP you use during the casting of the spell the more undead
@jesperchristensen5252 2 жыл бұрын
My idea on a spell: Love end Scarifies 4th-level Enchantment Casting Time: 1 Action Range: Self Components: V, S Duration: 1 minute A Protective light washes out from you and coalesces in a soft radiance in a 10-foot radius around you. All alleges in the radius get det same AC as you if yours are higher. If and allege in the radius take damage you take the damage instead. You can dismiss det spell whit a bonus action. At Higher Level: When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 5th level or higher, the radius incises by 5 feet Classes: Cleric, Paladin.
@Lerker2000 2 жыл бұрын
I've been trying to make a lightning cantrip for a tempest cleric for one of my games. Been toying around with the numbers and this isn't final by any means, but it's essentially a cantrip version of "chain lightning". Any feedback is welcome. --- Arc Lightning Cantrip VS 1 action 60ft range You create a bolt of lightning that arcs toward a target of your choice that you can see within range. A secondary bolt then leaps from that target to a secondary target, which must be within 10 feet of the first target. A target can be a creature or an object and can be targeted by only one of the bolts. All targets must make a Dexterity saving throw. The primary target takes 1d8 lightning damage on a failed save, and a secondary target takes 1d4. The damage to the primary target increases by 1d8 when you reach 5th level (2d8), 11th level (3d8), and 17th level (4d8). In addition, the number of secondary targets increases by 1 when you reach 5th level (2 total arcs), 11th level (3 arcs), 17th level (4 arcs). Each of the secondary targets must be within 10ft of the first.
@beginnercalisthenics 2 жыл бұрын
Sounds cool! Is that a lot of damage for a cantrip? 1d8 + 1d4. What if every target takes 1d4? Or is that lame... lol.
@hunterfenryr9680 2 жыл бұрын
I would remove the part where it jumps to a second target if it’s going to be a cantrip. Every spell that does what u r advertising uses a spell slot and there are no ranged cantrips at all that target more than one creature at lvl 1.
@Lerker2000 2 жыл бұрын
@@hunterfenryr9680 What about moving the initial cast range down to 10ft or even melee, to be closer to Sword Burst/Word of Radiance? My thought is that this would be worse for single targets than something like sacred flame or toll the dead, and worse than those aoe cantrips in "full aoe", but still not useless in either. Another version of it just had everything as 1d6. Also, just for the record, Acid Splash is a ranged cantrip that hits two targets for 1d6 at range, but you're also right in pointing out that this is stronger than that, and likely still over-tuned.
@Lerker2000 2 жыл бұрын
@@beginnercalisthenics No, that's a pretty good fix to this. Comparing it to something like sword burst or acid splash, if it's going to have better range / ability to hit all its targets then the damage should likely come down as a result.
@hunterfenryr9680 2 жыл бұрын
@@Lerker2000 I did forget about acid splash, I stand corrected. Tbh after reading acid splash again u could probably just switch the damage type to lightning and rename the spell. Mechanically it would work just like acid splash but have the lightning flavor u r looking for. I don’t think that would be unbalanced.
@ProgramKiraTV 2 жыл бұрын
I like the ability to flavor one attack to to use effects of other class features in multiclassing. I’m a genie warlock astral self monk. I want Eldritch fist adding cha modifier and subtract the range down to 10ft(the range of your astral arms) allowing me to use invocations like agonizing blast. If you have fireball why not cold ball? Wouldn’t say lightning ball due to the difference in common resistance immunity types but I see no reason minding that balance line and flavor things however you want. Thunderstep why not flamestep or quake(force) step. As long as it is a unique spell counting against spells known and not turning everything into a weakness of the week type. If fireball was choose your own damage type it’s not 3rd level anymore. This flavor spell type changes work perfectly to me with draconic casters given the dragon type lineage
@Mary_Studios 2 жыл бұрын
My first spell that I homebrewed spell that I created was a spell that allowed rangers to see into their eyes of their companions up to 100 feet. It doesn't require concentration so they can have it up while fighting and if you are blind while your companion isn't you can still see through the eyes of your companion but you can't if the companion is blind. I'm debating if I should give it to Artificers as well since their is Beast Master. I also want to create a spell where you can see into the past as we have spells that let you see into the future or what is going on somewhere else and currently the only way for people to see into the past is via dreams. I just haven't had the time to work on it.
@LaMancha13 9 ай бұрын
Stone of torrential downpour 9th level transmutation Casting time: 1 action Range: 30 feet Target: the stone V, s, m (one stone) Duration: eternal, cant be dispelled or dismised Classes: druid, sorcerer, wizard The stones giggles when its raining, the stronger its raining, the stronger the giggle. Only works if the stone is directly under the rain.
@gabrielgaron6476 Жыл бұрын
Here's a spell I homebrewed using ice knife as the basis. Fiery Rose 1st-level conjuration Casting Time: 1 action Range: 60 feet Components: S, M (a rose petal) Duration: 1 round A beautiful unbloomed rose flies toward a creature of your choice within range. Make a ranged spell attack against the target. On a hit, the target takes 2d6 piercing damage. Hit or miss, the rose lodges itself on the target. It blooms and then explodes at the beginning of your next turn, causing 2d6 fire damage to each creature within 5 feet of it unless they succeed on a Dexterity saving throw. During the round that the rose is unbloomed, any creature friendly to the target, including the creature itself, can use their action to pick up and throw the rose to a distance up to 10 feet. If the flower is thrown that way, it explodes on impact, resulting in the same effect as if it had exploded naturally. At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, you can throw another rose for each two levels above 1st (two roses at 3rd level, three at 5th level, etc.) Spell Lists. Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard
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