Classroom Aid - Michelson Morley experiment xx

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David Butler

David Butler

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@justanotherguy5516 7 жыл бұрын
The failure of the experiment was a success!! What an irony!! By the way great video. The boat example is really good
@ThomasJr 3 жыл бұрын
This playlist deserves a Nobel prize Lol. Very well explained, thank you
@mistert2875 2 жыл бұрын
You've done an excellent job.
@atheistaetherist2747 3 жыл бұрын
I add some aether info as follows. (1) Google Demjanov's twin media (air & carbondisulphide) MMX done in Obninsk on 22 June 1970 which showed an aetherwind of 140 km/s min & 480 km/s max during a day (this was the horizontal projection of the background aetherwind which is approx 500 km/s south to north blowing approx 15 deg off Earth's spin-axis). This genius 1st order MMX was 1000 times as sensitive & accurate as the oldendays 2nd order MMXs. (2) The MMXs were never null. (3) The correct calibration needed to allow for length contraction caused by the aetherwind. (4) The correct calibration needed to allow for the Fresnel Drag of light by the air. Prof Reg Cahill explains. (5) All MMX's suffer a linear ever-growing fringe-shift that gets larger with each rotation. All MMXs that employ vertical fringes will detect this signal. This includes laser MMXs. Horizontal fringes do not suffer from this effect. Because at least one mirror has to be turned a little (horizontally) to give the desired fringes then this results in a difference in a beam's horizontal radius from the axis of rotation. Mirrors approaching the axis in effect eat waves/fringes, & mirrors going away from the axis in effect vomit waves/fringes, the eating equaling the vomiting, but in Michelson's & Miller's MMXs the non-symmetry of the beams resulted in non-equal eating/vomiting, resulting in a signal that was periodic in a full turn. The desired sought-for MMX signal (fringe shift) being periodic in a half turn. University MMXs will detect this signal if the MMX is rotated lots of times, because this signal is ever-growing, 100 rotations will give 100 times the signal that is gotten from 1 rotation. Stopping or slowing the rotation has no effect on this signal, ie it doesnt reduce this signal, the size of the signal depends only on the number of rotations, it is ever-growing. Michelson & Miller deducted this signal from their raw readings, to do so they assumed that it was linear, which it is, or, it should be, but their MMX was top-heavy & suffered from a changing lean (it floated in a mercury filled trough), plus their MMX had a sloppy pin (ie axis of rotation), hence their LEGFS was not always very linear (but that is another interesting story in its own right). (6) Secondly the Michelson Morley MMX, & the Morley Miller MMXs, suffered a spurious signal that was periodic in a full turn. This was because their mirrors were at two levels, hence some of their light beams had to angle up & later down. This then introduced a spurious signal (fringe shift) due to angle contraction of the mirrors in their apparatus, which changed the effective lengths of the angled beams. I call such angle contraction Esclangon angle contraction, as Esclangon is i think the first person to bring it to the attention of science (but he didn't mention that it must also happen in an MMX). EAC is due to Lorentzian Length Contraction of solids (which should be called FitzGerald LC as FitzGerald was the first to predict it) which is due to any change in the aetherwind blowing throo a solid (which changes the size/shape of solids)(because solids are held together by electric forces)(these forces being affected by the wind).
@dosomething3 4 жыл бұрын
The analogy of the boat assumes light is a particle moving at a constant speed through the ether. What were they thinking?
@heavenintheworld195 7 жыл бұрын
awesome lecture
@abdurrahmanalmamun7988 6 жыл бұрын
Wow nicely explained!!!
@haddow777 11 ай бұрын
Thank you. I've seen so many descriptions of how they thought light traveled or where they thought the slowdown would happen incorrectly by so many. The sad things is, the experiment isn't just a failure, but it was flawed. It provided a null value because they failed to huild in other ways light could move. Your description of how light was thougnt to be a boat at the mercy of underlying currents is the perfect example of why the experiment was just so flawed. They never understood that light could be affected by the Earth's movement in a way that would never once affect the frequency interference of the two beams. Another way one could look at how light travels is completely independantly from the material universe. When a photon is created, it could move out at the speed of light from the fixed point in space where it was created, irrespective of how the light source was moving up to that point. So, let's take an example of the experiment being positioned so the Earth is moving in the exact same direction as the initial light beam. Instead of thinking of the Earth moving into the Aether, which would flow against the photons, and drag them back, think about the experiment moving away from the light. So, the extra time it takes the light beam to reach the splitter mirror isn't because the Aether has been impeding its progress, but because the splitter mirror has been moving away from it, creating more distance for it to travel. Once the beam hits it, one beam goes perfectly perpendicular and the other goes straight. The perpendicular has zero sideways forces applied to it, so you can erase any silly pythagorean calculations. From the beam's perspective, the mirror is simply moving sideways, which doesn't alter the distance it travels one bit. The straight beam is affect though. Again, the mirror it is traveling to is moving away from it, creating a longer distance to travel. Once reflected though, the splitter mirror will now be moving toward the beam. It's shortening the distance between the at the same speed the other mirror was moving away, so it erases any travel time lost for the beam. For the straight beam, you can think of the calculation like tbis, Xnew=((x+d)+(x-d))/2, or Xnew=x. Basically, because the light always goes both ways, ypu will only ever get the average of the round trip, which will always be the same. So, with that understanding of how light travels, light could easily be affected by the motion of the Earth and their experiment would never do anything but provide the same exact useless result. Well, that's not totally true. Both light beams would be shifted, but not lengthwise in a way that would affect the frequencies lining up, but sideways. The perpendicular beam would stay where it was while the experiment drifted to the side. The straight beams would have the spiller mirror moving over, so it would reflect back slightly offset to the side from where it went through the mirror initially.
@renedekker9806 11 ай бұрын
_"they failed to build in other ways light could move"_ - your alternative description basically describes the exact same thing as was believed at that time, not some other way. You just make many mistakes in your reasoning. _"From the beam's perspective, the mirror is simply moving sideways"_ - if it is, then the beam will not hit the mirror. The mirror will have moved out of the way by the time the beam gets there. The beam needs to travel diagonally in order to hit the mirror, and then diagonally back again to hit the beam splitter. Therefore you need to apply "silly" pythagorean calculations. _"It's shortening the distance between the at the same speed the other mirror was moving away, so it erases any travel time lost for the beam"_ - see the video for the real calculation. It does not erase the travel time lost. _"Xnew=((x+d)+(x-d))/2"_ - how did you get to that equation? I am guessing that the first d is supposed to be the extra distance the light travels when traveling with the motion of the apparatus, and the second d the reduction in distance when traveling against the motion? See the video for why those two d's are not the same. _"you will only ever get the average of the round trip"_ - neither of the legs gets the average, as the video shows.
@TheEAFOS 2 жыл бұрын
This experiment proves that the earth is stationary!!
@jernejteras3884 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you dear Sir. Very well made and explained video.
@m.huzaifam.siddique8016 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you very much
@Xerneas23 6 жыл бұрын
Thanks for savin my life 😭😭
@e7ebr0w 6 ай бұрын
7 years later, and i have a question. Would a wave moving through a flowing river speed up or slow down depending on which way it travels? Given that light speed is so high, and the size of the experiment is so small, it would be akin to a water wave reflecting in a one inch area (no maths obviously). Not to mention, whatever medium the light is propagating through woukd be moving at thr same speed as the experiment, if it were a physical thing.
@howfarawayisit 6 ай бұрын
Yes, from the point of view of an observer on the shore.
@e7ebr0w 6 ай бұрын
@@howfarawayisit I assume what I have wrong is that the aether was meant to be a stationary reference frame. I guess I just don't see how the experiment actually has the accuracy to prove their claim that no aether exists....
@engineerahmed7248 6 жыл бұрын
Either got to have boundary layer & thereby earth's either must have same speed as earth..........Just the way aiir contained within moving bus with open windows have same speed as bus. wond is there only at boundary layer.
@deriauliasari7244 7 жыл бұрын
thanks for u'r video.. 😍😍
@ThomasJr 3 жыл бұрын
*Hey Dr. David. Some of of physicists claims are extremely counter intuitive and difficult to imagine, hence incredulity follows. For example, the phenomena of Neutron Stars and Black Holes. How can we fathom the fact that the huge mass of a star shrinks to an impossibly low radius, what force could possibly achieve that? It seems it's all the gravity, perhaps it's the fact that atoms are mostly empty space, except for their tiny nucleus. But even then it's impossible for us to imagine for example that there exists a force so strong that it can shrink the earth to the size of a marble ball.*
@ThomasJr 3 жыл бұрын
But I understand in a star the mass doesn't shrink under its gravity because of the external pressure of the nuclear fusion.
@ThomasJr 3 жыл бұрын
You should definitely be a professor? What is your major in?
@binoykumarchangmha9161 2 жыл бұрын
Sir, I am blessed to have you. But please reply one of my questions !!! Please ! Here, while measuring the time of crossing the river, why you have sent the boat with a non-perpendicular angle with the current's direction whereas Michelson-Morley had sent light perpendicularly !!? If you had sent it perpendicularly, the resultant velocity would be: v'= √(V² + v²) [as per ur variables] If, new displacement = v't = {√(V² + v²)}t Target displacement = Vt And Initial displacement = D Then, {√(V² + v²)}² × t ² = (Vt)² + D² Or, [{√(V² + v²)}² × t ²] - (Vt)² = D² Or, t² × (V² + v² -V²) = D² Or, t² = D²/ v² Therefore, t = D/v On the other hand, if it's non-perpendicular, Value of t comes : t = D/√( v² - V²) Note: Even in the Michelson-Morley experiment, they didn't count the effect of aether's velocity which I think, is clearly against resultant vector theory. 🌸 Sir, kindly explain me 🌸
@renedekker9806 11 ай бұрын
_"why you have sent the boat with a non-perpendicular angle"_ - he explains that at 1:50. Remember that the light has constant speed wrt. the aether (the water in the video). If the light would move perpendicular to the mirror, the aether would sweep it sideways, and it would not hit the mirror. In order to hit the mirror, the light needs to travel at an angle wrt. to the aether flow.
@0s4do 4 жыл бұрын
Vacuum now is consider the médium where energy and materia move through. But It will be wrong to say that this medium doesnt exists. You can call it aether or vacuum. Both are médiums and If there is motion respect that medium the interferometer should have change the interferometry patern. As the patern never change, what We have to deny logically is the MOTION no the medium, because the medium have to exist with or without aether.
@lizleary101 3 жыл бұрын
The earth isn't moving
@SuperMagnetizer 7 жыл бұрын
Very good presentation. Thank you. But I believe that the null result of the Michelson-Morley experiment is due to the ether being equivalent to the gravity field. Gravity fields exist everywhere, and could provide the medium for the propagation of light, if gravity is actually an electromagnetic phenomenon. Light would then propagate at speed c relative to the local field of gravity, which would be attached to the nearest gravitating body. (Not a space-time model for gravity, but a wholly magnetic/electric one.)
@norman_sage2528 6 жыл бұрын
The ether is the black in the night sky.
@igvc1876 4 жыл бұрын
lol yeah....
@ets9191 5 жыл бұрын
Spot the geocentrists lmao
@The_Real_Indiana_Joe 3 жыл бұрын
This entire experiment only takes local motion into consideration. What about the solar system's movement through the galaxy? The spiral arm of the galaxy's movement, and the galaxy as a whole? Aren't there clusters and super clusters? Not only that, but what if the aether has sympathetic movement to the local matter? There is so much wrong about this experiment before it was ever conducted that any answer it gives is negated.
@howfarawayisit 3 жыл бұрын
You would think that with all that motion, the experiment would find some difference in direction. But it didn't!
@The_Real_Indiana_Joe 3 жыл бұрын
@@howfarawayisit Could be too small to detect, especially if the ether moves some with the 'matter'. They assume attributes about a complete unknown. Light waves seem to be the most obvious indication I think.
@prissymommylife6402 3 жыл бұрын
@@howfarawayisit I Love It! 🤗 Thank You For Thinking Outside The Box!
@renedekker9806 11 ай бұрын
@@The_Real_Indiana_Joe_"They assume attributes about a complete unknown"_ - it was not completely unknown. They already knew from Stellar Aberration results, that if there was an aether, is must be stationary wrt. the far stars.
@The_Real_Indiana_Joe 11 ай бұрын
@@renedekker9806 Waves without a medium 🤣🤣🤣 Yeah, I don't think so.
@gulserenkartal226 7 жыл бұрын
ovv very good but it language is not turkish so ı dont undersant
@howfarawayisit 7 жыл бұрын
You can download the document and automatically have it translated into your language. Then follow the videos with that in front of you. Hope it helps.
@oldi184 8 жыл бұрын
Looks like aether exists. What is dark energy and dark matter if not a "fancy" names for aether? They are everywhere right? Dark stuff makes up 95% or more of the universe. So its indeed aether. btw How speed of light can be a "constant"? What is a constant? By definition it means "non-varying". c value is varying. For example in the air c is 299 492 666 m/s, in the glass is 197 863 022 m/s Another weird thing is that speed of light is considered the ultimate speed limit of how fast information can travel. But gravity must be faster than light. Gravity is a form of information. Planet Earth for example knows where Sun is in this moment not 8.5 minutes ago. Sun is sending "information" to Earth "I am here right now" not more than 8 minutes after. Gravity must be much faster than light if not instant. Sun - and the solar system with it is moving around the milky way core at 220 km/s. If gravity was as slow as light Sun would act with a torque on other planets. Orbits would not be stable for millions if not billions of years. How fast is gravity then?
@howfarawayisit 8 жыл бұрын
Dark Matter clumps up. It is not evenly spread. Take a look at the 2015 Update. I cover Dark Matter in depth.
@igvc1876 4 жыл бұрын
Gravity is not faster than light. If the Sun was to vanish, the Earth would not "know" of it until 8 minutes later. Gravity propagates at the speed of light according to the theory of general relativity which has been tested many times. Also what's described by the speed of light through a medium is a very different concept. The light travels at the same speed through space - what's different is the effective path that it takes through it, resulting in what you would observe as different speeds. For example, I could set up a bunch of mirrors in the room in such a way as to bounce the light between those mirrors along a very long path before finally bringing it to its destination. If you actually measure the time the light took to get to the destination - that could be arbitrarily long because i could set up the mirrors in a way as to make that path arbitrarily long and convoluted (e.g., like a maze). But although you would measure the time the light would take to arrive to be potentially long depending on the path (thus leading you to believe that the speed of light was slow), the actual speed of the beam of light through space is the same - it's c. You can very approximately think of matter such as solids and liquids as just a bunch of microscopic mirrors and refractive surfaces that take the light along a path that's longer than a straight line. Hope this clarifies both points. Cheers
@ThomasJr 3 жыл бұрын
@@igvc1876 If gravity propagates at the speed of light isn't it an evidence that gravity is actually a force and not just the geometry of the spacetime where things take place?
@ThomasJr 3 жыл бұрын
Gravity is not instantaneous, that erroneous assumption was also thought to be true by Newton.
@oldi184 3 жыл бұрын
@@ThomasJr If gravity is not instantaneous and acts at the speed of light which is very very slow. Then planet Neptune for example is orbiting the sun where it was hours ago? Not where it is now? Because sun is moving through space right? Sun orbits the galaxy center at the speed of 200 km/s and drags planets with it, correct? So Neptune orbits point in space where sun was hours ago, right? Galaxy is also moving through space. So for example a star at the edge of galaxy 50,000 light years from the galactic center orbits a point 50,000 years ago? Not current point? So objects are orbiting other objects in the past? Neptune orbits sun from the past or sun from now?
@eu29lex16 2 жыл бұрын
No, aether has no drag, so that experiment shows a primitive understanding of ether, which was the only disproven thing. Super fluid helium is also frictionless. Super fluid helium exists and there are youtube videos about it ! The fact that people expected the most basic and primordial thing to have a drag shows how primitive they were in thinking. And, as I said, even Einstein agreed in his late years that nothing can exist without some form of ether in space.
@hanrealistic 3 жыл бұрын
The earth is stationery. That's the ONLY explanation.
@captainrocketblast2529 4 жыл бұрын
- I am new to this. As I understand it there is a radical view ! :- The MM experiment shows that the aether wasn't moving vs the Earth. To draw conclusions from a modern premise that the Earth is moving as it orbits the Sun isn't in the spirit of this old experiment. A few years later Einstein arbitrarily chose to keep the heliocentric model (solar system model etc) and abolished the aether! Unfortunately Airy's Failure(1871) had already established the earth was stationary vs the (moving) stars. These days scientists loose their jobs for challenging Relativity so the subject is closed. Things like The Clock Paradox are ignored.(?). Also apparently two atomic clocks don't show different times with speed. Heliocentrism is only a philosophy unless one takes on faith all the exploits of NASA. Down here no one can prove the Earth moves. Comments
@igvc1876 4 жыл бұрын
Special Relativity is one of the most tested theories in physics including time dilation in countless experiments.
@0s4do 4 жыл бұрын
This experiment shows motionless earth. But there is another interesting experiment changing the rotation plane in 90°. The result were 2 changing patterns, from 45° to 45° of rotation respect the horizon.
@igvc1876 4 жыл бұрын
@@0s4do it doesn't show motionless earth. We know Earth is not motionless from other experiments and observations. What this shows is that speed of light is not relative.
@renedekker9806 11 ай бұрын
_"I am new to this"_ - yes, it shows. If you are new to this, then why are you making stupid assertions, and making completely unfounded assumptions about scientists? Even a 1 minute search on internet would have given you the debunking of your claims.
@dyandisraeli3466 8 жыл бұрын
So since it failed, the earth is not spinning at all. The earth does not move. Why were we not taught this in school. The universe is geocentric and Flat
@lxmzhg 7 жыл бұрын
That would imply geocentric but not necessarily flat. We were also not taught about Tesla.
@RicardoLopez-pi1zo 6 жыл бұрын
No, that imply you need to study a LOT of physics.
@firstaidsack 5 жыл бұрын
So you're saying that if we would construct a Michelson-Morley Experiment which would move relative to the earth, we should see that the light speed measured from the point of view of the experiment is different depending on the direction? In other words that the experiment wouldn't fail? That would actually disprove the movement of the earth and all of relativity and all the physics that was developed based on that. If the result is the same as with a stationary Michelson-Morley Experiment, this would again prove relativity but would not say anything about the movement of the earth.
@igvc1876 4 жыл бұрын
Wrong - this just implies that the the speed of light is the same regardless of the movement through space.
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