I think Bethesda confirmed the civil war outcome in the lore for TES6 - The Elder Scrolls Lore

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Imperial Knowledge

Imperial Knowledge

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Oh my Akatosh, how did I miss this all these years? I am so sorry for me not knowing this before. All we can do is thank Grandmaster Jauffre.... I was just so excited about this info that I made this video between 0:00 and 2:00am
Video I mentioned: • The Great War Explaine...
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@leninade1715 6 жыл бұрын
No matter which side your on during the civil war we can all agree that the Dominion is the worst and must be crushed
@luka2298 5 жыл бұрын
Or we can agree that humans are done and altmer triumph in the end?
@CMG78 5 жыл бұрын
To be honest I like the idea of the two world powers in a state of cold war. Could make for some good story telling if done right.
@andrewschuster9156 5 жыл бұрын
Damn A NCR ranger but... with the name of comrad lenin It supposed America will never fall to communism
@Tlevids 5 жыл бұрын
@Tw1 Sorry but Syrabane and Phynaster already did that. By high elven standards, Tiber was pretty late to the party on becoming a god.
@Tlevids 5 жыл бұрын
@Tw1 Considering most of Septim's military success was based on the use of the Numidium (aka elven technology) I doubt that. And as in the case of Syrabane and Phynaster, we have examples of high elves who achieved enough in life to be deified like Septim.
@paynesyler6428 6 жыл бұрын
Here's hoping ESVI doesn't just say "Oh, there was another dragon break"
@xyAKMxy 4 жыл бұрын
I'm legit hoping it won't be the case. I was discussing earlier with a friend how "maybe Bethesda will have a catastrophe happen soon after the civil war, or the empire will fall apart due to infighting and subsequent invasions, which would mean a nord-ruled Skyrim regardless of whether the Stormcloak repulse the Imperials before said catastrophe or after".
@WillowProductions 4 жыл бұрын
well I mean there was...
@eyesack6845 3 жыл бұрын
@@WillowProductions bethseda has not canonised a second dragon break. you on skooma?
@tonts5329 3 жыл бұрын
@GreenTea I think what's worse is Bethesda literally had a second chance to improve the writing/story of Skyrim, with Skyrim: Special Edition. They could have drastically improved the stories of the various quests, actually fixed a lot more of the bugs, added more lines of dialogue, expanded existing factions and their questlines, improved upon the civil war by adding in some of the cut content, added in spears as a viable weapon option etc. It's honestly a disappointment to me and why I'll never buy any Creation Club content. You look at the work of modders like the Beyond Skyrim Team, Legacy of the Dragonborn team and the Skyblivion, Skywind and Enderal developers and wonder what the hell, Bethesda has been doing. =( TES VI is going to have to be spectacular to get me to buy it, especially after the seemingly never-ending trainwreck that was Fallout 76.
@tonts5329 3 жыл бұрын
@@eyesack6845 I mean there 'was' one unrecorded Dragon Break that is now canon. The one that banished Alduin through time... Even though that ISN'T how Elder Scrolls work. Another story-related thing they could have fixed while re-releasing Skyrim on PS4/Xbox One/PC as Special Edition =/.
@deecoe372 6 жыл бұрын
There's another point in Skyrim that often gets overlooked. Titus Mede signed the White Gold Concordant. He had his reasons, primarily because he had to end the Great War. But looking back at the actual assassination scene in the Black Hand quest line, I got the impression that he actually expected to be taken out and believes his removal from power will benefit the Empire. To all the Imperials and Nords who held him in disdain because of his apparent cowardly act in making peace, his death removes the stigma. They are no longer held to the actions of a dead Emperor. The Thalmor have to realize this as well. It is the Emperor's signature on that document that made the WGC legal. Remove the signator and you give the Empire a basis, legitimate or not, to renounce the peace. You give them leave to restore Talos worship and remove one of the primary causes of the Skyrim revolt. No more Legionaires dying in Skyrim, a serious lessening of the Nord hatred of the Empire...troops currently in Skyrim made available to fight the Thalmor, Nords a little less adverse to serving in the Legions or at least supplying the Empire. Titus ended the war and took the blame upon himself...his death won't guarantee a resurgence of Imperial power, but it removes a major barrier to such a resurgence. A fractured Empire cannot win against the Thalmor but an Empire that is no longer tearing itself apart may be able to triumph. That fact is one of the reasons the Thalmor wanted to keep the civil war in Skyrim going..they knew it was a bleeding ulcer for the Empire. Healing that wound with the death of the Emperor restores strength to the Empire.
@mutegrab666 6 жыл бұрын
All hail Emperor Motierre
@samuelhaverghast2442 3 жыл бұрын
That would make Titus Meade, comparable with Martin Septim himself, Martin Septim sacrificed himself to become an Avatar of Akatosh, to save the Empire, Titus Meade sacrifices himself to reunite the Empire and thus saving it, as well
@ing4gi 3 жыл бұрын
@@samuelhaverghast2442 But he polarized it too though
@ing4gi 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah, Skyrim really is meant to be part of the Empire. If it weren't for the banning of Thalos worship, Skyrim would be a peaceful land. Plus the Emperor was ready to give up Hammerfell in exchange for peace, so what does that mean for Skyrim? The Emperor could've easily given up Skyrim, this reinforces the idea that the other provinces are just pawns to the Empire's game. The White Gold Concordat is not really a sacrifice for the greater good to me, but more of a bad PR stunt for the Empire. The Emperor needs to die indeed and he knows it, but then what? Hate towards the Empire will still grow while Thalos worship is banned, and I don't see another Emporer solving these problems. I think Skyrim will eventually be independent, but not by the hands of Ulfric.
@TastyMeat8675 2 жыл бұрын
“IT oFtEn GeTs OvErLoOkEd” no it doesn’t. That’s a well acknowledged theory. Stop thinking you’re smart for pointing out the obvious
@gahmuretvanbegonia994 4 жыл бұрын
depends too, having a insanely powerfull character like the dragonborn go political like old tiber septim himself can easily define the fate of an empire
@andryuu_2000 Жыл бұрын
I think the db should become emperor
@vincegalila7211 Жыл бұрын
​@@andryuu_2000 yes but they probably won't, they had their chance with the Nerevarine, who had a much better chance of becoming ruler, on the count of the fact that establishing themselves as a major political figure in Morrowind, is part of the Main Quest. Not to mention trying to realize a former player character as a NPC in the sequel would be a Nightmare coding and writing wise. No they're probably going to say that they "mysteriously disappeared" and Herma Mora's going to reference a pet Dragon, and if we go to another plane of Aetherius a character will reference a "guest of honor" being at Sovengard
@TitusTheBard Жыл бұрын
@@vincegalila7211 Yeah, the Dragonborn DLC implies that The Last DB will get stuck in Apocrypha somehow, having the same fate as Miraak
@vincegalila7211 Жыл бұрын
@@TitusTheBard or at the very least will become the Princes agent in Oblivion. I can't imagine that they wouldn't be used for the Prince's petty disputes.
@IduNaVi2023 Жыл бұрын
It would make poetic sense as well for the Ulfric to be defeated by another wielder of the Thuum. Just as it would make sense for a Stormcloak victory should the Dragonborn side with Ulfric, but I think the Imperial dragonborn makes for a better plot story.
@sparkyceasar8859 6 жыл бұрын
So to break it down, the stormcloaks win but after the events of the game the imperials send a proper legion from cyrodil and take skyrim back
@isaiah1065 6 жыл бұрын
SparkyCeasar either or I think, cause either way the imperials win.
@The_Lone_Outlaw 6 жыл бұрын
SparkyCeasar A proper legion can’t take Skyrim back as long as the nords set up proper defenses. There’s only a few ways into Skyrim, all of which are ripe with naturally defendable positions. As well as ambush zones and what not. Skyrim terrain makes it a natural fortress of stone and snow. You’d need to send the full force of the imperial army and navy to even stand a chance, all things considered that is.
@isaiah1065 6 жыл бұрын
The Lone Outlaw Idk bruh, them same Legions kicked the Thalmor’s ass and the Thalmor are big niggas compared to Stormcloaks. Plus in game Skyrim is small, but in lore Tamriel is the size of Europe, there isn’t only one way to get into Skyrim from Cyrodiil bruh.
@geraltofrivia7484 6 жыл бұрын
The Lone Outlaw the stormcloaks army is barely an army. Just farmers and a few soldiers. Also, Skyrim is not some foreign land to the empire. It’s been a part of it since the empire was founded and they know about all of the terrain.
@gravyd316 6 жыл бұрын
If it weren't for Alduin the rebellion would've been over before the start of the game. It stands to reason if they captured him once they can do it again without much of a issue.
@BoogieMonkie 6 жыл бұрын
Why would the stormcloaks invade cyrodil? All they want is Independence for skyrim
@victormanyeruke9997 5 жыл бұрын
@Venom Snake end of the stormcloak quest ulfric tells galmor to start talks with high rock and Hammerfull to form an alliance, plus if your a stormcloak during the dark brotherhood questline ulfric specifically says they will not attack the emperor to avoid entering conflict with the empire
@blumbtumb7404 5 жыл бұрын
Venom Snake, xenophobia...? Oh yeah let’s invite everyone into our lands!
@raymond2125 5 жыл бұрын
And racism
@LordHoward 4 жыл бұрын
Stormcloaks are idiots, so I would be more surprised if they said they would stop after Skyrim.
@greensheep4918 4 жыл бұрын
@@blumbtumb7404 Actually, yes. Xenophobia, racism, bigotry, the list goes on. An example is the Gray quarter in Windhelm, if you ask any dunmer, they'll tell you shit hit the fan for them since Ulfric came into power. And the Argonian Dockworkers are paid maybe a tenth of a Nord worker's pay, and the Argonians do most of the work, if not all of it. While the only nords seen there sit on their asses on their boats, doing Fuck all. These are people who came to make a difference in their lives and get away from the troubles their homelands brought, or otherwise seeking some kind of opportunity for fortune. And they get beaten down by the stormcloaks who want them out for literally no reason than just to be rid of them.
@zisforzorua2555 6 жыл бұрын
LONG LIVE EMPEROR TITUS MEDE! LONG LIVE THE EMP- wait.... *Flashback to the Dark Brotherhood* Oops...
@alex_ho 4 жыл бұрын
@Kristopher Shafer Does the Dark Brotherhood assassin destabilise the Empire? Or does the assassin actually guarantees the success of the Empire...? Titus died a Martyr's death, and it's been very much speculated that his death was in fact a premeditated suicide. Meaning it's all part of some grand plan.
@nerrac2006 3 жыл бұрын
You do know you can destroy them by siding with the Penitus Oculatus right?
@MeeMaw1971 3 жыл бұрын
@@johnr3940 i like the idea of rexus being the new emperor.
@AnthonyDoesYouTube 3 жыл бұрын
I always get to the last mission and purposely leave him alive. I just love to see the glorious Katariah
@Unammedacc 3 жыл бұрын
@@alex_ho Yeah. I think there is a plan here to. Titus Mede was a really cool character, and I hope he had a plan, and we will see that deploy during The Elder Scrolls VI !
@patrickward8983 6 жыл бұрын
It also has some measure of precedent in Roman History, during the crisis of the Third Century the Roman Legions could be beaten at the edges of the empire but when the emperors would assemble large field armies the Romans would still roll over the Germanic tribes, however many of the most effective troops were stationed to defend against the Sassanids. (Not a perfect comparison, I know the Danubian legions were often the best)
@Sputin 4 жыл бұрын
That is when the Dragonborn swoops in, dons a draconic looking sun helmet (similar to Aurelian's decorative helmet) and is proclaimed as the Restitutor Tamrielis.
@andryuu_2000 Жыл бұрын
@@Sputin i think the dragonborn should be emperor
@bertrecht913 9 ай бұрын
The Romans never conqered all Germania and Varus fought with the best Legionares to beat Arminius. Sometimes the elites were stadioned at the border of Magna Germania.
@Jiub_SN 6 ай бұрын
@@Sputinthe Dragonborn becoming emperor is the easiest option, as the story could go Skyrim invaded the empire and placed the Dragonborn there or the Dragonborn rebelled from the empire and took over o their own. Idk, but Dragonborn should be an unnamed emperor who died shortly after ascent and had a son that made a dynasty or something
@Gizz101 4 ай бұрын
​@Jiub_SN that will just not happen
@WeegeeSlayer123 6 жыл бұрын
Now that Skyrim is reunited with the Empire, we can take the fight to those damn Thalmor!
@CommanderM117 6 жыл бұрын
the empire is in ruin and only the stormcloak and this dunmer will but the thalmor in there place
@Yvexius 6 жыл бұрын
CommanderM117 isn’t morrowind in a crisis/ under invasion & the storm cloaks a poor mans militia? I don’t see them being a threat to the dominion or anyone for that matter
@CommanderM117 6 жыл бұрын
morrowind is a wasteland more so then usually is but redoran are rebuilding and we have taken some of are land back from the argonian but we are not being invaded we are worse of yes but a little help and my people could be a strong ally for the nords we also share a hatred for the thalmor and we don't like the empire it very likely that after the empire win or loss the second great war ether 1 will invade morrowind just to purge us for draedra worship i am helping those that fight both and gave my people a place to stay
@hortator0767 6 жыл бұрын
CommanderM117 Since when do the Dunmer hate the thalmor? It really looks like they don’t give a fuck about them.
@CommanderM117 6 жыл бұрын
thalmor/altmer are Aedra Worshipers we Worship Deadra it would not belong before after dealing with the humans they would turn on us i mean they hunt down heretic in summerset so it likely they would see us as bad same apply with empire only they do it for greed
@generaluser5378 6 жыл бұрын
One way or another, Elisif becomes High Queen. She's the only major character who survives in every timeline.
@YABBAHEY1 5 жыл бұрын
Elisif the fair is a ditz. Hot, but a ditz. She demurs to Falk Firebeard whom demurs to Sybille Stentor, a f#^*g vampire w/unknown motives. (I tend to believe she wanted the Dragon Born dead/ infected) If the Storncloaks win why does that automatically infer that the moot will elect her high queen ?
@fenrisvermundr2516 5 жыл бұрын
@@YABBAHEY1 Sybille could mentor her as she slowly progresses to becoming High Queen, yes Sybille's beliefs are mostly unknown, but because she's a Vampire she's seen alot and probably knows enough to tutor Elisif, the Imperials never would have attempted to place her as High Queen, they didn't even assign Torygg as High King, he was elected properly, Ulfric challenged him for the throne, and used the thuum which goes against what he was taught by the Greybeards, as well as going against Nord traditions, legally Ulfric should have been killed the moment he shouted as that made his challenge null and void. Ulfric has no right to become High King as he was not Honorable, and he technically rigged it so if the Stormcloaks win the jarls would vote for him immediately, with laila being the only one to possibly disagree with him.
@fenrisvermundr2516 5 жыл бұрын
@PythonFalls Its forbidden to use the thuum for combat unless you're a Dragonborn, remember Ulfric originally was going to become one the Greybeards which is why he can use the thuum in the first place, however he was selfish and left High Hrothgar. The challenge Ulfric declared against Torygg was like I said, null and void the moment Ulfric shouted as it was a traditional Nord challenge meaning only physical weapons were allowed such as swords and axes, magic of any kind is forbidden during one, its literally the reason Ulfric was going to be executed, he murdered the High King in cold blood, there was no honor in what he did, nor has done for Skyrim. The Imperials have not done much to ruin Nord culture, aside from the signing of the concordant, which most Imperials don't even follow. The Imperials only signed it to bolster ranks, and recover so they could have the best odds to win the second war.
@fenrisvermundr2516 5 жыл бұрын
@PythonFalls The Greybeards use it in self defense if they are attacked.
@fenrisvermundr2516 5 жыл бұрын
@PythonFalls Solitude is the capital of modern day Skyrim, meaning it would have the strongest Imperial presence which is the main influence for Solitude's architecture, compared to the rest Skyrim's Cities.
@hamzaferoz6162 5 жыл бұрын
Tullius is a badass. He took up untrained Legionnaires and brought about a turnaround for the Empire in the War. He forced a stalemate with untrained Legionnaires. He would have utterly destroyed the Stormcloaks in a few days with a proper legion. It's not just legion it's also in the General
@tntsummers926 4 жыл бұрын
After 6 months in enemy territory, he was able to ambush the enemy leader. That is a next level bad ass, and doing it with untrained youth nonetheless.
@Reckless-02 4 жыл бұрын
Truely a great leader
@GT-wj3gl 4 жыл бұрын
@@tntsummers926 what's better is that at that point the war as basically fuckin' over. Ulfric captured and about to he executed. Tullius hadn't even been in Skyrim for a full year...and did that with a bunch of farmers!
@ainzooalgown6450 4 жыл бұрын
"Battles are won by well trained soldiers,. Wars are won by exceptional individuals." General Tullius.
@saekisadako2118 4 жыл бұрын
@@tntsummers926 2 months actually. tullius is underrated.
@capy-karma186 4 жыл бұрын
You know, that has me thinking. Ulfric and his men were trying to cross the border before they were ambushed. Maybe during the skirmish, he shouted and accidentally caused the avalanche, blocking them from continuing and killing some of his men, leaving him easy to capture.
@Naruku2121 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah maybe, I mean supposedly even normal shouting could cause an anvalanche imagine a Thu'um infused one. They likely made that part impassible for years or more. It could even explain why he might been out in the field to begin with. Trying to seal the Pass to prevent any real mustering troops to arrive with the Thu'um as he's the only one at the time in the force that could use it.
@patyluna821 Жыл бұрын
Maybe it was alduin
@TheBigE15 6 жыл бұрын
It’s not necessarily click bait. It’s an interesting concept and a super nice touch that many have missed. I’ve seen the Empire note but I have not seen the storm cloak side. I think it’s a really interesting idea and maybe we are grasping at straws but why else would they add this tiny detail if it were not for us to explore?
@HillbillyGamer7 Ай бұрын
Honestly the Stormcloak side has a stronger claim for a real story continuation. For one the empire is old, is rotten and needs to fall. Hell it's already fallen. And the fact that they think after 25 years of letting the Thalmor kidnap and torture Nords that Nords would just forgive us crazy. The fact that Nords were literally kidnapped from Whiterun and balgruff didn't nothing was crazy. The story that makes sense is Stormcloaks win, like Hammerfell won. Empire falls to just cyridel and is destroyed. Nords are so much more than just farmers, there's a reason they make up the backbone of the military, they are instinctually warriors. So once empire stops getting more recruits that's it. Empire gone. The best warriors in the empire were Nords and red guards and the empire betrayed them both. Why would they ever go back to the empire.
@Wittle_Boyo 6 жыл бұрын
Its been close to 7 years since the game came out and this information was only realized now!? That's just crazy.
@ImperialKnowledge 6 жыл бұрын
Yeah, I feel ashamed
@thewolfpaladin1858 6 жыл бұрын
Until it is written in ES6 i dont believe it cause the letter changes so that is one clue that it is NOT cannon
@CommanderM117 6 жыл бұрын
it was found long before this guy seen it and it changes nothing the stormcloaks will win with fire and ash i will burn the legion to the ground
@andrehenderson7820 6 жыл бұрын
CommanderM117 even so they can't hold skyrim for long
@stoifan91 6 жыл бұрын
《Budokai Elite》2018 Especially as most of the real Nord fighters are away with the legion. Ulfric can sit there with his farmers and just cry when they come marching home with orders.
@yourmatesteve2434 6 жыл бұрын
It would be cool if they would let you do what Dragon Age does. Let you choose what happened in your Skyrim and the world would change slightly. Like the choices you make in DA don't make huge changes but the things you do offer subtle changes and are spoken through dialog. For instance, in DA:O there is a very important moment at the landsmeet where you determine the fate of Loghain Mac Tir. Depending on what happens here, it will affect who appears in DA:I. Hawke, the PC from DA:2 will have a Grey-Warden ally. One of three characters will assume this role (Alistar, Loghain or Stroud.). Regardless of who it is, the story will pan out the same. Witcher 3 also does something similar but much simpler. Near the beginning of the game there is a scene where you will be asked questions about the events of Witcher 2. You have multiple options to each question which allow you to choose what you did in the game. Let's say you destroy the Dark Brotherhood in Skyrim. In TES6 you might see the Night Mother at a sanctuary. Babette and/or Cicero could make an appearance and they can tell you about what happened at the Falkreath sanctuary. Cicero could say, when he arrived there he found nothing but corpses so he kept going. Babette could tell you the she found her brothers dead after returning from a contract. Being the only one left she decided to move on. Perhaps even the sanctuary could be a little different depending on the outcome of Skyrim. If the DB was destroyed maybe this sanctuary could seem a little run down as if they've been having some bad luck but now that the Night Mother has arrived it's time to turn things around. Or if the DB wasn't the sanctuary could look like it's doing quite well. There's plenty of members, coin scattered throughout the sanctuary and everyone follows tradition to the letter. Let's say you didn't get involved at all in Skyrim, perhaps the Night Mother shows up in the next Sanctuary and the members of this sanctuary talk down about the members of the Falkreath Sanctuary. Saying things like while they may use the DB name, they are not real children of Sithis and he will punish them all in the void. They don't need to be drastic changes just small things you might see or hear about.
@ostrio 4 жыл бұрын
In my skyrim i destroyed the darkbrotherhood i would line in tje next game to kill ciecero and babet to finaly end the darkbrothehood
@joshfallon123 4 жыл бұрын
That would be awesome, I've always thought the same.
@niwanajenkins9492 4 жыл бұрын
I totally love Dragonage too, good point to bring up
@michaelpesak7603 4 жыл бұрын
I wish they had done that for TES as Daggerfall had multiple endings. Literally. They said all of them happened. but this is Bethesda. They're lazy
@Emperor.Penguin. 4 жыл бұрын
Dragon age is shit m8 the only good one was the 1st game
@mrzachattack510 6 жыл бұрын
“You could say I am funded by the thalmor” -Imperial Knowledge
@VelociraptorsOfSkyrim 6 жыл бұрын
I mean, does it really surprise anyone that this happened?
@SterbenCyrodill 6 жыл бұрын
Exactly. I've been saying this for years, even without this info. It was predictable
@QuantumShock1 6 жыл бұрын
Yes. Because this is the first time they took a side despite a players choice, as an example the warp in the west was the way they explained how the ending for Daggerfall didn't matter. Every possible ending a player could choose was canon.
@VelociraptorsOfSkyrim 6 жыл бұрын
Quantum Shock Even in the game loading screen they were referred to as "Rebels." When has the word "Rebel" ever been used in a good Light? Also, this isn't the first time they chose a side. Did you know that in Oblivion you could side with Mehrunes Dagon? Or how if you killed an important NPC in Morrowind you were forced to reload a save. Also, the Warp in the West has a specific cause, which isn't present in Skyrim.
@QuantumShock1 6 жыл бұрын
*When has the word "Rebel" ever been used in a good Light?* *cough* Star Wars *cough* Also the Oblivion example is kind of a stretch, obviously they couldn't do that otherwise there wouldn't be a sequel. All they had to do was keep it vague, have the main plot of TES 6 be so important that everyone is like "Who fucking cares who won?" Or just use the fact that the Dragonborn has multiple Elder Scrolls as a cause for a Dragon break in Skyrim. Simple.
@asuka7309 6 жыл бұрын
When has 'rebels' ever been used in a positive way, really? Star Wars? The American Revolution? The French Revolution? The Syrian Civil War? Kosovo? Soviet-Afghan War? Kurds in Iraq? Portugal's Carnation Rebellion? That's literally the dumbest argument I've heard in a long time.
@sierrakay3649 6 жыл бұрын
It's also possible that Elder Scrolls VI will occur concurrently with/only a short time after Skyrim, when the Civil War might still be going on. Short gaps aren't exactly unprecedented, with only 6 years between Morrowind and Oblivion, though this will probably need to be even shorter than that. There could be a loading screen that says "Ulfric Stormcloak led an uprising against the Empire in Skyrim. Some say he was killed, yet others claim he lives still, fueling the continued unrest in that province." In that situation, if the Stormcloaks won, that note is used to justify an Imperial counterattack and the war continues on. If the Imperials won, all they did was kill Ulfric and take the major towns from the Stormcloaks. There could be sympathizers or remnants who are continuing to wage guerrilla warfare or conduct assassinations in the Stormcloak name, which means there is still 'unrest' even though the rebellion is crushed. And of course if the peace option is chosen, once the dragon threat is gone the war just resumes. Eventually Elder Scrolls VII could take place another 200 years in the future when the Empire is either whole again or the Dominion has won, and the consequences of the Civil War will long be gone by then.
@viysnjor4811 6 жыл бұрын
Yes, they literally banned Talos worship because they KNOW he is a god, but godhood only works in TES if there are people to believe in them, The Thalmor genuinely believe if they stamp out all Talos worship, they will weaken him (and by extension Lorkhan, the greatest enemy in the Thalmor's eyes) enough that he will not be able to stop the ensuing genocide of all mankind by the elves, and when the last of Lorkhan's heirs dies, so too would he, and with his true death and the destruction of the towers the very bindings of Mundus would unravel and, the Thalmor believe at least, the (re)ascension to godhood of the meric races.
@dutchpatriot17 6 жыл бұрын
+Viy Snjór Incorrect. Godhood is not determined by the amount of people that worship said god. Talos is also not Lorkhan. The Thalmor do not want to become Gods, that's Kirkbride fiction.
@sierrakay3649 6 жыл бұрын
The book Gods and Worship say that "It has been theorized that gods do in fact gain strength from such things as worship through praise, sacrifice and deed. It may even be theorized that the number of worshippers a given Deity has may reflect on His overall position among the other Gods." It is a theory both in-universe and out as it's never been confirmed. Gods are probably not created from a lot of people starting to worship them, but it's unclear whether the amount of worship actually affects their power or not. Talos is not Lorkhan though for sure, these are separate entities.
@dutchpatriot17 6 жыл бұрын
+Sierra Kay Jyggalag was a God, Jyggalag was practically not worshipped at all, Jyggalag was the most powerful of the Daedric Princes.
@viysnjor4811 6 жыл бұрын
Again, wiping out Talos worship wouldn't kill him, it would just weaken him to the degree that he wouldnt be able to help his children fight off the Thalmor, who would then be able genocide every last human and no one would stop them from destroying the towers. Furthermore, Talos is Lorkhan because he is 1/2 Lorkhan to begin with, or 1/3 I suppose if you dont count Hjalti as being a Shezzarine, but Ysmir was confirmed to be a reincarnation of the god Lorkhan. Furthermore, Akatosh ascended Talos to godhood personally, and gave him *Lorkhan's* seat and role in the pantheon. Also Jyggalag is a Daedra, not an Aedra, they play by slightly different rules. Aedra are bound to Mundus and its fate, so it would make sense that they gain/lose power based on the beliefs of the walking shards of spiritual energy that live upon the world.
@Kozuu7 6 жыл бұрын
I always hoped that when the Empire finally goes to war with the Dominion that they would lift the Talos worship ban and restore Skyrim to the Empire. Ulfric and the Stormcloaks would lose their major recruiting point and obviously he would want to fight the Dominion as well so he would have no choice but to join.
@robinsondermann6715 2 жыл бұрын
Es würde dann vermutlich ein Bündnis zwischen Sturmmantel-Skyrim und dem Imperium geben.
@TheUnseenPath Жыл бұрын
Maybe he could be a Thalmor agent but mind you they don't enforce the ban either in the Empire as some places still have Talos shrines.
@mcsmash4905 Жыл бұрын
@@TheUnseenPath well the thalmor consider him an asset in the sense that his little joke of a rebellion is annoying the empire , and ironicaly enough ulfric kicking up dust over talos worships is what brought the thalmor secret police into skyrim in the first place, i do love details
@Jiub_SN 6 ай бұрын
If the empire lifted the ban the stormcloaks would likely stop their rebellion peacefully, that is one of their major reasons for it, and I think they'd likely choose to settle things near status quo with some slight changes to how the imperial government manages the province to ba a bit more loose like in morrowind
@Jiub_SN 6 ай бұрын
@@mcsmash4905they were already present, play elder scrolls blades. And ulfrics rebellion saved the empire and was giving them a hard enough time that the Dragonborn is needed to help them defeat his rebellion. He only controls half of Skyrim, and yet he someone still holds onto that half. Bit odd isn't it? Almost like the empire is too weak to do anything? Sorta like how they lost to the high elves who were no where near as man power heavy and should've lost? Interesting isn't it
@morbius109 6 жыл бұрын
Throughout the Elder Scrolls, I've always been very pro-Empire. Truthfully, ever since Skyrim, I've been even more so, because nothing will truly be able to stop the Thalmor and their damned Dominion but a unified and disciplined Empire. I hope a future installment of TES gives us the chance to help take the Thalmor down and restore the Empire.
@UwU-xk5cx 6 жыл бұрын
well, just remember that the redguards successfully pushed back the thalmor and the imperials at the same time, it's difficult but some armys like the argonian have some possibilities to defeat the dominion, they were capable to send the daedra back to oblivion and even continue the fight in the daedra lord territory, the only problem is that the black marsh is a close friend of the dominion (srry for my english, I'm not a native speaker)
@zaidakbaralmuharram2984 6 жыл бұрын
@cipherstrife1991 6 жыл бұрын
morbius109 hey you should check out Fudge Muppets why men suck video. He explains exactly why Thalmor hate Talos. Talos was basically hitler to them so now they are Hitler themselves. It's basically real world evil, so don't just count Thalmor has evil
@christiannitz933 6 жыл бұрын
+Cipher Strife Comparing talos with hitler goes too far for me. Alexander the Great or Napoleon fit better. Conquerors are not necessarily evil, that's just a modern view. Talos has given Tamriel a period of peace and his empire was a power of good.
@cipherstrife1991 6 жыл бұрын
Christian Nitz Alexander The Great wiped out entire cultures and no It's not a modern view, if you were those people you would of said he was the devil. The only reason Alexander the Great is held in high regards is because he won. Hitler led a bloody revolt against those that subjugated and abused his people. How is Hitler worse than Alexander the Great? And as far as modern day view of evil as you put it, you're trying to say Conquerors who slaughter civilians that don't belong to their country are good guys and Conquerors who want justice for their people by torturing their torturers are evil. Wtf? It's all shades of gray that can be considered evil.
@hiddendesire3076 6 жыл бұрын
Personally I wished it was the peace treaty ending. The dragonborn, a beacon of hope in this time of strife, unites both sides against the dragon menace, not through blade and blood, but through words of wisdom. Upon returning from sovengarde and the celebrations only beginning, ulfric and tulius receive word of an Aldmeri Dominion force making its move through the south, striking down stormcloak and imperial alike. With no other option, the stormcloaks and imperials decide to stand together against the elven invaders. Why do I say Aldermi invasion? Easy, take note of their lore, their tactics, and the embassy’s journals. They played ulfric against the imperials to distract them and weaken them. They wanted both sides to decimate each other so that they could take out the victor as they lick their wounds. Even the canceled high king expansion was going to implement this into the lore!
@tntsummers926 4 жыл бұрын
It was all but confirm in the beginning of Skyrim, if you want to clip. The Thalmor are begging Tullius, not to kill Ulfric, but, imprison him. To send him south to Cyrodiil, most likely to free him. but Tullius saw right through them, understanding the cold war. Since he is a genius, ambushing an enemy army after only 6 months. Also, in their own territorial heartland. With nothing but untrained recruits, only a military genius could do it. I hope TES6 is set in the Summerset isles. Right after the Thalmor are pushed back, and being invaded. The player can choose how badly they lose, because they can't win. Whether it is annexation, becoming puppets, or just losing land.
@fred5594 4 жыл бұрын
@Mr Stxne Alxne whoa whoa whoa not all elves bro.
@dragonbornofnerevar1661 4 жыл бұрын
I really want this to happen too. Like after season unending and Alduin is dead. There is another peace council requested by tullius and ulfric and the Dragonborn also attends they then create an everlasting piece and stand together with stormcloaks and imperials side by side against the dominion
@MeeMaw1971 3 жыл бұрын
@@fred5594 read the name.XD
@troodon1096 2 жыл бұрын
There isn't a peace treaty ending. All you're negotiating if you do Season Unending is a temporary cease-fire.
@eddy_malouempereur_du_cong6536 2 жыл бұрын
Mankind must remain unite against the Thalmor
@nevreiha 4 жыл бұрын
I already assumed this but in much less detail, my thought process is that if the player goes imperial the stormcloaks are gone forever, If the player goes stormcloak the empire is not gone so the simplest resolution is the empire winning
@uncraftable5368 4 жыл бұрын
The use of untrained soilders is a risky but brilliant plan, if the empire wins the Civil War the thalmor will believe that the imperials could barely beat a bunch of rebels and when the time for war comes around the thalmor having underestimated the imperial army will send less and/or weaker soilders thus giving the empire the advantage
@MycShredder 6 жыл бұрын
That's assuming a pro-Stormcloak Dragonborn died or went to Apocrypha never to be seen again. But then again, Bethesda might just decide he took no sides at all (at best) or keep the story vague & obscure as they always have done, wich is most likely. In any case, Empire or Stormcloak victory, I believe the Dominion's patient schemes will win in the long run & will wreak havoc on Tamriel eventually, only to be stopped by the next protagonist in some fashion.
@dutchpatriot17 6 жыл бұрын
That's assuming a pro-Stormcloak Dragonborn existed in the first place.
@admirnaruto 6 жыл бұрын
They will choose that he/she never chose a side, also in the tes lore we have dragon breaks, this makes it, so bethesda can ignore everything you do in the game, and even most things they wrote so far for the game.
@SkyMan-jx4nx 5 жыл бұрын
The Forgotten Hero Neither did a Pro-Imperial Dragonborn.
@ericcrabtree7075 6 жыл бұрын
Dragonborn for emperor
@rmg480 6 жыл бұрын
Let's make Skyrim great again
@multirkade1118 6 жыл бұрын
Yes, make Tamriel great again
@argoarcontediatene8557 6 жыл бұрын
Yeah the dragon born, indeed, is the only, true, legitimate heir to the throne since he/she has dragon blood
@MeeMaw1971 3 жыл бұрын
@@argoarcontediatene8557 well since the pact with akatosh has been broken there is no need for a dragonborn emperor, but maybe he/she will become emperor as a spiritual heir.
@Oops-All-Ghosts 6 жыл бұрын
"[...] made the Imperials taking Skyrim canon [...]" Thank Talos.
@Oops-All-Ghosts 6 жыл бұрын
OK, but I don't get why you're saying this means they're not giving Stormcloaks recognition. If this really _is_ the cheaty way out they have, it implies that the Stormcloaks are making ground against the Empire, which means the Dragonborn was either neutral or sided with Ulfric. Honestly, I was expecting them to just declare that the Empire won and leave it at that.
@saudade7842 4 жыл бұрын
Thank Talos and the Nine Divines! We can finally take the fight to those damned Thalmor!
@jonathanallison6270 4 жыл бұрын
That is oxy moronic
@wampiroindoril 6 жыл бұрын
It just makes me happy! :D For the Empire!
@unclefester1840 6 жыл бұрын
I believe the Empire will have won the war and we will be able to read about it in a 4 part book series in ES6.
@IduNaVi2023 Жыл бұрын
Actually I think if we consider these notes, the Empire will ultimately win either way BUT I think Bethesda are hinting at Ulfric initially winning round 1... If the Dragonborn defeats Ulfric, the whole civil war is slightly anti-climactic... But if this reinforcement legion is the key deciding factor, it opens up the door for the Thalmor to play a more significant aggressive role in the future. If the Dragonborn squashes Ulfric's rebellion with Imperial Nordic farmers, the Empire & the Dominion will be more evenly matched, reducing the sense of urgency & threat of a 2nd Great War. I can see the books writing Ulfric as a serious confrontation that brought the Empire down a notch, rather than a bum who never got past Whiterun. This especially plays into the theory of the Emperor sanctioning his own assassination to mend the rift between Empire & Nord, an act he wouldn't have done if the Stormcloaks weren't more than a thorn in the side.
@blackpaint9093 6 ай бұрын
​@@IduNaVi2023the dragonborn will not play any political role, except for the truce which for me is canon. Why? He's way too powerful to take parts into a civil war and eventually enter imperial politics or international politics. + THERE IS FUCKING DRAGONS EVERYWHERE Do you think the imperials and the stormcloaks would realistically kill each other while fire-spitting monsters fly around burning towns? The dragonborn whose job is to stop the dragons could have authority and influence a truce in the best interest of the entire region, even considering that he's thane in every hold canonically and basically friend with every Jarl on both sides. Then the civil war would start again, but the LDB will likely be in apocripha for eternity serving Hermaeus Mora, as the LDB is canonically enrolled in the college of winterhold, and his love for knowledge would drive him towards serving Mora
@blackpaint9093 6 ай бұрын
​@@IduNaVi2023and oh yeah, the LDB slayed Alduin, the litteral World-eater. Dont you think he'd be revered as a God by all the people in Tamriel? Absolutely, Tiber Septim did much less to achieve Godhood. The LDB will be written off and hinted to be in apocrypha by like Mora saying "i got a pet dragon" or something like that. And probably some books saying "a dragonborn came in skyrim, they came together with alduin the world-eater, killed him, and then disappeared"
@darken2417 6 жыл бұрын
Dragonborn Emperor? Please?! And yes Imperials were obvious starting with Jarl Balgruuf.
@GermanKinsmen 6 жыл бұрын
The Dragonborn will be whisked away into obscurity like every other Elder Scrolls protagonist.
@FrightTyGunn 6 жыл бұрын
But weren't dovahkiin a vampire and a mora servant now?
@darken2417 6 жыл бұрын
@Guess I'll Die Hope not. I prefer for there to be less cop out continuity between the entries in the series especially since I don't want the empire to remain weak. In the words of Lorebeard Zaric Zhakaron: "Bethesda are sissies!"
@AlexZebol 6 жыл бұрын
Guess I'll Die riiiiight... Sheogorath proves otherwise.
@NiceuRiceu 3 жыл бұрын
Hard to swallow pills: your Elder Scrolls character is irrelevant outside of their game, once a hero has fulfilled their destiny they have no more purpose
@agenttommy1 6 жыл бұрын
I agree with your theory, the imperial forces seem to be a vexillatio of one of the legions mixed with local troops to hold the line and screen the province so one of the empires legions can organize and deploy itself into the province after clearing pale pass and setting up logistical supply lines.
@IniquitousZ 6 жыл бұрын
I think there's a better way out of the civil war. The reason many of the Nords wanted out of the Empire was because the White Gold Concordat banned Talos worship. Even if the rebellion was successful, if the Empire tried to pull out of the Concordat and decided to go after the Dominion, it's likely Skyrim would join them. 6 will have to be far enough in the future that nobody except perhaps a few insane nigh-immortal Telvanni will still be alive to remember any of the specifics of the war, so the details of how Skyrim rejoined the Empire, whether it be simply that they were forced into it after Ulfric died, or they came back willingly to fight the Dominion, won't matter enough to be discussed. Another possibility, that unfortunately I very seriously doubt, is that regardless of the outcome, at some point the Dragonborn would take the ruby throne, which by ancient tradition was only ever supposed to be claimed by a dragonborn, and rebuild the Empire .
@roadhouse6999 6 жыл бұрын
"May those above judge me, and those below take me, if I should fail in my duty." GLORY TO THE EMPIRE!
@rockapoppin4567 Жыл бұрын
Imagine tes6 is defense against the 2nd great war in hammerfell and high rock, in where the stormcloaks and imperials have their own peace treaty agreeing on the thalmor being the true enemy. Really hoping it comes out in the next 4 years
@Reacted1991 6 жыл бұрын
What if the dragon born ends up following in the foot steps of talos and ends up becoming the new emperor
@saudade7842 4 жыл бұрын
I wish that after becoming an Imperial war hero in Skyrim you can somehow become the Emperor and finally bring the Dragon Blood to the Ruby Throne.
@tigervalley62 2 жыл бұрын
@@saudade7842: Know this is late, but honestly, I think when it comes to the game specifically, crowning the player Emperor is pushing it in my opinion. I understand lore wise the Dragonborn could very well become emperor, but to keep the game skyrim themed, I think it would make sense to keep the game and the player in Skyrim as much as possible and leave everything that could happen outside of that to fate with the Bethesda Devs. If I were Bethesda, I would have done something like this: You can become high king regardless of the path you choose. Ulfric could get killed in the final battle for Solitude and you take his place in finishing the war and becoming the "new ulfric" in the process so to speak. Therefore you become the next High King/Queen. If you are Imperial, you could be mooted High King by the council, as Queen Elisef's not officially the High Queen and only a temporary stand in during the war. In this scenario, I think you should also be able to have to choose. Become high king, or leave the throne to the Queen (choosing the latter, you get thane and Proud spire manor by default) or an additional 3rd option, if you are not married, you could take her hand in marriage and rule together. This could also provide a useful use for the marriage system. Either way, depending on what you do, you could potentially make the Blue Palace in Solitude your home, and to fit the lore, could also provide a pathway for Bethesda to make the Dragonborn emperor in ES 6 if they so choosed. Have Elder Scrolls 6 be in the 5th era, and vaguely state in a book or something that the Dragonborn went on to start a new era (or a new empire depending on the scenario) after Skyrim by becoming emperor and his/her descendents are the new Dynasty. I know this might not be the greatest idea, but it's what I personally would have done if I could choose. I'm still fairly new to Bethesda games and the Elder Scrolls franchise, and although I am extremely hooked on the latter, (especially lore wise) I can't help but feel so many wasted opportunities were missed. Civil War being one of them. I know mods can fix this, but still, the base games should be more fulfilling in my opinion. Civil War was lackluster Gameplay wise, but the lore around it was fascinating. Same for the College of WinterHold. Fascinating lore, extremely lackluster in game.
@saudade7842 2 жыл бұрын
@@tigervalley62 Yeah, I don't think becoming the emperor would work. I'm really not sure how they could make any governmental office, much less emperor, fun while keeping the gameplay the same. I don't think it would work with this style of rpg, but I can dream.
@williamgilbert6621 6 жыл бұрын
Honestly, retaking Skyrim would also be a perfect way to “blood” a newly trained and equipped legion (or two). Seriously the Empire would’ve been dumb to not build up more military assets once their economy had settled after the Great War, and therefore having to retake a province in the long run would actually benefit their availability of battle hardened troops when “Round Two” against the Thalmor starts. Especially if after retaking Skyrim the Emperor allows Talos worship again as a way of saying “I’ve heard you and I actually agree” which would both pacify the Nords AND provide forces of equally battle hardened (Thalmor hating) irregulars that would be crucial for humans in a second Great War...
@JamesJJSMilton 3 жыл бұрын
perhaps the new emperor will finally save us from these knife ear'd fucks.
@EjectedReject 2 жыл бұрын
No matter which ending, there's a taste racism lul
@samanthabree1246 6 жыл бұрын
"This note is the key to everything..." - Imperial Knowledge "Jar Jar is the key to all this." -George Lucas
@destubae3271 3 жыл бұрын
"Runs-In-Circles is key to this" -- Emil Pagliarulo
@1forest120 4 жыл бұрын
Honestly I find myself sympathetic to both sides, aslong as we're taking down the Dominion I am happy. But when it comes to logistics, governing, and the overall military structure. I would 9/10 side with the empire. If only those Imperials from oblivion were their foot soldiers then it would be a fucking landslide
@codyearnestt 3 жыл бұрын
I sided with the stormcloaks for the simple reason that I didn't think the empire was smart enough anymore (yknow because they choose a civil war in the coldest place in tamriel to start wearing skirts instead of the badass looking legion armor from oblivion)
@Bludthinkshesnapoleon 3 жыл бұрын
@@codyearnestt Choose a civil war? Are you ok m8?
@codyearnestt 3 жыл бұрын
@@Bludthinkshesnapoleon sorry i meant like when they were in a civil war they chose to wear leather skirts despite being in the snow
@MeeMaw1971 3 жыл бұрын
@@codyearnestt yeah that kinda bugged me cause i love the legion but i dont want my knees to be cold and not protected.
@TheSinsOfAvarice97 3 жыл бұрын
@@Bludthinkshesnapoleon They chose it when they signed off on literally protecting high elves to rape torture and kill Nords as they please inside skyrim their home country.
@stump4522 2 жыл бұрын
I came from the future: TESVI: You play as Pelinal Whitestrake. Happy Hunting Pointing Ears.
@Zerro- 5 жыл бұрын
I’ve actually had a theory about this for a few years. My thoughts were that in the end it wouldn’t matter who won the war because the outcome would be the same. For starters, there is one thing that won’t change regardless of who wins the war, the Dragonborn will be a top general in the army that won. After the war a new high king would need to be crowned, following a stormcloak victory, that king would be Ulfric. Unfortunately for him, I believe even if he wins the war he will be killed. This would leave Skyrim without a king regardless of who won the war, which would allow the moot to choose a new king. So the natural choice would obviously be the hero who led the victorious army across the battlefield, managed to slay Alduin, and has won favor with essentially every jarl. This series of events would place the Dragonborn as the high king of Skyrim. And coincidentally, assassins have just killed the emperor leaving the empire in need of a new ruler. So now the elder council needs to elect an emperor, and coincidentally, there happens to be a king in Skyrim who is essentially Tiber septim reborn. He is a Dragonborn like all the septum’s were, he is a military commander who has never lost a battle, he is probably the most powerful warrior in Tamriel, and he already has the full support of the blades, which were the emperors traditional body guards. As a side note, if Skyrim did secede from the empire, making their king the new emperor would more than likely make them willing to reunite with the empire. Overall, this theory covers both endings of the civil war, the dark brotherhood, and the main quest line. In regards to the dark brotherhood, the quest line would unfold the same way regardless. Just like how they were wiped out in cyrodiil during oblivion. In the end players can believe whatever they want when the read about Titus Medes assassination. Either the Dragonborn did it, or he was an upstanding citizen and some random assassin killed the emperor. Either way, the result is the same. So regardless of what choices you made in Skyrim, you would end up with a United empire with the Dragonborn sitting on the throne. And the best part is, you can consider all of your Skyrim choices cannon, regardless of what those choices were. And as a bonus, those choices would make you the emperor, which would add a bit more weight to the decisions you made. Anyways, sorry if I rambled a bit, writing this in bed while I’m half asleep. And I’m down to discuss this, and if anyone sees any problems that prevent this theory from working, let me know. But as far as I can tell, it works for the entire game and would allow any choices the players made to be cannon.
@dutchpatriot17 5 жыл бұрын
Problem is that in canon, the protagonist only completes the main questlines of the main game and DLC, this is done to prevent the forcing of a story down on headcanons.
@gahmuretvanbegonia994 4 жыл бұрын
@@dutchpatriot17 then why was he talking about the dark brotherhood
@dutchpatriot17 4 жыл бұрын
@@gahmuretvanbegonia994 Who?
@oguzhan.erturk 3 жыл бұрын
@NiceuRiceu 3 жыл бұрын
Sad reality of Elder Scrolls games: your character is irrelevant outside of their game TLD is probably stuck being Hermaeus Mora's slave
@Chrymzon 6 жыл бұрын
Really nice video, I have played many hours of Skyrim, but never came across this note. Usually, I save the Civil War for last, or don't do it on a character playthrough so that the world feels as if there is constant tension. Well done.
@DavetheNord 3 жыл бұрын
Genius! As I've never done a 'Stormcloak' run I never saw that version.
@solidadsoriano9235 6 жыл бұрын
You sound like one of the voice actors from Skyrim.
@jpfernweh7771 3 жыл бұрын
Wow, that is awesome! I am extremely impressed by this attention to detail in the lore in preparation for going forward with the series on Bethesda's part. Well done on the reporting, and well done GM Jauffre! Thank you
@Brandon-mp5kk 2 жыл бұрын
I agree with this, the fact that the Stormcloaks are having a hard time taking Skyrim against an incredibly weak Empire, should tell you they wouldn’t win against the Empire at full strength, or the dominion for that matter.
@mcsmash4905 2 жыл бұрын
yeah once you realise nearly all the soldiers are levies
@jurikurthambarskjelfir3533 2 жыл бұрын
All the Imperial troops in Skyrim are from Skyrim...
@mcsmash4905 2 жыл бұрын
@@jurikurthambarskjelfir3533 you could probably call them an auxilia , the real heavy troopers from actual legion formations would probably sit around in solitude in their heavy armor
@jurikurthambarskjelfir3533 2 жыл бұрын
@@mcsmash4905 They should deploy them in Falkreath and Hjaalmarch, no wonder why they're losing the war.
@mcsmash4905 2 жыл бұрын
@@jurikurthambarskjelfir3533 the imperials almost won the war on several ocassions the only thing stopping them from doing so is thalmor interferrence ( cause they want the war to keep going) and the heavy troopers are most likely few in number so they just defend their main political base which is solitude , i mean even the penitus oculatus is in dragonbridge basicaly outside of solitude
@TolerantP 6 жыл бұрын
I think bethesda might give us an option at the beginning of ES VI to choose which side we took which will affect the game, they've always talked about doing more than they've ever done and would match with their theme of player choices
@deci2723 6 жыл бұрын
"what the stormcloaks like to forget, is that empire is the only thing that keeps thalmor away from skyrim" some random imperial legionaire/city guard 4E 201
@asherandai1000 4 жыл бұрын
Except it doesn't keep the Thalmor away, it does the exact opposite and gives them a free pass to arrest and execute whoever they want. The terms of the WGC are such that the empire no longer belongs to the empire.
@tntsummers926 4 жыл бұрын
@@asherandai1000 yes, they are, that is the reason they are doing as the Thalmor say. If they ever wish to have freedom, they must wait to rebuild themselves. It is a cold war, between humans and the Thalmor. All Ulfric is doing, is making the fight against the Thalmor harder.
@asherandai1000 4 жыл бұрын
@@tntsummers926 first, I'm not entirely sure what you are trying to say because it looks like you replying to something that hasn't been said. Second, directly from the lore of the game and the wiki, the Thalmor were worse off then the Empire. The Thalmor had lost the entirety of the largest army they had ever mustered in dominion history, meanwhile the Empire were fresh off of a huge victory. Certainly they had taken heavy casualties in their forces in Hammerfell and Cyrodil, but they still had fresh forces from Skyrim and High Rock. The complete capitulation to the terms of the Thalmor was utterly nonsensical, and made the 4 years of fighting completely pointless. As for rebuilding, they gave up Hammerfell completely, surrendered to terms that allow the Thalmor to prevent them from rebuilding by arresting and executing anyone they want "under suspicion of Talos worship", and those same terms allow the Thalmor to watch their "progress" and take action to stop it. The surrender is literally the worst possible decision the empire could have made. It's unquestionable evidence that the leadership of the Empire is either too weak or too stupid to combat the Thalmor. Even the supposed reason for the surrender is completely nonsensical when you realise they spent a mere 4 years fighting the Thalmor, and 25 years fighting their own people who are dissatisfied with the leadership. If what you say had any nugget of truth the empire would have given up and let Skyrim take independence. Ulfric isn't the one making things harder, the Empire is.
@tntsummers926 4 жыл бұрын
@@asherandai1000 you don't seem to understand the war, like, at all. Cyrodiil was burned and sacked, their own capital was destroyed. The empire was suffering, from not being able sustain from their own land. The Thalmor spies, disrupted the empire, their legions. Blackmarsh, Morrowind, and Hammerfell were uncontrolled. Skyrim Highrock were green, inexperienced. Useless against the Thalmor, who have much better men. The empire had no navy, thus couldn't capitalize anymore. It was a bloody stalemate, and if the empire wanted to survive. They had to allow demands, or face further decline of their coffers. The empire was broke, they couldn't fight one month. Let alone against an island with a superior navy, and finances. It took the empire nearly two generations, to almost recover from it. If the empire does not comply, another costly great war. Skyrim can't hope to face the dominion, especially all alone. The Redguard and Bretons are afraid, because they are too weak. They can't hope to defend, against the empire and dominion. Since the empire is too weak, to even face the Dominion on their own.
@asherandai1000 4 жыл бұрын
@@tntsummers926 You don't seem to know anything at all about the lore, geography, or military of any of the Elder Scrolls. 1. Thalmor spies did not disrupt the Empire at all. That only occured AFTER the war was "over". 2. Blackmarsh and Morrowind were not part of the Empire. They belong to the Argonian state, and are not "uncontrolled". 3. Hammerfell was not uncontrolled. Approximately half was under control of the Dominion, and half was under control of the Empire. Hammerfell only became "uncontrolled" years after the war because they were not happy with the Empire surrendering to the Dominion and giving half of their lands to Dominion. They continued fighting even after the Empire had surrendered, and in response the Empire withdrew stating that Hammerfell was no longer protected by them as they wouldn't agree to the terms of the WGC. Hammerfell continued fighting the Dominion for several years BY THEMSELVES with their own already decimated forces, and forced the Dominion to withdraw and sign the Second Treaty of Stros M'Kai. Hammerfell with its military crippled by not only the dominion invasion, but also by civil war prior to the Dominion invasion, defeated the Dominion by themselves. If that isn't proof enough by itself of how badly the Dominion was crippled then you're either a complete and utter moron or willfully ignorant. 4. Cyrodil was not destroyed, it was occupied. Hence the reason the Empire brought Skyrim and High Rock forces in to retake it. Claiming it was destroyed is such a laughably ludicrous desperation move that I'm amazed I even to respond to it. 5. You really know absolutely nothing at all about Elder Scrolls if you think the Skyrim forces were inexperienced. The only ones who could claim to have more experience would be Hammerfell. Hammerfell and Skyrim were the bedrock of the Empire forces. 6. The Empire having no Navy is not only untrue, it's also totally irrelevant since the remaining Dominion forces occupied Hammerfell, Elsweyr, and Valenwood which are all completely accessible by land. Hammerfell was even part of the Empire until they gave it up. So I'm not gonna bother addressing the blatant lie, since its totally irrelevant anyway. 7. The Empire was not broke at all. It had plenty left to give. If it didn't then they wouldn't be able to immediately fight a 25 year war with Skyrim. This latest piece of bullshit disproves itself. 8. Did you really just say the Redguards were afraid??? I don't even know what to say to this... It's like you don't even who the Redguards are. You really know absolutely nothing at all and are completely talking out of your ass saying the first ridiculous piece of crap that comes into your head in an increasingly desperate attempt to hang on to the delusion that you have any idea at all on what you're talking about. The Redguards are the ones that refused to stop fighting and ended up driving out the Dominion without any help whatsoever. The Redguards are the fiercest warriors in all of Tamriel, with a reputation earned in near constant battle. Even the war hungry Nords of Skyrim respect them. 9. The Empire was not weak. They were wounded, but they were so very far from weak. The Dominion on the other hand were crippled, and could not mount another army of any significance without weakening their already tenuous hold Hammerfell, which they lost anyway to the Redguards who refused to stop fighting. No, at the time the WGC was signed the Empire forces were well above half strength, more like 70%, while Dominion was reeling and desperate because they had nothing else to give. The Empire leadership however was stupid and gave up without even negotiating. Even the Empire generals we meet in Skyrim express desire to continue fighting and confusion as to why they gave up, despite their loyalty. Really your complete and utter lack of knowledge of anything at all regarding the lore is absolutely astounding, it's like you've never once picked up an Elder Scrolls game let alone paid attention to the lore. Save us from any more of your ridiculousness and just leave. I'm not going to keep reading stuff from someone who doesn't even know who the Redguards are, let alone anything else.
@therealmcgoy4968 3 жыл бұрын
In one of the quests the legate says “watch out many of these stormcloaks are former imperial legionnaires”... so I think the stormcloaks had experienced soldiers.
@mcsmash4905 2 жыл бұрын
ulfric himself is ex legion if im not mistaken but still if that beast beyond the pale pass is woken up then it wont help them much , its a full on professional legion
@laisphinto6372 4 ай бұрын
Well yes but in this Quest they retrieve the crown aka a very important Mission so ulfric uses His best troops to secure it
@f.b.l.9813 6 жыл бұрын
i think it's inevitable that the Empire will retake Skyrim at some point, even if the Dragonborn joins the Stormcloaks, sooner or later something will happen to the Dragonborn that he'll no longer be able to actively participate in Tamriel's affairs, as has happened to all previous MCs, by that point the Empire will just retake it easily without the Dragonborn stopping them.
@ilyaakadishtungha7337 3 жыл бұрын
Two years late but I'm 100% sure the only reason Hermaeus Mora doesn't immediately enslave you like he did Miraak was because it'd be shitty if you just couldn't keep playing the game after finishing Dragonborn. I am willing to bet my left nut in the next game we'll hear about how the Dragonborn just never came back from Solstheim
@dragonbornofnerevar1661 4 жыл бұрын
This legion force is actually a good thing. Say you side with the legion and quell the stormcloak rebellion and kill Ulfric, let’s say cyrodiil falls to the dominion, then that force outside pale pass once the avalanche clears then they can reinforce Skyrim against the dominion
@a.w.sawtooth9469 4 ай бұрын
*My Stormcloak Dragonborn, meanwhile, standing at the border, axe in hand, and an entire catalogue of dragon shouts* “Let them come! I’m waiting!”
@adfury 6 жыл бұрын
Makes sense if you want to have a larger Imperial/Thalmor fight in the future. Gives you hope that they have plotted out the story for a few games.
@sabertheravenger9201 Жыл бұрын
If they don't spend a decade making each game.
@dramaking9559 2 жыл бұрын
I love that when we talk on lore of the armise of both the Imperial, stormcloaks and highelves we think of vass amount of men and women fighting to the death in a battlefield but in the game its like 10 to 20 guys can easily take over a city. Thats just funny to me to think in the great war each battle would just be like 50 guys fighting one another to the death
@MotorcycleCheetah Жыл бұрын
This last great war shall be decided down at the old well! You better bring all 10 of your soldiers! It’s gonna be a street wide blood bath to end all scuffles!
@beckito4145 6 жыл бұрын
The natural mountains that border around Skyrim, and the harsh weather. Makes Skyrim a logistical hell for the Empire if they wanted to overthrow Ulfric. I think that if the Stormcloaks just held a defensive position and made friends with the Redguards. They have a chance to at least hold an independent state for a decade or two.
@CommanderM117 6 жыл бұрын
the nord are the literal back bone of the empire without it the empire is nothing they even losses there empire statues only holding 2 provinces
@dutchpatriot17 6 жыл бұрын
Those mountains didn't help the Nords when the Empire came to invade it three other times, it won't change that now, either.
@dutchpatriot17 6 жыл бұрын
+CommanderM117 No they're not. The Imperials are the backbone of the Empire.
@sstimulants 6 жыл бұрын
CommanderM117 Yeah, that's kind of a hilarious statement. The Imperials have been the backbone of the Imperial Legion for centuries, this is simply a canonical fact. They are the most 'patriotic' race of the Empire, which isn't a surprise considering there province is it's capital. The Legion and Nacy os open to all races, but the backbone of those forces has, since long before the Fall if the Septims, been the Imperials. The idea that the Nords, one if the most barbaric races in Tamriel who are generally undisploned, or Skyrim, one of the poorest, least developed and least resource rich provinces of Tamriel, is the backbone if the Empire is simply ludicrous... Thoigh they did make up useful soldiers in the Legion once approristly trained, they hadn't been the core of an Imperial Legion since the early days if Tiber Septim
@bread7932 6 жыл бұрын
Your forgetting the Imperial Navy is the biggest fleet in tes, mix that with proper battle mages and the storm cloaks are screwed seven ways to sunday.
@cstains5543 5 жыл бұрын
This is why I always thought that the game should have pictured traditionalist Nords (Stormcloaks) versus imperial Nords (Imperials) with the actual Empire not really caring because both sides are not leaving the Empire, as both sides still hate the Thalmor with a passion as well as want to be part of the Empire, but are fighting a civil war between two internal political factions in Skyrim with General Tullus simply being employed by the imperial Nords as a recently retired Imperial general looking for a payday at the end of his career. The fight could be over religion whether the old Nord Gods or the Imperial Cult should hold sway in Skyrim for instance with wealthier Nords tending towards support of the Imperial Cult and poor and middle class Nords tending towards the Old Ways. That way you still have a choice in outcome that matters, Bethesda can go either way in the lore as far as Skyrim's civil war, and still keep the Empire as a solid force against the Dominion for the next title without having to effectively force a decision one way or the other. Under that system the Empire could even have a recruiting officer in Stormcloak or Imperial territory recruiting for the Imperial Legion that the player could meet and interact with who'd even laugh at the local Legion troops calling them "Provincial farmers and book keepers not worthy of Legion steel!"
@dutchpatriot17 5 жыл бұрын
Totally agree. Or they could have made the Concordat force one of the Nords' own gods be banned, like Shor. If the Stormcloaks were fighting over Shor rather than Talos, their cause gains a lot more merit, and loses quite a bit of hypocrisy.
@bryanbridges2987 5 жыл бұрын
@@dutchpatriot17 How are they being hypocritical as is?
@dutchpatriot17 5 жыл бұрын
@@bryanbridges2987 They claim to be fighting for Nord culture, yet fight to preserve worship of an Imperial God.
@bryanbridges2987 5 жыл бұрын
@@dutchpatriot17 What? That doesn't makes sense. Tiber Septim is a human. All humans trace their ancestry to the Nords. He was a Dragonborn, a gift given to the Nords first. He is the only Aedra to start life as a mortal, as a creature rather than a creator. To say he is just "an Empirial deity" is very silly.
@dutchpatriot17 5 жыл бұрын
@@bryanbridges2987 All humans trace their ancestry to the Atmorans, not to the Nords. Being Dragonborn has nothing to do with being a Nord. He is an Imperial Diety. The Nine Divines are worshipped by the Imperial Cult; a sub-section of the Imperial Pantheon. The Nords have their own Pantheon; Kyne, Shor, Tsun, Stuhn, Orkey, just to name a few. They are just not worshipped by the Nords of the Fourth Era, and the Stormcloaks are incredibly ironic for claiming to fight for Nord culture while dishonoring more of it than the Empire ever has.
@Ssnig 6 жыл бұрын
Yes for the Empire, For the Emperor.
@Shoegazebasedgenre0. 6 жыл бұрын
The Nirn is flat!
@SneedFeedAndSeed 6 жыл бұрын
C0DA makes it cannon
@amandag.6186 6 жыл бұрын
@davorbrijacak 6 жыл бұрын
Nirn is hollow!
@potatopriorites5652 5 жыл бұрын
It's spherical Drake! SPHERICAL
@heatsink47 5 жыл бұрын
Damn flat nirners
@tomaszgraczykowski3187 6 жыл бұрын
I thought nothing can make me more excited for Beyond Skyrim: Cyrodiil. I was wrong... Great video dude.
@sleepysartorialist 5 жыл бұрын
OK I am glad that someone is addressing that first note, no one I knew has ever seen it?! I was completely unaware of the second one.
@Jenasto 6 жыл бұрын
I figured they would support an Imperial victory as well, but for a different reason. At the end of the Imperial quest line, you kill Ulfric, but if you complete the Stormcloak questline, Tullius is killed but Jarl Elisif is spared. I assumed that this was so that, when the process for deciding a new High King comes, Elisif is put into power one way or another - either by your actions in Skyrim, or in spite of them. She is the only Jarl who remains in on her throne once her army is defeated.
@cg7073 6 жыл бұрын
title seemed a bit clickbaity but then i watched it hot damn that was clever of them to put that in there
@ImperialKnowledge 6 жыл бұрын
Yeah. I feel ashamed I had to use clickbait. But on present day youtube its the only way to reach ALL your subs. And I wanted to make sure this weird discovery was sent to them all. Its sad really that the algorithm makes this necessary. But rest assured, this is probably the only ever instance in which I use it.
@edsonwinkler8795 6 жыл бұрын
Imperial Knowledge And your little theory is a lie. Imperials even have parallel letters similar to the one seen in the video.
@HarleyQuinnW1NS 6 жыл бұрын
You guys also have to remember that the stormcloak rebelion is a underhanded plot to weaken the empire from within
@michaelstark8720 6 жыл бұрын
What Talos said in Morrowind Poor Old Emperor: "The Emperor is getting old. Don't know how much longer he'll hang on. So is the whole Empire, for that matter. Getting old, that is. The Emperor and the legions have held the Empire together for hundreds of years. It's been a good thing, by and large. But maybe it's time for a change. Time for something young and new. What? No idea. Because I'm old. Old dog doesn't get new ideas. But maybe young folks like you should try some new ideas. I don't know. Could be messy. But change is never pretty." There won't be empire soon. Its clear that bethesda have plan to destroy empire and from 4th era we see how fast everything happen. Empire and Thalmor are only who walks with prisoners who wait horrible death and Player can help them meaning that Empire and Thalmor are in same enemy category. What war preparations? Do you think that Thalmor don't know about everything in Cyrodiil? They have their spies everywhere. Empire is broke, legions are weak and Pentus Oculatus is just pathetic to have any sirious role. Thalmor will attack again and Thalmor will won. Thalmor will destroy empire but with some casualties and coalition of allied countries of North Tamriel will be only Humans side thatwill fight for humans. Thalmor have in their pocket imperial nobles and they abduct nords from their homes just because of their religion. Empire and Thalmor are partners in crime. Empire is servant state of Thalmor Empire keeps imperial Jarls happy with gold and same does Thalmor. Battleborns help Thalmor to capture Nords and there is imperial flag in NORTHWATCH kEEP WHERE INNOCENT PEOPLES ARE TORTURED. Only Stormcloaks fight for right cause which is freedom. Imperial and Thalmor mind cannot understand that but freedom is most important thing in the world. Imperial and Thalmor are both partners in crime against Nords and they are argessors. Dragonborn is depicted as Nord, cannot denied Talos and his reneval of Blades are against laws of empire's master the Thalmor.? Nords are known as Bane of Elves. The Nords once conquered most of Tamriel. Destroyed Snow Elves, they broke the power of the Ayleids, nearly drove the High Elves out of High Rock, and conquered much of Resdayn, the precursor to Morrowind.
@Tlevids 5 жыл бұрын
​@@michaelstark8720 When are the Nords referred to as the Bane of the elves? They were pretty badly defeated by the Dark elves/Chimer and Deep elves which is largely why they hold so little territory in Tamriel beyond the first era. Even the Bosmer managed to cripple Skyrim by attacking and killing its king during a Wild Hunt.
@raymond2125 5 жыл бұрын
And racist
@tntsummers926 4 жыл бұрын
@@michaelstark8720 the Thalmor don't control the empire. They're waiting, doing as the Thalmor say, until they're strong enough. Strong enough to destroy the Thalmor, to FREE mainland Tamriel. Seeing as Ulfric doesn't know he is being used. That killing the previous jarl, who was sympathetic to him. With the shout, would've caused a civil war. He's not smart, if he was, he would've helped the empire in this cold war. Or used the previous jarl's sympathies, to not have a civil war. Or at the very least, not kill the previous jarl, with a shout. Because killing the jarl, in a duel deciding who's jarl, does not make you jarl. A moot, decides who is jarl, and killing your previous jarl, doesn't help your image.
@canadianbacon9819 6 жыл бұрын
Doing amazing bro keep it coming!!! I remember subscribing when u only had 300 followers. You have come a long way bro congrats and thanks for the amazing content
@ImperialKnowledge 6 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the support!
@clapcheeks6950 6 жыл бұрын
Choose one: Imperials (Assholes) Stormcloaks (Racists)
@americanpride8441 6 жыл бұрын
@AlexRodriguez-oo9yu 6 жыл бұрын
I've personally never thought that anything you do in game is truly canon. My idea is that as soon as you boot up the game, nothing from the time you start playing is truly canon until the next game comes out and Bethesda tells us what was canon. People often make arguements that all faction storylines can be true because someone else can just fill the shoes of the main character; if the Dragonborn doesn't kill Titus Mede II, another listener simply fills his place. However, this theory seems unlikely. Again take the example of the Dark Brotherhood. There is also the choice to kill all members of the dark brotherhood. Yet, how can this storyline and the storyline in which the Listener joins the now dead brotherhood and kills the emperor both be true? They're contracdictory, so which quest is the truly canon quest? its up to Bethesda in the next game to decide which storyline is canon. And I think this approach to theorizing is more logical. I can boot up Oblivion, escape the jail, and then allow my character to stand in place for 1000 hours and never save the world from the Oblivion crisis. However, no "other" champion can take my place since the emperor is already dead and my idle character has the Amulet of Kings. Obviously this cannot be a canon storyline, so I think its much easier to assume nothing you do in game is canon until the next game comes out and we find out the true story
@CommanderM117 6 жыл бұрын
indeed the note was likely written just for fun and even if it was true the stormcloaks has train soldier because ulfric was train in the legion there also the sneaky having dunmer in his town and they made a game after showing an allience of nord dunmer and argonians later in ESO soo hmm they might like that ideal
@PapaPolak 6 жыл бұрын
CommanderM117 wait you realise that eso is set in the past right?
@CommanderM117 6 жыл бұрын
yes i know that when i said later i was meaning games not timeline
@PapaPolak 6 жыл бұрын
CommanderM117 OK I'm with Ya now. I see what you mean
@francislelievre5172 6 жыл бұрын
Look up the stories of the previous games & "Dragon break".
@captmoroni 6 жыл бұрын
Incredible find, thanks! Subbed.
@user-ot4rc9jh8e 2 жыл бұрын
The only thing you need to know is Ulfric carrys the Axe of Cowardice. The game is always supporting the imperial as the mainstory.
@MotorcycleCheetah Жыл бұрын
You do know what that Axe does right?
@seraphic8x532 6 жыл бұрын
I mean, I hope the Empire wins and I'll use them as evidence but the title it's a little bit of a click bait.
@ImperialKnowledge 6 жыл бұрын
As I noted in my top comment I am usually very against clickbait. But this is such a weird discovery that I felt the end justified the means to notify all my subscribers about it, since the youtube algorithms only seems to give clickbait videos in peoples feeds. I am sorry.
@emperortitusmedeii7702 6 жыл бұрын
Seraphic/8X I agree you should not clickbait, glad you see that yourself Imperial. I am just a bit sad that its the only way to reach all subs in present day KZfaq...
@user-kk4bq7mb8u 6 жыл бұрын
I don't think it's clickbait at all, but that could just be me. :)
@michaelstark8720 6 жыл бұрын
Jacob St.Clair Take a pill and chill sjw snowflake
@michaelstark8720 6 жыл бұрын
Ulfric is like Alaric I and he will bring empire to its knees like Alaric of Visigoths.
@YourSuzerain 6 жыл бұрын
Imagine unironically thinking Stormcloaks were going to win
@celan4288 6 жыл бұрын
Imagine unironically thinking your game choice would be canon.
@herpydepth1204 6 жыл бұрын
Man this is the first time the KZfaq algorithm worked! New sub right here
@yellowshirtproductions4533 6 жыл бұрын
What the Stormcloaks seem to forget is that the Empire is the only think keeping the Dominion out of Skyrim.
@celan4288 6 жыл бұрын
"the only thing keeping the Dominion in Skyrim" FIFY
@dutchpatriot17 6 жыл бұрын
+Celan Thalmor =/= Dominion But you lack the common sense to realize this.
@Angrychickenthatflys 6 жыл бұрын
Yellow Shirt Productions Never should have come here.
@michaelstark8720 6 жыл бұрын
What imperials like to forget is that Thalmor is in Skyrim because of them. With all geographical advantages that mentioned, also needs to be mentioned that Stormcloaks side have wealthy Silver-Bloods who would in cooperation with Gray Manes supplied Stormcloaks with weapons and armor, Dawnstar and Windhelm add important ports would also more money and supplies on their side to equip Skyrim soldiers and hire mercenaries. Only Nords would know to travel through the sea of ghost while other wouldn't not knew how. Falkreath except for fool of Jarl seems more Stormcloaks sided then imperial and Riften also from trade would be able to supply Skyrim Army. Winterhold mages have hate towards thalmor and Empire who want to close them. Hjalmaarch population is directly against their Jarl and Whiterun is more Gray-Manes who have connections with Companions and only real Imperial area is Solitude. Invasion of Skyrim is impossible because Skyrim have just few points of entry and those borders are frozen which means the bigger army is, it would easily been destroyed by constant ambush, destroying their supplies, make them suffer so that they goal is faster to get to warmer area where Stormcloaks can wait them rested and destroy them in short fashion. Or just hold them in cold area cutting their retreat line and would soon be decimated. Game mention Battle of Giants Gap where soldier in Sovngarde say that they were ambushed by imperials and they still manage to create shield wall and fight legion until dawns light legion ranks wavered and started to loose ground Just to mention arrogance of Tullius who never listen Rikke advices while Ulfric and Galmar are like real Shield Brothers Considering how most of the major guilds in the game end up on the negative side of the Empire in some fashion. Companions don't give a shit but their main armorer hates the Empire, the College of Winterhold becomes threatened for closure by that one Synod member who literally says that he's going to get the College closed for treason once he reports back to Cyrodil, the Dark Brotherhood straight up murders the emperor while crippling the East Empire Company, the Blades' very existence is treasonously illegal under the Empire, Solsteim has a lingering grudge against the Empire for screwing it over, and the Stormcloaks are the Stormcloaks. There are also a surprisingly large number of quests that simply attack the Empire in various ways with a baffling high body count of Imperial troops. Lights Out destroys and kills an Imperial cargo crew, the Imperial expedition force into the dwemer ruins under Markarth are wiped out, the Imperial expedition into the dwemer ruins with the Elder Scroll is wiped out, that OP-asf mage boss in Meridia's quest has racked up a ton of Imperial (and Stormcloak) bodies, and all but one of the bandit-occupied forts with soldier corpses consist of dead Imperial troops. Stormcloak losses are actually really hard to find in comparison. If anything, most of the game is blatantly pushing the player away from the Empire to the point of using the Imperial Legion as corpse props everywhere like warning totems. Nords are known as Bane of Elves. The Nords once conquered most of Tamriel. Destroyed Snow Elves, they broke the power of the Ayleids, nearly drove the High Elves out of High Rock, and conquered much of Resdayn, the precursor to Morrowind.
@michaelstark8720 6 жыл бұрын
Empire and Thalmor are partners in crime. Empire is servant state of Thalmor Empire and Thalmor are only who walks with prisoners who wait horrible death and Player can help them meaning that Empire and Thalmor are in same enemy category. Good thing that you can kill captors and free Nords. Line from LOTR Two Towers Orcs freely enter our lands Unchecked and unbalanced, they kill at will. Just replace Orcs with thalmor. Northwatch Keep, Thalmor Embassy, dead nords around talos monuments all around western Skyrim where evil called empire-thalmor dwells Next TES 6 will be in High Rock and will be another part of empire falling or already did so change of powers will create some turmoils but they will manage it. You can see that from Skyrim when Ulfric say any news from High Rock? IN meaning will they allign themself with us. That is called foreshadowing and throught Skyrim you can see about empire how pathetic is and how will end. What war preparations? Do you think that Thalmor don't know about everything in Cyrodiil? They have their spies everywhere. Empire is broke, legions are weak and Pentus Oculatus is just pathetic to have any sirious role. Thalmor will attack again and Thalmor will won. Thalmor will destroy empire but with some casualties and coalition of allied countries of North Tamriel will be only Humans side thatwill fight for humans. Thalmor have in their pocket imperial nobles and they abduct nords from their homes just because of their religion. Empire keeps imperial Jarls happy with gold and same does Thalmor. Battleborns help Thalmor to capture Nords and there is imperial flag in NORTHWATCH kEEP WHERE INNOCENT PEOPLES ARE TORTURED. These empire is over. Only Cyrodiil will remain and that will be second great war. If imperial were not cowards, they could counter Thalmor lot sooner before Great War but their cowardice brought them to the point where true Human power will be King in the North. And north cannot be held by outside force. Cyrodiil empire is done just like Talos said and new powers will be Skyrim, Hammerfell and High Rock. What Talos said in Morrowind Poor Old Emperor: "The Emperor is getting old. Don't know how much longer he'll hang on. So is the whole Empire, for that matter. Getting old, that is. The Emperor and the legions have held the Empire together for hundreds of years. It's been a good thing, by and large. But maybe it's time for a change. Time for something young and new. What? No idea. Because I'm old. Old dog doesn't get new ideas. But maybe young folks like you should try some new ideas. I don't know. Could be messy. But change is never pretty." There won't be empire soon. Its clear that bethesda have plan to destroy empire and from 4th era we see how fast everything happen. Comparing Thalmor to Stormcloaks is pathetic because Stormcloaks fight to save them from empire that sink like Titanic while Thalmor are agressors. Empire could left Skyrim alone and continue with their so called war preparations, but Evil never knows where to stop. Same with Thalmor and Empire. Only Stormcloaks fight for right cause which is freedom. Imperial and Thalmor mind cannot understand that but freedom is most important thing in the world. Imperial and Thalmor are both partners in crime against Nords and they are argessors. Dragonborn is depicted as Nord, cannot denied Talos and his reneval of Blades are against laws of empire's master the Thalmor.
@michaelangelo2479 6 жыл бұрын
I'm not mad at you, you are the messager. I'm with Jarl Ulfric, I accept the Empire winning at the end and here why. During the peace talks you tell the High Elf to leave the room, holds are traded and a plot is planned or better yet the Empire tells the Nords Talos worship will be allowed but after the Thalmor are defeated. Jarl Elisif explains what her husband wanted to Jarl Ulfric and training begins with the Stormcloaks and the Dragonborn (and maybe the blades) in the way of the voice. Empire pulls out of Skyrim, Thalmor stay but are assassinated causing the 2nd great war to happen faster than they wanted. Skyrim is apart of the Empire (hate to say it) but the Stormcloaks can still win giving motivation to the rest of the Empire, Hell during the war Redguards were joining Ulfric
@edsonwinkler8795 6 жыл бұрын
This is fake news you know, The Imperials have a note parallel to the one seen in the video.
@michaelangelo2479 6 жыл бұрын
Faze Dylan. Fake or not, prepare for the worst Hope for the best
@leangoldfish 6 жыл бұрын
I will say overall I'm happy with the decision but there are other worries in Skyrim I worry about if the Imperials win. Rest in peace Lord Ulfric. A true Nord.
@enriquecabrera2137 6 жыл бұрын
Elijah Anderson "true nord" Obviously knows nothing about nords
@enriquecabrera2137 6 жыл бұрын
This Is an Overrated Image what are you talking about. Ulfric literally betrayed the Empire while under its service and sold out skyrim to the dominion while assaulting its citizens for monetary gain. Did you not play the game?
@leangoldfish 6 жыл бұрын
Enrique Cabrera I don't recall ever reading anything about Ulfric gaining money for "selling" out Skyrim. It also very clearly in the game stated that Ulfric told the Dominion that he would work with them so they would set him free. It was all a means to an end to rid Skyrim of the Empire and Thalmor presence altogether. Even the dosimer said that no further contact had been made with Ulfric since his release. The Thalmor killing the people of Skyrim only happened in Imperial controlled territory because the White-Gold concordat allowed them to do so. The Thalmor were not tolerated in Stormcloak territory. We see evidence of this with the disappearance of the Thalmor in Understone Keep when the Stormcloaks take over the Reach. Like any man. Just like the Empire wasn't without blemish neither was Ulfric. No man nor government ever is. I wish they would've made some way for Ulfric to be the High King but stayed within the Empire like them working some kind of deal out.😭
@leangoldfish 6 жыл бұрын
Enrique Cabrera I actually made a mistake. Even the dossier said that "Ulfric was made to believe that the information obtained from him during his incarceration was made to believe that his information was crucial to the fall of the Imperial City but infact it wasn't because it had already fallen by this time." They also let him escape making him believe he escaped on his own. After that any further attempts at contact have been denied. It's all in the game. If Ulfric really worked with the Dominion like that then he wouldn't turn down contact
@MrHogGamer 6 жыл бұрын
How did Ulfric sell Skyrim out to the AD? Ulfric wanted to fight them but was forced to fight the damn Empire.
@mrsnekk5297 2 ай бұрын
TOTALLY didn't see this one coming, thanks "Imperial Knowledge"
@crazyhercules9442 3 жыл бұрын
As long as The Last Dragonborn gets his due, Empire all the way. All the way until the bitter end…
@tetrodotoxin99 6 жыл бұрын
@danielthevito9008 6 жыл бұрын
Glory to the Empire!
@danielthevito9008 6 жыл бұрын
jim corboy Dont forget our other famous saying "Tiocfaidh ár lá"
@thewolfpaladin1858 6 жыл бұрын
Death to the Dominion Empire
@delta1525 6 жыл бұрын
Amadan, do you watch Batko? I swear I just saw you comment on his video.
@loumalabann9303 6 жыл бұрын
@ichiroudesu_. 6 жыл бұрын
At least us Altmer can maintain our dominions members *Cough* none like the Empire with... everyone else after The Septim Dynasty
@cobyhowarth4290 4 жыл бұрын
You do such a good job and I’m glad I found this Chanel
@sergeantsnags 4 жыл бұрын
i wonder if the outcome of the civil war will effect es6 and if it does there’ll probably be an option to select who you prefer who’s won or something
@EstaviusMarx 6 жыл бұрын
I think there is a reason that they chose to make the Imperials look like Romans. The Roman Empire was mighty, with incredible troops, it was cultured and it was long lasting. But it didn’t last forever. It decayed from the inside and then it fell from the outside. I think that it isn’t a coincidence. The Empire will fall or have fallen in TES6.
@dutchpatriot17 6 жыл бұрын
Please tell me, since when did Rome have an Empire that fell, followed by a second Empire that fell, followed by a Third Empire? It didn't? Then don't compare TES to the Roman Empire.
@asuka7309 6 жыл бұрын
1. Your argument is "there weren't 3 Roman Empires", which is a false argument because there weren't 3 Septim Empires. I DO get the point. 2. You're missing the joke. 3. When you see proper canon depictions of the Reman Empire (preferably as a primary source) call me, on wait, there aren't any so you can't say they were Roman-inspired. 4. lmao "go back to your weeb shit", you've just proven you're so much smarter than me :'(
@dutchpatriot17 6 жыл бұрын
+Asuka-san 1. There were three Cyrodiilic Empires. 2. If that's what you call a joke, I don't want to know what isn't. 3. I really suggest you play ESO...
@asuka7309 6 жыл бұрын
1. There were 3 Empires that started in Cyrodiil, that doesn't mean that those Empires are successors to each other, or related in any other way. Get over it, you've got no argument. 2. tbh everything should be joked about 3. Alliance Wars started 200 years after the Reman Empire ended, evidence counter: 0 And other than the helmets everything looks more like Samurai armour from the Akaviri mixed with your regular medieval-fantasy style armors lol.
@dutchpatriot17 6 жыл бұрын
+Asuka-san 1. Let's see... All three of them are formed by the Imperials, all three of them are warlike, all three of them use comparable armor in their armies, and all three of them strife for similar ideals.... 3. And you clearly do not know how gathering lore works.
@Hawaiian_Pizza_Enjoyer 6 жыл бұрын
I would have guessed the next game plays a couple decades in the future with a completely destroyed empire and a Tamriel under Thalmor-Nazi regime. This way they wouldn’t completely *ignore* your choice because this way all of Tamriel is defeated equally. Meaning it doesn’t matter who won the war because the Thalmor ultimately dominated. But just deciding that the empire won the civil war is stupid for people who invested time in a Stormcloak playthrough.
@chimeranangel 6 жыл бұрын
And saying the stormcloaks won would shit in the face of imperial players what's your point? Either way someone's gonna be pissed, just pick the one that makes most sense in lore and move on.
@Hawaiian_Pizza_Enjoyer 6 жыл бұрын
chimeranangel No no, I’m saying they could easily find a way to make both efforts, Stormcloaks as well as Imperials, equally redundant by making the outcome of the war irrelevant. That’s how most of the decisions made by the player get handled by Bethesda anyway
@ActuallyReid 6 жыл бұрын
It’s doubtful that the Thalmor can take Hammerfell, and after what the Argonians did to the forces of Oblivion, i’d wager they’d lose there too
@nickb2606 6 жыл бұрын
The thalmor arent nazis bruh. They're the jews.
@locke180 6 жыл бұрын
Nick B can you elaborate?
@kyleprince4126 Ай бұрын
“They have to have an excuse why you can’t go to Cyrodil” meanwhile the Morrowind border is just a big invisible wall
@toddhowarddressedasatellyt702 3 жыл бұрын
Theory time *tes vi comes out *player gets told that the empire kept losing and regaining skyrim, and the same with the stormcloaks, thus causing both tullius and ulfric to die *it doesnt say who got control first though, that way anyone can think that their playthrough is canon *its optional who has skyrim by the time tes vi is released, but i hope the stormcloaks because i really like them *everyones happy
@Yellowdigigod 6 жыл бұрын
Well, I mean Skyrim's conflict kinda mirrored Scotland's with England... and you see where we are today with that.
@mojavewolf 4 жыл бұрын
Ireland fought for its independence in large part along sectarian lines and got a different result.
@Valencetheshireman927 3 жыл бұрын
@Syko -The two conflicts cannot be compared given how Skyrim has been ruled by the empire for centuries. Scotland chose to join the empire whereas Skyrim is where the empire begin in the first place .
@Valencetheshireman927 3 жыл бұрын
*Scotland joined the U.K. ! My bad
@kalondi5722 3 жыл бұрын
@@Valencetheshireman927 Technically, Scotland is where the British Empire began in the first place.
@Valencetheshireman927 3 жыл бұрын
@@kalondi5722 How so ? The English created their own empire before Scotland joined England to form to United Kingdom . The British empire was English in origin since it was first created by the English (Even if they were ruled by a Scottish king at the time ! )
@17thimperiallegionxvii16 6 жыл бұрын
Long live the empire
@jakebailey9437 6 жыл бұрын
There's also the third civil war option you're forgetting about. The diplomatic one, if you don't side with either side. That seems like it's more likely to be cannon, then just an emperial victory.
@lignagirroc 6 жыл бұрын
Well, I just got this reccomend to me via a random notification on my phone while I was on a road trip. Best random notification ever.
@DoReMi123acb 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you and Joffery for this! I feel so vindicated! This storyline makes perfect sense. An Aldemeri win simply means no more life for anyone in all Tamriel ie no more Elder Scrolls.
@makhailoliver1847 6 жыл бұрын
I ALWAYS had a feeling Bethesda would come up with a scenario. It's similar to what I envisioned: Stormcloaks expell Imperials but Empire reclaims Skyrim. KNEW IT!!! Long live the Empire!!
@fenrisvermundr2516 5 жыл бұрын
I mean it makes alot of sense, the legion definitely outnumbers the Stormcloaks, they just weren't expecting the rebellion to last as long as it did, its why they only sent a small legion of soldiers to deal with it the legion at its full force could March into every city in Skyrim and retake them within a few days pretty easily, the Thalmor were the only issue, and even they would be still be defeated by the Legion, because Elves don't reproduce as fast as humans, and spend more time training them for the roles only because they live longer, heck the moment the Imperials declare war, the natives who reject the Aldmeri Dominion in Elsweyr, Valenwood, and The Summerset Isle would do the same.
@obliviousthunder 4 ай бұрын
that picture of General Tulius is kind of badass :o
@tjk-goix8513 2 жыл бұрын
Can you make a video on which SkyRim quests are Canon and what order to play the Canon quests and I mean all of them every single one including the Creator Club ones
@umarafsharzadeh2876 6 жыл бұрын
What if ulfric used Fus ro dah on the mountain when he saw empire March through then it made an Avalanche
@Lo-tf6qt 5 жыл бұрын
The Dragonborn would freeze his ass off
@mfollonier 5 жыл бұрын
I think the "Season Unending" scenario is also very possible... In TESVI the player may read or hear reports and rumors of the ongoing conflict in Skyrim between the Stormcloacks and the Empire... Even against a better army, the Stormcloaks could still carry on with the rebellion indefinitely, taking advantage of the terrain, the climate, and guerrilla tactics (like Vietnamese and Russians)... Who knows, maybe a 'dragon break' occurs and all four or more possible outcomes are true (Empire wins, Stormcloacks wins, the conflict goes on indefinitely or something else happens, like the Thalmor taking over, etc...)
@ankanosparta5173 5 жыл бұрын
Bergritte Battle-Born mentions it too she says "season unending war without end"
@dontmiindme2104 6 жыл бұрын
So what happens to dragon born if you side with storm cloaks?
@joshbod2663 6 жыл бұрын
second cop out is that elisif is still alive at the end of the civil war quest line. Ulfric even "gives" her a chance for the moot to decide about. Elisif can still be high queen and it would not surprise me if what ends up happening is that when we see skyrim in es6, they will talk about ulfrics traitorous rebelion and murder of torrig then say that the forces of the empire came in, swept him up and appointed some other jarl to take things over. Just because ulfic "won" the civil war does not give him dominion over all of skyrim. The moot and the individual holds banding together could easily crush him if he ever stepped out of line.
@eduardolapenda7268 6 жыл бұрын
@mavelll8103 6 жыл бұрын
The Flash you can’t have the empire and talos friend
@hunterzolomon4104 6 жыл бұрын
Ashh Dension legate Rikke and hadvar still worships talos. They do this discreetly.
@eduardolapenda7268 6 жыл бұрын
@mehashevra4804 6 жыл бұрын
The Flash and the empire is trying to build up strength in secret from the Thalmor in order to fight back against. It the difference between openly defying an enemy bigger than you or waiting until you stand a chance then attacking in surprise to gain back what is yours.
@bashfulray7982 6 жыл бұрын
The Flash wtf
@glue6143 6 жыл бұрын
i had my headphones in all the up at the beginning lmao
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