Is Nukaworld Really That Bad?

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Grey Gaming

Grey Gaming

6 ай бұрын

In the words of Frank Sinatra, some folks get their kicks stompin' on a dream. Nukaworld was meant to be a final send-off for fallout 4, as it was the final story expansion to Bethesda's most ambitious fallout to date. The Nukaworld DLC has developed a sort of cult "unfollowing" among the fallout community despite actually not being all that bad... or is it? well let's see if we can figure out whether it really is the train wreck that some claim it is.

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@mal1362 6 ай бұрын
I wish the nuka world dlc had a bigger focus on the minutemen as a liberating nuka world alternative, instead of just only having the Minutemen attack raider settlements
@LordBeef 6 ай бұрын
Fortunately, there is a mod for that, but yeah, it’s the obvious missing feature that could really help with the roleplay and gameplay options.
@ghosterino 6 ай бұрын
@@LordBeef What is the name of the mod?
@Jinx1349 6 ай бұрын
@@ghosterino Minutemen Takeover - Nuka World
@quincyharris2512 6 ай бұрын
​@Jinx1349 is it like a PC mod or one on the in-game mod menu?
@Jinx1349 6 ай бұрын
@@quincyharris2512 its a mod on nexus mod site
@jorgecastillo2391 6 ай бұрын
What makes this DLC so weird is how badly it can potentially tie in with the main story. You can turn against the institute, BOH, and railroad leaving the minutemen as your “yes man” faction that you can’t turn against. You can make enemies with the 3 factions and with this DLC, you can technically make all 4 vanilla factions your enemy. You can enslave the entire commonwealth, as well as Preston and friends yet when it comes time to take down the institute to beat the game, they’ll act as your friends and basically be like “oh I know you have us enslaved, backstabbed us, and are going against all our ideals, but we’ll help you take down the institute and be your friend”. This issue gets even worse if you start the game, skip the rescue mission with Preston, go through the main game, finish the DLC, then come back to save Preston to ask him to help you defeat the institute. You essentially have no rapport with him besides the fact that you save him, but then you can immediately enslave him and his friends and they’ll still be friendly with you when it comes to finishing the game. I know pretty much no one came upon this scenario naturally on their first installment of the game, but this scenario really shouldn’t be in the game. Maybe they could’ve added a unique dialogue that could’ve been you telling Preston to help you or else, but nope.
@Islamphobe 6 ай бұрын
Fallout 4 has an issue with consequences in general. It’s so hard to make decisions that actually punish you outside of like companions and this is really bad for a “role play” game because you get the illusion that you have the evil choice but the game still wants you being the good guy so refuses to actually punish you. This is why far harbour was the best fallout 4 got as a role play game, when you made evil choices people responded negatively and the world was changed, not that much because it’s only dlc but you still felt an impact. I look at nuka world how I look at fallout 4 in general: a bad role play game but fun shooter do to its handcrafted world and gameplay loops. Nuka world gives us another very well crafted world and a lot of new items and quests to insert into the gameplay loop so as someone who enjoys fallout 4 because it caters to my very specific tastes nuka world was an excellent addition but if you purchase fallout 4 hoping for a fallout game aka a role play game you’re going to be disappointed with most of the games content except far harbour.
@hoangkienvu7572 6 ай бұрын
This is why Bethesda game shouldn't write any sort of high-stake, character-driven main quest lines. They are good at giving you a bunch of different optional quest line to pick and choose, but to then give the player a main character with somewhat defined morals and ideals, these two things just don't work together. They need to understand that their strength is their lack of rules and consequences and make games accordingly. Starfield's main quest line has no world-ending stakes, and that incentivize the player to just ignore it and do their own thing and pursue any optional quest line, it's great. If I want a linear character-driven game with little to no exploration, I would just pick up a Bioware game
@andrewsneacker1256 6 ай бұрын
Who dafuq beats nuka cola before main story? This would be a dumb decision if you're into story, obviously. And If you into combat it will still dont make sense, you have to be 25-35 lvl to go there. And you level alot from main quest line.
@robertrichard2322 6 ай бұрын
@@andrewsneacker1256 You can go there whenever you want, even level 1 and it makes it extreeeeemely challenging but fun as well, you just don't hear it on the radio until level 25
@TheYumChannel 6 ай бұрын
Well the fix for that situation would’ve creating a raider ending after Nuka world was added, that way they don’t have to force the minuteman to like you because they are no longer the “fallback” choice
@TheBetterManInBlack 6 ай бұрын
I thought the whole point of the "overboss" was so that Gage could run Nukaworld without being directly in the crosshairs of the gang leaders. Basically a figurehead.
@nightfall89z62 6 ай бұрын
This is basically correct. Gage essentially tells you as much.
@Therake2602 6 ай бұрын
For something everyone call you “new toy of cage “
@Killsoty Ай бұрын
That's basically it lmao. You can ask Gage why he doesn't want to be Overboss and he straight up just says he doesn't want the target on his back and is fine being the second top dog of the gang because he can still have a lot of control without anyone wanting to take him out for the top seat. And when someone DOES take out the current boss, he can just be THEIR second because he has the reputation of just wanting to be a lieutenant.
@pointpoint8445 Ай бұрын
That's pretty much it. Everyone mentions how you're being used by Gage, either as a toy or a new project. He even says himself he's fine being the second in command because he doesn't have that target on his back. He can still tell you what to do and pull the strings, but now at the safety of being the right hand man.
@Slynch25 Ай бұрын
That's basically it lmao. You can ask Gage why he doesn't want to be Overboss and he straight up just says he doesn't want the target on his back and is fine being the second top dog of the gang because he can still have a lot of control without anyone wanting to take him out for the top seat. And when someone DOES take out the current boss, he can just be THEIR second because he has the reputation of just wanting to be a lieutenant. That's pretty much it. Everyone mentions how you're being used by Gage, either as a toy or a new project. He even says himself he's fine being the second in command because he doesn't have that target on his back. He can still tell you what to do and pull the strings, but now at the safety of being the right hand man. That's basically it lmao. You can ask Gage why he doesn't want to be Overboss and he straight up just says he doesn't want the target on his back and is fine being the second top dog of the gang because he can still have a lot of control without anyone wanting to take him out for the top seat. And when someone DOES take out the current boss, he can just be THEIR second because he has the reputation of just wanting to be a lieutenant. That's pretty much it. Everyone mentions how you're being used by Gage, either as a toy or a new project. He even says himself he's fine being the second in command because he doesn't have that target on his back. He can still tell you what to do and pull the strings, but now at the safety of being the right hand man.
@biostemm 6 ай бұрын
My biggest issue is, much like with the Institute, you have no ability to reform or otherwise redirect the various raider gangs, even though you're the "Overboss"...
@JohnPeacekeeper 6 ай бұрын
Another point of brilliance for New vegas! When a good-aligned Courier does help Caesar's Legion, it actually does improve after the end
@Jaymo00 6 ай бұрын
Bethesda makes you the leader of ANOTHER faction, and just like all the rest; you actually have no power. Everybody bosses you around and talks down to your character lol
@bajscast 6 ай бұрын
@@JohnPeacekeeper No it doesn't, the ending screen just says "Well it was pretty weird that the courier was a good person but sided with the legion". The only thing that dictates how the legion is, is if caesar is still alive, because if he's dead then they go full raider removing any pretense of civility
@greenaum 6 ай бұрын
They're raiders! They didn't sign up to work the land and trade mutfruit. Look what happened to the last "Overboss"! They're not loyal.
@xxarcangelxx143 6 ай бұрын
I use start me up and subversion together to make the main story and game better as you can reform the institute and not destroy the other factions. I'm sure there's mods that do something for nuka world.
@palpatine84 6 ай бұрын
My main problem is that the raiders isn't a faction you can complete the main quest with. Why can't I storm the Institute with a raider army just like with the Minute men?
@foxmulder7436 6 ай бұрын
just a lack of effort. The dlc went in the right direction imo, but without enough substance.
@LtAlguien 6 ай бұрын
Honestly, If Nukaworld was more integrated with the main quest and allowed you to take over the commonwealth as a raider warlord I think it would be loved. The problem is that Bethesda loves the idea of the player being able to do (almost) everything in a single playthrough (Look at Elder Scrolls where you can become the leader of the fighters, theifs, assassins, mage guilds while also being a werewolf vampire that scammed every single draedic prince), so content that is limited for a playthrough goes against the standards
@martymcyourflysdown6872 5 ай бұрын
Check out these mods -FCOM -Militarized Minutemen -FCOM MM patch They will allow you to lead an army of any faction and do things like take over the institute with an army of raiders. 10/10 would recommend these mods to anyone who wants to feel like a real general.
@velvetinedrapes4359 4 ай бұрын
@@LtAlguien This right here! I totally agree I hate that Bethesda spoonfeeds the player and for some reason thinks a player in a roleplaying game should become boss of everything rather than actually tailoring the game to fit playstyles. I don't understand the logic behind it. Their head of PR was quick to say "get a life" and block people for questioning the lore and inconsistencies and they should be just as eager to say "look its a roleplaying game you cant sneak around as a thief if you're some hulking berserker in armor making a noise. Save often and try different roles and playstyles to really enjoy the game in different ways"
@AmariKhumalo Ай бұрын
@@foxmulder7436 Fallout 4 is almost completely devoid of substance to begin with, weakest title in the series in my opinion (not considering 76 because it's online and more of a spinoff). When the roleplaying elements consist of Yes, No, and a sarcastic Yes option player agency takes the back seat and the game runs on autopilot. It's wild how we went from the masterpiece that was New Vegas (tied with Fallout 2 as my favorite) to the joke that is Fallout 4 in such a short period of time. It's equivalent to winning the lottery and being set for life and then blowing your fortune within a year buying a bunch of fancy things and then losing them all and being broke again and taking a job at McDonald's after moving back in with your parents. Fallout 4's lead writer and most of the writing team in general should have been fired the moment they came up with the dialogue wheel and replaced by competent ones. I am not even joking here... the writing in Fallout 4 is so absurdly bad that it rivals most grade school book reports. I'm a fan of the series and have played every mainline title and Fallout 4 is just a heaping turd in a dumpster fire stinking the place up.
@guilhermeosti9526 6 ай бұрын
In Nuka World it should be possible for the player to summon the Brotherhood/Institute/MinuteMan/Railroad to war with the gangs
@QualityPen 6 ай бұрын
You can do that with the FCOM mod.
@QualityPen 6 ай бұрын
And there’s a couple of others specifically about the Minutemen storming NW.
@LabMatt 6 ай бұрын
TBH I don't see any faction other than the Minutemen caring Maybe the Brotherhood or the Institute would be interested in Project Cobalt, but the Railroad has no reason to set foot there AFAIK
@hanzzel6086 6 ай бұрын
​@LabMatt The RR we got, no, they are too focused on Synths. An RR not written by hacks however, would certainly be interested in liberating the NW slaves.
@davidsladky3079 6 ай бұрын
Yep that was a totally missed opportunity
@itachi1145 6 ай бұрын
The roll playing issue was my biggest issue with the dlc. It forces me to choose between experiencing the dlc and ruining a build I've put a lot of time into.
@TheB14HB14H 5 ай бұрын
@JosephTooLitt 4 ай бұрын
@@TheB14HB14Hplay rolling
@velvetinedrapes4359 4 ай бұрын
Ironically Roleplaying is a major issue for Bethesda despite having TES and Fallout as their main two IPs. But as we see from Fallout 3 onwards they're stripping RPG elements from the games as they go. The perk system was a mess in Fallout 4 and the writing was crap. You need good writing in an RPG and with the voiced protagonist we see how terrible that worked out
@Shorty_Lickens 2 ай бұрын
Thats ROLE, not ROLL!
@amannamedsquid313 2 ай бұрын
Roll playing is when your Dungeon master for Dungeons and Dragons or similar relies too much on luck and dice rolls to keep the game going. Which tends to lead to awful scenarios such as having to roll a D20 to successfully zip up your fly but you roll a 1 and you end up castrating yourself and bleeding to death.
@danielmaloney6461 6 ай бұрын
I wish you could recruit the Ghouls Magician, the robots and the Tarzan guy in open seasons. It would be an interesting way to liberate nukaworld.
@raritee.mp333 Ай бұрын
his name is cito. the best character in the whole game imo
@MilestheDirtyMindedGoblin2099 9 күн бұрын
@@raritee.mp333I love the guy so much, I could never kill him he’s far too fun 😂
@jaimevalencia6271 3 күн бұрын
I felt like a piece of shit for the magician guy lmao he was just protecting his friends that went feral and his girl left him :(
@ThePrimith 6 ай бұрын
I was playing a morally good character during my first playthrough, yet I didn't want to immediately just start blasting all of the raiders the moment I was free to walk around. I "agreed" to help them, but secretly, I was scoping things out with the intent to screw them over in the long run. As I did missions for them and unlocked sections of the theme park, I noticed where I could blindside the raider gangs, had the writing allowed it. You can reprogram robots in one park to follow your command, which seemingly would mean that you could turn them on the the raiders, after you had given one of the tribes the territory. Meanwhile, the irradiated water sprayers can be turned off in the kiddie park, but one could theoretically turn them back on once new residents arrive. Gatorclaws spawn in yet another park, and you can turn off the machines that produce them, seemingly until certain unsavory ne'er-do-wells set up shop there. There were several potential points where you could seemingly betray the raiders in one master stroke, rather than simply engaging all of them in open combat. I was hoping this was the case, until I hit a wall, where literally none of the "traps" I had set up actually could be sprung. If things had progressed as I had intended, I would have considered it one of my favorite sections of the game. Instead, I found that I only had two options, in the end: kill all raiders in a direct slugfest, or engage in directly evil behavior for no real justifiable reason. There was no nuance or subtlety, and I was fairly disappointed.
@EMan-1920 Ай бұрын
Another missed opportunity is when [spoilers though come on it's been years] you finally meet John-Caleb Bradberton, and are only given two options to determine his fate. If they actually took the time on that one, you could have offered to make him a robot body or even "synth" him if you sided with the Institute.
@radekrydzewski8474 6 ай бұрын
Though the writing of the main story was pretty illogical, I found the side quests that came out of Nuka World had really good writing; the Bradberton story was pretty compelling, and the quest that came with Kiddie Kingdom was tragic, but there are many paths that you can take with the dialogue. Personally, I enjoyed it, though I did find it frustrating that you have to pillage the commonwealth to complete the story and get unique gang leader perks or keep Gage as a companion. Great video as always!
@jackmack4181 6 ай бұрын
Personally I wanted the option after riding the themepark from the raiders, you’ll be given a long quest depending on the factions you choose. The brotherhood would take over the sci-fi themepark and maybe turn it into a combat tract The minute man would have you create entire settlements. go and grab certain objects like in far harbor to improve living. Move the main base of the railroad into kiddy kingdom, extra space and extra fortifications. Have a side quest with a sub faction of minuteman in dry rock gulch where they are acting more like cowboys Have institute investigate Animal kingdom’s cloning machine and see if they could repurpose it. There was so much potential and it felt so wasted
@ktk44man 6 ай бұрын
I find that leaning into the asshole side of Nate is easier for me because the ability to roleplay is so minimal in fallout 4. You aren't really a unique character as much as you want to be. ultimately you are Nate or Nora, the writing of bethesda isnt good enough to allow you to distinguish yourselves apart from them. So once i accepted that the main character of fallout 4 is most logically a psychopath and thats the most fun way to play, i just leaned into the chaos and enjoyed the game a lot more. its kinda similar to oblivion where the hero of kvatch no matter what roleplay decisions you choose is pretty much unquestionably insane so if you care about the plot at all its really the most sensible to not roleplay as what you want, but be the shallow psychopath the game wants you to be
@raditzhoneyham 6 ай бұрын
​@@ktk44manYou're talking about the characters being "most logically" insane and all this but why? You can play the hero of kvatch as well... A hero who wears a suit of armor that physically can't be worn by anyone cruel. He becomes insane eventually because he is forced to become sheogorath, fine, but that's not him. That's sheogorath. Nate and nora, psychopaths? "Logically", the sole survivor would be the general of the minutemen, friends of synths, ghouls, downtrodden survivors and killer of raiders. Seems like a nice guy to me.
@foxmulder7436 6 ай бұрын
You can see the settlement raids as an "infiltration mission" to get the most out of the raiders, and then fuck them up and reclaim the settlements for honest settlers. That will only make preston garvey mad but who cares about that really
@radekrydzewski8474 6 ай бұрын
@@foxmulder7436 That’s true, I’ll try it out that way in any future playthrough.
@thorsforge2905 6 ай бұрын
An interesting note on the story writing aspect of why the raider bosses let you take over is given by of all people Mason. He says he wasn't sure he'd have enough support. The raider bosses are "happy" to have a "Fall Guy" leader that they can blame things on. It maintains the balance between the 3 factions because if any one of them try to take over, they know the other 2 will stomp on them. Granted that makes the betrayal gang weird because they "Know" that they are risking everything. I guess the idea of making themselves independent by taking the power plant was the play.
@samuellopezolivencia9879 6 ай бұрын
Yhea, you are basically like a third party that is put as a casino manager to make peace with 3 other mob familys that have participation in said casino
@Death2all546 6 ай бұрын
Also interesting, while they mentioned the 3rd gang throws a tantrum over having less than the other two, it could be ANY amount less. The questline up to that point lets you give out about 11 or so territories. Which is enough to almost divide evenly with one of the three having 1 less than the others. So, the third faction basically throws a hissy fit because you gave them nothing or because you decided to pick them third when handing out territory evenly.
@giran4914 4 ай бұрын
@@Death2all546tbf I don’t expect raiders to be the most civilized or diplomatic when dealing with issues like this
@XaltuthusTheExhalted 24 күн бұрын
​@@giran4914Yeah. I get what people are saying when they say it's a plot hole. Maybe it'd make more sense to have the same faction rebel every time and remove the player's choice? But raiders are always greedy, impulsive, reckless and violent so it's kind of debatable if they even need a reason to begin with.
@AJordan44- 6 ай бұрын
I always liked Automatron best. It was worth its own price, and the robot customization is something ive wanted in fallout for a few years before.
@JezielProdigalSon 4 ай бұрын
Yea Automatron is the #1 dlc
@CalciumEnjoyer 3 ай бұрын
Also the robots don’t hate you when you do anything
@jamiehayn 9 күн бұрын
honestly i thought the story was boring and while building robots is cool i never find myself ever using them practically
@meatflesh 4 күн бұрын
@@jamiehaynIMO the greatest use for the automatron is hauling. Instead of being forced to invest in strong back you can build a sentrybot with mods to allow it to have well over 1000 carry weight
@jaimevalencia6271 3 күн бұрын
@@jamiehaynAda can one hit all enemies if you build her right
@thelittleghost3784 6 ай бұрын
With the point about the game giving you consequences to your actions, I believe the reason that people are still so unsatisfied is because the consequences aren’t really for *your* actions, rather the actions the game forces you to take just by trying to play the dlc. I’ve yet to play this dlc for myself, but Bethesda does this sort of thing a lot. They’ll craft a plotline and expect the player to play it a certain way, and do the bare minimum to compensate any alternatives. The Dark Brotherhood in Skyrim is a great example, as that’s another evil plotline. And they expect you to go through with it and be evil, but what if you’re not roleplaying an evil character but you end up starting it anyways, which is entirely possible to happen on accident as the set up for the quest has you killing an objectively evil person. Then your only option is to follow an alternate questline where you kill all the bad guys with little effort or fanfare. It’s the same situation here, though perhaps not as bad as Nuka World has more than like 7 people in it. But regardless, Bethesda has a habit of railroading your play style, and it can make role playing a consistent character incredibly difficult if you’re like most people and want to do everything you can in a single playthrough.
@jampine8268 6 ай бұрын
My takes always been the DLC was created as a response to criticism that core game forces you into being good, so they made an expansion that forces you into being evil. But that's just a complete misunderstanding of what the complaint actually was, and makes the problem worse and your character flip flops between good and evil solet depending on which map you're in, like some kind of geographical based schizophrenia .
@JohnPeacekeeper 6 ай бұрын
Virgin Bethseda railroaders vs the Chad Obsidian "go nuts with your choices, we got nearly all outcomes and consequences ready for ya"
@lava942 6 ай бұрын
This is because Bethesda can’t write for shit. There is zero nuance in their storytelling. Why do you think the story in FO4 is so bland and uninteresting? People rightfully treat it more as an action shooter looter game than an RPG.
@hanzzel6086 6 ай бұрын
@lava942 The only refute to your statement I can think of is Far Harbour. Which did a very good job all around. But then again, it also effectively had an entirely different story/executive development team (with Todd and most others involved with the main plot being largely absent, I forget why).
@iammask1073 5 ай бұрын
I think I remember that you can kill the Dark Brotherhood but I think it becomes a very short quest where you first kill Astrid in the small abandoned hut and then talk to someone about it who will have you kill all members of the Dark Brotherhood.
@tobiashaurum3611 6 ай бұрын
I played it without looking at reviews and I found it pretty bland. The whole map is very cool and all but the missions are repetitive and bland. I find it a shame that they didn't do something more with it.
@jeremyscungio16 6 ай бұрын
Honestly my favorite thing was exploring the map
@WolfyDF 6 ай бұрын
Even worse if you're underleveled and have decent gear. You'll be able to survive in a lot of the areas, but it just feels like a bland slog. The bottling plant especially with the quantum milerks, those things take a tonne of damage but don't do much damage in return if you got something like heavy combat armour or power armour.
@ghosterino 6 ай бұрын
I think the major problem is that they give the chance to be evil, while it is established you're the Commander Shepard of the wasteland.
@dalekrenegade2596 6 ай бұрын
I was so hoping we would get a raider war elephant boss for the safari adventure section. Alas the zoo felt like the most dead area of the park. You would expect a least an overgrowth of plant life at least but no.
@kireta21 6 ай бұрын
Nuka World was just more Fallout 4. Bland writing, new map to shoot up and loot, some characters you may actually remember, and maybe few chuckles at overall ridiculousness of all of this. If you liked Fallout 4, and don't mind its flaws, NW is just the right alley. The thing is, NW came after Far Harbor which was a whole new level of quality to story and world building, far suprassing not just og Fallout 4, but anything from Bethesda since Morrowind.
@fleacythesheepgirl 6 ай бұрын
Realistically most people don’t play evil characters and Nuka World wants you to play an evil raider. The other options feel unfinished and you have to awkwardly play around the DLC. I’m glad there’s stuff aimed at evil players but I think if there was a good ending that had the slaves taking over businesses and changing the gangs areas and dressing like they are free and maybe even restoring the rides people would like this DLC so much more. Also so disappointing you can’t keep Cito as a companion. I would love to see his reactions to stuff in the commonwealth!
@EddieSpaghetti69 6 ай бұрын
Thats because there isn't an existing infrastructure to support people there, Nuka World gets its goods from taking stuff from others whether its goods or extra hands for work. The area itself has been settled a few times, once before the war (Ghouls and the Kiddy Kingdom) again afterwards a few times (peek at Galzone Entrance for a good example!) and then again with the raiders whom had fortified it. The only land you have that can provide support is a gas station. Rest of the zones are mostly hollowed out tourist traps that are good for luring in people but without any infrastructure (trade particularly) I doubt it'd be more then a novelty until it gets its bearings sometime after the events of Fallout 4 if anything. It doesn't help that they wrote themselves into a corner again. The factions are janky. Instead of being set in stone (Caesars Legion, Enclave, BoS even.) in how they behave, they represent ideals instead of behaviors. Wild and uncontrolled is the pack, Disciples are crazy knify stabby bloodpeople, Operators are "l33t" and "streamlined" while being all barebones. It's like they were afraid of giving them personality *as then Nate/Nora's would be overshadowed easily.^
@ggmoonycrisco 5 ай бұрын
This is actually what happens if you complete Open Season before you go too far down the raider path (before you expand into the Commonwealth.) The traders remove their collars and run the shops for themselves, and you're still free to complete each of the subpark objectives and turn on the power so you can enjoy the park and even go on some of the rides.
@theenigmaticst7572 2 ай бұрын
I had a similar idea - particularly if you combine it with the same mechanics as the Synth rebellion quest for the Railroad. You gather weapons for the slaves, put them in caches around the park, then find out how to deactivate the explosive collars. Turns out you need four passwords to deactivate them (and you can't just brute force it because it'll set off every collar immediately). Gage has one, and then one of the bosses of each of the other raider gangs has another. From there the story can progress to the slaves rising up (with or without the help of any Commonwealth faction). As the dust clears and the last of the raiders are run off the park, the doctor approaches you and thanks you for your help, then says it'll take a while, but they're going to make some "changes" to Nuka Town USA - and lo, when you come back after a week or so, all the raider gubbins are gone, and the whole area is transformed, with Nuka Town Guards walking around in Nuka World uniforms (it was all they could find at short notice) and toting Handmade Rifles or other good equipment, and a lot more visitors in the form of traders, caravanners and general settlers.
@Stryker-K Ай бұрын
Most people don't play evil characters, because games default to, and push you in the direction of, being a hero.
@SiCrewe 11 күн бұрын
Thing is, it might be fun to be an anti-hero but the raiders in F4 are just muppets so there's not much to compel you to try and become leader of a crowd of cannon-fodder.
@donovian2538 6 ай бұрын
This was my favorite DLC, but I'll admit to being not the most neutral. It came out at a pretty turbulent time in my life and being able to come home and get lost in the DLC was a life saver during some dark times where I barely had the energy to do anything else. Plus, I love amusement parks, so exploring a post-apocalyptic one was amazing. I'll definitely admit, the DLC has many, many flaws. But it also has a special, quiet place in my heart that I will treasure forever.
@alyssabaerne9508 6 ай бұрын
My biggest gripe with the dlc has to be the aweful integration for the base game. If it were implemented better it could give an 'evil' type of run a better form by letting you run a raider gang of your own without going into the park side of it. Say, let the player with the right stats and perks early on intimidate raider groups into joining, from there the normal managing of raiders can be a part, but make it a better implemented one in the core game. And for the park itself, to have the regular raider option isn't wrong, but they should let you contact preston or whichever faction you're in for back-up (especially if you are a minuteman) abd have the option to reverse the tables ofcthe gangs and conquer nw to liberate it. Sums up to poor implementation and lots of missed opportunities.
@Khroniclas 6 ай бұрын
@fleacythesheepgirl 6 ай бұрын
So often playing an evil character makes you feel more like a lackey being forced into doing something rather then being an evil mastermind in control of things getting away with your evil deeds.
@Edward-sx5yf 6 ай бұрын
@@fleacythesheepgirl The only thing wrong with that statement, is that leaves much to be desired in terms of how you would begin to write or script that. Then there is the human element that is involved; errors in code, styles of coding not matching the rest of the game, having code clash etc. You give people too much free rein in a video game, and it either becomes meaningless or everyone (in game) logically turns on you. I’m like ten years behind on video games, but, like, Goat Simulator or, say, Minecraft where you _can_ do whatever you want; it removes any sort of real point. You take something like GTA San Andreas and you kinda can make that game a lot more violent and cutthroat than it needs to be. You can kill your girlfriend(s?) if you don’t want to get a high enough relationship level; you can burglarise the neighbourhood, including, funnily enough, your own gang members; you can steal a tank or a combine harvester and unleash mayhem and devastation onto the general population. True it is not a good example as it is not an RPG, but to have any game make any sense and have any semblance of substance - it would need to be restrictive. It has been said a number of times that Bethesda is by no means the best, or debatably _that_ good at all, but they do give you bits and pieces of freedom to do whatever you want. Take a game like Hitman. I only played Contracts, but the analogy I am drawing is that you’re still restricted despite being able to do what you want. There is nothing stopping you from wiping out an entire district/region/town/settlement/outpost besides, say, potential ammunition constraints and the fact that there is minimal healing. Despite being able to commit miniature genocides, it means almost nothing to the rest of the game or ingame world. Video games, for better or worse, _”need”_ to be on some form of rails. There is almost no way you could argue that Fallout 4 did anything perfectly, but it’s not terrible. If you’re so inclined, enslaving the Slog is pretty evil. By the time they finish writing the story, coding the game and *_finish_* it, most companies are just lucky if it is released on time and in the right era. Cyberpunk is a good example of that. If you take 27 years to put everything conceivable into a video game and have it all work 100% - you risk bankruptcy or releasing something greatly outdated, or, debatably worse, completely broken and unplayable. For 2008, Fallout 3 was already outdated. The iron sights that weren’t iron sights, the graphics were bad but the game was “good.” Fallout 4 (if you think of it, perhaps, as not a Fallout game) holds up to this day. The reason I don’t play 76 is that most of what I thought I would like about 76 was taken out of the Fallout universe _before_ they released it. Even if 76, lore wise, could be argued to be way more interesting, I can’t bring myself to ever play it in the fashion that it is in. Some people hate the settlement building, and in world “griefing” or attacks can get old, but it makes sense. If you’re some kind of lunatic, like me, the idea of having like 9-12 settlements producing large quantities of narcotics appeals to you. I’m also pretty obsessed with the handmade rifle for some reason. At the end of the day, it’s not probable that one could get a way with a lot of the evil things people propose in real life. You can’t walk down the street murdering every civilian that walks by, neither should you be able to do such a thing in a video game without relevant ramifications. Video games are not real life, true, but there needs to be some balance between all of these things. Money, is the reason you can’t do whatever you want in game or irl. TL;DR: Money.
@sonicfan4511 6 ай бұрын
I think the dlc's biggest weakness is that it almost every other time in this game and in the series raiders are nameless enemies who 100% of the time just attack you on sight. Expecting any player to align with a faction that up until this point has constantly tried to murder them without question is already quite the hoop to get a player to jump through even if they're evil.
@RafaelSantos-pi8py 6 ай бұрын
It is surprising that the only option to defeat the raiders is to do so all by yourself. Like, i'm the general of the minuteman and with a few flares i can call for a squad of minuteman to came and aid me but in Nuka Worlsd it one against 40 raiders or so. Missed oportunity.
@samueltitone5683 6 ай бұрын
I think the DLC would’ve been greatly improved if the raider gangs were three tribes like the White Legs or Dead Horses. Post-apocalyptic Genghis Khan simulator would be awesome. Right now, Nuka World might as well be substitute teacher simulator.
@redlight3932 4 ай бұрын
No way they would include good writing and reference fallout NV which hurts their souls that they aren't talented enough to make
@ameasuste555 Ай бұрын
@jonathancunningham8739 26 күн бұрын
@@redlight3932 They are they just had a couple of lacking games.
@Chopstorm. 21 күн бұрын
@@jonathancunningham8739 They haven't written a good story since Morrowind. Can you honestly say that the main quest line in Skyrim was well written? What about Fallout 3? Oblivion? Fallout 4? Fallout 76?
@Adrian-fo4kv 17 күн бұрын
@@Chopstorm. Skyrim's main story was decent, but not crazy. Most of the other faction questlines are pretty good though, only problem is that they aren't fleshed out enough leading to questlines that seem very short. FNV is literally the blueprint of what an RPG should aspire to be, but Bethesda refuse to use it.
@mortenwammen4159 2 күн бұрын
The optimum way to play the Nuka-World DLC is to complete it before doing Preston's first Minuteman quest, do all the raider stuff, get Gage's compnaion perk, the special grenades and weapons, build all the raider outpost stuff give them turrets requiring electricity, then go around turning off the power at each of the raider settlements, and then it is open season, _Then_ you do the minutemen stuff and after open season you have a bunch of very nice settlements for your settlers, with stills and the scavenger loot chest thingy and so on. Bit twisty that you have to postpone the minuteman and main quest for this, but you know, it does work out that way.
@TheIrishRushin 4 ай бұрын
Gotta love the invincible power armor where a go cart wire protects if from fatman shells.
@beano_ 6 ай бұрын
Really enjoyed nuka world except for having to take over settlements in the commonwealth to complete the story. Loved the settings in the theme park
@raditzhoneyham 6 ай бұрын
For me it was the opposite
@Kamanchuisdabomb 6 ай бұрын
I use a mod to skip that part
@RafaelSantos-pi8py 6 ай бұрын
I mean i was suposed to raid MY own settlements that i spent so much time building. Like, excuse me? That's my stuff.
@MilestheDirtyMindedGoblin2099 9 күн бұрын
@@RafaelSantos-pi8pyit’s so fucking dumb, it feels counterintuitive 💀
@nisselarson3227 6 ай бұрын
Thank you for adressing the load times. I cannot believe how much loading is still required for a high level character. It does not appear to matter that I've upgraded my computer to a hot-rod compared to the ps4 I originally played Fallout 4 on... It still just crashes, it still takes MINUTES to load certain indoors-outdoors areas. (like CABOT HOUSE!!) *minutes* and sometimes it's just a door you wanted to see where it went...
@jeffgreen3638 5 ай бұрын
Is your game located on a hard drive? If so you should try an SSD instead. Load times are much shorter
@sorryshiina6264 3 ай бұрын
I would very strongly recommend the "Performance Optimization Guide" on Nexus Mods. Even if you only skim the page and download maybe one or two of the linked mods, you can still vastly improve performance.
@ball3677 Ай бұрын
You need to MAN UP and DEAL WITH IT! Shutup and take the loading time. TAKE THE LOADING TIME
@Stryker-K Ай бұрын
I feel you bro. I don't experience loading issues with Fallout 4, but I do with Pillars of Eternity 1 and 2. Both those games are awesome (As is Fallout 4 :D), but the horrendous loading times hurt the experience.
@antonfowler6582 6 ай бұрын
Main problem with the red rocket is you cant even claim it untill the power plants up and running yet this would have allowed you to give each gang two areas and headed off the whole rebellion .
@shoebillgaming2147 6 ай бұрын
You can power up the power plant right as you exit the gauntlet
@AngryIrishBenjamin 6 ай бұрын
I'm fairly sure the betrayal would have ended up happening anyway because then there'd be no betrayal and climactic showdown at the Power Plant.
@antonfowler6582 6 ай бұрын
@@AngryIrishBenjamin true after all we only really get the illusion of choice
@SwearMY 6 ай бұрын
And the raiders never did much with the parks they got. Just used the first few feet near an entrance and added some decorations.
@shoebillgaming2147 6 ай бұрын
@@SwearMY Not gonna lie I don't think I ever went back to the parks and visted them after i claimed them for the raiders, not much need to
@whiterabbit75 6 ай бұрын
The lack of story content after Open Season really hurts the expansion, IMO. People like me, who don't like to play -psychopaths- raiders, are left with one option (go murderhobo on the gangs), and afterwards, just... leave. That's all. We can't build a settlement of our own out of the parks, we can't ally with the people we freed, there's just nothing left for us to do there after we see the sights around the park. There's not even any nuance to how we take them out, other than 1. Guns a-blazing, or 2. stealth sniper. We can't infiltrate and bring them down from the inside, we can't lead them into a trap, we can't even turn them against each other, and sit back with a bowl of popcorn. Hell, we, as the general of the Minutemen, Leader of the Institute, or Knight-Sentinel of the Brotherhood, can't even lead an army attack against them. How awesome would that have been, leading a seige against the amusement park?! Everything about this expansion was incredible, and had amazing potential, but the sorry excuse of a story and lack of forethought just kills it.
@Costenyo 6 ай бұрын
you spoiled a 7 YEAR OLD DLC, how could you 😭
@NarbsTheGreat 6 ай бұрын
I like the option to be a bad guy but theres nothing for a middleground/liberation playthrough, all we get is a side quest and no real reward for doing so, I did it and it was a bit of a struggle but no real reward aside from just feeling good, it'd be nice to have your fave faction, maybe a mix of them hole up there or have the raiders become less raidery and build a settlement, It'd be really unique having something like a raider or former raider run trading hub, maybe akin to how Ghengis Khan had trading? Tbh some of the sections were p great and theres always that AK47 we got too.
@megabeth 5 ай бұрын
My central complaint with the Nuka World DLC is that once you complete Open Season and kill all the raider gangs... nothing *happens.* The first time I played, I remember looking forward to freeing the merchants so we could claim Nuka World for ourselves. I envisioned a trade hub that I could operate like one of my settlements on the main map. But nope! The park remains empty throughout and the merchants keep their slave collars on and don't leave the market area and that's it. So the DLC doesn't give you a *real* choice here - it's either be a raider slaver or have a vast area of land that is mostly empty.
@knicksprop 4 ай бұрын
they do eventually remove the collars, but it is rather annoying and empty. As I like to say "if I have to use a mod to fix this thing, it isn't a good thing."
@hada__02 Ай бұрын
I’ll never forget trying to outsmart the game and restore the power to the park and get the Quantum Power Armour without doing any of the main quests or attacking any of my settlements, looking up where I need to go and carefully parkouring to the window where button is, then trying to press it and nothing happening
@thegamingdino83 6 ай бұрын
Speaking of comparisons to F3 I found some of the dlc to be very similar. The Pitt and Nuka World are both far away places from the main wasteland and entirely occupied by slavers/raiders and their captives. Point lookout and Far Harbor both start with you talking to the parent/s of a missing daughter and taking a boat ride to an island full of nut jobs (the punga fruit tribals and the Children of Atom) and a menagerie of mutated monstrosities. Also, out of all the useful items in NW that I always go out of my way to get is the Project Cobalt weapon schematics because when used with Big Boy and all the related perks there is little that you can't insta-kill.
@jonathancunningham8739 26 күн бұрын
Yes but Far Harbour is what point Look out was supposed to be I found Point Lookout lacking one of it's upside is the bug repair man he kept my T-51 baby pristine during my whole play-through while Far harbour gives you a ton like settlements well go ahead and claim them like story and choice it has a ton of that etc.
@VanitasVraz 6 ай бұрын
I've only ever played fallout 4 so I have no background knowledge for what's old or kinda recycled about Nukaworld. For me it was all new shiny land that was hyper themed and over the top af with the raider factions. And I loved it. I thought it was all so cool. The zones of the parks are so neat and I loved exploring them and going through the story of them and how theyve been taken over by x creature. I adore the whole DLC. I do see now the plot holes in the story but like.... I never really played fallout 4 for the story. I just wanna experience the world and try to survive. And I have even more fun doing that in such a colorful landscape as Nukaworld. From a fresh fallout players perspective it's a great time.
@paulwei6596 6 ай бұрын
One of the biggest problems about this dlc is that it has a decent amount of content and too little quests. So sometimes a lot of stuff were crammed into one big quest, it makes first time players exhausted and often confused.
@George-Hawthorne 5 ай бұрын
The big problem with Nuka world is that you don't really do much with the raiders. Even though you're the boss you don't seem to be in charge. Like the Institute ending you reign but do not rule. You don't get the option of working with just one raider faction or keep all three at the end. Just like the Gunners it's also a missed opportunity, others include. 1) Forming a raider gang of your own that under your direct control. 2) Getting to conscript the raider gangs into your army. 3) Going a Caesar's legion Route and enslaving the settlers. 4) Using the Galactic Zone to crank out legions of robots to fight for you. 5) Using the cloning machine in the animal kingdom to produce livestock. 6) Using the Bottling Plant to start a business. 7) Worst of all you can't use them as your alternate army when you confront the other factions.
@Carblesnarky 6 ай бұрын
If you do Nuka-World before you meet Preston you won't break the Minuteman questline. You do end up having to either do Open Season before you meet him or before he will really work with you. Also the raider factions you side with at the end of the main questline will give you some of the most powerful perks in the game. Lastly, if you side with the raiders at least long enough to finish the DLC, you can get a gating laser that never runs out of ammo.
@cstains5543 6 ай бұрын
Personally I agree the writing is sub par and this is usually why I wait until it is the last thing I want to do with a character to go to Nuka World. It's not terrible, but it's also not great and there's a lot of room for improvement. But a couple simple fixes that I thought would improve the whole thing. 1. Start out as the guy who killed the old Overboss, not the new Overboss, the leaders are impressed and are willing to give you jobs, namely taking the parks and dealing with other threats in the area. Gage is willing to work for you because he needs to redeem himself in the eyes of the other bosses. 2. Add a couple of additional parks or make certain additional areas of the DLC conquerable so that you have more potential places to take. 3. Add another faction to the mix, called workers or slaves. Gage knows this and will tell you about the facts of survival for the whole system early on in your time with him. To keep the whole system working you need to balance the wants of the Raiders to the needs of the entire place. The workers have to be able to grow crops and build things for the raiders otherwise the raiders also get unhappy. The workers also have to maintain the place so they also need somewhere to draw parts from. So you have to play a careful balancing game of giving the raiders land but not ignoring the needs of the park to keep everyone happy. 4. After all the other regions are unlocked the two gangs that feel you're their kind of scum offer you the chance to finish the grand plan and get the power plant back online, but the gang that feels left out sends you a request for aid that turns out to be a trap once you get to the area you gave to them. After fighting your way out of the trap, you discover that the workers that were sent with some of the raiders to the power plant have been captured by the gang that rebelled at the power plant and you get your final mission, free the slaves and kill the last of the rebelling gang. Finish them off and the slave workers finish the repairs and you get to restart the power.
@jackchew6021 6 ай бұрын
I had this terrible bug which caused all the Nuka World captives to be stripped of their clothes after they’ve been freed. Very annoying but maybe they were oppressed so much that when they’re freed they just go full on uninhibited.
@gothxm 27 күн бұрын
@jaredrobinson7071 6 ай бұрын
"wait wasn't I planning on defending this DLC?" You had one job.
@Crackmiser 6 ай бұрын
I always thought it was a really cool experiment (that failed because we payed for it), like if your doing a good person play through are you just going to follow the quest markers without thinking about it? Because that’s what I did, and the best part is I hadn’t even realized what I was doing in my first playthrough until preston told me he was disgusted with me.
@domcurkio3228 6 ай бұрын
I don’t think the raiders making you overboss is too out there. Like you said, it’s a job where you’re essentially working under the faction leaders, but you’re still the scapegoat when things don’t go well.
@Analog_Mind47 6 ай бұрын
It basically comes down to the main game forces you to be a good guy character then to actually do the quest lines in this dlc you have to, out of nowhere. Become a villain & destroy all the settlements you spent 100 hrs building up
@TwistedMe13 6 ай бұрын
6:45 Big part of the reason why I love the mod scene for this game. Don't want to lose Gage? Don't want to do open season without backup? Not even enough settlement locations? As for the main game, complete Open Season before starting the main quest at Concord. Garvey won't hate you if you complete it before meeting him.
@sirgumshoe9019 25 күн бұрын
From what i have read as long as you never finish the first step (first quest for the minintman), you can still have Preston as a follower. Still not haveing him for the first 30 or so lvls is just strange.
@spikeshartell4675 6 ай бұрын
11:29 to the credit of the Nuka world red rocket settlement at least the land is flat and quite sizeable making it a hell of a lot easier to build on. The total opposite of costal cottage which is cramped and all hills.
@jcohasset23 6 ай бұрын
The only good thing Coastal Cottage has going for it is the nearby NPC trader. But yeah the Nuka World Red Rocket does offer one of the best build areas and with a single enemy spawn point it's easy to defend.
@spikeshartell4675 6 ай бұрын
@@jcohasset23 the only downside to the nuka world red rocket is that you can't build artillery there
@jonathancunningham8739 26 күн бұрын
@@spikeshartell4675 Hm I thought you could Oh no after open season yeah now I understand what you meant.
@TheDaifalteur 6 ай бұрын
The main problem I have with this DLC is that it give possibilities that doesn't fit the rest of the game. It's frustrating to not be able to be all evil in the main game, playing only grey or good character and suddenly you become the overboss of a very evil operation that totally go the opposite way of what you do in the game.
@BigKat96 6 ай бұрын
My favorite DLC is the Vault-Tec workshop, i didnt much care for the mission(s) but i use the vault parts almost exclusively for building because I like the cleaner looks they provide.
@Stryker-K Ай бұрын
Yes. As a matter of fact I think Fallout 3, 4, and New Vegas all go overboard with the "everything is dirty" motif. 😂
@Greenhawk4 Ай бұрын
@@Stryker-Kwdym? Nukes literally destroyed everything how would anything be clean? Like there isn’t exactly people doing any cleaning anywhere.
@HuckleberryMcRib 5 ай бұрын
As soon as i ran into Cito, I saved, went to bed, and have not played since. Why the fuck is Tarzan fighting alligators in my post apocalypse.
@poopsweats5043 6 ай бұрын
It was like Mothership Zeta it was a weird concept but it was really fun
@bridge731 6 ай бұрын
So hearing the story and learning the fact you can't give Gage the heads up (and the fact you have to do everyone mindless bidding...again), kind of makes me wanna see 5 ways to improve the Nuka World storyline. Like maybe trying to reform some of the raider gangs with high enough speech cheeks, giving Gage the heads up or even trying to reform Gage, hell on the subject with the Minutemen it would be so cool if there was an option to turn Nuka World into a place to help raiders who wish to leave that lifestyle behind and reform. Besides that, it breaks my heart some of the cooler items for Nuka World are locked behind being Overboss :(. While I'm eh on settlement building, finding it a bit more tedious than proper fun, I love decorating and crafting. And from what I see, Nuka World has some cool decoration items, just, really sucks those are locked behind being a raider and the fact we can't do like bootlegging business thanks to the distiller also sucks. Selling chems and booze is my number one way of making caps in Fallout 4 so that just sucks.
@nuclearcommando9729 6 ай бұрын
I enjoy the DLC because I headcanon that that's exactly what Nate does with being overboss, he reforms them into something that will be better, in a way that keeps the raiders happy with the freestyle lifestyle they like. And kill Nisha in the process because the Disciples are way too bloodthirsty and nobody likes them.
@chazzx1018 4 ай бұрын
When in fo world did you ever reform or negotiate with a raider? These fans don't understand the raiders.
@s2a1d 2 ай бұрын
lmfao what, your literally able to join the legion in new vegas.@@chazzx1018
@chazzx1018 2 ай бұрын
@@s2a1d that was a legitimate faction. They weren't mere raiders and junkies. Big difference.
@s2a1d 2 ай бұрын
@@chazzx1018 Also in fallout 4 there's a raider holding up a checkpoint (it costs 300 caps to pass) and you can charisma check out of it and pay nothing
@iveyyewitt1621 4 ай бұрын
Its a loot extravaganza to me, nothing more. The General of the Minutemen doesn't truck with Raider Scum.
@pikariocraftf2802 Ай бұрын
I'm a sucker for fixing abandoned theme parks and I just wish that after the open season quest, you could actually rebuild parts of it and have people come and visit it.
@paulsilver6083 6 ай бұрын
It does railroad you a lot if you want to play it which is the bad part - having consequences for your actions is fine but having to miss the whole DLC just to avoid locking out the minutemen kinda stinks. The DLC becomes MUCH better using mods - as usual modders fix the game. The best one I have used was "Nuka World Plus" which allows you to bail on the raiders, take the parks for the traders, and can use any faction you are allied with to help kick the raiders out. It gives you a real "good" path to follow without missing most of the location and content. There is also the Nuka World Settlements mod which lets you build in all the parks, and make gage a companion after open season which saves the best companion in fallout 4 next to Nick.
@schalkengelbrecht7859 6 ай бұрын
You can actually do that with Gage if you use only AFT or UCF thanks to a bug. If you never talk to Gage after killing Colter he won't turn hostile if you do Open Season but be unable to talk to. Once you enable the setting to recruit anyone via AFT or UCF you can recruit Gage then dismiss/hire him whenever you want without having to enable the setting again. I use UCF and after using the holotape to enable that setting I can dismiss him to any settlement I want and hire him again, and even max out his affinity. You should be able to do this with a simple console command or two as well but I've never tried.
@salkillterros8590 6 ай бұрын
I actually love nuke world, the only thing that bothers me is the lack of settlements, there's a ton of space wasted
@jcohasset23 6 ай бұрын
Yeah, and the fact that the one settlement it does have isn't available until very late in its main quest makes it feel really underused. At the least Fizztop Grille should have been official player housing instead of just where a player can store everything for most of the DLC.
@shoebillgaming2147 6 ай бұрын
I think a reason for the lack of settlements couldve been on how they wanted to keep the surrounding area desolate. Nuka world was one of the only locations, as mentioned in the video, to bring back that desolate destroyed wasteland area that the previous games had. I think it wouldve been cool to see more settlements but realistically, nuka world probably drained a lot of the local locations of any value, and in order to build a massive theme park there needs to be a lot of excess land they take. They probably built the theme park in the middle of nowhere where nothing used to be there, and the surrounding area would just also be nothing.
@Ravenous1369 6 ай бұрын
Really enjoyed this breakdown/review Grey and would love to see the same treatment given to the rest of the Fallout DLCs, especially since in my experience talking to other fans most of the expansions are every bit as divisive as Nukaworld has been. Ive seen a handful of people overtime lamenting the loss of Gage and know that mods exist to keep him around so after hearing your praise of his character here I feel like I need to give him more of my time before slaughtering the gangs like I always do. Perhaps this time around Ill have downloaded one of those mods myself and get to spare at least 1 raider with more braincells to scrape together than a mole rat.
@MultiWolfLink 3 ай бұрын
I'm kinda shocked this is only 3 months old, this is so relaxed, I really enjoyed this!! Hope to see you do all the dlc of all the fallout games :)
@manyseas1219 6 ай бұрын
Colter was a ""neutral"" raider boss, who didnt belong to any faction and couldnt be accused of favoring one of the other. Gage doesnt want to be the overboss because it is a burden and makes you a big target for power hungry raiders. The other faction leader know that or at least dont want to risk the collapse of the alliance by taking the spot as the overboss. If Gage didnt like the current Overboss (You), then he can get rid of you pretty easily, like he did with Colter. The Sole Survivor survived the combat arena and has proven them self to the other raiders as some one, who can put up a fight, so the new you would have earned the spot as the Overboss a little bit.
@mikekz4489 6 ай бұрын
Nuka World is a choice. Automatron can be unavoidable. I deliberately avoided that part of the map where that quest is triggered on my last play through. Once it’s activated you just have to take care of it so you won’t keep running into the Mechanist’s killer robots.
@sneedfeedandseed2410 6 ай бұрын
yeah it's really annoying, at least the quest is relatively short and the rewards are good.
@aralornwolf3140 6 ай бұрын
This is why I don't do the main quest in Skyrim... so the Dragons don't spawn while I'm shopping...
@jcohasset23 6 ай бұрын
What makes Automatron difficult is that it becomes available at lvl 15 and once triggered the two robot factions spawn relatively regularly. Due to their numbers and that their levels tend to be fixed they have some of the most dangerous enemies at that point of the game if the player treats them like any of the other enemies encountered by that point.
@EddieSpaghetti69 6 ай бұрын
@@jcohasset23 The Automatron Radiant Encounters (They're B and C if I remember correctly, that means they spawn at random buildings and surface roaming encounters) will *completely overwrite* the normal encounters. That's why there are so *darn* many of them. When you should've had a Raider or Gunner encounter it's turned into a matching-level encounter which generates robots that don't respect that danger levels of the commonwealth, such as level 20 against assassin blade bots with Handy thrusters; AKA Death-on-a-thruster. This has advantages, keep this in mind, when you have Automaton started and have encountered the Rust Devils you'll have increased encounters for them too; Rust Devils are tough raiders with *great* armor which can be used yourself, by companions, or for settlers to make them highly resilient against lasers and bullets. They carry an assortment of weapons, but almost always have heavily modified weapons that can be scrapped or sold however you please as well as occasionally carrying grenades if they don't chuck them at the first hostile thing they see. They are hostile to *all factions* in the commonwealth: They are not generic raiders, they are not triggermen, they are not Automatron bots. They will fight *anything* and don't appear to be too hard to sneak away from. Or play as you want. Sometimes dying can be fun.
@eternaldespot5383 6 ай бұрын
I thought the general consensus was that Nuka World and Far Harbour were good DLCs 🤷‍♂️
@jonathancunningham8739 26 күн бұрын
It is the general consensus people just like being negative if you like both then they are good.
@Quadrenaro 6 ай бұрын
To answer the title, no idea. I never stayed more than 5 minutes in Nukaworld.
@masenhime468 6 ай бұрын
I liked it for the different faction armor and the AK you get from The Pack. I wish the land itself was more fleshed out
@wendigomaneiro8892 6 ай бұрын
Honestly, i love Nuka World (and MEGA hot take: I liked it more than Far Harbor (but fret not, FH is my number 2)) The only thing that bummed me was how Nuka World (and that also applies for Far Harbor) uniqueness doesnt transfer to the Commonwealth Like we don't see the Nuka Cola variations, creatures, weapons, etc in the default map even after completing the quest
@Necropheliac 5 күн бұрын
For me, the thing that was really a bad experience was that to get the most out of raider outposts, I would have had to sacrifice a lot of my settlements. They want you to have 8 raider outposts and then subjugate your other settlements by the raiders to make them vassals. I’m sure some people think that’s fun but for me that was bad medicine. In my opinion the raider outposts were less fun than the standard settlements, and I was pretty attached to my settlements. I ended up only having 4 raider outposts and just didn’t really get the most out of that nuka world feature. The raider outposts are fine, there’s nothing wrong with them, it’s just not as fun as the standard settlers imo.
@bowrey118 6 ай бұрын
I remember after finishing Automatron, I said to myself "Man I wish they'd make a DLC that's just four or five dungeons like this strung together." Lo and behold, Nuka World.
@Greenhawk4 Ай бұрын
It’s more than just that but ok
@EllisWolf 6 ай бұрын
Just a quick note regarding the handmade rifle, which you referred to as an AK47: this is for once an accurate use of the name! The "AK47" most people refer to 4 times out of 5, with the ridges on the top cover, is in fact a AKM, M for Modernized, made with post-WW2 era factories. The one with a simpler design and a featureless cover, is the Ak47 proper, made by hand or with remaining ww2 era manufacturing plants. The handmade rifle is definitely a post war replica of it. Since it's hand made, it fits the 47 name proper.
@skyrimisforthenords8312 3 ай бұрын
The biggest problem is bethesda didnt understand what people meant when they said they want evil options. Its just more typical bad writing with an edgy 12 year old skin instead of a minuteman one
@darrenrodorigo6451 5 ай бұрын
this was one of my favorite dlcs when i first played it. I do think now that it could've been expanding upon/gone into more depth on being a raider in the commonwealth, but the concept of raiding all the settlements I built up throughout the game was so much fun to me.
@dunkerbunker2501 6 ай бұрын
I’d love more videos like this covering fallout DLC. I was kinda sad it was over lol
@jimericsun 6 ай бұрын
it's not so bad, but it is a perfect representation of recent Bethesda RPGs: No interesting Character, no engaging storyline, half-ass choices that heavily pushed toward one direction, require you to turn off your brain and just have dumb fun. Overall on par with Fallout 4 base game. I guess this release after Far Harbour didn't help at all, since players know what they actually can do.
@employee472 6 ай бұрын
I deeply loved nuka world when it first came out, having some of my most vivid memories with fo4, but this video made me realize how poor a lot of the writing is. I think where it really shines is environment, setpeices, and with porter gage. I was so amazed by the locations and how unique they felt (in all fairness fo4 was my first fallout game I played seriously), I especially remember the weird feeling I got walking through the bottling plant and through the galaxy coaster areas. I think part of why I enjoyed it is because for some reason I am really interested in disney world history (even though I've never been there and vehemently despise Disney as a company, its complicated), and it was just really interested to see it reimagined in a way like this. I'm also never usually one to care about doing many sidequests in games but I did most if not all that I could do on my first playthrough. I think now that I'm older I'd probably appreciate the moody coastal atmosphere of far harbor, but nuka world will always hold a weird place in my heart
@MaesterAelix 6 ай бұрын
I would love to see you do all the DLC to this degree.
@lonewanderer3456 3 ай бұрын
Surprised Nuka World didn't/doesn't get more praise for being such a great 'alternate start' option added to the game. Regardless on if you play a hardcore Lvl 1 challenge, or if you prep for 5-10 levels before heading there, it offers a new opportunity to play Fallout 4 from the standpoint of the Raiders,...the 'evil' option that was said to be missing from the main game.
@Un-sharted 6 ай бұрын
It's only good if you use Nuka world settlements - Nuka Park settlements plus on nexus mod. You can use all main parks and some areas within the main park as settlements, unlock a vault + have multiple outside park settlements including the main entrance to nuka world in the commonwealth and some player homes. At least you can get some building done and repopulate the areas making it look less dead. I would recommend using that mod with the scrap everything mod (beware to not scrap parts that will make it look kind of broken) so at least you can get most of the debris and trash out of the park too so it looks more neat and lived in. Otherwise the DLC is kind of yeah cool I can become a raider but it doesn't offer a lot of content in my opinion especially for late game after you already did all main quests.
@nicholaswallen8147 6 ай бұрын
I like it to an extent. I love the operators. Their my favorite raider group and have my favorite looking gun (the homemade rifle). I feel they are more of a mercenary/assassin group rather than a raider group.
@christiana7778 6 ай бұрын
I definitely think it could have been improved upon, but it's still one of my favorite things to do in Fallout 4. I do wish that they had a third way to do things so that you could get the amazing perks that the gang leaders give without pissing off Preston Garvey.
@AJordan44- 6 ай бұрын
The complaint about lasting impact in NW is a poorly covered point. The reason why people are disappointed is because instead of REAL choice, like having a minuteman ending, the choice is "be a raider, and play the content" or "you basically dont have the content"
@RedsReptiles02 6 ай бұрын
i know people hate on nukaworld but to me is honestly one of my favorite expansions, far harbor still being the best as far as 4 is concerned but it gives you that evil choice and flips the settlement system on its head in a fun way, my MAIN complaint is that once you beat the main story of nukaworld the park feels a little empty given one faction is gone and the game made it very clear the these raider factions were essentially a cog to your machine and removing one makes it all feel off. I also wish once you claimed zones you would get some specific small quest and rewards from each one depending on who you assigned, think of the added weapons and build mode stuff you got from sim settlements concur. I actually like Porter Gage, he serves his purpose in being a right hand raider thats kinda just numb to alot of whats going on, doesnt need to be anymore more than that. Il fully say i wrote this before watching the video aside from that hes inspecting the aspects of nuka world, so if anything comes up il edit this comment to add whatever
@eyakimicki 6 ай бұрын
I remember really enjoying it on my first playthrough of fallout 4. So much was new and different from the commonwealth.
@nathanguice2417 6 ай бұрын
What I like to do to work around having Porter Gauge die when you take out the raider bosses: max out your affinity with him to get the perk. Then kill out the bosses (and him). Then build a robobrain (head-canon that it's Porter's brain), deck him out with armor that resembles his default set, name the roobobrain Porter Gauge and PRESTO! I know it's not really "official" but it's an interesting twist to his fate For bonus points, I never let him have a weapon and assign Robo Porter as a pack mule for settlements. So he goes from being a ruthless raider to a hard-working harmless "indentured" helper for your settlements. Should this give me Good or Evil Karma?
@RolandTHX 6 ай бұрын
2:57 Love how this dude's bolted-together steel armor bends like foam when he shrugs his shoulders. It wouldn't be so bad, but the shoulder parts extend so high up that they move so much, and it's really really hard to ignore. Bethesda really needs to work on their rigging and animations.
@2Potates 6 ай бұрын
I always though the Vault-Tec Workshop was the worst DLC.
@jonathancunningham8739 26 күн бұрын
It is actually really fun if you like building that is the issue if you don't like settlement building then it is bad it is like Fallout 4 casual Fallout fan and a super fan that just likes Fallout great game but those you are nostalgic no it is not exactly a proper game for you.
@vincentcremers1721 6 ай бұрын
To me, nukaworld shouldve been that final bang for fallout 4. But because of the high quality that far harbor was, nukaworld was going to be bad in comparison. I wish it had more direct impacts on the main storyline. Or more stuff to do if you dont want to be a raider. Its not a bad dlc. its a mediocre dlc, which thanks to far harbor, feels worse.
@pacoramon9468 4 ай бұрын
That’s just the plot of Mafia III.
@boglurker2043 6 ай бұрын
I just don’t know how we went from far harbour to this. I’m guessing they had some kind of skeleton crew or interns do this dlc because of how simple and short it is.
@ian7064 6 ай бұрын
I enjoyed Nuka World. I have nothing but respect for the DLC that gave us the handmade rifle and cowboy hat
@wolfen210959 6 ай бұрын
I love the whole cowboy outfits, I give them to my weapons traders and they look fantastic. :)
@realsupergonks 6 ай бұрын
hey grey! figured this might interest you: you can place roof tiles inside of the roofs in sanctuary to cover up the exposed bits. not sure if it's a bug, or was intended, but certainly adds to the element that you can "repair" the buildings
@jandancer33 6 ай бұрын
Once you start the dlc & enter nuka world, are you free to travel back to the commonwealth whenever you want to? Or does it lock you into the new area until storyline/quest completion? Thanks 🙂
@BaronVonBong Ай бұрын
You have to finish the quest that gets you there (fight through a maze of sorts then a boss battle) after that you can come and go whenever.
@jandancer33 Ай бұрын
​@@BaronVonBong thank you. Still not started it, I got distracted re-building my settlements & adding shops after getting local leader/supply lines perk lol. It might seem excessive stripping settlements bare & rebuilding from scratch... but.... yano 😁 fallout.... lol
@pyroAdapt 5 ай бұрын
I hated the collectible mission to get the nuka power armor. The locations you gotta navigate to get each one are so poorly designed and have so many convoluted locked doors that its barely worth the time as it wastes so much of your time you begin to question if its even worth the armor anymore. Also since there are 24 markers on the radar it makes it a pain in the ass to know whoch one you are heading towards and often times you get confused and go after the wrong one.
@ElValuador 6 ай бұрын
No. Far Harbor is just excellent by comparison
@Stryker-K Ай бұрын
I love Far Harbor. It really is one of the best RPGs ever, even if it's "just" a dlc.
@TheMilkiestMan69 6 ай бұрын
Setting and the enemies are different and unique I liked it.. Sure I didn’t like the main story of it just being me doing all the work. Why not pick the gang before you take the area so you can have a few of those raiders from the gangs go WITH you to take the park?? They didn’t make much besides the enemies and location interesting. That being said. I still enjoyed the dlc it was mindless fun for me I didn’t do too much of the settlement stuff but nonetheless I still had fun I cannot defend some of the stuff IN the dlc but I recommend it if you just want to explore unique and very immersive, interesting locations, enemies
@ShadowsCozyInn 6 күн бұрын
Fun moment, if you play NW before base game, it might break your Brotherhood questline. I did that and basically "Show No Mercy" quest never activated effectively nuking your choice to go with the BoS in the base game. I thought initially it was one of the mods, but I haven't found any records of the quest itself being affected by any mods. The only other culprit in that situation was doing Nuka World before base game, which was a shame since I was doing an RP playthrough being a raider that is set on the road to redemption by the base game faction (BoS in my case).
@ptorq 6 ай бұрын
I like that I can tell just from the bits of the power plant storyline that you show that it's the Disciples who rebelled, because that's literally always who I screw over too. My biggest issue with the DLC is that once you start expanding into the Commonwealth you're playing a zero sum game against yourself. You can't (or at least I couldn't figure out how to) take over "empty" settlements that have a workbench but no settlers because they're infested with mirelurks or feral ghouls or other raiders, you've got to give settlements you've already put at least some effort into acquiring and building up to one of the gangs.
@OG_GRAMMA_SAUSE09 6 ай бұрын
Wait, people don't like Nuka World?!?!!?!?!?!?
@Michigan_npc 6 ай бұрын
Im just as confused as you my friend
@sapphicseas0451 6 ай бұрын
Its my fave i think people just like whining because bethesdas bad at writing
@danguillou713 6 ай бұрын
I'm generally about one Bradburton above you on each stage of the review. I like the new map, dungeons and environments. I found the absurd over-the-top evilness of VaultTech and The Nuka-Cola Company hilarious. I hated the new Raider factions for their bottomless blackhearted evil, but in a good way. I mean, I really _hated_ those guys! Open Season always feel therapeutic to me. And I like the fact that you can make decisions with unfixable consequences. If I'd been in charge of F4 writing you could have turned the BoS permanently hostile by turning up with Nick or Hancock as companion. You would have been able to sleep with Cait from the minute you took her contract, but if you did, you'd permanently burned any chance of romancing her. So for me this expansion is about a 16/20.
@abyss9316 6 ай бұрын
And the 762 ammo can be purchased at any of the raiders settlements in the Commonwealth all you have to do is put a basic trader store and they will have a minimum of 2,000 quantity every couple of days I have heard this mentioned in dozens of videos but I've never heard anybody give the proper information
@aralornwolf3140 6 ай бұрын
I found it to be decent... but it was held back by Bugsthesda's game design philosophy regarding the usage of "radiant quests" mixed with "endless jobs". . . You're given, as the _Overboss,_ tasks which should be given to test new gang members... not to the person who, theoretically, "control" the Gangs of Nuka World. There are issues with the premises... and they didn't go far enough. Nuka World DLC should have over written the main quest line of the game. Instead of the Minutemen being the "last ditch option" it should have been the captured trade folk of Nuka World... they will help you either way, as thanks for freeing them, or because they are slaves and you ordered them to, lol. This would also mean a war between your gangs and those gangs in the Commonwealth, the settlements of the Commonwealth (including Diamond City, Good Neighbour, and Vault 87)... and the major factions (including the incoherent Gunners... are they mercs or are they raiders, somehow Bugsthesda decided they were both). This would have been a lot of effort... but they decided to... half-ass this as they pretty much wanted Nuka World to be, more or less, self-contained, exactly like the other two DLCs were. Lastly, this means that you should be given the _role_ of Overboss with Overboss only "quests"... but Bugsthesda thinks being the boss of the faction is the highest reward... once you get there, they stop providing any incentives to be associated with that faction. Edit: Continuing from the last part... There should have been 4 Gangs in Nuka World. The standard 3 gangs and Colter's gang. You can't become an Overboss of three gangs... if you don't have a gang yourself to cover your behind when negotiations break down. At any point the Raiders of Nuka World could have killed him... he had no one watching his back other than Gage. Gage had no one watching _his_ back as he's outnumbered 100 to 1 (or worse). The quest should have began with you earning your place in Gage's _gang_ first... as the other 3 bosses sit back and see if you're worthy of listening to... and taking orders _from._
@MaclearieFarms 6 ай бұрын
God I love this game
@quincyharris2512 6 ай бұрын
Its truly my favorite dlc simply because it gives me an excuse to build settlements and be evil
@benderisbest2199 6 ай бұрын
You’re videos always worth the sit through a lot of other videos on KZfaq aren’t. 👍👍
@insaneadem5014 2 ай бұрын
Good things about the dlc: The handmade rifle. The Ak47 is an awesome weapon, and I'm glad they brought it back. The apparel. The disciples and operators had cool clothing and armor. Varied environments. We had a zoo with giant reptiles, a western town, and a futuristic setting in one map. Pretty cool. The bad things about the dlc: There's no option for a good karma storyline. You get one quest which is to kill the raider bosses, and if you do that then the whole map is basically without quests. There should have been a revolution storyline where you plot with the traders against the raiders and have the minutemen secure spots to ambush. Ammo only available in nukaworld. For some reason even after far harbor they still didn't make it possible to find the new ammo in the commonwealth. It's aggravating having to travel to nukaworld just to restock. I don't wanna hear "but it's dlc ammo, it'll be in the dlc." New Vegas had dlc ammo appear in shops in the base game after the dlc was complete. It's possible.
@generalisimo3304 Ай бұрын
I agree but it is possible to get 7.62 from raider shops if you take settlements in the commonwealth for them
@Goatcha_M 6 ай бұрын
I mean the worst part is, up until Nuka World you are forced to play a Good character, and then Nuka World is all about forcing you to play a bad character. A reaction to everyone complaining about lack of choice, that makes no damn sense.
@aliservan7188 6 ай бұрын
It's great! Not good on a first or even a 2nd play through but if you'residing with the brotherhood and don't mind being evil, it's freaking fun
@harris23456 6 ай бұрын
I think I can help elaborate on the overboss issue and why nobody wants the position. It basically all comes down to knowing social dynamics of the dark ages. Imagine the three raider gangs as three small landowners with very small families. These leaders of the families understand that war could break out at any minute between the other families and they don't wanna put themselves at risk of losing their land and family. When a position like overboss is left vacant it doesn't create a power struggle because if one leader takes the position the other two families will just work together and take that family down and then either divide up the land or fight over the new land. It's a three way tie. We see this come to a head at the end of the questline when one faction is given slightly less land and decides to try to take it by force in an act of miscalculated frustration and inevitably the combined might of the two bigger factions plus your character crush the last faction. This actually proves my point amazingly well because after this fight it's easier to kill off the other two factions because they are spread thinner due to the new land and they just had heavy casualties because of the fighting that just broke out. Tldr: one faction leader can't take the overboss position without passing off the other two and leading to war
@margierules000 6 ай бұрын
i deff agree with a lot of the takes here- like it has a lot of obvious flaws but outside of those flaws it has some really good content- i love the new outfits a lot and it adds a lot of fun collectibles and the worldbuilding and lore is really cool, even if the main quest itself leaves something to be desired- i also kind of like how difficult open season is, because realistically it WOULD be hard to take nuka world down- these are a group of well established and ruthless raiders who have been aching for violence- they’re probably Thrilled that some little vault dweller is causing problems so something interesting would finally happen- my only wish was that you could request help from your allied factions back in the commonwealth- especially the minutemen but i imagine you could convince the brotherhood and institute to help by enticing them with the tech there, and perhaps it could have some enslaved synths to sweeten the pot for the railroad, though i understand why that might be a tall order from a development perspective- overall, it’s not amazing, but not as bad as people act like it is
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