Fallout Season 1, An Honest Review
Is Far Harbor Really That Good?
Is Nukaworld Really That Bad?
@drewsmith6052 9 сағат бұрын
Viewer engagement!!
@Commanderziff 10 сағат бұрын
The settlement building is the best part of Fallout 4... and it's still half-baked and janky as hell. The Sim Settlements mods are so great, it's no wonder Bethesda never thought of anything like them.
@Comicsluvr 11 сағат бұрын
When looking for Aluminum, don't forget the Corvega Plant. The conveyor belts in the basement are covered in car parts made from Aluminum.
@jassykat 13 сағат бұрын
less than 3 minutes in and you're already wrong! It's not bad writing, it is perfectly explained why you're the boss. The whole survival trials were a test to find someone capable of defeating the current leader all along. They make you the boss, but they will take you down if you don't improve over the previous boss.
@jassykat 14 сағат бұрын
Why would anyone hate this DLC? The intro is so cool, and clearing the park is super fun and the park is so eye candy.
@dogeville5852 15 сағат бұрын
@oriondragonstar7057 18 сағат бұрын
Fallout 4 story is simple and Short, the real game play happens When you do the right thing and join the Institute
@definitelynotacrab7651 18 сағат бұрын
Given the the CR'74L is only automatic and starts in 45, i think a better comparison is the submachine gun or most automatic versions of the combat rifle and its clearly better than those. The return the ring quest was sweet too, so overall I liked it.
@oriondragonstar7057 18 сағат бұрын
Inhuman Machines, You Cant reprogram A human Being as Easy as a Synth, unless your The FBI or The Other ABC Companies, Other Than That It really Doesn't Matter if there Machines or Not, There still getting the Bomb Collor XD
@Anakin_0YT 18 сағат бұрын
The Pitt is a great contestant
@someonesvagabond 18 сағат бұрын
Late to the party, but I agree on this video's assessment. I liked the story though, however, FO4 is pretty much a poster boy for missed potential, all because of Bethesda writing (in it's majority). It's a good game, but a bad RPG, and in that lies the issue. There are so-o-o-o many things that could've been done on the RPG side that would've made FO4 played to this day. This is just pure RPG dialogue, mechanics with choices and consequences i'm talking about. Just imagine, this one RPG thing that alone not only fits into vanilla FO4, but also adds a lot to it. Be it Nate or Nora, you can romance a partner among your companions, but, unlike in Vanilla FO4, there is more depth to it than just "doing what they like" and their main companion quest. To them it's been ages, to your character it was a blink moment, and you, depending on time spent, are still in grief from the loss of your second half, on top of the whole thing of literally waking up to your worst nightmare (which alone isn't played on at all and could've been a whole separate RPG system). So, during your travels together, as you obtain better approval, you slowly open up more dialogue. Instead of "Your thoughts?" and "Relationship questions.", you have literal conversations, even with the limited 4 choices it could be done. And in that you not only have the option to pick and choose, but also explain and have conflicting emotions, which, as time progresses and so does the companion approval, evolves into new responses, and on top of THAT, each companion, has their own voice and opinion on this matter. Someone like Cait/Danse/Hancock can have a distant response, unfamiliar to your strife, while someone like Curie, Piper(who is literally a Nora look-alike),Preston are instead empathetic and compassionate, but each has their own version because of their backstory. In other words, not only can you pick the way your character responds, and in such giving depth and backstory, but also you get more insight into how your companions deal with it, their worldview, which in return makes them feel more alive, and that in returns makes the game feel more immersive and better. And this is just one thing that could've been done on the RPG side.
@jamesnewham7125 19 сағат бұрын
I personally don't really care for how accurate the show sticks to the fallout lore. I just thought the show was poorly written, with goofy dialogue and IMO would've been much better if it was more dark and gritty. All the sexual jokes and OTT gore made me give up after episode 3. Lame/10
@prestongarvey3715 19 сағат бұрын
Thank you general I’ll keep marking the settlements on your map
@samuelvicena9940 20 сағат бұрын
Thing i found is that console commands can be used to give parts to robots without having automatron dlc. I did this to make codsword into far harbor robobrain. Automatron robobrain threads have weird scaling where they make entire robot bigger which appears to be bug. Far harbor robobrains dont seem to have this problem. Also giving mr handys a gutsy 10mm smg or 44pistol seems possible with console.
@garushkahn5857 21 сағат бұрын
that dlc would make sense if u could actualy be a raider from the start. not just some "mean" lines to say or ppl to mow down ... at least some raider groups in the mainmap should say (Hell.. isnt that the crazy lunatic mf who wasted way to meny ppl so lets ask him to join our group.. with a fkn questline to rise in power till then nuka world invites you to bring more bad ass attitutes to the raider capital ^^) but that shit as it is ... fkn useless
@SionDracul 22 сағат бұрын
Every clearable internal cell should be settlement compatible imo. Either as a full settlement or be included in a settlement. Granted I know it is beyond bathesda to do it and have it work.
@ferrite1707 Күн бұрын
26:10 The saying of "The enemy of my enemy is my friend" is, and always has been, a terrible saying. Having a common enemy doesn't make allies. Behaving otherwise can lead to major problems down the road. In this example of the BoS destroying the Railroad, remember that the Railroad is trying to protect and allow highly advanced technologies (synths) to remain out in the wild; this is antithetical to what the BoS believes should be done.
@rranft Күн бұрын
Mostly agree, though I think the "Oh no, I must find my son ... just as soon as I finish building these 30 settlements, help everyone around me" part is more of a factor. The premise should create some serious urgency, but very quickly the search for the main character's son has to take a back seat to leveling and gearing up, because you're going to die instantly if you actually act on that urgency.
@hexrisk Күн бұрын
Bro please read the name of the gun you are reviewing with the title. Not all of us are watching for the title card.
@nightmare-vo3gt Күн бұрын
Is this form a DLC?
@Codes911 Күн бұрын
Codsworth. This whole time the only thing dragging Sacntuary down was fucking Codsworth
@catch9522 Күн бұрын
It would've been cool if you could use the flip lighter to actually start a fire. Oh well i guess a flamethrower and a molotov cocktail will have to do. It would also be nice if we could use the fishing rod to catch irradiated fish or mirelurks
@catch9522 Күн бұрын
You could play the game this way. You would have to go get those items at the start of the game as soon as you leave the vault. Maybe put the game on easy running past any enemies. Get those items. Grognaks axe, the clothing and essentials you have laid out there run back to sanctuary hills and then set the difficulty back up and start your adventure. You could go to pickman gallery and get his knife for a survival knife, i never use it for anything it just gets shoved in a container at one of my settlements
@VangolaGear Күн бұрын
I do want to point out that if you’re not running a stealth AP heavy build, the Chinese Stealth Armor is kinda bad. Not only can it not be upgraded, but moving forward while stealthed actually drains your AP, meaning it can seriously screw up your VATS uses. This is kinda mitigated because for some reason it doesn’t consume AP when moving backwards or sideways and only forward, but if you don’t play around that and are heavy into VATS usage it can end up screwing you over.
@troub1337 Күн бұрын
is there a render limit or something like that for settlers? I always have the situation that i have more settlers in my settlement overview than i can actually see.
@Spark_Chaser Күн бұрын
Not gonna lie, I don't think I've gone through a single playthrough of FO4 where I didn't become the leading supplier of Jet in the Wasteland.
@hexshadow6647 Күн бұрын
They should lose 1 million dollars for each and every settlement they failed to add in this video.
@Crowbe411 Күн бұрын
@davidarnold7147 Күн бұрын
You can put processed food in workshops, and meat. I currently have Cait at the Lighthouse. No crops; I put 100's of processed food in the workshop to last her over a year. You can also build a bar. You don't need crops or garden plots to feed a settlement.
@ray-t4215 Күн бұрын
Your videos alone must’ve increased sales for Bethesda 😂👍🏼👏🏼
@mikejustesen6643 Күн бұрын
Ron Pearlman
@alecwry Күн бұрын
You know you need to get out of whatever stupid bubble you're in when you feel the need to insert a bit about "political correctness" in your Fallout lore video where it has no place or relevance to the point you're making. Good video overall but that part felt out of place.
@HappyBeezerStudios Күн бұрын
I've watched a video talking about if Fallout 3 was meant to be set earlier. The Bethesda Fallouts are post apocalyptic, which doesn't fit with 200 years after nuclear war. Their entire worldbuilding is more like 20-50 years after the war, and even that is a stretch. By 200 years the world would be healing, people would be rebuilding, like we see with the Interplay and Obsidian Fallouts. Societies emerge, people get organized. It would be post-post-apocalyptic. Okay, I get that the west is drier and warmer and thus there is less need for super protective shelter. But they still manage to build proper walls and roofs. What i see in Fallout 4 is that basically everyone in the wasteland during the last 200 years didn't have access to the settlement building system, and never had the idea to fix up a place by ... just fixing it up. I get that access to fresh concrete and glass panes will be scarce, but there is access to bricks and timber everywhere. And we see lots of corrugated metal sheets, which would make for great roofs. Sure, the existing houses are mostly in ruins, but they have foundations that a new house can be built on. With timber from the surrounding forests, perhaps even incorporating the more stable parts of the ruins. Now I'm not a survival guy, I'm exactly that kind of city slicker. But I still think I could manage. I have the handy skills that I can develop into skills needed to build a shed. The skills that I can advance to make clothes. The skills that I can deepen to create a water pump.
@HappyBeezerStudios Күн бұрын
Mushrooms won't be any better than meat with radiation. Mushrooms in the area here are still above the legal limit for sale because of Chernobyl, and that was 38 years ago. A proper nuclear war would be many times worse.
@HappyBeezerStudios Күн бұрын
When you walk out in the morning to go hunting, but you accidentally walk into Skyrim.
@VetteIetteV Күн бұрын
Bethesda NEEDS to make a game that starts off like this
@Artyom_Alekseyevich_2033 2 күн бұрын
I did my first raider build to mach the dlc and I can tell you it was kinda cool. I always go with the BOS in the main story, one time with the minuteman and one with the institute (never been with the railroad, yet) but anyways, for someoane who loves the Brotherhood of Steel I have to say that playing as the overboss for the raiders in nuka-world was awesome, I think the new evil dialogues that the sole survivor has are cool, and the way these 3 gangs are sooo diferent, not like the gunners and raiders who are mostly the same thing but one is a bit better, no, the raiders in nuka-world are something else and I guess that's what I liked about this dlc. But yeah, it is not the best if you can't be mean to NPC's (it was kinda hard for me too at the begining) but if you go over it, i'd say it is a good dlc.
@tombaker3731 2 күн бұрын
I never knew about all the extra stuff after the main storyline for Broken Steel is completed. Awesome video!
@Vekuyo 2 күн бұрын
Thank you. All solid points but especially thought the whole “institute needs a non-academic leader” reasoning from Father was the most ridiculous idea that convinces me no one in the writing team has worked in or around academics. Ive seen nothing frustrate faculty faster than someone with anything less than a PhD in a related field telling them how to do their job.
@lukegault3491 2 күн бұрын
How in gods name do you get some of the walls to snap?! I can't get interior walls to snap, like your doors to your market. So frustrating!
@adrianforbes9935 2 күн бұрын
Man you weren't kidding about the prices up there. It's really depressing toy's R us priced themselves out of existence down here already. They were always kinda pricey
@Jimmybuttler-ik1dc 2 күн бұрын
know i’m late asf but needed ideas, i’m going to use this video to make a hidden base for the enclave like how they had in fallout 76. hopefully it turns out bad ass
@Vekuyo 2 күн бұрын
Robot provisioners was my best decision. Nothing better than being mid-fight and a fully kitted sentry bot rolls out of the treeline or an alley and just unloads into the enemies with laser gatlings and mortars.
@giovanebarreira 2 күн бұрын
Cool video! Where did you get the glass walls ?
@BetterBuiltDogs 2 күн бұрын
You're able to separate the oil from the paint because after a couple of months the oil starts separating from the pigment and binder. after a 200 year shelf life, the oil would be readily separated and easy siphon out.
@Voltar_99 2 күн бұрын
This would honestly be perfect, I also think there could’ve been an alliance between the minutemen and this post institute capturing railroad and that one of the terms is that if synths wanna go, let them.
@Voltar_99 2 күн бұрын
3:17 for me it’s always at sunshine tidings co op and I never get sent there by Preston lol
@helcarloki1887 2 күн бұрын
Only automatrons would really enjoy this dlc
@OtakuSoze 2 күн бұрын
The big issue with Nuka World comes down to how poorly integrated it is to the main storyline. Far Harbor was a nearly independent storyline that at least offered some options for Railroad, BoS, and Institute players in affecting Acadia, plus new settlements for Minutemen players. By contrast, Nuka World's storyline involved either wiping out the Raiders on sight or ruining any and all effort you've made with the Minutemen and no response from any other faction. You could honestly rewrite the story to 1-to-1 replace the Nuka World Raiders with the Gunners (who are integrated into the DLC already) and get a much better experience.
@Joe.0511 2 күн бұрын
I just have the thruster as Ada's legs with the Sentry arms and duel laser gatling guns + the Assaultatron head laser