Is REMOTE work dead? Workers being forced back into the office! Biden LEADS young voter polls.

  Рет қаралды 9,159

The Hill

The Hill

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Is it just a fad or the new normal for businesses? Hundreds of thousands of employees took their work online during the pandemic. Four years later, many employers are pushing to bring workers back into the office. This week on What’s America Thinking, host Julia Manchester explores the latest studies on remote work with Jessica Kriegel, chief scientist of workplace culture at Culture Partners. Plus, Julia also goes on the record with Decision Desk HQ’s Scott Tranter about the latest on the presidential race and recent polling for the 2024 elections.
What’s America Thinking? is a lively, informative show that leans into why Americans are so fed up with the government and its inability to make their lives better. We’ll focus on the people behind the polls, pocketbook issues, the disconnect between Washington and Main Street - what Americans are REALLY thinking!
Make sure to subscribe and join Julia every week as she discusses hot-button issues and hears what America is thinking.
#TheHill #RemoteWork #2024 #News
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@christopher2215 Ай бұрын
Return to office is one of the most anti-family, and anti-woman moves by corporate America in a long time.
@dustinmondou212 28 күн бұрын
@@christopher2215 lol tell me you posted this as a meme anti-woman LOL bro your hilarious
@xh0rsex 14 күн бұрын
​@@dustinmondou212I'm assuming they said anti-woman due to it affecting a mother's ability to stay home and care for children, which would be bizarre, seeing as how I bet this person also thinks that it's sexist to think women should stay home and care for children.
@BillAshtonNelo Ай бұрын
I used to be super loyal to companies now I would quit without notice if a better offer came up. They fire and lay off without notice “it’s just business” so I now do the same.
@SuperStella1111 10 күн бұрын
You grew up ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤Love ❤❤❤❤
@Waringpro_Ci Ай бұрын
Employers want employees in office due to all of the commercial real estate they own. No employees means crashing commercial real estate prices.
@Queen74-g4t 8 күн бұрын
No sympathy for employers. None whatsoever.
@timothydoyle6859 Ай бұрын
The knowledge economy requires workers to think about things. Sometimes the best way to think about something is to get away from it. When I take a break in the middle of the day to put a load of laundry in the washing machine I'm usually also thinking about a solution to a problem. I'm not not working.
@1windozesuk 25 күн бұрын
There is much truth in this. My job is to come up with solutions and implement them. I come up with most of my strategies while not working and spend most of my "work" time implementing them. No aspect of my job requires me to be anywhere, except that the company wants me to be at work, so others with jobs that require them to be on-site, won't feel bad
@rockymaffitt3345 Ай бұрын
I work for the federal government and I was 100% telework before the pandemic. Most of my team is as well. When my agency started requiring my director to come into the office 3 days a week , he retired. HR can't seem to find any candidates for his position that will even do a hybrid schedule. The problem with having to come into the office is that it severely limits your talent pool.
@kimieann1975 Күн бұрын
I think remote is the way to go. It costs to much money & time to go into an office every day, plus when you think about it probably around half of that workday is going to be useless bs. Office politics, gossip, clicks, useless meetings, catered lunches once in a while to make you feel better, ALL of the endless team building talks. The perfect job would consist of being able to work remotely, just give them their list of duties that need to get finished weekly and leave them alone. No emails, calls, or video conferences unless absolutely necessary. Who cares where they're getting the work done. Home,beach, another country, or what time of day they're getting it done. As long as the work is getting done just leave them alone.
@danielinthelionsden3297 Ай бұрын
Hybrid is good. But companies are offshoring a lot of work, so I don’t get making Americans in office all the time
@Justcetriyaart Ай бұрын
No one struggles to work from home. It was a transition. Lonely? Noisey kids? Go down to your local coffee shop or library and work from there. Most employers don't pay enough for people to live close to work. The office is there for those who need to come in. No need to force us all into one "solution"
@something86783 Ай бұрын
I honestly just cannot believe that the office is more productive for all roles. I definitely see the value in a hybrid set up or having face to face meetings occasionally but by and large the amount of my time wasted in the office because of people who just walk up and start talking about something is unreal. I actually work more for the company because I'm the type of person to get laser focused and lose track of time, and it's easier for me to just hop on and fix something before or after work hours. Combine that with no interruptions and I am significantly more productive than I used to be. If I am required to work on site again full time it goes back to 8-5 with a one hour lunch and a couple 15s, and that's it. If the company wants me to waste my time I won't give the company extra.
@wildrice8199 Ай бұрын
I'm hybrid and am way less productive in office. The people talking loudly right next to me all day while I'm trying to concentrate is maddening, and the commute just wastes time that I would normally be working
@josephlabarbera5994 Ай бұрын
The average middle class worker has no choice in this decision, this show is so out of touch with Americans. These reporters get paid to sell you a world that is nonexistent.
@eugenetzigane 5 күн бұрын
I think this whole "remote vs in office" debate is being misframed as a fight for WHERE people work, but actually it's about HOW people work. In the US business culture, there is this misguided idea that creativity comes in team work and brainstorming. But this not only wrong, it's counterproductive. If you want employees to be creative, working alone will usually provide better results. There needs to be a forum where those workers can casually chat, but that time should be limited. It's like what Steve Wozniak had in the old HP environment. People had cubicles or offices, but at 11 and at 2, the office put out donuts and coffee and people could choose to meet up and chat, bounce ideas off each other. Then they would go back to working alone!
@jeffreymassey5541 Ай бұрын
It is up to the employer plain and simple. The employee will have to adapt to what the employer wants to do.
@Migwelp Ай бұрын
Until the reality of attrition and recruitment kicks in lol
@ye333 Ай бұрын
​@@MigwelpOf course. The employers are not gods and they also need to adapt.
@kimieann1975 Күн бұрын
Not really. Employers are only the employer if they can hire employees. If no one wants to work for them then they're just self-employed. Technically the employees have all the power these days, especially with the internet and different ways of making money.
@GrizzlyAdams024 Күн бұрын
Same problem with my job. We did all three formats, but they are making us all come into the office. Edit: i still love my career with them so I will do what is needed. But remote work is the best thing ever
@MauricioGonzalezFilms 16 күн бұрын
10:00 - excellent point! I’ve worked in all these environments over the past 15 years and managers are resistant to remote management. It’s that simple.
@marshutch3931 Ай бұрын
Its hard to keep illegal stuff secret.
@daviddunkelheit9952 Ай бұрын
Huge changes in employer surveillance…continuous monitoring. Office buildings aren’t being rented leading to small banks failing from defaults. And you are bringing work home.
@HoneyBeeCrafts Ай бұрын
My father in law is so depressed being remote. He was able to have a needed reason to leave the house, he could be in a new area, see people and talk face to face. A good way to help with depression is to have 3 locations of change. Work, home, and a place outside like a park, recreational activity, family gatherings. This remote bs is driving people nuts and it’s lowering moral.
@bobbrossify 3 күн бұрын
Your FIL isn’t all people. I’m much happier. I get the separation in that I work in my office and that’s it.
@mindtheprivacy Ай бұрын
My ex plant manager made everyone go back to the office after 2 years. And made remote work meritorious, meaning you had to earn it. He even made it a secret, whenever I had to hire 2 people ánd not disclose we had 1 day or 2 a.week, of course, after you had proven yourself.
@LEDRIST Ай бұрын
Should completely be up to the employer. If they want you there, show up or get passed over
@SuperStella1111 10 күн бұрын
lol no. The Labour movement will decide.
@MN-zh2vd 2 күн бұрын
Is that why they're all crying that nobody wants to work anymore? Oh, people are working, just not for them. They can choose, sure, but so can we.
@scottmcvicker4971 Ай бұрын
IF you can "work from home", THEN you can work from practically anywhere. IF your work product is "manipulation of data" which can then be shipped back to your employer via the internet, THEN the pool of people willing to do that work has greatly expanded. IF the pool of available workers increases, THEN the employer will be able to select their employees based on value provided per dollar spent. Result #1: Wages decline. Those who used to have good salaries because they live close to the fixed place of employment are replaced with gig workers who live as cheaply as possible...and can thus work for very low wages. Result #2: AI automation replaces these workers entirely.
@sharonpayne8912 8 күн бұрын
They want to stay with the kids and in their comfortable clothes. Not paying for transportation dealing with traffic and clock punching. Basic answering to a boss!
@ryan3194 Сағат бұрын
Remote work allows me to be more productive and efficient in my role. I am also happier due to a much better work/life balance. As they say in this video it's not a one size fits all, there should be options rather than telling the employee what they have to do. The world is changing, we need to evolve and adapt rather than stick with the same old same old.
@Sinintheair Ай бұрын
I feel like people who want to be at work just want to be seen.
@MatuzaMortgages Ай бұрын
Yeah, that's it
@Migwelp Ай бұрын
Among other things, yes. Many fake jobs out there. Office managers and the like that quite literally do nothing except bother people in their little pens. Nothing going on at home. Unmarried, no kids, no pets...just an office and an empty life at home.
@MattViel 13 күн бұрын
It is absolutely a pathetic argument to make people sit in an office when they can still be productive and innovative at home. That said, there are some things that require or can be beneficial at the office.
@mindtheprivacy Ай бұрын
Love this reporter!
@moozillamoo2109 Ай бұрын
Corporations all talk a good game about caring for the environment and workers. How is be in traffic 2-3 hours a day good for either?
@Ravi-rl8tt Ай бұрын
Climate lockdowns please.
@ye333 Ай бұрын
They should stop talking about those things. Corporations are not daycares. Employees are not children. It's a contract in a market between rational adults.
@IagreeY3pp Күн бұрын
What's this chairman's name? I need to read up on this dofus
@mclovinlife4018 Ай бұрын
Maybe they shouldn’t have mandated everyone stay home in the first place. They did this
@ye333 Ай бұрын
Working from home almost makes you your own boss. But you are not. And that's why it doesn't work.
@SuperStella1111 10 күн бұрын
Oh no the middle managers are bored.
@deborahp7625 Ай бұрын
And I personally know some people who are supposed to be remote daytime workers, they are out and about, in the gym, shopping etc. lol
@Baron_Doom Ай бұрын
Their productivity would show that.
@boo2457 Ай бұрын
Open Borders will solve this soon with engineers and skilled workers that will it for min wage + 10%
@AnaLucia-wy2ii Ай бұрын
Stop using the word “force”
@SunsetCove-dn7mw Ай бұрын
thank you for firing Joy, just re subscribed!
@kevinpeterson511 Ай бұрын
I’m my field in engineering, graduate level workers are not learning at the same pace as previous generations that were 100% in office. Productivity of experienced engineers has also been less working from home in my experience.
@saganhuxley Ай бұрын
If the work can be completed remote, then there needs to be an option for fully remote. The only types who feel the need to be in-office are micromanaging narcissists (who aren’t self-directed) and need to feel important by controlling employees time, attention, and ensuring people are orbiting around them at all times. I’ve worked in fully remote teams since 2017 with absolutely no issues collaborating or coordinating with colleagues. Final note, the in-office micromanager model is ableist AF and these old-school office addicts need to grow TF up.
@flsupraguy Ай бұрын
Lol you sound like a self entitled employee. Perhaps you should start your own business. Your employer signs your paycheck so it's their decision not yours...
@saganhuxley Ай бұрын
@@flsupraguy You sound like a real peach. I’m a small business owner.
@saganhuxley Ай бұрын
⁠…and I’m going to assume you’re precisely one of those micromanaging narcissists I reference.
@flsupraguy Ай бұрын
@@saganhuxley nope :) I own multiple businesses in different industries. None of my employees work from home. I'm actually very hands off. My employee retention is over 90% each year. I go to the office every day and I expect my staff to do the same. I just don't hire lazy people ;) Most of the "work from home" will be flushed out when the economy corrects itself...
@dustinmondou212 Ай бұрын
This is actually insane...I have no idea who watches this agrees. I work in I.T. and I can tell you productivity has for sure dipped. People have login issues remotely, a lot of employees will pretend they cannot login in, and not work then submit a password ticket to cover their butts. I have caught people logged in remotely while claiming they can't login remotely to explain away doing other stuff or over sleeping. We have caught tons of abuse of work from home. I have no idea what your talking about. People make videos of how to work 2 jobs from home work 8 hours but get paid for 16. Listen there is people who do it honestly, people who dont abuse it, but my company has found it's like 70/30. 70% do it with integrity, and 30% abuse it. My company has been forcing people to come back into office, and we have had people threaten to quit but hardly any of them do.
@HoneyBeeCrafts Ай бұрын
Yes this too!!
@dhaselby Ай бұрын
Go to Home Depot any day of the work week. Always busy....always! Filled with work from homers.
@bobbrossify 3 күн бұрын
Or just people off work? How do you know what the split is.
@ram2500rt 28 күн бұрын
Why would a primarily remote worker get paid the same as one that shows up day in and day out to physically make sure things are handled while the offsite folks rarely answer calls or emails? I support remote work however at not near the rate of onsite folks.
@Lauria43 Ай бұрын
You're hired to work in the office, that's the job description. This idead of refusal to come come should result in your termination. You choice to accept the job under those conditions.
@Baron_Doom Ай бұрын
It's not in the job description. There's no mention of it. It's assumed, but it's never mentioned as a requirement. When the lockdowns happened, everything switched to a work from home environment, and it worked just fine.
@XcuzeTheMessDeer Ай бұрын
Its a power play thats all.
@patcollins2591 Ай бұрын
Working remote saves gas... Time on commuting etc. Ivan see one of two days in office so can put a face to who works at office.
@sheehase Ай бұрын
I can smell the gen z on you
@cashaeleatemla Ай бұрын
It remains an important electoral issue in the GenForward poll: a third of overall respondents said they would only vote for a candidate who shares their views on abortion, and nearly half agree that individuals should, “always be able to obtain an abortion as a matter of personal choice.”
@otterpossum9128 Ай бұрын
this employee doesn't understand this debate depends on what the work requires.
@coleshores Ай бұрын
Scientific Journal Nature that brought you the Covid proximal origin paper.
@cashaeleatemla Ай бұрын
Five months out from the presidential election, the state of the youth vote, in some ways, remains a question mark. It’s a regularly covered topic as President Biden continues to receive low marks from Gen Z and millennial voters, even as the same age group decidedly voted for him four years ago. But among younger Black, Latino and Asian American voters, who overwhelmingly sided with Biden in 2020, and at higher rates than young white voters did, support has considerably faltered, according to the University of Chicago’s latest GenForward survey. Broken down by race and ethnicity, Biden has particularly lost ground with Black and Latino young people. It found that just one-third of all young Americans said they would back Biden if the election was held at the time the survey was conducted. The poll also reflects a virtual tie in the race. Biden leads former President Donald Trump by just two points, and 34% of respondents are currently backing a third-party candidate or said they would support “someone else.” Plus, despite speculation over how U.S. support for Israel may negatively affect Biden’s youth coalition, the poll found that the war in Gaza is not the top voting issue for most young Americans. Instead, economic concerns, particularly over inflation, remain front and center. That said, the economy is one of several policy areas, along with immigration and the war in Gaza, where respondents were less likely to pick Biden as the best candidate to handle the issue, illustrating a potentially deeper problem for his campaign with younger Americans. Trump is beating Biden among young Latino voters by a four-point margin. It’s a significant drop in support for Biden compared to four years ago, when he won 69% of Latino voters under 30, and 62% of those 30-44. When looking at a sample of only registered voters, the numbers improve for Biden and push him back ahead of Trump with Latinos, but the margins remain slim. Biden’s support with Black voters only ticks up two points to 35%. That statement rings true particularly for individuals still searching for a different candidate, even as the presidential primary season is virtually finished. Among both Black and Latino Americans, about a quarter said they would vote for someone else.
@jdl7211 Ай бұрын
"Productive" is totally subjective. Go back to the stories about home workers discovered doing nothing...
@dhaselby Ай бұрын
As long as they always get paid less than the in person workers, I am fine with it.
@Migwelp Ай бұрын
Pay people more? I'm sure they'll love that idea lol
@janedoe1254 Ай бұрын
Well using your logic, in person means needs the company needs to pay for office space so hence wfh should be paid more bc they are not being budgeted for office space 🤷🏽‍♀️
@dhaselby Ай бұрын
@@janedoe1254 Work from home = less productive. Case closed.
@Queen74-g4t 8 күн бұрын
​@@dhaselbyWork from home = don't have to deal with annoying coworkers and asinine small talk.
@GoNavyAT2 Ай бұрын
We LEAD people and MANAGE things. LEAD PEOPLE, MANAGE THINGS. No one wants to be "managed". We need to change the way we talk about leading teams.
@iand654456 Ай бұрын
Remote work does not promote collaboration which is essential for progress. The mental health of genz is horrific and remote work will only further this illness. Remote work has also spawned the lazy worker crew. It's an epidemic of people doing little work and just moving the mouse around. If people are not commuting thn their pay should be cut because they don't spend money on gas
@bearx200 Ай бұрын
Well some work requires you show up, don't like it find another line of work.
@jimcatanzaro7808 Ай бұрын
Good I have to work on a building roof with temps at 80-95 degrees every day all summer and drive 1-3 hours a day and pay 16 a day to park and 100 in gas per week Go back to the ac office and stop crying
@LaFlame1 Ай бұрын
What does people working in an office have to do with u working outside in the heat ?
@something86783 Ай бұрын
Tbh sounds like you're the one crying, wah wah I have to work outside and I don't like the people who can work remote because I'm jealous :( :( :( Cope.
@ThatGuyz82 Ай бұрын
So you want your traffic to be worse? You don't seem to understand what you are asking for.
@majorfomo7895 Ай бұрын
@PB-or2fd Ай бұрын
Construction workers get to work from home, that's driving to the jobs they have that day working on other peoples homes.
@Thedecider1984 Ай бұрын
Go back to the office. Be lucky to have a job.
@jeremiahsams2848 Ай бұрын
Pretty much. Why do employees believe they have the upper hand? Millions of people are coming to the country every year.
@ivan200804 Ай бұрын
Corporate bots. "Be lucky?"
@Migwelp Ай бұрын
@@jeremiahsams2848 Employees can just not work for you, you know that? What makes you think your business stays afloat without workers that accept the conditions you're demanding? The military and police can't even do that lol
@deniseferreri8978 Ай бұрын
Get to work and stop whining..
@majorfomo7895 Ай бұрын
People ARE working. It's the 20th century corporate work model that doesn't work anymore.
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