IsraelPalestine For Critical Thinkers: #6 WWI & Israel-Palestine

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9 жыл бұрын

Following the last episode of IsraelPalestine For Critical Thinkers, Richard Bass explains how Arab and Jewish Nationalism were shaped by World War I. In order to achieve their goals of statehood, both Arab and Jewish people looked to the British for support. However, controversy was not far away, as these alliances would come to overlap when the British pledged land to both groups, creating a conflict for years to come.
Richard Bass
Animated by:
Thought Café
Music Composition & Sound Design:
Allan Levy
Written by:
Richard Bass & Thought Café
Images by:
Wikimedia Commons
Additional Images by:
Middle East Centre Archive
Additional Video Footage by:

Пікірлер: 70
@VittorioLinoLevi 9 жыл бұрын
I sure hope the next one discusses Sykes-Picot, as it's the only WWI-Era agreement that held any real weight, and if it isn't covered, it'd be a glaring omission from the series. While it may not have dealt directly with Israel/Palestine, Sykes-Picot settled the spheres of influence, and the prospective carving of British and French zones from Arabia and the Levant, shaped the future nation-states of Lebanon and Syria; and Iraq, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia, respectively. This decided the neighborhood of the Middle East for the last nearly 100 years, not to mention have repercussions for the region and it's peoples at present. Iraq and Syria are prime examples of heterogenous peoples that were contrived together to form nation-states without national cohesion. Both were held together by the force of military dictatorship and now are crumbling in the wake of the vacuum the US left after destroying the Ba'ath state apparatus and bungling the job of replacing it in the 2nd Iraq War, while next door Syria's civil war provided chaos fertile enough for radical murdering bands that shall remain nameless to now wreak havoc on both of the weak states, straddling their border and undoing it, and Sykes-Picot with it. If Sykes-Picot is the starting point, then the present-day de facto state far eclipses any injustice of the European occupations, mandate system, or protectorates. I don't expect all of that to be mentioned, but find mentioning these repercussions myself as useful to underline the importance of the accord. Since I'm commenting anyway, I'll join the chorus: make each episode longer when y'all shoot the next ones!
@I_Have_The_Most_Japanese_Music 9 жыл бұрын
Vittorio Lino Levi While people disparage the colonial powers era, previously this area was the possession of an empire and subsequently (outside of Israel and Lebanon) became the domain of kings and other dictators. I'm not sure that the Brits were doing a worse job. Let's say the Europeans somehow decided to absolutely not get involved after the collapse of the Ottoman Empire: after a bloodbath I think you get another empire, or maybe just a never-ending bloodbath. Does anybody think that logically culturally organized states would just organically emerge?
@VittorioLinoLevi 2 жыл бұрын
@Alfred Weber “something *had* to be done” ok but that doesn’t inherently or otherwise entail the need to promise lands they aren’t from to themselves (Britain & France), the Zionists, the Hashemites in the Hejaz, or back to the Ottomans in attempts to broker a separate peace there. Moreover, Churchill, at the time in the admiralty, requisitioned 2 British-built battleships crowdfunded by the ppl of the Ottoman Empire, which pushed the govt, and specifically, crucially, Enver Pasha, as the war broke out in 1914 into the arms of the Germans, who were prepared to provide them w/2 ships in lieu of the requisitioned ones. So actually yes Britain is partially responsible for Turkey’s entry into the war on the side of the central powers. Although, no attacking in December w/o proper equipment through mountains against Russia & destroying his own army is only Enver’s fault (and uncommon w/the claims of Turkish nationalists to this day) & not the Armenians.
@brrt 2 жыл бұрын
@@I_Have_The_Most_Japanese_Music Yes, that is exactly what happened in Europe lol
@arthurrelatado9772 9 жыл бұрын
its the brits fault
@mopippenger7373 8 жыл бұрын
+Arthur Relatado its always the brits fault
@jenkrash8122 4 жыл бұрын
its never "my fault".......
@nathanrice3890 9 жыл бұрын
In Episode 5, your link to Episode 6 at the end is broken, it still says "Coming Soon". Great series by the way, I am very interested to see the coming episodes.
@seanmactavish1 9 жыл бұрын
Se·mit·ic səˈmidik/ adjective adjective: Semitic 1. relating to or denoting a family of languages that includes Hebrew, Arabic, and Aramaic and certain ancient languages such as Phoenician and Akkadian, constituting the main subgroup of the Afro-Asiatic family. 2. relating to the peoples who speak the Semitic languages, especially Hebrew and Arabic. Not just Jewish people.
@Someone-qo9ow 3 жыл бұрын
@Maxim Waisberg and the Anti-Zionisim are not Anti-Semitism
@amnont8724 2 жыл бұрын
@@Someone-qo9ow Not necessarily
@shadrick911able 7 жыл бұрын
what year was this please
@Janeofbucks 3 жыл бұрын
Omg! The British!
@robotomato5736 4 жыл бұрын
Meanwhile I would've gotten an F for an unclear answer in a test.
@mps9649 2 жыл бұрын
@dannycolliflower7868 9 жыл бұрын
No lawrence of arabia?
@dhareshm6189 3 жыл бұрын
Could it hurt the Brits to be more concise as to where along the Mediterranean strip the Arabs could not take the land? This would have avoided unnecessary controversy in the region.
@bigaback 9 жыл бұрын
While this guy is thinking more critically than most when it comes to this subject, he still cherry picks what events to mention to support his position on the conflict.
@I_Have_The_Most_Japanese_Music 9 жыл бұрын
bigaback Please elaborate...
@bigaback 9 жыл бұрын
He greatly exaggerated the importance of the single Arab nation vision. That plan never carried any weight as say Confederate America. But he focused on this point to show us that Israel deserves the small Palestine. 3 things to keep in mind: 1-Palestinians wanted claim land that they lived in (like the Irish or Algerians), where Jews wanted ownership of land that they werent living in (Apartheid S.Africa) 2-This is the only choice for Palestinians where Jews had more options to choose from (Alaska, Uganda) 3-Israel is passively grabbing more land which creates more distrust and paranoia with its neighbors. Its slowly creating more illegal settlements in the West Bank and is looking to extract oil from the occupied land in Syria. Syrians are literally eating grass and Israel with the help of Rupert Murdoch are looking for ways to make billions while citizens are suffering. Whats ur take on the issue?
@snakey934Snakeybakey 9 жыл бұрын
bigaback i will deffer. 1-the Arabs originally came to Palestine attracted by the Jobs created by the indigenous Jews. the Palestinian national identity would not be crystallized until the 1970s.
@bigaback 9 жыл бұрын
Can u provide sources? thanks
@olayassir5231 2 жыл бұрын
@@x_4165 What are you on about? The Jews of Palestine were already living peacefully with the Muslims of Palestine and they were all one entity: Palestinians. The issue arose with hundreds of thousands of strangers immigrating from Europe wanting half of the Palestinians' country because some bad guy was bullying them in their countries.
@ezgi-el8yj 7 жыл бұрын
The flag of Ottoman Empire is different than Turkish Republic but the one you put for Ottoman Empire is actually the Turkish Republic one.
@ferrolisistemler2551 4 жыл бұрын
ya abla bizimkiler her yerde yorum yapıyor bilmeden sen de uyuyorsun onlara. 1844 ' den itibaren bu bayrak kullanılıyordu Osmanlı'da. Adamlar bizim tarihi bizden iyi biliyor...
@Bwkjam 9 жыл бұрын
Why is Japan placed as one of the 4 allied powers while Russia is left out? Japan's role in the war was relatively small (to Japan's great benefit) they snatched Germany's colonies with very little resistance. Not a huge deal, just weird.
@TheToenail94 9 жыл бұрын
Jihad does not mean "Holy War"
@snakey934Snakeybakey 9 жыл бұрын
Tony Easterday yes it does.
@snakey934Snakeybakey 9 жыл бұрын
***** plz don't bullshit us with that "Jihad means journey" lie, because that sounds so stupid. when people like Anjem Choudary and Ahmed Yassin say "we will wage Jihad against the infidels" do you think they are talking about a Journy? no! they are talking about holy war. Islam needs a reformation.
@samiabe8686 9 жыл бұрын
Hey there! Actually jihad really does just mean struggle... For example the struggle a Muslim may undergo when fasting, or taking the time out of a busy schedule to pray, or donating to the poor when you may not have much, or trying to preform pilgrimage when you live on the opposite side of the world, etc. are all jihad. A struggle a Muslim may undergo while trying to follow the doctrine of the religion. I have many Muslim friends that confirm that this is the definition pure and simple, and that the negative connotation was obviously born out of misuse of the concept by the radicals using the religion to rationalize their own political agenda. I encourage you to make Muslim friends and attend Muslim awareness events. Peace and love, An atheist who studied Islamic theology.
@gk-bl6yu 8 жыл бұрын
+Mohammed Kwt Stop the hate people.
@benisrael3801 6 жыл бұрын
Jihad is a Muslim "Holy War" in the pure Islamic definition of the term, even it also refers to a Muslim spiritual fight over his evil inclinations...
@kinanbarakat3256 3 жыл бұрын
U say that both sides wanted to claim lands that belonged to the Ottomans, and this completely ignore that these lands are owned by the Syrians, Palestinians Lebanese and Jordanians. The idea of the Arab nationalism only came during and after the first ww1 and when u keep saying the Arabs you ignore that all the countries mentioned before has existed for thousands on years with their own culture and history
@shainazion4073 Жыл бұрын
They were not countries before WW1.
@buny8085 3 жыл бұрын
@tashra01 9 жыл бұрын
This series started off great but its increasingly becoming obvious that there is a bias here. Will have to unsubscribe.
@HxH2011DRA 9 жыл бұрын
Towards which side?
@CryptoKevin 9 жыл бұрын
***** Looking at their website which describe themselves as "We're an animation studio that promotes social justice, self-education and critical awareness'. With keywords such as "social justice" ie, redistribution of wealth, Unicef and Global Climate Change you can bet that this site is leaning toward a global government because it is favorable to globalist organizations.
@HxH2011DRA 9 жыл бұрын
Kevin Dixon That's alot of assumptions your making there. And I mean A LOT. Just because some people abuse the term doesn't mean social justice isn't something we shouldn't strive for, so don't go adding negative connotations to it and trying to make the word of limits to anyone is "truly" trying to help or in the know. You know what they say; Assumptions make a ASS out of U and Me
@snakey934Snakeybakey 9 жыл бұрын
tashra01 i noiced a few omitions here and there, but who is it biased against?
@CryptoKevin 9 жыл бұрын
MVcamera I gave more than one example and just because you don't know that those are key words that are words that social engineers use doesn't mean I'm wrong. That information is out there, if you don't seek that out then I guess you are just going to be bamboozled and be none the wiser. Good luck.
@Djdjxidjdn283 8 жыл бұрын
Watch the video in this article:המצרי-שמגן-על-ישראל-הערבים-מקנאים/ar-AAePSzY
@drrazink 3 жыл бұрын
israel-palestine; jammu-kashmir; pattani-siam; rakhine-myanmar; hong kong-china 🤔
@zs9640 9 жыл бұрын
You placed the arabs and the jews in demands in same category, while it is not, because the arabs were asking for independence for the land the live on, while the jews were asking for a colony to be given for them. Arabs wanted the steering wheel of their country while the jews wanted the arabs lands with the steering wheel of course. imagine that Scottish people want to get independence and france said they will help then suddenly canadian people show up and say we want scotland to be our national home.
@avnerleon9727 9 жыл бұрын
z's by 1920 this " imagine that Scottish people want to get independence and France said they will help then suddenly Canadian people show up and say we want Scotland to be our national home" would have been pretty normal... and there were jews in not that the jews fall of the sky...
@zs9640 9 жыл бұрын
Avner Leon first, yes they did not fall out of the sky, I'm sorry i said jews, I think zionists is more accurate. second, there were only 2% of the population. then the Zionists came with the advantage of being from a very wealthy developed countries. Arabs "FOUGHT" with England to get control over there own land, while the Zionists lobbied English politician to get arab land.
@ASTROTZUR 9 жыл бұрын
z's The Jews also fought alongside the British: (It was in WWII rather than WWI but still before the creation of Israel)
@avnerleon9727 9 жыл бұрын
z's those wealthy develop countries were anti-semitic to the core...not to after been liberate from a death camp you go back to Germany and live with those that send you to the death camps...those people needed to leave Europe...and the US asked for visa to everybody so there were not many places to go... and them came Israel in that time many jews in Europe were still living in refugee camps in Europe...and came to live in the refugee camps of Israel because there were not houses for them...the 50s were a hard time for israelis... the french jews that install their homes in the Negev have to live in caves until they were able to build one building...and that building became the armory during the war...and they have to farm with salt water... and about the Arab land...if your idea of replacing the Ottoman Empire with the Saudi Arabia Empire...that is like not accepting the existence of Lebanon or Syria or Jordan or Iraq or Egypt...
@omershaik6374 9 жыл бұрын
dude, israel is a holy land for the jews. all their holy places is in there. this is the only place where they were really united, and staying in europe was not an option because europe was very antisemitic at the time. it's more complicated than how you put it.
@Alex-uh3rp 3 жыл бұрын
Free Palestine
@acevintura5102 2 жыл бұрын
Palestine doesn’t exist anymore anymore sorry 73 years later deal with it never gonna change
@olayassir5231 2 жыл бұрын
When I started this video series, I thought it was relatively neutral but the further I watch the more your biases and agenda show. Palestinians' claim to the land was a claim of independence from colonization of their land, pretty much like many countries around the world at that period of time, While Israeli's claim was a claim of somewhere to escape to because they were bullied in their countries in Europe. You'd think that they would simply migrate and live peacefully with the literal millions already living there, but no they want to cut off half of their land, make it another country completely, and simply take it. How does any of this sound like they had the same claim?
@shainazion4073 Жыл бұрын
The Jews claim is 4000 years old, to reconstitute their historic homeland. The idea of a Jewish state was created before WW2.
@shainazion4073 Жыл бұрын
There were no millions living there. There were only between 250,000 and 350,000 people living in that area for the last 1000 years.
@Ashakat42 Жыл бұрын
@@shainazion4073 So?
@asloobq 9 ай бұрын
There is no mention of who were the indigenous people of Palestine ? and no mention of the colonization of the region by Europe. Not really critical thinking if facts are being omitted
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