SBFC224 - Bungie is cheating players out of Destiny 2 XP

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6 жыл бұрын

SBFC 224: SBFC 224: Ram the Children

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@psycholuigiman 6 жыл бұрын
People still think loot boxes are harmless.
@Abdega 6 жыл бұрын
They called us crazy, but we knew what this would lead to…
@absnx 6 жыл бұрын
The REAL problem with this and it's connection to Loot Boxes (like Battlefront and Mordor), as stated by Jim Sterling, is that you pay money to play the game, and then pay MORE money to play less of the game. Why is there anything in your video game you actively want the player to skip or avoid playing?
@Yal_Rathol 6 жыл бұрын
Nathan hey man, i think you just don't understand our modern business practices. after all, if i have trouble with a big word in "dracula" or "on the origin of species", i just pay 10 bucks to have every instance of that word whited out of the book! it's really very simple and quite clever.
@codafett 6 жыл бұрын
Shadow of War's lootboxes aren't even a problem. People are just mad about microtransactions all around.
@mrrdirty6198 6 жыл бұрын
codafett Do you still think that now, after the developers admitted that the micro-transaction system undercut a huge part of their game?
@codafett 6 жыл бұрын
They probably only did that because they didn't want to get shat on like EA. If you actually played SOW the micro transactions are completely irrelevant, just quick ways to get high level follwers.
@westleytitan4640 3 жыл бұрын
dunno if you guys gives a damn but if you're bored like me during the covid times you can stream all the latest movies on Instaflixxer. I've been streaming with my brother for the last couple of days =)
@loruapollo6634 6 жыл бұрын
Let's be real, was anyone really surprised about this? Every trick to get easy money exists in videogames these days
@Yal_Rathol 6 жыл бұрын
i told a friend of mine who played both destiny games to completion about this and his response was "of course they do that, the fuckers. i wouldn't put it past them."
@crazygamer4260 6 жыл бұрын
I mean, after you hit max level the only thing you get for hitting the next level is gettting cosmetics
@Yal_Rathol 6 жыл бұрын
crazygamer4260 here's the problem with the "it's only cosmetics" argument. the problem is that human nature has greed and jealousy as a part of it. everyone gets greedy, everyone gets jealous, it's a fact of life, and it's something we strive to manage and direct in constructive ways. which is why we consider someone triggering those darker aspects of your nature to be a bad thing, because they're causing you to do things you don't want to do by using psychological traps. gambling addicts hate gambling, but they keep going back for more because it's triggered those darker desires in them. so activision doing things like: forcing you to decrypt bright engrams at the store where you buy bright engrams, throttling your XP gain to increase your frustration at not getting the thing the game has trained you to want to encourage you to spend money to fix the problem, patenting psychological traps designed to inspire jealousy and greed in players, exploiting those with weak wills (children, the handicapped), those with addictive personalities and those with emotional control issues, well i would say it doesn't matter if they're selling solid gold or bottle caps, their actions are evil, scummy and deserve hate, wouldn't you agree? or do you think it doesn't matter if i hold you hostage and force you to buy my products through emotional and psychological abuse, because all i'm selling you is different colored hats?
@crazygamer4260 6 жыл бұрын
Yal Rathol I think your crazy and taking this whole thing too fucking seriously, really your gonna bring disabled people into this argument over a fucking color for your armor you dont need?
@Yal_Rathol 6 жыл бұрын
crazygamer4260 ....are you implying that disabled people don't deserve to be protected from exploitation of their human desires? you know, the fact that you're complaining over the fact that i used one word you don't like in an entire post demonstrates that you aren't actually able to argue my point and are attempting to deflect. why are you so defensive? you know activision filed a patent for a technique to actively manipulate players into buying shit they don't need, right? that's a scummy practice and illegal when the door-to-door people do it, why is it different for activision to do it?
@Scream_Lord 6 жыл бұрын
You know a game that does the pay for loot thing well? Warframe. Everything, EVERYTHING in the game that effects gameplay, Warframes, Weapons, Mods, Companions. Every single one of those things can be farmed with reasonable effort. The only items you have to pay real money to get are the cosmetics, things that have no effect on the gameplay whatsoever, color pallets, decorative capes and armor, and alt-skins. And even then sometimes you can earn alt-helmets as free rewards. The only glaring flaw they have in this system though is the gear slots. if you have 10 Frame slots but have an 11th Frame being built in the foundry then you have to pay 20 platinum to open a new slot. Which kinda sucks. But hey, Warframe can get away with this because it is FUCKING FREE! No $60 price tag to get into Warframe you just download it and go.
@inactive9544 6 жыл бұрын
Pee Wee Didi I unironically approve this shilling.
@MorfsPrower 6 жыл бұрын
Pee Wee Didi Not to mention, you STILL don't have to pay a CENT to get platinum! You can farm for sets of complete items and make actual cash to buy cosmetics with weapon farming for lazier players. Or weapons from syndicates others don't have. Warframe was free for me til I supported them at rank 10. After all, levels are skill. Mastery, after all.
@VocalRhapsody 6 жыл бұрын
I agree with Pat about playing with people who bought level ups. I started playing Destiny during year two when the Taken King expansion came out. I pre-ordered the edition that came with the expansion, base game, and all previous dlc. It also included an item to instantly get one character up to the level cap. I played the game normally on my first character and leveled them up normally. Then I used the item to level my second or third character since I was already familiar with the basic shared mechanics. I still played through all of the campaign to get familiar with their particular class skills. However, Destiny is unlike any normal mmo. It is primarily a fps so class abilities don't matter nearly as much as they would in a game like FFXIV.
@BlargleWargle 6 жыл бұрын
An Activision-Blizzard game did something shady? Nooooooooooooooooo....
@glestrade5112 6 жыл бұрын
How did Bungie go from a tightly designed shooter that made FPSes on consoles seem possible with an interesting world and story to hecking Generic Sci-Fi Universe with a horrible Whedon-esque quip robot?
@KurstKensei 6 жыл бұрын
G Lestrade Because all those guys who made Halo great left after each game and finally Destiny 1.
@770megaman 6 жыл бұрын
@AdrianArmbruster 6 жыл бұрын
Which quip robot are we talking about here? Nolan/Dinklebot or Nathan Fillion-bot?
@Des-rh9zn 6 жыл бұрын
I felt something was off about destiny 2 and I didn't pick it up glad I didn't
@QuantumCoretex 6 жыл бұрын
Anyone else remember the what was it, like an eight year promise that Destiny (I) would grow and expand?
@QuantumCoretex 6 жыл бұрын
Never mind, TEN years!
@Yal_Rathol 6 жыл бұрын
QuantumCoretex no, the exact promise was destiny would last 10 years. not the game, the destiny IP. which is fucking retarded, because not a single video game IP has come anywhere NEAR the end of their copyright. so what? so mario's gotten 40 years of use and can be used for more than 30 more. sonic's been chugging along for a solid 30 years, kirby's reaching about there too and zelda's mario's twin. TF2 is still an active game. hell, the undertale fandom is still puttering away with their fan comics and art work, just waiting on toby to make something new. so hey, instead of saying "we're gonna force this IP to last a decade then give it the axe", how about we just make good, fun games that entertain people for a few hours, yeah? because that's how you get longevity, and if you disagree, "super mario brothers" would like a word.
@meteor22 6 жыл бұрын
Yup after what was the shitshow with the 1st game (which I got for $5 and that money didn't even go to Bungie/Activision so win for me) only playing vanilla, I realized what a crappy shallow game it was, and left promptly shortly before the 1st DLC came out. I refused to buy this game which all my friends did, one of them game shared with me because he wanted me along for the ride so badly I accepted because I was honestly curious if they acknowledged the feedback but refused to spend my own money, I was now obligated to play. We did the raid, most of them were able to admit and agree with me that the raid was crap and now they have all stopped playing it. I just laugh at them for not heeding my warning as well as them not learning from past mistakes.
@benhramiak8781 6 жыл бұрын
I wish I hadn't.
@ronyncato7206 6 жыл бұрын
Pat isn't angry enough. I'm disappointed.
@Nate-ik8cf 6 жыл бұрын
99% Destiny 2 players don't even care. I play this game, and I was FUCKIN' PISSED! I'd only "level up" twice every two weeks. When hearing about the story, I was just, baffled. Because this is generally a good game. And it's just, fuck. I felt absolutely played.
@AdmiralBetas 6 жыл бұрын
I think it's because the loot boxes in this case are for accessory-type things vs gameplay enhancements, which the majority of players will care more about
@Yal_Rathol 6 жыл бұрын
it's actually not good game. it's a skinner box with pretty set dressing and good shooting (and bungie doesn't get points for good shooting, for the same reason nintendo doesn't get points for innovation and activision-blizzard doesn't get points for crack-dealing).
@FunkBastid 6 жыл бұрын
Twice every two weeks, huh? If only there was a way to simplify that
@Nate-ik8cf 6 жыл бұрын
Simone The Digger play time, I guess? I do work... and have a life.
@quincy24able 6 жыл бұрын
This is sad, what happen to Bungie
@mobiusZero2 6 жыл бұрын
DM Red activition
@CaptainDoomsday 5 жыл бұрын
When I saw Destiny 2 on Humble Monthly, I skipped the hell out of that month and I've never had a reason to regret that.
@Murdoc2568 6 жыл бұрын
Knew this shit was going to happen after playing the first game. Glad I got out.
@Yal_Rathol 6 жыл бұрын
it also happened in the first game, just in different, more subtle ways. they're becoming brazen.
@Murdoc2568 6 жыл бұрын
Totally. I legit rage quit Destiny once I became completely aware that the game existed solely to trick people into wasting their time and money for "fun". It was somewhere around the 9th or 10th time I fought that Cabal boss in a raid. My whole fireteam had been taking shots at his head from behind cover for like half an hour. None of us were even talking to one another. I remember thinking "I could be doing ANYTHING else, and it'd feel like a better use of my time than this." And then I felt this sudden and pervasive sense of emptiness. It didn't feel like I was actually farming anything anymore, at least not as I traditionally understood the act of farming in a video game. Why was I even farming? So I could get a gun that would let me farm FASTER? THAT was the moment I was done.
@Gungho73 3 жыл бұрын
@@Murdoc2568 That's such a tragic feeling in gaming. That moment when you go, what im doing in the game is pointless and its making me feel empty inside. Games aren't supposed to do that (short of a specific dramatic storyline style that is meant to contract that feeling from the user) and the fact users like you had to deal with that on a game I completely missed out of no desire to play it myself makes me feel a deep level of empathy for you as a gaming comrade.
@Murdoc2568 3 жыл бұрын
​@@Gungho73 Thank you!
@uberdueler2990 6 жыл бұрын
After level 20: there’s no reason to care about the rate you get bright engrams at. They’re purely used to roll for cosmetics. The main reason you are going to play the game (without needing microtransactions) is to get sets of gear to boost yourself to a 305 power level.
@Yal_Rathol 6 жыл бұрын
which doesn't change the fact that this is scum and clearly a test-bed for something like battlefront 2, where you can literally buy power and upgrades from a box.
@digidrveKJ 6 жыл бұрын
Also since it's PS4 you need to have PS Plus which is only a thing because Sony saw how much Microsoft made with Gold which is sad seeing as only their main party games require Plus and its upsetting that's a thing because they'd have more players online and interacting if Plus wasn't what was needed for online it should just be for Exclusive things that aren't timed one example is the PS Plus DCUO Starter Pack
@connorsmith1005 6 ай бұрын
If you play Destiny 2, you've already lost to the live service demon.
@crazygamer4260 6 жыл бұрын
Maybe if the bright engrams were more than just cosmetics maybe itd be a problem
@attackofthecopyrightbots 6 жыл бұрын
can you pls do one of SBFC 081
@jamg25 6 жыл бұрын
They Don't Reply Back Maybe... Is there a particular section you are interested in?
@AdmiralBetas 6 жыл бұрын
As a player of the game, I'm finding it very hard to care about this; but then again I'm not interested in fashion/customization stuff in games. I literally cash in whatever Bright Engrams I get to clear my inventory and immediately forget about whatever came out of them. On principle though, sure, not a good practice.
@lunadead 6 жыл бұрын
True, it's hard to care about this. The truth is people won't make it as a big deal as it is now if it isn't tied with bright engrams and you know what? people love free stuff but hate to work "unfairly" for that.
@mobiusZero2 6 жыл бұрын
AdmiralBetas agree with you there
@Yal_Rathol 6 жыл бұрын
not everybody is you and me. i don't have a problem with lootbox scams because i've never found a psychological trap that works on me. advertisements roll off me, guilt tripping makes me angry that you're trying to guilt me, jealousy is a fleeting feeling for me, etc. but some people cannot control themselves. some people, like pat, like jim sterling, have addictive personalities. they cannot stop themselves. a want becomes a need. people like you or me, people that the scams just roll off of, we're the minority. we're the freaks, the oddballs, the weirdos. pat is much more like the average person than you or me, a person who gets tricked because their are parts of their mind they cannot control. a part that's being preyed on by that skinner-box trap we call "destiny".
@gabagoobrotha 6 жыл бұрын
Yal Rathol Not everybody can watch rick and morthy and understand everything the first time.
@Yal_Rathol 6 жыл бұрын
Sketcher Mcgregor i know it sounds a lot like that, but not falling for scams has its drawbacks. i don't think i've ever had fun being hyped about something, because those tricks also don't work on me. the best i usually get is feeling encouraged that something might be good. not as much fun, but you get tricked less? i dunno if that's worth it, your call.
@crazygamer4260 6 жыл бұрын
4:05 theres crazy talk, I've gotten rare ships and mounts from one of the engrams from leveling up I never had to pay real money
@spaceman466 Жыл бұрын
The real issue is destiny has never been a good game.
@benhramiak8781 6 жыл бұрын
i got bored of destiny after the end of the campaigne, I felt that the story wasn't as good as I thought it would be.
@Ironclad17 6 жыл бұрын
Ben Hramiak Aren't you attached to the big enigmatic ball in the sky and the cryptic big bad thing duh durkness?
@codafett 6 жыл бұрын
Destiny 2 is a trash fire. Half the game is built around lootboxes and the other half is based around dumbing everything down for the kids in the fanbase. I miss D1.
@alef321 6 жыл бұрын
if you bought destiny 2, you deserve to be lied to.
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