John Christy Climate Change Denial Testimony Highlights May 13

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House Natural Resources Committee Democrats

House Natural Resources Committee Democrats

Күн бұрын

Dr. John Christy of the University of Alabama-Huntsville testified before the Natural Resources Committee on May 13, 2015, that carbon dioxide emissions have no significant impact on climate change -- a position shared by approximately 3 percent of professional climate scientists. The highlights of his testimony are included here. Learn more at democrats.naturalresources.hou....

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@vincent-jy9on Жыл бұрын
he's not a denier. He's an all out truth teller.
@theflaca Жыл бұрын
It's a religion. It's climatology.
@easymoney7007 Жыл бұрын
Nothing wrong with denying falsehoods.
@FrankHeuvelman Жыл бұрын
Any man's truth is another man's lie, mostly based on alternative 'facts' and wishful thinking.. But, lucky for the rest of the world, you guys will very soon be no longer able to pay for the gas needed to drive any car. And that, my transatlantic friends, will be *_your own fault._*
they dont like him because he tells the truth and they don't like the truth
@mrunning10 Жыл бұрын
@Jay-Ray Chulu How?
@48Ballen Жыл бұрын
Christy is absolutely not a climate change denier, he is a climate change expert.
@MrMurphc13 Жыл бұрын
Absolutely.Similiarly an 'anti-vaxxer' as they like to call are actually 'pro-healthers'.When they use these aggressive terms to 'persuade' the unaware 'their way' then we all should suspect their reasoning for using these terms.
@ouiroc Жыл бұрын
This is all been bull crap from the beginning and they know it or else would Obama and the bidens by beachfront property
@fredflintstone6163 Жыл бұрын
He only denied the fake agenda 🙄
@zarlok5294 Жыл бұрын
Exactly. The glaring absurdity in this “climate change” crap is that, even given that it’s true, the notion that anything can be done about it by destroying civilization is incomprehensibly and preposterously insane.
@nicfarrow Жыл бұрын
Ha. Thanks for the laugh.
@maryanneengelmayer9386 Жыл бұрын
When people are brain washed for over 5o years it's hard to retrain their way of thinking especially when people don't have both sides of the story. Thank you Mr Christy for your honesty
@althe Жыл бұрын
It's the same one-two punch with all the false narratives. First, they consistently feed you full of lies, then they censor the truth. The average person who trusts Authority and does not do their own research has no chance.
@mrunning10 Жыл бұрын
HORSESHIT. But you are correct about ONE thing, 50 years of the Oil and Gas and Koch Brother NARRATIVE. Worked for YOU.
@gerlandkent6377 Жыл бұрын
A, looser
@jimmyf9545 11 ай бұрын
You just described yourself. Good job, there simpleton. You couldn't think your way out of a paper bag.
@saltburner2 10 ай бұрын
Fifty years ago were constantly warned about an imminent ice age - when that failed to materialise, we were told the world was heading for extinction due to rising temperatures. That prediction too has failed. John Christie hits the nail on the head.
@sylviathomson6667 Жыл бұрын
I'm from the UK can anyone tell me where Dr Christy is now. I've just found this and he is brilliant. I hope he is still working for the truth.
@drTAMU-T 5 ай бұрын
U of Alabama
@TBonerton 5 ай бұрын
Check out Patrick Albert Moore as well. He left Greenpeace when they became a farce.
@falcorthewonderdog2758 Жыл бұрын
An honest scientist who isn't bought off by politicians. Amazing.
@jimcricket1 Жыл бұрын
Same bankers that own the fossil fuel industry also own the "renewable" industry. They are just sending all our money to our enemies in China since Rockefeller's Trilateral Commission. Jesus called these bankers and merchants "a den of thieves".
@johnnaue Жыл бұрын
AMAZING IGNORANCE on your part. The Money $$$ is on HIS side. The cheating big wigs that own our politicians and this POS want to do anything they damn well please never mind consequences. Where's the money in protecting the environment? He's a dishonest POS and politicians don't buy off anyone, they are bought off by the fat cats. These Democrats cross-examining this POS are also likely not actually doing anything because they're probably paid off by the same people that support this lying shitbag.
@noIMspartacus2 Жыл бұрын
Meanwhile, back in the real world, with sanctions to the left, tariffs to the right, blowing up "allies" pipelines and blaming everyone else for their criminally insane ponzi/casino "economies" and warmongering messes - oops, sorry... "spreading freedumb and demonocracy", as the rotting dollar gets dumped, don't all the 'souled' out creeps along with the desperate parasitic scumbags with their bitch slapped treasonous stooges and slimy presstitutes realize all you are doing is revealing just how broke and totally fracked up the "united" states of murica and king-CONNED-om really are? Time to wake the fracking hell up you pathetic muppets and remember Mother Nature does NOT do "bail outs" and "QE" nor will some sky daddy BS save us from the pathetic, guilt ridden, lemming like arrogant ignorance...
@jimcricket1 Жыл бұрын
@@noIMspartacus2 you use new age "mother nature" which is a modern name for the sacred feminine of satan, Semiramis, ishtar of Babylon, Artemis of the Greeks, Easter of the Romans, old testament astarte or queen of heaven, a counterfeit Creator while attempting to discredit the true Creator with "sky daddy". At least be consistent in your beliefs, you cannot worship creation unless you believe in a Creator.
@donnymorrison7823 Жыл бұрын
Yeah its coal and oil who pay his wages 😂😂😂
@glenhill3160 Жыл бұрын
John is so right. But politicians do not want to hear it because there’s no money in it.
@xhames61x Жыл бұрын
It's 100% about money
@rickschritt1616 Жыл бұрын
Yeah you can't put a tax on carbon if carbon isn't a problem. Thanks to this good man for speaking the truth.
@ricochet2977 Жыл бұрын
Money and control!
@peterwall8191 Жыл бұрын
*Glen Hill* Make it personal, then you'll see results. I don't care what the party says or does, if YOU vote to increase taxation, i am not voting for you next cycle. Simple! Put them on notice that their bull shit excuses for global adventurism ,will not fly. Not funded by tax payer money. Any of their Billionaire buddies want to fund their schemes about controlling the world through pseudo science, they are welcome to bankrupt themselves. Tax payer money is for tax payers. Not funding the Taliban poppy trade, or the Iranian nuclear program. Or Labs in china, who built newer more deadly bio weapons.
@arturoeugster7228 Жыл бұрын
It is also about morality: truth, proving that there is no problem is "evil", because some radical persons feel moraly superior and promote the elimination of the "dirty carbon" giving oxygen carbonyl, commonly called CARBON dioxide a black mental picture, when in fact it is invisible. The ignorance of the people in power, who do not know the most elementary fact that vegetation, food is made by plants extracting this gas from the air and combining it with plain old water to form grape sugar called glucose, the required energy coming from the sun. This is so simple, why don't the politicians not know this , or is it money they are after, like explained here?
@dangatto8666 Жыл бұрын
Finally, a guy who will answer questions.
@dontfencemein.6125 Жыл бұрын
The voice and views of a REAL expert.
@maxxwellbeing9449 Жыл бұрын
This heading is meant to take away from Christy’s credibility. But guess what? Anyone with half a brain know that this man knows exactly what he’s talking about.
@hosnimubarak8869 Жыл бұрын
Sez the man with "half a brain".
@maxxwellbeing9449 Жыл бұрын
@@hosnimubarak8869 Civil discussion on Climate and Global Warming.
@cantweallgetalong Жыл бұрын
This whole video was contrived to support the climate hoax industry, but it presented the testimony of Dr John Christy, that just shattered the fake claims of climate alarmists. It's so sad that we have so many people that are so easily convinced that we have a problem and that we have a solution and they understand neither.
@heinpereboom5521 Жыл бұрын
@@hosnimubarak8869 Where did you learn about CO2?
@hosnimubarak8869 Жыл бұрын
@@maxxwellbeing9449 Revkin is a reporter. Lomborg is an author. Meh.
@stoicsceptic8420 Жыл бұрын
Some of these career politicians are sure having a hard time with actual science .
@robertheath1387 Жыл бұрын
Our politicians in UK are just as thick
@kevinm3751 Жыл бұрын
Most of them have a hard time with anything that resembles reality. They live in a little bubble, surrounded by low life losers called lobbyists that whisper lies to them and get them to believe the most ignorant ideas!
@maureentibbetts8802 Жыл бұрын
They are rather stupid
@johnmurphy9550 Жыл бұрын
That's because the real science gets in the way of their narratives...
@trnlft Жыл бұрын
It's not the science, it's not wanting to be taxed everytime the sun comes out.
@throwaway692 Жыл бұрын
I'm not entirely certain what your purpose was. If it was to show what a real scientist is and does.... many thanks. You succeeded brilliantly.
@LecherousLizard Жыл бұрын
DemocRAT drones thinking hard facts are "denial". Nothing more, nothing less.
@codyparsons6800 Жыл бұрын
It’s really refreshing to hear someone tell the truth for once. Thank you good sir
@richardellis2955 Жыл бұрын
Truth must win over this anti-human cult. You are a hero John Christie
@cowfat8547 11 ай бұрын
john christie is anti-human
@vauxy308 Жыл бұрын
John Christy is the first man to tell the truth in congress in decades
@justincosby2258 Жыл бұрын
Only because they dont ask any scientists who will actually tell the truth. There are plenty out there. There is absolutely not a 97% consensus that humans are creating any kind of severe risk to the science.
@justincosby2258 Жыл бұрын
@@danwipper one of. Patrick Moore is another one. He was one of the founders of greenpeace but broke from them because they lost their minds. He speaks the truth about it too. And there are so sooooo many others.
@justincosby2258 Жыл бұрын
@@danwipper yes he was a great example too.
@justincosby2258 Жыл бұрын
@@danwipper yep
@larrysingleton2864 Жыл бұрын
Notice the “Election” "Climate Science" and "Climate Change" propaganda banners by Google/KZfaq fascists that infest KZfaq videos. On "election" the link goes to fascist Wikipedia and mentions "insurrection" 65 times with a conga line of Pravda media references. What kind of an uninformed, unread MORON can't see what is a working definition of a corrupt Pravda media that is obscenely joined at the hip with an equally corrupt Democrat Communist-Marxist "Socialist" Party literally lip syncing each other's words and phrases?
@StiffAftermath 11 ай бұрын
I love how direct and dry Professor Christy's responses are. No fluff. No BS. Just complete, understandable sentences. Beautiful. Where did this now-a-days?
@elisethiel4946 Жыл бұрын
Thank goodness for common sense men like him.
@BrianBellia Жыл бұрын
Shame on those responsible for the title of this video - implying that Dr. Christy is in denial of some great truth. Ironically, the truth is that there's nothing to deny.
@warnerchandler9826 Жыл бұрын
They are Democrats. That's what they do: they lie.
@leviathan1788 Жыл бұрын
Video posted by a democrat committee, what did you expect? But at least they are honest enough to post the video so that you can view his testimony.
@mrunning10 Жыл бұрын
130 years ago a stodgy professor did a simple heat transfer physics-based calculation, ADDING CARBON TO THE ATMOSPHERE HEATS THE PLANET.
@dogtemple26 Жыл бұрын
how are you so certain that this is the truth? what is your proof for it being the truth?
@BrianBellia Жыл бұрын
@@mrunning10 We're actually talking about carbon *dioxide* here, not carbon. They are not remotely the same. Nobody disputes that CO2 is a greenhouse gas - so is water vapor - but the climate is vastly complex, and even today, the role anthropogenic CO2 plays in heating the earth is hotly contested.
@Anothermouse Жыл бұрын
“I don’t use models, I use data”
@tburke3454 Жыл бұрын
It's crazy how people negate the fact that models are made by people.
@oztrich24 Ай бұрын
Like Neil Ferguson's highly flawed co\/id model that sent the world into lockdown, social distancing, forced masking and mandated vaccinations? ​@@tburke3454
@gregorysims0077 Жыл бұрын
Finally, someone gets up and tells the truth that people are listening
@forced4motorsports Жыл бұрын
Yeah, 7 years ago and they climate change psychosis, scare tactics and green religion zealots just got worse.
@arctic004 Жыл бұрын
7 YEARS ago.How depressing. Why can't people get what Christy has been saying, along with the greatest physicists in the world?
@johncooke2492 Жыл бұрын
Ok l
@billstream1974 Жыл бұрын
Because the left wing media controls the narrative
@chriscurtain1816 Жыл бұрын
Amazing how few people have viewed this in 7 years. YT sure doing a good job suppressing it.
@nelsonhelmutt5076 Жыл бұрын
@@chriscurtain1816 Yes and they also Buried Al Gore Getting Booed off the stage by the entire European Scientific Community. Or the fact that NASA still states Man has Zero effect on Climate. Another Great Reason to never Vote Democrat.
@planetvance Жыл бұрын
@@chriscurtain1816 So true!
@lonmayer130 Жыл бұрын
Don't try to fool us, House Natural Resources Committee. The title needs to be "John Christy Climate Expert Testimony." He's a voice of fact and reason. An honest man that lives integrity.
@mrunning10 Жыл бұрын
Strange, WHY is he here saying these things? The direct link between co2 and atmospheric HEATING has been KNOWN and physics based for over 130 years. And yet Dr. Christy makes statements to the opposite throughout. He doesn't care anymore? Integrity or sanity gone? Paid-off? Who funds the University of Alabama ESSC? At the ESSC website he even claims there is NO long term trend of drought in the west. Strange.
@thehammer9599 Жыл бұрын
The use of ‘denial’ simply and neatly confirms that the GW claims are non-scientific.
@jlrguy2702 Жыл бұрын
It's a good title, if anything it leads deniers to actually see this and the facts. Double bluff if that makes sense.
@barbaragraham9435 Жыл бұрын
Thank you Dr. Christy!
@briandillon8041 Жыл бұрын
Apparently “denial“ means using actual math by a smart person
@mrunning10 Жыл бұрын
And yet, WHY is he here saying these things? The direct link between co2 and atmospheric HEATING has been KNOWN and physics based for over 130 years. And yet Dr. Christy makes statements to the opposite throughout. He doesn't care anymore? Integrity or sanity gone? Paid-off? Who funds the University of Alabama ESSC? At the ESSC website he even claims there is NO long term trend of drought in the west. Strange.
@grassroot011 Жыл бұрын
Yup, as he's not,, going with the party line, of the controllers freedom deniers in this land !
@mrunning10 Жыл бұрын
@@grassroot011 So, you are afraid that, if the "controllers freedom deniers" have their way, you will not be able to purchase GASOLINE for your cars? or heating oil for your house furnace? or NG for your water heater? Is THAT the "freedom" which you will lose?
@billd.6684 Жыл бұрын
Yes. Gasoline = Freedom, baby! I'm a climate hysteria denier. I deny things which are untrue, it's a pesky habit of mine.
@MarkJones-gt2qd Жыл бұрын
Denial means opposing the narrative. As in Covid deniers. and we find they were correct, but nobody cares. Nobody cares about climate change either. When it is nothing in one hundred years, there will be no questions. or they'll try an claims they saved us.
@michaelw3927 Жыл бұрын
Sounds like a real scientist.
@mrunning10 Жыл бұрын
He is. but not because it agrees with your conspiracy climate change denial. And yet, WHY is he here saying these things? The direct link between co2 and atmospheric HEATING has been KNOWN and physics based for over 130 years. And yet Dr. Christy makes statements to the opposite throughout. He doesn't care anymore? Integrity or sanity gone? Paid-off? Who funds the University of Alabama ESSC? At the ESSC website he even claims there is NO long term trend of drought in the west. Strange.
@MrJoco69 Жыл бұрын
This guy speaks my language, the earth 🌎 will take care of itself as it has done 👍 since God created it!
@johnsergei 4 ай бұрын
Sounds like your God gave the planet more brains than the people? I guess if I were a planet I'd worship him.
@mikanfarmer Жыл бұрын
Dr Christy must be an absolutely great guy to work with.
@mrunning10 Жыл бұрын
This guy is horseshit. Lies with his own data. Why he's still at UAH climate school is THE REAL CONSPIRACY.
@scottlubsen9004 Жыл бұрын
Finally a Climate scientist telling the truth to congress, that we just don’t know!! Thank you Dr. John Cristy . To the chicken littles, stop trying to scare the shit out of the general population that are not science savvy but listen to the loudest voices as fact. The American people are sick of being constantly gaslighted by the government “scientists “ that lie with impunity.
@warnerchandler9826 Жыл бұрын
I heard him recently say he had testified to Congress 20 times. They. Don't. Want. Facts.
@johnmicheal3547 Жыл бұрын
I think many real scientist been screaming, but they don't fit the crisis narrative. They got silence.
@sirrathersplendid4825 Жыл бұрын
Finally? This was 7 years ago.
@michaelbeasley2085 Жыл бұрын
The "scientists " are supported by government grants sooooo.
@sirrathersplendid4825 Жыл бұрын
@Nick Yankee - A pretty convincing liar. Unlike all of the present government.
@liloleist5133 Жыл бұрын
Truth is often uncomfortable and politically incorrect.
@Popeye151 Жыл бұрын
It seems this is very Inconvenient Truth for Climate Alarmists.
@grassroot011 Жыл бұрын
Yeah, but the left always say. " There's your truth, my truth and that guy's over there's truth. ? Make sense ? Nope
@devanarayans5131 Жыл бұрын
Yes you are right.. when i found out about climate change it was a really uncomfortable truth
@mattmccleary1278 Жыл бұрын
This guy is a total Rock Star! How come the people of the US never see this stuff?
@mrunning10 Жыл бұрын
WTF you talking about? This guy is horseshit. Lies with his own data. Why he's still at UAH climate school is THE REAL CONSPIRACY.
@leehall5657 Жыл бұрын
I love this man, and the truth that he tells
@giorgiocooper9023 5 жыл бұрын
There is no such a thing as a « climate denier » ...... we all know that the climate is changing, it always has and always will !
@scottekoontz 5 жыл бұрын
But did you ever hear of AGW? It's this newfangled thing (OK, it's 200 years old) that shows that there are both natural and man-caused forcings. It's TRUE!!! I kid you not. So there's this thing called CO2. OK, let me back up. There are atoms, and...
@matthauslill4577 2 жыл бұрын
@@scottekoontz Please explain this in more detail. Just joking. Real science works with falsification and not with verfication intends of the IPCC statements. The IPCC models are falified .
@vincewidemann868 Жыл бұрын
Agw is a lie.
@LecherousLizard Жыл бұрын
​@@scottekoontz Any forcing experiments are done on an extremely small scale and due to that are completely unable to properly measure them. Such as those old first CO2 experiments. If you have a meter long tube in an experiment and it takes, say, 5 kilometers of air for the whole thing to stabilize, then you'd be able to pump that 1 meter tube full of CO2 practically until it breaks from pressure of the gas and still measure changes. So what exactly does that experiment prove?
@anthonymorris5084 2 жыл бұрын
42 years of climate hysteria and we've never been safer, healthier or more prosperous than at any time in history.
@elenamunscher1545 Жыл бұрын
Talk to the people who have lost their houses, wealth, and even their loved ones due to the weather getting crazy the last years, storms, floods, fires, and droughts. Talk to farmers who had to give up because their fields are dry as the desert and the groundwater is so scarce it has to be reserved for people to drink. And then dare to say again that climate change is just climate hysteria and that we have never been safer, healthier, and more prosperous than at any time in history.
@b-m605 Жыл бұрын
@@elenamunscher1545 because those things never happened before "climate change" the ultimate "heads I win, tales you lose" scam.
@anthonymorris5084 Жыл бұрын
@@elenamunscher1545 You are proving my point. Nothing is "getting crazy". You are behaving like these things are new phenomenon. History didn't start the day you were born. Data proves death tolls from every environmental disaster *including every single climate related disaster* has been in precipitous and uninterrupted decline for a hundred years. The data is indisputable. This is even more impressive when you understand that this occurred during dramatically rising population levels. More people live in Broward and Dade County today than lived on the entire Southern coast of the US in 1900. More people live in Miami Beach today than lived on the entire Eastern Seaboard in 1800. There are simply vastly more things for mother nature to destroy. In the 1800's the population of the planet was 1 billion. They have announced that we have now hit 8 billion. People are living along every river, shoreline and within forests everywhere. In 1850, just 172 years ago the entire population of California was 93,000 people. Today it's 40 million. Thats a 40,000% increase. There is zero evidence that floods, droughts and storms are getting worse. Hurricane Ivan that just hit Florida was a cat 4 hurricane. These kinds of hurricanes have been hitting the US long before the nation ever existed. To see a hurricane, and then blatantly cite climate change is height of irrationality and a classic case of reinforcement bias.
@andreipopescu5342 Жыл бұрын
@@elenamunscher1545 I wanted to reply to you, but then I read the other guy's reply and... boy... pls, tell me that you read it! learned it too!
@elenamunscher1545 Жыл бұрын
@@andreipopescu5342 I did read it. Not convincing. Here in Europe, glaciers are melting and retreating, which in turn lets river water levels drop alarmingly in summer, threatening the water supply of whole regions. Reservoirs are falling dry, I saw it with my own eyes, and it is the first time in 60 years that this happens to such an extend. Corn stood dried up. the ears without grain. The number of forest fires has increased tenfold since 1960. And if it rains, you get a downpour. Catastrophic flooding from heavy rains have devastated entire villages. And here in Europe, we are still relatively safe. What about the Pacific island which will be buried by the rising sea level? What about Bangladesh? What about the burning tundra and taiga in Russia, the melting permafrost all over the north with who knows which dangerous infectious germs will escape from the melting ice? What about spreading deserts? How many people will have to migrate because they can't live in their homelands any longer? And don't we already have a problem with too many migrants worldwide? And there is many scientific data that confirms that a) C=2 is definitely a greenhouse gas, that b) it's increasing concentration can be directly attributed to manmade emissions, c) the increasing concentration correlates with increasing average temperatures worldwide d) research on past warm periods has clearly shown that CO2 was also the causative factor. We have known this for decades and done nothing or not enough. In case you are religious: Maybe the bible allows us to subdue the earth, but it doesn't allow us to destroy the whole biosphere.
@gregkent9903 Жыл бұрын
"It's not what I believe, It's what the data shows" That's true science speak!
@the1beard Жыл бұрын
This is not Denial it is Reality !!!!
@niranpieries63 Жыл бұрын
Simply Thank you for standing up for the truth
@patriciadunnavant645 Жыл бұрын
Finally! Someone who knows Truth.
@some_random_wallaby Жыл бұрын
Liking the video despite the title's implication because I want more people to see it.
@RichardClaessens Жыл бұрын
Now there's the science and a scientist we can respect because he's actually someone who knows what the heck he's talking about by the way everything he's saying here also agrees with Dr singer who was the founder of the NOAA
@jobinglobin Жыл бұрын
Wow this testimony is like a breath of fresh air. I want to look up what this guy is up to now.
@lorendjones Жыл бұрын
He continues to do REAL science and debunks the ridiculous claims of the alarmists. God bless him!
@lizeggar2421 Жыл бұрын
@@lorendjones He us nit the only ACTUAL scientist who folliws scuentific methids if data collection and research. Fir instance, there is Dr Patrick Moore, co founder of Greenpeace. A look at his work shouldcwake quite a few sheep up.
@gkm3838 Жыл бұрын
@@lizeggar2421 I think you need a new keyboard Liz.... haha
@jimmyf9545 11 ай бұрын
Won't be any fresh air left if you morons keep eating this shit up.
@jimmyf9545 11 ай бұрын
​​@@lizeggar2421Can you use use proper grammar?
@KittraKittra Жыл бұрын
Al Gore said he “Invented the internet.” He later went on to invent “Climate change.” LOL!!
@cantweallgetalong Жыл бұрын
Yes, no joke. That man convinced people to pay him for creating carbon offset credits with no proof of anything. He parlayed that into hundreds of millions of wealth and is still not outed for his grift. The man is a genius!
@SamsungSamsung-md9xq Жыл бұрын
Al gore and Bloomberg are a part of the problem,as are the WEF,the media,the ABC,BBC,the Guardian,our so called leaders,it's all about power and wealth for those who already have too much,and want more!
@joesucks2023 Жыл бұрын
@@cantweallgetalong just proves there a lot of STUPID people🤦
@philipprice171 Жыл бұрын
@@cantweallgetalong He's as crooked as his hockey stick graph. He purchases carbon credits from a company he has a stake in.
@Kyouma. Жыл бұрын
According to him, coastal towns are supposed to be under water since 2016. Still waiting
@twosencefromcleveland6084 Жыл бұрын
You know you can depend on getting truthful and accurate information when there is a context box attached to the video.
@patricksharp1063 Жыл бұрын
As a fellow scientist, thank you for speaking the truth as you see it. Unfortunately they will try to crush you academically even though your right..
@mrunning10 Жыл бұрын
who are "they?" Dr. Christy seems to enjoy a long career at EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCE CENTER, even when the UoA publishes data and results that DIFFER from what Dr. Christy says in these congressional hearings, can't figure it out.
@JFB1111 11 ай бұрын
And if he in fact is wrong? What then?
@patricksharp1063 11 ай бұрын
In the olden days people use to blame the weather on Cod or Nature. Now everyone blames the weather on the existence other human beings for causing the problems of the weather. Inside the boundaries of the Heliopause, The Sun creates, evolves and maintains everything that Nature creates all around us including you, animals, plants, rocks, Earth, planets, Kyber Belt, asteroids and moons., while regulating their atmospheric temperatures and pressures, (weather) @@JFB1111 If you curse man for what Nature and the Sun creates, then you do not understand Nature.
@alegriart 9 ай бұрын
If you are a scientist why is it that you can't spell you're?
@johnblackledge4009 Жыл бұрын
Stunningly refreshing summary. And he's far from being the only one saying this.
@jimmyf9545 11 ай бұрын
How? Who? This guy hasn't proved a damn thing. He is just spewing "this can't be true" sayings.
@unclejj13er75 11 ай бұрын
@@jimmyf9545 Observations prove the world has warmed .2 degrees C in 50 years. Get a life.
@SAGERODS250REM Жыл бұрын
Nice to see a honest scientist, this is more or less what I and many others have suspected all a long. Cheers from Canada
@randyszymkowski882 7 жыл бұрын
Climate alarmists post this to support their cause? Dr. Christy most eloquently expressed the case for climate skepticism. Alarmists must be really hard up for evidence if they post something that does anything but support their case. LOL!!!!
@privatear2001 Жыл бұрын
yep!!! My thoughts exactly. Perhaps it was done intentionally to get climate alarmists to actually listen to what this man has to say.
@onenationunderground2360 Жыл бұрын
"just shut and buy our EVs, we're heavily invested, sheep." -Climate Clown politicians
@happysunnyrain1531 Жыл бұрын
@@onenationunderground2360 they are making China more money 💰 🤑 and hurting children in Africa who mine for cobalt.
@kudr66 Жыл бұрын
You get it wrong. The idea behind it is to point out that Dr. Christy is "climate denier" so that later when you use his knowledge in the discussion they can simply say that you are "denier" too and dismiss whatever you say. They don't have to care about scientific method if they their fabricated "consensus".
@ouiroc Жыл бұрын
Keep up with your area temperature and the history of it highs and lows both can see for yourself there is absolutely no difference and also if you're a Christian we Believe God was smart enough to anticipate all of this he created it and it's perfect
@stevetaylor2004 Жыл бұрын
Wish everyone in the world could watch this , and see the truth ,
@genenovak2717 Жыл бұрын
We cannot let the facts get in our way
@benthere8051 Жыл бұрын
Take Al Gore's Nobel Prize and give it to John Christy.
@larrydugan1441 Жыл бұрын
Christy is an expert. The alarmists really don't like the truth getting out.
@jimmyf9545 11 ай бұрын
There are too many idiots on here to try to reason with. And you are among the worst of them.
@SamsungSamsung-md9xq 5 ай бұрын
The cost of net zero by 2050 is around 200 trillion world wide,and won't have any effect on the climate one way or the other ,cause China will be running hundreds of coal fired power stations,as will most of Asia,so virtue signalling or carbon taxes,the use of unreliables is total lunacy,so China,or India will be the only countries that can produce weapons,or anything else for that matter,just some facts to consider if we still go down this road!
@petertyson4036 Жыл бұрын
Finally someone is spreading the word .
@mrunning10 Жыл бұрын
And yet, WHY is he here saying these things? The direct link between co2 and atmospheric HEATING has been KNOWN and physics based for over 130 years. And yet Dr. Christy makes statements to the opposite throughout. He doesn't care anymore? Integrity or sanity gone? Paid-off? Who funds the University of Alabama ESSC? At the ESSC website he even claims there is NO long term trend of drought in the west. Strange.
@mrunning10 Жыл бұрын
@Tommy Snurkerburger BTDT (been there, done that). He now is a paid shill for several Oil & Gas Lobbies. His points are ALL either 1) ignoring conclusions from the models, he just don't mention them or 2) talks about the recent weather. We've been working the models, simple to computer simulation complex, now for over 130 years, NO CHANGE, add, artificially, CARBON to the atmosphere and you MAY get global warming.
@sylvesterdeal2883 4 ай бұрын
Your title is misnomer, John Christy understands the climate better than most scientists.
@keithdunwoody1302 Жыл бұрын
“First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win” - Gandhi.
@astrazenica7783 8 жыл бұрын
'Denial', lol this kind of language only proves how far the alarmists have strayed from science & integrity for that matter
@nicholaspalmer2220 7 жыл бұрын
Crap. Anyone who is familar with the vast amount of published science can clearly see that denialists are in denial of it in just the same way that an alcoholic or drug addict is in denial that they are addicted. Denialism is a psychological phenomenon that victims suffer from because of the cognitive dissonance they have between what they want to believe and what the truth says. That's why you lot gullibly trust deluded, dumb or deceitful denialist sites and pundits and reject the vast amounts of climate science gathered over 150 years that even the giant fossil fuel companies nowadays accept. Check it out if you dont believe me and look at their corporate websites. Here's an example (not cherry picked) from the largest, Exxon-Mobil. "Our position on climate change We have the same concerns as people everywhere - and that is how to provide the world with the energy it needs while reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The risk of climate change is clear and the risk warrants action. Increasing carbon emissions in the atmosphere are having a warming effect. There is a broad scientific and policy consensus that action must be taken to further quantify and assess the riskExxonMobil is taking action by reducing greenhouse gas emissions in its operations, helping consumers reduce their emissions, supporting research that leads to technology breakthroughs and participating in constructive dialogue on policy options"
@joglo3 7 жыл бұрын
Meanwhile, climate catastrophy crusaders, such as yourself, continue to abuse those of us who have doubts that anyone knows much about climate.
@nicholaspalmer2220 7 жыл бұрын
On what do you base the fantasy you have that "doubts that anyone knows much about climate"? That's just monstrously dishonest or stupid. Every National Academy and major scientific organisation worldwide has accepted the findings of mainstream climate science and also all the major Fossil Fuel companies too. They now have unambiguous statements explicitly or implictly accepting the threats from AGW and that that something serious needs to be done about it soon - right there on their corporate websites. It's no wonder you get "abuse" because people like you just never shut up even though your ridiculous weak or non- existent arguments have been shot down time after time after time, yet you people just never seem to understand you have no case. You just keep regurgitating the fuzzbrained crap that has fooled you over and over again. I don't know what's wrong with the way people like you think - autism? terminal stupidity? brain damage? Maybe you're just deceitful political propagandists deliberately crafting and spreading disinformation for some extremist political cause? Who knows? Whatever the reason, incorrigible people like you are dangerously irresponsible and it's about time you stopped muddying the waters and kept your irrational or deceitful views to yourselves and stopped misleading the voters about the risk to all our futures that damn near all of science - and even commercial organisations - say you are. As you were so blind that you appear not to have seen it in my last post, here's the example of Exxon-Mobil again. READ it!!!!!!! Here's an example (not cherry picked) from the largest, Exxon-Mobil. "Our position on climate change We have the same concerns as people everywhere - and that is how to provide the world with the energy it needs while reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The risk of climate change is clear and the risk warrants action. Increasing carbon emissions in the atmosphere are having a warming effect. There is a broad scientific and policy consensus that action must be taken to further quantify and assess the riskExxonMobil is taking action by reducing greenhouse gas emissions in its operations, helping consumers reduce their emissions, supporting research that leads to technology breakthroughs and participating in constructive dialogue on policy options"
@joglo3 7 жыл бұрын
The very simple answer to your question. John Christy is one of the world's leading climatologists. NB: Wtf is an "Acamdeny" when it's at home?
@scottekoontz 5 жыл бұрын
@@joglo3 Read the science. It would be like having 100 agencies confirm the periodic table, you you run around pretending that atoms don't exit. I really don't care who "doubts" climate science any more that I care about people who "doubt" atoms. It's just stupid and annoying.
@samnjoeysgrama1 Жыл бұрын
Christy was and is right. Now we are dealing with a solar minimum, there was a hard freeze a month earlier than usual in the Northwest this year. I'm in the Rockies and we are having later springs and earlier falls and less rain for the last 20 years. The big volcanic eruptions in Hawaii in November and December of 2022 will produce more CO2 in a couple of weeks than we could possibly "cut", worldwide in the next 20 years. Potentially much more. This isn't about climate, it's about control. Just like the recent pandemic and lock down was about control, not disease. BTW, the politicians and scientists beating the Climate Change drum are the same ones who told us in the 1960s that we were entering a new ice age. During the age of the dinosaurs, the level of CO2 was far higher than any recent predictions, and the earth was covered with jungles. Warmer isn't worrying. Colder certainly is.
@lizeggar2421 Жыл бұрын
I have lived through the "We are all going to freeze to death" phase and now the "The world is going to drown from melted ice caps" phase. Neither argument has ever made any sense to me. I am a child of the 60s and one if my heroes was Dr Patrick Moore. Not becsuse of his views on climate, but because if his stand on cruelty to aninals, such as the seal clubbing and whaling. I was a supporter of Greenpeace, until they lost the plot. Anyone who thinks the world is facing a climate catostrophe unless we radically change our way of life and reach net zero in the UK, should research Dr Moore, who is an actual climatologist, with many years of study under his belt. . Not a teenager with a very rich Godfather who has his own agenda.
@izzyabby123ok Жыл бұрын
Yes! CO2 comes AFTER heating, never before. The suicidal climate cult marches on into global enslavement. 😎🇺🇸
@jetblack6953 Жыл бұрын
Totally and absolutely SPOT-ON.
@grassroot011 Жыл бұрын
Yup, and here in Northern Illinois, same.
@jeffbaker2740 Жыл бұрын
Wow so true man I've been telling everybody that we're not actually going to get warmer like all these guys that have fake science degrees or saying we're going to get colder volcanic and earthquakes are going to go up and just a single large volcano could blacking out the sky and cause crops not to grow but they don't talk about any of that and all they want to do is push the green New deal let's talk about that I just watched a documentary so this guy went down to Congo he expected large equipment digging the soil and mining the Cobalt that goes in every lithium-ion battery produces a better longer run time for the car what he saw was literally thousands of people paid hardly anything digging out the Cobalt by hand in large pits it was horrible as he explained these people were children some were slaves and they were doing it all by hand Cobalt is dangerous to be around and these people were doing it by hand with no mask and they're calling it green New deal we are fed so many lies daily and so many people are believing it and they just don't want to hear anybody else say something different but I'm with you I know the real truth and I don't think it's going to matter unless some miracle occurs we are going to all be controlled by the government the whole slogan you'll own nothing and you'll be happy that's where they're taking this they're already started 15 and 20 minutes cities in Europe and Australia and another country which I can't remember this is gone off the rails and there's no stopping unless something happens to change it and the way things are looking we can already see the Republicans are bought and paid for thank you so much for your comment I take every word you said seriously because I've been watching the same information and I know the same truth that you do and no one else seems to give a damn CO2 is not the driver our sun is and by the way CO2 actually is supposed to be good for our plants and our trees so that's my take on the whole thing and I wish that I could alliterate better what I was trying to explain but the whole thing is monstrous and it's going to get worse
@crystalawen Жыл бұрын
I Love this guy ❤
@nicolaasfourie 11 ай бұрын
Good to see someone who is a real scientist who doesn't ignore the scientific method.
@mrunning10 11 ай бұрын
Dr. John Christy is a horseshitter LIAR. And he knows it. His graphs don't even line up with apples-to-apples comparisons, he KNOWS this, but his audience is a bunch of idiot Congressmen so he thinks its' ok. He also believes that "God gave man the oil and coal so it must be OK to use it" Christy = HORSESHIT.
@GordoGambler 11 ай бұрын
@@mrunning10 Tony Heller has DEBUNKED every fucking thing you bastards said. FACT.
@jjourz612 Жыл бұрын
John Christy is so right. Government should be listening
@Arturo-lapaz Жыл бұрын
Oh, they are, to best increase their income from corrupting agents gaining from the warming studies, ETC.
@joglo3 7 жыл бұрын
“Our ignorance is simply enormous when it comes to the climate system, and our understanding is certainly not strong and solid enough to make policy about climate because we don’t even know what it’s going to do, so how can we make a policy that says ‘I want to make the climate do something’ when we don’t know what makes the climate do what it does?” John Christy
@nicholaspalmer2220 7 жыл бұрын
He's lying.
@joglo3 7 жыл бұрын
Priceless. “We have a vested interest in creating panic, because then money will flow to climate science.” John Christy
@nicholaspalmer2220 7 жыл бұрын
"“We have a vested interest in creating panic, because then money will flow to climate science.” John Christy" This is pure deceit and you're a gullible idiot. The money available from international Big Fossil Fuel, that has more money than god to identify any significant holes in climate science, is vastly greater than the relatively tiny research grants made to climate scientists. If scientists were truly chasing big bucks, they would be lining up to tell moneybags Big Oil what it would dearly like to hear but they just can't because the threat from climate change is real and most scientists are not corrupted by their ideologies like Christy. Christy is playing to the mindless paranoia of the politicians in the video using the same type of deceitful rhetoric as in the days of the McCarthyism era interrogations. You keep on getting stupider and stupider and still fail to see how you are being deceived. Are you autistic or have some learning disability? Think about it, you nutcase. If the poiltically inspired deceit that those like Christy come out with was real, Big Fossil Fuel would beat a path to their door to seek out their "brilliant" (LOL) insights so their market to sell greeenhouse gas generating fuels wouldn't have to be be greatly cut back. BFF would shout it out from the rootops. Are they? Clearly not, because Christy here is being a deceitful propagandist and the views of denialists like you that suck up this crap are pseudoscientific fuzzbrained nonsense. Even Big Oil who would have a giant financial incentive to find truth in this deceitful pathologically irresponsible crap if it was there, don't believe it. Please stop continuing to display your gross stupidity any longer. It gets tedious.
@joglo3 7 жыл бұрын
You really are a muppet, Nico. Which has more money, BIG OIL, or government? No contest.
@joglo3 7 жыл бұрын
I have never ever claimed that climate scientists are, or will become rich. Anyway, knowing how much you enjoy hurling insults, I'll give you the opportunity to continue. Various sources report: "Based US government reports, SEPP calculated that from Fiscal Year (FY) 1993 to FY 2013 total US expenditures on climate change amount to more than $165 Billion. More than $35 Billion is identified as climate science. The White House reported that in FY 2013 the US spent $22.5 Billion on climate change.'"
@deplorablecovfefe9489 Жыл бұрын
They lost the arguement long ago when they had to change from"global warming" to "Climate Change".
@mortisnoctu Жыл бұрын
John Christy is a G
@turleytho Жыл бұрын
Thank you, Dr. Christy. I had a natural history instructor at Texas Tech in 1976, who understood that our ability to measure the variants within the climate were not available, and that mankind have had no measurable effect on the world’s climate. I-noticed that you and all the representstives present stayed away from the spraying of our skies, any chemistry or substance(s) involved, and the effects on weather and climate. Interesting.
@bissetttom1738 Жыл бұрын
@bikefarmtaiwan1800 Жыл бұрын
Well said - not enough people mention this very important fact .
@joycegielfeldt806 Жыл бұрын
And don't forget the above & underground testing of explosives.
@jamiesuzanne5781 Жыл бұрын
Mr. John Christy is a hero! Speaking the unpopular but absolute truth when most refuse while others are silenced
@jamiesuzanne5781 Жыл бұрын
@@nickyankee412 you're an idiot
@Fehrium Жыл бұрын
@Nick Yankee prove it
@Fehrium Жыл бұрын
@Nick Yankee weak b8 m8
@dabuz8188 Жыл бұрын
@Nick Yankee ROFL, says the idiot CAGW cultist who knows nothing of physics or climate. You head is so deep in the sand that not even your toes are above ground. Climate change is natural, driven by the sun and the ocean currents. Greenhouse gasses have almost zero effect, and CO2 is plant food that is at a dangerously low level at 420 ppm when for 99.99% of the earth's life, it has been over 2,000+ ppm, at times exceeding 8,000 ppm. You have proven yourself to be the consummate liar with no substance. Prove me wrong.
@dabuz8188 Жыл бұрын
@Nick Yankee > Howard Hamilton LOL, I'm an electrical engineer. I have a pretty good idea > of physics. LOL. EE, taking engineering physics, where they teach you to fill in formulas, and nothing about thinking sounds right from what I have seen you spew. > But more importantly, I respect experts in their field. What's your > education level? Mechanic? Gas station attendant? If that is your take on it, I feel sorry for you. My degree is in computers and math. I have also spent about 30+ years studying climate, reading 1,000s of papers on climate. > You lack any expertise in any field. You suffer from dunning kruger. I am afraid that you are projecting your problems. Sorry to disappoint you. > Look it up so you can follow along. The environmental conditions that > humans evolved under is one of the most stable climatic periods in Earth's > history. LOL now I know you are a CAGW cultist idiot. Only an idiot would consider the periods of glaciation followed by tropical paradise that man evolved through multiple times "stable". > We need to keep it that way. Climate change is natural. But the current > warming trend is not a naturally occurring event. And the lie of the century. The current "warming trend" only exists in the imagination of the CAGW cultists and the fraudulently modified data of James Hansen and Gavin Schmidt. It was warmer in the mid to late 1930's by half a degree than the warmest periods in the last couple decades. > It's caused by human activity. The natural trend is to continue cooling. > We are warming. So how do you explain that, dufus? We have been cooling. The medievel warm period was warmer than the current period, the Roman period was warmer than the Medievil warm period, the Minoan warm period was warmer than the Roman. Human activity has had negligible effects on climate, outside of urban heat islands and the effects of deforestation. And it is going to continuw to cool as the sun goes into its next Dalton minimum. The next 20 to 30 years could see us go into a new miny ice age. And you will be the dufus wearing beach gear while the snow falls around you. > To say greenhouse gases have almost zero effect is one of the dumbest > things you could say. Yet that is what all of the science and evidence points to. When scientists can predict the temperature of all solid rock planets with the same formula relying on distance from the sun and atmospheric pressure at the surface of the planet, including the earth, you know that greenhouse gasses has little to no effect on the temperature. > Seriously, your opinions are patently stupid. You'll notice you keep > repeating the same falsehood with no idea that it's false. Spoken like a true CAGW cultist ignoring the facts. It is actually a perfect self-description of yourself.
@johnnydice6231 Жыл бұрын
He nailed it and the truth.
@mrunning10 Жыл бұрын
He "nailed" shit. Dr. Christy is called to testify before these Oil Lobby paid-for congressmen because he's the only fucking "scientist" out there who, by his own data, says "the Earth is warming, but it's OK, don't worry" HORSESHIT LIAR and you bought right into it. You work for an Oil lobby perhaps?
@vivienbailey8079 Жыл бұрын
God Bless ❤️ 🙌 John Christy.
@dabprod Жыл бұрын
He's following the science. How refreshing is that.
@hubertdarutydegrandpre7922 Жыл бұрын
One of the most competent and uncorrupted guy in the field. All those others of the same caliber say the same thing. Many of those paid by the govt to write their criminal agenda have shown dissent from this narrative and removed themselves from it, although the govt has kept their names in the official flawed report.
@yannickblum5348 Жыл бұрын
"What I believe is irrelevant!" a true scientist.
@petergermain 8 жыл бұрын
forgot to mention he was the ipcc's lead author of work group 1 , a nasa scientist and he received awards for advancing the tec on studying climate change in the atmosphere. js
@lonmayer130 7 ай бұрын
Yep. This is not "Climate Denial." This is a man of integrity and knowledge. This is "Climate Truth," like it or not.
@leifandersen2756 Жыл бұрын
Since the Ice Age there have been climat changes and it rather common trough the decades .It is only in the recent years that the ecozelots have been aware of this .The weather has never been stationary because it changes all the time.The question is if the humans have the responsibility or not !As long the human beings have been on Earth they have needed heat,water and other basic needs.The question is if we are guilty in climate change .Only partly because there are other factors that we have no control of vulcanos ,wind, Co2 from big lakes ,vulcans leaking it,Vulcanic eruption over the sea and beneath.Earthquakes etc.What I don’t believe in is that we can lower the temperature by driving EVs or using green energy which cannot meet the needs that we have.We cannot control the Sun or the Wind and we are bound to follow what the weather bids us ! It is a complicated matter and there are no easy solutions.
@dixiemcgrath5266 Жыл бұрын
@vhawk1951kl Жыл бұрын
Those that abuse capital letters emphasise nothing but the hysteria of the abuser who by abusing capital letters declares to all the world that he is a raving lunatic; no point is improved by being shouted. calm down dear
@mikevw6767 Жыл бұрын
Anyone who watches this and will still call John a climate denier has the science intellect of a box of rocks.
@cowfat8547 Жыл бұрын
other way around my dude
@mikevw6767 Жыл бұрын
@@cowfat8547 All the man does is essentially collects temperature data from a NASA satellite, and those dumber than a box of rocks wants to argue with what the data shows...Do you also yell at thermometers when they don't read what you'd like them to?
@hosnimubarak8869 Жыл бұрын
@@mikevw6767 John Christy is a Southern Baptist and has made clear that his faith and his experience having done missionary work in Africa influence his beliefs regarding climate change. Christy supports the intelligent design movement, a fundamentalist Christian variant of creationism that claims intelligent design proves evolution to be false. So, you are getting your climate info from a guy who believes humans and dinosaurs walked together on Earth at the same time.
@kudr66 Жыл бұрын
Yes, this channel is probably a parody of climate alarmism
@mikevw6767 Жыл бұрын
@@hosnimubarak8869 Cause you found something on a blog, took a very small portion of what it actually stated, you somehow think this totally discredits what the man has said on a totally unrelated topic? You used to believe in a man dressed in a red suit who traveled the entire world in one therefore I don't believe a thing you ever write.
@jamesmaybury7452 Жыл бұрын
“Without affordable energy life is brutally short”. There are powerful people who think there are too many people in the world. Some of those people use their money to fund media outlets. He who has ears let him hear.
@mrunning10 Жыл бұрын
@ReasonablySane 3 ай бұрын
Whenever someone tries to insult, I consider the source. For the last 15 or so years I've considered the label, denier, to be a compliment. I am a denier, thank you very much.
@davidmbeckmann 9 жыл бұрын
Very Clintonian...belittle and personally assault the opponent; then you don't have to deal with the truth he speaks. Small minds!
@xhames61x Жыл бұрын
@michellemohr1433 Жыл бұрын
Insanity from the top is destroying our nation's economy.
@markcampbell7577 Жыл бұрын
The most difficult aspect of climate to model or predict is the daily temperature. We can alter the climate generally and predictably but not the daily temperature change
@achoice2bmade Жыл бұрын
Truth has never been a value of Congress.
@elang3366 Жыл бұрын
I've been reading and listening FOR AT LEAST A DECADE NOW... and I have never seen or heard ANY evidence to support the hypothesis that atmospheric C02 impedes the "flow" or transference of thermal energy in any of it's forms. Where is the evidence which undergirds their basic premise?
@kudr66 Жыл бұрын
This is why IPCC uses those faulty "models" an "expert's judgement" as "evidence". If they used only scientific method, they would have no case and they would get dismissed.
@roygreenwood79 Жыл бұрын
Without Co2 we are doomed,plant's need it to photosynthesis, no Co2 no plant's, no plant's no food ?
@roybean9146 Жыл бұрын
Climate change cultists are paleontology and astronomy deniers..EVOLUTION is ONLY driven by regular climate change:)
@Popeye151 Жыл бұрын
It doesn't exist.
@Fehrium Жыл бұрын
Yep. They keep repeating it and repeating it but never give proof. And if they do it's the most unscientific nonsense one has ever seen.
@basketthound2133 Жыл бұрын
Right on Sir! Thanks for speaking up and telling the truth! God Bless!
@mrunning10 Жыл бұрын
HOSRESHIT conspiracy brainwashed "truth"
@George.Andrews. Жыл бұрын
You can't say right on sir thanks for telling the truth and finnsh with god bless . You can't have it both ways
@basketthound2133 Жыл бұрын
@@George.Andrews. I certainly can, have it both ways. WEF, Beijing, puppet Trudeau and his Canadian democracy killing corrupt coalition will never stop me from that. Or are you just talking about the English language?
@cowfat8547 11 ай бұрын
it’s not the truth, it’s just what you wanted to hear
@George.Andrews. 11 ай бұрын
@cowfat8547 I have a feeling that if you called John Christy a liar to his face , he would disassemble your arguments and hand them back to you in better shape.
@johnw8984 Жыл бұрын
I wonder why the Almanac always has the weather predicted right for each area of the country every year??
@shawnmanson6193 Жыл бұрын
The climate changes daily.... It's supposed to.....
@Michael-vp4zt 4 жыл бұрын
We had a royal commission in Australia related to bush-fires in 2009, scientists were quite happy to give their expert opinions however when it came to testifying under oath and being questioned they all found somewhere else to be.
@johnbatson8779 2 жыл бұрын
because of idiotic laws that put them at unjustifiable risks classic example is what happened to the seismologists in Italy who were indicted for a seismic event that they could not have predicted...and the Italians wonder why the rest of the world laughs at their bizzare justice system
@James-jz1vd Жыл бұрын
, look back to late 40 durning these droughts.look fire patterns. We had fire fighters equipped and they kept this from happening.We the people are being duped by anyone taking money involved in the loans and contract fake company’s .We need army of researchers Auditing the whole government .
@James-jz1vd Жыл бұрын
This army need to be drafted to do this adit from populations.
@rogeralsop3479 2 жыл бұрын
Excellent man - you won't see him on the BBC though.
@MisterHowzat Жыл бұрын
Except maybe if they take his words out of context and to show him to be a "denier".
@andrewgrosset9327 Жыл бұрын
Or the Guardian newspaper.....
@briancrowther3272 Жыл бұрын
Yeah, because he likley dodgy 2022 11 22 Validation of Satellite Temperature measurements This is by Simon Clark, Atmospheric Physicist and Climate Scientist at Exeter University (a good UK one), Phd Professor. This shows satellite measurement are routinely under reporting temperatures, that they concentrate almost totally on the west m(temperate rich countries), ignoring most of the world. The (3) The surprising bias in climate satellites (and models) - KZfaq This is another by Simon and shows that contrary to this youtube with John Christy the models and temperature measurements are pretty well aligned. Not only that and very importantly the models have accurately predicted temperature rises over times where good temperature data could be attained and therefor are highly likely to be correct with their predictions into the future. This contradicts what is said by Christy here. Ie global warming is a very serious problem. (3) Why have climate change predictions been so WRONG? - KZfaq This one looks at the hockey stick graph that shows CO2 linked with temperature rise and that this is in tandem as rising very, very quickly since humans started making loads of CO2, 200 years ago, approx. This rate of temperature rise is vastly faster than ever experienced in human history (I would add with rare exception {fact check required re any exceptions at all} though evolutionary history). This directly contradicts Christy’s point. (3) What the Hockey Stick missed about climate change - KZfaq Simon does other videos on this topic. I have found the info Simon gives on last one I have listed here regarding people who peddle that the above is wrong totally correct. Fossil fuel money lies behind it (& I would add the likes of the Koch bros). When I see Americans on videos speaking like this I am immediately suspicious and start looking to check this. Plus there is another cluster of traits, most held at one time but not always all, ie part of the US evangelical Christian lobby groups eg anti-abortion types, white well off males, links to the Republican Party, part of the neo liberal/libertarian think tanks and institutes ecosystem. I tried to check this out for the Academic Influence organisation and John Christy. I could not prove this via wikki and a preliminary search. What does stick out is that Christy thinks he is an expert on everything, how people in poor countries can ONLY improve by using fossil fuels, an assumption nuclear is CO2 free (that is not true at all in the life cycle it generates huge amounts of CO2, that 1.5C rise per century is quite normal in geologically (it is not I am a geologist, fact check it yourself), that the effects of a 1.5C temp rise per century is benign, it is not it is disastrous, see the IPCC report, which as Simon shows above is spot on scientifically. So in all these regards plus the information presented via Simons videos (all well sourced, peer reviewed etc) the video Christy and the Academic Influence organisation is presenting is misinformation. My Prediction is that he and the Academic Influence organisation will fit the usual pattern of insidious networks and characters aa. Ie totally insincere, amoral actors. I have been 100% correct so far after about 4 years doing this properly after becoming aware via so called “professionals” writing nonsense and lies on Linkdin. I love the US people who are likely to respond to this. You get your knickers in such a twist so easily on this topic. Mostly you make really stupid ignorant comments. Can’t wait.
@controversiallygreg311 Жыл бұрын
I definitely won't see him on the BBC - I haven't watched ANYTHING on the BBC in my own home for over 20 years as I find it corrupt, biased and presenting self serving Woke propaganda.
@briancrowther3272 Жыл бұрын
@@controversiallygreg311 well then you ate stupid.
@richardwigeland2074 Жыл бұрын
Get the word out people!!!SHARE
@richiehritz925 Жыл бұрын
What a great man doing honest research. Enough said!
@marviwilson1853 Жыл бұрын
He will be ignored as you know because he represents a fringe view to the general scientific population and off course that is how it should be. Scientific democracy at work if you like.
@Master...deBater Жыл бұрын
@@marviwilson1853 "Scientific democracy"! You're right...that's exactly what's going on. The problem is democracy has absolutely nothing to do with the scientific method!
@jamesandjoandeurloo671 Жыл бұрын
We don't have anymore control of the climate than we have had on the previous 13 ice ages
@danearl8607 Жыл бұрын
15 years and it will be 1.5C above pre-industrial.
@georgedavidson1221 Жыл бұрын
The missing link in knowledge is that earth in not in a greenhouse
@pm9716 Жыл бұрын
Well said , a man with real science
@mrunning10 10 ай бұрын
HORSESHIT and LYING before Congress
@wade5941 5 жыл бұрын
It is incredible that this is such a clearly partisan issue. I think it will come down to who is in charge of our policy and not the actual science behind "climate change".
@scottekoontz 5 жыл бұрын
Sad but true. In the US, most conservatives align themselves with climate science aliteracy. I've never seen such a desire for one group to thrust their gut feelings instead or reading some science before. It should not be partisan, and if you were to realize that the basics coming from every single science organization in the world align, you'd realize how aggravating this is. It would be like all Republican politicians deciding that radioactive waste was safe to dispose of in landfills, and they have a "scientist" from Heartland there to prove it.
@arturoeugster2377 2 жыл бұрын
John Christy is correct, he has the courage to say so. The one fact that gets ignored is that the people who live in high altitude plains are not able to grow food with the same land area as in low altitudes. Why? Because the co2 content per volume decreases with increasing altitude ,for a case in the highland in Bolivia the co2 content is barely 0.37 gram per cubic meter about 62% compared to sea level. Without supplemental co2 no adequate farming of grain is possible for the growing poor population. Enclosed transparent areas that could retain supplemental co2 are far too expensive. The only practical solution is to actually let the co2 concentration rise to at least from o.o4% to o.o6% for a sustainable food production . The intent to artificially capture and sequester co2 is cruel for that population, especially since any increase in today's concentration has a negligible effect on the average temperature increase. Today most of the grain is transported by truck from the lower lands. The recent high increase in fuel costs are detrimental to the population. That is the reason to try to locally grow the food, an almost hopeless situation today, without supplemental co2. . The removal of co2 from the air and sequestration will not happen any way, but the efforts to reduce emmissions will most likely happen with tragic effects on the people living on the ,"Altiplano", south east of the large water resource , the Titicaca lake.7
@pulsar22 Жыл бұрын
@@arturoeugster2377 " Enclosed transparent areas that could retain supplemental co2 are far too expensive. " Cost is relative. When a great need arise, the cost becomes inconsequential.
@lawsonspedding6136 Жыл бұрын
@@scottekoontz And the Democrats do exactly the same with the ‘funding’ of science !
@bobsaturday4273 Жыл бұрын
@davidcarpenter6960 11 ай бұрын
No-one else following it? I think the UK is at least up there with the US
@rps1689 Жыл бұрын
There is a reason why Christy and Heller plot the centre path, not the whole cone, when they want to deceive you about how accurate the GCMs have actually been. Christy even had the gall to show that plot, without the cones, to a congressional committee under oath.
@mrunning10 Жыл бұрын
In Dr. Christy's mind, it is not a lie to tell God's Word.
@judyjohnson5204 Жыл бұрын
Great Job Mr. Christy
@anthonynicholas1165 Жыл бұрын
What they did was ignore people like this, then they paid others to say what they wanted to hear, that's the whole climate debate in a nutshell
@Daniel-nr2uf Жыл бұрын
Couldn’t follow the science but we sure can follow the money.
@anthonynicholas1165 Жыл бұрын
@@Daniel-nr2uf Yep.
@harrypowell9050 9 ай бұрын
Dr. Christy makes a lot of sense to me. He sounds very knowledgeable, and his logic is sound. We need more scientists like him to maintain sensibility in the community.
@robinwavestou5526 Жыл бұрын
It's just bizarre that climate change, that is not geoengineered, could be responsible for climate change. What are governments and sectors of private industry doing in the field of geoengineering?
@waynehogg3882 Жыл бұрын
The growth rings of the Joshua tree of southwestern united states, which are the oldest things (some of them are 5000 years old) show the area has a remarkable drought every 120 years. 1895 is the central year of the last one. Thus the next one is centered in the 2020's. And that is exactly what has happened.
@lynnmarie2962 Жыл бұрын
Maybe that is why the globalists are mowing down those ancient plants, to build their ecosystem-killing solar farms and wind farms.
@hildacollier2638 Жыл бұрын
@antonbrum5492 Жыл бұрын
Sea levels are rising at an alarming rate in Jakarta Indonesia. However, this is not due to global warming/climate change. Jakarta is simply sinking into the ocean due to the leveling of their forests and building structures, they also use fresh water from underground, this has had a serious impact on their future.
@exposure-qq2op Жыл бұрын
@barrysinclair2216 Жыл бұрын
“New Zealand is on a plate boundary and the coast is going up and down,” says palaeoclimatologist Richard Levy. “Downward land movement accelerates the rate of sea-level rise.” Levy and his Victoria University of Wellington colleague Tim Naish are the co-leaders of NZSeaRise, a multi-year research project which has produced the first-ever map showing how vertical land movement in Aotearoa changes local sea levels. The calculations are based on satellite data and New Zealand’s network of GPS stations, and it’s the first time any country has attempted to map vertical land movement in a systematic way and at a high resolution. The result is a set of bespoke sea-level projections for every two-kilometre stretch of our 15,000 kilometres of coastline.What would you do with a million hectares? If cities and coastal communities are to adapt to rising seas, says Levy, they need location-specific information that incorporates how fast land is sinking or lifting, and therefore either augmenting or ameliorating local sea-level rise.
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