Law of Assumption | can you REALLY manifest WITHOUT taking any ACTION?

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The Soul's Playground

The Soul's Playground

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Law of Assumption | can you really manifest WITHOUT taking any ACTION?
Neville Goddard | Do you have to take action to manifest? Manifesting without action. Law of Attraction
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0:00 Can you manifest without action? | Overview
4:18 Manifesting + Action
6:02 It doesn't have to be hard.
6:53 Take any Action. Don't overthink it.
7:56 Your thoughts dictate your Actions
8:35 Try this, to see how powerful your mind is.
11:09 Your higher self always knows what to do.
12:20 Ask your higher self if you have questions.
12:58 Manifesting + Action Continued
13:44 My experience not taking action vs taking action.
14:28 Actions don't always have to make sense.
16:23 We are here for the EXPERIENCE.

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@TheSoulsPlaygroundOfficial 2 ай бұрын
*EDIT* (read more below) Another example I had meant to include in the video, think of going up an escalator. You can get to the top just by stepping on and waiting. But if you'd like to get to the top even faster, you can take action and walk up the steps as the escalator moves forward. **EDIT** I just wanted to make something clear because I feel the beginning of the video may have been confusing in the way that I explained it. If you listen to the end of the video, I talk about how it doesn’t matter which action you take, because when you are in alignment with your desired outcome/highest self, you will be guided (as I mentioned when I talked about my example you can try at home). ANY action is the right action (this topic is talked about more in my video with the thumbnail “You Literally Can’t Mess Up When You Know This”). When I say take action, I mean take an action that feels good in the moment, do not force anything. This video was more so for anyone feeling like I was a couple years ago, when you get yourself stuck wondering if you’re taking inspired action or not, or if this is what your higher self wants you to do or not.. know that whatever action you take, IT’S THE RIGHT ONE. Just trusting and doing the thing you want to, rather than wasting time doubting yourself is the key. Taking an action that feels good, like watching a favourite movie, reading a book, going for a walk to get ice cream, whatever it is that comes to your mind, is always a good place to start if you’re ever feeling lost or are getting too much in your own head, as coming back into your body and doing something that you enjoy in the moment is already you trusting your higher self and acting in alignment. And this action will lead to positive thoughts, positive feelings, which leads to the next positive thought, the next positive action.. etc. Hopefully this helps. I apologize for any confusion, just know, no matter what action you’re taking in regards to your desired outcome, whatever you’re doing, it’s exactly perfect and you’re right where you’re supposed to be right now in this moment.
@LeahIsHereNow 2 ай бұрын
Good one!
@JJKillerElite 2 ай бұрын
It sounds as though you're saying "taking action" while in alignment, feels a lot like inaction. In other words it's effortless ❤
@LeahIsHereNow 2 ай бұрын
@@JJKillerElite yes, and again all of this is paradoxical. That’s the part that drives people a little batty, but it can’t be any other way.
@MikeSadala 2 ай бұрын
Neville said you don't have to lift a finger. Which means choose an end result goal and live from it. God will Orchestrate the "How" and you do not need to try and figure it out. The subconscious mind takes over and controls your mind and body to take the right actions with least effort and on point to where you will believe that your taking the action but it's the subconscious. And you will have the end result, easy peezy
@TheSoulsPlaygroundOfficial 2 ай бұрын
Yes! 🙌 I mention this more towards the end of the video (and talk about it in another one of my videos) but it doesn’t matter which action you take, because any action in alignment with your goal is the right action, as you said the subconscious mind leads you. At the beginning of my video I feel maybe I explained it a bit out of context but I used to stress over not taking the “right” action thinking I wasn’t listening to my intuition so I’d literally just do nothing or do something I thought was right, out of fear, lol. But when I started trusting and just taking “an action” whatever it was, even if it was super random and seemingly unrelated, like watching a movie or something, that’s when I started feeling so much better and was able to begin to trust the process as things started unfolding. There was another well-known teacher (Teal Swan), she’s the one that talked about feeling anxious and stressed out when your soul is trying to tell you do something and you’re sitting in fear not doing anything. It’s like you’re being lead but ignoring it. That was just so on point to how I felt and was such a wake up call. So I attribute much of my success and this video to her. 🙏 Anyways, I just wanted to take the time to reply to your comment to let you know you are entirely correct and I 100% agree, I apologize if my video came across in the wrong way, as I absolutely do not believe in forced action. 👏
@xiaoyanli9186 2 ай бұрын
@@TheSoulsPlaygroundOfficial The comment is so helpful for me. Thanks a lot!
@MikeSadala 2 ай бұрын
@@TheSoulsPlaygroundOfficial 🔥🔥🔥🙌🙌
@LeahIsHereNow 2 ай бұрын
It will happen in a way that will make you forget you even manifested it at all, and when you remember you did, you will think, all these things would’ve happened anyway… It’s all just a really big, insane coincidence… But it’s not. It’s what you wanted, so it’s what you got.
@robertpreston2220 2 ай бұрын
I have been affirming for a year now expecting great things to happen. Well since I started doing that for the past year, I was laid off from a GREAT job, my unemployment that I now barely can live on is running out! My apartment now is getting impossible to live in with sudden noise and horrific smells from neighbors which I never ever had any issues from any of them before and I have lived here for 15 years! And I have developed horrible ear infections which I never had before. So I mean WTH! I started doing affirmations excited that wonderful things would happen and instead my life is FAR worse than it has ever been before!!!! Its odd all this positive thinking and so much bad has happened. Yesterday even more bad things happened so I stopped affirming after yesterday!!! To top it off, my old boss who wanted a new job real bad and was always negative about it saying he would never get what he wanted, and would be stuck where he was. he was so negative and worried and yet he just accepted a new job that has every single thing he wanted!!!!! So me being positive for months have had endless bad things happen. He who has been negative for months just got everything he wanted! This is VERY confusing!
@brownskinbeauty 2 ай бұрын
You feel the impulse. Then take action. Impulse first. Action second. It works in your favor. This how I got my job.
@alittlefox13 2 ай бұрын
I have a cool success story about affirming. About a or so year ago my (then) boyfriend was moving house. When I arrived after work at the house he was moving out of he told me he hadn't seen his cats all day, they disappeared when the moving truck arrived. We looked around and found one cat, he was hiding out in the backyard, and took it to the new house, about a 5 minute drive down the road. As we kept looking for the other I was affirming in my head, or singing a little song when no one could hear me, like "here she is , we found her, we have her she's here" we took the last few things to the new house and eventually went to bed in the new house, thinking we'd go back to the old house in the morning. The next morning we heard meowing from outside the bedroom door and he said "That sounds like (cat's name)"!!! He opened the door and there was the cat we had lost, she was IN THE NEW HOUSE!!!!!!!!!! He said she must have hid in a box, but I looked at all the boxes and they were all closed and full of stuff... no matter how it's rationalised I know I manifested her in the new house.
@TheSoulsPlaygroundOfficial 2 ай бұрын
Oh wow!! That’s honestly a really cool story, good for you for affirming and trusting, I’m so glad she was found! 🙌 One of the reasons I actually first believed in manifesting, is actually because one of my cats got out, (the one that’s the most scared and also fast) 😅 she got out at night, and omg I just about had a mental breakdown because I love her SO much and I’d just lost her sister 3 months prior (due to medical reasons and this was back when I didn’t have much faith in manifesting). But that night, I’ve never surrendered more than that moment. I was just affirming non-stop and finally just gave up and just trusted she would return. It was pitch black but then I heard her in a bush and I ended up scaring her through the trees, back to my house. Man I was forever grateful. 😅 She just came up beside me now as I write this, haha.
@alittlefox13 2 ай бұрын
@@TheSoulsPlaygroundOfficial That's amazing! I'm so grateful to know this stuff now. Loving your videos BTW.
@theodorekalfagiannis7506 Ай бұрын
Congratulations to all those lucky winners 😀 The feelings of security and excitement that follow after a huge win must be exhilarating. Heres to hoping we all win sometime soon 😊
@MikeSadala 2 ай бұрын
Sit still and know that I AM God. The action is just living from the end assumption or imagination.
@prashantamajee1191 2 ай бұрын
This epitomizes the essence of this video in just a couple of simple sentences!
@robertpreston2220 2 ай бұрын
I have been affirming for a year now expecting great things to happen. Well since I started doing that for the past year, I was laid off from a GREAT job, my unemployment that I now barely can live on is running out! My apartment now is getting impossible to live in with sudden noise and horrific smells from neighbors which I never ever had any issues from any of them before and I have lived here for 15 years! And I have developed horrible ear infections which I never had before. So I mean WTH! I started doing affirmations excited that wonderful things would happen and instead my life is FAR worse than it has ever been before!!!! Its odd all this positive thinking and so much bad has happened. Yesterday even more bad things happened so I stopped affirming after yesterday!!! To top it off, my old boss who wanted a new job real bad and was always negative about it saying he would never get what he wanted, and would be stuck where he was. he was so negative and worried and yet he just accepted a new job that has every single thing he wanted!!!!! So me being positive for months have had endless bad things happen. He who has been negative for months just got everything he wanted! This is VERY confusing!
@Anonymous-qt8qx 2 ай бұрын
Guess what? Yesterday, I asked this question about taking action. I took action today and was wondering whether I really had to take that action. And here your video showed up the moment I opened youtube. Subscribed!
@TheSoulsPlaygroundOfficial 2 ай бұрын
Haha, that is amazing! ☺️That’s what I was hoping for with this video, as this really was a topic that was on my mind often when I was first practicing conscious manifestation. 🙏Thank you so much!
@raydavies5249 2 ай бұрын
Take Action.....I did both (action vs no action) and got better results by doing Tesla's 3-6-9 techniques
@NowHereMike 2 ай бұрын
The finding lost items thing is a good example, I do that all the time and it works. I am learning to trust more, I think I needed to hear that about action also. Thank you!
@TheSoulsPlaygroundOfficial 2 ай бұрын
That’s awesome! And you’re welcome ☺️ Happy I could help.
@Twistedtales222 8 күн бұрын
thanks for the video ! here are some affirmations inspired by your " I know I'm going to find it" method I know I'm going to have it (the specific desire) soon I know that is where I'm heading right now. I know that is what I'm going to get. I know that is where my thoughts and mindset are taking right now. I know that is where my actions and behaviors are taking me right now. I know that is what my reality is shifting into right now. I know it is inevitable for me. I know it's going to be an emotionally neutral event when it happens in my physical reality.
@LeahIsHereNow 2 ай бұрын
The action you take will seem effortless. You won’t have to think about it and it won’t seem like work you have to do. That’s the magic part. I went through a heavy manifestation period but I wasn’t as disciplined as I am now and one of the things on my list as I wanted to be paid for being a writer… fast-forward about two years and I started a random Facebook page for fun, not expecting to make money, I started doing a side project because I met people through that page that helped me, and the side project became incredibly successful (I got 10,000 fans in about three months just for my writing) and manifested into me meeting more people and starting more Facebook pages and learning how to build websites and learning how to do ad optimization but none of this felt difficult or like work. It’s not like I said I want to be a writer and I wanna make money so I have to do all these things. It just felt very natural and easy. So you don’t really have to do anything the way you believe you might have to do something. If you want to be very wealthy, you don’t necessarily have to sign up for a college class. You just have to do something. So just go with the flow. Best advice I can give.
@MikeSadala 2 ай бұрын
Facts!! This is what I experienced. Everytime I took forced action, it was grueling and mentally draining. Basically hard. But when I just flowed without force, it just comes easy and just no struggle and it's joyful. So I agree with you from my own experience
@LeahIsHereNow 2 ай бұрын
@@MikeSadala Yes! I am so excited that we are waking up as a collective. It’s about time that we all live the way the creator intended… Creatively, abundantly, ecstatically! All that extreme duality was great as far as letting us know what we don’t want, but it is dismissed! 😆
@Lis-qz7qo 2 ай бұрын
😊 yes, it will seem natural, normal, just let it flow.
@TheSoulsPlaygroundOfficial 2 ай бұрын
Awe, that’s amazing! I feel like we would have been friends, haha. Thats similar to what happened to me as a teenager, I wrote a blog and didn’t know I could make money until someone told me and then ended up with a full-time income almost over-night, lol. Also, I hope my video makes sense (I kept wondering if I was explaining it how I wanted it to come across but I completely agree with taking any action naturally and not forcing it. I never force the actions I take, but I do take actions even when I don’t know what to do, I’ll do something. I will do whatever makes me happy in that moment. Whatever feels good or seems right. Every time I over-thought my actions I would stress myself out and just not do anything. (I mention this more at the end of the video, but I definitely don’t want anyone to feel I mean to force action. When I say take an action I mean when you don’t know what to do. Ask yourself what the most simple thing that makes you feel good would be in that moment and do that, as that will lead you to the next thing. 🙏
@KateDoWonders 2 ай бұрын
You literally spoke my mind
@estapriso1632 2 ай бұрын
Actions yes but INSPIRED actions
@TheSoulsPlaygroundOfficial 2 ай бұрын
@YourGeminiFriend 2 ай бұрын
This is the best explanation I’ve heard on this confusing topic. Thank you so much for sharing!
@TheSoulsPlaygroundOfficial 2 ай бұрын
Thank you so much. I’m happy to help. ☺️
@3jhe 2 ай бұрын
Thank you! You are a thought leader. I have never quite heard it explained like that before. It really resonated with me. Thank you so much for sharing your interpretation!
@TheSoulsPlaygroundOfficial 2 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for the kind words! I’m really glad my explanation could help. ☺️
@SpiderMan_GD 2 ай бұрын
i was curious what your thoughts on those who don't try to affirm, or even try and look for great opportunites yet they manage to get it. An example is Alaqua Cox who never had any plans for acting yet managed to get the lead role for the Marvel show, Echo. She was also in the marvel show Hawkeye as a supporting character for the same role before the show Echo. Alaqua Cox is deaf and has an amputated leg. Her character Echo, is deaf in the comics but doesn't have an amputated leg, but despite her never acting and the amputated leg, she got the role because her friends talked her into trying out the role. She even said she thought she wouldn't get the role because of her amputated leg, and was not looking to get into acting. What's amazing though, the amputated leg is not part of the original comic book character, instead they worked her amputated leg into the story because of Alaqua Cox. Never acted, got the role even though she never acted, and studios were willing to work with her disablity and include it into the story, which i find really cool. On top of that, she was great at acting in the show! You'd think she's been acting for awhile but this is her only role. I'm wondering how some attracts such, and became skilled in the job they got despite no training (hence in this case with no acting expereince with Alaqua Cox) only thought is maybe she just has a good self concept perhaps. in her interviews she seems to be positive energy and high spirits hence maybe having a good self concept...i don't know. i'll have to say watching her interviews i see alaqua cox of deserving great opportunites because of who she is. i was wondering what you think
@TheSoulsPlaygroundOfficial 2 ай бұрын
Hey! It’s really cool to learn about this back story, I didn’t know all of that. But yes! In regards to being more positive/upbeat this is definitely how many people manifest without realizing. Any time you’re in a more positive energy, you tend to attract more positivity. As an example in my own life, when I was 15 I started a blog for fun to write my recipes on. I loved sharing my ideas and reading the comments from people who made them. I never knew I could make money with it until I saw another food blogger with far less traffic than my blog, making a decent amount per month. I thought wow, that’s so cool! So I decided to apply for the same advertising agency. A month later I got accepted and my first daily payment was about! $150CAD and it was like that consistently, lol. I was ecstatic and this feeling of being on top of the world led me to have large brands reach out to parter with me, I was invited to conferences and events.. honestly I was just doing amazing up until covid happened and my blog lost about half its advertising income. I had also planned to go to this huge networking event but it was then also cancelled due to covid, then I just started losing traffic in other areas. It was a sudden downfall and I didn’t know why but back then I didn’t realize it was my reaction to the first negative thing that sort of created a domino effect. Anyways, long story short, it’s definitely amazing what you can manifest with just a positive attitude. I’m not sure if you’ve seen Bashar’s videos where he says “follow your highest excitement” or something like this. But the more you do things that make you feel good, the more good things happen. I can also attest to this in terms of my online shop. Days when I’ve taken off work and spent time going to the beach with friends or something are always really great sale days because I’m not over-thinking/I’m detached from the outcome and I’m in a positive mood. Anyways, hope this helps. :) Thanks again for sharing all that and for your comments lately! They always get me thinking as well. 👏
@bluwng Ай бұрын
Sometimes it is divine guidance vs being spoon fed the results.
@iamsheilaj 2 ай бұрын
This is amazing
@TheSoulsPlaygroundOfficial 2 ай бұрын
Thank you!
@Lis-qz7qo 2 ай бұрын
I believe that it has a lot to do with our assumptions about specific topics. We are more conditioned to think that we have to DO things when it comes to money. We have mixed beliefs when it comes to finding a partner, some people don’t do anything, some do. When it comes to health it depends on the health issue: sometimes we think we have to do something, sometimes we just wait until it gets done. I truly think that we never have to do anything, it’s just an illusion and a belief and a lot of social conditioning. Also the whole “attraction thing” is like an optical illusion. It’s not that we attract and something comes, when you assume it is already and you will see it a little afterwards in your 3D. But when we have a solid belief in us that we should DO something, sometimes it can be really faster to take some action. I would also say: sometimes pushing too much or overfocusing and acting a lot could lead to the opposite result, like looking for the right partner, being too pushy, trying to make money, overdo focusing on health. Another point: we always manifest sooo many things all at once at the same time, we cannot take action to create everything and, again, some things seem natural to come to us without doing anything and for others we think that we have to labour. But that’s a thought pattern, not a universal truth. I mean, we always DO things in our lives. That is what life is. I would recommend to enjoy life and get in action with meaningful things. But also knowing that you can get what you want by not doing anything. You can focus on A and also have B, C, D,…. Without freaking out or stress or working hard on it. You can be healthy, wealthy, in meaningful relationships with a new car, the sun shining, enjoying nature, having a meaningful job etc etc etc. It’s liberating to know that you can do something but you don’t have to. Or: your assumptions will lead you there somehow but it will seem logic and natural. Send you all love ❤
@TheSoulsPlaygroundOfficial 2 ай бұрын
Love all of this. Yes, I absolutely agree with how we create assumptions around certain topics/ what we must do to achieve specific things. I have a lot of concepts I’d like to share on this channel beyond this video and what I’ve already shared, as I feel I’m sharing more surface level or simpler concepts that just touch on what is possible for someone newer to manifestation, just because I wanted to start my channel off with the basic concepts. But I’ve been amazed by the knowledge in the comments and the audience this channel has connected with. You are all amazing! With that being said, I truly believe we are always one with our higher self and there isn’t any disconnect. When I’m extremely connected (my mind is completely silent and clear) I am one with everything, there is no me, no object, no one else, it’s just one. And in those times, if I bring up a thought in this emptiness, it will manifest lightning fast. It’s really just this idea of separation that leads us not to have the things we want. There is no separation. We are always whole, always everything. We’re just playing in this illusion. But that’s also why my channel is named the way it is, even though it’s an illusion, the experience is meant to be enjoyed, we are meant to be present and feel everything, as this is gift to be able to do so. 🙏 It truly is amazing. I look forward to talking about deeper concepts in “future” videos. Thank you for sharing your insights, I always appreciate the discussion. 🙏
@lovelytimewithmeab 2 ай бұрын
Once you decide something you want, you WILL BE FORCED to TAKE ACTION. Neville has explained in details the bridge of incidents, hasn't he? ❤
@brianneml2979 2 ай бұрын
Not forced it will come to you without any resistance and you won’t know that’s why you’re doing anything but once done you should see how it leads to your manifestation… but when you do revision you usually don’t need action.
@LeahIsHereNow 2 ай бұрын
Yes, you will be forced, but it won’t feel forceful if that makes sense? You just do what naturally feels right next. If you feel like taking a walk, take a walk… You might walk by a sign advertising, the opportunity of your dreams or some other seeming coincidence. I think what we’re trying to say is that you don’t have to specifically start doing things that you think people do to become wealthy if becoming wealthy is what you desire.
@3jhe 2 ай бұрын
I immediately subscribed, btw :)
@TheSoulsPlaygroundOfficial 2 ай бұрын
Awesome, haha, thank you again. 🙏
@siminsalimi5983 2 ай бұрын
Me too😃❤
@litheshroshan7920 2 ай бұрын
Woww all your videos are amazing just like youu thanks youuu❤
@TheSoulsPlaygroundOfficial 2 ай бұрын
Haha, thank you. 🙏
@hyperxx99 2 ай бұрын
I think this was a fantastic video. When you step into the state of being by declaring yourself to the version of self that has what you want, this makes action more powerful. You can still manifest without action, but there may be instances where taking action makes sense, and you will be driven to do so. If I want to manifest a job, sure, I can do so with no action. However, applying for jobs that I find ideal while claiming myself to have the job I want wouldn't hurt me either.
@TheSoulsPlaygroundOfficial 2 ай бұрын
Thank you! And, exactly. It’s more so trusting that the actions we do take only bring us closer, that they are always right, and we take them with confidence and faith. 🙏
@Love_affirmations_subs3333 2 ай бұрын
Yes we can choose to manifest the easiest way possible!
@TheSoulsPlaygroundOfficial 2 ай бұрын
@TheSoulsPlaygroundOfficial 2 ай бұрын
That’s great to hear!
@nedcoburn6421 2 ай бұрын
Thank you for another great video, really enjoying your channel, you articulate and explain everything so well, thank you 🙏
@TheSoulsPlaygroundOfficial 2 ай бұрын
Thank you so much ☺️ I appreciate you taking the time to comment!
@jlstruyde 2 ай бұрын
When you are living in the state of the wish fulfilled. When you Naturally feel it. You l(and the world) automatically take action... inspired action... to force or try to manipulate the world then you are not in the state of already having it.
@TheSoulsPlaygroundOfficial 2 ай бұрын
Yes, when you’re in the state. It’s a very go-with-the-flow sort of action. Doing whatever feels right in the moment and trusting in that. 🙏
@xiaoyanli9186 2 ай бұрын
I'm a huge fan of your content! I eagerly await your new uploads every day. Would you consider making a video on visualization and comparing it with affirmation for manifestation? I think it would be incredibly insightful.
@TheSoulsPlaygroundOfficial 2 ай бұрын
Hey, thank you! Truly that means a lot. I can definitely do a video on that. :) I think that’s a good topic to discuss.
@shiv4289 2 ай бұрын
Thank you for your video and support I have just watched a bit of it is really good. I am taking action in believing that I am living with the My person the person I love the most I am living my life with My Mary. I know she is with me in the 3d I don’t want to reach out I don’t know if it would cause any problem or inconvenience because I never want that for her. I know she is with me forever. I know she is reaching out to me. I am taking action in thinking that she is with me forever. I know she loves me forever as I love her forever and we both are one pure and loving soul. Some people might think me as sensitive or dumb but I am really beautiful loving caring person just like My Mary she loves me whole heartedly , unconditionally and completely as I love her wholeheartedly, unconditionally and completely. I know she is wants to and is trying to reach out to me because we are together for life and we are together now as I see her always being with me every single day and minute of life. Thank you god for my life please keep her happy always.
@mikecorcoran6834 2 ай бұрын
If you haven't heard of Helene Hadsell look her up. She was better the Neville.
@simonsays5193 2 ай бұрын
Another amazing video 🙏 btw what are your thoughts on celibacy? I’ve heard (and experienced) that it increases manifestation power, even if it’s only temporary celibacy.
@TheSoulsPlaygroundOfficial 2 ай бұрын
Thank you! This would be an assumption. Manifestation is occurring every second. We don’t ever shut it off or really change the power of it. We just may see things that appear to the human mind to manifest faster or to be the correct things we want to manifest, but really it’s just our belief and trust that has improved.
@simonsays5193 2 ай бұрын
@@TheSoulsPlaygroundOfficial Gotcha. Thanks for the response!
@mishacalvin1 2 ай бұрын
Very good video .misha Calvin the rock star and your big fan
@TheSoulsPlaygroundOfficial 2 ай бұрын
Thank you
@Astralheap 2 ай бұрын
I think its not about taking action or not because there is nothing like that, every action even the slightest comes from states, every action you take comes from the state, and if you change to the state you want you will be automatically moved to take necessary actions that cant be resisted so sit back and relax!!!!
@TheSoulsPlaygroundOfficial 2 ай бұрын
Yes! 🙌 I may re-do this video in the future as I don’t know if it came across how I intended, lol. Towards the end of the video I talk more about how any action is the right action if you’re in alignment with where you want to go and it’s about doing what feels right in that moment, even if it doesn’t make any sense to the end goal. I am extremely big on following one’s own intuition and that every single thing that occurs when you’re in the right state is for a reason, seemingly good or bad. 🙏
@adamcallahan1582 2 ай бұрын
You mentioned knowing in the last video and the one with card game. Do you receive this knowing from seeing or experiencing the desire in imagination and as you mentioned what you have there you will have here?
@TheSoulsPlaygroundOfficial 2 ай бұрын
Hey! So the knowing really comes from faith in your higher self, faith in the unseen. The more you experience something in imagination, the more true it will become to you (that’s why repetition is always talked about with manifestation). But you’ll also build up faith within yourself the more you practice this and you start to see the manifestations in physical reality. The more you live in the end and trust that what you see internally is what will happen out here, the easier things will get. Honestly I can say from experience it just takes doing it again and again with all things in your life. Assume anything you can. Don’t like the weather? Assume it will get sunny later. Traffic? Assume your next drive will be smooth and quick. Start assuming anything that you can, because you’ll forget about some of these things over time until you see them come to fruition. Then you can look back and think “wait I manifested that!” This was how I built up my faith to where it is now. Where I just know without a doubt that what I see internally is the truth. Hope this helps. 🙏
@adamcallahan1582 2 ай бұрын
Thank you 😊 That was very helpful!
@kavyashrivastav4258 2 ай бұрын
girl, i'm giving my sp space because he asked for it. we haven't spoken in a month :( makes me a little upset but i trust that he'll reach out whenever he feels better. i have taken so much action in the past including breaking no contact that this time, i really wanna not inititate as a way of respecting his space and also not be in chasing energy
@TheSoulsPlaygroundOfficial 2 ай бұрын
Hey! That’s a great idea, giving space is the best thing you can do in this type of scenario. Focus on your self-concept more than anything. On my previous channel I did an entire video on twin flames/manifesting (as I used to do twin flames readings). I would highly suggest that video, it may have some helpful information in it if you’d like to watch it. The channel name is: Unseen Tarot (it’s the very last video posted, titled: “It’s Always Been You”)
@kavyashrivastav4258 2 ай бұрын
@@TheSoulsPlaygroundOfficial thanks for your response 💛 I've been catching up on your content since yesterday and it's been so helpful. Very simple and straightforward. Great work
@voransh6709 2 ай бұрын
You don't have believe in that. Do revision. Revise the scene to what you wanna hear. People are you pushed out.
@officialzacadammorrison 2 ай бұрын
How to be Immortal please
@hyperxx99 2 ай бұрын
You are immortal. Awareness is your true self and this can never be destroyed.
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