@The-Secret-Door 2 сағат бұрын
I've been working on releasing judgement completely - this video is really relatable, even though I haven't seen the things you've seen. Hope you're doing alright. Maybe just being here and being yourself is a source of change. It's a nice thought...
@phendranaa 5 сағат бұрын
OK it's been half a day I think my brain is jailbroken by your video I can't stop smirking at all these rules we impose on each other. Especially in manifesting communities where people are judging each other all the time you shouldn't want that, manifest this, do it this way, be specific, go general lololol there's only one law the rest are rules, superstition, moralities, etc
@melissesen 6 сағат бұрын
That was so good! Lucy is the movie I watch over and over again!!! Can you please talk about resolving the limits a little more structured? Thank you x
@carmelaseverino681 12 сағат бұрын
I have read about this many years ago ❤
@dancingcloud8557 12 сағат бұрын
Do you know Meher Baba?
@carmelaseverino681 12 сағат бұрын
The veil is thinning!
@Kirkxreign 12 сағат бұрын
💙💛 You're making sense. Thank you so much!!! Enjoy your limitless potential, becoming realized 💐 We will be whole again✨️ Love your long videos :)
@carmelaseverino681 12 сағат бұрын
There is absolutely nothing outside of us! Every thing including the universe is inside of us! That includes good and not so good things! We bring them forth through various means! It’s all us😮
@carmelaseverino681 12 сағат бұрын
You are going through The Promise❤
@conferenceclips4940 15 сағат бұрын
You don't even need food to survive. Look up breatharians.
@rockabillybum 16 сағат бұрын
Thank You ❣️❣️❣️🙏🏻
@kubabohdan7020 16 сағат бұрын
I did watch everything through. Thank you 🙏
@conferenceclips4940 16 сағат бұрын
Heidegger said something similar.
@RandomUser25122 16 сағат бұрын
We did use to be “one” back when native cultures around the world were all closer to nature and far less greedy. They only took what they needed. Then the modern world went down the whole capitalist money trap as a means to control the majority. And those native cultures were simply pushed aside in the relentless push for modernisation. That modernisation has come at a huge cost spiritually, emotionally and health wise. It’s like a slow motion car crash in country after country.
@bewhoyoumust 17 сағат бұрын
Crazy the timing of this. I’ve been on what feels like a long transformation the last two years after my father passed away, and have come to these same conclusions as you. I felt legitimately insane for a while but it’s so nice the internet can connect us with people who validate these truths about our reality. We know so little about the state of it. No ‘rational’ school of thought has come close to what we ALREADY know 😂 I’d like to add that many testimonies I’ve read and my personal experience with psilocybin have spoken about these ‘realizations’ regarding the fact that nothing and no one in our reality is ‘real’. In that altered state of consciousness when the veil is thinner and time is non-existent you become aware of that sense. Your Ego is stripped from you, every human aspect you identify with dissolves, and you are left with the realization that nothing is separate from you. You are embodied on Earth, but you are something else entirely. Some call it Ego death, some call it Kundulini awakening, there are many words we use to describe universal truths. It can be terrifying if you don’t know what’s going on. But I think it just encapsulates the fact that reality is only our assumption, a reflection of our consciousness. Fluid as water and relative to YOU. It’s not that your friends and family are not ‘real’ but the version of them that is present with you depends on your assumptions. When on psilocybin, it’s likely you can feel every potential version of them, and it’s like you put on your quantum reality glasses instead of your usual 3D glasses.😂 It’s the ‘oneness’ factor. When you really realize you are Everything in a sobered state of mind it is akin to that psilocybin state except you have time to rationalize and observe it in the re-established existence of time as a linear construct. We realize we have these superpowers to create anything we want and it feels like this big secret, but so many of us are becoming aware. Many spiritual circles believe that is the entire point of earthly existence. To create our own heavens on Earth and experience them with all five senses and the duality of the human condition. Joy is sharp because pain is just as sharp. There’s beauty in that. Glad to be here with you figuring it out as we go. ❤ also, love when you ramble bc I be doing this alone in my bedroom trying to make sense of things to myself so my ego can accept the truth 😂 also sorry for the long ass comment
@michellem.8086 17 сағат бұрын
Likewise ♾💫 we are one I'm going through the same revelations am similar experiences mine have been gradual over the past 3 yrs
@RoseOfSharona 18 сағат бұрын
Sam, I completely understand your words. Do not pay ANY attention to others who would judge you or say "You're crazy." Because, you're not! You sound like I did back in 2011 after my Kundalini blasted OPEN. I knew things that the former version of me would have never known. I lost interest in most 3D mundane activities. And, family & friends thought the cheese had sled off the cracker. I was talking so "out there" that I repelled many. But, I also attracted certain type of people that were ready to listen. I've been wanting to start my own KZfaq channel about my experience and how I integrated these energies. I tell people over & over, please ground yourself outside. Earthing helps to smooth out these energies over time because it's too much for our bodies & especially our minds. I'm aware of quantum theories, as well. Have you ever seen the film, Phenomenon with John Travolta? The scene where he would speed read through books and obtain so much knowledge in seconds or minutes... That was me back in 2011. You're very bold for allowing yourself to open up this wide onto KZfaq. Wish you well on your journey. Take great care of yourself. We need more people like you to spread universal truth. 🙏💮
@RoseOfSharona 17 сағат бұрын
Sam, you are welcome to reach out to me if you're interested in connecting to someone who has already experienced a lot of these "downloads". I am here to help others process what they are or have experienced. Its a lonely road but our souls signed up to this awakening at this extraordinary time.
@Soshi701 19 сағат бұрын
Interesting. Your face has changed.
@TheSoulsPlaygroundOfficial 12 сағат бұрын
It’s likely my camera angles, my last video was in my bedroom/ some are on my couch. My room tends to cast shadows down.
@danielacortez11676 20 сағат бұрын
your mind is beautiful, keep spreading your light ❤
@-Medici 20 сағат бұрын
You got it. It's like I'm looking into a mirror. Which, universally speaking - i am. ❤
@ren7ee 20 сағат бұрын
Hello, I am so glad I found your channel. What you say resonates with me, but I'm curious about something: 'who' is telling you these things? The universe? Do you hear this information as a voice or images?
@TheSoulsPlaygroundOfficial 12 сағат бұрын
Hey, yes, you could call it consciousness or source or higher self. The voice is my own but it’s more faint, sort of like a random thought that just pops up out of nowhere, I can differentiate between my conscious thinking and the channeled messages. It’s like speaking with a deeper level of my mind where the words just flow. It’s often a few words at a time or sometimes sentences, it comes much faster when I’m more “connected” (in a very relaxed state/dependent on the day). I also see images, yes. I find audio was more natural for me and then visual came later. I can shut it off, like closing a door, this is originally how I knew it wasn’t a sort of mental disorder when I first started to be able to hear things. I can function perfectly fine if I need to/hang out with friends, but when I’m in the quiet, I find I connect very naturally, sometimes not on purpose but just because I’m in a relaxed state it will flow. I created a video on channeling once that could be purchased on my old KZfaq channel for tarot readings but I found people there were more interested in the tarot readings than learning to do it themselves, lol, but I basically walked through how I got to where I’m at now. One tip I recommend is to write lists of random words, first ones that pop into your mind, no matter how random. Or visualize something in your mind, again no matter how random. And start writing it down. In time you will start to get messages that make sense (as in, the words together start to have meaning or connect in some way). This is how I originally got started, it’s a good exercise to practice letting go and being open
@ren7ee Сағат бұрын
@@TheSoulsPlaygroundOfficial Thank you!
@BrethrenThyme 20 сағат бұрын
More of this please👍 loved this talk
@dereksims1697 21 сағат бұрын
Amazing video! Thank you for sharing. I spontaneously cried on Friday. This was a new experience that didn’t make much sense until now.
@Erica0088 21 сағат бұрын
@TheSoulsPlaygroundOfficial , You are accepted 💜
@phendranaa 21 сағат бұрын
Curious if you think the law of thermodynamics is made up. Genuinely curious that's not snark. It's something I been curious about having read people's experiences with "eating anything" and getting to a healthy size. Or maybe judgement makes people overly restrict or binge in cycles? And if you had "balance" like you say people naturally eat in an energetic balance? I had a realization recently that guilt under lies food issues a lot of the time. Oh also a video on common limiting beliefs/rules to let go of to allow money love etc would be great.
@JoeyKastelic777 22 сағат бұрын
you're doing great ♥
@fembot521 22 сағат бұрын
Ok so I am a bit worried about you. You sound just like my schizophrenic uncle. The frenetic speech is worrisome. I do understand everything you are saying though. Please take care of yourself.
@TheSoulsPlaygroundOfficial 12 сағат бұрын
Hey, I promise I can still function perfectly fine in everyday life. I explained in another comment that channeling is a bit like closing a door on the messages or tuning in and out of a radio station. And it comes more as a list, not random thoughts telling me to do strange things. For example, lists of either names of particular people (sometimes scientists or teachers etc), places/locations, lately a lot more to do with science, various theories, quantum mechanics, etc. This video sounds rushed because my brain really just has a lot of information to share, I wish I could just project my brain on a screen to make it clear, lol. I find outdoor activities/working out or being with friends my best outlets. (I just got back from a really great Canada Day party!) Also you can look at David R Hawkins book on letting go, he speaks about many similar concepts to what I mention here. I appreciate your concern! Truly the only thing that I struggle with is finding an outlet where people do understand me and I am not seen as crazy for my concepts. (A belief I am currently working on dispelling within myself, as I tried to tell a friend in the past and was met with this same response). 😅 Anyways, thank you again for the comment, I promise I’m doing well! Since this video, I’ve honestly felt the best I have in a while. I think I needed to share what I had to say (as much as it may have came out sounding a bit chaotic all at once, lol).
@Astralheap 22 сағат бұрын
I have a question how can I move faster and how can I become one with the universe or higher self? and also thank u for this premium knowledge
@DatSimple 22 сағат бұрын
i like listening to you ramble
@cartoonheart1111 23 сағат бұрын
Wow, I am experiencing so much of the same things you are. It feels like a roller coaster but I'm getting better at transmuting the negativity. It's also becoming so obvious that this is all made up. It feels like all my beliefs are all dissolving. What a wild ride! Thank you ❤️
@DatSimple 23 сағат бұрын
@Ram-ng7xd Күн бұрын
such long incoherent rambling shoulda write and formulate your thoughts first b4 uploading it. I think you could've compress it in a 5 mins video tbh.
@justintime1078 Күн бұрын
I understand. Only the unconscious conditioned ego will not be able to understand this, because the ego is limited. Higher self is limitless.
@hillbillyjo Күн бұрын
I am alone. I am ALL ONE. All is well, you are ALL ONE. I experience the same stuff (but different) if you want to chat about it. Also Libra ADD gang rise up!
@winterburnnature Күн бұрын
This was really helpful. I really love your videos. And your videos helped me so much. I wanna request something to you. Can you please talk about the process of dissolving limiting beliefs and negativity? And how to aline with your higher self ? I understand the process but these topics are still not fully clear to me. Thank you for the efforts you put in your videos. Sending loads of love ❤
@roxyfoxyyy7 Күн бұрын
Love the way you’re explaining all of this. Thank you for sharing this gold 🙏🏻 Also, when you’re talking about manifesting and balance… so the affirmations and saturation sessions are kind like bringing our being back into balance? Like if we’ve constantly told ourselves that we’re unhealthy and we see evidence of that, it can help to have those positive affirmations to bring his back into balance?
@alexanderletza911 Күн бұрын
❗️What are your suggestions of how to connect with your higher self in order to receive informations ✨️🤔 ???
@constellation3164 Күн бұрын
This sounds like "the promise" that Neville speaks about
@justintime1078 Күн бұрын
i have never herd anyone explain exactly what i experienced when my 3rd eye was activated . Thank you for sha sharing this. l
@adamcallahan1582 Күн бұрын
How do I speak to my higher self? I know I have been brought here to this point and to hear what you have said, I know I am being guided, I have had the feeling that robotic affirmations were too much effort, I’m ready to do better
@WHbuster Күн бұрын
Sounds like you are going through a kundalini awakened experience. All things are revealed and understood. Congratulations to you. Your life is about to change and it will be a great experience.
@samantharose1144 Күн бұрын
Great video!! I hope you continue to make more as you have more revelations
@thechzwun Күн бұрын
bro hear me out - make alcohol illegal and marijuana legal everywhere.. i guarantee you this place would be so chill 😭
@thechzwun Күн бұрын
we’d literally thrive.
@xpctnc Күн бұрын
thank you for sharing
@TO-js3hl Күн бұрын
I just watched Lucy again the other day! You’re “becoming” fully I AM it sounds like. I love these videos so much. SO POWERFUL
@sephfcuoctasphere1978 Күн бұрын
I know what You are experiencing.
@sephfcuoctasphere1978 Күн бұрын
I have reached out to you a few times by email. Let’s talk.
@newtension Күн бұрын
Such is the healing journey.
@ruoye-chan Күн бұрын
i watch your every video feeling as if my mouth was attached to another person. the freedom you allowed yourself to experience is so inspiring and your 'rambling' lately is so refreshing. your train of thoughts, background, spiritual 'coming out' etc is so familiar. even the differences i spot sound so complimentary to what i've been going through. thank you. and it's so funny how i've got this one friend i can discuss my 'knowings' with and i'm blowing his ears off with theory of relativity lately 😂 it's as if my mouth that was tightly shut for most of my life is now having it's own party and i'm not even sure if i'm invited TT
@michaelmcgrath3581 Күн бұрын
Another brilliant video!