Leur Génération Égalité : Pomme

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Forum Génération Egalité

Forum Génération Egalité

3 жыл бұрын

Portrait 14 : Pomme, musicienne, autrice, compositrice, interprète
💬 "J’écris des chansons sur ma vie. Tu n’es pas en train de militer quand tu parles de ces sujets-là. Tu es juste en train d’essayer de te légitimer en tant qu’être humain."
Le Secrétariat général du Forum Génération Égalité a confié à l'artiste Mai Hua la réalisation de la série "Leur Génération Égalité" : des portraits de femmes singulières qui constituent une source d'inspiration universelle.
Artiste, cheffe d'entreprise, scientifique, sportive, diplomate, architecte, activiste, journaliste ou militaire, elles partagent leur parcours de femmes, leurs réussites, leurs obstacles et proposent une mesure prioritaire à mettre en place dans le cadre du Forum Génération Égalité.
Merci aux femmes qui ont accepté de partager leur Génération Égalité :
- Sophie Adenot, pilote d’essais sur hélicoptères, lieutenant-colonel
- Pénélope Bagieu, autrice de bandes dessinées
- Charlotte Bienaimé, journaliste
- Marie Cau, femme politique
- Dipty Chander, développeuse, fondatrice de l’association E-mma
- Clara Gaymard, co-fondatrice de RAISE
- Amandine Henry, footballeuse, capitaine de l’Equipe de France
- Isabelle Hudon, Ambassadrice du Canada en France
- Karine Lacombe, cheffe du service des maladies infectieuses et tropicales à l’hôpital Saint-Antoine
- Marie-Amélie Le Fur, triple championne du monde paralympique en athlétisme
- Katia et Tatiana Levha, cheffe et patronnes des restaurants Le Servan et Double Dragon
- Diarata N’Diaye, artiviste, fondatrice de l'association "Résonantes" et de l’application App-Elles
- Pomme, artiste
- Hala Warde, architecte
- Zahia Ziouani, cheffe d’orchestre, directrice musicale de Divertimento
Mai Hua est une artiste française d’origine vietnamienne basée à Paris. Réalisatrice, Color Designer et autrice notamment du blog philosophique maihua.fr, Mai explore nos liens à l’intime, à la quête de vérité et à la spiritualité. Elle a réalisé deux documentaires :
- Les Rivières, une archéologie familiale sur sa lignée de femmes : lesrivieres.maihua.fr
- Make me a Man, une exploration de nouveaux modèles de masculinité en lien avec la thérapie et la vulnérabilité : www.maihua.fr/2019/06/meeting...

Пікірлер: 36
@mauricegibault8652 4 ай бұрын
Bonjour ! Et bien mo j'ai 72 ans et je vous écoute et je vous adore !!! Malheureusement pour moi ! je suis veuf et bien triste depuis 4 ans !!! Bonne chance a vous et BONNE CONTINUATION !!!!
@kproductioncanada 3 жыл бұрын
Claire... Une artiste dont le talent n'a d'égal que sa profondeur, sa réflexion et cette influence pour l'éveil de tous. 💙
@anne-lisebiard8631 2 жыл бұрын
Continue de créer, et cauchemarder. Ta simplicité nous fait rêver ma fille et moi...
@nancym.8048 2 жыл бұрын
Vous êtes tellement vraie et en phase avec vous même. Bravo Pomme pour cette interview ! Nancy M. ❤
@ericroux1014 3 жыл бұрын
J'ai bien aimé cette interview de pomme, j'aimerais bien parler avec elle un jour si on me laisse lui parler et si j'ai la chance de pouvoir le faire, j'ai tellement de choses à lui dire. En attendant, c'est une fille qui à vraiment le cœur gros ! Pour ce monde !
@niskaa78 3 жыл бұрын
I love how she opens the suitcase, takes Max out and starts playing "Les Oiseaux"... That is Pomme for you :D!
@coundominos 3 жыл бұрын
Tu deviendras une grande,et tu as été le chercher avec ta volonté,respect,tu aimes le Québec,moi aussi.Fais nous rêver.
@gabrielpolderman1933 2 жыл бұрын
Bonjour Pomme... Bravo pour vos écrits, vos chansons votre talent, votre travail... Je me retrouve dans votre réflexion de "travailler tout le temps pour l'art" même en lisant, écoutant de la musique ou regardant des films... Envie de Québec aussi depuis un moment.... Et d'autres endroits aussi... En tant que scénariste/réalisateur et auteur/compositeur/interprète (en boulot de groupe encore en ce moment de chansons françaises multi-styles...) bravo pour vos combats aussi ! Merci !
@joaidane 2 жыл бұрын
Une Pomme très perspicace et intélligente en surcroît!
@KatarzynaMelania 3 жыл бұрын
By eng.tranlation by Gil Delors I found out Pomme also as an educated and open-minded woman who is aware of her responsibility to the young generation👏🍎
@denisphelipon4695 Жыл бұрын
@procrastinartist2825 2 жыл бұрын
en la entendant parler du militantisme @6:34 de cette façon je me rend compte encore une fois pourquoi je l'aime, dieu comme elle sait très bien articuler ces paroles!
@L.M1792 2 жыл бұрын
I see Amazon Prime Video now has 175 million subscribers worldwide. At approximately £5.99 a month that is a total of slightly over 1 billion per month. Going on this new entertainment only total I think this management system deserves better, and what could be better than a young woman who connects with our emotive communities. Much love and best wishes for the future LM 🤡
@ozellucarel9944 3 жыл бұрын
Vous êtes une belle personne réaliste les gens qui n acceptent pas la différence leurs âmes leur esprit sont restreint chacun est libre d etre ce qu il est bon dimanche pomme
@museorpheo Жыл бұрын
dans un monde idéal, Pomme serait Ministre des Relations Humaines
@alainbouvet834 2 жыл бұрын
Monter si jeune à Paris pour rentrer dans le monde musical, il fallait oser. Evidemment, il est arrivé ce qui devait arriver. Elle a réussi à s'imposer toute seule et en tire les leçons. Maintenant, elle veut faire changer les choses et c'est tout à son honneur.
@codedfinance1149 3 жыл бұрын
Et pourquoi est-elle si incroyable ?!!! Goodness gracious. Bravo à sa maman et son père 👏👏👏
@culturepress7867 3 жыл бұрын
@flanbyy 2 жыл бұрын
Une belle authenticité :)
@lecamyvonne760 2 жыл бұрын
Une influence use a suivre et a protéger.
@Rhamen77 2 жыл бұрын
Quelle bg
@procrastinartist2825 2 жыл бұрын
woke queen! ♥
@tonatalaki 2 жыл бұрын
Combien elle est claire cette Claire !
@jeandugros4721 2 жыл бұрын
Il est rassurant d'apprendre que le Québec abrite une branche francophone évoluée. Les raisons? Je serais intéressé de connaître leur système éducatif. C'est dès le jeune âge que l'éducation commence, et par la suite, les notions de respect, de tolérance sont intégrées. Nous, en France, avons abandonné notre école au n'importe quoi: adieu la rigueur, adieu la protection inviolable vis à vis de l'extérieur. Cela fait plusieurs générations, et nous sommes maintenant tellement paumés que nous ne parvenons même pas à détecter les causes. Pauvre France. P.S. Pour ceux qui n'ont pas encore compris: nous français, sommes tous, les artisans de notre malheur: en investissant l'école, en faisant tomber ses murs, en désaisissant le corps professoral de ses métiers, de ses chartes, en le menaçant, en l'agressant, en ne le payant pas, en le critiquant (croyant à chaque fois être dans le droit de le faire - droit accordé finalement par les politiques, tellement désireux de plaire à leurs électeurs potentiels). Nous avons, hors de tout contrôle, foulé nos anciennes richesses. Honte sur nous (et merci, Pomme, être indépendant, et imprégnée de bon sens).
@KatarzynaMelania 3 жыл бұрын
EGALITE is a significant word, but I do not feel like "egalite"😟 when I see this video is only for French speaking people....ENGLISH SUBTITLES PLEASE
@w.o_me 3 жыл бұрын
ENGLISH TRANSLATION 'On brûlera', or 'les oiseaux'... we do les oiseaux... I am Claire Pommet, I am 24 years old. Everybody told me since I was 3 years old, that I had a beautiful voice at school, they asked me to sing, etc. And I've been writing poems since I was a kid. I had a diary when I was 5 years old, in kindergarten.The first song I wrote was when I was 8 in 2004, and it was about my rabbit Poppies who had died. I had too too much emotion. I was sad all the time. I was melancholy all the time. I cried all the time. I never knew how to do anything but take those emotions and make something out of them. It was poetry, it was music. And then, the more I grew up, the more I wrote. I started the guitar at 13, all alone, between 13 and 17. It was four years of putting music at the center of my life without saying so much. In fact, I sent dozens of emails to concert halls, to tourers. And then I got an answer. And then I would play once. And then after that, I didn't play for four months, but that was enough for me at 15. So yeah, it was kind of a thing. I think there was a mixture of a little bit of naivety due to my age because 15-16 years old is young, a thing of saying to myself I have nothing to lose and also a thing of saying to myself anyway, the goal I want to reach, it is impossible to reach. So there's a part of my adolescence that didn't exist, like other adolescents, that is to say, the whole part of discovering the party, discovering sexuality, discovering other people, in fact I kind of made it to me, it's less interesting to me. It's less interesting for me than doing concerts. I can't explain it. Women all over the world have these kinds of dreams and tend towards this kind of thing or all of a sudden, that's like there's nothing that exists but... but this, this thing that I want to do, so. When I was 15, I did a duet with a Parisian artist. I spoke about it to Médiapart, where I was Pomme who was not me. I would say who was a character made up, fantasized by a man ten years older than me. When I was 15, I did a duet with a Parisian artist. I spoke about it to Médiapart, where I was Pomme who was not me. I would say who was a character made up, fantasized by a man ten years older than me. And in fact, at the same time, the person who has been the basic ground for everything that happened afterwards, is a woman called Anouk. She's an artist that I saw opening for Coeur de Pirate when I was 15 years old in Bourg-en-Bresse and that I contacted on Facebook like Hi, I really liked your concert and so, really, like the little 15 years old girl. She answered me and we started to have a kind of correspondence. She sent me her album, I sent my album and it turns out that it's thanks to her that I found my label. It's thanks to her that I found my tour manager and it's especially thanks to her that I felt good when I arrived in Paris. Because, in fact, after we became friends and she, she's like 15 years older than me but, she became my kind of referent. I got this person who is me, that is to say that Pomme is Claire Pommet. There is not much difference. I always think about creating in fact. Even when I'm reading a book, even when I'm chillin', I feel like I'm working all the time and I'm feeding something that could be used for my art all the time. Expect when I'm sleeping and still, still I use my... I use my nightmares and my dreams to write my music videos.
@w.o_me 3 жыл бұрын
I was not made aware right away of the issues of gender equality, issues of sexism and sexual and gender-based violence. Simply, I had a mother who never really waxed, who never dressed up, for anyone or anything. Just having had that counterexample, I went into life already with just a freedom to have my body. I started reading up on it quite late when I read Sorcières by Mona Chollet, 3 years ago. I read the whole bibliography, all the references that she wrote down. I read everything, to go back in time and look at everything we lived through from childhood to... well, up to the present, and to say to oneself, that was not normal, that was forbidden by law. That was like that, that was like that. There, I didn't get respect, etc. And that if you don't have access to this documentation and you don't have the chance to educate yourself, potentially, you're going to suffer this all your life without anyone telling you because it benefits the system. That women are penalized, are less well paid, are exploited, are violated, etc. In France, there are a lot of people who bristle when we talk about a system, when we talk about patriarchy, all these words, in fact, there are people who can't stand it because they say that these are isolated cases and they say that it's just people's problems and that people are bad, but that the system is very good. I'm lucky enough to go to Canada a lot and to live a bit in half between France and Quebec. There, I'm over there, there's no one harassing me in the street, there's no one whistling, no one insulting me, I don't feel threatened by men. I have a daily life there that is so sweet, and so simple in fact. And since that, I've been doing more and more research, discovering all the layers of issues, trying to make it as intersectional as possible my thinking about feminism and, as a result of having a platform on Instagram or on social media, there are 70 year olds who listen to me like 5 year olds. It's a chance to have access to this kind of palette... of humanity to learn and also try to pass on this kind of responsibility that I want to take. I can't take the place of someone who is experiencing racism, so I can just relay and be an ally to people who are fighting racism. But I can speak directly from my experience as a lesbian woman, when we talk about homophobia for example. And there are 55 year old men who write to me, who say well thank you because I didn't know what feminism was. It's like when people tell me you write songs about PMA, I don't write songs about PMA I write songs about my life and my life is to ask myself how I'm going to experience motherhood? Do I want to live it, do I not want to live it? Will I live it with another woman, will I live it alone? If I live it alone, is it legal? That's what people don't understand, that when you're a lesbian woman, just like when you're a disabled woman or a racialized woman, you're not an activist, when you're talking about these things, you're just trying to legitimize yourself as a human being. Activism, in most cases it's not a matter of deciding to piss off the world, it's a matter of deciding to have a place in society, in a society that's a little bit more evolved like Quebec, well it's just considered common sense. It's just considered as modernity, I would say. It's more than a fight, if you're militant, or if you're not militant, it's if you live with your time and if you consider all human beings or if you live in a system that does not consider all human beings. That's what is the question. - What do you think would be an important measure to implement at the Génération Égalité Forum? - There was this idea of a cell of a few people who are formed, for example, whether it's a person from an association or a lawyer who specializes in women's rights. In my label, they created this cell not long ago, after all the denunciations that there were in the music industry. I know that there are also associations that do a lot of work in schools, but to democratize this and make it compulsory, I think that's the basis. I'm pretty optimistic in life. - Thank you very much. - A pleasure.
@KatarzynaMelania 3 жыл бұрын
@@w.o_meWow I,m impressed😇👏👏 you translated all interview !! I have not read it yet but first I want to say Thank you, thank you so much.I did not expect anybody will do this🤩
@CTNMusique 3 жыл бұрын
or u could also learn french
@codedfinance1149 3 жыл бұрын
Le millieur legend, de tout
@sylviehertsens879 2 жыл бұрын
🤍talentueuse ♡♡♡
@soufkal845 2 жыл бұрын
j'adore pomme mais des qu'elle a dit moins bien payé ca m'a soulé dommage
@hansstrouf 2 жыл бұрын
je n'aime pas les fausses blondes
@axamistu 11 ай бұрын
Elle a juste une mèche hein
@chequespiriensansprovision8689 3 жыл бұрын
Le matin au reveil je joue mieux quelle, et en une seul note quoi
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