LIVE: Addressing the Crises Facing Public School Teachers

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Senator Bernie Sanders

Senator Bernie Sanders

20 күн бұрын

Overworked. Underpaid. Understaffed.
Stressed out and burned out.
The public school teachers and students of America deserve better.

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@youtubesucks1499 9 күн бұрын
There is no incentive to teach. The pay is crap, the parents are difficult to deal with, the students are out of control and there is no support from the administrators.
@xgx899 6 күн бұрын
A certain writer (A.P. Chekhov) has written "Fools like to teach, intelligent people like to study". This is not always true, but it certainly applies to the majority of the teachers I came across as a student.
@youtubesucks1499 6 күн бұрын
@@xgx899 Name ONE reason to teach?
@xgx899 6 күн бұрын
@@youtubesucks1499 When I was teaching, the only joy was to direct my graduate students to realize and exceed their full potential. But that was only possible by carefully selecting just a few of them. In large undergraduate classes with curriculum prescribed by committee, it was joyless mass production, complete with grade inflation, student evaluation forms, and deans pandering to students. For high-school teachers it is, probably, worse.
@youtubesucks1499 6 күн бұрын
@@xgx899 Yeah, I get you. Your students are drones. You did the best you could under a crappy system.
@xgx899 6 күн бұрын
@@youtubesucks1499 I did not say it. Humans are never drones.
@Why-gf2iw 9 күн бұрын
Students are not held responsible for their actions. Students cuss out teachers and return to class from speaking with administrators with a snack. Administrators will blame you for student behaviors and teachers are constantly gaslighted until you don’t care or quit.
@gailcoleman5595 6 күн бұрын
Yes, and they get to go around the School watering the plants!! Please make it make sense!!🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️
@Chulitatr Күн бұрын
@sawyerk641 17 сағат бұрын
​@@Chulitatr Like they said early on, it's in admin. We hire out more administrative positions, but not teachers. Additionally, once you've been in education for a little while (teacher here) you'll quickly realize that every five years or so, there's someone new who has the "solution," and that solution usually lines the pockets of million dollar companies. My personal least favourite right now is Edmentum, which is currently eating off the corpse of the vague "if you're grading for completion, you're grading for behavior, and you can't do that" idea that's been proliferated over the past two decades or so. It's the only thing I heard in teaching school, and it's pure shite.
@pennysoutar127 8 күн бұрын
Yup. I am burned out. Retiring early. Student behavior and excessive work load have damaged my mental and physical health. Turning it over to the younger generation.
@torixmc3957 4 күн бұрын
Don’t blame ya. You could always work online with online universities if you still want a career in education.
@Chulitatr Күн бұрын
@Chulitatr Күн бұрын
@torixmc3957 Күн бұрын
@@Chulitatr Pell grants, FAFSA, federal scholarships, public schools, lunch, SPED
@KJV_bibleteaching 13 сағат бұрын
I taught elementary for 7 yrs. I'm done with it.
@kevinkruger6233 10 күн бұрын
Bernie would have obliterated Trump on that debate stage last night.
@kevinkruger6233 2 күн бұрын
@MichaelLoutris Ya I know. The party is just running on all his ideas but doing it half ass. They don't even know how to articulate the good they are doing it seems. It's like they were given all the answers for a test they didn't study for. And they only kind of know the answers.
@AnneloesF 6 күн бұрын
As a teacher in The Netherlands, I am so shocked that teachers in the US have to pay for the educational materials in their class. That is very strange to me.
@YTuser874 3 күн бұрын
Yes ! It varies but typically teachers will pay for: books for students, pencils, paper, book shelves, rocking chair, rug that students gather on, bulletin board materials, posters, electric pencil sharpener, laminator, colored ink, classroom printer, crayons, glue, hand sanitizer, Kleenex, disinfectant spray/wipes, broom, hand sanitizer, paper towel, snacks. Schools are relying on parents to send their children to school at the beginning of the school year with materials … however in less fortunate areas students may not come prepared with supplies and the school may not provide these supplies! Teachers are then forced to purchase what is needed so that students are able to learn and complete basic assignments.
@AnneloesF 3 күн бұрын
@@YTuser874 That is very kind of teachers in these areas, but (from my cultural perspective) an absolute disgrace that the government (local, state or nation) does not provide these supplies instead, or give teachers a budget for it on top of their pay. Of the list above, here we would possibly pay for the rocking chair, because a nice desk chair is provided, so a rocking chair is nice but not necessary. All the rest I would 100% expect to be supplied by the school.
@stefs3460 2 күн бұрын
It's true I used to work at Walmart and the teachers would stock up on paper pencils ect because many parents couldn't and others wouldn't buy the kids the basic supplies but the school will not reimburse them. It is so bad even though I was poor too and had a bad job I felt sorry for the teachers!
@cliftonbowers6376 Күн бұрын
Most teachers make a hundred dollars least then I made part time in 1995 and 50 dollars less the I mad teaching in pay was 100 and 125 per half day ..😮sad but true also less Americans are college educated..
@LaffeeTaffeeGG Күн бұрын
It's not so much that schools make teachers buy their own materials, it's that the school flat out says "we can't afford to pay for notebooks/textbooks/pencils/etc" as if they expect the teacher to just function without it. Also in low income areas, parents either can't or won't buy their child materials. So when it comes to teachers having to buy materials for their own classes, it's borne more out of empathy and a desire to not have their classes suffer due to reasons that the child has no control over.
@onceuponanexploration6048 4 күн бұрын
Even if you don’t agree with Bernie, he is such a patriot. He is the only one who tries to speak about the actual concerns of the American people.
@wildeplaymusic 7 күн бұрын
Have the senators take over the classroom for a week. Then they will understand.
@Chulitatr Күн бұрын
@chrisingersoll6174 18 күн бұрын
Get ‘em Bernie
@megg.6651 7 күн бұрын
I'm sorry, but all the Board Certified teachers in the world won't stop a kid from bringing a gun to school or from kicking a security guard after a mob has beat that guard to the ground or from beating a teacher until she suffers a detached retina in her eye - all things I have seen in the school where I teach. We have disruptive students who have over 50 office referrals within the first half of the school year, yet still receive the same 1-day in-school suspension consequence and are returned into the classroom to keep disrupting the next day. This is a toxic environment that makes it impossible to teach or learn within. THIS is why teachers are leaving the profession.
@megg.6651 7 күн бұрын
It is true that many of our students come from dysfunctional and traumatic home lives, but it does not mean that we should allow these students to traumatize students & staff and to cause dysfunction in classrooms - which IS currently happening in the districts that have the most teacher turnover. WE ARE NO LONGER ALLOWED TO DISCIPLINE STUDENTS - that is the issue! Schools are UNSAFE because of this. I have been a teacher for 23 years in Title 1 schools. I saw a stark decline around 2010, halfway through my experience. Our students are not lacking resources - our students are lacking an orderly and safe environment and teachers' hands are tied in providing this.
@isaiahbaggett5014 10 күн бұрын
This is why I have been teaching abroad for the last 10 years and will continue to do so; excellent healthcare, school pays my rent and utilities, 2 flights home each year, 60 paid days off, affordable city life.
@rikubear6549 8 күн бұрын
Where do you teach? Whst do you teach?
@voicemuse1620 6 күн бұрын
Same. Moved 2 years ago.
@angelamossucco2190 4 күн бұрын
Please let me know which countries your recommend. I would deeply appreciate the direction that you can provide.
@Sowhay52 3 күн бұрын
Where do you teach?
@saranapa1 2 күн бұрын
Yes please tell us!
@user-jp7ep6hl2s 3 күн бұрын
Those school leaders arent even concerned about the children's reading levels, they're concerned about how they appear in the eyes of the public council. -A.
@kcm7134 7 күн бұрын
If the lack of discipline in schools is not addressed, this will not solve the problem. The reality is, no matter how much you raise salaries, people can still make as much or more in a career where they will NOT have to deal with out of control student behavior with no support or consequences from administration. I have colleagues leave over the past couple of years because of this problem.
@LaffeeTaffeeGG Күн бұрын
School discipline is a touchy issue because the problem at its roots stems from parenting or lack thereof. Parenting has been boiled down to exhausted and permissive parents who choose to let their child do whatever they want if it means they don't have to deal with the stress of actually raising them. You've probably heard of the so-called "i-pad kids" who are given a tablet the second they begin to make a fuss, because it's quicker and easier to shut the kid up with an i-pad than take the time to help them process and manage their emotions. It's an epidemic in American households, and that lack of social skills and emotional regulation doesn't magically cure itself when kids go to school. As a result, in order to keep parents happy and the money flowing, administrations forbid discipline of any kind in schools, force teachers to simply pass the students along to the next grade without actually being able to teach them anything, and the students have zero consequences for any of their actions. As the famous phrase goes: "teachers are afraid of administration, administration is afraid of parents, parents are afraid of kids, and kids aren't afraid of anything."
@mustbtrouble 15 сағат бұрын
But raising salaries will help a lot.
@kcm7134 13 сағат бұрын
@@mustbtrouble It will not help A LOT. People can still make more at jobs where they don’t have to deal with the other issues in schools. Teachers at my school have left education over the past two years. None of them left because of pay.
@mustbtrouble 13 сағат бұрын
@@kcm7134 ok then don’t raise wages. you’re right🤡
@lwad3128 16 күн бұрын
It's not the salary for me, it's the workload! I work 60+ hours per week as a special education teacher. It's affecting my health and no amount of money is worth that! I'm not sure how much longer I can do it. Before someone says that I get summers off, I only get two weeks off this summer.
@fredwelf8650 16 күн бұрын
Good point; how can you simplify your classroom tasks so that your after school work: grading papers, preparing lessons, calling parents can be shorter?
@lwad3128 16 күн бұрын
@fredwelf8650 You are correct; a lot of those things you mentioned take place after school hours, but writing IEPs is a huge portion of a special education teachers job. It usually takes place in the evenings and on weekends for most teachers. An IEP can take anywhere from 4 - 8 hours or more to write, and then you have to conduct the meeting and finalize everything. I'm not the only special education teacher with this complaint. The workload is not sustainable long-term. The only teachers that I know that aren't super stressed are the ones cutting corners.
@natachaCB Күн бұрын
I really can’t stand it when teachers like myself say, it’s not the money. Please stop saying that! It’s definitely the money with everything else!!! If teachers keep saying it’s not the money, they’ll never pay us what we’re worth. I can’t pay my mortgage!! Stop saying it’s not the money!!!! We spent four plus years in school just like any other profession. We should get paid accordingly if not more…we shape the people who become lawyers, doctors, senators and so forth. We deserve more pay so we can take care of our bills, mental health and our families. There’s no other profession dealing with other people’s children with multiple behaviors issues. Imagine that!! We have families just like everyone else. STOP SAYING IT’S NOT THE MONEY!!! It is plus more!! Annoyed!!
@lwad3128 Күн бұрын
@@natachaCB I'm sorry that you're annoyed, but be annoyed at the system not me... Take your anger out on them! AND who's to say that I am just like you? There are a lot of factors at play and not everyone is in the same situation and not everyone cares about the same things. I can only speak for myself and you speak for yourself. Of course money is a factor, almost everyone in this country deserves to make more money than they do right now, but it is definitely not MY number one reason for thinking about leaving the profession; it's not even my second reason... More like my third! Sadly, my teacher salary is the MOST money that I have ever made, so for ME... It is not about the money! At age 45, I changed careers to become a teacher in 2019. I have a bachelor's degree in business and went back to college to earn my master's in special education. The path that led me to become a special education teacher is surely different than yours. Money has never been a priority for me in my entire life and not because I was born into money or anything like that, but because I value other things besides money like being a mother and my time. Time equals freedom to me, but money makes me feel like a slave to the system. I have got a taste of having more money with my current teaching job and if I have to work 60 hours a week at this stress level, I don't want it! AND no, I am not married; I do not have a husband to fall back on. I am just good at handling my money and do not live beyond me means. Not to say that you aren't, but everyone's situation is different. So, I'll speak my truth and you can speak to yours! Good luck!!!
@natachaCB Күн бұрын
@@lwad3128 I understand your point base on your truth. My mindset about this is anyone who pays to get a college education should be able to pay for their basic needs. In my opinion, it is fundamentally wrong to not pay people for what they’re worth. For example, I have been teacher of the year twice. I am given the most difficult students every single year . With God’s help, I am able to produce amazing results. It isn’t right to applaud my performance and yet not compensate it. Yes, I love my students, but I also would like to be able to take care of my own family becauseI love them too . Both can be true! We live in a society that demands money the minute you step out of bed. It is the reality. Mind you, I’m not even speaking on the extra 15 or so hours due to massive stress and workload. I’m not asking to move heaven and earth, just give me what I’m worth and value what I do. I’m not only annoyed when teachers say they don’t do it for the money, but also at the system. It’s equal annoyance! And I truly live within my means and it’s still hard because you can only stretch the dollar so much.
@zakia514 5 күн бұрын
Mr. Pondiscio’s statement, “Universities are more concerned with professional disposition and theory rather than preparing teachers for the classroom,” summed up my thoughts exactly during my first years of teaching. I thought to myself, not one paper I wrote, prepared me for this class. I speak the truth, had it not been for this one college professor that actually brought hands on curriculum into the classroom I would not have learned how to work with certain assessments. In addition, I leaned on my skills, growing up as an inner city child, how to support my inner city students when it pertained to their social and emotional development. I wish colleges would focus more on what is going on in the classroom and preparing teachers for that rather than theory. I appreciate history however I would rather focus on what needs to be done in the classroom because teachers have now become counselors, social workers, and in many cases parents to our students. I really appreciate someone pointing that out.
@jblank1862 7 күн бұрын
Nice to hear a politician fight for educators!!!! Bush's goal before he left office was to aide in privatizing education with "No child left behind". My mother is a retired teacher. I am a teacher! She is the first educator I heard speak on the ills of "no child left behind". They know that those who can afford alternative forms of learning will. They know exactly what kids will be educated publicly. Calculated. Title 1 educator and PROUD. Go GIT EM' Bernie!!!!!!❤🎉
@A3Kr0n 18 күн бұрын
We're engaged in a scorched Earth policy regarding children of the future.
@Abraham-SolomonZoeAdeyem-zw3go 9 күн бұрын
Kaaaaa.....Meeeeee.......Haaaaa........Me........ Alright..... I'll behave.....
@ijvo1951 18 күн бұрын
An Educated Populace is a Country's greatest resource. America is falling behind. Look at the Adults out there.
@mfv2024 18 күн бұрын
The argument that children aren't learning has been made for decades. Pay teachers a living wage and give them support for those students that have learning challenges. Where is the study to show how the effects of the use of phones, tablets and other screens on a child's attention span? Why continually blame teachers when the conditions under which they work has so drastically deteriorated? I retired after teaching for 20 years and would not become an educator under today's present conditions.
@LochNessax3 4 күн бұрын
I just finished my first year of teaching in the US and I'm done. Compared to where I taught previously (China, South Korea), teaching in the US is a nightmare. Teaching here has nothing to do with education or academics, but managing student behavior.. Still, the parents were the worst of it. I had a parent screaming in my face in the first month, because I informed them that day we did not have a conference scheduled and they would need to schedule it with me. That same parent even followed me to my car after I'd come back from a sick break, because the class had missed 1 assembly. Nothing like that ever happened when I taught abroad. Abroad, teachers are respected. I even had FREE HOUSING in China and South Korea. In the US, I can't even afford rent. In South Korea, I had a pension from my first day. In Hawai'i, my school gave me a paper my first day saying they pay 0% into my 401k for the first 10 years I work for them. The way teachers are treated in the US, by the DOE, staff, parents, and students is an embarrassment.
@theutubelords3956 8 күн бұрын
One of the problems is that school districts throw way too much money at the top of the organizational chart
@mustbtrouble 15 сағат бұрын
Never heard this criticism.
@emic621 10 күн бұрын
Thank you for your service Senator Sanders 🙏🏼♥️
@laurakelly631 13 күн бұрын
Thank God for Bernie Sanders! We need more like him. Excellent presentations by these educators.
@cj5848 9 күн бұрын
The two biggest problems facing education today are ineffective curriculum which do not teach students fundamental skills and ineffective discipline policies.
@ijvo1951 18 күн бұрын
Boy, America really needs an Better Education.
@ianturpin9180 18 күн бұрын
Your post proves the point... It should be.... "A" better education.
@ijvo1951 18 күн бұрын
@@ianturpin9180 "a" 🤭
@ryanb9304 10 күн бұрын
Truth!!! America wants so desperately to be a 3rd world country it's pathetic....🙄🙄🙄🙄
@sunshineand 4 күн бұрын
​@@ianturpin9180lol you assume that the erson is from the U.S.
@ms.nfrmed 7 күн бұрын
Federal minimum 👏 Inact laws to punish kids who are violent in classroom. Principals are letting these kids get away with too much. Teachers are becoming babysitters . Ban cell phones in classrooms.
@angelamossucco2190 4 күн бұрын
@lindablackwell4852 18 күн бұрын
Thank you Bernie we definitely need more teachers and should get trained and paid more. Go public schools!🔥💚💙👍👍🏻👍🏽👍🏿
@missmg 18 күн бұрын
Thank you, Bernie 💗 You're one of a kind. As a daughter of a teacher/principal, I've always asserted that teachers are our second parents, we owe them so much yet, like you said, they're incredibly underappreciated, from the government all the way down. Keep fighting for us 💪
@AL-xv5kr 5 күн бұрын
No PHONES in school
@ciara6359 18 күн бұрын
Teachers should make no less than 100,000 per year. Their value should be reflected in their pay. It would also make the field more competitive, drawing in high quality educators.
@Minimmalmythicist 14 күн бұрын
the issue in the US is that teaching is not a high status job, I have no doubt a pay increase would be good, but the biggest issue is that too many people don´t give teacher´s the respect they deserve. It´s not just pay, it´s that they are increasingly very micromanaged, many parents don´t have any respect for how difficult the job is and how hard it can be to control a room of teenagers. There´s also much less of a culture of accountability than there was, teachers increasingly get blamed for behaviour problems in school. Now sometimes the teacher could have handled it better, but it should always be on the kids to behave. We´ve lost that now.
@ciara6359 14 күн бұрын
@@Minimmalmythicist Increasing their pay recognizes the level of respect that should be demanded by the position. That's part of why it should be raised...
@Minimmalmythicist 14 күн бұрын
@@ciara6359 I agree with that
@Minimmalmythicist 14 күн бұрын
@@ciara6359 The point I´m making in addition though is there is a persistent culture of disrespect and increasing the salary alone won´t stop it.
@useridcn 10 күн бұрын
The problem is their value is not measurable. Unless you want to use student achievements to define their values - which will tell how bad of the teachers they are, so probably not.
@themanwnoname3454 18 күн бұрын
I weep tears of joy I am not a teacher in the USA. Was totally my dream as a child too.
@Herewegrowclassroom 8 күн бұрын
Thank you, Senator Sanders!!! Our children deserve it!
@RussoDigital 17 күн бұрын
Brilliant work Senator Sanders. Inspirational.
@nanceenhoskins1128 8 күн бұрын
Well, Mr. Pondoscio, I agree about the many hats. I didn't go to school to pack wounds, be a counselor, or even a SWAT member, but yet, as a teacher, I have to train every year on things that are not in my career plan. Plus, how well can I actually pack a gunshot wound or put on a tourniquet after watching a 1-hour video? And if I get something wrong, I can face charges?
@user-ct9xz2gf6x 16 күн бұрын
I’ve noticed Sen. Cassidy fusses about Bernie having chaired the hearings he has so far and now Sen. Cassidy is fussing about Bernie not having this hearing sooner. I myself appreciate all the work Bernie does and every hearing he has chaired has been important.
@kkmomma09 2 күн бұрын
Former teacher here. Quit after 3 years. No way would I ever go back.
@truthisland56 11 күн бұрын
Didn't get through the whole video but I'm going to imagine that student behavior was probably not addressed at all as one of the reasons that teachers leave the profession. Don't get me wrong the increase in pay and reduction in the workload is a huge plus but the teacher shortage won't be fully fixed until the elephant in the room is addressed.
@lenatran2471 18 күн бұрын
You are the role model we all need but other politicians don't want!❤
@gailcoleman5595 6 күн бұрын
I Retired in December of 2021 after 28 years of Teaching!! I still have PTSD from my experience!!! 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️
@feedthebirdies 10 күн бұрын
Senator, thank you for conducting this hearing. I was a public high school teacher in Texas for 20 years, and at the end of the twentieth year, I was laid off and told they did not have enough kids enrolled in my CTE classes. As a veteran teacher, Texas Education Agency requires the district reassign or change campuses for the teacher and also allow time for processing the resignation (I was told to have it ready the next day). They refused ADA (ADHD) accommodations I asked for, denied my daughter a free and public education, I only had 3.5 years left to retire, and lost my income (which was pretty decent), and insurance for my daughter and I. I’m good at what I do, I love the kids, I continued to learn daily with my kids and on my own, opened a school store with the kids, and secured a leadership scholarship for my kids, all in one year in a new district that became my last district. I lost autonomy but did not lose my integrity. I’m saddened at the lack of respect for teachers as experts in their field; the reason we were hired was due to our expertise. Class sizes are way too large, and classroom management is difficult with no support. I’m writing a memoir exposing many illegal and unethical practices I witnessed and was a victim of in the 20 years I showed up for my kids. Please follow me @notalkingbook on Instagram. I hope to have a publishing contract by the end of summer. Birdie C
@mfv2024 18 күн бұрын
Strong unions are needed. No working conditions were improved by begging on a doorstep.
@youtubesucks1499 9 күн бұрын
Teachers have a union.
@megsley 5 күн бұрын
teachers unions ARE the problem, you nitwit. or did you not listen??
@kellybockholt5641 6 күн бұрын
Thank you Bernie! I have been teaching in Florida for 24 years. My salary has not kept pace with inflation. I also have to work for Instacart and Uber Eats to make ends meet. Sen. Cassidy- teachers do NOT have hidden agendas in our classroom.
@youtubesucks1499 4 күн бұрын
@@kellybockholt5641 You absolutely do. LGBTQP and Critical Race Theroy
@sophiavega1777 3 күн бұрын
Its not the pay..we are overworked, admin and more and more out side classroom positions are getting funded with little results, while teachers are drowning in the classroom. Admin should be evaluated by all staff members not by someone from the district that visits the school twice a year if that. I will retire earlier than anticipated, my mental health is more important.
@SalimMaroun-fb5rd 18 күн бұрын
❤❤thanks mr. Bernie, On the great people in front of them thanks again for you all
@ahopeandafuture 14 сағат бұрын
Thank you, Senator Bernie Sanders, for covering this topic and giving attention to this massive undertaking an overhaul that is necessary in the education system.
@aliciahughley7508 9 күн бұрын
Thank you for speaking up for us, Senator Sanders.
@taylornewman9561 17 күн бұрын
That second senator totally misses the point. We do need to course correct as a country, but good luck doing that when the average teacher is going to college so that they can make half of what they could make elsewhere. Stop saying that throwing money at the problem won’t solve anything when you turn around and fund billions into national security and the military.
@Minimmalmythicist 14 күн бұрын
I think the problem with funding is more how the US has a weirdly localised funding system for schools, compared to other first world countries. Public schools in fairly wealthy towns are often really well equipped, but in poorer neighbourhoods, they´re really struggling. It´s also that the US has lots of really counterproductive policies, i,e No Child left behind means schools get financial penalties for poor results, and in a poor area it´s obviously much harder to get good results than in a wealthy, stable one.
@katherinesogolow4683 18 күн бұрын
One reason teachers leave is that classes are extremely overcrowded. I.E. : some teachers have over 150 students a DAY- often 35-40 students in classes- usually the arts and sports. In classes these large it is nearly impossible to give each student the individual attention they need. Also, teachers burn out with classes this size.
@user-bm7uu5mm5n 18 күн бұрын
Try 180 for middle school math 😅
@docsmith9915 7 күн бұрын
I had 150 for my chemistry classes.
@dreamway9 16 күн бұрын
Big surprise that Louisianna doesn't want to 'throw more money' at the problem. What are they.... 42nd in the nation for education? Has it gone down further?
@lorettadavis6944 13 күн бұрын
😂😂😂😂 ignorance has no limits.
@Bourneinlight 17 күн бұрын
Lord protect Bernie Sanders.
@xgx899 6 күн бұрын
Lord protect US from Bernie Sanders...
@tylerhackner9731 18 күн бұрын
Thank you Bernie
@user-xm9rs9eu1h 2 күн бұрын
Mr Pondiscio, said it perfectly: " .... why do good teachers leave primarily it's not the pay student behavior is out of control creating intolerable classroom conditions ..." Thank you Mr Pondiscio for each one of your words regarding this issue!
@aimeeadelfio2556 8 күн бұрын
@docsmith9915 18 күн бұрын
How dare any senator say they are spending too much!!! Spending has NEVER caught up with the actual needs of schools! I keep buying materials for my students so don’t tell me funding is adequate.
@CyberCheese392 18 күн бұрын
Did you actually watch the video
@fredwelf8650 16 күн бұрын
The motif of inadequate funding was pervasive throughout the hearing: teachers are often underpaid, the work conditions are often poor, and the available resources are often minimal. If anything was lacking in the hearing it was the connection between teacher certification processes, including college debt, and the classroom.
@marcmeinzer8859 8 күн бұрын
The lower half of your students who are uneducable don’t need “materials”, they need jobs as trades apprentices. And to no longer have over-schooling inflicted upon them.
@docsmith9915 7 күн бұрын
@@marcmeinzer8859 Unfortunately, No Child Left Behind has been misinterpreted and it has meant that you can’t fail a child. Meanwhile, you still have parents that believe if the kid eeks out a passing grade, then they are college material and you aren’t allowed to have real conversations about what the child can be better at.
@marcmeinzer8859 7 күн бұрын
@@docsmith9915 I taught for 8 years and have nothing but contempt for middle class douchebags who tell their kids if they don’t go to college they’ll be unemployable. So the kids go to open admissions state universities and flunk out within two quarters. Then instead of enlisting to get trained as air traffic controllers or nuclear reactor operators they get jobs as city service department workers either collecting trash or filling potholes working in neighborhoods where they couldn’t possibly afford to buy a house.
@selamawitabrham4805 Күн бұрын
Ms Neily, thank you for speaking what parents like me would say if we get a chance to speak up
@alishatownsend8937 2 күн бұрын
Thank you sir. Myself and every teacher I know has at least two sources of income.
@karmag4244 2 күн бұрын
Texas is not even trying to help the case. I have a Bachelor’s & Master’s but not in teaching. I want to be a teacher. They offer zero training for people like me who wants to change careers.
@BenGalaz-go5gc 18 күн бұрын,love,,🌲🕊🙏🏹🌬🌹💖
@themanwnoname3454 18 күн бұрын
There is no God. Human beings might love Bernie.
@jenniferhellenbrand7059 3 күн бұрын
Thank YOU!
@gkier88 18 күн бұрын
It amazes me how unhinged the last witness was. We're in more trouble than i thought if she's representative of your average concerned parent in America.
@dreamway9 16 күн бұрын
She has a real entitlement thing going on
@fredwelf8650 16 күн бұрын
She is terse and fast-talking but her main point that administrator’s priorities are indicated by how they budget, not by what they say in policy documents or school codes.
@CatCaretakerID 15 күн бұрын
She was extremely nervous, watch her body language and the back of her chair, but she was intelligent, very informed on the subject matter, and advocating hard for something she believes in whole-hardly. I think she should have paused and taken a deep breath once or twice to slow herself down, but otherwise I applaud her courage. Speaking in front of Congressional leaders is not easy. Could any of you done better?
@gkier88 15 күн бұрын
​@@CatCaretakerIDI had to rewatch her speech to make sure we were even talking about the same person. Are you talking about Ms. Neily, the mother who thinks teaching social acceptance is why students' grades are in decline? Yes, she used statistics in her argument, but never drew a connection between them and her conclusion. You should have realized how unserious she is by the time she mentioned "woke kindergarten."
@Minimmalmythicist 14 күн бұрын
Unfortunately, entitled unhinged people are not rare.
@martagarcia206 16 күн бұрын
Teacher Arthur, you aré so right....and I am sure you are an excellent teacher. Thank you very much for your words so wise and warm
@RachaelLeeThornton Күн бұрын
My second comment is that cell phone use in a classroom should be a top-level offense.
@shan6736 8 күн бұрын
Nationally, house prices have doubled (doubled) in the past four years. This makes it impossible for many teachers to buy a house. And renting requires a roommate. Housing is a basic need. Many students have better housing than their teachers. Let's get this wage thing fixed. Also, I've been teaching twenty years, but cannot afford the transition licensing programs. In my state, the programs continue to add classes, and cost upward of 15k. I already have a large portion of my bachelor degree loan left. It would be irresponsible to take more debt, especially knowing that my wage would not be enough to pay it off in a timely manner. Yes, let's see what can be done to get states behind a "grow your own" program. I'm extremely dedicated to my students, but need my country to be behind me and all other dedicated teachers in America.
@prof.jezebel 14 күн бұрын
In US, school funding comes from local taxes, meaning lowest funding in poorest neighbourhoods. In Canada, every student is funded equally from larger tax base. Teacher unions are strong and teachers can make $100,000/year. I had to earn two degrees to be certified for high school teaching (BA and B.Ed) and now teach university (have Masters and a PhD). We still have issues with under-funding, more challenging work conditions and classroom over-crowding, etc. (complex reasons) but much less than the States. We also don't have the same safety issues as have gun control.But have same issues with being required to play more roles with high rates of behaviour issues, learning disabilities, ADHD, mental health issues, ESL, etc. and need more support from administration in holding students accountable for their work/behaviour. As for reading levels, screen culture is working strenuously against this no matter the teaching.
@Adansinamo077 Күн бұрын
Yup, basically describing my life at the beginning there on point!
@marjoriejohnson3147 18 күн бұрын
Thank you Bernie!!!!!!!!!!!!!❤
@chemlectures7777 13 күн бұрын
Sen Cassidy provided a graph that shows spending relative to learning outcomes in math and reading. He commented that recently (since 2013) spending has gone up but outcomes have gone down. Thing is you don’t buy better outcomes, you invest in building a structure that then has to grow them. In the five years before 2013 Sen Cassidy’s graph on spending seems entirely flat. As many speakers mentioned, the turnover for educators is about five years. That dip Sen Cassidy is objecting to isn’t a consequence of spending in the same year, it’s a result of differing incentives and maintenance for five years prior to it. The loss of the best teachers and institutional memory because of that deferred investment likely had impact. And about five years after spending went up, things may have started improving (according to that graph)-but it takes longer to turn a curve up than down. And COVID hitting about that time had a cost also.
@AtsircEcarg 6 күн бұрын
Yes! There is no teacher shortage in this country. We have highly qualified teachers that have left the feild. It is a shortage of pay, support, supplies, respect and being treated as a professional. Most teachers have multiple jobs or a spouse who can support their family because we can’t do it on a teachers salary. At some point we put our own families first and get a job that pays better and is less stress & less hours.
@darkchocolategirl51 14 сағат бұрын
I sure hope that early education educators that work in the centers are acknowledged. The whole system needs to be overall. Is the bill covering thosw on day care. They are almost always overlooked.
@AL-xv5kr 5 күн бұрын
When you have 20 plus kids in each classroom how can a teacher provide quality education.
@jimbrauer1711 18 күн бұрын
One year, 25 Afghan Refugee (elementary) children, walked into the school I was in...and couldn't speak any English.
@wyliem 12 күн бұрын
Teachers need students that don’t do drugs
@Erin____ 3 күн бұрын
It’s bittersweet to listen to Senator Sanders speak. I can’t help but think about where we would be if he had been in the Oval Office.
@Elliejoyless 2 күн бұрын
Omg his voice relaxes me so much. But im scared for this country.
@jackie_twirlsmarashlian6947 14 сағат бұрын
yep, that was me years ago driving lyft on the weekends to keep up! Unbelievable
@johnnyboyvan 2 күн бұрын
Well discussed, Senator. 34 trillion in debt and counting. Pay teachers is a fair manner.
@suzettehopkins5734 10 күн бұрын
Support staff and bus drivers need more pay. You have parents who can't control their kids while driving 3 yet we expect bus drivers to drive safely and manage behaviors at the same time. Behavior is the biggest reason teachers are quitting, though. (and the abuse from certain parents)
@user-ri8gz2yr3s 18 күн бұрын
EDUCATION needs to be the priority for all of the States in America! Stop letting the children of the USA down! The USA is failing the next generations ! Wages must be a living wage with full benifits!! NEED TO HAVE A TEACHERS UNION.
@SM-or7te 7 күн бұрын
Dr. Kirwins' plan for Maryland sounds like a great start! Basic funding and treating the teachers well causes the students to be treated well as a result! It leads to the highest level of agreement among the greatest # of people! Ms. Neily makes far too much money to run interference that wastes time and talks fast for "scary" Trump talking points... she creates a false divide that is not there, then calls it "real" problems.
@billybob-tl2tb 8 сағат бұрын
Mr. Arthur hit it on the nail.
@murphyslaw942 18 күн бұрын
I remember when the towers fell in 5th grade and watched an already small budget school get ripped out. Not only did the quality of education go down as class sizes increase. So does their ability to deal with my special needs brothers. Simply sending them home if they smacked their heads in frustration I absolutely feel for every American put through it and working for it. But I don't think this country has taken education seriously in decades.
@fredwelf8650 16 күн бұрын
The US has a virulent anti-education mentality reflected in the basic divide of one-third of adults with the BA and two-thirds without. But, everyone recognizes the importance of getting at least the high school diploma - no one rejects this! So there’s a baseline of values. The critical issue is ‘results’ of education. Too many schools do not produce results for most students. Consider the addiction to sports by most schools; what are students doing? Learning or playing games?
@methos22002 6 күн бұрын
I like how the third guy spent the whole time saying compensation won't fix this. It was one of his talking points. Then he ends by saying good teachers of course deserve compensation....
@mikeradloff4065 2 күн бұрын
You are at the mercy of the wealth of the community you live in, and your treatment by students will reflect what their parents value
@aimeeadelfio2556 8 күн бұрын
Thank you for fighting for us Bernie. We need to get private interests (testing, EdTech, boxed curriculum) out of public schools. Spend that money on increasing salaries (especially for support staff) and hiring more teachers and support. We need help and we know how to do our jobs. We need to DIVEST from the education business machine.
@billybob-tl2tb 8 сағат бұрын
Good closure Sentaor Sanders
@SchoolIsIn 15 күн бұрын
Wow, Bernie, this really casts a light on what our organization has been sharing with the Atlanta community. Mr. Keyes gives us an example of ONE pathway many teachers take to ensure they use their talents for the good of students. When they get there, teachers then pay out of pocket costs for educational and organizational items INCLUDING food and personal hygiene items. All while needing to have a partner, like Mr. Arthur, who can provide a salary with a living wage. Senator Cassidy, your data is correct, but I'm not sure if the data analysis is. Just because we spent more with lower outcomes doesn't mean that the money was ill spent OR that teachers have any control of what the money is spent on; those decisions are made by districts and local principals. I would love to see the emerging evidence around phone use, inside AND outside of the school house and how it changes brain pathways and social standing. Let's keep this conversation going!
@taylornewman9561 17 күн бұрын
Thank goodness that most parents aren’t like that lady. She is part of why people want to leave the profession when they are accused of all the fake culture war lies she is pushing. Teachers want your kid to learn, so get out of your own way, lady.
@kcm7134 7 күн бұрын
Teachers aren’t leaving because of “fake culture war lies”. It’s pay and lack of discipline.
@xgx899 6 күн бұрын
Teachers want our kids to be indoctrinated.
@CaveatDraco 9 күн бұрын
"School Choice" is just a code-word for funneling taxpayer dollars into private schools who do NOT have to take children with disabilities, etc, as they are not required to accommodate them and they can discriminate along other grounds, such as religious grounds. The equivalent is. "I don't like public parks, so can you subsidize me going to a country club?" But, in general, our teachers are overworked, screamed at for things they don't do (CRT, because that's law school level shit) and oh no, a rainbow flag so the marginalized and often demonized LGBTQ community feels safer and more at home. The refusal to teach actual history, like, black wall street, the fact that it was burned down. If it makes you uncomfortable, good. It should. It's a difficult topic, and middle schoolers/high schoolers should be taught that, the trail of tears, the holocaust. In the end, our teachers are just not treated well, nor paid well. Large class sizes, lack of school supply resources, low pay.
@cj5848 9 күн бұрын
Are you a teacher?
@soundmind1705 18 күн бұрын
If you keep forgetting about the suffering of already retired teachers, then that also deters teachers from staying in education, because they see what their predecessors are going through, and what awaits them.
@fredwelf8650 16 күн бұрын
Can you elaborate on the ‘suffering of retired teachers?’
@soundmind1705 16 күн бұрын
@@fredwelf8650 they are forced into abject poverty, from a once lower middle class existence, to struggling to afford the most basic needs on a severely low pension in retirement, after devoting their lives to educating the nation's youth, you would think they at least earned a comfortable existence when they retire.
@fredwelf8650 15 күн бұрын
@@soundmind1705 I am a retired teacher with a pension, social security and an annuity from savings over the years. I am not in poverty. I am skeptical of your claim although I recognize that many states pay teachers peanuts. This was a main theme in the hearing. But, abject poverty? That seems like a leap.
@soundmind1705 14 күн бұрын
@@fredwelf8650 Texas doesn't allow retired teachers to collect social security. They refer to this as "double dipping". Pensions here are very low. Please refrain from dismissing another person's experience simply because it's not your experience, and be thankful you are blessed to have retired from a state that values their teachers.
@MW-greatteacher10 2 күн бұрын
I love teaching students who want to learn. You can pay me $1 million a year but if you dont make the schools a proper and SAFE workplace for me I will NOT return to the classroom. Its all about discipline, discipline discipline! Work environment and workload is archaic and dismal. Lots of educrats making high salaries while the real workers (classroom teachers) are marginalized, pigeonholed and demonized. The public schools in my district are nothing more than pipelines to prisons. I do not feel SAFE, supported or respected.
@marioguelbenzu2348 13 күн бұрын
I quit eight years ago with a T6 teacher certification after six years. It was and still is not teaching but data entry and damage control. A horror
@saranapa1 2 күн бұрын
I super appreciate hearing this. However, historically nothing will actually be done. Politicians have been saying this for decades unless these politicians put their money where their mouth is and make a real overhaul. It’s all for nothing.
@easiersaidwithmeg 3 күн бұрын
I’m a 31 year old ex teacher I started at 27 and quit before I turned 30 I thought I was going to go to a early grave I was so stressed
@LaffeeTaffeeGG Күн бұрын
I can't imagine anything changing. As it is now, administration and students are making it impossible for teachers to do their jobs. Children don't want to learn, and administration prohibits teachers from failing students because it wants to push as many students through the system as possible whether or not the students have learned anything. We're currently heading into a system that pushes quality and experienced teachers out so that they can hire young inexperienced teachers which they can pay bare minimum and receive no push-back from.
@jenniferlsanta 7 күн бұрын
Take a look at NC teacher pay! They don't pay for master's degrees and there is a pay freeze from 15-25 years of service. Make that make sense!
@Sad_bumper_sticker. 2 сағат бұрын
Dearly wish Bernie Sanders could run for President 😢
@alvesarooni6524 5 күн бұрын
Our society as a whole does not seem to prioritize learning, especially when you can make a living without the need for education (social media and internet). There needs to be a change in what we teach and how we teach. Accountability all around is also lacking. Throwing money, while helpful, will not change the day to day environment. It will only theoretically decrease stress. But where will this money come from? In the past, other areas suffer because that money goes to payroll.
@tonyiaruddock7311 Күн бұрын
It is a shame. Teachers work before work, at work and after work. They are under paid and can't make it through the summer without making ends meet with a summer job. Teachers are respected and disrespected. Nurses, social workers, psychologist, TA(paras), lunchroom staff, all underpaid.
@ms.keeton2884 16 күн бұрын
Vote BLUE for pro union politicians!
@xgx899 6 күн бұрын
Vote RED to defend our way of life from Bernie and his socialists!
@fishercourt Күн бұрын
The teacher compensation for the amount of schooling that is required to become a certified teacher is similar to lawyers and doctors, but they are not paid enough. The guy who said that paying teachers more will not help is not a teacher right now, and he didn’t even have a real college in education major to be able to say they don’t prepare teachers properly. If a teacher has to be on financial assistance from the same government that governs their paychecks is so literally crazy.
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