Looking at Radioactive Paint with a Geiger Counter!

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Air Zoo

Air Zoo

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The Air Zoo is a world-class, Smithsonian-affiliated aerospace and science museum, in Kalamazoo, Michigan, with over 100 air and space artifacts, inspiring interactive exhibits, full-motion flight simulators, indoor amusement park rides, a theater and over 100 education programs!

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@Beaumont6 Жыл бұрын
The radium is not giving off enough radiation to cause any harm. It's perfectly safe to sit in the cockpit for a while
@TheAnnoyingBoss Жыл бұрын
I mean, by a while you mean a short period 😂 the problem is that radium gives off a ton of alpha beta and gamma radiation compared to like, uranium glass. Which gives off very little alpha and beta in small amounts. Beta being the worst in uranium. And radium has way more alpha and beta radiation than uranium glass. Not even including the worst, gamma. A dozen radium wrist watch hands will be significantly, greatly, lots more radioactive in alpha and beta radiation than even a large amount of uranium glass. And they made uranium glass out of legit yellowcake brah. my mom got a whole cabinet full of uranium glass but most of the alpha radiation doesn't make it out of the uranium glass and the rest doesn't make it out of the cabinet. The beta particles only travel a few inches even with no objects blocking it, max. The problem with radium is it gives off a metric crap load more alpha, beta, and the worst, gamma. 5 sheets of paper will stop all the alpha particles coming off of radium, beta is harder to stop but doesn't travel far at least, but the gamma radiation can go through lead if it's not thick enough. Yeah you'll probably not have problems sitting in the cockpit for a little while but man, the guys doing 5 hours of training once a week in these older jets were sure getting way way way too much exposure to alpha beta and gamma radiation for sure. A cabinets full of uranium glass with each piece giving off 10-200 miliseverts is nothing compared to 20 old wristwatch hands giving off 80,000+ and also gamma rays 😫. Who cares if it has 80,000 alpha if I'd blocked by sunscreen, but It's the gamma that is the issue my man. It sucks esspecially so I mean bro let's not pretend it's safe to sit in the cockpit. You wont die if you don't hang around but it's not healthy by any means 😂 radiated cockpit my guy. Less gamma tearing your DNA apart the better. And that's after years and years of decay. They used to give off even more radiation and it's still too much to really let people hang around the radium dials any longer than they need to get a good look on this old jet 😂 luckily the more you stand back the less exposure you get. I mean come on brotha, it's not that safe haha. I'll stand by a whole display case full of uranium glass with no worry every day of the week my whole life, but 5 radium wristwatch hands gives off enough of all 3 forms of radiation in large enough amounts that I'm tappin out dog 😂 I'll check out the radium dials in small amounts once if I get the chance but I'm not hanging around. I'm too young to risk it. If I was 40 and didn't get cancer until 80 then I could live with cancer and die of old age with cancer. If I go hanging around radium dials it's going to give me years and years worth of the radiation uranium glass is giving me in a way way very short period of time 😂 I'll die of cancer by the time I'm 50 or 60. No thanks from me brother haha. Maybe I'll hang around some radium when I'm not 23 and worried about making sure my testicles keep working for a while longer
@kim98677 Жыл бұрын
@@TheAnnoyingBoss bro you REALLY gotta work on your writing. "Radium is actually fairly dangerous compared to other alternatives such as uranium glass since it gives off many times more alpha and beta radiation but more importantly gamma which penetrates most surfaces. Short exposure isn't too bad but as a pilot the cumulative exposure can definitely affect your health." See? A lot more concise and readable. Other option for your bible is that you're spun as fuck, in which case, godspeed! 🤣
@moshunit96 Жыл бұрын
@@TheAnnoyingBoss always funny watching someone try to pretend like they know what they are talking about. Thanks for being that person.
@pottyputter05 Жыл бұрын
Didn't they use tritium by then
@pottyputter05 Жыл бұрын
@@TheAnnoyingBoss so it seems you've a vast misunderstanding regarding this subject. The primary danger of radium was actually the alpha particles. You might think that's the least worrying type but infact when inhaled or ingested it is extremely damaging. So generally the painting process was the issue but the dials in the cockpit are shielded when this is used. The amount of radiation taken in given exposure is actually less than the radiation you and this theoretical pilot are exposed to simply by flying at a causing altitude. Time of exposure is the real indicator for risks here.
@alcalyne5388 Жыл бұрын
Radioactivity is still low, don't go saying that this is why people can't be in the mig 15 cockpit... People can't be in the cockpit because it's a museum piece
@hoosierhell7456 Жыл бұрын
No, I guarantee it’s because they don’t want to get sued by anyone
@alcalyne5388 Жыл бұрын
@@hoosierhell7456 Who would sue who ???
@hoosierhell7456 Жыл бұрын
@@alcalyne5388 If the museum knowingly let people get into the cockpit, even if it’s just an overall low dose of radiation, I am 100% sure that someone would try suing.
@madmax2069 Жыл бұрын
@rookie693 Жыл бұрын
@@hoosierhell7456 well no. If they do let people get in. The museum would need to setup waivers of sorts as too insure people don't damage it somehow and walk away
@mr3rightside47 Жыл бұрын
These pilots endured more radiation flying at high altitudes than the radium paint is giving off.
@kishascape Жыл бұрын
Right? This stuff and tritium has been used in all sorts of things including watches for decades.
@jakeesayian2687 Жыл бұрын
Radium used to be used on everything that was glow in the dark. For example, watches and clocks
@Wub892 Жыл бұрын
Smoke detectors have it. I can't remember what the back of mine said to be specific.
@TheAnnoyingBoss Жыл бұрын
@@Wub892 smoke detectors have americium in very very small amounts and americium doesn't give off gamma rays. Only alpha particles and small amounts of beta particles. Just like small amounts of uranium. So it's much safer. Americium inside a little metal box in your smoke detector is basically harmless unless you're busting it open and eating the americium or sleeping with your smoke detector as your pillow. All the americium alpha radiation particles are blocked by the little metal box inside the smoke detector. The beta radiation particles can't be stopped by thin materials as easy as alpha particles but beta can only travel about two inches away from the decay source before it peters out and dissapears. Same with uranium. Uranium in large amounts and in powder form is particularly dangeorus because you can't breath it in and larger amounts gives of more alpha and beta particles because more particles are actively decaying and giving off more alpha and beta particles. But uranium glass uses little enough uranium and traps it inside the glass for the most part so uranium glass is usually actually pretty safe. Not safe to eat off of every day like a ceramic plate. A uranium glass plate still gives off a little radiation so you don't want to be eating off a uranium glass plate every day. But in a display in your house, basically none of the radiation makes it out. So it's perfectly safe to collect Uranium glass even. Uranium when it's in the glass, and Americium when it's in the smoke detectors, is very very safe when compared to radium. They didn't use radium in smoke detectors. They used it in dials and wrist watches, clocks. Back before they knew what gamma ray radiation was. A dozen or two radium wrist watch hands gives off orders of magnitude more alpha radiation than the uranium when it's inside uranium glass. Or even raw yellowcake in even much larger amounts for that matter. They painted it on dials because it had a glow, but the people who painted these dials often died. Radium gives so much more alpha radiation than uranium that you can actually get an aloha radiation burn just like the radiation burn the sun gives you we call sunburn. Except that's only one of the symptoms of radium radiation poisoning. They'd get alpha burns on their skin, the beta would go an inch or two inside their bodies and cause cancers. And the worst, gamma ray radiation which radium has that uranium and Americium both do not have. Which is the worst kind of the 3 because it can send the gamma radiation ray which is so small, it goes in-between molecules. It can damage DNA and the DNA struggles to replicate. You get a combination of this kind of high levels of radiation from such super small amounts of radium that people poisoned by radium can look like they're melting. Almost because they sort of are. Their DNA is all screwed up and it kills them. Looking at in a museum isn't bad but living with it is really bad. Really really vad. Radium is too dangeorus for most commercial applications unlike uranium, or uranium in glass, or Americium smoke detectors. They didn't use radium in the smoke detectors because the women who were painting the watch dials started melting. Losing their jaws, dying of cancer, hands all burned, cancers all throughout their gastrointestinal tract because they were licking the radium paint brushes to try to get a clean nice and neat paint line on their wrist watch and clock dials. After that they stopped using radium. They used americium in the smoke detectors because it's like uranium, it has Alpha particles in not extreme amounts like radium, beta in less amounts than alpha by a wide margin, so a small metal box contains all the radiation in the smoke detector. And the people building them aren't getting exposed to gamma radiation. They also went and developed glow in the dark paint after the radium incidents. And that's what you see on watches to this day. The bright green, non highly radioactive paint. A radioactive wrist watch wouldn't be a big deal if it was only alpha particles, easily totally contained by the watch housing. Problem is uranium and Americium have beta particles in small amounts and they travel up to about 2 inches and can penetrate almost the entire distance unlike alpha particles. So it's damaging to wear on a wrist 24/7 365. Radium is worse because gamma rays will go clean through multiple people and lead can't even stop it until you make it thick enough. That's why they give you a lead vest when you get X-rays. X-rays use gamma rays which come from radium. One of the commerical applications of radium we know best. But they only hit you with a very little bit in a very fast exposure often in a small localized area to make an x-ray and they don't want you getting too many x-rays, let alone sitting in a cockpit with the stuff with no lead vest on 😂 you can collect uranium glass your whole life and get way less radiation exposure than having a couple dozen radium wrist watch hands on your pocket for just relatively short time in comparison, or something crazy like that. Unless the radium isn't potent. You can watch a chemist on KZfaq put a geiger counter up to a good siezed piece of uranium glass and then up to a very very small box of old radium wristwatch dial hands and the small box was like 4000x more radioactive or something wild like that. Plus that's a bigger deal with it's gamma radiation. 80,000+ alpha/beta particles is a ton to be exposed to directly at one single time but at least a cardboard box can block all of that except the beta. Beta particles in uranium and Americium in very small amounts isn't enough that when they do penetrate it's not too big of a deal unless you get abnormal exposure like in a uranium factory. Radium has tons of alpha, lots of beta, and gamma. So if you wrap a piece of yellow cake uranium in a towel, only the few beta particles it puts off will go through. Enough I wouldn't recommend it. Don't play with yellowcake. Most of the alpha will be blocked though. Same with americium. With radium, it be orders of magnificent more alpha radiation particles, which sucks for direct contact but at least cardboard or a thick towel blocks it. Problem is radium gives of enough beta particles that if you hold radium directly even if you block the alpha for too long you get much more beta particles which penetrates and inch or two. But you won't be worrying about that because the gamma rays from radium will go through lead if it's not thick enough. Wreaking havok on your DNA 😂 Only way to excape gamma from radium is to stand behind a thick lead wall or to stand far away because the farther away you get from radioactive materials the less exposure you get. Which is why the sun doesn't fry us unless we stand outside do long and then it actually does fry us. That's way way more important with radium, to stand back or have thick lead protection unless it's a museum setting like this where you get a quick look and don get too much exposure esspecially with people that aren't around too much radiation. They can handle it. Just isn't go overboard. Limit exposure when possible obviously. radium is way too dangeorus to use in smoke detectors. They use americium because it has no gamma rays, very low beta particles, and enough easily controlled alpha particles to do the smoke detectors job without being way overboard like radium. Alpha particles aren't nearly as bad esspecially in low low amounts like in uranium glass, but when you have as many alpha particles and as radium gives off, if their is any accidents involving the stuff then you have a lot of exposure to a metric ton of alpha particles and you can get burned and you won't even know your burned until after the particles hit you and the burn starts developing over time. Like a sunburn. So it's just safer to not use worse elements in smoke detectors that are safer in the event of an accident. After the radium girls they stopped using radium in these more "everyday" products. The radium went to X-rays instead of wrist watches. They never used it in smoke detectors. Thankfully or we'd all be walking around looking like that guy that was chained in the basement in the goonies 😂
@pandemoniumcrow Жыл бұрын
@@TheAnnoyingBoss even if you slept on it as a pillow you’d need the americium completely out of the thing to do anythign significant. I’m pretty sure alpha particles have barely a few cm of air penetration let alone skin penetration so unless it’s like… sitting on your face it wouldn’t do anything and the worst case is skin cancer which is probably the least sever form of cancer I can think of if treated properly, though that doesn’t mean people should mess around with any radioactive material recklessly, regardless of if it’s a weak alpha source or anything. I mean even using very weak near depleted sources in college we have to sign disclaimers in the UK and have rediculously strict safety requirements to do experiments with that stuff. I heard watch painters back in the day all got severe skin cancer on the tongue due to licking the painting brushes with radium on them, but sitting in that cockpit for 5 minutes probably wouldn’t do anything close to significant but correct me if im wrong there
@-crazypants-3199 Жыл бұрын
Pin this
@justmytw0cents Жыл бұрын
Jefferson Golden Hour clocks had it. I have one.
@RileyNewcomb Жыл бұрын
If you can hear the individual beeps, you’re fine
@kalrioproductions Жыл бұрын
Depending on alpha beta and gamma and in all cases that is terrible advice
@hooviedoovie5220 Жыл бұрын
@@kalrioproductions no, this is correct. If you're hearing individual beeps like this, i.e. less than ~500 counts per minute, with any type of radiation, you're pretty fine.
@RileyNewcomb Жыл бұрын
@@hooviedoovie5220 thank you
@23dunmc 11 ай бұрын
@@hooviedoovie5220if you ingest alpha at any concentration your chances of cancer will increase.
@CharlesHuse Жыл бұрын
So I guess MiG-15 pilots had glowing performance reviews when they were up for promotion?
@dontquestionmyname5490 Жыл бұрын
Radium mostly undergoes alpha decay which cant go through glass cover. You were basically detecting gamma, the dosage was probably not that concerning at all.
@eddyhunter75 Жыл бұрын
Meanwhile, me just being distracted by the F-117 in the background.
@Polux721 Жыл бұрын
Radium paint, used to be used on watches as well
@fritzkabeano1969 Жыл бұрын
And I do believe some toys too!
@blackmusik109 Жыл бұрын
Yeah the Radium Girls were lit
@user-iw2mo7yu4d Жыл бұрын
@@blackmusik109 Literally 💀
@Boeing_747mx Жыл бұрын
@@blackmusik109 heh
@scottwhitley3392 Жыл бұрын
Used in gun sights as well
@joshchavers7053 Жыл бұрын
I feel like a Radio active cockpit is somehow very mig ish.
@Sucker4Suede Жыл бұрын
It’s called radium. Look up “ radium girls”. It’s not just a song. … there’s a reAson you non believers. It wAs used on clock hands/ arrows , wrist watches, beauty products.
@BAZZAROU812 Жыл бұрын
I just saw that.. They would use that stuff for makeup.. Can you say cancer... It was awful..
@ixyzyxi Жыл бұрын
I wanted to say this but you were before me. 100% accurate
@FAZE9NINE Жыл бұрын
And in glass
@SW-ii5gg Жыл бұрын
@@BAZZAROU812 the show I watched about it said that they also put it on their teeth, along with a list of things that they tried, it was several years ago when I watched it.
@DontVoteSpoilYourBallot Жыл бұрын
I got old watches with the same. Can't say I've ever been concerned about it.
@Purplthegalaxyproot Жыл бұрын
That Geiger counter sounds like my smoke alarm when it needs batteries.
@krakhedd Жыл бұрын
Good God man, show us the meter readings!! Remove the damned wand as it is clearly capable of and obviously designed for, and show us the rads!! Those of us who know you weren't lying would love to know local background levels from the dials!!
@RoyalRoyalty Жыл бұрын
Wow, That's cool!
@matthewboylan8601 Жыл бұрын
Radium all over the place! Smoke detectors🤷‍♂️
@kengerace Жыл бұрын
All dials expected to be seen at night were painted with radium. Watches, clocks, gauges, etc. not too harmful for the user if these devices but caused major issues for the people painting them as they were all hand painted. To get a fine tip they’d moistened the tip with their mouths ingesting it causing radiation poisoning in lots if women. They were told it was harmless and for fun they’d paint designs on themselves, paint their nails, I even heard accounts of people painting their teeth all believing it harmless. I heard these stories from inhabitants of LaSalle, Illinois from people that worked at the westclox factory. My father’s home town. He was also an avid collector of clocks in general and especially westclox clocks. I’ve been in that factory many many times. It closed because of legal proceedings due to radiation. Obviously it was cleaned “by 1930’s standards” 🤷‍♂️
@ilude214 Жыл бұрын
Came here to say this.
@timecode37 26 күн бұрын
Thank god there's no radioactivity outside of the cockpit
@logan_e Жыл бұрын
I'm old enough to have had a wristwatch with a radium painted dial and hands as a kid, there were even still emergency exit signs in buildings powered by nuclear batteries and we were warned not to hang around those for long. Younger people today aren't learning enough!
@asgeirfjellestad6609 Жыл бұрын
The way you demonstrated it, showed that it was phosphorus. If you have to add energy to make it glow it is phosphorus, if it glows without shining a light on it it is radioactive. And thus Radium.
@kkuenzel56 Жыл бұрын
I seem to recall a news article years ago about luminescent instrument dials from WW2 were found in an abandoned warehouse in Benton Harbor.
@juslangley Жыл бұрын
Geez, I find it hard to believe that people wouldn't believe you. My watch has (now faded) radium.
@moshunit96 Жыл бұрын
Never under estimate the stupidity of people in the youtube comment section. There are a few that deny this proved anything.
@bigwig2096 Жыл бұрын
Guarantee it’s the insurance company that says you can’t sit in it.
@FTFSupremacyROBLOX 4 ай бұрын
pretty cool glow in the dark stuff except for the fact that it's 1 million times more radioactive than uranium
@danielsmith5151 Жыл бұрын
Radioactive paint used to be painted on watches and clocks but they were painted by hand and the painters used to lick the end of the paint brush when it when hard and crusty but this caused them to get cancer after the paint was discovered to be radioactive it was for good reasons band
@Sucker4Suede Жыл бұрын
Radium girls
@ampman5357 Жыл бұрын
Its slightly over back ground. Assuming that meter is “calibrated” the amount of radiation one would receive would be only slightly over what they’d get normally. I’d say the ability to be able to see your gauges would far outweigh the amount of radiation you’d receive. Like actual dose you’d absorb. And yea, I work in nuclear medicine I know this stuff.
@mfree80286 Жыл бұрын
Their health & safety guys probably just said "Look, it's a museum piece and it's appreciably over background, just keep it shut from the public and our underwriters won't freak out, ok?"
@theEVILone0130 Жыл бұрын
It's true I used to work on aircraft instruments and they are so radioactive that if you ate All the paint you going to get an upset stomach.
@hooviedoovie5220 Жыл бұрын
Many people weren't doubting that there was radium in the dials on the initial video, they were questioning why you were "charging" it with a flashlight, which was the whole point of having the radium, it didn't need to be charged by light. Also, the amount of radiation in there was barely discernable above background, and probably only about 0.05 millirem an hour. For reference, the only traceable affects of radiation have been found at above 10 rem exposure. So that's 10000 millirem, you'd have to sit in that cockpit for 200,000 hours to realistically see any effects from the radiation. The danger from that paint was during the painting process, where you could be ingesting the radium, which is an alpha emitter, and that is where the danger comes from, alphas wreak havoc on fast reproducing cells like what is in your lungs or intestinal tract. Polonium 210 is an alpha emitter. You could slather that all over you and the dead layer of skin on your body would block the radiation, but if you ingest it, bye bye litvinenko.
@eros5420 Жыл бұрын
Radioactive paint used to be really common. And in case you were wondering, just flying youre putting yourself at increased radioactive exposure. Lol.
@blanemick1103 Жыл бұрын
I love that little beep at the end
@therealhelmholtz Жыл бұрын
Euan: Do you believe me now? Geiger counter: *_b e e p_*
@Lymborium Жыл бұрын
Kzoo? Shit that's like 30 minutes away lmao I needa visit
@Lucas08190 Жыл бұрын
radium was used due to it being more easy to see in the dark while aiming i think. i know it was used in watches to see the time in dark so i assumed it was the same for sights.
@StormTrouper3 Жыл бұрын
Lots of hands on clocks and watches are also the same.
@kevinmhadley Жыл бұрын
They used to use that is wrist watches as well. It was dangerous for the people, mostly women, who painted the dials and many died or were horribly disfigured as the radioactivity built up the bones over time.
@pythonboi5816 Жыл бұрын
Now I know Where I can collect materials to make a mini nuke
@AirZoo Жыл бұрын
Original video (and the naysayers in the comments) can be viewed here: kzfaq.info41qOTxs-Pq4
@GGigabiteM Жыл бұрын
You didn't prove anything other than the cockpit has something radioactive in it, not where it is. Wildly flailing a geiger counter around doesn't tell us which dials are radioactive. The only spicy place seems to be the artificial horizon/gunsight, which are known to use radium, but those aren't the dials you claimed were radioactive in the previous video. Also, it's a Russian fighter jet. The Soviets were well known to not give a flying toss about radiating their own citizens, let alone their armed forces. For all we know, there could be uranium/plutonium dust sprinkled about the cockpit from the last pilots boots.
@Native_love Жыл бұрын
Cool! I saw the original and this one too. I doubt that the level of radiation on those instruments will hurt anyone.
@domdouse3575 Жыл бұрын
That's radium as used to be used in watches years ago - not terribly dangerous but above background radiation levels
@SH976 Жыл бұрын
Old house hold clock had radium painted dials too.
@bradleyvantassal8328 Жыл бұрын
Pretty cool. My Father Inlaw use to work there. Moved to Florida recently. I was lucky enough to get the special tour before he retired.
@zenntron7172 Жыл бұрын
believe him, my father has a compass that uses a small square of radium and it glows in the dark
@martinlund9524 Жыл бұрын
In older buildings there was often all the light switches was glowing in the dark. Also in older factorys there was markings /lines in the floor to let workers out if there was a blackout etc.
@kenmurphy4317 Жыл бұрын
During ww2 the women in the factories used to lick the paint brush to make the brush tips better.most if not all died of cancer.the worst was a woman who covered her body to surprise her partner.
@kuzadupa185 Жыл бұрын
"You guys didnt believe me"... in our world, its no longer about belief. Its about people being so extremely ignorant and so poorly educated but with such a high ego that it makes them impossible to teach something new... its disgusting.
@starpier Жыл бұрын
kids these days get their degrees on youtube and think that they can learn in 20 minutes what people learned after years in real life. Idiocracy became reality.
@weirdsciencetv4999 Жыл бұрын
It would have been more convincing if you didn’t illuminate it with a flashlight first. Radium is combined with a phosphor since by itself, its light is very weak. This is why you were able to charge it with your flashlight. The radium itself irradiated the included phosphor, thus generating light at night.
@ThePointlessBox_ Жыл бұрын
The glass infront of the gauges blocks pretty much everything coming off from the radium
@docteurdre8450 Жыл бұрын
Ironically they use to make needle for watch with radioactive material.
@alexanderhall4281 Жыл бұрын
Why would they paint radio activity
@AstroSlamacow Жыл бұрын
It's Radium, glows green so at night they can see the dials at night.
@moshunit96 Жыл бұрын
Its simply so you can see your instruments at night.
@danielsteward5090 Жыл бұрын
Radium sheds photons while it is degrading.it also does it after being exposed to light. There is not enough radiation in that cockpit to do any harm.
@Honey_Daddy Жыл бұрын
Radium? Yep, that's radioactive. Same thing they used on watch hands. The girls that used to paint them had health issues after doing it for a while. That said, many did put the brushes in their mouths often and would inevitably ingest radium...which isn't good, if I needed to say that.
@deanwoolston4794 Жыл бұрын
You can tell by the amount of clicks, the radiation detector is making, that the radiation levels coming from those dials, isn't whole lot more, than the background radiation. Those Russian pilots,weren't in any real danger from the radioactive paint, unless they ingested some of that paint.
@cnitevedi4832 Жыл бұрын
well done.
@jamesluck2969 Жыл бұрын
Hay I tried to educate some of the opposition on the last video. Although there were too many to deal with. Those are radium dials mostly, occasionally you will find a few select other isotopes used, although not as common. Such as Trittium both gaseous and solid, Promethium, and Polonium. We also have to assume some are also more modern self illuminating phosphors, such as SrAl2O4, or Eu:SrAl2O4 but these did not appear until very close to the fall of the USSR. There are also others that appeared after Radio-luminescent paints, although not extremely important to this topic. Now onto radium Luminescent paint. Most importantly for those who said these gauges are no longer active/negligible. The decay chain is predominantly alpha and beta, the whole chain is also accompanied by gamma emissions, most of these are from both Pb-214 and Bi-214, with energy averaging in the range of 0.7MeV, but can go as high as 2-3Mev. Accompanied by lower energy gamma emissions near 80KeV, and a good bit of energies in between across the decay chain. To include the decay of Ra-226 who although marked as a Alpha emitter, Ra-226 will throw off a Gamma ray around 186KeV. The window of the gauges will predominately block the Alpha particles, along with the low energy Beta particles. The Gamma effect can be rather spicy, it's not uncommon to see a gauge exceeding 30uSv/h, for reference background is roughly 30nSv/h. On the hottest gauges you can expect dosages up to 300uSv/hr, unsheilded the beta dosages on those very spicy gauges can hit 5mSv/h more than enough to cause a burn. For note all of these are doses are from units using isotopic energy compensation. These readings are more than enough to be concerned about long durations in contact with the gauges. Importantly radium gauges and clocks are not sealed tight, radium paint is a major contamination hazard. The paint becomes brittle with age causing "fleas" to move around and commonly escape the housing. Most likely the warning is there for anyone at the museum who maybe conducting work on the instrument panel. These gauges likely no longer glow on their own. Radium is nasty to the phosphor, usually damaging it enough to prevent its ability to glow effectively. The other isotopes used as listed above usually does not destroy its phosphor, but rather decays away beforehand. With half lifes in the range of 5-10 years, compared to Ra-226 with a half life of 1600 years. I cant say for certainty if the gauge tested by Euan in the clip using a flashlight is infact radioactive, most do not get excited enough from visible light to glow even for a minute, Ultraviolet light is usually needed. If the Air Zoo is intrested I wouldnt mind bringing up my professional equipment to test the gauges or to test to what extent they are active when I come visit. Particularly a mobile Gamms spec unit may be beneficial, I have been meaning to visit the museum as it's cool and only a hours drive from my vecation home. Although a decent drive from my home near Chicago Illinois.
@seafirefr.4751 Жыл бұрын
Alot of people didn’t believe you? I’m sorry, but I find THAT hard to believe. Radium was used on almost every post 50s aircraft. At the museum I work at, tests had to be carried out on the Meteor F.8, the F/86D, the F/84F, the Hunter F.51, the Vulcan B.2, the F/100D and the Lightning F.6. Anybody with basic knowledge of aircraft and radiology should know this.
@operator8014 Жыл бұрын
Come on man, your car tires are more radioactive than that. Hell, your lunch probably was too! And that's IF the beeps were coming from the machine and not added later.
@blackbikelp Жыл бұрын
Do you belive me now? Geiger counter: *no*
@ralphwhakinfus4661 Жыл бұрын
Tell that to the radium girls who painted those dials it was used in watches and clocks also they licked the brush to keep a point on it and died horrible deaths of jaw deterioration and pain one was so contaminated that her body glowed in the dark and was buried under a lead plate to shield to public from exposure 😢
@matiasmariani08 Жыл бұрын
A lot of old watches use to have the same radioactive paint on the dials.
@2552legoboy Жыл бұрын
Those poor women who licked the end of their radioactive paint brushes
@thoreberlin Жыл бұрын
That doesn't seem like a dangerous radiation amount if you don't sleep in there.
@sekritdokumint9326 Жыл бұрын
All aircrafts used radioactive paint befor digital cockpits
@arterca Жыл бұрын
In this thread: people who don't understand risks. The radium paint becomes brittle over time. If anyone touches that paint and gets chips or on their hand and ingests it, THAT is the biggest risk to health and safety the radium poses to your heath. Not to mention as radium decays it gives off alpha, beta, and gamma radiation. It isn't very dangerous outside of your body, your skin does a pretty good job of blocking the radiation.... But inside of your body that radiation is extremely dangerous. It WILL damage cells and can absolutely cause cancer. Will it? Probably not but WHY TAKE THE RISK? synopsis : the risk isn't the radiation being blasted by the dial, it's the chance of ingestion of the chips or dust.
@Ottoskokozo Жыл бұрын
Daim your KZfaq shorts are awesome 👏🏻
@1tobicat Жыл бұрын
The women that painted the watch hands and dials would all suffer from cancer later in life.
@etard69 Жыл бұрын
People not believing you is an insult to radium girls around the world. May the R.I.P
@Pskawt Жыл бұрын
F-117 just chilling in the background 😎
@bigbonede6201 Жыл бұрын
Used to be used on kitchenware too. Primarily in america
@tracynation2820 Жыл бұрын
A lot of people died painting radium on watches and instrument dials. 💙 T.E.N.
@rlevy13 Жыл бұрын
Because they were licking the brushes to make them sharp.
@PsychoticEwok Жыл бұрын
This is completely safe it's disappointing how misunderstood radiation is. the only way this could possibly cause harm is if you swallowed one of the dials the particles emitted from the radioactive material here can't penetrate your skin it's the wrong type of radiation going on a commercial flight is more dangerous than sitting in that cockpit as radiation exposure goes 👍
@AV-8er Жыл бұрын
Just curious, but would the amount of radiation given off by the paint cause any substantial effect on a person?
@anon457 Жыл бұрын
Now maybe not so much because radiated objects have a half life and that jet is decades old as well as the paint, but when the paint was new the radiation was probably much stronger than it is now with prolonged exposure it could have caused side effects. And to make matters worse if I'm not mistaken they were issued watches that had the same paint so they would glow in the dark that they wore on they're wrists.
@The_true_BoBa Жыл бұрын
No, this type of paint usually emits only beta radiation (electrons). They can’t go through the glass.
@glizzygoblin-nl2uh Жыл бұрын
No prolly not, but people are stupid and if someone broke something it could be bad or they tried to steal the gauge its liability
@jamesluck2969 Жыл бұрын
@@anon457 um that paint is just as bad as new, and at times worse. Firstly Ra-226 the predominate isotope has a half life of 1600 years. Secondly it has had decades to build up daughter isotopes from its decay, isotopes that were previously separated in production. A radium clock doesn't get better with age unless your waiting one or two millennia, it actively becomes worse. Clocks that maybe read 3uSv/h on contact new can read up to 300uSv/h now.
@jamesluck2969 Жыл бұрын
@@The_true_BoBa well the decay chain is predominantly alpha and beta, the whole chain is accompanied by gamma emissions in the form of electron bursts. Most of these are from both Pb214 and Bi214, with energy averaging in the range of 0.7MeV, but can go as high as 2-3Mev. Accompanied by lower energy gamma emissions near 800KeV, and everything in between.
@og7heads Жыл бұрын
A lot of old watches were painted with radium as well for the same reason.
@lawrencemay8726 Жыл бұрын
I completely believe you it's a element called radium because that it radiates light like non-toxic glow in the dark stuff does it has that same property but it is radioactive. It was also an element that was used at the turn of the century in women's makeup. Yes believe it or not it was a thing that these women that worked in these watch factories realized that this substance they were putting on the hands of watches would glow and so some of them would mix it in with their lipstick or onto their nail coloring nail paint and so their nails would glow and their lips with glow when they went out dancing at night they thought it looked exotic and look cool but these people would end up getting cancer in their face and in their skin and and all kinds of terrible things would end up happening from a result of them using radium as an additive in their makeup. But I don't know who would actually call you out and try to say that it's fake unless they're just super ignorant. We learned about radium being used on watch hands and other things going back to the 40s and 50s and 60s even when I was in 6th grade back in the '70s early '80s so I don't understand how anyone could not know this fact or doubt that what you're saying was true and lastly we're talking a Russian fighter and it's not like they really gave a damn about their military. The Russian sent many astronauts knowingly to their death just for the sake of the space race the human life be damned long as it meant we got to space sooner or at least that was the Russian philosophy so the idea of them putting radioactive stuff right in front of their pilots is not that far-fetched at all. To the Russians Pilots were Expendable
@netx421 Жыл бұрын
Unless they scrape and eat it, even then, I'm not sure people are in danger.
@boytoyowo238 Жыл бұрын
Ahhh that counter sucks I prefer the classic clicking sound it's beautiful
@caninec1836 Жыл бұрын
right so radioactive paint can't be charged by a flashlight, that's a different type of paint. so i wonder where this is coming from
@rockboy3970 Жыл бұрын
Its radiation, it comes from the decay of the radium atoms themselves. The quantity of neutrons/electrons/protons is unstable and parts will break off over time producing visible light/radiation and a stable radon gas atom.
@mfree80286 Жыл бұрын
Light activates phosphors, so does radium. Problem with the latter is over time the phosphors degrade in a manner that the radium will no longer excite it, but a strong light still can.
@caninec1836 Жыл бұрын
@@mfree80286 interesting theory, ty!
@Scott-BestCatDad Жыл бұрын
“There’s your proof, do you believe me now?!” Keyboard warriors on KZfaq: “nope, science doesn’t exist, I’ll make something up that fits my beliefs.” This is progress right….. 🤦‍♂️
@mfree80286 Жыл бұрын
It's the modern Flat Head Society that's the problem...
@m.farizakbarhutasuhut3074 Жыл бұрын
I'm distracted by his giant head in the beginning.
@tonydanis1480 Жыл бұрын
It was normal-sized until he got too close to the dial.
@tiadanama1998 Жыл бұрын
If I put a geiger counter at my phone it will beep like crazy indian driver
@Bob-sd7qr Жыл бұрын
Is that an f117 in the background... cool.
@kevinAuman1 Жыл бұрын
Yes old watches were also painted with this same glow in the dark substance lol it isn't nearly as bad as you might think it would take a lifetime of sitting in that cockpit daily for hours each day for it to affect you or it wouldn't be in there PERIOD
@highpointsights Жыл бұрын
Are the radios rubber powered. It was reported the Russian aircraft were less vulnerable to EMF because the tubed?
@MrSaxokeet Жыл бұрын
? LITERALLY NO ONE DIDNT BELIEVE YOU..... besides a 6 year old ...who also doesn't know what a geiger counter is
@soulkeeper48 Жыл бұрын
ONLY 6 YEAR OLDS USE CAPS. Also i definitely wanted to see how radioactive it could be especially with Russians generall lack of care when it comes to exposing troops to dangerous conditions
@spencerweaver9691 Жыл бұрын
If you go back to old video, there are a ton of comments saying they didn't believe him and that he was wrong.
@moshunit96 Жыл бұрын
There is a flat earther that doesn't get it as well but thats to be expected with that level of stupidity.
@yeyonge Жыл бұрын
Not great, not terrible.
@volo870 Жыл бұрын
Judging by the beeps - there is not much radioactivity on the panel. What are the readings?
@bricksblocks228 Жыл бұрын
Then close the canopy to keep it inside
@Sucker4Suede Жыл бұрын
That’s not how radiation works
@firstletterofthealphabet7308 Жыл бұрын
@@Sucker4Suede plus that little radium paint doesn't go nearly far enough to harm.
@Sucker4Suede Жыл бұрын
@@firstletterofthealphabet7308 the production of the dials did.
@brian6391 Жыл бұрын
Contain the radioactive material and make a battery.
@Testchannel-fy9fr Жыл бұрын
At least you didn't use imperial units in this video...its progress I guess...you turncoat.
@ryanduckworth1779 Жыл бұрын
Bro were people.just not taught about the radium girls in high school??? But he'll yeah thus is awesome I can't wait to visit again
@platzed1141 Жыл бұрын
what aircraft is that on the back
@Poppehh Ай бұрын
I'm trying to decide whether this guy is Scottish or American
@adognamedsight 10 ай бұрын
Was that not dangerous for the pilot
@TURMlllNATOR Жыл бұрын
There is the paper in the cockpit that says it is radioactive
@A55Hol3_Actual Жыл бұрын
You don't let ppl in there for other reasons cause it's not enough to harm you chum. It's radium, used in many dishes in the 60's and 70's was a fad.
@clayowens4111 Жыл бұрын
Look in to all of radium
@Shane-ln5zz Жыл бұрын
Like the story of the Radium girls, look it up
@jolting Жыл бұрын
That cockpit is not dangerous.
@shorty808100 Жыл бұрын
You don’t know about the women who painted that stuff they would paint themselves with it and go out and party let’s just say they ended up getting cancer, and they would put the brush covered in the radioactive paint in there mouth to make a fine line
@keleighshepherd345 Жыл бұрын
There's piss all ionising radiation being detected there The photoluminescent glow from charging up the safe glow-in-the-dark paint that allowed the radium decay photons to have a better effect than raw radium. The constant bombardment by the ionising radiation causes the glow-in-the-dark chemicals to be damaged and not emit as much light. But there's naff all ionising radiation, however there is still *some* gamma activity being emitted, and the guiding principle when working with radiation, is "ALARP" - As Low As Reasonably Practicable. Don't expose the public to unnecessary ionising radiation. I'm a radiotherapy linear accelerator engineer, we have to observe similar protocols when we have removed the shielding around the tungsten target puck, which as it is exposed with 6 to 25 MV of energy, ends up with neutron activation and it becomes mildly radioactive. So we have to do a survey with a calibrated field G-M meter before we can work in proximity to it.
@wizmeister759 Жыл бұрын
Probably tritium dials.
@RugMann Жыл бұрын
Excuse me is that a fucking stealth bomber casually sitting behind it
@leowulf8116 Жыл бұрын
I believe (in) you 🙂
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