Low Pain Tolerance?

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Doc Schmidt

Doc Schmidt

Ай бұрын

How is your pain tolerance? #lowpaintolerance #painscale

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@LauraKruger-tc4ei Ай бұрын
I had a female patient in the ED who apologized multiple times for "probably making a big deal out of nothing" when she had actual gallstone pancreatitis.
@Al-kv9ou Ай бұрын
I had a patient say that her contractions likely weren't that bad, she just has low pain tolerance... 8cm dilated when she came in.
@ElZamo92 Ай бұрын
That was literally my mom. She started taking pepto because she had a stomachache then my dad took her toy the hospital and turns it she had just that. Also her gall bladder was more stone than bladder
@syrena911 Ай бұрын
That's me. I'll be laying down in the fetal position, rocking back and forth, crying silently, doing the weird "in severe pain" breathing and when asked, "I'm fine. It's a 3-4 out of 10." It drives my husband (and ER staff) bonkers. I had to do a research paper in grad school on how different cultures "show," verbalize and approach pain and pain management. It was very informative. "My people" apparently don't normally show (or complain) about pain unless it's a "Holy shit it feels like I'm dying imminently," kind of thing. Which I've found to be true with me, my family, and everyone else that's my ethnicity. Because I reside in America, I'm routinely "dismissed," because Americans tend to complain about pain very early and often. So, healthcare providers assume that's what's happening. If I'm even mentioning pain, we've reached a very high level of pain.
@ybunnygurl Ай бұрын
Been there done that almost died got told by a doctor why don't you take your pain seriously... My response because I'm a woman and I get told it's in my head all the time.
@SR3272 Ай бұрын
A lot of ED people are told its in their head for years
@dragonflies6793 Ай бұрын
Me growing up thinking I had a low pain tolerance when I really just had chronic pain
@plutopaey373 Ай бұрын
Same. Grew up with chronic illnesses and my parents telling me i was just dramatic and faking it and i beleived them. i finnaly figured out my pain tolerance was high when they didnt give me pain meds for a broken finger cause it didnt hurt that bad
@frykauf Ай бұрын
Anyone else sometimes feel better when they are sick? Like half the time when I'm sick my brain just stops feeling the chronic pain. It's become one of the more reliable indicators if I'm sick or just really nauseous from worse pain day
@plutopaey373 Ай бұрын
@@frykauf thats crazy i wish that was the case for me, i feel more pain when im sick
@DigitalVersatileDani Ай бұрын
​@@frykauf🙋🏻‍♀️​🫠 yes! I'm better when I'm sick, most of the time.. with a few exceptions of when looking back on it I honestly should've gone to the hospital. Those times I just felt like death. I think weirdly enough it helped me appreciate my pregnancies? Like, I actually enjoyed them (even though technically they were high risk cos of pre-existing medical conditions). As a mum I find it easier to be sick if there are others that are sick.. because looking after them makes me not feel sick. If that makes sense?
@rivviegobrr714 Ай бұрын
literally same
@kay0tica Ай бұрын
"Low pain tolerance". Nope, dude just got gaslit by all his previous doctors.
@BeefIngot Ай бұрын
Doctors really just ignore certain patients. I think some medical literature still says things like "black people feel less pain"
@cactustree505 Ай бұрын
@@BeefIngot Women get marginalized too.
@skylertaber2093 Ай бұрын
​@@cactustree505it is a crazy difference between how doctors treat women vs. Man
@TheVivi13 Ай бұрын
@@BeefIngot I just saw an episode of a Netflix show that literally covered this very issue. That's crazy I had no idea that was even a thing.
@ceci-n-est-pas-une-url Ай бұрын
Ok, but some of us actually have really low pain tolerance, and feel guilty af for no reason 😩
@bluesun876 Ай бұрын
My son has high functioning Autism Spectrum Disorder. He broke his collarbone in a soccer game. He told them hos pain level was a 3 so they did not give him anything. When they took the x ray & could see how shattered it was, they still did not give him anthing. I made them give him someone before SENDING US HOME! They said I could follow up with an orthopedist if I wanted to. They gave us a pain prescription to fill, but on a Saturday evening. There was only 1 pharmacy open. The poor kid stayed that way until Monday. Called first Monday, the had the surgery schedule before we arrived. The doctor took one look at the xray & was pissed. Apparently he was the ortho on call for the ER, but they never consulted him on my son's xray or he would have been admitted & had surgery on Sunday. Lessen learned, be a Karen in the ER.
@coolkumquats Ай бұрын
Yep. Unfortunately, what may be the worst day of your life is just a regular Tuesday for the medical staff, and sometimes you have to be uncomfortably assertive in order to get the care needed for yourself or your loved ones. I hate confrontation and causing a fuss, but in a medical setting it can be necessary. When health is on the line, being too polite can be a dangerous mistake.
@xilj4002 Ай бұрын
Oh no, poor kid 😢 Make sure you figure out the pain scale thing. SPD or just sensory difficulties make assessing pain super hard to begin with. Because of hypersensitivity touching damp microfiber or a weird noise can literally be painful, but people keep telling you it's not or it can't be that bad, or to get used to it - so you underestimate pain. Then because of hyposensitivity you don't feel the appropriate amount of pain from some injuries, so you maybe feel lvl4 pain where someone else would feel 7. All that, plus taking the pain level chart way too literally, and it just doesn't work. So you have to figure out a workaround with your kid. Maybe reach out to a self advocacy group/ forum where you can ask autistic adults how they solved this particular problem in their life (I would help, but tbh I'm blurting out whatever number I think matches the severity of my problem and it doesn't work well)
@XIIchiron78 Ай бұрын
You shouldn't have to be, since it's their job to figure out what you need, since obviously you have no experience to know how serious something is or even the options you might have to ask about. That's what they went to school for years to learn, and why we don't let random people off the street practice medicine. But they don't care; nobody does. So you have to know everything and be your own advocate.
@kellyu3702 Ай бұрын
About 20 years ago my autistic younger brother had a doctor who told my parents that "autistics don't feel pain." They never went back
@Cometsarecool Ай бұрын
​@@kellyu3702that is actually discusting. Did that "doctor" just not see autistic people as human?
@A---ti3zz Ай бұрын
Opposite happened to me. My nurse said I had a really low pain tolerance. Apparently getting split like a baked potato and part of your colon removed is not supposed to hurt and I was just being a baby
@v1Broadcaster Ай бұрын
uhm… what happened?
@bingmaid Ай бұрын
what a bitch, what the fuck??? im so sorry you were treated like that.
@WD35 Ай бұрын
We need more context pls
@AbsolXGuardian Ай бұрын
That's how people end up becoming the patient in the video, a lifetime of being told you have a lower pain tolerance
@A---ti3zz Ай бұрын
My bowel perfed and I had to have open surgery to remove part of my colon. Extremely painful although apparently I’m just a baby
@VRavTech Ай бұрын
I remember when I went to the ER and felt stupid because it was just my shoulder and back hurting a lot, thinking I was stupid to be in the ER because it was "probably just muscular strain or something", since my shoulder and back was hurting. I had blood clots in my lungs lmfao
@juliafelicione2667 Ай бұрын
Lmaooooo i had this happen once, thought i was just really losing my tolerance for soreness because why was i hurting so bad???? Did i just do a horrible workout and not realize like wtf lol just so crazy haha😅. Yeah had some routine blood work coincide with that, it was rhabdomyolysis and i woulda lol-ed myself to death
@0The_Farlander0 Ай бұрын
Jesus christ, I'm just glad you're still around to tell us about it
@VRavTech Ай бұрын
@@0The_Farlander0 i still had a while to live, it wasn't that bad that I required surgery, but still, it was very painful lol. Also they didn't give me anything for the pain, except tachypirin but that's expected here
@brandonfrancis1941 7 күн бұрын
I thought I sat funny and bruised my lower back bad. I was very sore and couldn't sit right.. Didn't think anything was seriously wrong though. Until the fever set in. I had an abscess. They basically had to put a drain hole in me to get all the nasty out by the time I went in.
@user-pt1cz4ot1e Ай бұрын
As someone with an extremely high pain tolerance, I get this. Doctors and nurses never take my pain seriously, because I don’t have much of a reaction, so I have to sit them down and make the most uncomfortable, neurodivergent eye contact and vveerryy sslloowwllyy tteellll tthheemm wwhhaatt iiiiisssssss gggoooiiinnnggg ooooooonnnnnnnnnn. 😮‍💨
@kyriahowey3322 Ай бұрын
Thanks for the tip. I am sooo using this.
@jeanbeanie5785 Ай бұрын
Take a fork with you next time, ask them if they'd be willing to stick the tips of the fork against the roof of their mouth, bite down, and tuck their chin to their chest. Most are going to look at you like you're insane, because most can rightly imagine that's going to hurt like a bitch (it does obviously) and explain to them that's what your pain feels like. It's worked a few times for me 😂
@exenzer6007 Ай бұрын
Ugh! I feel this. I have chronic pain, but I’m not taken seriously since I’ve gotten so used to working through the pain. The first time my boss/prof showed any acknowledgment of it was when I hit the ground at work and couldn’t see due to pain. Sometimes I still gaslight myself into thinking it’s not that bad just because I can still semi-function, even if doing so makes it worse
@kirstenmoore6632 Ай бұрын
Same here. I've had severe chronic pain and complex regional pain syndrome for years. And because I'm so used to being in very high levels of pain and trying to seem normal I often seem fine until I hit the 9.5 or 10/10 pain levels. So often no one believes me. It's horrendous 😭😭😭😭
@play-fool Ай бұрын
@sasha-taylor Ай бұрын
being a 25yo girl with chronic pain trying to get people to understand that my 3 would probably be their 7 or 8 and have them crying, but it's just my baseline daily existence. When I have flair-ups I'm never believed, gave me years of imposter syndrome
@AponiTheWolf Ай бұрын
Add in looking Far younger than my actual age and being Physically unable to cry in front of others, and it's all a nice little concoction to not only not be believed but to be looked at as a drug seeker too. Currently dealing with Both of those with my pain management doctor.
@Skarlett_Ravynn Ай бұрын
I am literally in the same boat. I quit going to doctors recently bc they do nothing but rack up the medical bills 😔 I hope you find a routine that helps regulate your pain. I'm still working on mine, almost there I think 🤞
@kurotsuchiiwa3627 Ай бұрын
​@@AponiTheWolfmy pain tolerance is decently high. Well for certain types of pain. I really can't deal with stomach pain at all . But I am also needlessly stoic. I don't cry more then maybe twice a year at most
@nataliatheweirdo Ай бұрын
I understood the chronic illness pain scale when i went ‘eh, an 8 would probably be me on a bad day- wait’
@bloodypastels5638 Ай бұрын
So we’re the same age I also deal with chronic pain except I was literally born with a low pain tolerance (but also luckily a low drug tolerance so much so that Gravol used to knock me out for the rest of the day if I took it like mid day) so I ended up building up a tolerance to some pain as my chronic pain became worse and actually achieved my first 10 out of 10 after a small spinal surgery, and I tend to undersell my issues to my doctors because I don’t want to be a bother but I also Know I should be seen for it but then don’t wanna be dramatic so I undersell it. I also worry about being branded as a drug seeker, despite the fact that I am adamantly against having opioids and narcotics(had neonatal abstinence syndrome and a family history of addiction so I avoid them), unless absolutely necessary like the first time I ever had them was after a small spinal surgery, and I weened off of them as soon as I could. it’s absolutely ridiculous how chronic pain patients are treated I have multiple things that disable me and I still feel like I have to fight to be believed when I go to a doctor and it is frustrating as hell and I wish the medical system would pay more attention to its most vulnerable people, and the people who routinely don’t get taken seriously because of preconceived notions or assumptions.
@laurahawkins374 Ай бұрын
I remember being 16 and at the hospital with lower abdominal pain that when pressed, hurt more when i let go. Classic sign of appendicitis and i self-diagnosed that at home, that's WHY i went to emergency. I spent the next FIVE HOURS arguing with the doctors that no, it WASN'T reflux and no, i will NOT be going home and that it is my APPENDIX and I'm not leaving until they do something about it. They didn't believe i was actually in pain because i was calm and composed, but when they had to do needles, i cried and freaked out. Blood tests, ultrasound, xray, everything came back as 'inconclusive'. I kicked up enough of a fuss that they eventually agreed to exploratory surgery because i was using all the right legal words to hold them responsible. My first memory upon waking up was hearing the doctor telling my parents how I'd had two ruptured ovarian cysts, and my EXTREMELY INFLAMED appendix had burst during the keyhole surgery and they'd had to restart my heart on the table. That whole experience, on a scale of 1 to 10? That was a 4. I've had a 10. Pain scales don't mean anything.
@jacobjohnson8686 25 күн бұрын
Wow to all of that. How did they think it was reflux when the pain was in your lower abdomen?? Also, how did you learn all that about medical knowledge and the right words to use at that age? 😮
@beepobeepo 16 күн бұрын
​@@jacobjohnson8686 acid reflux can be caused by an over abundance of acid which can go through the intestines and cause cramps and diarrhea!
@beepobeepo 16 күн бұрын
​@@jacobjohnson8686 also they probably had to learn it bc theyre a woman
@jacobjohnson8686 16 күн бұрын
@@beepobeepo Wow, never knew that about excess stomach acid! Thanks for enlightening me.
@minipet487 Ай бұрын
Blew out my ovarian artery and was calm, mostly. Dumb nurse wrote me as "Drunk, possibly on drugs, and Low priority" 5 and a half hours later the baseball sized hematoma was the size of a Football. Someone told us about the doorbell, rang it and got a different nurse who looked in shock as soon as she saw me. Got sent back, doctor came in, one look, lots of swearing, Morphine and he yelled at the triage nurse. Surgery and 4 days on Maternity Ward, finally got to go home with over 200+ stitches 🪡
@amahlaka Ай бұрын
@minipet487 Ай бұрын
@@amahlaka yea, there was a doorbell to the back.
@marabanara Ай бұрын
@@minipet487I think they mean the callbell/call light that is at most bedsides/back wall behind the beds at all hospitals.
@auberjean6873 Ай бұрын
@minipet487 OMG! 😮😢
@minipet487 Ай бұрын
​@@marabanara no this was a bell beside the door to go into the Back when called, I didn't even know it existed until that night. I was in the waiting room from 12am til 5:30am, and only because a kind elderly woman told me before she left the hospital.
@solala1312 Ай бұрын
every woman know how it feels to be dismissed by a doctor when in pain. that's why we have to advocate for ourselves like crazy to get the proper care we deserve.
@M_SC Ай бұрын
I gave up.
@rachelfox8108 Ай бұрын
I know that too well. I had a cyst growing in one of my wrist bones for five years that got dismissed multiple times (including by a specialist who proclaimed himself the leading regional expert) before I got the surgery I needed. And before that, I was made to suffer with appendicitis for 2 months as as 12-13yo because "couldn’t be sure it was appendicitis", so their solution was to do nothing. They "weren’t sure" because my appendix hung back instead of down. I have a remarkably high pain tolerance, for the record.
@LeoL_14 Ай бұрын
what the hell is going on where u live? (i guess these USA) in germany you get like a full body check and get a ton of meds, for having a hard cough. completely free
@SR3272 Ай бұрын
Lab: you're just on your period Oncologist: she's internally bleeding and almost de*d 🙃
@frykauf Ай бұрын
I feel like it's a necessary life skill to know when to move on from a bad doctor. I swear like 65% of doctors won't even treat you for one reason or another. And that number is a conservative estimate. 20% are hard to deal with and not very helpful, 15% actually want and try to help. And I live in a country with good, free healthcare
@junipre985 Ай бұрын
most unrealistic part of this is immediately giving someone morphine to help with pain
@sexygirlmax2019 Ай бұрын
The difference between how me, a chronically ill female, and my dad, are treated by doctors and in the hospital is crazy. They give him fentanyl and morphine. I almost died and had RHABDO combined with hypermobility and a paralyzed arm and leg so my sockets were being pulled out of the joints and my knees were dislocated. They allergy banded me SO no one could give me opiates as they believed I caused all of it to myself just to get drugs.
@dalalm1821 Ай бұрын
Lol ikr
@rpboelm Ай бұрын
I'm not sure, I went to urgent care once in like 2018 for food poisoning and they tried to almost sneak IV morphine into me. I had to ask a second time what they were loading to get an answer and refuse it. I wasn't in any pain I was just uncomfortable from all the vomiting
@rat-gang- Ай бұрын
​@@rpboelmfor food poisoning??? unfair, i broke an arm and got paracetamol lmfao 😭
@rpboelm Ай бұрын
@@rat-gang- it wouldn't have even helped my problem had they given it to me, it would just made me worse, I ended up just getting IV fluids and riding it out I think and now I'm just fine
@HaHaHannah1369 Ай бұрын
I had MRSA eating into my foot and finally came in after weeks of being up all night in pain. I told the nurse I was in recovery so I didn’t want pain meds to be prescribed unless I really couldn’t get the pain under control while in the ER. I’ve been sober over 10 years but it’s still a worry of mine. They do a culture and blood test and I’m septic. They need to admit me and start vanco- okay sweet let’s do this and get it fixed. The doctor who comes in while they’re trying to get an iv in and can’t (I have vEDS and next to no superficial veins) is upset with me for… being difficult I guess? So she asks to look at my foot. Okay cool, here ya go. She touches it with hands wet with hand sanitizer. I have been holding back tears the entire time but this was too much. 9/10 the worst pain I have ever felt. Worse than gall bladder stones. Worse than labor. Worse than tooth pain. Bad. So I cry. I’m trying so hard to choke it back. I’m apologizing, it just really hurts and she didn’t even say sorry. She then says “well with that pain tolerance, I don’t think we’ll be giving you any pain meds for this.” What? Excuse me? I haven’t even asked for pain meds and honestly I knew once vanco was running I’d feel a lot better. Where did that even come from? I didn’t ask and you’re the one who hurt me. I was fine until you touched it. It’s not like I started bawling because she walked into the room or something. They gave me 1 round of vanco and sent me home with no take home meds and not even a referral to i dont know infectious disease, wound care - nothing. I have been through some Shit but I don’t think I’ve ever felt as dehumanized as I did at that hospital that day.
@A13XLaircey 21 күн бұрын
Sounds like a nurse who needs to be fired; and a potential medical malpractice lawsuit, if you suffered even ONE injury and have proof of it!
@phaedrapage4217 21 күн бұрын
That's when you growl "I don't WANT pain meds, I want you to treat the INFECTION that's causing the pain." I've had to go to the hospital several times for horrendous muscle spasms in my legs caused by nerve damage from diabetic neuropathy. All I want is for them to make it stop but instead they pump me full of pain meds. At least they've gotten it to the point that I no longer feel the spasms in that moment but you can look at my legs and see the muscles twitch then cramp up hard as rocks, if it goes on long enough then I have issues with lactic acidosis and they have to run fluids until my blood pH goes back to normal and my whole body feels like it's on fire the whole time. Last time it happened, they were worried I had a blood clot so they flew me to a bigger hospital for a full body CT then that hospital released me at 4am with no shoes, no money, no ride and an hour drive from home. But at least I didn't have a blood clot.
@shellishear9088 20 күн бұрын
THIS is how Chronic Pain Patients are treated EVERY TIME we go to the ER. I feel like they're judging and critiquing EVERTHING I say or do. It's only going to get worse if we don't get the DEA out of the Doctor Patient relationship.
@yaboicolleen 19 күн бұрын
They sent you home while you were sceptic and had MRSA?????????? Do you still have your foot??
@wormonastring56 16 күн бұрын
Is your foot ok???
@Kay-wp8xf Ай бұрын
I told the ER that I was "probably just having period cramps". Turns out my gallbladder ruptured. When i went to a doctor, the pains I had been feeling for a whole year before it ruptured, they told me it was "just bad cramps' and they changed my birth control.
@CountryBuff08 19 күн бұрын
I feel like cramps is the most common go-to for doctors when dealing with female patients. It's like yes, I have ovaries, but I also have a whole bunch of other body parts too. Let's check those out as well just for funsies, ok?
@katnightingale9707 17 күн бұрын
I went to the ER as a teenager with crippling abdominal pain on crutches (my foot was broken from sports) and while on my period. They tried to tell me it was constipation and period cramps before finally doing a scan and realizing my gallbladder was producing sludge/small stones and that was the problem. Only then did they give me pain meds, and I had to change to an oil free diet for several months. I know what fucking period cramps feel like, assholes.
@Kay-wp8xf 17 күн бұрын
@@katnightingale9707 Omg!! Gallbladder buddies!!!!
@snoozymac2377 Ай бұрын
"Low pain tolerance" = everybody underestimating how painful pain is
@lklobs Ай бұрын
I have the opposite problem. I have Ehlers-Danlos and lots of pain all the time everywhere. So I'm used to just tuning it out so i can still function. But i do worry that someday ill ignore something i shouldnt be ignoring. But if i went to a doctor for *every* pain, even just the weird new ones, id never leave.
@AponiTheWolf Ай бұрын
I've got EDS too, and I legit just walk around with joints out of place All the time. I'm currently fairly certain I've broken Some bone in my right foot, but because I'm used to the pain so much I'm pretty much ignoring it. Lol.
@kitcat8308 Ай бұрын
Finally saw a Dr after 6 years ( last saw one because I had been slowly losing weight, but my pain was getting worse and making it harder to exercise and wanted to see a rheumatologist or something) got the it's your weight/ diabetes ... Referral for nutritionist treatment) My weight was 133 (I feel body dismorphia because of the extra skin and mental health troubles making me miss memory of some of the weightloss) My diabetes is in remission When hubby mentioned possible Hypermobility issues... He got to Hyper-m... And the doctor said yes...we should look into that😅😢😡🤬😑😅 Don't know what feeling is bigger RN Happy to finally be listened to Mad I had to get to this point for that to happen Sad for the same reasons 😅
@lklobs Ай бұрын
@@AponiTheWolf that's what I've done before too! I'm always afraid I'm tuning out a bowel blockage or something like that, too. I just hope I'll have some other symptoms besides pain if/when something like that does happen
@lklobs Ай бұрын
@@kitcat8308 at least we can thank these doctors for giving us opportunities to practice advocating for ourselves, that's the only silver lining haha
@mini3mayhem Ай бұрын
Lol, same here. I relatively recently dislocated my jaw and then popped it back into place without ever realizing that it was dislocated in the first place (it was the first time I’d ever dislocated something, yay milestones!) and it only ever hit like maybe a 7 out of 10 for me? And I’m regularly at around 8-9 just walking around, joy.
@kitcat-xn1mn Ай бұрын
Im the opposite. I had a ruptured ectopic pregnancy and was actively bleeding out internally and very calmly rated my pain 7/10, made jokes then laughed and made jokes not to make me laugh and overall successfully convinced everyone i was just fine without meaning to. Then they cut me open and found almost a litre of blood vibing in my abdomin, fun times.
@BunnieofWrath 21 күн бұрын
@kitcat-xn1mn 21 күн бұрын
@@BunnieofWrath the more I talk about it the more I'm surprised by the amount of people that have almost gotten taken out by this crap. Apparently I'm not the only person who's body hates them sometimes XD
@rebeccaconlon9743 18 күн бұрын
I was waiting for my surgery when I ruptured. The nurses were more scared than me, I was waiting and using breathing techniques to remain calm as I wanted to lose as little blood as possible. I wasn't in any pain as most nerves around there were already damaged from a butcher of a surgeon from my first pregnancy. Still numb there. But I'm glad the student dr caught my ectopic symptoms and got me scanned and tested as a 'just in case'.
@kyratompsett4409 13 күн бұрын
Oh hey same. I finally went into the er at my mom's insistence and they're like so when did the pain start and like like well shoulder pain 3 days ago and the burning back and abdomen like five hours ago and they're like FIVE?!?!
@kitcat-xn1mn 13 күн бұрын
@@kyratompsett4409 gotta love high pain tolerance XD. Who came up with that? We keep almost dying
@TheDemonFerretFursuits Ай бұрын
I have scoliosis, and apparently I have a super high pain tolerance. The catch is that I'm constantly in mild-moderate pain that I don't actively register. Your brain will ignore chronic pains, which makes sense for survival, but is extremely annoying when youre trying to asses the severity of an injury. What happens to me is if I get a mild discomfort, my already loaded pain sensors go absolutely nuts, leading to what appears to be me whining about something minor and getting judged for it. THAT has led to a bad habit of me pushing myself way more than a standard person without the back pain would. I also struggle to exercise, as my brain immediately takes that discomfort and my pain and thinks I must be actively dying, so I go into flight mode. We are still working on how to resolve that issue. If you find mild pains to be super overwhelming, don't discount that you may have something else going on (neurodivergence can also cause it)!
@Demented_Rubiks_Cube Ай бұрын
Person with scoliosis here too. I have rods going down the entire length of my spine, and they cause me a lot of chronic pain my brain eventually learned to tune out. If I feel even slightly uncomfortable with my back, it also sends my entire nervous system into overdrive. I had to force myself to just get on with it and not say anything though, because although he might've just been taking the piss, my sibling would always say in a disgusted voice to stop being a bitch and that I'm overreacting. This kind of lead to me having to try ignore my pain until I get home, where I have to spend most of the rest of the day in bed recovering
@nadineware9874 19 күн бұрын
I have Fibromyalgia, I can say I understand more than you know. Our chronic pain levels are constantly a three, we actually have a higher pain tolerance than we know.
@dozuin 13 күн бұрын
​@@Demented_Rubiks_Cube my sister got the same titanium rod surgery for scoliosis, she never said anything about having chronic pain though. wondering of u had your surgery a bit botched?
@dozuin 13 күн бұрын
@TheDemonFerretFursuits can't you just get a back brace or surgery to fix it? or are you self diagnosed
@TheDemonFerretFursuits 8 күн бұрын
@@dozuin I'm formally diagnosed. My curvature is actually mild, too mild for any sort of corrective work, and when I asked about a brace I was denied. We were told when I was young that mild curvature does not cause pain or life-altering side effects. That was blatantly untrue. Now I can't afford to get a brace (and I may be too old), so I manage with muscle relaxers, tools like my TENS unit, and stretches/exercises taught to me by my physical therapists. My neurologist is the one who explained my pain tolerance to me. He is the only doctor who took my pain and mobility issues seriously, and I'm very thankful for him. It makes me wonder how many others with mild scoliosis/lordosis/etc who were overlooked by doctors actually live in significant chronic pain.
@katiesims1903 Ай бұрын
I think the most annoying part of dealing with the doctor is when they ask you to rate the pain on a scale of 1-10. It's nonsense. How can you quantify pain? If it hurts, it hurts, and not everyone is so forthcoming about their discomfort. Some people try to put on a brave face and act like the injury or whatever is causing them pain is not as bad as it actually is. For example, I fell the other day and landed on my knee first. The doctor asks me while pressing down on my knee if it hurts and how much it hurts. I'm not 100% sure how to answer that question because they are causing me more pain by pressing onto my knee and moving my leg in all sorts of directions. It's a stupid system and honestly it needs to be discarded.
@Mazygolucky Ай бұрын
I hate it too. It’s hard to rate because I’m always in pain so I don’t know if I’m over or under exaggerating with my answers.
@FringePrincess Ай бұрын
I wonder what a good alternative would be to communicate pain levels?
@SimplyMad__xx Ай бұрын
I think of the scale in terms of functionality. Is it easily ignorable? Can I function through it but not ignore it? Is it actually getting in the way of things but not completely disabling me? Or am I bedridden/unable to communicate?
@evantesseract737 Ай бұрын
​@@FringePrincessI index it to a previous pain that they're likely to have context for. "I had an ovarian cyst burst once and blacked out. It's not that bad. But it's worse than the time I slammed my hand in the car door." I'm never reacting the way they think I should be so this helps
@emilyjane7166 29 күн бұрын
I always compare it to labor/ birthing a baby with no pain meds
@kellyu3702 Ай бұрын
I was always tpld I was "just whining" and "had a low pain threshold." I mistook a 3mm kidney stone at the same time as a rupturing appendix as my regular period *for 3 weeks*! I also walked on a broken leg for 6 months. The one I am infamous for is getting 10 stitches in my leg. Why was this impressive? I'm allergic to all pain meds, numbing medications, and sedations. I literally sat there chatting with the doctor, holding completely still as I got sewn up with no meds. That was a 4 on my pain scale. The migraine I had at the same time was an 8. Dr and nurse said they had never ever seen someone laughing and chatting while being stabbed repeatedly, much less told that it didn't hurt.
@SheWhoWalksSilently 21 күн бұрын
Stitches are spicy, but not a ice spike through your brain levels of *SPICY*
@catpoke9557 20 күн бұрын
Honestly I think stitches are more so frightening to people than actually painful. The needles are pretty small. Although the thread might sting going through. The migraine though, that's rough
@SheWhoWalksSilently 18 күн бұрын
@@catpoke9557 Exactly!
@MaryAshleyB Ай бұрын
Even if someone truly does have low pain tolerance, it's still pain. Pain is pain, and if it feels bad to you, it feels bad. Don't sugarcoat your own experience. Take care of yourself. 💙
@GenderNotFound._. Ай бұрын
You wouldn't think this would be harmful but getting told every day I just have a low pain tolerance and cry about everything was the main reason I hurt myself as a child. I wanted to prove that I can take it.
@RoseQuartz-fe4xv Ай бұрын
Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!!
@GenderNotFound._. Ай бұрын
@@RoseQuartz-fe4xv what? Why? You don't know me and I don't need pity. I'm trying to make other people more mindful of their words
@RoseQuartz-fe4xv Ай бұрын
@@GenderNotFound._. Okay!! Sorry if I offended you. What you said just seems tough to go through, that's why I said sorry. I'm glad you're trying to make other people mindful of their words, though!
@RedAngelXV Ай бұрын
PSA to everyone: Not all ER’s are the same. Once I went to an ER in one city and I was treated terribly, I got recommended to another ER the next county over and actually had my issue resolved. Take it from a former ER nurse, some hospitals just suck, and others are just better.
@bigbendum8403 Ай бұрын
Imposter syndrome but by the patient ! Add that to shyness and not wanting to bother others and you have a good combo !
@ykwtfim Ай бұрын
Lmao, that was me crying in the bathroom in my hospital room after my c section, not wanting to ask for my pain meds bc I thought it “shouldn’t be this bad” and I didn’t wanna bother my nurse. I couldn’t stand up by myself bc the pain was so bad!!! 😂 I waited for my husband to return from taking care of our cat at home hahahaha
@that_pan_chick8650 Ай бұрын
I have learned to have a high pain tolerance. Between periods and my “mystery” illness which I KNOW id endometriosis, makes living painful in every way. I get up in pain, go to work in pain and relax in pain. I cannot imagine a life without pain as a constant companion. IF I ever find a doctor to take me seriously about my issues, I hope one day I can wake up pain free
@raintheidiot922 Ай бұрын
Hi! Fellow uterus haver here. When I was 12, I had a SUPER long period that was extremely heavy (3 months long), and I nearly bled out. The doctors keep saying it is PCOS despite the fact that the only symptom I have is irregular bleeding. I think my "mystery" illness is also endometriosis. Would you be comfortable explaining your symptoms? If it's okay, I'd like to see if we match up
@Arachnick Ай бұрын
@@raintheidiot922not that person but i also have “mystery” endometriosis (currently in diagnostic process after 3 years) i get bad bleeding enough to cause severe anemia and have to be on iron tablets all the time, cramps which leave me bedridden, and random pain around the pelvis while off of my period, and really long periods( 3 weeks is my max), currently on birth control luckily
@polarbearhero9803 Ай бұрын
I have been told my collapsed lung was FM pain, my fatigue from right sided heart failure was FM and my shoulder blade pain from a gangrenous gallbladder was FM. The cold that was pneumonia was my fault. I have a low tolerance for pain. Adult son just released from hospital with ruptured appendix. Pain level was 2 when it ruptured. Sigh. Doctors don’t believe either of us!
@dixieinstrumental805 Ай бұрын
I actually just had mine taken out a few weeks ago. Luckly it didn't rupture but it was kinda weird that I hurt more after the surgery but before it was just really irritating.
@icasuallyexist Ай бұрын
What is FM pain
@Trnkesa Ай бұрын
​@@icasuallyexist I assume it's fibromyalgia
@icasuallyexist Ай бұрын
@@Trnkesa oh my that makes so much sense now thank you!
@KissMeClaude Ай бұрын
I’m glad you were treated in the end. Having fibromyalgia pretty much makes it so difficult for doctors to believe us when something actually goes wrong. I have an infection that I’ve had for 3-6 months, but my doctors and boss won’t take my fatigue from this seriously because of my diagnosis.
@salamander9575 Ай бұрын
I always thought I had a low pain tolerance because my dad would never take my injuries seriously, except for the time that I broke my wrist and it was visably askew. Then I got yelled at in the ER for constantly readjusting it because it was uncomfortable. It's really funny to tell people that the worst part about breaking your bones is that you simply cannot get the limb in a comfy position. The pain comes and goes but man the discomfort is torture.
@alea16 Ай бұрын
My new doctor tried to advise me about when it's the best time to take pain meds. She was very nice, but she assumed there was something like "before the pain starts". I intentionally block some pains in my body all the time, so I can function somehow. I can no longer tell what hurts, until it is too much. I also have a problem with "just relax". I feel like I am holding my body moving just with my will and I cannot remember I ever felt different... Maybe before I became a teenager... I should be in my prime years but I don't feel like it
@dalalm1821 Ай бұрын
Check your b12 levels. Don't believe the doctors which reduce your situation to "just relax"
@creiwentheelvenone6730 Ай бұрын
If you are experiencing pain which started on your lower back near your sacroiliac joints, hips etc, please go to a rheumatologist! People can feel bones hurt and it can be excruciating.
@vacafuega 22 күн бұрын
I get what you're saying. The body is amazing but there are limits and it can be taken the wrong way. Please look into physical trauma release techniques - anything that helps you release tension from your body, directly or through techniques and such. Can help pain like this by taking some load off your overwhelmed nervous system, leading to overall better levels of comfort.
@scriptorpaulina Ай бұрын
Me trying to get anyone to pay attention to the fact I can’t walk because my pain is so bad (I was 20 and female)
@Strawberrybabyyy Ай бұрын
My parents would call a quadriplegic lazy 😭
@GenderNotFound._. Ай бұрын
I sometimes get period cramps so bad I can't stand up properly, only shuffle hunched over to the medication cabinet. I'm really angry that people won't listen to women's pain even if it _were_ just due to their cycle. It still needs to be treated with pain meds.
@beepobeepo 16 күн бұрын
​@@GenderNotFound._. and birth control, if necessary! that pain level isnt normal and your reproductive organs need to be looked at!
@shykatj Ай бұрын
My mother would never bring me to the doctor for any pain issues or things that felt excruciating because she said “you can just walk it off.” So I grew up thinking that I just had a low pain tolerance for small things. Turns out it’s the opposite- I ended up developing a high pain tolerance and I’ve even pulled a muscle and just continued with life as if nothing was wrong.
@summersun6536 Ай бұрын
*Same* here. High pain tolerance can/usually does root in dissociation and self-gaslighting as a coping mechanism in particular based on not having been professionally treated after experiencing physical dv in order to cover the dv. I didn't go to the ER with a broken arm for two days although I knew there was something wrong but pretended to myself it sure was nothing.
@daisycomas807 Ай бұрын
What else are you supposed to do for a pulled muscle? It's just a pulled muscle
@Agent.99 20 күн бұрын
Most of us just continue life as normal with a pulled muscle
@Skyk0_0 Ай бұрын
As someone with chronic pain, I felt this in my bones. My baseline pain is so high up that my entire scale is screed and it makes it very difficult to discern strange pain from daily pain.
@evantesseract737 Ай бұрын
Same here, it's really frustrating. And because all my pain responses are muted at this point, I've been sent home with an injury that horrified the person who eventually took me seriously
@bingmaid Ай бұрын
i actually have a similar issue for the opposite reason. i have a pretty high pain tolerance. years of untreated pcos and ibs aka being expected to just tolerate horrible stomach cramping will do that to ya. anyway when i had an appendicitis i nearly got myself killed because i kept dismissing it as just a particularly bad case of cramps. i spent the whole day just putting up with it. at night when the pain got a bit too strong to just deal with my mom rushed me to the er. by the time i was past triage they had to get me a wheelchair because i was in so much pain i couldn't walk anymore. i had emergency surgery at 1 in the morning and the doctors told me if i had put it off for much longer the infection would have spread and hit vital organs. yeah 🥴
@judithflavigny4470 Ай бұрын
It reminds me of the time I’ve felt something that I mistook for early period cramps (my period sould have started 5 days later). I spend an entire weekend with this pain, without a single drop of blood. On sunday evening, it was so painful that I finally called one of my friends to come with me to the ER (I was not of age, so I had to be accompanied by someone of age). It was around 10pm. I had indeed a bladder infection that had reached the kidneys and ended up with two weeks under strong antibiotics. These infections could be fatal within a few days if they are not treated on time by causing a septicemia...
@phillipusaudox9156 Ай бұрын
I have deformed meniscus in my knees and started having problems in elementary. I got a big fat diagnoses of “faking it for attention” like five times before it eventually detached from the bone and had to be reconstructed. It took me a month after that injury to get my diagnoses because everyone thought I was faking it.
@0justBETHANY Ай бұрын
I love everyone having a story about how they thought they were fine but it was something insane. I just lived thru pain in my abdomen for years cuz I thought I just got constipated but in reality it was a huge fibroid on my uterus that was reaching out and grabbing onto other organs and it was twisting around on itself and so part of it was dying so I just got released from the hospital yesterday from having thay bad boy removed...
@libbylandscape3560 22 күн бұрын
I’m confused, if it was in your uterus how could it ‘reach out to other organs’?
@0justBETHANY 22 күн бұрын
@@libbylandscape3560 because it wasn't in my uterus, it was attached to the outside of it. It grew off of it.
@phaedrapage4217 21 күн бұрын
​@@libbylandscape3560 I would assume it had gotten so large that it was pushed up against other organs and forming adhesions. Especially if it was so large that it was starting to cut off its own blood supply and getting necrotic. She's lucky to have survived to make it to that surgery AND lucky to have lived through what would have been an extensive and complicated surgery!
@thalinororcbreaker2840 Ай бұрын
I have an insanely high pain tolerance, mostly from being gaslit by doctors that there was nothing wrong with my shoulder when a bone spur was carving little shards of cartilage off the ball joint and all of them were stabbing into the shoulder joint capsule. I walked around for months like that. It got bad enough that I was fantasizing daily about losing the arm in some sort of "accident". The 4th doctor took it seriously. After surgery it was mostly better, but not 100%. Still hurts every day. Now, though, I have a superpower where I just put ice on everything and call it good, because nothing since was as bad as that.
@dishevelleddev Ай бұрын
Absolutely someone who got ridiculed or even punished for hurting as a kid....
@RacquelDaigle Ай бұрын
Please! 😂😂 This has me in shambles. "I wouldn't want them to waste..." LMAOOOOO STOP THIS.
@alyssahayes268 Ай бұрын
I have a high pain tolerance, so when a dog mauled my hand last year, I was really lucky to have amazing ER nurses who wouldn't let me diminish my pain as women have been conditioned to. They hopped me up on the good pain meds, treated the HOLES in my hand, and sent me home with more goodies. I was not allowed to drive for a week. But I kept full functioning use of my whole hand!!
@MareCat31 Ай бұрын
i really love how the lady treats the patient. i know its just you in a wig, but still, shes so kind and calming.
@elcisitiak172 Ай бұрын
i went to the er thinking i was being silly cuz it was probably just a flare up of my chronic back pain, expecting to be dismissed, by the time my mom drove me to the hospital i was delirious, by the time they got me to the back i was in and out of consciousness. it was a kidney stone and infection. then i had a nurse argue with me that i couldn’t possibly be dehydrated after drinking several hundred ounces of water (i stopped counting at 380 ounces in 8 hours, all i could think about was water and my eyes and mouth were dry, i chocked it up to the heat) and that if my urine was clear it meant i definitely wasn’t dehydrated. she told me i must have misunderstood the urologist who explained that the kidneys can try to flush themselves out by excreting all of your water as fast as you can replace it 🤦🏼
@phaedrapage4217 21 күн бұрын
Next time, go to the hospital before you risk hyponatremia.
@GJ11266 Ай бұрын
That's always my medical-related fear. I do have a super low pain tolerance. Like a cold can make me literally unable to get out of bed. I can never figure out the threshold between when I'm just being a baby or if I should go to the hospital. On the other hand, I called an ambulance once because my fever was like 102.7 f and I got worried that I had covid and gave it to everyone I've been around. By I was able to go down the stairs just fine, but by the time I was in the hospital, which couldn't have been more than like 10 minutes later, I couldn't move without my muscles begging me to just stop. Nurses and paramedics thought I was exaggerating. They made me walk to the hospital bed, but at least I was small enough that only two people held me up. Two days later I was told I had a really bad case of rhinovirus, and threw up for three days straight. If it wasn't for my BP and fever that fluctuated so rapidly throughout the night, they would have kicked me out back home.
@gryphonkin7873 Ай бұрын
I'm so glad my doctor has known me since childhood. She knows I have a really high pain tolerance due to chronic back pain and one time when I told her I had a 7 out of 10, she almost called an ambulance to rush me to the nearest hospital xD
@rieleynixon Ай бұрын
I totally thought this was going to end up being about how men in pain get babied by our health care system while women often get little to no pain management and are told were overreacting. This just took me back to when i was 19. Ive always had a high pain tolorence. I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia and as it set in i slowly learned to deal with the pain until it got bad ebough it hurt to get out of bed. That same year i went to the ER because I had abdominal pain so bad i was throwing up. Turns out I had endometriosis as well. They also found it during a colonoscopy i had that year. My obgyn though, oh no its not that. I just have a low pain tolorence and its not as bad as im making it out to be. 😤
@furrytree Ай бұрын
This makes me think back to the time I had a kidney infection after passing a kidney stone, and my whole body hurt from sepsis, but I didn't ask for any pain meds and they just gave me morphine. I was surprised cause I didn't think I needed it, but I guess i looked miserable. I didnt realize how bad it was until after they gave me the pain meds and started antibiotics. I thought it was just a UTI after passing the stone.
@Lee-wf4kr Ай бұрын
I was told constantly as a child that I was "making a big deal out of nothing". When I had covid, my parents made me go for a 3 mile hike in a high altitude because "you're just lazy, some fresh air will help". So now I always think that I'm just overreacting and being week and I never seek help for anything that I should be seeking help for 😭
@carolines4891 Ай бұрын
Last time I said this it turns out I had a severe infection and sepsis😭 feel this so hard- being in chronic pain can trick you into thinking things aren’t bad too
@maviscap4740 Ай бұрын
My pain tolerance is extremely high, to the point that I often cannot recognize when I am in pain. I waited several weeks to go in and I actually had such a bad kidney stone situation that my kidneys almost failed... I still apologized and played it down the whole time. And still do, because I felt fine.
@m136dalie Ай бұрын
Had a patient recently with an ischaemic limb who said his pain was 5/10. His foot was purple by the time he came back from the angiogram, the guy didn't want any pain relief blew my mind 😂
@MistressBella1533 Ай бұрын
I'm the opposite lol. When asked about pain level I always have to give the "I have chronic pain so for my pain to be more than an annoyance it's gotta be really bad" speech.
@gromnokriptide Ай бұрын
It sucks having a really high pain tolerance. Because then they don't take you seriously half the damn time.
@catpoke9557 20 күн бұрын
And they also don't take you seriously if you have a low pain tolerance, because surely you are exaggerating or faking it. They just don't take people seriously and find excuses for it. They just don't want to treat you. It's awful
@daanroelofs119 Ай бұрын
last time I thought I was being dramatic, I had full asthma related lung and throat infection. At the time I didnt even know I had asthma. I just wanted the coughing to stop because after coughing for over 3 weeks it started to hurt real bad
@jen_chaos Ай бұрын
I had one of the most painful sarcomas at age 13, not diagnosed until 15, so to say I have a messed up sense of pain would be an understatement!
@absolutelynotnixesha Ай бұрын
Couple of weeks after I'd fallen at work I went in because my knee hadn't been feeling right. Discharged with pain meds, referral to ortho, and instructions not to re-locate my knee caps myself. And to come in sooner next time.
@change_my_luck3708 Ай бұрын
yea parents and past trauma realy fucks you up
@guikoi3101 Ай бұрын
I completely get it. I too have a very low pain tolerance. I've spent my whole life avoiding things that are painful, and now I basically can't function when I feel any pain at all. It sucks.
@FlamingLily Ай бұрын
Unrelated but this reminds me of a House MD episode where he's teaching a bunch of med students. "Too late, the patient's dead." "We didn't have enough time for any tests!" "But you had enough time to look at the injury."
@BunnieofWrath 21 күн бұрын
As someone on the farmer pain scale.....yeah. I walked into the ER with a belly full of 1.5L (yes, you read that right) of blood. Sat in the waiting room, calm as could be. "What's your pain rating?" "Eh, hurts more than liver failure but less than emergency unaesthetized surgery right now." Look on the nurse's face was priceless. His only response was "I don't have that option in the computer." Told him to go with an 8.
@amandathunderclaw8969 Ай бұрын
My biggest thing is that my pain tolerance varies dramatically based on the type of pain. I have different length legs, and have had multiple surgeries, so I frequently have knee and hip pain. I also have a tendency towards sinus infections, and get reasonably bad period cramps. I can handle WAAAY more pain from period cramps or sinus pain than I can tolerate in my knees or hips. If my joint pain was directly translated into period cramps, I generally would barely even want Tylenol, but since it’s joint pain, it’s way more uncomfortable
@monkeynumbernine 20 күн бұрын
I'm blessed to have wonderful providers at the nearby pain clinic. I have a chronic pain disease and several other problems that cause pain.
@limyohwan Ай бұрын
I have wrong pain tolerance. Sometimes I’m really injured but it doesn’t hurt but sometimes a boo-boo hurts so bad I go to a doc and they tell me it’s nothing 😐
@M.May195 Ай бұрын
This is my grandma all over. In her mid-seventies, she got into a motorcycle accident and refused to take any painkillers for her injuries, only paracetamol because she worries it might be too much for her body. She also had a hip replacement and still has the morphine she never used in her cabinet. She is one strong lady 👵💪❤
@Ardentic-aa Ай бұрын
What the heck is Paracetamol supposed to do? It's basically liver poison and nothing else yet people keep taking it
@M_SC Ай бұрын
Everyone is assuming the patient in the sketch is a woman but old women are often literally so stoic as well.
@sexygirlmax2019 Ай бұрын
Get rid of that morphine. Dont feed someone's addiction. Maintenance man, house cleaner, pet sitter, home caregiver, etc. Or literally anyone going to her house could find it. Speaking from experience when I was in addiction I found loads of old unused opiates that I knew I could get away with stealing, including morphine
@phaedrapage4217 21 күн бұрын
My mom didn't take anything for pain when she had a mastectomy 6 months ago.
@Definitely_chronicallytired Ай бұрын
Me fr, how do I become not afraid of the Dr. as someone with autism 🙈🥲✨️
@er6730 19 күн бұрын
😂 Wow, this is totally me. I grew up with undiagnosed ADHD and a lot of sensitivity to light, sounds, and textures, and I was very much under the impression that I'm overreacting. "This hurts, but it's probably nothing. It wouldn't bother anyone else, I'm just being a delicate flower again🙄, I'll just ignore it because it's not real pain" And that's how I end up continually going to the doctor WAY too late. Wait until I have a full body rash instead of when it's small, wait until I need an emergency inhaler before consulting about my cough (bronchitis), and once giving birth only 20 minutes after the midwives showed up, and once 15 minutes before. It's hard to judge, because if I try to correct and go when it first bothers me, I'm told "we can't do anything about that, let me know if it gets worse" and then if I wait until I'm SURE it counts as bad, it's "WHY didn't you come in sooner?!" Thing is, I know people who scream and cry over nothing, and if they're encouraged to view it as real harm, it's going to cripple them in life because their view of themselves is "I can't do what other people do because I can't handle it" I'm trying to be balanced in how I raise my sensitive kids. Kind of like, "yep, that is a horrible noise; we'll see if we can turn it off but if not you can muffle the soundwaves by standing behind this large object." Or "I can see that really hurts. The good thing is that it didn't cause as much damage as it feels like, see? it's just a small scratch. Your nerves are focused on it so much that it's all your brain can feel, so I'm going to distract them by squeezing your other foot and rubbing your arm. See? Is that helping? Those nerves are trying to be helpful but they're just too loud, and now your brain thinks your knee is about to fall off, when really it barely needs a bandaid. So, we distract it by giving it other feelings to think about." Which is better than what I got, "well aren't you a sucky baby?" And it's better than "oh no, if it hurts that much, I will carry you for the rest of the day even though you're six!"
@samanthac.349 20 күн бұрын
As someone with chronic pain, I’ve been shocked that so many people don’t understand what “pain tolerance” means. Often, I’ve met people who have assumed that it means that someone with high pain tolerance (like me, She Who Lives With Chronic Pain) doesn’t feel pain as easily or at all. No, darlin’. My nerve endings are as normal as most. It means I can _endure_ pain better than most. It still feels like a vice grip is on my head or a knife is in my back if I don’t treat it right away.
@UnchainedDarkling Ай бұрын
Patting him on the back? Lol
@giiegue 5 күн бұрын
we need to start teaching the difference between pain tolerance vs pain thresholds... that being said, im super glad the nurse said "we still need to take this seriously" because it seems like thats a rarity nowadays according to so many stories ive heard. good short!
@uhoh6092 Ай бұрын
I had a “high pain tolerance” which was actually because I was not diagnosed as hard of hearing and didn’t have the language skills to communicate being in pain. As soon as I started speech therapy, I was complaining
@BreebrixStudio Ай бұрын
I've suffered from pain that makes me curl up qnd whimper for hours. When I try to describe the pain to myself even, I can't describe it. I thought it was l9w pain tolerance but I can handle migraines and other stuff much better. So maybe I'm in more pain than I myself realize. Note: I hardly go to doctors so doctorss' opinions have no influence here
@josephdumbledore6833 Ай бұрын
Obviously can't diagnos you and am not a doctor but sounds kind of like fibromyalgia which my friend has.
@acheronbutler Ай бұрын
I had the opposite problem. I thought I had really bad gas, turns out it was a gallbladder full to the brim, almost to bursting, with gallstones.
@barbararowley6077 24 күн бұрын
I feel this deeply. Dad would dismiss any injury I had (including breaks) with “it doesn’t hurt: I can’t feel it”. So I grew up with a high pain tolerance, because showing pain elicited mockery rather than help, whilst thinking I must have a low tolerance.
@sammysammyson 27 күн бұрын
This is honestly the very real impact of "suck it up" culture. "Sucking it up" and being mature are two different things. I know somebody who had a double hernia for over a decade (he knew about it!), but felt like he had to suck it up. He was very relieved when he finally got surgery...a decade of unnecessary pain!
@CatPot69 Ай бұрын
I have pretty high pain tolerance, in part due to my refusal to take pain meds unless I can't function. I deal with back pain on a pretty constant basis, but I only take ibuprofen if I can't handle standing anymore and I'm in a situation where I have to stand. If I can sit, I just will sit and not take the pain meds. I've recently had tooth pain that I've had to take ibuprofen and Tylenol for, and after I stop taking it my back pain is through the roof and I feel like I can't keep myself standing. Another downside to my refusal to take meds, is that by the time I break down and take the meds, I end up needing to double my dose to actually feel relief from the pain.😊
@M_SC Ай бұрын
You seem half self aware. What assumption causes your compulsion to avoid painkiller and is it correct or not? It’s not about your pain tolerance- you need more because you let it get worse than other people let theirs get. I had back pain that i now control by changing my bed, chairs and sleeping position. However back pain is caused for different reasons. I highly recommend getting some Canadian back medicine called robaxicet, the store name versions are great too. They come with a slight muscle relaxant and either ibuprofen, acetaminophen or the other one, I forget the name. It’s the muscle relaxant part that helps though.
@CatPot69 Ай бұрын
@@M_SC my avoidance is due to family drug addiction issues, and also in part to my parents likely. My bio mom had been on a lot of morphine (prescribed) prior to finding out she was pregnant with me, stopped taking it, and lost a massive amount of weight during her pregnancy. Drugs get stored in your fat cells, and the way you lose weight is by burning fat cells (and other types). When I was born, I was born with withdrawal symptoms (what I've been told) and my half sister went on a bender with various drugs. I don't want myself to fall into needing narcotics potentially. The parental one is my parents telling me that it doesn't hurt that bad, you dont need it, which yeah don't give your kids OTC meds a lot, but it also probably made me feel like I had to wait to take pain meds.
@alex_enbee Ай бұрын
Maybe this guy is just weird, but this video makes me sad for a completely different reason. There are a lot of people who think they have a “low pain tolerance” but really they’ve just been in chronic pain for so long and had pain ignored by doctors that they think they’re just weak. When really they are not weak they just have been in pain that was ignored by doctors because apparently most doctors in America are fucking assholes.
@Rickettsia505 24 күн бұрын
Followin a reconstructive surgey, which followed multiple minimally treated injuries (workers comp). Before and after, I lived at a 4 for years. Lived on regular OTC NSAIDS. Called a "pain center" for help managing chronic pain. Without seeing me, over the phone, they treated me like a drug seeker. For gods sake, I wanted OT, PT, etc.
@pastelnerd3419 18 күн бұрын
I've had the opposite problem so many times, luckily everyone's always been so nice about it.
@spartlow8872 Ай бұрын
25 yrs in ED and don't recall ever having a patient declare a low pain tolerance. The number of patients with "high" pain tolerance in dire need of IV opioids is virtually incalculable, however.
@lyfandeth Ай бұрын
That's a HIGH pain tolerance being discussed intetchangably with a LOW pain tolerance. Script is all screwed up.
@steveschutte4990 Ай бұрын
That's the joke.
@M_SC Ай бұрын
Dunning-Kruger example right here folks
@kpopfan2 11 күн бұрын
As someone with a low pain tolerance and anxiety i never know whats bad and whats not 😭
@patriciabennett1819 Ай бұрын
So amusing Doctor. It is addressing this issue and helping us all by having a humorous take on it.Kindest W from England.
@christi776 27 күн бұрын
My mom and sister always told me that I have a little pain tolerance. I don't know if it's because I'm the baby of the family or because I've never given birth. But when I had kidney stones and I went to the ER they told me that I had a high pain tolerance. It took literally 25 years to get validated that my pain was real and i wasn't being a baby.
@maxshirley21 17 күн бұрын
this is like an I Think You Should Leave sketch
@julsdemers4740 16 минут бұрын
as someone with a low pain tolerance, i also insist on taking my pains seriously and getting it checked out, pain exists to tell you something is wrong, even if you're less tolerant to it more tolerant to it, the pain existing at all is your body telling you something is wrong, always listen to your body! and most of all trust doctors, but not unconditionally, not all doctors are perfect, but they do know more than you, so try your best to work with them, not against them!
@juliespector9356 10 күн бұрын
“A minT?” Is sending me
@artgremlin2847 Ай бұрын
The incredulousness in the doctor’s little “a mint? 🤨” is perfect
@aoibhinquinn7310 25 күн бұрын
I kinda assumed I had a low pain tolerance bc my period cramps sometimes hurt so badly that they make me throw up, turns out I have endometriosis. It's really hard to judge something as subjective as pain and if pain is your only indication of something being wrong it's incredibly easy to just believe that you're the problem.
@WonderfulAkari 29 күн бұрын
I thought I had a low pain tolerance but turns out I have been in pain my entire life so to an unknown connective tissue disorder and I have an incredibly high tolerance 😊
@Basalty 3 күн бұрын
A few years ago during the pandemic, I was doing a zoom pe class with my students when I felt a sudden pain in my shoulder. I just figured I over extended my shoulder or something since it happens all the time with my other joints and just went about icing it and resting that arm. A few weeks later I was at a check up with my doctor and off handedly mentioned that my shoulder was still sore and asked her if she had any stretches she could recommend to help with the pain. She looked at me confused and asked to see my back. So I turned around and took off my sweatshirt. She sat their quietly before saying "Your rib is sticking out". Turns out, I had a rib somehow slip out and was rubbing against my shoulder blade, with a big lump on my upper back. She gave me some PT stuff to use and over the next few days it was able to go back in place, no more pain, no more lump. The bright side is I had an official doctors note stating I wasn't allowed to do push-ups anymore during PE.
@Calisther Күн бұрын
I managed to stop contractions so I could leave a birth centre that refused to give me entonox because they didn’t believe I was in pain because I wasn’t screaming. The hospital refused to admit me though until my water had been broken for more than 24 hours, so I had to go home and manage with 3 minute apart contractions until the hospital would accept me. When I finally did get admitted it took them a further 13 hours to give me any pain medication, by that point I’d been awake 48 hours of which I had to stand for most of it because lying down caused me vomit and aspirate. Unsurprisingly being in labour nearly 3 days was not good for my health and I nearly died, and that is why my daughter is never getting a sibling.
@buckeyehockey1979 12 күн бұрын
This really hit home. I have fibromyalgia, so it is the opposite for me, my pain tolerance is extremely high. I told my coworkers, if I ever say the pain is 10/10 call 911, because I am probably missing body parts or dying.
@FireElement7 21 күн бұрын
Thank you for taking pain seriously
@Kwells92 23 күн бұрын
My mother-in-law had her what was initially diagnosed as having her appendix burst a few years ago and didn’t complain to much about it at first. It turned out to be even worse than that. One doctor commented that they had only seen 2 other similar cases in his decades as a dr and both were fatal, and that she was lucky!
@Raiethstar 18 күн бұрын
As someone with chronic pain who ended up in the hospital not that long ago when the nurse asked for a pain scale and mentioned 0 being pain free, I actually snorted. And was forced to explain that severe tendonitis with carpal tunnel in both wrists meant that quiet throbbing was the best I could do. Not to mention all the other problems day to day. Breaking bones isn’t as painful as using my fingers/hands to do anything for an hour. Then I had to explain that I’m allergic/resistant to everything but the hard drugs. And I don’t want a drug addiction on top of everything else. Always a fun time.
@rigelestbit 4 күн бұрын
My mom made me think I had a low pain tolerance, but in my adult life I realised that was far from the truth. She just didn't wanna deal with my issues and shrugged most things. Nowadays she does admit she worries when I complain about pain because most of the time I don't care when I get sick or hurt
@artosbear 4 күн бұрын
My partner really truly has felt, his whole life, a lot more pain than most people.
@bforman1300 19 күн бұрын
Medical personnel claim dad has a low pain tolerance, when in reality his pain tolerance is extremely high but they never see him until it's beyond bearable.
@Fayn Ай бұрын
For me, I'm fortunate to be born in my country. So my story is a positive one. I had menstrual cramps since 14 and the doctors were very dilligent in trying to figure if I had any issues or if it was just cramps, tho unfortunately, I'm among the few ppl that just have bad cramps. So much so that when I have cramps, I tend to ignore them without painkillers (hoping they go away). A few times when I couldn't get out of bed then I would take medicine, just paracetmol tho, cos you know, I don't want to be dramatic, since it's typical female pains. As such, stomachaches nv seemed to be that bad cos cramps are always worse. Until one time I had a high fever, plus diarrhea, plus stomachache, and I was thinking, I should be fine to go to work, just going to the loo a few times only. And then I ended up almost fainting and asking my husband to send me to the hospital instead. And even though I wasn't very conscious, I still downplayed it and told my husband that we don't need an ambulance, it's not that bad. So we took a taxi. Later at A&E, they thought I just had food poisoning because I appeared ok, just feverish but I could feel something wasnt right so I asked for a second opinion, while worried I'm being dramatic. But a doctor still came to check, when he pressed my abdomen and the location that hurt was not usual for food poisoning, they were worried for appendicitis and such so he kept me in and sent me for CT scan. Later, they diagnosed me with acute colitis and I was hospitalized for 5 days. So even if I'm worried that I'm over dramatic, I'm lucky enough to have doctors that cared enough to make another check rather than dismissing me.
@Raiethstar 18 күн бұрын
As someone who suffers from PCOS and goes into full labour contractions one or twice a year, when cramps are really, really bad, and you’re at home, place a small semi firm dildo inside you. I find that when the muscles have something to push against, they hurt way, way less.
@rayeanna2093 21 күн бұрын
Thank you for this.
@julieboltwood8073 13 күн бұрын
Perfect example of how being gaslit for years results in you gaslighting yourself 😮‍💨
@Squirreltasticqueen 20 күн бұрын
Yeah. Mood. 😢 Especially that back part I get radiating pain when people poke my back. Takes probably like 2 minutes for it to stop but everyone acts like it shouldn't hurt at all wtf
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